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1. Rate of chemical reaction is independent of the concentration of reactants for
(a) ze! !"e ea#$%!&
(b) third order reaction
(c) consecutive reaction
(d) none of these
2. Which of the following is not a unit of reaction rate?
(a) moles formed/(surface of catalyst) (time)
(b) moles formed/(volume of reactor) (time)
(c) mole formed/(volume of catalyst) (time)
(") &!&e !' $(e)e
. !f "n# is the order of reaction then unit of rate constant is
(a) *
($%+e) (#!&#e&$a$%!&)
(b) (time)
(c) (time)
(d) none of these
%. Which of the following is a controlling factor in very fast heterogeneous
(a) (ea$ a&" +a)) $a&)'e e''e#$)
(b) pressure
(c) temperature
(d) composition of reactant
&. 'ariables affecting the rate of homogeneous reactions are
(a) pressure and temperature only
(b) temperature and composition only
(c) pressure and composition only
(d) -e)).e, $e+-ea$.e a&" #!+-!)%$%!&
(. Rate determining step in a reaction consisting of a number of step in
series is the
(a) fastest step
(b) )/!0e" )$e-
(c) intermediate step
(d) data insufficient) can*t be predict
+. ,hemical -inetics can predict the
(a) a$e !' ea#$%!&
(b) feasibility of reaction
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of these
.. 'elocity of a chemical reaction
(a) decreases with increase in temperature
(b) increases with increase of pressure of reactant for all reactions
(c) decreases with increase of reactant concentration
(") &!&e !' $(e)e
/. 0um of the powers of the concentration terms in the rate e1uation is called the
(a) order of the reaction
(b) !1ea// !"e !' $(e ea#$%!&
(c) molecularity of the reaction
(d) none of these
12.3olecularity of a reaction
(a) is always e1ual to the overall order of reaction
(b) may not be e1ual to the order of reaction
c (c) can4t have a fractional value
(") 2!$( (2) a&" (#)
11.!nversion of cane sugar is an e5ample of
(a) unimolecular reaction with first order
(b) bimolecular reaction with second order
(c) 2%+!/e#./a ea#$%!& 0%$( '%)$ !"e
(d) unimolecular reaction with second order
12.,oncentration of the limiting reactant (with initial concentration of a moles/liter)
after time t is (a$5).6hen t for a first order reaction is given by
(a) 3$ 4 /& a
(b) -t 7 5
(c) -t 7 ln a$5
(d) -.t 7 a (a$5)
1.8alf life period of a chemical reaction is
(a) $(e $%+e e6.%e" $! e".#e $(e #!&#e&$a$%!& !' $(e ea#$%&7 ).2)$a&#e
$! (a/' %$) %&%$%a/ 1a/.e
(b) half of the space time of a reaction
(c) half of the residence time of a reaction
(d) none of these
1%.9ill up the blan-s:
8alf$life period for a first order reaction is....................... the initial concentration
of the reactant
(a) directly proportional to
(b) inversely proportional to
(#) %&"e-e&"e&$ !'
(d) none of these
1&. 9ill up the blan-s from among the alternatives given below: !n a first order reaction
the time re1uired to reduce the concentration of reactant from 1 mole/liter to 2.&
mole/liter will be ............. that re1uired to reduce it from 12 moles/liter to & moles/liter in
the same volume
(a) more than
(b) less than
(c) )a+e a)
(d) data insufficient) can*t be predicted
1(. 0pecific rate constant for a second order reaction
(a) is independent of temperature
(b) varies with temperature
(c) depends on the nature of the reactants
(") 2!$( (2) a&" (#)
1+. 6he reaction in which rate e1uation corresponds to a stoichiometric e1uation is called
(a) e/e+e&$a8 ea#$%!&
(b) non$elementary reaction
(c) parallel reaction
(d) auto-inetic reaction
1.. ;1uilibrium of a chemical reaction as viewed by -inetics is a
(a) "8&a+%# )$ea"8 )$a$e
(b) static steady state
c (c) dynamic unsteady state
(d) none of these
1/. 9or a <ero order reaction= concentration of product increases with
(a) %&#ea)e !' ea#$%!& $%+e
(b) increase in initial concentration
(c) total pressure
(d) decrease in total pressure
22. 9ill up the blan-s
>rrhenius e1uation shows the variation of ??????????with temperature
(a) Reaction rate
(2) Ra$e #!&)$a&$
(c) ;nergy of activation
(d) 9re1uency factor
21. 6he energy of activation of a chemical reaction
(a) is same as heat of reaction at constant pressure
(2) %) $(e +%&%+.+ e&e78 0(%#( $(e +!/e#./e) +.)$ (a1e 2e'!e $(e ea#$%!&
#a& $a3e -/a#e
(c) varies as fifth power of the temperature
(d) both (b) and (c)
22. Rate constant *-* and the absolute temperature 6 are related by collision theory (for
bimolecular) as
(a) - 6
(b) - e
(#) 3 T
(d) - 6
2. 6ransition state theory relates the above 1uantities as
(a) - e
(b) - 6e
(c) - 6
(d) - 6
2%.Reactions with high activation energy are
(a) 1e8 $e+-ea$.e )e&)%$%1e
(b) temperature insensitive
(c) always irreversible
(d) always reversible
2&. !n autocalytic reactions
(a) one of the reactants acts as a catalyst
(2) !&e !' $(e -!".#$) a#$) a) a #a$a/8)$
(c) catalyst has very high selectivity
(d) no catalyst is used
2(. With increase in temperature= the e1uilibrium conversion of a reversible e5othermic
(a) "e#ea)e)
(d) increases
(c) remain unaffected
(d) decreases linearly with temperature
2+. With decrease in temperature= the e1uilibrium conversion of a reversible endothermic
(a) "e#ea)e)
(b) increases
(c) remains unaffected
(d) increases linearly with temperature
2.. 6he e1uilibrium constant of a chemical reaction
(a) increases in the presence of catalyst
(b) decreases in the presence of catalyst
(#) e+a%&) .&a''e#$e" %& $(e -e)e&#e !' a #a$a/8)$
(d) can either increase or decrease) depends on the type of catalyst
2/. ,onversion increases with increase in temperature of
(a) >utocatalytic reaction
(b) !rreversible reaction
(#) Re1e)%2/e e&"!$(e+%# ea#$%!&
(d) Reversible e5othermic reaction
2. 6he heat of reaction
(a) depends on the pressure only
(b) depends on the mechanism of reaction only
(c) depends on both pressure and mechanism of reaction
(") %) %&"e-e&"e&$ !' $(e +e#(a&%)+ !' ea#$%!&
1. !ntegral method for analy<ing the -inetic data is used
(a) when the data are scattered
(b) for testing specific mechanisms with simple rate e5pression
(#) 2!$( (a) a&" (2)
(d) none of these
2. Aifferential method for analy<ing the -inetic data is used
(a) '! $e)$%&7 #!+-/%#a$e" +e#(a&%)+)
(b) when the data are scattered
(c) when rate e5pressions are very simple
(d) none of these
.;5posure of a photographic plate to produce a latent image is an e5ample of
(a) 'ery slow reaction
(b) 'ery fast reaction
(c) Bhotochemical reaction
(") B!$( (2) a&" (#)
%. > tric-le bed reactor is one which
(a) has altogether three streams either entering or leaving
(b) processes three reactants at different flow rates
(c) processes three reactant with same flow rate
(d) e+-/!8) a// $(e $(ee -(a)e) (%.e. )!/%" /%6.%" a&" 7a))
&.>ccording to >rrhenius e1uation of temperature dependency of rate constant for an
elementary reaction
(a) - 6
(2) 3 e,
(c) - 6e$
(d) none of these
(. With increases in temperature= the rate constant obeying >rrhenius e1uation
(a) %&#ea)e)
(b) decreases
(c) decreases e5ponentially with temperature
(d) can either increase or decrease= depends on the fre1uency factor
+. > batch reactor is characteri<ed by
(a) constant residence time
(2) $(e 1a%a$%!& %& e5$e&$ !' ea#$%!& a&" -!-e$%e) !' $(e ea#$%!& +%5$.e
0%$( $%+e
(c) variation in reactor volume
(d) very low conversion
.. > plug$flow reactor is characteri<ed by
(a) high capacity
(b) presence of a5ial mi5ing
(#) -e)e&#e !' /a$ea/ +%5%&7
(d) constant composition and temperature of reaction mi5ture
/. !n a semi$batch reactor
a (a) 1e/!#%$8 !' ea#$%!& #a& 2e #!&$!//e"
(b) ma5imum conversion can be controlled
b (c) both the as reactants flow counter$currently
(d) residence time is constant
%2. > bac- mi5 reactor
(a) is same as plug$flow reactor
(2) %) )a+e a) %"ea/ )$%e" $a&3 ea#$!
(c) employs mi5ing in a5ial direction only
(d) is most suitable for gas phase reaction
%1. !n a continuous flow stirred tan- reactor the composition of the e5it stream
(a) %) )a+e a) $(a$ %& $(e ea#$!
(b) is different than that in the reactor
(c) depends upon the flow rate of inlet stream
(d) none of these
%2. !n an ideal tubular$flow reactor
(a) there is no mi5ing in longitudinal direction
(b) mi5ing ta-es place in radial direction
(c) there is a uniform velocity across the radius
(") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
%. 0pace velocity
(a) describes the e5tensive operating characteristics of a tubular flow reactor
(b) is the ma5imum feed rate per unit volume of reactor for is given conversion
(c) is a measure of the case of the reaction Cob
(") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
%%. > high space velocity means that a given
(a) reaction can be accomplished with small reactor
(b) conversion can be obtained with a high feed rate
(#) 2!$( (a) a&" (2)
(d) none of these
%&. 0pace time in flow reactor is
(a) usually e1ual to the residence time
(b) the reciprocal of the space velocity
(c) a measure of its capacity
(") 2!$( (a) a&" (#)
%(. > space$time of hours for a flow reactor means that
(a) $(e $%+e e6.%e" $! -!#e)) !&e ea#$! 1!/.+e !' 'ee" (+ea).e" a$
)-e#%'%e" #!&"%$%!&)) %) : (!.
(b) three reactor volumes of feed can be processed every hour
(c) it ta-es three hours to dump the entire volume of the reaction with feed
(d) conversion is cent per cent after three hour
%+. 0pace time e1uals the mean residence time
(a) 0(e& $(e "e&)%$8 !' $(e ea#$%!& +%5$.e %) #!&)$a&$
(b) for large diameter tubular reactor
(c) for narrow diameter tubular reactor
(d) for ,06R
%.. 9luidi<ed bed reactor is characteri<ed by
(a) .&%'!+%$8 !' $e+-ea$.e
(b) comparatively smaller e1uipment
(c) very small pressure drop
(d) absence of continuous catalyst regeneration facility
%/. > batch reactor is
(a) suitable for gas$phase reaction on commercial scale
(2) ).%$a2/e '! /%6.%" ;-(a)e ea#$%!& %&1!/1%&7 )+a// -!".#$%!& a$e
(c) least e5pensive to operate for a given rate
(d) most suitable for very large production rate
&2. Which of the following is the most suitable for very high$pressure gas$phase
(a) batch reactor
(2) $.2./a '/!0 ea#$!
(c) stirred tan- reactor
(d) fluidi<ed bed reactor
&1. 9or nearly isothermal operation involving large reaction time in a li1uid @phase
reaction= the most suitable reactor is
(a) )$%e" $a&3 ea#$!
(b) tubular flow reactor
(c) batch reactor
(d) fi5ed bed reactor
&2. > stirred tan- reactor compared to tubular$flow reactor provides
(a) more uniform operation condition
(b) permits operation at the optimum temperature for a long reaction time
(c) higher overall selectivity for a first order consecutive reaction
(") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
&. 9or the same residence time= which will give the ma5imum conversion?
(a) single stirred tan- (v7&liters)
(b) two stirred tan- (each of 2.&liters) in series
(c) stirred tan- followed by tubular flow reactor (each 2.&liters)
(") )%&7/e $.2./a '/!0 ea#$! (14</%$e))
&%. Dil hydrogenated using nic-el catalyst in a
(a) batch reactor
(2) )/.8 ea#$!
(c) fluidi<ed bed reactor
(d) fi5ed bed reactor
&&. > second order reaction of the form >EF , is called a pseudo$first order reaction
(a) ,>D 7 ,FD
(b) ,>D G ,FD
(c) ,>D
(") CBO = CAO
&(. > first order irreversible reaction > F is carried separately in a constant volume as
well as a in a variable volume reactor for a particular period. !t signifies that
(a) both conversion as well as concentration are same in the two reactors
(2) #!&1e)%!& %& 2!$( 0%// 2e $(e )a+e 2.$ #!&#e&$a$%!&) 0%// 2e "%''ee&$ %&
$(e $0! ea#$!)
(c) both the conversion as well as concentrations will be different in the two
(d) none of these
&+.> space velocity of & hour means that
(a) '%1e ea#$! 1!/.+e) !' 'ee" (a$ )-e#%'%e" #!&"%$%!&)) ae 2e%&7 'e" %&$! $(e
ea#$! -e (!.
(b) after five hours= reactor is being filled with the feed
(c) cent percent conversion can be achieved in at least & hours
c (d) a fi5ed conversion of a given batch of feed ta-es & hours
&.. Which of the following fi5es the volume of a batch reactor for a particular conversion
and production rate?
# (a) operating conditions (e.g. pressure and temperature)
" (b) rate constant
e (c) "e&)%$8 !' +%5$.e
' (d) none of these
&/. !n a ,06R
(a) reaction rate varies with time
(b) concentration varies with time
(c) both (a) and (b) occur
(") &e%$(e (a) &! (2) !##.)
(2. 6he use of space$time is preferred over the mean residence time in the design of
(a) batch reactor
(2) %"ea/ $.2./a,'/!0 ea#$!
(c) slurry reactor
(d) ,06R
(1. 9or all positive reaction orders for a particular duty
(a) +%5e" ea#$! %) a/0a8) /a7e $(a& $(e -/.7,'/!0 ea#$!
(b) the ratio of the volume of the mi5ed reactor to that of the plug$flow
reactor decreases with order
(c) reactor si<e is independent of the type of flow
(d) density variation during reaction affects design
(2. With the same reaction time= initial concentration and feed rate= the reaction 2> F
is carried out separately in ,06R and B.9. reactor of e1ual volumes. 6he conversion will
(a) (%7(e %& P.F. ea#$!
(b) higher in ,06R
(c) same in both the reactors
(d) data insufficient) can4t be predicted
(. 9or an autocatalytic reactor= the suitable reactor set up is
(a) B.9. reactors in series
(b) ,06R in series
(#) CSTR '!//!0e" 28 P.F. ea#$!
(d) B.9. reactor followed by ,06R
(%. 9or multiple reactions= the reaction within the vessel affects the
(a) 0i<e re1uirement
(b) Aistribution of reaction product
(#) B!$( (a) a&" (2)
(d) Heither (a) nor (b)
(&. > first order reaction re1uires two une1ual si<ed ,06R. Which of the following gives
a higher yield?
(a) Iarge reactor followed by smaller one
(b) 0maller reactor followed by larger one
(#) E%$(e !' $(e aa&7e+e&$ (a) ! (2) 0%// 7%1e $(e )a+e 8%e/"
(d) Aata insufficient) can4t be predicted
((. > first order reaction re1uires two e1ual si<ed ,06R. 6he conversion is
(a) Iess when they are connected in series
(2) M!e 0(e& $(e8 ae #!&&e#$e" %& )e%e)
(c) 3ore when they are connected in parallel
(d) 0ame whether they are connected in series or parallel
(+. 6he concentration of > in a first order reaction > F decreases
(a) Iinearly with time
(2) E5-!&e&$%a//8 0%$( $%+e
(c) 'ery abruptly toward the end of the reaction
(d) Iogarithmically with time
(.. Which of the following is most suitable for isothermal reaction ?
(a) Fatch reactor
(2) Ba#3,+%5 ea#$!
(c) Blug$flow reactor
(d) 9i5ed bad reactor
(/. Which of the following is the optimum operating condition for an e5othermic
reversible reaction$ta-ing place in a plug$flow reactor
(a)Te+-ea$.e )(!./" 2e (%7( %& $(e 2e7%&&%&7 a&" "e#ea)e"
$!0a") $(e e&" !' $(e ea#$%!&
(b) 'ery low temperature should be used throughout the reaction
(c) 'ery high temperature should be used throughout the reaction
(d) Hone of these
+2. With increase in the space$time of an irreversible isothermal reaction being carried
out in a B.9. reactor= the conversion will
(a) I&#ea)e
(b) Aecrease
(c) Remain same
(d) Aata sufficient) can4t be predicted
+1. 6he optimum performance for reactors operating in parallel is obtained when the feed
stream is distributed in such a way that the
(a) S-a#e $%+e '! ea#( -aa//e/ /%&e %) )a+e
(b) 0pace time for parallel lines is different
(c) Iarger reactors have more space time compared to smaller ones
(d) Hone of these
+2. Fac- mi5ing is most predominant in
7 (a) > well stirred reactor
( (b) Blug$flow reactor
% (#) A )%&7/e CSTR
> (d) ,06R connected in series
+. 6he ratio of moles of a reactant converted into the desired product to that converted
into unwanted product is called
c (a) Dperational yield
d (b) Relative yield
e (#) Se/e#$%1%$8
f (d) Hone of these
+%. 6he performance of a cascade of ,06R4s can be improved by adding
(a) a B.9. reactor in series
(b) a B.9. reactor in parallel
(#) M!e CSTR?) %& )e%e)
(d) 3ore ,06R4s in parallel
+&. >n auto thermal reactor is
(a) 3ost suitable for a second order reaction
(b) 3ost suitable for a reversible reaction
(#) C!+-/e$e/8 )e/' ).--!$%&7 %& %$) $(e+a/ e&e78 e6.%e+e&$)
(d) !sothermal in nature
+(. 9or series reaction=the
(a) Relative yield is always greater for plug$flow reactor tha) for the single
,06R of the same volume
(b) 0tatement in a is wrong
(c) Relative yield decreases with increasing conversion
(") B!$( (a) a&" (#) (!/" 7!!"
++. When a high li1uid hold up is re1uired in a reactor for a gas$li1uid reaction=
(a) Bac-ed column
(b) 0pray column
(c) 6ray column
(") B.22/e #!/.+&
+.. 9or reactions in parallel vi<. >JB (desired product) and >JK (unwanted product)=
if the order of the desired reaction is higher than that of the undesired reaction= a
(a) Fatch rector is preferred over a single ,06R for high yield
(b) 6ubular rector is preferred over a single ,06R for high yield
(#) B!$( (a) a&" (2)
(d) > single ,06R is the most suitable
+/. !n 1uestion +.= high yield would be favored ( for gas phase reactions)
(a) A$ (%7( -e)).e
(b) >t low pressure
(c) Fy the presence of the inner gases in the reactabt stream
(d) Foth (b) and (c)
.2. When all the limiting reactant is consumed in the reaction= the operation yield
(a) !s greater than relative yield
(b) !s smaller than relative yield
(#) E6.a/) $(e e/a$%1e 8%e/"
(d) ,an be greater or smaller than relative yield= depends on the type of
.1. Aesign of heterogeneous catalytic reactor involves consideration of
(a) Dnly chemical steps
(b) Dnly physical steps
(#) B!$( (a) a&" (2)
(d) Heither (a) and (b)
.2. Bic- out the wrong statement
(a) > catalyst does not alter the final position of e1uilibrium in a reversible
(2) A #a$a/8)$ %&%$%a$e a ea#$%!&
(c) > catalyst is specific in action
(d) > catalyst remain unchanged in chemical composition at the end of the
.. ,atalyst is a substance which
(a) !ncreases the speed of chemical reaction
(b) Aecreases the speed of chemical reaction
(#) Ca& e%$(e %&#ea)e ! "e#ea)e $(e )-ee" !' #(e+%#a/ ea#$%!&
(d) >lters the value of e1uilibrium constant in a reversible reaction
.%. ,atalyst carriers
(a) 8ave very high selectivity
(b) !ncrease the activity of a catalyst
(#) P!1%"e /a7e ).'a#e aea 0%$( )+a// a+!.&$ !' a#$%1e +a$e%a/
(d) !nhibit catalyst poisoning
.&. > catalyst promoter
(a) I+-!1e) $(e a#$%1%$8 !' a #a$a/8)$
(b) >cts as a catalyst support
(c) !tself has very high activity
(d) >ll (a) (b) and (c)
.(. > catalyst inhibitor
(a) Iessens its selectivity
(b) 3ay be useful for suppressing undesirable side reaction
(c) !s added in small 1uantity during the catalyst manufacture itself
(") A// (a) (2) a&" (#)
.+. ,arbon catalyst accumulated on the catalyst used in the gas oil crac-ing lies in the
category of :
(a) De-!)%$e" -!%)!&
(b) ,hemisorbed poison
(c) 0electivity poison
(d) 0tability poison
... 0lurry reactors are characterised by
(a) La#3 !' %&$a,-a$%#/e "%''.)%!& e)%)$a&#e
(b) Bresence of two mobile phase
(c) Foth (a) and (b)
(d) Heither (a) nor (b)
./. > reaction . >J F is conducted in a constant pressure vessel. 0tarting with pure >=
the volume of the reaction mi5ture increase times in ( minutes. 6he final conversion is
(a) 2.
(b) 2.&2
(#) *
(d) Aata insufficient= can4t be predicted
/2. 6he most suitable reactor for carrying out an auto$thermal reaction is
(a) Fatch reactor
(b) ,06R
(#) Se+%,2a$#( ea#$!
(d) Blug$flow reactor
/1 Which of the following factors control the design of a fluid solid reactor?
(a) 6he reaction -inetics for single particle
(b) 6he si<e distribution of solids being treated
(c) 9low patterns of solids and fluids in the reactor
(") A// (a) (2) a&" (#)
/2. Linetics of solid catalyst reaction can be studied in a
(a) Fatch reactor
(b) Blug$flow reactor
(#) M%5e" ea#$!
(d) Hone of these
/. 9or high conversion in highly e5othermic solid cataly<ed reaction= use a
(a) 9i5ed bed reactor
(2) F/.%"%ze" 2e" ea#$! '!//!0e" 28 a '%5e" 2e" ea#$!
(c) 9i5ed bed reactor followed by a fluidi<ed bed reactor
(d) 9luidi<ed bed reactor
/%. !n case of staged pac-ed bed reactors carrying out e5othermic reaction= use
(a) 8igh recycle for pure glass
(b) Blug flow for dilute li1uid re1uire no large preheating of feed
(c) ,old shot operations for a dilute solution re1uiring large preheating to
bring the steam up to the reaction temperature
(") A// (a) (2) a&" (#)
/&. Which of the following will give the ma5imum gas conversion ?
(a) 9i5ed bed reactor
(b) fluidi<ed reactor
(#) Se+%,'/.%"%ze" ea#$!
(d) Blug flow catalytic reactor
/(. Which of the following factors control the deactivation of a porous catalyst pellet?
(a) Aecay reactions
(b) Bore diffusion
(c) 9orm of surface attac- of poison
(") A// (a) (2) a&" (#)
/+. F;6 apparatus is used to determine the
(a) S-e#%'%# ).'a#e !' -!!.) #a$a/8)$
(b) Bore si<e distribution
(c) Bore diameter
(d) Borosity of the catalyst bed
/.. !f pore diffusion is the controlling step in a solid cataly<ed reaction the catalyst
(a) Borosity is very important
(2) P!!)%$8 %) /e)) %+-!$a&#e
(c) !nternal surface is utili<ed efficiently
(d) Hone of these
//. F;6 apparatus
(a) 3easure the catalyst surface area directly
(b) Dperates at very high pressure
(c) !s made entirely by stainless steel
(") N!&e !' $(e)e
122. 8elium$mercury method can be used to determine the
(a) Bore volume
(b) 0olid density
(c) Borosity of catalyst particle
(d) A// (a) (2) a&" (#)
1. Which of the following is an e5tensive property of a system?
a. (ea$ #a-a#%$8 b. molal heat capactiy
c. pressure d. concentration
2. Which of the following is a thermodynamic property of a system?
a. concentration b. mass
c. temperature ". e&$!-8
. 9irst law of thermodynamics is mathematically stated as
a. "Q 4 "U @ "A b. dK 7 dM @ dW
c. dM 7 dK E dW d. dW 7 dK @ dM
%. 9irst law of thermodynamics deals with
a. "%e#$%!& !' e&e78 $a&)'e b. reversible process only
c. irreversible processes only d. none of these
&. >n irreversible process
a. is the analog of linear frictionless motion in machines
b. is an ideali<ed visuali<ation of behavior of a system
c. yields the ma5imum amount of wor-
". 8%e/") $(e a+!.&$ !' 0!3 /e)) $(a& $(a$ !' a e1e)%2/e -!#e)).
(. !n a adiabatic process
a. (ea$ $a&)'e %) ze! b. temperature change is <ero
c. wor- done is a path function d. enthalpy remains constant
+. ;nthalpy N84 is defined as
a. 8 7 M @ B' b. 8 7 M @ 60
c. H ; U 4 PV d. none of these
.. ;fficiency of heat engine wor-ing on ,arnot cycle between two temperature levels
depends upon
a. $(e $0! $e+-ea$.e) !&/8 b. the pressure of wor-ing fluid
c. the mass of the wor-ing fluid d. both mass and pressure of the
wor-ing fluid
/. What is the degree of freedom for a system comprising li1uid water e1uilibrium with
its vapor?
a. 2 2. *
c. 2 d.
12. ;fficiency of a ,arnot engine wor-ing between temperatures 61 and 62 (61 O 62 ) is
a. (TB ; T*) 9 TB b. (62 @ 61) / 61
c (61 @ 62) / 62 d. (61 @62) / 61
11. 9or a constant pressure reversible process= the enthalpy ( 8) change of the system is
a. , vd6 b. ,p d6
#. C C- "T d. P,v d6
12. !nternal energy of an ideal gas
a. increases with increase in pressure
b. decreases with increase in temperature
c. is independent of temperature
". &!&e !' $(e)e
1. ;1uation which relates pressure= volume= and temperature of a gas is called
a. E6.a$%!& !' )$a$e b. Qibbs Auhem e1uation
c. ideal gas e1uation d. none of these
1%. !sobaric process means a constant
a. temperature process b. -e)).e -!#e))
c. volume process d. entropy process
1&. !sentropic process means a constant
a. enthalpy process b. pressure process
#. 1!/.+e -!#e)) d. none of these
1(. 6hrottling process is a constant
a. e&$(a/-8 -!#e)) b. entropy process
c. pressure process d. none of these
1+. 6he point at which all three phases co$e5ist is -nown as
a. free<ing point 2. $%-/e -!%&$
c. boiling point d. none of these
1.. ,= for an ideal gas
a. does not depend upon temperature
b. is independent of pressure only
c. is independent of volume only
". %) %&"e-e&"e&$ !' 2!$( -e)).e a&" 1!/.+e
1/. 9or an isothermal process the internal energy of a gas
a. increases b. decreases
#. e+a%&) .&#(a&7e" d. data insufficient can4t be predicted
22. B'

