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ITU-T V.250
Inter!"e# !n$ %&'"e(!n$ )&$e)#
Serial asynchronous automatic dialling and
ITU*T Re"&))en$!t'&n V+,-.
(Pre%'&/#01 CCITT Re"&))en$!t'&n)
DATA COU!ICATIO! OV"# T$" T"%"&$O!" !"T'O#(
2ener!0 V+34V+5
Inter)aces and *oice+and modems V.,0-V../
W'$e(!n$ )&$e)# V+6-4V+65
Err&r "&ntr&0 V+7.4V+75
Tr!n#)'##'&n 8/!0't1 !n$ )!'nten!n"e V+-.4V+55
Inter9&r:'n; 9't< &t<er net9&r:# V+3..4V+355
For further details, please refer to ITU-T List of Recommendations.
This Recommendation (formerly Recommendation V.25 ter) defines commands and responses for use
by a DTE to control a V-Series DE usin! serial data interchan!e o"er an asynchronous interface. #t
contains four elements$
% codifies e&istin! practice in common 'ST(-DE that use the )Ttention ()T) command set*
% defines a format for orderly e&tension of the )T command set*
% pro"ides a set of standardi+ed e&tensions for common functions to identify the DE, to
control the DTE-DE interface, and to control DE-DE protocols (si!nal con"ersion, error
control and data compression)*
% pro"ides a mappin! for these commands into V.25 bis frame format for use -ith DEs
employin! synchronous serial interfaces.
#T.-T Recommendation V.25/ -as re"ised by #T.-T Study 'roup 01 (0223-2///) and -as appro"ed
under the 4TS Resolution (o. 0 procedure on the .
)T ommands, Data 5odems, Data Transmission, DE control.
#T. (#nternational Telecommunication .nion) is the .nited (ations Speciali+ed )!ency in the field of
telecommunications. The #T. Telecommunication Standardi+ation Sector (#T.-T) is a permanent or!an of the
#T.. The #T.-T is responsible for studyin! technical, operatin! and tariff 8uestions and issuin!
Recommendations on them -ith a "ie- to standardi+in! telecommunications on a -orld-ide basis.
The 4orld Telecommunication Standardi+ation onference (4TS), -hich meets e"ery four years,
establishes the topics for study by the #T.-T Study 'roups -hich, in their turn, produce Recommendations on
these topics.
The appro"al of Recommendations by the 5embers of the #T.-T is co"ered by the procedure laid do-n in
4TS Resolution (o. 0.
#n some areas of information technolo!y -hich fall -ithin #T.-T9s pur"ie-, the necessary standards are
prepared on a collaborati"e basis -ith #S7 and #E.
#n this Recommendation, the e&pression :)dministration: is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a reco!ni+ed operatin! a!ency.
#(TE;;ET.); <R7<ERT= R#'>TS
The #T. dra-s attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may
in"ol"e the use of a claimed #ntellectual <roperty Ri!ht. The #T. ta?es no position concernin! the e"idence,
"alidity or applicability of claimed #ntellectual <roperty Ri!hts, -hether asserted by #T. members or others
outside of the Recommendation de"elopment process.
)s of the date of appro"al of this Recommendation, the #T. had@had not recei"ed notice of intellectual
property, protected by patents, -hich may be re8uired to implement this Recommendation. >o-e"er,
implementors are cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore stron!ly ur!ed
to consult the TSA patent database.
#T. 022&
)ll ri!hts reser"ed. (o part of this publication may be reproduced or utili+ed in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, includin! photocopyin! and microfilm, -ithout permission in -ritin! from the #T..
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B
0 #ntroduction and scope................................................................................................
2 References...................................................................................................................
2.0 (ormati"e references..................................................................................................
2.2 #nformati"e references................................................................................................
B Definitions and abbre"iations.....................................................................................
C <hysical layer..............................................................................................................
C.0 ircuits........................................................................................................................
C.2 haracter formattin!...................................................................................................
C.B Data rates.....................................................................................................................
5 Synta& and procedures................................................................................................
5.0 )lphabet......................................................................................................................
5.2 DTE commands lines..................................................................................................
5.2.0 ommand line !eneral format.......................................................................
5.2.2 ommand line editin!....................................................................................
5.2.B ommand line echo.......................................................................................
5.2.C Repeatin! a command line.............................................................................
5.2.5 Types of DTE commands...............................................................................
5.2.1 DTE command synta&....................................................................................
5.B Aasic synta& commands..............................................................................................
5.B.0 Aasic synta& command format.......................................................................
5.B.2 S-parameters..................................................................................................
5.C E&tended synta& commands........................................................................................
5.C.0 ommand namin! rules.................................................................................
5.C.2 Values.............................................................................................................
5.C.B )ction commands..........................................................................................
5.C.C <arameter commands.....................................................................................
5.C.5 )dditional synta& rules..................................................................................
5.5 #ssuin! commands.......................................................................................................
5.1 E&ecutin! commands..................................................................................................
5.1.0 )bortin! commands.......................................................................................
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 5
5.1.2 >andlin! of in"alid numbers and S-parameter "alues...................................
5.3 DE responses............................................................................................................
5.3.0 Responses.......................................................................................................
5.3.2 E&tended synta& result codes.........................................................................
5.3.B #nformation te&t formats for test commands..................................................
5.D 5anufacturer-specific characteristics.........................................................................
5.D.0 E&tensions......................................................................................................
5.D.2 Aeha"ioural differences.................................................................................
1 6unctions.....................................................................................................................
1.0 'eneric DE control...................................................................................................
1.0.0 Reset to default confi!uration........................................................................
1.0.2 Set to factory-defined confi!uration..............................................................
1.0.B Re8uest identification information................................................................
1.0.C Re8uest manufacturer identification (+'5#)................................................
1.0.5 Re8uest model identification (+'55).........................................................
1.0.1 Re8uest re"ision identification (+'5R).......................................................
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 3
1.0.3 Re8uest product serial number identification (+'S()..................................
1.0.D Re8uest !lobal obEect identification (+'7#)..................................................
1.0.2 Re8uest complete capabilities list (+')<).................................................
1.0.0/ ountry of installation, (+'#)......................................................................
1.2 DTE-DE interface commands..................................................................................
1.2.0 ommand line termination character.............................................................
1.2.2 Response formattin! character.......................................................................
1.2.B ommand line editin! character....................................................................
1.2.C ommand echo..............................................................................................
1.2.5 Result code suppression.................................................................................
1.2.1 DE response format.....................................................................................
1.2.3 Result code selection and call pro!ress monitorin! control..........................
1.2.D ircuit 0/2 (Recei"ed line si!nal detector) beha"iour..................................
1.2.2 ircuit 0/D (Data terminal ready) beha"iour.................................................
1.2.0/ 6i&ed DTE rate (+#<R)...................................................................................
1.2.00 DTE-DE character framin! (+#6).............................................................
1.2.02 DTE-DE local flo- control (+#6).............................................................
1.2.0B DTE-DE local rate reportin! (+#;RR)........................................................
1.2.0C F#;7G Select Sync Transmit loc? Source...............................................
1.2.05 F#;SD Select ;on! Space Disconnect 7ption...............................................
1.2.01 F#DSR Select Data Set Ready 7ption...........................................................
1.2.03 F#RTS Select Synchronous 5ode RTS 7ption..............................................
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2
1.B all control..................................................................................................................
1.B.0 Dial.................................................................................................................
1.B.2 Select tone diallin! (command).....................................................................
1.B.B Select pulse diallin! (command)....................................................................
1.B.C #ncomin! call indication................................................................................
1.B.5 )ns-er...........................................................................................................
1.B.1 >oo? control..................................................................................................
1.B.3 Return to online data state..............................................................................
1.B.D )utomatic ans-er..........................................................................................
1.B.2 <ause before blind diallin!.............................................................................
1.B.0/ onnection completion timeout.....................................................................
1.B.00 omma dial modifier time.............................................................................
1.B.02 )utomatic disconnect delay...........................................................................
1.B.0B 5onitor spea?er loudness..............................................................................
1.B.0C 5onitor spea?er mode...................................................................................
1.B.05 F)ST7 Store Telephone (umber..................................................................
1.C 5odulation control commands...................................................................................
1.C.0 5odulation selection (+5S)..........................................................................
1.C.2 5odulation automode control (+5))...........................................................
1.C.B 5odulation reportin! control (+5R).............................................................
1.C.C V.0D Selection (+5V0DS)..............................................................................
1.C.5 V.0D Reportin! control (+5V0DR)................................................................
1.C.1 V.0D )ns-erin! messa!e editin! (+5V0D)5)............................................
1.C.3 7rder of probes (+5V0D<)............................................................................
1.C.D Seamless Rate han!e enable (F5S).........................................................
1.5 Error control commands..............................................................................................
1.5.0 Error control selection (+ES).........................................................................
1.5.2 Area? handlin! in error control operation (+EA)...........................................
1.5.B Selecti"e repeat (+ESR).................................................................................
1.5.C B2-bit frame chec? se8uence (+E6S)..........................................................
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 00
1.5.5 Error control reportin! (+ER)........................................................................
1.5.1 all termination buffer mana!ement (+ETA5)............................................
1.5.3 FE4#(D 4indo- Si+e..................................................................................
1.5.D FE6R)5 6rame ;en!th................................................................................
1.1 Data compression commands......................................................................................
1.1.0 Data compression (+DS)................................................................................
1.1.2 Data compression reportin! (+DR)................................................................
1.3 DE testin!.................................................................................................................
1.3.0 ;ist of Test ommands and <arameters.........................................................
1.3.2 Test ommands and <arameters....................................................................
)ppendi& # % Summary of basic and e&tended format commands...........................................
)ppendi& ## % DE confi!uration, diallin!, ne!otiation and reportin!, e&ample session.......
)ppendi& ### % Encapsulation of V.25/ messa!es in V.25 bis DE.........................................
###.0 Scope...........................................................................................................................
###.2 Encapsulation of V.25/ messa!es...............................................................................
###.B )pplicable V.25/ commands.......................................................................................
###.C )pplicable V.25/ responses........................................................................................
)ppendi& #V % )reas reser"ed for further study......................................................................
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0B
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 'e-. Rec. V.25 ter*
(revised in 1999
. I$%ro"uc%&o$ a$" #co/e
This Recommendation is applicable to the interconnection of Data Terminal E8uipment (DTE) and
Data ircuit-terminatin! E8uipment (DE) employin! serial binary data operation "ia the
V.0//-Series interchan!e circuits.
This Recommendation contains four elements$
% codifies e&istin! practice in common )synchronous 'ST(-DE that use the )Ttention ()T)
command set. #t identifies the protocol elements, procedures, and beha"iours that -ere
found to be held in common amon! a lar!e portion of DE manufacturers. #t is intended, as
much as possible, to preser"e compatibility bet-een DEs and DTEs. 5ost DEs
implement a number of e&tensions and beha"ioural differences beyond the descriptions in
this Recommendation* such e&tensions and differences are e&plicitly permitted by this
Recommendation (see 5.D)*
% defines a format for e&tension of the )T command set in an orderly fashion. #t reser"es the
:+: command prefi& to be used by other standardi+ed e&tensions, such as those found in
Recommendations T.B0 and T.B2 ()synchronous 6acsimile DE ontrol, Study 'roup D)*
% pro"ides a set of standardi+ed e&tensions, based on the e&tended :+: command format.
These commands identify the DE, control the DTE-DE interface, and control DE-DE
protocol beha"iour (si!nal con"ersion, error control and data compression)*
% pro"ides a mappin! of the commands defined in this Recommendation into V.25 bis frame
format for use -ith DEs employin! synchronous serial interfaces. See )ppendi& ###.
The procedures described for automatic callin! e8uipment conformin! to this Recommendation
allo- inter-or?in! -ith automatic ans-erin! e8uipment conformin! to Recommendations V.25 and
V.25 bis.
2 Re0ere$ce#
2.. Norma%&1e re0ere$ce#
The follo-in! Recommendations and other references contain pro"isions -hich, throu!h reference
in this te&t, constitute pro"isions of this Recommendation. )t the time of publication, the editions
indicated -ere "alid. )ll Recommendations and other references are subEect to re"ision* all users of
this Recommendation are therefore encoura!ed to in"esti!ate the possibility of applyin! the most
recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed belo-. ) list of currently "alid
#T.-T Recommendations is re!ularly published.
% #TT Recommendation H.2B (02DD), Technical features of push-button telephone sets.
% #TT Recommendation T.5/ (0222), International Reference !lphabet (IR! (Formerl"
International !lphabet #o. $ or I!$, Information technolo%" & '-bit coded character set for
information interchan%e.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0C
% #TT Recommendation V.C (02DD), (eneral structure of si%nals of international alphabet
#o. $ code for character oriented data transmission over public telephone net)or*s.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.D bis (0221), +rocedures for the identification and selection of
common modes of operation bet)een ,ata -ircuit-terminatin% ./uipments (,-.s and
bet)een ,ata Terminal ./uipments (,T.s over the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or*
and on leased point-to-point telephone- t"pe circuits.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.25 (0221), !utomatic ans)erin% e/uipment and %eneral
procedures for automatic callin% e/uipment on the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or*
includin% procedures for disablin% of echo control devices for both manuall" and
automaticall" established calls.
7ther rele"ant Recommendations are listed in the Supplement to this Recommendation.
2.2 I$0orma%&1e re0ere$ce#
% #T.-T Recommendation V.D (022C), +rocedures for startin% sessions of data transmission
over the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or*.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.0C (022B), Transmission of start-stop characters over
s"nchronous bearer channels.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.0D (0221), 0perational and inter)or*in% re/uirements for ,-.s
operatin% in the te1t telephone mode.
% #TT Recommendation V.20 (02DC), 233 bits per second duple1 modem standardi4ed for
use in the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or*.
% #TT Recommendation V.22 (02DD), 1533 bits per second duple1 modem standardi4ed for
use in the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or* and on point-to-point 5-)ire leased
telephone-t"pe circuits.
% #TT Recommendation V.22 bis (02DD), 5633 bits per second duple1 modem usin% the
fre/uenc" division techni/ue standardi4ed for use on the %eneral s)itched telephone
net)or* and on point-to-point 5-)ire leased telephone-t"pe circuits.
% #TT Recommendation V.2B (02DD), 73381533-baud modem standardi4ed for use in the
%eneral s)itched telephone net)or*.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.2C (0221), List of definitions for interchan%e circuits bet)een
,ata Terminal ./uipment (,T. and ,ata -ircuit-terminatin% ./uipment (,-..
% #TT Recommendation V.21 bis (02DC), 563381533 bits per second modem standardi4ed
for use in the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or*.
% #TT Recommendation V.21 ter (02DD), 5633 bits per second duple1 modem usin% the
echo cancellation techni/ue standardi4ed for use on the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or*
and on point-to-point 5-)ire leased telephone-t"pe circuits.
% #TT Recommendation V.23 ter (02DC), 693385633 bits per second modem standardi4ed
for use in the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or*.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.B2 (022B), ! famil" of 5-)ire, duple1 modems operatin% at data
si%nallin% rates of up to 9733 bit8s for use on the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or* and
on leased telephone-t"pe circuits.
% #TT Recommendation V.B2 bis (0220), ! duple1 modem operatin% at data si%nallin%
rates of up to 16 633 bit8s for use on the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or* and on leased
point-to-point 5-)ire telephone-t"pe circuits.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 05
% #T.-T Recommendation V.BC (0221), ! modem operatin% at data si%nallin% rates of up to
22 733 bit8s for use on the %eneral s)itched telephone net)or* and on leased point-to-point 5-)ire
telephone-t"pe circuits.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.C2 (0221), .rror-correctin% procedures for ,-.s usin%
as"nchronous-to-s"nchronous conversion.
% #TT Recommendation V.C2 bis (022/), ,ata compression procedures for ,ata -ircuit-
terminatin% ./uipment (,-. usin% error correction procedures.
% #TT Recommendation V.5C (02DD), Loop test devices for modems.
% #T.-T Recommendation V.5D (022C), :ana%ement Information model for ;-<eries ,-.s.
% #TT Recommendation I.2/D (02DD), <pecification of !bstract <"nta1 #otation 0ne
% #TT Recommendation I.2/2 (02DD), <pecification of basic encodin% rules for !bstract
<"nta1 #otation 0ne (!<#.1.
% #T.-T Recommendation T.B0 (0225), !s"nchronous facsimile ,-. -ontrol & <ervice
-lass 1.
% #T.-T Recommendation T.B2 (0225), !s"nchronous facsimile ,-. -ontrol & <ervice
-lass 5.
(7TE % See the Supplement to this Recommendation for additional informati"e references.
2 De0&$&%&o$# a$" a33re1&a%&o$#
6or the purposes of this Recommendation, the follo-in! definitions and abbre"iations apply$
2.. comma$" #%a%e$ #n ommand State, the DE is not communicatin! -ith a remote station,
and the DE is ready to accept commands. Data si!nals from the DTE on circuit 0/B are treated as
command lines and processed by the DE, and DE responses are sent to the DTE on circuit 0/C.
The DE enters this state upon po-er-up, and -hen a call is disconnected.
2.2 o$4&$e comma$" #%a%e$ #n 7nline ommand State, the DE is communicatin! -ith a
remote station, but treats si!nals from the DTE on circuit 0/B as command lines and sends responses
to the DTE on circuit 0/C. Dependin! on the implementation, data recei"ed from the remote station
durin! 7nline ommand State may be either discarded or retained in the DE until 7nline Data
State is once a!ain entered (by a command from the DTE). Data pre"iously transmitted by the local
DTE and buffered by the DE may be transmitted from the buffer to the remote DE durin! 7nline
ommand State, or it may be discarded or transmission deferred until 7nline Data State is once
a!ain entered. 7nline ommand State may be entered from 7nline Data state by a mechanism
defined in 1.2.2 or by other manufacturer-defined means.
2.2 o$4&$e "a%a #%a%e$ #n 7nline Data State, the DE is communicatin! -ith a remote station.
Data si!nals from the DTE on circuit 0/B are treated as data and transmitted to the remote station,
and data recei"ed from the remote station are deli"ered to the DTE on circuit 0/C. Data and control
si!nals are monitored by the DE to detect e"ents such as loss of the remote connection and DTE
re8uests for disconnection or s-itchin! to 7nline ommand state. 7nline Data State is entered by
successful completion of a command to ori!inate or ans-er a call, by automatically ans-erin! a call,
or by a DTE command to return to 7nline Data state from 7nline ommand state.
