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Whats on the MCAT

2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
Whats on the MCAT
ww w . aa m c. org / m c a t 2015e x am
Table of Contents Page Number
$e!tion 1% &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a'
)ondations o* +i,in( $ystems 1
$e!tion 2% Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations
o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems ./
$e!tion .% -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a'
)ondations o* &eha,ior 12
$!ienti*i! #n3iry and 4easonin( $5i''s
6re'ated to $e!tions 17.8 9/
$e!tion 4% Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin(
$5i''s 111
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
This document draws from the online resource Whats on the MCAT
Exam? at
ww w .aa m c. o rg /m c a t2 0 15e x a m . It contains a complete description of the competencies you
are responsible for knowing on the !"T
exam. It describes the new exam#s content and
format. It also lists and discusses the new exam#s conceptual framework $ which is organi%ed
around foundational concepts& content categories& and scientific in'uiry and reasoning skills.
"lso included are sample test 'uestions that demonstrate how the competencies are tested on
the exam.
(hile the content is written for you& the prospecti)e !"T examinee& the information it
pro)ides is likely to be useful to pre*health ad)isors& other baccalaureate faculty& medical
school admission officers& and medical schools.
How is the MCAT Exam Structured?
The !"T exam has four test sections+
: ,iological and ,iochemical -oundations of .i)ing /ystems
: !hemical and 0hysical -oundations of ,iological /ystems
: 0sychological& /ocial& and ,iological -oundations of ,eha)ior
: !ritical "nalysis and 1easoning /kills
The first three sections are organi%ed around foundational concepts or 2big ideas3 in the
sciences. They reflect current research about the most effecti)e ways for students to learn and
use science& emphasi%ing deep knowledge of the most important scientific concepts o)er
knowledge simply of many discrete scientific facts.
.eaders in science education say that some of the most important foundational concepts in the
sciences ask students to integrate and analy%e information from different disciplines. In that
)ein& 'uestions in these sections will ask you to combine your scientific knowledge from
multiple disciplines with your scientific in'uiry and reasoning skills. 4ou will be asked to
demonstrate four different scientific in'uiry and reasoning skills on the exam+
: 5nowledge of scientific concepts and principles
: /cientific reasoning and problem sol)ing
: 1easoning about the design and execution of research
: 6ata*based and statistical reasoning
The fourth section of the !"T exam& !ritical "nalysis and 1easoning /kills& will be similar to
many of the )erbal reasoning tests you ha)e taken in your academic career. It includes
passages and 'uestions that test your ability to comprehend and analy%e what you read. The
!ritical "nalysis and 1easoning /kills section asks you to read and think about passages from
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
a wide range of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities& including those in population
health& ethics and philosophy& and studies of di)erse cultures. 0assages are followed by a
series of 'uestions that lead you through the process of comprehending& analy%ing& and
reasoning about the material you ha)e read. This section is uni'ue because it has been
de)eloped specifically to measure the analytical and reasoning skills you will need to be
successful in medical school.
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o* +i,in( $ystems
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
What wi the !ioo"ica and !iochemica #oundations o$ %i&in" S'stems Section Test?
The &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o* +i,in( $ystems se!tion as5s yo to so',e prob'ems by
!ombinin( yor 5no"'ed(e o* bio'o(i!a' and bio!hemi!a' !on!epts "ith yor s!ienti*i! in3iry and
reasonin( s5i''s. This se!tion tests pro!esses that are ni3e to 'i,in( or(anisms0 s!h as (ro"in( and
reprod!in(0 maintainin( a !onstant interna' en,ironment0 a!3irin( materia's and ener(y0 sensin( and
respondin( to en,ironmenta' !han(es0 and adaptin(. #t a'so tests ho" !e''s and or(an systems "ithin an
or(anism a!t independent'y and in !on!ert to a!!omp'ish these pro!esses0 and it as5s yo to reason
abot these pro!esses at ,arios 'e,e's o* bio'o(i!a' or(ani;ation "ithin a 'i,in( system.
This se!tion is desi(ned to%
: test introd!tory7'e,e' bio'o(y0 or(ani! !hemistry0 and inor(ani! !hemistry !on!epts<
: test bio!hemistry !on!epts at the 'e,e' ta(ht in many !o''e(es and ni,ersities in *irst7semester
bio!hemistry !orses<
: test !e'''ar and mo'e!'ar bio'o(y topi!s at the 'e,e' ta(ht in many !o''e(es and ni,ersities in
introd!tory bio'o(y se3en!es and *irst7semester bio!hemistry !orses<
: test basi! resear!h methods and statisti!s !on!epts des!ribed by many ba!!a'areate *a!'ty as
important to s!!ess in introd!tory s!ien!e !orses< and
: re3ire yo to demonstrate yor s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin(0 resear!h methods0 and statisti!s
s5i''s as app'ied to the natra' s!ien!es.
Test $e!tion =mber o* >estions Time
&io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a'
)ondations o* +i,in( $ystems
6note that 3estions are a
!ombination o* passa(e7based
and dis!rete 3estions8
95 mintes
Scienti$ic In(uir' and )easonin" S*is
As a reminder0 the s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s that yo "i'' be as5ed to demonstrate on this
se!tion o* the exam are%
?no"'ed(e o* $!ienti*i! Con!epts and -rin!ip'es
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* s!ienti*i! !on!epts and prin!ip'es
: #denti*yin( the re'ationships bet"een !'ose'y7re'ated !on!epts
$!ienti*i! 4easonin( and -rob'em $o',in(
: 4easonin( abot s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es0 theories0 and mode's
: Ana'y;in( and e,a'atin( s!ienti*i! exp'anations and predi!tions
4easonin( abot the @esi(n and Exe!tion o* 4esear!h
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* important !omponents o* s!ienti*i! resear!h
: 4easonin( abot ethi!a' isses in resear!h
@ata7&ased and $tatisti!a' 4easonin(
: #nterpretin( patterns in data presented in tab'es0 *i(res0 and (raphs
: 4easonin( abot data and dra"in( !on!'sions *rom them
General Mathematical Concepts and Techniques
#ts important *or yo to 5no" that 3estions on the natra'0 beha,iora'0 and so!ia' s!ien!es se!tions
"i'' as5 yo to se !ertain mathemati!a' !on!epts and te!hni3es. As the des!riptions o* the s!ienti*i!
in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s s((est0 some 3estions "i'' as5 yo to ana'y;e and manip'ate s!ienti*i!
data to sho" that yo !an
4e!o(ni;e and interpret 'inear0 semi'o(0 and 'o(7'o( s!a'es and !a'!'ate s'opes *rom data
*ond in *i(res0 (raphs0 and tab'es
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* si(ni*i!ant di(its and the se o* reasonab'e nmeri!a'
estimates in per*ormin( measrements and !a'!'ations
Ase metri! nits0 in!'din( !on,ertin( nits "ithin the metri! system and bet"een metri! and
En('ish nits 6!on,ersion *a!tors "i'' be pro,ided "hen needed80 and dimensiona' ana'ysis
6sin( nits to ba'an!e e3ations8
-er*orm arithmeti! !a'!'ations in,o',in( the *o''o"in(% probabi'ity0 proportion0 ratio0
per!enta(e0 and s3are7root estimations
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( 6A'(ebra ##B'e,e'8 o* exponentia's and 'o(arithms
6natra' and base 1080 s!ienti*i! notation0 and so',in( sim'taneos e3ations
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* the *o''o"in( tri(onometri! !on!epts% de*initions o*
basi! 6sine0 !osine0 tan(ent8 and in,erse 6sin
0 !os
0 tan
8 *n!tions< sin and !os ,a'es o*
90C0 and 1/0C< re'ationships bet"een the 'en(ths o* sides o* ri(ht trian('es !ontainin( an('es o*
.0C0 45C0 and 10C
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* ,e!tor addition and sbtra!tion and the ri(ht7hand r'e
65no"'ed(e o* dot and !ross prod!ts is not re3ired8
=ote a'so that an nderstandin( o* !a'!'s is not re3ired0 and a periodi! tab'e "i'' be pro,ided
drin( the exam.
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot pennission.
WhatDs on the MCAT
Exam? &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o* +i,in( $ystems
yo "i''
to the
s in this
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot pennission.
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Whats on the MCAT
Exam? &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o* +i,in( $ystems
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
!ioo"ica and !iochemica #oundations o$ %i&in" S'stems +istri,ution o$ -uestions ,'
+isci.ine/ #oundationa Conce.t/ and Scienti$ic In(uir' and )easonin" S*i
So may "onder ho" m!h bio!hemistry yo'' see on this se!tion o* the MCAT exam0 ho" many
3estions yo'' (et abot a parti!'ar *ondationa' !on!ept0 or ho" the s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin(
s5i''s "i'' be distribted on yor exam. The 3estions that yo see are 'i5e'y to be distribted in the
"ays des!ribed be'o". These are the approximate per!enta(es o* 3estions yo'' see on a test *or ea!h
dis!ip'ine0 *ondationa' !on!ept0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''.
: )irst7semester bio!hemistry0 25U
: #ntrod!tory bio'o(y0 15U
: Jenera' !hemistry0 5U
: Gr(ani! !hemistry0 5U
)ondationa' Con!ept%
: )ondationa' Con!ept 10 55U
: )ondationa' Con!ept 20 20U
: )ondationa' Con!ept .0 25U
$!ienti*i! #n3iry and 4easonin( $5i''%
: $5i'' 10 .5U
: $5i'' 20 45U
: $5i'' .0 10U
: $5i'' 40 10U
These per!enta(es ha,e been approximated to the nearest 5U and "i'' ,ary *rom one test to another *or
a ,ariety o* reasons. These reasons in!'de0 bt are not 'imited to0 !ontro''in( *or 3estion di**i!'ty0
sin( (rops o* 3estions that depend on a sin('e passa(e0 and sin( ns!ored *ie'd7test 3estions on
ea!h test *orm.
!ioo"ica and !iochemica #oundations o$ %i&in" S'stems #ramewor* o$ #oundationa
Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories
Foundational Concept 1% Biomolecules have uniue !"o!e"ties that #ete"mine ho$ the% cont"i&ute to
the st"uctu"e an# 'unction o' cells an# ho$ the% !a"tici!ate in the !"ocesses necessa"% to maintain li'e.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
1A. $tr!tre and *n!tion o* proteins and their !onstitent amino a!ids
1&. Transmission o* (eneti! in*ormation *rom the (ene to the protein
1C. Transmission o* heritab'e in*ormation *rom (eneration to (eneration and the pro!esses that
in!rease (eneti! di,ersity
1@. -rin!ip'es o* bioener(eti!s and *e' mo'e!'e metabo'ism
Foundational Concept 2% (i)hl%*o")ani+e# assem&lies o' molecules, cells, an# o")ans inte"act to
ca""% out the 'unctions o' livin) o")anisms.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
2A. Assemb'ies o* mo'e!'es0 !e''s0 and (rops o* !e''s "ithin sin('e !e'''ar and m'ti!e'''ar
2&. The str!tre0 (ro"th0 physio'o(y0 and (eneti!s o* pro5aryotes and ,irses
2C. -ro!esses o* !e'' di,ision0 di**erentiation0 and spe!ia'i;ation
Foundational Concept 3% Com!le- s%stems o' tissues an# o")ans sense the inte"nal an# e-te"nal
envi"onments o' multicellula" o")anisms, an# th"ou)h inte)"ate# 'unctionin), maintain a sta&le
inte"nal envi"onment $ithin an eve"*chan)in) e-te"nal envi"onment.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
.A. $tr!tre and *n!tions o* the ner,os and endo!rine systems and "ays in "hi!h these systems
!oordinate the or(an systems
.&. $tr!tre and inte(rati,e *n!tions o* the main or(an systems
How #oundationa Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories #it To"ether
The MCAT exam as5s yo to so',e prob'ems by !ombinin( yor 5no"'ed(e o* !on!epts "ith yor
s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s. )i(re 1 i''strates ho" *ondationa' !on!epts0 !ontent
!ate(ories0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s interse!t to !reate test 3estions.
)ondationa' Con!ept 1 )ondationa' Con!ept 2
!"ill 1
!"ill 2
!"ill 3
!"ill #
Ea!h !e'' represents the point at "hi!h *ondationa'
!on!epts0 !ontent !ate(ories0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and
reasonin( s5i''s !ross.
Test 3estions are "ritten at the interse!tions o* the
5no"'ed(e and s5i''s.
1$ 1C 2 2$ 2C
0nderstandin" the #oundationa Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories in the !ioo"ica and
!iochemica #oundations o$ %i&in" S'stems Section
The *o''o"in( are detai'ed exp'anations o* ea!h *ondationa' !on!ept and re'ated !ontent !ate(ories tested in the
&io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o* +i,in( $ystems se!tion. To he'p yo prepare *or the MCAT exam0 "e
pro,ide !ontent 'ists that des!ribe spe!i*i! topi!s and sbtopi!s that de*ine ea!h !ontent !ate(ory *or this se!tion.
The same !ontent 'ists are pro,ided to the "riters "ho de,e'op the !ontent o* the exam. Eere is an ex!erpt *rom
the !ontent 'ist.
%&C%'PT F'(M $)(*(G)C* N+ $)(C,%M)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F *).)NG !/!T%M!
Metabolism of Fatty cids and Proteins 0$)(1 $C2 Topic
@es!ription o* *atty a!ids 6&C8 !ubtopic
@i(estion0 mobi'i;ation0 and transport o* *ats
Gxidation o* *atty a!ids
o $atrated *ats
o Ansatrated *ats
?etone bodies 6&C8
Anabo'ism o* *ats 6&#G8
=on7temp'ate synthesis% biosynthesis o* 'ipids and po'ysa!!harides 6&#G8
Metabo'ism o* proteins 6&#G8
The abbre,iations in parentheses indi!ate the !orses in "hi!h nder(radate stdents at many !o''e(es and
ni,ersities 'earn abot the topi!s and asso!iated sbtopi!s. The !orse abbre,iations are
&C% *irst7semester bio!hemistry
&#G% t"o7semester se3en!e o* introd!tory bio'o(y
JC% t"o7semester se3en!e o* (enera' !hemistry
GC% t"o7semester se3en!e o* or(ani! !hemistry
#n preparin( *or the MCAT exam0 yo "i'' be responsib'e *or 'earnin( the topi!s and asso!iated sbtopi!s at the
'e,e's at "hi!h they are ta(ht at many !o''e(es and ni,ersities in the !orses 'isted in parentheses. A sma''
nmber o* sbtopi!s ha,e !orse abbre,iations indi!ated in parentheses. #n those !ases0 yo are responsib'e onl%
*or 'earnin( the sbtopi!s as they are ta(ht in the !orse6s8 indi!ated.
Asin( the ex!erpt abo,e as an examp'e0
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the topi! Metabo'ism o* )atty A!ids and -roteins at the 'e,e' at
"hi!h it is ta(ht in a typi!a' t"o7semester introd!tory bio'o(y se3en!e an# in a typi!a' *irst7semester
bio!hemistry !orse.
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the sbtopi!s Anabo'ism o* *ats0 =on7temp'ate synthesis%
biosynthesis o* 'ipids and po'ysa!!harides0 and Metabo'ism o* proteins onl% at the 'e,e's at "hi!h they are
ta(ht in a typi!a' t"o7semester se3en!e o* introd!tory bio'o(y.
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the sbtopi!s @es!ription o* *atty a!ids and ?etone bodies onl% at
the 'e,e's at "hi!h they are ta(ht in a typi!a' *irst7semester bio!hemistry !orse.
4emember that !orse !ontent at yor s!hoo' may di**er *rom !orse !ontent at other !o''e(es and ni,ersities.
The topi!s and sbtopi!s des!ribed in this and the next t"o !hapters may be !o,ered in !orses "ith tit'es that are
di**erent *rom those 'isted here. Sor pre7hea'th ad,isor and *a!'ty are important resor!es *or yor 3estions
abot !orse !ontent.
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
#oundationa Conce.t 1
&iomo'e!'es ha,e ni3e properties that determine ho" they !ontribte to the str!tre and
*n!tion o* !e''s0 and ho" they parti!ipate in the pro!esses ne!essary to maintain 'i*e.
The ni3e !hemi!a' and str!tra' properties o* biomo'e!'es determine the ro'es they p'ay in !e''s.
The proper *n!tionin( o* a 'i,in( system depends on the many !omponents a!tin( harmonios'y in
response to a !onstant'y !han(in( en,ironment. &iomo'e!'es are !onstant'y *ormed or de(raded in
response to the per!ei,ed needs o* the or(anism.
Content Categories
Cate)o"% 1A *o!ses on the str!tra' and *n!tiona' !omp'exity o* proteins0 "hi!h is deri,ed
*rom their !omponent amino a!ids0 the se3en!e in "hi!h the amino a!ids are !o,a'ent'y bonded0
and the three7dimensiona' str!tres the proteins adopt in an a3eos en,ironment.
Cate)o"% 1B *o!ses on the mo'e!'ar me!hanisms responsib'e *or the trans*er o* se3en!e7
spe!i*i! bio'o(i!a' in*ormation bet"een biopo'ymers "hi!h 'timate'y res'ts in the synthesis o*
Cate)o"% 1C *o!ses on the me!hanisms that *n!tion to transmit the heritab'e in*ormation
stored in @=A *rom (eneration to (eneration.
Cate)o"% 1. *o!ses on the biomo'e!'es and re('ated path"ays in,o',ed in har,estin(
!hemi!a' ener(y stored in *e' mo'e!'es0 "hi!h ser,es as the dri,in( *or!e *or a'' o* the
pro!esses that ta5e p'a!e "ithin a 'i,in( system.
With these bi'din( b'o!5s0 medi!a' stdents "i'' be prepared to 'earn ho" the maVor bio!hemi!a'
ener(y prod!tion path"ays are re('ated0 ho" the synthesis and de(radation o* ma!romo'e!'es
*n!tions to maintain hea'th0 and ho" ,arios *orms o* bio!hemi!a' dys*n!tion res't in disease.
Content Category 1A: Structure and function of proteins and their constituent amino acids
Ma!romo'e!'es *ormed *rom amino a!ids adopt "e''7de*ined0 three7dimensiona' str!tres "ith
!hemi!a' properties that are responsib'e *or their parti!ipation in ,irta''y e,ery pro!ess o!!rrin( "ithin
and bet"een !e''s. The three7dimensiona' str!tre o* proteins is a dire!t !onse3en!e o* the natre o*
the !o,a'ent'y7bonded se3en!e o* amino a!ids0 their !hemi!a' and physi!a' properties0 and the "ay in
"hi!h the "ho'e assemb'y intera!ts "ith "ater.
En;ymes are proteins that intera!t in hi(h'y re(io7 and stereo7spe!i*i! "ays "ith disso',ed so'tes. They
either *a!i'itate the !hemi!a' trans*ormation o* these so'tes0 or a''o" *or their transport inno!os'y.
@isso',ed so'tes !ompete *or protein7bindin( sites0 and protein !on*ormationa' dynami!s (i,e rise to
me!hanisms !apab'e o* !ontro''in( en;ymati! a!ti,ity.
The in*inite ,ariabi'ity o* potentia' amino a!id se3en!es a''o"s *or adaptab'e responses to patho(eni!
or(anisms and materia's. The ri(idity o* some amino a!id se3en!es ma5es them sitab'e *or str!tra'
ro'es in !omp'ex 'i,in( systems.
Content in this !ate(ory !o,ers a ran(e o* protein beha,iors "hi!h ori(inate *rom the ni3e !hemistry
o* amino a!ids themse',es. Amino a!id !'assi*i!ations and protein str!tra' e'ements are !o,ered.
$pe!ia' emphasis is p'a!ed on en;yme !ata'ysis0 in!'din( me!hanisti! !onsiderations0 5ineti!s0 mode's
o* en;yme7sbstrate intera!tion0 and re('ation. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the
Amino Acids 1!C/ 2C3
o Abso'te !on*i(ration at the W position
o Amino a!ids as dipo'ar ions
o C'assi*i!ations
4ease 5ote
Topics that appear on multiple content
lists will be treated differently. Suestions
will focus on the topics as they are
described in the narrati)e for the content

A!idi! or basi!
Eydrophobi! or hydrophi'i!
o $'*r 'in5a(e *or !ysteine and !ystine
o -eptide 'in5a(e% po'ypeptides and proteins
o Eydro'ysis
4rotein Structure 1!I2/ !C/ 2C3
o 1C str!tre o* proteins
o 2C str!tre o* proteins
o .C str!tre o* proteins< ro'e o* pro'ine0 !ystine0 hydrophobi! bondin(
o 4C str!tre o* proteins 6&#G0 &C8
Con*ormationa' stabi'ity
o @enatrin( and *o'din(
o Eydrophobi! intera!tions
o $o',ation 'ayer 6entropy8 6&C8
$eparation te!hni3es
o #soe'e!tri! point
o E'e!trophoresis
5on6En7'matic 4rotein #unction 1!I2/ !C3
&indin( 6&C8
#mmne system
En7'me Structure and #unction 1!I2/ !C3
)n!tion o* en;ymes in !ata'y;in( bio'o(i!a' rea!tions
En;yme !'assi*i!ation by rea!tion type
4ed!tion o* a!ti,ation ener(y
$bstrates and en;yme spe!i*i!ity
A!ti,e $ite Mode'
#nd!ed7*it Mode'
Me!hanism o* !ata'ysis
o Co*a!tors
o Coen;ymes
o Water7so'b'e ,itamins
E**e!ts o* 'o!a' !onditions on en;yme a!ti,ity
Contro o$ En7'me Acti&it' 1!I2/ !C3
o Jenera' 6!ata'ysis8
o Mi!hae'isXMenten
o Cooperati,ity
)eedba!5 re('ation
#nhibition types
o Competiti,e
o =on7!ompetiti,e
o Mixed 6&C8
o An!ompetiti,e 6&C8
4e('atory en;ymes
o A''osteri! en;ymes
o Co,a'ent'y7modi*ied en;ymes
o Yymo(en
Content Category 1B: Transmission of genetic information from the gene to the protein
&iomo'e!'es and biomo'e!'ar assemb'ies intera!t in spe!i*i!0 hi(h'y7re('ated "ays to trans*er
se3en!e in*ormation bet"een biopo'ymers in 'i,in( or(anisms. &y storin( and trans*errin( bio'o(i!a'
in*ormation0 @=A and 4=A enab'e 'i,in( or(anisms to reprod!e their !omp'ex !omponents *rom one
(eneration to the next. The n!'eotide monomers o* these biopo'ymers0 bein( Voined by phosphodiester
'in5a(es0 *orm a po'yn!'eotide mo'e!'e "ith a Zba!5bone[ !omposed o* repeatin( s(ar7phosphate
nits and Zappenda(es[ o* nitro(enos bases. The ni3e se3en!e o* bases in ea!h (ene pro,ides
spe!i*i! in*ormation to the !e''.
@=A mo'e!'es are !omposed o* t"o po'yn!'eotides that spira' arond an ima(inary axis0 *ormin( a
dob'e he'ix. The t"o po'yn!'eotides are he'd to(ether by hydro(en bonds bet"een the paired bases
and ,an der Waa's intera!tions bet"een the sta!5ed bases. The pairin( bet"een the bases o* t"o
po'yn!'eotides is ,ery spe!i*i!0 and its !omp'ementarity a''o"s *or a pre!ise rep'i!ation o* the @=A
The @=A inherited by an or(anism 'eads to spe!i*i! traits by di!tatin( the synthesis o* the biomo'e!'es
64=A mo'e!'es and proteins8 in,o',ed in protein synthesis. Whi'e e,ery !e'' in a m'ti!e'''ar
or(anism inherits the same @=A0 its expression is pre!ise'y re('ated s!h that di**erent (enes are
expressed by !e''s at di**erent sta(es o* de,e'opment0 by !e''s in di**erent tisses0 and by !e''s exposed
to di**erent stim'i.
The topi!s in!'ded in this !ate(ory !on!ern not on'y the mo'e!'ar me!hanisms o* the transmission o*
(eneti! in*ormation *rom the (ene to the protein 6t"ansc"i!tion and t"anslation80 bt a'so the
biosynthesis o* the important mo'e!'es and mo'e!'ar assemb'ies that are in,o',ed in these
me!hanisms. The !ontro' o* (ene expression in pro5aryotes and e5aryotes is a'so in!'ded.
&road'y spea5in(0 the *ie'd o* biote!hno'o(y ses bio'o(i!a' systems0 'i,in( or(anisms0 or deri,ati,es
thereo*0 to ma5e or modi*y prod!ts or pro!esses *or spe!i*i! se. The biote!hno'o(i!a' te!hni3es
emphasi;ed in this !ate(ory0 ho"e,er0 are those that ta5e ad,anta(e o* the !omp'ementary str!tre o*
dob'e7stranded @=A mo'e!'es to synthesi;e0 se3en!e0 and amp'i*y them0 and to ana'y;e and
identi*y n5no"n po'yn!'eotide se3en!es. #n!'ded "ithin this treatment o* biote!hno'o(y are those
pra!ti!a' app'i!ations "hi!h dire!t'y impa!t hmans0 s!h as medi!a' app'i!ations0 hman (ene
therapy0 and pharma!eti!a's.
Content in this !ate(ory !o,ers the biopo'ymers0 in!'din( ribon!'ei! a!id 64=A80 deoxyribon!'ei!
a!id 6@=A80 proteins0 and the bio!hemi!a' pro!esses in,o',ed in !arryin( ot the trans*er o* bio'o(i!a'
in*ormation *rom @=A. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
5uceic Acid Structure and #unction 1!I2/ !C3
=!'eotides and n!'eosides
o $(ar phosphate ba!5bone
o -yrimidine0 prine resides
@eoxyribon!'ei! a!id 6@=A8% dob'e he'ix0 WatsonXCri!5 mode' o* @=A str!tre
&ase pairin( spe!i*i!ity% A "ith T0 J "ith C
)n!tion in transmission o* (eneti! in*ormation 6&#G8
@=A denatration0 reannea'in(0 hybridi;ation
+5A )e.ication 1!I23
Me!hanism o* rep'i!ation% separation o* strands0 spe!i*i! !op'in( o* *ree n!'ei! a!ids
$emi7!onser,ati,e natre o* rep'i!ation
$pe!i*i! en;ymes in,o',ed in rep'i!ation
Gri(ins o* rep'i!ation0 m'tip'e ori(ins in e5aryotes
4ep'i!atin( the ends o* @=A mo'e!'es
)e.air o$ +5A 1!I23
4epair drin( rep'i!ation
4epair o* mtations
8enetic Code 1!I23
Centra' @o(ma% @=A \ 4=A \ protein
The trip'et !ode
CodonXanti!odon re'ationship
@e(enerate !ode0 "obb'e pairin(
Missense0 nonsense !odons
#nitiation0 termination !odons
Messen(er 4=A 6m4=A8
Transcri.tion 1!I23
Trans*er 4=A 6t4=A8< ribosoma' 4=A 6r4=A8
Me!hanism o* trans!ription
m4=A pro!essin( in e5aryotes0 introns0 exons
4ibo;ymes0 sp'i!eosomes0 sma'' n!'ear ribon!'eoproteins 6sn4=-s80 sma'' n!'ear 4=As
)n!tiona' and e,o'tionary importan!e o* introns
Transation 1!I23
4o'es o* m4=A0 t4=A0 r4=A
4o'e and str!tre o* ribosomes
#nitiation0 termination !o7*a!tors
-ost7trans'ationa' modi*i!ation o* proteins
Eu*ar'otic Chromosome 2r"ani7ation 1!I23
Chromosoma' proteins
$in('e !opy ,s. repetiti,e @=A
Eetero!hromatin ,s. e!hromatin
Te'omeres0 !entromeres
Contro o$ 8ene Ex.ression in 4ro*ar'otes 1!I23
Gperon Con!ept0 Ka!obXMonod Mode'
Jene repression in ba!teria
-ositi,e !ontro' in ba!teria
Contro o$ 8ene Ex.ression in Eu*ar'otes 1!I23
Trans!riptiona' re('ation
@=A bindin( proteins0 trans!ription *a!tors
Jene amp'i*i!ation and dp'i!ation
-ost7trans!riptiona' !ontro'0 basi! !on!ept o* sp'i!in( 6introns0 exons8
Can!er as a *ai're o* norma' !e'''ar !ontro's0 on!o(enes0 tmor sppressor (enes
4e('ation o* !hromatin str!tre
@=A methy'ation
4o'e o* non7!odin( 4=As
)ecom,inant +5A and !iotechnoo"' 1!I23
Jene !'onin(
4estri!tion en;ymes
@=A 'ibraries
Jeneration o* !@=A
Expressin( !'oned (enes
-o'ymerase !hain rea!tion
Je' e'e!trophoresis and $othern b'ottin(
@=A se3en!in(
Ana'y;in( (ene expression
@eterminin( (ene *n!tion
$tem !e''s
-ra!ti!a' app'i!ations o* @=A te!hno'o(y% medi!a' app'i!ations0 hman (ene
therapy0 pharma!eti!a's0 *orensi! e,iden!e0 en,ironmenta' !'eanp0 a(ri!'tre
$a*ety and ethi!s o* @=A te!hno'o(y
Content Category 1C: Transmission of heritable information from generation to generation
and the processes that increase genetic diversity
The in*ormation ne!essary to dire!t 'i*e *n!tions is !ontained "ithin dis!rete n!'eotide se3en!es
transmitted *rom (eneration to (eneration by me!hanisms that0 by natre o* their ,arios pro!esses0
pro,ide the ra" materia's *or e,o'tion by in!reasin( (eneti! di,ersity. $pe!i*i! se3en!es o*
deoxyribon!'ei! a!ids store and trans*er the heritab'e in*ormation ne!essary *or the !ontination o* 'i*e
*rom one (eneration to the next. These se3en!es0 !a''ed )enes ] bein( part o* 'on(er @=A mo'e!'es
] are or(ani;ed0 a'on( "ith ,arios proteins0 into biomo'e!'ar assemb'ies !a''ed ch"omosomes.
Chromosomes pass *rom parents to o**sprin( in sexa''y7reprod!in( or(anisms. The pro!esses o*
meiosis and 'e"tili+ation maintain a spe!ies !hromosome !ont drin( the sexa' 'i*e !y!'e. &e!ase
parents pass on dis!rete heritab'e nits that retain their separate identities in o**sprin(0 the 'a"s o*
probabi'ity !an be sed to predi!t the ot!ome o* some0 bt not a''0 (eneti! !rosses.
The beha,ior o* !hromosomes drin( meiosis and *erti'i;ation is responsib'e *or most o* the (eneti!