7 ,onstant (where= 7 ,p / , v) is valid for

a. !sothermal process b. !sentropic process
c. !sobaric process ". a"%a2a$%# -!#e))
21. 9or an isothermal reversible compression of an ideal gas
a. only M7 2 b. only 8 7 2
#. U 4 H 4 D d. dK @ dM
22. >s the time is passing= entropy of the universe
a. %) %&#ea)%&7 b. is decreasing
c. remains constant d. data insufficient= can4t be predicted
2. Foyle4s law for gases states that
a. B 1/' when temperature is constant
2. P *9V 0(e& $e+-ea$.e a&" +a)) !' $(e 7a) e+a%&) #!&)$a&$
#. B ' at a constant temperature and mass of the gas
". B/' 7 constant= for any gas
2%. 6he e1uation= B' 7 nR6 is best obeyed by gases at
a. /!0 -e)).e a&" (%7( $e+-ea$.e
b. high pressure and low temperature
c. low pressure and low temperature
d. none of these
2&. ,ompressibility factor of a gas is
a. &!$ a '.&#$%!& !' -e)).e b. not a function of its nature
c. not a function of its temperature d. unity= if it follows B' 7 nR6
2(. ,ritical compressibility factor for all substances
a. ae +!e /e)) #!&)$a&$(1a8 '!+ D.B $! D.:)
b. vary as s1uare of the absolute temperature
c. vary as s1uare of the absolute pressure
d. none of these
2+. Reduced pressure of a gas is the ratio of its
a. -e)).e $! #%$%#a/ -e)).e b. critical pressure to pressure
c. pressure to pseudocritical pressure d. pseudocritical pressure to pressure
2.. ,ompressibility factor$reduced pressure plot on reduced coordinates facilities
a. .)e !&/8 !&e 7a-( '! a// 7a)e)
b. covering of wider range
c. easier plotting
d. more accurate plotting
2/. Humber of components (,) phase (B) and degrees of freedom (9) are related by Qibbs
phase rule as
a. P @ F ; C 4 B b. , 7B @ 9 E2
c. 9 7 , @B @ 2 d. B 7 9 @ , @2
2. Aegrees of freedom at triple point will be
a. D b. 1
c. 2 d.
1. ,p @ ,v 7 R is valid for
a. %"ea/ 7a)e) b. all gases
c. gases at very high pressure d. gases at a very low temperature
2. >n isolated system can e5change
a. matter with its surroundings
b. energy with its surroundings
#. &e%$(e +a$$e &! e&e78 0%$( %$) ).!.&"%&7)
d. both matter and energy with its surroundings.
. 8eat of formation of an element in its standard state is
a. D b. O2
c. G2 d. a function of pressure
%. 8eat of reaction is
a. dependent on pressure only
b. dependent on temperature only
#. "e-e&"e&$ !& 2!$( -e)).e a&" $e+-ea$.e
d. independent of temperature changes
&. 0econd law of thermodynamics is concerned with
a. amount of energy transferred
2. "%e#$%!& !' e&e78 $a&)'e
c. irreversible process only
d. non$cyclic process only
(. 6he absolute entropy for all crystalline substances at absolute <ero temperature
a. %) ze! b. is negative
c. is more than <ero d. can4t be determined
+. Roule @ 6homson coefficient is defined as
a. 7 ( B/6)8 2. 4 ( T9 P)H
c. 7 ( U/ T)8 d. @ ( M/ B)8
.. 3ollier diagram is a plot of
a. temperature vs. enthalpy
b. temperature vs. entropy
#. e&$!-8 1). e&$(a/-8
d. temperature vs. internal energy
/. 9ill up the blan- from among the following:
Hear their critical temperature all gases= occupy volumesSSS that of the ideal gas
a. /e)) $(a& b. same as
c. more than d. half
%2. ,harles law for gases states that
a. V9T 4 #!&)$a&$ b. ' 1/6
c. ' 1/B d. B'/6 7 constant
%1. >bsolute <ero temperature signifies
a. minimum temperature attainable
b. the temperature of the heat reservoir to which a ,arnot engine reCects all the heat
that is ta-en in
#. $(e $e+-ea$.e !' $(e (ea$ e)e1!% $! 0(%#( a Ca&!$ e&7%&e e>e#$) &!
d. none of these
%2. ;ntropy is measure of
a. "%)!"e !' a )8)$e+
b. orderly behavior of a system
c. only temperature changes of the system
d. none of these
%. 9or spontaneous changes in an isolated system( 0 7 entropy )
a. d0 7 2 b. d0 O 2
#. "S= D d. d0 7 constant
%%. 9or e1uilibrium process in an isolated system
a. "S 4 D b. d0 O 2
c. d0G2 d. d0 7 constant
%&. 6he four properties of a system via B='=6=0 are related by
a. Qibbs$Auhem e1uation b. Qibbs$8elmholt< e1uation
#. Ma50e//?) e6.a$%!& d. none of these
%(. 9or a constant volume process
a. dM 7 , pd6 2. "U 4 C1 "T
c. dK 7 dM E pd' d. dW 7 pd'
%+. !n a reversible process
a. T"S 4 "U @ "A b. dM @ dW 7 6d0
c. dW @ dM 7 6d0 d. 6d0 @ dW @ dM G 2
%.. !n an irreversible process
a. 6d0 7 MdW 7 2 b. dM @ dW @ 6d0 7 2
#. T"S ; "U ; "A ED d. 6d0 @ d6 E dW O 2
%/. ,v is given by
a. ( U9 T)1 b. ( M/')6
c. ( M/B)v d. ('/ 6)B
&2. 6hird law of thermodynamics is concerned with
a. $(e 1a/.e !' a2)!/.$e e&$!-8
b. energy transfer
c. direction of energy transfer
d. none of these
&1. Which of the following e1uation is obtained on combining 1
and 2
law of
thermodynamics= for a system of constant mass?
a. "U 4 T"S ; P"V b. dK 7 ,v d6 E Bd'
c. dK 7 ,p d6 E 'dp d. 6d0 7 dM @ Bd'
&2. 6he e1uation 6d0 7 dM @ Bd' applies to
a. single phase fluid of varying composition
b. single phase fluid of constant composition
c. open as well as closed systems
". 2!$( 2 a&" #
&. 9or an e5othermic reaction
a. only enthalpy change (8)is negative
2. only internal energy change (M) is negative
#. 2!$( H a&" U ae &e7a$%1e
". enthalpy change is <ero
&%. !f different processes are used to bring about the same chemical reaction= the enthalpy
change is same for all of them.
a. He))?) /a0 b. Lirchhoff4s law
c. Iavoisier and Iaplace law d. none of these
&&. ,hange of heat content when one mole of the compound is burnt in o5ygen at
constant pressure is called
a. calorific value b. heat of reaction
#. (ea$ !' #!+2.)$%!& d. heat of formation
&(. 3elting of wa5 is accompanied with
a. %&#ea)e %& e&$!-8 b. decrease in entropy
c. constant entropy d. none of these
&+. 8elmholt< free energy is defined as
a. > 7 8 @ 60 2. A 4 U ; TS
c. > 7 8 E 60 d. none of these
&.. Qibbs free energy (Q) is defined as
a. Q 7 M@ 60 2. G 4 H , TS
c. Q 7 8 E 60 d. Q 7 ME 60
&/. Qibbs$8elmholt< e1uation is
a. G 4 H @ TF ( G)9 TTB
b. Q 7 8 @ 66
c. d(M @60)6 =' O2
d. dB/d6 7 8'>B/ 6''>B
(2. 9or a reversible process involving only pressure volume wor-
a. (dQ)6= pO2 b. (dQ)6= pG2
#. ("G)T, -4D d. (d>)6= v G 2
(1. 9or an irreversible process involving only pressure volume wor-
a. ("G)T, -ED b. (dQ)6= pG2
c. (dQ)6= p72 d. (d>)6= v G 2
(2. Bic- out the correct e1uation relating Q and >
a. G 4 A @ PV b. Q 7 M E >
c. Q 7 > @ 60 d. Q 7 > E 60
(. > chemical reaction will occur spontaneously at constant pressure and temperature= if
free energy is
a. <ero b. positive
#. &e7a$%1e d. none of these
(%. ,lapeyron e1uation deals with the
a. a$e !' #(a&7e !' 1a-! -e)).e 0%$( $e+-ea$.e
b. effect of an inert gas on vapor pressure
c. calculation of Q for spontaneous phase change
d. temperature dependence of least of phase transition
(&. !n any spontaneous process
a. only Q decreases b. only > decreases
#. 2!$( G a&" A "e#ea)e) d. both Q and > increases
((. Bic- out the ,laussius$,layperon e1uation from the following:
a. dB/d6 7 8/6 ' 2. /& P 4 , H9 RT @ #!&)$a&$
c. Q 7 8 E 6U ( Q)/6TB d. none of these
(+. 9ree energy charges for two reaction mechanism V and W are respectively @ 1& and &
units. !t implies that V is
a. slower than W 2. 'a)$e $(a& Y
c. three times slower than W d. three times faster than W
(.. ,hemical potential is
a. an e5tensive property
b. an intensive property
c. a force which derives the chemical system to e1uilibrium
". 2!$( 2 a&" #
(/. ,hemical potential of its component of a system is given by
a. % 4 ( G9&%)T,P,&% b. i 7 ( >/ni)6=B=ni
c. i 7 ( Q/ni)6=B d. i 7 ( >/ni)6=B
+2. 9ill up the blan-s from among the following alternatives)
6he chemical potential for a pure substance S.. its partial molal free energy
a. more than b. less than
#. e6.a/ $! d. not related to
+1. Bartial molal 1uantities are important in the study of
a. ideal gases b. ideal solutions
#. &!&,%"ea/ +%5$.e) d. a pure component
+2. 9ugacity and pressure are numerically e1ual when the gas is
a. in standard state b. at high temperature
c. at low temperature ". %& %"ea/ )$a$e
+. 6he relation connecting the fugacities of various components in a solution with one
another and to composition at constant temperature and pressure is called
a. G%22),D.(e+ e6.a$%!& b. 'an Iaar e1uation
c. Qibbs$8elmholt< e1uation d. 3argules e1uation
+%. 6he necessary condition for phase e1uilibrium in a multiphase system of H
components is the
a. #(e+%#a/ -!$e&$%a/ !' a// #!+-!&e&$) )(!./" 2e e6.a/ %& a// -(a)e)
b. chemical potentials of all components should be same in a particular phase
c. sum of the chemical potentials of any given component in all the phases should be
the same
d. none of these
+&. Which of the following is not affected by temperature changes
a. fugacity b. activity co$efficient
c. free energy ". &!&e !' $(e)e
+(. 6he activity of an ideal gas is numerically
a. more than it pressure b. less than its pressure
#. e6.a/ $! %$) -e)).e d. data insufficient can4t be predicted
++. 3a5imum wor- that could be secured by e5panding the gas over a given pressure
range is the
a. %)!$(e+a/ 0!3 b. adiabatic wor-
c. isentropic wor- d. none of these
+.. 6he point at which both li1uid and gas phases are identical is called
a. #%$%#a/ -!%&$ b. triple point
c. free<ing point d. boiling point
+/. ;1uilibrium constant of a reaction varies with
a. initial concentration of the reactant b. pressure
#. $e+-ea$.e d. none of these
.2. 9or an ideal solution= the value of activity coefficient is
a. 2 2. *
c. O1 d. G1
.1. 9ugacity coefficient of a substance is the ratio of its fugacity to
a. mole fraction b. activity
#. -e)).e d. activity coefficient
.2. 'an Iaar e1uation deals with activity coefficients in
a. 2%&a8 )!/.$%!& b. ternary solution
c. a<eotropic mi5ture only d. none of these
.. !n Roule$6homson porous plug e5periment
a. enthalpy does not remain constant
b. the entire apparatus is e5posed to surroundings
c. temperature remains constant
". &!&e !' $(e)e
.%. ;1uilibrium constant
a. "e#ea)e) a) $(e $e+-ea$.e %&#ea)e) '! a& e5!$(e+%# ea#$%!&
b. decreases as the temperature decreases for an e5othermic reaction
c. will decrease with increasing temperature for a e5othermic reaction
d. none of these
.&. >s the entropy of the universe is increasing day by day the wor- producing capacity
of a heat engine is
a. not changed 2. "e#ea)%&7
c. increasing d. data insufficient can4t be predicted
.(. Refrigeration cycle
a. violates second law of thermodynamics
2. %&1!/1e) $a&)'e !' (ea$ '!+ /!0 $e+-ea$.e $! (%7( $e+-ea$.e
c. both a and b d. none of these
.+. !deal refrigeration cycle is
a. same as ,arnot
2. )a+e a) e1e)e Ca&!$ #8#/e
c. dependent on refrigerant properties
b. the least efficient of all refrigeration processes
... 9undamental principle of refrigeration is based on
a. <eroth law of thermodynamics
b. first law of thermodynamics
#. )e#!&" /a0 !' $(e+!"8&a+%#)
d. third law of thermodynamics
./. ,oefficient of Berformance (,DB) of a refrigerator is the ratio of
a. wor- re1uired to refrigeration obtained
2. e'%7ea$%!& !2$a%&e" $! $(e 0!3 e6.%e"
c. lower to higher temperature
d. higher to lower temperature
/2. !n a wor-ing refrigerator value of ,DB is always
a. 2 b. O2
c. O1 ". =*
/1. Dne ton of refrigeration capacity is e1uivalent to
a. &2 - cal/hr b. 222 F6M/hr
#. BDD BTU9+%&.$e d. 222 F6M/day
/2. Which of the following have minimum value of ,DB for a given refrigeration effect?
a. reverse ,arnot cycle
b. ordinary vapor compression cycle
c. vapor compression process with a reversible e5pansion engine
". a% e'%7ea$%!& #8#/e
/. >n ideal refrigerant should
a. not have a subatmosphere vapor pressure at the temperature in the refrigerator
b. not have unduly high vapor pressure at the condenser temp.
#. 2!$( a a&" 2
d. none of these
/%. 8eat pump
a. accomplishes only space heating in winter
b. accomplishes only space cooling in summer
#. a##!+-/%)(e) 2!$( a a&" 2
d. wor- on ,arnot cycle
/&. Which of the following is not a common refrigerant
a. freon 12 2. e$(8/e&e
c. ammonia d. carbon dio5ide
/(. Aomestic refrigerator usually wor-s on
a. ,arnot refrigeration cycle
b. > refrigeration cycle
#. A2)!-$%!& e'%7ea$%!& #8#/e
d. 'apor eCection refrigeration
/+. Refrigerants commonly used for domestic refrigerations are
a. ethyl chloride 2. 'e!& *B
c. propane d. ,D2
/.. >ir refrigeration cycle
a. is most efficient of all refrigeration
b. has very low efficiency
c. re1uires relatively 1uantities of air to achieve a significant amount of refrigeration
". 2!$( 2 a&" #
//. ,oefficient to performance for a reversed ,arnot cycle wor-ing between temperatures
61 and 62 (61G 62) is
a. TB 9(T* , TB) b. 61 /(61 @ 62)
c. (62 @ 61) / 61 d. (61 @ 62) /62
122. Ary ice is
a. moisture free ice b. solid helium
#. )!/%" #a2!& "%!5%"e d. none of these
1. !n flue gas analysis by Drsat4s apparatus= carbon mono5ide is absorbed by
(a) #.-!.) #(/!%"e (b) potassium hydro5ide
(c) al-aline pyrogallol solution (d) none of these
2. ,alorific value as determined by bomb calorimeter is
(a) (%7(e #a/!%'%# 1a/.e a$ #!&)$a&$ 1!/.+e
(b) gross calorific value at constant pressure
(c) lower calorific value at constant pressure
(d) net calorific value at constant volume
. !ncomplete combustion of a fuel is characteri<ed by
(a) smo-e formation
(b) high gas temperature
(c) high percentage of o5ygen in flue gas
(") (%7( #a2!& +!&!5%"e #!&$e&$ %& '/.e 7a)
%. 9or ma5imum discharge through a chimney= its height should be
(a) 222 meters
(b) infinitely long
(c) more than 12&.+ meters
(") e6.a/ $! $(e (e%7($ !' $(e (!$ 7a) #!/.+& -!".#%&7 "a.7($
&. D5ygen percentage (by weight) in atmospheric air is
(a) 1/ (b) 21
(#) B: (d) 2/
(. 0tac- (chimney) height in a big thermal power plant is dictated by
(a) pollution control aspect
(2) "a.7($ $! 2e #ea$e"
(c) limitation of constructional facilities
(d) none of these
+. > particular coal is said to be free burning when it
(a) burns completely (b) gives smo-eless burning
(#) )(!0) /%$$/e ! &! '.)%&7 a#$%!& (d) none of these
.. >s time passes= the calorific value of stored coal
(a) "e#ea)e)
(b) increases
(c) remains unaltered
(d) may increase or decrease (depends on the method of storage)
/. ;mission of dense white smo-e out of chimney of a thermal power plant is an
indication of the use of
(a) less air for combustion (b) correct amount of air for combustion
(#) $!! +.#( a% '! #!+2.)$%!&(d) pulveri<ed coal in boilers
12. Mse of pulveri<ed coal in boiler furnace provides
(a) high calorific value (2) 2e$$e #!+2.)$%!&
(c) smo-eless burning (d) pulveri<ed coal
11. Which of the following fuels is best for burning on chain grate smo-er?
(a) &!& #a3%&7 #!a/ (b) ca-ing coal
(c) co-ing coal (d) pulveri<ed coal
12. Which of the following accounts for ma5imum energy loss in a boiler
(a) '/.e 7a)e) (b) ash content in the fuel
(c) incomplete combustion (d) unburnt carbon in flue gases
1. "Dver$fire burning# in a furnace is a phenomenon characteri<ed by
(a) supply of e5cess fuel
(b) supply of e5cess air
(c) burning carbon monoxide and other incombustible in upper zone of furnace by
supplying more air
(d) none of these
1%. When steam is passed over coal resulting in the endothermic reaction (, E 82D $$$$$
,D E 82)= it is called
(a) carboni<ation of coal (b) o5idation of coal
(c) coalification (") 7a)%'%#a$%!& !' #!a/
1&. 9ischer$6ropsch method aims at
(a) gasification of coal
(2) )8&$(e)%) !' 7a)!/%&e ('!+ 0a$e 7a))
(c) hydrogenation of coal to produce gasoline
(d) none of these
1(. ,ommercial production of petrol from coal (as practiced in a factory at 0asol in 0outh
>frica) is done by
(a) (8"!7e&a$%!& !' #!a/ (b) gasification of coal
(c) carboni<ation of coal (d) none of these
1+. !n case pulveri<ed coal from steam boiler= the secondary air serves the main purpose
(a) transportation of coal (b) drying of coal
(#) #!+2.)$%!& !' #!a/ 28 ).--/8%&7 %& a!.&" $(e 2.&e
(d) pre$heating the primary air
1.. 6he main function of primary air in pulveri<ed coal fired burner is to
(a) burn ,D to ,D2 (2) "8 $a&)-!$ !' $(e #!a/
(c) have proper combustion by supplying it around the burner
(d) pre$heat the tertiary air used for complete combustion of ,D to ,D2
1/. 6he advantage of firing pulveri<ed coal in the furnace lies in the fact that if
(a) permits the use of high ash content of coal
(b) permits the use of low fusion point ash coal
(#) a##e/ea$e) $(e 2.&%&7 a$e a&" e#!&!+%ze) !& '.e/ #!+2.)$%!&
(d) all of the above
22. Drsat apparatus is meant for
(a) gravimetric analysis of flue gas
(b) finding out combustion efficiency
(c) direct determination of nitrogen in flue gas by absorbing it in ammoniacal cuprous
(") &!&e !' $(e)e
21. Bic- out the wrong statement
(a) 6heoretical flame temperature is temperature attained by the products of
combustion when the fuel is burned without loss or gain of heat
(b) Furning the fuel with theoretically re1uired amount of pure o5ygen results in
attainment of ma5imum adiabatic flame temperature
(#) B.&%&7 $(e '.e/ 0%$( e5#e)) -.e !587e& e)./$) %& +a5%+.+ $(e!e$%#a/
'/a+e $e+-ea$.e
(d) >diabatic flame temperatures of actual combustions are always less than
ma5imum values
22. 6he ma5imum adiabatic flame temperature in air compared to that in pure o5ygen is
(a) +.#( /!0e
(b) much higher
(c) same
(d) either lower or higher= depends on the type of fuel
2. >diabatic flame temperature of a fuel is dependant on the initial temperature of
(a) the fuel (b) the air
(#) 2!$( '.e/ a&" $(e a% (d) neither fuel nor the air
2%. Breheating of
(a) the gaseous fuel before combustion decreases the flame temperature
(b) ,ombustion air decreases the flame temperature
(#) e%$(e $(e '.e/ ! $(e a% ! 2!$( %&#ea)e) $(e '/a+e $e+-ea$.e
(d) either the fuel or the air does not affect the flame temperature
2&. 6he fuel ratio of a coal is
(a) the ratio of its percentage of fi5ed carbon to that of volatile matter
(b) helpful in estimation of its ran-
(c) 2!$( (a) a&" (2)
(d) neither (a) nor (b)
2(. > fuel containing carbon and carbon mono5ide (but containing the hydrogen or its
compounds) is burnt in pure o5ygen at constant pressure. !ts gross calorific value as
compared to the net calorific value will be
(a) more (b) less
(#) )a+e (d) data insufficient) can4t be predicted
2+. Removal of hydrogen from co-e oven gas
(a) %&#ea)e) %$) #a/!%'%# 1a/.e (b) decreases its calorific value
(c) does not alter its calorific value (d) is not possible on commercial scale
2.. With increase in calorific value of fuels= their adiabatic flame temperatures
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain unchanged
(") +a8 %&#ea)e ! "e#ea)eG "e-e&") !& $(e 6.a&$%$8 !' -!".#$) !' #!+2.)$%!&
2/. Qrindability inde5 of a coal is 122. !t implies that the
(a) coal can be pulveri<ed with great difficulty
(b) coal can4t be pulveri<ed
(#) #!a/ #a& ea)%/8 2e -./1e%ze"
(d) power consumption in grinding the coal will be very high
2. !f the specific heat of gaseous products of combustion of a fuel is high= the adiabatic
flame temperature will be
(a) /!0
(b) high
(c) very high if fuel is of low calorific value
(d) none of these
1. ,alorific value (-cal/-g) of dry wood may be around
(a) < (b) &2
(c) &22 (d) &222
2. > coal containing high amount of volatile matter will have
(a) /!0 %7&%$%!& $e+-ea$.e (b) very little content
(c) high fusion point of its ash (d) low adiabatic flame temperature
. 0team is intermittently admitted in to the fuel bed during the production of producer
gas to
(a) convert ,D to ,D2
(b) increase in combustion rate
(c) increase the gas production rate
(") +%&%+%ze $(e #(a&#e) !' #/%&3e '!+a$%!&
%.Which of the following is called "blue gas#?
(a) co-e oven gas
(2) 0a$e 7a)
(c) natural gas
(d) producer gas (produced using Lopper 6ot<e- gasifier).
&. Auring combustion of gaseous fuel deficiency of air
(a) /e&7$(e&) $(e '/a+e (b) tends to shorten the flame
(c) does not affect the flame length (d) increases the flame temperature
(. Mse of e5cess of combustion air in the combustion of fuels results in
(a) (ea$ /!))e)
(b) long flame
(c) condensation of water vapor from the flue gas
(d) none of these
+. > gaseous fuel in order to develop luminosity on burning= must contain
(a) carbon mono5ide (2) (8"!#a2!&)
(c) hydrogen (d) o5ygen
.. Breheating of gaseous fuel results in increased
(a) flame length (2) '/a+e $e+-ea$.e
(c) 1uantum of flue gas (d) ignition temperature
/. Kuantity of co-e oven gas produced by high temperature carboni<ation of one ton of
dry coal may be around
(a) 2 Hm

(2) :DD N+
(c) 222 Hm

(d) 2=222 Hm

%2. ,o-e oven gas is a better fuel than blast furnace gas because of its higher
(a) calorific value= cleanliness and relatively low distribution cost (due to its low
specific gravity)
(b) adiabatic flame temperature
(c) heat release rate (thus re1uiring smaller combustion chamber)
(") a// !' $(e a2!1e
%1. Which of the following constituents of fuel does not contribute to its calorific value
on combustion
(a) hydrogen (b) sulfur
(c) carbon (") &!&e !' $(e)e
%2. ,ombustion of pulveri<ed coal as compared to that of lump coal
(a) develops a non$luminous flame (b) develops a low temperature flame
(#) #a& 2e "!&e 0%$( /e)) e5#e)) a% (d) provides a lower rate of heat release
%. Which of the following is the most important deterrents to an e5tended use of
pulveri<ed coal in boiler firing?
(a) a)( "%)-!)a/ -!2/e+
(b) e5cessive fly$ash discharge from the stac-
(c) high power consumption in its transportation
(d) erosion of induced draft fan blades
%%. Bulveri<ed coal used in boiler firing need have
(a) less moisture content (2) (%7( '.)%!& -!%&$ !' %$) a)(
(c) high bul- density (d) lower ash constant
%&. Ary air re1uired to burn one lb of carbon completely may be around
(a) **.< /2 (b) 2.(+ lb
(c) 1( lb (d) none of these
%(. Ary air re1uirement for burning 1 ft

of ,D to ,D2 may be around

(a) B.H '$
(b) 1.+& ft

(c) 2..+ ft

(d) 11.% ft

%+. Washing of coal

(a) reduces its sulfur and ash content
(b) controls its ash fusibility and increases its calorific value
(c) improves its co-ing properties
(") a// (a), (2), a&" (#)
%.. Which of the following has the highest gross calorific value?
(a) blast furnace gas (b) co-e oven gas
(c) carburetted water gas (") !%/ e'%&e8 7a)
%/. 3ost of co-ing coals are
(a) anthracite coal (2) 2%$.+%&!.) #!a/
(c) lignite (d) none of these
&2. 8igh e5cess air in combustion of fuels results in
(a) %&#ea)e" '.e/ #!&).+-$%!& (b) incomplete combustion
(c) smo-y flame (d) none of these
&1. >tomi<ing steam to fuel oil ratio in a burner should be around
(a) D.< (b) 2
(c) (d) &
&2. 9or every 12X increase in the e5cess air) the fuel consumption increases by
(a) D.*I (b) 2X
(c) &X (d) 12X
&. >sh content in the co-e produced from a co-ing coal having 22X ash may be around
(a) &X (b) 2X
(c)1+X (") B<I
&%. Dut of the following fuels= the difference between the net and gross calorific value is
ma5imum in case of
(a) pitch (2) '.e/ !%/
(c) blast furnace gas (d) bituminous gas
&&. 0pontaneous combustion of coal on storage results due to
(a) inade1uate ventilation
(b) low temperature o5idation
(c) storage in large heaps with small surface to volume ratio
(") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
&(. Iow temperature o5idation of coal resulting from bad storage conditions does not
decrease its
(a) ca-ing power (b) calorific value
(c) hydrogen content (") !587e& #!&$e&$
&+. ;fficient burning of anthracite coal re1uires
(a) low preheat of air (2) '%&e 7%&"%&7
(c) high e5cess air (d) all (a)= (b) and (c)
&.. Rate of temperature o5idation of coal due to bad storage conditions
(a) decrease with increase in surface area
(b) does not vary with increase in surface area
(c) is more for low volatile coal compared to high volatile coal
(") %) a##e/ea$e" 28 )$!a7e %& /a7e (ea-) 0%$( )+a// ).'a#e $! 1!/.+e a$%!
&/. 9usion of point coal ash increases in its
(a) iron sulfate content (b) iron silicate content
(c) lime and magnesia content (") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
(2. Which of the following accentuates clin-ering trouble on furnace grate burning coal
(a) low density of carboni<ed residue containing high proportions of iron and sulfur
(b) low forced draught and fuel bed temperature
(c) thic- fire and preheated primary air
(") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
(1. > coal having high ratio of volatile matter to fi5ed carbon as compared to a coal
having low ratio of volatile matter to fi5ed carbon
(a) is less liable to spontaneous combustion on storage
(b) is more difficult to ignite and produces a shorter flame
(c) re1uires smaller combustion space and less secondary air
(") &!&e !' $(e)e
(2. Which of the following can be made into bri1uettes without the use of a binder
(a) /%7&%$e (b) bituminous coal
(c) anthracite coal (d) none of these
(. Bresence of free moisture in coal is most disadvantageous during
(a) %$) -./1e%za$%!& (a) %$ e6.%e) +!e -!0e)
(b) combustion of fine slac-s on the grates
(c) handling (e.g. when emptying wagons)
(d) none of these
(%. Which of the following is not a binder for coal bri1uetting?
(a) coal tar (b) bitumen
(c) molasses (") &!&e !' $(e)e
(&. 8ighly ca-ing coals
(a) produce wea- co-e
(b) produce strong co-e
(c) may damage the co-e oven walls during carboni<ation
(") 2!$( (2) a&" (#)
((. Bresence of free moisture in coal during its high temperature carboni<ation
(a) reduces the co-ing time
(2) -!$e#$) $(e 1!/a$%/e -!".#$) '!+ -8!/8)%) (#a#3%&7) %& $(e -e)e&#e !' (!$
#!3e a&" (!$ !1e& 0a//)
(c) increases the loss of fine coal dust from the ovens when charging
(d) none of these
(+. 8igher percentage of ash in coal meant for the production of metallurgical grade co-e
(a) increases the hardness of co-e
(b) increases the abrasion resistance of co-e
(c) causes brittleness in steel
(") &!&e !' $(e)e
(.. !ncreases in ash content of blast furnace co-e
(a) reduces its consumption in the furnace
(2) %&#ea)e) %$) #!&).+-$%!& %& $(e '.&a#e
(c) does not affect its consumption in the furnace
(d) decreases its hardness and abrasion resistance
(/. 8igh sulfur content in a fuel
(a) increases the dew point of the flue gases
(b) decreases the dew point of the flue gases
(c) reduces combustion efficiency by limiting the permissible temperature reduction
of the flue gases
(") 2!$( (a) a&" (#)
+2. With the increase in carboni<ation temperature
(a) 7a) 8%e/" %&#ea)e) (b) tar yield increases
(c) hydrogen percentage in the co-e oven gas decreases
(d) methane percentage in the co-e oven gas increases
+1. 9ill up the blan-
With increase in time of carboni<ation at a particular temperature (say 1222, )= the
SSS. percentage in co-e oven gas increases
(a) (8"!7e& (b) methane
(c) unsaturates (d) all (a)= (b) and (c)
+2. Broducer gas containing least amount of tar is produced by
(a) partial combustion of coal
(2) -a$%a/ #!+2.)$%!& !' /a7e )%ze (E<D++)
(c) high pressure gasification of coal (e.g. in Iurgi gasifier)
(d) atmospheric pressure gasification of coal (e.g.= in Lopper$6ot<e- gasifier)
+. 8igh temperature in gasification of coal favors
(a) high production of ,D2
(b) low production of ,D2
(c) high production of ,D
(") 2!$( (2) a&" (#)
+%. Iurgi gasifier (high pressure gasifier) as compared to Lopper$6ot<e- gasifier
(atmospheric pressure gasifier) produces
(a) higher amount of methane
(b) lower amount of hydrogen
(#) 2!$( (a) a&" (2)
(d) higher amount of both methane and hydrogen
+&. Which of the following constituents of coal is most important in the production of
(a) moisture (b) ash
(c) volatiles (") #a2!&
+(. Which of the following is most reactive (as regards the formation of ,D E 82 from ,
E 82D)?
(a) blast furnace co-e (2) /!0 $e+-ea$.e #!3e
(c) anthracite coal (d) sub$bituminous coal
++. > coal that softens and fuses on heating in
(a) classified (b) carboni<ed
(#) #a3%&7 (d) non$ca-ing
+.. Burity of co-e means that it is high in carbon and low in
(a) 1!/a$%/e) (b) ash
(c) iron (d) moisture
+/. ,alorific value (-cal/Hm

) of co-e oven furnace gas is around

(a) /22 (2) H<DD
(c) +&22 (d) 2222
.2. ,alorific value (-cal/Hm
) of blast furnace gas is around
(a) JDD (b) 1.22
(c) %&22 (d) (&22
.1. Flast furnace gas is a very poisonous gas because of its predominantly high
(a) 820 content (b) ,D2 content
(#) CO #!&$e&$ (d) ,8% content
.2. Bercentage of carbon mono5ide in blast furnace gas may be around
(a) 2.& (b) &
(#) BD (d) &&
.. Bercentage of hydrogen in co-e oven gas may be around
(a) 1 (b) &
(c) 22 (") <D
.%. Bercentage of methane in co-e oven gas may be around
(a) 1 (b) 12
(#) B< (d) &&
.&. ,o-e oven gas compared to blast furnace gas is
(a) more e5plosive and inflammable (b) less poisonous
(c) lighter (") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
.(. Which of the following gases will re1uire ma5imum amount of air for combustion of
1 Hm

(a) blast furnace gas (2) &a$.a/ 7a)
(c) producer gas (d) water gas
.+. Which of the following will generate ma5imum volume of product of complete
combustion (Hm


of fuel)?
(a) carburetted water gas (b) blast furnace gas
(#) &a$.a/ 7a) (d) producers gas
... Which is the heaviest fuel gas out of the following?
(a) 2/a)$ '.&a#e 7a) (b) co-e oven gas
(c) water gas (d) carburetted water gas
./. N9uel can be defined as a substance which produces heat by
(a) combustion (b) nuclear fission
(c) nuclear fusion (") a// (a), (2) a&" (#)
/2. ,atalyst used in 9isher$6ropsch process is
(a) N%#3e/ (b) Yinc o5ide
(c) >lumina (d) 6horium o5ide
/1. !n the flue gas analysis by Drsat4s apparatus= o5ygen is absorbed by
(a) potassium hydro5ide (b) cuprous chloride
(#) a/3a/%&e -8!7a//!/ )!/.$%!& (d) none of these
/2. !n flue gas analysis by Drsat4s apparatus= carbon dio5ide is absorbed by
(a) -!$a))%.+ (8"!5%"e (b) dilute potassium carbonate
(c) cuprous chloride (d) al-aline pyrogallol solution
/. 6he se1uence of absorption in flue gas analysis by Drsat4s apparatus is respectively
(a) COB, OB, CO (b) ,D= D2= ,D2
(c) ,D2= ,D= D2 (d) D2= ,D2= ,D
/%. Which of the following has the highest calorific value?
(a) lignite (b) sub$bituminous coal
(#) a&$(a#%$e (d) peat
/&. 6he main product of high temperature carboni<ation is
(a) #!3e (b) ammonia
(c) tar (d) co-e oven gas
/(. 8igh temperature carboni<ation produces
(a) inferior co-e compared to low temperature carboni<ation
(b) less of gases compared to li1uid products
(c) large 1uantity of tar compared to low temperature carboni<ation
(") &!&e !' $(e)e
/+. 8igh temperature carboni<ation ta-es place at
(a) 2222, (b) (22 ,
(#) **DD C (d) 1(22 ,
/.. Iow temperature carboni<ation ta-es place at
(a) 22 , (b) 1122 ,
(#) <DD,K<D C (d) 1&2 ,
//. Bro5imate analysis of determines
(a) moisture= ash= sulfur= volatile matter
(2) +!%)$.e, 1!/a$%/e +a$$e, a)(, '%5e" #a2!&
(c) moisture= sulfur= nitrogen= fi5ed carbon
(d) none of these
122. Mltimate analysis of coal determines
(a) #a2!&, (8"!7e&, &%$!7e&, )./'.
(b) carbon= ash= sulfur= nitrogen
(c) carbon= sulfur= volatile matter= ash
(d) carbon= volatile matter= ash= moisture
1. Cataysts used n the manufacture of sufurc acd by chamber and
contact processes are
(a) V
and Cr
(b) Oxdes of ntrogen and Cr
(c) V
on a porous carrer and oxdes of ntrogen
(d) oxides of nitrogen and V
on a porous carrier
2. In contact process, SO
s absorbed n 97% H
and not n water
(a) SO
gas s sparngy soube n water
(b) water forms an acid mist which is difcult to absorb
(c) the purty of acd s ahected
(d) scae formaton n absorber s to be avoded
3. Contact process
(a) ields acid of higher concentration than chamber
(b) yeds acds of ower concentraton than chamber process
(c) s obsoete
(d) emnates absorber
4. 20% Oeum means that n 100 b., there are 20 b. of
(a) !O
and #$ lb of %
(b) H
and 80 b SO
(c) SO
for each 100 b of H
(d) H2SO4 and 80 b SO3
5. Producer gas conssts many of
(a) 'O( 'O
( )
( %

(b) CO, H
, CH
, CO
, H
6. Oxygen s produced by fracton of ar usng
(a) Lnde's process
(b) Caude's process
(c) both *inde+s and 'laude+s process
(d) Bayer's process
7. Raw materas for 'Sovay Process' for manufacture of the soda ash
(a) salt( limestone (ammonia and co,e o-en gas
(b) ammona, sat and mestone
(c) ammona, mestone and coke
(d) ammona and coke oven gas
8. Economcs of 'Sovay Process" depends upon the emcency of
(a) carbonatng tower
(b) ammona recovery
(c)ammonia reco-er and si.e of plant
(d) ammonaton of sat souton
9. Mercury ces for caustc soda manufacture compared to daphragm
(a) requre ower nta nvestment
(b) requre more power
(c) produce ower concentraton of NaOH
(d)none of these
10. Cement many contans
(a)'aO( !iO
( /l
b (b) MgO, SO
, K
(c) A
, MgO, Fe
(d) CaO, MgO, K
11. Gypsum s
(a) cacum chorde
(b) potassum sufate
(c) sodum sufate
(d) calcium sulfate
12. Gauber's sat s
(a) cacum sufate
(b) potassum sufate
(c) potassum chorate
(d) sodium sulfate decahdrate
13. Permanent hardness of water s due to the presence of cacum
and magnesum
(a) b-carbonates
(b) sulfates and chlorides
(c) carbonate
(d) chordes
14. Wdey used method for condtonng of boer feed water s
(a)cod me process
(c) hot0lime soda process
15. Hydrazne s argey used
(a) as a startng matera for 'hypo'
(b) n photographc ndustry
(c)as roc,et fuel
(d) n prntng ndustry
16. Trntro-touene s
(a) used n gycern manufacture
(b) an explosi-e
(c) used n dye manufacture
(d) used n pant manufacture
17. O s
(a) a mxture of gycerdes
(b) a mixture of glcerides of fatt acids
(c) sod at norma temperature
(d) ester of acohos other than gycern
18. Wax s
(a) a mxture of gycerdes
(b) a mixture of esters of polhdric alcohols except
(c) qud at room temperature
(d) a mxture of gycerdes of fatty acds
19. Unsaturated os compared to saturated os have
(a) lower melting point and higher reacti-it to oxgen
(b) hgher metng pont and hgher reactvty to oxygen
(c) ower metng pont and ower reactvty to oxygen
(d) hgher metng pont and ower reactvty to oxygen
20. Rancdty of o can be reduced by
(a) decooraton
(b) hdrogenation
(c) oxdaton
(d) purcaton
21. Sovent used for extracton of o s
(b) methy ethy ketone
(c) furfura
(d) benzene
22. Sovent extracted o
(a) has ow free fatty acd-content
(b) s odoress
(c) has more of unsaturated o
(d) none of these
23. Hydrogenaton of o does not
(a) remove doube bonds
(b) rse n metng pont
(c) mprove ts resstance oxdaton
(d) none of these
24. Catayst used n hydrogenaton of o s
(b) patnum
(c) ron
(d) aumna
25. Soaps remove drt by
(a) ncreasng the surface tenson
(b) decreasng wettabty
(c) suppyng hydrophc group
(d) none of these
26. Metac soap s
(a) sodum sat of fatty acds
(b) potassum sat of fatty acds
(c) both sodum and potassum sat of fatty acds
(d) aluminum or calcium salt of fatt acids
27. Fat spttng catayst s
(a) CaCO
(b) 1nO
(c) aumna
(d) ron
28. Free aka n toet soap s
(a)less than that in a laundr soap
(b) more than that n a aundry soap
(c) same as that n a aundry soap
(d) not present n aundry soap
29. Soap cannot be used wth hard water because
(a) hard water contans sufate
(b) the form insoluble calcium soaps which precipitate
(c) they attract back the removed drt
(d) they ncrease the surface tenson
30. Buders are added n soap to
(a) boost cleaning power
b (b) act as ant-redeposton agent
(c) act as corroson nhbtor
(d) acts as fabrc brghtener
31. Bo-degradabe detergents
(a) can be readil oxidi.ed
(b) pose probem n sewerage pant
(c) have an soparamnc structure
(d) shoud not be used as t spos the coth
32. Whch of the foowng s a detergent?
(a) fatty acoho
(b) al,l ben.ene sulfonate
(c) fatty acds
(d) methy chorde
33. Yeow gycern s made nto whte, usng
(a) acti-ated carbon
(b) datomaceous earth
(c) bauxte
(d) bentonte
34. Essenta os are usuay obtaned usng
(a) steam distillation
(b) extractve dstaton
(c) sovent extracton
(d) eachng

