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In partial fulfllment of reuirement! for a"ar# of t$e #e%ree of
Ma!ter in &u!ine!! A#mini!tration 'M&A(
Submitted by:
Enroll No+ , -./012
Roll No+ , 31M&A1-1
In Guidance With:
DDCE5 Sam6alpur Uni7er!it8+
M&A 9 12 3
I hereby undertake and declare that this submission is my original
work and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no
material previously published or written by another person nor
material which has been accepted for the award of any other
degree or diploma of any institute or other university of higher
learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in
the text.
Pratikshya Rout
Regd No. : !"#$%

M&A 9 12 -
T$i! i! to :ertif8 t$at t$e report entitle#,
;Importan:e of In#u:tion a! a poli:8<
&ubmitted by Pratikshya Rout '(nrollment No: !"#$%) **+(,
&ambalpur ,niversity, towards partial ful-llment of the
re.uirement for the award of the degree of /aster of 0usiness
1dministration is a bona -de record of the work carried out by him
under my supervision and guidance.
&/I2I R3,2R14
/anager '5R*)
M&A 9 12 >
I must express my heartfelt gratitude to &/I2I R3,2R14
/anager '5R*), 51&&I1 P1+619IN9 82*, without whose constant
guidance, benevolent and generous supervision the pro:ect would
never have been completed and found its present form.
I am very much thankful to 6. P181NI, faculty, NI+(
1ngul for her guidance.
Prati?!$8a Rout
M&A 9 12 @
2his pro:ect is submitted by Pratikshya Rout of /01 bearing the
Roll No. ;$/01$$ under **+(, &ambalpur ,niversity and
forwarded for evaluation.
Internal (xaminer (xternal (xaminer
M&A 9 12 .
This is to Certify that the Project Entitled:
Importan:e of In#u:tion a! a poli:8<
&ubmitted by Pratikshya Rout '(nr. No !"#$%), &ambalpur ,niversity, 0urla
towards partial ful-llment of the re.uirements for the award of the degree of /aster
of 0usiness 1dministration '/01) is a bona -de record of the work carried out by
him under the able guidance of )+ Palani, <aculty, NI+(, 1ngul.
'1pproval of the +enter *irector)
M&A 9 12 A
Induction is the beginning of the fusion process which helps
integration between the organi=ational goals and the personal
goals of the new employee. Induction welcomes the new
employee, creates a favorable attitude, and reduces labor
turnover and increases commitment and productivity. Induction
may also be viewed as the sociali=ation process. 2he organi=ation
has provided the researcher with the topic 'I/P3R21N+( 3<
IN*,+2I3N 1& 1 P38I+4) as 51&&I1 feels it .uite an essential
policy in comparison to other policies. 2he success of the
induction course depends upon the .uality of trainers and their
ability to draw out the interest of their listeners. 2herefore 51&&I1
considers induction policy to be the -rst stepping stone of an
organi=ation. 1s it is rightly said -rst impression lasts long so
induction program needs to be a success.
*ASSIA PAC)A4IN4 P=T LTD was an ideal organi=ation to help
the researcher to continue him survey and successfully conclude
it. It is indeed a learning experience for him as he got to know the
practicalities of an organi=ation and its employees. 51&&I1
P1+619IN9 is a fully owned subsidiary of 34&21R 9roup. In recent
times its turnover is around ;> crores and about ?$ employees
work there. 2he researcher adopted the .uestionnaire method as
well as observation method to conduct her survey. &ome results
were .uite expected and some .uite shocking. /any respondents
are not aware of what all is going in 51&&I1 which is .uite
essential for them to know.
/any respondents have di@erent views regarding the process of
induction, satisfaction of the newcomer, purpose of induction,
need for training and development, time slot for induction
program, panel conducting the induction program. /a:ority of
51&&I1 employees are satis-ed with the existing induction
program and they feel training and development is essential after
induction program. 2hey are also agree with the time slot for
induction program. 1round A$ samples are .uestioned and the
survey is descriptive in nature. 1 combination of random and
purposive sampling has been used .*ata are collected from both
primary as well as secondary sources.
M&A 9 12 /
&ome organi=ations perhaps, have missed the opportunity of
learning from each otherBs experiences and building on the best
practices evolved elsewhere. (ven though the concept of
induction is .uite old, but still a lot is to be done so as to make it
e@ective and worthy.
M&A 9 12 C
Ta6le of Content!
