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Baastrup's disease M48.2

Babesiosis B60.0
Babinski's syndrome A52.7
- crying constantly R68.1
- floppy (syndrome) P94.2
Bacillary see condition
Bacilluria N39.0
Bacillus see also Infection, bacillus
- fragilis, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.6
Back see condition
Backache (postural) M54.9
- psychogenic F45.4
- sacroiliac M53.3
- specified NEC M54.8
Backflow see Reflux
Backward reading (dyslexia) F81.0
Bacteremia A49.9
- with sepsis see Septicemia
- meningococcal (see also Meningococcemia) A39.4
Bacterid, bacteride (pustular) L40.3
Bacterium, bacteria, bacterial see also condition
- agent NEC, as cause of disease classified elsewhere B96.8
- in blood see Bacteremia
- infection NEC, resulting from HIV disease B20.1
- in urine see Bacteriuria
Bacteriuria, bacteruria N39.0
- asymptomatic N39.0
- - in pregnancy O23.4
- - puerperal, postpartum O86.2
- heart see Disease, heart
- trip see F11F19 with fourth character .0
Baelz's disease K13.0
Bagasse disease or pneumonitis J67.1
Bagassosis J67.1
Baker's cyst M71.2
- tuberculous A18.0 M01.1*
Balanitis (circinata) (erosiva) (gangrenosa) (infectional) (nongonococcal) (phagedenic) (vulgaris) N48.1
- amebic A06.8 N51.2*
- candidal B37.4 N51.2*
- due to Haemophilus ducreyi A57
- gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.0
- venereal NEC A64 N51.2*
- xerotica obliterans N48.0
Balanoposthitis N48.1
- gonococcal (acute) (chronic) A54.0
- ulcerative (specific) A63.8 N51.2*
Balanorrhagia see Balanitis
Balantidiasis, balantidiosis A07.0
Baldness (see also Alopecia) L65.9
- male-pattern (see also Alopecia, androgenic) L64.9
Balkan grippe A78
Balloon disease (see also Effect, adverse, high altitude) T70.2
Balo's disease (concentric sclerosis) G37.5
Bamberger-Marie disease M89.4
Bancroft's filariasis B74.0
B 1
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- adhesive (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) K66.0
- anomalous or congenital see also Anomaly, by site
- - heart (atrial) (ventricular) Q24.8
- - omentum Q43.3
- cervix N88.1
- constricting, congenital Q79.8
- gallbladder (congenital) Q44.1
- intestinal (adhesive) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) K66.0
- obstructive
- - intestine K56.5
- - peritoneum K56.5
- periappendiceal, congenital Q43.3
- peritoneal (adhesive) (see also Adhesions, peritoneum) K66.0
- uterus N73.6
- - internal N85.6
- vagina N89.5
Bandl's ring (contraction), complicating delivery O62.4
- affecting fetus or newborn P03.6
Bankruptcy, anxiety concerning Z59.8
Bannister's disease T78.3
- hereditary D84.1
Banti's disease or syndrome (with cirrhosis) (with portal hypertension) K76.6
Bar, median, prostate N40
Barcoo disease or rot (see also Ulcer, skin) L98.4
Barlow's disease E54
Barodontalgia T70.2
Baron Mnchhausen syndrome F68.1
Barosinusitis T70.1
Barotitis T70.0
Barotrauma T70.2
- odontalgia T70.2
- otitic T70.0
- sinus T70.1
Barraquer(-Simons) disease or syndrome E88.1
Barr-Guillain disease or syndrome G61.0
Barrel chest M95.4
Barrett's ulcer or syndrome K22.1
Bartholinitis (suppurating) N75.8
- gonococcal (acute) (chronic) (with abscess) A54.1
Bartonellosis A44.9
- cutaneous A44.1
- mucocutaneous A44.1
- specified NEC A44.8
- systemic A44.0
Bartter's syndrome E26.8
Basal see condition
Baseball finger S63.1
Basedow's disease E05.0
Basic see condition
Basilar see condition
Basophilia D75.8
Basophilism (cortico-adrenal) (Cushing's) (pituitary) E24.0
Bassen-Kornzweig disease or syndrome E78.6
Bat ear Q17.5
Bateman's disease B08.1
Bathing cramp T75.1
Bathophobia F40.2
Batten(-Mayou) disease E75.4
- retina E75.4 H36.8*
- baby or child (syndrome) NEC T74.1
- spouse syndrome T74.1
Battey mycobacterium infection A31.0
B 2
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Battle exhaustion F43.0
Battledore placenta see Placenta, abnormal
Baumgarten-Cruveilhier cirrhosis, disease or syndrome K74.6
Bauxite fibrosis (of lung) J63.1
Bayle's disease (general paresis) A52.1
Bazin's disease (primary) (tuberculous) A18.4
Beach ear H60.3
Beaded hair (congenital) Q84.1
Bal conjunctivitis or syndrome B30.2 H13.1*
Beard's disease F48.0
- atrial, premature I49.1
- ectopic I49.4
- elbow M70.3
- escaped, heart I49.4
- hand M70.1
- knee M70.5
- premature I49.4
- - atrial I49.1
Beau's lines L60.4
Bechterev's syndrome M45
- cardiomyopathy I42.8
- dystrophy G71.0
- pigmented hairy nevus (M8720/0) D22.5
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Q87.3
Bedclothes, asphyxiation or suffocation by T71
Bedfast, requiring health care provider Z74.0
- aphthae K12.0
- tumor (M8833/3) see Neoplasm, malignant
Bedsore L89
Bedwetting (see also Enuresis) R32