35. Pastczers are added to pants to
(a) make t corroson resstant
(b) make gossy surface
(c) gi-e elasticit and pre-ent crac,ing of the 2lm
(d) ncrease atmospherc oxdaton
36. Whch o s preferred for pant manufacture?
(a) dring oil
(b) non-dryng o
(c) sem-dryng o
(d) saturated o
37. Functon of thnner n a pant s to
(a) acceerate the oxdaton of o
(b) prevent geng of the pant
(c) suspend pigments and dissol-e 2lm0forming materials
(d) form a protectve m
38. Varnsh does not contan
(a) pigment
(b) thnner
(c) dryer
(d) ant-sknnng agent
39. Enames
(a)gi-e good gloss 2nish
(b) are same as varnsh
(c) are prepared from non-dryng o
(d) do not contan pgment
40. SO
s bubbed through hot sugar-cane |uce to
(a)act as an acidifing agent
(b) ncrease ts concentraton
(c) ncrease the amount of moasses
(d) ncrease the crysta sze
41. Moasses s the startng matera for
(a) alcohol
(b) essenta o
(c) fatty acds
(d) ether
42. The dea pup for the manufacture of paper shoud have hgh
(a) cellulose content
(b) gnn content
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) nether (a) nor (b)
43. In Kraft process of paper manufacture, whte cookng quor
conssts of caustc soda
(a) sodium sul2de( sodium carbonate
(b) sodum sute, sodum carbonate
(c) sodum sute, sodum sude
(d) and sodum carbonate
44. Comparng sufate process wth sute process, we nd that
(a) both temperature and pressure n former s ess than that n
the atter
(b) both temperature and pressure in former is more than
that in the latter
(c) temperature s more n former whereas pressure s more n the
(d) pressure s more n the former whereas temperature s ess n
the atter
45. Cookng quor n case of sute process s
(a) sodium sul2te and sodium bisul2te
(b) magnesum sute and free SO2 n acd medum
(c) magnesum sufate and magnesum bcarbonate
(d) sodum bsute
46. Whch s a hgh-grade pup?
(a) rag pup
(b) mechanca pup
(c)sulfate pulp
(d) sute pup
47. Whch of the foowng paper does not requre a er durng
(a) bond paper
(b) wrtng paper
(c)blotting paper
(d) coored paper
48. Beachng of paper pup s done wth
(a) actvated cay
(b) bromne
(c)chlorine or chlorine dioxide
(d) magnesum sute
49. Szng matera s ncorporated n paper to
(a) impart resistance to penetration b li3uids
(b) ncrease ts thckness
(c) ncrease ts exbty and opacty
(d) ncrease ts brghtness
50. Vscose rayon s
(a) ceuose ntrate
(b) regenerated ceuose ntrate
(c) regenerated ceuose acetate
(d) regenerated cellulose 2ber
51. Whch of the foowng coa has the hghest caorc vaue?
(a) Lgnte
(b) Sub-btumnous
(d) Peat
52. The man product of hgh temperature carbonzaton s
(a) 'o,e
(b) Ammona
(c) Tar
(d) Pheno
53. Hgh temperature carbonzaton produces
(a) nferor coke compared to ow temperature carbonzaton
(b) ess of gases compared to qud products
(c) arger quantty of tar compared to ow temperature
(d) relati-el low tar and ields of gaseous products are
larger than the ield of li3uid
54. Hgh temperature carbonzaton takes pace at
(a) 4000 - 5000F
(b) 950F
(c)4 565$78
(d) < 1000F
55. Low temperature carbonzaton takes pace at
(a) 500F
(b) 1300F
(c)95$ 0 55$$78
(d) 2500 F
56. Proxmate anayss of coa determnes
(a) mosture, ash, sufur, voate matter
(b) moisture( -olatile matter
(c) mosture, sufur, ntrogen, xed carbon
(d) carbon, hydrogen, ash
57. Utmate anayss of coa determnes
(a)moisture( hdrogen( nitrogen( sulfur
(b) carbon, ash, sufur,ntrogen
(c) carbon, sufur, voate matter, ash
(d) carbon,voate matter, ash, mosture
58. Washng of coa s done to
(a)remove the nherent mpurtes
(b) remove the adherng mpurtes
(c)reduce the ash content
(d) both b and c
59. A good quaty coa shoud have
(a) ow fuson pont of ash
(b) hgh ash content
c (c) hgh sufur content
d (d) none of these
60. Coke oven gas conssts many of
( '%

, CO
, CO
61. Lurg coa gaser s a pressurzed
(a)mo-ing bed reactor
(b) xed bed reactor
(c) udzed bed reactor
(d) entraned bed reactor
62. In Lurg gaser
(a) cookng coas cannot be used
(b) ow carbon converson emcency s acheved
(c) entranment of sods s hgher
(d) large 3uantit of coal can be processed
63. The catayst used n shft converter s
(b) vanadum
(c) sca ge
(d) aumna
64. The gascaton reacton C + H
O CO + H
(a) exothermc
(b) endothermic
(c) cataytc
(d) autocataytc
65. The combuston reacton C + O2 CO2 s
(a) exothermic
(b) endothermc
(c) autocataytc
(d) cataytc
66. Kopper-Totzek coa gaser
(a) can gi-e ammonia snthesis gas
(b) s a movng bed reactor
(c) cannot use cookng coa
(d) operate at very hgh pressure
67. Acryontre s many used n
(a) polmer industr
(b) prntng ndustry
(c) dyeng ndustry
(d) photographc ndustry
68. The ma|or use of butadene s
(a) as a pastczer for unsaturated poyester
(b) in the manufacture of snthetic rubber
(c) as an ant-sknnng agent n pant
(d) as corroson nhbtor
69. Pheno s many used
(a) to produce benzene
(b) to produce phenol formaldehde
(c) to produce poyester resn
(d) as a pastczer for unsaturated poyester
70. Phthac anhydrde s made by
(a) Oxidation of naphthalene
(b) Oxdaton of benzene
(c) Dehydrogenaton of ethy benzene
(d) Oxdaton of touene
71. Trntrotouene (TNT), an exposve, s made by ntraton of
(a) ntrobenzene
(b) toluene
(c) ntrotouene
(d) benzene
72. Whch s the most sutabe dye for synthetc bers?
(a) acid de
(b) azoc dye
(c) pgment dye
(d) mordant dye
73. Fumgant nsectcdes
(a) k nsects when they eat t
(b) emit poisonous -apor
(c) are absorbed throughout the pant
(d)are stomach posons
74. Systemcs nsectcdes
(a) are absorbed throughout the plant
(b) k nsects foowng externa body contact
(c) are stomach posons
(d) emt posonous vapor
75. DDT stands
(a) dethy-dpheny-trchoromethane
(b) dchoro-dpheny-trchoromethane
(c) dpheny-dchoro-trchoromethane
(d) dichloro0diphenl0trichloroethane
76. BHC (Benzene hexa-chorde) s made by chornaton of benzene
(a)which is an addition reaction
(b) whch s a substtuton reacton
(c) n absoute dark
(d) n presence of sunght
77. Anagesc drugs are
(a) pain relie-ers
(b) antbotcs
(c) used n the treatment of TB
(d) used n the treatment of typhod
78. Antbotc
(a) prohibits:destros the growth of micro0organism
(b) s used as pan reever
e (c) s an ant-maara
(d) s an anaesthetc
79. Pencn s made empoyng
(a) contnuous fermentaton process
(b) aerobic batch fermentation
(c) anaerobc batch fermentaton
(d) aerobc or anaerobc batch fermentaton
80. Whch of the foowng s not an antbotc?
(a) pencn
(b) streptomycn
(c) tetracycn
(d) 3uinine
81. Moecuar weghts of poymers are n the range of
10 - 1000
- 10
0 5$
- 10
82. Zeger process
(a) produces high densit polethlene
(b)produces ow densty poyethyene
(c) uses no catayst
(d)empoys very hgh pressure
83. Poy-Vny Chorde (PVC) s
(a) thermosettng
(b) thermoplastic
(c) a brous matera
(d) chemcay actve
84. Pheno formadehyde
(a) empoys addton poymerzaton
(b) emplos condensation polmeri.ation
(c) s a monomer
(d) s an abrasve matera
85. Epoxy resn
(a) is a good adhesi-e
(b) s an eastomer
(c) cannot be used on surface coatngs
(d) s a poyester
86. Vucanzaton of rubber
(a) decreases ts tense strength
(b) ncreases ts ozone and oxygen reactvty
(c) ncreases ts o and sovent resstant
(d) con-erts its plasticit into elasticit
87. Most commony used rubber vucanzng agent s
(a) sulfur
(b) bromne
(c) patnum
(d) aumna
88. Styrene butadene rubber (SBR) s
(a) a natura rubber
(b) a snthetic polmer
(c) a synthetc monomer
(d) another name for scon rubber
89. Nyon-6 s manufactured from
(a) caprolactam
(b) hexamethyene damne and adpc acd
(c) hexamethyene damne and maec anhydrde
(d) hexamethyene damne and sebacc acd
90. Nyon 6-6 s manufactured from
(a) hexamethlene diamine adipic acid
(b) hexamethyene damne and maec anhydrde
(c) caproactam
(d) dmethy terephthaate and ethyene gyco
91. Dacron s
(a) a polester
(b) an unsaturated poyester
(c) a poyamde
(d) an norganc poymer
92. Ceuod s
(a) ceuose acetate
(b) regenerated ceuose
(c)cellulose nitrate
(d) ceuose acetate butyrate
93. Thermopastc materas
(a) do not soften on appcaton of heat
(b) are heavy branched moecues
(c) are sovent nsoube
(d) are capable of softening or fusing when heated and
of hardening again when cooled
94. Thermosettng materas
(a) are capable of becoming permanentl rigid when
heated or cured
(b) soften on appcaton of heat
(c) are sovent nsoube
(d) are heavy branched moecues
95. Type of gass used n optca work s
(a) soda-me gass
(b) ber gass
(c)lead glass
(d) boroscate gass
96. Scon carbde s
(a) an adhesve
(b) an abrasve
(c) a type of gass
(d) brittle
97. The temperature n the cacum carbde furnace s
(a) 200 - 300C
(b) 700 - 850C
(c)2$$$ 022$$7'
(d) 4000 - 4500C
98. Cumene (Isopropy benzene) s made by
(a) oxdaton of naphthaene
(b) proplene al,lation of ben.ene
(c) poymerzaton of a mxture of benzene and propyene
(d) poymerzaton of propyene
99. Gycern can be obtaned from
(b) naphthaene
(c) cumene
(d) sucrose
100. Cumene s the startng matera for the producton of
(a) benzoc acd
(b) phenol and acetone
(c) soprene
(d) styrene
101. Whch of the foowng s not responsbe for causng permanent
hardness of water?
102. Zeote used n water softenng process (caton exchange) s
regenerated by washng
(b) choramnes
(c) sodum bsute
(d) qud chornes
103. Presence of H
S n raw water (to be chornated) resuts n
(a) reduced softenng capacty of zeote
(b) increase dosage of chlorine to pro-ide a disinfecting
residual in the water
(c) easy remova of ts hardness
(d) resdua turbdty
104. Lme and soda ash are added to water to remove
(a)bicarbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium
(b) undesrabe taste and odor
(d) ts corrosveness
105. Choramnes are used n water treatment for
(a) disinfection and control of taste and odor
(b) corroson contro
(c) removng turbdty
(d) contro of bactera
106. Deaeraton of water n ts treatment s necessary as t
(a) mnmzes ts turbdty
(b) heps n controng ts taste and odor
(c) its corrosi-eness
(d) contros bactera
107. Sodum Bsufate s used for
(a) deaeraton of water
(b) dechornaton of water
(c) both a and b
(d) nether a nor b
108. Dechornaton of treated water s necessary to
(a) remove resdua turbdty
(b) reduce the bactera oad on ter
(c) contro taste and odor
(d) remo-e chlorinous taste
109. The man used of the actvated carbon n water treatment s to
(a) bactera growth
(b) taste and odor
(c) turbdty
(d) corroson
110. Aum |A
| s used as a coaguant n water treatment to
(a) coor
(b) turbdty
(c) bactera
(d) all a, b and c
111. Use of hydrated me n water treatment
(a) before traton, reduces the bactera oad on ters
(e) after traton, combats the corrosveness of water due to
presence of O
and CO

(c) s to ad|ust the pH vaue
(d) all a, b and c
112. The purpose of addng Na
to water of ow akanty s to
(a) permit the use of alum as a coagulant
(b) ncrease the softenng capacty of zeote
(c) factate the easy regeneraton of zeote
(d) a a, b and c
113. Pck out the true statement pertanng to water treatment
(a) Sow sand ters can remove coor competey
(b) Actvated carbon can be used for taste and odor contro wthout
subsequent traton
(c) Appcaton of actvated carbon reduces the temporary
hardness of water
(d) )ormall( the turbidit is remo-ed b adding a
coagulant prior to sedimentation
114. Pck out the fase statement pertanng to water treatment
(a) Aeraton of water s ehectve n CO2 remova
f (b) ;he .eolite water softening process reduces the
hardness of water b not more
than 5$<
(c) Sodum sufate or sodum carbonates do not cause hardness
n water
(d) Water wth pH vaue ess than 7, s acdc
115. Pck out the wrong statement pertanng to sovent extracton of
Rate of extracton..
(a) decreases with decrease of thic,ness of the =a,es
(b) ncreases wth the ncreasng ake sze keepng the ake
thckness constant
(c) ncreases consderaby wth the rse of temperature
g (d) decreases as the mosture content of akes ncreases
116. Fats as compared to os have
(a) more unsaturated gycerdes of fatty acds
(b) less unsaturated glcerides of fatt acids
(c) much hgher reactvty to oxygen
h (d) ower metng pont
117. Sat s added n the kette durng soap manufacture to separate
(a)soap from le
(b) gycern from ye
(c) the metac soap
(d) the unsaponed fat from soap
118. Hydrazne (N
) s used many as
(a) exposve
(b) roc,et fuel
i (c) an addtve n detergent
> (d) catayst
119. Os are partay hydrogenated (not fuy) to manufacture
vanaspat, because fuy saturated
soded os
(a) cause cholesterol build up and blood clotting
(b) are prone to rancd oxdaton
(c) aways contan some amount of ncke (as ther compete
remova s very dmcut)
(d) have amnty to retan harmfu sufur compounds
120. Hydrogenaton of o takes pace n
(a) an autotherma reactor
(b) a tric,le bed reactor
(c) a pug ow reactor
(d) backmx reactor
121. Temperature durng hydrogenaton of o shoud not be more than
200C, otherwse t w
resut n
(a) pyroyss of o
(b) snterng of porous catayst
(c)hydrogen embrttement
(d) all a, b and c
122. Shavng soaps are
(a) soft potassium soaps (potassium salt of fatt acid) with
free stearic acid to gi-e
lather a lasting propert
(b) metac soaps compounded wth frothng agents
(c) hgh free aka soaps havng excess of cane sugar and acoho
(d) usuay soap soaps
123. Transparent soaps (e.g. Pears) are
(a) usuall soft soaps (made from coconut oil) in which cane
sugar and alcohol are
added and 2nall washed with methlate spirit to
achie-e transparenc
(b) metac soaps wth frothng agent and free stearc acd to
acheve transparency
(c) metac soaps wth frothng agent from whch gycern has not
been recovered
(d) hgh free aka soaps havng excess of cane sugar and acoho
124. Gycern s recovered from ye by
(a) e-aporation followed b -acuum distillation
(b) qud extracton technque
(c) extractve dstaton technque
(d) steam dstaton
125. Gycern s not used n the
(a) manufacture of exposve
(b) condtonng and humdcaton of tobacco
(c) manufacture of pharmaceutcas
(d) manufacture of caustic soda
1. > fluid is one which
(a) #a&&!$ e+a%& a$ e)$ .&"e $(e a#$%!& !' )(ea '!#e
(b) continuously e5pands till it fills any container
(c) is incompressible
(d) permanently resists distortion
2. !n an incompressible fluid density
(a) is greatly affected by moderate changes in pressure
(b) is greatly affected only by moderate changes in temperature
(#) e+a%&) .&a''e#$e" 0%$( +!"ea$e #(a&7e %& $e+-ea$.e a&" -e)).e
(d) is sensible to changes in both temperature and pressure
. Botential flow is the flow of
(a) compressible fluids with shear
(b) compressible fluids with no shear
(c) incompressible fluids with shear
(") %&#!+-e))%2/e '/.%") 0%$( &! )(ea
%. Botential flow is characteri<ed by
(a) %!$a$%!&a/ a&" '%#$%!&/e)) '/!0
(b) irrotational and frictional flow
(c) one in which dissipation of mechanical energy into heat occurs
(d) the formation of eddies within the stream
&. Hewton4s law of viscosity relates
(a) shear stress and velocity
(b) velocity gradient and pressure intensity
(#) )(ea )$e)) a&" a$e !' a&7./a "e'!+a$%!& %& a '/.%"
(d) pressure gradient and rate of angular deformation
(. Aimension of viscosity is
(a) ML
(b) 3I6
(c) 3I6
6 (d) 3I6
+. Boise is converted into sto-e by
(a) multiplying with density (gm/c.c.)
(2) "%1%"%&7 0%$( "e&)%$8 (7+9#.#.)
(c) multiplying with specific gravity
(d) dividing with specific gravity
.. Aimension of -inematic viscosity is
(a) 3I
(2) L
(c) I
6 (d) I
/. With increase in the temperature viscosity of a li1uid
(a) increase (2) "e#ea)e)
(c) remains constant (d) first decreases and then increases
12. 9or water= when the pressure increases the viscosity
(a) also increases (b) decreases
(c) remains constant (") '%)$ "e#ea)e) a&" $(e& %&#ea)e)
11. 6he pressure intensity is the same in all direction at a point in a fluid
(a) only when the fluid is frictionless
(b) only when the fluid is at rest having <ero velocity
(#) 0(e& $(ee %) &! +!$%!& !' !&e '/.%" /a8e e/a$%1e $! a& a">a#e&$ /a8e
(d) regardless of the motion of one fluid layer relative to an adCacent layer
12. ,hoose the set of pressure intensities that are e1uivalent
(a) H.:: -)%, *D '$. !' 0a$e, L.L: %&#(e) !' H7.
(b) %. psi= 12 ft. of water= 22.+ inches of 8g.
(c) 12 psi= 1/.+ ft. of water= 2. inches of 8g.
(d) 12 psi= 1/.+ ft of water= &. inches of 8g.
1. 9or a fluid rotating at constant angular velocity about vertical a5is as a rigid body= the
pressure intensity varies as the
(a) ) !' $(e a"%a/ "%)$a&#e
(b) radial distance linearly
(c) averse of the radial distance
(d) elevation along vertical direction
1%. 6he center of pressure is
(a) always below the centroid of the area
(b) always above the centroid of the area
(#) a -!%&$ !& $(e /%&e !' a#$%!& !' $(e e)./$a&$ '!#e
(d) at the centroid of the submerge area
1&. > rectangular surface 45%4= has the lower edge hori<ontal and (4 below a free oil
surface (sp. gr. 2..). 6he surface inclination is 22 with the hori<ontal. 6he force in
one side of the surface is :(y 7 specific weight of water)
(a) /.(y (2) HL8
(c) %/.2y (d) &.y
1(. 9ill up the blan-s
> stream tube is that which has SSS cross$section entirely bounded by stream
(a) a circular (2) a&8 #!&1e&%e&$
(c) a small (d) a large
1+. 3ass velocity is the independent of temperature and pressure when the flow is
(a) unsteady through uncharged cross$section
(b) steady through changing cross$section
(#) )$ea"8 a&" $(e #!)),)e#$%!& %) .&#(a&7e"
(d) unsteady ant the cross$section is changed
1.. !n turbulent flow
(a) the fluid particles move in an orderly manner
(b) momentum transfer is on molecular scale only
(c) shear stress is caused more effectively by cohesion than momentum transfer
(") )(ea )$e))e) ae 7e&ea//8 /a7e $(a& %& a )%+%/a /a+%&a '/!0
1/. 6urbulant flow generally occurs for cases involving
(a) highly viscous fluid (b) very narrow passages
(c) very slow motion (") &!&e !' $(e)e

22. >n ideal fluid is
(a) '%#$%!&/e)) a&" %&#!+-e))%2/e
(b) one which obeys Hewton4s law of viscosity
(c) highly viscous (d) none of these
21.0teady flow occurs when
(a) conditions change steadily with time
(b) conditions are the same at the adCacent points at any instant
(#) #!&"%$%!&) "! &!$ #(a&7e 0%$( $%+e a$ a&8 -!%&$
(d) rate of change of velocity is constant
22. Which of the following must be followed by the flow of fluid (real or ideal)?
(i) Hewton4s law of viscosity
(ii) Hewton4s second law of motion
(iii) the continuity e1uation
(iv) velocity of boundary must be <ero relative to boundary
(v) fluid cannot penetrate a boundary
(a) != !!= !!! (2) II, III, V
(c) != !!= ' (d) !!= !!!= '
2. Aischarge (ft

/sec) from a 2% inch pipe of water at 12 ft/sec will be

(a) +.(& (b) 2.(
(c) %..22 (") *B<.K
2%. 6he unit velocity head is
(a) ft$lb/sec (b) ft$lb/ft

(#) '$,/2'9/2.+ (d) ft$lb.f/sec

2&. Fernoulli4s e1uation describes
(a) +e#(a&%#a/ e&e78 2a/a&#e %& -!$e&$%a/ '/!0
(b) -inetic energy balance in laminar flow
(c) mechanical energy balance in turbulent flow
(d) mechanical energy balance in boundary layer
2(. 6he -inetic energy correction factor for velocity distribution of laminar flow is
(a) 2.& (2) *.KK
(c) 1 (d) 2
2+. 6he momentum correction factor for the velocity distribution of laminar flow is
(a) 1. (b) 1.((
(c) 2.& (") &!&e !' $(e)e
2.. 6he loss due to sudden e5pansion is
@ '2
(V* ; VB)
'1 @ '2
(d) none of these
2/. 6he loss due to sudden contraction is proportional to
(a) velocity (2) 1e/!#%$8 (ea"
(c) turbulence (d) none of these
2. 6he value of critical Reynolds number for pipe flow is
(a) *:DD (b) 12=222
(c) 122=222 (d) none of these
1. Reynolds number flow of water at room temperature through 2 cm diameter pipe at
average velocity of & cm/sec is around
(a) 2222 (b) 12
(c) 122 (") *DDD
2. 0hear stress in a fluid flowing in a round pipe
(a) varies parabolically across the cross$section
(b) remains constant over the cross$section
(#) %) ze! a$ $(e #e&$e a&" 1a%e) /%&ea/8 0%$( $(e a"%.)
(d) is <ero at the wall and increase linearly to the center
. Aischarge in laminar flow through a pipe varies
(a) a) $(e ) !' $(e a"%.)
(b) inversely as the pressure drop
(c) inversely as the velocity
(d) as the s1uare of the diameter
%. Foundary layer separation is caused by
(a) reduction of pressure below vapor pressure
(b) reduction of pressure gradient to <ero
(#) a& a"1e)e -e)).e 7a"%e&$
(d) reduction of boundary layer thic-ness to <ero
&. 6he friction factor for turbulent flow in a hydraulically smooth pipe
(a) "e-e&") !&/8 !& Re8&!/") &.+2e
(b) does not depend on Reynolds number
(c) depends on the roughness
(d) none of these
(. 9or a given Reynolds number= in hydraulically smooth pipe= further smoothing
(a) 2%&7) a2!.$ &! '.$(e e".#$%!& !' '%#$%!& 'a#$!
(b) increases the friction factor
(c) decreases the friction factor
(d) none of these
+. 8ydraulic radius is the ratio of
(a) wetted perimeter to flow area
(2) '/!0 aea $! 0e$$e" -e%+e$e
(c) flow area to s1uare of wetted perimeter
(d) s1uare root of flow area to wetted perimeter
.. 8ydraulic radius of (# 5 12# c/s is
(a) BM (b) 2.&#
(c) 1.&# (d) none of these
/. Reynolds number is the ratio of
(a) viscous forces to gravity forces
(2) %&e$%a/ '!#e) $! 1%)#!.) '!#e)
(c) viscous forces to inertial forces
(d) inertial forces to gravity forces
%2. 3ach. number is the ratio of the speed of the
(a) fluid of that of the light (b) light to that of the fluid
(#) '/.%" $! $(a$ !' $(e)!.&" (d) sound to that of the fluid
%1. Bower loss in an orifice meter is
(a) less than that in a venturi meter
(b) same as that in a venturi meter
(#) +!e $(a& $(a$ %& a 1e&$.% +e$e
(d) data insufficient= cannot be predicted
%2. 6he velocity profile for turbulent flow through a closed conduit is
(a) /!7a%$(+%# (b) parabolic
(c) hyperbolic (d) linear
%. 9or laminar flow through a closed conduit
(a) V+a5 4 B Va1 (b) 'ma5 7 'av
(c) 'ma5 7 1.& 'av (d) 'av 7 2 'ma5
%%. f 7 1(/HRe is valid for
(a) turbulent flow
(2) /a+%&a '/!0 $(!.7( a& !-e& #(a&&e/
(c) steady flow (d) none of these
%&. !sotropic turbulence occurs
(a) 0(ee $(ee %) &! 1e/!#%$8 7a"%e&$
(b) at higher temperatures
(c) only in newtonion fluid
(d) none of these
%(. ,onsider two pipes of same length and diameter through which water is passed at the
same velocity. 6he friction factor for rough pipe is f1 and that for smooth pipe is f2.
Bic- out the correct statement.
(a) f1 7 f2 (b) f1 O f2
(#) f* = fB (d) data not sufficient to relate f1 and f2
%+. Fernoulli4s e1uation for steady frictionless= continuous flow states that
(a) total pressure at all sections is same
(2) $!$a/ e&e78 a$ a// )e#$%!& %) )a+e
(c) velocity head at all section is same
(d) none of these
%.. Arag is defined as the force e5erted by the
(a) fluid on the solid in a direction opposite to flow
(2) $(e '/.%" !& $(e )!/%" %& $(e "%e#$%!& !' '/!0
(c) the solid on the fluid (d) none of these
%/. Arag co$efficient for flow past immersed body is the ratio of
(a) shear stress to the product of velocity head density
(b) shear force to the product of velocity head and density
(#) a1ea7e "a7 -e .&%$ -!>e#$e" aea $! $(e -!".#$ !' 1e/!#%$8 (ea" a&"
(d) none of these
&2. 0to-e4s law is valid when the particle Reynolds number is
(a) O 1 (b) G 1
(#) E < (d) none of these
&1. Arag co$efficient ,A is given by (in 0to-e4s law range)
(a) ,A 7 1(
(b) CD 4 BH
(c) ,A 7 1..%
(d) ,A 7 2.2+/
&2. >t low Reynolds number
(a) viscous forces are unimportant
(b) viscous forces control
(#) 1%)#!.) '!#e) #!&$!/ a&" %&e$%a/ '!#e) ae .&%+-!$a&$
(d) gravity forces control
&. >t high Reynolds number
(a) %&e$%a/ '!#e) #!&$!/ a&" 1%)#!.) '!#e) ae .&%+-!$a&$
(b) viscous forces predominate
(c) inertial forces are unimportant and viscous forces control
(d) none of these
&%. 9or flow of fluid through pac-ed bed= the superficial velocity is
(a) /e)) $(a& $(e a1ea7e 1e/!#%$8 $(!.7( #(a&&e/)
(b) more than the average velocity through channels
(c) dependent on the pressure drop across the bed
(d) same as the average velocity through channels
&&. Bressure drop in a pac-ed bed for laminar flow is given by
(a) N!ze&8,Ca+a& e6.a$%!& (b) Fla-e$Blummer e1uation
(c) Ieva4s e1uation (d) none of these
&(. Bressure drop in a pac-ed bed for turbulent flow is given by
(a) Lo<eny$,arman e1uation (2) B/a3e,P/.++e e6.a$%!&
(c) Ieva4s e1uation (d) none of these
&+. 9orce acting on a particle settling in fluid are
(a) gravitational and bouyant forces
(b) centrifugal and drag forces
(#) 7a1%$a$%!&a/ ! #e&$%'.7a/, 2!.8a&$ a&" "a7 '!#e)
(d) e5ternal= drag and viscous forces
&.. 6erminal velocity is
(a) a #!&)$a&$ 1e/!#%$8 0%$( &! a##e/ea$%!&
(b) a fluctuating velocity
(c) attained after moving one$haft of total distance
(d) none of these
&/. !n hindered settling= particles are
(a) placed farther from wall
(b) not affected by other particles and the wall
(#) &ea ea#( !$(e (d) none of these
(2. Arag co$efficient in hindered settling is
(a) lesser than in free settling
(b) e1ual to that in free settling
(c) not necessarily greater than in free settling
(") 7ea$e $(a& 'ee )e$$/%&7
(1. 9or the free settling of a spherical particle through a fluid= the slope of ,A @ log HRe=
plot is
(a) 1 (2) ;*
(c) 2.& (d) @2.&
(2. !n continuous fluidi<ation
(a) )!/%") ae #!+-/e$e/8 e&$a%&e"
(b) the pressure drop less than that for batch fluidisation
(c) there is no entrainment of solids
(d) velocity of the fluid is very small
(. Bressure drop in fluidi<ed bed reactor is
(a) less than that in a similar pac-ed bed reactor
(2) +!e $(a& $(a$ %& a )%+%/a -a#3e" 2e" ea#$!
(c) same as that in a similar pac-ed bed reactor
(d) none of these
(%. 0lugging in a fluidi<ed bed can be avoided by
(a) using tall narrow vessel
(b) using deep bed solids
(#) $(e -!-e #(!%#e !' -a$%#/e )%ze a&" 28 .)%&7 )(a//!0 2e") !' )!/%")
(d) using very large particles
(&. 3inimum porosity for fluidi<ation is
(a) that corresponding to static bed
(b) that corresponding to completely fluidi<ed bed
(#) $(e -!!)%$8 !' $(e 2e" 0(e& $.e '/.%"%za$%!& 2e7%&)
(d) less than that of the static bed
((. !n a fluidi<ed bed reactor
(a) temperature gradients are very high
(2) $e+-ea$.e %) +!e ! /e)) .&%'!+
(c) hot spot formed
(d) segregation of the solids occurs
(+. Iower FWQ means
(a) lower thic-ness tube
(2) /!0e #!)),)e#$%!& !' $.2e
(c) outer diameter of tube
(d) inner diameter of tube
(.. ,avitation occurs in a centrifugal pump when
(a) $(e ).#$%!& -e)).e E 1a-!. -e)).e !' $(e /%6.%" a$ $(a$ $e+-ea$.e
(b) the suction pressure G vapour pressure of the li1uid at that temperature
(c) the suction pressure 7 vapour pressure
(d) the suction pressure 7 developed head
(/. ,avitation can be prevented by
(a) suitably designing the pump
(2) +a%&$a%&%&7 $(e ).#$%!& (ea" ).''%#%e&$/8 7ea$e $(a& $(e 1a-!. -e)).e
(c) maintaining suction head 7 developed head
(d) maintaining suction head lower than the vapour pressure
+2. Briming needed in a
(a) reciprocating pump (b) gear pump
(#) #e&$%'.7a/ -.+- (d) diaphragm pump
+1. 6he ma5imum depth from which a centrifugal pump can draw water
(a) dependent on the speed H of the pump
(b) dependent on the power of the pump
(#) :H 'ee$ (d) 1&2 feet
+2. Foiler feed pump is usually a
(a) reciprocating pump (2) 7ea -.+-
(c) multisatge centrifugal pump (d) diaphragm pump
+. Blunger pumps are used for
(a) (%7(e -e)).e (b) slurries
(c) viscous mass (d) none of these
+%. 3olten soap mass is transported by a
(a) diaphragm pump (b) reciprocating pump
(#) 7ea -.+- (d) centrifugal pump
+&. 6o handle smaller 1uantity of fluid at high discharge pressure use
(a) e#%-!#a$%&7 -.+- (b) centrifugal pump
(c) volute pump (d) rotary vacuum pump
+(. 6he head developed by a centrifugal pump is largely determined by the
(a) power of the pump
(b) nature of the li1uid being pumped
(#) a&7/e !' $(e 1a&e) a&" $(e )-ee" !' $(e $%- !' $(e %+-e//e
(d) vapour pressure of the li1uid
++. 6he ma5imum head that can be developed with a single impeller is
(a) 2& ft. (b) 1222 ft.
(#) B<D ; :DD '$. (d) 1222 ft.
+.. > fluid Cet discharging from a 2# diameter orifice has a diameter of 1.+&# at its vena$
contracta. 6he co$efficient of contraction is
(a) 1. (2) D.OKK
(c) 2..+ (d) none of these