+hapterC; Introduction
&tatement of the problem
Need and importance of the study
3b:ective of the research
+hapterC 3rgani=ation &tudy
Pro-le of the organi=ation
Dision, /ission E ob:ectives of organi=ation
Product pro-le
&732 analysis
<unctional areas
3rgani=ation structure
+hapterCA Research methodology
Review of literature
I. 2ypes of research
II. &ample techni.ue
III. &ample si=e
ID. &ample description
*ata collection
I. Instrumentation 2echni.ue
II. +ollection of *ata
III. &oftware used for data analysis
+hapterC> Presentation and analysis of data
Presentation of data
+onclusion from analysis
+hapterC! &ummary and conclusion
Implication of the study
&uggestion for further research
+onclusion from research
M&A 9 12 2
Statement of problem
Need for the importance of the study
Objective of the research
M&A 9 12 31
3rgani=ations are run and steered by people. It is through people that goals
are set and ob:ectives are reali=ed. 1n organi=ation follows some important
procedure to increase the eGciency and e@ectiveness of its own. 8ike
Recruitment, &election, Induction, 2raining etc. 7hen an organi=ation
selecting a candidate, he should be placed on a suitable :ob. Proper
placement helps an employee to get along with people easily, avoid mistakes
and show good performance on the :ob.
Induction program makes the employee feel at home from day ; and develop
a sense of pride in the organi=ation and commitment to the :ob. Induction or
otherwise called orientation program intend to make the new employee
versatile and more comfortable within the organi=ation.
Induction program is essential to every organi=ation. 0y this program new
employees catch very .uickly the companiesB rules and regulations and also
.uickly understand the ob:ectives of an organi=ation.
2he 5R departmentBs :ob is to minimi=e the harm done to the organi=ation
and the a@ected individuals. 2he main purpose of induction program is
familiari=ing the new employees with the old employees within the
Induction is the task of introducing the new employees to the organi=ation
and its policies, procedure and rules. 1 typical formal orientation program
may last a day or less in most organi=ation. *uring this time the new
employee is provided with information about the company, its history, its
current position, and the bene-ts for which he is eligible, leave rules, rest
periods etc. 1lso covered are the more routine things a newcomer must
learn, such as the location of the rest rooms, break rooms, parking spaces,
cafeteria etc. In some organi=ation all this is done in formally by at teaching
new employees to their seniors, who provided guidance the above matters.
8ectures, hand books, -lms, groups, seminar are always provided to new
employees so that they can settle down .uickly and resume the work.
&ome of the organi=ation using the buddy scheme method for their induction
program. In this method the new employees are accompanied by a senior
from the similar department he has :oined and they are the trainee of the
Induction helps the newcomers to interact freely with employees working at
various levels and learn behaviors that are acceptable. 2hrough such formal
M&A 9 12 33
and informal interaction and discussion, newcomers begin to understand
how the company#organi=ation run, who holds power who does not, which is
politically active within the departments, how to behave in the company,
what is expected of them, etc.
In short, if the new recruits wish to survive and prosper in their new work
they must have soon come to Hknow the ropesB. 3rientation program are
e@ective sociali=ation tools because they help the employees to learn about
the :ob perform thing in a desired way.
Induction program re.uire some valuable steps:
;C 7elcome to the organi=ation.
C(xplain about company.
AC &how the location#department where the new recruit will work.
>C9ive the companyBs manual to the new recruits.
!CProvide details about various work groups and the extents of unionism
within the company.
IC 9ive details about pay, bene-ts, holidays, leave, and etc. (mphasi=e
the importance of attendance or punctuality.
"C(xplain about future training opportunities and carrier prospects.
?C+larifay doubts, by encouraging the employee to come out with
%C2ake the employee on guided tour of building, facilities.
M&A 9 12 3-
1s induction program system has a great impact on the human resource
development as well as the organi=ation development and employee
development also. It always remains as a challenge for the organi=ation that
how they always welcome the newcomer. 1s 51&&I1 P1+619IN9 is in the
process of strengthening the human resources, they are in a need of proper
induction program system so that they can improve the employeeBs work
eGciency within the company. 2he main research problem is how the
induction program is done in the organi=ation. 1lso the research is focusing
upon the diGculties of the existing induction system and to provide
measures for improving the system.
M&A 9 12 3>
Induction is an important part of the process of the process of sociali=ation of
a new organi=ational employee. 2he welcoming process generates a felling
of belongingness to the organi=ation. Planed induction welcomes the new
employee creates a favorable attitude reduces labor turnover and increases
commitment and productivity. 2he reasons for which need to study the
importance of induction as policy are as follows.
1bility to welcome new employees to 51&&I1.
