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Forestry events
New forestry publications with
FAO collaboration
FAO forestry vacancies
Online surveys
FAO in the news
News review 15-30 Sep
FAO en las noticias
Informe de prensa 15-30 sep
FAO dans lactualit
Revue de lactualit 15-30 sep

Dear reader,
Welcome to a new edition of Infosylva. It opens with a
recent FAO publication about forests, written for young
people. The book aims to raise youngsters' awareness about
this extraordinarily rich environment - vital for life on our
planet - and encourage their participation and involvement
in preserving it and in learning how to use its varied and
important resources in a sustainable way. (In English)
In Mexico City, FAO, in collaboration with the Mexican
National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), organized an
International Seminar on Sustainable Forestry Management
to boost productivity in sustainably managed forests in Latin
America. (In Spanish)
Also in the area of sustainable forest management (SFM),
Germany has financed an ambitious global project to be
carried out by FAO, with the aim of developing criteria and
indicators for SFM, in particular on socioeconomic and
governance aspects. The purpose is to integrate them into
planning, decision-making, monitoring and reporting in
forest management projects and practices. (In English)
In its efforts to combat climate warming, France intends to
step up its support to agroecology, to help produce quality
food in a more environmentally friendly way. Climate-smart
agriculture and other techniques such as agroforestry can
contribute to the intensive production required to feed a
growing world population by increasing food quality at the

same time. (In French)
The Ghana Forestry Commission is organizing a REDD+
roadshow through those regions of the country where the
effects of deforestation and climate change are most
apparent, to encourage Ghanaians to take on a more
sustainable approach to the use of their natural resources.
(In English)
And dont forget to visit the Call for abstracts page of the XIV
World Forestry Congress!
Enjoy your reading!

Estimado lector/a,
Bienvenidos a una nueva edicin de Infosylva. Abrimos esta
edicin con una reciente publicacin de la FAO sobre
bosques, escrita para los jvenes. El libro tiene como
objetivo sensibilizar los jvenes sobre este entorno
extraordinariamente rico y vital para la vida en nuestro
planeta, fomentar su participacin e implicacin en la
conservacin de este entorno y ayudarles a aprender cmo
utilizar sus variados e importantes recursos de una manera
sostenible. (En ingls)
En la Ciudad de Mxico, la FAO, en colaboracin con la
Comisin Nacional Forestal de Mxico (CONAFOR), organiz
un Seminario Internacional de Manejo Forestal Sustentable
para fortalecer la productividad de los bosques gestionados
de manera sostenible en Amrica Latina. (En espaol)
Tambin en el mbito del manejo forestal sostenible (MFS),
Alemania ha financiado un ambicioso proyecto global, que
se llevar a cabo por la FAO, con el fin de elaborar criterios e
indicadores para la ordenacin forestal sostenible, en
particular en los aspectos socioeconmicos y de
gobernanza. El objetivo es integrar estos criterios en la
planificacin, la toma de decisiones, el seguimiento de las
actividades y la evaluacin en los proyectos y las prcticas
de manejo forestal. (En ingls)
En sus esfuerzos por combatir el calentamiento climtico,
Francia tiene la intencin de incrementar su apoyo a la
agroecologa, para ayudar a producir alimentos de calidad
de una manera ms ecolgica. Tcnicas de agricultura
climticamente inteligente y otras tcnicas como la
agrosilvicultura pueden contribuir a la produccin intensiva
necesaria para alimentar a una poblacin mundial en
crecimiento, al ofrecer, al mismo tiempo, un aumento de la
calidad de los alimentos. (En francs)
La Comisin Forestal de Ghana organiza en el marco del
proyecto REDD+ un roadshow a travs de las regiones del
pas donde los efectos de la deforestacin y el cambio

climtico son ms evidentes, para alentar a los ghaneses a
asumir un enfoque ms sostenible en el uso de sus recursos
naturales. (En ingls)
Y no se olviden de visitar la pgina de convocatoria para la
presentacin de resmenes del XIV congreso Forestal
Buena lectura!

Chre lectrice, cher lecteur,
Bienvenue une nouvelle dition de Infosylva. Nous
ouvrons cette dition sur une publication rcente de la FAO
sur les forts, crite pour les jeunes. Le livre a pour but de
sensibiliser les jeunes cet environnement
extraordinairement riche et vital pour la vie sur notre
plante, et de les encourager participer et simpliquer
dans la prservation de cet environnement, en apprenant,
en mme temps, utiliser ses ressources varies et
importantes d'une manire durable. (En anglais)
Mexico, la FAO, en collaboration avec la Commission
nationale des forts du Mexique (CONAFOR), a organis un
sminaire international sur la gestion durable des forts
pour accrotre la productivit dans les forts gres de faon
durable en Amrique latine. (En espagnol)
Toujours dans le domaine de la gestion durable des forts
(GDF), l'Allemagne a financ un projet mondial ambitieux,
raliser par la FAO, dans le but d'laborer des critres et des
indicateurs pour la GDF, en particulier sur les aspects
socio-conomiques et de gouvernance. Le but de ce projet
est celui dintgrer ces critres dans la planification, la prise
de dcision, le monitorage et lvaluation, des projets et des
pratiques de gestion forestire. (En anglais)
Dans ses efforts pour lutter contre le rchauffement
climatique, la France entend renforcer son soutien
l'agro-cologie, pour aider produire des aliments de
qualit d'une manire plus respectueuse de
l'environnement. Des techniques d'agriculture intelligente
face au climat, ainsi que d'autres techniques telles que
l'agroforesterie, peuvent contribuer la production
intensive ncessaire pour nourrir une population mondiale
croissante, en augmentant, en mme temps, la qualit des
aliments. (En franais)
La Commission des forts du Ghana, dans le cadre du
programme REDD+, organise un roadshow travers les
rgions du pays o les effets de la dforestation et du
changement climatique sont les plus vidents, pour
encourager les Ghanens dvelopper une attitude plus
durable dans l'utilisation de leurs ressources naturelles. (En

Et noubliez surtout pas de visiter la page dappel rsums
du XIVme Congrs forestier mondial !
Nous vous souhaitons bonne lecture!

