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New World Beginnings, 33,000 B.C. - A.D. 1769

Mark the one best answer for each of the following questions.
1. The European explorers who followed Columbus to North America
a. intended to found a new nation.
b. continued to iew themseles as Europeans.
c. did not consider America as the western rim of the European world.
d. no longer saw themseles as sub!ects of European kings.
e. saw little difference in their lies in America and their lies in Europe.
". The colonists who ultimatel# embraced the ision of America as an independent nation had in common
all of the following characteristics except
a. the desire to create an agricultural societ#.
b. learning to lie lies unfettered b# the t#rannies of ro#al authorit#.
c. learning to lie lies unfettered b# the t#rannies of official religion.
d. an unwillingness to sub!ugate others.
e. learning to lie lies unfettered b# the t#rannies of social hierarchies.
$. The ideals that the colonists cherished as s#non#mous with American life included reerence for all of
the following except
a. indiidual libert#.
b. self%goernment.
c. opposition to slaer#.
d. religious tolerance.
e. economic opportunit#.
&. '# the 1(()s which of the following issues helped bring about a crisis of imperial authorit#*
a. trade restrictions
b. slaer#
c. few colonists clung to an# hope of accommodation with +reat 'ritain
d. the coronation of a new king
e. the rise to power of radical patriots in the American colonies
,. The existence of a single original continent has been proed b# the presence of
a. similar mountain ranges on the arious continents.
b. the discoer# of nearl# identical species of fish in long separated freshwater lakes of arious
c. the discoer# of marsupials on the arious continents.
d. the continued shifting of the earth-s crust.
e. all of the aboe.
.. /hich of the following mountain ranges was probabl# created before the continental separation
approximatel# $,) million #ears ago*
a. the 0ockies
b. the 1ierra Neada
c. the Cascades
d. the Coast 0ange
e. the Appalachians
(. /hich of the following was not a feature created in North America ten thousand #ears ago when the
glaciers retreated*
a. the +reat 2akes
b. the +reat 1alt 2ake
c. a mineral%rich desert
d. thousands of shallow depressions which formed lakes
e. the +rand Can#on
3. The +reat 4ce Age accounted for the origins of North America-s human histor# because
a. it exposed a land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America.
b. the glacial withdrawal allowed migration from 1outh America.
c. the glacial withdrawal formed freshwater lakes that supported life.
d. when it ended European migration to the west became possible.
e. it preented the migration of dangerous animals from the 'ering isthmus.
5. Most likel# the first Americans were
a. 6ikings from 1candinaia.
b. 1panish explorers of the fifteenth centur#.
c. people who crossed the land bridge from Eurasia to North America.
d. 7ortuguese sailors of 7rince 8enr# the Naigator.
e. refugees from Africa.
1). 4n 1&5"9 when Europeans arried in the Americas9 the total of the two continents- populations was
a. ") million.
b. ,& million.
c. ,) million.
d. & million.
e. ")) million.
11. 1ome of the more adanced Natie American cultures did all of the following except
a. engage in significant ocean o#ages of discoer#.
b. establish large9 bustling cities.
c. make strikingl# accurate astronomical obserations.
d. stud# mathematics.
e. carr# on commerce.
1" The si:e and sophistication of Natie American ciili:ations in Mexico and 1outh America can be
attributed to
a. 1panish influences.
b. their wa# of life based on hunting and gathering.
c. the deelopment of agriculture.
d. influences brought b# earl# settlers from 1iberia.
e. their use of draft animals and the wheel.
1$. All of the following are true of the 4nca9 Ma#an9 and A:tec ciili:ations except
a. the# had adanced agricultural practices based primaril# on the cultiation of mai:e.
b. the# lacked the technolog# of the wheel.
c. the# had the use of large draft animals such as the horse and oxen.
d. the# built elaborate cities and carried on far%flung commerce.
e. the# had talented mathematicians9 which allowed them to make accurate astronomical
1&. The crop that became the staple of life in Mexico and 1outh America was
a. wheat.
b. potatoes.
c. tobacco.
d. corn.
e. beans.
1,. Natie American ;4ndian< ciili:ation was least highl# deeloped in
a. North America.
b. Mexico.
c. Central America.
d. 7eru.
e. 2atin America.
1.. =ne of the main factors that enabled Europeans to conquer natie North Americans with relatie ease
a. the pacifistic nature of the natie North Americans.
b. the settled agricultural societies of North America.
c. the absence of dense concentrations of population or complex nation%states in North America.
d. the use of natie guides.
e. all of the aboe.