+/. 6he discharge through a '$notch weir varies as
(a) 8
(b) 8
(#) H
(d) none of these
.2. 6he discharge through a rectangular weir varies as
(a) 8
(b) 8
(c) 8
(") &!&e !' $(e)e
.1. Bropellers are
(a) a5%a/ '/!0 +%5e) (b) low speed impeller
(c) used for mi5ing li1uids of high viscosity
(d) radial flow mi5ers
.2. 6urbine impeller
(a) produces only radial current
(b) produces only tangential current
(#) %) e''e#$%1e !1e 0%"e a&7e !' 1%)#!)%$%e)
(d) does not produce tangential current
.. With increase in pump speed= its HB08 re1uirement
(a) decreases (2) %&#ea)e)
(c) remains unaltered
(d) can either increase or decrease= depends on other factors
.%. Dne dimensional flow implies
(a) 9low in the straight line (b) steady uniform flow
(c) unsteady uniform flow
(") a '/!0 0(%#( "!e) &!$ a##!.&$ #(a&7e) %& $a&)1e)e "%e#$%!&
.&. !n case of centrifugal fan or blower= the gas capacity varies as
(a) )-e#$ )-ee" (b) (speed)
(c) (speed)

(d) none of these

.(. 6he continuity e1uation
(a) e/a$e) +a)) '/!0 a$e a/!&7 a )$ea+ $.2e
(b) relates wor- and energy
(c) stipulates that Hewton4s second law of motion must be satisfied at every point in
the fluid
(d) none of these
.+. 9or a specific centrifugal air blower operating at constant speed and capacity the
power re1uirement and pressure vary
(a) directly as s1uares of gas density
(2) "%e#$/8 a) 7a) "e&)%$8
(c) directly as s1uare root of density
(d) inversely as gas density
... 9oot valves are provided in the suction line of a centrifugal pump to
(a) a1!%" -%+%&7 e1e8 $%+e 0e )$a$ $(e -.+-
(b) remove the contaminant present in the li1uid
(c) minimi<e the fluctuation in dischrarge
(d) control the li1uid discharge
./. Aifferential manometer measures
(a) atmospheric pressure (b) sub$atmospheric pressure
(#) -e)).e "%''ee&#e 2e$0ee& $0! -!%&$)
(d) none of these
/2. 'elocity distribution for flow between the fi5ed parallel plates
(a) 1a%e) -aa2!/%#a//8 a#!)) $(e )e#$%!&
(b) is constant over the entire cross section
(c) is <ero at the plates and increases linearly to the midplane
(d) none of these
/1. While starting a centrifugal pump= its delivery valve should be -ept
(a) opened (2) #/!)e"
(c) either opened or closed) it does not ma-e any difference
(d) either opened or closed) depending on the fluid viscosity
/2. Bath followed by water Cet issuing from the bottom of a water tan- will be a
(a) -aa2!/a (1e$e5 2e%&7 a$ $(e !-e&%&7)
(b) hyperbolic
(c) hori<ontal straight line
(d) <ig$<ag path (which is geometrically undefined)
/. > centrifugal pump loses prime after starting. 6he reason of this trouble may be
(a) incomplete priming (b) too high a suction lift
(c) low available HB08 and air lea-s in the suction pipe
a// Pa?, P2?, a&" P#?
/%. ,apacity of a rotary gear pump can be varied by
(a) changing the speed of rotation
(b) bleeding air into suction
(c) bypassing li1uid from the suction or discharge line
(") a// Pa?, P2?, a&" P#?
/&. 9or li1uid flow through a pac-ed bed= the superficial velocity as compared to average
velocity through the channel in the bed is
(a) more (2) /e))
(c) e1ual (d) independent of porosity
/(. Reciprocating pumps compared to centrifugal pumps
(a) deliver li1uid at uniform pressure
(b) can handle slurries more efficiently
(#) ae &!$ ).2>e#$ $! a% 2%&"%&7
(d) can be operated with delivery valve closed
/+. > tube is specified by its
(a) thic-ness only (b) outer diameter
(#) $(%#3&e)) a&" !.$e "%a+e$e 2!$( (d) inner diameter
/.. 9or pipes that must be bro-en at intervals for maintenance= the connector used should
be a
(a) .&%!& (b) tee
(c) reduce4s (d) elbow
//. !f more than two branches of pipes are to be connected at the same point= then use
(a) elbow (b) union
(#) $ee (d) none of these
122. 6he most economical valve for use with large diameter pipes is
(a) 2.$$e'/8 1a/1e (b) globe valve
(c) needle valve (d) none of these
121. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the pressure drop in a
(a) velocity of li1uid (b) si<e of pipe
(c) length of pipe and number of bends (") &!&e !' $(e)e
122. Which of the following can be used to create a flow of gas where no significant
compression is re1uired?
(a) reciprocating compressor (2) 2/!0e
(c) a5ial flow compressor (d) centrifugal compressor
12. ;rosion and pits formation on the impeller of a centrifugal pump may be due to
(a) #a1%$a$%!& (b) low speed of impeller
(c) its operation with delivery valve closed for considerable time after starting the
(d) off centering of pump with motor
12%. Which of the following valves will incur ma5imum pressure drop for the same
discharge of water?
(a) globe valve (b) gate valve
(#) &ee"/e 1a/1e (d) butterfly valve
12&. While starting on a5ial flow pump= its delivery valve should be -ept
(a) !-e& (b) closed
(c) either open or closed (d) none of these
12(. !dentification of pipelines carrying different li1uids and gases is done by
(a) diameter of the pipe (2) #!/! !' $(e -%-e
(c) the altitude of at which pipe is located (d) none of these
12+. > centrifugal pump has the following specifications:
Bower @ % 8.B.) 0peed @ .22 rpm
8ead @ . meters) 9low @ 1222 liters/minutes
!f its speed is halved = then the new head will be
(a) B + (b) % m
(c) . m (d) &.& m

12.. !n 1uestion Ho. 12+= the power consumed now will be
(a) D.< H.P. (b) 2 8.B.
(c) % 8.B. (d) 1 8.B.
12/. !n 1uestion Ho. 12+= the new discharge will be
(a) <DD /%$e)9+%&. (b) 222 liter/min
(c) 1222 liter/min (d) +&2 liter/min
112. !nterstage coolers are provided in a multistage compressor to
(a) )a1e -!0e %& #!+-e))%&7 a 7%1e& 1!/.+e $! a 7%1e& -e)).e
(b) cool the delivered air
(c) achieve the e5act delivery
(d) none of these
111. 0urge tan-s are provided in high pressure water pipelines to
(a) store a definite 1uantity of water all the time
(2) e".#e 0a$e (a++e
(c) facilities easy dismantling of pipeline for cleaning and maintenance
(d) none of these
112. Bipes having diameter 1% inches or more are designated by their
(a) outside diameter (b) inside diameter
(#) )#(e"./e &.+2e (d) none of these
11. Aisc compensators are provided in large diameter gas carrying pipelines to
(a) -eep the pipe in proper orientation
(b) ma-e the pipe Coint lea-$proof
(#) a##!.&$ '! #!&$a#$%!&9 e5-a&)%!& !' -%-e ".e $! $e+-ea$.e #(a&7e) !'
$(e ).!.&"%&7)
(d) account for pressure variation inside the pipelines
11%. Hominal Bipe 0i<e (HB0) of a pipe less than 12 inches in diameter indicates its
(a) inner diameter (b) outer diameter
(c) thic-ness (") &e%$(e %&&e ! !.$e
11&. 6he most important factor which determines the ma5imum height to which water
can be lifted by a pump at standard temperature ((29) is
(a) 2a!+e$%# -e)).e (b) speed of the impeller
(c) diameter of the impeller (d) both Nb4 and Nc4
11(. Fear pump
(a) %) a -!)%$%1e "%)-/a#e+e&$ -.+-
(b) is a centrifugal pump
(c) is a non$positive displacement pump
(d) can be started with delivery valve closed
11+. When the water is warm= the height to which it can be lifted by a pump
(a) decreases due to reduced velocity
(2) "e#ea)e) ".e $! e".#e" 1a-! -e)).e
(c) increases due to increased vapor pressure
(d) decreases due to increased frictional resistance
11.. 3ultistage centrifugal pumps are generally used for
(a) (%7( (ea" (b) low head but high discharged
(c) highly viscous li1uid (d) slurries of high solid concentration
11/. ,entrifugal pump can4t be used to pump
(a) molten sodium (used as a coolant in 9ast Freeder Reactor)
(b) moderately vegetable oil used in soap industry
(#) $(%#3 +!/$e& )!a- a$ LDC
(d) none of the above
122. 'olute type of casing is provided in a centrifugal pump to
(a) convert velocity head to pressure head
(b) convert pressure head to velocity head
(c) reduce the discharge fluctuation
(") %&#ea)e $(e "%)#(a7e
121. > pump operating under specific conditions delivers insufficient 1uantity of li1uid.
6his may be set right by
(a) decreasing the si<e of the inlet pipe
(b) increasing the si<e of the inlet pipe
(c) lowering the pump position
(") 2!$( P2? a&" P#?
122. Aelivery of insufficient 1uantity of li1uid by a pump may be caused by
(a) air lea- in the inlet (b) low rpm
(c) too high a lift (") a// Pa?, P2? a&" P#?
12. >ctual lift of pump always less than the theoretical lift and is limited by
(a) specific gravity and temperature of the li1uid
(b) lea-age and pressure decreasing at higher elevations
(c) frictional resistance through pipes= fittings and passages
(") a// Pa?, P2? a&" P#?
12%. 9ill up the blan-
Hominal si<e of the discharge pipe of a pump is usually SSS the nominal si<e of
the inlet pipe
(a) )+a//e $(a& (b) larger than
(c) same as (d) twice
12&. 8orsepower re1uirement for given pump capacity depends upon the
(a) specific gravity of the li1uid (b) suction lift
(c) discharge head (") a// Pa?, P2? a&" P#?
1. The vapor pressure exerted by the mosture contaned n a wet sod
depends upon the
a) nature of the mosture
b) temperature
c) nature of the sod
d) all a( b( and c
2. To remove a the mosture from a wet sod requres exposure to
a) perfectl dr air
b) hghy humd ar
c) ar at hgh temperature
d) none of these
3. Mk s dred usuay n a
a) freeze dryer
b) spra drer
c) tray dryer
d) rotary dryer
4. Equbrum-mosture curves of dherent sods
a) are di?erent
b) are same
c) depend on the humdty of the gas
d) none of these
5. Detergent souton s dred to a powder n a
a) spra drer
b) spouted bed dryer
c) tunne dryer
d) pan open to atmosphere.
6. If mosture content of a sod on dry bass s X then the same on wet
bass s
a) X

X + 1
b) X

1 - X
c) 1 + X

d) 1 - X

7. In paper ndustry, paper s dred n
a) tunne dryer
b) heated clinder drer
c) conveyor dryer
d) festoon dryer
8. Mosture content of a substance when at equbrum wth a gven
parta pressure of the
vapor s caed
a) free mosture
b) unbound mosture
c) e3uilibrium moisture
d) bound mosture
9. Cacum ammonum ntrate (a fertzer) s dred n a
a) rotar drer
b) vacuum dryer
c) tunne dryer
d) none of these
10. Mosture n a substance exertng an equbrum vapor pressure
ess than that of pure qud at
at the same temperature s
a) bound moisture
b) unbound mosture
c) crtca mosture
d) none of these
11. Rotary dryer cannot hande
a) free owng materas
b) dry materas
c) stic, materials
d) granuar materas
12. Mosture n a sod exertng an equbrum vapor pressure equa
to that of the pure qud at
the same temperature s
a) unbound moisture
b) crtca mosture
c) free mosture
d) bound mosture
13. Refractory brcks are usuay dred n a
a) tray dryer
b) tunnel drer
c) conveyor dryer
d) festoon dryer
14. Heat senstve materas ke certan pharmaceutcas and food
stuh can be dred
a) n ndrect tray dryer
b) n spray dryer
c) b free.e dring
d) none of these
15. Mosture contaned by a substance n excess of the equbrum
mosture s caed
a) unbound mosture
b) free moisture
c) crtca mosture
d) bound mosture
16. Fghts n a rotary dryer are provded to
a) lift and shower the solids thus exposing it thoroughl to
the dring action of the gas
b) reduce the resdence tme of sod
c) ncrease the resdence tme of the sod
d) none of these
17. In the constant rate perod of the rate of dryng curve for batch
a) cracks deveop on the surface of the sod
b) rate of dryng decreases abrupty
c) surface e-aporation of unbound moisture occurs
d) none of these
18. The fang rate perod n the dryng of a sod s characterzed by
a) ncrease n rate of dryng
b) increasing temperatures both on the surface and within
the solid
c) decreasng temperatures
d) none of these
19. Dryer wdey used n a texte ndustry s
a) cynder dryer
b) conveyor dryer
c) tunne dryer
d) festoon drer
20. Stcky matera can be dred n a
a) tra drer
b) rotary dryer
c) udzed bed dryer
d) none of these
21. Dryng of a sod nvoves
a) ony heat transfer
b) ony mass transfer
c) both heat and mass transfer
d) none of these
22. A sod matera shows case hardenng propertes whe dryng.
Whch of the foowng
shoud be controed to contro the dryng process?
a) ow rate of net ar
b) reatve humdty of outet ar
c) humdty of net ar
d) temperature of the solid
23. Capacty of a rotary dryer depends on
a) ts r.p.m
b) ts ncnaton wth ground surface
c) both a and b
d) nether a nor b
24. Ar at a partcuar humdty s heated n a furnace. The new dew
a) decreases
b) increases
c) depends on the extent of heatng
d) remans unchanged
25. The crtca mosture content n case of dryng ndcates
a) beginning of falling rate period
b) begnnng of constant rate perod
c) end of fang rate perod
d) none of these
26. A surry s to be dred to produce aky sod. Whch dryer woud
you recommend?
a) spra drer
b) drum dryer
c) rotary dryer
d) deectrc dryer
27. For contnuous dryng of granuar or crystane matera, the
dryer used s
a) tunne
b) tray
c) rotar
d) none of these
28. A mosture n a non-hygroscopc matera s..mosture
a) free
b) equbrum
c) unbound
d) bound
29. Durng constant rate perod, the rate of dryng decreases wth
a) decrease n ar temperature
b) ncreased ar humdty
c) both a and b
d) nether a nor b
30. Whch s the controng factor for a drum dryer?
a) dhuson
b) heat transfer
c) both a and b
d) nether a nor b
31. Paper ndustry empoys....dryers
a) clinder
b) rotary
c) spray
d) udzed bed
32. Sand s dred n foundares n a ....dryer
a) rotary
b) =uidi.ed bed
c) vacuum
d) spray
33. Free owng granuar materas can be best dred n a
a) rotar drer
b) cynder dryer
c) drum dryer
d) freeze dryer
1. Humdcaton nvoves mass transfer between a pure qud phase
and a xed gas whch s:
a) insoluble in the li3uid
b) soube n the qud
c) non-dea n nature
d) at a xed temperature
2. At a xed tota pressure, humdty depends ony on the
a) partial pressure of -apor in the mixture
b) heat capacty of the vapor
c) densty of the vapor
d) none of these
3. In saturated gas, the
a) -apor is in e3uilibrium with the li3uid at the gas
b) vapor s n equbrum wth the qud at the room temperature
c) parta pressure of vapor equas the vapor pressure of the qud
at room temperature
d) none of these
4. Reatve humdty s the rato of the
a) parta pressure of the vapor to the vapor pressure of the qud at
room temperature
b) partial pressure of the -apor to the -apor pressure of the
li3uid at gas temperature
c) actua humdty to saturaton humdty
d) none of these
5. The percentage humdty s ess than the reatve humdty ony at
a) zero percentage humdty
b) hundred percent humdty
c) both .ero or hundred percent humidit
d) none of these
6. Heat s BTU necessary to ncrease the temperature of 1 b. of gas
and ts accompanyng
vapor by 1
F s caed the
a) atent heat
b) humd heat
c) speci2c heat
d) sensbe heat
7. Humd voume s the tota voume n cubc feet of 1 b. of
a) vapor aden gas at 1 atm. And room temperature
b) gas pus ts accompanyng vapor at 1 atm. and room
c) gas plus its accompaning -apor at 5 atm@ and gas
d) vapor aden gas at 1 atm. and gas temperature
8. The temperature to whch a vapor gas mxture must be cooed (at
varyng humdty)
to become saturated s
a) dew pont
b) wet bub temperature
c) dry bub temperature
d) none of these
9. The dew pont of a saturated gas phase equas the
a) gas temperature
b) room temperature
c) wet bub temperature
d) none of these
10. Steady state temperature reached by a sma amount of qud
evaporatng nto a arge amount
of unsaturated vapor-gas mxture s
a) dry-bub temperature
b) wet bulb temperature
c) dew pont
d) adabatc saturaton temperature
11. Dry bub temperature of the gas s
a) ess than the wet-bub temperature
b) greater than the wet0bulb temperature
c) equa to the wet-bub temperature
d) none of these
12. The dherence of wet bub temperature and adabatc saturaton
temperature of unsaturated
mxture of any system s
a) positi-e
b) negatve
c) zero
d) none of these
13. When the temperature and humdty of ar s ow we usuay use
a) natural draft cooling tower
b) forced draft coong tower
c) nduced draft coong tower
d) none of these
14. The equpment frequenty used for adabatc humdcaton-
coong operaton wth
recrcuatng qud s
a) natura draft coong tower
b) nduced draft coong tower
c) spra chamber
d) none of these
15. The most emcent coong tower out of the foowng s
a) induced draft
b) forced draft
c) natura draft
d) atmospherc
16. Crtca humdty of a sod sat means the humdty
a) above whch t w aways become damp
b) beow whch t w aways stay dry
c) both a and b
d) above whch t w aways become dry and beow whch t w
aways stay damp.
19. Percentage saturaton s......the reatve saturaton.
a) alwas smaller than
b) aways greater than
c) not reated to
d) none of these
20. Wet bub and dry bub temperatures become dentca at
a) 5$$< saturation cur-e
b) 50% saturaton curve
c) 78% saturaton curve
d) none of these
21. Whch of the foowng processes s foowed by unsaturated ar
(wth dry bub temperature
C and reatve humdty 47%) passng through water spray
washer (temperature of water beng constant at 40
a) humdcaton ony
b) heatng ony
c) both heating and humidi2cation
d) evaporatve coong
22. Whch of the foowng remans constant durng sensbe coong
a) specc humdty
b) parta pressure of vapor
c) both a and b
d) nether a nor b
23. Durng sensbe coong process
a) reatve humdty decreases
b) reatve humdty ncreases
c) wet bub temperature ncreases
d) both b and c
24. A mxture of 10% C
vapor n ar at 25
C and 750 mm Hg has a
dew pont of 20
C. Its
dew pont at 30
C and 700 mm Hg w be around
a) 21.7
b) 20
c) 27.3
d) 5#@9
25. Whch of the foowng remans constant durng evaporatve
coong process wth
recrcuated water suppy?
a) reatve humdty
b) parta pressure of vapor
c) wet bulb temperature
d) none of these
26. Dew pont of a gas-vapor mxture
a) ncreases wth temperature rse
b) decreases wth temperature rse
c) decreases with increases in pressure
d) ncreases wth ncreases n pressure
27. Whch of the foowng decreases durng evaporatve coong
process wth recrcuated water
a) wet bub temperature
b) reatve humdty
c) parta pressure of vapor
d) none of these
28. Whch of the foowng ncreases durng evaporatve coong
process wth recrcuated water
a) wet bub temperature
b) reatve humdty
c) parta pressure of vapor
d) both b and c
29. The reatve saturaton of a partay saturated mxture of vapor
and gas can be ncreased by
a) reducng the tota pressure of the mxture
b) ncreasng the tota pressure of the mxture
c) reducng the temperature of the mxture
d) both b and c
30. Condensaton of a vapor-gas mxture |ust begn when
a) p = P
b) p > P
c) p < P
d) p>= P
where: p = parta pressure of the vapor
P = vapor pressure of the qud
31. Unsaturated ar (wth dry and wet bub temperatures beng 35
and 25
C respectvey) s
passed through water spray chamber mantaned at 35
C. The ar
w be
a) cooed
b) humded
c) both a and b
d) dehumded
32. In case of unsaturated ar
a) dew pont < wet bub temperature
b) wet bub temperature < dry bub temperature
c) both a and b
d) nether a nor b
33. Unsaturated ar (wth dry bub temperature and dew pont beng
C and 18
C respectvey)
s passed through a water spray chamber mantaned at 15
C. The
ar w be
a) cooed and humded
b) cooed and dehumded wth ncrease n wet bub temperature
c) cooed at the same reatve humdty
d) cooled and dehumidi2ed with decrease in wet bulb
34. Whch of the foowng parameters remans amost constant
durng adabatc saturaton of
unsaturated ar?
a) dry bub temperature
b) dew pont
c) wet bulb temperature
d) none of these
35. Unsaturated ar (wth dry bub and wet bub temperatures beng
C and 25
C respectvey)
s passed through a water spray chamber mantaned at 23
C. The
ar w be
a) cooled and humidi2ed with wet bulb temperature
b) cooed and humded at constant wet bub temperature
c) cooed and dehumded
d) none of these
1. The unt of voumetrc dhusvty s
a@) cm
ec b.) cm/sec
c.) cm
/sec d.) cm
2. The dhusvty (D) n a bnary gas mxture s reated to the
temperature (T) as
a.) D T b.) D T
c@) A ;
d.) D T
3. The dhusvty (D) n a bnary gas mxture s reated to the pressure
(P) as
a.) D T
b.) D 1
c@) A 5 d.) D 1
4. Moecuar dhuson s caused by
a.) transfer of moecues from ow concentraton to hgh
concentraton regon
b@) thermal energ of the molecules
c.) actvaton energy of the moecues
d.) potenta energy of the moecues
5. Pck out the correct statement
a.) Dhusvty decreases wth ncrease n temperature
b.) Dhusvty ncreases wth ncrease n moecuar weght
c.) Dhusvty ncreases wth the sze of the ndvdua moecue
d@) )one of these
6. Mass transfer co-emcent s dened as
a.) Fux = (Co-emcent) / (concentraton dherence)
b@) 'o0efcient B 8lux : concentration di?erence
c.) Fux = concentraton dherence / co-emcent
d.) None of these
7. Mass transfer co-emcent (K) and dhusvty (D) are reated
accordng to m theory as
a@) C A b.) K D
c.) K D
d.) K D
8. Penetraton theory reates average mass transfer co-emcent (K)
wth dhusvty (D) as
a.) K D b@) C A
c.) K D
d.) K D
9. Correspondng to Prandt number n heat transfer, the dmensoness
group n mass transfer s
a@) !chmidt number b.) Sherwood number
c.) Pecet number d.) Stanton number
10. Schmdt number s
a@) b.) Re.Pe
b.) Sh x Pe d.) Re / Pe
11. In physca terms, Schmdt number means
a.) therma dhusvty / mass dhusvty
b.) therma dhusvty / momentum dhusvty
c@)momentum di?usi-it : mass di?usi-it
d.) mass dhusvty / therma dhusvty
12. Correspondng to Nusset number n heat transfer, the
dmensoness group n mass transfer, s
a@) !cherwood number b.) Schmdt number
c.) Pecet number d.) Stanton number
13. Mass transfer coemcent of qud s
a@)a?ected more b temperature than that for gases
b.) ahected much by ess temperature than that for gases
c.) not ahected by temperature
d.) none of these
14. Lews number (Le) s
a@) !c x Pr b.) Pr x Sc
c.) Sc x Pr d.) St x Sh
15. Whch of the foowng s not a unt of mass transfer coemecent?
a.) moes transferred
(tme)(area)(moe fracton)
b.) moes transferred
( tme)(area)(pressure)
c.) mass transferred
(tme)(area)(mass A / mass B)
d@) none of these
16. In case qud-qud bnary dhuson , dhusvty of one
consttuent nto another s not dependent on
a.) temperature and pressure
b.) concentraton
c.) nature of the consttuents
d@) none of these
17. Steady state equmoa counter dhuson s encountered n
a@)separation of a binar mixture b distillation
b.) absorpton of NH
from ar by water
c.) a qud-qud dhuson systems
d.) a qud-sod dhuson systems
18. Whch of the foowng has the same dmenson as mass
a.) momentum ux b.) knematc vscosty
c.) therma dhusvty d@) both b and c
19. Dhusvty n concentrated soutons dhers from that n dute
soutons because of changes n
a.) vscocty wth concentraton
b.) degree of deaty of the souton
c@)both a and b
d.) nether a nor b
20. The vaue of Lews number Le = Sc for ar-water vapour system
s around
a@) 5 b.) 0.24
c.) 3.97 d.) 600.
1. For absorbng a sparngy soube gas n a qud, the
a.) gas sde coemcent shoud be ncreased
b@) li3uid side coefcient should be increased
c.) gas sde coemcent shoud be decreased
d.) qud sde coemcent shoud be decreased
2. For contactng a hghy soube gas wth a qud
a@)bubble the gas through li3uid
b.) spray the qud on gas stream
c.) ether a or b w sumce
d.) none of these
3. Wetted wa tower experment determnes
a.) moa dhusvty b.) voumetrc coemcent
c@) mass transfer coefcient d.) none of these
4. Stacked packng compared to dumped packng
a.) provdes poorer contact between the uds
b.) gves ower pressure drop
c@)both (a) and (b)
d.) gves hgher drop
5. Channeng s most severe
a@)in towers pac,ed with stac,ed pac,ing
b.) n towers packed randomy wth crushed sods
c.) n dumped packng of reguar unts
d.) at very hgh qud ow rate
6. Foodng resuts n
a.) Hgh tray emcency
b@) *ow tra efcienc
c.) Hgh gas veocty
d.) Good contact between the uds
7. Operatng veocty n a packed tower s usuay
a@)half the =ooding -elocit
b.) twce the oodng veocty
c.) equa to oodng veocty
d.) more than the oodng veocty
8. At the same gas ow rate, the pressure drop n a packed tower
beng rrgated wth qud
a@)is greater than that in dr pac,ed
b.) s ower than that n dryng packng
c.) s same as that n dryng packng
d.) cannot be predcted as data are nsumcent
9. Ber sadde made of carbon cannot be used
a.) for akas b.) for SO
c.) for H
d@) in
10. Foodng n a coumn resuts due to
a@) high pressure drop b.) ow pressure drop
c.) ow veocty of the qud d.) hgh temperature
11. The operatng ne for an absorbed s curved when potted n
terms of
a.) moe fractons b.) moe ratos
c@) partial pressure d.) mass fractons
12. In case of an absorber, the operatng
a@)line alwas lies abo-e the e3uilibrium cur-e
b.) ne aways es beow the equbrum curve
c.) ne can be ether above or beow the equbrum curve
d.) veocty s more than the oadng veocty
13. For an absorber, both equbrum and operatng ne w be
straght for
a.) concentrated souton and non-sotherma operaton
b.) dute souton and non-sotherma operaton
c@)dilute solution and isothermal operation
d.) concentrated souton and sotherma operaton
14. In case of desorber (stpper)
a.) the operatng ne aways es above the equbrum curve
b@) the operating line alwas lies below the e3uilibrium
c.) temperature remans unahected
d.) temperature aways ncreases
15. The mnmum qud rate to be used n an absorber corresponds
to an operatng ne
a.) of sope = 1 b.) of sope = '1
c@) tangential to the e3uilibrium cur-e d.) none of these
16. Absorpton factor s dened as
a.) sope of the equbrum curve
sope of the operatng ne
b@) slope of the operating line
slope of the e3uilibrium cur-e
c.) sope of the operatng ne - sope of the equbrum curve
d.) sope of the operatng nexsope of the equbrum curve
17. H
S present n naphtha reformed gas s removed by absorbng
a@) ethanolamine b.) K
c.) HCL d.) vacuum gas so
18. If G = nsoube gas n gas stream and L = non-voate sovent n
qud stream, then the sope of the operatng ne for the absorber s
a@) *:E b.) G/L
c.) aways < 1 d.) none of these
19. Raschg rng made of porcean cannot be used for treatng
a.) concentrated hydrochorc acd
b.) concentrated ntrc acd
d.) concentrated sufurc acd
20. For absorbers, hgh pressure drop resuts n
a.) ncreased emcency b.) decreased emcency
c@) high operating cost d.) better gas qud
21. Whch of the foowng s an undesrabe property for an
absorbng sovent?
a.) ow vapour pressure b.) ow veocty
c.) ow freezng pont d@) none of these
22. Out of the foowng propertes of a sovent for absorpton, whch
combnaton of propertes provdes a good sovent?
I. hgh vscosty II. Low vscosty
III. hgh vapour pressure IV. Low vapour pressure
V. hgh gas soubty VI. Hgh freezng pont
VII. ow freezng pont
Choose from the foowng combnatons:
a@) FF(FV(V(VFF b.) I,IV,V,VI
c.) II,IV,V,VI d.) I,IV,V,VII
23. When both the uds ow concurrenty n an absorber, the sope
of the operatng ne s
a@) negati-e b.) postve
c.) 1 d.) -1
24. Ammona present n the coke oven gas s removed by washng
a.) caustc souton b@) dilute ammoniacal
c.) dute HC d.) ethanoamne
25. Whch of the foowng s not xed by process requrements n the
desgn of absorbers?
a.) ow rate of the enterng gas
b.) composton of the enterng qud
c.) termna concentraton of gas stream
d@) none of these
26. In an absorber, HETP does not vary wth
a.) ow rate of qud b.) ow rate of gas
c.) type and sze of packng d@) none of these
27. Whch of the foowng s an undesrabe property n a ow-packng
a.) arge surface per unt voume
b.) arge free cross-secton
c.) ow weght per unt voume
d@) large weight of li3uid retained
28. Very ta packed towers are dvded nto seres of beds to
a.) reduce the over-a pressure drop
b@) a-oid channeling
c.) reduce qud hod-up
d.) avod oodng
29. For the same system, f the same qud used n an absorber s
decreased, the tower heght w
b.) decrease
c.) reman unahected
d.) decrease or ncrease depends on the type of qud
30. HETP s numercay equa to HTU ony when operatng ne
a.) es beow the equbrum ne
b.) es above the equbrum ne
c@)and e3uilibrium lines are parallel
d.) s far from the equbrum ne
31. Desrabe vaue of absorpton factor n an absorber s
a.) 1 b.) <1
c@) 45 d.) 0.5
32. Absorpton accompaned by heat evouton resuts n
a.) ncreased capacty of the absorber
b.) ncrease n equbrum soubty
c@)decrease in e3uilibrium solubilit
d.) none of these
33. Co-current absorbers are usuay used when the gas to be
dssoved n the qud s
a.) sparngy soube b.) hghy soube
c@) a pure substance d.) a mxture
34. Channeng n a packed tower resuts from
a.) hgh pressure drop b.) madstrbuton of
c.) non-unformty of packng d@) both b and c
35. Dameter of raschg rngs used n packed tower n ndustry s
normay around
a@) 2G b.) 8"
c.) 12" d.) 18"
1. For a casscaton of potabe water, we use
a@) gra-it sand 2lter b.) pate and frame ter
c.) vacuum eaf ter d.) rotary vacuum ter
2. Vacuum ter s most sutabe for
a.) remova of nes from qud b.) qud havng hgh vapour
c.) quds of very hgh vscosty d@) none of these
3. Fter ad s used
a.) to ncrease the rate of traton b.) to decrease the
pressure drop
c@) to increase the porosit of the ca,e d.) as a support base
for the septum
4. Durng the washng of cake
a@) all resistance are constant b.) ter medum
resstance ncreases
c.) ter medum resstance d.) change resstance
5. The porosty of a compressbe cake s
a@) minimum at the 2lter medium b.) mnmum at the upstream
c.) maxmum at the ter medum d.) same throughout
the thckness
6. The specc cake resstance s
a@) gm : cm
b.) cm / gm
c.) cm / gm
d.) gm / gm.
7. The unt of ter medum resstance s
a@) cm05 b.) gm / cm-1
c.) cm / gm-1 d.) gm -1
8. The medum resstance s controed by
a.) the pressure drop aong
b.) the ow rate aone
c@)both pressure drop and =ow rate
d.) the cake thckness
9. Compressbty coemcent for an absoutey compressbe cake s
a.) 0 b@) 5
c.) 0 to 1 d.) none of these
10. In contnuous traton (at a constant pressure drop) trate ow
rate vares nversey as the
a@)s3uare root of the -elocit
b.) square root of the vscosty
c.) traton tme ony
d.) washng tme ony
11. For separaton of sugar souton from setted out mud we use
a.) sparker ter b.) pate and frame
c@) centrifugal 2lter d.) rotary drum vacuum
12. The most common ter ad s
a@) diatomaceous earth b.) cacum scate
c.) sodum carbonate d.) sca ge
13. Remova of actvated carbon from gycerne s done by
a@) plate and frame 2lter b.) rotary vacuum ter
c.) batch backed centrfuge d.) none of these
14. Ftraton of water n a paper m s done by
a@) open sand 2lter b.) pate and frame
c.) vacuum eaf ter d.) sparker ter
15. The speed of a rotary drum vacuum ter (n rpm) may be
a@) 5 b.) 50
c.) 100 d.) 500
16. Geatnous sod (whch pug the septum) can be tered by
a.) sparker ter b.) pate and frame
c.) vacuum eaf ter d@) precost 2lter
17. For amnar of ow of trate through the cake deposted on
septum whch of the foowng wth the vad?
a@) Co.enc0'arman H3uation b.) Leva's equaton
c.) Cack-Pummer equaton d.) none of these
18. Whch of the foowng may prove unsutabe for terng voate
a.) pressure ter b.) gravty ter
c.) centrfuga ter d@) -acuum 2lter
19. In washng type pate and frame ter press the rato of washng
rate to the na trate rate s
a.) 4 b@) 5:&
c.) 1 d.) 1/2
20. Moore ter s a
a@) leaf 2lter b.) ter press
c.) rotary ter d.) sand ter
21. Datomaceous earth s
a.) exposve b@) 2lter aid
c.) ter medum d.) none of these
22. Fow of trate through cake n a pate and frame ter press s
best descrbed by
a@) Co.enc0'arman e3uation b.) Hagen-Poseu
c.) Fannng's equaton d.) Kremser equaton
23. A straght ne s obtaned on pottng recproca of traton rate
vs the voume of trate
a.) compressbe cakes and amnar ow of trate
b@) incompressible ca,es and laminar =ow of 2ltrate
c.) compressbe cake and turbuent ow of trate
d.) ncompressbe cake and turbuent ow of trate
24. Percentage of drum submerged n surry n case of rotary drum
ter s
a.) 3% b@) "$<
c.) 85% d.) 25%
25. Whch of the foowng represents the pot of trate cvoume
versus tme for constant pressure traton?
a@) parabola b.) straght ne
c.) hyperboa d.) exponenta curve
26. Wth ncrease n drum speed, n a rotary drum ter, the traton
a@) increases b.) ncreases neary
c.) decreases d.) s not ahected
27. The net pressure n a constant rate traton
a@) increases continuousl b.) decreases
c.) remans constant d.) none of these
28. Whch s a contnuous ter?
a.) pate and frame ter b.) cartrdge ter
c.)she and eaf ter d@) none of these
29. Addton of ter ad to the surry before traton s done to ... of
the coke
a@)increase the porosit
b.) ncrease the compressbty coemcent
c.) decrease the porosty
d.) decrease the compressbty coemcent
30. The cake resstance ncreases steady wth the tme of traton
n a pate and frame ter empoyng constant ... traton
a.) rate b.) pressure
c@) both a and b d.) nether a nor b
31. The controng resstance n a rotary drum vacuum ter s the
.. Resstance
a.) ppng b@) ca,e
c.) ter medum c.) none of these
1. Bhysical adsorption is
a. an irreversible phenomenon
b. a reversible phenomenon
c. accompanied by evolution of heat
". 2!$( 2 a&" #
2. ,hemisorption (chemical adsorption) is
a. same as "'an der Waals# adsorption
b. characteri<ed by adsorption of heat
#. a/)! #a//e" a#$%1a$e" a")!-$%!&
d. none of these
. Rate of adsorption increases as the
a. temperature increases c. pressure decreases
b. $e+-ea$.e "e#ea)e) d. si<e of adsorbent increases
%. When adsorption hysteresis is observed= the desorption e1uilibrium pressure is
a. a/0a8) /!0e $(a& $(a$ !2$a%&e" 28 a")!-$%!&
b. always higher than that obtained by adsorption
c. same as that obtained by adsorption
d. dependent on the system can be either lower or higher than that obtained by adsorption
&. Which of the following adsorbent is used to decolori<e yellow glycerine?
a. silica gel c. 9uller4s earth
b. alumina ". a#$%1a$e" #a2!&
(. 9reundlich e1uation applies to adsorption of solute from
a. "%/.$e )!/.$%!&), !1e a )+a// #!&#e&$a$e" a&7e
b. gaseous solutions at high pressure
c. concentrated solutions
d. none of these
+. !n case of physical adsorption= the difference between heat of adsorption and heat of normal
condensation is
a. e1ual to the heat of formation of surface compound
2. e6.a/ $! $(e (ea$ !' 0e$$%&7
c. <ero
d. called integral heat of adsorption
.. Bic- out the wrong statement
Qenerally for physical adsorption= a gas of
a. higher molecular weight is adsorbed in preference to a gas of low molecular weight
b. high critical temperature is adsorbed in preference to a gas of low critical temperature
c. low volatility is adsorbed in preference to a gas of high volatility
". 2!$( 2 a&" #
/. 6he change in enthalpy per unit weight of adsorbed gas when adsorbed on gas free or
"outgassed# adsorbent to form a definite concentration of adsorbate is called its
a. %&$e7a/ (ea$ !' a")!-$%!&
b. heat of wetting
c. differential heat of adsorption
d. heat of normal condensation
12. With increase in concentration of the adsorbate the integral heat of adsorption
a. increases
2. "e#ea)e)
c. remains unchanged
d. may increase or decrease) depends on type of adsorbate
11. 6he change in enthalpy when a unit 1uantity of gas is adsorbed by a relatively large 1uantity
of adsorbent (on which a definite concentration of the adsorbed gas already e5ists) is termed
as the
a. "%''ee&$%a/ (ea$ !' a")!-$%!& c. integral heat of adsorption
b. heat of wetting d. heat of normal condensation
12. >s complete saturation of an adsorbent is approached= the differential heat of adsorption
a. (ea$ !' &!+a/ #!&"e&)a$%!& c. <ero
b. integral heat of adsorption d. none of these
1. !on e5change process is similar to
a. absorption #. a")!-$%!&
b. e5traction d. leaching
1%. ,D2 can be adsorbed by
a. hot cupric o5ide c. ,old ,a (D8)2
b. (ea$e" #(a#!a/ d. alumina
1. 9or separation of sugar solution from settled out mud we use
a. spar-ler filter #. #e&$%'.7a/ '%/$e
b. plate Z frame filter d. rotary drum vacuum filter
2. 3oisture can be removed from lubricating oil using
a. $.2./a #e&$%'.7e c. spar-ler filter
b. clarifier d. vacuum leaf filter
. Which of the following can be most effectively used for clarification of tube oil and printing
a. spar-ler filter c. disc$bowl centrifuge
b. precoat filter d. )(a-/e)) ).-e#e&$%'.7e
%. !f the radius of a bas-et centrifuge is halved and the rpm is doubled= then
a. linear speed of the bas-et is doubled
b. linear speed of the bas-et is halved
#. #e&$%'.7a/ '!#e %) "!.2/e"
d. capacity of centrifuge is increased
&. Where the difference in density of the two li1uid phases to be separated is very small (as in
mil- cream separator)= the most suitable separator is
a. "%)# 2!&" #e&$%'.7e c. batch bas-et centrifuge
b. sharpless supercentrifuge d. spar-ler filter
1. 9roth 9lotation is most suitable for treating
a. iron ores #. 6.a$z
b. sulfide ores d. metal ores
2. !n 9roth 9lotation= chemical agent added to cause air adherence is called
a. #!//e#$! c. modifier
b. frother d. promoter
. Bine oil used in forth flotation techni1ue acts as a
a. collector #. '!$(e
b. modifier d. activator
%. Which of the following is the most suitable for cleaning of fine coal dust (O 2.& m)?
a. 6hrough washer c. 0piral separator
2. Faum Rig Washer ". F!$( F/!$a$%!&
1. Which of the following operations does not involve leaching?
a. dissolving gold from ores
b. dissolving pharmaceutical products from bar- or roots
c. dissolving sugar from the cells of the best
". e+!1%&7 &%#!$%&e '!+ %$) 0a$e )!/.$%!& 28 3e!)e&e
2. 6ea percolation employs
a. li1uid$li1uid e5traction c. absorption
b. /ea#(%&7 d. adsorption
. Rate of leaching increases with increasing
a. $e+-ea$.e c. pressure
b. viscosity of solvent d. si<e of the solid
%. 0tage efficiency in a leaching process depends on the
a. time of contact between the solid and the solution
b. rate of diffusion of the solute through the solid and into the li1uid
#. 2!$( a a&" 2
d. vapor pressure of the solution
&. ;5traction of coffee from its seed is done by
a. li1uid$li1uid e5traction c. e5tractive distillation
b. /ea#(%&7 d. steam distillation
(. Ieaching of sugar from sugar beets is done by
a. (!$ 0a$e c. dilute 820D%
b. he5ane d. lime water
+. With increase in temperature= the leaching rate increases due to
a. decreased li1uid viscosity #. 2!$( a a&" 2
b. increased diffusivity d. neither a nor b
.. Ieaching rate is independent of the
a. agitation c. temperature
2. particle si<e ". &!&e !' $(e)e
')%D ')%D #*TRA"TO!
1. 8eats sensitive materials with very high latent heat of vapori<ation may be
economically separated using
a. /%6.%" e5$a#$%!& c. evaporation
b. distillation d. absorption
2. 9ractional solvent e5traction
a. employs only one solvent c. results in low interfacial tension
b. e+-/!8) $0! )!/1e&$) d. none of these
. ,hoose the best combination or properties for a good solvent for e5traction out of the
(i) high selectivity
(ii) low selectivity
(iii) high viscosity
(iv) low viscosity
(v) large distribution coefficient
(vi) small distribution coefficient
(vii) high interfacial tension
(viii) low interfacial tension
a. ( % ), ( %1 ), ( 1 ), ( 1%% ) c. ( i )= ( iii )= ( v )= ( vii )
b. ( i )= ( iii )= ( v )= ( vi ) d. ( i )= ( ii )= ( iv )= ( vii )
%. 0electivity of solvent used in e5traction should be
a. 1 #. = *
b. O 1 d. 2
&. !n li1uid e5traction= if selectivity is unity= then
a. separation of the constituent is most effective
2. &! )e-aa$%!& 0%// !##.
c. amount of solvent re1uired will be minimum
d. solvent flow rate should be very low
(. When the solvent dissolves very little of solute then
a. solvent of low latent heat of vapori<ation should be used
b. solvent of low free<ing point should be used
#. /a7e 6.a&$%$8 !' )!/1e&$ %) e6.%e" $! e5$a#$ $(e )!/.$e
d. very small 1uantity of solute is re1uired
+. Which of the following is the most suitable for e5traction in a system having very low density
a. mi5er$settler e5tractor c. pulsed e5tractor
b. #e&$%'.7a/ e5$a#$! d. pac-ed e5traction tower
.. !n e5traction= as the temperature increases= the area of heterogeneity (area covered by binodal
a. "e#ea)e) c. remains unchanged
b. increases d. none of these
/. 6he ape5 of an e1uilateral triangular coordinate (internary li1uid system) represents
a. a -.e #!+-!&e&$ c. a ternary mi5ture
b. a binary mi5ture d. an insoluble binary system
12. !n a countercurrent e5tractor as the a5ial mi5ing increases= the e5traction efficiency
a. increases c. remains unchanged
b. "e#ea)e) d. depends on the pressure of the system
11. 6he solvent used in li1uid e5traction should not have high latent heat of vapori<ation because
a. the pressure drops and hence the pumping cost will be very high
b. it cannot be recovered by distillation
#. %$) e#!1e8 #!)$ 28 "%)$%//a$%!& +a8 2e -!(%2%$%1e/8 (%7(
d. it will decompose while recovering by distillation
12. !n a countercurrent li1uid e5tractor
a. both li1uids flow at fi5ed rate
b. both li1uids can have any desired flow rate
#. !&/8 !&e !' $(e /%6.%") +a8 2e -.+-e" a$ a&8 "e)%e" a$e
d. li1uid4s flow rate depends upon the temperature and pressure
1. 0ides of e1uilateral triangular coordinates (on which ternary li1uid system is plotted)
a. a pure component c. a ternary mi5ture
b. a 2%&a8 +%5$.e d. partially miscible ternary system
1%. >s the reflu5 ratio= in a continuous counter current e5traction is increased= the number of
a. increase c. remain unchanged
b. "e#ea)e d. can either increase or decrease= depends on
the system
1&. >cetic acid will be most economically separated from a dilute solution of acetic acid in water
a. )!/1e&$ e5$a#$%!& c. evaporation
b. continuous distillation d. absorption
+AT#RA'S (A!D'!&
1. Which is most suitable for transportation of stic-y material?
a. apron conveyor c. belt conveyor
b. )#e0 #!&1e8! d. pneumatic conveyor
2. Which of the following cannot be recommended for transportation of abrasive materials?
a. belt conveyor c. apron conveyor
b. '/%7($ #!&1e8! d. chain conveyor
. 9or transporting pastry material= one will use
a. apron conveyor c. belt conveyor
b. )#e0 #!&1e8! d. buc-et elevator
%. 6he capacity of a belt conveyor depends upon two factors. !f one is the cross section of the
load= the other is the
a. )-ee" !' $(e 2e/$ c. thic-ness of the belt
b. length of the belt d. material to be transported
&. Ary powdery solid material are transported by a
a. belt conveyor c. belt conveyor
b. )#e0 #!&1e8! d. buc-et elevator
(. >pron conveyors are used for
a. (ea18 /!a") a&" )(!$ .&) c. heavy loads and long runs
b. small loads= long runs d. transporting powdered materials
1. 6he ratio of the actual mesh dimension of 6aylor series to that of the ne5t smaller screen is
a. 2 b,
c. 1.& d. none of these
2. 6he opening of 222 mesh screen (6aylor series) is
a. D.DDOH #+ b. 2.22+% mm c. 2.22%+ cm d. 2.22%+ mm
. 6he ratio of the area of opening in one screen (6aylor series) to that of openings in the ne5t
smaller screen is
a. 1.& b. 1 c.
". &!&e !' $(e)e
%. ,umulative >nalysis for determining surface is more precise than differential analysis
because of the
a. assumption that all particles in single fraction are e1ual in si<e
b. fact that screening is more effective
#. a)).+-$%!& $(a$ a// -a$%#/e) %& a )%&7/e 'a#$%!& ae e6.a/ %& )%ze %) &!$ &ee"e"
d. none of these
&. !ncreasing the capacity of screen
a. "e#ea)e) $(e )#ee& e''e#$%1e&e)) c. does not affect the screen effectiveness
b. increases the screen effectiveness d. none of these
(. 0creen efficiency is
a. recovery reCection b. recovery c. reCection ". &!&e !' $(e)e
+. >s particle si<e is reduced
a. )#ee&%&7 2e#!+e) -!7e))%1e/8 +!e "%''%#./$
b. screening becomes progressively easier
c. capacity and effectiveness of the screen is increased
d. none of these
.. > screen is said to be blinded when
a. oversi<es are present in undersi<e fraction
b. undersi<es are retained in oversi<e fraction
#. $(e )#ee& %) -/.77e" 0%$( )!/%" -a$%#/e)
d. its capacity is abruptly increased
/. 0i<e measurement of ultrafine particles can be best e5pressed in terms of
a. centimeter c. micron
2. screen si<e ". ).'a#e aea -e .&%$ +a))
12. 6rommels separate a mi5ture of particles depending on their
a. )%ze c. screen si<e
b. wet ability d. electrical and magnetic
11. 0creen capacity is e5pressed in terms of
a. tons/h b. tons/ft
c. both a and b ". $!&)9(,'$
12. Which of the following screens has the ma5imum capacity?
a. gri<<lies c. sha-ing screen
b. trommels ". 1%2a$%&7 )#ee&
1. 9or si<ing of fine materials= the most suitable e1uipment is a
a. trommel c. sha-ing screen
2. gri<<ly ". 1%2a$%&7 )#ee&
1%. 3esh number indicates the number of holes per
a. s1uare inch c. s1uare foot
b. /%&ea %&#( d. linear foot
1&. Dptimum ratio of operating speed to critical speed of a trommel is
a. D.:: ; D.H< c. 2.& @ 2
b. 1. @ 1.%& d. 1.& @ 2.&
1(. 222 mesh screens means
222 openings/cm
c. 222 openings/cm
BDD !-e&%&7)9%&#( d. 222 openings/inch
1+. !n screen analysis= notation E & mm/ $12 mm means passing through
a. *D ++ )#ee& a&" e$a%&e" !& < ++ )#ee&
b. & mm screen and retained on 12 mm screen
c. both & mm and 1 mm screens
d. neither & mm nor 12 mm screens
1.. 6he critical speed of a trommel (n) is related to its diameter (A)
b. N D d.
1/. With increase in the capacity of screens= the screen effectiveness
a. remains unchanged #. "e#ea)e)
2. increases d. decreases e5ponentially
22. 'ibrating screens have capacity (tons/ft
@ hr @ mm mesh si<e) in the range of
a. D.B $! D.L c. &2 to 122
b. & to 2& d. 122 to 2&2
21. 6he material passing one screening surface and retained on a subse1uent surface is called
a. %&$e+e"%a$e +a$e%a/ c. plus material
b. minus d. none of the above
Kuestions 1 and 2 are based on the following information and illustration
!n an e5periment= a sphere of density
and radius r is dropped in a tan- of oil of
and density
. 6he time of descent for the sphere through the first section of height
d is recorded as t1 and through the second section of the same height as t2= 0 < t2 t1 << 1.
1. Which of the following is true for the e5periment
V (1)
a. 6he drag force e5erted on the sphere increases during it descent through the second
b. 6he sphere never reaches its terminal velocity while falling through both sections
#. T(e )-(ee ea#(e) %$) $e+%&a/ 1e/!#%$8 0(%/e 'a//%&7 $(!.7( $(e '%)$ )e#$%!&
d. 6he drag force e5erted on the sphere decreases during the descent through the second
2. 6he drag force e5erted on the sphere during its descent through the second section is
a. ( )