Luigi Baldassari
Infosylva editor

Forestry events

October 2014
XXVIII Jornadas Forestales de Entre Ros
Concordia, Entre Ros, Argentina 02-03 October 2014

6 Simposio Nacional Forestal: Bosques Naturales y Plantados
Medelln, Colombia 09-10 October 2014

XXIV IUFRO World Congress
Salt Lake City, USA 05-11 October 2014

November 2014
Strengthening Trust in Tropical Wood
Amsterdam, the Netherlands 05-07 November 2014

IUCN World Parks Congress
Sydney, Australia 12-19 November 2014

2014 PEFC Forest Certification Week
Paris, France 17-20 November 2014

Seventy-second session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry
Kazan, Russian Federation 18-21 November 2014

Lignofuels 2014
Madrid, Spain 19-20 November 2014

December 2014
United Nations Climate Change Conference UNFCCC COP 20/CMP 10
Lima, Peru 1-12 December 2014

Global Landscapes Forum Landscapes for a new climate and development agenda
Lima, Peru 06-07 December 2014

Young Leadership Programme on the Russian Forest Sector Programme for Young Forest Professionals
Joensuu, Finland 15-19 December 2014

February 2015
The Economics of Climate Change mitigation Options in the Forestry Sector International Online
06-27 February 2015

March 2015
Un World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
Sendai, Japan 14-18 March 2015

IV MFW Mediterranean Forest Week
Barcelona, Spain 17-20 March 2015

May 2015
Ligna 2015
Hannover, Germany 11-15 May 2015

Third World Teak Conference 2015
Guayaquil, Ecuador 11-16 May 2015

September 2015
World Forestry Congress
Durban, South Africa 07-11 September 2015

October 2015
The 6
International Wildland Fire Conference
PyeongChang, Korea 12-16 October 2015

New forestry publications with FAO collaboration

Forests under pressure Local responses to global issues
This book is the result of a collaborative work of 144 scientist and experts who acted as authors in
different capacities and over 60 reviewers. Building on 27 case studies from different parts of the world

the book focuses on conditions that foster or hinder progress towards sustainable forest management
(SFM) and forest-related development. The case studies use a common analytical framework of
prerequisite conditions to examine the implementation of SFM.

Synergistic policies and measures are the key to advancing sustainable forest management and
forest-based development Brief
This brief presents the main findings of the book above and its recommendations for the way forward in
a concise format.

Strengthening Criteria & Indicators for sustainable forest management and their use in policy and
practice (SCI-SFM) Info leaflet
In recognition of the potential of C&I to strengthen SFM in both policy and practice, the Government of
Germany is funding a 2-year project. FAO will implement the project in partnership with key regional C&I
processes and other partners.

The Potential Economic Values of the Multiple Benefits from REDD+ in Panama: A Synthesis of Existing
Valuation Studies
Deforestation and forest degradation is still ongoing in many areas of Panama. An international
mechanism to transfer financial incentives to countries for reducing emissions from deforestation and
forest degradation and related activities (REDD+) provides a promising opportunity to stabilize and even
increase forest cover. Under the UN-REDD Programme, Panama is currently preparing REDD+
implementation to decrease deforestation and forest degradation.

The youth guide to forests
This fact-filled Guide explores forests from the equator to the frozen poles, the depths of the rainforest
to the mountain forests at high altitudes. It also demonstrates the many benefits that forests provide us
with, discusses the negative impacts that humans unfortunately have on forests and explains how good
management can help protect and conserve forests and forest biodiversity. At the end of the Guide,
inspiring examples of youth-led initiatives are provided, and an easy-to-follow action plan aims to help
youngsters develop their own forest conservation activities and projects.

FAO forestry vacancies

Project Coordinator (International) - Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division, FOM

Technical Advisor (Regional) - Forest Assessment, Management and Conservation Division, FOM

Natural Resources Officer (Climate Change and Bioenergy) Bangkok, Thailand

Online surveys

FAO Forestry online reader survey
Take 5 minutes and tell us what you think about FAO's Forestry publications.

Help define the top 20 questions for forestry and landscapes (CIFOR and other partner organizations)
The T20Q project offers an opportunity for everyone involved in forestry, agriculture and landscapes to
identify the priority areas for future, high-quality research and, ultimately, for policy. Completing the
survey will take just 15 minutes of your time.

FAO in the news
The articles do not reflect the views of FAO and some of them may no longer be available on the internet
after a period of time.

FAOs project on Strengthening Criteria and Indicators for SFM in Policy and Practice underway
Forest Europe 09/14
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is implementing a two-year
(2014-2015) project in order to further develop and harmonize indicators for sustainable forest
management (SFM) in particular on socio-economic and governance aspects, and to strengthen their use
as a tool in planning, decision making, monitoring and reporting, and in forest management practice.

FAO Seeks to Strengthen SFM Criteria and Indicators
IISD 09/14
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) announced the launch of a project to develop
and harmonize criteria and indicators (C&I) for sustainable forest management (SFM). The project will
focus, in particular, on developing socio-economic and governance indicators.

National Farmers Platform embarks on tree planting exercise
The Point 19/09/14
The exercise was carried out with funding support from the Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO,
through the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) project.

News review 15-30 September
The articles do not reflect the views of FAO and some of them may no longer be available on the internet
after a period of time.

Timber exploitation too high 18/09/14
Foresters fear, at current rates, the green cover mandated by the Constitution could be irreparably

Amazon forest could become an 'impoverished savannah' under climate change
Reuters 18/09/14
Brazils National Secretary for Research and Development Policies and a member of the UN Secretary
Generals High-level Panel on Global Sustainability, said that despite tremendous progress in curbing
deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, modeling gives a glimpse of the potential negative impacts of
climate change.