,ariation that arises ea!h (eneration. Me!hanisms that !ontribte to this (eneti! ,ariation in!'de
independent assortment o* !hromosomes0 !rossin( o,er0 and random *erti'i;ation. Gther me!hanisms0
s!h as mtation0 random (eneti! dri*t0 bott'ene!5s0 and immi(ration0 exist "ith the potentia' to a**e!t
the (eneti! di,ersity o* indi,ida's and pop'ations. Co''e!ti,e'y0 the (eneti! di,ersity that res'ts *rom
these pro!esses pro,ides the ra" materia' *or e,o'tion by natra' se'e!tion.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the me!hanisms by "hi!h heritab'e in*ormation is transmitted *rom
(eneration to (eneration0 and the e,o'tionary pro!esses that (enerate and a!t pon (eneti! ,ariation.
The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
E&idence that +5A is 8enetic Materia 1!I23
Mendeian Conce.ts 1!I23
-henotype and (enotype
A''e'e% sin('e and m'tip'e
Eomo;y(osity and hetero;y(osity
Comp'ete dominan!e
#n!omp'ete dominan!e0 'ea5a(e0 penetran!e0 expressi,ity
Eybridi;ation% ,iabi'ity
Jene poo'
Meiosis and 2ther #actors A$$ectin" 8enetic 9aria,iit' 1!I23
$i(ni*i!an!e o* meiosis
#mportant di**eren!es bet"een meiosis and mitosis
$e(re(ation o* (enes
o #ndependent assortment
o +in5a(e
o 4e!ombination
o $in('e !rosso,ers
o @ob'e !rosso,ers
o $ynaptonema' !omp'ex
o Tetrad
o $ex7'in5ed !hara!teristi!s
o ^ery *e" (enes on S !hromosome
o $ex determination
o Cytop'asmi!_extran!'ear inheritan!e
o Jenera' !on!ept o* mtation ` error in @=A se3en!e
o Types o* mtations% random0 trans'ation error0 trans!ription error0 base sbstittion0
in,ersion0 addition0 de'etion0 trans'o!ation0 mispairin(
o Ad,anta(eos ,s. de'eterios mtation
o #nborn errors o* metabo'ism
o 4e'ationship o* mta(ens to !ar!ino(ens
Jeneti! dri*t
$ynapsis or !rossin(7o,er me!hanism *or in!reasin( (eneti! di,ersity
Ana'tic Methods 1!I23
EardyXWeinber( -rin!ip'e
Test!ross 6&a!5!ross< !on!epts o* parenta'0 )10 and )2 (enerations8
Jene mappin(% !rosso,er *re3en!ies
&iometry% statisti!a' methods
E&oution 1!I23
=atra' se'e!tion
o )itness !on!ept
o $e'e!tion by di**erentia' reprod!tion
o Con!epts o* natra' and (rop se'e!tion
o E,o'tionary s!!ess as in!rease in per!ent representation in the (ene poo' o* the next
o -o'ymorphism
o Adaptation and spe!ia'i;ation
o #nbreedin(
o Gtbreedin(
o &ott'ene!5s
E,o'tionary time as measred by (rada' random !han(es in (enome
Content Category 1D: rinciples of bioenergetics and fuel molecule metabolism
+i,in( thin(s harness ener(y *rom *e' mo'e!'es in a !ontro''ed manner in order to sstain a'' o* the
pro!esses responsib'e *or maintainin( 'i*e. Ce'' maintenan!e and (ro"th is ener(eti!a''y !ost'y. Ce''s
harness the ener(y stored in *e' mo'e!'es0 s!h as !arbohydrates and *atty a!ids0 and !on,ert it into
sma''er nits o* !hemi!a' potentia' 5no"n as a#enosine t"i!hos!hate 6AT-8.
The hydro'ysis o* AT- pro,ides a ready sor!e o* ener(y *or !e''s that !an be !op'ed to other !hemi!a'
pro!esses in order to ma5e them thermodynami!a''y *a,orab'e. )e' mo'e!'e mobi'i;ation0 transport0
and stora(e are re('ated a!!ordin( to the needs o* the or(anism.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the prin!ip'es o* bioener(eti!s and *e' mo'e!'e !atabo'ism. @etai's
o* oxidati,e phosphory'ation in!'din( the ro'e o* !hemiosmoti! !op'in( and bio'o(i!a' e'e!tron
trans*er rea!tions are !o,ered0 as are the (enera' *eatres o* *atty a!id and ('!ose metabo'ism.
Additiona''y0 re('ation o* these metabo'i! path"ays0 *e' mo'e!'e mobi'i;ation0 transport0 and stora(e
are !o,ered. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(% o$ !ioener"etics 1!C/ 8C3
o )ree ener(y_/
E3i'ibrim !onstant
4e'ationship o* the e3i'ibrim !onstant and a0C
o Con!entration
+e Chbte'iers -rin!ip'e
o Endothermi!_exothermi! rea!tions
o )ree ener(y% 0
o $pontaneos rea!tions and a0C
-hosphory' (rop trans*ers and AT-
o AT- hydro'ysis a0 cc 0
o AT- (rop trans*ers
&io'o(i!a' oxidation7red!tion
o Ea'*7rea!tions
o $o'b'e e'e!tron !arriers
o )'a,oproteins
Car,oh'drates 1!C/ 2C3
o =omen!'atre and !'assi*i!ation0 !ommon names
o Abso'te !on*i(ration
o Cy!'i! str!tre and !on*ormations o* hexoses
o Epimers and anomers
Eydro'ysis o* the ('y!oside 'in5a(e
8'co'sis/ 8uconeo"enesis/ and the 4entose 4hos.hate 4athwa' 1!I2/ !C3
J'y!o'ysis 6aerobi!80 sbstrates and prod!ts
o )eeder path"ays% ('y!o(en0 star!h metabo'ism
)ermentation 6anaerobi! ('y!o'ysis8
J'!oneo(enesis 6&C8
-entose phosphate path"ay 6&C8
=et mo'e!'ar and ener(eti! res'ts o* respiration pro!esses o$ Meta,oic )e"uation 1!C3
4e('ation o* metabo'i! path"ays 6&#G0 &C8
o Maintenan!e o* a dynami! steady state
4e('ation o* ('y!o'ysis and ('!oneo(enesis
Metabo'ism o* ('y!o(en
4e('ation o* ('y!o(en synthesis and brea5do"n
o A''osteri! and hormona' !ontro'
Ana'ysis o* metabo'i! !ontro'
Citric Acid C'ce 1!I2/ !C3
A!ety'7CoA prod!tion 6&C8
4ea!tions o* the !y!'e0 sbstrates and prod!ts
4e('ation o* the !y!'e
=et mo'e!'ar and ener(eti! res'ts o* respiration pro!esses
Meta,oism o$ #att' Acids and 4roteins 1!I2/ !C3
@es!ription o* *atty a!ids 6&C8
@i(estion0 mobi'i;ation0 and transport o* *ats
Gxidation o* *atty a!ids
o $atrated *ats
o Ansatrated *ats
?etone bodies 6&C8
Anabo'ism o* *ats 6&#G8
=on7temp'ate synthesis% biosynthesis o* 'ipids and po'ysa!!harides 6&#G8
Metabo'ism o* proteins 6&#G8
2xidati&e 4hos.hor'ation 1!I2/ !C3
E'e!tron transport !hain and oxidati,e phosphory'ation0 sbstrates and prod!ts0 (enera' *eatres
o* the path"ay
E'e!tron trans*er in mito!hondria
o =A@E0 =A@-E
o )'a,oproteins
o Cyto!hromes
AT- synthase0 !hemiosmoti! !op'in(
o -roton moti,e *or!e
=et mo'e!'ar and ener(eti! res'ts o* respiration pro!esses
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
4e('ation o* oxidati,e phosphory'ation
Mito!hondria0 apoptosis0 oxidati,e stress 6&C8
Hormona )e"uation and Inte"ration o$ Meta,oism 1!C3
Ei(her 'e,e' inte(ration o* hormone str!tre and *n!tion
Tisse spe!i*i! metabo'ism
Eormona' re('ation o* *e' metabo'ism
Gbesity and re('ation o* body mass
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
#oundationa Conce.t 2
Ei(h'y7or(ani;ed assemb'ies o* mo'e!'es0 !e''s0 and or(ans intera!t to
!arry ot the *n!tions o* 'i,in( or(anisms.
Ce''s are the basi! nit o* str!tre in a'' 'i,in( thin(s. Me!hanisms o* !e'' di,ision pro,ide not on'y *or
the (ro"th and maintenan!e o* or(anisms0 bt a'so *or the !ontination o* the spe!ies thro(h asexa'
and sexa' reprod!tion. The ni3e mi!ro7en,ironment to "hi!h a !e'' is exposed drin( de,e'opment
and di,ision determines the *ate o* the !e'' by impa!tin( (ene expression and 'timate'y the !e''s
!o''e!tion and distribtion o* ma!romo'e!'es0 and its arran(ement o* sb!e'''ar or(ane''es.
#n m'ti!e'''ar or(anisms0 the pro!esses ne!essary to maintain 'i*e are exe!ted by (rops o* !e''s that
are or(ani;ed into spe!ia'i;ed str!tres "ith spe!ia'i;ed *n!tions ] both o* "hi!h res't *rom the
ni3e properties o* the !e''s !omponent mo'e!'es.
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% 2A *o!ses on the assemb'ies o* mo'e!'es0 !e''s0 and (rops o* !e''s "ithin sin('e
!e'''ar and m'ti!e'''ar or(anisms that *n!tion to exe!te the pro!esses ne!essary to maintain
Cate)o"% 2B *o!ses on the str!tre0 (ro"th0 physio'o(y0 and (eneti!s o* pro5aryotes0 and the
str!tre and 'i*e !y!'es o* ,irses.
Cate)o"% 2C *o!ses on the pro!esses o* !e'' and n!'ear di,ision0 and the me!hanisms
(o,ernin( !e'' di**erentiation and spe!ia'i;ation.
With these bi'din( b'o!5s0 medi!a' stdents "i'' be prepared to 'earn abot the morpho'o(i!a' and
bio!hemi!a' e,ents that o!!r "hen somati! or (erm !e''s di,ide0 the me!hanisms that re('ate !e''
di,ision and !e'' death0 and the !hara!teristi!s that distin(ish norma' *rom abnorma' (ro"th and
de,e'opment. These bi'din( b'o!5s a'so prepare them to 'earn abot the mi!ro7 and ma!ros!opi!
str!tres o* !e''s0 tisses0 and or(ans that 'ead to their ni3e and inte(rated *n!tions0 and ho"
pertrbations !ontribte to disease.
Category !A: Assemblies of molecules" cells" and groups of cells #ithin single cellular and
multicelluar organisms
The pro!esses ne!essary to maintain 'i*e are exe!ted by assemb'ies o* mo'e!'es0 !e''s0 and (rops o*
!e''s0 a'' o* "hi!h are or(ani;ed into hi(h'y7spe!i*i! str!tres as determined by the ni3e properties o*
their !omponent mo'e!'es. The pro!esses ne!essary to maintain 'i*e re3ire that !e''s !reate and
maintain interna' en,ironments "ithin the !ytop'asm and "ithin !ertain or(ane''es that are di**erent
*rom their externa' en,ironments.
Ce'' membranes separate the interna' en,ironment o* the !e'' *rom the externa' en,ironment. The
spe!ia'i;ed str!tre o* the membrane0 as des!ribed in the *'id mosai! mode'0 a''o"s the !e'' to be
se'e!ti,e'y permeab'e and dynami!0 "ith homeostasis maintained by the !onstant mo,ement o*
mo'e!'es a!ross the membranes thro(h a !ombination o* a!ti,e and passi,e pro!esses dri,en by
se,era' *or!es0 in!'din( e'e!tro!hemi!a' (radients.
E5aryoti! !e''s a'so maintain interna' membranes that partition the !e'' into spe!ia'i;ed re(ions. These
interna' membranes *a!i'itate !e'''ar pro!esses by minimi;in( !on*'i!tin( intera!tions and in!reasin(
sr*a!e area "here !hemi!a' rea!tions !an o!!r. Membrane7bond or(ane''es 'o!a'i;e di**erent
pro!esses or en;ymati! rea!tions in time and spa!e.
Thro(h intera!tions bet"een proteins bond to the membranes o* adVa!ent !e''s0 or bet"een membrane7
bond proteins and e'ements o* the extra!e'''ar matrix0 !e''s o* m'ti!e'''ar or(anisms or(ani;e into
tisses0 or(ans0 and or(an systems. Certain membrane7asso!iated proteins a'so p'ay 5ey ro'es in
pro,idin( identi*i!ation o* tisses or re!ent e,ents in the !e''s history *or prposes o* re!o(nition o*
Zse'*[ ,erss *orei(n mo'e!'es.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the !omposition0 str!tre0 and *n!tion o* !e'' membranes< the
str!tre and *n!tion o* the membrane7bond or(ane''es o* e5aryoti! !e''s< and the str!tre and
*n!tion o* the maVor !ytos5e'eta' e'ements. #t !o,ers the ener(eti!s o* and me!hanisms by "hi!h
mo'e!'es0 or (rops o* mo'e!'es0 mo,e a!ross !e'' membranes. #t a'so !o,ers ho" !e''X!e'' Vn!tions
and the extra!e'''ar matrix intera!t to *orm tisses "ith spe!ia'i;ed *n!tions. Epithe'ia' tisse and
!onne!ti,e tisse are !o,ered in this !ate(ory. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the
4asma Mem,rane 1!I2/ !C3
Jenera' *n!tion in !e'' !ontainment
Composition o* membranes
o +ipid !omponents 6&#G0 &C0 GC8
-hospho'ipids 6and phosphatids8
o -rotein !omponents
o )'id mosai! mode'
Membrane dynami!s
$o'te transport a!ross membranes
o Thermodynami! !onsiderations
o Gsmosis
Co''i(ati,e properties< osmoti! pressre 6JC8
o -assi,e transport
o A!ti,e transport
$odim_potassim pmp
Membrane !hanne's
Membrane potentia'
Membrane re!eptors
Exo!ytosis and endo!ytosis
#nter!e'''ar Vn!tions 6&#G8
o Jap Vn!tions
o Ti(ht Vn!tions
o @esmosomes
Mem,rane6!ound 2r"anees and +e$inin" Characteristics o$ Eu*ar'otic Ces 1!I23
@e*inin( !hara!teristi!s o* e5aryoti! !e''s% membrane bond n!'es0 presen!e o* or(ane''es0
mitoti! di,ision
o Compartmenta'i;ation0 stora(e o* (eneti! in*ormation
o =!'eo's% 'o!ation and *n!tion
o =!'ear en,e'ope0 n!'ear pores
o $ite o* AT- prod!tion
o #nner and oter membrane str!tre 6&#G0 &C8
o $e'*7rep'i!ation
+ysosomes% membrane7bond ,esi!'es !ontainin( hydro'yti! en;ymes
Endop'asmi! reti!'m
o 4o(h and smooth !omponents
o 4o(h endop'asmi! reti!'m site o* ribosomes
o @ob'e membrane str!tre
o 4o'e in membrane biosynthesis
o 4o'e in biosynthesis o* se!reted proteins
Jo'(i apparats% (enera' str!tre and ro'e in pa!5a(in( and se!retion
-eroxisomes% or(ane''es that !o''e!t peroxides
C'tos*eeton 1!I23
Jenera' *n!tion in !e'' spport and mo,ement
Mi!ro*i'aments% !omposition and ro'e in !'ea,a(e and !ontra!ti'ity
Mi!rotb'es% !omposition and ro'e in spport and transport
#ntermediate *i'aments0 ro'e in spport
Composition and *n!tion o* !i'ia and *'a(e''a
Centrio'es0 mi!rotb'e or(ani;in( !enters
Tissues #ormed #rom Eu*ar'otic Ces 1!I23
Epithe'ia' !e''s
Conne!ti,e tisse !e''s
Content Category !B: The structure" gro#th" physiology" and genetics of pro$aryotes and
The hi(h'y7or(ani;ed assemb'y o* mo'e!'es that is the !e'' represents the *ndamenta' nit o* str!tre0
*n!tion0 and or(ani;ation in a'' 'i,in( or(anisms. #n the hierar!hy o* bio'o(i!a' or(ani;ation0 the !e'' is
the simp'est !o''e!tion o* matter !apab'e o* !arryin( ot the pro!esses that distin(ish 'i,in( or(anisms.
As s!h0 !e''s ha,e the abi'ity to nder(o metabo'ism< maintain homeostasis0 in!'din( ioni! (radients<
the !apa!ity to (ro"< mo,e in response to their 'o!a' en,ironments< respond to stim'i< reprod!e< and
adapt to their en,ironment in s!!essi,e (enerations.
+i*e at !e'''ar 'e,e's arises *rom str!tra' order and its dynami! mod'ation. #t does so in response to
si(na's0 thereby re*'e!tin( properties that res't *rom indi,ida' and intera!ti,e *eatres o* mo'e!'ar
assemb'ies0 their !ompartmenta'i;ation0 and their intera!tion "ith en,ironmenta' si(na's at many spatia'
and tempora' s!a'es.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the !'assi*i!ation0 str!tre0 (ro"th0 physio'o(y0 and (eneti!s o*
pro5aryotes0 and the !hara!teristi!s that distin(ish them *rom e5aryotes. ^irses are a'so !o,ered
here. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Ce Theor' 1!I23
Eistory and de,e'opment
#mpa!t on bio'o(y
Cassi$ication and Structure o$ 4ro*ar'otic Ces 1!I23
-ro5aryoti! domains
o Ar!haea
o &a!teria
MaVor !'assi*i!ations o* ba!teria by shape
o &a!i''i 6rod7shaped8
o $piri''i 6spira'7shaped8
o Co!!i 6spheri!a'8
+a!5 o* n!'ear membrane and mitoti! apparats
+a!5 o* typi!a' e5aryoti! or(ane''es
-resen!e o* !e'' "a'' in ba!teria
)'a(e''ar prop'sion0 me!hanism
8rowth and 4h'sioo"' o$ 4ro*ar'otic Ces 1!I23
4eprod!tion by *ission
Ei(h de(ree o* (eneti! adaptabi'ity0 a!3isition o* antibioti! resistan!e
Exponentia' (ro"th
Existen!e o* anaerobi! and aerobi! ,ariants
-arasiti! and symbioti!
8enetics o$ 4ro*ar'otic Ces 1!I23
Existen!e o* p'asmids0 extra(enomi! @=A
Trans*ormation% in!orporation into ba!teria' (enome o* @=A *ra(ments *rom externa' medim
Transposons 6a'so present in e5aryoti! !e''s8
9irus Structure 1!I23
Jenera' str!tra' !hara!teristi!s 6n!'ei! a!id and protein0 en,e'oped and nonen,e'oped8
+a!5 or(ane''es and n!'es
$tr!tra' aspe!ts o* typi!a' ba!teriopha(e
Jenomi! !ontent ` 4=A or @=A
$i;e re'ati,e to ba!teria and e5aryoti! !e''s
9ira %i$e C'ce 1!I23
$e'*7rep'i!atin( bio'o(i!a' nits that mst reprod!e "ithin spe!i*i! host !e''
Jenera'i;ed pha(e and anima' ,irs 'i*e !y!'es
o Atta!hment to host0 penetration o* !e'' membrane or !e'' "a''0 and entry o* ,ira' (eneti!
o Ase o* host syntheti! me!hanism to rep'i!ate ,ira' !omponents
o $e'*7assemb'y and re'ease o* ne" ,ira' parti!'es
Transd!tion% trans*er o* (eneti! materia' by ,irses
4etro,irs 'i*e !y!'e% inte(ration into host @=A0 re,erse trans!riptase0 E#^
-rions and ,iroids% sb,ira' parti!'es
Content Category !C: rocesses of cell division" differentiation" and speciali%ation
The abi'ity o* or(anisms to reprod!e their o"n 5ind is the !hara!teristi! that best distin(ishes 'i,in(
thin(s. #n sexa''y reprod!in( or(anisms0 the !ontinity o* 'i*e is based on the pro!esses o* !e'' di,ision
and meiosis.
The pro!ess o* !e'' di,ision is an inte(ra' part o* the !e'' !y!'e. The pro(ress o* e5aryoti! !e''s thro(h
the !e'' !y!'e is re('ated by a !omp'ex mo'e!'ar !ontro' system. Ma'*n!tions in this system !an res't
in nabated !e'''ar di,ision0 and 'timate'y the de,e'opment o* !an!er.
#n the embryoni! de,e'opment o* m'ti!e'''ar or(anisms0 a *erti'i;ed e(( (i,es rise to !e''s that
di**erentiate into many di**erent types o* !e''s0 ea!h "ith a di**erent str!tre0 !orrespondin( *n!tion0
and 'o!ation "ithin the or(anism. @rin( de,e'opment0 spatia'Xtempora' (radients in the intera!tions
bet"een (ene expression and ,arios stim'i res't in the str!tra' and *n!tiona' di,er(en!e o* !e''s
into spe!ia'i;ed str!tre0 or(ans0 and tisses. The intera!tion o* stim'i and (enes is a'so exp'ained by
the pro(ression o* stem !e''s to termina' !e''s.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the !e'' !y!'e< the !ases0 (eneti!s0 and basi! properties o* !an!er<
the pro!esses o* meiosis and (ameto(enesis< and the me!hanisms (o,ernin( !e'' spe!ia'i;ation and
di**erentiation. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Mitosis 1!I23
Mitoti! pro!ess% prophase0 metaphase0 anaphase0 te'ophase0 interphase
Mitoti! str!tres
o Centrio'es0 asters0 spind'es
o Chromatids0 !entromeres0 5ineto!hores
o =!'ear membrane brea5do"n and reor(ani;ation
o Me!hanisms o* !hromosome mo,ement
-hases o* !e'' !y!'e% J00 J10 $0 J20 M
Jro"th arrest
Contro' o* !e'' !y!'e
+oss o* !e'' !y!'e !ontro's in !an!er !e''s
!iosi"nain" 1!C3
Gn!o(enes0 apoptosis
)e.roducti&e S'stem 1!I23
Jameto(enesis by meiosis
G,m and sperm
o @i**eren!es in *ormation
o @i**eren!es in morpho'o(y
o 4e'ati,e !ontribtion to next (eneration
4eprod!ti,e se3en!e% *erti'i;ation< imp'antation< de,e'opment< birth
Em,r'o"enesis 1!I23
$ta(es o* ear'y de,e'opment 6order and (enera' *eatres o* ea!h8
o )erti'i;ation
o C'ea,a(e
o &'ast'a *ormation
o Jastr'ation
)irst !e'' mo,ements
)ormation o* primary (erm 'ayers 6endoderm0 mesoderm0 e!toderm8
o =er'ation
MaVor str!tres arisin( ot o* primary (erm 'ayers
=era' !rest
En,ironmentX(ene intera!tion in de,e'opment
Mechanisms o$ +e&eo.ment 1!I23
Ce'' spe!ia'i;ation
o @etermination
o @i**erentiation
o Tisse types
Ce''X!e'' !ommni!ation in de,e'opment
Ce'' mi(ration
-'ripoten!y% stem !e''s
Jene re('ation in de,e'opment
-ro(rammed !e'' death
Existen!e o* re(enerati,e !apa!ity in ,arios spe!ies
$enes!en!e and a(in(
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
#oundationa Conce.t :
Comp'ex systems o* tisses and or(ans sense the interna' and externa' en,ironments o*
m'ti!e'''ar or(anisms0 and thro(h inte(rated *n!tionin(0 maintain a stab'e interna'
en,ironment "ithin an e,er7!han(in( externa' en,ironment.
As a res't o* the inte(ration o* a nmber o* hi(h'y spe!ia'i;ed or(an systems0 !omp'ex 'i,in( thin(s are
ab'e to maintain homeostasis "hi'e adaptin( to a !onstant'y !han(in( en,ironment and parti!ipatin( in
(ro"th and reprod!tion. The intera!tions o* these or(an systems in,o',es !omp'ex re('atory
me!hanisms that he'p maintain a dynami! and hea'thy e3i'ibrim0 re(ard'ess o* their !rrent state and
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% 1A *o!ses on the str!tre and *n!tions o* the ner,os and endo!rine systems0 and
the "ays in "hi!h the systems "or5 to(ether to !oordinate the responses o* other body systems
to both externa' and interna' stim'i.
Cate)o"% 1B *o!ses on the str!tre and *n!tions o* the or(an systems ] !ir!'atory0
respiratory0 di(esti,e0 immne0 'ymphati!0 ms!'ar0 s5e'eta'0 and reprod!ti,e ] and the "ays
these systems intera!t to *'*i'' their !on!erted ro'es in the maintenan!e and !ontinan!e o* the
'i,in( or(anism.
With these bi'din( b'o!5s0 medi!a' stdents "i'' be prepared to 'earn ho" the !oordinated intera!tions
o* or(an systems exp'ain ho" the hman body *n!tions in hea'th and in disease. They "i'' a'so be
prepared to 'earn ho" the prin!ip'es o* *eedba!5 !ontro' exp'ain homeostati! and reprod!ti,e systems
maintenan!e o* the interna' en,ironment0 ho" pertrbations in these systems may res't in disease0 and
ho" homeostasis !an be !han(ed by disease.
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
Content Category &A: Structure and functions of the nervous and endocrine systems and
#ays in #hich these systems coordinate the organ systems
The ner,os and endo!rine systems "or5 to(ether to dete!t externa' and interna' si(na's0 transmit and
inte(rate in*ormation0 and maintain homeostasis. They do a'' o* this by prod!in( appropriate responses
to interna' and externa' !es and stressors. The inte(ration o* these systems both "ith one another0 and
"ith the other or(an systems0 'timate'y res'ts in the s!!ess*' and adapti,e beha,iors that a''o" *or
the propa(ation o* the spe!ies.
Anima's ha,e e,o',ed a ner,os system that senses and pro!esses interna' and externa' in*ormation that
is sed to *a!i'itate and enhan!e sr,i,a'0 (ro"th0 and reprod!tion. The ner,os system inter*a!es "ith
sensory and interna' body systems to !oordinate physio'o(i!a' and beha,iora' responses ran(in( *rom
simp'e mo,ements and sma'' metabo'i! !han(es to 'on(7distan!e mi(rations and so!ia' intera!tions. The
physio'o(i!a' pro!esses *or ner,e si(na' (eneration and propa(ation in,o',e spe!ia'i;ed membranes
"ith asso!iated proteins that respond to 'i(ands and_or e'e!tri!a' *ie'd !han(es0 si(na'in( mo'e!'es and0
by extension0 the estab'ishment and rep'enishment o* ioni! e'e!tro!hemi!a' (radients re3irin( AT-.
The endo!rine system o* anima's has e,o',ed to prod!e !hemi!a' si(na's that *n!tion interna''y to
re('ate stress responses0 reprod!tion0 de,e'opment0 ener(y metabo'ism0 (ro"th0 and ,arios
indi,ida' and intera!ti,e beha,iors. The inte(rated !ontribtions o* the ner,os and endo!rine systems
to bodi'y *n!tions are exemp'i*ied by the pro!ess "hereby the si(na'in( o* nerons re('ates hormone
re'ease0 and by the tar(etin( o* membrane or n!'ear re!eptors on nerons by !ir!'atin( hormones.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the str!tre0 *n!tion0 and basi! aspe!ts o* ner,os and endo!rine
systems0 and their inte(ration. The str!tre and *n!tion o* ner,e !e''s is a'so in!'ded in this !ate(ory.
The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
5er&ous S'stem; Structure and #unction 1!I23
MaVor )n!tions
o Ei(h 'e,e' !ontro' and inte(ration o* body systems
o Adapti,e !apabi'ity to externa' in*'en!es
Gr(ani;ation o* ,ertebrate ner,os system
$ensor and e**e!tor nerons
$ympatheti! and parasympatheti! ner,os systems% anta(onisti! !ontro'
o )eedba!5 'oop0 re*'ex ar!
o 4o'e o* spina' !ord and spraspina' !ir!its
#nte(ration "ith endo!rine system% *eedba!5 !ontro'
5er&e Ce 1!I23
Ce'' body% site o* n!'es0 or(ane''es
@endrites% bran!hed extensions o* !e'' body
Axon% str!tre and *n!tion
Mye'in sheath0 $!h"ann !e''s0 ins'ation o* axon
=odes o* 4an,ier% propa(ation o* ner,e imp'se a'on( axon
$ynapse% site o* imp'se propa(ation bet"een !e''s
$ynapti! a!ti,ity% transmitter mo'e!'es
4estin( potentia'% e'e!tro!hemi!a' (radient
A!tion potentia'
o Thresho'd0 a''7or7none
o $odim_potassim pmp
Ex!itatory and inhibitory ner,e *ibers% smmation0 *re3en!y o* *irin(
J'ia' !e''s0 nero('ia
Eectrochemistr' 18C3
Con!entration !e''% dire!tion o* e'e!tron *'o"0 =ernst e3ation
!iosi"nain" 1!C3
Jated ion !hanne's
o ^o'ta(e (ated
o +i(and (ated
4e!eptor en;ymes
J protein7!op'ed re!eptors
%i.ids 1!C/ 2C3
@es!ription< str!tre
o $teroids
o Terpenes and terpenoids
Endocrine S'stem; Hormones and Their Sources 1!I23
)n!tion o* endo!rine system% spe!i*i! !hemi!a' !ontro' at !e''0 tisse0 and or(an 'e,e'
@e*initions o* endo!rine ('and0 hormone
MaVor endo!rine ('ands% names0 'o!ations0 prod!ts
MaVor types o* hormones
=eroendro!rino'o(y ] re'ation bet"een nerons and hormona' systems
Endocrine S'stem; Mechanisms o$ Hormone Action 1!I23
Ce'''ar me!hanisms o* hormone a!tion
Transport o* hormones% b'ood spp'y
$pe!i*i!ity o* hormones% tar(et tisse
#nte(ration "ith ner,os system% *eedba!5 !ontro'
4e('ation by se!ond messen(ers
Category &B: Structure and integrative functions of the main organ systems
Anima's se a nmber o* hi(h'y7or(ani;ed and inte(rated or(an systems to !arry ot the ne!essary
*n!tions asso!iated "ith maintainin( 'i*e pro!esses. Within the body0 no or(an system is an is'and.
