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HRD Framework

Human Resource Development Framework

Human Resource Development (HRD) is considered as a vital part of Human
Resource Management and it is defned as "an organized learning experience
within a given period of time with the obective of producing the possibilit! of
performance change"" HRD aims at overall development of human resources"
HRD is more concerned with the training and development of emplo!ees"
HRD develops or traps hidden #ualities in people in order to ma$e them
accomplish new functions leading to organizational and individual goals" HRD
is a process to%
(a) ac#uire or sharpen capabilities&
(b) develops general capabilities&
(c)develops an organizational culture"
Human resource development includes training an individual after he'she is
frst hired( providing opportunities to learn new s$ills( distributing resources
that are benefcial for the emplo!ee)s tas$s( and an! other developmental
activities" *n short( HRD aims at helping emplo!ees to ac#uire competencies
re#uired to perform all their functions e+ectivel! and ma$e their organization
e,cient which is reall! ver! essential for both the emplo!ees and the
Human Resource Development (HRD) is the framewor$ for helping
emplo!ees to develop their personal and organizational s$ills( $nowledge(
and abilities" Human Resource Development includes such opportunities as -
emplo!ee training(
emplo!ee career development(
performance management and development(
succession planning(
tuition assistance( and
.rganization development"
/he focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing
the most superior wor$force so that the organization and individual
emplo!ees can accomplish their wor$ goals in service to customers"
.rganizations have man! opportunities for human resources or emplo!ee
development( both within and outside of the wor$place"
Human Resource Development can be formal such as in classroom training( a
college course( or an organizational planned change e+ort" .r( Human
Resource Development can be informal as in emplo!ee coaching b! a
HRD Framework
manager" Health! organizations believe in Human Resource Development
and cover all of these bases"
Human Resource Development (HRD) means to develop available manpower
through suitable methods such as training( promotions( transfers and
opportunities for career development" HRD programmes create a team of
well1trained( e,cient and capable managers and subordinates" 2uch team
constitutes an important asset of an enterprise" .ne organization is di+erent
from another mainl! because of the people (emplo!ees) wor$ing therein"
3ccording to 4eter 5" Dru$er( "the prosperit!( if not the survival of an!
business depends on the performance of its managers of tomorrow"" /he
human resource should be nurtured and used for the beneft of the
Features of Human Resource Development HRD
/he nature ' scope ' function ' characteristics or features of HRD are as
follows %1
6" /raining and Development%
HRD involves training and developing the emplo!ees and managers" *t
improves their #ualities( #ualifcations and s$ills" *t ma$es them more
e,cient in their present obs" *t also prepares them for future higher obs"
7" .rganizational Development (.D)%
HRD also involves .rganizational Development" .D tries to maintain good
relations throughout the organization" *t also solves problems of
absenteeism( internal con8icts( low productivit! and resistance to change"
0" 9areer Development%
HRD also involves career planning and development of emplo!ees" *t helps
the emplo!ees to plan and develop their careers" *t informs them about
future promotions and how to get these promotions" 2o HRD helps the
emplo!ee to grow and develop in the organization"
:" 4erformance 3ppraisal%
HRD conducts 4erformance 3ppraisal( 4otential 3ppraisal( etc" *t informs the
emplo!ees about their strengths and wea$nesses" *t also advises them about
how to increase their strengths and how to remove their wea$nesses"
;" Multidisciplinar!%
HRD Framework
HRD is multidisciplinar!" /hat is( it uses man! di+erent subects" *t uses
education( management( ps!cholog!( communication( and economics" HRD
uses all these subects for training and developing the emplo!ees"
<" =e! >lement for solving problems%
?ow1a1da!s an organization faces man! di+erent problems" /hese problems
are caused due to the economic( technological and social changes" /hese
problems can be solved onl! b! $nowledge( s$ill and creative e+orts" /his
$nowledge( s$ill( etc" is achieved from HRD" /herefore( HRD is a $e! element
for solving problems in the organization"
@" 9ontinuous in ?ature%
HRD is not a onetime a+air" *t is a continuous process" Development of
human resources never stops" /his is because continuous changes happen in
the organization and environment"
A" *ntegrated use of sub1s!stems%