2o foster a close relationships between new workers and the old
1ttitude, behavior and aim.
2o build up new employees con-dence+
M&A 9 12 3@
O!'E$TI(E OF ST%#&
2he ob:ective of the pro:ect is to ac.uire practical training combined with
classroom theory to gain practical knowledge of induction policy in 51&&I1.
2o know about existing induction program followed in 51&&I1 is
to welcome the newcomers in the organi=ation.
2o ensure the e@ectiveness of induction program or the
orientation by evaluating the employee and suggesting the
changes in employeeBs behavior.
2o provide a feedback to the management on the present system
of induction program followed in 51&&I1.
2o suggest the modi-cation or improvement further existing
M&A 9 12 3.
Pro-le of the organi=ation
Dision, /ission E 3b:ectives of organi=ation
Product pro-le
&732 analysis
<unctional areas
3rgani=ation structure
5assia packaging pvt ltd was incorporated in ;%%" in Pune.5assia packaging
is a ;$$J fully owned subsidiary of 34&21R 5olding gmbh 9ermany which is
head.uartered at 6arlsruhe.34&21R 51&&I1 is a uni.ue company which is at
the forefront of providing innovative and complete packaging solutions.
51&&I1 has its wide range of -llers all built in house together with its
modular baggers and :ar indexers giving the ability to o@er highly
customi=ed solutions. 1pplication expertise is something the 34&21R 51&&I1
brings to the table. 1n expertise that many times is the only di@erentiator
between success and failure.
51&&I1 believes in maximi=ing value propositions through customi=ed
solutions. 2hese strengths of 5assia has enabled it to rede-ne speed and
-lling accuracy in several applications.51&&I1 stands -rmly on its three
1. &P((*
0. 1++,R1+4
+. PRI+(
51&&I1 believes in rewarding employees for results.51&&I1 has an uni.ue
blend of culture and believes. (ach employee is a 51&&I1 ambassador and
thus has the responsibility to ensure that all his or her actions contribute in
enhancement of the companyBs image.
51&&I1 P1+619IN9 manufactures:
<lexi bag modular D<<& system
<lexi :ar Indexer
<lexi -ll Rotary cup -lling Esealing machines
Dolumetric -llers
1ccu screw auger -ller
(ase dose cup -ller
M&A 9 12 3A
/odular weighers
<lexi weigh belt weigher
<lexi weigh net scale
<lexi weigh screw weigher
<lexi weigh vibratory weigher
<lexi -ll volumetric piston -lling system
K23 0( 1 983018 8(1*(R IN 25( P1+619IN9 &(+23R.L
K23 &+18( N(7 5(I952& 1N* 1+5(ID( 9R3725 IN 0,&IN(&& 7I25 983018
+3/P(2I2ID( (*9( PR3DI*IN9 +,&23/(R &12I&<1+2I3N, P(R<(+2
*(&I9N& 1N* 25( 0(&2 P3&&I08( 73R6 +,82,R( 23 25( (/P834((&L
I. 2o maximi=e capacity utili=ation.
. 2o place leadership values in action.
A. 2o have global presence and earn foreign exchange.
>. 2o have a positive environment in the organi=ation to attain success.
!. 2o optimi=e eGciency and productivity.
I. 2o scale new heights E achieve the desired position among competitors.
". 2o instill -nancial discipline at all levels.
?. 2o be a leader in customer satisfaction and cost eGciency.
%. 2o provide a steady growth in business.
;$. 2o promote a result oriented organi=ational ethos and work culture.
M&A 9 12 3/
51&&I1 P1+619IN9 manufactures:
<lexi bag modular D<<& system
<lexi :ar Indexer
<lexi -ll Rotary cup -lling Esealing machines
Dolumetric -llers
1ccu screw auger -ller
(ase dose cup -ller
/odular weighers
<lexi weigh belt weigher
<lexi weigh net scale
<lexi weigh screw weigher
<lexi weigh vibratory weigher
<lexi -ll volumetric piston -lling system
M&A 9 12 3C
5assia is well known for its technical revolution in manufacturing
packaging machines. 2he ma:or strength is its product mix
It provides a lot of variety which gives the customer a wide range to
Its connection with the 34&21R group is an added advantage
5igh expectations of salary from the employees of 5assia keeping in
view the I2 market.
1s it was incorporated in ;%%" only it has not been able to yet touch
the global standards.
2he strength of the unit is .uiet less as compared to other units.
5assia has strong collaborators in 9ermany who have good designs
and established markets for our products. 2his designs can take them
to places.
2he employment market trends in the industry.
2here is a lack of talent pool in design department.