Brazil refuses to join pledge to end deforestation
BBC News 24/09/14
The US, Canada and European Union nations were among 30 states that agreed to halve forest loss by
2020 and work towards a 2030 goal. But Brazil, which owns the largest continuous rainforest on the
planet, refused to sign because it could contravene national law.

Brazil says no to U.N. global forest plan
NBC News 23/09/14
Though it has a crucial role in preserving the Amazon rainforest, Brazil won't endorse a United Nations
global anti-deforestation initiative, saying it was left out of the consultation process. A U.N. official
disputed Brazil's claim.

Countries pledge to end forest loss but not Brazil
USA Today 23/09/14
Dozens of companies and countries -- including the United States but not Brazil, a key player -- signed on
Tuesday to an unprecedented partnership aimed at halving the loss of the world's forests by 2020 and
ending it by 2030.

Opinion: Discovering forests by pulling down their genes
The Vancouver Sun 24/09/14
Do a trees genes really matter? Indeed they do. Decades of forest research by scientists and carefully
monitored breeding programs over the last five decades have been telling researchers and forest
managers how trees grow, form wood, resist pests and respond to different climates.

France backs agroecology to fight climate change 24/09/14
Agriculture and forestry are responsible for 24% of greenhouse gas emissions, but could be turned into

powerful allies in the fight against global warming, according to a new study.

France promises $1bn for climate change fund at UN summit
The Guardian 23/09/14
The pledge came on a day of impassioned speeches from some 120 presidents and prime ministers as
well as a cameo by the actor and now UN ambassador Leonardo DiCaprio telling the summit they had
wasted precious time and now needed to deal urgently with climate change.

Climate change mitigation road show begins soon
Business and Financial Times 24/09/14
The Forestry Commission, through the National REDD+ Secretariat, will undertake its first National Road
Show aimed at galvanizing public support for actions and measures targeted at addressing the drivers of
deforestation and forest degradation in the country.

Commission to embark on Climate Change Roadshow
Ghana News Agency 22/09/14
The Forestry Commission is to embark on a maiden REDD+ roadshow to draw Ghanaians attention to the
negative effects of Climate Change and encourage behaviour change that ensures sustainable use and
management of natural resources.

Ghana moves towards forest conservationwith REDD+ road show
Ghanaian Chronicle 24/09/14
Ghanas Forestry Commission has mapped out some distressed regions in the country to embark on a
regional REDD+ road show to draw Ghanaians attention to the negative effects of Climate Change.

Emissions from India will increase, official says
The New York times 24/09/14
In a blow to American hopes of reaching an international deal to fight global warming, Indias new
environment minister said Wednesday that his country would not offer a plan to cut its greenhouse gas
emissions ahead of a climate summit next year in Paris.

APP signs UN Forest Declaration
The Jakarta Post 25/09/14
Indonesias largest pulp and paper maker joined governments and NGOs on Tuesday in signing the New
York Declaration on Forests during the UN Climate Summit 2014, which is an unprecedented
international, multi-sector commitment to safeguard the worlds forests and tackle climate change.

Firms pledge commitment to forests
The Jakarta Post 26/09/14
A coalition of NGOs criticized on Tuesday the involvement of large companies which, according to the
NGOs, are the cause of deforestation at the UN 2014 Climate Summit in New York, saying the
companies would only hinder efforts to save the forests.

Liberia signs 'transformational' deal to stem deforestation

BBC News 23/09/14
Liberia is to become the first nation in Africa to completely stop cutting down its trees in return for
development aid. Norway will pay the impoverished West African country $150m (91.4m) to stop
deforestation by 2020.

Should Norway be paying Liberia to stop cutting down its forest?
The Conversation 29/09/14
As early as 2006, the Stern Review argued that curbing deforestation was one of the most cost-effective
ways to reduce emissions. Indeed, the review recommended precisely the Norwegian approach of
compensating countries for the opportunity cost of other forest uses and the cost of managing the
resource. Yet, a range of NGOs, pressure groups, indigenous people organizations and other civil society
groups have expressed deep concerns over such schemes.

Baobab holds out promise for Malawis farmers and forests
The Guardian 17/09/14
Demand for powder from the superfruit could boost farmers incomes, slow deforestation and protect

Termites suffer in logged forests and palm oil plantations 25/09/14
Scientists have long studied how birds, mammals, and amphibians respond to forest degradation, but
what about the most abundant animals in the forest? Insects. A new study in Biodiversity and
Conservation looks at how ants and termites reacted to forest changes in Malaysian Borneo.

Forests slow climate change, but to protect them, you'll want the help of indigenous people
The Huffington Post 26/09/14
Under the laws of Panama, we Embera-Wounaan have strong rights to our land, but even so we must
battle to repel the narco-traffickers who would use our forests as a route to run drugs from South
America to the markets in the north, and we regularly stop cattle ranchers and teak planters from
expanding their holdings illegally.

Sizing-up the economic value of REDD+ benefits in Panama
UNEP-WCMC 23/09/14
A new UN-REDD report explores the potential value of REDD+ in three regions of Panama (Bocas del
Toro, the Canal region and the Darin). Prepared by UNEP-WCMC under Panamas UN-REDD National
Programme, this economic analysis can help with deciding which land-use options can be most

Papua New Guinea
Extinction island? Plans to log half an island could endanger over 40 species 22/09/14
Woodlark Island is a small island off the coast Papua New Guinea and is still covered in rich tropical
forest, an ecosystem shared for thousands of years between tribal peoples and a plethora of species,
including at least 42 found no-where else. Yet, like many such wildernesses, Woodlark Island is now

facing major changes: not the least of them is a plan to log half of the island.

Turning point for Peru's forests? Norway and Germany put muscle and money behind ambitious
agreement 24/09/14
Peru houses some of the world's most spectacular forests. Yet its forests are facing a barrage of threats:
unscrupulous oil and gas companies, illegal logging, conversion for agriculture, massive road building,
and industrial and artisanal gold-mining among others.