#ntera!tions and !oordination bet"een or(an systems a''o" or(anisms to en(a(e in the pro!esses
ne!essary to sstain 'i*e. )or examp'e0 the or(ans and str!tres o* the !ir!'atory system !arry ot a
nmber o* *n!tions0 s!h as transportin(%
ntrients absorbed in the di(esti,e system<
(ases absorbed *rom the respiratory system and ms!'e tisse<
hormones se!reted *rom the endo!rine system< and
b'ood !e''s prod!ed in bone marro" to and *rom !e''s in the body to he'p *i(ht disease.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the str!tre and *n!tion o* the maVor or(an systems o* the body
in!'din( the respiratory0 !ir!'atory0 'ymphati!0 immne0 di(esti,e0 ex!retory0 reprod!ti,e0 ms!'e0
s5e'eta'0 and s5in systems. A'so !o,ered in this !ate(ory is the inte(ration o* these systems and their
!ontro' and !oordination by the endo!rine and ner,os systems. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this
!ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
)es.irator' S'stem 1!I23
Jenera' *n!tion
o Jas ex!han(e0 thermore('ation
o -rote!tion a(ainst disease% parti!'ate matter
$tr!tre o* 'n(s and a',eo'i
&reathin( me!hanisms
o @iaphra(m0 rib !a(e0 di**erentia' pressre
o 4esi'ien!y and sr*a!e tension e**e!ts
Thermore('ation% nasa' and tra!hea' !api''ary beds< e,aporation0 pantin(
-arti!'ate *i'tration% nasa' hairs0 m!s_!i'ia system in 'n(s
A',eo'ar (as ex!han(e
o @i**sion0 di**erentia' partia' pressre
o Eenrys +a" 6JC8
pE !ontro'
4e('ation by ner,os !ontro'
o CG
Circuator' S'stem 1!I23
)n!tions% !ir!'ation o* oxy(en0 ntrients0 hormones0 ions and *'ids0 remo,a' o* metabo'i!
4o'e in thermore('ation
)or7!hambered heart% str!tre and *n!tion
Endothe'ia' !e''s
$ysto'i! and diasto'i! pressre
-'monary and systemi! !ir!'ation
Arteria' and ,enos systems 6arteries0 arterio'es0 ,en'es0 ,eins8
o $tr!tra' and *n!tiona' di**eren!es
o -ressre and *'o" !hara!teristi!s
Capi''ary beds
o Me!hanisms o* (as and so'te ex!han(e
o Me!hanism o* heat ex!han(e
o $or!e o* periphera' resistan!e
Composition o* b'ood
o -'asma0 !hemi!a's0 b'ood !e''s
o Erythro!yte prod!tion and destr!tion< sp'een0 bone marro"
o 4e('ation o* p'asma ,o'me
Coa('ation0 !'ottin( me!hanisms
Gxy(en transport by b'ood
o Eemo('obin0 hemato!rit
o Gxy(en !ontent
o Gxy(en a**inity
Carbon dioxide transport and 'e,e' in b'ood
=er,os and endo!rine !ontro'
%'m.hatic S'stem 1!I23
$tr!tre o* 'ymphati! system
MaVor *n!tions
o E3a'i;ation o* *'id distribtion
o Transport o* proteins and 'ar(e ('y!erides
o -rod!tion o* 'ympho!ytes in,o',ed in immne rea!tions
o 4etrn o* materia's to the b'ood
Immune S'stem 1!I23
#nnate 6non7spe!i*i!8 ,s. adapti,e 6spe!i*i!8 immnity
Adapti,e immne system !e''s
o T7'ympho!ytes
o &7'ympho!ytes
#nnate immne system !e''s
&one marro"
+ymph nodes
Con!ept o* anti(en and antibody
Anti(en presentation
C'ona' se'e!tion
Anti(en7antibody re!o(nition
$tr!tre o* antibody mo'e!'e
4e!o(nition o* se'* ,s. non7se'*0 atoimmne diseases
MaVor histo!ompatibi'ity !omp'ex
+i"esti&e S'stem 1!I23
o $a'i,a as 'bri!ation and sor!e o* en;ymes
o #n(estion< esopha(s0 transport *n!tion
$tora(e and !hrnin( o* *ood
+o" pE0 (astri! Vi!e0 m!a' prote!tion a(ainst se'*7destr!tion
-rod!tion o* di(esti,e en;ymes0 site o* di(estion
$tr!tre 6(ross8
$tr!tra' re'ationship o* 'i,er "ithin (astrointestina' system
-rod!tion o* bi'e
4o'e in b'ood ('!ose re('ation0 detoxi*i!ation
$tora(e in (a'' b'adder
o -rod!tion o* en;ymes
o Transport o* en;ymes to sma'' intestine
$ma'' #ntestine
o Absorption o* *ood mo'e!'es and "ater
o )n!tion and str!tre o* ,i''i
o -rod!tion o* en;ymes0 site o* di(estion
o =etra'i;ation o* stoma!h a!id
o $tr!tre 6anatomi! sbdi,isions8
+ar(e #ntestine
o Absorption o* "ater
o &a!teria' *'ora
o $tr!tre 6(ross8
4e!tm% stora(e and e'imination o* "aste0 *e!es
Ms!'ar !ontro'
o -erista'sis
Endo!rine !ontro'
o Eormones
o Tar(et tisses
=er,os !ontro'% the enteri! ner,os system
Excretor' S'stem 1!I23
4o'es in homeostasis
o &'ood pressre
o Gsmore('ation
o A!idXbase ba'an!e
o 4emo,a' o* so'b'e nitro(enos "aste
?idney str!tre
o Cortex
o Med''a
=ephron str!tre
o J'omer's
o &o"mans !aps'e
o -roxima' tb'e
o +oop o* Een'e
o @ista' tb'e
o Co''e!tin( d!t
)ormation o* rine
o J'omer'ar *i'tration
o $e!retion and reabsorption o* so'tes
o Con!entration o* rine
o Conter7!rrent m'tip'ier me!hanism
$tora(e and e'imination% reter0 b'adder0 rethra
Gsmore('ation% !api''ary reabsorption o* E
G0 amino a!ids0 ('!ose0 ions
Ms!'ar !ontro'% sphin!ter ms!'e
)e.roducti&e S'stem 1!I23
Ma'e and *ema'e reprod!ti,e str!tres and their *n!tions
o Jonads
o Jenita'ia
o @i**eren!es bet"een ma'e and *ema'e str!tres
Eormona' !ontro' o* reprod!tion
o Ma'e and *ema'e sexa' de,e'opment
o )ema'e reprod!ti,e !y!'e
o -re(nan!y0 partrition0 'a!tation
o #nte(ration "ith ner,os !ontro'
Musce S'stem 1!I23
#mportant *n!tions
o $pport% mobi'ity
o -eriphera' !ir!'atory assistan!e
o Thermore('ation 6shi,erin( re*'ex8
$tr!tre o* three basi! ms!'e types% striated0 smooth0 !ardia!
Ms!'e str!tre and !ontro' o* !ontra!tion
o T7tb'e system
o Contra!ti'e apparats
o $ar!op'asmi! reti!'m
o )iber type
o Contra!ti'e ,e'o!ity o* di**erent ms!'e types
4e('ation o* !ardia! ms!'e !ontra!tion
Gxy(en debt% *ati(e
=er,os !ontro'
o Motor nerons
o =eroms!'ar Vn!tion0 motor end p'ates
o $ympatheti! and parasympatheti! inner,ation
o ^o'ntary and in,o'ntary ms!'es
S.eciai7ed Ce 6 Musce Ce 1!I23
$tr!tra' !hara!teristi!s o* striated0 smooth0 and !ardia! ms!'e
Abndant mito!hondria in red ms!'e !e''s% AT- sor!e
Gr(ani;ation o* !ontra!ti'e e'ements% a!tin and myosin *i'aments0 !rossbrid(es0 s'idin( *i'ament
$ar!omeres% Z#[ and ZA[ bands0 ZM[ and ZY[ 'ines0 ZE[ ;one
-resen!e o* troponin and tropomyosin
Ca'!im re('ation o* !ontra!tion
S*eeta S'stem 1!I23
o $tr!tra' ri(idity and spport
o Ca'!im stora(e
o -hysi!a' prote!tion
$5e'eta' str!tre
o $pe!ia'i;ation o* bone types0 str!tres
o Koint str!tres
o Endos5e'eton ,s. exos5e'eton
&one str!tre
o Ca'!im_protein matrix
o Ce'''ar !omposition o* bone
Carti'a(e% str!tre and *n!tion
+i(aments0 tendons
Endo!rine !ontro'
S*in S'stem 1!I23
o +ayer di**erentiation0 !e'' types
o 4e'ati,e impermeabi'ity to "ater
)n!tions in homeostasis and osmore('ation
)n!tions in thermore('ation
o Eair0 ere!ti'e ms!'atre
o )at 'ayer *or ins'ation
o $"eat ('ands0 'o!ation in dermis
o ^aso!onstri!tion and ,asodi'ation in sr*a!e !api''aries
-hysi!a' prote!tion
o =ai's0 !a''ses0 hair
o -rote!tion a(ainst abrasion0 disease or(anisms
Eormona' !ontro'% s"eatin(0 ,asodi'ation0 and ,aso!onstri!tion
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems
What wi the Chemica and 4h'sica #oundations o$ !ioo"ica S'stems section test?
The Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems se!tion as5s yo to so',e prob'ems by
!ombinin( yor 5no"'ed(e o* !hemi!a' and physi!a' *ondationa' !on!epts "ith yor s!ienti*i! in3iry
and reasonin( s5i''s. This se!tion tests yor nderstandin( o* the me!hani!a'0 physi!a'0 and bio!hemi!a'
*n!tions o* hman tisses0 or(ans0 and or(an systems. #t a'so tests yor 5no"'ed(e o* the basi!
!hemi!a' and physi!a' prin!ip'es that nder'ie the me!hanisms operatin( in the hman body and yor
abi'ity to reason abot and app'y yor nderstandin( o* these basi! !hemi!a' and physi!a' prin!ip'es to
'i,in( systems.
This se!tion is desi(ned to%
: test introd!tory7'e,e' bio'o(y0 or(ani! and inor(ani! !hemistry0 and physi!s !on!epts<
: test bio!hemistry !on!epts at the 'e,e' ta(ht in many !o''e(es and ni,ersities in *irst7semester
bio!hemistry !orses<
: test !e'''ar and mo'e!'ar bio'o(y topi!s at the 'e,e' ta(ht in many !o''e(es and ni,ersities in
introd!tory bio'o(y se3en!es and *irst7semester bio!hemistry !orses<
: test basi! resear!h methods and statisti!s !on!epts des!ribed by many ba!!a'areate *a!'ty as
important to s!!ess in introd!tory s!ien!e !orses< and
: re3ire yo to demonstrate yor s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin(0 resear!h methods0 and statisti!s
s5i''s as app'ied to the natra' s!ien!es.
Test $e!tion =mber o* >estions Time
Chemi!a' and -hysi!a'
)ondations o* &io'o(i!a'
6note that 3estions are a
!ombination o* passa(e7based
and dis!rete 3estions8
95 mintes
Scienti$ic In(uir' and )easonin" S*is
As a reminder0 the s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s that yo "i'' be as5ed to demonstrate on this
se!tion o* the exam are%
?no"'ed(e o* $!ienti*i! Con!epts and -rin!ip'es
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* s!ienti*i! !on!epts and prin!ip'es
: #denti*yin( the re'ationships bet"een !'ose'y7re'ated !on!epts
$!ienti*i! 4easonin( and -rob'em $o',in(
: 4easonin( abot s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es0 theories0 and mode's
: Ana'y;in( and e,a'atin( s!ienti*i! exp'anations and predi!tions
4easonin( abot the @esi(n and Exe!tion o* 4esear!h
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* important !omponents o* s!ienti*i! resear!h
: 4easonin( abot ethi!a' isses in resear!h
@ata7&ased and $tatisti!a' 4easonin(
: #nterpretin( patterns in data presented in tab'es0 *i(res0 and (raphs
: 4easonin( abot data and dra"in( !on!'sions *rom them
General Mathematical Concepts and Techniques
#ts important *or yo to 5no" that 3estions on the natra'0 beha,iora'0 and so!ia' s!ien!es se!tions "i''
as5 yo to se !ertain mathemati!a' !on!epts and te!hni3es. As the des!riptions o* the s!ienti*i! in3iry
and reasonin( s5i''s s((est0 some 3estions "i'' as5 yo to ana'y;e and manip'ate s!ienti*i! data to
sho" that yo !an
4e!o(ni;e and interpret 'inear0 semi'o(0 and 'o(7'o( s!a'es and !a'!'ate s'opes *rom data *ond in
*i(res0 (raphs0 and tab'es
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* si(ni*i!ant di(its and the se o* reasonab'e nmeri!a'
estimates in per*ormin( measrements and !a'!'ations
Ase metri! nits0 in!'din( !on,ertin( nits "ithin the metri! system and bet"een metri! and
En('ish nits 6!on,ersion *a!tors "i'' be pro,ided "hen needed80 and dimensiona' ana'ysis 6sin(
nits to ba'an!e e3ations8
-er*orm arithmeti! !a'!'ations in,o',in( the *o''o"in(% probabi'ity0 proportion0 ratio0 per!enta(e0
and s3are7root estimations
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( 6A'(ebra ##B'e,e'8 o* exponentia's and 'o(arithms 6natra'
and base 1080 s!ienti*i! notation0 and so',in( sim'taneos e3ations
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* the *o''o"in( tri(onometri! !on!epts% de*initions o* basi!
6sine0 !osine0 tan(ent8 and in,erse 6sin
0 !os
0 tan
8 *n!tions< sin and !os ,a'es o* 0C0 90C0 and
1/0C< re'ationships bet"een the 'en(ths o* sides o* ri(ht trian('es !ontainin( an('es o* .0C0 45C0
and 10C
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* ,e!tor addition and sbtra!tion and the ri(ht7hand r'e
65no"'ed(e o* dot and !ross prod!ts is not re3ired8
=ote a'so that an nderstandin( o* !a'!'s is not re3ired0 and a periodi! tab'e "i'' be pro,ided drin(
the exam.
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot pennission.
WhatDs on the MCAT
Exam? Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o*&io'o(i!a' $ystems
yo "i''
to the
s in this
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot pennission.
5 1 2 F
u 1e 1 ! = 0
- '\c
1..9 9.0 #G.$ 12.0 14.0
11.0 19.0 +>0.2
'Di 11
1 2
a l:1?g
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35 @A
C.D' $!
BB i
'V Cr 'I1n )e Co =i !u Cn Ja r.c A. &r
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b Mo Tc 1u Rh I0d A(
!d Kn o...% *' /b Te
I Fe
/5.5 GH.E> F1.9 91.1 92.9 95.9 N9/ 101.1 102.9 101.4
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To " Re Gs 'r 0t "u E( Tl
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140. 9 1.
! m
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
Chemica and 4h'sica #oundations o$ !ioo"ica S'stems +istri,ution o$ -uestions ,'
+isci.ine/ #oundationa Conce.t/ and Scienti$ic In(uir' and )easonin" S*i
So may "onder ho" m!h !hemistry yo'' see on this se!tion o* the MCAT exam0 ho" many
3estions yo'' (et abot a parti!'ar *ondationa' !on!ept0 or ho" the s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin(
s5i''s "i'' be distribted on yor exam. The 3estions that yo see are 'i5e'y to be distribted in the
"ays des!ribed be'o". These are the approximate per!enta(es o* 3estions yo'' see on a test *or ea!h
dis!ip'ine0 *ondationa' !on!ept0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''.T
: )irst7semester bio!hemistry0 25U
: #ntrod!tory bio'o(y0 5U
: Jenera' !hemistry0 .0U
: Gr(ani! !hemistry0 15U
: #ntrod!tory physi!s0 25U
)ondationa' Con!ept%
: )ondationa' Con!ept 40 40U
: )ondationa' Con!ept 50 10U
$!ienti*i! #n3iry and 4easonin( $5i''%
: $5i'' 10 .5U
: $5i'' 20 45U
: $5i'' .0 10U
: $5i'' 40 10U
TThese per!enta(es ha,e been approximated to the nearest 5U and "i'' ,ary *rom one test to another *or a ,ariety o*
reasons. These reasons in!'de0 bt are not 'imited to0 !ontro''in( *or 3estion di**i!'ty0 sin( (rops o* 3estions that
depend on a sin('e passa(e0 and sin( ns!ored *ie'd7test 3estions on ea!h test *orm.
Chemica and 4h'sica #oundations o$ !ioo"ica S'stems #ramewor* o$ #oundationa
Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories
Foundational Concept #% Com!le- livin) o")anisms t"ans!o"t mate"ials, sense thei" envi"onment,
!"ocess si)nals, an# "es!on# to chan)es usin) !"ocesses un#e"stoo# in te"ms o' !h%sical !"inci!les.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
4A. Trans'ationa' motion0 *or!es0 "or50 ener(y0 and e3i'ibrim in 'i,in( systems
4&. #mportan!e o* *'ids *or the !ir!'ation o* b'ood0 (as mo,ement0 and (as ex!han(e
4C. E'e!tro!hemistry and e'e!tri!a' !ir!its and their e'ements
4@. Eo" 'i(ht and sond intera!t "ith matter
4E. Atoms0 n!'ear de!ay0 e'e!troni! str!tre0 and atomi! !hemi!a' beha,ior
Foundational Concept 3% 2he !"inci!les that )ove"n chemical inte"actions an# "eactions 'o"m the &asis
'o" a &"oa#e" un#e"stan#in) o' the molecula" #%namics o' livin) s%stems.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
5A. Ani3e natre o* "ater and its so'tions
5&. =atre o* mo'e!'es and intermo'e!'ar intera!tions
5C. $eparation and pri*i!ation methods
5@. $tr!tre0 *n!tion0 and rea!ti,ity o* bio'o(i!a''y7re'e,ant mo'e!'es
5E. -rin!ip'es o* !hemi!a' thermodynami!s and 5ineti!s
How #oundationa Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories #it To"ether
The MCAT exam as5s yo to so',e prob'ems by !ombinin( yor 5no"'ed(e o* !on!epts "ith yor
s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s. )i(re 1 i''strates ho" *ondationa' !on!epts0 !ontent
!ate(ories0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s interse!t to !reate test 3estions.
)ondationa' Con!ept 1 )ondationa' Con!ept 2
!"ill 1
!"ill 2
!"ill 3
!"ill #
Ea!h !e'' represents the point at "hi!h *ondationa'
!on!epts0 !ontent !ate(ories0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and
reasonin( s5i''s !ross.
Test 3estions are "ritten at the interse!tions o* the
5no"'ed(e and s5i''s.
1$ 1C 2 2$ 2C
0nderstandin" the #oundationa Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories in the Chemica and
4h'sica #oundations o$ !ioo"ica S'stems 2utine
The *o''o"in( are detai'ed exp'anations o* ea!h *ondationa' !on!ept and re'ated !ontent !ate(ories
tested in this se!tion. As "ith the &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o* +i,in( $ystems se!tion0
'ists des!ribin( the spe!i*i! topi!s and sbtopi!s that de*ine ea!h !ontent !ate(ory *or this se!tion are
pro,ided. The same !ontent 'ist is pro,ided to item "riters "ho de,e'op the !ontent o* the exam. Eere is
an ex!erpt *rom the !ontent 'ist.
%&C%'PT F'(M T,% C,%M)C* N+ P,/!)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F $)(*(G)C* !/!T%M!
!eparations and Purifications 0(C1 $C2 Topic
Extra!tion% distribtion o* so'te bet"een t"o immis!ib'e so',ents !ubtopic
o &asi! prin!ip'es in,o',ed in separation pro!ess
Co'mn !hromato(raphy0 (as7'i3id !hromato(raphy
Ei(h pressre 'i3id !hromato(raphy
o -aper !hromato(raphy
o Thin7'ayer !hromato(raphy
$eparation and pri*i!ation o* peptides and proteins 6&C8
o E'e!trophoresis
o >antitati,e ana'ysis
o Chromato(raphy
4a!emi! mixtres0 separation o* enantiomers 6GC8
The abbre,iations *ond in parentheses indi!ate the !orse6s8 in "hi!h nder(radate stdents at many
!o''e(es and ni,ersities 'earn abot the topi!s and asso!iated sbtopi!s. The !orse abbre,iations are
&C% *irst semester o* bio!hemistry
&#G% t"o7semester se3en!e o* introd!tory bio'o(y
JC% t"o7semester se3en!e o* (enera' !hemistry
GC% t"o7semester se3en!e o* or(ani! !hemistry
-ES% t"o7semester se3en!e o* introd!tory physi!s
#n preparin( *or the MCAT exam0 yo "i'' be responsib'e *or 'earnin( the topi!s and asso!iated
sbtopi!s at the 'e,e's at "hi!h they are ta(ht at many !o''e(es and ni,ersities in the !orses 'isted in
parentheses. A sma'' nmber o* sbtopi!s ha,e !orse abbre,iations indi!ated in parentheses. #n those
!ases0 yo are responsib'e on'y *or 'earnin( the sbtopi!s as they are ta(ht in the !orse6s8 indi!ated.
Asin( the ex!erpt abo,e as an examp'e%
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the topi! $eparations and -ri*i!ations at the 'e,e' at
"hi!h it is ta(ht in a typi!a' t"o7semester or(ani! !hemistry se3en!e an# in a typi!a' *irst7
semester bio!hemistry !orse.
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the sbtopi! $eparation and pri*i!ations o* peptides and
proteins 6and sb7sbtopi!s8 onl% at the 'e,e' at "hi!h it is ta(ht in a *irst7semester bio!hemistry
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the sbtopi! 4a!emi! mixtres0 separation o* enantiomers
onl% at the 'e,e' at "hi!h it is ta(ht in a t"o7semester or(ani! !hemistry !orse.
4emember that !orse !ontent at yor s!hoo' may di**er *rom !orse !ontent at other !o''e(es and
ni,ersities. The topi!s and sbtopi!s des!ribed in this !hapter may be !o,ered in !orses "ith tit'es that
are di**erent *rom those 'isted here. Sor pre7hea'th ad,isor and *a!'ty are important resor!es *or yor
3estions abot !orse !ontent.
Chemical and hysical Foundations of Biological Systems
#oundationa Conce.t <
Comp'ex 'i,in( or(anisms transport materia's0 sense their en,ironment0 pro!ess si(na's0 and
respond to !han(es sin( pro!esses that !an be nderstood in terms o* physi!a' prin!ip'es.
The pro!esses that ta5e p'a!e "ithin or(anisms *o''o" the 'a"s o* physi!s. They !an be 3anti*ied "ith
e3ations that mode' the beha,ior at a *ndamenta' 'e,e'. )or examp'e0 the prin!ip'es o* e'e!troma(neti!
radiation0 and its intera!tions "ith matter0 !an be exp'oited to (enerate str!tra' in*ormation abot
mo'e!'es or to (enerate ima(es o* the hman body. $o0 too0 !an atomi! str!tre be sed to predi!t the
physi!a' and !hemi!a' properties o* atoms0 in!'din( the amont o* e'e!troma(neti! ener(y re3ired to
!ase ioni;ation.
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% 4A *o!ses on motion and its !ases0 and ,arios *orms o* ener(y and their inter!on,ersions.
Cate)o"% 4B *o!ses on the beha,ior o* *'ids0 "hi!h is re'e,ant to the *n!tionin( o* the
p'monary and !ir!'atory systems.
Cate)o"% 4C emphasi;es the natre o* e'e!tri!a' !rrents and ,o'ta(es< ho" ener(y !an be
!on,erted into e'e!tri!a' *orms that !an be sed to per*orm !hemi!a' trans*ormations or "or5<
and ho" e'e!tri!a' imp'ses !an be transmitted o,er 'on( distan!es in the ner,os system.
Cate)o"% 4. *o!ses on the properties o* 'i(ht and sond< ho" the intera!tions o* 'i(ht and
sond "ith matter !an be sed by an or(anism to sense its en,ironment< and ho" these
intera!tions !an a'so be sed to (enerate str!tra' in*ormation or ima(es.
Cate)o"% 43 *o!ses on sb7atomi! parti!'es0 the atomi! n!'es0 n!'ear radiation0 the str!tre
o* the atom0 and ho" the !on*i(ration o* any parti!'ar atom !an be sed to predi!t its physi!a'
and !hemi!a' properties.
With these bi'din( b'o!5s0 medi!a' stdents "i'' be ab'e to app'y their nderstandin( o* basi! physi!a'
prin!ip'es s!h as mass *'o"0 transport0 e'e!tri!ity0 biome!hani!s0 and si(na' dete!tion and pro!essin(0 to
the nderstandin( o* 'i,in( systems and ho" pertrbations *rom the norma' *n!tionin( o* spe!ia'i;ed
tisses !ontribte to disease.
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems
Content Category 'A: Translational motion" forces" #or$" energy" and e(uilibrium in living
The motion o* any obVe!t !an be des!ribed in terms o* disp'a!ement0 ,e'o!ity0 and a!!e'eration. GbVe!ts
a!!e'erate "hen sbVe!ted to externa' *or!es and are at e3i'ibrim "hen the net *or!e and the net tor3e
a!tin( pon them are ;ero. Many aspe!ts o* motion !an be !a'!'ated "ith the 5no"'ed(e that ener(y is
!onser,ed0 e,en tho(h it may be !on,erted into di**erent *orms. #n a 'i,in( system0 the ener(y *or
motion !omes *rom the metabo'ism o* *e' mo'e!'es0 bt the ener(eti! re3irements remain sbVe!t to
the same physi!a' prin!ip'es.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers se,era' physi!s topi!s re'e,ant to 'i,in( systems in!'din(
trans'ationa' motion0 *or!es0 "or50 ener(y0 and e3i'ibrim. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are
the *o''o"in(%
Transationa Motion 14H=3
Anits and dimensions
^e!tors0 !omponents
^e!tor addition
$peed0 ,e'o!ity 6a,era(e and instantaneos8
4ease 5ote
Topics that appear on multiple content
lists will be treated differently. Suestions
will focus on the topics as they are
described in the narrati)e for the content
#orce 14H=3
=e"tons )irst +a"0 inertia
=e"tons $e!ond +a" 64 d ma8
=e"tons Third +a"0 *or!es e3a' and opposite
)ri!tion0 stati! and 5ineti!
Center o* mass
E(uii,rium 14H=3
^e!tor ana'ysis o* *or!es a!tin( on a point obVe!t
Tor3es0 'e,er arms
Wor* 14H=3
Wor5 done by a !onstant *or!e% 5 d 4# !os6
Me!hani!a' ad,anta(e
Wor5 ?ineti! Ener(y Theorem
Conser,ati,e *or!es
Ener"' o$ 4oint 2,>ect S'stems 14H=3
?ineti! Ener(y% ?E d e mv
< nits
-otentia' Ener(y
o -E d m)h 6(ra,itationa'0 'o!a'8
o -E d e 7-
Conser,ation o* ener(y
-o"er0 nits
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems
4eriodic Motion 14H=3
Amp'itde0 *re3en!y0 phase
Trans,erse and 'on(itdina' "a,es% "a,e'en(th and propa(ation speed
Content Category 'B: )mportance of fluids for the circulation of blood" gas movement" and
gas e*change
)'ids are *eatred in se,era' physio'o(i!a''y important pro!esses0 in!'din( the !ir!'ation o* b'ood0 (as
mo,ement into and ot o* the 'n(s0 and (as ex!han(e "ith the b'ood. The ener(eti! re3irements o*
*'id dynami!s !an be mode'ed sin( physi!a' e3ations. A thoro(h nderstandin( o* *'ids is
ne!essary to nderstand the ori(ins o* nmeros *orms o* disease.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers hydrostati! pressre0 *'id *'o" rates0 ,is!osity0 the ?ineti!
Mo'e!'ar Theory o* Jases0 and the #dea' Jas +a". The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the
#uids 14H=3
@ensity0 spe!i*i! (ra,ity
&oyan!y0 Ar!himedes -rin!ip'e
Eydrostati! pressre
o -as!a's +a"
o Eydrostati! pressre< 8 d 9)h 6pressre ,s. depth8
^is!osity% -oisei''e )'o"
Continity e3ation 6AHv d !onstant8
Con!ept o* trb'en!e at hi(h ,e'o!ities
$r*a!e tension
&erno''is e3ation
^entri e**e!t0 pitot tbe
Circuator' S'stem 1!I23
Arteria' and ,enos systems< pressre and *'o" !hara!teristi!s
8as 4hase 18C/ 4H=3
Abso'te temperatre0 6?8 ?e',in $!a'e
-ressre0 simp'e mer!ry barometer
Mo'ar ,o'me at 0CC and 1 atm d 22.4 +_mo'
#dea' (as
o @e*inition
o #dea' Jas +a"% 8V d n:2
o &oy'es +a"% 8V d !onstant
o Char'es +a"% V_2 d !onstant
o A,o(adros +a"% V_n d !onstant
?ineti! Mo'e!'ar Theory o* Jases
o Eeat !apa!ity at !onstant ,o'me and at !onstant pressre 6-ES8
o &o't;manns Constant 6-ES8
@e,iation o* rea' (as beha,ior *rom #dea' Jas +a"
o >a'itati,e
o >antitati,e 6^an der Waa's E3ation8
-artia' pressre0 mo'e *ra!tion

@a'tons +a" re'atin( partia' pressre to !omposition

Content Category 'C: +lectrochemistry and electrical circuits and their elements
Char(ed parti!'es !an be set in motion by the a!tion o* an app'ied e'e!tri!a' *ie'd0 and !an be sed to
transmit ener(y or in*ormation o,er 'on( distan!es. The ener(y re'eased drin( !ertain !hemi!a'
rea!tions !an be !on,erted to e'e!tri!a' ener(y0 "hi!h !an be harnessed to per*orm other rea!tions or
-hysio'o(i!a''y0 a !on!entration (radient o* !har(ed parti!'es is set p a!ross the !e'' membrane o*
nerons at !onsiderab'e ener(eti! expense. This a''o"s *or the rapid transmission o* si(na's sin(
e'e!tri!a' imp'ses ` !han(es in the e'e!tri!a' ,o'ta(e a!ross the membrane ` nder the a!tion o* some
externa' stim's.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers e'e!tri!a' !ir!it e'ements0 e'e!tri!a' !ir!its0 and e'e!tro!hemistry.