Bee sting (with allergic or anaphylactic shock) T63.4
Beer drinker's heart (disease) I42.6
- antisocial, child or adolescent Z72.8
- disorder, disturbance see Disorder, conduct
- disruptive (see also Disorder, conduct) F91.8
- inexplicable R46.2
- marked evasiveness R46.5
- overactivity R46.3
- poor responsiveness R46.4
- self-damaging (lifestyle) Z72.8
- slowness R46.4
- specified NEC R46.8
- strange (and inexplicable) R46.2
- suspiciousness R46.5
- type A pattern Z73.1
- undue concern or preoccupation with stressful events R46.6
- verbosity and circumstantial detail obscuring reason for contact R46.7
Behet's disease or syndrome M35.2
Behr's disease H35.5
Beigel's disease B36.8
Bejel A65
Bekhterev's syndrome M45
Belching (see also Eructation) R14
- mania F30.8
- palsy, paralysis G51.0
- spasm G51.3
Bence Jones albuminuria or proteinuria NEC R80
Bends T70.3
Benedikt's paralysis or syndrome I67.9 G46.3*
B 3
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Bennett's fracture S62.2
Benson's disease H43.2
- back (hysterical) F44.4
- nose M95.0
- - congenital Q67.4
Bereavement (uncomplicated) Z63.4
Bergeron's disease (hysterical chorea) F44.4
Berger's disease see Nephropathy, IgA
Beriberi (dry) E51.1
- wet E51.1
- - involving circulatory system E51.1 I98.8*
- - polyneuropathy E51.1 G63.4*
Berlin's disease or edema (traumatic) S05.8
Berlock (berloque) dermatitis L56.2
Bernard-Horner syndrome G90.2
Bernard-Soulier disease or thrombopathia D69.1
Bernhardt(-Roth) disease or paresthesia G57.1
Bernheim's syndrome (see also Failure, heart, congestive) I50.0
Bertielliasis B71.8
Berylliosis (lung) J63.2
Besnier-Boeck(-Schaumann) disease (see also Sarcoidosis) D86.9
- lupus pernio D86.3
- prurigo L20.0
Bestiality F65.8
Best's disease H35.5
Betalipoproteinemia, broad or floating E78.2
Betting and gambling Z72.6
- pathological (compulsive) F63.0
Bezoar T18.9
- intestine T18.3
- stomach T18.2
Bezold's abscess H70.0
Bianchi's syndrome R48.8
Bicornate or bicornis uterus Q51.3
- in pregnancy or childbirth O34.0
- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.8
- - causing obstructed labor O65.5
Bicuspid aortic valve Q23.1
Biedl-Bardet syndrome Q87.8
Bielschowsky(-Jansky) disease E75.4
Biermer's anemia or disease D51.0
Biett's disease L93.0
Bifid (congenital)
- apex, heart Q24.8
- clitoris Q52.6
- kidney Q63.8
- nose Q30.2
- patella Q74.1
- scrotum Q55.2
- toe NEC Q74.2
- tongue Q38.3
- ureter Q62.8
- uterus Q51.3
- uvula Q35.7
Biforis uterus (suprasimplex) Q51.3
Bifurcation (congenital)
- gallbladder Q44.1
- kidney pelvis Q63.8
- renal pelvis Q63.8
- rib Q76.6
- tongue Q38.3
- trachea Q32.1
- ureter Q62.8
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- urethra Q64.7
- vertebra Q76.4
Bigeminal pulse R00.8
Bilateral see condition
- duct see condition
- pigments in urine R82.2
Bilharziasis (see also Schistosomiasis) B65.9
- chyluria B65.0
- galacturia B65.0
- hematochyluria B65.0
- intestinal B65.1
- lipuria B65.0
- oriental B65.2
- pulmonary NEC B65.- J99.8*
- - pneumonia B65.- J17.3*
- tropical hematuria B65.0
- vesical B65.0
Biliary see condition
Bilious (attack) (see also Vomiting) R11
Bilirubin metabolism disorder E80.7
- specified NEC E80.6
Bilirubinemia, familial nonhemolytic E80.4
Biliuria R82.2
Bilocular stomach K31.2
Binswanger's disease I67.3
Biparta, bipartite
- carpal scaphoid Q74.0
- patella Q74.1
- vagina Q52.1
- face Q75.8
- fancier's disease or lung J67.2
- abnormal NEC, affecting fetus or newborn P03.9
- complications in mother see Delivery, complicated
- defect see Anomaly
- delayed, fetus P03.8
- difficult NEC, affecting fetus or newborn P03.9
- forced NEC, affecting fetus or newborn P03.8
- forceps, affecting fetus or newborn P03.2
- immature (between 28 and 37 completed weeks) P07.3
- - extremely (less than 28 completed weeks) P07.2
- inattention, at or after T74.0
- induced, affecting fetus or newborn P03.8
- injury P15.9
- - basal ganglia P11.1
- - brachial plexus NEC P14.3
- - brain (compression) (pressure) P11.2
- - central nervous system NEC P11.9
- - cerebellum P11.1
- - cerebral hemorrhage P10.1
- - external genitalia P15.5
- - eye P15.3
- - face P15.4
- - fracture
- - - bone P13.9
- - - - specified NEC P13.8
- - - clavicle P13.4
- - - femur P13.2
- - - humerus P13.3
- - - long bone, except femur P13.3
- - - radius and ulna P13.3
- - - skull P13.0
- - - spine P11.5
- - - tibia and fibula P13.3
- - intracranial P11.2
- - - laceration or hemorrhage P10.9
B 5
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- - - - specified NEC P10.8
- - intraventricular hemorrhage P10.2
- - laceration
- - - brain P10.1
- - - by scalpel P15.8
- - - peripheral nerve P14.9
- - liver P15.0
- - meninges
- - - brain P11.1
- - - spinal cord P11.5