1 2

g r c.

1 1

r g r


g r d.

1 1


r g r

. Arag is defined as the force e5erted by the
a. fluid on the solid in a direction opposite to flow
2. $(e '/.%" !& $(e )!/%" %& $(e "%e#$%!& !' '/!0
c. the solid on the fluid
d. none of these
%. Arag coefficient for flow of past immersed body is the ratio of
a. shear stress to the product of velocity head and density
b. shear force to the product of velocity head and density
#. a1ea7e "a7 -e .&%$ -!>e#$e" aea $! $(e -!".#$ !' $(e 1e/!#%$8 (ea" a&" "e&)%$8
d. none of these
&. 0to-e4s law is valid when the particle Reynolds number is
a. O1 c. G1
b, -. d. none of these
(. Arag coefficient ,A is given by (in 0to-e4s law range)
+. >t low Reynolds number
a. viscous forces are unimportant
b. viscous forces control
#. 1%)#!.) '!#e) #!&$!/ a&" %&e$%a/ '!#e) ae .&%+-!$a&$
d. gravity forces control
.. >t high Reynolds number
a. %&e$%a/ '!#e) #!&$!/ a&" 1%)#!.) '!#e) ae .&%+-!$a&$
b. viscous forces predominate
c. inertial forces are unimportant and viscous forces control
d. none of these
/. 9orces acting on a particle settling in fluid are
a. gravitational and buoyant forces
b. centrifugal and drag forces
#. 7a1%$a$%!&a/ ! #e&$%'.7a/, 2.!8a&$ a&" "a7 '!#e)
d. e5ternal= drag and viscous forces
12. 6erminal velocity is
a. #!&)$a&$ 1e/!#%$8 0%$( &! a##e/ea$%!&
b. a fluctuating velocity
c. attained after moving one$half of total distance
d. none of these
11. !n hindered settling= particles are
a. placed farther from the wall #. &ea ea#( !$(e
b. not affected by other particles and the wall d. none of these
12. Arag coefficient in hindered settling is
a. less than in free settling
b. e1ual to that in free settling
c. not necessarily 1uarter than in free settling
". 7ea$e $(a& %& 'ee )e$$/%&7
1. 9or the free settling of a spherical particle through a fluid= the slope of ,A vs log HRe plot is
a. 1 #. ; *
b. 2.& d. @ 2.&
1%. 6he terminal velocity of a small sphere settling in a viscous fluid varies as the
a. first power of its diameter
2. %&1e)e !' $(e '/.%" 1%)#!)%$8
c. inverse s1uare of the diameter
d. s1uare of the difference in specific weights of solid and fluid
1&. Fuoyant force
a. for non symmetrical bodies is not vertical
b. depends on the depth of the submergence of the floating body
#. "e-e&") !& $(e 0e%7($ !' $(e '/!a$%&7 2!"8
d. none of these
1(. ,enter of pressure in an immersed body is ??????? the center of gravity
a. above
2. 2e/!0
c. at
d. either above or below) depends on the li1uid density
1+. 6he line of action of the buoyant force passes through the center of gravity of the
a. submerged body
2. "%)-/a#e" 1!/.+e !' $(e '/.%"
c. volume of fluid vertically above the body
d. hori<ontal proCection of the body
1.. Arag is the force component e5erted on an immersed obCect
a. passing the centroid of the body at (2[ to the direction of motion
2. $(e #!+-!&e&$ 2e%&7 -aa//e/ $! $(e '/!0 "%e#$%!&
c. the component being normal to the flow direction
d. none of these
1/. 0phericity of raschig ring (whose length and diameter are e1ual) is
a. G1 c. O2
2. * d. 2
22. 0phericity of pulveri<ed coal is
a. 1 #. E*
b. G1 d.
21. 0edimentation on commercial scale occurs in
a. classifiers #. $(%#3e&e)
b. rotary drum filters d. cyclones
22. 9or non spherical particle= the sphericity
a. %) "e'%&e" a) $(e a$%! !' ).'a#e aea !' a )-(ee (a1%&7 $(e )a+e 1!/.+e a) $(e
-a$%#/e $! $(e a#$.a/ ).'a#e aea !' $(e -a$%#/e
b. has a dimension of length
c. is always less than 1
d. is the ratio of volume of a sphere having the same surface area as the particle to the actual
volume of the particle
2. 0phericity of a cubical particle when its e1uivalent diameter is ta-en as the height of the tube
a.2.& c.
2.* d.
2%. 9or raschig rings= the sphericity is
a. 2.& #. E *
b. 1 d.
2&. 0phericity for a non$spherical particle is given by
where: ' and 0 are volume and surface area respectively of one particle
A 7 e1uivalent diameter of particles
S/# R#D%"TO!
1. 0hape factor for a cylinder whose length e1uals its diameter is
a. *.< b. 2.& c. 1 d. 2
2. ;1uivalent diameter of a particle is the diameter of the sphere having the same
a. a$%! !' ).'a#e $! 1!/.+e a) $(e a#$.a/ 1!/.+e
b. ratio of volume to surface as the particle
c. volume as the particle
d. none of these
. 9or coarse reduction of hard solids= use
a. impact b. attrition #. #!+-e))%!& d. cutting
%. 0oft and non abrasive materials can be made into fines by
a. a$$%$%!& b. compression c. cutting d. none of these
&. ,rushing efficiency is the ratio of
a. ).'a#e e&e78 #ea$e" 28 $(e #.)(%&7 $! $(e e&e78 a2)!2e" 28 $(e )!/%"
b. the energy absorbed by the solid to that fed to the machine
c. the energy fed to the machine to the surface energy created by the crushing
d. the energy absorbed by the solid to the surface energy created by the crushing.
(. Rittinger4s crushing law states that
a. wor- re1uired to form a particle of any si<e is proportional to the s1uare of the surface to
volume ratio of the product.
b. wor- re1uired to form a particle of a particular si<e is proportional to the s1uare root of
the surface to volume ratio of the product
#. 0!3 e6.%e" %& #.)(%&7 %) -!-!$%!&a/ $! $(e &e0 ).'a#e #ea$e"
d. for a given machine and feed= crushing efficiency is dependent on the si<es of feed and
+. Fond crushing law
a. #a//) '! e/a$%1e/8 /e)) e&e78 '! $(e )+a//e -!".#$ -a$%#/e $(a& "!e) $(e
R%$$%&7e /a0
b. is less realistic in estimating the power re1uirements of commercial crushes
c. states that the wor- re1uired to form particle of any si<e from very large feed is
proportional to the s1uare root of the volume to surface ratio of the product
d. states that the wor- re1uired for the crushing is proportion
.. Wor- inde5 is defined as the
a. 7!)) e&e78 (N0(9$!& !' 'ee") &ee"e" $! e".#e 1e8 /a7e 'ee" $! ).#( a )%ze $(a$
LDI !' $(e -!".#$ -a))e) a *DD +%#!& )#ee&
b. energy needed to crush one ton of feed to 222 microns
c. energy (Lwh/ton of feed) needed to crush small feed to such a si<e that .2X of product
passes a 222 mesh screen
d. energy needed to crush one ton of feed to 122 microns
/. 6he operating speed of a ball mill should be
a. /e)) $(a& $(e #%$%#a/ )-ee" c. at least e1ual to the critical speed
b. much more than the critical speed d. none of these
12. > fluid energy mill is used for
a. cutting #. ./$a7%&"%&7
b. grinding d. crushing
11. Wet grinding in a revolving mill
a. gives less wear on chamber walls than dry grinding
b. re1uires more energy than for dry grinding
#. %&#ea)e) #a-a#%$8 #!+-ae" $! "8 7%&"%&7
d. complicates handling of the product compared to dry grinding
12. ,ement clin-er is reduced to fine si<e
a. Roll crusher #. T.2e +%//
b. Fall mill d. 8ammer mill
1. 9or the preliminary brea-ing of hard roc-= we use
a. 78a$!8 #.)(e c. 6ube mill
b. Fall mill d. 01uirrel$cage disintegrator
1%. 9ibrous material is bro-en by
a. Roll crusher c. Fall mill
b. S6.%e/,#a7e "%)%&$e7a$! d. none of these
1&. >s the product becomes finer= the energy re1uired for grinding
a. decreases c. is same as for coarser grinding
b. %&#ea)e) d. is 1.& times than for coarser grinding
1(. Mltrafine grinders operate principally by
a. slow compression #. a$$%$%!&
b. impact d. cutting action
1+. 6he energy consumed by a ball mill depends on
a. its speed c. the density of the material being ground
b. its ball load ". a// a, 2 a&" #
1.. Qrinding efficiency of a ball mill is of the order of
a. * ; <I c. +& @ .2X
2. %2 @ &2X d. /2 @ /&X
1/. !n case of a revolving mill= wet grinding compared to dry grinding
a. re1uires more energy c. complicates handling and classification of the product
b. has less capacity ". &!&e !' $(e)e
22. ,ho-e crushing (in case of a Caw crusher) compared to free crushing
a. results in increased capacity #. #!&).+e) +!e -!0e
b. consumes less power d. both a and c
21. 9or efficient grinding= ball mills= must be operated
a. a$ a )-ee" /e)) $(a& #%$%#a/ )-ee" c. at a speed e1ual to critical speed
b. at a speed more than critical speed d. with minimum possible small balls
22. 6o get ultra fine particles= the e1uipment used is
a. ball mill c. hammer crusher
b. rod mill ". '/.%" e&e78 +%//
2. 6he material is crushed in a gyratory crusher by the action of
a. impact #. #!+-e))%!&
b. attrition d. cutting
2%. 6o get fine talc powder from its granules= the e1uipment used is
a. roller crusher c. Caw crusher
b. 2a// +%// d. gyratory crusher
2&. Fall mill is used for
a. crushing #. '%&e 7%&"%&7
b. coarse grinding d. attrition
2(. 6he main differentiation factor between tube mill and ball mill is the
a. /e&7$( $! "%a+e$e a$%! c. final product si<e
b. si<e of the grinding media d. operating speed
2+. Lic-4s law relates to
a. e&e78 #!&).+-$%!& c. feed si<e
b. final particle si<e d. none of these
2.. 9luid energy mill comes in the category of
a. Qrinder c. cutting machine
b. crusher ". ./$a'%&e 7%&"e
2/. Which of the following gives the crushing energy re1uired to create new surface?
a. 6aggart4s rule #. R%$$%&7e?) /a0
b. 9ic-4s Iaw d. none of these
2. 0i<e reduction mechanism used in Raw crushers is
a. attrition c. cutting
b. #!+-e))%!& d. impact
1. 9eed si<e of \ 2& cm can be accepted by
a. ball mill c. fluid energy mill
2. rod mill ". >a0 #.)(e
2. 3a5imum si<e reduction in a ball mill is done by
a. attrition #. %+-a#$
b. compression d. cutting
. 6he main si<e reduction operation in ultra fine grinders is
a. cutting c. compression
2. a$$%$%!& d. impact
%. 6he reduction ratio for grinders is defined as
a. D'9D- c. Af @ Ap
b. Ap/Af d. Ap @ Af
&. 6he reduction ratio for fine grinders is
a. & @ 12 c. 12 @ 22
b. 22 @ %2 ". a) (%7( a) *DD
(. 3a5imum si<e reduction in a fluid energy mill is achieved by
a. compression c. cutting
b. %&$e-a$%#/e a$$%$%!& d. impact
+. Bic- out the material having minimum Rittinger4s number
a. calcite #. 6.a$z
b. pyrite d. galena
.. Bic- out the material having ma5imum Rittinger4s number
a. ,alcite c. 1uart<
b. pyrite ". 7a/e&a
/. ,rushing efficiency of a machine ranges between
a. D.* $! B I c. 22 to 2& X
b. & to 12 X d. &2 to +2 X
%2. >ccording to Fond crushing law= the wor- re1uired to form particle of si<e NA4 from very
large feed is
a, ( ) / S V p c, ( ) /
b, ( )
/ S V p d.
( ) /
( ) /
( ) /
are surface to volume ratio of the product and feed
1. Vertca vaves are not supported by
a. brackets b. skrts
c. coumn d@ saddles
2. Bracket supports are most sutabe for
a@ thic, walled -ertical -essels b. horzonta vesses
c. thn spherca vesse (e.g. Hortonsphere) d. none of these
3. Skrt support s most sutabe for
a. sma horzonta vesses b. arge horzonta
c@ tall -ertical -essels d. thck waed sma vertca
4. Sadde supports are used for supportng
a@ hori.ontal clindrical -essels b. ta vertca vesses
c. thck waed vertca vesses d. thck spherca
5. Wnd oad consderaton n the desgn of a support can be negected
when the vesse s
a. ta (say 30 meters) but s fu of qud b. ta but empty
c@ short (I2 m) and housed indoor d. none of these
6. Leg support s meant for
a. arge horzonta cyndrca vesses b. ta but empty
c@ small -essels d. thck waed ta vesses
7. The force due to wnd oad actng on a ta vesses depends upon ts
a. shape b. outsde dameter
c. heght d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
8. |ont emcency for a seamess ppe s
a@ 5 b. 0.85
c.1.2 d. 0.5
9. In the desgn of a padde agtator the rato padde dameter to tank
dameter s normay taken as:
a.0.1 b@ $@# c.0.25 d. 0.5
10. The rato propeer agtator dameter to tank dameter s normay
taken as
a@ $@550$@"$ b. 0.5-0.65 c. 0.75-0.85 d. 0.60-
11. Bame wdth s normay taken as
a@ $@50$@52 tan, diameter b. 0.4-0.5 tank dameter
c. 0.45-0.6 tank dameter d. 0.2-0.45 tank dameter
12. The mnmum bame heght shoud be
a. equa to the mpeer dameter b@ twice the impeller
c. twce the dameter d. 3/4 of the tank
13. Bames may be emnated for
a. ow vscosty quds (<200 pose) b@ high -iscosit
(46$$ poise)
c. arge dameter tank d. none of these
14. Power requred for agtaton depends upon the
a. heght and propertes of the qud b. agtator type and
speed of agtaton
c. sze of agtator and the tank d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
15. The retenton tme of matera n rotary dryer depends upon
a. ts rpm b. ts sope and ength
c. the arrangement of ghts d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
16. Ftraton rate s ahected by
a. pressure drop across the cake and ter medum
b. cake and ter medum resstance
c. area of terng surface and vscosty of trate
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
17. Rate of trate devery s nversey proportona to the
a. terng the area and the pressure dherence drvng force
b. vscosty of trate
c. cake and ter medum resstance
d@ both (b) and (c)
18. In the case of a she and the tube heat exchanger, the ogarthmc mean
temperature dherence
a@ is alwas less than arithmetic a-erage -alue
b. s aways more than arthmetc mean vaue but more than
geometrc mean vaue
c. s aways ess than arthmetc mean vaue but more than
geometrc mean vaue
d. may be ether more or ess than geometrc mean and arthmetc
mean vaue dependng upon whether the ow of stream s co-
current or counter-current
19. In a doube ppe (concentrc) heat exchanger, the hydrauc radus for heat
transfer (for a ud owng through the annuus) woud be
a. same as that for ud ow
b. ess than that for ud ow
c@ more than that for =uid =ow
d. D2 - D1 (D1 and D2 are I.D. of nner and outer ppes respectvey)
20. Foung factor must be ncuded n the cacuaton of over a desgn
heat transfer co-emcent when the qud
a@ containing suspended solids =ows at low -elocit
b. contanng suspended sods ows at hgh veocty
c. s hghy vscous
d. s of hgh specc gravty
21. The vaue of foung factor depends upon the
a. characterstcs of process ud b. veocty process ud
contanng suspended sods
c. suspended sods n the ud d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
22. Foatng head heat exchangers are used for
a. heat transfer between corrosve uds
b@ cases where temperature di?erence between the shell
and the tubes is more (45$ ')
c. co-current heat transfer systems
d. counter-current heat transfer systems
23. In a she and tube heat exchanger, shortest center to center
dstance between ad|acent tubes s
a@ called tube pitch
b. caed tube cearance
c. aways ess than the dameter of the tube
d. none of these
24. Shortest dstance between two tubes s
a. caed tube ptch
b@ called tube clearance
c. more n case of tranguar ptch as compared to square ptch of
tube ayout
d. none of these
25. In most of the she and tube heat exchanger, the tube ptch s
a. ess than the dameter of the tube b@ 5@25 05@5$ times
the tube diameter
c. 2.5 tmes the tube dameter d. one-fourth of the
tube dameter
26. Tranguar ptch tube ayout as compared to square ptch n a she
and tube heat exchanger
a. permts the use of ess tubes n gven she dameter
b. factates comparatvey easer externa ceanng because of
arger cearance
c. permts the use of more tubes n a gven she dameter
d@ both (b) and (c)
27. Twenty ve percent cut segmenta bame means that the bame
a@ height is 95< of the F@A@ of the shell b. heght s 25% of the
I.D. of the she
c. spacng s 75% of ts heght d. wdth s 25% of ts
28. In she and tube heat exchangers, straght te rods are used to
a@ hold baJe in space b. x the tubes n poston
c. account for therma stran d. none of these
29. Bame spacng s generay
a. more than the I.D. of the she
b. not greater than the I.D. of the she
c. not ess than one fth of the I.D. of the she
d@ both (b) and (c)
30. Whch of the foowng s the most common bame used n ndustra
she and tube heat exchange?
a. 75% cut segmenta bame b@ 25< cut segmental
c. orce bame d. dsk and doughnut bame
31. In a she and tube heat exchanger for gven heat transfer surface area, smaer
dameter tubes are favored as compared to arger dameter ones because smaer
dameter tubes.
a. are easer to cean
b. are ess prone to foung
c@ can be 2tted into a smaller shell diameter hence the cost
of the heat exchanger would be less
d. none of these
32. Hgh pressure ud n a she and tube heat exchanger shoud
preferaby be routed through the
a@ tubes to a-oid the expense of high pressure shell
b. she sde for smaer tota pressure drop
c. she sde f the ow s counter-current and tube sde f the ow s
d. she sde for arger overa heat transfer co-emcent
33. When one of the uds s hghy corrosve and has foung tendency,
t shoud
a@ preferabl =ow inside the tube for its easier internal
b. preferaby ow outsde the tube
c. ow at very sow veocty
d. ow outsde the tube when the ow s counter-current and nsde
the tube when the ow s co-current
34. In a she and tube heat exchanger, the cearance of the tube s
a@ not less than one0fourth of the tube diameter or ":56
b. more than the tube dameter
c. equa to the tube dameter
d. more n case of tranguar ptch as compared to the square ptch
tube ayout.
35.For a gven ud as the ppe dameter ncreases, the pumpng cost
a@ decreases
b. ncreases
c. remans unahected
d. may ncrease or decrease dependng upon whether the ud s
Newtonan or non-Newtonan
36. Optmum economc ppe dameter for ud ow s determned by
a. vscosty of the ud
b. densty of the ud
c@ total cost considerations (pumping cost plus 2xed cost of
the pipe)
d. none of these.
37. Frcton factor turbuent ow n new ppe s gven by
a. f = 16/NR
b@ f B $@$&:()K
c. f = 0.22NR

d. f = 25/NR
38. In case of contnuous dstaton coumn, ncrease n the reux rato
may resut
a. ower xed charges for the coumn b. greater cost for the
reboer heat suppy
c. greater cost for the condenser cooant d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
39. Optmum reux rato n a contnuous dstaton coumn s
determned by the
a. maxmum permssbe vapor veocty
b. oodng mt of the coumn
c@ total cost consideration (2xed cost of the column plus the
cooling water and steam
d. none of these
40. Pressure drop due to ppe ttngs can be estmated by p/ = 4f
/D) (V
/2gc) where L
equvaent ength of straght ppene whch w ncur the same
frctona oss as the ttng and D = dameter of the ttng. The
vaue of Le /D (dmensoness) for 45 ebow and 180 cose return
bends woud be respectvey around
a. 5 and 10 b@ &5 and 95
c. 180 and 300 d. 300 and 500
41. L
/D for 90 ebow (medum radus) and 90 square ebow woud be
respectvey around
a@ 25 and 6$ b. 3 and 5
c. 100 and 250 d. 250 and 600
42. Le/D for a Tee (used as ebow, enterng run) woud be around
a.5 b@ 6$
c. 200 d. 350
43. Le/D for a Tee (used as ebow, enterng branch) woud be
a. ess than that for Tee (used as ebow, enterng run)
b. more than that for Tee (used as ebow, enterng run)
c. around 90
d@ both (b) and (c)
44. Le/D for coupngs and unons woud be
a. 60 b. 200 c. 350 d@ negligible
45. Le/D for fuy open gate vaves woud be
a. much more than that for fuy open gobe vave
b. much ess (say 2% than that for fuy open gobe vave)
c. around 7
d@ both (b) and (c)
46. Le/D for fuy open gobe vave may be around
a. 10 b. 25 c. 75 d@ "$$
47. For turbuent ow (N
>2100) of ow vscosty ud (<20 cp) n
stee ppes, the optmum nsde ppe dameter s gven by
2.%& 2.1
./ =
opt f
Di q c.
2.%/ 2.1%
%.+ =
opt f
Di q
2.%& 2./&
./ =
opt f c
Di q d.
2.( 2.1.
opt f c
Di q
where f
7 fluid flow rate= ft