2.5 "&rec% mo"e$ 5ode of 7n;ine Data State -hereby the V.2C circuits 0/B (transmit data) and
0/C (recei"ed data) transfer data at the same rate or rates in use on the DE-to-DE communication
channels. The DE does not buffer data in either direction, nor does it implement flo- control. 6or
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 01
DE modulation methods that transfer data synchronously, this mode implies the use of V.0C
synchronous@asynchronous protocol -ithin the DE.
2.5 3u00ere" mo"e$ 5ode of 7n;ine Data State -hereby the V.2C circuits 0/B (transmit data)
and 0/C (recei"ed data) transfer data at data rates independent of the rates in use on the DE-to-DE
communication channels. The DE buffers the data rate differences as re8uired. (either error
control nor data compression is used. 6or DE modulation methods that transfer data synchronously,
this mode implies the use of V.0C synchronous@asynchronous protocol -ithin the DE. 6or DE
modulation methods that transfer data asynchronously, asynchronous start-stop framin! is used on
the DE-to-DE communications channels.
2.6 4ea"&$$ ommands defined usin! the e&tended synta& defined in 5.2.B be!in -ith a :+:
character. The second character is reser"ed for a particular function or application. That t-o-
character se8uence, :+<char>: is the ;eadin.
2.7 8...9$ S8uare brac?ets are used to indicate that the enclosed items are optional. The s8uare
brac?ets themsel"es do not appear in the command line.
2.: <...>$ )n!le brac?ets are used to enclose the names of other syntactical elements. 4hen
those elements appear in an actual command line, the actual element is used and the an!le brac?ets
are omitted.
)ll other characters, includin! :;:, :=:, parentheses, etc., shall appear in commands as -ritten.
#TT #nternational Telephone and Tele!raph onsultati"e ommittee
#R) #nternational Reference )lphabet (Recommendation T.5/)
#T.-T #nternational Telecommunication .nion % Telecommunication Standardi+ation Sector
5 +<y#&ca4 4ayer
The circuits listed in C.0 are intercepted and controlled by the DE. The DE is desi!ned so that it
-ill function properly if only these circuits are connected or implemented. V.2C circuit desi!nators
are listed in this subclause.
5.. C&rcu&%#
Si!nal 'round (ircuit 0/2) % onnection of this circuit is re8uired for proper reco!nition of si!nals
on other circuits.
Transmitted Data (ircuit 0/B) % 4hile in command state or online command state, data si!nals are
processed by the DE and not transmitted to the remote station.
Recei"ed Data ( ircuit 0/C) % 4hile in command state or online command state, data recei"ed from
the remote station may be i!nored (see clause B, definition of 7nline ommand State), and the DE
!enerates responses on this circuit.
Data Terminal Ready (ircuit 0/D@2) % The DE monitors the effect of chan!es in the state of this
circuit on the operation of the underlyin! DE and operates accordin!ly. 6or e&ample, if the DE
responds to an on-to-off transition on this circuit by disconnectin! a call, the DE -ill act
accordin!ly by returnin! from online data state to command state.
Recei"ed ;ine Si!nal Detector (ircuit 0/2) % The DE may intercept this si!nal so that the
issuance of result codes can be properly coordinated -ith transitions on this si!nal.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 03
allin! #ndicator (ircuit 025) % The DE may intercept this si!nal so that it can detect net-or?
alertin! si!nals and automatically ans-er, if so conditioned by the appropriate command (S/,
see 1.B.D).
5.2 C<arac%er 0orma%%&$,
Durin! command state and online command state, data transmitted bet-een the DTE and DE shall
conform to the re8uirements for start-stop data transmission specified in Recommendation V.C and
#S7 0033. <arity may be e"en, odd, mar?, space or not used. Each character shall ha"e at least one
complete stop element. The DE should accept commands usin! any combination of parity and stop
elements supported durin! online data state. These shall include, as a minimum, the follo-in!
combinations, as defined in )nne& A@V.C2, each of -hich consists of ten total bits (includin! the start
% 3 data bits, e"en parity, 0 stop element*
% 3 data bits, odd parity, 0 stop element*
% 3 data bits, space parity, 0 stop element*
% 3 data bits, mar? parity, 0 stop element (3 data bits, no parity bit, 2 stop elements)*
% D data bits, no parity, 0 stop element.
Durin! online data state, the DE shall be transparent to chan!es in data format* the use of a
particular format durin! command state should not restrict the use of other formats that are supported
durin! online data state. >o-e"er, DE responses issued to indicate transition from online data state
bac? to command state are issued usin! the same format and parity as the last command line issued
by the DTE (see 5.3), and the DTE must therefore be prepared to reco!ni+e these responses e"en
thou!h the character format may ha"e been chan!ed.
See 1.2.00 for a command to e&plicitly select the DTE-DE character format.
5.2 Da%a ra%e#
The DE shall be able to accept commands at either 02// bit@s or 21// bit@s. #t is desirable that the
DE be able to accept commands and automatically detect the rate bein! used by the DTE at all
rates supported by the DE on the DTE-DE interface. The DE may pro"ide a strap, s-itch, or
other facility to define the rate at -hich the DTE is operatin!* ho-e"er, -hile the rate is so selected,
the DE shall continue to be capable of acceptin! commands at either 02// bit@s or 21// bit@s.
See 1.2.0/ for a command to e&plicitly select the DTE-DE rate.
4hen operatin! in the online command state, the DE is not re8uired to accept commands at other
than the online data rate* i.e. the re8uirement to accept commands at 02// bit@s or 21// bit@s does not
apply durin! online command state.
5 Sy$%a- a$" /roce"ure#
5.. A4/<a3e%
The T.5/ #nternational )lphabet 5 (hereinafter cited as :#)5:) is used in this Recommendation. 7nly
the lo--order se"en bits of each character are si!nificant to the DE* any ei!hth or hi!her-order
bit(s), if present, are i!nored for the purpose of identifyin! commands and parameters. ;o-er-case
characters (#)5 "alues from 1@0 to 3@0/) are considered identical to their upper-case e8ui"alents (#)5
"alues from C@0 to 5@0/) -hen recei"ed by the DE from the DTE. Result codes from the DE
-hich are defined in this Recommendation shall be in upper case.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0D
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 02
5.2 DTE commands lines
#n the descriptions that follo-, -ords enclosed in <a$,4e 3rac=e%#> are references to syntactical
elements defined in this Recommendation. 4hen they appear in a command line, the brac?ets are
not used. 4ords enclosed in 8#>uare 3rac=e%#9 represent optional items* such items may be omitted
from the command line at the point -here they are specified, and -hen they appear the s8uare
brac?ets are not included in the command line. 7ther characters that appear in synta& descriptions
shall appear in the places sho-n.
#n the follo-in! subclauses re!ardin! DTE commands, references are made to responses issued by
the DE -hich are defined in 5.3. #n order to pro"ide a clearer presentation, DE responses are
mentioned in terms of their alphabetic format* the actual response issued -ill depend on the settin!
of parameters that affect response formats (e.!. ? and V commands).
5.2.. Comma$" 4&$e ,e$era4 0orma%
) command line is made up of three elements$ the prefi&, the body, and the termination character.
The command line prefi& consists of the characters :AT: (#)5 C@0, 5@C) or :a%: (#)5 1@0, 3@C), or, to
repeat the e&ecution of the pre"ious command line, the characters :A): (#)5 C@0, 2@05) or :a):
(#)5 1@0, 2@05).
The body is made up of indi"idual commands as specified later in this Recommendation. Space
characters (#)5 2@/) are i!nored and may be used freely for formattin! purposes, unless they are
embedded in numeric or strin! constants (5.C.2.0 or 5.C.2.2). The termination character may not
appear in the body. The DE shall be capable of acceptin! at least C/ characters in the body.
The termination character may be selected by a user option (parameter S2), the default bein! R
(#)5 /@0B).
5.2.2 Comma$" 4&$e e"&%&$,
The character defined by parameter S5 (default, AS J#)5 /@DK) is intended to be interpreted as a
re8uest from the DTE to the DE to delete the pre"ious character* the precise action underta?en is
manufacturer-specific. )ny control characters (#)5 /@/ throu!h 0@05, inclusi"e) that remain in the
command line after receipt of the termination character shall be i!nored by the DE.
The DE chec?s characters from the DTE first to see if they match the termination character (S2),
then the editin! character (S5), before chec?in! for other characters. This insures that these
characters -ill be properly reco!ni+ed e"en if they are set to "alues that the DE uses for other
purposes. #f S2 and S5 are set to the same "alue, a matchin! character -ill be treated as matchin! S2
(S2 is chec?ed before S5).
5.2.2 Comma$" 4&$e ec<o
The DE may echo characters recei"ed from the DTE durin! command state and online command
state bac? to the DTE, dependin! on the settin! of the E command. #f so enabled, characters recei"ed
from the DTE are echoed at the same rate, parity, and format as recei"ed. Echoin! characters not
reco!ni+ed as "alid in the command line or of incomplete or improperly-formed command line
prefi&es is manufacturer-specific (see 5.D).
5.2.5 Re/ea%&$, a comma$" 4&$e
#f the prefi& :A): or :a): is recei"ed (#)5 C@0, 2@05 or 1@0, 2@05), the DE shall immediately e&ecute
once a!ain the body of the precedin! command line. (o editin! is possible, and no termination
character is necessary. ) command line may be repeated multiple times throu!h this mechanism, if
desired. Responses to the repeated command line shall be issued usin! the parity and format of the
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2/
ori!inal command line, and the rate of the :A):. #f :A): is recei"ed before any command line has
been e&ecuted, the precedin! command line is assumed to ha"e been empty (that results in an O
result code).
5.2.5 Ty/e# o0 DTE comma$"#
There are t-o types of commands$ action commands and parameter commands.
)ction commands may be :e&ecuted: (to in"o?e a particular function of the e8uipment, -hich
!enerally in"ol"es more than the simple stora!e of a "alue for later use), or :tested: (to determine
-hether or not the e8uipment implements the action command, and, if subparameters are associated
-ith the action, the ran!es of subparameter "alues that are supported).
<arameters may be :set: (to store a "alue or "alues for later use), :read: (to determine the current
"alue or "alues stored), or :tested: (to determine -hether or not the e8uipment implements the
parameter, and the ran!es of "alues supported).
5.2.6 DTE comma$" #y$%a-
Subclause 5.B defines Aasic Synta& DTE commands, -hich are implemented in common DE. This
Recommendation also defines E&tended Synta& DTE commands in 5.C. ommands of either type
may be included in command lines, in any order.
5.2 @a#&c #y$%a- comma$"#
5.2.. @a#&c #y$%a- comma$" 0orma%
The format of Aasic Synta& commands, e&cept for the D and S commands, is as follo-s$
-here <command> is either a sin!le character, or the :A: character (#)5 2@1) follo-ed by a sin!le
character. haracters used in <comma$"> shall be ta?en from the set of alphabetic characters.
<$um3er> may be a strin! of one or more characters from :0: throu!h :B: representin! a decimal
inte!er "alue. ommands that e&pect a <$um3er> are noted in the description of the command (see
clause 1). #f a command e&pects <$um3er> and it is missin! (<comma$"> is immediately follo-ed
in the command line by another <comma$"> or the termination character), the "alue :0: is
assumed. #f a command does not e&pect a <$um3er> and a number is present, an ERROR is
!enerated. )ll leadin! :0:s in <$um3er> are i!nored by the DE.
)dditional commands may follo- a command (and associated parameter, if any) on the same
command line -ithout any character re8uired for separation. The actions of some commands cause
the remainder of the command line to be i!nored (e.!. A).
See the D command for details on the format of the information that follo-s it.
5.2.2 S-/arame%er#
ommands that be!in -ith the letter :S: constitute a special !roup of parameters ?no-n as
:S-parameters:. These differ from other commands in important respects. The number follo-in! the
:S: indicates the :parameter number: bein! referenced. #f the number is not reco!ni+ed as a "alid
parameter number, an ERROR result code is issued.
#mmediately follo-in! this number, either a :;: or :=: character (#)5 B@05 or B@0B, respecti"ely)
shall appear. :;: is used to read the current "alue of the indicated S-parameter* :=: is used to set the
S-parameter to a ne- "alue.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 20
#f the :=: is used, the ne- "alue to be stored in the S-parameter is specified in decimal follo-in! the
:=:. #f no "alue is !i"en (i.e. the end of the command line occurs or the ne&t command follo-s
immediately), the S-parameter specified may be set to /, or an ERROR result code issued and the
stored "alue left unchan!ed. The ran!es of acceptable "alues are !i"en in the description of each
#f the :;: is used, the DE transmits a sin!le line of information te&t to the DTE. 6or S-parameters
defined in this Recommendation, the te&t portion of this information te&t consists of e&actly three
characters, !i"in! the "alue of the S-parameter in decimal, -ith leadin! +eroes included.
5.5 E-%e$"e" #y$%a- comma$"#
5.5.. Comma$" $am&$, ru4e#
Aoth actions and parameters ha"e names, -hich are used in the related commands. (ames al-ays
be!in -ith the character :+: (#)5 2@05). 6ollo-in! the :+:, from one to si&teen (01) additional
characters appear in the command name. These characters shall be selected from the follo-in! set$
A throu!h D (#)5 C@0 throu!h 5@0/)
0 throu!h B (#)5 B@/ throu!h B@2)
(#)5 2@0)
(#)5 2@5)
(#)5 2@0B)
(#)5 2@0C)
/ (#)5 2@05)
: (#)5 B@0/)
_ (#)5 5@05)
The first character follo-in! the :+: shall be an alphabetic character in the ran!e of :A: throu!h
:D:. This first character !enerally implies the application in -hich a command is used or the
standards committee that defined it (e.!. command names be!innin! -ith :E: are !enerally
associated -ith facsimile-related standards, promul!ated by Study 'roup D). See )ppendi& # for
information on first command characters reser"ed for use by particular standards committees. )ll
other + leadin character se8uences are reser"ed for future standardi+ation by the #T.-T.
The command interpreter in the Data ircuit-terminatin! E8uipment (DE) considers lo-er-case
characters to be the same as their upper-case e8ui"alents* therefore, command names defined in
standards referencin! this Recommendation that include alphabetic characters should be defined
usin! only the upper-case characters.
Standards that reference this Recommendation may choose to establish internal namin! con"entions
that permit implicit reco!nition of a name as an action or as a parameter. 6or e&ample, the standard
could choose to end all action names -ith an e&clamation point (:!:), or all parameter names -ith a
percent si!n (:%:). This Recommendation imposes no such con"entions, ho-e"er.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 22
5.C.2 Values
4hen subparameters are associated -ith the e&ecution of an action, or -hen settin! a parameter, the
command may include specification of "alues. This is indicated by the appearance of <1a4ue> in the
descriptions belo-.
<1a4ue> shall consist of either a numeric constant or a strin! constant.
5.5.2.. Numer&c co$#%a$%#
(umeric constants are e&pressed in decimal, he&adecimal, or binary. #n standards that reference this
Recommendation, the definition of each command shall specify -hich form is used for "alues
associated -ith that command* ho-e"er, such standards may, in introductory information, specify a
:default: type of numeric constant that is assumed for commands -ithin that standard that do not
e&plicitly specify the type. Such standards shall also define the minimum and ma&imum acceptable
Decimal numeric constants shall consist of a se8uence of one or more of the characters :0: (#)5 B@/)
throu!h :B: (#)5 B@2), inclusi"e.
>e&adecimal numeric constants shall consist of a se8uence of one or more of the characters :0:
(#)5 B@/) throu!h :B: (#)5 B@h), inclusi"e, and :A: (#)5 C@0) throu!h :E: (#)5 C@1) inclusi"e. The
characters :A: throu!h :E: represent the e8ui"alent decimal "alues 0/ throu!h 05.
Ainary numeric constants shall consist of a se8uence of one or more of the characters :0: (#)5 B@/)
and :.: (#)5 B@0).
#n all numeric constants, the most si!nificant di!it is specified first. ;eadin! :0: characters shall be
i!nored by the DE. (o spaces, hyphens, periods, commas, parentheses, or other !enerally-accepted
numeric formattin! characters are permitted in numeric constants* note in particular that no :H:
suffi& is appended to the end of he&adecimal constants. S%r&$, co$#%a$%#
Strin! constants shall consist of a se8uence of displayable #)5 characters, each in the ran!e from 2@/
to 3@05, inclusi"e, e&cept for the characters :F: (#)5 2@2) and :G: (#)5 5@02). Strin! constants shall
be bounded at the be!innin! and end by the double-8uote character (:F:, #)5 2@2).
)ny character "alue may be included in the strin! by representin! it as a bac?slash (:G:) character
follo-ed by t-o he&adecimal di!its. 6or e&ample, :G0D: is a strin! consistin! of the sin!le character
<R> (#)5 /@0B). #f the :G: character itself is to be represented in a strin!, it shall be encoded as
:G5C:. The double-8uote character, used as the be!innin! and endin! strin! delimiter, shall be
represented -ithin a strin! constant as :G22:. Standards that reference this Recommendation may
prohibit use of this :G: mechanism if only displayable characters are permitted in strin! constants in
that standard and if the double-8uote character is not permitted -ithin strin! constants* in this case,
the :G: character shall be treated as any other #)5 character included -ithin a strin! constant.
) :null: strin! constant, or a strin! constant of +ero len!th, is represented by t-o adEacent delimiters
Standards that reference this Recommendation shall specify, for each strin! "alue, any limitations on
the characters that may appear -ithin the strin!, and the ma&imum and minimum acceptable strin!
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2B
5.C.2.B ompound "alues
)ctions may ha"e more than one subparameter associated -ith them, and parameters may ha"e more
than one "alue. These are ?no-n as :compound "alues:, and their treatment is the same in both
actions and parameters.
) compound "alue consists of any combination of numeric and strin! "alues (as defined in the
description of the action or parameter). The comma character (#)5 2@02) shall be included as a
separator, before the second and all subse8uent "alues in the compound "alue. #f a "alue is not
specified (i.e. defaults assumed), the re8uired comma separator shall be specified* ho-e"er, trailin!
comma characters may be omitted if all associated "alues are also omitted.