5as to keep on designing new technology as the competition will be
copied and the rivals will catch up with them soon.
M&A 9 12 32
Mar?etin%, 9 marketing department has to know that how their
products will increase their potentiality in the market and to capture
the maximum market. 1nd hot to position their products according to
the situation by which the product potentiality will increase.
Sale!, 9 &ales department have to sale the product in a given period and
achieve the target for the company and for them self. 2o achieve their target
sales department should increase their product awareness in maximum
*R, 9 5R department is one of the most important functional areas of any
company. 1nd this will help to recruit the right person in the right place to
get more bene-t from all the areas.
Operation,93peration department is an important functional area of any
company which helps in converting the raw materials in to -nished goods in
a desired way.
S8!tem,9&ystem department helps in keeping the necessary information
and valuable data for future prospect.
Finan:e,9<inance department helps in allocating the -nancial resources for
the company and strengthen the capital of the company.
Review of literature
o 2ypes of research
o &ampling techni.ues
o &ample &i=e
o &ample *escription
*ata +ollection
o Instrumentation 2echni.ue
o +ollection of *ata
o &oftware used for *ata analysis
M&A 9 12 -1
2o give a complete shape to the researcherBs summer pro:ect report, the
researcher has gone through the following books, policy, brochure and
websites about which the researcher has given in detail below.
0336 N1/( P38I+4 1N* 0R3+5,R(& IN2(RN(2 7(0&I2(&
5uman resource management /anual policy, 51&&I1 P1+619IN9
Personnel management +ompany brochureC51&&I1
;. 0ook name: 5uman Resource /anagement
1uthor: 2.N.+5510R1
Publisher: New *elhi, *hanpat Rai and co 'p) ltd.$$I
<indings: 1bout induction policy
. 0ook name: 5uman Resource /anagement
1uthor: D & P Rao
Publisher: New *elhi, (xcel 0ooks, $$I
<indings: 1bout induction policy
A. 0ook name: Personnel /anagement
1uthor: *r.+.0 /amoria
<indings: It enables the researcher to know the employee relation.
>. /1N,18 P38I+4
Publisher: 5R *epartment, 51&&I1 IN*I1, P,N( /151R1&2R1
<indings: *etails about 51&&I1.
!. 0rochure
51&&I1 P1+619IN9
I. Internet websites:
M&A 9 12 -3
<indings: 2he researcher used these two websites only to get some data
which relates to the pro:ect.
M&A 9 12 --
2he types of research used is in the survey conducted in 51&&I1 P1+619IN9
PD2.82* is descriptive in nature.
2he universe in the present study represents the employees of 51&&I1
P1+619IN9 PD2.82* of pune.
In administering the .uestionnaire, combination of random Epurposive
sampling was used. 2he study universe was -rst de-ned in terms of I
departmentsM i.e pro:ect, marketing, -nance, 5R*, materials, administrations
and system. 2hen randomly ! employees from each department where
2he sample si=e is A$. 7ith this A$ sample I have made the survey.
2he survey was made on the A$ samples Ethis sample was made on the
employees of 51&&I1 P1+619IN9 PD2.82*.
M&A 9 12 ->
In!trumentation te:$niue
2here are di@erent techni.ues of data collection, like observation, interviews,
.uestionnaire, etc.2hese are used singly or in combination depending on the
study concerned and the sub:ects of that study.
In the present study .uestionnaire method has been used for collection of
primary data. 2he data are collected from the respondents by distributing
.uestionnaires. 1nd secondary data from the oGcial documents, manual
policy, maga=ines and from several books.
*ata was collected from both primary and secondary source. In the present
study the primary data are collected from the .uestionnaire. 2he
.uestionnaire includes both open ended Eclose ended .uestions, single
answered .uestions and multiple choice .uestions. 2he pattern of .uestions
the researcher adopted to extract as much as data possible from
Soft"are u!e# for #ata anal8!i!
0asically to collect above all the data the researcher has used 7indows,
(xcel as software.
Pre!entation of #ata
Con:lu!ion from anal8!i!
M&A 9 12 -@
<rom the survey certain data are collected which are represented in table
format in this chapter, for better analysis which will further lead to the actual
-ndings and information.
&ourceCsurvey data
M&A 9 12 -.
