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E L 6 1 ' 8 1 - 9 1 A l f l T / V l N t l O ~ I l V ' 3 ' S 3 N l t l d S W l V d

M O 7 d S S O H 3 N O S L 3 T L N 3 7 n g X n L C I 3 N I d N 0 3 N O S L N 3 N I 8 3 d X 3
Yasuhiro Kamotani and Isaac Greber
Case Western Reserve Uni versi ty
Cleveland, Ohio
Resul ts are reported of experiments on the ef-
f ects of an opposi te wal l an the characteri sti cs of
turbul ent jets i nj ected i nto a cross flow, f or un-
heated and heated jets. Longi tudi nal and transverse
di stri buti ons of vel oci ty and temperature are pre-
sented f or si ngl e and mul ti pl e ci rcul ar jets, and
traj ectori es are presented f or two-dimensional j ets.
The opposi te wal l has rel ati vel y l i ttl e ef f ect on a
si ngl e j et unl ess the rati o of j et to cross flow
momentumf l ux is l arge enough f or the j et to impinge
on the opposi te wal l . For a row of jets al i gned
perpendi cul arl y to the cross flow, the opposi te wal l
exerts progressi vel y l arger i nfl uence as the spacing
between j ets decreases,
and wal l proximity can be understood by consi deri ng
the i nteracti on of the vortex flow which is the ma-
j or f eature of the structure of a si ngl e j et in a
cross flow. Smoke photographs are shown to el uci -
date some of the i nteracti on patterns.
Much of the ef f ect of j et
I ntroducti on
In a previous paper resul ts of experiments on a
-- .
si ngl e j et i ssui ng perpendi cul arl y i nto an unbounded
cross stream were reported.
step i n the study of the mixing of combustion gases
wi th cool i ng ai r i n gas turbi ne combustors. It was
found that (1) the vel oci ty di stri buti ons depend
mainly on the rati o of j et to cross f l w momentum
f l ux (J .. __ p U dA where A is j et cross-
secti onal ares); (2) the temperature di stri buti ons
and the jet structure al so depend weakly on the j et
to cross flow densi ty rati o ( / po) ; (3) a pai r of
vorti ces forms behind the j k: ? and the vortex
structure becomes the dominant f eature of the j et in
the f ar downstream regi on; (4) the entrainment rates
are nearl y independently control l ed by the compo-
nents of cross f l w normal and paral l el to the j et
traj ectory.
i nteracti on patterns si mi l ar to those which occur i n
combustor confi gurati ons.
sul ts are reported of experiments on (1) a si ngl e
round j et, a si ngl e row of equal l y spaced round j ets,
or a twc-dimensional j et i nj ected perpendi cul arl y
i nto a confined ai r passage; (2) i nteracti on pat-
terns of two or three round jets i n an unbounded
cross stream.
wi th j ets and cross f l ow at the Same temperature.
A s in the previous experiments on a si ngl e j et,
cross flow temperature di l uti on was studi ed by
making the temperature of the jets hi gher than that
of the cross flow because of experimental si mpl i c-
i ty.
experiments are expected to be appl i ed deducti vel y
to the cooling problem. The resul ts al so have ap-
pl i cati on to other problems such as the structure of
plumes from chimneys, V/STOL ai rcraf t using air j ets
to obtai n l i f t f or takeoff, etc.
The work was a f i r st
ooUoAj j j
The work has been continued to examine basi c j et
In the present paper re-
Vel oci ty di stri buti ons were measured
The resul ts of the unheated and heated j et
Experimental Technique
cross-secti on subsoni c wind tunnel. A i r vel oci ti es
Experiments were conducted in a 28 i n. square
*This work was supported by the Nati onal Aeronautics
at the test aecti on ranged from ahout 20 to 30
f tl sec. Fig. 1 i l l ustrates the basi c experimental
setup, and defi nes most of the symbols used herei n.