5.5.2 Ac%&o$ comma$"#
5.5.2.. Ac%&o$ e-ecu%&o$ comma$" #y$%a-
There are t-o !eneral types of action commands$ those that ha"e associated subparameter "alues
that affect only that in"ocation of the command, and those that ha"e no subparameters.
#f subparameters are associated -ith a command, the definition of the action command shall
indicate, for each subparameter, -hether the specification of a "alue for that subparameter is
mandatory or optional. 6or optional subparameters, the definition shall indicate the assumed
(default) "alue for the subparameter if no "alue is specified for that subparameter* the assumed "alue
may be either a pre"ious "alue (i.e. the "alue of an omitted subparameter remains the same as the
pre"ious in"ocation of the same command, or is determined by a separate parameter or other
mechanism), or a fi&ed "alue (e.!. the "alue of an omitted subparameter is assumed to be +ero).
'enerally, the default "alue for numeric subparameters is /, and the default "alue for strin!
subparameters is FF (empty strin!).
The follo-in! synta& is used for actions that ha"e no subparameters$
The follo-in! synta& is used for actions that ha"e one subparameter$
The follo-in! synta& is used for actions that ha"e t-o or more subparameters$
6or actions that accept subparameters, if all subparameters are defined as bein! optional, and the
default "alues for all subparameters are satisfactory, the Data Terminal E8uipment (DTE) may use
the first synta& abo"e (i.e. omit the :=: from the action e&ecution command as -ell as all of the
subparameter "alue strin!).
#f the named action is implemented in the DE and other rele"ant criteria are met (e.!. the DE is in
the proper state), the command shall be e&ecuted -ith any indicated subparameters. #f <$ame> is
not reco!ni+ed, the DE issues the ERROR result code and terminates processin! of the command
line. )n ERROR is also !enerated if a subparameter is specified for an action that does not accept
subparameters, if too many subparameters are specified, if a mandatory subparameter is not
specified, if a "alue is specified of the -ron! type, or if a "alue is specified that is not -ithin the
supported ran!e. Ac%&o$ %e#% comma$" #y$%a-
The DTE may test if an action command is implemented in the DE by usin! the synta&$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2C
#f the DE does not reco!ni+e the indicated name, it shall return an ERROR result code and
terminate processin! of the command line. #f the DE does reco!ni+e the action name, it shall return
an O result code. #f the named action accepts one or more subparameters, the DE shall send an
information te&t response to the DTE, prior to the O result code, specifyin! the "alues supported
by the DE for each such subparameter, and possibly additional information. The format of this
information te&t is defined for each action command* !eneral formats for specification of sets and
ran!es of numeric "alues are described in 5.3.0 and 5.3.2.
5.5.5 +arame%er comma$"#
5.5.5.. +arame%er %y/e#
<arameters may be defined as :read-only: or :read--rite:. :Read-only: parameters are used to
pro"ide status or identifyin! information to the DTE, but are not settable by the DTE* attemptin! to
set their "alue is an error. #n some cases (specified in the description of the indi"idual parameter), the
DE may i!nore attempts to set the "alue of such parameters rather than respond -ith an ERROR
result code, if the continued correct operation of the interface bet-een the DE and DTE -ill not be
affected by such action. Read-only parameters may be read and tested.
:Read--rite: parameters may be set by the DTE, to store a "alue or "alues for later use. Read--rite
parameters may be set, read, and tested.
<arameters may ta?e either a sin!le "alue, or multiple (compound) "alues. Each "alue may be either
numeric or strin!* the definition of the parameter shall specify the type of "alue for each
subparameter. )ttemptin! to store a strin! "alue in a numeric parameter, or a numeric "alue in a
strin! parameter, is an error. +arame%er #e% comma$" #y$%a-
The definition of the parameter shall indicate, for each "alue, -hether the specification of that "alue
is mandatory or optional. 6or optional "alues, the definition shall indicate the assumed (default)
"alue if none is specified* the assumed "alue may be either a pre"ious "alue (i.e. the "alue of an
omitted subparameter retains its pre"ious "alue), or a fi&ed "alue (e.!. the "alue of an omitted
subparameter is assumed to be +ero). 'enerally, the default "alue for numeric parameters is /, and
the default "alue for strin! parameters is FF (empty strin!).
The follo-in! synta& is used for parameters that accept a sin!le "alue$
The follo-in! synta& is used for parameters that accept more than one "alue$
#f the named parameter is implemented in the DE, all mandatory "alues are specified, and all
"alues are "alid accordin! to the definition of the parameter, the specified "alues shall be stored. #f
<$ame> is not reco!ni+ed, one or more mandatory "alues are omitted, or one or more "alues are of
the -ron! type or outside the permitted ran!e, the DE issues the ERROR result code and
terminates processin! of the command line. )n ERROR is also !enerated if too many "alues are
specified. #n case of an error, all pre"ious "alues of the parameter are unaffected. +arame%er rea" comma$" #y$%a-
The DTE may determine the current "alue or "alues stored in a parameter by usin! the follo-in!
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 25
#f the named parameter is implemented in the DE, the current "alues stored for the parameter are
sent to the DTE in an information te&t response. The format of this response is described in the
definition of the parameter. 'enerally, the "alues -ill be sent in the same form in -hich they -ould
be issued by the DTE in a parameter settin! command* if multiple "alues are supported, they -ill
!enerally be separated by commas, as in a parameter settin! command. +arame%er %e#% comma$" #y$%a-
The DTE may test if a parameter is implemented in the DE, and determine the supported "alues, by
usin! the synta&$
#f the DE does not reco!ni+e the indicated name, it returns an ERROR result code and terminates
processin! of the command line. #f the DE does reco!ni+e the parameter name, it shall return an
information te&t response to the DTE, follo-ed by an O result code. The information te&t response
shall indicate the "alues supported by the DE for each such subparameter, and possibly additional
information. The format of this information te&t is defined for each parameter* !eneral formats for
specification of sets and ran!es of numeric "alues are described in 5.3.0 and 5.3.2.
5.5.5 A""&%&o$a4 #y$%a- ru4e#
5.5.5.. Co$ca%e$a%&$, comma$"# a0%er e-%e$"e" #y$%a- comma$"#
)dditional commands may follo- an e&tended synta& command on the same command line if a
semicolon (:H:, #)5 B@00) is inserted after the precedin! e&tended command as a separator. The
semicolon is not necessary -hen the e&tended synta& command is the last command on the
command line. Co$ca%e$a%&$, comma$"# a0%er 3a#&c 0orma% comma$"#
E&tended synta& commands may appear on the same command line after a basic synta& command
-ithout a separator, in the same manner as concatenation of basic synta& commands.
5.5 I##u&$, comma$"#
)ll characters in a command line shall be issued at the same data rate, and -ith the same parity and
The DE shall i!nore any command line that is not properly terminated. The DE may consider
B/ seconds of mar? idle time bet-een any t-o characters as an improperly terminated command
line. #n this case the DE may or may not !enerate an ERROR messa!e. The DE shall i!nore any
characters recei"ed from the DTE that are not part of a properly-formatted command line.
#f the ma&imum number of characters that the DE can accept in the body is e&ceeded, an ERROR
result code shall be !enerated after the command line is terminated.
The DTE shall not be!in issuin! a subse8uent command line until at least one-tenth of a second has
elapsed after receipt of the entire result code issued by the DE in response to the precedin!
command line.
5.6 E-ecu%&$, comma$"#
.pon receipt of the termination character, the DE shall commence e&ecution of the commands in
the command line in the order recei"ed from the DTE. Should e&ecution of a command result in an
error, or a character be not reco!ni+ed as a "alid command, e&ecution is terminated, the remainder of
the command line is i!nored, and the ERROR result code is issued. 7ther-ise, if all commands
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 21
e&ecute correctly, only the result code associated -ith the last command shall be issued* result codes
for precedin! commands are suppressed. #f no commands appear in the command line, the O result
code is issued.
5.6.. A3or%&$, comma$"#
Some action commands that re8uire time to e&ecute may be aborted -hile in pro!ress* these are
e&plicitly noted in the description of the command. )bortin! of commands is accomplished by the
transmission from the DTE to the DE of any character. ) sin!le character shall be sufficient to
abort the command in pro!ress* ho-e"er, characters transmitted durin! the first 025 milliseconds
after transmission of the termination character shall be i!nored (to allo- for the DTE to append
additional control characters such as line feed after the command line termination character). To
insure that the abortin! character is reco!ni+ed by the DE, it should be sent at the same rate as the
precedin! command line* the DE may i!nore characters sent at other rates. 4hen such an abortin!
e"ent is reco!ni+ed by the DE, it shall terminate the command in pro!ress and return an
appropriate result code to the DTE, as specified for the particular command.
5.6.2 Ha$"4&$, o0 &$1a4&" $um3er# a$" S-/arame%er 1a4ue#
The DE shall react to undefined numbers and S-parameter "alues in one of three -ays$
0) issue the ERROR result code, and lea"e the pre"ious "alue of the parameter unchan!ed*
2) issue the O result code, and lea"e the pre"ious "alue of the parameter unchan!ed* or
B) issue the O result code, and set the parameter "alue to the "alid "alue nearest to that
specified in the command line.
The description of each command may specify -hich of these three techni8ues shall be used to
handle in"alid parameter "alues for that command or parameter. #f the description does not specify
the handlin! techni8ue, it shall be defined by the manufacturer.
5.7 DCE re#/o$#e#
4hile in command state and online command state, the DE shall issue responses usin! the same
rate, -ord len!th, and parity as the most recently recei"ed DTE command line. #n the e"ent that no
DTE command has yet been recei"ed, rate, -ord len!th, and parity used -ill depend on the
capabilities of the DE.
4hen the DE transitions from the command state or online command state to the online data state,
the result code CONNECT should be issued at the bit rate and parity used durin! the command
state. 4hen the DE transitions from the online data state to the command state or online command
state, the result codes should be issued at the bit rate used durin! the online data state. Thereafter,
any unsolicited result codes should use the bit rate and parity of the last command line issued by the
DTE to the DE.
The characters of a response shall be conti!uous, -ith no more than 0// milliseconds of mar? idle
issued bet-een characters in addition to stop elements.
5.7.. Re#/o$#e#
There are t-o types of responses that may be issued by the DE$ information te&t and result codes.
#nformation te&t responses consist of three parts$ a header, te&t, and a trailer. The characters
transmitted for the header are determined by a user settin! (see the V command, 1.2.1). The trailer
consists of t-o characters, bein! the character ha"in! the ordinal "alue of parameter S2 follo-ed by
the character ha"in! the ordinal "alue of parameter S5. #nformation te&t specified in this
Recommendation al-ays consists of a sin!le line* information te&t returned in response to
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 23
manufacturer-specific commands may contain multiple lines, and the te&t may therefore include #)5
R, ;6, and other formattin! characters to impro"e readability.
Result codes consist of three parts$ a header, the result te&t, and a trailer. The characters transmitted
for the header and trailer are determined by a user settin! (see the V command, 1.2.1). The result te&t
may be transmitted as a number or as a strin!, dependin! on a user-selectable settin! (see the V
There are three types of result codes$ final, intermediate, and unsolicited.
) final result code indicates the completion of a full DE action and a -illin!ness to accept ne-
commands from the DTE.
)n intermediate result code is a report of the pro!ress of a DE action. The CONNECT result code
is an intermediate result code (others may be defined by manufacturers). #n the case of a diallin! or
ans-erin! command, the DE mo"es from command state to online data state, and issues a
CONNECT result code. This is an intermediate result code for the DE because it is not prepared to
accept commands from the DTE -hile in online data state. 4hen the DE mo"es bac? to the
command state, it -ill then issue a final result code (such as O or NO CARRIER).
.nsolicited result codes (such as RING) indicate the occurrence of an e"ent not directly associated
-ith the issuance of a command from the DTE.
Table 0 indicates result codes that shall be implemented by the DE, their numeric e8ui"alents, and
a brief description of the use of each. #n clause 1, the description of each command includes the
specific result codes that may be issued in relation to that command and the circumstances under
-hich they may be issued.
Ta34e .)V.250 I Re#u4% co"e#
Re#u4% co"e
7G / )c?no-led!es e&ecution of a command
7((ET 0 ) connection has been established* the DE is mo"in! from
command state to online data state
R#(' 2 The DE has detected an incomin! call si!nal from the
(7 )RR#ER B The connection has been terminated or the attempt to establish
a connection failed
ERR7R C ommand not reco!ni+ed, command line ma&imum len!th
e&ceeded, parameter "alue in"alid, or other problem -ith
processin! the command line
(7 D#);T7(E 1 (o dial tone detected
A.S= 3 En!a!ed (busy) si!nal detected
(7 )(S4ER D :L: (4ait for Huiet )ns-er) dial modifier -as used, but
remote rin!in! follo-ed by fi"e seconds of silence -as not
detected before e&piration of the connection timer (S3)
7((ET Mte&tN 5anufacturer-
Same as 7((ET, but includes manufacturer-specific te&t
that may specify DTE speed, line speed, error control, data
compression, or other status
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2D
5.3.2 E&tended synta& result codes
E&tended synta& result codes may be issued in response to either basic or e&tended commands, or
both. The appropriate responses shall be specified in the definitions of the commands, the responses,
or both.
The !eneral format of e&tended synta& result codes is the same as result codes defined in T#)-1/2
-ith re!ard to headers and trailers. The characters specified in S-parameters S2 and S5 shall be used
in headers and trailers of e&tended synta& result codes as they are in basic format result codes. The
settin! of the :V: command shall affect the headers and trailers associated -ith e&tended synta&
result codes in the same manner as basic format result codes* ho-e"er, unli?e basic format result
codes, e&tended synta& result codes ha"e no numeric e8ui"alent, and are al-ays issued in alphabetic
E&tended synta& result codes shall be subEect to suppression by the :?.: command, as -ith basic
format result codes. The issuance of e&tended synta& result codes shall not be affected by the settin!
of the :(: command.
E&tended synta& result codes may be either final, intermediate, or unsolicited* the type shall be
indicated in the definition of the result code.
E&tended synta& result codes shall be prefi&ed by the :+: character to a"oid duplication of basic
format result codes specified in T#)-1/2 and by manufacturers. 6ollo-in! the :+: character, the
name of the result code appears* result code names shall follo- the same rules as command names
(see 5.C.0). #t is stron!ly ad"ised that the reser"ation of the first character of command names noted
in )ppendi& # also be obser"ed -ith re!ard to the assi!nment of names of e&tended synta& result
E&tended synta& result codes may include the reportin! of "alues. The definition of the result code
shall specify -hether or not "alues are appended to the result code, and, if so, ho- many, their types,
and their assumed default "alues if omitted. 4hen no "alues are to be reported, the result code
appears in the simplest form$
#f a sin!le "alue is to be reported, the form of the result code shall be$
+<$ame>J <1a4ue>
(ote that a sin!le space character ()S## 2/h) separates the colon character ()S## B)h) from the
<1a4ue>* no space appears bet-een the result code name and the colon. #f multiple "alues are to be
reported -ith the result code, the form is$
+<$ame>J <com/ou$"C1a4ue>
-here <com/ou$"C1a4ue> follo-s the rules specified in 5.C.2.B.
5.7.2 I$0orma%&o$ %e-% 0orma%# 0or %e#% comma$"#
#n !eneral, the format of information te&t returned by e&tended synta& commands shall be specified
in the definition of the command. This subclause describes recommended formats for information
te&t returned in response to action test (for actions that accept one or more subparameters) and
parameter test commands. The definitions of the responses to such testin! commands, as described in
the definitions of the associated commands in standards that reference this Recommendation, may
use this recommended format or any other suitable format that is ade8uately specified.
(ote that the DE may insert intermediate <R> characters in "ery lon! information te&t responses,
in order to a"oid o"errunnin! DTE recei"e buffers. #f intermediate <R> characters are included, the
DE shall not include the character se8uences :/ <R>: (B@/, /@0B) or :7G<R>: (C@05, C@00,
/@0B), so that DTE can a"oid false detection of the end of these information te&t responses.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 22
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B/
5.3.B.0 Ran!e of "alues
4hen the action accepts a sin!le numeric subparameter, or the parameter accepts only one numeric
"alue, the set of supported "alues may be presented in the information te&t as an ordered list of
"alues. The list shall be preceded by a left parenthesis :':, #)5 2@D), and is follo-ed by a ri!ht
parenthesis :*:, #)5 2@2). #f only a sin!le "alue is supported, it shall appear bet-een the parentheses.
#f more than one "alue is supported, then the "alues may be listed indi"idually, separated by comma
characters (#)5 2@02), or, -hen a continuous ran!e of "alues is supported, by the first "alue in the
ran!e, follo-ed by a hyphen character (#)5 2@0B), follo-ed by the last "alue in the ran!e. The
specification of sin!le "alues and ran!es of "alues may be intermi&ed -ithin a sin!le information
te&t. #n all cases, the supported "alues shall be indicated in ascendin! order.
6or e&ample, the follo-in! are some e&amples of "alue ran!e indications$
'0* 7nly the "alue / is supported.
'.K2K2* The "alues 0, 2, and B are supported.
'.-2* The "alues 0 throu!h B are supported.
'0K5K5K6KBK..K.2*The se"eral listed "alues are supported.
'0K5-6KBK..-.2* )n alternati"e e&pression of the abo"e list. Com/ou$" ra$,e o0 1a4ue#
4hen the action accepts more than one subparameter, or the parameter accepts more than one "alue,
the set of supported "alues may be presented as a list of the parenthetically-enclosed "alue ran!e
strin!s described in 5.3.B.0 abo"e, separated by commas. 6or e&ample, the information te&t in
response to testin! an action that accepts three subparameters, and supports "arious ran!es for each
of them, could appear as follo-s$
This indicates that the first subparameter accepts only the "alue /, the second accepts any "alue from
0 throu!h B inclusi"e, and the third subparameter accepts any of the "alues /, C, 5, 1, 2, 00 or 02.
5.: Ma$u0ac%urer-#/ec&0&c c<arac%er&#%&c#
This Recommendation describes characteristics uni"ersal to a lar!e installed base of DEs. 5ost
DEs implement a number of e&tensions and beha"ioural differences beyond the descriptions in this
Recommendation. The follo-in! subclauses mention a fe- specific and -ell-?no-n e&amples of
areas in -hich these e&tensions and beha"ioural differences e&ist. This is not intended to be a
comprehensi"e list* e&tensions and differences do e&ist in other areas. This Recommendation is not
intended to preclude or limit e&tensions in these or other areas.