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& $ I"J
N3 " AJ
+1NB2 &14 A ;$J
Sour:e9Ta6le 3
;. 2he table ; shows that I"Jof the respondents gave the opinion that
Induction program is necessary for their organi=ation. 7hereas AJ
feel that it is not important. 1nd the rest ;$J do not have any idea on
Ta6le - Sati!fa:tion re%ar#in% In#u:tion
&ourceC &urvey data
M&A 9 12 -A
3ption No of
4(& ;A >AJ
R(1&3N1084 " AJ
N((* 1 8I228( I/PR3D(/(N2 ? "J
N3 "J
&ource 2able C
-+2he table shows that about >AJ of the respondents are satis-ed with the
Induction procedure of 51&&I1 andAJof respondents -nd it reasonably
satisfying whereas "J gave the opinion that the Induction procedure need
a little improvement the rest "Jare not satis-ed.
Ta6le9> Purpo!e of in#u:tion in *ASSIA
3P2I3N N3 3<
M&A 9 12 -/
3RI(N212I3N 23 25( +3/P1N4 A ;$J
9ID( *(21I8& 103,2 25( +3/P1N4 > ;AJ
(NP81ININ9 103,2 +1RRI(R
PR3&P(+2& 1N* 3PP3R2,NI2I(&
" AJ
188 3< 25( 103D( ;I !>J
&ourceC survey data
M&A 9 12 -C
&ourceC2able A
>+ From t$e ta6le > it i! :lear t$at t$e purpo!e! of in#u:tion
pro%ram of *ASSIA are orientation to t$e or%aniGation5 %i7in%
#etail! a6out t$e :ompan85 eHplainin% a6out :arrier pro!pe:t! an#
opportunitie! or all of t$e a6o7e+ A6out .@I of t$e re!pon#ent $a7e
!ele:te# t$e option all of t$e a6o7e5->I re!pon#ent! !ai# t$at it
eHplain! a6out :arrier pro!pe:t! an# opportunitie! an# 3>I %a7e
re!pon!e! t$at It %i7e! #etail! a6out t$e :ompan8+ E$erea! a6out
31I of t$e re!pon#ent! !tate# t$at it i! onl8 u!e# for orientation+
Ta6le9@ &eneft! of ne":omer! from in#u:tion pro%ram
3ption N3 3<
4(& "AJ
N3 A ;$J
+1NB2 &14 ! ;"J
&ourceCsurvey data
M&A 9 12 -2
&ourceC2able >
@+ <rom the table > it is clear that about "AJ of the respondents strongly
agree about the opinion that new comers bene-t from the induction
program. 1nd about ;"J agree that the newcomers do bene-t from
induction. 7hereas ;$J completely disagree to it.
M&A 9 12 >1
Ta6le9. Impa:t of in#u:tion pro%ram in *ASSIA
3P2I3N N3 3<
P3&I2ID( > ?$J
N(912ID( A ;$J
N(,2R18 A ;$J
&ourceCsurvey data
M&A 9 12 >3
&ourceC2able !
.+ <rom the table ! it is clear that ?$J of the respondents believe that
induction has a positive impact on the organi=ation. 7hereas ;$J feel that
induction has a negative impact on the organi=ation and about ;$J of the
respondents have given neutral views about it.
M&A 9 12 >-

Ta6le A Fulfllment! of or%aniGational reuirement!
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& ;A >AJ
N3 ; >$J
+1NB2 &14 ! ;"J
&ourceCsurvey data
M&A 9 12 >>
&ourceC2able I
A+ From t$e ta6le A it i! :lear t$at a6out @>I of re!pon#ent! a%ree
a6out t$i! !tatement "$ere a! @1I of re!pon#ent! #onJt a%ree t$at
in#u:tion pro%ram fulfl! t$e or%aniGational reuirement! of t$e
:ompan8+ An# 3/Iof t$e re!pon#ent! $a7e no :lear i#ea a6out t$i!+
M&A 9 12 >@
Ta6le / Trainin% an# #e7elopment i! uite e!!ential
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& ;% I>J
N3 > ;AJ
+1NB2 &14 " AJ
&ourceCsurvey data
M&A 9 12 >.
&ourceC2able "
".From t$e ta6le / it i! :lear t$at a6out A@I of t$e re!pon#ent!
!tron%l8 a%ree t$at trainin% an# #e7elopment i! uite e!!ential
after in#u:tion an# ->Iof t$e re!pon#ent! feel t$at trainin%
#e7elopment i! e!!ential "$ere a! 3>I of t$e re!pon#ent! feel t$at
trainin% #e7elopment i! not e!!ential after in#u:tion+
M&A 9 12 >A
Ta6le C =ariation in in#u:tion pro%ram
&ource survey data
M&A 9 12 >/
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& ; >$J
&3/(537 ; >$J
N3 I $J
&ourceC2able ?