The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Eectrostatics 14H=3
Char(e0 !ond!tors0 !har(e !onser,ation
Co'ombs +a"
E'e!tri! *ie'd %
o )ie'd 'ines
o )ie'd de to !har(e distribtion
E'e!trostati! ener(y0 e'e!tri! potentia' at a point in spa!e
Circuit Eements 14H=3
Crrent ; d a<_at0 si(n !on,entions0 nits
E'e!tromoti,e *or!e0 ,o'ta(e
o Ghms +a"% ; d V_:
o 4esistors in series
o 4esistors in para''e'
o 4esisti,ity% 9 d ::A _ =
o -ara''e' p'ate !apa!itor
o Ener(y o* !har(ed !apa!itor
o Capa!itors in series
o Capa!itors in para''e'
o @ie'e!tri!s
Ma"netism 14H=3
@e*inition o* ma(neti! *ie'd $
Motion o* !har(ed parti!'es in ma(neti! *ie'ds< +orent; *or!e
Eectrochemistr' 18C3
E'e!tro'yti! !e''
o E'e!tro'ysis
o Anode0 !athode
o E'e!tro'yte
o )aradays +a" re'atin( amont o* e'ements deposited 6or (as 'iberated8 at an e'e!trode to
o E'e!tron *'o"< oxidation0 and red!tion at the e'e!trodes
Ja',ani! or ^o'tai! !e''s
o Ea'*7rea!tions
o 4ed!tion potentia's< !e'' potentia'
o @ire!tion o* e'e!tron *'o"
Con!entration !e''
o E'e!tromoti,e *or!e0 ^o'ta(e
o +ead7stora(e batteries
o =i!5e'7!admim batteries
S.eciai7ed Ce 6 5er&e Ce 1!I23
Mye'in sheath0 $!h"ann !e''s0 ins'ation o* axon
=odes o* 4an,ier% propa(ation o* ner,e imp'se a'on( axon
Content Category 'D: ,o# light and sound interact #ith matter
+i(ht is a *orm o* e'e!troma(neti! radiation ` "a,es o* e'e!tri! and ma(neti! *ie'ds that transmit
ener(y. The beha,ior o* 'i(ht depends on its *re3en!y 6or "a,e'en(th8. The properties o* 'i(ht are
exp'oited in the opti!a' e'ements o* the eye to *o!s rays o* 'i(ht on sensory e'ements. When 'i(ht
intera!ts "ith matter0 spe!tros!opi! !han(es o!!r that !an be sed to identi*y the materia' on an atomi!
or mo'e!'ar 'e,e'. @i**erentia' absorption o* e'e!troma(neti! radiation !an be sed to (enerate ima(es
se*' in dia(nosti! medi!ine. #nter*eren!e and di**ra!tion o* 'i(ht "a,es are sed in many ana'yti!a'
and dia(nosti! te!hni3es. The photon mode' o* 'i(ht exp'ains "hy e'e!troma(neti! radiation o*
di**erent "a,e'en(ths intera!ts di**erent'y "ith matter.
When me!hani!a' ener(y is transmitted thro(h so'ids0 'i3ids0 and (ases0 os!i''atin( pressre "a,es
5no"n as Zsond[ are (enerated. $ond "a,es are adib'e i* the sensory e'ements o* the ear ,ibrate in
response to exposre to these ,ibrations. The dete!tion o* re*'e!ted sond "a,es is ti'i;ed in 'trasond
ima(in(. This non7in,asi,e te!hni3e readi'y 'o!ates dense sb!taneos str!tres0 s!h as bone and
!arti'a(e0 and is ,ery se*' in dia(nosti! medi!ine.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the properties o* both 'i(ht and sond and ho" these ener(y "a,es
intera!t "ith matter. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Sound 14H=3
-rod!tion o* sond
4e'ati,e speed o* sond in so'ids0 'i3ids0 and (ases
#ntensity o* sond0 de!ibe' nits0 'o( s!a'e
Attenation 6@ampin(8
@opp'er E**e!t% mo,in( sond sor!e or obser,er0 re*'e!tion o* sond *rom a mo,in( obVe!t
4esonan!e in pipes and strin(s
$ho!5 "a,es
%i"ht/ Eectroma"netic )adiation 14H=3
Con!ept o* #nter*eren!e< Son( @ob'e7s'it Experiment
Thin *i'ms0 di**ra!tion (ratin(0 sin('e7s'it di**ra!tion
Gther di**ra!tion phenomena0 f7ray di**ra!tion
-o'ari;ation o* 'i(ht% 'inear and !ir!'ar
-roperties o* e'e!troma(neti! radiation
o ^e'o!ity e3a's !onstant c0 in vacuo
o E'e!troma(neti! radiation !onsists o* perpendi!'ar'y os!i''atin( e'e!tri! and ma(neti!
*ie'ds< dire!tion o* propa(ation is perpendi!'ar to both
C'assi*i!ation o* e'e!troma(neti! spe!trm0 photon ener(y 3 d h'
^isa' spe!trm0 !o'or
Moecuar Structure and A,sor.tion S.ectra 12C3
#n*rared re(ion
o #ntramo'e!'ar ,ibrations and rotations
o 4e!o(ni;in( !ommon !hara!teristi! (rop absorptions0 *in(erprint re(ion
^isib'e re(ion 6JC8
o Absorption in ,isib'e re(ion (i,es !omp'ementary !o'or 6e.(.0 !arotene8
o E**e!t o* str!tra' !han(es on absorption 6e.(.0 indi!ators8
A'tra,io'et re(ion
o g7E'e!tron and non7bondin( e'e!tron transitions
o ConV(ated systems
=M4 spe!tros!opy
o -rotons in a ma(neti! *ie'd< e3i,a'ent protons
o $pin7spin sp'ittin(
8eometrica 2.tics 14H=3
4e*'e!tion *rom p'ane sr*a!e% an('e o* in!iden!e e3a's an('e o* re*'e!tion
4e*ra!tion0 re*ra!ti,e index n< $ne''s 'a"% n
sin 6
d n
sin 6
@ispersion0 !han(e o* index o* re*ra!tion "ith "a,e'en(th
Conditions *or tota' interna' re*'e!tion
$pheri!a' mirrors
o Center o* !r,atre
o )o!a' 'en(th
o 4ea' and ,irta' ima(es
Thin 'enses
o Con,er(in( and di,er(in( 'enses
o Ase o* *orm'a 1_! h 1_ d 1_'0 "ith si(n !on,entions
o +ens stren(th0 diopters
Combination o* 'enses
+ens aberration
Gpti!a' #nstrments0 in!'din( the hman eye
Content Category '+: Atoms" nuclear decay" electronic structure" and atomic chemical
Atoms are !'assi*ied by their atomic num&e"% the nmber o* protons in the atomi! n!'es0 "hi!h a'so
in!'des netrons. Chemi!a' intera!tions bet"een atoms are the res't o* e'e!trostati! *or!es in,o',in(
the e'e!trons and the n!'ei. &e!ase netrons are n!har(ed0 they do not dramati!a''y a**e!t the
!hemistry o* any parti!'ar type o* atom0 bt do a**e!t the stabi'ity o* the n!'es itse'*.
When a n!'es is nstab'e0 de!ay res'ts *rom one o* se,era' di**erent pro!esses0 "hi!h are random0 bt
o!!r at "e''7!hara!teri;ed a,era(e rates. The prod!ts o* n!'ear de!ay 6a'pha0 beta0 and (amma rays8
!an intera!t "ith 'i,in( tisse0 brea5in( !hemi!a' bonds and ioni;in( atoms and mo'e!'es in the
The e'e!troni! str!tre o* an atom is responsib'e *or its !hemi!a' and physi!a' properties. Gn'y dis!rete
ener(y 'e,e's are a''o"ed *or e'e!trons. These 'e,e's are des!ribed indi,ida''y by 3antm nmbers.
$in!e the otermost0 or valence0 e'e!trons are responsib'e *or the stron(est !hemi!a' intera!tions0 a
des!ription o* these e'e!trons a'one is a (ood *irst approximation to des!ribe the beha,ior o* any
parti!'ar type o* atom.
Mass spe!trometry is an ana'yti!a' too' that a''o"s !hara!teri;ation o* atoms or mo'e!'es0 based on "e''
re!o(ni;ed *ra(mentation patterns and the !har(e to mass ratio 6m_+8 o* ions (enerated in the (as phase.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers atomi! str!tre0 n!'ear de!ay0 e'e!troni! str!tre0 and the periodi!
natre o* atomi! !hemi!a' beha,ior. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Atomic 5uceus 14H=/ 8C3
Atomi! nmber0 atomi! "ei(ht
=etrons0 protons0 isotopes
=!'ear *or!es0 bindin( ener(y
4adioa!ti,e de!ay
o W0 i0 j de!ay
o Ea'*7'i*e0 exponentia' de!ay0 semi7'o( p'ots
Mass spe!trometer
Eectronic Structure 14H=/ 8C3
Grbita' str!tre o* hydro(en atom0 prin!ipa' 3antm nmber n0 nmber o* e'e!trons per orbita'
Jrond state0 ex!ited states
Absorption and emission 'ine spe!tra
Ase o* -a'i Ex!'sion -rin!ip'e
-arama(netism and diama(netism
Con,entiona' notation *or e'e!troni! str!tre 6JC8
&ohr atom
Eeisenber( An!ertainty -rin!ip'e
E**e!ti,e n!'ear !har(e 6JC8
-hotoe'e!tri! e**e!t
The 4eriodic Ta,e 6 Cassi$ication o$ Eements into 8rou.s ,' Eectronic Structure 18C3
A'5a'i meta's
A'5a'ine earth meta's% their !hemi!a' !hara!teristi!s
Ea'o(ens% their !hemi!a' !hara!teristi!s
=ob'e (ases% their physi!a' and !hemi!a' !hara!teristi!s
Transition meta's
4epresentati,e e'ements
Meta's and non7meta's
Gxy(en (rop
The 4eriodic Ta,e 6 9ariations o$ Chemica 4ro.erties with 8rou. and )ow 18C3
^a'en!e e'e!trons
)irst and se!ond ioni;ation ener(y
o @e*inition
o -redi!tion *rom e'e!troni! str!tre *or e'ements in di**erent (rops or ro"s
E'e!tron a**inity
o @e*inition
o ^ariation "ith (rop and ro"
o @e*inition
o Comparati,e ,a'es *or some representati,e e'ements and important (rops
E'e!tron she''s and the si;es o* atoms
E'e!tron she''s and the si;es o* ions
Stoichiometr' 18C3
Mo'e!'ar "ei(ht
Empiri!a' ,erss mo'e!'ar *orm'a
Metri! nits !ommon'y sed in the !ontext o* !hemistry
@es!ription o* !omposition by per!ent mass
Mo'e !on!ept0 A,o(adros nmber >
@e*inition o* density
Gxidation nmber
o Common oxidi;in( and red!in( a(ents
o @isproportionation rea!tions
@es!ription o* rea!tions by !hemi!a' e3ations
o Con,entions *or "ritin( !hemi!a' e3ations
o &a'an!in( e3ations0 in!'din( redox e3ations
o +imitin( rea!tants
o Theoreti!a' yie'ds
Chemical and hysical Foundations of Biological Systems
#oundationa Conce.t 5
The prin!ip'es that (o,ern !hemi!a' intera!tions and rea!tions *orm the basis *or a broader
nderstandin( o* the mo'e!'ar dynami!s o* 'i,in( systems.
The !hemi!a' pro!esses that ta5e p'a!e "ithin or(anisms are readi'y nderstood "ithin the *rame"or5 o*
the beha,ior o* so'tions0 thermodynami!s0 mo'e!'ar str!tre0 intermo'e!'ar intera!tions0 mo'e!'ar
dynami!s0 and mo'e!'ar rea!ti,ity.
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% 5A emphasi;es the natre o* so'tion *ormation0 *a!tors that a**e!t so'bi'ity0 and the
properties and beha,ior o* a3eos so'tions0 "ith spe!ia' emphasis on the a!id7base beha,ior o*
disso',ed so'tes.
Cate)o"% 5B *o!ses on mo'e!'ar str!tre and ho" it a**e!ts the stren(th o* intermo'e!'ar
Cate)o"% 5C emphasi;es ho" di**erentia' intermo'e!'ar intera!tions !an be sed to e**e!t
!hemi!a' separations.
Cate)o"% 5. emphasi;es the ,aried natre o* bio'o(i!a''y7re'e,ant mo'e!'es0 and ho" patterns
o* !o,a'ent bondin( !an be sed to predi!t the !hemi!a' rea!ti,ity o* these mo'e!'es and their
str!tre and *n!tion "ithin a 'i,in( system.
Cate)o"% 53 emphasi;es ho" re'ati,e ener(y di!tates the o,era'' *a,orabi'ity o* !hemi!a'
pro!esses and the rate at "hi!h these pro!esses !an o!!r.
With these bi'din( b'o!5s0 medi!a' stdents "i'' be ab'e to app'y the nderstandin( o* basi! !hemi!a'
prin!ip'es to an nderstandin( o* 'i,in( systems0 and "i'' be prepared to 'earn ho" the atomi! and
mo'e!'ar !hara!teristi!s o* bio'o(i!a' !onstitents !an be sed to predi!t norma' and patho'o(i!a'
mo'e!'ar *n!tion.
Whats on the MCAT

Exam? Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems
Content Category -A: .ni(ue nature of #ater and its solutions
#n order to *''y nderstand the !omp'ex and dynami! natre o* 'i,in( systems0 it is *irst ne!essary to
nderstand the ni3e natre o* "ater and its so'tions. The ni3e properties o* "ater a''o" it to
stron('y intera!t "ith and mobi'i;e many types o* so'tes0 in!'din( ions. Water is a'so ni3e in its
abi'ity to absorb ener(y and b**er 'i,in( systems *rom the !hemi!a' !han(es ne!essary to sstain 'i*e.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the natre o* so'tions0 so'bi'ity0 a!ids0 bases0 and b**ers. The
topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Acid?!ase E(uii,ria 18C/ !C3
&rknstedX+o"ry de*inition o* a!id0 base
#oni;ation o* "ater
o /
0 its approximate ,a'e 6/
d lE
R d 10
at 25CC0 1 atm8
o @e*inition o* pE% pE o* pre "ater
ConV(ate a!ids and bases 6e.(.0 =E
and =E
$tron( a!ids and bases 6e.(.0 nitri!0 s'*ri!8
Wea5 a!ids and bases 6e.(.0 a!eti!0 ben;oi!8
o @isso!iation o* "ea5 a!ids and bases "ith or "ithot added sa't
o Eydro'ysis o* sa'ts o* "ea5 a!ids or bases
o Ca'!'ation o* pE o* so'tions o* sa'ts o* "ea5 a!ids or bases
E3i'ibrim !onstants /
and /
% p/
0 p/
o @e*inition and !on!epts 6!ommon b**er systems8
o #n*'en!e on titration !r,es
Ions in Soutions 18C/ !C3
Anion0 !ation% !ommon names0 *orm'as and !har(es *or *ami'iar ions 6e.(.0 =E
phosphate0 $G
Eydration0 the hydronim ion
Sou,iit' 18C3
Anits o* !on!entration 6e.(.0 mo'arity8
$o'bi'ity prod!t !onstant< the e3i'ibrim expression /
Common7ion e**e!t0 its se in 'aboratory separations
o Comp'ex ion *ormation
o Comp'ex ions and so'bi'ity
o $o'bi'ity and pE
Titration 18C3
#nterpretation o* the titration !r,es
4edox titration
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems
Content Category -B: /ature of molecules and intermolecular interactions
Co,a'ent bondin( in,o',es the sharin( o* e'e!trons bet"een atoms. #* the res't o* s!h intera!tions is
not a net"or5 so'id0 then the !o,a'ent'y bonded sbstan!e "i'' be dis!rete and mo'e!'ar.
The shape o* mo'e!'es !an be predi!ted based on e'e!trostati! prin!ip'es and 3antm me!hani!s sin!e
on'y t"o e'e!trons !an o!!py the same orbita'. &ond po'arity 6both dire!tion and ma(nitde8 !an be
predi!ted based on 5no"'ed(e o* the ,a'en!e e'e!tron str!tre o* the !onstitent atoms. The stren(th o*
intermo'e!'ar intera!tions depends on mo'e!'ar shape and the po'arity o* the !o,a'ent bonds present.
The so'bi'ity and other physi!a' properties o* mo'e!'ar sbstan!es depend on the stren(th o*
intermo'e!'ar intera!tions.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the natre o* mo'e!'es and in!'des !o,a'ent bondin(0 mo'e!'ar
str!tre0 nomen!'atre0 and intermo'e!'ar intera!tions. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are
the *o''o"in(%
Co&aent !ond 18C3
+e"is E'e!tron @ot *orm'as
o 4esonan!e str!tres
o )orma' !har(e
o +e"is a!ids and bases
-artia' ioni! !hara!ter
o 4o'e o* e'e!trone(ati,ity in determinin( !har(e distribtion
o @ipo'e Moment
m and g bonds
o Eybrid orbita's% s!
0 s!
0 s! and respe!ti,e (eometries
o ^a'en!e she'' e'e!tron pair rep'sion and the predi!tion o* shapes o* mo'e!'es 6e.(.0
0 E
o $tr!tra' *orm'as *or mo'e!'es in,o',in( E0 C0 =0 G0 )0 $0 -0 $i0 C'
o @e'o!a'i;ed e'e!trons and resonan!e in ions and mo'e!'es
M'tip'e bondin(
o E**e!t on bond 'en(th and bond ener(ies
o 4i(idity in mo'e!'ar str!tre
$tereo!hemistry o* !o,a'ent'y bonded mo'e!'es 0GC2
o #somers
$tr!tra' isomers
$tereoisomers 6e.(.0 diastereomers0 enantiomers0 !is_trans isomers8
Con*ormationa' isomers
o -o'ari;ation o* 'i(ht0 spe!i*i! rotation
o Abso'te and re'ati,e !on*i(ration
Con,entions *or "ritin( : and ? *orms
Con,entions *or "ritin( 3 and @ *orms
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
%i(uid 4hase 6 Intermoecuar #orces 18C3
Eydro(en bondin(
@ipo'e #ntera!tions
^an der Waa's )or!es 6+ondon dispersion *or!es8
Content Category -C: Separation and purification methods
Ana'ysis o* !omp'ex mixtres o* sbstan!es ] espe!ia''y bio'o(i!a''y re'e,ant materia's ] typi!a''y
re3ires separation o* the !omponents. Many methods ha,e been de,e'oped to a!!omp'ish this tas50 and
the method sed is dependent on the types o* sbstan!es "hi!h !omprise the mixtre. A'' o* these
methods re'y on the ma(ni*i!ation o* potentia' di**eren!es in the stren(th o* intermo'e!'ar intera!tions.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers separation and pri*i!ation methods in!'din(% extra!tion0 'i3id and
(as !hromato(raphy0 and e'e!trophoresis. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Se.arations and 4uri$ications 12C/ !C3
Extra!tion% distribtion o* so'te bet"een t"o immis!ib'e so',ents
o &asi! prin!ip'es in,o',ed in separation pro!ess
Co'mn !hromato(raphy0 (as7'i3id !hromato(raphy
Ei(h pressre 'i3id !hromato(raphy
o -aper !hromato(raphy
o Thin7'ayer !hromato(raphy
$eparation and pri*i!ation o* peptides and proteins 6&C8
o E'e!trophoresis
o >antitati,e ana'ysis
o Chromato(raphy
4a!emi! mixtres0 separation o* enantiomers 6GC8
Content Category -D: Structure" function" and reactivity of biologically0relevant molecules
The str!tre o* bio'o(i!a' mo'e!'es *orms the basis o* their !hemi!a' rea!tions in!'din(
o'i(omeri;ation and po'ymeri;ation. Ani3e aspe!ts o* ea!h type o* bio'o(i!a' mo'e!'e di!tate their
ro'e in 'i,in( systems0 "hether pro,idin( str!tre or in*ormation stora(e0 or ser,in( as *e' and
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the str!tre0 *n!tion0 and rea!ti,ity o* bio'o(i!a''y7re'e,ant
mo'e!'es in!'din( the me!hanisti! !onsiderations that di!tate their modes o* rea!ti,ity. The topi!s and
sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
5uceotides and 5uceic Acids 1!C/ !I23
=!'eotides and n!'eosides% !omposition
o $(ar phosphate ba!5bone
o -yrimidine0 prine resides
@eoxyribon!'ei! a!id% @=A< dob'e he'ix
Chemistry 6&C8
Gther *n!tions 6&C8
Amino Acids/ 4e.tides/ 4roteins 12C/ !C3
Amino a!ids% des!ription
o Abso'te !on*i(ration at the W position
o @ipo'ar ions
o C'assi*i!ation
A!idi! or basi!
Eydrophi'i! or hydrophobi!
o $ynthesis o* W7amino a!ids 6GC8
$tre!5er $ynthesis
Jabrie' $ynthesis
-eptides and proteins% rea!tions
o $'*r 'in5a(e *or !ysteine and !ystine
o -eptide 'in5a(e% po'ypeptides and proteins
o Eydro'ysis 6&C8
Jenera' -rin!ip'es
-rimary str!tre o* proteins
$e!ondary str!tre o* proteins
Tertiary str!tre o* proteins
#soe'e!tri! point
The Three6+imensiona 4rotein Structure 1!C3
Con*ormationa' stabi'ity
o Eydrophobi! intera!tions
o $o',ation 'ayer 6entropy8
>aternary str!tre
@enatrin( and )o'din(
5on6En7'matic 4rotein #unction 1!C3
#mmne system
%i.ids 1!C/ 2C3
@es!ription0 Types
o $tora(e
Tria!y' ('y!ero's
)ree *atty a!ids% saponi*i!ation
o $tr!tra'
-hospho'ipids and phosphatids
$phin(o'ipids 6&C8
o $i(na's_!o*a!tors
)at7so'b'e ,itamins
-rosta('andins 6&C8
Car,oh'drates 12C3
o =omen!'atre and !'assi*i!ation0 !ommon names
o Abso'te !on*i(ration
o Cy!'i! str!tre and !on*ormations o* hexoses
o Epimers and anomers
Eydro'ysis o* the ('y!oside 'in5a(e
?eto7eno' tatomerism o* monosa!!harides
@isa!!harides 6&C8
-o'ysa!!harides 6&C8
Adeh'des and @etones 12C3
o =omen!'atre
o -hysi!a' properties
#mportant rea!tions
o =!'eophi'i! addition rea!tions at CdG bond
A!eta'0 hemia!eta'
#mine0 enamine
Eydride rea(ents
o Gxidation o* a'dehydes
o 4ea!tions at adVa!ent positions% eno'ate !hemistry
?eto7eno' tatomerism 6W7ra!emi;ation8
A'do' !ondensation0 retro7a'do'
?ineti! ,erss thermodynami! eno'ate
Jenera' prin!ip'es
o E**e!t o* sbstitents on rea!ti,ity o* CdG< steri! hindran!e
o A!idity o* W7E< !arbanions
Acohos 12C3
o =omen!'atre
o -hysi!a' properties 6a!idity0 hydro(en bondin(8
#mportant rea!tions
o Gxidation
o $bstittion rea!tions% $
1 or $
o -rote!tion o* a'!oho's
o -reparation o* mesy'ates and tosy'ates
Car,ox'ic Acids 12C3
o =omen!'atre
o -hysi!a' properties
#mportant rea!tions
o Carboxy' (rop rea!tions
Amides 6and 'a!tam80 esters 6and 'a!tone80 anhydride *ormation
o 4ea!tions at 27position0 sbstittion
Acid +eri&ati&es 1Anh'drides/ Amides/ Esters3 12C3
o =omen!'atre
o -hysi!a' properties
#mportant rea!tions
o =!'eophi'i! sbstittion
o Transesteri*i!ation
o Eydro'ysis o* amides
Jenera' prin!ip'es
o 4e'ati,e rea!ti,ity o* a!id deri,ati,es
o $teri! e**e!ts
o E'e!troni! e**e!ts
o $train 6e.(.0 i7'a!tams8
4henos 12C/ !C3
Gxidation and red!tion 6e.(.0 hydro3inones0 bi3inones8% bio'o(i!a' 2e
redox !enters
4o'c'cic and Heteroc'cic Aromatic Com.ounds 12C/ !C3
&io'o(i!a' aromati! hetero!y!'es
Content Category -+: rinciples of chemical thermodynamics and $inetics
The pro!esses that o!!r in 'i,in( systems are dynami!0 and they *o''o" the prin!ip'es o* !hemi!a'
thermodynami!s and 5ineti!s. The position o* !hemi!a' e3i'ibrim is di!tated by the re'ati,e ener(ies
o* prod!ts and rea!tants. The rate at "hi!h !hemi!a' e3i'ibrim is attained is di!tated by a ,ariety o*
*a!tors% !on!entration o* rea!tants0 temperatre0 and the amont o* !ata'yst 6i* any8.
&io'o(i!a' systems ha,e e,o',ed to harness ener(y0 and ti'i;e it in ,ery e**i!ient "ays to spport a''
pro!esses o* 'i*e0 in!'din( homeostasis and anabo'ism. &io'o(i!a' !ata'ysts0 5no"n as en+%mes0 ha,e
e,o',ed to a''o" a'' o* the re'e,ant !hemi!a' rea!tions re3ired to sstain 'i*e to o!!r both rapid'y and
e**i!ient'y0 and nder the narro" set o* !onditions re3ired.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers a'' prin!ip'es o* !hemi!a' thermodynami!s and 5ineti!s in!'din(
en;ymati! !ata'ysis. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
En7'mes 1!C/ !I23
C'assi*i!ation by rea!tion type
o $bstrates and en;yme spe!i*i!ity
o A!ti,e site mode'
o #nd!ed7*it mode'
o Co*a!tors0 !oen;ymes0 and ,itamins
o Jenera' 6!ata'ysis8
o Mi!hae'isXMenten
o Cooperati,ity
o E**e!ts o* 'o!a' !onditions on en;yme a!ti,ity
4e('atory en;ymes
o A''osteri!
o Co,a'ent'y modi*ied o$ !ioener"etics 1!C3
o )ree ener(y_/
o Con!entration
o AT- hydro'ysis a0 cc 0
o AT- (rop trans*ers
&io'o(i!a' oxidationXred!tion
o Ea'*7rea!tions
o $o'b'e e'e!tron !arriers
o )'a,oproteins
Ener"' Chan"es in Chemica )eactions A Thermochemistr'/ Thermod'namics 18C/ 4H=3
Thermodynami! system X state *n!tion
Yeroth +a" X !on!ept o* temperatre
)irst +a" B !onser,ation o* ener(y in thermodynami! pro!esses
8V dia(ram% "or5 done d area nder or en!'osed by !r,e 6-ES8
$e!ond +a" X !on!ept o* entropy
o Entropy as a measre o* Zdisorder[
o 4e'ati,e entropy *or (as0 'i3id0 and !rysta' states
Measrement o* heat !han(es 6!a'orimetry80 heat !apa!ity0 spe!i*i! heat
Eeat trans*er X !ond!tion0 !on,e!tion0 radiation 6-ES8
Endothermi!_exothermi! rea!tions 6JC8
o Entha'py0 (0 and standard heats o* rea!tion and *ormation
o Eess +a" o* Eeat $mmation
&ond disso!iation ener(y as re'ated to heats o* *ormation 6JC8
)ree ener(y% 0 6JC8
$pontaneos rea!tions and a0C 6JC8
Coe**i!ient o* expansion 6-ES8
Eeat o* *sion0 heat o* ,apori;ation
-hase dia(ram% pressre and temperatre
)ate 4rocesses in Chemica )eactions 6 @inetics and E(uii,rium 18C3
4ea!tion rate
@ependen!e o* rea!tion rate on !on!entration o* rea!tants
o 4ate 'a"0 rate !onstant
o 4ea!tion order
4ate7determinin( step
@ependen!e o* rea!tion rate pon temperatre
o A!ti,ation ener(y
A!ti,ated !omp'ex or transition state
#nterpretation o* ener(y pro*i'es sho"in( ener(ies o* rea!tants0 prod!ts0
a!ti,ation ener(y0 and a( *or the rea!tion
o Ase o* the Arrhenis E3ation
?ineti! !ontro' ,erss thermodynami! !ontro' o* a rea!tion
E3i'ibrim in re,ersib'e !hemi!a' rea!tions
o +a" o* Mass A!tion
o E3i'ibrim Constant
o App'i!ation o* +e Chbte'iers -rin!ip'e
4e'ationship o* the e3i'ibrim !onstant and a0C
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior
What wi the 4s'choo"ica/ Socia/ and !ioo"ica #oundations o$ !eha&ior section
The -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion as5s yo to so',e prob'ems
by !ombinin( yor 5no"'ed(e o* *ondationa' !on!epts "ith yor s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s.
This se!tion tests yor nderstandin( o* the "ays psy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!ia'0 and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors in*'en!e
per!eptions and rea!tions to the "or'd< beha,ior and beha,ior !han(e< "hat peop'e thin5 abot
themse',es and others< the !'tra' and so!ia' di**eren!es that in*'en!e "e''7bein(< and the re'ationships
bet"een so!ia' strati*i!ation0 a!!ess to resor!es0 and "e''7bein(.
The -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion emphasi;es !on!epts that
tomorro"s do!tors need to 5no" in order to ser,e an in!reasin('y di,erse pop'ation and ha,e a !'ear
nderstandin( o* the impa!t o* beha,ior on hea'th. )rther0 it !ommni!ates the need *or *tre
physi!ians to be prepared to dea' "ith the hman and so!ia' isses o* medi!ine.
This se!tion is desi(ned to
: test psy!ho'o(y0 so!io'o(y0 and bio'o(y !on!epts that pro,ide a so'id *ondation *or 'earnin( in
medi!a' s!hoo' abot the beha,iora' and so!io!'tra' determinants o* hea'th<
: test !on!epts ta(ht at many !o''e(es and ni,ersities in *irst7semester psy!ho'o(y and so!io'o(y
: test bio'o(y !on!epts that re'ate to menta' pro!esses and beha,ior that are ta(ht at many
!o''e(es and ni,ersities in introd!tory bio'o(y<
: test basi! resear!h methods and statisti!s !on!epts des!ribed by many ba!!a'areate *a!'ty as
important to s!!ess in introd!tory s!ien!e !orses< and
: re3ire yo to demonstrate yor s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin(0 resear!h methods0 and statisti!s
s5i''s as app'ied to the so!ia' and beha,iora' s!ien!es.