1(. At the time of the European coloni:ation of North America the number of 4ndian tribes was estimated
at approximatel#
a. 1)).
b. ,)).
c. 19))).
d. ,).
e. ")).
13. The deelopment of >three sister? farming on the southeast Atlantic seaboard
a. led to the dominance of the potato.
b. enabled the Anasa:is to prosper.
c. ultimatel# failed to produce adequate amounts of food.
d. was attributed to three #oung women of the Cherokee peoples.
e. produced a rich diet that led to high population densities.
15. 'efore the arrial of Columbus9 most natie peoples in North America
a. lied in large communities.
b. were more adanced than those in 1outh America.
c. lied in small9 scattered9 and impermanent settlements.
d. populated the greater part of the continent.
e. relied on horses for transportation.
"). The 4roquois Confederac# was able to menace its Natie American and European neighbors because of
a. its militar# alliance9 sustained b# political and organi:ational skills.
b. the 4roquois warriors- skill with the Europeans- muskets.
c. the scattered nature of the 4roquois settlements9 which made it difficult for their enemies to defeat
d. the alliance with the A:tecs and 4ncas.
e. its use of new weapons.
"1. All of the following were original territories of North American 4ndian populations within the current
borders of the @nited 1tates except
a. Mesoamerica.
b. Northeast.
c. 1outheast.
d. +reat 7lains.
e. +reat 'asin.
"". Men in the more settled agricultural groups in North America performed all of the following tasks
a. hunting.
b. gathering fuel.
c. tending crops.
d. clearing fields for planting.
e. fishing.
"$. The earl# o#ages of the 1candinaian seafarers did not result in permanent settlement in North
America because
a. the Natie Americans droe them out.
b. the area in which the# landed could not support a large population.
c. no nation%state #earning to expand supported these entures.
d. 'ritish adenturers defeated the 1candinaians in 1)...
e. the settlers died of disease.
"&. The Christian crusaders were indirectl# responsible for the discoer# of America because the#
a. were ictorious oer the Muslims.
b. brought back news of aluable Aar Eastern spices9 drugs9 and silk.
c. succeeded in establishing improed business relations between Muslims and Christians.
d. returned with captured Muslim maps showing the North and 1outh American continents.
e. deeloped better naigational deices.
",. Europeans wanted to discoer a new9 shorter route to eastern Asia in order to
a. break the hold that Muslim merchants had on trade with Asia.
b. reduce the price of goods from Asia.
c. gain more profits for themseles.
d. reduce the time it took to transport goods.
e. all of the aboe.
".. 'efore the middle of the fifteenth centur#9 sub%1aharan Africa had remained remote and m#sterious to
Europeans because
a. there was little of alue there for them.
b. sea trael down the African coast had been irtuall# impossible.
c. 4slamic societies preented Europe from making inroads there.
d. the# did not know that it existed.
e. the# feared the people who lied there.
"(. /hich group was responsible for slae trading in Africa long before the Europeans had arried
a. the 7ortuguese and 1panish.
b. the English and 1candinaians.
c. the 4ncas and A:tecs.
d. the Arabs and Africans.
e. the English and Americans.
"3. 4n the last half of the fifteenth centur# some fort# thousand Africans were forced into slaer# b#
7ortugal and 1pain to
a. work on plantations in Africa.
b. establish plantations in North America.
c. establish plantations in 1outh America.
d. help pa# for the gold the# took.
e. work on plantations on the Atlantic sugar islands.
"5. The origins of the modem plantation s#stem can be found in the
a. American 1outh.
b. Arab slae trade.
c. 7ortuguese slae trade.
d. European feudal s#stem.
e. African slae s#stem.
$). 1pain was united into a single nation%state when
a. it was inaded b# 7ortugal in the late fifteenth centur#.
b. Christopher Columbus returned with news of his discoer# of the New /orld.
c. 7rince 8enr# the Naigator came to the throne.
d. the African Moors were expelled from the 4berian 7eninsula.
e. Aerdinand and 4sabella were oerthrown.
$1. The stage was set for a catacl#smic shift in the course of histor# when
a. Europeans clamored for more and cheaper products from Asia.
b. Africa was established as a source of slae labor.
c. the 7ortuguese demonstrated the feasibilit# of long range ocean naigation.
d. the 0enaissance nurtured a spirit of optimism and adenture.
e. all of the aboe.