E8uipment that implements non-standard commands, "alues, features, or beha"iours, such as
described in the follo-in! subclauses, shall be capable of bein! confi!ured, by one or more
commands, parameters, or s-itches, so that the e8uipment -ill properly inter-or? -ith DTEs that
implement only the mandatory pro"isions of this Recommendation.
5.:.. E-%e$#&o$#
DEs claimin! compliance to this Recommendation often include e&tensions in a number of areas.
This Recommendation does not preclude the use of these e&tensions* ho-e"er, the definition of these
is totally up to the manufacturer. 7ther Recommendations may call out e&tensions as -ell. Some
areas in -hich e&tensions e&ist include$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B0
0) command characters and commands consistin! of a prefi& character follo-ed by one or more
characters (ho-e"er, the :+: prefi& is reser"ed for future use in this and other standards and should
not be used for non-standard purposes)*
2) command numbers (includin! additional numbers associated -ith commands defined in this
B) parameter "alues (includin! additional "alues associated -ith parameters defined in this
C) S-parameter numbers*
5) S-parameter "alues (includin! additional "alues associated -ith S-parameters defined in this
1) command line editin! characters*
3) result codes*
D) dial strin! modifiers*
2) synta& e&tensions to the body of the command line*
0/) information responses*
00) mechanisms to e&it from online data state and return to command state or online command
state (usin!, for e&ample, particular se8uences of characters, timin!, or other techni8ues).
5.:.2 @e<a1&oura4 "&00ere$ce#
This Recommendation specifically and intentionally does not describe DE beha"iour in some
situations. This is !enerally due to "ariations in e&istin! implementations. DTEs must ta?e into
account the possibility of differences in the beha"iour of "arious DEs in particular situations.
The follo-in! are some e&amples of areas in -hich differences are ?no-n to e&ist. This is not
intended to be a comprehensi"e list* beha"iour differences e&ist in other areas as -ell$
0) handlin! of unsolicited result codes -hile a command line is bein! entered (may be sent,
suppressed, deferred, etc.)*
2) ans-erin! of incomin! calls -hile a command line is bein! entered (may occur, be deferred,
B) handlin! of loss of carrier durin! online command state Jmay be reported immediately (and
data rate may "ary), may be deferred until attempted re-entry into online data state, etc.K*
C) handlin! of undefined command numbers, and S-parameters "alues (may result in an
ERROR, clampin! of "alue to the "alid ran!e, retention of pre"ious "alue, etc.)*
5) e&ecution time of actions (for e&ample, D command)*
1) handlin! of "ariations in command line format and editin! (for e&ample$ :AT: in mi&ed
case* len!th of command line buffer* command line too lon!* -hether or not space
characters and control characters are stored in the command buffer* -hether or not
unreco!ni+ed control characters are echoed* echoin! of other characters prior to receipt of
the :)T: prefi&* disposition of command lines in -hich the DTE chan!ed the rate, format, or
parity* etc.)*
3) displayin! of S-parameter "alues -hich cannot be e&pressed as three decimal di!its*
D) states of connection establishment (e.!. handsha?in!) in -hich attempts to abort a command
by transmission of a character to the DE may not be reco!ni+ed*
2) handlin! of additional characters that appear on the same command line after a semicolon
that terminates a dial strin! (see 1.0.0)* i.e. -hether the additional characters are i!nored or
processed as commands*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B2
0/) carry-o"er of the effect of + and T dial modifiers from one dial strin! to the ne&t.
6 Eu$c%&o$#
The follo-in! descriptions of DE functions and associated commands include information on both
mandatory and optional capabilities. )ll mandatory commands, parameters, and responses shall be
implemented in de"ices claimin! conformance to this Recommendation. #f an optional capability is
implemented in a DE, the associated command(s), parameter(s), and response(s) defined in this
Recommendation shall be implemented.
6or simplicity, the follo-in! descriptions use a particular synta&* alternati"es may be used -hen
a"ailable. 6or e&ample$
0) Result codes are described in terms of their alphabetic format, e&cept in situations -here the
settin! of a parameter directly affects the format (e.!. V and ? commands). The actual result
code issued -ould depend on the settin! of parameters that affect result code formats.
2) The description of the O result code for each command does not mention the fact that the
result code -ill be deferred if any further commands appear on the same command line
(see 5.C).
Default "alues that are specified for some commands ha"e been selected to pro"ide proper operation
of the DE in its initial state. #mplementation of the specified defaults is desirable but not
mandatory, -ith the e&ception of S2 (-hich has a mandatory default "alue of 0B). Default "alues for
all parameters supported shall be specified by the manufacturer.
Some DE functions and associated commands may be subEect to national re!ulations. The manner
of handlin! such restrictions (e.!. elimination of commands, restriction on ran!es of accepted "alues,
handlin! of "alues outside acceptable ran!es, etc.) shall be determined by the manufacturer.
Table #.2 lists all commands contained in the Recommendation, sorted alphabetically.
6.. Ge$er&c DCE co$%ro4
6.... Re#e% %o "e0au4% co$0&,ura%&o$
This command instructs the DE to set all parameters to their factory defaults as specified by the
manufacturer. This may include ta?in! into consideration the settin!s of hard-are confi!uration
s-itches or non-"olatile parameter stora!e (if implemented). #f the DE is connected to the line, it is
disconnected from the line, terminatin! any call in pro!ress.
)ll of the functions of the command shall be completed before the DE issues the result code. The
DTE should not include additional commands on the same command line after the D command
because such commands may be i!nored.
(7TE % Aecause this command may ta?e into consideration the settin!s of s-itches and non-"olatile
parameter stora!e, it does not necessarily return the DE to a :?no-n state:. #n particular, the DE may, as a
result of e&ecution of this command, be placed in a state in -hich it appears to not respond to DTE
commands, or respond in a completely different format than -as bein! used prior to e&ecution of the
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* BB
This command may not be aborted.
Result codes
O #f <1a4ue> is reco!ni+ed.
ERROR #f <1a4ue> is not reco!ni+ed or supported.
)n O result code for this command is issued usin! the same rate, parity, and -ord format as the
DTE command line containin! the command, but usin! the ne- "alues for parameters that affect the
format of result codes (e.!. ?, V, S2, S5).
Execution time
E&ecution time for this action "aries -idely dependin! on manufacturer implementation. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory. #nterpretation of <1a4ue> is optional and
6...2 Se% %o 0ac%ory-"e0&$e" co$0&,ura%&o$
This command instructs the DE to set all parameters to default "alues specified by the
manufacturer, -hich may ta?e into consideration hard-are confi!uration s-itches and other
manufacturer-defined criteria.
This command may not be aborted.
Defined values
0 Set parameters to factory defaults.
'o%<er* Reser"ed for manufacturer proprietary use.
Result codes
O #f "alue is "alid.
ERROR #f "alue is not reco!ni+ed or not supported.
)n O result code for this command is issued usin! the same rate, parity, and -ord format as the
DTE command line containin! the command, but usin! the factory-defined "alues for other
parameters that affect the format of result codes (e.!. ?, V, S2, S5) and dependent upon other
commands that may follo- on the same command line.
Execution time
E&ecution time for this action "aries -idely dependin! on manufacturer implementation. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* BC
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B5
#mplementation of this command is mandatory. #f the "alue specified is not reco!ni+ed or
implemented, an ERROR result code is issued.
6...2 Re>ue#% &"e$%&0&ca%&o$ &$0orma%&o$
This command causes the DE to transmit one or more lines of information te&t, determined by the
manufacturer, follo-ed by a final result code. <1a4ue> may optionally be used to select from amon!
multiple types of identifyin! information, specified by the manufacturer.
(7TE % The responses to this command may not be reliably used to determine the DE manufacturer,
re"ision le"el, feature set, or other information, and should not be relied upon for soft-are operation. #n
particular, e&pectin! a specific numeric response to an I0 command to indicate -hich other features and
commands are implemented in a DE dooms soft-are to certain failure, since there are -idespread
differences in manufacturer implementation amon! de"ices that may, coincidentally, respond -ith identical
"alues to this command. Soft-are implementors should use I commands -ith e&treme caution, since the
amount of data returned by particular implementations may "ary -idely from a fe- bytes to se"eral thousand
bytes or more, and should be prepared to encounter ERROR responses if the "alue is not reco!ni+ed.
This command is not ordinarily abortable, but may be so in some implementations.
Execution time
E&ecution time is dependent on the time re8uired to transmit the information to the DTE. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
#mplementation of this command is optional.
6...5 Re>ue#% ma$u0ac%urer &"e$%&0&ca%&o$ '+GMI*
This command causes the DE to transmit one or more lines of information te&t, determined by the
manufacturer, -hich is intended to permit the user of the DE to identify the manufacturer.
Typically, the te&t -ill consist of a sin!le line containin! the name of the manufacturer, but
manufacturers may choose to pro"ide more information if desired (e.!. address, telephone number
for customer ser"ice, etc.).
The total number of characters, includin! line terminators, in the information te&t returned in
response to this command shall not e&ceed 2/CD characters. (ote that the information te&t shall not
contain the se8uence :/ <R>: (B@/, /@0B) or :7G<R>: (C@05, C@00, /@0B), so that DTE can a"oid
false detection of the end of this information te&t.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B1
Defined "alues
Result codes
O #n all cases.
Execution time
E&ecution time is dependent on the time re8uired to transmit the information to the DTE. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
This command is not abortable.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory.
6...5 Re>ue#% mo"e4 &"e$%&0&ca%&o$ '+GMM*
This command causes the DE to transmit one or more lines of information te&t, determined by the
manufacturer, -hich is intended to permit the user of the DE to identify the specific model of
de"ice. Typically, the te&t -ill consist of a sin!le line containin! the name of the product, but
manufacturers may choose to pro"ide any information desired.
The total number of characters, includin! line terminators, in the information te&t returned in
response to this command shall not e&ceed 2/CD characters. (ote that the information te&t shall not
contain the se8uence :/ <R>: (B@/, /@0B) or :7G<R>: (C@05, C@00, /@0B), so that DTE can a"oid
false detection of the end of this information te&t.
Defined values
Result codes
O #n all cases.
Execution time
E&ecution time is dependent on the time re8uired to transmit the information to the DTE. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
This command is not abortable.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B3
1.0.1 Re8uest re"ision identification (+'5R)
This command causes the DE to transmit one or more lines of information te&t, determined by the
manufacturer, -hich is intended to permit the user of the DE to identify the "ersion, re"ision le"el
or date, or other pertinent information of the de"ice. Typically, the te&t -ill consist of a sin!le line
containin! the "ersion of the product, but manufacturers may choose to pro"ide any information
The total number of characters, includin! line terminators, in the information te&t returned in
response to this command shall not e&ceed 2/CD characters. (ote that the information te&t shall not
contain the se8uence :/ <R>: (B@/, /@0B) or :7G<R>: (C@05, C@00, /@0B), so that DTE can a"oid
false detection of the end of this information te&t.
Defined values
Result codes
O #n all cases.
Execution time
E&ecution time is dependent on the time re8uired to transmit the information to the DTE. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
This command is not abortable.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory.
6...7 Re>ue#% /ro"uc% #er&a4 $um3er &"e$%&0&ca%&o$ '+GSN*
This command causes the DE to transmit one or more lines of information te&t, determined by the
manufacturer, -hich is intended to permit the user of the DE to identify the indi"idual de"ice.
Typically, the te&t -ill consist of a sin!le line containin! a manufacturer determined alpha-numeric
strin!, but manufacturers may choose to pro"ide any information desired.
The total number of characters, includin! line terminators, in the information te&t returned in
response to this command shall not e&ceed 2/CD characters. (ote that the information te&t shall not
contain the se8uence :/ <R>: (B@/, /@0B) or :7G<R>: (C@05, C@00, /@0B), so that DTE can a"oid
false detection of the end of this information te&t.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* BD
Defined values
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* B2
Result codes
O #n all cases.
Execution time
E&ecution time is dependent on the time re8uired to transmit the information to the DTE. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
This command is not abortable.
#mplementation of this command is optional.
6...: Re>ue#% ,4o3a4 o3Lec% &"e$%&0&ca%&o$ '+GOI*
This command causes the DE to transmit one or more lines of information te&t, determined by the
manufacturer, -hich is intended to permit the user of the DE to identify the de"ice, based on the
#S7 system for re!isterin! uni8ue obEect identifiers. Typically, the te&t -ill consist of a sin!le line
containin! numeric strin!s delimited by period characters.
The !eneral format of obEect identifiers is defined in clause 2D@I.2/D* the encodin! rules are defined
in Recommendation I.2/2.
The total number of characters, includin! line terminators, in the information te&t returned in
response to this command shall not e&ceed 2/CD characters. (ote that the information te&t shall not
contain the se8uence :/ <R>: (B@/, /@0B) or :7G<R>: (C@05, C@00, /@0B), so that DTE can a"oid
false detection of the end of this information te&t.
Defined values
Result codes
O #n all cases.
Execution time
E&ecution time is dependent on the time re8uired to transmit the information to the DTE. The DTE
should not assume the amount of time re8uired to e&ecute this command, but a-ait a result code or
other positi"e indication from the DE that it is ready to accept a command.
This command is not abortable.
#mplementation of this command is optional.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* C/
1.0.2 Re8uest complete capabilities list (+')<)
This e&tended-format command causes the DE to transmit one or more lines of information te&t in
a specific format. The content is a list of additional capabilities command +<name>s, -hich is
intended to permit the user of the DE to identify the o"erall capabilities of the DE.
#n particular, if the DE implements a particular DE control standard that uses E&tended Synta&
ommands, and if that DE control standard includes command(s) that indicate !eneral capabilities,
the +<names>(s) of those commands shall be reported to the DE in response to a +')<
command. See Table 2.
Ta34e 2)V.250 I E-am/4e# o0 re>u&re" +GCA+ re#/o$#e#
+GCA+ re#/o$#e DCE co$%ro4 #%a$"ar" De#cr&/%&o$
+6;)SS T.class0, +6
or T.class2, +6
lass 0 6acsimile DE ontrol
lass 2 6acsimile DE ontrol
+5S +5 commands 5odulation ontrol$
+5S and +5R commands
+5V0DS +5V0D commands V.0D 5odulation ontrol$
+5V0DS and +5V0DR
+ES +E commands Error ontrol$
+ES, +EA, +ER, +E6S, +ETA5
+DS +D commands Data ompression$
+DS and +DR
6or e&ample, a data modem that supported all capabilities described in this Recommendation may
#f that e&ample DE implemented other commands, they shall also be included. #f that DE
implemented stubs (e.!. +6;)SS=/ only), it may report +6;)SS as part of its +')< response.
The response is not specifically limited as to number of lines of te&t. (ote that the information te&t
shall not contain the se8uence :/ <R>: (B@/, /@0B) or :7G<R>: (C@05, C@00, /@0B), so that DTE
can a"oid false detection of the end of this information te&t.
#t is not necessary for a DTE to in8uire of the +')< -here the application is specific to a
technolo!y, such as facsimile -here the +6;)SS command -ould be sufficient to determine
This command is not abortable.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* C0
#mplementation of this command is mandatory. The response mi!ht be null if the DE lac?s specific
capabilities commands. ) DTE that is a-are of a specific DEs capabilities mi!ht elect not to use
the +')< command.
6....0 Cou$%ry o0 &$#%a44a%&o$K '+GCI*
+GCI=<T.25 cou$%ry co"e>
This e&tended synta& command is used to indicate and select the country of installation for the DE.
#f implemented, the DE shall use this parameter to select the settin!s for any operational
parameters that need to be adEusted for national re!ulations or telephone net-or?s. DTE may use this
"alue to determine country-specific functions.
#f a DE supports le!al connection in only one country, then that DE shall report only the T.B5
country code for that country in response to a read or test command, and accept only that "alue for a
-rite command.
Defined values
Recommendation T.B5 defines D-bit country codes. )nne& )@T.B5 lists country codes, -ith bits D-0
and the country names. 6or use -ith the +'# parameter, the "alue shall be the he&adecimal
e8ui"alent of the T.B5 code, -ith bit D treated as the most si!nificant bit and bit 0 treated as the least
si!nificant bit. E&ample "alues$ // for Oapan* /) for )ustria* 1C for ;ebanon* C for Pimbab-e.
Recommended default
#f the DE is specified for use in only one country, that country code shall be the default. 7ther-ise,
the recommended default is the e&pected country of sale or first installation. DE may use hard-are
means to select the country of installation, in -hich case the DE shall use that to determine the
default "alue.
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit information te&t -hich reports the he&adecimal numeric "alue
correspondin! to the current settin!$
+GCIJ<curre$% cou$%ry co"e>
e.!. +'#$BD indicates that the DE is set for 6rance.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit information te&t -hich reports the list of numerical "alues correspondin! to
the country or countries that are supported$
+GCIJ'<cou$%ry co"e>J,<country code>J,<country code > .......KK)
e.!. +'#$(2/,3B,A5) indicates that the DE can be set for anada, 5e&ico or the .nited States.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* C2
This command shall be implemented in DE that can be installed in more than one country, and
-hich need to adEust operatin! parameters in order to function correctly in those countries.
6.2 DTE-DCE &$%er0ace comma$"#
The parameters defined in this subclause control the operation of the interface bet-een the DTE and
6.2.. Comma$" 4&$e %erm&$a%&o$ c<arac%er
This S-parameter represents the decimal #)5 "alue of the character reco!ni+ed by the DE from the
DTE to terminate an incomin! command line. #t is also !enerated by the DE as part of the header,
trailer, and terminator for result codes and information te&t, alon! -ith the S5 parameter (see the
description of the V parameter for usa!e).
The pre"ious "alue of S2 is used to determine the command line termination character for entry of
the command line containin! the S2 settin! command. >o-e"er, the result code issued shall use the
"alue of S2 as set durin! the processin! of the command line. 6or e&ample, if S2 -as pre"iously set
to 0B and the command line :ATS2=20: is issued, the command line shall be terminated -ith a R
character (#)5 /@0B), but the result code issued -ill use the character -ith the ordinal "alue B/
(#)5 2@0C) in place of the R.
Defined values
0 to .27 Set command line termination character to this "alue.
Mandatory default setting
.2 arria!e return character (R, #)5 /@0B).