Test $e!tion =mber o* >estions Time
-sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and
&io'o(i!a' )ondations o*
6note that 3estions are a
!ombination o* passa(e7based
and dis!rete 3estions8
95 mintes
Scienti$ic In(uir' and )easonin" S*is
As a reminder0 the s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s that yo "i'' be as5ed to demonstrate on this
se!tion o* the exam are%
?no"'ed(e o* $!ienti*i! Con!epts and -rin!ip'es
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* s!ienti*i! !on!epts and prin!ip'es
: #denti*yin( the re'ationships bet"een !'ose'y7re'ated !on!epts
$!ienti*i! 4easonin( and -rob'em $o',in(
: 4easonin( abot s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es0 theories0 and mode's
: Ana'y;in( and e,a'atin( s!ienti*i! exp'anations and predi!tions
4easonin( abot the @esi(n and Exe!tion o* 4esear!h
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* important !omponents o* s!ienti*i! resear!h
: 4easonin( abot ethi!a' isses in resear!h
@ata7&ased and $tatisti!a' 4easonin(
: #nterpretin( patterns in data presented in tab'es0 *i(res0 and (raphs
: 4easonin( abot data and dra"in( !on!'sions *rom them
General Mathematical Concepts and Techniques
#ts important *or yo to 5no" that 3estions on the natra'0 beha,iora'0 and so!ia' s!ien!es se!tions "i''
as5 yo to se !ertain mathemati!a' !on!epts and te!hni3es. As the des!riptions o* the s!ienti*i! in3iry
and reasonin( s5i''s s((est0 some 3estions "i'' as5 yo to ana'y;e and manip'ate s!ienti*i! data to
sho" that yo !an
4e!o(ni;e and interpret 'inear0 semi'o(0 and 'o(7'o( s!a'es and !a'!'ate s'opes *rom data *ond in
*i(res0 (raphs0 and tab'es
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* si(ni*i!ant di(its and the se o* reasonab'e nmeri!a'
estimates in per*ormin( measrements and !a'!'ations
Ase metri! nits0 in!'din( !on,ertin( nits "ithin the metri! system and bet"een metri! and
En('ish nits 6!on,ersion *a!tors "i'' be pro,ided "hen needed80 and dimensiona' ana'ysis 6sin(
nits to ba'an!e e3ations8
-er*orm arithmeti! !a'!'ations in,o',in( the *o''o"in(% probabi'ity0 proportion0 ratio0 per!enta(e0
and s3are7root estimations
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( 6A'(ebra ##B'e,e'8 o* exponentia's and 'o(arithms 6natra'
and base 1080 s!ienti*i! notation0 and so',in( sim'taneos e3ations
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* the *o''o"in( tri(onometri! !on!epts% de*initions o* basi!
6sine0 !osine0 tan(ent8 and in,erse 6sin
0 !os
0 tan
8 *n!tions< sin and !os ,a'es o* 0C0 90C0 and
1/0C< re'ationships bet"een the 'en(ths o* sides o* ri(ht trian('es !ontainin( an('es o* .0C0 45C0
and 10C
@emonstrate a (enera' nderstandin( o* ,e!tor addition and sbtra!tion and the ri(ht7hand r'e
65no"'ed(e o* dot and !ross prod!ts is not re3ired8
=ote a'so that an nderstandin( o* !a'!'s is not re3ired0 and a periodi! tab'e "i'' be pro,ided drin(
the exam.
4s'choo"ica/ Socia/ and !ioo"ica #oundations o$ !eha&ior +istri,ution o$ -uestions
,' +isci.ine/ #oundationa Conce.t/ and Scienti$ic In(uir' and )easonin" S*i
So may "onder ho" m!h psy!ho'o(y0 so!io'o(y0 and bio'o(y yo'' see on this se!tion o* the MCAT
exam0 ho" many 3estions yo'' (et abot a parti!'ar *ondationa' !on!ept0 or ho" the s!ienti*i!
in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s "i'' be distribted on yor exam. The 3estions that yo see are 'i5e'y to be
distribted in the "ays des!ribed be'o". These are the approximate per!enta(es o* 3estions yo'' see
on a test *or ea!h dis!ip'ine0 *ondationa' !on!ept0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''.T
: #ntrod!tory psy!ho'o(y0 15UTT
: #ntrod!tory so!io'o(y0 .0U
: #ntrod!tory bio'o(y0 5U
)ondationa' Con!ept%
: )ondationa' Con!ept 10 25U
: )ondationa' Con!ept 20 .5U
: )ondationa' Con!ept /0 20U
: )ondationa' Con!ept 90 15U
: )ondationa' Con!ept 100 5U
$!ienti*i! #n3iry and 4easonin( $5i''%
: $5i'' 10 .5U
: $5i'' 20 45U
: $5i'' .0 10U
: $5i'' 4% 10U
These per!enta(es ha,e been approximated to the nearest 5U and "i'' ,ary *rom one test to another *or
a ,ariety o* reasons. These reasons in!'de0 bt are not 'imited to0 !ontro''in( *or 3estion di**i!'ty0
sin( (rops o* 3estions that depend on a sin('e passa(e0 and sin( ns!ored *ie'd7test 3estions on
ea!h test *orm.
-'ease note that abot 5U o* this test se!tion "i'' in!'de psy!ho'o(y 3estions that are bio'o(i!a''y
re'e,ant. This is in addition to the dis!ip'ine tar(et o* 5U *or introd!tory bio'o(y spe!i*ied *or this
4s'choo"ica/ Socia/ and !ioo"ica #oundations o$ !eha&ior #ramewor* o$
#oundationa Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories
Foundational Concept 4% Biolo)ical, !s%cholo)ical, an# sociocultu"al 'acto"s in'luence the $a%s that
in#ivi#uals !e"ceive, thin7 a&out, an# "eact to the $o"l#.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
1A. $ensin( the en,ironment
1&. Ma5in( sense o* the en,ironment
1C. 4espondin( to the "or'd
Foundational Concept 5% Biolo)ical, !s%cholo)ical, an# sociocultu"al 'acto"s in'luence &ehavio" an#
&ehavio" chan)e.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
2A. #ndi,ida' in*'en!es on beha,ior
2&. $o!ia' pro!esses that in*'en!e hman beha,ior
2C. Attitde and beha,ior !han(e
Foundational Concept 6% 8s%cholo)ical, sociocultu"al, an# &iolo)ical 'acto"s in'luence the $a% $e
thin7 a&out ou"selves an# othe"s, as $ell as ho$ $e inte"act $ith othe"s.
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
/A. $e'*7identity
/&. $o!ia' thin5in(
/C. $o!ia' intera!tions
Foundational Concept 7% Cultu"al an# social #i''e"ences in'luence $ell*&ein).
The !ontent !ate(ories *or this *ondationa' !on!ept in!'de
9A. Anderstandin( so!ia' str!tre
9&. @emo(raphi! !hara!teristi!s and pro!esses
Foundational Concept 18% ?ocial st"ati'ication an# access to "esou"ces in'luence $ell*&ein).
The !ontent !ate(ory *or this *ondationa' !on!ept is
10A. $o!ia' ine3a'ity
How #oundationa Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories #it To"ether
The MCAT exam as5s yo to so',e prob'ems by !ombinin( yor 5no"'ed(e o* !on!epts "ith yor
s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s. )i(re 1 i''strates ho" *ondationa' !on!epts0 !ontent
!ate(ories0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s interse!t to !reate test 3estions.
)ondationa' Con!ept 1 )ondationa' Con!ept 2
!"ill 1
!"ill 2
!"ill 3
!"ill #
Ea!h !e'' represents the point at "hi!h *ondationa'
!on!epts0 !ontent !ate(ories0 and s!ienti*i! in3iry and
reasonin( s5i''s !ross.
Test 3estions are "ritten at the interse!tions o* the
5no"'ed(e and s5i''s.
1$ 1C 2 2$ 2C
0nderstandin" the #oundationa Conce.ts and Content Cate"ories in the
4s'choo"ica/ Socia/ and !ioo"ica #oundations o$ !eha&ior Section
The *o''o"in( are detai'ed exp'anations o* ea!h *ondationa' !on!ept and re'ated !ontent !ate(ory tested
by the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion. As "ith the natra'
s!ien!es se!tions0 !ontent 'ists des!ribin( spe!i*i! topi!s and sbtopi!s that de*ine ea!h !ontent !ate(ory
are pro,ided. The same !ontent 'ist is pro,ided to the "riters "ho de,e'op the !ontent o* the exam. Eere
is an ex!erpt *rom the !ontent 'ist%
Se$6.resentation and Interactin" with 2thers 14S=/ S2C3 Topic
Expressin( and dete!tin( emotion !ubtopic
o The ro'e o* (ender in the expression and dete!tion o* emotion
o The ro'e o* !'tre in the expression and dete!tion o* emotion
-resentation o* se'*
o #mpression mana(ement
o )ront sta(e ,s. ba!5 sta(e se'* 6@ramatr(i!a' approa!h8 6$GC8
^erba' and non,erba' !ommni!ation
Anima' si(na's and !ommni!ation 6-$S0 &#G8
The abbre,iations *ond in parentheses indi!ate the !orse6s8 in "hi!h nder(radate stdents at many !o''e(es
and ni,ersities 'earn abot the topi!s and asso!iated sbtopi!s. The !orse abbre,iations are
-$S% one semester o* introd!tory psy!ho'o(y
$GC% one semester o* introd!tory so!io'o(y
&#G% t"o7semester se3en!e o* introd!tory bio'o(y
#n preparin( *or the MCAT exam0 yo "i'' be responsib'e *or 'earnin( the topi!s and asso!iated sbtopi!s at the
'e,e's at "hi!h they are ta(ht in the !orses 'isted in parentheses. A sma'' nmber o* sbtopi!s ha,e !orse
abbre,iations indi!ated in parentheses. #n those !ases0 yo are responsib'e on'y *or 'earnin( the sbtopi!s as they
are ta(ht in the !orse6s8 indi!ated.
Asin( the ex!erpt abo,e as an examp'e0
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the topi! $e'*7presentation and #ntera!tin( "ith Gthers at the 'e,e'
at "hi!h it is ta(ht in a typi!a' introd!tory psy!ho'o(y !orse an# in a typi!a' introd!tory so!io'o(y
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the sb7sbtopi! )ront sta(e ,s. ba!5 sta(e se'* 6@ramatr(i!a'
approa!h8 onl% at the 'e,e' at "hi!h it is ta(ht in a typi!a' introd!tory so!io'o(y !orse.
So are responsib'e *or 'earnin( abot the sbtopi! Anima' si(na's and !ommni!ation at the 'e,e' at
"hi!h it is ta(ht in a typi!a' introd!tory psy!ho'o(y !orse an# in a typi!a' introd!tory bio'o(y
4emember that !orse !ontent at yor s!hoo' may di**er *rom !orse !ontent at other !o''e(es and
ni,ersities. The topi!s and sbtopi!s des!ribed in this !hapter may be !o,ered in !orses "ith tit'es that
are di**erent *rom those 'isted here. Sor pre7hea'th ad,isor and *a!'ty are important resor!es *or yor
3estions abot !orse !ontent.
sychological" Social" and Biological Foundations of Behavior
#oundationa Conce.t B
&io'o(i!a'0 psy!ho'o(i!a'0 and so!io!'tra' *a!tors in*'en!e the "ays that indi,ida's per!ei,e0
thin5 abot0 and rea!t to the "or'd.
The "ay in "hi!h "e sense0 per!ei,e0 thin5 abot0 and rea!t to stim'i a**e!ts or experien!es.
)ondationa' !on!ept 1 *o!ses on these !omponents o* experien!e0 startin( "ith the initia' dete!tion
and per!eption o* stim'i thro(h !o(nition0 and !ontinin( to emotion and stress.
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% 6A *o!ses on the dete!tion and per!eption o* sensory in*ormation.
Cate)o"% 6B *o!ses on !o(nition0 in!'din( or abi'ity to attend to the en,ironment0 thin5 abot
and remember "hat "e experien!e0 and se 'an(a(e to !ommni!ate "ith others.
Cate)o"% 6C *o!ses on ho" "e pro!ess and experien!e emotion and stress.
These are the bi'din( b'o!5s medi!a' stdents need in order to 'earn abot the "ays in "hi!h !o(niti,e
and per!epta' pro!esses in*'en!e their and others nderstandin( o* hea'th and i''ness.
Content Category 1A: Sensing the environment
-sy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!io!'tra'0 and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors a**e!t or sensation and per!eption o* the "or'd. A''
sensory pro!essin( be(ins "ith *irst dete!tin( a stim's in the en,ironment thro(h sensory !e''s0
re!eptors0 and bio'o(i!a' path"ays.
A*ter !o''e!tin( sensory in*ormation0 "e then interpret and ma5e sense o* it. A'tho(h sensation and
per!eption are distin!t *n!tions0 they are both in*'en!ed by psy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!ia'0 and bio'o(i!a'
*a!tors and there*ore be!ome a'most indistin(ishab'e in pra!ti!e. This !omp'exity is i''minated by
examinin( hman si(ht0 hearin(0 to!h0 taste0 and sme''.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers sensation and per!eption a!ross a'' hman senses. The topi!s and
sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Sensor' 4rocessin" 14S=/ !I23
o Thresho'd
o Webers +a" 6-$S8
o $i(na' dete!tion theory 6-$S8
o $ensory adaptation
o -sy!hophysi!s
$ensory re!eptors
o $ensory path"ays
o Types o* sensory re!eptor
9ision 14S=/ !I23
$tr!tre and *n!tion o* the eye
^isa' pro!essin(
o ^isa' path"ays in the brain
o -ara''e' pro!essin( 6-$S8
o )eatre dete!tion 6-$S8
Hearin" 14S=/ !I23
$tr!tre and *n!tion o* the ear
Aditory pro!essin( 6e.(.0 aditory path"ays in the brain8
$ensory re!eption by hair !e''s
2ther Senses 14S=/ !I23
$omatosensation 6e.(.0 pain per!eption8
Taste 6e.(.0 taste bds_!hemore!eptors that dete!t spe!i*i! !hemi!a's8
o G'*a!tory !e''s_!hemore!eptors that dete!t spe!i*i! !hemi!a's
o -heromones 6&#G8
o G'*a!tory path"ays in the brain 6&#G8
?inestheti! sense 6-$S8
^estib'ar sense
4erce.tion 14S=3
&ottom7p_Top7do"n pro!essin(
-er!epta' or(ani;ation 6e.(.0 depth0 *orm0 motion0 !onstan!y8
Jesta't prin!ip'es
Content Category 1B: 2a$ing sense of the environment
The "ay "e thin5 abot the "or'd depends on or a"areness0 tho(hts0 5no"'ed(e0 and memories. #t is
a'so in*'en!ed by or abi'ity to so',e prob'ems0 ma5e de!isions0 *orm Vd(ments0 and !ommni!ate.
-sy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!io!'tra'0 and bio'o(i!a' in*'en!es determine the de,e'opment and se o* these
di**erent yet !on,er(ent pro!esses.
&io'o(i!a' *a!tors nder'ie the menta' pro!esses that !reate or rea'ity0 shape or per!eption o* the
"or'd0 and in*'en!e the "ay "e per!ei,e and rea!t to e,ery aspe!t o* or 'i,es.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers !riti!a' aspe!ts o* !o(nition]in!'din( !ons!iosness0 !o(niti,e
de,e'opment0 prob'em so',in( and de!ision ma5in(0 inte''i(en!e0 memory0 and 'an(a(e. The topi!s and
sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Attention 14S=3
$e'e!ti,e attention
@i,ided attention
Co"nition 14S=3
#n*ormation7pro!essin( mode'
Co(niti,e de,e'opment
o -ia(ets sta(es o* !o(niti,e de,e'opment
o Co(niti,e !han(es in 'ate ad'thood
o 4o'e o* !'tre in !o(niti,e de,e'opment
o #n*'en!e o* heredity and en,ironment on !o(niti,e de,e'opment
&io'o(i!a' *a!tors that a**e!t !o(nition 6-$S0 &#G8
-rob'em so',in( and de!ision ma5in(
o Types o* prob'em so',in(
o &arriers to e**e!ti,e prob'em so',in(
o Approa!hes to prob'em so',in(
o Eeristi!s and biases 6e.(.0 o,er!on*iden!e0 be'ie* perse,eran!e8
#nte''e!ta' *n!tionin(
o Theories o* inte''i(en!e
o #n*'en!e o* heredity and en,ironment on inte''i(en!e
o ^ariations in inte''e!ta' abi'ity
Consciousness 14S=3
$tates o* !ons!iosness
o A'ertness 6-$S0 &#G8
o $'eep
$ta(es o* s'eep
$'eep !y!'es and !han(es to s'eep !y!'es
$'eep and !ir!adian rhythms 6-$S0 &#G8
$'eepX"a5e disorders
o Eypnosis and meditation
Cons!iosness7a'terin( dr(s
o Types o* !ons!iosness7a'terin( dr(s and their e**e!ts on the ner,os system and
o @r( addi!tion and the re"ard path"ay in the brain
Memor' 14S=3
o -ro!ess o* en!odin( in*ormation
o -ro!esses that aid in en!odin( memories
o Types o* memory stora(e 6e.(.0 sensory0 "or5in(0 'on(7term8
o $emanti! net"or5s and spreadin( a!ti,ation
o 4e!a''0 re!o(nition0 and re'earnin(
o 4etrie,a' !es
o The ro'e o* emotion in retrie,in( memories 6-$S0 &#G8
o -ro!esses that aid retrie,a'
o A(in( and memory
o Memory dys*n!tions 6e.(.0 A';heimers disease0 ?orsa5o**s syndrome8
o @e!ay
o #nter*eren!e
o Memory !onstr!tion and sor!e monitorin(
Chan(es in synapti! !onne!tions nder'ie memory and 'earnin( 6-$S0 &#G8
o =era' p'asti!ity
o Memory and 'earnin(
o +on(7term potentiation
%an"ua"e 14S=3
Theories o* 'an(a(e de,e'opment 6e.(.0 'earnin(0 =ati,ist0 #ntera!tionist8
#n*'en!e o* 'an(a(e on !o(nition
&rain areas that !ontro' 'an(a(e and spee!h 6-$S0 &#G8
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
Content Category 1C: 3esponding to the #orld
We experien!e a barra(e o* en,ironmenta' stim'i thro(hot the !orse o* or 'i,es. #n many !ases0
en,ironmenta' stim'i tri((er physio'o(i!a' responses0 s!h as an e'e,ated heart rate0 in!reased
perspiration0 or hei(htened *ee'in(s o* anxiety. Eo" "e per!ei,e and interpret these physio'o(i!a'
responses is !omp'ex and in*'en!ed by psy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!io!'tra'0 and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors.
Emotiona' responses0 s!h as *ee'in(s o* happiness0 sadness0 an(er0 or stress are o*ten born ot o* or
interpretation o* this interp'ay o* physio'o(i!a' responses. Gr experien!e "ith emotions and stress not
on'y a**e!ts or beha,ior0 bt a'so shapes or intera!tions "ith others.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the basi! !omponents and theories o* emotion and their nder'yin(
psy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!io!'tra'0 and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors. #t a'so addresses stress0 stress ot!omes0 and stress
mana(ement. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Emotion 14S=3
Three !omponents o* emotion 6i.e.0 !o(niti,e0 physio'o(i!a'0 beha,iora'8
Ani,ersa' emotions 6i.e.0 *ear0 an(er0 happiness0 srprise0 Voy0 dis(st0 and sadness8
Adapti,e ro'e o* emotion
Theories o* emotion
o KamesX+an(e theory
o CannonX&ard theory
o $!ha!hterX$in(er theory
The ro'e o* bio'o(i!a' pro!esses in per!ei,in( emotion 6-$S0 &#G8
Stress 14S=3
&rain re(ions in,o',ed in the (eneration and experien!e o* emotions
The ro'e o* the 'imbi! system in emotion
Emotion and the atonomi! ner,os system
-hysio'o(i!a' mar5ers o* emotion 6si(natres o* emotion)
The natre o* stress
o Appraisa'
o @i**erent types o* stressors 6e.(.0 !ata!'ysmi! e,ents0 persona'8
o E**e!ts o* stress on psy!ho'o(i!a' *n!tions
$tress ot!omes_response to stressors
o -hysio'o(i!a' 6-$S0 &#G8
o Emotiona'
o &eha,iora'
Mana(in( stress 6e.(.0 exer!ise0 re'axation0 spirita'ity8
sychological" Social" and Biological Foundations of Behavior
#oundationa Conce.t C
&io'o(i!a'0 psy!ho'o(i!a'0 and so!io!'tra' *a!tors in*'en!e beha,ior and beha,ior !han(e.
Eman beha,ior is !omp'ex and o*ten srprisin(0 di**erin( a!ross indi,ida's in the same sitation and
"ithin an indi,ida' a!ross di**erent sitations. A *'' nderstandin( o* hman beha,ior re3ires
5no"'ed(e o* the interp'ay bet"een psy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!io!'tra'0 and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors that are re'ated
to beha,ior. This interp'ay has important imp'i!ations *or the "ay "e beha,e and the 'i5e'ihood o*
beha,ior !han(e.
)ondationa' Con!ept 2 *o!ses on indi,ida' and so!ia' determinants o* beha,ior and beha,ior !han(e.
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% 7A *o!ses on the indi,ida' psy!ho'o(i!a' and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors that a**e!t beha,ior.
Cate)o"% 7B *o!ses on ho" so!ia' *a!tors0 s!h as (rops and so!ia' norms0 a**e!t beha,ior.
Cate)o"% 7C *o!ses on ho" 'earnin( a**e!ts beha,ior0 as "e'' as the ro'e o* attitde theories in
beha,ior and beha,ior !han(e.
These are the bi'din( b'o!5s medi!a' stdents need in order to 'earn abot beha,iora' path"ays *or
promotin( hea'th and pre,entin( disease0 in!'din( beha,iors that pose a ris5 to hea'th. $tdents
enterin( medi!a' s!hoo' "ith this 5no"'ed(e "i'' a'so be better e3ipped to 'earn abot inter,entions
that he'p patients adopt hea'thy beha,iors.
Content Category 4A: )ndividual influences on behavior
A !omp'ex interp'ay o* psy!ho'o(i!a' and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors shapes beha,ior. &io'o(i!a' str!tres and
pro!esses ser,e as the path"ays by "hi!h bodies !arry ot a!ti,ities. They a'so a**e!t predispositions to
beha,e in !ertain "ays0 shape persona'ities0 and in*'en!e the 'i5e'ihood o* de,e'opin( psy!ho'o(i!a'
disorders. -sy!ho'o(i!a' *a!tors a'so a**e!t beha,ior0 and !onse3ent'y0 hea'th and "e''7bein(.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers bio'o(i!a' bases o* beha,ior0 in!'din( the e**e!t o* (eneti!s and
ho" the ner,os and endo!rine systems a**e!t beha,ior. #t a'so addresses ho" persona'ity0 psy!ho'o(i!a'
disorders0 moti,ation0 and attitdes a**e!t beha,ior. $ome o* these topi!s are 'earned in the !ontext o*
non7hman anima' spe!ies. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
!ioo"ica !ases o$ !eha&ior 14S=/ !I23
The ner,os system
o =erons 6e.(.0 the re*'ex ar!8
o =erotransmitters
o $tr!tre and *n!tion o* the periphera' ner,os system
o $tr!tre and *n!tion o* the !entra' ner,os system
The brain
o )orebrain
o Midbrain
o Eindbrain
o +atera'i;ation o* !orti!a' *n!tions
o Methods sed in stdyin( the brain
The spina' !ord
=erona' !ommni!ation and its in*'en!e on beha,ior 6-$S8
#n*'en!e o* nerotransmitters on beha,ior 6-$S8
The endo!rine system
o Components o* the endo!rine system
o E**e!ts o* the endo!rine system on beha,ior
&eha,iora' (eneti!s
o Jenes0 temperament0 and heredity
o Adapti,e ,a'e o* traits and beha,iors
o #ntera!tion bet"een heredity and en,ironmenta' in*'en!es
#n*'en!e o* (eneti! and en,ironmenta' *a!tors on the de,e'opment o* beha,iors
o Experien!e and beha,ior 6-$S8
o 4e('atory (enes and beha,ior 6&#G8
o Jeneti!a''y based beha,iora' ,ariation in natra' pop'ations
Eman physio'o(i!a' de,e'opment 6-$S8
o -renata' de,e'opment
o Motor de,e'opment
o @e,e'opmenta' !han(es in ado'es!en!e
4ersonait' 14S=3
Theories o* persona'ity
o -sy!hoana'yti! perspe!ti,e
o Emanisti! perspe!ti,e
o Trait perspe!ti,e
o $o!ia' !o(niti,e perspe!ti,e
o &io'o(i!a' perspe!ti,e
o &eha,iorist perspe!ti,e
$itationa' approa!h to exp'ainin( beha,ior
4s'choo"ica +isorders 14S=3
Anderstandin( psy!ho'o(i!a' disorders
o &iomedi!a' ,s. biopsy!hoso!ia' approa!hes
o C'assi*yin( psy!ho'o(i!a' disorders
o 4ates o* psy!ho'o(i!a' disorders
Types o* psy!ho'o(i!a' disorders
o Anxiety disorders
o Gbsessi,eX!omp'si,e disorder
o Trama7 and stressor7re'ated disorders
o $omati! symptom and re'ated disorders
o &ipo'ar and re'ated disorders
o @epressi,e disorders
o $!hi;ophrenia
o @isso!iati,e disorders
o -ersona'ity disorders
&io'o(i!a' bases o* ner,os system disorders 6-$S0 &#G8
o $!hi;ophrenia
o @epression
o A';heimers disease
o -ar5insons disease
o $tem !e''7based therapy to re(enerate nerons in the !entra' ner,os system 6&#G8
Moti&ation 14S=3
)a!tors that in*'en!e moti,ation
o #nstin!t
o Arosa'
o @ri,es 6e.(.0 ne(ati,e *eedba!5 systems8 6-$S0 &#G8
o =eeds
Theories that exp'ain ho" moti,ation a**e!ts hman beha,ior
o @ri,e red!tion theory
o #n!enti,e theory
o Gther theories 6e.(.0 !o(niti,e0 need7based8
&io'o(i!a' and so!io!'tra' moti,ators that re('ate beha,ior 6e.(.0 hn(er0 sex dri,e0 sbstan!e
Attitudes 14S=3
Components o* attitdes 6i.e.0 !o(niti,e0 a**e!ti,e0 and beha,iora'8
The 'in5 bet"een attitdes and beha,ior
o -ro!esses by "hi!h beha,ior in*'en!es attitdes 6e.(.0 *oot7in7the door phenomenon0
ro'e7p'ayin( e**e!ts8
o -ro!esses by "hi!h attitdes in*'en!e beha,ior
o Co(niti,e dissonan!e theory
Content Category 4B: Social processes that influence human behavior
Many so!ia' pro!esses in*'en!e hman beha,ior< in *a!t0 the mere presen!e o* other indi,ida's !an
in*'en!e or beha,ior. Jrops and so!ia' norms a'so exert in*'en!e o,er or beha,ior. G*tentimes0
so!ia' pro!esses in*'en!e or beha,ior thro(h n"ritten r'es that de*ine a!!eptab'e and na!!eptab'e
beha,ior in so!iety.
Gr nderstandin( o* (rops and so!ia' norms is 'earned thro(h the pro!ess o* so!ia'i;ation. What "e
'earn abot the (rops and so!iety to "hi!h "e be'on( a**e!ts or beha,ior and in*'en!es or
per!eptions and intera!tions "ith others.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers ho" the presen!e o* others0 (rop de!ision7ma5in( pro!esses0 so!ia'
norms0 and so!ia'i;ation shape or beha,ior. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
How the 4resence o$ 2thers A$$ects Indi&idua !eha&ior 14S=3
$o!ia' *a!i'itation
&ystander e**e!t
$o!ia' 'oa*in(
$o!ia' !ontro' 6$GC8
-eer pressre 6-$S0 $GC8
Con*ormity 6-$S0 $GC8
Gbedien!e 6-$S0 $GC8
8rou. +ecision6ma*in" 4rocesses 14S=/ S2C3
Jrop po'ari;ation 6-$S8
5ormati&e and 5on6normati&e !eha&ior 1S2C3
$o!ia' norms 6-$S0 $GC8
o $an!tions 6$GC8
o )o'5"ays0 mores0 and taboos 6$GC8
o Anomie 6$GC8
o -erspe!ti,es on de,ian!e 6e.(.0 di**erentia' asso!iation0 'abe'in( theory0 strain theory8
Aspe!ts o* !o''e!ti,e beha,ior 6e.(.0 *ads0 mass hysteria0 riots8
Sociai7ation 14S=/ S2C3
A(ents o* so!ia'i;ation 6e.(.0 the *ami'y0 mass media0 peers0 "or5p'a!e8
Content Category 4C: Attitude and behavior change
+earnin( is a re'ati,e'y permanent !han(e in beha,ior bro(ht abot by experien!e. There are a nmber
o* di**erent types o* 'earnin(0 "hi!h in!'de habitation as "e'' as asso!iati,e0 obser,ationa'0 and so!ia'
A'tho(h peop'e !an 'earn ne" beha,iors and !han(e their attitdes0 psy!ho'o(i!a'0 en,ironmenta'0 and
bio'o(i!a' *a!tors in*'en!e "hether those !han(es "i'' be short7term or 'on(7term. Anderstandin( ho"
peop'e 'earn ne" beha,iors0 !han(e their attitdes0 and the !onditions that a**e!t 'earnin( he'ps s
nderstand beha,ior and or intera!tions "ith others.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers 'earnin( and theories o* attitde and beha,ior !han(e. This in!'des
the e'aboration 'i5e'ihood mode' and so!ia' !o(niti,e theory. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory
are the *o''o"in(%
Ha,ituation and +isha,ituation 14S=3
Associati&e %earnin" 14S=3
C'assi!a' !onditionin( 6-$S0 &#G8
o =etra'0 !onditioned0 and n!onditioned stim'i
o Conditioned and n!onditioned response
o -ro!esses% a!3isition0 extin!tion0 spontaneos re!o,ery0 (enera'i;ation0 dis!rimination
Gperant !onditionin( 6-$S0 &#G8
o -ro!esses o* shapin( and extin!tion
o Types o* rein*or!ement% positi,e0 ne(ati,e0 primary0 !onditiona'
o 4ein*or!ement s!hed'es% *ixed7ratio0 ,ariab'e7ratio0 *ixed7inter,a'0 ,ariab'e7inter,a'
o -nishment
o Es!ape and a,oidan!e 'earnin(
The ro'e o* !o(niti,e pro!esses in asso!iati,e 'earnin(
&io'o(i!a' pro!esses that a**e!t asso!iati,e 'earnin( 6e.(.0 bio'o(i!a' predispositions0 instin!ti,e
dri*t8 6-$S0 &#G8
2,ser&ationa %earnin" 14S=3
&io'o(i!a' pro!esses that a**e!t obser,ationa' 'earnin(
o Mirror nerons
o 4o'e o* the brain in experien!in( ,i!arios emotions
App'i!ations o* obser,ationa' 'earnin( to exp'ain indi,ida' beha,ior
Theories o$ Attitude and !eha&ior Chan"e 14S=3
E'aboration 'i5e'ihood mode'
$o!ia' !o(niti,e theory
)a!tors that a**e!t attitde !han(e 6e.(.0 !han(in( beha,ior0 !hara!teristi!s o* the messa(e and
tar(et0 so!ia' *a!tors8
sychological" Social" and Biological Foundations of Behavior
#oundationa Conce.t D
-sy!ho'o(i!a'0 so!io!'tra'0 and bio'o(i!a' *a!tors in*'en!e the "ay "e thin5 abot orse',es and
others0 as "e'' as ho" "e intera!t "ith others.