Russian Federation
Saving Europe's Last Virgin Forests: The Primeval Nature of Russia's Far North
The Moscow Times 22/09/14
Only a fraction of the virgin forests in the Russian north are protected, the rest receding and fragmenting
amid logging and the rising mining industry.

United Kingdom
"It takes five minutes to chop down a forest but a lifetime to save one" Interview
Voice of Russia UK 30/09/14
Several large British companies have signed up to an environmental deal aiming to bring an end to
deforestation on a global scale. VoRs Tim Ecott speaks to Scott Poynton, founder of the Forest Trust.

UK to contribute over 140m to help fight climate change
Yorkshire Post 22/09/14
More than 140m has been pledged by the Government to help stop deforestation and illegal logging in
poor countries, as part of efforts to tackle climate change.

United States of America
Climate change destroying rocky mountain forests, report says
The Weather Channel 25/09/14
Climate change and its resultant wildfires and insect infestations is killing off large portions of the
forests in the Rocky Mountains, according to a new report.

In Alaska, a battle to keep trees, or an industry, standing
The New York Times 27/09/14
This is perhaps the nations longest-running environmental dispute. In nearly six decades, loggers have
cleared more than 700 square miles of the Tongass over environmentalists repeated lawsuits. It is a
battle between preservationists focused on saving ancient forests and wildlife and an agency bound by
politics and tradition to Alaskas loggers, mills and economic development.

Rising temperatures and changing forests
Mountain Town News 25/09/14
Report describes brisk changes in aspen, lodgepole, and other species as temperatures continue to rise.

10Best: American forests perfect for a fall visit
USA Today 26/09/14
As travelers head to the woods this autumn, they'll discover that forests offer more than fall colors.

U.S. joins other nations in deforestation accord at UN summit
Los Angeles Times 23/09/14
Moving to halt a powerful contributor to climate change, the United States has joined more than 110
corporations, civil society groups and governments to launch a global initiative to reduce deforestation
sharply over the next 15 years, with the goal of eliminating the practice by 2030.

Viet Nam
Shrimp rush damages protective forests in central coastal provinces
Vietnam Net 29/09/14
The movement to develop shrimp hatcheries has become stronger than ever in the coastal communes of
Ha Tinh Province. Dozens of hectares of casuarinas forest in coastal areas have been chopped down to
clear land for the so-called clean shrimp hatchery on sand.

Cleaner, greener, and richer
Todays Zaman 19/09/14
In the past, action to combat climate change was viewed largely as running counter to economic growth,
with going green implying a sacrifice of prosperity for the sake of the environment. Today, we know
better. By taking action to mitigate climate change, companies are promoting sustainable growth and
creating high-quality employment.

Climate Change Summit Takes Up Deforestation
Voice of America 23/09/14
At a panel discussion keyed to the first U.N. Climate Summit in New York, representatives of global
corporations, national governments and indigenous peoples resolved to work together to save the
forests and help protect the rest of us.

Climate Summit statements: Agriculture + Forests = Landscapes?
Forests News 23/09/14
Today is an important day for our future on the planet. The United Nations Climate Summit gathers an
impressive number of world leaders who will update their political and financial commitments to
meeting the climate change challenge.

Ending deforestation is smart policy: officials
Reuters 23/09/14
Policies to end deforestation are essential for curbing climate change and can also support economic
development, top government and business officials said.

Earth lost 50% of its wildlife in the past 40 years, says WWF
The Guardian 29/09/14
Species across land, rivers and seas decimated as humans kill for food in unsustainable numbers and
destroy habitats.

Five ways Ban Ki-moon's summit has changed international climate politics forever
The Guardian 24/09/14
The UN climate summit in New York decided nothing but it has helped put climate change back on the

Governments, corporations pledge at UN summit to eliminate deforestation by 2030
UN News Centre 23/09/14
Dozens of Governments, businesses, civil society and indigenous peoples participating in the United
Nations Climate Summit in New York today pledged to halve deforestation by 2020 and to end within the
following decade.

Leaders pledge to end deforestation by 2030 24/09/14
Dozens of companies, non-profit organizations, and governments pledged to work together to halve
forest loss by 2020 and end it altogether by 2030. If implemented, the commitment could reduce annual
carbon dioxide emissions by 4.5-8.8 billion tons annually, equivalent to removing a billion cars from the
world's roads.
New York Declaration on Forests elicits praise, concerns
Forests News 30/09/14
The New York Declaration on Forests, signed last week at the UN Climate Summit, was notable not just
for its ambitionhalving deforestation by 2020 and ending it by 2030but also for its broad-based
support from governments, corporations and indigenous groups. History will show whether the pact can
actually deliver, said experts who lauded the aims of the declaration but expressed concerns about some
of its limitations.

New York Declaration on Forests Pledges to Halt Natural Forest Loss by 2030
IISD News 23/09/14
The 'New York Declaration on Forests', as announced at the Climate Summit 2014, pledges to halve the
rate of deforestation by 2020, halt the loss of natural forests by 2030, and restore 350 million hectares of
degraded areas.

On forests role in climate, New York Times op-ed gets it wrong
Forests News 22/09/14
Last week, an assistant professor at Yale University published an opinion piece in The New York Times
stating that the way to save the planet was to not plant trees. This opinion was wrong at so many levels
that it is hard to cover them all here.

Time is right for global focus on forest land rights
BBC News 19/09/14
Recognizing the land rights of local people could provide cost-effective protection for many of the
world's tropical forests, a report says.

The Earths vertebrate wildlife population has halved in 40 years, says conservation group WWF
The Independent 29/09/14
The worlds wildlife population is less than half the size it was just four decades ago, with unsustainable
human consumption and damage from climate change destroying valuable habitats at a faster rate than
previously thought, a new report has warned.

You cannot save the climate without trees
National Geographic 22/09/14
The tropical forests are not only getting hammered by changing weather patterns, drug traffickers,

invasive pests, and massive fires, but are also being cleared at an alarming rate, making way for
cropland, pastureland, strip mines, and other ventures that extract natural resources from the Earth.