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the specified "alue is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
6.2.2 Re#/o$#e 0orma%%&$, c<arac%er
This S-parameter represents the decimal #)5 "alue of the character !enerated by the DE as part of
the header, trailer, and terminator for result codes and information te&t, alon! -ith the S2 parameter
(see the description of the V parameter for usa!e).
#f the "alue of S5 is chan!ed in a command line, the result code issued in response to that command
line -ill use the ne- "alue of S5.
Defined values
0 to .27 Set response formattin! character to this "alue.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* CB
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* CC
Recommended default settin!
.0 ;ine feed character (;6, #)5 /@0/).
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the specified "alue is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
6.2.2 Comma$" 4&$e e"&%&$, c<arac%er
This S-parameter represents the decimal #)5 "alue of the character reco!ni+ed by the DE as a
re8uest to delete from the command line the immediately precedin! character (see 5.2.2).
Defined values
0 to .27 Set command line editin! character to this "alue.
Recommended default setting
: Aac?space character (AS, #)5 /@D).
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the specified "alue is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
6.2.5 Comma$" ec<o
The settin! of this parameter determines -hether or not the DE echoes characters recei"ed from the
DTE durin! command state and online command state (see 5.2.B).
Defined values
0 DE does not echo characters durin! command state and online command state.
. DE echoes characters durin! command state and online command state.
Recommended default setting
. DE echoes characters durin! command state and online command state.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the specified "alue is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
6.2.5 Re#u4% co"e #u//re##&o$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* C5
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* C1
The settin! of this parameter determines -hether or not the DE transmits result codes to the DTE.
4hen result codes are bein! suppressed, no portion of any intermediate, final, or unsolicited result
code % header, result te&t, line terminator, or trailer % is transmitted. #nformation te&t transmitted in
response to commands is not affected by the settin! of this parameter.
Defined values
0 DE transmits result codes.
. Result codes are suppressed and not transmitted.
Recommended default setting
0 DE transmits result codes.
Result codes
O #f "alue is 0.
'$o$e* #f "alue is . (because result codes are suppressed).
ERROR 6or unsupported "alues (if pre"ious "alue -as ?0).
'$o$e* 6or unsupported "alues (if pre"ious "alue -as ?.).
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the specified "alue is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
6.2.6 DCE re#/o$#e 0orma%
The settin! of this parameter determines the contents of the header and trailer transmitted -ith result
codes and information responses. #t also determines -hether result codes are transmitted in a
numeric form or an alphabetic (or :"erbose:) form. The te&t portion of information responses is not
affected by this settin!.
Table B sho-s the effect of the settin! of this parameter on the format of information te&t and result
codes. )ll references to <cr> mean :the character -ith the ordinal "alue specified in parameter S2:*
all references to <40> li?e-ise mean :the character -ith the ordinal "alue specified in parameter S5:.
See Table B.
Ta34e 2)V.250 I E00ec% o0 V /arame%er o$ re#/o$#e 0orma%#
V0 V.
M%e-%NMcrNM40N McrNM40N
M$umer&c co"eNMcrN McrNM40N
M1er3o#e co"eNMcrNM40N
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* C3
Defined "alues
0 DE transmits limited headers and trailers and numeric te&t.
. DE transmits full headers and trailers and "erbose response te&t.
Recommended default setting
. DE transmits full headers and trailers and "erbose response te&t.
Result codes
0 #f "alue is 0 (because numeric response te&t is bein! used).
O #f "alue is ..
5 6or unsupported "alues (if pre"ious "alue -as V0).
ERROR 6or unsupported "alues (if pre"ious "alue -as V.).
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the specified "alue is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
6.2.7 Re#u4% co"e #e4ec%&o$ a$" ca44 /ro,re## mo$&%or&$, co$%ro4
The settin! of this parameter determines -hether or not the DE transmits particular result codes to
the DTE. #t also controls -hether or not the DE "erifies the presence of dial tone -hen it first !oes
off-hoo? to be!in diallin!, and -hether or not en!a!ed tone (busy si!nal) detection is enabled.
>o-e"er, this settin! has no effect on the operation of the O dial modifier, -hich al-ays chec?s for
dial tone re!ardless of this settin!, nor on the busy si!nal detection capability of the O and P dial
modifiers. See Table C.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the specified "alue is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
Ta34e 5)V.250 I De0&$e" 1a4ue# 0or ( /arame%er
(<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 CONNECT result code is !i"en upon enterin! online data state. Dial tone and busy
detection are disabled.
. CONNECT M%e-%N result code is !i"en upon enterin! online data state. Dial tone and
busy detection are disabled.
2 CONNECT M%e-%N result code is !i"en upon enterin! online data state. Dial tone
detection is enabled, and busy detection is disabled.
2 CONNECT M%e-%N result code is !i"en upon enterin! online data state. Dial tone
detection is disabled, and busy detection is enabled.
5 CONNECT M%e-%N result code is !i"en upon enterin! online data state. Dial tone and
busy detection are both enabled.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* CD
1.2.D ircuit 0/2 (Recei"ed line si!nal detector) beha"iour
This parameter determines ho- the state of circuit 0/2 relates to the detection of recei"ed line si!nal
from the distant end. han!in! the parameter -ill ta?e effect immediately in both the command and
online command states.
#n AC. mode of operation, circuit 0/2 is not turned off until all data pre"iously recei"ed from the
remote DE is deli"ered to the local DTE. >o-e"er, such buffered data shall be discarded and
circuit 0/2 turned off if the DTE turns off circuit 0/D (if AD. or AD2 is set).
Defined values
0 The DE al-ays presents the 7( condition on circuit 0/2.
. ircuit 0/2 chan!es in accordance -ith the underlyin! DE, -hich may include functions
other than the physical layer functions (e.!. Recommendations V.C2, V.00/, V.02/ and V.0B).
Recommended default setting
. ircuit 0/2 chan!es in accordance -ith the underlyin! DE, -hich may include functions
other than the physical layer functions (e.!. Recommendations V.C2, V.00/, V.02/ and V.0B).
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the "alue specified is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued.
6.2.B C&rcu&% .0: 'Da%a %erm&$a4 rea"y* 3e<a1&our
This parameter determines ho- the DE responds -hen circuit 0/D@2 is chan!ed from the 7( to the
766 condition durin! online data state.
Defined values
0 DE i!nores circuit 0/D@2.
. .pon an on-to-off transition of circuit 0/D@2, the DE enters online command state and
issues an 7G result code* the call remains connected.
2 .pon an on-to-off transition of circuit 0/D@2, the DE instructs the underlyin! DE to
perform an orderly cleardo-n of the call. The disposition of any data in the DE
pendin! transmission to the remote DE is controlled by the +ETA5 parameter (see
1.5.1) if implemented* other-ise, this data is sent before the call is cleared, unless the
remote DE clears the call first (in -hich case pendin! data is discarded). The DE
disconnects from the line. )utomatic ans-er is disabled -hile circuit 0/D@2 remains off.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* C2
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. #f the "alue specified is not reco!ni+ed, an ERROR
result code is issued. #mplementation of defined "alues / and 2 is mandatory* implementation of
defined "alue 0 is optional.
6.2..0 E&-e" DTE ra%e '+I+R*
This numeric e&tended-format parameter specifies the data rate at -hich the DE -ill accept
commands, in addition to 02// bit@s or 21// bit@s (as re8uired in C.B). #t may be used to select
operation at rates at -hich the DE is not capable of automatically detectin! the data rate bein! used
by the DTE. Specifyin! a "alue of / disables the function and allo-s operation only at rates
automatically detectable by the DE. The specified rate ta?es effect follo-in! the issuance of any
result code(s) associated -ith the current command line.
The <rate> specified does not apply in 7n;ine Data State if Direct mode of operation is selected.
Defined values
The <ra%e> "alue specified shall be the rate in bits per second at -hich the DTE-DE interface
should operate, e.!. :02 2//: or :005 2//:. The rates supported by a particular DE are
manufacturer-specific* ho-e"er, the +#<R parameter should permit the settin! of any rate supported
by the DE durin! online operation. Rates -hich include a non-inte!ral number of bits per second
should be truncated to the ne&t lo-er inte!er (e.!. 0BC.5 bit@s should be specified as 0BC* C5.C5 bit@s
should be specified as C5). #f unspecified or set to /, automatic detection is selected for the ran!e
determined by C.B and the DE manufacturer, and the character format is also forced to autodetect,
+#6=/ (see 1.2.00).
Recommended default setting
#t is recommended that the default for this parameter be the automatic detection settin! (/), -hich
facilitates initial DTE-DE communications.
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
e.!. +#<R$/ if set for automatic rate detection.
e.!. +#<R$21// if set to 21// bit@s.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit one or t-o strin!s of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+I+RJ'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" au%o"e%ec%a34e <ra%e> 1a4ue#*8K'4&#% o0 0&-e"-o$4y <ra%e> 1a4ue#*9
e.!. +#<R$(/,B//,02//,2C//,CD//,21//),(022//,BDC//,531//)
if the DE can autodetect up to 21// bit@s and can support three additional hi!her fi&ed rates.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 5/
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 50
#mplementation of this parameter is optional. #f the rate specified is not supported by the DE, an
ERROR result code shall be returned.
6.2... DTE-DCE c<arac%er 0ram&$, '+ICE*
This e&tended-format compound parameter is used to determine the local serial port start-stop
(asynchronous) character framin! that the DE shall use -hile acceptin! DTE commands and -hile
transmittin! information te&t and result code, if this is not automatically determined* +#<R=/ forces
+#6=/ (see +#<R, 1.2.0/). (ote that the definition of fi&ed character format for 7n;ine Data State
is for further study.
<0orma%> determines the number of bits in the data bits, the presence of a parity bit, and the number
of stop bits in the start-stop frame.
(7TE % The semantics of this command are deri"ed from Recommendation V.5D.
</ar&%y> determines ho- the parity bit is !enerated and chec?ed, if present.
Defined values
See Table 5.
Ta34e 5)V.250 C<arac%er 0orma% 1a4ue#
<0orma%> Va4&" $umer&c 1a4ue#
0 auto detect
. D Data 2 Stop
2 D Data 0 <arity 0 Stop
2 D Data 0 Stop
5 3 Data 2 Stop
5 3 Data 0 <arity 0 Stop
6 3 Data 0 Stop
</ar&%y> De0&$e" $umer&c 1a4ue#
0 7dd
. E"en
2 5ar?
2 Space
Recommended default setting
6or <format>$ 2
6or <parity>$ 2
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 52
Read synta&
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
e.!. +#6$B,B for the recommended defaults.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ICEJ'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <0orma%> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" </ar&%y> 1a4ue#*
e.!. +#6$(/-1),(/-B) for all defined "alues.
#mplementation of this parameter is optional. #f the format specified is not supported by the DE, an
ERROR result code shall be returned.
6.2..2 DTE-DCE 4oca4 04o! co$%ro4 '+IEC*
This e&tended-format compound parameter is used to control the operation of local flo- control
bet-een the DTE and DE durin! the data state -hen V.C2 error control is bein! used, or -hen
fallbac? to non-error control mode is specified to include bufferin! and flo- control. #t accepts t-o
numeric subparameters$
I <DCEC3yCDTE>, -hich specifies the method to be used by the DTE to control the flo- of
recei"ed data from the DE* and
I <DTEC3yCDCE>, -hich specifies the method to be used by the DE to control the flo- of
transmitted data from the DTE.
Defined values
See Table 1.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 5B
Table 1@V.25/ & <DEQbyQDTE> and <DTEQbyQDE> "alues
<DCEC3yCDTE> De#cr&/%&o$
0 (one
. D0@DB on circuit 0/B* do not pass D0@DB characters to the remote DE
2 ircuit 0BB (Ready for Recei"in!)
2 D0@DB on circuit 0/B -ith D0@DB characters bein! passed throu!h to the
remote DE in addition to bein! acted upon for local flo- control
5 %o .27 Reser"ed for future standardi+ation
O%<er Reser"ed for manufacturer-specific use
<DTEC3yCDCE> De#cr&/%&o$
0 (one
. D0@DB on circuit 0/C
2 ircuit 0/1 (lear to Send@Ready for Sendin!)
2 %o .27 Reser"ed for future standardi+ation
O%<er Reser"ed for manufacturer-specific use
(7TE % D0 is #)5 0@0* DB is #)5 0@B.
Recommended default settings
6or <DEQbyQDTE>$ 2
6or <DTEQbyQDE>$ 2
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
e.!. +#6$2,2 for the recommended defaults.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+IECJ'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <DCEC3yCDTE> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <DTEC3yCDCE> 1a4ue#*
e.!. +#6$(/-B),(/-2) for all defined "alues.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if V.C2 error control or Auffered mode is pro"ided in
the DE* other-ise it is optional. DEs -hich do not implement circuit 0/1 and@or circuit 0BB do
not need to support the "alue of 2 for the correspondin! subparameter.
6.2..2 DTE-DCE 4oca4 ra%e re/or%&$, '+ILRR*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 5C
This e&tended-format numeric parameter controls -hether or not the e&tended-format
:+#;RR$<rate>: information te&t is transmitted from the DE to the DTE. The <rate> reported shall
represent the current (ne!otiated or rene!otiated) DTE-DE rate. #f enabled, the intermediate result
code is transmitted after any modulation, error control or data compression reports are transmitted,
and before any final result code (e.!. 7((ET) is transmitted. The <rate> is applied after the final
result code is transmitted.
The DTE-DE port rate -ill chan!e only if neither buffered mode nor error-controlled means are
enabled (+ES=&,/) and if the ne!otiated carrier rate (+5RR) does not match the current DTE-DE
port rate (set by +#<R command or autodetected from the pre"ious command line).
The format of this intermediate result code is$
+ILRRJ <ra%e>8K<r-Cra%e>9 e.!. +#;RR$ 02 2//
<ra%e> "alues are decimal "alues. The optional <r-Cra%e> "alue reports the rate on circuit 0/C
(RID), if it is different from the rate on circuit 0/B (TID).
Defined values
See Table 3.
Ta34e 7)V.250 I Loca4 /or% ra%e re/or%&$, 1a4ue#
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Disables reportin! of local port rate (F#;RR$ is not transmitted)
. Enables reportin! of local port rate (F#;RR$ is transmitted)
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ILRRJ<curre$% #e%%&$,>
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!, the DE could report$
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ILRRJ'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported all defined settin!s -ould report$
#mplementation of this parameter and the associated intermediate result codes is mandatory for
V-Series data modems conformin! to this Recommendation.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 55
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 51
1.2.0C F#;7G Select Sync Transmit loc? Source
This command determines ho- the DTE transmit cloc? is !enerated -hile the DE is in the
synchronous mode.
0 The DE !enerates transmit cloc? and applies it to V.2C circuit 00C.
. The DE accepts transmit cloc? on V.2C circuit 00B and applies it to circuit 00C.
2 The DE deri"es transmit cloc? from the recei"e cloc? on V.2C circuit 005 and applies it to
circuit 00C.
Default value
Read syntax
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
QICLOJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6.2..5 QILSD Se4ec% Lo$, S/ace D&#co$$ec% O/%&o$
This command determines if the DE shall disconnect a call upon recei"in! a lon! space (0.1 sec
brea?) si!nal from the distant end and if the DE shall send a lon! space to cause a disconnect.
#f enabled, the modem shall send a C-second brea? (continuous space) before performin! si!nal
con"erter cleardo-n (if any) and before !oin! on-hoo?, -hen instructed to han! up by the DTE.
;on! Space Disconnect is applicable in Direct 5ode and Auffered 5ode.
0 Disable lon! space disconnect
. Enable lon! space disconnect
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 53
Default value
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 5D
Read synta&
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
6.2..6 QIDSR Se4ec% Da%a Se% Rea"y O/%&o$
This parameter determines ho- V.2C circuit 0/3 (Data Set Ready, DSR) shall beha"e.
0 DSR is al-ays 7(.
. DSR functions as defined in Recommendation V.2C and the rele"ant V-Series
Recommendation for the si!nal con"erter in use.
2 DSR is al-ays 7( e&cept for 5 seconds after disconnect.
Default value
Read syntax
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
QIDSRJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6.2..7 QIRTS Se4ec% Sy$c<ro$ou# Mo"e RTS O/%&o$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 52
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 1/
This parameter confi!ures the operation of V.2C circuit 0/5 (Re8uest to Send, RTS) and circuit 0/1
(Ready for Sendin!, or TS), -hile the DE is operatin! in Synchronous 5ode. #n any operatin!
mode -here the DTE interface is asynchronous (i.e. Direct, Auffered, Error ontrol, or Synchronous
)ccess 5odes) the settin! of this parameter is i!nored. #n this case, circuit 0/5 is assumed 7(, and
the actual state of this circuit, if present, is i!nored. The operation of circuit 0/1 in this case is
determined by the F#6 parameter.
(7TE % #n many DE, circuits 0/5 and 0BB share the same si!nal lead. #n those cases, the settin! of the F#6
parameter determines -hich circuit is in effect at the si!nal lead.
0 4hile in 7nline State, circuit 0/1 trac?s circuit 0/5 accordin! to the rele"ant V-Series
Recommendation for the modulation, -ith an additional delay e8ual to the "alue of MdelayN,
in units of 0/ msec.
. ircuit 0/1 is clamped 7(, and ircuit 0/5 is i!nored.
Default value
Read syntax
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send a line of information te&t to the DTE$
6.2 Ca44 co$%ro4
This subclause defines action commands and parameters used to ma?e and maintain calls. #t defines
result codes !enerated in e&ecutions of these action commands. #t also defines one unsolicited DE
result code, R#(' (1.B.C).
6.2.. D&a4
This command instructs the DE to ori!inate a call. This may include se"eral steps, dependin! upon
the DE type, such as$ connectin! to the line (!oin! off-hoo?), -aitin! for the net-or? to indicate
readiness to recei"e call addressin! information (-ait for dial tone), si!nallin! call addressin!
information to the net-or? (diallin! the number), monitorin! the line for call pro!ress si!nals
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 10
(e.!. busy), and instructin! the underlyin! DE to start the call ori!ination procedure (modulation
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 12
)ll characters appearin! on the same command line after the :D: are considered part of the call
addressin! information to be si!nalled to the net-or?, or modifiers used to control the si!nallin!
process (collecti"ely ?no-n as a :dial strin!:), up to a semicolon character (#)5 B@00) or the end of
the command line. #f the dial strin! is terminated by a semicolon, the DE does not start the call
ori!ination procedure as defined for the underlyin! DE, but instead returns to command state after
completion of the si!nallin! of call addressin! information to the net-or?.