The !onne!tion bet"een ho" peop'e thin5 abot themse',es and others is !omp'ex and a**e!ts so!ia'
intera!tions. The interp'ay bet"een tho(hts abot orse',es0 tho(hts abot others0 and or bio'o(y has
important imp'i!ations *or or sense o* se'* and interpersona' re'ationships.
)ondationa' Con!ept / *o!ses on the physi!a'0 !o(niti,e0 and so!ia' !omponents o* or identity0 as
"e'' as ho" these !omponents in*'en!e the "ay "e thin5 abot and intera!t "ith others.
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% AA *o!ses on the notion o* se'* and identity *ormation.
Cate)o"% AB *o!ses on the attitdes and be'ie*s that a**e!t so!ia' intera!tion.
Cate)o"% AC *o!ses on the a!tions and pro!esses nder'yin( so!ia' intera!tions.
These are the bi'din( b'o!5s medi!a' stdents need to 'earn abot intera!tin( and !o''aboratin( "ith
patients0 their *ami'ies0 and other hea'th pro*essiona's0 as "e'' as the *a!tors that in*'en!e patientX
pro,ider intera!tions.
Content Category 5A: Self0identity
The sel' re*ers to the tho(hts and be'ie*s "e ha,e abot orse',es. Gr notion o* se'* is !omp'ex and
m'ti*a!eted. #t in!'des (ender0 ra!ia'0 and ethni! identities0 as "e'' as be'ie*s abot or abi'ity to
a!!omp'ish tas5s and exert !ontro' o,er di**erent sitations.
Gr notion o* se'* de,e'ops o,er time and is shaped by a ,ariety o* *a!tors0 in!'din( so!iety0 !'tre0
indi,ida's and (rops0 and or ni3e experien!es. Eo" "e ,ie" orse',es in*'en!es or per!eptions
o* others0 and by extension0 or intera!tions "ith them.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the notions o* se'*7!on!ept and identity0 a'on( "ith the ro'e o* se'*7
esteem0 se'*7e**i!a!y0 and 'o!s o* !ontro' in the de,e'opment o* se'*7!on!ept. #dentity *ormation0
in!'din( de,e'opmenta' sta(es and the so!ia' *a!tors that a**e!t identity *ormation0 is a'so !o,ered here.
Theories are in!'ded to pro,ide histori!a' !ontext *or the *ie'd o* identity *ormation. The topi!s and
sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Se$6Conce.t/ Se$6identit'/ and Socia Identit' 14S=/ S2C3
The ro'e o* se'*7esteem0 se'*7e**i!a!y0 and 'o!s o* !ontro' in se'*7!on!ept and se'*7identity 6-$S8
@i**erent types o* identities 6e.(.0 ra!e_ethni!ity0 (ender0 a(e0 sexa' orientation0 !'ass8
#ormation o$ Identit' 14S=/ S2C3
Theories o* identity de,e'opment 6e.(.0 (ender0 mora'0 psy!hosexa'0 so!ia'8
#n*'en!e o* so!ia' *a!tors on identity *ormation
o #n*'en!e o* indi,ida's 6e.(.0 imitation0 'oo5in(7('ass se'*0 ro'e7ta5in(8
o #n*'en!e o* (rops 6e.(.0 re*eren!e (rop8
#n*'en!e o* !'tre and so!ia'i;ation on identity *ormation
Content Category 5B: Social thin$ing
?ocial thin7in) re*ers to the "ays in "hi!h "e ,ie" others and or en,ironment0 as "e'' as ho" "e
interpret others beha,iors. A ,ariety o* *a!tors]persona'ity0 en,ironment0 and !'tre]*a!tor into the
be'ie*s and attitdes "e de,e'op.
Gr be'ie*s and attitdes abot others and the en,ironment a'so shape the "ay "e intera!t "ith ea!h
other. To intera!t "ith others0 "e need to interpret di**erent aspe!ts o* a sitation0 in!'din( or
per!eption o* orse',es0 the beha,ior o* others0 and the en,ironment.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers or attitdes abot others and ho" those attitdes de,e'op0 in!'din(
ho" per!eptions o* !'tre and en,ironment a**e!t attribtions o* beha,ior. #t a'so !o,ers ho" or
attitdes abot di**erent (rops]preVdi!e0 stereotypes0 sti(ma0 and ethno!entrism] may in*'en!e or
intera!tions "ith (rop members. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Attri,utin" !eha&ior to 4ersons or Situations 14S=3
Attribtiona' pro!esses 6e.(.0 *ndamenta' attribtion error0 ro'e o* !'tre in attribtions8
Eo" se'*7per!eptions shape or per!eptions o* others
Eo" per!eptions o* the en,ironment shape or per!eptions o* others
4re>udice and !ias 14S=/ S2C3
-ro!esses that !ontribte to preVdi!e
o -o"er0 presti(e0 and !'ass 6$GC8
o The ro'e o* emotion in preVdi!e 6-$S8
o The ro'e o* !o(nition in preVdi!e 6-$S8
$ti(ma 6$GC8
Ethno!entrism 6$GC8
o Ethno!entrism ,s. !'tra' re'ati,ism
4rocesses )eated to Stereot'.es 14S=3
$e'*7*'*i''in( prophe!y
$tereotype threat
Content Category 5C: Social interactions
Emans are so!ia' bein(s by natre. Tho(h the sentiment is simp'e0 the a!tions and pro!esses
nder'yin( and shapin( or so!ia' intera!tions are not.
The !han(in( natre o* so!ia' intera!tion is important *or nderstandin( the me!hanisms and pro!esses
thro(h "hi!h peop'e intera!t "ith ea!h other0 both indi,ida''y and "ithin (rops. A ,ariety o*
*a!tors]en,ironment0 !'tre0 and bio'o(y]a**e!t ho" "e present orse',es to others and ho" "e treat
them. )or examp'e0 per!eptions o* preVdi!e and stereotypes !an 'ead to a!ts o* dis!rimination0 "hereas
positi,e attitdes abot others !an 'ead to the pro,ision o* he'p and so!ia' spport.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the me!hanisms o* se'*7presentation and so!ia' intera!tion in!'din(
expressin( and dete!tin( emotion0 impression mana(ement0 !ommni!ation0 the bio'o(i!a'
nderpinnin( o* so!ia' beha,ior0 and dis!rimination. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the
Eements o$ Socia Interaction 14S=/ S2C3
$tats 6$GC8
Types o* stats 6e.(.0 a!hie,ed0 as!ribed8
4o'e !on*'i!t and ro'e strain 6$GC8
4o'e exit 6$GC8
-rimary and se!ondary (rops 6$GC8
#n7(rop ,s. ot7(rop
Jrop si;e 6e.(.0 dyads0 triads8 6$GC8
=et"or5s 6$GC8
Gr(ani;ations 6$GC8
o )orma' or(ani;ation
o &rea!ra!y
Chara!teristi!s o* an idea' brea!ra!y
-erspe!ti,es on brea!ra!y 6e.(.0 iron 'a" o* o'i(ar!hy0 M!@ona'di;ation8
Se$6.resentation and Interactin" with 2thers 14S=/ S2C3
Expressin( and dete!tin( emotion
o The ro'e o* (ender in the expression and dete!tion o* emotion
o The ro'e o* !'tre in the expression and dete!tion o* emotion
-resentation o* se'*
o #mpression mana(ement
o )ront sta(e ,s. ba!5 sta(e se'* 6@ramatr(i!a' approa!h8 6$GC8
^erba' and non,erba' !ommni!ation
Anima' si(na's and !ommni!ation 6-$S0 &#G8
Socia !eha&ior 14S=3
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
$o!ia' spport 6-$S0 $GC8
&io'o(i!a' exp'anations o* so!ia' beha,ior in anima's 6-$S0 &#G8
o )ora(in( beha,ior 6&#G8
o Matin( beha,ior and mate !hoi!e
o App'yin( (ame theory 6&#G8
o A'trism
o #n!'si,e *itness 6&#G8
+iscrimination 14S=/ S2C3
#ndi,ida' ,s. instittiona' dis!rimination 6$GC8
The re'ationship bet"een preVdi!e and dis!rimination
Eo" po"er0 presti(e0 and !'ass *a!i'itate dis!rimination 6$GC8
sychological" Social" and Biological Foundations of Behavior
#oundationa Conce.t E
C'tra' and so!ia' di**eren!es in*'en!e "e''7bein(.
$o!ia' str!tre and demo(raphi! *a!tors in*'en!e peop'es hea'th and "e''7bein(. ?no"'ed(e abot
basi! so!io'o(i!a' theories0 so!ia' instittions0 !'tre0 and demo(raphi! !hara!teristi!s o* so!ieties is
important to nderstand ho" these *a!tors shape peop'es 'i,es and their dai'y intera!tions.
)ondationa' Con!ept 9 *o!ses on so!ia' ,ariab'es and pro!esses that in*'en!e or 'i,es.
Content Cate"ories
Cate)o"% BA *o!ses on the 'in5 bet"een so!ia' str!tres and hman intera!tions.
Cate)o"% BB *o!ses on the demo(raphi! !hara!teristi!s and pro!esses that de*ine a so!iety.
Medi!a' stdents "i'' bi'd pon these !on!epts0 'earnin( abot the "ays in "hi!h demo(raphi!s and
so!ia' *a!tors in*'en!e hea'th !are and are determinants o* hea'th ot!omes. ?no"'ed(e o* these
!on!epts "i'' prepare stdents to 'earn abot the "ays in "hi!h patients ba!5(ronds and experien!es
in*'en!e their expe!tations o* the hea'th!are system0 intera!tions "ith hea'th!are pro,iders0 and
responses to treatment.
Content Category 6A: .nderstanding social structure
$o!ia' str!tre or(ani;es a'' hman so!ieties. E'ements o* so!ia' str!tre in!'de so!ia' instittions
and !'tre. These e'ements are 'in5ed in a ,ariety o* "ays and shape or experien!es and intera!tions
"ith others]a pro!ess that is re!ipro!a'.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory pro,ides a *ondation *or nderstandin( so!ia' str!tre and the ,arios
*orms o* intera!tions "ithin and amon( so!ieties. #t in!'des theoreti!a' approa!hes to stdyin( so!iety
and so!ia' (rops0 spe!i*i! so!ia' instittions re'e,ant to stdent preparation *or medi!a' s!hoo'0 and the
!onstr!t o* !'tre. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
Theoretica A..roaches 1S2C3
Mi!roso!io'o(y ,s. ma!roso!io'o(y
Con*'i!t theory
$ymbo'i! intera!tionism
$o!ia' !onstr!tionism
Ex!han(e7rationa' !hoi!e
)eminist theory
Socia Institutions 1S2C3
o Eidden !rri!'m
o Tea!her expe!tan!y
o Ed!ationa' se(re(ation and strati*i!ation
)ami'y 6-$S0 $GC8
o )orms o* 5inship 6$GC8
o @i,ersity in *ami'y *orms
o Marria(e and di,or!e
o ^io'en!e in the *ami'y 6e.(.0 !hi'd abse0 e'der abse0 sposa' abse8 6$GC8
o 4e'i(iosity
o Types o* re'i(ios or(ani;ations 6e.(.0 !hr!hes0 se!ts0 !'ts8
o 4e'i(ion and so!ia' !han(e 6e.(.0 moderni;ation0 se!'ari;ation0 *ndamenta'ism8
Jo,ernment and e!onomy
o -o"er and athority
o Comparati,e e!onomi! and po'iti!a' systems
o @i,ision o* 'abor
Eea'th and medi!ine
o Medi!a'i;ation
o The si!5 ro'e
o @e'i,ery o* hea'th !are
o #''ness experien!e
o $o!ia' epidemio'o(y
Cuture 14S=/ S2C3
E'ements o* !'tre 6e.(.0 be'ie*s0 'an(a(e0 rita's0 symbo's0 ,a'es8
Materia' ,s. symbo'i! !'tre 6$GC8
C'tre 'a( 6$GC8
C'tre sho!5 6$GC8
Assimi'ation 6$GC8
M'ti!'tra'ism 6$GC8
$b!'tres and !onter!'tres 6$GC8
Mass media and pop'ar !'tre 6$GC8
E,o'tion and hman !'tre 6-$S0 &#G8
Transmission and di**sion 6$GC8
Content Category 6B: Demographic characteristics and processes
#n order to nderstand the str!tre o* a so!iety0 it is important to nderstand the demo(raphi!
!hara!teristi!s and pro!esses "hi!h de*ine it. ?no"'ed(e o* the demo(raphi! str!tre o* so!ieties and
an nderstandin( o* ho" so!ieties !han(e he'ps s to !omprehend the distin!t pro!esses and
me!hanisms thro(h "hi!h so!ia' intera!tion o!!rs.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers the important demo(raphi! ,ariab'es at the !ore o* nderstandin(
so!ieties0 and a'so in!'des !on!epts re'ated to demo(raphi! shi*ts and so!ia' !han(e. The topi!s and
sbtopi!s in this !ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
+emo"ra.hic Structure o$ Societ' 14S=/ S2C3
A(in( and the 'i*e !orse
A(e !ohorts 6$GC8
$o!ia' si(ni*i!an!e o* a(in(
$ex ,erss (ender
The so!ia' !onstr!tion o* (ender 6$GC8
Jender se(re(ation 6$GC8
4a!e and ethni!ity 6$GC8
o The so!ia' !onstr!tion o* ra!e
o 4a!ia'i;ation
o 4a!ia' *ormation
#mmi(ration stats 6$GC8
o -atterns o* immi(ration
o #nterse!tions "ith ra!e and ethni!ity
$exa' orientation
+emo"ra.hic Shi$ts and Socia Chan"e 1S2C3
Theories o* demo(raphi! !han(e 6i.e.0 Ma'thsian theory and demo(raphi! transition8
-op'ation (ro"th and de!'ine 6e.(.0 pop'ation proVe!tions0 pop'ation pyramids8
)erti'ity0 mi(ration0 and morta'ity
o )erti'ity and morta'ity rates 6e.(.0 tota'0 !rde0 a(e7spe!i*i!8
o -atterns in *erti'ity and morta'ity
o -sh and p'' *a!tors in mi(ration
$o!ia' mo,ements
o 4e'ati,e depri,ation
o Gr(ani;ation o* so!ia' mo,ements
o Mo,ement strate(ies and ta!ti!s
o )a!tors !ontribtin( to ('oba'i;ation 6e.(.0 !ommni!ation te!hno'o(y0 e!onomi!
o -erspe!ti,es on ('oba'i;ation
o $o!ia' !han(es in ('oba'i;ation 6e.(.0 !i,i' nrest0 terrorism8
o #ndstria'i;ation and rban (ro"th
o $brbani;ation and rban de!'ine
o Jentri*i!ation and rban rene"a'
sychological" Social" and Biological Foundations of Behavior
#oundationa Conce.t 10
$o!ia' strati*i!ation and a!!ess to resor!es in*'en!e "e''7bein(.
$o!ia' strati*i!ation and ine3a'ity a**e!t a'' hman so!ieties0 and shape the 'i,es o* a'' indi,ida's by
a**ordin( pri,i'e(es to some and positionin( others at a disad,anta(e.
)ondationa' Con!ept 10 *o!ses on the aspe!ts o* so!ia' ine3a'ity that in*'en!e ho" "e intera!t "ith
one another0 as "e'' as ho" "e approa!h or hea'th and the hea'th!are system.
Content Cate"or'
Cate)o"% 10A *o!ses on a broad nderstandin( o* so!ia' !'ass0 in!'din( theories o*
strati*i!ation0 so!ia' mobi'ity0 and po,erty.
#n medi!a' s!hoo'0 stdents "i'' 'earn the "ays in "hi!h so!ia' strati*i!ation in*'en!es hea'th !are and
ho" so!ia' ine3a'ity !an be a determinant o* hea'th. ?no"'ed(e o* these !on!epts "i'' prepare stdents
to 'earn abot the "ays by "hi!h patients so!ia' !'ass and 'i,in( !onditions a**e!t their a!!ess to hea'th
!are0 intera!tions "ith pro,iders0 and hea'th ot!omes.
Content Category 17A: Social ine(uality
&arriers to the a!!ess o* instittiona' resor!es exist *or the se(ment o* the pop'ation that is
disen*ran!hised or 'a!5s po"er "ithin a (i,en so!iety. &arriers to a!!ess mi(ht in!'de 'an(a(e0
(eo(raphi! 'o!ation0 so!ioe!onomi! stats0 immi(ration stats0 and ra!ia'_ethni! identity.
#nstittiona'i;ed ra!ism and dis!rimination are a'so *a!tors "hi!h pre,ent some (rops *rom obtainin(
e3a' a!!ess to resor!es. An nderstandin( o* the barriers to the a!!ess o* instittiona' resor!es0
in*ormed by perspe!ti,es s!h as so!ia' Vsti!e0 is essentia' to address hea'th and hea'th!are disparities.
The !ontent in this !ate(ory !o,ers spatia' ine3a'ity0 the str!tre and patterns o* so!ia' !'ass0 and
hea'th disparities in re'ation to !'ass0 ra!e_ethni!ity0 and (ender. The topi!s and sbtopi!s in this
!ate(ory are the *o''o"in(%
S.atia Ine(uait' 1S2C3
4esidentia' se(re(ation
=ei(hborhood sa*ety and ,io'en!e
En,ironmenta' Vsti!e 6'o!ation and exposre to hea'th ris5s8
Socia Cass 1S2C3
Aspe!ts o* so!ia' strati*i!ation
o $o!ia' !'ass and so!ioe!onomi! stats
o C'ass !ons!iosness and *a'se !ons!iosness
o C'tra' !apita' and so!ia' !apita'
o $o!ia' reprod!tion
o -o"er0 pri,i'e(e0 and presti(e
o #nterse!tiona'ity 6e.(.0 ra!e0 (ender0 a(e8
o $o!ioe!onomi! (radient in hea'th
o J'oba' ine3a'ities
-atterns o* so!ia' mobi'ity
o #nter(enerationa' and intra(enerationa' mobi'ity
o ^erti!a' and hori;onta' mobi'ity
o Merito!ra!y
o 4e'ati,e and abso'te po,erty
o $o!ia' ex!'sion 6se(re(ation and iso'ation8
Heath +is.arities 1S2C3 6e.(.0 !'ass0 (ender0 and ra!e ine3a'ities in hea'th8
Heathcare +is.arities 1S2C3 6e.(.0 !'ass0 (ender0 and ra!e ine3a'ities in hea'th !are8
Whats on the MCAT
Exam? Scientific Inquir an!
"easonin# S$i%%s
103 & 201' AAMC( Ma not )e re*ro!uce! +ithout
SCIE5TI#IC I5-0I)= A5+ )EAS25I58 S@I%%S
+eaders in medi!a' ed!ation be'ie,e that tomorro"s physi!ians need to be ab'e to !ombine s!ienti*i!
5no"'ed(e "ith s5i''s in s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin(. With that in mind0 the MCAT exam "i'' as5
yo to demonstrate *or s!ienti*i! in3iry and reasonin( s5i''s that natra'0 beha,iora'0 and so!ia'
s!ientists re'y on to ad,an!e their "or5%
9no:ledge of !cientific Concepts and Principles
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* s!ienti*i! !on!epts and prin!ip'es
: #denti*yin( the re'ationships bet"een !'ose'y7re'ated !on!epts
!cientific 'easoning and Problem !ol;ing
: 4easonin( abot s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es0 theories0 and mode's
: Ana'y;in( and e,a'atin( s!ienti*i! exp'anations and predi!tions
'easoning about the +esign and %<ecution of 'esearch
: @emonstratin( nderstandin( o* important !omponents o* s!ienti*i! resear!h
: 4easonin( abot ethi!a' isses in resear!h
+ata=$ased and !tatistical 'easoning
: #nterpretin( patterns in data presented in tab'es0 *i(res0 and (raphs
: 4easonin( abot data and dra"in( !on!'sions *rom them
The dis!ssion that *o''o"s des!ribes ea!h o* the s5i''s and ho" yo may be as5ed to demonstrate them.
Three samp'e test 3estions are pro,ided to i''strate ea!h s5i''% one *rom the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and
&io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion< one *rom the &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o*
+i,in( $ystems se!tion< and one *rom the Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems
se!tion. A'so in!'ded are exp'anations o* ho" ea!h 3estion tests a spe!i*i! s!ienti*i! in3iry and
reasonin( s5i''.
?7ill 1C /no$le#)e o' ?cienti'ic Conce!ts an# 8"inci!les
The 3estions in this s5i'' !ate(ory "i'' as5 yo to demonstrate yor 5no"'ed(e o* the 10 *ondationa'
!on!epts des!ribed ear'ier in this !hapter. These 3estions "i'' as5 yo to re!o(ni;e0 re!a''0 or de*ine
basi! !on!epts in the natra'0 beha,iora'0 and so!ia' s!ien!es as "e'' as their re'ationships "ith one
another. The !on!epts and s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es may be represented by "ords0 (raphs0 tab'es0 dia(rams0
or *orm'as.
As yo "or5 on these 3estions0 yo may be as5ed to re!o(ni;e a s!ienti*i! *a!t or de*ine a !on!ept. Gr
yo may be as5ed to app'y a s!ienti*i! prin!ip'e to a prob'em. >estions may as5 yo to identi*y the
re'ationships bet"een !'ose'y7re'ated !on!epts or re'ate ,erba' to (raphi! representations o* s!ien!e
!ontent. They may as5 yo to identi*y examp'es o* obser,ations that i''strate s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es.
>estions may as5 yo to re!o(ni;e a s!ienti*i! !on!ept sho"n in a dia(ram or represented in a (raph.
Gr they may (i,e yo a mathemati!a' e3ation and as5 yo to se it to so',e a prob'em.
>estions that test this s5i'' "i'' as5 yo to sho" that yo nderstand s!ienti*i! !on!epts and prin!ip'es
by0 *or examp'e0
4e!o(ni;in( !orre!t s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es
#denti*yin( the re'ationships amon( !'ose'y7re'ated !on!epts
#denti*yin( the re'ationships bet"een di**erent representations o* !on!epts 6e.(.0 ,erba'0
symbo'i!0 (raphi!8
#denti*yin( examp'es o* obser,ations that i''strate s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es
Asin( mathemati!a' e3ations to so',e prob'ems
&y "ay o* examp'e0 3estions *rom the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior
se!tion may as5 yo to demonstrate yor 5no"'ed(e o* s!ienti*i! !on!epts and prin!ip'es by
4e!o(ni;in( the prin!ip'e o* retroa!ti,e inter*eren!e
Asin( Webers +a" to identi*y physi!a' di**eren!es that are dete!tab'e

#denti*yin( the beha,iora' !han(e 6extin!tion8 that "i'' o!!r "hen a 'earned response is no
'on(er *o''o"ed by a rein*or!er
#denti*yin( the re'ationship bet"een operant !onditionin( and !'assi!a' !onditionin(
#denti*yin( a (raph that i''strates the re'ationship bet"een ed!ationa' attainment and 'i*e
4e!o(ni;in( !onditions that res't in 'earned he'p'essness
4e!o(ni;in( a demo(raphi! trend that is represented in a pop'ation pyramid
The three samp'e 3estions that *o''o" i''strate $5i'' 1 3estions *rom0 respe!ti,e'y0 the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0
$o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion< the &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o*
+i,in( $ystems se!tion< and the Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystem se!tion o* the
MCAT exam.
!9)** 1 %&MP*% F'(M T,% P!/C,(*(G)C*1 !(C)*1 N+ $)(*(G)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F
$%,.)(' !%CT)(N>
Whi!h series !orre!t'y se3en!es the types o* !e''s in,o',ed in the transmission o* in*ormation *rom
sond dete!tion to the moment "hen an indi,ida' trns his or her head in response to the sond?
A. $ensory nerons0 internerons0 a**erent nerons0 s5e'eta' ms!'e !e''s
&. $ensory nerons0 e**erent nerons0 internerons0 s5e'eta' ms!'e !e''s
C. Me!hanore!eptors0 sensory nerons0 internerons0 motor nerons0 s5e'eta' ms!'e !e''s
@. Me!hanore!eptors0 sensory nerons0 internerons0 a**erent nerons0 s5e'eta' ms!'e !e''s
The !orre!t ans"er is C. This $5i'' 1 3estion tests yor 5no"'ed(e o* the s!ienti*i! !on!epts and
prin!ip'es des!ribed by Content Cate(ory 1A0 ?ensin) the envi"onment0 and is a $5i'' 1 3estion be!ase
it re3ires yo to re'ate s!ienti*i! !on!epts. This 3estion as5s yo to re!o(ni;e and se3en!e the !orre!t
order o* re!eptors and nerons in,o',ed in sensory pro!essin( and to !on!'de that C is the !orre!t
!9)** 1 %&MP*% F'(M T,% $)(*(G)C* N+ $)(C,%M)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F *).)NG !/!T%M!
Eo" are the basa' 'ayer o* the epidermis and the innermost 'inin( o* the sma'' intestine simi'ar?
A. &oth are nondi,idin( tisses.
&. &oth are deri,ed *rom e!toderm.
C. &oth are !omposed o* s3amos !e''s.
@. The !e''s o* both are !onne!ted by ti(ht Vn!tions.
The !orre!t ans"er is @. #t is a $5i'' 1 3estion and assesses 5no"'ed(e o* Content Cate(ory 2A0
Assem&lies o' molecules, cells, an# )"ou!s o' cells $ithin sin)ula" cellula" an# multicellula" o")anisms.
#t is a $5i'' 1 3estion be!ase it re3ires yo to re!a'' the str!tra' and embryo'o(i!a' !hara!teristi!s o*
t"o tisses and re'ate them to one another. To ans"er this 3estion !orre!t'y0 yo mst identi*y a
simi'arity bet"een the basa' 'ayer o* the epidermis and the innermost 'inin( o* the sma'' intestine.
!9)** 1 %&MP*% F'(M T,% C,%M)C* N+ P,/!)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F $)(*(G)C* !/!T%M!
#n Mi!hae'is7Menten en;yme 5ineti!s0 "hat is the ,e'o!ity o* the rea!tion "hen the sbstrate
!on!entration is e3a' to /
A. nV
&. eV
C. V
@. 2V
The !orre!t ans"er is &. This is a $5i'' 1 3estion and re'ates to Content Cate(ory 5E0 8"inci!les o'
chemical the"mo#%namics an# 7inetics. #t is a $5i'' 1 3estion be!ase yo mst re!o(ni;e the
re'ationship bet"een t"o ,ariab'es in the !ontext o* an experiment. To ans"er the 3estion0 yo mst
re!o(ni;e /
0 re!a'' its si(ni*i!an!e in Mi!hae'is7Menten en;yme 5ineti!s0 and re'ate it to another
*ndamenta' ,ariab'e0 V
?7ill 2C ?cienti'ic :easonin) an# 8"o&lem ?olvin)
>estions that test s!ienti*i! reasonin( and prob'em7so',in( s5i''s di**er *rom 3estions in the pre,ios
!ate(ory by as5in( yo to se yor s!ienti*i! 5no"'ed(e to so',e prob'ems in the natra'0 beha,iora'0
and so!ia' s!ien!es.
As yo "or5 on 3estions that test this s5i''0 yo may be as5ed to se s!ienti*i! theories to exp'ain
obser,ations or ma5e predi!tions abot natra' or so!ia' phenomena. >estions may as5 yo to Vd(e
the !redibi'ity o* s!ienti*i! exp'anations or to e,a'ate ar(ments abot !ase and e**e!t. Gr they may
as5 yo to se s!ienti*i! mode's and obser,ations to dra" !on!'sions. They may as5 yo to re!o(ni;e
s!ienti*i! *indin(s that !a'' a theory or mode' into 3estion. >estions in this !ate(ory may as5 yo to
'oo5 at pi!tres or dia(rams and dra" !on!'sions *rom them. Gr they may as5 yo to determine and
then se s!ienti*i! *orm'as to so',e prob'ems.
So "i'' be as5ed to sho" that yo !an se s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es to so',e prob'ems by0 *or examp'e0
4easonin( abot s!ienti*i! prin!ip'es0 theories0 and mode's
Ana'y;in( and e,a'atin( s!ienti*i! exp'anations and predi!tions
E,a'atin( ar(ments abot !ases and !onse3en!es
&rin(in( to(ether theory0 obser,ations0 and e,iden!e to dra" !on!'sions
4e!o(ni;in( s!ienti*i! *indin(s that !ha''en(e or in,a'idate a s!ienti*i! theory or mode'
@eterminin( and sin( s!ienti*i! *orm'as to so',e prob'ems
&y "ay o* i''stration0 3estions *rom the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o*
&eha,ior se!tion may as5 yo demonstrate this s5i'' by
Asin( the main premises o* symbo'i! intera!tionism to reason abot an obser,ationa' stdy o*
physi!ian7patient intera!tions
-redi!tin( ho" an indi,ida' "i'' rea!t to !o(niti,e dissonan!e
4easonin( abot "hether a !asa' exp'anation is possib'e "hen (i,en an examp'e o* ho"
somebodys (ender or persona'ity predi!ts his or her beha,ior
Con!'din( "hi!h sta(e o* !o(niti,e de,e'opment a !hi'd is in0 a!!ordin( to -ia(ets theory0
"hen presented "ith a des!ription o* ho" a !hi'd responds to a !onser,ation prob'em
@eterminin( "hether an examp'e0 s!h as "hen an anorexi! teena(er restri!ts eatin( to satis*y
esteem needs0 is !ompatib'e "ith the premises o* Mas'o"s hierar!hy o* needs
@ra"in( a !on!'sion abot "hi!h so!io'o(i!a' theory "o'd be most !onsistent "ith a
!on!epta' dia(ram that exp'ains ho" so!ia' and en,ironmenta' *a!tors in*'en!e hea'th
#denti*yin( the re'ationship bet"een so!ia' instittions that is s((ested by an i''stration sed in
a pb'i! hea'th !ampai(n
)or more !ontext0 'ets !onsider three $5i'' 2 3estions 'in5ed to di**erent *ondationa' !on!epts in the
-sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion< the &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a'
)ondations o* +i,in( $ystems se!tion< and the Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a'
$ystems se!tion.
!9)** 2 %&MP*% F'(M T,% P!/C,(*(G)C*1 !(C)*1 N+ $)(*(G)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F
$%,.)(' !%CT)(N>
The !on!ept o* !'tra' !apita' predi!ts that%
A. !'tra' distin!tions asso!iated "ith the yon( "i'' be more ,a'ed "ithin a so!iety.
&. "ith impro,ed !ommni!ation0 there "i'' e,enta''y be a !on,er(en!e o* !'tra' pra!ti!es o* a''
C. !'tra' distin!tions by !'ass "i'' be!ome 'ess important drin( a re!ession be!ase peop'e "i''
ha,e 'ess money to spend.