$". 4n an effort to reach the 4ndies9 1pain looked westward because
a. 7ortugal controlled the African coast.
b. the 7ope granted 1pain the right to sail this route.
c. Muslims blocked the sea route.
d. the Moors had coninced them to do so.
e. all of the aboe.
$$. After his first o#age9 Christopher Columbus belieed that he had
a. discoered a New /orld.
b. failed at what he had set out to do.
c. sailed to the outskirts of the East 4ndies.
d. sailed around the world.
e. reached the shores of Bapan.
$&. Columbus called the natie people in the >New /orld? 4ndians because
a. that was what the# called themseles.
b. he belieed that he had skirted the rim of the >4ndies.?
c. it was a form of the 1panish word for heathen.
d. the 6ikings had first called them b# that name.
e. all of the aboe.
$,. All of the following contributed to the emergence of a new interdependent global economic s#stem
a. Europe proiding the market and capital.
b. Africa proiding the labor.
c. the belief of European explorers to create new cultures.
d. New /orld proiding its raw materials.
e. the adancement and improement of technolog#.
$.. Which of the following New World plants revolutionized the international economy?
a. maize
b. potatoes
c. beans
d. tomatoes
e. all of the above
$(. The introduction of American plants around the world resulted in
a. rapid population growth in Europe.
b. man# illnesses9 caused b# the new germs contained in these food%stuffs.
c. an African population decline.
d. er# little change.
e. an increase in obese people.
$3. European contact with Natie Americans led to
a. the Europeans- acceptance of the horse into their culture.
b. the deaths of millions of Natie Americans9 who had little resistance to European diseases.
c. the introduction into the New /orld of such plants as potatoes9 tomatoes9 and beans.
d. an increase in the Natie American population.
e. the use of tobacco b# Natie Americans.
$5. /ithin a centur# after Columbus-s landfall in the New /orld9 the Natie American population was
reduced b# nearl#
a. ,) percent.
b. ") percent.
c. () percent.
d. 5) percent.
e. &) percent.
&). European explorers introduced CCCCCCCCCC into the New /orld.
a. s#philis
b. mai:e
c. tobacco
d. smallpox
e. pumpkin
&1. The flood of precious metal from the New /orld to Europe resulted in
a. a price reolution that lowered consumer costs.
b. the growth of capitalism.
c. a reduced amount of trade with Asia.
d. more mone# for Arance and 1pain but less for 4tal# and 8olland.
e. little impact on the world econom#.
&". The institution of encomienda allowed the
a. natie people to enslae members of other tribes.
b. Europeans to marr# Natie Americans.
c. European goernments to gie 4ndians to colonists if the# promised to Christiani:e them.
d. goernments of Europe to abolish the practice of 4ndian slaer# and to establish African slaer#.
e. Europeans to establish an econom# based on capitalism.
&$. Men became conquistadores because the# wanted to
a. gain +od-s faor b# spreading Christianit#.
b. escape dubious pasts.
c. seek adenture9 as the heroes of classical antiquit# had done.
d. satisf# their desire for gold.
e. all of the aboe.
&&. The A:tec chief Mocte:uma allowed Cortes to enter the capital of Tenochtitlan because
a. CortDs-s arm# was so powerful.
b. Monte:uma belieed that Cortes was the god Euet:alcoatl.
c. there was little in the cit# of interest to the 1panish.
d. he was told to b# the gods.
e. all of the aboe.
&,. 4n which of the following is the explorer mismatched with the area he explored*
a. Coronado%New Mexico and Ari:ona
b. 7once de 2eFn%Mississippi 0ier 6alle#
c. CortDs%Mexico
d. 7i:arro%7eru
e. Columbus%%Caribbean islands
&.. 1pain began to fortif# and settle its North American border lands in order to
a. protect its Central and 1outh American domains from encroachments b# England and Arance.
b. gain control of Canada.
c. gain more slaes.
d. find a passage to the 7acific =cean.
e. look for gold in Alorida.
&(. As a result of 7ope-s 0ebellion in 1.3)9
a. the 7ueblo 4ndians destro#ed eer# Catholic church in the proince of New Mexico.
b. the 7ueblo 4ndians were destro#ed.
c. the 1panish destro#ed 7ueblo temples and erected Catholic churches on those sites.
d. the 1panish missionaries suppressed natie religions.
e. the Arench gained control of Mexico.
&3. The treatment of the Natie Americans b# the 1panish conquistadores can be described as
a. at times brutal and exploitatie.
b. firm but fair.
c. unmotiated b# greed.
d. scornful of intermarriage.
e. leaing little of 1panish culture.

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