)ny characters appearin! in the dial strin! that the DE does not reco!ni+e as a "alid part of the call
addressin! information or as a "alid modifier shall be i!nored. This permits characters such as
parentheses and hyphens to be included that are typically used in formattin! of telephone numbers.
(7TE % The beha"iour of the D command may be modified if DTE control of V.D or V.D bis is enabled* refer
to V.250 in this case.
The D command may be aborted in the manner described in 5.1.0. #f the DE is connected to the
line, it disconnects from the line in an orderly manner as re8uired by the state of the connection.
)bortin! the connection by reception of a character is !enerally possible at any time before the DE
enters online data state, but may not be possible durin! some states of connection establishment such
as handsha?in!. The DE shall issue a final result code* -hich result code to issue shall be
determined by the manufacturer, and may depend upon the state of the connection at the time the
character -as recei"ed from the DTE. #f a CONNECT or CONNECT <%e-%> result code is
recei"ed by the DTE, this indicates that the attempt to abort the command -as not successful,
possibly due to the state of connection establishment at the time the character -as sent. See Table D.
Execution time
E&ecution time for this action "aries -idely dependin! on the call ori!ination procedure of the
underlyin! DE and the time re8uired to determine -hether or not a connection is successfully
#mplementation of the D command and all associated result codes is mandatory. The elements of the
dial strin! are discussed in the follo-in! subclauses.
The steps necessary for establishin! a call are dependent upon the type of DE in use and national
(7TE % Some applications, such as call-bac? security, may re8uire a modem to ori!inate a call usin! the
fre8uencies normally reser"ed for an ans-erin! modem. (o dial modifier is specified in this
Recommendation for this purpose. >o-e"er, it can be accomplished by terminatin! the D command -ith a
semicolon, and follo-in! the semicolon -ith an A ()ns-er) command.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 1B
Table D@V.25/ & D command result codes
CONNECT 0 #f connection is successfully established and (0 is selected. This
result code is transmitted immediately before circuit 0/2 is turned
CONNECT <%e-%> % #f connection is successfully established and ($ is selected -here
:$: is any "alue other than /. This result code is transmitted
immediately before circuit 0/2 is turned on. The contents of <%e-%>
are manufacturer-specific, and may include indication of DTE
interface speed, line speed, error control and data compression
techni8ues in use, and other information
NO CARRIER B #f a connection cannot be established, or -as aborted by reception
of an additional character from the DTE
ERROR C #f issued -hile in online command state
@USY 3 #f busy si!nal detection is enabled or the O or P dial modifier is
used, and a busy si!nal is detected
NO ANSOER D #f the :P: dial modifier is used, and remote rin!in! follo-ed by
fi"e seconds of silence is not detected before the e&piration of the
connection timer defined by S7
NO DIALTONE 1 #f dial tone detection is enabled or the O dial modifier is used, and
no dial tone is detected -ithin the associated timeout period
O / #f command is aborted by either reception of an additional
character from the DTE or by the DTE turnin! off circuit 0/D (if
RD0 or RD2 is selected* see 1.2.2), or if the dial strin! is
terminated by a semicolon character
6.2.... D&a44&$, "&,&%#
) strin! of / or more of the characters$
F0 . 2 2 5 5 6 7 : B S T + A @ C DF
6or each di!it, the DE si!nals the di!it to the net-or? as part of the call addressin! se8uence. 6or
'ST( applications, refer to Recommendation H.2B and national re!ulations for information on
si!nallin! procedures.
7ptional dial modifiers and parameters can affect the si!nallin! of call addressin! information (for
e&ample, -hether pulse or DT56 si!nallin! is to be used in 'ST( applications).
The diallin! di!its 0 throu!h B shall be implemented. #f DT56 diallin! is implemented, S, T, A, @,
C, and D characters shall be implemented. #f the DE is desi!ned to operate -ith net-or? ser"ices
that translate :+: to the international access code, then :+: shall be implemented.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 1C
1.B.0.2 <ause durin! diallin!
:K: (comma, #)5 2@02)
#n 'ST( applications, causes a pause in the si!nallin! of addressin! information (diallin!). The
duration of the pause is specified by parameter S: (see 1.B.0/).
The comma dial modifier shall be implemented.
6.2...2 Se4ec% %o$e "&a44&$, '"&a4 mo"&0&er*
auses subse8uent dial di!its to be si!nalled usin! DT56. The effect of the T modifier may carry
for-ard to subse8uent D commands (i.e. once a T dial modifier is used, all subse8uent diallin! uses
DT56 tones until a + dial modifier or command is issued)* ho-e"er, it is recommended that the
DTE e&plicitly specify pulse or DT56 diallin! -ith the appropriate dial modifier (+ or T) at the
be!innin! of each dial strin!.
#mplementation of this dial modifier is mandatory* ho-e"er, if DT56 diallin! is not implemented,
this modifier -ill ha"e no effect.
6.2...5 Se4ec% /u4#e "&a44&$, '"&a4 mo"&0&er*
auses subse8uent dial di!its to be si!nalled usin! pulse diallin!. The effect of the + modifier may
carry for-ard to subse8uent D commands (i.e. once a + dial modifier is used, all subse8uent diallin!
uses pulse diallin! until a T dial modifier or command is issued)* ho-e"er, it is recommended that
the DTE e&plicitly specify pulse or DT56 diallin! -ith the appropriate dial modifier (+ or T) at the
be!innin! of each dial strin!.
#mplementation of this dial modifier is mandatory* ho-e"er, if pulse diallin! is not implemented,
this modifier -ill ha"e no effect.
6.2...5 Re,&#%er reca44)<oo= 04a#<
:U: (e&clamation point, #)5 2@0)
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 15
auses the DE to !o on-hoo? for a specified period of time, and then return off-hoo? for at least a
specified period of time before continuin! -ith the remainder of the dial strin!. The specified period
of time is normally one-half second, but may be !o"erned by national re!ulations.
#mplementation of this dial modifier is mandatory in de"ices intended for operation on the 'ST(.
6.2...6 Oa&% 0or "&a4 %o$e
auses the DE to listen for dial tone on the line. #f a "alid dial tone is detected, the DE continues
processin! the remainder of the dial strin!.
#f the DE decides to abort diallin! because the dial tone does not occur -ithin the connection
timeout period specified by parameter S7, the NO DIALTONE or NO CARRIER result code is
issued and the remainder of the command line is i!nored.
The DE may, but is not re8uired to, detect busy si!nal -hile listenin! for dial tone* this capability
may be conditioned upon the settin! of the ( command. The @USY or NO CARRIER result codes
may be issued if the DE detects a busy si!nal -hile listenin! for dial tone* in this e"ent, the
remainder of the command line is i!nored.
#mplementation of this dial modifier is mandatory for de"ices intended for operation on the 'ST(.
The amount of time that dial tone must be present to be considered :detected: may be !o"erned by
national re!ulations, and in the absence of such re!ulations is manufacturer-specific.
6.2...7 Oa&% 0or >u&e% a$#!er
P (at si!n, #)5 C@/)
auses the DE to listen for remote rin!in!, follo-ed by fi"e seconds of silence on the line. #f
silence is detected for this period, the DE continues processin! the remainder of the dial strin!.
#f the DE decides to abort diallin! because the re8uired period of silence does not occur -ithin the
timeout period specified by parameter S7, the NO ANSOER or NO CARRIER result code is
issued and the remainder of the command line is i!nored.
The DE may, but is not re8uired to, detect busy si!nal -hile listenin! for silence* this capability
may be conditioned upon the settin! of the ( command. The @USY or NO CARRIER result codes
may be issued if the DE detects a busy si!nal -hile listenin! for silence* in this e"ent, the
remainder of the command line is i!nored.
#mplementation of this dial modifier is mandatory for de"ices intended for operation on the 'ST(.
The duration of the period of silence for -hich the DE listens may be !o"erned by national
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 11
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 13
1.B.0.D #n"o?e stored strin!
auses the strin! stored at MlocationN by the F)ST7 command to be processed.
The S is follo-ed by 9SMlocationN9 -here MlocationN is in the ran!e / to (one less than the number of
stora!e locations). The last di!it of MlocationN is reco!nised by the presence of a non-di!it character
or the end of the command line. )ny characters on the command line after the last di!it of
MlocationN shall be i!nored. 7ther (non-stored) dial strin! characters may precede the S in the
command line.
)n out of ran!e "alue for MlocationN shall cause an ERR7R result code. #f the character immediately
follo-in! the S is not an 9S9 or there is no di!it follo-in! the 9S9, then all characters after the S are
i!nored, and stored number / is dialled.
#mplementation of this dial modifier is optional
6.2.2 Se4ec% %o$e "&a44&$, 'comma$"*
auses subse8uent D commands to assume that DT56 diallin! is to be used unless other-ise
specified. 7nce a T command is used, all subse8uent diallin! uses DT56 tones until a + command
or dial modifier is issued.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory* ho-e"er, if DT56 diallin! is not implemented, this
command -ill ha"e no effect.
6.2.2 Se4ec% /u4#e "&a44&$, 'comma$"*
auses subse8uent D commands to assume that pulse diallin! is to be used unless other-ise
specified. 7nce a + command is used, all subse8uent diallin! uses pulse diallin! until a T command
or dial modifier is issued.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory* ho-e"er, if pulse diallin! is not implemented, this
modifier -ill ha"e no effect.
6.2.5 I$com&$, ca44 &$"&ca%&o$
The #ncomin! all #ndication is an unsolicited result code.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 1D
RING )lphabetic form ()TV0).
2 (umeric form ()TV/).
This result code is issued by the DE to report an incomin! call to the DTE. #nterpretation of
indications from the net-or? to determine -hat constitutes a :rin!: is defined by national
re!ulations. This result code should be repeated each time the net-or? repeats the incomin! call
The transmittin! of RING result codes from the DE to the DTE may be suppressed durin!
command entry and e&ecution (see 5.D.2). ircuit 025, if pro"ided, may be unaffected by the status
of command entry and e&ecution and continue to indicate incomin! calls e"en thou!h transmittin! of
RING result codes is suppressed.
#mplementation of this result code is mandatory.
6.2.5 A$#!er
This command instructs the DE to immediately connect to the line and start the ans-er se8uence as
specified for the underlyin! DE.
)ny additional commands that appear after A on the same command line are i!nored.
(7TE % The beha"iour of the A command may be modified if DTE control of V.D or V.D bis is enabled* refer
to V.250 in this case.
The A command may be aborted in the manner described in 5.1.0. #f the DE is connected to the
line, it disconnects from the line in an orderly manner as re8uired by the state of the connection.
)bortin! the connection by reception of a character is !enerally possible at any time before the DE
enters online data state, but may not be possible durin! some states of connection establishment,
such as handsha?in!. The DE shall issue a final result code* -hich result code to issue shall be
determined by the manufacturer, and may depend upon the state of the connection at the time the
character -as recei"ed from the DTE. #f a CONNECT or CONNECT <%e-%> result code is
recei"ed by the DTE, this indicates that the attempt to abort the command -as not successful,
possibly due to the state of connection establishment at the time the character -as sent. See Table 2.
Execution time
E&ecution time for this action "aries -idely dependin! on the ans-er se8uence of the underlyin!
DE and the time re8uired to determine -hether or not a connection is successfully established.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 12
Table 2@V.25/ & ) command result codes
CONNECT 0 #f connection is successfully established and (0 is selected. This
result code is transmitted immediately before circuit 0/2 is turned
CONNECT <%e-%> % #f connection is successfully established and ($ is selected -here
:$: is any "alue other than /. This result code is transmitted
immediately before circuit 0/2 is turned on. The contents of <%e-%>
are manufacturer-specific, and may include indication of DTE
interface speed, line speed, error control and data compression
techni8ues in use, and other information
NO CARRIER B #f a connection cannot be established, or -as aborted by reception
of an additional character from the DTE
ERROR C #f issued -hile in online command state
O / #f command is aborted by either reception of an additional
character from the DTE or by the DTE turnin! off circuit 0/D (if
RD0 or RD2 is selected* see 1.2.2), or if the dial strin! is
terminated by a semicolon character
6.2.6 Hoo= co$%ro4
This command instructs the DE to disconnect from the line, terminatin! any call in pro!ress. )ll of
the functions of the command shall be completed before the DE issues any result code.
This action may not be aborted.
Defined values
0 Disconnect from line and terminate call.
Result codes
O The result code is issued after circuit 0/2 is turned off, if it -as pre"iously on.
ERROR #f <1a4ue> is not reco!ni+ed or supported.
Execution time
E&ecution time for this action "aries -idely dependin! on the call termination procedure of the
underlyin! DE and manufacturers9 implementation. The DTE should -ait for the result code before
proceedin! -ith subse8uent commands.
#mplementation of this command is mandatory. #f the "alue specified is not reco!ni+ed or
implemented, an ERROR result code shall be !enerated.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 3/
1.B.3 Return to online data state
auses the DE to return to online data state and issue a CONNECT or CONNECT <%e-%> result
This command may not be aborted.
Defined values
0 Return to online data state from online command state.
'o%<er* Reser"ed for manufacturer proprietary use.
Result codes
See Table 0/.
Ta34e .0)V.250 O comma$" re#u4% co"e#
CONNECT #f connection is successfully resumed and (0 is selected
CONNECT M%e-%N #f connection is successfully resumed and ($ is selected -here
:$: is any "alue other than /
NO CARRIER #f connection is not successfully resumed
ERROR #f M1a4ueN is not reco!ni+ed or supported
#mplementation of this command is mandatory.
6.2.: Au%oma%&c a$#!er
This S-parameter controls the automatic ans-erin! feature of the DE. #f set to /, automatic
ans-erin! is disabled. #f set to a non-+ero "alue, the DE shall cause the DE to ans-er -hen the
incomin! call indication (rin!) has occurred the number of times indicated by the "alue (see 1.0.2).
6or e&ample, in 'ST( modem applications, settin! this parameter to 0 -ill cause the modem to
ans-er an incomin! call on the first rin!.
Defined values
0 )utomatic ans-erin! is disabled.
. to 255 Enable automatic ans-erin! on the rin! number specified.
Recommended default setting
0 )utomatic ans-erin! is disabled.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 30
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 32
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. The "alue / shall be supported (for inter-or?in!
-ith DTEs that -ish to disable automatic ans-erin!)* "alues other than / may be supported.
(ational re!ulations may limit the allo-able non-+ero "alues.
6.2.B +au#e 3e0ore 34&$" "&a44&$,
This parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the DE shall -ait bet-een connectin!
to the line and si!nallin! call addressin! information to net-or? (diallin!), -hen dial tone detection
is not implemented or enabled.
Defined values
2 to .0 (umber of seconds to -ait before blind diallin!.
Recommended default setting
2 4ait t-o seconds before blind diallin!.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. >o-e"er, the effect of settin!s may be !o"erned by
national re!ulations (some countries may not permit blind diallin!, or place a limit on the ma&imum
pause before diallin! be!ins).
6.2..0 Co$$ec%&o$ com/4e%&o$ %&meou%
This parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the DE shall allo- bet-een either
ans-erin! a call (automatically or by the A command) or completion of si!nallin! of call addressin!
information to net-or? (diallin!), and establishment of a connection -ith the remote DE. #f no
connection is established durin! this time, the DE disconnects from the line and returns a result
code indicatin! the cause of the disconnection (see the descriptions of the A and D commands and
related dial modifiers for more information).
Defined values
. to 255 (umber of seconds in -hich connection must be established or call -ill be
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. The effect of settin!s may be !o"erned by national
6.2... Comma "&a4 mo"&0&er %&me
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 3B
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 3C
This parameter specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the DE shall pause, durin! si!nallin!
of call addressin! information to the net-or? (diallin!), -hen a :K: (comma) dial modifier is
encountered in a dial strin!.
Defined values
0 DE does not pause -hen :K: encountered in dial strin!.
. to 255 (umber of seconds to pause.
Recommended default setting
2 DE pauses t-o seconds -hen :K: is encountered.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. The effect of settin!s may be !o"erned by national
6.2..2 Au%oma%&c "&#co$$ec% "e4ay
This parameter specifies the amount of time, in tenths of a second, that the DE -ill remain
connected to the line (off-hoo?) after the DE has indicated the absence of recei"ed line si!nal. #f
the recei"ed line si!nal is once a!ain detected before the time specified in S.0 e&pires, the DE
remains connected to the line and the call continues.
Defined values
. to 255 (umber of tenths of a second of delay.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory. Effect of some settin!s may be !o"erned by national
6.2..2 Mo$&%or #/ea=er 4ou"$e##
This parameter controls the "olume of the monitor spea?er. The specific loudness le"el indicated by
:lo-:, :medium:, and :hi!h: is manufacturer-specific, althou!h they are intended to indicate
increasin! "olume.
Defined values
See Table 00.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 35
Table 00@V.25/ & Spea?er loudness "alues
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 ;o- spea?er "olume
. ;o- spea?er "olume
2 5edium spea?er "olume
2 >i!h spea?er "olume
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory* ho-e"er, if there is no monitor spea?er, if the
"olume of the spea?er is fi&ed, or if the "olume is controllable only "ia a hard-are control, the
settin! of this parameter -ill be i!nored.
6.2..5 Mo$&%or #/ea=er mo"e
This parameter controls -hen the monitor spea?er is on. The spea?er shall be off -hile the DE is
on-hoo?, and may be on -hen the DE is off-hoo?, dependin! on the settin! of this parameter. #f the
settin! of this parameter is chan!ed -hile the DE is already off-hoo?, it is desirable that the
spea?er be immediately set to reflect the ne- settin!.
Defined values
See Table 02.
Ta34e .2)V.250 S/ea=er mo"e 1a4ue#
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Spea?er is al-ays off
. Spea?er on until DE informs DE that carrier has been detected
2 Spea?er is al-ays on -hen DE is off-hoo?
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory* ho-e"er, if there is no monitor spea?er, the settin!
of this parameter -ill be i!nored.
6.2..5 QASTO S%ore Te4e/<o$e Num3er
This parameter stores dialin! strin!s, -hich may be in"o?ed later by the SRMlocationN dial modifier
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 31
The follo-in! characters are storable in dial strin!s$
7ther characters are i!nored and not stored. Disposition of characters follo-in! a :*: dial modifier in
a dial strin! is not specified. >o-e"er, it is recommended, that if such characters are not stored, they
should be i!nored.