@. !'tra' distin!tions asso!iated "ith e'ite !'asses "i'' be more ,a'ed "ithin a so!iety.
The !orre!t ans"er is @. #t is a $5i'' 2 3estion and assesses 5no"'ed(e o* Content Cate(ory 10A0
?ocial ineualit%. #t is a $5i'' 2 3estion be!ase it re3ires yo to ma5e a predi!tion based on a
parti!'ar !on!ept. This 3estion re3ires yo to nderstand the !on!ept o* !'tra' !apita' in order to
e,a'ate "hi!h predi!tion abot so!ia' strati*i!ation "o'd be most !onsistent "ith the !on!ept.
!9)** 2 %&MP*% F'(M T,% $)(*(G)C* N+ $)(C,%M)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F *).)NG !/!T%M!
$tartin( "ith the trans'ation initiation !odon0 the *o''o"in( se3en!e en!odes a po'ypeptide o* ho"
many amino a!ids?
A. 2
&. .
C. 1
@. /
The !orre!t ans"er is A. This is a $5i'' 2 3estion0 and yo mst se 5no"'ed(e *rom Content Cate(ory
1&0 2"ansmission o' )enetic in'o"mation '"om the )ene to the !"otein0 to so',e this prob'em. #n addition
to re!a''in( the se3en!e *or the start !odon0 this is a $5i'' 2 3estion be!ase it re3ires yo to app'y the
s!ienti*i! prin!ip'e o* the (eneti! !ode to the pro,ided 4=A se3en!e. As a $5i'' 2 3estion0 reasonin(
abot the ro'e o* the stop !odon in trans'ation "i'' a''o" yo to arri,e at the !on!'sion that this
po'ypeptide has t"o amino a!ids.
!9)** 2 %&MP*% F'(M T,% C,%M)C* N+ P,/!)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F $)(*(G)C* !/!T%M!
The radis o* the aorta is abot 1.0 !m and b'ood passes thro(h it at a ,e'o!ity o* .0 !m_s. A typi!a'
!api''ary has a radis o* abot 4 o 10
!m "ith b'ood passin( thro(h at a ,e'o!ity o* 5 o 10
Asin( this data0 "hat is the approximate nmber o* !api''aries in a hman body?
A. 1 o 10
&. 2 o 10
C. 4 o 10
@. 2 o 10
The !orre!t ans"er is C. This $5i'' 2 3estion re'ates to Content Cate(ory 4&0 ;m!o"tance o' 'lui#s 'o"
the ci"culation o' &loo#, )as movement, an# )as e-chan)e. This 3estion as5s yo to se a mathemati!a'
mode' to ma5e predi!tions abot natra' phenomena. To ans"er this 3estion0 yo mst be ab'e to
re!o(ni;e the prin!ip'es o* *'o" !hara!teristi!s o* b'ood in the hman body and app'y the appropriate
mathemati!a' mode' to an n*ami'iar s!enario. Ans"erin( this 3estion *irst re3ires re!o(nition that the
,o'me o* b'ood *'o"in( thro(h the aorta is the same ,o'me o* b'ood *'o"in( thro(h the !api''aries.
#t is a $5i'' 2 3estion be!ase yo then need to se reasonin( s5i''s to *ind the di**eren!e in the ,o'mes
that the aorta and !api''aries !an ea!h !arry in order to !a'!'ate the tota' nmber o* !api''aries.
?7ill 1C :easonin) a&out the .esi)n an# 3-ecution o' :esea"ch
>estions that test reasonin( abot the desi(n and exe!tion o* resear!h "i'' as5 yo to demonstrate
yor s!ienti*i! in3iry s5i''s by sho"in( that yo !an Zdo[ s!ien!e. They "i'' as5 yo to demonstrate
yor nderstandin( o* important !omponents o* s!ienti*i! methodo'o(y. These 3estions "i'' as5 yo to
demonstrate yor 5no"'ed(e o* the "ays in "hi!h natra'0 beha,iora'0 and so!ia' s!ientists !ond!t
resear!h to test and extend s!ienti*i! 5no"'ed(e.
As yo "or5 on these 3estions0 yo may be as5ed to sho" ho" s!ientists se theory0 past resear!h
*indin(s0 and obser,ations to as5 testab'e 3estions and pose hypotheses. >estions that test this s5i''
may as5 yo to reason abot the "ays in "hi!h s!ientists (ather data *rom samp'es o* members o* the
pop'ation abot "hi!h they "o'd 'i5e to dra" in*eren!es. They may as5 yo to identi*y ho" s!ientists
manip'ate and !ontro' ,ariab'es to test their hypotheses. >estions may as5 yo to reason abot the
"ays s!ientists ta5e measrements and re!ord res'ts. These 3estions may as5 yo to re!o(ni;e *a'ty
resear!h 'o(i! or point ot the 'imitations o* the resear!h stdies that are des!ribed. Gr they may as5 yo
to identi*y *a!tors that mi(ht !on*se the in*eren!es yo !an dra" *rom the res'ts.
These 3estions may a'so as5 yo to demonstrate and se yor nderstandin( o* the "ays s!ientists
adhere to ethi!a' (ide'ines to prote!t the ri(hts o* resear!h parti!ipants0 the inte(rity o* their "or50 and
the interests o* resear!h !onsmers.
>estions that test this s5i'' "i'' as5 yo to se yor 5no"'ed(e o* important !omponents o* s!ienti*i!
methodo'o(y by0 *or examp'e0
#denti*yin( the ro'e o* theory0 past *indin(s0 and obser,ations in s!ienti*i! 3estionin(
#denti*yin( testab'e resear!h 3estions and hypotheses
@istin(ishin( bet"een samp'es and pop'ations and bet"een res'ts that do and do not spport
(enera'i;ations abot pop'ations
#denti*yin( the re'ationships amon( the ,ariab'es in a stdy 6e.(.0 independent ,erss dependent
,ariab'es< !ontro' and !on*ondin( ,ariab'es8
4easonin( abot the appropriateness0 pre!ision0 and a!!ra!y o* too's sed to !ond!t resear!h
in the natra' s!ien!es
4easonin( abot the appropriateness0 re'iabi'ity0 and ,a'idity o* too's sed to !ond!t resear!h in
the beha,iora' and so!ia' s!ien!es
4easonin( abot the *eatres o* resear!h stdies that s((est asso!iations bet"een ,ariab'es or
!asa' re'ationships bet"een them 6e.(.0 tempora'ity0 random assi(nment8
4easonin( abot ethi!a' isses in s!ienti*i! resear!h
>estions *rom the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion may as5 yo
to reason abot the desi(n and exe!tion o* resear!h by0 *or examp'e0
#denti*yin( the basi! !omponents o* sr,ey methods0 ethno(raphi! methods0 experimenta'
methods0 or other types o* resear!h desi(ns in psy!ho'o(y and so!io'o(y
$e'e!tin( a hypothesis abot semanti! a!ti,ation
#denti*yin( the extent to "hi!h a *indin( !an be (enera'i;ed to the pop'ation "hen (i,en detai's
abot ho" parti!ipants "ere re!rited *or an experiment in 'an(a(e de,e'opment
#denti*yin( the experimenta' setp in "hi!h resear!hers manip'ate se'*7!on*iden!e
#denti*yin( the most appropriate "ay o* assessin( preVdi!e in a stdy on imp'i!it bias
4easonin( abot the imp'i!ations o* re'yin( on se'*7report measres *or a spe!i*i! stdy
#denti*yin( the third ,ariab'e that may be !on*ondin( the *indin(s *rom a !orre'ationa' stdy
Ma5in( Vd(ments abot the re'iabi'ity and ,a'idity o* spe!i*i! measres "hen (i,en in*ormation
abot the response patterns o* parti!ipants
#denti*yin( "hether resear!hers ,io'ated any ethi!a' !odes "hen (i,en in*ormation abot a stdy
The three samp'e 3estions that *o''o" i''strate $5i'' . 3estions *rom0 respe!ti,e'y0 the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0
$o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion< the &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o*
+i,in( $ystems se!tion< and the Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems se!tion o*
the MCAT exam.
!9)** 3 %&MP*% F'(M T,% P!/C,(*(G)C*1 !(C)*1 N+ $)(*(G)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F
$%,.)(' !%CT)(N>
4esear!hers !ond!ted an experiment to test so!ia' 'oa*in(. They as5ed parti!ipants to prepare an
anna' report or a tax retrn. $ome parti!ipants per*ormed the tas5 indi,ida''y and others per*ormed
it as a (rop. What are the independent and dependent ,ariab'es?
A. The independent ,ariab'e is the o,era'' prod!ti,ity o* the (rop0 and the dependent ,ariab'e is
ea!h parti!ipants !ontribtion to the tas5.
&. The independent ,ariab'e is the type o* tas50 and the dependent ,ariab'e is "hether the
parti!ipants "or5ed a'one or in a (rop.
C. The independent ,ariab'e is "hether the parti!ipant "or5ed a'one or in a (rop0 and the
dependent ,ariab'e is ea!h parti!ipants !ontribtion to the tas5.
@. The independent ,ariab'e is "hether the parti!ipant "or5ed a'one or in a (rop0 and the
dependent ,ariab'e is the type o* the tas5.
The !orre!t ans"er is C. This $5i'' . 3estion assesses 5no"'ed(e o* Content Cate(ory 2&0 ?ocial
!"ocesses that in'luence human &ehavio". This 3estion is a $5i'' . 3estion be!ase it re3ires yo to
reason abot resear!h desi(n. This 3estion re3ires yo to nderstand so!ia' 'oa*in( and dra"
in*eren!es abot the dependent and independent ,ariab'es based on this !on!ept and the des!ription o*
the experimenta' desi(n.
!9)** 3 %&MP*% F'(M T,% $)(*(G)C* N+ $)(C,%M)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F *).)NG !/!T%M!
$odim dode!y' s'*ate 6$@$8 !ontains a 127!arbon tai' atta!hed to a s'*ate (rop and is sed in
denatrin( (e' e'e!trophoresis o* proteins. =meros $@$ mo'e!'es "i'' bind to the exposed
hydrophobi! re(ions o* denatred proteins. The se o* $@$ in this experiment a''o"s *or the
separation o* proteins by%
A. !har(e.
&. mo'e!'ar "ei(ht.
C. shape.
@. so'bi'ity.
The !orre!t ans"er is &. This is a $5i'' . 3estion and re3ires 5no"'ed(e *rom Content Cate(ory 1A0
?t"uctu"e an# 'unction o' !"oteins an# thei" constituent amino aci#s. #t is a $5i'' . 3estion be!ase it
re3ires yo to nderstand the desi(n o* a denatrin( (e' e'e!trophoresis experiment and the ro'e that
$@$ p'ays in this te!hni3e. &ased on this nderstandin(0 yo "i'' be ab'e to determine that proteins
"i'' be separated on'y by mo'e!'ar "ei(ht.
!9)** 3 %&MP*% F'(M T,% C,%M)C* N+ P,/!)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F $)(*(G)C* !/!T%M!
A test *or proteins in rine in,o',es pre!ipitation bt is o*ten !omp'i!ated by pre!ipitation o* !a'!im
phosphate. Whi!h pro!edre pre,ents pre!ipitation o* the sa't?
A. Addition o* b**er to maintain hi(h pE
&. Addition o* b**er to maintain netra' pE
C. Addition o* !a'!im hydroxide
@. Addition o* sodim phosphate
The !orre!t ans"er is &. This is a $5i'' . 3estion and re'ates to Content Cate(ory 5&0 >atu"e o'
molecules an# inte"molecula" inte"actions. #n this $5i'' . 3estion0 yo mst identi*y a !han(e in an
experimenta' approa!h that "o'd e'iminate a *re3ent'y en!ontered !omp'i!ation. The !omp'i!ation in
this !ase is re'ated to the test *or protein7in,o',in( pre!ipitation. The test "i'' (i,e a *a'se positi,e i*
!a'!im phosphate pre!ipitates. To ans"er this $5i'' . 3estion0 yo need to reason abot ho" !han(in(
experimenta' parameters "i'' e'iminate the !omp'i!ation.
?7ill 4C .ata*&ase# an# ?tatistical :easonin)
+i5e 3estions abot the third s5i''0 3estions that test the *orth s5i'' "i'' as5 yo to sho" that yo !an
Zdo[ s!ien!e0 this time by demonstratin( yor data7based and statisti!a' reasonin( s5i''s. >estions that
test this s5i'' "i'' as5 yo to reason "ith data. They "i'' as5 yo to read and interpret res'ts sin(
tab'es0 (raphs0 and !harts. These 3estions "i'' as5 yo to demonstrate that yo !an identi*y patterns in
data and dra" !on!'sions *rom e,iden!e.
>estions that test this s5i'' may as5 yo to demonstrate yor 5no"'ed(e o* the "ays natra'0 beha,iora'
and so!ia' s!ientists se measres o* !entra' tenden!y and dispersion to des!ribe their data. These
3estions may as5 yo to demonstrate yor nderstandin( o* the "ays s!ientists thin5 abot random and
systemati! errors in their experiments and datasets. They may a'so as5 yo to demonstrate yor
nderstandin( o* ho" s!ientists thin5 abot n!ertainty and the imp'i!ations o* n!ertainty *or statisti!a'
testin( and the in*eren!es they !an dra" *rom their data. These 3estions may as5 yo to sho" ho"
s!ientists se data to ma5e !omparisons bet"een ,ariab'es or exp'ain re'ationships bet"een them or
ma5e predi!tions. They may as5 yo to se data to ans"er resear!h 3estions or dra" !on!'sions.
These 3estions may as5 yo to demonstrate yor 5no"'ed(e o* the "ays s!ientists dra" in*eren!es
*rom their res'ts abot asso!iations bet"een ,ariab'es or !asa' re'ationships bet"een them. >estions
that test this s5i'' may as5 yo to examine e,iden!e *rom a s!ienti*i! stdy and point ot statements that
(o beyond the e,iden!e. Gr they may as5 yo to s((est a'ternati,e exp'anations *or the same data.
>estions that test this s5i'' "i'' as5 yo to se yor 5no"'ed(e o* data7based and statisti!a' reasonin(
by0 *or examp'e0
Asin(0 ana'y;in(0 and interpretin( data in *i(res0 (raphs0 and tab'es
E,a'atin( "hether representations ma5e sense *or parti!'ar s!ienti*i! obser,ations and data
Asin( measres o* !entra' tenden!y 6mean0 median0 and mode8 and measres o* dispersion
6ran(e0 inter73arti'e ran(e0 and standard de,iation8 to des!ribe data
4easonin( abot random and systemati! error
4easonin( abot statisti!a' si(ni*i!an!e and n!ertainty 6e.(.0 interpretin( statisti!a' si(ni*i!an!e
'e,e's0 interpretin( a !on*iden!e inter,a'8
Asin( data to exp'ain re'ationships bet"een ,ariab'es or ma5e predi!tions
Asin( data to ans"er resear!h 3estions and dra" !on!'sions
#denti*yin( !on!'sions that are spported by resear!h res'ts
@eterminin( the imp'i!ations o* res'ts *or rea'7"or'd sitations
>estions *rom the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0 and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion may as5 yo
to demonstrate yor se o* data7based and statisti!a' reasonin( by0 *or examp'e0
#denti*yin( the !orre'ation bet"een a demo(raphi! ,ariab'e0 s!h as ra!e_ethni!ity0 (ender0 or
a(e0 "ith 'i*e expe!tan!y or another hea'th ot!ome
#denti*yin( the re'ationship bet"een demo(raphi! ,ariab'es and hea'th ,ariab'es reported in a
tab'e or *i(re
Exp'ainin( "hy in!ome data are sa''y reported sin( the median rather than the mean
4easonin( abot "hat in*eren!e is spported by a tab'e o* !orre'ations bet"een di**erent
so!ioe!onomi! ,ariab'es and 'e,e' o* parti!ipation in di**erent physi!a' a!ti,ities
4easonin( abot the type o* !omparisons made in an experimenta' stdy o* !o(niti,e dissonan!e
and "hat the *indin(s imp'y *or attitde and beha,ior !han(e
@ra"in( !on!'sions abot the type o* memory a**e!ted by an experimenta' manip'ation "hen
yo are sho"n a (raph o* *indin(s *rom a memory experiment
@istin(ishin( the 5inds o* !'aims that !an be made "hen sin( 'on(itdina' data0 !ross7se!tiona'
data0 or experimenta' data in stdies o* so!ia' intera!tion
#denti*yin( "hi!h !on!'sion abot mathemati!a' nderstandin( in yon( !hi'dren is spported
by time data reported in a de,e'opmenta' stdy
E,a'atin( data !o''e!ted *rom di**erent types o* resear!h stdies0 s!h as !omparin( res'ts
*rom a 3a'itati,e stdy o* me!hanisms *or !opin( "ith stress "ith res'ts *rom a 3antitati,e
stdy o* so!ia' spport net"or5s
Asin( data0 s!h as inter,ie"s "ith !an!er patients or a nationa' sr,ey o* hea'th beha,iors0 to
determine a pra!ti!a' app'i!ation based on a stdys res'ts
The three 3estions that *o''o" i''strate $5i'' 4 3estions *rom0 respe!ti,e'y0 the -sy!ho'o(i!a'0 $o!ia'0
and &io'o(i!a' )ondations o* &eha,ior se!tion< the &io'o(i!a' and &io!hemi!a' )ondations o* +i,in(
$ystems se!tion< and the Chemi!a' and -hysi!a' )ondations o* &io'o(i!a' $ystems se!tion o* the
MCAT exam.
!9)** # %&MP*% F'(M T,% P!/C,(*(G)C*1 !(C)*1 N+ $)(*(G)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F
$%,.)(' !%CT)(N>
Whi!h !orre'ation spports the bystander e**e!t?
A. The nmber o* bystanders is positi,e'y !orre'ated "ith the time it ta5es *or someone to o**er he'p
in the !ase o* an emer(en!y.
&. The nmber o* bystanders is ne(ati,e'y !orre'ated "ith the time it ta5es *or someone to o**er
he'p in the !ase o* an emer(en!y.
C. The nmber o* bystanders is positi,e'y !orre'ated "ith "hether peop'e Vd(e a sitation to be an
@. The nmber o* bystanders is ne(ati,e'y !orre'ated "ith "hether peop'e Vd(e a sitation to be an
The !orre!t ans"er is A. This $5i'' 4 3estion assesses 5no"'ed(e o* Content Cate(ory 2&0 ?ocial
!"ocesses that in'luence human &ehavio". #t is a $5i'' 4 3estion be!ase it re3ires yo to en(a(e in
statisti!a' reasonin(. This 3estion re3ires yo to nderstand the distin!tion bet"een ne(ati,e and
positi,e !orre'ations and ma5e a predi!tion abot data based on yor 5no"'ed(e o* the bystander e**e!t.
!9)** # %&MP*% F'(M T,% $)(*(G)C* N+ $)(C,%M)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F *).)NG !/!T%M!
#n the *i(re0 the three !r,es represent hemo('obin oxy(en bindin( at three di**erent pE ,a'es0 pE
2.20 pE 2.40 and pE 2.1.
What !on!'sion !an be dra"n *rom these data abot the oxy(en bindin( o* hemo('obin at di**erent
pE ,a'es?
A. +o" pE *a,ors the hi(h a**inity oxy(en bindin( state.
&. +o" pE *a,ors the 'o" a**inity oxy(en bindin( state.
C. Gxy(en a**inity is independent o* pE.
@. Gxy(en bindin( is non7!ooperati,e at 'o" pE.
The !orre!t ans"er is &. This $5i'' 4 3estion dra"s on 5no"'ed(e *rom Content Cate(ory 1A0
?t"uctu"e an# 'unction o' !"oteins an# thei" constituent amino aci#s. This is a $5i'' 4 3estion be!ase it
as5s yo to se data to exp'ain a property o* hemo('obin. So mst e,a'ate the hemo('obin oxy(en
bindin( data *or ea!h pE ,a'e and !ompare them to determine the re'ationship bet"een pE and
hemo('obin oxy(en a**inity in order to !on!'de that 'o" pE *a,ors the 'o" a**inity oxy(en bindin(
!9)** # %&MP*% F'(M T,% C,%M)C* N+ P,/!)C* F(-N+T)(N! (F $)(*(G)C* !/!T%M!
)or di**erent so'tions o* a sin('e amino a!id "ere titrated0 and the p/ ,a'es o* the so'te "ere
!olution p81 p82 p83
1 2.10 ../1 9./2
2 2.10 4.02 9.42
. 2..2 9.21 =ot App'i!ab'e
4 2.1/ 9.04 12.4/
Whi!h so'tion !ontains an amino a!id that "o'd be most 'i5e'y to stabi'i;e an anioni! sbstrate in an
en;yme po!5et at physio'o(i!a' pE?
A. $o'tion 1
&. $o'tion 2
C. $o'tion .
@. $o'tion 4
The !orre!t ans"er is @. This $5i'' 4 3estion in!'des a tab'e and assesses 5no"'ed(e o* Content
Cate(ory 5@0 ?t"uctu"e, 'unction, an# "eactivit% o' &iolo)icall%*"elevant molecules. Eere yo see that
*or di**erent so'tions o* a sin('e amino a!id "ere titrated0 and the p/ ,a'es "ere determined. These
,a'es are *ond in the tab'e. This is a $5i'' 4 3estion be!ase yo mst re!o(ni;e a data pattern in the
tab'e0 ma5e !omparisons0 and se those !omparisons to ma5e a predi!tion. Asin( 5no"'ed(e o* amino
a!ids and peptide bonds and the patterns yo see in the data0 yo !an determine that the >* and C*
termins p/ ,a'es0 ro(h'y 2 and 9 *or a'' so'tions0 !an be i(nored sin!e these (rops "i'' be in,o',ed
in peptide bond *ormation. With *rther ana'yses0 yo !an determine that on'y $o'tion 4 "i'' be !ationi!
at physio'o(i!a' pE.
Whats on the MCAT2015 Exam? Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
What wi the Critica Ana'sis and )easonin" S*is Section Test?
The Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion o* the MCAT exam "i'' be simi'ar to many o* the
,erba' reasonin( tests yo ha,e ta5en in yor a!ademi! !areer. #t in!'des passa(es and 3estions that
test yor abi'ity to nderstand "hat yo read. So may *ind this se!tion to be ni3e in se,era' "ays0
tho(h0 be!ase it has been de,e'oped spe!i*i!a''y to measre the ana'ysis and reasonin( s5i''s yo "i''
need to be s!!ess*' in medi!a' s!hoo'. The Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion a!hie,es this
(oa' by as5in( yo to read and thin5 abot passa(es *rom a "ide ran(e o* dis!ip'ines in the so!ia'
s!ien!es and hmanities0 *o''o"ed by a series o* 3estions that 'ead yo thro(h the pro!ess o*
!omprehendin(0 ana'y;in(0 and reasonin( abot the materia' yo ha,e read.
Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s passa(es are re'ati,e'y short0 typi!a''y bet"een 500 and 100
"ords0 bt they are !omp'ex0 o*ten tho(ht7pro,o5in( pie!es o* "ritin( "ith sophisti!ated ,o!ab'ary
and0 at times0 intri!ate "ritin( sty'es. E,erythin( yo need to 5no" to ans"er test 3estions is in the
passa(es and the 3estions themse',es. =o additiona' !orse"or5 or spe!i*i! 5no"'ed(e is re3ired to
do "e'' on the Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion0 bt yo0 as the test ta5er0 may *ind
yorse'* needin( to read the passa(es and 3estions in "ays that are di**erent *rom the readin( re3ired
in the textboo5s yo sed in most pre7hea'th !orses or on tests 'i5e the $AT Criti!a' 4eadin( exam.
-assa(es *or the Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion`e,en those "ritten in a !on,ersationa'
or opinionated sty'e`are o*ten m'ti*a!eted and *o!s on the re'ationships bet"een ideas or theories.
The 3estions asso!iated "ith the passa(es "i'' re3ire yo to assess the !ontent0 bt yo "i'' a'so need
to !onsider the athors intentions and tones and the "ords they sed to express their points o* ,ie".
This se!tion is desi(ned to
, test yor !omprehension0 ana'ysis0 and reasonin( s5i''s by as5in( yo to !riti!a''y ana'y;e
in*ormation pro,ided in passa(es<
, in!'de !ontent *rom ethi!s0 phi'osophy0 stdies o* di,erse !'tres0 pop'ation hea'th0 and a
"ide ran(e o* so!ia' s!ien!es and hmanities dis!ip'ines< and
, pro,ide a'' the in*ormation yo need to ans"er 3estions in the passa(es and 3estions
Test $e!tion =mber o* >estions Time
Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin(
6note the 3estions are a''
90 mintes
Critica Ana'sis and )easonin" S*is +istri,ution o$ -uestions ,' Critica Ana'sis and
)easonin" S*i and 4assa"es in the Humanities and Socia Sciences
So may "onder ho" many 3estions yo'' (et testin( a parti!'ar !riti!a' ana'ysis and reasonin( s5i''
or ho" many hmanities or so!ia' s!ien!e passa(es yo'' see on the test. The 3estions that yo see are
'i5e'y to be distribted in the "ays des!ribed be'o".T
Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''%
, )ondations o* Comprehension0 .0U
, 4easonin( Within the Text0 .0U
, 4easonin( &eyond the Text0 40U
-assa(e Content%
, Emanities0 50U
, $o!ia' $!ien!es0 50U
TThese per!enta(es ha,e been approximated to the nearest 5U and "i'' ,ary *rom one test to another *or
a ,ariety o* reasons. These reasons in!'de0 bt are not 'imited to0 !ontro''in( *or 3estion di**i!'ty0
sin( (rops o* 3estions that depend on a sin('e passa(e0 and sin( ns!ored *ie'd7test 3estions on
ea!h test *orm.
What is the Content o$ the 4assa"es in the Critica Ana'sis and )easonin" S*is
-assa(es in the Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion are ex!erpted *rom the 5inds o* boo5s0
Vorna's0 and ma(a;ines that !o''e(e stdents are 'i5e'y to read. -assa(es *rom the so!ia' s!ien!es and
hmanities dis!ip'ines mi(ht present interpretations0 imp'i!ations0 or app'i!ations o* histori!a' a!!onts0
theories0 obser,ations0 or trends o* hman so!iety as a "ho'e0 spe!i*i! pop'ation (rops0 or spe!i*i!
G* these t"o types o* passa(es 6so!ia' s!ien!es and hmanities80 so!ia' s!ien!es passa(es tend to be
more *a!ta' and s!ienti*i! in tone. )or examp'e0 a so!ia' s!ien!es passa(e mi(ht dis!ss ho" basi!
psy!ho'o(i!a' and so!io'o(i!a' assmptions he'p s!ho'ars re!onstr!t patterns o* prehistori! !i,i'i;ations
*rom an!ient arti*a!ts. Emanities passa(es o*ten *o!s on the re'ationships bet"een ideas and are more
'i5e'y to be "ritten in a !on,ersationa' or opinionated sty'e. There*ore0 yo sho'd 5eep in mind the tone
and "ord !hoi!e o* the athor in addition to the passa(e assertions themse',es. Emanities passa(es
mi(ht des!ribe the "ays art re*'e!ts histori!a' or so!ia' !han(e or ho" the phi'osophy o* ethi!s has
adapted to pre,ai'in( te!hno'o(i!a' !han(es.
Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s passa(es !ome *rom a ,ariety o* hmanities and so!ia' s!ien!es
-assa(es in the hmanities are dra"n *rom a ,ariety o* dis!ip'ines0 in!'din( 6bt not 'imited to8%
-op'ar C'tre
$tdies o* @i,erse C'tres
@ependin( on the *o!s o* the text0 a $tdies o* @i,erse C'tres passa(e !o'd be !'assi*ied as be'on(in( to either the
Emanities or $o!ia' $!ien!es
Socia Sciences
$o!ia' s!ien!es passa(es are a'so dra"n *rom a ,ariety o* dis!ip'ines0 in!'din( 6bt not 'imited to8%
-o'iti!a' $!ien!e
-op'ation Eea'th
$tdies o* @i,erse C'tres
What @inds o$ Ana'sis S*is does the Critica Ana'sis and )easonin" S*is Section
@ependin( on the *o!s o* the text0 a $tdies o* @i,erse C'tres passa(e !o'd be !'assi*ied as be'on(in( to either the
Emanities or $o!ia' $!ien!es
The Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion assesses three broad !riti!a' ana'ysis and reasonin(
s5i''s. >estions in this se!tion "i'' as5 yo to determine the o,era'' meanin( o* the text0 to smmari;e0
e,a'ate0 and !riti3e the Zbi( pi!tre0[ and to synthesi;e0 adapt0 and reinterpret !on!epts yo pro!essed
and ana'y;ed. The 3estions *o''o"in( Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s passa(es 'ead yo thro(h
this !omp'ex menta' exer!ise o* *indin( meanin( "ithin ea!h text and then reasonin( beyond the text to
expand the initia' meanin(. The ana'ysis and reasonin( s5i''s on "hi!h yo "i'' be tested mirror those
that matre test ta5ers se to ma5e sense o* !omp'ex materia's. The s5i''s assessed in the Criti!a'
Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion are represented be'o"0 and ea!h s5i'' is exp'ained in the *o''o"in(
Critical nalysis and 'easoning !"ills
Foundations of Comprehension
:Anderstandin( the basi! !omponents o* the text
:#n*errin( meanin( *rom rhetori!a' de,i!es0 "ord !hoi!e0 and text str!tre
'easoning ?ithin the Te<t
:#nte(ratin( di**erent !omponents o* the text to in!rease !omprehension
'easoning $eyond the Te<t
:App'yin( or extrapo'atin( ideas *rom the passa(e to ne" !ontexts
:Assessin( the impa!t o* introd!in( ne" *a!tors0 in*ormation0 or !onditions to ideas *rom the
#oundations o$ Com.rehension
The topi!s o* some passa(es in the Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion "i'' be *ami'iar< some
"i'' not. Exp'anations0 i''strati,e examp'es0 and de*initions o* si(ni*i!ant spe!ia'i;ed terms in these
passa(es "i'' he'p yo de,e'op the stron( basi! *ondation needed *or ans"erin( a'' the 3estions yo
en!onter in this se!tion o* the MCAT exam.
Additiona''y0 some 3estions may as5 yo abot the o,era'' meanin( o* in*ormation in the passa(es or
the athors !entra' themes or ideas< others may as5 yo to se'e!t the de*initions o* spe!i*i! "ords or
phrases as they are sed in !ontext. These 5inds o* 3estions he'p yo bi'd the *ondation that "i''
a''o" yo to thin5 in ne" "ays abot !on!epts or *a!ts presented in the passa(es. -ara(raph nmbers
may be in!'ded in 3estions to he'p yo 'o!ate re'e,ant portions o* the text.