7 fluid density= lb/ft

7 fluid viscosity= centipoise
7 optimum inside pipe diameter= inches
48. For amnar ow (N
< 2100) n stee ppe, the optmum nsde ppe
dameter s gven by
2.%& 2.2.
.( =
opt f c
Di q c.
2.%.+ 2.22&
opt f c
Di q
2.( 2.1.
opt f c
Di q d.
2.(% 2.1.2
opt f c
Di q
49. The necessary wa thckness for a metac storage vesse s a
functon of the
a. utmate tense strength (or yed pont) of the matera and
operatng temperature
b. operatng pressure and wedng / |ont emcency
c. dameter of the vesse
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
50. Bubbe cap pate coumn s
a@ a 2nite stage contactor
b. used ony for dstaton, not for absorpton
c. a dherenta stage contactor
d. a contnuous contactor
51. The most common standard sze of bubbe caps used n ndustra
operaton s
a. 1" dameter cap wth 0.5" dameter rser
b@ 6G diameter cap with &G diameter riser
c. 8" dameter cap wth 1" dameter rser
d. 4" dameter cap wth 8" dameter rser
52. Pck out the wrong statement pertanng to the desgn of the
dstaton coumn
a. Generay, a skrt cearance of 0.5 to 1.5 s recommended to
prevent puggng of the sots by resdue bud up.
b. The purpose of the sot s to dsperse the gas nto the qud n the
form of sma bubbes.
c. If sumcent sot area s not provded, the gas may pass through
the skrt cearance
d@ none of these
53. For a gven desgn of bubbe cap, the number of bubbe caps to be
used per tray s set by the
a@ allowable gas -elocit through the slots b. pate spacng
c. dameter of the coumn d. a
(a), (b) and (c)
54. Maxmum and mnmum near sot veoctes (n the dstaton coumn desgn) as
recommended by Daves are respectvey
a@ 52:
and "@&: L
b.3.4/ p
and 12/ p

c. 3.4/
and 12/
d. 3.4/ p
and 12/

55. Normay, the rato of the tota rser area to the tower cross
sectona area (for bubbe cap towers of
dameter more than 3 ft) s around
a. 0.4 - 0.6 b. 0.35 - 0.75
c@ $@5 0 $@2 d. 0.55 - 0.85
56. An adequate cearance between the tray and the she wa of a
dstaton coumn s provded to
a. dran the qud from the tray when the unt s not n operaton.
b@ allow for thermal expansion and facilitate installation
c. avod back-trappng
d. none of these
57. The functon of manhoes provded n the she of a dstaton
coumn s to
a. keep a check on the qud gradent over the
pate by drect vsua observaton
b@ gi-e access to the indi-idual tras for
cleaning( maintenance and installation
c. guard aganst foamng and entranment by
dumpng ant-formng agent through t.
d. a (a), (b) and (c)
58. Weep hoes provded n the pates of a dstaton coumn
a. factate dranng out qud from a tray when the unt s not n
b. are normay ocated near the overow wer so that any devery
of qud durng operaton foow approxmatey the same path as
the overow ud
c. must be arge enough (usuay 1/4 nch to 5/8 nch dameter) to
prevent puggng but shoud not dever excessve amount of
ud durng operaton
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)@
59 59. Excessve qud gradent on a tray may resut n
a. madstrbuton of gas
b. back trappng
c. gas bowng beneath cap skrt
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
60. The maxmum qud gradent over a tray must not exceed
a@ $@5G 0 5@25G b. 2"-3.5"
c. 5" d. haf the tray spacng
61. Lqud gradent over the tray resuts due to
a@ the resistance o?ered to =ow of li3uids b caps and risers
and the =ow of gas@
b. ow gas veocty
c. arge pate spacng
d. arge reux rato
62. Lqud gradent over a tray can be mnmzed by
a. provdng a hgher skrt cearance or a hgher wer
b. decreasng the number of rows of caps
through whch the qud ows or by decreasng the
veocty of qud ow past the caps or by reducng the dstance
aong the tray through whch the
qud must ow.
c. usng spt ow, rada ow or cascade ow for coumn dameter
arger than 4 ft.
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)@
63. Whch of the foowng factors determne the amount of
entranment n a dstaton coumn?
a. pate spacng
b. depth of qud above the bubbe cap sots
c. vapor veocty n the voume between the pates
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
64. Larger depth of qud on the trays of a dstaton coumn
a. ead to hgh tray emcency
b. resuts n hgher pressure drop per tray
c@ both (a) and (b)
d. nether (a) nor (b)
65. The mnmum tray spacng n dstaton coumn of dameter than 3
ft s normay
a@ 6G b. 18" c. 24" d.
66. The mnmum pate spacng n most of the petroeum renery
dstaton coumns (of dameter 73 ft)
s normay
a. 6" b. 12" c@ 5#G d. 34"
67. Back-trappng n a dstaton coumn resuts due to
a. ow gas veocty b. hgh gas veocty
c@ excessi-e li3uid gradient o-er the tra d. ow reux rato
68. A camng secton beow the qud ows nto the downcomer s
provded to
a@ permit release of entrained -apor in the li3uid
b. reduce the dscharge uctuaton
c. ensure better vapor qud contract
d. coo the qud before t ows down.
69. The ength of straght rectanguar wer used on cross-ow trays s
a@ $@6 0 $@# times the column diameter
b. equa to the coumn dameter
c. twce the coumn dameter
d. 2 ft rrespectve of coumn dameter (for coumn 73 ft dameter)
70. Pck out the wrong statement
a. If sumcent resdence tme (around 8 seconds) s not provded to
the downcomng qud n the
downcomer, t may entran some vapor.
b. The qud head n the downcomer shoud not be greater than
one haf the pate spacng to avod
c. The dscharge end of the downcomer must pro|ect far enough
nto the tray qud so that no gas
bubbes can enter the open end and bypass the bubbe caps.
d@ none of these
1. What s the Lapace transform of sn t ?
(a) MM5MM (b) __s_____
sN O 5 1 + s
(c) __1 (d) __s_____
s - 1 s - 1
2. The transfer functon of the rst order system s
(a) MM5 (b) _1_
Ts O 5 Ts
(c) ___s__ (d) 1/s
Ts + 1
3. Pck out the rst order system from among the foowng
(a) damped vbrator
(b) mercur in glass thermometer ,ept in boiling water
(c) nteractng system of two tanks n seres
(d) non-nteractng system of two tanks n seres
4. Response of a system to a snusoda nput caed
(a) mpuse response (b) unt step response
(c) fre3uenc response (d) step response
5. What s the rato of output amptude to nput amptude for a
snusoda forcng
functon n a rst order system ?
(a) 1 (b) > 1
(c) < 1 (d) none of these
6. Phase ag of the snusoda response of a rst order system s
(a) 52$7 (b) 30
(c) 180 (d) 90
7. Converson formua for convertng amptude rato (AR) nto decbes
(a) AecibelB2$ log5$ (AR) (b) Decbe=20 og e(AR)
(c) Decbe=20 og10 (AR)0.5 (d) Decbe = og10 (AR)
8. "A contro system s unstabe f the open oop frequency response
exhbts an
amptude rato exceedng unty at the cross-over frequency." Ths s
(a) Dode stabilit criterion (b) Nyqust crteron
(c) Routh stabty crteron (d) both b and c
9. Typca speccatons for desgn stpuates the gan margn and
phase margn to be
(a) 4 5@9 and 4 "$7 (b) < 1.7 and > 30
(c) < 1.7 and < 30 (d) >1.7 and < 30
10. The frequency at whch maxmum amptude rato s attaned s
(a) corner frequency (b) resonant fre3uenc
(c) cross-over frequency (d) natura frequency
11. A negatve gan margn expressed n decbes means
(a) a stabe system (b) unstable sstem
(c) crtcay damped system (d) both a and c
12. Bode dagram s a pot of
(a) log (AR) -s@ log (&) and P -s@ log (&)
(b)og (AR) vs. f and og vs. f
(c)AR vs.og (f) and vs. og (f)
(d)og (AR) vs. og f
13. For measurng the temperature of a furnace, whch s the most
sutabe nstrument?
(a) Patnum resstance thermometer (b) Thermocoupe
(c) Optical prometer (d) Bmetac thermometer
14. Degree to whch an nstrument ndcates the changes n measured
varabe wthout
dynamc error s caed
(a) speed of response (b) reproducbty of
(c) 2delit (d) ts statc characterstcs
15. Whch of the foowng s a desrabe characterstc of an
(a) hgh drft (b) high 2delit
(c) hgh temperature ag (d) poor reproducbty
16. Whch of the foowng shows maxmum dp ahect (ndcatng
reverse drecton of
temperature change)?
(a) mercur thermometer (b) radaton pyrometer
(c) bmetac thermometer (d) thermocoupe
17. Pck out the most sutabe nstrument for measurng temperature
n the range of -40
to 800F.
(a) mercury thermometer (b) bimetallic
(c) radaton pyrometer (d) radaton pyrometer
18. Thermocoupe s sutabe for measurng
(a) qud temperatures ony (b) very hgh temperatures
(c) very ow temperatures ony (d) both high and low
19. Whch of the foowng reates the absorpton and evouton of heat
at the |unctons
of a thermocoupe to the current ow n the crcut?
(a) Seebeck ehect (b) Peltier e?ect
(c) |oue heatng ehect (d) Thomson ehect
20. Therma wes are used n temperature measurement to
(a) guard against corrosi-e and action on
thermocouple materials
(b) reduce measurng ag
(c) ncrease the dety
(d) ncrease the senstvty
21. Gas anayss s commony done usng
(a) thermal conducti-it cell (b) X-ray dhracton
(c) mass spectrometer (d) emsson spectrometer
22. Psychrometer determnes
(a) humidit of gases (b) mosture content of
(c) water of crystazaton (d) hygroscopc nature
of sods
23. Contnuous measurement of mosture content of paper n paper
ndustry s done by
(a) therma conductvty through the paper
(b) electrical resistance through the paper
(c) magnetc susceptbty
(d) both b and c
24. Optma actvty of a souton can be determned usng a
(a) polarimeter (b) poarograph
(c) datometer (d) refractometer
25. A smpe ptot tube measures
(a) average veocty (b) maxmum veocty
(c) pont veocty (d) static pressure
26. Pran gauge s used for
(a) measurement of very hgh pressure (b) measurement of
high -acuum
(c) qud eve under pressure (d) qud eve at
atmospherc pressure
27. A barometer measures
(a) absolute pressure (b) gauge pressure
(c) both absoute and gauge pressure (d) dynamc pressure
28. The eve of a qud under pressure can be determned usng
(a) bubber system (b) di?erential pressure
(c) daphragm box system (d) ar-trap system
29. Contnuous measurement of specc gravty of a qud s done by
(a) hydrometer (b) contact-type eectrc
(c) dspacement meter (d) both a and c
30. Hot wre anemometer s used for the measurement of
(a) =ow rates of =uid (b) ow rates of granuar
(c) very hgh temperature (d) therma
conductvty of gases
31. Fow rate through an orce s
(a) proportona to the pressure dherenta
(b) nversey proportona to the square root of pressure
(c) proportional to the s3uare root of pressure di?erential
(d) nversey proportona to the square root of pressure dherenta
32. Whch of the foowng ow-meterng nstruments s an area
(a) ventur meter (b) rotameter
(c) ptot tube (d) hot wre anemometer
33. Contnuous measurement of ow rates of dry granuar fertzer s
done usng
(a) veocty meters (b) area-meters
(c) weighing meters (d) anemometer
34. Pck out the symbo for "ocay mounted nstrument" n
nstrumentaton dagram
(a) (b) (c) (d)
35. Whch s the symbo for "pneumatc contro vave"
(a) (b) (c) (d) none of these
36. The symbo for "capary ne" n nstrumentaton dagram s
(a) ___ ___ _ ___ _ ___ (b)
(c) _________________ (d) Q Q Q
37. Instrumentaton n a pant ohers the advantage of
(a) greater safety of operaton (b) better quaty of product
(c) greater operaton economy (d) all a( b and c
38. Datometer s used to measure
(a) stress (b) stran
(c) deecton (d) contraction:expansion
due to changes
in temperature
39. Staagmometer s used for the measurement of
(a) knematc vscosty (b) surface tension
(c) refractve ndex (d) optca actvty
40. Stroboscope s used for the measurement of
(a) rpm of a =wheel (b) frequency of ght
(c) depresson of freezng pont (d) qud eve under
41. Mnute depresson of freezng pont of a qud sovent or addton
of a sod soute
can be best measured by
(a) Dec,man thermometer (b) datometer
(c) mercury thermometer (d) bmetac
42. Gan margn s equa to the
(a) amptude rato (b) reciprocal of
amplitude ratio
(c) gan n P controer (d) gan n P-I controer
43. Phase margn s equa to
(a) 5#$7 0 phase lag (b) phase ag - 180
(c) phase ag + 180 (d) phase ag - 90
44. A system wth a transfer functon __2s _ s of
4s + 1
(a) zero order (b) 5st order
(c) 2nd order (d) 3rd order
45. Bode stabty method uses
(a) open loop transfer function (b) cosed oop transfer
(c) ether a or b (d) nether a nor b
46. Routh stabty method uses
(a) open oop transfer functon(b) closed loop transfer
(c) ether a or b (d) nether a nor b
47. Nches chart deas wth
(a) A.R. vs. phase ag of rst order
(b) A.R. vs. phase ag of second order
(c)closed loop -alues -s@ open loop -alue
(d) frequency response vaues of controers
48. The ud used n hydrauc controer s
(a) water (b) steam
(c) ar (d) oil
49. Number of poes n a system wth transfer functon ________1______
s + 2s + 1
(a) 2 (b) 5
(c) " (d) 1
50. Whch of the foowng controers has maxmum ohset?
(a) P'controller (b) P-I controer
(c) P-D controer (d) P-I-D controer
51. Process degrees of freedom
(a) indicates the maximum number of controller to be used
(b) ndcates the mnmum number of controer to be used
(c) determnes both maxmum and mnmum number of controers
to be used
(d) gves no dea of controers
52. Resstance of a gas n a vesse s
(a) MMVMM (b) RT
#RT !
(c) RT (d) __P"
Where: P =pressure V= voume of the vesse
n= number of moes of the gas R= gas constant
52. In an exothermc chemca reactor, the manpuated varabe s the
ow rate of
(a) coolant (b) reactant
(c) product (d) hot ud
53. Use of I-contro aong wth P-contro factates
(a) elimination of o?set (b) reducton of ohset
(c) reducton of stabty tme (d) both b and c
54. Whch of the foowng error ntegra s consdered as the best
crteron n controer settngs?

| e | #t (b)

| e | #t

0 0
(c) R
d* (d) both a and b

55. Cascade contro means
(a) feed forward contro (b) more than one feed0
bac, loop
(c) on-oh contro (d) one feed-back oop
56. Whch of the foowng controers has the east maxmum
(a) P-controer (b) P-I controer
(c) P-I-D controer (d) P'D controller
57. Measurement of pressure n ammona reactor s done by
(a) Dourdon gauge (b) U-tube manometer
(c) Incned tube manometer (d) Pran gauge
58. Pressure of 0.01 ps (absoute) can be measured by
(a) Ionzaton gauge (b) Pran gauge
(c) Tcleoid gauge (d) Bourdon gauge
59. Contnuous measurement of mosture n paper s done by
(a) sng psychrometer
(b) har-hygrometer
(c) weghng
(d) high resistance( UheatstoneVs bridge circuit
60. Pressure of 0.0001 absoute ps can be measured by
(a) Teloid gauge (b) Pran gauge
(c) Thermocoupe gauge (d) Bourdon gauge
61. E.m.f. generated by thermocoupes s of the order of
(a) milli-olts (b) mcrovots
(c) vots (d) b-metac thermometer
62. Measurement of sub-zero Cesus temperature n ndustry s done
(a) thermocoupes (b) resistance
(c) gas thermometer (d) b-metac thermometer
63. Startng temperature of optca radaton pyrometer s
(a) #$$7' (b) 400C
(c) 1200C (d) 1500C
64. Whch thermocoupe can be used to measure temperature around
(a) copper-constantan (b) aumnum-chrome
(c) platinum0platinumOrhodium (d) copper-aumnum
65. pH meter has
(a) one ce (b) two cells
(c) three ces (d) no ce
66. Maxmum dherenta pressure n qud manometer s
(a) 20 ps (b) "$ psi
(c) 40 ps (d) 50 ps
67. Interfaca eve n pressure vesse s measured by
(a) oat (b) manometers of =oat tpe
(c) U-tube manometer (d) Bourdon gauge
68. Fow rate of sudge s measured by
(a) V-notch (b) rectanguar notch
(c) crcuar ppe (d) Cennison no..le
69. Composton of natura gas can be determned by
(a) chromatograph (b) orsat apparatus
(c) spectrometer (d) photometer
70. Beows are made of
(a) eather (b) paper
(c) pastc (d) thin copper
71. Fapper nozze s a
(a) pneumatic controller (b) hydrauc controer
(c) eectronc controer (d) both a and b
72. Wer vave s used for
(a) slurries (b) acds
(c) neutra soutons (d) bases
73. Vave used to suppy o to burner s
(a) gate vave (b) buttery vave
(c) rotar plug -al-e (d) both a and b
74. Mode used for transmttng sgna for one kometer dstance s
(a) hydrauc (b) pneumatc
(c) electronic (d) a a, b and c
75. Use of pot n transmsson (pneumatc) s to
(a) speed up sgna (b) change the =ow
of air
(c) ad|ust the sgna (d) a a, b and c
76. Fna contro eement s a
(a) -al-e (b) swtch
(c) sgna (d) both a and b
77. Exampe of a second order nstrument s a
(a) mercur0glass thermometer with co-ering
(b) bare mercury-gass thermometer
(c) pressure gauge
(d) Bourdon gauge
78. Ohset
(a) vares wth tme (b) vares
exponentay wth tme
(c) does not -ar with time (d) vares as square of the
79. Reguator probem means that
(a) set point is constant (b) oad s constant
(c) both set pont and oad are constant (d) nether set pont
nor oad s
80. Servo probem means that
(a) set pont s constant (b) load is constant
(c) both a and b (d) nether a nor b
81. Crtcay damped system means that the dampng coemcent s
(a) 5 (b) < 1
(c) > 1 (d) 0
82. In Bode stabty crteron, amptude rato at 180 shoud be
(a) 1 (b) I 5
(c) > 1 (d) 0
83. Phase pane method s used for
(a) near-behavor (b) non0linear beha-ior
(c) both a and b (d) nether a nor b
84. Lapace transform method s used for
(a) linear beha-ior (b) non-near
(c) both a and b (d) nether a nor b
85. Phase ag of rst order system s
(a) tan
(mT) (b) tan
(c) /2 (d) 0
86. P-I controer as compared to P-controer has a
(a) hgher maxmum devaton (b) onger response tme
(c) onger perod of oscaton (d) all a( b and c
87. Dherence at any nstant between the vaue of controed varabe
and the set pont s
(a) de-iation (b) dervatve tme
(c) error rato (d) dherenta gap
88. The tme dherence by whch the output of a P-D controer eads
the nput when the nput changes neary wth tme s caed
(a) error rato (b) deri-ati-e time
(c) proportona senstvty (d) gan
89. Steady state devaton resutng from a change n the vaue of the
oad varabe s caed
(a) o?set (b) error rato
(c) devaton (d) statc rato
90. Tme requred for the output of a rst order system to change from
a gven vaue to wthn 36.8% of the na vaue when a step change of
nput s made s caed
(a) time constant (b) settng tme
(c) rse tme (d) dervatve tme
91. A controer acton n whch there s a contnuous near reaton
between vaue of the controed varabe and rate of change of
controed output sgna s caed
(a) proportona acton (b) integral action
(c) dervatve acton (d) proportona-ntegra
92. A controer acton n whch there s a contnuous reaton between
vaue of the controed varabe and the vaue of the output sgna of
the controer s caed
(a) proportional action (b) dervatve acton
(c) ntegra acton (d) proportona-dervatve
93. Steady state rato of the change of proportona controer output
varabe and the
change n actuatng sgna s caed
(a) proportional sensiti-it (b) reset rate
(c) rangeabty (d) ntegra acton
94. In case of ow measurement by an orce, the pressure dherence
sgna s
proportona to
(a) %N (b) $
(c) $
(d) 1 /%$
where $= voumetrc ow rate
95. Thermstor s a
(a) semiconductor whose resistance decreases with
temperature rise
(b) meta whose resstance ncreases neary wth temperature
(c) meta whose resstance does not vary wth temperature

(d) devce for measurng nucear radaton
96. Whch of the foowng factors does not nuence measurement
(a) statc and dynamc error (b) reproducbty
(c) dead zone (d) none of these
97. Whch of the foowng s sutabe for measurng the temperature of
a red hot movng ob|ect
(e.g. stee ngots on roer tabe) ?
(a) thermocoupe (b) radiation prometer
(c) thermstor (d) radograph
98. Thermocoupes
(a) have very sow speed of response
(b) cant be connected to the measurng nstrument remotey
(c) need cold >unction compensation
(d) are much ess accurate compared to bmetac or vapor
pressure thermometer
99. Seecton of matera for thermocoupe depends on the
(a) depth of mmerson n the hot ud
(b) minimum and maximum temperature
(c) pressure and veocty condton of the ud whose temperature
s to be measured
(d) both a and b
100. Radaton pyrometers
(a) have very ow speed of response
(b) need not "see" the temperature source; t s measurng
(c) cant measure temperature of ob|ects wthout makng physca
contact (d) none of these
101. V-notch s used to measure ow rate of a qud n
(a) an open channel (b) a non-crcuar cross-secton
cosed channe
(c) vertca ppene (d) horzonta ppene
102. Whch of the foowng s not a head owmeter?
(a) segmenta orce pate (b) ptot tube
(c) rotameter (d) ow nozze
103. Fow rate of a qud contanng heavy sods (e.g. sand) can be
best measured by
(a) ptot tube (b) concentrc orce
(c) eccentric ori2ce (d) rotameter
104. Orce pates for ow measurement
(a) ncurs very ow permanent pressure oss
(b) has poor accurac on high ori2ce ratios (abo-e
(c) cant be easy nterchanged

(d) s best for very arge qud ows and bg ppenes
105. Ptot tube s used
(a) for hghy accurate ow measurement

(b) when the ud contans ot of suspended matera
(c) when the line is large and the -elocit is high

(d) both a and c
106. In an area meter (e.g. rotameter), the ow rate s
a (a) proportona to the square root of the dherenta pressure

(b) inferred from the change in area of an ori2ce in the
=ow line across which the pressure di?erential is constant
(c) nferred from change n ow cross-secton across whch the
pressure dherenta s zero

(d) a a, b and c
107. A rotameter
(a) incurs constant and small permanent pressure drop
(b) ncurs constant but very arge permanent pressure
(c) s naccurate for ow ow rates
(d) need not be mounted aways vertcay
108. On-oh contro
(a) fuy opens the na contro eement when the measured
varabe s beow the set pont
(b) fuy coses the na contro eement
when the measured varabe s above the set pont
(c) is a two position (full open or full closed) control
ade3uate to control a process with slow reaction rate and
minimum dead time or transfer lag
(d) a a, b, and c
109. Foatng contro acton
(a) mo-es the 2nal control element at constant speed in
either direction in
response to an error signal
(b) changes the poston of the na contro eement from on to oh
(c) s used to counteract rapd oad changes

b (d) both b and c
110. Cascade contro s
(a) the contnuous ad|ustment of the set pont ndex of an
automatc contro oop by a prmary (master) controer
(b) used when changes n process
condtons cause serous upsets n controed varabe
(c) usefu to contro ow from temperature