The.height of the wal l (H) was adj ustabl e. In meas-
urements of a si ngl e row of jets or a two-dimen-
si onal j et the total width of the j et confi gurati on
was much less than the 28 in. width of the tunnel ,
so si de walls wi thi n the tunnel were used. Bottom,
top, and si de walls were made of 114 i n. thi ck
Pl exi gl as pl ate.
were i nj ected from strai ght steel pi pes of 114 i n.
1.D. and 7 in. long. In some of the si ngl e j et ex-
periments the j et was i nj ected from a caref ul l y
shaped nozzl e wi th 114 in. di a. exi t, which gave low
turbul ence (turbul ence l evel 0.3%) and nearl y f l at
vel oci ty and temperature di stri buti ons at the exi t.
Vel oci ty prof i l es at the pi pe exi ts correspond to
that of f ul l y developed turbul ent flow, wi th a tur-
bulence l evel at the center of 2.4%. It was found
that the traj ectory of a j et from a pi pe can di f f er
by about 10% from the traj ectory from a nozzl e, but
the structure of the two jets was very si mi l ar. To
minimize the ef f ect of the tunnel wal l boundary
l ayer the exi t pl anes of bath the pi pes and the
nozzl e were set fl ush wi th a f l at pl ate placed 3 in.
above the bottom wal l of the wind tunnel.
Experiments were performed over a range of momen-
tum rati os J of 8 to 72.
were perfarmed f or spaci ng rati os S/ D (where S i s
the di stance between centers of nozzl es) rangi ng
from 2 to 12, pl us the si ngl e j et experiments, which
is essenti al l y the l i mi t as the spaci ng rati o be-
comes very l arge. In the two-dimensional j et ex-
periments the j et was i nj ected from a slit 114 in.
wide and 6 i n. long, spanning the di stance between
si de walls.
Vel oci ty was measured in unheated jets using a
hot wi r e probe operated by a Shspi ro and Edwards
Model 50 constant current hot wi r e anemometer. For
heated j et experiments air was heated up to 3OO0F
above cross flow temperature, using a Chromalox Ci r-
cul ati on Heamrwith a sensi ti ve temperature control
uni t. Temperature was measured using iron-constant-
an thermocouples.
In most of the experiments j ets
Mul ti pl e j et experiments
1 %-,, ,
,-* ...,, .. ,,
Resul ts of Measurements
I Confined J et Experiments
(i) J et Traj ectori es. The same def i ni ti ons of
j et traj ectori es f or a si ngl e j et is used here as
was used and whose rati onal e was di scussed in Ref.1.
The vel oci ty traj ectory is the l ocus of the maximum
vel oci ty in the pl ane of symmetry, and the tempera-
ture traj ectory i s the l ocus of the maximum tempera-
ture i n the plene of symmetry.
j ectori es with and without an opposi te wal l are
shown i n Fig. 2, f or several momentumrati os and
wal l spaci ngs. I t is seen that the traj ectory is
not very sensi ti ve to the opposi te wal l l ocati on
unl ess the j et approaches the wal l qui te cl osel y.
The cross flow passes around the j et, and does not
exert much pressure force on it. I f J is suf f i -
ci entl y l arge f or a given HI D, the j et di rectl y im-
pinges on the wal l and a regi on of upstreau-moving
flow occurs. Fig. 3 shows some smoke photographs
J et vel oci ty tra-
and Space Admi ni strati on through Grant NCR-36-027-008.
of the si ngl e j et wi th an opposing wall. The im-
pingement on the opposi te wal l f or J = 72 and HI D -
16, and f or J - 18 and HI D - 8 is qui te evi dent.