T"o sets o* s5i''s are the basis o* the )ondations o* Comprehension 3estions on the Criti!a' Ana'ysis
and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion.
0nderstandin" the !asic Com.onents o$ the Text
The most *ndamenta' 3estions on the Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion as5 abot the
basi! !omponents o* the passa(es. Comprehension 3estions at this 'e,e' may as5 yo to pro,ide a
(enera' o,er,ie" o* the passa(e or to *o!s on spe!i*i! portions o* the text. So may be as5ed to
identi*y the athors thesis0 the main point or theme o* the passa(e0 examp'es0 or somethin( s'i(ht'y
more !omp'ex0 s!h as portions o* the passa(e "here the athor di(resses *rom the !entra' theme.
#n respondin( to these 3estions0 yo need to be ab'e to re!o(ni;e the prpose o* di**erent portions o*
the tar(et passa(e% "hat is the thesis statement0 "hat examp'es spport the main idea0 and "hat
statements pose an ar(ment or assmption? An athor distin(ishes se!tions o* text that indi!ate the
existen!e o* a sstained train o* tho(ht0 as opposed to an iso'ated detai'0 "ith rhetori!a' 'abe's s!h as
Z*or examp'e0[ Zthere*ore0[ or Z!onse3ent'y.[
So "i'' a'so need to be ab'e to re!o(ni;e "hen an athor seems to ha,e dra"n pon m'tip'e sor!es to
spport a thesis or "hen he or she presents di**erent points o* ,ie" in the sin('e passa(e. #ts a'so
important to attend to perspe!ti,e% does the athor present his or her o"n perspe!ti,e0 or does he or she
se ,erbatim 3otations or restatements *rom the perspe!ti,e o* other sor!es?
In$errin" Meanin" $rom )hetorica +e&ices/ Word Choice/ and Text Structure
>estions may a'so re3ire yo to in*er meanin(s that !ant be determined *rom a sper*i!ia' readin( o*
the text0 s!h as meanin(s that the athor has imp'ied bt did not state dire!t'y. So may ha,e to
determine ho" the athor has str!tred the text`*or examp'e0 thro(h !ase7and7e**e!t re'ationships
*or dis!ssions in the beha,iora' s!ien!es0 !hrono'o(i!a''y *or histori!a' dis!ssions0 or point7and7
!onterpoint *or po'iti!a' s!ien!e pie!es. #denti*yin( the str!tre sho'd he'p yo nderstand the
passa(e and determine its prpose. To do that0 yo "i'' need to nderstand ho" the parts o* a text *it
to(ether ,ia these di**erent 5inds o* re'ationships.
So may a'so need to attend to spe!i*i! sbt'e and nan!ed rhetori!a' de!isions an athor has made to
shape his or her ideas0 ar(ments0 or dis!ssions and perhaps to !omp'i!ate a passa(es meanin(. )or
examp'e0 3estions may as5 yo to exp'ain paradoxes0 a hi(h'i(hted "ord or phrase0 or an nexpe!ted
transition in ideas. To ans"er these 3estions0 'oo5 *or !'es in the !ontext arond the spe!i*i! se!tions
o* the passa(e. So may be as5ed to identi*y points o* ,ie"0 other than the athors0 presented indire!t'y
thro(h athoria' smmaries or paraphrases. An athors !hoi!e abot tone 6e.(.0 hmoros0
athoritati,e0 satiri!a'8 a'so !ontribtes to`or obs!res`meanin(0 and tone !an o*ten !ommni!ate the
prpose *or "hi!h a passa(e is "ritten 6e.(.0 to persade0 instr!t0 in*orm0 entertain8. )or examp'e0 a
satiri!a' pie!e may at *irst seem mere'y entertainin(0 bt a !'oser examination o*ten re,ea's that its
prpose is a!ta''y to persade.
$ome 3estions at this 'e,e' may as5 abot in*ormation not spe!i*i!a''y stated in the passa(e0 and yo
mst ma5e assmptions based on "hat the athor mere'y hints at thro(h his or her se o* !onnotati,e
'an(a(e or *i(res o* spee!h. +oo5 *or the athors expressed point o* ,ie" and the extent to "hi!h he
or she ses smmaries or paraphrases to introd!e others points o* ,ie".
The endin( o* passa(es is a'so *air (ame *or 3estions at this 'e,e'. @oes the passa(e ha,e a de*initi,e
so'tion0 a partia' reso'tion0 or a !a'' *or additiona' resear!h? @oes it end "ith a dramati! rhetori!a'
statement or a Vo5e that 'ea,es nans"ered 3estions? A(ain0 !onsiderin( these 3estions re3ires yo
to nderstand ho" the di**erent parts o* the passa(e *it to(ether to spport the !entra' thesis o* the
)easonin" Within the Text
>estions that test 4easonin( Within the Text di**er *rom those assessin( )ondations o*
Comprehension in that they as5 yo to inte(rate separate passa(e !omponents into a more (enera'i;ed
and !omp'ex interpretation o* passa(e meanin(. >estions assessin( 4easonin( Within the Text "i''
dire!t yor attention to an ar(ment0 !'aim0 or theme presented in the passa(e and then as5 yo to Vd(e
the passa(e a!!ordin( to spe!i*i! !riteria. The !riteria !o'd be the 'o(i! and p'asibi'ity o* the passa(e
text0 the sondness o* its ar(ments0 the reasonab'eness o* its !on!'sions0 the appropriateness o* its
(enera'i;ations0 or the !redibi'ity o* the athor and the sor!es he or she !ites. The 3estions re3ire yo
to di( beneath the passa(es sr*a!e as yo examine e,iden!e0 biases0 *a'ty notions o* !asa'ity0 and
irre'e,ant in*ormation and to determine the si(ni*i!an!e o* and re'ationships amon( di**erent parts o* a
passa(e. Additiona''y0 some 3estions may re3ire that yo ana'y;e the athors 'an(a(e0 stan!e0 and
prpose. )or examp'e0 p'asib'e7sondin(0 transitiona' phrases may in *a!t be tri!5y. #* read 3i!5'y0 the
"ords appear to ma5e a 'e(itimate !onne!tion bet"een parts o* a passa(e< ho"e,er0 "hen sbVe!ted to
s!rtiny0 the 'in5s they appear to ha,e estab'ished may *a'' apart.
This may sond 'i5e a 'on( 'ist o* possib'e !riti!a' and ana'ysis s5i''s to ha,e mastered0 bt they are
s5i''s yo probab'y a'ready possess and se e,ery day. $imi'ar to yor rea!tions "hen yo hear someone
tryin( to !on,in!e yo abot somethin(0 persade yo to thin5 a parti!'ar "ay0 or se'' yo somethin(0
these 3estions o*ten in,ite yo to dobt and then Vd(e the athors intentions and !redibi'ity.
>estionin( an athor is a 'e(itimate and o*ten ne!essary ana'ysis strate(y that !an ser,e test ta5ers "e''
"hen ma5in( sense o* !omp'ex text. Ans"erin( these 3estions re3ires 'oo5in( beyond !ontradi!tions
or omission o* *a!ts or detai's to *ind !'es s!h as ,a(e or e,asi,e terms or 'an(a(e that sonds se'*7
a((randi;in(0 o,erb'o"n0 or other"ise sspe!t "ithin the !ontext o* the passa(e. Credib'e sor!es`
essayists0 s!ientists0 'e!trers0 e,en pndits`sho'd be both athoritati,e and obVe!ti,e and sho'd
!'ear'y demonstrate expertise. &'atant0 one7sided ar(ments and ri(id points o* ,ie" are easy to identi*y0
bt some athors are more nan!ed in presentin( biased ideas in the (ise o* obVe!ti,ity. The 5ey to
identi*yin( bias 'ies in identi*yin( the athors t"eatment o* ideas0 "hi!h yo a!hie,e by ana'y;in( and
e,a'atin( di**erent aspe!ts o* the passa(e. )or examp'e0 an athor "ho ses demeanin( stereotypes or
dero(atory 'abe's is not 'i5e'y to be a sor!e o* obVe!ti,e0 Vdi!ios ana'ysis.
#ts important to remember that 4easonin( Within the Text 3estions do not as5 yo to pro,ide yor
o"n persona' opinion. So may0 in *a!t0 disa(ree "ith the athors o,era'' !on!'sion yet *ind that the
!on!'sion is a reasonab'e in*eren!e *rom the 'imited in*ormation pro,ided in the passa(e. #* yo happen
to 5no" some obs!re *a!t or ane!dote otside the s!ope o* the passa(e that !o'd in,a'idate the
athors !on!'sion0 i(nore it. The !ontent o* the passa(e or ne" in*ormation introd!ed by the
3estions sho'd be the on'y sor!es on "hi!h yo base yor responses. A!hie,in( a (ood s!ore on the
Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s se!tion depends on thisP
)easonin" !e'ond the Text
The *ina' !ate(ory0 4easonin( &eyond the Text0 re3ires yo to se one o* t"o ana'ysis or reasonin(
s5i''s0 "hi!h in a "ay !an be tho(ht o* as t"o sides o* a sin('e !oin. >estions assessin( the *irst set o*
s5i''s as5 yo to a!!l% o" e-t"a!olate in*ormation or ideas presented in the passa(e to a ne" or no,e'
sitation*or examp'e0 extendin( in*ormation the athor presents beyond the a!ta' !ontext o* the
The se!ond set o* s5i''s in,o',es !onsiderin( ne" in*ormation presented in a test 3estion0 menta''y
inte)"atin) this ne" in*ormation into the passa(e !ontent0 and then assessin) the potentia' impa!t o*
introd!in( the ne" e'ements into the a!ta' passa(e. 4easonin( abot ne"0 hypotheti!a' e'ements
sho'd !ase yo to synthesi;e passa(e !ontent ane" and a'ter yor interpretation o* the passa(e in some
p'asib'e "ay.
App'i!ation and inte(ration 3estions e'i!it some o* the same 5inds o* thin5in(. &oth types dea' "ith
!han(es !ased by !ombinations or !omparisons0 and both test yor menta' *'exibi'ity. They do di**er0
ho"e,er0 and their distin!t re3irements are exp'ained in more detai' be'o". 4emember0 tho(h0 that as
"ith 3estions assessin( di**erent 'e,e's o* ana'ysis and reasonin(0 yo mst sti'' se on'y the !ontent o*
the passa(es and the ne" in*ormation in the 3estions to determine yor ans"ers. ?eep a,oidin( the
temptation to brin( yor existin( 5no"'ed(e to bear in ans"erin( these 3estions.
A..'in" or Extra.oatin" Ideas $rom the 4assa"e to 5ew Contexts
^irta''y a'' 3estions assessin( app'i!ation or extrapo'ation s5i''s as5 yo ho" the in*ormation or ideas
presented in the passa(e !o'd be extended to other areas or *ie'ds. This is the 5ind o* hi(h7'e,e' ana'ysis
and reasonin( s5i'' s!ientists or theoreti!ians se "hen they !onsider a set o* *a!ts or be'ie*s and !reate
ne" 5no"'ed(e by !ombinin( the Z(i,ens[ in ne" "ays. G* !orse0 these !ombinations may or may not
res't in a s!!ess*' !ombination or ot!ome.
)or ea!h app'i!ation 3estion0 the passa(e materia' is the Z(i,en0[ and the test 3estion pro,ides spe!i*i!
dire!tions abot ho" the passa(e in*ormation mi(ht be app'ied to a ne" sitation or ho" it mi(ht be
sed to so',e a prob'em otside the spe!i*i! !ontext o* the passa(e. As the test ta5er0 yor *irst tas5 is to
ana'y;e the !hoi!es o**ered in the *or response options so that yo !an (a(e the 'i5e'y ot!ome o*
app'yin( the existin( passa(e !ontent to the spe!i*ied ne" !ontext. Ea!h response option "i'' yie'd a
di**erent res't0 bt ea!h test 3estion has on'y one de*ensib'e and demonstrab'y !orre!t response option.
The !orre!t ans"er is the one option that presents the most 'i5e'y and most reasonab'e ot!ome0 based
on'y on the in*ormation pro,ided in the passa(e and 3estion. The 3estions do not assess yor persona'
abi'ity to app'y in*ormation or so',e prob'ems0 on'y yor abi'ity to app'y in*ormation *rom the 3estion
to the passa(e yo ha,e read. )or examp'e0 i* a 3estion as5s yo to determine the athors 'i5e'y
response to *or hypotheti!a' sitations0 yo "o'd !hoose the response most !onsistent "ith "hat the
athor has a'ready said or done a!!ordin( to the text o* the passa(e. #n determinin( the !orre!t response0
r'e ot the options that do not *it or are in!on(rent "ith the !ontext 6e.(.0 *rame"or50 perspe!ti,e0
s!enario8 !reated by the passa(e materia'.
2014 AAMC. May not be reprod!ed "ithot permission.
App'i!ation 3estions sometimes re3ire se'e!tion o* a response option that is most analo)ous to some
re'ationship in the passa(e. Eere the parameters are broad. +i5eness is measred not by inherent
simi'arity bt by ana'o(y. >estions dea'in( "ith ana'o(ies test the abi'ity to identi*y a *ndamenta'
!ommon *eatre that seemin('y di**erent thin(s or pro!esses share. This may sometimes re3ire
trans'atin( a *i(rati,e !omparison into e3i,a'ent sets o* 'itera' terms. Eo"e,er0 the tas5 a'"ays
re3ires 'oo5in( beneath sr*a!e ima(ery to dis!ern nder'yin( re'ationships or paradi(ms.
Assessin" the Im.act o$ Incor.oratin" 5ew #actors/ In$ormation/ or Conditions to Ideas $rom
the 4assa"e
The essentia' di**eren!e bet"een app'i!ation and in!orporation s5i''s is that the t"o7part prpose o*
in!orporation 3estions is to introd!e a spe!i*i! pie!e o* in*ormation *or yo to !onsider and as5 yo to
assess ho" ideas in the passa(e mi(ht be a**e!ted by its introd!tion. The premise o* these 3estions is
that ideas and in*ormation in the passa(es are potentia''y ma''eab'e0 not a *ixed *rame"or50 as in
app'i!ation 3estions.
#n some in!orporation 3estions0 yo mst *ind the best ans"er to a Z"hat i*[ 3estion by reinterpretin(
and reassessin( passa(e !ontent "ith the additiona' *a!t or idea introd!ed by the 3estion. @oes the
ne" in*ormation spport or !ontradi!t the inherent 'o(i! o* the passa(e? Co'd the ne" in*ormation
!oexist "ith "hat is a'ready in the passa(e0 or "o'd it ne(ate an aspe!t o* the athors ar(ment? #* the
'atter is the !ase0 the 3estion !o'd as5 "hat modi*i!ations or a'terations mi(ht need to be made to the
passa(e !ontent to a!!ommodate the ne" e'ement introd!ed by the 3estion. 4emember0 the passa(e
sho'd be !onsidered ma''eab'e.
Gther *orms o* in!orporation 3estions may as5 yo to thin5 abot a possib'e 'o(i!a' re'ationship that
mi(ht exist bet"een the passa(e !ontent and the *a!ts or assertions in!'ded in the ans"er options. The
tas5 is to se'e!t the one option that0 i* added to the passa(e !ontent0 "o'd res't in the least amont o*
!han(e. The !orre!t response option "i'' present the sitation or ar(ment that is most simi'ar to "hat is
ot'ined in the passa(e. #n other "ords0 yo mst determine "hi!h ne" *a!t or assertion "o'd 'east
a'ter the !entra' thesis the passa(e has de,e'oped.
Sam.e S*is 4assa"e and -uestions
Eo" "i'' the MCAT exam as5 yo to demonstrate ea!h o* the !riti!a' ana'ysis and reasonin( s5i''s? The
samp'e passa(e and 3estions that *o''o" pro,ide some examp'es.
The exhibition0 The Jarry Wino(rand Jame o* -hoto(raphy0 "as a reminder o* "hy so many peop'e
!onsider Wino(rand to be one o* the (reat Ameri!an photo(raphers o* the t"entieth !entry. A'tho(h
they !ontine to a!3ire *rther 'ayers o* histori!a' spe!i*i!ity0 his street photo(raphs0 many o* them shot
in Midto"n Manhattan in the 1950s and 1910s0 ha,e 'ost none o* their 5ineti! immedia!y< the best o* his
anima' photo(raphs pro,ide s'y0 in!isi,e ,ie"s o* the hman !ondition< his pi!tres *rom the Ameri!an
road (rab the "hee' *rom Wa'5er E,ans and 4obert )ran5 to send the (enre on an npredi!tab'e detor<
in photo(raphin( a'' manner o* pb'i! e,ents0 *rom anti"ar demonstrations to art7"or'd parties to
po'iti!a' press !on*eren!es0 Wino(rand added si(ni*i!ant'y to the pi!toria' re!ord o* mid!entry Anited
$tates history. With his 'i5in( *or seemin('y random !ompositions and his *amos ti'ted7*rame e**e!t0
Wino(rand made photo(raphs that initia''y str!5 many ,ie"ers as de,oid o* *orma' stren(ths. =o"0
ho"e,er0 "e !an appre!iate the sbt'ety and nexpe!tedness o* his *ramin( and the !omp'ex interp'ay he
o*ten a!hie,es bet"een ane!dote and *orm.
#n pttin( to(ether the exhibition0 one o* the !rators0 4i!hard Misra!h0 de!ided to *o!s on an aspe!t o*
Wino(rands "or5 to "hi!h 'itt'e attention had been (i,en% the !o'or s'ides. Wino(rand be(an shootin(
!o'or photos in the 1950s and !ontined doin( so nti' the 'ate 1910s. Ee ne,er exp'ained "hy he
stopped shootin( in !o'or0 bt the di**i!'ty and expense o* ma5in( !o'or prints and their instabi'ity may
ha,e !ontribted to his de!ision.
Misra!h "as espe!ia''y dra"n to the photo(raphs Wino(rand made at boxin( mat!hes in the 1950s0 and
his se'e!tions *or the exhibition in!'ded ei(hteen boxin( shots. #n ea!h0 the *i(hters bodies are iso'ated
a(ainst dar5 ba!5(ronds and o*ten *ra(mented by the ot7o*7*o!s0 3asi7abstra!t ropes !ttin( a!ross
the *rame. #n one ama;in(0 "eird'y o**7!enter shot0 a boxer dob'in( p *rom a body b'o" appears to be
as!endin( into the srrondin( ,oid.
This sma'' se'e!tion "hetted ones appetite *or seein( more ima(es *rom Wino(rands !o'or "or5.
Eo"e,er0 it "as the s'ides that !ased some o* the most heated ar(ments amon( !rators. &i'' Kay
obVe!ted to the s'ides bein( sho"n in any *ormat be!ase they had ne,er been edited by Wino(rand.
Whi'e the prints in the ar!hi,e had a'ready been !hosen *or en'ar(ement by the photo(rapher *rom
!onta!t sheets0 Kay pointed ot0 the s'ides had nder(one no s!h pro!ess. Kay insisted that the ar!hi,es
hoard o* thosands o* s'ides and nproo*ed ne(ati,es sho'd be sed on'y *or resear!h and ne,er
pb'ished or exhibited.
Misra!h !ame to his o"n de*ense by sayin( that i* Z!ratoria' 'a"s[ "ere *o''o"ed0 the Zrea' hidden
treasres[ o* the ar!hi,e "o'd ne,er be seen by anyone. Ee a'so obser,ed that Wino(rand (a,e his
photo(raphs0 s'ides0 and ne(ati,es to the Center *or Creati,e -hoto(raphy "ithot !onditions0 "hi!h
imp'ies permission to sho" and pb'ish the "or5. #* Wino(rand didnt "ant the photo(raphs in his
ar!hi,e to be seen0 Misra!h ar(ed0 he !o'd ha,e simp'y destroyed them. #ndeed0 as others remar5ed0
some photo(raphers ha,e so(ht to exert !ontro' o,er the *tre o* their "or5 by destroyin( ne(ati,es.
)rthermore0 some !rators ar(ed *or the importan!e o* posthmos dis!o,eries o* artists "or5. And
ta5in( the dis!ssion into a "ider rea'm0 one !rator ar(ed that the Zartist is not a'"ays in the best
position to Vd(e his or her "or50[ !itin( the examp'e o* athor )ran; ?a*5a as5in( Max &rod to destroy
his mans!ripts and ho" &rod had i(nored the re3est0 to the "or'ds bene*it.
?ou"ceC A#a!te# '"om :. :u&instein, ?na! Ju#)mentsC 3-!lo"in) the 5ino)"an# A"chive. Co!%"i)ht
2002 &% B"ant 8u&lications, ;nc.
F(-N+T)(N! (F C(MP'%,%N!)(N %&MP*%> )ondations o* Comprehension 3estions test t"o
s5i''s% 18 nderstandin( the basi! !omponents o* the text and 28 in*errin( meanin( *rom rhetori!a'
de,i!es0 "ord !hoi!e0 and text str!tre. The *o''o"in( 3estion addresses the *irst o* these.
Whi!h o* the *o''o"in( best !aptres the main (oa' o* the passa(e?
A. To brin( additiona' attention to Wino(rand0 n*air'y ne('e!ted as an important Ameri!an
&. To sho"!ase the di,ersity o* Wino(rands sbVe!t matter and the (enres he exp'ored
C. To des!ribe the !ontro,ersy o,er the appropriate se o* Wino(rands ar!hi,a' !o'or s'ides
@. To ar(e that art 'o,ers and s!ho'ars ha,e a ri(ht to see a'' o* the "or5 that Wino(rand 'e*t a*ter
his death
The !orre!t ans"er is C. This 3estion as5s yo to determine "hi!h o* the *or options presented best
!aptres the main (oa' o* the passa(e.
To ans"er this 3estion0 yo mst nderstand the athors main points and ar(ments and distin(ish
these *rom sbordinate points. This 3estion i''strates nderstandin( o* basi! !omponents o* text by
as5in( yo to identi*y the primary (oa' o* the passa(e.
The ans"er is !orre!t be!ase most o* the passa(e emphasi;es the !rators de!ision. =ote that the
passa(e athor does not ta5e a !'ear position on the !ontro,ersy 6ma5in( @ in!orre!t8. #nstead0 the
athor represents m'tip'e perspe!ti,es on the !ontro,ersy0 "hi!h is the !entra' !on!ern o* the passa(e.
F(-N+T)(N! (F C(MP'%,%N!)(N %&MP*%> =o"0 'ets ta5e a 'oo5 at a 3estion that tests the
se!ond s5i'' in )ondations o* Comprehension0 "hi!h is ma5in( assmptions based on the athors
in*eren!e thro(h the se o* rhetori!a' de,i!es0 "ord !hoi!e0 and the text str!tre.
The athors se o* the term 5ineti! immedia!y 6para(raph 18 to des!ribe Wino(rands photo(raphs
most 'i5e'y re*ers to the photo(raphs%
A. abi'ity to !aptre the hst'e and bst'e o* the !ity.
&. in!orporation o* roadside s!enes.
C. histori!a''y si(ni*i!ant detai's and !ontext.
@. ni3e !ompositiona' strate(ies.
The !orre!t ans"er is A. So are as5ed to determine "hi!h o* the *or options presented most 'i5e'y
re*ers to the phrase Z5ineti! immedia!y[ as sed to des!ribe Wino(rands photo(raphs.
&e!ase o* the "ay the term Z5ineti! immedia!y[ is sed in the !ontext o* the senten!e in "hi!h it
appears0 the ans"er is A. The term re*ers to Wino(rands Zstreet photo(raphs[ o* =e" Sor5 City0 shot
de!ades a(o< the athor says that the pi!tres retain their Z5ineti! immedia!y[ o,er time. $o the athor
s((ests that the speed and dynamism o* the photos is sti'' present0 and this is best !aptred in option A.
&e!ase this 3estion as5s yo to determine the imp'i!ation o* a term or phrase by !onsiderin( the
!ontext o* its se0 its an examp'e o* the se!ond s5i'' in )ondations o* Comprehension.
'%!(N)NG ?)T,)N T,% T%&T %&MP*%> =o" "e'' mo,e on to a 3estion that addresses the next
s5i''0 4easonin( Within the Text. The ana'ysis s5i'' re'ated to 4easonin( Within the Text is inte(ratin(
di**erent !omponents o* the text to in!rease !omprehension.
The !rator "ho sed the examp'e o* Max &rod re*sin( to destroy the mans!ripts o* )ran; ?a*5a
6*ina' senten!e8 "as most 'i5e'y imp'yin( that%
A. the indi,ida' ri(hts o* an artist are sometimes ot"ei(hed by the (reater pb'i! and artisti!
&. the destr!tion o* an artists "or5 is ne,er "arranted.
C. on!e a "or5 o* art is !reated0 its destr!tion is a'most a !rime a(ainst hmanity.
@. (reat artists "i'' a'"ays attempt to 5eep their "or5s *rom bein( seen and mst be pre,ented *rom
doin( so.
The !orre!t ans"er is A. This 3estion as5s yo to inte(rate di**erent !omponents o* the text to in!rease
!omprehension0 spe!i*i!a''y the "ay the athor has *ramed his or her se o* the examp'e o* Max &rod
re*sin( to destroy the mans!ripts o* )ran; ?a*5a. To ans"er the 3estion0 yo mst determine the
*n!tion or prpose o* this examp'e0 determinin( "hi!h point or ar(ment the e,iden!e o* Max &rod
re*sin( to destroy the mans!ripts is sed to spport.
The athor pro,ides as e,iden!e the !rators point that the artist may not be the 'timate Vd(e o* his or
her "or5. Then the athor s((ests that &rod i(nored ?a*5as re3est that &rod destroy ?a*5as "or50
Zto the "or'ds bene*it.[ $o both points 'ead to the !on!'sion that the !rator means to s((est that
sometimes aestheti! ,a'e and the Z(ood[ o* the Z"or'd[ may ta5e pre!eden!e o,er an artists desire or
expressed "ish. The ans"er is A be!ase o* the "ay the passa(e athor has *ramed his or her se o* this
'%!(N)NG $%/(N+ T,% T%&T %&MP*%> The *ina' Criti!a' Ana'ysis and 4easonin( $5i''s s5i'' is
4easonin( &eyond the Text. This s5i'' in!'des the *o''o"in( t"o s5i''s% 18 app'yin( or extrapo'atin(
ideas *rom the passa(e to ne" !ontexts and 28 assessin( the impa!t o* introd!in( ne" *a!tors0
in*ormation0 or !onditions to ideas *rom the passa(e.
+ets 'oo5 at a 3estion as5in( yo to app'y or extrapo'ate in*ormation or ideas presented in the passa(e
to ne" or no,e' sitations.
$omeone "ho a(reed "ith Misra!hs de*ense o* his !hoi!e to sho" the !o'or s'ides "o'd be most
'i5e'y to a'so appro,e o*%
A. exhibitin( "or5s that an artist had donated to a msem *or s!ho'ar'y prposes on'y.
&. examinin( the rest o* Wino(rands nprinted photo(raphs and se'e!tin( some *or disp'ay.
C. re3irin( that artists !'ear'y state their intentions *or disp'ay and pb'i!ation "hen donatin( "or5s
to a msem.
@. or(ani;in( an exhibition that in!'ded a'' o* Wino(rands "or5 "hether pre,ios'y sho"n and
pb'ished or not.
The !orre!t ans"er is &. This 3estion i''strates the *irst 4easonin( &eyond the Text s5i'' be!ase it
as5s yo to be(in "ith an ar(ment presented in the passa(e`Misra!hs de*ense o* his !hoi!e to sho"
the !o'or s'ides`and then app'y that nderstandin( to a ne" sitation to see i* the ne" sitation is
ana'o(os to the idea presented in the passa(e. To ans"er the 3estion0 yo mst identi*y the option that
mat!hes Misra!hs de*ense o* his !hoi!e to sho" the !o'or s'ides.
#n the *ina' para(raph o* the passa(e0 Misra!h exp'ains his 'o(i! in de*ense o* his !hoi!e to sho" the
!o'or s'ides0 in!'din( the s((estion that the ar!hi,e !ontains some Zhidden treasres0[ and imp'yin(
that the !rator0 not ne!essari'y the artist0 mi(ht se'e!t these. There*ore0 option & most !'ose'y a'i(ns
"ith the prin!ip'e behind Misra!hs de*ense.
'%!(N)NG $%/(N+ T,% T%&T %&MP*%> The se!ond s5i'' in 4easonin( &eyond the Text in,o',es
!onsiderin( ne" in*ormation presented0 inte(ratin( this ne" in*ormation into the passa(e !ontent0 and
then assessin( ho" ideas in the passa(e mi(ht be a**e!ted by this ne" in*ormation.
Eere is a 3estion as5in( yo to demonstrate the se!ond s5i'' in 4easonin( &eyond the Text.
#* it "ere estab'ished "ith !ertainty that Wino(rand did0 as the athor s((ests0 stop shootin( in !o'or
be!ase o* the Zdi**i!'ty and expense o* ma5in( !o'or prints and their instabi'ity[ 6para(raph 280 this
in*ormation "o'd best spport "hi!h o* the *o''o"in( ar(ments?
A. Wino(rand "o'd ha,e 'i5ed to ha,e his !o'or s'ides printed on!e the te!hno'o(y made this
&. Wino(rand *e't that "or5in( in !o'or "as sty'isti!a''y in*erior to b'a!5 and "hite.
C. The !o'or s'ides sho'd be ,ie"ed as *inished prod!ts and not printed.
@. Wino(rand "o'd ha,e retrned to photo(raphin( in !o'or on!e the te!hno'o(y impro,ed.
The !orre!t ans"er is @. This 3estion as5s yo to assess ne" in*ormation`"hat it "o'd mean i* it
"as estab'ished "ith ce"taint% that Wino(rand did stop shootin( in !o'or be!ase o* the di**i!'ty and
expense o* ma5in( !o'or prints and their instabi'ity. So need to de!ide "hi!h o* the ar(ments this ne"
in*ormation "o'd best spport.
This 3estion i''strates the se!ond s5i'' in 4easonin( &eyond the Text be!ase it presents a no,e'
s!enario 6one not dis!ssed in the passa(e8 and as5s yo to assess ho" that no,e' s!enario "o'd a**e!t
the ar(ments in the passa(e.
#* Wino(rand had stopped shootin( in !o'or be!ase o* the te!hni!a' and *inan!ia' !ha''en(es posed by
shootin( in !o'or0 it *o''o"s 'o(i!a''y that i* he !o'd srmont those !ha''en(es0 he "o'd 'i5e'y retrn
to shootin( in !o'or. The other options in,o',e assmptions that the in*ormation in the 3estion does not
spport. #t does not imp'y anythin( abot Wino(rands *ee'in(s abot printin( !o'or s'ides or abot his
pre*eren!e *or b'a!5 and "hite o,er !o'or photo(raphy.

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