;o-er-case letters entered are con"erted into upper case for stora!e. #f the strin! of :storable:
characters -ill not fit into the a"ailable space, then no chan!e to the pre-e&istin! stored strin! -ill
occur. The command shall return the ERR7R result code.
The double-8uote (:) character, as such, is not permitted in a strin! constant and must be replaced by
the combination 9U229 in MdialQstrin!N. >o-e"er, the actual (:) character is stored (see 5.C.2.2).
location$ / to (one less than ma&imum number of stora!e locations)
dialQstrin!$ the stored phone number
Default values
no "alues stored
Read syntax
The DE shall return the location numbers and dial strin!, one pair per line for each location that has
a "alue stored, for e&ample$
QASTOJ 0K555-.225
QASTOJ 2K555-522.
Test syntax
The DE shall return the "alid ran!e of location numbers and the ma&imum len!th of a dial strin!,
for e&ample$
QASTOJ '0-2*K'20*
6.5 Mo"u4a%&o$ co$%ro4 comma$"#
This subclause defines control commands for data modems and for modems defined for use in Te&t
Telephones in Recommendation V.0D.
6.5.. Mo"u4a%&o$ #e4ec%&o$ '+MS*
This e&tended-format compound parameter is used to control the manner of operation of the
modulation capabilities in the DE. 6or DE that support a primary and an au&iliary channel, this
parameter applies to the primary channel. #t accepts si& subparameters$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 33
% <carr&er>, a strin! -hich specifies the preferred modem carrier to use in ori!inatin! or
ans-erin! a connection. <carrier> "alues are strin!s of up to ei!ht characters, consistin!
only of numeric di!its and upper case letters. <carrier> "alues for #T. standard modulations
shall ta?e the form$ <letter><0-C di!its><other letters as needed>. Defined "alues are sho-n
in Table 0B belo-.
The DE may also automatically s-itch to another modulation (automode), subEect to se"eral
% The DE mi!ht not support some other modulations, re!ardless of the automode mechanism
% The DE mi!ht not be able to automatically s-itch from the current modulation <carrier> to
some other modulations, restricted by the selected modulation standard and by the DE
manufacturer9s technolo!y. 6or e&ample, there is no standard -ay to automode from
Recommendation V.B2 bis to Recommendation V.23 ter.
% The DTE may disable automode operation* see <automode> belo-.
% The DTE may constrain the ran!e of modulations a"ailable* see <minQrate> and <ma&Qrate>
% The DTE may selecti"ely disable some modulations by readin!, editin! and -ritin! the
+5) parameter (see 1.C.2).
#f the DTE issues a +5S=<carrier> command to the DE, and if the DE supports the F5)
parameter, the DE shall reinitiali+e the +5) parameter.
% <au%omo"e>, an optional numeric "alue -hich enables or disables automatic modulation
ne!otiation (e.!. )nne& )@V.B2 bis or Recommendation V.D). The default "alue shall be
enabled if it is defined for the associated modulation (e.!. Recommendations V.B2 bis, V.D
or V.BC)* ho-e"er, there are modulations for -hich there is no automatic ne!otiation defined
(e.!. Recommendation V.21 bis).
% <m&$Cra%e> and <m&$Cr-Cra%e>, optional numeric "alues -hich specify the lo-est "alue at
-hich the DE may establish a connection. #f unspecified (set to /), they are determined by
the modulation means selected in the <carrier> and <automode> settin!s. Values for this
subparameter are decimal encoded, in units of bit@s.
% <ma-Cra%e> and <ma-Cr-Cra%e>, optional numeric "alues -hich specify the hi!hest "alue
at -hich the DE may establish a connection. #f unspecified (set to /), they are determined
by the modulation means selected in the <carrier> and <automode> settin!s and by the
current DTE-DE rate. (on-+ero "alues for this subparameter are decimal encoded, in units
of bit@s.
% <m&$Cr-Cra%e> and <ma-Cr-Cra%e> may be used to condition distinct limits for the recei"e
direction as distinct from the transmit direction. 6or e&ample, these can be used to select
either direction for asymmetric modulations li?e Recommendation V.2B -ith constant
(7TE 0 % Recommendation V.BC has pro"isions for selecti"ely enablin! modulation rates in any
combination, selecti"ely disablin! any rate. 6uture "ersions of this Recommendation may define additional
optional subparameters to control this V.BC feature.
Defined values
6or <carr&er>$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 3D
Table 0B@V.25/ & Standard modulation <carrier> strin!s
<carr&er> De#cr&/%&o$
#T. (#TT) Standard 5odulations
V2. Rec. V.20
V22 Rec. V.22
V22@ Rec. V.22 bis
V22S Rec. V.2B, -ith S-itched carrier, TD5
V22C Rec. V.2B, -ith onstant carrier, asymmetric 6D5
V26@ Rec. V.21 bis
V27TC Rec. V.23 ter, -ith onstant carrier, 6D5
V22 Rec. V.B2
V22@ Rec. V.B2 bis
V25 Rec. V.BC
(7TE % 5anufacture proprietary strin!s may be defined* they shall not be!in -ith the :V:
6or <au%omo"e>$
0 Disabled
. Enabled, -ith Rec. V.D or )nne& )@V.B2 bis -here applicable
Recommended default settings
6or <carrier>$ 5anufacturer-specific
6or <automode>$ . (#f possible)
6or <minQrate>$ 0
6or <ma&Qrate>$ 0 5a&imum supported by <carrier>
6or <minQr&Qrate>$ 0 #f implemented
6or <ma&Qr&Qrate>$ 0 #f implemented
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, reportin! the current +5S
subparameter settin!s, consistin! of$
+MSJ <carr&er>K<au%omo"e>K<m&$Cra%e>K<ma-Cra%e>K<m&$Cr-Cra%e>K<ma-Cr-Cra%e>
(7TE 2 % The current acti"e settin!s are reported under control of the F5R parameter.
7ptional subparameters do not need to be reported if not implemented or set to /.
e.!. +5S$ VB2A,0,02//,0CC// if set to Recommendation V.B2 bis, automode, e&plicit limits, but no
distinct recei"e and transmit rate limits.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 32
Test synta&
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MSJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <carr&er> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <au%omo"e> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0
#u//or%e" <m&$Cra%e> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <ma-Cra%e> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e"
<m&$Cr-Cra%e> 1a4ue#*K '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <ma-Cr-Cra%e> 1a4ue#*
7ptional subparameters do not need to be reported if not implemented in the DE.
6or e&ample, a DE that supported the follo-in! modulations$ Recommendations V.20, V.22,
V.22 bis, V.B2 and V.B2 bis, -ith )utomode, could report$
+5S$ (V20,V22,V22A,VB2,VB2A),(/,0),(/,B//-0CC//),(/,B//-0CC//)
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory for V-Series data modems conformin! to this
6.5.2 Mo"u4a%&o$ au%omo"e co$%ro4 '+MA*
This e&tended-format compound parameter is a list of modulations that the DE may use to connect
-ith the remote DE in )utomode operation, for ans-erin! or ori!inatin! data calls, as additional
alternati"es to the modulation specified in +5S=<carrier>. The use of automode is controlled by the
+5S=,Mautomode> subparameter.
This parameter is an optional e&tension to the +5S command (see 1.C.0). The implied hi!hest
priority modulation is specified in the <carrier> subparameter for the +5S command. )s an
e&tension of the +5S command, this parameter is reset to the manufacturer-determined default
settin! -hene"er +5S=<carrier> is chan!ed by the DTE, subEect to the constraints listed belo-
under recommended defaults.
#f the DTE -rites "alues to +5) that are not supported for the current +5S=<carrier> settin!, the
DE shall return ERROR.
#f the automode priority has any meanin! in conte&t of the modulations specified (or dependin! on
the a"ailability of !eneral mechanisms li?e Recommendation V.D), the order of <carrier> "alues
determines priority.
<carrier> "alues omitted are not a"ailable for )utomode ne!otiation, e"en if the DE is capable of
them. 6or e&ample, if <carrier> "alue V21T (Recommendation V.21 ter) is omitted from the +5)
list, this means that the DE is not confi!ured to automatically s-itch to this modulation, !i"en the
current settin! of the F5SSMcarrierN subparameter, e"en if the DE is capable of
Recommendation V.21 ter.
Defined values
Valid <carrier> "alues are defined in Table 0B. +5) ta?es a "ariable number of <carrier> "alues,
limited to those <carrier> "alues indicated by the DE in response to a +5S=V command (see 1.C.0).
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* D/
#f the DTE includes any <carrier> "alues that the DE does not support, the DE shall return an
ERROR final result code.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* D0
Recommended default settin!s
This is manufacturer determined, each time +5S=< carrier> is chan!ed.
The "alid settin!s for +5) are constrained by fi"e factors$
% the modulation types supported in the DE*
% the current modulation selected in +5S*
% the current <ma&Qrate> and <ma&Qr&Qrate> selected in +5S*
% the current <minQrate> and <minQr&Qrate> selected in +5S*
% by the DE9s technolo!y for automatic modulation selection.
6or e&ample, if a DE supported all V-Series standard modulations from Recommendation V.20 up
to Recommendation V.BC, but if +5S=VB2A (Recommendation V.B2 bis) and the only )utomode
technolo!y supported in the DE is )nne& )@V.B2 bis, then this de"ice mi!ht only apply )utomode
bet-een Recommendations V.B2 bis, V.B2 and V.22 bis. 6or that e&ample, the default -ould be
+5)=VB2,V22A. #f the <minQrate> subparameter -as set to 21//, then Recommendation V.22 bis
could not be an a"ailable )utomode choice, and the default -ould be +5)=VB2.
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MAJ <curre$% 4&#% o0 <carr&er> 1a4ue#><CR>
6or e&ample, a DE capable of )nne& )@V.B2 bis )utomode operation and set for
+5S=VB2A,0,2C//,0CC//* the DE could report$
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MAJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <carr&er> 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that is set for a top modulation of V.BC (F5SSVBC,0,B//,2DD//) -ith V.D
ne!otiation and se"eral symmetric duple& modulations could report$
-hich indicates ability to )utomode to Recommendations V.B2 bis, V.B2, V.21 ter, V.22 bis, V.22,
and V.20 in that order of preference.
This command is optional.
6.5.2 Mo"u4a%&o$ re/or%&$, co$%ro4 '+MR*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* D2
This e&tended-format numeric parameter controls -hether or not the e&tended-format
+5R$<carrier> and +5RR$<rate> intermediate result codes are transmitted from the DE to the
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* DB
DTE. The <carrier> reported shall represent the current (ne!otiated or rene!otiated) modulation
<carrier>. #f enabled, the intermediate result codes are transmitted at the point durin! connect
ne!otiation (handsha?in!) at -hich the DE has determined -hich modulation and rate -ill be used,
before any Error ontrol or Data ompression reports are transmitted, and before the intermediate
result code 7((ET is transmitted.
The format of this information te&t is$
+MCRJ <carr&er> e.!. +5R$ VB2A
+MRRJ <ra%e>8K<r-Cra%e>9 e.!. +5RR$ 0CC//
<carr&er> strin! "alues are defined in Table 0B.
<ra%e> "alues are the decimal transmit rates in bits@s, or set to / if ne!otiation failed (e.!. V.B2 bis
<r-Cra%e> may be reported if the modulation ne!otiated has a different rate for the RID channel
than for the transmit channel.
Defined values
See Table 0C.
Ta34e .5)V.250 Mo"u4a%&o$ re/or%&$, 1a4ue#
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Disables reportin! of modulation connection
(+5R$ and +5RR$ are not transmitted)
. Enables reportin! of modulation connection
(+5R$ and +5RR$ are transmitted)
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MRJ<curre$% #e%%&$,>
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!, the DE could report$
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MRJ'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported all defined settin!s -ould report$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* DC
#mplementation of this parameter and associated intermediate result codes is mandatory for V-Series
data modems.
6.5.5 V..: Se4ec%&o$ '+MV.:S*
This e&tended-format compound parameter is used to control the manner of operation of the V.0D
capabilities (if present) in the DE. #t accepts four numeric subparameters$
% <mo"e>, -hich specifies the callin! mode of operation*
% <"04%Ca$#Cmo"e>, -hich specifies the preferred fallbac? mode of operation -hen the DE
is operatin! as the ans-erer* and
% <03=C%&meCe$a34e>, -hich specifies the enablin! of re-ac8uisition after t-o seconds of no
% <a$#Cm#,Ce$a34e>, -hich specifies the enablin! of the ans-er messa!e as part of
continuous carrier mode probes*
% M/ro3&$,Ce$N, -hich controls acti"ation of the probin! in ans-er mode. Disablin! the
probin! -ill cause the V.0D DE to enter the automodin! monitor mode -hen ans-erin!.
Defined values
See Table 05.
Ta34e .5)V.250 V..: O/era%&o$ mo"e#
<mo"e> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Disables V.0D operation
. V.0D operation, auto detect mode
2 V.0D operation, connect in 5-bit (Aaudot) mode
2 V.0D operation, connect in DT56 mode
5 V.0D operation, connect in EDT mode
5 V.0D operation, connect in V.20 mode
6 V.0D operation, connect in V.2B mode
7 V.0D operation, connect in Aell 0/B-type mode
<"04%Ca$#Cmo"e> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Disables V.0D ans-er operation
. (o default specified (auto detect)
2 V.0D operation connect in 5-bit (Aaudot) mode
2 V.0D operation connect in DT56 mode
5 V.0D operation connect in EDT mode
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* D5
Ta34e .5)V.250 V..: O/era%&o$ mo"e# (concluded
<03=C%&meCe$a34e> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Disable
. Enable
<a$#Cm#,Ce$a34e> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Disable
. Enable
0 Disable probin!
. Enable probin!
2 #nitiate probin!
Recommended default settings
6or <mode>$ 0
6or <dfltQansQmode>$ 0
6or <fb?QtimeQenable>$ 0
6or <ansQms!Qenable>$ 0
6or Mprobin!QenN$ .
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MV.:SJ <mo"e>K<"04%Ca$#Cmo"e>K<03=C%&meCe$a34e>K<a$#Cm#,Ce$a34e>
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!s, the DE could report$
+5V0DS$ /,/,/,/
-hich selects disabled mode, -ith re-ac8uisition after inacti"ity disabled.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MV.:SJ'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" <mo"e>#*K'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" <"04%Ca$#Cmo"e>#*K'ra$,e o0
#u//or%e" <03=C%&meCe$a34e>#*K'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" <a$#Cm#,Ce$a34e>#*
6or e&ample, a completely capable DE could report$
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if Recommendation V.0D is implemented in the DE.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* D1
6.5.5 V..: Re/or%&$, co$%ro4 '+MV.:R*
This e&tended-format numeric parameter controls -hether or not the e&tended-format :+5V0DR$:
result code is transmitted from the DE to the DTE. The +5V0D$<type> reported shall represent the
current (ne!otiated or rene!otiated) V.0D <type>. #f enabled, the result code is transmitted at the
point durin! connect ne!otiation (handsha?in!) at -hich the DE has determined -hich modulation
and format -ill be used (if any) for Recommendation V.0D. The format of this result code is the
follo-in! (see Table 01)$
Ta34e .6)V.250 V..: Co$$ec%&o$ re/or% &$%erme"&a%e re#u4% co"e#
+MV.:J 5@IT #ndicates connection -ith 5-bit
+MV.:J EDT #ndicates connection -ith EDT
+MV.:J DTME #ndicates connection -ith DT56
+MV.:J V2. #ndicates connection -ith Rec. V.20
+MV.:J V22M #ndicates connection -ith Rec. V.2B in 5aster 5ode (Sendin! on
02// bit@s, recei"in! on 35 bit@s)
+MV.:J V22S #ndicates connection -ith Rec. V.2B in Sla"e 5ode, (Sendin! on
35 bit@s, recei"in! on 02// bit@s)
+MV.:J @.02 #ndicates connection -ith Aell 0/B-type modulation
+MV.:J V.: #ndicates both DEs are in Rec. V.0D
The +5V0D result code, if enabled, is issued by the DE in place of any other 5odulation reportin!
-hen V.0D connection occurs (e.!. +5R). #f the +5V0D parameters are set to disable V.0D
operation, the effect is to o"erride an enable settin! of +5V0DR.
Defined values
See Table 03.
Ta34e .7)V.250 V..: Re/or%&$, 1a4ue#
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Disables reportin! of Rec. V.0D connection
. Enables reportin! of Rec. V.0D connection
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* D3
+MV.:RJ <curre$% #e%%&$,>
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!, the DE could report$
+5V0DR$ /
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MV.:RJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported both defined settin!s -ould report$
+5V0DR$ (/,0)
#mplementation of this parameter (and the +5V0D result codes) is mandatory if
Recommendation V.0D is implemented in the DE.
6.5.6 V..: A$#!er&$, me##a,e e"&%&$, '+MV.:AM*
This e&tended-format strin! parameter contains the ans-er messa!e stored in the DE and used as a
probe (see 1.C.3) in the automode ans-er mode. The command +5V0D)5=:: sets this to the null
strin!. The command +5V0D)5=<messa!e> appends Mmessa!eN to the stored strin!, up to the
ma&imum len!th supported by the DE.
Defined values
messa!e$ the stored messa!e as a strin! constant
Recommended default settings
5anufacturer-specific, dependent on country of installation.
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit the te&t of the stored ans-er messa!e to the DTE. 6or e&ample, for
installation in an En!lish spea?in! country, it could report$
+5V0D)5$ :>ello, '):
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit the ma&imum messa!e len!th allo-able, as a decimal "alue. 6or e&ample, if
the DE could handle a ma&imum messa!e of 0// characters, it shall report$
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if Recommendation V.0D is implemented in the DE.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* DD
6.5.7 Or"er o0 /ro3e# '+MV.:+*
This e&tended-format compound parameter is a list of te&t telephone modes that specify the order of
the modes in -hich to send probes durin! the automodin! ans-erin! process. The order is of
importance for minimi+in! the connect time -hen ans-erin! calls. The <probeQmode> "alues 2-3,
are defined in Table 0D. The order determines the probin! order, -ith the first "alue specified
representin! the first probe tried.