- - nerve
- - - brachial plexus P14.3
- - - cranial NEC (except facial) P11.4
- - - facial P11.3
- - - peripheral P14.9
- - - phrenic (paralysis) P14.2
- - penis P15.5
- - scalp P12.9
- - scalpel wound P15.8
- - scrotum P15.5
- - skull NEC P13.1
- - - fracture P13.0
- - specified type NEC P15.8
- - spinal cord P11.5
- - spine P11.5
- - spleen P15.1
- - sternomastoid (hematoma) P15.2
- - subarachnoid hemorrhage P10.3
- - subcutaneous fat necrosis P15.6
- - subdural hemorrhage P10.0
- - tentorial tear P10.4
- - testes P15.5
- - vulva P15.5
- instrumental NEC, affecting fetus or newborn P03.8
- lack of care, at or after T74.0
- multiple, affecting fetus or newborn P01.5
- neglect, at or after T74.0
- palsy or paralysis, newborn (birth injury) NEC P14.9
- post-term (42 weeks or more) P08.2
- precipitate, affecting fetus or newborn P03.5
- premature (infant) P07.3
- prolonged, affecting fetus or newborn P03.8
- retarded, affecting fetus or newborn P03.8
- shock, newborn P96.8
- trauma see Birth, injury
- twin, affecting fetus or newborn P01.5
- vacuum extractor, affecting fetus or newborn P03.3
- ventouse, affecting fetus or newborn P03.3
- weight
- - low (between 1000 and 2499 grams) P07.1
- - - extremely (999 grams or less) P07.0
- - 4500 grams or more P08.0
Birthmark Q82.5
Bisalbuminemia E88.0
Biskra's button B55.1
- amphibian (venomous) T63.8
- animal (see also Wound, open) T14.1
- - multiple T01.9
- - venomous T63.9
- - - specified NEC T63.8
- arthropod NEC T63.4
- centipede T63.4
- chigger B88.0
- flea see Injury, superficial
- human (open wound) (see also Wound, open) T14.1
- insect (nonvenomous) (see also Injury, superficial) T14.0
- - venomous T63.4
- lizard (venomous) T63.1
- marine animal (venomous) NEC T63.6
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- poisonous (see also Bite(s), venomous) T63.9
- reptile NEC T63.1
- - nonvenomous see Wound, open
- scorpion T63.2
- sea-snake (venomous) T63.0
- snake T63.0
- - nonvenomous see Wound, open
- spider (venomous) T63.3
- - nonvenomous (see also Injury, superficial) T14.0
- venomous T63.9
- - specified NEC T63.8
Biting, cheek or lip K13.1
Biventricular failure (heart) I50.9
- eye S00.1
- hairy tongue K14.3
- lung J60
Blackfan-Diamond anemia or syndrome D61.0
Blackhead L70.0
Blackout R55
Bladder see condition
Blast (air) (hydraulic) (immersion) (underwater)
- blindness S05.8
- injury T14.8
- - abdomen or thorax see Injury, by site
- - syndrome NEC T70.8
Blastoma (M8000/3) see Neoplasm, malignant
- pulmonary (M8972/3) see Neoplasm, lung, malignant
Blastomycosis, blastomycotic B40.9
- Brazilian (see also Paracoccidioidomycosis) B41.9
- cutaneous B40.3 L99.8*
- disseminated B40.7
- European (see also Cryptococcosis) B45.9
- generalized B40.7
- keloidal B48.0
- North American B40.9
- primary pulmonary B40.0 J99.8*
- pulmonary B40.2 J99.8*
- - acute B40.0 J99.8*
- - chronic B40.1 J99.8*
- skin B40.3 L99.8*
- South American (see also Paracoccidioidomycosis) B41.9
- specified NEC B40.8
Bleb(s) R23.8
- emphysematous (lung) J43.9
- lung (ruptured) J43.9
- - fetus or newborn P25.8
Bleeder (familial) (hereditary) (see also Defect, coagulation) D68.9
Bleeding (see also Hemorrhage) R58
- atonic, following delivery O72.1
- capillary I78.8
- - puerperal O72.2
- contact (postcoital) N93.0
- familial (see also Defect, coagulation) D68.9
- following intercourse N93.0
- hemorrhoids NEC I84.8
- intermenstrual (regular) N92.3
- - irregular N92.1
- irregular N92.6
- ovulation N92.3
- postclimacteric N95.0
- postcoital N93.0
- postmenopausal N95.0
- postoperative T81.0
- puberty (excessive, with onset of menstrual periods) N92.2
- rectum, rectal K62.5
- - newborn P54.2
- tendencies (see also Defect, coagulation) D68.9
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- tooth socket (post-extraction) T81.0
- umbilical stump P51.9
- uterus, uterine NEC N92.6
- - climacteric N92.4
- - dysfunctional or functional N93.8
- - menopausal N92.4
- - preclimacteric or premenopausal N92.4
- - unrelated to menstrual cycle N93.9
- vagina, vaginal (abnormal) N93.9
- - dysfunctional or functional N93.8
- - newborn P54.6
- vicarious N94.8
Blennorrhagia, blennorrhagic see Gonorrhea
Blennorrhea (acute) (chronic) (see also Gonorrhea) A54.9
- lower genitourinary tract (gonococcal) A54.0
- neonatorum (gonococcal ophthalmia) A54.3 H13.1*
Blepharelosis H02.0
Blepharitis (angularis) (ciliaris) (eyelid) (marginal) (nonulcerative) (squamous) (ulcerative) H01.0
- zoster (herpes) B02.3 H03.1*
Blepharochalasis H02.3
- congenital Q10.0
Blepharoclonus H02.5
Blepharoconjunctivitis H10.5
Blepharophimosis (eyelid) H02.5
- congenital Q10.3
Blepharoptosis H02.4
- congenital Q10.0
Blepharopyorrhea, gonococcal A54.3 H03.1*
Blepharospasm G24.5