HRD s!stem involves the integrated use of sub1s!stems such as performance
appraisal( potential appraisal( career planning( training( etc"
B" 4lacement%
HRD places the right man in the right ob" 4lacement is based on
performance appraisal( potential appraisal( training( etc" 4roper placement
gives satisfaction to the emplo!ee( and it increases the e,cienc!"
6C" Motivation b! Rewards%
HRD also motivates the emplo!ees b! giving them rewards for performing
and behaving better( suggesting new ideas( etc" 5inancial and non1fnancial
rewards are given" >ven( HRD also gives promotions and transfers to the
emplo!ees based on performance appraisals( etc"
Importance of Human Resource Development (HRD)
Human resource development (HRD) is an essential component for growth
and economic development" *t can occur at both the nationwide level and
the frm1wide level" /he enhancement of HRD of a countr! is dependent on
the government and national policies( while at the frm or micro level HRD
can happen through training and e,cient utilization of resources" Resources
are e,cientl! utilized to support HRD when the maximum beneft is created
at the lowest possible cost"
/he e+ective performance of an organization depends not ust on the
available resources( but its #ualit! and competence as re#uired b! the
organization from time to time" /he di+erence between two nations largel!
HRD Framework
depends on the level of #ualit! of human resources" 2imilarl!( the di+erence
in the level of performance of two organizations also depends on utilization
value of human resources" Moreover( the e,cienc! of production process
and various areas of management depend to a greater extent on the level of
human resources development"
/he term human resources refer to the $nowledge( s$ills( creative abilities(
talents( aptitude( values and beliefs of an organizationDs wor$ force" /he
more important aspects of human resources are aptitude( values( attitudes
and beliefs" /he vitalit! of HR to a nation and to an industr! depends upon
the level of its development"
5or the organization to be d!namic( growth1oriented and fast1changing it
should develop their HR" /hough the positive personnel policies and
programs motivate the emplo!ees( bu! their commitment and lo!alt! but
these e+orts cannot $eep the organization d!namic" .rganization to be
d!namic should possess d!namic human resources" Human resources to be
d!namic ac#uire capabilities continuousl! adopt the values and beliefs and
aptitude in accordance with changing re#uirements of the organization"
2imilarl!( when emplo!ees use their initiative( ta$e ris$s( experiment(
innovate and ma$e things( happen( the organization ma! be said to have an
enabling culture" /he competent human resources can be d!namic in an
enabling culture" /hus( the organization can develop( change and excel( onl!
if it possess developed human resources" /hus( HRD pla!s signifcant role in
ma$ing the human resources vital( useful and purposeful"
System and Sub-system of Human Resource Development (HRD)
HRD functions are carried out through its s!stems and sub s!stems" HRD has
fve maor s!stems and each of the s!stems has sub s!stems as elaborated
1. areer system! 9areer s!stem ensures attraction and retention of human
resources through the following sub1s!stems"
Manpower planning
9areer planning
2uccession planning
". #ork system! Eor$1planning s!stem ensures that the attracted and
retained human resources are utilized in the best possible wa! to obtain
organizational obectives" 5ollowing are the sub s!stems of the wor$ planning
HRD Framework
Role anal!sis
4erformance plan
4erformance feedbac$ and guidance
4erformance appraisal
Fob rotation
$. Development system! /he human resources within the organization have
to raise upto the occasion and change accordingl! if the organization wants
to be in business"
Fob enrichment
2elf1learning mechanisms
4otential appraisal
2uccession Development
Mentor s!stem
%. Self-renewal system! *t is not enough to develop individuals and teams in
the organizations but occasionall! there is a need to renew the organization
itself" 5ollowing are some of the sub s!stems that can be utilized to renew
the organization"
3ction research
.rganizational Development interventions
.rganizational Retreats
&. ulture system! *t is the culture that will give a sense of direction(
purpose( togetherness( and teamwor$" 2ome of the culture building
subs!stems are given below%
Gision( Mission and Hoal
Het1togethers and celebrations
/as$ forces
2mall Hroups
*n addition to the above s!stem the Reinforcement 2!stem can be
considered that is related with the important motivating factor for people
HRD Framework
oining and continuing in an organization in the wor$ the! get" 2ome of the
building subs!stems are given below%
High performance

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