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Aline Colares do Vale, M.Sc.
Pavements Mechanics Laboratory
Department of Transportation Engineering
Federal University of Ceara
Michle Dal To Casagrande, D.Sc.
Pavements Mechanics Laboratory
Department of Transportation Engineering
Federal University of Ceara
Jorge Barbosa Soares, Ph.D.
Pavements Mechanics Laboratory
Department of Transportation Engineering
Federal University of Ceara


The technology of asphalt materials and mixtures evolved in the last three decades in Europe
and North America. For the surface layer, there has been an increase in the use of more resistant
and durable asphalt mixtures, such as mixtures with discontinuous graduation like the SMA
(Stone Matrix Asphalt). The SMA contains a high percentage of coarse aggregates, typically 70-
80% retained in sieve N 4, with approximately 4% air voids. SMA mixtures have high binder
contents, 6% to 7%, due to their discontinuous gradation. Fibers are used to prevent the asphalt
flow at high mixing and compaction temperatures. This research presents the evaluation of the
potential use of coconut fibers in the mixture by means of laboratory tests in which a flow
parameter is analyzed, as well as the mechanical properties of the mixture: tensile strength,
resilient modulus, fatigue life. Results are compared with the ones obtained from mixtures using
cellulose fiber considering the same aggregate gradation. It is shown that coconut fibers meet
the flow requirement and do not affect the mechanical properties of mixture.

KEY WORDS: Asphalt mixtures, SMA (Stone Matrix Asphalt), coconut fibers, cellulose fibers
and mechanical properties.


The Brazilian roadway network evolved in the last five decades and became the main
transportation system in the country. Brazil is one of the top countries in terms of geographical
area (8.5 million squared kilometers) and in terms of the number of auto vehicles (32 million
units). Nevertheless, it has a very small paved roadway system with respect to its overall area.
This leads to high costs of transportation and low competitiveness in the world-wide market.

With the increase in the traffic volume and axle loads, it is important the focus on high
performance pavements. The cost-benefit relation drives the choice of the type of asphalt
surface. High durability mixtures reduce maintenance and operation costs during the pavement
service life. In developing countries, it is growing the use of more resistant and durable asphalt
mixtures in the surface layer, such as mixtures with discontinuous graduation, e.g., SMA (Vale
et al., 2006).

The experiences with SMA have shown this technique to have a high structural and functional
performance. These mixtures are characterized for presenting discontinuous gradation with
predominance of coarse aggregates (70% to 80% in weight) which confer a solid skeleton of
high stability. They need fiber addition, typically cellulose staple fibers, to prevent the flow
parameter of the asphalt among the voids of the mixture. SMA mixtures present high asphalt
content, in general 6% to 7% by weight, and volume of voids of approximately 4%.

This work has as the objective to evaluate the viability of the coconut staple fiber incorporation,
due to abundance of this material in the Northeast region of Brazil, in SMA mixtures as an
alternative to cellulose staple fibers. The evaluated SMA asphalt mixtures had been submitted
the lab tests such as tensile strength, resilient modulus, fatigue, flow parameter and restrained
tensile strength for induced humidity. The results were compared those of SMA mixtures with
cellulose fiber, presenting the same gradation and asphalt content.


The SMA has been very used in the Europe, in countries as Germany, Belgium, among others,
and in North America. Its application has been carried through mainly in high volume traffic
roads and/or weighed and airports, either as layer of high resistance and high durability, to assist
in the tack in wet track, in the reduction of water spray from tires, in the reduction of the
reflection of light of lighthouses in rainy nights, and the reduction of noise.

The SMA mixture consists basically of two fractions: coarse aggregate (70-80% restrained in
sieve n 10) and one raised text of mastic, that it is formed typically by small aggregate, to filer
mineral, asphalt and staple fibers. The composed mineral skeleton of coarse aggregate supplies
to the mixture one high involve between the grains, of form that the mixture earns in resistance
(the ratio of coarse aggregates is superior to the ratio of the same ones in the dense and
continuous mixtures), while the raised text of mastic supplies to the mixture higher durability
(Vasconcelos, 2004).