C+ From t$e ta6le C it i! :lear t$at a6out @1I of t$e re!pon#ent! of
*ASSIA are of t$e opinion t$at in#u:tion pro:e#ure 7arie! from
:ompan8 to :ompan8 an# @1I of t$e re!pon#ent! feel t$at
in#u:tion pro:e#ure 7arie! !ome"$at from ot$er :ompanie!+
E$erea! -1I of t$e re!pon#ent! feel t$at it #oe! not 7ar8 from
ot$er :ompanie! at all+
M&A 9 12 >C
Ta6le 2 Mi!ta?e i! re:tife# at a proper time
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& ! ?AJ
N3 A ;$J
/14 0( "J
&ource survey data
M&A 9 12 >2
&ourceC2able %
2+ From t$e ta6le 2 it i! :lear t$at a6out C>I of t$e re!pon#ent! feel
t$at if an8 mi!ta?e i! :ommitte# in in#u:tion pro%ram a#7er!el8
aKe:tin% t$e or%aniGation i! re:tife# at a proper time+ An# a6out
31I of t$e re!pon#ent! !a8 t$at it i! not re:tife# at a later #ate+ In
*ASSIA a6out /Iof re!pon#ent! 6elie7e t$at t$e mi!ta?e i!
!ome"$at re:tife# "$i:$ a#7er!el8 aKe:t t$e or%aniGation.
M&A 9 12 @1
Ta6le 31 In#u:tion i! a mere formalit8
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& ! ;"J
N3 > ?$J
+1NB2 &14 ; AJ
&ource survey data
M&A 9 12 @3
&ource C2able ;$
31+From t$e ta6le 31 it i! :lear t$at a6out C1I of t$e re!pon#ent!
feel t$at in#u:tion i! not a mere formalit8 an# a6out 3/I feel t$at it
i! in#ee# a mere formalit8+ T$e re!t >I #o not $a7e an8 i#ea a6out
!u:$ formalit8+
M&A 9 12 @-
Ta6le 33 *R panel i! uite eHperien:e#
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& ;> !J
N3 I J
N3 I*(1 " IJ
&ource survey data
M&A 9 12 @>
&ource O2able ;;
33+ From t$e ta6le 33 it i! :lear t$at a6out .-I of t$e re!pon#ent!
of *ASSIA are of t$e opinion t$at *R panel i! eHperien:e# enou%$
for t$e in#u:tion pro%ram+ E$erea! -AI of t$e re!pon#ent! #o not
$a7e an8 i#ea on t$e *R panel !ittin% for t$e in#u:tion pro%ram an#
--I of t$e re!pon#ent! are of t$e opinion t$at t$e *R panel i! not
eHperien:e# enou%$ for t$e in#u:tion+
M&A 9 12 @@
Ta6le 3- A#option of &u##8 S:$eme
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& ;> >IJ
N3 ? "J
+1NB2 &14 ? "J
&ource survey data
M&A 9 12 @.
Sour:e9Ta6le 3-
3-+ From t$e a6o7e pie :$art it i! :lear #efne# t$at a6out @AI of
re!pon#ent! are of opinion t$at t$e :on:ept of &UDDY SC*EME i!
uite a#opte# an# uite $elpful #urin% t$e in#u:tion pro%ram+ An#
-/I of t$e re!pon#ent! #onJt 6elie7e on !u:$ :on:ept! an# #onJt
fn# it $elpful e7en #urin% t$e in#u:tion pro%ram in t$e
or%aniGation+ E$erea! a6out -/I $a7e ne7er $ear# a6out !u:$
:on:ept of &UDDY SC*EME+
M&A 9 12 @A
Ta6le 3> T"o #a8! of in#u:tion pro%ram i! !uL:ient
3P2I3N N3 3<
4(& A ""J
N3 I 3J
+1NB2 &14 ; AJ
&ource survey data
M&A 9 12 @/
&ourceC2able ;A
3>+ From t$e a6o7e pie :$art it i! :learl8 !$o"n t$at a6out //I of
t$e re!pon#ent! are of t$e opinion t$at - #a8! of in#u:tion pro%ram
i! more t$an !uL:ient an# -1Iof t$e re!pon#ent! of *ASSIA are of
t$e opinion t$at - #a8! of in#u:tion pro%ram i! not !uL:ient to
?no" t$e rule! an# re%ulation an# poli:e! of t$e or%aniGation+
E$erea! >Iof t$e emplo8ee! $a7e no ?no"le#%e a6out t$i!+
M&A 9 12 @C
Ta6le 3@ In#u:tion pro%ram 6oo!t t$e morale of an emplo8ee+
3P2I3N N N3 3<
4(& ;! !$J
N3 ! ;"J
&3/( 2I/( ;$ AAJ
&ource survey data
M&A 9 12 @2
&ource O2able ;>
3@+From t$e ta6le 3@ it i! :learl8 #efne# t$at a6out .1I of
re!pon#ent! are of t$e opinion t$at in#u:tion pro%ram #onJt 6oo!t!