Blighted ovum O02.0
Blind see also Blindness
- bronchus (congenital) Q32.4
- loop syndrome K90.2
- - congenital Q43.8
- sac, fallopian tube (congenital) Q50.6
- spot, enlarged H53.4
- tract or tube, congenital NEC see Atresia, by site
Blindness (acquired) (congenital) (both eyes) H54.0
- blast S05.8
- color H53.5
- concussion S05.8
- day H53.1
- due to injury (current episode) S05.9
- - sequelae T90.4
- eclipse (total) H31.0
- emotional (hysterical) F44.6
- hysterical F44.6
- mind R48.8
- night H53.6
- - vitamin A deficiency E50.5
- one eye (other eye normal) H54.4
- - low vision, other eye H54.1
- psychic F44.6
- river B73 H45.1*
- snow H16.1
- sun, solar H31.0
- transient H53.1
- traumatic (current episode) S05.9
- uremic N19
- word (developmental) F81.0
Blister see also Injury, superficial
- beetle dermatitis L24.8
- due to burn see Burn, by site, second degree
- fever B00.1
- multiple, skin, nontraumatic R23.8
Bloating R14
Bloch-Sulzberger disease or syndrome Q82.3
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- alveolocapillary J84.1
- arborization (heart) I45.5
- arrhythmic I45.9
- atrioventricular (incomplete) (partial) I44.3
- - complete I44.2
- - first degree I44.0
- - second degree (types I and II) I44.1
- - specified NEC I44.3
- - types I and II I44.1
- auriculoventricular see Block, atrioventricular
- bifascicular I45.2
- bundle-branch (complete) (false) (incomplete) I45.4
- - left I44.7
- - - hemiblock I44.6
- - - - anterior I44.4
- - - - posterior I44.5
- - right I45.1
- - Wilson's type I45.1
- cardiac I45.9
- conduction I45.9
- fascicular (left) I44.6
- - anterior I44.4
- - posterior I44.5
- - right I45.0
- foramen Magendie (acquired) G91.1
- - congenital Q03.1
- - - with spina bifida (see also Spina bifida, with hydrocephalus) Q05.4
- heart I45.9
- - complete (atrioventricular) I44.2
- - congenital Q24.6
- - first degree (atrioventricular) I44.0
- - second degree (atrioventricular) I44.1
- - specified type NEC I45.5
- - third degree (atrioventricular) I44.2
- hepatic vein I82.0
- intraventricular (nonspecific) I45.4
- kidney (see also Failure, renal) N19
- - postcystoscopic or postprocedural N99.0
- Mbitz (types I and II) I44.1
- myocardial (see also Block, heart) I45.9
- nodal I45.5
- organ or site, congenital NEC see Atresia, by site
- portal (vein) I81
- sinoatrial I45.5
- sinoauricular I45.5
- trifascicular I45.3
- tubal N97.1
- vein NEC I82.9
- Wenckebach (types I and II) I44.1
Blockage see Obstruction
Blocq's disease F44.4
- constituents, abnormal R78.9
- disease D75.9
- dyscrasia D75.9
- - fetus or newborn P61.9
- - puerperal, postpartum O72.3
- flukes NEC (see also Schistosomiasis) B65.9
- in
- - feces (see also Melena) K92.1
- - urine (see also Hematuria) R31
- mole O02.0
- pressure
- - decreased, due to shock following injury T79.4
- - examination only Z01.3
- - fluctuating I99
- - high (see also Hypertension) I10
- - - incidental reading, without diagnosis of hypertension R03.0
- - low (see also Hypotension) I95.9
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- - - incidental reading, without diagnosis of hypotension R03.1
- spitting (see also Hemoptysis) R04.2
- staining cornea H18.0
- tranfusion
- - reaction or complication see Complications, transfusion
- - without reported diagnosis Z51.3
- vessel rupture see Hemorrhage
- vomiting (see also Hematemesis) K92.0
Blood-forming organs, disease D75.9
Bloodgood's disease N60.1
Bloom(-Machacek)(-Torre) syndrome Q82.8
Blount's disease or osteochondrosis M92.5
- baby Q24.9
- dome cyst (breast) N60.0
- dot cataract Q12.0
- nevus (M8780/0) D22.9
- sclera Q13.5
- - with fragility of bone and deafness Q78.0
Blueness see Cyanosis
Blushing (abnormal) (excessive) R23.2
Boarder, hospital NEC Z76.4
- accompanying sick person Z76.3
Bockhart's impetigo L01.0
Bodechtel-Guttman disease (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis) A81.1
Body, bodies
- Aschoff's (see also Myocarditis, rheumatic) I09.0
- cytoid (retina) H34.2
- drusen (degenerative) (macula) (retinal) H35.3
- - optic disk H47.3
- foreign see Foreign body
- loose
- - joint, except knee M24.0
- - - knee M23.4
- - sheath, tendon M67.8
- Mallory's R89.7
- Mooser's A75.2
- rice M24.0
- - knee M23.4
- disease or sarcoid (see also Sarcoidosis) D86.9
- lupoid (miliary) D86.3
- cervix N88.8
- uterus N85.8
Boil (see also Abscess, by site) L02.9
- Aleppo B55.1
- Baghdad B55.1
- corpus cavernosum N48.2
- Delhi B55.1
- eyelid H00.0
- lacrimal
- - gland H04.0
- - passages (duct) (sac) H04.3
- Natal B55.1
- orbit, orbital H05.0
- penis N48.2
- tropical B55.1
Bomb, iris H21.4
Bone see condition
Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome Q87.1
Bonnier's syndrome H81.8