UN Climate Summit hopes to lock in carbon cut pledges
AlJazeera America 22/09/14
World leaders from government, finance, business and civil society aim to lock in pledges to reduce

UN climate summit pledges to halt the loss of natural forests by 2030
The Guardian 23/09/14
New York declaration on forests could cut carbon emissions equivalent of taking all the worlds cars off
the road.

UN experts say world's mangrove forests at risk
The New Zealand Herald 30/09/14
U.N. experts are warning that the world's mangrove forests are being destroyed at a more rapid rate
than other forest ecosystems because of land conversion, development and pollution.

UN Pledges to End Deforestation by 2030
Nature World News 24/09/14
At the United Nations (UN) Climate Summit on Tuesday, efforts to slow deforestation got a major boost
when dozens of countries, indigenous groups and companies pledged to halve destructive deforestation
by 2020, and completely end losses by 2030.

'Unprecedented' climate summit leads to bold pledges
New Scientist 24/09/14
After 11 grueling hours of announcements, pledges and promises, there was a clear sense in the New
York headquarters of the United Nations that the wheels on the climate change bus had been set in
motion. Investments will be greener, deforestation will be stopped, and poorer nations will be supported
in their efforts to prepare for climate change. But how much it will all mean in terms of emissions cuts
and avoided warming remains, for now, something of a guessing game.

We're at a tipping point over climate
CNN 22/09/14
Across the globe, political and economic leaders have come under increasing pressure to live up to their
words on climate change. And, on the eve of the U.N. Climate Summit taking place in New York, it seems
we might even be at a tipping point in the global battle against climate change.

Wildlife population falls by half in 40 years
Al Jazeera 30/09/14
The world populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles fell overall by 52 percent
between 1970 and 2010, far faster than previously thought, according to a new study by one of the
biggest environmental groups.

World sees some tangible outcomes from U.N. Climate Summit
National Geographic 25/09/14
One of the summits outcomes included a commitment by several countries and nearly 40 companies to
support alternatives to deforestation, ending the loss of forestswhich accounts for 12 percent of all

global greenhouse gas emissionsby 2030.

World wildlife populations halved in 40 years
BBC 30/09/14
The global loss of species is even worse than previously thought, the London Zoological Society (ZSL) says
in its new Living Planet Index.

World wildlife population more than halved in last 40 years
The Australian 30/09/14
Wildlife populations around the world have more than halved since 1970, during which time the human
population has doubled, according to a study.

FAO en las noticias
Los artculos no reflejan necesariamente el punto de vista de la FAO y algunos de ellos permanecern en
Internet slo un tiempo limitado.

La CONAFOR y la FAO organizan seminario internacional para fortalecer la produccin forestal
El Sol de 23/09/14
En este encuentro se desarrollarn los temas ms relevantes del Manejo Forestal Sustentable a travs de
un ciclo de conferencias integradas en 5 paneles con la participacin de 22 ponentes nacionales e

La CONAFOR y la FAO organizan seminario internacional para fortalecer la produccin forestal
sustentable 22/09/14
La Comisin Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR) en coordinacin con la FAO inauguraron hoy en la Ciudad de
Mxico el Seminario Internacional de Manejo Forestal Sustentable: Experiencias Internacionales y
Perspectivas para Mxico.

No habra acuerdo global sobre situacin de los bosques en el mundo
Info Regin 19/09/14
En el 2015 no se llegara a ningn acuerdo global sobre la situacin de los bosques en el mundo pero se
debera salvar el paquete forestal en la Conferencia de las Partes (COP20), afirm a INFOREGIN, el
Director Forestal de la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentacin y Agricultura (FAO), el
espaol Eduardo Rojas Briales.

Organizan CONAFOR y FAO seminario internacional para fortalecer produccin forestal 18/09/14
El evento se realizar del 22 al 26 de septiembre en la Ciudad de Mxico. Mxico promueve la Estrategia
Nacional de Manejo Forestal Sustentable para el incremento a la produccin y productividad.

Se duplicarn recursos forestales al final del sexenio: CONAFOR
El Occidental 23/09/14
En el marco del Seminario Internacional de Manejo Forestal Sustentable, que organiza con la FAO, el
director general de la Comisin Nacional Forestal seal que la CONAFOR se asesora del organismo
internacional a fin de aumentar la produccin. Por su parte, el director de la Divisin de Evaluacin,
Manejo y Conservacin Forestal de la FAO dijo que la coordinacin con el Gobierno mexicano es
excelente, as como la relacin con los pueblos indgenas, que son pilares de los lineamientos de la FAO
para la conservacin.

Informe de prensa 15-30 de septiembre
Los artculos no reflejan necesariamente el punto de vista de la FAO y algunos de ellos permanecern en
Internet slo un tiempo limitado.

Desafos de la Ley de Bosques
Pgina 12 23/09/14
Los desafos son mltiples y compartidos. Pero el xito de la Ley de Bosques est en todos nosotros y en
el compromiso de articular esfuerzos desde los diferentes mbitos y sectores, para que los bosques
nativos sigan representando el sustento que significan para la vida y continen generando bienes y
servicios para elevar el bienestar del pueblo argentino.

Una mosca en la sopa 25/09/14
La cadena de supermercados ms elitista de Blgica introduce los alimentos a base de insectos. El
producto estrella es una pasta de larva de escarabajo.

A proteger 69 millones de hectreas de bosques 20/09/14
En la Cumbre Internacional de Monitoreo de Bosques que se celebr hasta ayer en Armenia, Quindo, la
directora encargada del Instituto de Hidrologa, Meteorologa y Estudios Ambientales (Ideam), Mara
Teresa Martnez Gmez, asegur que Colombia tiene 69"394.812 hectreas de cobertura boscosa.