t$e moral of an emplo8ee an# >>I of t$e re!pon#ent! are of t$e
opinion t$at !ometime! in#u:tion pro%ram 6oo!t! t$e moral of an
emplo8ee+ E$erea! a6out 3/I of t$e re!pon#ent! #i!a%ree "it$ t$e
i#ea t$at in#u:tion pro%ram 6oo!t! t$e moral of an emplo8ee+
3.+ In ue!tion no 3. t$e re!pon#ent! "ere a!?e# to !u%%e!t an8
:$an%e! if reuire# in *ASSIA+ T$i! an!"er i! more !u6Me:ti7e in
nature !o t$e re!ear:$er i! !tatin% t$eir 7ie"! in an ela6orate
3+ To ma?e it :o!t eKe:ti7e
M&A 9 12 .1
Number of respondents taken for this study was only A$.5owever the
researcher was constrained to select a small sample due to the
shortage of time available for the study.
/ost of the employees simply denied giving any responses#opinions
about this study or system.
2hough the techni.ue of data collection is .uestionnaire so the
researcher was unable to explain the .uestions personally to each
respondent. &o some .uestions were not given any answers because in
a .uestionnaire method respondents are not bound to give answers to
all .uestions.
&ome of the employees have responded .uite positively and openly.
&ome have negative responses towards the method but they gave
positive answers.
M&A 9 12 .3
;. /ost of them feel that induction program is essential for their organi=ation
and ;$Jof them are not aware of it.
. 1bout >AJof the respondents are satis-ed with the present induction
procedure being followed in the organi=ation and "J of the respondents are
of the opinion that the present induction procedure needs little improvement.
A. 2he purpose of induction program in 51&&I1 is orientation to the
organi=ation as well as giving details about the company and also explaining
about the carrier prospects and opportunities.
>. 1bout "AJof respondents feel that the newcomers in 51&&I1 bene-t from
the induction program.
!. 1bout ?$J of the respondents are of the opinion that induction program
has a positive impact on the organi=ation where ;$J of them feel that it has
both positive as well as negative impact on the organi=ation.
I. 2here are many respondents who feel the organi=ational re.uirements of
the company and around the same -gure feel that it does not ful-ll the
organi=ationBs re.uirement of the company.
". 2raining and *evelopment is very essential after induction according to
the ma:ority of the respondentsE;"J of them donBt -nd it essential and
?.5ere the conclusion drawn is a bit ambiguous as>$J feel that induction
procedure varies from company to company whereas>$Jfeel that it is only
minor changes in the whole process and the rest remain the same.
%. 5ere ma:ority of people feel that if any mistake is committed in the
induction procedure adversely a@ecting the organi=ation is recti-ed at later
;$. Induction program is not at all a mere formality according to ?$Jof the
respondents. It is a very essential and important part of an organi=ation.
;;. 2he 5R panel conducting the induction program are experienced enough
as believed by !IJ of the respondents .$J of them feel that they need
more experience for the betterment of the organi=ation.
M&A 9 12 .-
;.2he concept of 0,**4 &+5(/( which is not a very old concept seem to
be .uite liked and helpful for the newcomers :oining 51&&I1 as felt by >IJ of
the respondents and some still donBt -nd any need for such concepts.
;A. 2wo days of induction program is more than suGcient for 51&&I1. /ore
induction will make the process more cumbersome and lengthy which
ultimately will lead to boredom.
;>. Induction program is a morale booster for a newcomer as felt by ma:ority
of the respondents.
Impli:ation of t$e !tu#8
Su%%e!tion for furt$er re!ear:$
Con:lu!ion from re!ear:$
M&A 9 12 .>
7e canBt conclude or canBt fully believe the results found from
analysis tables, we canBt take any decision upon the ma:or -ndings or the
opinion ma:ority respondents gave because if the other respondents are
giving di@erent responses they must have some reasons the total of data
collection has its own drawbacks. &o implication must be given on the basis
of ma:or -ndings Ealso minor so the implication is as follows.
2he induction program should be more speci-c and unambiguous.
2here should be no biasness in the orientation program.