Bonvale dam fever T73.3
Bony block of joint M24.6
Bornholm disease B33.0
Boston exanthem A88.0
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Botulism (foodborne intoxication) A05.1
- infant A05.1
- wound A05.1
Bouba (see also Yaws) A66.9
Bouchard's nodes (with arthropathy) M15.2
Bouffe dlirante (without symptoms of schizophrenia) F23.0
- with symptoms of schizophrenia F23.1
Bouillaud's disease or syndrome I01.8
Bourneville's disease Q85.1
Boutonnire deformity (finger) M20.0
Bouveret(-Hoffmann) syndrome I47.9
Bovine heart see Hypertrophy, cardiac
Bowel see condition
- dermatosis (precancerous) (M8081/2) see Neoplasm, skin, in situ
- disease (M8081/2) see Neoplasm, skin, in situ
- epithelioma (M8081/2) see Neoplasm, skin, in situ
- type
- - epidermoid carcinoma in situ (M8081/2) see Neoplasm, skin, in situ
- - intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma (M8081/2) see Neoplasm, skin, in situ
- femur M21.8
- - congenital Q68.3
- fibula M21.8
- - congenital Q68.4
- forearm M21.8
- leg(s), long bones, congenital Q68.5
- radius M21.8
- tibia M21.8
- - congenital Q68.4
Bowleg(s) (acquired) M21.1
- congenital Q68.5
- rachitic E64.3
Boyd's dysentery A03.2
Brachial see condition
Brachycardia R00.1
Brachycephaly Q75.0
Bradley's disease A08.1
Bradyarrhythmia, cardiac I49.8
Bradycardia (any type) (sinoatrial) (sinus) (vagal) R00.1
- fetal see Distress, fetal
Bradypnea R06.8
Bradytachycardia I49.5
Brailsford's disease or osteochondrosis M92.1
Brain see also condition
- syndrome see Syndrome, brain
Branched-chain amino-acid disorder E71.2
Branchial see condition
- cartilage, congenital Q18.2
Branchiogenic remnant (in neck) Q18.0
Brash (water) R12
Brass-founders' ague T56.8
Bravais-jacksonian epilepsy G40.1
Braziers' disease T56.8
Break, retina (without detachment) H33.3
- with retinal detachment H33.0
- device, graft or implant (see also Complications, by site and type, mechanical) T85.8
- - arterial graft NEC T82.3
- - - coronary (bypass) T82.2
- - breast T85.4
- - catheter NEC T85.6
- - - dialysis (renal) T82.4
- - - - intraperitoneal T85.6
- - - infusion NEC T82.5
B 11
Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005.
- - - - spinal (epidural) (subdural) T85.6
- - - urinary (indwelling) T83.0
- - corneal T85.3
- - electronic (electrode) (pulse generator) (stimulator)
- - - bone T84.3
- - - cardiac T82.1
- - - nervous system (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal) T85.1
- - - urinary T83.1
- - fixation, internal (orthopedic) NEC T84.2
- - - bones of limb T84.1
- - gastrointestinal (bile duct) (esophagus) T85.5
- - genital NEC T83.4
- - - intrauterine contraceptive device T83.3
- - heart NEC T82.5
- - - valve (prosthesis) T82.0
- - - - graft T82.2
- - joint prosthesis T84.0
- - ocular (corneal graft) (orbital implant) NEC T85.3
- - - intraocular lens T85.2
- - orthopedic NEC T84.4
- - - bone graft T84.3
- - specified NEC T85.6
- - urinary NEC T83.1
- - - graft T83.2
- - vascular NEC T82.5
- - ventricular intracranial shunt T85.0
- nervous F48.8
- perineum (obstetric) O90.1
Breast see condition
- foul R19.6
- holder, child R06.8
- holding spells R06.8
- shortness R06.0
- exercises Z50.1
- labored (see also Hyperventilation) R06.4
- mouth R06.5
- periodic R06.3
Breathlessness R06.8
Breda's disease (see also Yaws) A66.9
- delivery NEC O83.1
- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.0
- - assisted NEC O83.1
- extraction O83.0
- - affecting fetus or newborn P03.0
- presentation (mother) O32.1
- - before labor, affecting fetus or newborn P01.7
- - causing obstructed labor O64.1
- - during labor, affecting fetus or newborn P03.0
Breisky's disease N90.4
Brennemann's syndrome I88.0
- tumor (benign) (M9000/0) D27
- - borderline malignancy (M9000/1) D39.1
- - malignant (M9000/3) C56
- - proliferating (M9000/1) D39.1
Bretonneau's disease or angina A36.0
Breus' mole O02.0
Brevicollis Q76.4
- disease (see also Nephritis) N05.-
- - arteriosclerotic (see also Hypertension, kidney) I12.9
Brill(-Zinsser) disease A75.1
Brill-Symmers' disease (M9690/3) C82.9
Briquet's disorder or syndrome F45.0
B 12
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Brissaud's infantilism or dwarfism E23.0
- bones disease Q78.0
- nails L60.3
- - congenital Q84.6
Broad ligament see also condition
- laceration syndrome N83.8
Broad- or floating-betalipoproteinemia E78.2
Brock's syndrome J98.1
Brodie's abscess or disease M86.8
- arches M21.4
- - congenital Q66.5
- arm T10
- - meaning upper limb see Fracture, limb, upper
- - upper see Fracture, arm, upper
- back see Fracture, vertebra
- bone see Fracture
- implant or internal device see Complications, by site and type, mechanical
- leg T12
- - lower see Fracture, leg, lower