Even i ncl udi ng these impingement cases, the j et
vel oci ty traj ectory, as defined above, remains
closely approximated by the equati on gi ven by
Kamotani and Greber f or an unbounded si ngl e j et;
that is
0.47 x 0.36
- BJ (6)
where the constant B is 0.89 far a j et from a nozzl e
( f l at i ni ti al prof i l e) and 0.81 f or a j et from a
pi pe (f ul l y developed i ni ti al prof i l e). Si nce the
j et keeps ri si ng and spreadi ng, it eventual l y ap-
proaches the upper wal l , and the traj ectory starts
devi ati ng from the correl ati on expressed i n Eqn.(l).
The opposi te extreme from the single j et config-
urati on is a two-dimensional j et, in these experl -
ments generated by i nj ecti ng a j et through a sl i t
spanning the ai r passage. I n contrast to the si ngl e
round j et case, the traj ectory of the two-dimen-
si onal j et depends very strongl y on the upper wal l
l ocati on. Some representati ve traj ectori es of the
two-dimensional j et are shown in Fig. 4 , f or one
momentum rati o and several upper wal l l ocati ons.
One sees that wi th a di stant opposing wal l the two
dimensional j et has a hi gher traj ectory than a round
j et, but is lowered sharpl y as the upper wal l is
lowered. I t is rather easy to see that. without
lowering the traj ectory, decreasi ng the gap between
the walls would be associ atd with l arge pressure
di fferences across the j et, si nce the cross flow
cannot pass around the two-dimensional j et as i t
does past the round j et. A correl ati on of the two-
dimensional j et traj ectory is given in Fig. 5,where
the resul ts of experiments f or a large range of mo-
mentum rati os and wal l spaci ngs are shown. For
2 < HI2 the traj ectory can be expressed as:
The traj ectory is a parabola f or al l wal l spaci ngs,
and the f actor gi vi ng the hei ght vari ati on wi th wal l
spaci ng is independent of the momentumrati o.
With the resul ts f or the single round j et and the
two-dimensional j et, one can more readi l y examine
the more practi cal confi gurati on of a row of
equal l y spaced round jets. Figs. 6 and 7 show rep-
resentati ve traj ectori es of the middle j et in a
single row, f or vari ous momentm rati os J, wal l
spaci ng rati os HI D, and j et spacing rati os SI D.
Sample smoke photographs are shown i n Fi g. 8.
amining the cl ose spaci ng S/D - 2, the smoke photo-
graphs i ndi cate a combined j et looking very much
l i ke a two-dimensional j et. The traj ectory measure-
ments show that the traj ectory is noti ceabl y sup-
pressed as HI D decreases, and that the amount of
suppressi on depends on J. h e expects thi s, si nce
each j et spreads f aster as J i ncreases, and the
combined j et thus behaves more l i ke a two-dimen-
si onal j et. For a moderate spaci ng, Sl D - 4 , the
ef f ect of the upper w a l l on the traj ectory becomes
smal l even f or high val ues of J. This is Seen in
Fig. 7 f or J - 72, S/ D - 4.
graphs that f or hi gher spaci ng ratio the jets re-
main separate from each other f or qui te some di s-
tance downstream; correspondingly the ef f ect of the
apposi te wal l on the traj ectory becomes smal l .
One sees i n the photo-
Fig. 9 presents traj ectori es f or a single wal l
I t serves to emphasize the
spaci ng, HI D - 24, f or two momentumrati os and
several j et spaci ngs.
role of j et i nteracti on on the traj ectori es. Start-
ing wi th the si ngl e j et traj ectory, one sees that
as the j et spacing becomes smaller and the j ets
start i nteracti ng the traj ectory is lowered. How-
ever, f or suf f i ci entl y cl ose spacing the traj ectory V
rises eventual l y approaching the very hi gh twa-di-
mensional traj ectory.