SMA is rich in asphalt due to its particular grain sized constitution, with a consumption of
between 6% and 7%. After compacting it is an impermeable, with less than 4% of volume of
voids. Generally it is applied in thicknesses varying from 1.5 to 7.0 cm, depending of the grain
size. Due to gradation that presents and high coarse aggregate concentration, the mixtures SMA
have a rough macro texture, forming small channels between coarse aggregate, responsible
aggregates for efficient a superficial draining (Motta et al., 2004).

Staple fibers are added to mixtures SMA can be organic, inorganic origin or material mineral,
with intention to prevent the flow parameter of the asphalt during the construction process
(production, transport and application of the mixture). The staple fibers, generally, do not have
influence on the performance of the mixture after the compacting, even so make possible a
bigger text of asphalt, what it around generates a thicker film of the aggregate, being late the
oxidation, the penetration of humidity and the separation of aggregates. These advantages serve
to increase the resistance to the consuming of the produced asphalt concrete (Neves et al.,

Some staple fibers already had been studied in asphalt mixtures, as the fiber of cellulose, glass
and mineral, each one with a variation of different percentage, as it can be observed in Table 1.

Table 1. Recommendations for fiber addition in SMA asphalt mixtures in relation to the weight
of the asphalt mixture (Pank, 1995)
Type Percentage of fiber in the mixture (%)
Cellulose fiber 0.3-0.5
Mineral fiber 0.7-0.9
Glass Fiber 0.4-0.6

Vale et al. (2006) the coconut fiber had carried through studies in asphalt mixtures type SMA
using, following the assay of flow parameter of AASHTO T 305/97 to determine the percentage
of fiber used in the mixture that must be in maximum 0.3%. In this research the percentage of
staple fibers of coconut used during the flow parameter assay varied enters 0.1 and 0.7% of the
weight of the mixture.

The results had shown that for mixtures of type SMA the incorporated percentage of coconut
staple fibers, to a temperature of 70C, varied between 0.5 and 0.7%. The coconut fiber
presented good efficiency with regard to the flow parameter, being also, satisfactory the results
of the mechanical assays (tensile strength, module of resilience and fatigue) (Vale et al., 2006).


The materials used in the present research are described to follow.

For the dosage and confection of the asphalt mixtures of type SMA they had been used added
mineral of granite nature (aggregate and dust-of-rock) and as to filer mineral, hydrated
whitewash. The aggregates had been gotten in the quarry of Itaitinga, located approximately the
30 km of the city of Fortaleza Cear / Brazil, having been conveniently fractionates in order to
compose the desired grain sized curve for the investigated mixtures. The hydrated whitewash,
used as to filer artificial in the mixtures, was supplied by Carbomil S.A.


The coconut staple fibers are constituted of cellulose materials, gotten of the thick part. The
process of shred of the thick part for attainment of the coconut fiber can be made by maceration
in water or mechanical processes. Compared with other vegetal staple fibers, the coconut fiber
has percentile minor of cellulose (36 to 43%), however the amount of lignin (41 to 45%) is
about two times the existing values for jute and the sisal, conferring to it, a bigger resistance and
hardness front to other staple fibers (Esmeraldo, 2006). The used staple fibers of coconut in the
research had been yielded by the Embrapa in the state of the Cear. In the research it was used
the fiber of coconut with the characteristics and properties presented in Tables 2 and 3,

Table 2. Characteristics and properties of the coconut fiber (Vale et al., 2006).
Characteristics of granulated Results
Average length of the granulated one 10-20mm
Average thickness 0.1mm
Amount (percentile in weight) 0.5%-0.7%
Ph 5.4
Electric Conductivity 1.8 dS/m
Capacity of cationic exchange 92
Relation C/N 132
Specific mass 70 g/L
Water retention 538 ml/L
Capacity of aeration 45.5%
Porosity 95.6%


The binder used in this research was supplied by the Lubricant northeast (Lubnor/Petrobras) and
is characterized by penetration as a binder 50/70, in accordance with new Brazilian
specification. This is proceeding from the national oil Glad Farm and took care of to all the
specifications of the National Agency of the Oil (ANP, 2005).