- - meaning lower limb see Fracture, limb, lower
- nose S02.2
- tooth, teeth S02.5
Bromhidrosis, bromidrosis L75.0
Bromidism, bromism
- acute, overdose or wrong substance given or taken T42.6
- chronic (dependence) F13.2
- correct substance properly administered G92
Bromidrosiphobia F40.2
Bronchi, bronchial see condition
Bronchiectasis (cylindrical) (diffuse) (fusiform) (localized) (saccular) J47
- congenital Q33.4
- tuberculous NEC (see also Tuberculosis, pulmonary) A16.2
Bronchiolectasis see Bronchiectasis
Bronchiolitis (acute) (infective) (subacute) J21.9
- with
- - bronchospasm or obstruction J21.9
- - influenza, flu or grippe (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1
- chemical (chronic) J68.4
- chronic (fibrosing) (obliterative) J44.8
- due to
- - external agent see Bronchitis, acute or subacute, due to
- - respiratory syncytial virus J21.0
- - specified organism NEC J21.8
- fibrosa obliterans J44.8
- influenzal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1
- obliterative (chronic) (subacute) J44.8
- - due to chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors (inhalation) J68.4
Bronchitis (diffuse) (fibrinous) (hypostatic) (infective) (inflammatory) (membranous) (with tracheitis) (15 years of age and
above) J40
- with
- - influenza, flu or grippe (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1
- - obstruction (airway) (lung) J44.8
- acute or subacute (with bronchospasm or obstruction) J20.9
- - chemical (due to gases, fumes or vapors) J68.0
- - due to
- - - coxsackievirus J20.3
- - - echovirus J20.7
- - - Haemophilus influenzae J20.1
- - - Mycoplasma pneumoniae J20.0
- - - parainfluenza virus J20.4
- - - radiation J70.0
- - - respiratory syncytial virus J20.5
- - - rhinovirus J20.6
- - - specified organism NEC J20.8
- - - streptococcus J20.2
- - viral NEC J20.8
B 13
Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005.
- allergic (acute) see Asthma
- arachidic T17.5
- asthmatic see Asthma
- capillary (see also Pneumonia, broncho) J18.0
- caseous (tuberculous) A16.4
- catarrhal (15 years of age and above) J40
- - acute see Bronchitis, acute or subacute
- - chronic J41.0
- - under 15 years of age J20.9
- chemical (acute) (subacute) J68.0
- - chronic J68.4
- chronic J42
- - with
- - - airways obstruction J44.8
- - - tracheitis (chronic) J42
- - asthmatic (obstructive) J44.8
- - chemical (due to fumes or vapors) J68.4
- - due to
- - - chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors (inhalation) J68.4
- - - radiation J70.1
- - emphysematous J44.8
- - mucopurulent J41.1
- - obliterans J44.8
- - obstructive J44.8
- - purulent J41.1
- - simple J41.0
- croupous (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute) J20.9
- due to gases, fumes or vapors (chemical) J68.0
- emphysematous (obstructive) J44.8
- exudative (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute) J20.9
- fetid J41.1
- grippal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1
- in those under 15 years of age see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute
- - chronic see Bronchitis, chronic
- influenzal (see also Influenza, with, respiratory manifestations) J11.1
- membranous, acute or subacute (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute) J20.-
- mixed simple and mucopurulent J41.8
- mucopurulent (chronic) (recurrent) J41.1
- - acute or subacute J20.9
- - and simple (mixed) J41.8
- obliterans (chronic) J44.8
- obstructive (chronic) (diffuse) J44.8
- pneumococcal, acute or subacute J20.2
- purulent (chronic) (recurrent) J41.1
- - acute or subacute (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute) J20.9
- senile (chronic) J42
- septic, acute or subacute (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute) J20.9
- simple and mucopurulent (mixed) J41.8
- smokers' J41.0
- spirochetal NEC A69.8 J99.8*
- subacute see Bronchitis, acute or subacute
- suppurative (chronic) J41.1
- - acute or subacute (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute)
- tuberculous A16.4
- - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.5
- under 15 years of age (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute)
- - chronic see Bronchitis, chronic
- viral NEC, acute or subacute (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute) J20.8
Bronchoaspergillosis B44.1 J99.8*
Broncholithiasis J98.0
- tuberculous NEC A16.4
- - with bacteriological and histological confirmation A15.5
Bronchomalacia J98.0
- congenital Q32.2
Bronchomycosis NEC B49 J99.8*
- candidal B37.8 J99.8*
Bronchopleuropneumonia see Pneumonia, broncho
Bronchopneumonia (see also Pneumonia, broncho) J18.0
Bronchopneumonitis see Pneumonia, broncho
B 14
Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005.