The above behavi or can be accounted f or by con-
si deri ng the vortex structure of wel l separated
j ets, and the ef f ect of cl oseness on the vortex in-
teracti on and the entrainment process. Representing
the j et in cross-secti on as a pai r of counter-ro-
tati ng vorti ces, one sees thac two pai rs of vorti ces
w i l l dri ve each other downward, and hence the tra-
j ectori es of a row of jets will become lower as the
spacing decreases. This model al one would predi ct
conti nual l y lowered traj ectori es wi th decreasi ng
spacing. For suf f i ci entl y cl ose spaci ng, however.
the i ni ti al vorti ces are rel ati vel y weak (they van-
i sh i n the two-dimensional j et l i mi t), and the j ets
i nterf ere wi th each others entrainment of cross
flow. Thi s l atter ef f ect resul ts in slower decay of
the i ni ti al upward momentum f l ux of the j et. Con-
sequentl y f or cl ose enough spacing the jets mai ntai n
upward momentum l onger, and experience only l i mi ted
defl ecti on due to mutual vortex i nteracti on.
( i 1) Ve l ac i cy a.?d- Ternperatur$- pis t ri but I ons . Ve-
l oci ty and temperature di stri buti ons i n planes per-
pendccular to ;he cross flow were measured. 1 ; the
downstream region these are almost pl anes perpen-
di cul ar to the traj ectory di recti ons. Some typi cal
contours of constant speed and constant temperature
are shown in Fi g. 10 f or J= 8, S/ D =2, and HI D =
24. A t an upstream l ocati on, xID = 1, the trace of
each j et is cl earl y vi si bl e both in the vel oci ty
and temperature contours. However, at thi s close
and at rel a-
ti vel y short di stances downstream evidence of the
i ndi vi dual j ets di sappears. One sees in Fig. 10
that af x/U - 4 onl y a weak peri odi c structure is
l ef t of the ori gi nal jets. One fi nds no trace of
vortex acti vi ty, even at the upstream l ocati on, be-
cause only a smal l amount of cross flow pasees
through the space between the jets. Downstream of
the j et openings a standi ng eddy is formed.
is seen in Fig. 11, which presents a sample set of
vel oci ty vectors i n the pl ane of symmetry of the
middle j et. The vel oci ty in the eddy is very small,
but hi ghl y turbul ent. The standi ng eddy was ob-
served f or al l momentum rati os i nvesti gated, but it
di sappears as the spacing i ncreases.
observed f or S l D 2 4.
Fig, 12 shows vel oci ty and temperature contours
f or a l arger spaci ng, Sl D ., 4.
l ocati on xID = 5 the vel oci ty contouxs di spl ay the
typi cal kidney shabe of a si ngl e j et wi th vortex
motion. As S/ D i ncreases, the vortex motion be-
comes stronger and the structure of each j et ap-
proaches that of a si ngl e j et in an unbounded
spacing rati o the jets mix qui ckl y, u
No eddy was
Here at an upstream
Wha, HI D is suf f i ci entl y smal l , a si ngl e j et
impinges on the upper wal l , the j et spreads si de-
wise along the wal l , and momentumand temperature
are carri ed away wi th the f l ui d in vortex motion.
The resul t is that the jet is spl i t i nto parts, one
on ei ther si de of the midplane. Half of thi s
structure, showing the bi furcati on, is seen in the
temperature contours of Fig. 13.
of symmetry f or a close spacing ( S/ D - 2) and f or
a si ngl e j et (S/ D = l arge). Considering the cl ose
Fi g. 14 shows temperature contours in the pl ane
spaci ng S/D - 2, one sees evidence of the standi ng
eddy previ ousl y evi dent i n the vel oci ty vectors
shown i n Fi g. 11, and the strong suppressi on ef f ect
of an upper wal l .
temperature prof i l es no l onger gi ve evidence of
eddy formation, and agai n emphasize that the sup-
pressi on ef f ect of an upper wal l is smal l i n thi s
Fig. 15 shows sample di stri buti ons di spl ayi ng
the decay of maximum temperature in the plane of
symmetry. For S I D - 2 the decay is independent of
J , and i s similar to that of a two-dimensional j et.