The grain sized curve adopted in this research for the dosage and confection of mixtures SMA
was that one specified by norm AASHTO MP8-01, looking for to inside reach of the specified
band a grain sized composition that supplied a bigger discontinuity. This would be the situation
most favorable for the flow parameter of the asphalt without the staple fiber application,
supplying then one better perception how much to the effect produced for the addition of staple
fibers of coconut in the mixture with regard to the produced flow parameter. The adopted grain
sized curve in this work is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Grain sized curve.
AASHTO - 12,5mm
0,01 0,1 1 10 100
opening of the bolters (mm)

AASHTO - 12,5mm
Work curve

The dosage of asphalt mixtures SMA follows some peculiar procedures in relation to the
conventionally adopted methods of dosage for the dense and continuous mixtures. The norm of
the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO PP41-01,
presents the necessary steps for the dosage of this type of mixture that can as follows be

selection of the materials;
selection of the excellent graduation;
determination of the text of project of asphalt;
evaluation of the mixture how much to the susceptibilities to the humidity;
evaluation of the mixture how much to sensitivity to the segregation.

In the preparation of the mixture, the CAP 165C, the aggregates and the fiber of coconut had
first been warm separately 175C. After all the materials to reach the temperature, were
incorporated aggregates coconut fiber (0.5% of the total of the mixture), for then being made the
mixture of these materials with the asphalt binder. This procedure simulates the degradation of
coconut staple fibers that can occur during the process of industry of the mixtures. The main
observed difficulties had been relative to the reduction of the mixture process of the asphalt
mixtures with the incorporation of the coconut fiber, due to trend of bud formation.

Flow Parameter Characteristics

By means of this method it is possible to establish the amount of material drained (dripped) of a
sample of hot asphalt mixture the not compact one, in the untied state, when the same one is
kept the high temperatures. According to AASHTO T 305/97 the flow parameter or dripping of
the mixture is that portion of material that if separates of the sample as a whole and is deposited
outside of the basket of wire during the assay, having been this drained material CAP or a
combination of CAP, additives and/or small aggregate.

The assay if summarizes in placing certain amount of sample of asphalt mixture (1200g 200g)
in a basket of wire located on a plate. The set (sample, basket and plate) is placed in greenhouse
for 60 5 minutes. To the end of this time, the set is removed of the greenhouse, being its
determined mass after that. If the temperature of the mixture to more than lower 25C of the
temperature of assay, the time of permanence in the greenhouse increases for 70 5 minutes
(Mouro, 2003).

After the procedure described above is possible to calculate the flow parameter of the asphalt
mixture through Equation 1.

A =mass drained
B =mass asphalt

Assay of flow parameter for mixtures SMA without staple fibers and with variations of
percentages between 0.5 and 0.7% of coconut fiber, band recommended for Vale (2006), and
0.3 and 0.5% for cellulose fiber was carried through, band recommended for Pank (1995). For
each fiber percentage, the assay was carried through in the temperature of 165C, temperature of
mixture of the asphalt, and in 180C, temperature of the asphalt more 15C. The results of the
assays carried through in the mixtures without fiber, with fiber of coconut and fiber of cellulose
are presented in Figures 2 to the 6 and in Table 3.

(a) 165 C (b) 180 C
Figure 2. Flow parameter without fiber.

(a) 165 C (b) 180 C
Figure 3. Flow parameter with 0.5% coconut fiber.

(a) 165 C (b) 180 C
Figure 4. Flow parameter with 0.7% coconut fiber.

(a) 165 C (b) 180 C
Figure 5. Flow parameter with 0.3% cellulose fiber.

(a) 165 C (b) 180 C
Figure 6. Flow parameter with 0.5% cellulose fiber.

Table 3. Results of the flow parameters.
Fiber Fiber content
Flow parameter (%)
T =165 C T =180 C
Without fibers 0.0 1.06 0.70
0.5 0.08 0.25
0.7 0.04 0.09
0.3 0.01 0.03
0.5 0.01 0.02

The results presented in Table 3 show that the staple fiber use is essential in mixtures of type
SMA with CAP 50/70 objectifying to prevent the flow parameter that must be in maximum
0.3%. The results show that this requirement is taken care of with the coconut staple fiber
incorporation varying between 0.5 and 0.7%. The percentage of fiber used in the mixture for
confection of the body-of-test in which the mechanical assays for evaluation of the behavior of
the mixtures of type SMA will be carried through was of 0.5% for the fiber of coconut and 0.3%
for the cellulose fiber.