Bronchopulmonary see condition
Bronchopulmonitis see Pneumonia, broncho
Bronchorrhagia see Hemoptysis
Bronchorrhea J98.0
- chronic (infective) (purulent) J42
Bronchospasm J98.0
- with
- - bronchiolitis, acute J21.9
- - bronchitis, acute (conditions in J20.-) (see also Bronchitis, acute or subacute) J20.9
Bronchospirochetosis A69.8
- Castellani A69.8
Bronchostenosis J98.0
Bronchus see condition
Bronze baby syndrome P83.8
Brooke's tumor (M8100/0) see Neoplasm, skin, benign
Brown's sheath syndrome H50.6
Brown-Squard disease, paralysis or syndrome G83.8
Bruce septicemia A23.0
Brucella, brucellosis (infection) A23.9
- abortus A23.1
- canis A23.3
- melitensis A23.0
- mixed A23.8
- septicemia A23.9
- - melitensis A23.0
- - specified NEC A23.8
- suis A23.2
Bruck-de Lange disease Q87.1
Bruck's disease M21.8
Brugsch's syndrome Q82.8
Bruise (skin surface intact) (see also Contusion) T14.0
- with open wound see Wound, open
- fetus or newborn P54.5
- internal organ see Injury, by site
- scalp, due to birth injury, newborn P12.3
- umbilical cord O69.5
- - affecting fetus or newborn P02.6
Bruit (arterial) R09.8
- cardiac R01.1
Brushburn see Burn, by site
Bruton's X-linked agammaglobulinemia D80.0
Bruxism F45.8
Bubbly lung syndrome P27.0
Bubo I88.8
- blennorrhagic (gonococcal) A54.8
- chancroidal A57
- climatic A55
- due to
- - Haemophilus ducreyi A57
- - Yersinia pestis A20.0
- gonococcal A54.8
- inguinal (nonspecific) I88.8
- - chancroidal A57
- - climatic A55
- - due to Haemophilus ducreyi A57
- - infective I88.8
- - venereal A64
- scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.2
- soft chancre A57
- suppurating (see also Lymphadenitis, acute) L04.9
- syphilitic (primary) A51.0
- - congenital A50.0
- tropical A55
- venereal A64
- virulent (chancroidal) A57
Bubonocele see Hernia, inguinal
B 15
Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005.
Buccal see condition
Buchanan's disease or osteochondrosis M91.0
Bucket-handle fracture or tear (semilunar cartilage) (see also Tear, meniscus) S83.2
Budd-Chiari syndrome I82.0
Budgerigar fancier's disease or lung J67.2
Buerger's disease I73.1
Bulbar see condition
Bulbus cordis (left ventricle) (persistent) Q21.8
Bulimia (nervosa) F50.2
- atypical F50.3
- normal weight F50.3
- stools R19.5
- uterus N85.2
Bulla(e) R23.8
- lung J43.9
- - fetus or newborn P25.8
Bullet wound see also Wound, open
- fracture code as Fracture, by site
- internal organ see Injury, by site
- branch block (complete) (false) (incomplete) see Block, bundle-branch
- of His see condition
Bunion M20.1
Buphthalmia, buphthalmos (congenital) Q15.0
Burdwan fever B55.0
Brger-Grtz disease or syndrome E78.3
Buried roots K08.3
- cell leukemia (M9826/3) C91.0
- lymphoma (malignant) (M9687/3) C83.7
- - resulting from HIV disease B21.1
- - small noncleaved, diffuse (M9687/3) C83.7
- - undifferentiated (M9687/3) C83.7
- tumor (M9687/3) C83.7
- type
- - acute lymphoblastic leukemia (M9826/3) C91.0
- - undifferentiated (M9687/3) C83.7
Burn (electricity) (flame) (hot gas, liquid or object) (radiation) (steam) (thermal) T30.0
Note: The following fourth-character subdivisions are for use with categories T20T25, T29 and T30:
.0 Unspecified degree
.1 First degree
.2 Second degree
Blisters, epidermal loss
.3 Third degree
Full-thickness skin loss
Deep necrosis of underlying tissue
- abdomen, abdominal (muscle) (wall) T21.-
- acid (caustic) (external) (internal) see Corrosion, by site
- alimentary tract NEC T28.2
- alkaline (caustic) (external) (internal) see Corrosion, by site
- ankle (and foot) T25.-
- - with leg T29.-
- anus T21.-
- arm (lower) (upper) see Burn, limb, upper
- axilla T22.-
- back (lower) T21.-
- blisters code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .2
- breast(s) T21.-
- buttock(s) T21.-
- caustic acid or alkaline see Corrosion, by site
B 16
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- cervix T28.3
- chemical (acids) (alkalines) (caustics) (external) (internal) see Corrosion, by site
- chest wall T21.-
- colon T28.2
- conjunctiva (and cornea) T26.1
- - chemical T26.6
- cornea (and conjunctiva) T26.1
- - chemical T26.6
- corrosion (external) (internal) see Corrosion, by site
- deep necrosis of underlying tissue code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .3
- due to ingested chemical agent see Corrosion, by site
- ear (auricle) (canal) (drum) (external) T20.-
- entire body T29.-
- epidermal loss code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .2
- erythema, erythematous code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .1
- esophagus T28.1
- extremity see Burn, limb
- eye(s) and adnexa T26.4
- - with resulting rupture and destruction of eyeball T26.2
- - specified part (see also Burn, by site) T26.3
- eyeball see Burn, eye(s) and adnexa