For l arger SID the detai l behavior depends upon J :
onl y the val ues f or J = 72 are shown, which gi ves
the typi cal qual i tati ve behavior. I n the upstream
regi on the decay is si mi l ar to that of a si ngl e
j et, as is seen in the fi gure. In the downstream
regi on the jets mix, and the decay approaches that
of the two dimensional j et.
I1 I nteracti on of Mul ti pl e J ets
To i nvesti gate certai n detai l features of j et
i nteracti on occurri ng in si ngl e and mul ti pl e row
j ets, two or three jets were placed i n a cross flow
wal l . When two cl osel y spaced jets are arranged
paral l el to the cross flow, the rear j et is i n the
wake of the front one, where the cross f l ov speed
is very smal l . Consequently the rear j et is almost
undefl ected unti l it meets the front j et, and the
two jets are qui ckl y combined. Subsequent j et
velociLy and temperature di stri buti ons are qual i ta-
ti vel y si mi l ar to those of a si ngl e j et, and the
traj ectory of the combined j et is sl i ghtl y hi gher
than that of a si ngl e j et i nj ected from a nozzl e
wi th twice the area. Fig. 16a shows sampl e veloc-
i ty traj ectori es di spl ayi ng thi s resul t, and Fig.
16b shows vel oci ty and temperature contours
which i t is apparent that the downstream structure
is close to that of a si ngl e j et.
When two j ets are placed si de by si de normal to
the cross flow, the j et structure changes noti ce-
ably with the spacing rati o and the momentumrati o,
8s previ ousl y seen i n the resul ts f or a row of j ets.
Fig. 17 shows sample contours of constant vel oci ty
and constant temperatures, pl us a smoke photograph
of the flow, f or rel ati vel y cl ose spacing rati o.
The contours and photographs are not f or the same
spacing rati o, but i n thi s range the qual i tati ve
appearance i s not strongl y dependent on spacing
rati o. The vel oci ty contours show that there is no
vortex acti vi ty between the two jets. The temper-
ature contours di spl ay peaks at the "centers" of
the two jets. Both the contours and the dark l i ne
in the photograph separati ng the two jets gi ve evi -
dence of the incomplete mixing of the jets. For
bhrea or more j ets arranged in thi s way, the j et
structure is very much l i ke that f or a long row ex-
cept at the edges, where the structure is similar
to the two j et structure.
Sample contours and smoke photographs f or three
equal jets, whose nozzle centers l i e at the verti -
ces of an equi l ateral tri angl e, are shown i n Fi gs.
18 and 19. One sees both from the contours and
photographs that the si dewi se spreadi ng and the
degree of separati on of the jets is si gni f i cantl y
l ess i f the single j et is upstrew (Pig. 18) than
i f the si ngl e j et is downstream (Fig. 19). The
qual i tati ve structure of the tri angul ar configura-
ti on is i nsensi ti ve to spacing rati o far S l D be-
tween 2 and 6, and to momentum rati o f or J between
8 and 72. One expects that the qual i tati ve
A t a spaci ng rati o SID - 6 the
L eddy formation. The si ngl e j et contours show no
i n
structures of a double row of j ets can be cl osel y
i nferred from the si ngl e row and equal ateral tri-
angle resul ts.
cross flow are only mi l dl y affected by an opposi te
wal l , unl ess the momentum rati o is suf f i ci entl y
strong so that the j et di rectl y impinges on the wal l .
2. The traj ectori es and structure of a si ngl e row
of j ets depends strongl y on the momentum rati o and
the spaci ng rati o. For cl ose spacing the behavior
approaches that of a two-dimensional j et, and f or
wide spacing approaches that of a si ngl e j et. Tra-
j ectori es are most suppressed f or some i ntermedi ate
val ue of spaci ng rati o, depending upon momentm
3. Temperature decay of a si ngl e row of j ets, f or
moderate spaci ng, is si mi l ar to that of a si ngl e j et
i n an upstream regi on, and approaches that of a two-
dimensional j et in the wel l mixed downstream region.