Marshall Methodology

The Marshall methodology of mixtures SMA resembled it the dosage carried through for
CBUQ' s. Mixtures SMA, however for presenting a discontinuous graduation with high
percentage of added coarse aggregate, need cares during the compacting of the samples.
One adopted 75 blows for face, in order to get a percentage of emptiness for the 4% mixtures.
The excellent text of found CAP 50/70 for confection of the bodies of test for the asphalt
mixtures without fiber, with fiber of cellulose and fiber of coconut had been 6.0%, 6.0% and
6.2%, respectively.

Superpave Methodology

The samples had been compact with cylinder of 100 mm in order to make possible a
comparison with the results gotten in the Marshall procedure, without bringing as changeable
the size of the mold. One adopted 100 turns for the mixtures with fiber of cellulose and without
fiber and had been necessary 160 turns for confection of the mixtures with fiber of coconut to
reach 4% of established emptiness. The raised number of turns for confection of the mixtures
with coconut fiber must probably the heterogeneities of the mixture. The percentage of
emptiness considered for the mixtures was of 4% and the excellent text of found CAP 50/70 for
confection of the bodies of test for the asphalt mixtures without fiber, with fiber of cellulose and
fiber of coconut had been 5.9%, 6.0% and 6.3%, respectively.


For the determination of the mechanical properties of the studied asphalt mixtures the following
assays had been carried through: tensile strength for diametrical compression, module of
resilience and life of fatigue.

Tensile Strength for Diametrical Compression and Resilience Module

The assay of tensile strength for diametrical compression (RT) is a rupture assay, where the
body-of-test is located horizontally and the load is applied diametrical to 0.1 a 0,8 speed of
mm/s. The assays had been lead 25C and carried through according to norm DNER ME

In the analysis tension-deformation of the structures of the floors, the parameter of
deformability normally used to characterize the asphalt mixtures is the resilience module (MR)
(Motta, 1995). The assay for determination of this parameter comes being carried through in
Brazil in pneumatic equipment with control of the time and frequency of application of the load,
system of application of the load, system of measurement of the horizontal diametrical
displacement of the body-of-test when submitted to the load and system of temperature control.
The assays of the present research had been carried through according to norm DNER ME
133/94. The MR was determined in body-of-test molded in laboratory (diameter of 10 0,02cm
and 6.35 height of 0,20cm) 25C, and the result was gotten by means of the reading of the
instantaneous deformation. The results gotten for the described assays above are presented in
Table 4.

Table 4. Results of the assays of static tensile strength (RT) and module of resilience (MR) to
Tensile strength (MPa)
Module of Resilience
Relation MR/RT
Marshall Superpave Marshall Superpave Marshall Superpave
SMA CAP 50/70
without fiber
0.78 0.91 2165 3121 2776 3429
SMA CAP 50/70
coconut fiber
0.74 0.98 2784 3377 3745 3854
SMA CAP 50/70
cellulose fiber
0.76 0.95 2628 3486 3457 3669

It is observed that the values of RT inferior when had been adopted the Marshall methodology
of dosage in relation to the Superpave (that considered aging of short term of 2 hours). Valley to
point out that the body-of-test in the text of project confectioned for execution of the mechanical
assays had been molded with 100 turns for the Superpave dosages of mixtures SMA without
fiber and with fiber of cellulose, with 160 turns for coconut fiber mixtures and 75 blows for the
Marshall methodology.

The value of approximately 3,000 for reason MR/RT is gotten for diverse mixtures type CBUQ
produced with the asphalt of the Lubnor/Petrobras refinery. Some researchers believe that how
much lesser the value of this reason, greater will be the life of fatigue gotten for this exactly
type of asphalt mixture. For three studied mixtures SMA, reason MR/RT varied of 2,700 the
3,900 and it did not have the correlation of the inferior values with a bigger life of fatigue, as he
will be boarded in the item to follow.