- eyelid(s) T26.0
- - chemical T26.5
- face T20.-
- finger(s) (nail) (subungual) T23.-
- first degree code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .1
- flank T21.-
- foot (and ankle) (phalanges) T25.-
- - with leg T29.-
- fourth degree code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .3
- friction see Burn, by site
- from swallowing caustic or corrosive substance NEC see Corrosion, by site
- full-thickness skin loss code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .3
- gastrointestinal tract NEC T28.2
- - from swallowing caustic or corrosive substance T28.7
- genitourinary organs
- - external T21.-
- - internal T28.3
- - - from caustic or corrosive substance T28.8
- groin T21.-
- hand(s) (phalanges) (and wrist) T23.-
- - with arm T29.-
- head (and face) (and neck) T20.-
- - eye(s) only see Burn, eye(s) and adnexa
- - - specified part see Burn, by site
- hip(s) T24.-
- inhalation NEC (see also Burn, by site) T27.3
- - caustic or corrosive substance (fumes) see Corrosion, by site
- internal organs NEC (see also Burn, by site) T28.4
- - from caustic or corrosive substance (swallowing) NEC (see also Corrosion, by site) T28.9
- interscapular region T21.-
- intestine (large) (small) T28.2
- knee T24.-
- labium (majus) (minus) T21.-
- lacrimal apparatus, duct, gland or sac T26.3
- - chemical T26.8
- larynx T27.0
- - with lung T27.1
- leg(s) (lower) (upper) see Burn, limb(s), lower
- lightning see Burn, by site
- limb(s)
- - lower (except ankle or foot alone) T24.-
- - - with ankle and foot T29.-
- - upper (except wrist and hand alone) T22.-
- - - with wrist and hand T29.-
- lip(s) T20.-
- lower back T21.-
- lung (with larynx and trachea) T27.1
- mouth T28.0
- multiple body regions (sites classifiable to more than one category in T20-T28) T29.0
B 17
Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005.
- - first degree (only, without second or third degree) T29.1
- - second degree (with first degree) T29.2
- - third degree (with first and second degree) T29.3
- neck T20.-
- nose (septum) T20.-
- ocular adnexa T26.4
- palm(s) T23.-
- partial thickness skin damage code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .2
- pelvis T21.-
- penis T21.-
- perineum T21.-
- periocular area T26.0
- - chemical T26.5
- pharynx T28.0
- rectum T28.2
- respiratory tract T27.3
- - specified part NEC T27.2
- scalp T20.-
- scapular region T22.-
- sclera T26.3
- scrotum T21.-
- second degree code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .2
- shoulder(s) T22.-
- skin NEC T30.0
- stomach T28.2
- temple T20.-
- testis T21.-
- thigh(s) T24.-
- third degree code as Burn, by site, with fourth character .3
- thorax (external) T21.-
- throat (meaning pharynx) T28.0
- thumb(s) T23.-
- toe(nail) (subungual) T25.-
- tongue T28.0
- tonsil(s) T28.0
- total body T29.-
- trachea T27.0
- - with lung T27.1
- trunk T21.-
- unspecified site with extent of body surface involved specified
- - less than 10 per cent T31.0
- - 1019 per cent T31.1
- - 2029 per cent T31.2
- - 3039 per cent T31.3
- - 4049 per cent T31.4
- - 5059 per cent T31.5
- - 6069 per cent T31.6
- - 7079 per cent T31.7
- - 8089 per cent T31.8
- - 90 per cent or more T31.9
- uterus T28.3
- vagina T28.3
- vulva T21.-
- wrist (and hand) T23.-
- - with arm T29.-
Burnett's syndrome E83.5
- feet syndrome E53.9
- sensation R20.8
- tongue K14.6
Burn-out (state) Z73.0
Burns' disease or osteochondrosis M92.1
Bursa see condition
Bursitis M71.9
- Achilles M76.6
- adhesive M71.5
- ankle M76.8
- calcaneal M77.5
- due to use, overuse or pressure M70.9
B 18
Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005.
- - specified NEC M70.8
- Duplay's M75.0
- elbow NEC M70.3
- finger M70.8
- foot M77.5
- gonococcal A54.4 M73.0*
- gouty M10.0
- hand M70.1
- hip NEC M70.7
- infective NEC M71.1
- ischial M70.7
- knee NEC M70.5
- occupational NEC M70.9
- olecranon M70.2
- pharyngeal J39.1
- popliteal M70.5
- prepatellar M70.4
- radiohumeral M77.8
- rheumatoid M06.2
- scapulohumeral M75.5
- semimembranous muscle (knee) M70.5
- shoulder M75.5
- specified NEC M71.5
- subacromial M75.5
- subcoracoid M75.5
- subdeltoid M75.5
- syphilitic A52.7 M73.1*
- Thornwaldt, Tornwaldt J39.2
- tibial collateral M76.4
- toe M77.5
- trochanteric (area) M70.6
- wrist M70.1
Bursopathy (see also Bursitis) M71.9
- specified NEC M71.8
Burst stitches or sutures (complication of surgery) T81.3
Buruli ulcer A31.1
Bury's disease L95.1
- disease B45.3 M90.2*
- scleredema M34.8
Busse-Buschke disease B45.3 M90.2*
Buttock see condition
- Biskra B55.1
- Delhi B55.1
- oriental B55.1
Buttonhole deformity (finger) M20.0
Bwamba fever A92.8
Byssinosis J66.0
Bywaters' syndrome T79.5
B 19
Extracted from ICD-10 Second Edition, 2005.

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