,sually most of the employee expects a lot from the induction program
but they are not satis-ed with the current induction program.
2he purpose of induction should not only be introducing them to the
organi=ation. Its policies and making them familiar with the old employees
rather it should be more developmental oriented.
2he design of the orientation program should be proper show that the
re.uired information can be supplied at a given session.
3rientation procedure should be thoroughly planned in the
2he induction program should be conducted as stipulated in the
2he 5R dept should play a key role in planning Ecoordinating the
orientation program in collaboration with the concerned like manager and
2he necessary information should be provided in the right time and
details should be properly explained so that they are clear about the work to
be performed.
2he 5R panel should be trained in the art of orientation of new
workers. 2hus induction should be treated as special duty.
&o the above implications may bring e@ective in the system but
the most important thing is that the induction program should be properly
designed and framed so as to make him#her feel at home and they must
think I am bring treated in the best possible way and fortunate enough to be
a part of this organi=ation.
M&A 9 12 .@
M&A 9 12 ..
Su%%e!tion for furt$er re!ear:$
E"EMENT TO INSPIRE*$ONTRO" AN# MOTI(ATE,- &o itBs .uite essential
to keep manpower with utmost care so that ultimately they are satis-ed and
also ful-ll the organi=ation goals. In the fast changing environment, the
organi=ations have to develop and maintain an enabling culture to become
dynamic and growth oriented. *eveloping human resources, upgrading their
skills and extending their knowledge and competencies would lead to
organi=ational development.
In the present research the researcher has tried to cover almost all the
aspects of Recruitment but due to time constraints it was not possible to do
an elaborate study on it. &o as to evaluate and suggest for further research
an overall study needs to be done.
M&A 9 12 .A
It is a real challenge for the 5R professional to make the
induction program more pragmatic to ensure that people trust in the
organi=ation. It is essential to balance sub:ectivity Eob:ectivity in the
induction program to make it employee oriented, workable and productive.
/oreover, the purpose of the program should be more developmental rather
than punitive in nature. Induction program is generally not informal in case
of such organi=ation. 3rientation course should not be too lengthy. 0ut the
induction program should start from the very beginning day when the
employee :oins the organi=ation. 2he initial introduction and the immediately
needed information should be given by the 5R manager to the new
employee from the beginning day.
2he success of induction program depends on the sincerity
shown by the management. It shows the importance and skills of the 5R
professional in an organi=ation. In the whole the induction program reduces
the employeeBs anxieties and provides them an opportunity to know about
the organi=ation and its people.
M&A 9 12 ./
M&A 9 12 .C
*irection: Put tick marks.
;. Is Induction program necessary for your organi=ation or notP
a) 4es b) no c) canBt say
. 1re you satis-ed with the Induction procedure in the organi=ationP
a) 4es b) reasonably c) need a little improvement d) no
A. 2he purpose of induction program isM
a) 3rientation to the organi=ation
b) 9ive details about the company
c) (xplain about career prospects and opportunities
d) or all of the above
>. *o the newcomers bene-t from the induction programP
a) 4es b) no c) canBt say
!. *oes induction program have a positive or a negative impact on the
a) Positive b) negative c) neutral
I. *oes induction program ful-ll the organi=ational re.uirements of the
a) 4es b) no c) canBt say
". 7hether training Edevelopment is essential after induction or notP
a) 4es b) no c) canBt say
?. *oes induction procedure of your company vary from other companiesP
a) 4es b) somehow c) no
%. If any mistake is committed in the induction program adversely a@ecting
the organi=ation, is it recti-ed at later dateP
a) 4es b) no c) may be
;$. Is induction program a mere formalityP
a) 4es b) no c) canBt say
M&A 9 12 .2
;;) 1re the 5R panel experienced enough for the induction programP
a) 4es b) no c) no idea
;. 2he concept of 0,**4 &+5(/( adopted in your organi=ation during the
induction program is helpfulP
a) 4es b) no c) canBt say
;A. Is two days of induction program suGcient or notP
a) 4es b) no c) canBt say
;>. *oes Induction program boost the moral of an employeeP
a) 4es b) no c) some times
;!. 7hat changes would you like to have in your induction program in your
I. +hhabra,2.N.,5uman Resource /anagement,New *elhi,*hanpat Rai
E co.'P)8td.,$$>
II. /amoria,*r. +.0 ,Personnel /anagement
III. /anual PolicyC51&&I1 P1+619IN9 PD2 82*
ID. Rao,D.&.P.,5uman Resource /anagement,(xcel books,New
M&A 9 12 A1

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