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... through Bertha Dudde

Philosophy of life with Jesus hrist....
O!ly a philosophy of life affir"ed #y Jesus hrist a!d therefore
#ased o! the di$i!e do%tri!e of lo$e will #e a #lessi!g for a !atio!
a!d guara!tee its spiritual as well as earthly flourishi!g.
& !atio! whi%h adopts su%h a philosophy of life re"ai!s profou!dly
u!ited with the O!e pro%lai"i!g the di$i!e do%tri!e of lo$e' it will
"ature spiritually a!d !ot #e su#(e%ted to su%h great affli%tio!s
si!%e it "a)es e$ery effort to li$e a%%ordi!g to God*s will a!d
therefore does !ot re+uire "u%h sufferi!g i! order to %ha!ge.
& populatio! whi%h "odels itself o! the di$i!e Redee"er' whi%h
a%)!owledges ,i" a!d thus has a! affir"ati$e attitude towards
,i"' does !ot "erely li$e a worldly life a!d will therefore !ot o!ly
#e i!terested i! "aterial goods #ut also stri$e for spiritual
possessio!s' it will li$e a! i!!er life a!d stri$e towards as%e!t for'
due to its faith' it is "ore )!owledgea#le' #e%ause faith re+uires
lo$i!g a%ti$ity a!d the latter leads to )!owledge.
&!d )!owledgea#le people %o!s%iously li$e their li$es with God' that
is' they will !e$er tur! away fro" ,i" a!d pay tri#ute to the world.
,e!%e they will ha$e %o!+uered "atter already #e%ause' ha$i!g
#ee! sei-ed #y the lo$e of God' they see their goal of life i! the
u!io! with ,i".
o!se+ue!tly' a !atio! whi%h has released itself fro" "atter is
highly e$ol$ed #ut will !e$er try to assert itself agai!st other
!atio!s. .t is pea%eful a!d willi!g to help' it wo!*t see) to i!%rease
its power or try to "a)e a! i"pressio!' it li$es its life +uietly a!d i!
se%lusio!' he!%e' it will ha$e little estee" i! the world yet #e held
i! high regard #y God.
/u%h a !atio! will !e$er #e a#le to u!dersta!d that a differe!t way
of thi!)i!g %ould e$er esta#lish itself whi%h !egates e$erythi!g of
di$i!e origi!' whi%h therefore also e0%ludes the di$i!e do%tri!e of
lo$e a!d wa!ts to repla%e it with hu"a! tea%hi!gs. 1et the latter
will !ot last lo!g a!d the !atio! whi%h adhered to the latter will go
u!der' for nothing will remain that is not of divine origin,
which must also include a philosophy of life without Jesus
&!d e$e! if people wage a #attle agai!st ,i"' they will !e$er #e
a#le to destroy ,is tea%hi!g' the di$i!e tea%hi!g of lo$e' a!d a
world$iew without hrist will destroy itself' (ust as a !atio! ha$i!g
adopted this poi!t of $iew will soo!er or later %ause its ow!
Pu#lished #y frie!ds of !ew re$elatio!s of God 2 .!for"atio!'
dow!load of all tra!slated re$elatio!s' the"e3#oo)lets at4


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