Colombia tiene ms de 69 millones de hectreas de bosques: Ideam
La 18/09/14
La cifra fue entregada por Mara Teresa Martnez Gmez, directora encargada del Ideam, en la
inauguracin de la Cumbre Internacional de Monitoreo de Bosques, que se desarrolla en el Hotel Las
Camelias, en el corregimiento de Pueblo Tapao (Quindo) y que se extender hasta el prximo viernes
con la participacin de 42 expertos de todo el mundo.

Agricultura, dispuesta a dejar intocados algunos bosques centenarios
La 17/09/14
En Catalunya, no hay bosques primarios (vrgenes, en sentido estricto); sin embargo, "gracias a la buena
gestin forestal se dispone de bosques maduros que podran ser dejados a su evolucin natural para ver
cmo se comportan y aprovechar sus mltiples valores y servicios ambientales ms all de la mera
explotacin forestal", seala un miembro de AcciNatura.

Muestra sobre la importancia de conservar los bosques
El Peridico 22/09/14
La exposicin explica de una forma didctica y visual cmo funcionan.

Defensa forestal
Tiempo 28/09/14
Un importante programa para contener la degradacin forestal ha sido concertado entre la Secretara de
Recursos Naturales, Ambiente y Minas y el Banco Mundial (BM) en conjunto con el Programa de
Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), en Honduras.

Liberia no talar sus bosques tropicales hasta 2020 23/09/14
Noruega ayudar al pas africano con 150 millones de dlares para que proteja el 30% de sus masas
forestales y cree una fuerza especfica para evitar actividades ilegales.

Nicaragua no aprovecha el mercado de carbono Entrevista
El Nuevo 21/09/14
Negocio ambiental. El pas todava no explota el mercado de reduccin en la emisin de dixido de
carbono, que podra beneficiar directamente a los productores.

UNESCO investiga los procesos hidrolgicos que afectan a los manglares en Amrica Central
Agua 23/09/14
Actualmente, se estima que cerca del 35 por ciento de los manglares que sobreviven se encuentra en
Amrica Latina y el Caribe. Con el fin de contribuir a su conocimiento y conservacin, el Instituto para la
Educacin relativa al Agua de la UNESCO lleva a cabo un proyecto en el que analiza un aspecto novedoso
en la literatura cientfica: los procesos hidrolgicos que afectan a los manglares en Amrica Central.

Indgenas ayoreo, los ltimos guardianes de los bosques vrgenes del Chaco
Radio Intereconoma 20/09/14
En el Chaco paraguayo los defensores del bosque son quienes mejor lo conocen, los indgenas ayoreo
totobiegosode, que lo patrullan para defenderse de la tala ilegal y evitar el exterminio del ltimo grupo
nativo que vive aislado voluntariamente en Amrica fuera de la Amazona.

Acuerdo entre Per y Noruega para preservar la Amazona
EFE Verde 24/09/14

El pas andino introducir hasta 2017, reformas clave para reducir las emisiones, que sern cofinanciadas
por Noruega.

Asia Pulp and Paper firma la 'Declaracin de Nueva York' sobre los bosques, acordada en la cumbre de
cambio climtico
Europa Press 24/09/14
Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) ha firmado la Declaracin de Nueva York sobre los Bosques en la cumbre
sobre cambio climtico de la Organizacin de Naciones Unidas (ONU), segn ha informado la empresa.

Compromiso con el clima
El Peruano 25/09/14
El presidente de Per ha reafirmado su voluntad poltica de brindar apoyo a la organizacin de la cumbre
climtica en la capital peruana y tambin suscribi un acuerdo con Alemania y Noruega para respaldar
los esfuerzos del pas en la tarea de reducir la emisin de gases de efecto invernadero que provienen de
la deforestacin y la degradacin de los bosques.

Cumbre del Clima de la ONU fija objetivos para salvar bosques y usar energa limpia
Reuters Amrica Latina 24/09/14
La cumbre de un da, presidida por el secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, establece objetivos
para detener la prdida de bosques tropicales para 2030.

Cumbre del Clima, ms energas renovables y menos deforestacin 25/09/14
Las iniciativas no vinculantes fueron fijadas este martes por varias coaliciones de gobiernos, compaas
multinacionales, ciudades, grupos financieros, inversores, organizaciones ecologistas y otros grupos.

Desapareci ms de la mitad de la fauna salvaje que exista hace 40 aos
TN 30/09/14
Es segn un estudio del Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza que analiza el destino de miles de especies de
vertebrados de 1970 a 2010.

Detener la prdida de bosques y recuperar tierras degradadas
El Universo 28/09/14
Entre los compromisos tangibles de la cumbre se destaca el adoptado por 32 pases y decenas de
empresas para reducir a la mitad la prdida de bosques en el 2020 y detenerla en el 2030.

El meteorito que extermin a los dinosaurios depar bosques prsperos
Europa Press 17/09/14
El impacto del meteorito que acab con los dinosaurios hace 66 millones de aos diezm los rboles de
hoja perenne, de crecimiento lento, ms que sus pares de hoja caduca, que son de rpido crecimiento.
Esta es la conclusin de un estudio dirigido por investigadores de la Universidad de Arizona (UA), Estados
Unidos, y cuyos resultados se publican en la revista 'Plos Biology'.

Gobiernos y empresas firman un compromiso para reducir la deforestacin
Centro de Noticias ONU 23/09/14
Ms de 130 gobiernos, adems de empresas privadas y representantes de la sociedad civil, firmaron este
martes la Declaracin de los Bosques, con el compromiso de reducir la deforestacin a la mitad para el
ao 2020 y acabar con ese problema para el ao 2030.

Hemos causado extincin de la mitad de animales salvajes
Hispan TV 30/09/14
La ltima evaluacin de la situacin de la fauna en la Tierra demuestra que durante los ltimos 40 aos,
las acciones del ser humano han hecho desaparecer ms de la mitad de los animales salvajes del

La cumbre del clima fija objetivos para salvar bosques y usar energa limpia
El 24/09/14
Los objetivos pretenden ayudar a preparar una cumbre de 200 naciones a finales de 2015 para finalizar
un acuerdo que ayude a frenar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

La mitad de la fauna salvaje ha desaparecido en 40 aos
El Pas 30/09/14
La mitad de la fauna salvaje del planeta ha desaparecido en 40 aos, segn The Living Planet Report, un
prestigioso informe en el mundo de la ciencia que estudia la salud del planeta y el impacto de la
actividad humana.