(d) all a( b and c
1. Bog ron s used for adsorpton of H
S from coke oven gas s
a@ an intimate mixture of saw dust and iron dust (i@e@
moist ferric hdroxide)
b. ron mpregnated wth resn (usuay bakete)
c. carbon free ron
d. none of these
2. Iron aoyed wth carbon up to 2% s caed
a. pg ron b. wrought ron
c. hgh carbon stee d@ none of these
3. The softest matera n Mhos scae (for measurng hardness) s
a@ talc b. gypsum
c. rubber d. none of these
4. Karbate s
a. a mxture of ron dust and saw dust
b. carbon mpregnated wth resn (usuay bakete)
c. acd resstant matera
d@ both (b) and (c)@
5. Duraumn s an aoy of
a@ aluminum( copper and manganese
b .aumnum, ncke and scon
c. aumnum and ncke
d. none of these
6. Corroson resstance of stee s ncreased by the addton of
a. phosphorus and tungsten
b@ nic,el and chromium
c. ead and vanadum
d. moybdenum and tungsten
7. Whte meta s an aoy of
a. ead, tn and cadmum b. copper, tn and znc
c. copper and ead d@ none of these
8. Presence of cobat n stee mprove ts
a@ cutting abilit b. corroson resstance
c. tense strength d. none of these
9. The mpure ron (Pg ron) that s taped out from bast furnace
contans about
a. 0.2% carbon b. 2% carbon
c@ &< carbon d. 8% carbon
10. Carbon content n stee s
a@ $@5 X 2< b. 4 - 6%
c. 5- 10% d. 0
11. An dea matera of constructon for the storage of 50%
caustc soda souton woud be
a. Karbate b. hgh sca cast ron
c@ monel d. none of these
12. For storng water and acd free benzo, use
a@ steel -essel b. karbate vesse
c. staness stee vesse d. none of these
13. Brne (15% concentraton) can be stored n a vesse made
a@ monel b. karbate
c. cast ron d. none of these
14. Most sutabe matera of constructon for the storage of
concentrated ntrc acd s
a. cast ron
b. mone
c. karbate
d@ aluminum or chromium allos ('r 4 5#< for cold acid)@
15. Babbt meta (used for makng bearngs) comprses
a@ mainl tin (#5<) and lead
b. saw dust and ron dust mxture
c. znc and aumnum
d. copper and aumnum
16. The matera of constructon of pressure ms used for
squeezng out the |uce from sugar cane s
a. staness stee b@ cast iron
c. md stee d. mone.
17. Chornaton of benzene s done to produce benzene
hexachorde (a pestcde) n a photochemca reactor ned wth
a. karbate b@ lead or glass
c. re cay brcks d. PVC
18. Poymerzaton reactor used for the producton of
styrenebutadene rubber (SBR) s made of
a. vesse b@ stainless steel or glass lined
c. karbate d. wrought ron
19. Whch of the foowng s the most sutabe matera of
constructon for evaporator and ts tubes for concentratng NaOH
souton to 70%?
a. cast ron b. stee
c@ nic,el d. karbate
20. Most common staness stee type 316, whch t hghy
resstant to corroson contans
a@ 56 X 5"< chromium( 5$ X5&< nic,el and 2 X "<
b. 20 - 22% chromum, and 8 -10% ncke
c. 2 - 4% chromum, 22% ncke and 2 - 4% moybdenum
d. none of these
21. Caustc soda can be stored n
a@ steel drums b. cast ron drums
c. brass drums d. gun meta drums
22. Brass s an aoy of
a. ncke and tn b@ copper and .inc
c. tn and ead d. copper, ncke and znc
23. The carbonatng tower used n Sovay Process of soda ash
manufacture s made of
a@ cast iron b. staness stee
c. karbate d. ead ned stee
24. Gun meta s an aoy of
a. ncke, tn and copper
b@ copper( tin and .inc
c. copper, phosphorus and ncke
d. manganese, phosphorus and ncke
25. Marcy ba ms are usuay made of
a@ steel b. cast ron
c. staness stee d. bronze
26. Bronze s an aoy of
a. ead and copper b@ copper and tin
c. ncke and copper d. copper and znc
27. Rotary kns n cement ndustry are ned wth
a. re cay b. sca
c. ead d@ high alumina and high magnesia
28. In the Kraft (sufate) process for the paper manufacture the
dgester s made of
a. cast ron b@ stainless stee
c. karbate carbon d. wrought ron
29. Dry chorne can be handed n a vesse made of
a@ iron or steel b. PVC
c. ncke d. brass
30. Tank furnace used for metng of gass s made of
a. md stee b. cast ron
c@ refractor bloc,s d. staness stee
31. Staness stee contans
a@ chromium and nic,el b. copper
c. aumnum d. vanadum
32. Caustc soda s reduced n a mercury ce havng anode and
cathode made respectvey of
a. movng mercury and graphte
b@ graphite and mo-ing mercur
c. movng mercury and carbon
d. movng mercury and crmped stee wre
33. Mone meta s an aoy of
a. moybdenum and ncke
b@ nic,el and copper
c. moybdenum and aumnum
d. moybdenum and znc
34. German sver s an aoy of
a@ copper( nic,el and .inc
b. copper, aumnum and sver
c. sver, znc and aumnum
d. sver, ncke and znc
35. Chrome (Nchrome) s an aoy of
a. chromum and moybdenum
b@ nic,el and chromium
c. moybdenum and ncke
d. chromum and aumnum
36. Urea autocave s made of
a. cast ron b. refractory bocks
c@ stainless steel d. ead ned stee
37. Stee tower used for storage of oeum
a. s ned wth ead b@ need not be lined
c. s ned wth rubber d. s ned wth acd-proof brcks
38. Hydrochorc acd s stored n
a. ead ned stee vesse b@ rubber0lined steel -essel
c. staness stee vesse d. cast ron vesse
39. Photographc pates are coated n
a. sver ntrate b@ sil-er halide
c. cacum scate d. metac sver
40. Aqueous ntrc acd s stored n
a. stee drum
b@ stainless steel -essel
c. cast ron vesse ned wth acd-proof masonry brck
d. cast ron vesse
41. SO
s absorbed usng H
a. cast ron packed tower
b. staness stee pate tower
c@ pac,ed steel tower lined with acid proof bric,s
d. none of these
42. Hydrochorc acd absorber s made of
a. cast ron b. md stee
c@ ,arbate d. staness stee
43. Sufurc acd s mxed wth ground phosphate rock (to
produce phosphorc acd) n a stee dgester ned wth
a. acdc refractory b. rubber
c. karbate d@ lead or acid0proof bric,s
44. F up the banks from among the foowng aternatves:
Hydrochorc acd s _______ corrosve to common metas
a. east b. not
c. mdy d@ highl
45. In SO
absorber (Contact Process), packng matera used s
a. cast ron b@ chemical stoneware
c. karbate d. md stee
46. Vaves n ppe szes of 2" and under are normay made of
a. wrought ron b@ brass
c. bronze d. mone
47. Acd proof stoneware
a. has very ow strength
b. cannot be heated
c. s broken by sma temperature changes
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
48. Durron s
a. acd resstant, brtte and very hard
b. hgh scon ron
c. prone to breakage due to therma expanson because of very
hgh co-emcent of therma expanson.
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
49. Lead ppe s
a. especay resstant to soutons contanng H2SO4
b. usuay |oned by burnng (e.g. by metng to ad|acent peces
wth a torch)
c. havng very ow eastc mt resutng n permanent
deformaton from ether mechanca or therma stran
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
50. The most resstant matera to akane corroson s
a. durron b@ nic,el
c. aumnum d. karbate
51. Presence of ncke n stee mproves ts
a@ corrosion resistance b. cuttng abty
c. wear resstance d. a (a), (b) and (c)
52. An aoy of ron contanng 4% carbon s caed
a. hgh carbon stee b. wrought ron
c. md stee d@ none of these
53. Be meta s an aoy of
a. copper and znc b@ copper and tin
c. copper and ncke d. znc and tn
54. Incone s an aoy of
a. tn, znc and ncke b@ iron( nic,el and
c. copper and ncke d. znc and tn
55. Hasteoy comprses
a. copper and tn b. copper and ncke
c@ molbdenum and nic,el d. ead and tn
56. Abty of a matera to absorb energy n deformaton n the
pastc range s characterzed as ts
a. ductty b@ toughness
c. creep d. resence
57. Sow and progressve deformaton of a matera wth tme
under constant stress s caed
a@ creep b. eroson
c. resence d. none of these
58. Wrought ron s
a@ high carbon iron
b. hghy resstance to acd corroson
c .maeabe and ducte; hence used for chan nks, hooks and
d. an aoy of ron, chromum and carbon
59. Whch of the foowng consttuents of cast ron s many
responsbe for mpartng t an ant-corrosve property?
a@ silicon b. phosphorus
c. sufur d. none of these
60. Md stee s
a@ a low carbon steel ($@$5 X $@"< carbon)
b. hghy resstance to corroson (as much as staness stee)
c. a hgh carbon stee (0.5 - 1.5% carbon)
d. very poor n strength and ductty
61. Presence of manganese n aoy stee mproves ts
a. corroson resstance
b. cuttng abty
c@ abrasion resistance and toughness
d. eastcty and creep resstance
62. H
(<50% concentraton) s corrosve to
a@ aluminum( mild steel( stainless steel( concrete and tin
b. copper, cast ron and hgh scon ron (14% S)
c. rubber (buty and hard) scon rubber and teon
d. gass, graphte, porcean and stoneware
63. Aumnum storage vesse can be used to store
a. aqua rega b. ferrous sufate
c. hydrochorc acd (10%) d@ none of these
64. Brass contaner s sutabe for storng
a. aqueous ammona b@ beer
c. H
(95% concentraton) d. phosphorc acd (95%)
65. Cast ron vesses are not sutabe for the storage of
a. Freon b. H
(95%) at room
c. H
(fumng) d@ Uet !O
66. Out of the foowng, copper vesses are most sutabe for
the storage of
a. bromne
b@ dr chlorine and dr =uorine
c. ntrc acd (95% and fumng)
d. phosphorc acd (95%) and sufurc acd (95% and fumng)
67. Gun meta and bronze are not corroded by the acton of
a. wet chorne b@ snthetic detergent
c. hydrochorc acd (10%) d. ntrc acd (<25%)
68. Contaners made of hgh scon cast ron (14% S) are not
sutabe for the storage of
a. acetc acd
b. benzoc and borc acds
c. phosphorc acd (95%) and sufurc acd (95%)
d@ hdrochloric acid (concentrated)
69. Lead ned equpments and vesses are sutabe for
a. hydrochorc acd (10%) b. ntrc acd
c@ sulfuric acid up to 6$Y' d. a (a), (b) and (c)
70. Md stee storage vesses are sutabe for the storage of
a@ anhdrous ammonia b. fatty acds
c. hydrochorc acd (95%) d. sufurc acd (25%)
71. Ncke made cad equpments are sutabe for handng
a. ammona (both aqueous and anhydrous)
b@ fruit >uices( mil, and its products and caustic soda
c. ntrc acd and hydrochorc acd (concentrated)
d. sufurc acd (concentrated)
72. Patnum and sver are corroded by
a. caustc soda souton b. phosphorc acd
c. sufurc acd (10%) d@ none of these
73. 18-8 staness stee means that t contans
a@ 5#< chromium and #< nic,el
b. 18% chromum and 8% moybdenum
c. 18% ncke and 8% chromum
d. 18% moybdenum and 8% chromum
74. Staness stee s not corroded by
a. hydrochorc acd (10%) b@ nitric acid (5$<)
c. sufurc acd (10%) d. saturated brne
75. Tn vesses are corroded by
a. anhydrous ammona b. aromatc sovents
c. synthetc detergent souton d@ none of these
76. Rubber ned vesses are corroded by the acton of
a. aqua rega b. choroform
c. sufurc acd (95%) d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
77. Scon rubber s not resstant to the corrosve acton of
a. sufurc acd (10%) b. sufurc acd (95%)
c. ether d@ both (b) and (c)
78. Perspex s nothng but
a@ acrlic sheet b. an eastomer
c. an aoy of ead and tn d. aumnum fo cad wth
79. Teon s corroded by
a. hydrochorc acd (10%) b. hydrochorc acd (95%)
c. sufurc acd d@ none of these
80. Poythene (ow or hgh densty) contaners are not corroded
a@ sulfuric acid (5$<) at room temperature
b. ntrc acd (95%) at room temperature
c. sufur troxde at 60C
d. any of these
81. The most commony used resn for makng renforced
pastc s
a@ unsaturated polester b. poypropyene
c. poyurethane d. nyon - 6
82. Carbon tetrachorde can be stored n a storage vesse
made of
a. hgh scon ron (14%) b. tn
c. staness stee d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
83. Concrete tank can be used to store
a. aum b. sufurc acd
c. sufurc acd d@ saturated brine
84. Gass s corroded by
a@ =uorine (dr or wet) b. sufurc water
c. phosphorc acd d. none these
85. Graphte s corroded by
a. sufurc acd (10%) b. sea Water
b. hydrochorc acd d@ none of these
86. Wood s corroded by
a. hydrochorc acd b. SO
(dry or wet)
c. chorne (dry or wet) d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
87. The 'bomb' n the bomb caormeter s made of
a@ molbdenum stainless steel b. md stee
c. hgh scon ron (14% S) d. copper
88. Most sutabe matera for hgh pressure vesse operatng at 500
atm and 500C s
a@ molbdenum stainless steel b. 18-8 staness stee
c. md stee d. hgh scon ron
(14% S)
89. Centrfuga pump made of pyrex or gass can't be used to pump
a. md and frut |uces b@ al,aline solutions
c. dute H
at room temperature

d. brne
90. Rubber ned pumps can be used to pump
a. caustc soda b. chornated brne
c. hypochorous acd d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
91. Copper s dssoved from ts ore by H
n percoaton tanks
made of
a. wood b. staness stee
c@ reinforced concrete lined with lead d. hgh scon ron
(14% S)
92. Rotary dryers are generay made of
a. cast ron b@ mild steel
c. hgh scon ron (14% S) d. tn ned wth refractory brcks
93. Ke-F s
a. nothng but poychoorotruroethyene
b. havng exceent chemca and hgh temperature resstance
(up to 200C)
c. an eastomer
d@ all (a)( (b) and (c)
94. Zrcaoy used as a fue caddng matera n a nucear reactor
(therma) s an aoy of zrconum
a@ tin( nic,el( iron and chromium b. and graphte
c. and copper d. none of these
95. Whch of the foowng woud not be a sutabe matera of
constructon for handng aqueous
hydrouorc acd (HF) at 100C?
a. none b@ stainless steel
c. graphte d. Ke-F and Teon
96. Specfy the materas of constructon sutabe for handng
concentrated HNO
at 100C.
a@ high silicon iron( Cel08 and ;e=on b. scon rubber
c. tn and wood d. staness stee
97. Concentrated HC at 30C can be stored n a vesse made of
a a@ P;8H and porcelain
b. cast ron and aumnum
c. staness stee and hgh scon cast ron
d. copper, ncke and mone
98. Whch of the foowng matera of constructon may be
recommended by a chemca engneer
for handng a gaseous chorne (dry or wet) stream n a ud ow
a@ %igh silicon iron( silicone rubber( Cel08 and te=on
b. Md stee and staness stee
c. Cast ron, tn and aumnum
d. Copper, ncke and mone
99. Whch of the foowng materas may prove unsutabe for
handng acetc (gaca and
anhydrous) at 40C?
a. scone rubber, teon, porcean and wood
b. ncke, mone, staness stee and graphte
c. aumnum, copper, hgh scon ron
d@ brass( cast iron( mild steel and tin
100. 100% H
SO4 at 30C can't be used and stored n a vesse made/
ned wth
a. cast ron and hgh scon ron b. md stee and
staness stee
c@ aluminum( tin and rubber d. teon, gass and porcean
1. The foowng cost tem whch n common both the xed and
operatng cost of an enterprse s:
a@ interest b. deprecaton
c. taxes d. suppes
2. The ength of tme, usuay n years for the cumuatve net annua
prot to equa the nvestment s caed:
a. recevabe turnover b. return of nvestment
c. prce earnng rato d@ pabac, period
3. The reducton n vaue and marketabty due to competton from
newest products / mode
a. deprecated cost b. xed cost
c. ndrect cost d@ obsolescence
4. Form of summary of assets, abtes and net worth
a. producton b. break even pont
c. baance method d@ balance sheet
5. The worth of property whch s equa to the orgna cost ess
a@ earning -alue b. scrap vaue
c. book vaue d. face vaue
6. The type of nterest that s perodcay added to the amount of oan
so that subsequent nterest s based on the cumuatve amount.
a@ compound interest b. smpe nterest
c. nterest rate d. snkng fund
7. Output or saes at whch ncome s nsumcent to equa operatng
a. break even pont b@ in-estment
c. deprecaton d. cash ow
8. The prce at whch a gven product w be supped and purchased s
the prce that w resut n the suppy and the demand beng equa.
a@ law of demand and suppl b. aw of dmnshng returns
c. present worth method d. obsoescence
9. An estmate of an assets' net market vaue at the end of ts
estmated fe.
a. break even pont b. cash ow
c. nterest d@ boo, -alue
10. An estmate of an assets' net market vaue at the end f ts
estmated fe.
a. book vaue c@ sal-age -alue
c. deprecaton d. cash ow
11. A essenng of the vaue of an asset due to a decrease n the
quantty avaabe as a coa, o and tmber n forests.
a@ depletion b. deprecaton
c. amortzaton d. nvestment
12. A certcate of ndebtedness of a corporaton usuay for a perod
of net oss that ten years and guaranteed by a mortgage on certan
assets of the corporaton or ts subsdares.
a. apprasa b@ bond
c. wrtten contract d. equty capta
13. Funds supped and used by owners of an enterprse n the
expectaton that prot w be earned.
a@ e3uit capital b. nvestment
c. workng capta d. present
14. Funds supped by others on whch a xed rate of nterest must
be pad and the debt be repad at a specc pace and tme
a. dscount b. cash ow
c. workng capta d@ borrowed capital
15. The quantty of a certan commodty that s ohered for sae at a
certan prce at a gven pace and tme
a@ suppl b. demand
c. dscount d. nvestment
16. The quantty of a certan commodty that s bought at a certan
prce at a gven pace and tme.
a. suppy b@ demand
c. dscount d. nvestment
17. A condton where ony few ndvduas produce a certan product
that acton of one w ead to amost the same acton by the other.
a. monopoy b@ oligopol
c. sem monopoy d. perfect competton
18. Is the smpest form of busness organzaton
a@ sole proprietorship b. enterprse
c. partnershp d. corporaton
19. An assocaton of two or more persons for a purpose of engagng
n a protabe busness
a. soe propretorshp b. enterprse
c@ partnership d. corporaton
20. A dstnct ega entty whch can practcay transact any busness
transacton whch a rea person coud do.
a. soe propretorshp b. enterprse
c. partnershp d@ corporation
21. An ncrease n the vaue of capta asset s caed
a. prot b@ capital gain
c. capta expendture d. capta stock
22. The reducton n the money vaue of a capta asset s caed
a. capta expendture b@ capital loss
c. oss d. dect
23. The dherence between saes revenue and the cost of goods sod
a. net ncome b@ gross pro2t
c. rate of return d. gross natona product
24. A currency traded n a foregn exchange market for whch the
demand s consstenty hgh n reaton to ts suppy
a. money market b@ hard currenc
c. treasury b d. certcate of depost
25. Dened as the certcate of ndebtedness of a corporaton
usuay for a perod not ess than 10 years and guaranteed by a
mortgage on certan assets of a corporaton
a@ bonds b. T-bs
c. stock d. a of these
26. It s a negotabe cam ssued by a bank n eu of a term depost
a. tme depost b. bond
c. capta gan d@ certi2cate of deposit
27. The amount of a company's prot that the board of drectors of
the corporaton decdes to dstrbute to ordnary sharehoders
a@ di-idend b. return
c. share stock d. par vaue
28. a document that shows proof of ega ownershp of a nanca
a. bond b. bank note
c@ coupon d. check
29. The process determnng the vaue of certan propertes for
dente reasons
a. vauaton b. apprasa
c. estmate d@ both a and b
30. Represent ownershp and en|oys certan preferences than
ordnary stock
a. authorzed capta stock b@ preferred stoc,
c. common stock d. ncorporators stock
31. It s the dherence between present worth and the worth of the
paper at some tme n the future
a@ discount b. amortzaton
c. depeton d. nvestment
32. The vaue whch s usuay determned by the dsnterested thrd
party n order to estabsh a prce that s far to both seer and
a@ fair -alue b. market vaue
c. savage vaue d. book vaue
33. The prce that can be obtaned from the sae of property or
second hand
a. book vaue b@ sal-age -alue
c. far vaue d. market vaue
34. The process of determnng the vaue of certan property for
specc reasons
a. amortzaton b@ appraisal
c. nvestment d. deprecaton
35. A bond whereby the securty behnd t are the equpments of the
ssung corporaton
a. debenture bond b@ lien bond
c. coatera bond d. mortgage bond
36. An annuty where the payment perod extends forever or n
whch the perodc payment contnue ndentey.
a. ordnary annuty b. deferred annuty
c. annuty due d@ perpetuit
37. It s the span of fe of an equpment durng whch t produces the
product t s desgned to produce at a prot
a. wrte oh perod b. physca fe
c@ economic life d. perpetua fe
38. It s a deprecaton method whereby the decrease n vaue of the
unt s constant each year
a@ Tatheson formula b. Straght ne method
c. SYD method d. Snkng fund method
39. It s a dstnct ega entty separate from the ndvdua who own t
and whch can engage n practcay any busness transacton whch
a rea person can do.
a. soe propretorshp b. partnershp
c@ corporation d. a of the above
40. These are costs whch reman reatvey constant regardess of
any change n operaton or pocy whch s made.
a@ 2xed cost b. ncrement cost
c. varabe cost d. dherenta cost
41. The ength of tme at whch the orgna cost of capta used to
purchase a unt have aready been recovered.
a. economc fe b@ write o? period
c. physca fe d. savage fe
42. The actua nterest earned by a gven prncpa s known as:
a. compound nterest b. nomna nterest
c. smpe nterest d@ e?ecti-e interest
43. The excusve rght of a company to provde a specc product /
servces n a gven regon of the country.
a@ franchise b. branch
c. extenson d. outet
44. It occurs when a commodty or servce s supped by a number
of vendors and there s nothng to prevent addtona vendors
enterng the market
a. free market b@ perfect competition
c. open market d. aw of suppy and demand
45. In makng economy studes, a mnmum requred prot on the
nvested capta s ncuded as a cost.
a. rate of return b@ annual cost pattern
c. present worth pattern d. capta cost
46. Deprecaton method where the vaue of an asset decreases at a
decreasng rate.
a@ !ZA method b. snkng fund
c. straght ne method d. decnng baance
47. Cost of thngs that are nether abor nor materas
a. constructon cost b@ expenses
c. abor cost d. nvestment
48. Knd of obgaton whch has no condton attached
a. anaytc b@ gratuitous
c. prvate d. pure
49. Gross, prot, saes ess cost of goods sod as a percentage of sae
s caed
a. prot margn b. gross margn
c@ KOF (rate of return) d. prce earnngs
50. The seres of equa payments at equa ntervas of tme
a. nterest b. deprecaton
c@ annuit d. amortzaton
51. A egay bndng agreement on promse to exchange goods or
a. contract b@ barter
c. memorandum d. pro-forma
52. An ndex of short term payng abty s caed
a. current rato b. recevabe turnover
c@ acid test ratio d. prot margn rato
53. Used to produce consumer goods
a@ producer goods b. suppy
c. consumer goods d. cash ow
54. It s a seres of equa payments occurrng at equa nterva of
tme where the rst payment s made severa perods after the
begnnng of the payment
a@ deferred annuit b. deayed annuty
c. progressve annuty d. smpe annuty
55. A market whereby there s ony one buyer of an tem for whch
there are no goods substtute
a. monopoy b@ monopson
c. ogopoy d. ogopsony
56. The amount of a property n whch a wng buyer w pay to a
wng seer for the property when nether one s under the
compuson to buy or se
a. far vaue b. goodw vaue
c. book vaue d@ mar,et -alue
57. A type of annuty where the payments are made at the start of
each perod, begnnng from the rst perod
a. ordnary annuty b@ annuit due
c. deferred annuty d. perpetuty
58. A method of computng deprecaton n whch the annua charge
s a xed percentage of the deprecated book vaue at the begnnng
of the year to whch the deprecaton appes
a. straght ne b. snkng fund method
c. SYD method d@ declining balance method
59. The cumuatve ehect of eapsed tme on the money vaue of an
event based on the earnng power of equvaent nvested funds
capta shoud or w earn
a. present worth factor b. nterest rate
c@ time -alue of mone d. yed
60. Doube taxaton s a dsadvantage of whch busness
a. soe propretorshp b. partnershp
c@ corporation d. enterprse
61. The functon of nterest rate and tme that determnes the
cumuatve amount of a snkng fund resutng from specc perodc
a@ sin,ing fund factor b. present worth factor
c. capacty factor d. demand factor
62. The ntangbe tem of vaue from the excusve rght of the
company to provde a specc product or servce n a stated regon
of the country
a. market vaue b. book vaue
c. goodw vaue d@ franchise -alue
63. The ength of tme durng whch t s capabe of performng the
functon for whch t was desgned and manufactured.
a. economc fe b. busness fe
c. nsuar fe d@ phsical life
64. Products that are drecty used by peope to satsfy ther wants.
a. suppy b@ consumer goods
c. producer goods d. cash ows
65. A change n cost for a sma change n voume of producton.
a. xed cost b. sunk cost
c. rst cost d@ di?erential cost
66. An amount whch has been spent and for some reasons cannot
be recovered.
a@ sun, cost b. rst cost
c. ncrement d. xed cost
67. The dherence between the book vaue and the actua ower
resae vaue s
a. savage vaue b. resae vaue
c@ sun, cost d. xed cost
68. It occurs when a unque product or servce s avaabe ony from
a snge supper and entry of a other possbe suppers presented.
a. competton b@ monopol
c. nventory d. protabty
69. A pace where buyer and seer come together
a@ mar,et b. shop
c. department store d. paror
70. Rato of annua net prot and the capta nvested
a. proporton b@ rate of return
c. oad factor d. use factor
71. The prce of whch a wng buyer w pay to a wng seer for a
a. resae vaue b@ mar,et -alue
c. book vaue d. scrap vaue
72. The prce of property when sod for a |unk
a@ scrap -alue b. book vaue
c. resae vaue d. market vaue
73. An nterest earnng fund n whch equa deposts are made at
equa ntervas of tme
a. annuty b@ sin,ing fund
c. nterest d. nvestment
74. A term descrbng weath whch s paced n a busness and coud
ncude cash equpment, raw materas and nshed products
a@ capital b. nvestment
c. coatera d. assets
75. The rst cost of any property ncudes
a. the orgna purchase prce and freght and transportaton
b. nstaaton expenses
c. nta taxes and permts' fee
d@ all of the abo-e
>H>IW6!,>I ,8;3!06RW
1. The hydrogen or deuterium discharge tube can be used as a source of continuous ultraviolet
radiation for spectrophotometers because of
a. the characteristics of chopper-modulated radiation
b. pressure broadening of hydrogen or deuterium emission lines
c. the great sensitivity of photomultiplier tube
d. the narrow band pass of modern grating of monochromators
2. Chopping the source beam in conjunction with the use of a tuned ac amplifier in an atomic
absorption spectrophotometer accomplishes the following
a. a recording potentiometer can be used instead of a voltmeter for the readout
b. a less sensitive detector can be used instead of the usual photomultiplier tube
c. a cooler can be used without decreasing the population of ground-state atoms
d. radiation emitted by excited atoms in the flame will not interfere with the absorbance
3. Line spectra are emitted by
a. hot solids
b. ecited polyatomic molecules
c. molecules in the ground electronic state
d. excited atoms and monatomic ions
!. "ecording spectrophotometers sometimes operate with feedbac# loops that vary the power of
the reference beam until it matches the power of the beam through the sample. This mode of
a. eliminates the need for a continuous source
b. re$uires two monochromators
c. eliminates the need for nonabsorbing solvents
d. makes the detector a null device, with the result that nonlinear response to radiant
power would not be deleterious
%. &hich of the following best eplains why atomic absorption is sometimes more sensitive than
flame emission spectroscopy'
a. At the temperature of a typical flame, the population of ground-state atoms is much
greater than the population of excited atoms.
b. (etectors employed in absorption wor# are inherently more sensitive than those used to
measure emission.
c. )ollow cathode discharge tubes have a much greater radiant power output than do
ordinary flames .
d. *n absorption line in a flame is always much sharper than an emission line because of the
(oppler effect.
+. The method of standard addition compensates for matri effects provided
a. the addition does not dilute the sample appreciably and does not itself introduce
appreciable quantities or interfering substances
b. the addition dilutes the sample enough that the concentrations of interfering substances
are lowered to negligible values
c. the addition contains none of the substance being determined
d. the addition contains a large enough $uantity of some substance to swamp out sample
,. -e
and Cu
form complees with /(T*. The ferric comple is colorless 0 as is -e
itself0 at
the concentration involved here1 the copper comple is a deep blue color 2deeper than the
color of Cu
itself30 while /(T* is colorless. The photometric titration curve below was
obtained when a solution containing both -e
and Cu
was titrated with /(T* using a
spectrophotometer set at a wavelength of ,!% nm in the visible region of the spectrum.
ml of /(T* solution
a. A is the iron end point.
b. 4 is the iron end point
c. The distance from * to 4 on the milliliter ais represents the $uantity of iron
d. The $uantity of iron could not be calculated from a graph li#e this unless the $uantity of
copper in the solution was #nown ahead of time
5. 6n chromatography0 a substance for which the distribution of the coefficient0 70 is 8ero may be
used to estimate
a. the volume within the column occupied by the pac#ing materials
b. the total volume of the column
c. the volume within the pores of the pac#ing material
d. the volume within the column available to the mobile phase
9. The purpose of the solid support material in a :LC column is to
a. immobilize the stationary liquid phase
b. adsorb sample components that are insufficiently soluble in the stationary li$uid phase
c. provide a ;bac#up; stationary phase in the event that the li$uid is lost by evaporation
d. remove impurities from the carrier gas
1<. )elium0 rather than nitrogen0 is sometimes used as the carrier gas in :LC because
a. being lighter than nitrogen0 helium elutes the sample components more rapidly
b. helium is less epensive than nitrogen
c. nitrogen has stable isotopes which separate and cause anomalous column behavior
d. of its much higher thermal conductivity
11. *n important feature of open-tubular :LC column is
a. they can accept much larger samples than can pac#ed column because of their great
b. solute partitioning between stationary and mobile phases is very rapid and the C
term in the an !eemter equation is relatively small
c. they permit the use of a wider variety of carrier gases
d. they can be operated at temperatures closer to the boiling point of the stationary li$uid
phase than can pac#ed columns and thus handle less volatile eamples
12. "aising the column temperature in :LC decreases solute retention times primarily because
a. solute diffusion coefficients in the li$uid phase decrease with increasing temperature
b. van der &aals interactions between solutes and stationary phase are stronger at higher
c. gases are generally less soluble in liquids at higher temperatures
d. detector sensitivity is a function of temperature0 especially with a thermal conductivity cell
13. &hich of the following would have practically no effect upon the retention volume of a solute in
a. changing the carrier-gas flow-rate
b. increasing the stationary li$uid loading of the column pac#ing from % to 1<= by weight
c. increasing the column temperature
d. changing the chemical nature of the stationary li$uid
1!. The separation factor0 >0 in chromatography depends upon
a. the length of the column
b. the s$uare root of the length of the column
c. the nature of the stationary liquid phase
d. the number of theoretical plates in the column
1%. 6n :LC0 interaction of solutes with the solid support will often cause
a. unusually narrow elution bands
b. asymmetric elution band
c. ecessive eddy diffusion
d. decreased detector sensitivity
1+. 6ncreasing the $uantity of stationary li$uid phase applied to the column pac#ing will0 with
everything else the same0
a. increase t
for a solute
b. decrease t
for a solute
c. not influence t
for a solute
d. decrease the none$uilibrium term in the van (eemer e$uation
1,. * neutral molecule such as ethanol or sugar which has found its way into the pores of a typical
anion-echange resin can be eliminated
a. only by replacement with a cation
b. only by replacement with an anion
c. only if replaced by another organic molecule on a one-for-one echange basis
d. by flushing out the water
15. 6n chromatography0 a substance for which the distribution coefficient0 70 is 8ero may be used to
a. the volume within the column available to the moving phase
b. the volume within the column occupied by the pac#ing
c. the volume within the pores of the pac#ing material
d. the total volume of the column
19. &hich of the following statements is false in normal phase absorption'
a. The more polar a compound0 the more strongly it will be adsorbed from a solution
b. * high molecular weight favors adsorption0 other factors being e$ual
c. #he more polar the solvent, the stronger the adsorption of the solute
d. The adsorption isotherm is usually nonlinear
2<. The best measure of the $uantity of a solute in LC is
a. the height of the elution band
b. the area of the elution band
c. the baseline width of the elution band
d. the retention volume
21. &hich of the following would be the fastest way to decide which adsorbent and what solvent
system to use for a larger-scale chromatographic separation of an organic reaction product
from materials formed in side reactions'
a. ?aper chromatography
b. *ffinity chromatography
c. #$C
d. *dsorption chromatography with gradient elution
22. To deioni8e tap water by ion echange for laboratory use0 the best approach employs
a. a column containing a strong-acid cation echange in the hydrogen form
b. a column containing a strong-base anion echanger in the hydroyl form
c. a mied-bed column containing a strong-acid cation echanger in the sodium form and a
strong-base anion echanger in the chloride form
d. a mixed-bed column containing a strong-acid cation exchanger in the hydrogen
form and a strong-base anion exchanger in the hydroxyl form
23. Line spectra are emitted by
a. incandescent solids
b. ecited molecules
c. molecules in the ground electronic state
d. excited atoms and monatomic ions
2!. 4and spectra are emitted by
a. tungsten lamps and @ernst glowers
b. excited molecules in the vapor phase
c. ecited atoms and monatomic ions
d. incandescent solids
2%. * chemical engineer is conducting research on the development of analytical methods based
upon chemiluminescence. 6f a conventional spectrofluorometer is used for the measurements0
an the instrument has separate switches for its various circuits0 which switch will be left in the
;off; position'
a. detector power supply
b. amplifier
c. source power supply
d. power to the motor drive of the scanning monochromator on the emission side of the
2+. 6n flame spectroscopy0 the highest temperature fuel oidant combination available as yet is
a. hydrogen-oygen
b. hydrogen-nitrous oide
c. acetylene-oxygen
d. acetylene-nitrous oide
2,. 6f the change in a molecule caused by absorption of light energy involves change in the
average separation of the nuclei of two or more atoms0 then the change is
a. electronic
b. vibrational
c. translational
d. rotational
25. The nephelometric method of analysis is based upon
a. 4eerAs law
b. -ajarAs law
c. 4ouger lawAs
d. %eer $ambert&s $aw
29. 6" spectro-photometers have practically the same basic components as visible and BC
spectro-photometers. 6n which of the following basic components could the devices be used
interchangeable in both1
a. sources of radiant energy
b. optical system
c. sample holders
d. detectors
3<. &hich of the following may not be used in the determination of sugars'
a. #$C chromatography
b. ?olarimetry
c. Copper reduction methods
d. Lane and /ynon methods
31. &hich is not the recommended device for a filter photometry'
a. hydrogen arc lamp
b. glass filter
c. barrier layer photocell
d. none of these
32. This law states that the amount of light absorbed or transmitted by a solution is an
eperimental function of the concentration of absorbing substance present and the sample
path length
a. 4ougerAs Law
b. %eer&s $aw
c. LambertAs Law
d. 4ouger-4eer Law
33. (eviationAs from 4eerAs Law may be due to
a. instrumental
b. intermolecular reactions
c. formation of compleions with varying number of ligonds
d. all of these
3!. 6" spectrophotometers have the same basic components as BC spectrophotometers0 ecept1
a. source of radiant energy and the #ind of detectors
b. materials used in the optical system
c. materials used in the sample cells
d. all of these
3%. &hich of the following involves emission of radiation by ecited atoms1
a. Bltra-violet spectrophotometry
b. 6nfra-red spectrophotometry
c. Atomic absorption spectrometry
d. @ephelopmetry
3+. The absorption of a solution of a particular substance does not depend on the 1
a. wavelength of the incident light
b. intensity of the incident light
c. concentration of the substance
d. thickness of the sample cell
3,. 6f we compare flame spectrophotometry and emission spectroscopy0 which of the following
statements will be true'
a. -lame photometry is more senstive than emission spectroscopy
b. 'lame photometry can analyze more metals than emission spectroscopy
c. -lame photometry is less sensitive to the matri than emission spectroscopy
d. -lame photometry is simpler to use than emission spectroscopy
35. *tomic absorption spectrophotometry 2**>3 differs from visible absorption spectrophotometry
because **>
a. has no light source
b. does not need a monochromator
c. does not follow 4eerAs Law
d. destroys the sample when a reading is made
39. :as chromatography does not use this detector
a. thermal conductivity detector
b. refractive inde detector
c. flame ionization detector
d. electron capture detector
!<. 6n gas chromatography0 the retention time is not dependent on
a. carrier gas velocity
b. column temperature
c. volume of compound analy8ed
d. volatility of compound analy8ed