The fatigue is a process of structural deterioration that it suffers a material when submitted to a
state from tensions and repeated deformations, that can very be lesser that the last resistance of
the material, resulting in fissures, after a enough number of repetitions of the shipment (Pinto
and Motta, 1995).

In the assay of fatigue life, the body-of-test is submitted to the diametrical compression, the
temperature of 25C. In this research, in accordance with the value found in the assay of tensile
strength, the body-of-test in different levels of tension, correspondents the 30, 40 and 50% of
the RT had been assayed. Figures 7 and 8 present the curves of fatigue of mixtures SMA
without fiber, with cellulose and coconut fiber, confectioned in the methodology Marshall and
Superpave, respectively.

0,1 1 10

SMA coconout
SMA celullose
SMA without fiber

Figure 7. Life of Fatigue for studied asphalt mixtures SMA following Marshall Methodology.

Analyzing the graph of fatigue life it is observed that mixtures SMA, following the Marshall
methodology confectioned with cellulose staple fibers, had presented a fatigue life equivalent to
the life of fatigue of asphalt mixtures SMA without staple fibers. In the presented results a great
variation in the values of N (cycles) for one same level of tensions can also be observed. These
high variations do not allow to evaluate correctly, at least in this carried through stage already, if
the incorporation of coconut staple fibers, in special, improved or harmed the behavior of the
mixtures. This variation can have occurred in virtue of the great heterogeneities of the mixtures
promoted for coconut staple fibers.

For this reason, one justifies the study of other configurations for this type of fiber, as for
example, the staple fiber use with lesser lengths in relation to the ones of staple fibers used in
this stage, therefore one imagines that the reduction of the length of staple fibers produces an
improvement in mixture process of the SMA mixtures and consequence increase of its
0,100 1,000 10,000

SMA coconout
SMA celullose
SMA without

Figure 8. Life of Fatigue for studied asphalt mixtures SMA following Superpave methodology.

Analyzing the fatigue graph it is observed that mixtures SMA, following Superpave
methodology, had presented fatigue life equivalents. The life of fatigue dosed for the Marshall
methodology was superior who the life of fatigue of the mixtures dosed for the Superpave
methodology. The comparison enters the lives of fatigue for this assay is limited because the
performance of the mixtures in field is associated with the tensions in the structure of the system
of layers.


To become a comparison with the values of RT, MR and life of fatigue were chosen to work
also with mixtures of type SMA with cellulose fiber being used the same characteristics of
mixture SMA with coconut fiber. The mixture that uses cellulose fiber served as reference for
the analysis of the mixture with coconut fiber; therefore already diverse studies exist that had
proven the efficiency of the fiber of cellulose in asphalt mixtures.

The coconut fiber presented good efficiency with regard to the flow parameter; however it
presented difficulties in the mixture process during the confection of the body-of-test, which
had to its size. Such fact can be responsible for the difference of the values found in the graph of
fatigue life. These differences had motivated the study of other configurations of the used fiber
of coconut in the confection of mixtures SMA, especially, the study of staple fibers with lesser
lengths, form to improve the mixture and to increase the homogeneity of the compact mixture.

This analysis of the viability of the use of the local fiber is important for the Northeast region,
due to valuation of regional material e, also, for economically viable when being compared with
the fiber of cellulose due its abundance in the region. The coconut fiber must have a maximum
size of 20 mm, therefore this tends to form buds at the moment of the mixture, being made it
difficult the mixture process in the execution.

The tensile strength of mixtures SMA dosed for the Marshall methodology had presented
inferior values to the mixtures dosed for the Superpave methodology.

Bigger values of module of resilience for the Superpave mixtures had been gotten in relation to
the Marshall mixtures, probably had to the aging of short term suffered for the first ones.
A trend of bigger life of fatigue of the mixtures dosed for the Marshall methodology with regard
to the Superpave dosage, perhaps for the influence of the distribution of aggregates gotten
during the compacting process and also of the short-term process of aging was observed.


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