Los animales salvajes se redujeron a la mitad en 40 aos
El Espectador 29/09/14
La accin del hombre implic la desaparicin entre 1970 y 2010 de ms de la mitad de los animales
salvajes del planeta, indica el informe Planeta Vivo 2014 de la ONG WWF (World Wildlife Fund for
Nature) publicado este lunes, ltima evaluacin de la situacin en una Tierra sobreexplotada.

Pases y empresas se comprometen a terminar con la deforestacin en 2030
El Confidencial 23/09/14
Gobiernos, grandes empresas y representantes de la sociedad civil se comprometieron hoy a reducir a la
mitad la prdida de bosques en 2020 y a detenerla totalmente en 2030.

Per y Noruega suscriben acuerdo de 300 millones de dlares para la Amazona
Radio Intereconoma 23/09/14
Per y Noruega suscribieron hoy en la sede de la ONU un acuerdo marco dotado con 300 millones
dlares de fondos para proteger la Amazona y en funcin del cumplimiento de metas establecidas por el
Gobierno de Lima.

Una treintena de pases se comprometen a detener la deforestacin en 2030 24/09/14
Entre ellos EE.UU, Francia o Costa Rica. Pero no figuran en la lista algunos de los estados con mayores
bosques de todo el mundo, como Brasil.

FAO dans lactualit

Lutte contre le rchauffement climatique: la contribution chiffre de lagro-cologie franaise
Jol Press 22/09/14
En dbat cette semaine lONU, et un an avant que le sommet mondial des Etats ne se tienne Paris, le
Ministre franais de lAgriculture, de lAgroalimentaire et de la Fort rendait public ce lundi un rapport
chiffr sur les contributions de lagriculture et des forts franaises la lutte contre le rchauffement
climatique. Il tait dailleurs Rome, le 19 septembre dernier, pour reprsenter la France un
symposium international organis par la FAO (organisation des Nations Unies pour lalimentation et
lagriculture) sur les pratiques de lagrocologie .

Revue de lactualit 15-30 septembre
Les articles suivants ne refltent pas ncessairement le point de vue de la FAO. Elle nest pas non plus en
condition den garantir la disponibilit dans le temps sur Internet.

Des insectes comestibles dbarquent dans les grandes surfaces vendredi
France 3 18/09/14
Bien que tolre auparavant, l'entomophagie est officiellement autorise en Belgique depuis le 25 mai
dernier. Ce vendredi, des produits base d'insectes seront introduits pour la premire fois dans des
supermarchs belges, a annonc jeudi le groupe Delhaize dans un communiqu.

Les insectes comestibles dbarquent dans les grandes surfaces ce vendredi 17/09/14
Bien que tolre auparavant, lentomophagie est officiellement autorise en Belgique depuis le 25 mai
dernier, date dentre en vigueur de la circulaire correspondante de lAgence fdrale pour la scurit de
la chane alimentaire (AFSCA).

Tapenade et burgers dinsectes envahissent les supermarchs
Le Soir 18/09/14
Un burger aux vers bientt dans nos assiettes? Pour lassistant lunit dentomologie fonctionnelle et
volutive de Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (ULg), la consommation dinsectes prsente pourtant de
nombreux avantages : Il sagit dune alimentation trs riche en protines. Et au niveau cologique, la
production dinsectes prend moins de place et rejette moins de gaz effet de serre.

Burkina Faso
FasoPro dmarre la vente de ses chenilles prcuites
Jeune Afrique 23/09/14
La start-up burkinab FasoPro met sur le march partir de ce mardi 23 septembre ses premiers
produits "ToumouDelice", des chenilles prcuites qui contribuent lutter contre la malnutrition.

Changement climatique : Le Prsident de la Rpublique du Congo invite la communaut internationale
au respect des engagements de Rio+20

Les objectifs de dveloppement durable, dcids Rio +20, sont loin d'tre atteints... , a relev Denis
Sassou NGuesso, cette priode charnire, de la fin du cycle de Rio+20 et du lancement du nouveau
processus devant conduire l'tablissement d'objectifs du dveloppement durable, parce que, a-t-il
estim, les gosmes nationaux ont eu raison des incantations publiques .

tats-Unis dAmrique
Californie: hausse des feux de fort en 2014
Le 24/09/14
La Californie, dont le Nord-Est est toujours en proie aux flammes, a t le thtre depuis janvier de mille
feux de plus en moyenne que les cinq annes passes.

Comment lagriculture peut rduire ses missions de gaz effet de serre
Le Monde 23/09/14
partir des donnes de 2014 runies par le Groupe dexperts intergouvernemental sur lvolution du
climat (GIEC), ladministration franaise a analys les responsabilits de ce secteur et surtout les progrs
possibles pour lutter contre le changement climatique.

Fort : pas de taxe supplmentaire en 2015
La Rpublique des Pyrnes 19/09/14
Nous voquions mercredi le projet du gouvernement de faire passer la taxe forestire demande aux
communes de 2 14 euros l'hectare. Une aberration pour ces communes qui exploitent peu leur bois en
raison des cots d'exploitation en zone de montagne.

L'agriculture et la fort, des contributeurs possibles la lutte contre le changement climatique 23/09/14
Le Conseil gnral de l'alimentation, de l'agriculture et des espaces ruraux a chiffr le potentiel de
rduction des missions annuelles du secteur agricole en 2030 via des productions agro-cologiques, le
reboisement forestier ou les bionergies.