Traj ectori es and structure of a si ngl e j et in a
1. Kamotani, Y. and Greber, I ., "Experiments on a
Turbulent J et in a Cross Flow," AIM J ournal ,
Vol. 10, No. 11, November 1972, pp. 1425-1429.
Wind Tunnel Test Secti on
28" X 28"
Fi gure 1. Sketch of Experimental Setup
5 10 15
X l D
Fi gure 2.
Velocity Traj ectori es (Si ngl e J et)
0 5 10 15
X l D
Figure 4. Vel oci ty Traj ectori es
(Two-dimensional J et)
J =18 5-72
H b 8 W
J =18 J =72 0 5 10 15 20
X l D
Figure 3. Smoke Photographs (Single J et
wi th Opposing Wall)
. ' -. lot
"& I
Q 12 44
0 72 24
32 44
A 18 44
- E q . W 0 18 24
o 18 12
0 8 44
a 8 24
o 8 16
0.1 l eO x1n
Fi gure 5 . Correl ati on of Vel oci ty Traj ectori es
(Two-dimensional Jet)
Fi gure 6. Velocity Traj ectori es
(Single Rov of Jets)
0 Hl r J - 24
0 HID- 8
A HI D-12 Sf D. 4
-0 5 10 15 20
Figure 7. Velocity Traj ectori es
(Single Row of J ets)
u o
8, S/D - 6 , H/D - 24
Figure 8. Smoke Photographs ( Si ngl e Row.
of Je t s )
0- 01
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Fi gure 10. Contours of Constant Speed
and Temperature ( Si ngl e Row
of Je t s )
OL 1II 10 30 40
2o X/ D 10
Fi gure 11. Di s t ri but i on of Vel oci t y Vectors i n t he Pl ane of Syrmnetry ( Si ngl e Raw of Je t s )
5-72, S/D-4, HID-24
0 2 4 0 2 4
Ul D
Fi gure 12. Contours of Constant Speed and
Temperature ( Si ngl e Row of Je t s )
5- 72. Si ngl e J e t , H/d-12
XID=24, Tj-To= 300 *F
Fi gure 13. Contours of Constant
Temperature ( Si ngl e Jet )
5-32. Si ne l e J e t . HID112
Fi gure 14b. Temperature Di s t ri but i on
in t he Pl ane of Syme t l y
5-32, S/D-2, HID-16
16 - 1 . 0 -
12. Tj-To- 300 O F
Temperature Traj ect ory
_ _ _ _ _
Symbols for S/ D=2
o 5-32
A 5-18
5-32, S/D-2, H I D 4
10 100
l :o
X/ D
. . Fi gure 15. Decay of Cent erl i ne
Temperature ( Si ngl e Row
of Je t s )
10 20 30
Fi gure 14a. Temperature Di s t ri but i on
i n t he Plane of Symmetry
( Si ngl e Row of J e t s )
- , kx
TOP View Side View
0 -
5 10 15 20
X/D. X/Dl
Figure 16a. Velocity Trajectories
(Mu1 tip le Jets )
5..?2, SI D- 4 , Xl 0-10
1 0 - 1 0 -
0 . 4 8 0 4
Figure 16b. Contours of Constant Speed
and Temperature (Multiple Jets)
J=70, S/D-4
Top View Side Vi e w
I 3-72, SID-2, XfD-10 , Tj-To - 300 ' F
4 8 0 4 8
4 L ' '
Y r n
Figure 17. Interaction Patterns
of Multiple Jets
5=70, S/ U=4 5-70, S/D=4
Top view Side View
5-72. S/D-6. X/U-10
3-72, S/U-6, X/D-10
4 - 4 -
0 4 8 0 4 8
Fi gure 18. I nt eract i on Pat t erns
of Mul t i pl e J e t s
Figure 19. Interaction eatterns
of Mul ti pl e Je t s

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