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Kevin Zheng 10/13/14

Science Article PS/IS102Q

1. What is the title of the article yo rea!"
It is #$ng cancer can stay hi!!en for over 20 years#.
2. What is%are& the athors na'es"
(he athors are fro' )ancer *esearch +K.
3. What is the ,estion that -as as.e! in the article" %What /ro0le' -as 0eing a!!resse!"&
(he ,estion is ho- lng cancer re'ains !or'ant for 20 years an! ho- scientists can1t !etect this
4. What is the hy/othesis /resente! as an ans-er to the ,estion"
(he article states that the 0io/sy 'ay only sho- a fe- t'ors2 an! the others can still srvive an!
thrive2 therefore s/rea!ing ntil 'any years later2 -hen it is easily vie-a0le.
3. What e4/eri'ent -as !esigne! to test the hy/othesis"
(he researchers es! 5 /atients2 -hether they -ere non6s'o.ers2 s'o.ers2 or e46s'o.ers2 an! fon!
that it can thrive later in life2 0t not in the 0eginning !ring s'
7. What -ere the 'ain fin!ings %reslts& of the st!y"
(hey fon! that after the first genetic ' that case the cancer2 it can e4ist n!etecte! for 'any
years ntil ne-2 a!!itional2 falts trigger ra/i! gro-th of the !isease.
5. What are so'e /ositive conse,ences of this research for the ftre"
(he /ositive conse,ences are that scientsts can se this research so that they can !etect an! co'0at
lng cancer an! not have to -ait over 2 !eca!es 8st to actally o0serve this !ea!ly cancer.
9. What are so'e negative conse,ences of this research"
(he negative conse,ences are that the research 'ay 0e entirely inaccrate2 an! in actality
longer to o0serve2 -hich -hen the cancer is o0serve!2 -ill 0e too late to save the /atient or !o anything
for hi' or her.
:. Are the /eo/le an! the instittion -here the -or. -as !one relia0le"
;es. )ancer *esearch +K is a very fa'os an! strong instittion -hich -or.s to save /eo/les lives
an! research on cancer to fin! cres2 or 'e!icine for cancer ri!!en /atients.
10. What -ol! 0e the ne4t ste/ for the researchers that carrie! ot the research"
(he ne4t ste/ is to fin! ot 'etho!s so that lng cancer or any ty/e of cancer can 0e !etecte! at earlier
stages so that the cancer -ol! have an increase! chance of 0eing era!icate! sing 'e!icine or a !rg.
Lung cancer can stay hidden for over 20 years
<cto0er :2 2014
)ancer *esearch +K
Scientists have !iscovere! that lng cancers can lie !or'ant for over 20 years 0efore s!!enly trning
into an aggressive for' of the !isease.
+K scientists have !iscovere! that lng cancers can lie !or'ant for over 20 years 0efore s!!enly
trning into an aggressive for' of the !isease2 accor!ing to a st!y /0lishe! in Science to!ay.
(he tea' st!ie! lng cancers fro' seven /atients 66 incl!ing s'o.ers2 e46s'o.ers an! never
s'o.ers. (hey fon! that after the first genetic ' that case the cancer2 it can e4ist n!etecte!
for 'any years ntil ne-2 a!!itional2 falts trigger ra/i! gro-th of the !isease.
=ring this e4/ansion there is a srge of !ifferent genetic falts a//earing in se/arate areas of the
t'or. >ach !istinct section evolves !o-n !ifferent /aths 66 'eaning that every /art of the t'or is
genetically ni,e.
(his research 66 8ointly fn!e! 0y )ancer *esearch +K an! the *osetrees (rst 66 highlights the nee!
for 0etter -ays to !etect the !isease earlier. (-o6thir!s of /atients are !iagnose! -ith a!vance! for's
of the !isease -hen treat'ents are less li.ely to 0e sccessfl.
?y revealing that lng cancers can lie !or'ant for 'any years the researchers ho/e this st!y -ill hel/
i'/rove early !etection of the !isease.
St!y athor Professor )harles S-anton2 at )ancer *esearch +K1s $on!on *esearch Institte an! the
+)$ )ancer Institte2 sai!@ #Srvival fro' lng cancer re'ains !evastatingly lo- -ith 'any ne-
targete! treat'ents ' a li'ite! i'/act on the !isease. ?y n!erstan!ing ho- it !evelo/s -e1ve
o/ene! / the !isease1s evoltionary rle 0oo. in the ho/e that -e can start to /re!ict its ne4t ste/s.#
(he st!y also highlighte! the role of s' in the !evelo/'ent of lng cancer. Aany of the early
genetic falts are case! 0y s' ?t as the !isease evolve! these 0eca'e less i'/ortant -ith the
'a8ority of falts no- case! 0y a ne- /rocess generating 'tations -ithin the t'or controlle! 0y a
/rotein calle! AP<?>).
(he -i!e variety of falts fon! -ithin lng cancers e4/lains -hy targete! treat'ents have ha! li'ite!
sccess. a /articlar genetic 'ista.e i!entifie! 0y a 0io/sy in lng cancer -ill only 0e
effective against those /arts of the t'or -ith that falt2 leaving other areas to thrive an! ta.e over.
<ver 402000 /eo/le are !iagnose! -ith lng cancer each year an!2 !es/ite so'e /ositive ste/s 0eing
'a!e against the !isease it re'ains one of the 0iggest challenges in cancer research2 -ith fe-er than 10
/er cent srviving for at least five years after !iagnosis.
?il!ing on this research -ill 0e a .ey /riority for the recently esta0lishe! )ancer *esearch +K $ng
)ancer )enter of >4cellence at Aanchester an! +)$. (he )enter 66 -here Professor S-anton is 8oint
center lea! 66 is a .ey /art of )ancer *esearch +K1s rene-e! focs to 0eat lng cancerB 0ringing
together a ni,e range of internationally reno-ne! scientists an! clinicians to create an environ'ent
that catalyses i'aginative an! innovative lng cancer research.
Professor Cic Dones2 )ancer *esearch +K1s chief scientist2 sai!@ #(his fascinating research highlights
the nee! to fin! 0etter -ays to !etect lng cancer earlier -hen it1s still follo-ing 8st one evoltionary
/ath. If -e can ni/ the !isease in the 0! an! treat it 0efore it has starte! traveling !o-n !ifferent
evoltionary rotes -e col! 'a.e a real !ifference in hel/ing 'ore /eo/le srvive the !isease.
#?il!ing on this -or. )ancer *esearch +K is fn!ing a st!y calle! (*A)>*4 -hich is st!ying
100s of /atient1s lng cancers as they evolve over ti'e to fin! ot e4actly ho- lng cancers 'tate2
a!a/t an! 0eco'e resistant to treat'ents #

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