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Table of Contents

Preliminary Content ............................................................................................................................. 1

Social and Ethical issues ..................................................................................................................... 1
Collecting ................................................................................................................................... 1
Organising .................................................................................................................................. 6
Analysing ................................................................................................................................... 6
Storing and Retrieving ............................................................................................................... 6
Processing .................................................................................................................................. 6
Transmitting and Receiving ....................................................................................................... 6
Displaying .................................................................................................................................. 6

Project Management ............................................................................................................................. 1
Communication skills ......................................................................................................................... 2
Project management tools ................................................................................................................... 3
Social and Ethical issues ..................................................................................................................... 3

Type chapter title (level 1) .................................................................................................................... 4
Type chapter title (level 2) .................................................................................................................. 5
Type chapter title (level 3) .............................................................................................................. 6

Some definitions:
Validity of data is the accuracy or relevancy of the format of the data in relation to the purpose.
Data verification is the process in which the data is physically checked to ensure that it is correct.
Accuracy of data describes the quality of the data based on the reliability and suitability of the source,
the lack of errors involved with inputting the data and the period of time the data will remain at such a
satisfactory quality.
Preliminary Content
What is a System?
Any group of resources or processes united to achieve a purpose.
What is the Purpose?
The purpose of a system is a statement that outlines who the system is for and what the system needs
to achieve.
Who are the Users?
The person(s) who view or use the output of the system.
Who are the Participants?
The person(s) who carry out the information processes within the system.

Diagrammatic representation of a System
- Make a table for Data/Information,
separating them from one another
- Make a table for Information Technology,
separating Hardware and Software.

Collecting Data is gathered from the environment

This includes:
- Identifying what data is required for the system
- Identifying the sources of this data
- Identifying the appropriate ways of gathering this data
Ethics in Collecting:
- Availability concerning the accessibility of the data source
- Validity of Data appropriateness of the format of the data
- Data Verification process in which the data is physically checked to ensure its accuracy
- Data Integrity trustworthiness of the data through its life cycle, concerning its
accuracy, validity and completeness
- Accuracy of Data concerning the dependability of the data source, its appropriateness

Project Management

Communication skills Skills required to manage a system development project

Active listening Motivational responses encouraging more discussion
- Mirroring Repeating the speakers keywords This tells the other person that you are
listening to them
- Paraphrasing Rephrasing what the other person has said Not only does this tell the other
person that you are listening to them, by putting the content into your own words you are
more likely to remember it.
- Summarising Compiling the basic skeleton of the content, leaving out smaller details
refocuses or directs the conversation
- Clarifying questions Clarifying details by asking questions Some excluded details will be
uncovered, making things more clear and understandable
- Motivational responses Conversational encouragement/relating self to the situation
mentioned by speaker
Conflict resolution Prevention and/or resolution of conflicts
- Brainstorming As a group contributing and deciding on ideas More group contribution =
more cooperation = Better morale
- Group problem solving Solving the problem or conflict as a group Different views and
opinions can be heard. The team leader will then make decisions based on what is given
Some causes of conflicts may be:
- Limited resources
- Lack of common goal between team members
- Schedule delays
- Personal differences within the team
Negotiation skills Agreement tactic
- Arranging appointments/meetings
- Planning events - scheduling
- Setting solutions to problems that may occur
Interview techniques Interview tactics
- Dress code Formal attire
- Preparation Questions asked/asking
- Appropriate behavior E.g handshaking
Team building Forming good connections between the group
- Forming Getting the team together
- Storming Identifying conflicts
- Norming Resolving conflicts
- Performing Working to the best of ability as a team
Pros: Employing the required communication skills when managing a system development project
results in:
- Increased productivity
- Enhanced job satisfaction Morale
- The development of a quality system
Cons: Failing to employ the required communication skills when managing a system development
project may result in:
- Financial loss Project done poorly, loss of time
- Employment loss Lack of staff morale
- Missed opportunities
- Reduced efficiency Conflict may cause a lack of cooperations leading the staff to perform
at a slower rate

Project management tools Tools to assist the group, ensuring that the project is successful

Gantt chart Managing time
A timeline that illustrates the schedule for a project. It outlines the main tasks of the project and
specifies in what order they must be done and when they are to be commenced and completed.
Scheduling of tasks Managing time
A subsection of a gantt chart that is more specific to a job or task.
Journals and diaries Managing progress
Logs used by developers to track the development of the system.
Funding management plan Managing funds
An specific outline to the client how and where parts of their money is being spent.
Communication management plan Managing communication
Agreed methods of communication between client and team. This includes what time communications
are open.

Understanding the Problem

- Interviews/surveys:
- Client
- Users
- Participants
- Client interview summary
- Survey summary(s)


Feasibility study:
- Technical Concerned with the hardware and software involved as well as the expertise of
the users and participants
- Operational
- Economic -
- Scheduling -

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