1. The main component of air is DDDDDDDDDDDD.
a. oygen b. argon c. carbon dioide d. nitrogen
e. methane
2. Ef the following0 DDDDDDDDDDDD is characteristic of gases.
a. :ases are highly compressible
b. These are relatively large distances between molecules
c. :ases form homogenous mitures regardless of the non-reacting gas components
d. All of these
e. * gas epands spontaneously to fill its container
3. Ene significant difference between gases and li$uids is that DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
a. a gas is made up of molecules
b. a gas assumes the volume of its container
c. a gas may consist of both elements and compounds
d. gases are always mitures
e. all of these answers are correct
4. Folecular compounds of low molecular weights tend to be gases at room temperature. &hich
of the following is most li#ely not a gas at room temperature'
b. )Cl c. $iCl d. )
e. C)
5. :aseous mitures DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
a. can only contain molecules
b. are all heterogeneous
c. can only contain isolated atoms
d. are all homogenous
e. must contain both isolated atoms and molecules
6. &hich one of the following is @ET true about the unit ?ascal 2pa3'
a. 1 ?a G 1 @Hm2
b. The ?a is the >6 unit for pressure
c. 1 atm G 1<1.32% #?a
d. ( )a * (++ torr
e. The ?a is the >i unit for force
7. The first person to investigate the relationship between the pressure of a gas ad its volume
a. *madeo *vogadro
b. Lord 7elvin
c. Iac$ues Charles
d. "obert %oyle
e. Ioseph Louis :ay-Lussac
8. Ef the following0 DDDDDDDDDDDD is a correct statement of 4oyleJs law.
a. ) * constant
b. ? G constant
c. C G constant
d. C G constant
e. n G constant
9. Ef the following0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDD is a valid statement of CharlesJ law.
a. ? G constant
b. * constant
c. ?C G constant
d. C G constant n
e. C G constant ?
10. &hich one of the following is a valid statement of *vogadroJs law'
a. ? G constant
b. C G constant
c. ?C G constant
d. * constant x n
e. C G constant ?
11. The volume of an ideal gas is 8ero at DDDDDDDDD.
a. <C b. -!%- c. -2,37 d. -3+37
e. -,-.C
12. Ef the following0 only DDDDDDDDD is impossible for an ideal gas.
a. C1 G C2
T1 T2
b. (#( * ,#,
c. C1 G T1
C2 T2
d. C2 G T2 2 C13
e. C1 G T1 G <
C2 T2
13. The molar volume of a gas at >T? is DDDDDL.
a. <.<52<+ b. +2.3+ c. 1.<< d. ,,./ e. 1!.,
14. * gas is considered KidealL if DDDDDDDDDDD.
a. it is not compressible
b. one mole of it occupies eactly 1 liter at standard temperature and pressure
c. it can be shown to occupy 8ero volume at <C
d. its behavior is described by the ideal-gas equation
e. one mole of it in a one-liter container eerts a pressure eactly 1 atm at room temperature
15. -or which of the following changes is not clear whether the volume of a particular sample
of an ideal gas will increase or decrease'
a. increase the temperature and increase the pressure
b. increase the temperature and decrease the pressure
c. increase the temperature and #eep the pressure constant
d. #eep temperature constant and decrease the pressure
e. decrease the temperature and increase the pressure
16. >tandard temperature and pressure 2>T?30 in the contet of gases0 refers to
a. 295 7 and 1 atm
b. ,-. 0 and ( atm
c. 295 7 and 1 torr
d. 2,3 7 and 1 pascal
e. 2,3 7 and 1 torr
17. Ef the following0 DDDDDDDDDDDDDD correctly relates pressure0 volume0 temperature0
amount 2mol30 molecular mass 2F30 density 2d3 and mass 2g3.
a. F G d"T
b. 1 * g"#
c. F G ?T
d. F G gC
e. F G "T
18. Ef the following0 DDDDDDDDDDDDD correctly relates pressure0 volume0 temperature0 amount
2mol30 molecular mass 2F30 density 2d3 and mass 2g3.
a. d * )1
b. d G g"T
c. d G ?TF
d. d G gC
e. d G "T
19. Ef the following gases0 DDDDDDDDDDDD will have the greatest rate of effusion at a given
a. @)
b. C2
c. *r d. )4r e. )Cl
20. *n ideal gas differs from a real gas in that the molecules of an ideal gas
a. have no attraction for one another
b. have appreciable molecular volume
c. have a molecular weight of 8ero
d. have no #inetic energy
e. has an average molecular mass
21. The statement0 K-or a fied mass of gas at constant temperature0 gas volume is inversely
proportional to gas pressure.L 6s #nown as1
a. *vogadroJs law b. %oyle3s law c. CharleJs law d. :rahamJs lawe. 7elvinJs law
22. 6f gas volume is doubled but the temperature remains constant1
a. the pressure stays the same
b. the molecules move faster
c. the #inetic energy increases
d. the molecules move slower
e. none of these answers
23. >ubtracting the vapor pressure of water from the total pressure of a gas collected over
water is an eample1
a. *vogadroJs )ypothesis b. !alton3s law c. :rahamJs law
d. van der &aals Theory e. ideal gas law
24. The energy of molecules of a gas1
a. is dependent on concentration
b. is distributed over a wide range at constant temperature
c. is the same for all molecules at constant temperature
d. increases with a decrease in temperature
e. increases with an increase in pressure
25. &hich of the following assumptions is not used to eplain the ideal gas law'
a. gas particles themselves occupy a negligible percent of total gas volume
b. inter-particle forces are negligible in gases
c. collisions between gas particles are perfectly elastic
d. collisions between gas particles and container walls are perfectly elastic
e. individual gas particles are perfectly compressible to nuclear size
26. 6f someone were to light a cigar at one end of a closed room0 persons at the other end of
the room might soon perceive an odor due to gaseous emissions from the cigar. >uch a
phenomenon is an eample of1
a. monometry b. ideality c. effusion d. diffusion
e. barometry
27. The fact that a balloon filled with helium will lea# more slowly than one filled with hydrogen
is eplained by citing1
a. *vogadroJs hypothesis b. (altonJs law c. 4raham3s law d. van der &aals Theory
e. ideal gas law
28. :ases tend to behave ideally at
a. low temperature and low pressure
b. low temperature and high pressure
c. high temperature and low pressure
d. high temperature and high pressure
e. gases always behave ideally
29. *ssuming ideal gas behavior0 which of the following gases would have the lowest density
at standard temperature and pressure'
a. >-
b. C-
c. CE
d. 5
e. 7r
30. Ef the following gases0 the one with the greatest density at >T? is1
a. C)
b. @)
c. 5e d. )
e. )e
31. The phenomenon n whch a stee neede can, wth proper care,
be made to oat on the surface of some water ustrates a property
of qud known as:
a. compressbty b. poarzabty c@ surface tension
d. trpe pont e. vscosty
32. The property of qud that measures ts resstance to ow s
a. caparty b. poarzabty c. resstvty d@
-iscosit e. wetabty
33. A qud w "wet" a surface f:
a. the qud has a esser densty than the surface
b. the forces between the qud moecues are weak
c. the qud has a ow vapor pressure
d@ the forces between the molecules and the surface are
greater than the forces between the molecules of the
e. none of these answers
34. Whch of the foowng statements concernng moecues n the
qud state s true?
a. Cohesve forces are not mportant
b. The moecues contract to t the sze of the contaner
c. The moecues have no moton
d. The moecues n a patterned (orented) arrangement
e@ ;he molecules are mobile and relati-el close together
35. The temperature ate whch the vapor pressure of a qud equas
the externa pressure s caed the :
a@ boiling point b. crtca pont c. metng pont
d. submaton pont e. therma pont
36. Lqud and vapor phases of a substance become
ndstngushabe at the:
a. trpe pont b. norma pont c. permanent pont
d@ critical point e. absoute pont
37. When a qud s n dynamc equbrum wth ts vapor at a gven
temperature, the foowng condtons coud exst:
(I) There s no transfer of moecues between qud and vapor
(II) The vapor pressure has a unque vaue
(III) The opposng processes, (qud to vapor) and (vapor to
qud), proceed at equa rates
(IV) The concentraton of vapor s dependent on tme
Whch of the above choces are appcabe?
a. I b@ FF and FFF c. I, II, and III
d. II and IV e. none of these combnaton
38. Whch of the foowng does NOT descrbe the crtca pont of a
a. The temperature and pressure at whch a quds menscus
b@ ;he point where the -apor pressure cur-e intersects the
fusion temperature
c. The hghest temperature at whch a qud can exst
d. The temperature and pressure at whch a qud and ts vapor are
e. The hghest temperature at whch t s possbe to obtan a qud
form ts vapor by ncreasng pressure
39. A contaner hods a sma amount of qud and ts vapor n
equbrum If the voume of the contaner s decreased, whch of the
foowng has occurred once equbrum s reestabshed?
a. the temperature s ower b@ the temperature is
higher c. the pressure s hgher
d. the pressure s ower e. none of these
40. When the vapor pressure of a qud equas atmospherc
pressure, the temperature of the qud equas:
a. 100C b@ boiling point c. the norma bong pont
d. the vaporzaton pont e. none of these
41. When a qud s n equbrum wth ts vapor n a cosed
a@ ;he rate at which molecules from the li3uid phase enter
the gas phase exactl e3uals the rate at which molecules
from the gas phase pass into the li3uid phase
b. A change n temperature w not change the pressure n the
c. The amount of gas n the contaner must exacty equa the
amount of qud
d. Moecues cannot go from the qud phase to the gas phase
because the amount of qud n the contaner s constant
e. The vapor w graduay change back to the qud state, that s,
no vapor w be eft
42. Under whch of the foowng condtons w vaporzaton best
a@ hgh mass, arge surface area, hgh knetc energy
b@ wea, forces between molecules( high ,inetic energ(
large surface area
c@ hgh moecuar energy, sma surface area
d@ ow knetc energy, strong moecuar forces, arge surface area
e@ sma surface area, ow knetc energy, ow moecuar mass
43. Whch of the foowng does NOT decrease rate of vaporzaton?
a@ closing container lid b. ncreasng forces between
moecues c. ncreasng mass of moecue
d. decreasng temperaturee. decreasng surface area
44. Whch of the foowng factors does NOT ahect the norma bong
pont of a qud?
a@ atmospheric pressure b. strength of forces between
moecues c. rate of evaporaton
d. rate of condensaton e. none of these answers
45. A qud s n equbrum wth ts vapor. If some of the vapor s
aowed to escape, what s the mmedate resut?
a@ condensation rate decreases b. vaporzaton rate ncreases
c. condensaton rate ncreases
d. vaporzaton rate decreases e. none of these
46. The phenomenon of supercoong refers to the exstence of a
a. the qud at a temperature beow that of ts crtca pont
b. qud at a temperature beow that of ts submaton pont
c@ li3uid at a temperature below that of its point
d. gas at a temperature beow that of ts crtca pont
e. two-phase qud/sod mxture at the freezng pont
47. A of the foowng are true about crystas EXCEPT
a@ / crstal softens and melts o-er a wide range of
b. A crysta tends to shatter aong dened panes
c. Crystas generay have a specc shape for a specc substance
d. Crysta usuay have a hgh degree of symmetry
48. A of the foowng are ogca consequences of the observed
macroscopc propertes of crystas EXCEPT
a. The atoms or moecues of a crysta are arranged n a reguary
repeatng pattern
b. The forces hodng the atoms n a meta crysta are the same for
essentay every atom except at the surface
c@ ;he distances between ad>acent atoms or molecules -ar
d. Some defects are present n the crystas
49. Whch of the foowng has the argest number of attce ponts
per unt ce?
a. The prmtve (smpe) cubc attce
b@ ;he face centered cubic lattice
c. The body centered cubc attce
d. A these attces have the same number of attce ponts per unt
50. A of the foowng are true about attce ponts n a crysta
structure EXCEPT
a. The rst attce pont can be paced at any ocaton
b. A attce ponts have dentca envronments
c. The corners of unt ces are ocated at attce ponts
d@ /toms are alwas located on lattice points
51. A of the foowng statements are true EXCEPT
a@ The face-centered cubc attce s dentca to the cubc cosest
packed attce
b@ ;he bod0centered cubic lattice is identical to the
hexagonal closest pac,ed lattice
c@ The cubc cosest packed and hexagona cosest packed
structures have dentca fractons of space whch are occuped
by atoms
d@ The densty of a meta sampe s ndependent of the sze of the
sampe consdered
52. Whch of the foowng represents the mnma amount of date
necessary to determne the atomc mass of a meta?
a. Avogadros number and the densty of the meta
b. Avogadros number, the densty of the meta and the ength of
the unt ce edge
c@ /-ogadroVs number( the densit of the metal( the length
of the unit cell edge and the tpe of lattice
d. Avogadros number, the densty of the meta, the ength of the
unt ce edge, the type of attce and the atomc radus of the
53. Whch of the foowng s assumed when cacuatng atomc rad
of metas form crystaographc data?
a. The atoms are soft spheres that are deformed n the structure
b. The atoms are amost perfect cubes
c. The atoms are of dherent szes and the vaue cacuated for the
radus s an average
d@ ;he atoms in the structure are touching
54. What s the usua reatonshp between the number of vaence
eectrons and the number of nearest neghbors of a meta atom n a
sod meta?
a@ ;he number of -alence electrons is less than the number
nearest neighbors
b. The number of vaence eectrons s greater than the number of
nearest neghbors
c. The number of vaence eectrons s equa to the number of
nearest neghbors
d. The number of vaence eectrons can be ess than, greater than,
or equa to the number of nearest neghbors
55. A of the foowng are consequences of the theory of the
structure of metas EXCEPT
a. Metas conduct eectrcty b. Metas are maeabe c. Metas
are ducte d@ Tetals brea, easil when the are bent
56. Whch of the foowng s the reason that metas conduct
a. The meta atoms are cose together
b. There are no empty spaces n meta structures
c@ Hlectrons in the structure can mo-e freel
d. Eectrons and protons n the structure can move freey
57. Whch of the foowng s the reason why sat stay bonded n the
sod state?
a. There are strong covaent bonds between the ons
b. The structure conssts of sat moecues tat bnd tghty to other
sat moecues
c. They are hed together by eectrostatc attractons and the
structure ncudes no eectrostatc repusons
d@ ;here are both electrostatic attractions and repulsions
within the structure but the total of the attractions is
58. A of the foowng are possbe crysta defects EXCEPT
a. An atom or on out of ts reguar poston and occupyng a
normay empty hoe
b@ / crstal in which he onl defect is one pair of ions of the
same charge which are missing
c. An eectron occupyng a ste that s normay occuped by a -1
d. A crysta contanng some on stes empty and some ons not
bearng the expected charge
59. Whch of the foowng s the most mportant expanaton for the
conductvty of metas?
a. they are amost a sods b@ their coordination numbers
are high
c. Ther numbers of vaence eectrons are hgh d. Ther denstes
are hgh
60. Whch of the foowng pars s soeectronc?
a. AIS and P b. GeAs and Se c@ Ee/s and Ea!e
d. A and SP
61. Whch of the foowng s aways the same for aotropes of the
same eement?
a@ ;he atomic mass b. the moar mass c. the
structure d. the chemca and physca propertes
62. The semconductor crystane S has a ow eectrca conductvty
n the dark because
a. crystane S s a moecuar sod
b@ the band gap energ is much greater than "K; at 2"['
c. the chemca bondng n the crysta s strong n a three
d. S has fewer vaence eectrons that eements that form metac
63. A aser ponter of a doped semconductor |uncton (.e., a regon
of A1 doped semconductor bonded to a regon of P doped
semconductor) wth a owng current due to an apped votage
from a battery. Whch of the foowng statements s TRUE?
a. The coor of the ght s determned by the semconductor band
b. The devce works better warm rather than cod because the
number of thermay generated eectrons s hgher
c. Lght s emtted at the nterface when a hoe from the A1 regon
combnes wth an eectron from the P regon
d@ Doth (a) and (c)
64. In order to dope crystane S wth extra eectrons, whch
eement shoud be ncorporated nto the attce?
a@ P b. A1 c. C d. O
65. A of the foowng statements about NaC crystane attce are
true, EXCEPT
a@ H-er 'l is surrounded b & )a at e3ual bond lengths( and
-ice -ersa
b. The structure aong the x,y and z axes of the unt ce s a the
c. If the ength of one sde of the unt ce and the atomc weghts of
Na and C are known, then the densty can be cacuated
d. The unt ce s cubc even though the Na and C ons have
dherent onn rad
66. A of the foowng statements about the dherent forms of sod
C are true, EXCEPT
a@ Aiamond is transparent and shows no color because its
band gap is 3uite large
b. Graphte sdes easy because the C atoms are strongy bonded
n ony two dmensons
c. In damond the structure around each C atom s due to C sp

d. Damond s hard yet brtte because the band gap s arge
67. Sods wth ong-range mcroscopc order n ther structures are
a. amorphous b@ crstalline c. gasses d. metas
e. none of these
68. A specmen s sub|ected to x-ray dhracton. The resutng
dhracton pattern contans many sharpy dened spots. The
specmen s
a. gaseous b@ crstalline c. amorphous
d. pastc e. qud
69. A specmen s sub|ected to x-ray dhracton. The resutng
dhracton pattern contans three dhuse rngs cose to prmary x-ray
beam. The specmen s
a. gaseous b. crystane c@ amorphous
d. poycrystane e. cooda
70. The coors n the gemstone opa resut from
a@ the di?raction of -isible light b colloidal crstals in the
b. absorpton by transton meta compexes
c. contamnaton by arge organc moecues whch absorb ght n
the vsbe regon
d. radoactvty
e. none of these
71. Whch of the foowng symmetry eements can be found n an
equatera trange?
a. a 2-fod rotaton b. a 3-fod rotaton c. as mrror ne or
pane d@ all of these e. none of these
72. About haf of a the crystas studed so far beong to the ______
crysta system
a. hexagona b. orthorhombc c. cubc
d. trcnc e@ monoclinic
73. The crysta system wth the mnmum symmetry requrement of
one 4-fod rotaton s
a. orthorhombc b. cubc c@ tetragonal
d. trcnc e. trgona
74. Crystane substances are ________. Amorphous substances are
a. sotropc, sotropcb. ansotropc, ansotropc
c. sotropc, ansotropc d@ anisotropic( isotropic
75. The three-dmensona array made up of a ponts wthn a
crysta that have the same envronment n the same orentaton s
caed the
a. unt ce b. prmtve ce c. crysta system
d@ crstal lattice e. symmetry pattern
76. The basc repeatng structura unt of a crysta attce s the
a@ unit cell b. atom c. moecue
d. atomc custer e. symmetry pattern
77. The number of attce ponts n a prmtve unt ce s
a@ 5 b. 2 c. 4 d. 8 e. ths
depends on the crysta system
78. The condtons --- a= b = c, apha= beta =gamma = 90 ---
descrbe the _________ unt ce.
a. tetragona b@ orthorhombic c. monocnc
d. hexagona e. trgona
79. The condtons --- a= b = c, apha = gamma = 90, = 90---
descrbe the _______ unt ce
a. tetragona b. orthorhombc c@ monoclinic d.
hexagona e. trgona
80. The number of attce ponts n the unt ce for the body-centered
cubc attce s
a. 1 b@ 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 8
81. For a face-centered cubc unt ce, each corner contrbutes _____
attce ponts to the unt ce
a@ 5:# b. V c. d. 1 e. none of these
82. In a face-centered cubc attce, each attce, each attce pont
ocated n a face of the unt ce s shared equay wth ___ other unt
a@ 5 b. 3 c. 5 d. 7 e. none of
83. A meta crystazes n a body-centered cubc attce. Whch of the
foowng correcty reates the atomc radus r of the meta to the
ength of an edge a of the unt ce?
a. r = a b. r = av2 c@ r B a\"
2 4 &
d. Ths cannot be determned wthout addtona nformaton
e. none of these
84. The forces hodng the moecues together n the attce of a
moecuar sod are
a@ -an der Uaals forces b. onc bonds c. covaent bonds
d. a of these e. none of these
85. Moecuar crystas typcay
a. are soft b. have ow metng ponts c. are
nsuators d@ all of these e. none of these
86. Most onc sods crystaze n the ______ system
a. hexagona b. orthorhombc c@ cubic
d. tetragona e. monocnc
87. The rock sat structure can be vewed as a _______ attce of
anons, wth catons occupyng postons exacty between pars of
a@ face0centered cubic b. monocnc c. trgona
d. body-centered cubc e. prmtve cubc
88. In the rock sat structure, each on s surrounded by ________
equdstant ons of opposte charge
a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 8
e@ none of these
89. Whch of the foowng cannot possby crystaze n the rock sat
a. VN b@ )a
! c. ZrSe d. NH
e. MgO
90. How many chorde ons are contaned n a unt ce of CsC?
a. 1/8 b. V c. d@ 5 e. 2
91. The coordnaton number of each cesum atom n CsC s
a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d@ # e. 12
92. A certan sod s a good nsuator, s brtte, and has a hgh
metng pont. The substance ready conducts eectrcty when
moten. Ths substance s most key _____ n nature.
a. moecuar b. covaent c@ ionic d. metac
e. t coud be more than one of these
93. In a metac sod, _______ are ocated at the attce ponts.
a. neutra meta atoms b. moecues c@ positi-el charged
core ions d. eectronse. atomc custers
94. The meta wth the hghest metng pont s
a. Pt b. Rh c. Nb d. Ga e@ U
95. A structure that forms naturay when dentca rgd spheres are
paced as cose together as possbe s caed a ____ arrangement.
a. prmtve b@ close0pac,ed c. face-centered d. dense
e. nematc
96. A crysta structure whch yeds cose packng for unform rgd
spheres s
a. prmtve cubc b. tetragona c. body-centered cubc d. a
of these e@ none of these
97. In the hexagona cose-packed structure, each atom has a
coordnaton number of
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 e@ 52
98. In damond, each carbon s covaenty bonded to ________ other
carbon atoms
a. 2 b. 3 c@ & d. 6 e. 8
99. The most stabe form of sufur at room temperature s
a. gaseous atoms b. ong chans of sufur atoms c. S
d. S2 moecues wth doube bonds e@ !
100. Whch eement n group V does not form a sod wth each atom
bonded to three others?
a. As b. B c@ ) d. P e. Sb
101. Whch of the foowng forms a ayered structure?
a@ graphite b. whte tn c. sufur
d. red phosphorous e. a of these
102. Whch of the foowng forms a sod wth the damond structure?
a. sufur b. whte tn c. red phosphorous
d. sodum e@ gra tin
103. The crysta defect n whch an atom or on s dspaced from ts
reguar poston n the attce to an nterstta ste s caed a(n)
a. Schottky defect b@ 8ren,el defect c. F-center
d. ste defect e. berthode
104. Irradaton of NaC wth utravoet ght can cause
a. chorde ons to ose eectrons to the crystane attce
b. formaton of an F-center
c. formaton of a nonstochometrc crysta
d@ all of these
e. none of these
105. In a pastc crysta,
a@ the molecules tumble before the lattice s disrupted
b. the attce s dsrupted before the moecues begn to tumbe
c. the moecues are rod-ke
d. a of these
e. none of these
106. The rate constant of a reacton depends upon
a. nta concentraton of reactants
b. extent of reacton
c@ temperature
d. tme of reacton
107. Whch of the foowng factors does not nuence the rate of a
a. Concentraton of reactants
b. Nature of reactants
c@ Tolecularit of the reaction
d. Temperature
108. The mechansm of a reacton can sometmes be reduced from
a. the temperature dependence of the rate
b@ the rate law
c. the net equaton
d. the actvaton energy
109. The actvaton energy of a reacton may be owered by
a. rasng the temperature
b. owerng the temperature
c. removng the products of the reacton
d@ adding a catalst
110. The equbrum constant n a reversbe chemca reacton at
gven temperature
a. depends on the nta concentratons of the reactants
b. depends on the concentraton of one of the products at
c@ does not depend on the initial concentrations
d. s not characterstc of the reacton
Answer the foowng questons 111-113 wth the hep of the
hypothetca reacton and ts rate aw
+ B
+ 2E
Rate of formaton of D = k|A| |B|
111. Doubng of the concentraton of A ncreases the rate of reacton
by a factor of
a@ 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 9
112. Doubng of the concentraton of B ncreases the rate of the
reacton by a factor of
a. 2 b. 3 c@ & d. 9
113. If the voume of the contaner s suddeny reduced to one-haf ts
orgna voume the rate w ncrease by a factor of
a. 2 b. 4 c@ # d. 16
114. The vaue of k, the specc rate constant, may be ncreased by
a. decreasng the concentraton of D
b. ncreasng the concentraton of A
c. ncreasng the concentraton of C
d@ increasing the temperature
115. What ehect does an ncrease n temperature of 10C have on the
rate of the reacton?
a. Haved b. Mutped by 1.5
c@ Aoubled d. Trped
116. Whch of the foowng s the best expanaton for the ehect of
ncrease n temperature on the rate of the reacton?
a@ Ft increases the number of particles with the necessar
acti-ation of energ
b. It enabes the reactng partces wth the necessary actvaton
c. It owers the actvaton energy for the reacton
d. It enabes the actvated compex to be more easy converted to
the products
117. The reactons of hgh moecuarty are rare because
a. actvaton energy of many body cosons s very hgh
b@ man bod collisions ha-e low probabilit
c. many body cosons are not favoured energetcay
d. none of the above statement s true
118. At 25C , the haf -fe for the decomposton of N2O5 s 5.7
hours, and s dependent of the nta pressure of N2O5 the specc
rate constant s
a. n 2 b. (1/5.7)hr
c@ (ln2:5@9)
d. (n2/5.7)hr
119. If the rate of reacton s ndependent of the concentraton of the
reactant, the reacton s of
a@ .ero order b. rst order
c. second order d. thrd order
120. Who among the foowng gave the aw of photochemca
a. Drapper b@ Hinstein
c. Grotthus d. Lambert
121. The energy of eectromagnetc radaton depends on
a. ts amptude b@ its fre3uenc
c. ts wave ength d. none of the above
122. What term s used to dene the phenomenon of emsson of ght
n a chemca reacton?
a@ 'hemical luminescence
b. Photosenstzaton
c. Both chemca umnescence and photosenstzaton
d. None of the above
123. Raman spectra may be obtaned n
a. IR and Vsbe regon
b@ Visible region onl
c. IR and mcro wave regon
d. UV and vsbe regon
124. ESR spectra many heps n study of
a. compounds havng hydrogen
b. compounds havng carbons
c@ free radicals
d. onc compounds
125. Whch one of the foowng rate aws has an overa order of 0.5
for the reactons nvovng substances X, Y, Z.?
Rate = k(Cx) (Cy) (Cz)
Rate = k (Cx)
Kate B , ('x)
Rate = k (Cx) (Cz)
126. Chemca reacton rates n souton do not depend to any great
extent upon
a@ pressure b. temperature
c. concentraton d. catayst
127. Whch of the foowng mght be used as an eectrode?
a. A stck b@ / nail
c. A gass rod d. A soda straw
128. The e.m.f. vaue for oxdaton from H
at 1.0 atm to H
at 1.0 x
M s
a. 0.00V b@ $@$5]V
c. -0.059V d. 0.030V
129. A good reducng agent
a. w aways react rapdy
b. has a negatve oxdaton potenta
c@ is readil oxidi.ed
d. shows a negatve oxdaton number
130. A Faraday of eectrcty s
a@ one ampere per second
b@ 96,500 couombs per second
c@ 6.02 x 10
eectrons per second
d@ 6@$2 x 5$
electronic charges
131. When aqueous HC s eectroyzed
a@ chlorine gas is produced at the anode
b. hydrogen gas s produced at the anode
c. oxygen gas s produced at the anode
d. oxygen gas s produced at the cathode
132. The number of eectrons necessary to produce 1.00gm of Cu
from Cu2+ at the cathode of an eectroytc ce s
a@ 5@#] x 5$
b. 3.04 x 10
c. 9.47 x 10
d. 1.91 x 10
133. A possbe advantage to usng the haf reacton method for
baancng oxdaton-reducton equaton s
a. eectrons need not be baanced
b@ oxidation numbers are not assigned
c. charges are not baanced
d. atoms need not be baanced
134. In a gavanc ce the cathode
a. s aways made of copper
b. s aways made of znc
c@ ma be made of an inert metal
d. aways attracts negatve ons n the souton
135. Hydrogen ons are more ready reduced than
a. Ag
b. Cu
c. C
d@ 1n
136. Not a gavanc ces contan
a. a cathode b. an anode
c@ a porous partition d. ons
137. When a ce of a ead storage battery s beng charged, t s
a. a gal-anic cell b. an eectroytc ce
c. a Dane ce d. a dry ce
138. A current of 9.65 ampere s drawn from a Dane ce for exacty 1
hour. The oss of mass of anode s
a. 0.180g b. 23.6g
c. 0.197g d@ 55@#g
139. The foowng reacton does not occur spontaneousy (a ons at
1m concentraton; a gases at 1 atmosphere pressure)
O "'l
2 'r
O 6 'l
- + 2 H
+ Ag
+ H
O + NO
- + 4 H
+ 3 Ag
3 Ag
+ NO
+ 2 Br
2 C
+ Br
140. If 0.200 ter of 0.100 M NaC are eectroyzed unt the OH
concentraton s 0.0500M, how many moes of C
gas are produced?
a@ 5@$$ x 5$
mole b. 1.00 x 10
c. 5.00 x 10
moe c. 1.00 x 10
141. As the ead storage battery s charged,
a. the amount of sufurc acd decreases
b. the ead eectrode becomes coated wth ead sufate
c@ sulfuric acid is regenerated
d. ead doxde dssoves
142. If an aqueous souton of KI s eectroyzed (wth patnum
eectrodes) one woud expect to nd
a. potassum deposted at the cathode
b. oxygen berated at the anode
c. the souton around the cathode becomng akane
d@ the solution around the anode becoming brown
143. When an aqueous souton of NaC s eectroyzed, a product
formed at the cathode s
a. Na b. H
c@ O%
d. C
144. !f a1ueous ,u 0D% is electroly<ed for one minute with a current of 2.22 ampere=
the volume of o<ygen produced at 06B at the anode is
a. .12 5 12$% liter 2. K.JK+/
c. 1.1( 5 12$% liter d. 1.1( ml
145. >s a lead storage battery is discharged
a. water is used up
b. lead is formed
c. lead sulfate is consumed
". )./'.%# a#%" %) #!&).+e"
146. !f a large 1uantity of cobalt metal were dropped into a solution containing >gE=
9eE2= ,uE2= the products of the reaction will be:
a. >g= 9e and ,u b. >g= 9e
and ,u
c. 9e
= ,u and ,o
". Fe
, C., A7 a&" C!
147. Which of the following instruments ma-es use of the standard electrode potentials
and the variation of electrode potential with concentration?
a. Bolarimeter 2. -H +e$e
c. ;lectrophorous d. ;lectrophotometer
148. 6he series in which the electrode potentials of metals are arranged in an order is
-nown as:
a. electrical conductivity series
b. electrode potential series
#. e/e#$!#(e+%#a/ )e%e)
d. chemical affinity series
149. !n a salt$bridge L,l is used because
a. agar$agar forms a good Celly with it
b. L,l is an electrolyte
#. N@ a&" C/, (a1e $(e )a+e $a&)'ee&#e &.+2e
d. L,l is present in calomel electrode
150. 9our colorless salt solutions are placed in separate test$tubes and a strip of copper
is dipped in each.. which solution finally turns blue?
a. Bb (HD)2 b. Yn (HD)2
#. A7NO: d. ,d (HD)2
151. When an electric current is passed through a cell containing an electrolyte=
positive ions move towards the cathode and negative ions towards the anode. What
will happen if the cathode is pulled out of solution?
a. 6he positive ions will start moving towards the anode and negative ions will stop
b. 6he negative ions will continue to move towards the anode and the positive ions
will stop moving
c. Foth negative and positive ions move towards the anode
". N!&e !' $(e)e +!1e+e&$) 0%// $a3e -/a#e
152. What is the standard cell potential for the cell Yn) Yn
(!3) ll ,u
(!3)) ,u (;
for Yn
l Yn 7 $.+() ; for ,u
l ,u 7 E2.%)
a. $2.2+( E 2.% 7 $2.%2 '
2. ;D.:H ; (,D.OK) 4 @*.*DV
c. @2.% @ ($2.+() 7 E2.%2'
d. @2.+( @ (E2.%) 7 $1.12'
153. Dne 9araday of current was passed through the electrolytic cells placed in series
containing solutions of >g
= Hi
and ,r
respectively. 6he amount of >g (>t.Wt.
12.)= Hi (>t. Wt. &/) and ,r (>t. Wt. &2) deposited will be:
0ilver Hic-el ,hromium
a. *DL7 BJ.<7 *O.<7
b. 12.g &/g &2.2g
c. 12.g 12.g 12.g
d. 12.g 11+.&g 1((g
154. Qiven standard electrode potentials
9eEE E 2e 9e $2.%%2'
9eEEE E e 9e $2.2('
6he standard electrode potential (;) for 9eEEE E e 9eEE is
a. @2.%+('
2. ;D.HDHV
c. E2.%2%'
d. E2.++1'
155. 6he magnitude of the individual half cell potentials are given
(i) ,D2E E 2e ,o 2.2.'
(ii) 8g2E E 2e 28g 2.+.'
when both the half cells (a) and (b) are connected with 08;= the metallic
electrode ,o is found to be @ve and 8g electrode is found to be Eve. 6he correct sign
for the electrode potentials will be:
a. Eve for half cell (!)
2. @1e '! (a/' #e// (%%)
c. @ve for half cell (ii)
156. When an iron wire is immersed in an acidic solution of ,u0o%= the blue color of
the solution is lost after some time. 6his is due to
e".#$%!& !' C.
o5idation of ,u0D%
formation of double comple5 between iron and copper sulfate
formation of a colorless salt of ,u
157. 3agnesium cannot displace from solution the ions of
a. )!"%.+ b. lead
c. copper d. gold
1&.. 6he mathematical statement of Qibb4s phase rule is
a. F 4 C,P@B b. , 7 9$BE2
c. , 7 9$BE1 d. B 7 ,E9E2
1&/. 6he homogenous physically distinct and mechanically separable parts of the
heterogeneous system in e1uilibrium are called
a. -(a)e) b. components
c. degrees of freedom d. none of the above
1(2. What is the degree of freedom of a system consisting of a gaseous mi5ture of
carbon dio5ide and nitrogen?
a. 2 b. 1
c. 2 ". :
1(1. 8ow many phases are present in the water system?
a. 2 b. 1
c. 2 ". :
1(2. 8ow many phases will be there in the system made of water and methyl alcohol?
a. b. 1
#. * d. 2
1(. 8ow many components are necessary to define the following e1uilibrium?

,a,D ,aD E ,D2
0olid solid gas
a. 2 b. 1
#. B d.
1(%. 6he minimum number of phases e5isting in a system is
a. 2 2. *
c. 2 d.

1(&. 6he incongruent melting point is so called

a. peritectic temperature
b. meritectic temperature
c. transition temperature
". a// !' $(e a2!1e

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