La crise de l'ONF aura-t-elle raison du rgime forestier ? 25/09/14
La Cour des comptes dnonce la situation financire proccupante de l'ONF. Mais les solutions
proposes par le Gouvernement ne risquent-elles pas de remettre en cause la gestion durable des

La fort publique franaise sous la menace de nouvelles coupes budgtaires
Le Monde 25/09/14
En cause : un nouveau coup de rabot dans le budget de l'ONF, qui devrait tre inscrit dans la loi de
finances 2015. L'Etat prvoit de se dsengager de l'tablissement public hauteur de 20 millions d'euros
ds l'anne prochaine, pour atteindre d'ici trois ans des conomies de 50 millions d'euros par an.

Le gouvernement renonce taxer les forts
Le 18/09/14
Le gouvernement a renonc taxer davantage les communes pour l'entretien des forts publiques dans
le cadre du budget 2015 aprs une leve de boucliers des communes forestires et des syndicats de
l'ONF (Office National des Forts), ont indiqu aujourd'hui les diffrentes parties.

Le principal syndicat de l'Office national des forts (ONF) appelle la mobilisation
France 3 18/09/14
Le principal syndicat de l'Office national des forts (ONF) appelle une mobilisation, le 25 septembre,
contre le projet du gouvernement d'augmenter les taxes payes par les communes pour l'entretien des
forts, craignant des consquences pour l'emploi l'ONF et pour la filire bois.

Relance des rcoltes de lige dans le Lot-et-Garonne
La 26/09/14
Dbut septembre, 1 700 kg de lige ont t rcolts Xaintrailles. Cet corage organis par l'association
Le Lige gascon est le premier depuis de nombreuses annes avoir lieu en fort lot-et-garonnaise.

Changements climatiques: Le Prsident de la Rpublique gabonaise appelle la mobilisation de tous
Gabon Eco 25/09/14
Engag dans la lutte contre les changements climatiques et contre le braconnage des lphants depuis
son accession la tte du Gabon, le Chef de l'Etat prsent au sommet extraordinaire sur le climat du
mardi 23 septembre ne compte pas passer ct pour faire entendre la voix du Gabon dans ce

Climat, le Prsident gabonais appelle la mobilisation de tous !
Koaci 24/09/14
Il a notamment exprim sa satisfaction que le Gabon ait mis en place depuis 2002 une politique de
gestion durable des forts.

Les forts, tmoins privilgis du changement climatique
Euro News 22/09/14
Dans cette fort italienne, les chercheurs du Centre Commun de Recherche de la Commission
europenne ont mis en place une station de surveillance qui mesure les changes de gaz, au niveau du
sol et dans les airs, au-dessus des arbres.

Rpublique dmocratique du Congo
Le Sommet sur le climat New York attend beaucoup de la carte que la RDC est appele y jouer ! 23/09/14
Le dbat sur le rchauffement climatique au Sommet de New York pour sauver la plante attend dtre
enrichi par lapport de la RDC qui dtient la deuxime plus grande rserve forestire salutaire aprs le
Brsil, raison dominante pour le dirigeant congolais de plaider la cause de la protection par la
communaut internationale du capital patrimoine environnemental de la RDC.

Rchauffement climatique : signature dune dclaration sur les forts
Radio Okapi 24/09/14
Prsent la crmonie, le ministre des Affaires Etrangres de la RDC, Raymond Tshibanda, a indiqu que
son pays compte sassurer que seules les exploitations forestires qui soprent dans les normes du
dveloppement durable devront continuer.


Changement climatique: de nouveaux objectifs fixs au sommet de lONU
RFI 24/09/14
Le sommet des Nations unies sur le climat qui a runi 120 chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement et plus de
200 dirigeants d'entreprises et de nombreuses ONG s'est achev mardi 23 septembre New York.

Confrence mondiale sur les peuples autochtones
Al Wihda 25/09/14
Dclaration de la Rpublique du Congo au nom du groupe des tats dAfrique prsente par le Ministre
de lconomie forestire et du dveloppement durable New York, le 22 septembre 2014.

Dforestation : la fin de l'hmorragie pour 2030 ?
Le 23/09/14
tats, entreprises et ONG ont sign mardi un texte commun New York pour stopper la dforestation et
reboiser 350 millions d'hectares d'ici 15 ans.

Deux fois moins d'animaux sauvages en 40 ans, selon le WWF
Romandie 30/09/14
Les zones les plus touches sont l'Amrique Latine (-83%), suivie de prs par la rgion Asie-Pacifique. Ce
sont les espces d'eau douce qui ont pay le prix fort (-76%), quand les espces terrestres et marines ont
diminu de 39%.

Deux fois moins d'animaux sauvages qu'en 1970
Libration 30/09/14
Laction de lhomme a entran la disparition, en quarante ans, de plus de la moiti des animaux
sauvages de la plante : ce constat brutal est au cur du rapport Plante vivante 2014 de lONG WWF,
dernier tat des lieux dune Terre surexploite.

La Terre a perdu la moiti de ses animaux sauvages en 40 ans
BFMTV 30/09/14
En cause: la perte et dgradation des habitats, la chasse et la surpche, et le changement climatique,
selon un rapport de l'ONG WWF. Les zones les plus touches sont l'Amrique Latine (-83%), suivie de
prs par la rgion Asie-Pacifique. Et les espces d'eau douce payent le prix fort.

Moiti moins danimaux sauvages sur terre quil y a 40 ans
Polynsie Premire 29/09/14
L'action de l'homme a entran la disparition, en 40 ans, de plus de la moiti des animaux sauvages de la
plante: ce constat brutal est au cur du rapport Plante Vivante 2014 de l'ONG WWF, dernier tat des
lieux d'une Terre surexploite. La rgion Asie-Pacifique est une des plus touche par ce dsastre.

Sommet sur le climat : les chefs d'Etat rivalisent de promesses 24/09/14
Plus de 130 gouvernements, compagnies, groupes reprsentant la socit civile et les peuples
autochtones se sont engags protger le poumon de la plante en rduisant de moiti la dforestation
d'ici 2020 avant d'y mettre fin d'ici 2030.

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