Defined values
See Table 0D.
Ta34e .:)V.250 +ro3e or"er
</ro3eCmo"e> De#cr&/%&o$
2 Send probe messa!e in 5-bit (Aaudot) mode
2 Send probe messa!e in DT56 mode
5 Send probe messa!e in EDT mode
5 Send Rec. V.20 carrier as a probe
6 Send Rec. V.2B carrier as a probe
7 Send Aell 0/B carrier as a probe
Recommended default setting
5anufacturer-specific, based on national re!ulations or common practice.
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MV.:+J <curre$% /r&or&%y 4&#% o0 /ro3eCmo"e #e%%&$,#>
6or e&ample, if the DE is set to support the abo"e list in that priority order, the DE could report$
+MV.:+J 2K2K5K5K6K7
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+MV.:+J '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported all "alues shall report$
+MV.:+J '2-7*
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if Recommendation V.0D is implemented in the DE.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* D2
6.5.: Seam4e## Ra%e C<a$,e e$a34e 'QMSC*
This e&tended-format compound numeric parameter controls -hether or not seamless rate chan!e
procedures are enabled durin! V.BC operation.
=#ote> The addition of other subparameters to control other aspects of <eamless Rate -han%e
0peration, and control of ;.93 <R- 0peration, is for further stud". The effect that enablin%
seamless rate chan%e ma" have on other modem characteristics, such as startup time, is for further
The results of seamless rate chan!e ne!otiation are reported -ith the QMSCR indication, -hich is
enabled -ith the same F5R command that enables other modulation reports such as F5RR. The
form of the indication is as follo-s$
QMSCRJ M125C#rcCmo"eN e.,. QMSCRJ .
M125C#crCmo"eN has a "alue of +ero for no V.BC seamless rate chan!e (SR), and a "alue of one for
V.BC SR operation
=#0T.> !dditional reported values are for further stud".?
Defined values
See Table 02
Ta34e .B)V.250 - Seam4e## Ra%e C<a$,e Co$%ro4 Va4ue#
M#rcC125 N "e#cr&/%&o$
0 Disables V.BC seamless rate chan!e
. Enables V.BC seamless rate chan!e
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
QMSCJ Mcurre$% #e%%&$,N
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!, the DE could report$
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
QMSCJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported all defined settin!s -ould report$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2/
6.5 Error co$%ro4 comma$"#
This Recommendation contains parameters to condition DE use of standard V.C2 ;)<5 and
)lternati"e Error ontrol <rocedures, and Auffered modes. Support for the selection, control and
reportin! of other error control procedures is beyond the scope of this Recommendation.
6.5.. Error co$%ro4 #e4ec%&o$ '+ES*
This e&tended-format compound parameter is used to control the manner of operation of the
V.C2 protocol in the DE (if present). #t accepts three numeric subparameters$
% <or&,Cr>#%>, -hich specifies the initial re8uested mode of operation -hen the DE is
operatin! as the ori!inator*
% <or&,C03=>, -hich specifies the acceptable fallbac? mode of operation -hen the DE is
operatin! as the ori!inator*
% <a$#C03=>, -hich specifies the acceptable fallbac? mode of operation -hen the DE is
operatin! as the ans-erer.
Defined values
See Table 2/.
Ta34e 20)V.250 Error co$%ro4 o/era%&o$ #u3/arame%er#
<or&,Cr>#%> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Direct mode
. #nitiate call -ith Auffered mode only
2 #nitiate V.C2 -ithout Detection <hase. #f Rec. V.D is in use, this is a re8uest to
disable V.C2 Detection <hase
2 #nitiate V.C2 -ith Detection <hase
5 #nitiate )lternati"e <rotocol
<or&,C03=> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Error control optional (either ;)<5 or )lternati"e acceptable)* if error control
not established, maintain DTE-DE data rate and useAuffered mode -ith flo-
control durin! non-error control operation
. Error control optional (either ;)<5 or )lternati"e acceptable)* if error control
not established, chan!e DTE-DE data rate to match line rate and use Direct
2 Error control re8uired (either ;)<5 or )lternati"e acceptable)* if error control
not established, disconnect
2 Error control re8uired (only ;)<5 acceptable)* if error control not established,
5 Error control re8uired (only )lternati"e protocol acceptable)* if error control not
established, disconnect
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 20
<a$#C03=> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Direct mode
. Error control disabled, use Auffered mode
2 Error control optional (either ;)<5 or )lternati"e acceptable)* if error control
not established, maintain DTE-DE data rate and use local bufferin! and flo-
control durin! non-error control operation
2 Error control optional (either ;)<5 or )lternati"e acceptable)* if error control
not established, chan!e DTE-DE data rate to match line rate and use Direct
5 Error control re8uired (either ;)<5 or )lternati"e acceptable)* if error control
not established, disconnect
5 Error control re8uired (only ;)<5 acceptable)* if error control not established,
6 Error control re8uired (only )lternati"e protocol acceptable)* if error control not
established, disconnect
Recommended default settings
6or <ori!Qr8st>$ 2
6or <ori!Qfb?>$ 0
6or <ansQfb?>$ 2
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ESJ <or&,Cr>#%>K<or&,C03=>K<a$#C03=>
e.!. +ES$ B,/,2<R> for the recommended defaults.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ESJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <or&,Cr>#%> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <or&,C03=> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0
#u//or%e" <a$#C03=> 1a4ue#*
e.!. +ES$ (/-C),(/-C),(/-5) for all defined "alues.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if V.C2 error control or Auffered mode is
implemented in the DE.
6.5.2 @rea= <a$"4&$, &$ error co$%ro4 o/era%&o$ '+E@*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 22
This e&tended-format compound parameter is used to control the manner of V.C2 operation (if
present in the DE). #t accepts three numeric subparameters$
% <3rea=C#e4ec%&o$>, -hich specifies the type of brea? to be si!nalled to the remote DE
upon detectin! a brea? from the local DTE (see Recommendation V.C2 for definition of the
different brea? types)*
% <%&me">, -hich specifies if the brea? si!nal to be si!nalled to the remote DE is timed or
% <"e0au4%C4e$,%<>, -hich specifies the amount of time in tens of milliseconds that a brea?
should be si!nalled to the local DTE -hen an indication of brea? is recei"ed from the
remote DE -ithout a brea? len!th e&plicitly indicated.
Defined values
See Table 20.
Ta34e 2.)V.250 @rea= co$%ro4 #u3/arame%er#
<3rea=C#e4ec%&o$> De#cr&/%&o$
0 #!nore brea? (do not si!nal to remote DE)
. (on-e&pedited, non-destructi"e
2 E&pedited, non-destructi"e
2 E&pedited and destructi"e
<%&me"> De#cr&/%&o$
0 )ny transmitted V.C2 ;-S#'(); shall not indicate brea? si!nal len!th
. )ny transmitted V.C2 ;-S#'(); shall indicate brea? si!nal len!th
<"e0au4%C4e$,%<> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Do not deli"er brea? to DTE
. %o 255 Default brea? len!th of /./0 to 2.5C seconds
O%<er >i!her "alues may be supported
Recommended default settings
6or <brea?Qselection>$ .
6or <timed>$ 0
6or <defaultQlen!th>$ 20
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+E@J <3rea=C#e4ec%&o$>K<%&me">K<"e0au4%C4e$,%<><CR>
e.!. +EA$ 0,/,B/<R> to report the recommended default settin!s.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2B
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+E@J 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" <3rea=C#e4ec%&o$> 1a4ue#*K'ra$,e o0 <%&me"> 1a4ue#*K'ra$,e o0
#u//or%e" <"e0au4%C4e$,%<> 1a4ue#*<CR>
e.!. +EA$ (/-B),(/,0),(/-2//) for all defined selections and brea? len!ths from /./0 to t-o seconds.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if V.C2 error control or Auffered mode is
implemented in the DE.
6.5.2 Se4ec%&1e re/ea% '+ESR*
This e&tended-format numeric parameter controls the use of the selecti"e reEect (SREO) option in
Recommendation V.C2 (if present in the DE).
Defined values
See Table 22.
Ta34e 22)V.250 Se4ec%&1e re/ea% 1a4ue#
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Do not use SREO
. .se SREO if a"ailable in remote DE* continue -ithout it if not
2 .se SREO if a"ailable in remote DE* disconnect if SREO is not a"ailable
Recommended default value
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ESRJ <curre$% #e%%&$,>
e.!. +ESR$ 0<R> for the recommended default.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ESRJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
e.!. +ESR$ (/-2) for all defined "alues.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2C
#mplementation of this parameter is optional.
6.5.5 22-3&% 0rame c<ec= #e>ue$ce '+EECS*
This e&tended-format numeric parameter controls the use of the B2-bit frame chec? se8uence option
in Recommendation V.C2 (if present in the DE).
Defined values
See Table 2B.
Ta34e 22)V.250 Erame c<ec= #e>ue$ce 1a4ue#
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 .se 01-bit 6S
. .se B2-bit 6S if a"ailable in remote DE* other-ise use 01-bit 6S
2 .se B2-bit 6S if a"ailable in remote DE* other-ise disconnect
Recommended default value
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+EECSJ <curre$% #e%%&$,>
e.!. +E6S$ 0 for the recommended default.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+EECSJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
e.!. +E6S$ (/-2) for all defined "alues.
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if V.C2 error control is implemented in the DE.
6.5.5 Error co$%ro4 re/or%&$, '+ER*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 25
This e&tended-format numeric parameter controls -hether or not the e&tended-format :+ER$:
intermediate result code is transmitted from the DE to the DTE. The +ER$<type> reported shall
represent the current (ne!otiated or rene!otiated) DE-DE error control type. #f enabled, the
intermediate result code is transmitted at the point durin! error control ne!otiation (handsha?in!) at
-hich the DE has determined -hich error control protocol -ill be used (if any), before the final
result code (e.!. 7((ET) is transmitted. The format of this result code is the follo-in! (see Table
Ta34e 25)V.250 Error co$%ro4 re/or% &$%erme"&a%e re#u4% co"e#
+ERJ NONE Error control is not in use
+ERJ LA+M Rec. V.C2 ;)<5 protocol is in use
+ERJ ALT Rec. V.C2 )lternati"e protocol is in use
The +ER intermediate result code, if enabled, is issued after the 5odulation report (+5R and
+5RR) and before the Data ompression Report (+DR).
Defined values
See Table 25.
Ta34e 25)V.250 Error co$%ro4 re/or%&$,
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Error control reportin! disabled (no +ER intermediate result code transmitted)
. Error control reportin! enabled (+ER intermediate result code transmitted)
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ERJ <curre$% #e%%&$,>
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!, the DE could report$
+ERJ 0
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ERJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported all defined settin!s -ould report$
+ERJ '0K.*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 21
#mplementation of this parameter and associated intermediate result codes are mandatory if V.C2
error control is implemented in the DE.
6.5.6 Ca44 %erm&$a%&o$ 3u00er ma$a,eme$% '+ET@M*
This e&tended-format compound parameter controls the handlin! of data remainin! in DE buffers
upon call termination. #t accepts three numeric subparameters$
% </e$"&$,CTD>, -hich controls ho- pre"iously-transmitted data remainin! in the DE
buffers should be handled -hen the local DTE re8uests disconnection of the call*
% </e$"&$,CRD>, -hich controls ho- pre"iously-recei"ed data remainin! in the DE buffers
should be handled -hen the remote DE disconnects the call* and
% <%&mer>, -hich sets a ma&imum time limit on ho- lon! the DE -ill attempt to deli"er the
buffered data before abandonin! the attempt and discardin! remainin! data.
ircuit 0/2 is held in the 7( condition until all pendin! data is deli"ered or discarded.
Defined values
See Table 21.
Ta34e 26)V.250 Ca44 %erm&$a%&o$ 3u00er ma$a,eme$% #u3/arame%er#
</e$"&$,CTD> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Discard all buffered data immediately and disconnect
. )ttempt until all data is deli"ered and ac?no-led!ed (i!nore timer)* if remote DE
disconnects, discard remainder
2 )ttempt until all data is deli"ered and ac?no-led!ed* if timer e&pires or remote
DE disconnects, discard remainder
</e$"&$,CRD> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Discard all buffered data immediately and disconnect
. )ttempt until all data is deli"ered (i!nore timer)* if local DTE re8uests disconnect,
discard remainder
2 )ttempt until all data is deli"ered* if timer e&pires or local DTE re8uests
disconnect, discard remainder
<%&mer> De#cr&/%&o$
0 %o 20 Deli"ery timer "alue in seconds
O%<er >i!her "alues may be supported at manufacturer9s option
Recommended default values
6or <pendin!QTD>$ .
6or <pendin!QRD>$ .
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 23
6or <timer>$ 20
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ET@MJ </e$"&$,CTD>K</e$"&$,CRD>K<%&mer>
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!s, the DE could report$
+ETA5$ 0,0,2/
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+ET@MJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" </e$"&$,CTD>1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" </e$"&$,CRD> 1a4ue#*K
'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <%&mer> 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported all defined settin!s could report$
+ETA5$ (/-2),(/-2),(/-B/)
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if V.C2 error control or Auffered mode is
implemented in the DE.
6.5.7 QEOIND O&$"o! S&Ve
This parameter allo-s the user to set the ma&imum number of unac?no-led!ed frames allo-ed at
the lin? layer (-indo- si+e), (C/0. han!es to this "alue ta?e effect -hen the ne&t connection is
Value0 is the desired -indo- si+e in the transmit direction, "alue2 for the recei"e direction. #f "alue2
is / or is not included, then "alue0 is used for "alue2.
Value2 is optional for the DE. #f not supported by the DE, then it must accept "alue / -ithout
Defined values
Recommended default setting
05 (per Recommendation V.C2).
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE.
QEOINDJ M1a4ue.NKM1a4ue2N.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 2D
#f the DE does not support a separate "alue2, then the information te&t shall report / as "alue2.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit the supported ran!e to the DTE as in the follo-in! e&ample$
FE4#(D$ (0-023),(M"alue2 ran!eN).
#f "alue2 is not supported by the DE, then the test response shall ha"e the "alue / for "alue2 ran!e.
6.5.: QEERAM Erame Le$,%<
This parameter indicates the ma&imum lin? layer frame information field si+e that shall be attempted
-ith the protocol. The "alues e8ual the information field si+e in octets. The desired frame si+es shall
be the smaller of the si+es indicated by the "alues of FE6R)5 and any restrictions imposed by the
particular lin? layer protocol in use.
Value0 is for the sendin! direction, "alue2 for the recei"in!. #f "alue2 is not specified or has "alue /,
then the "alue0 shall be used for both directions of transmission.
Defined values
. to 65525 bytes.
Value2 is optional for the DE. #f "alue2 is not supported, then a "alue2 of / must be accepted by
the DE -ithout error.
(7TE % ) DE may support a smaller ran!e and may round the "alue to the nearest po-er of 2.
Recommended default setting
.2: (per Recommendation V.C2).
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE.
QEERAMJ M1a4ue.NKM1a4ue2N.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit the supported ran!e of "alues to the DTE as in the follo-in! e&ample$
FE6R)5$ (01-C/21),M"alue2 ran!eN.
The "alue2 ran!e shall be / if a separate "alue2 is not supported.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 22
6.6 Da%a com/re##&o$ comma$"#
This subclause contains parameters to condition DE use of standard V.C2 bis Data ompression
<rocedures. Support for selection, control and reportin! of other data compression procedures is
beyond the scope of this Recommendation.
6.6.. Da%a com/re##&o$ '+DS*
This e&tended-format compound parameter controls the V.C2 bis data compression function if
pro"ided in the DE. #t accepts four numeric subparameters$
% <"&rec%&o$>, -hich specifies the desired direction(s) of operation of the data compression
function* from the DTE point of "ie-*
% <com/re##&o$C$e,o%&a%&o$>, -hich specifies -hether or not the DE should continue to
operate if the desired result is not obtained*
% <ma-C"&c%>, -hich specifies the ma&imum number of dictionary entries -hich should be
ne!otiated (may be used by the DTE to limit the code-ord si+e transmitted, based on its
?no-led!e of the nature of the data to be transmitted)*
% <ma-C#%r&$,>, -hich specifies the ma&imum strin! len!th to be ne!otiated (V.C2 bis <2).
Defined values
See Table 23.
Ta34e 27)V.250 Da%a com/re##&o$ co$%ro4 #u3/arame%er#
<"&rec%&o$>J De#cr&/%&o$
0 (e!otiated ... no compression (V.C2 bis </ = /)
. Transmit only
2 Recei"e only
2 Aoth directions, accept any direction (V.C2 bis </ = 00)
0 Do not disconnect if Rec. V.C2 bis is not ne!otiated by the remote DE as
specified in <direction>
. Disconnect if Rec. V.C2 bis is not ne!otiated by the remote DE as
specified in <direction>
<ma-C"&c%>$ 5.2 to 65525
<ma-C#%r&$,>$ 6 to 250
Recommended default settings
6or <direction>$ 2
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0//
6or <compressionQne!otiation>$ 0
6or <ma&Qdict>$ Determined by the manufacturer (see )ppendi& ##@V.C2 bis)
6or <ma&Qstrin!>$ 6
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
e.!. FDS$B,/,D022,1 for the recommended defaults and DG ma& dictionary.
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+DSJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <"&rec%&o$> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <com/re##&o$C$e,o%&a%&o$>
1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <ma-C"&c%> 1a4ue#*K'4&#% o0 #u//or%e" <ma-C#%r&$,> 1a4ue#*
e.!. +DS$ (/-B),(/-2),(502-D022),(1-25/).
#mplementation of this parameter is mandatory if V.C2 bis data compression is implemented in the
6.6.2 Da%a com/re##&o$ re/or%&$, '+DR*
This e&tended-format numeric parameter controls -hether or not the e&tended-format :+DR$:
intermediate result code is transmitted from the DE to the DTE. The +DR$<type> reported shall
represent the current (ne!otiated or rene!otiated) DE-DE data compression type. #f enabled, the
intermediate result code is transmitted at the point after error control ne!otiation (handsha?in!) at
-hich the DE has determined -hich data compression techni8ue -ill be used (if any) and the
direction of operation. The format of this result code is the follo-in! (see Table 2D)$
Ta34e 2:)V.250 Da%a com/re##&o$ re/or%&$, &$%erme"&a%e re#u4% co"e#
+DRJ NONE Data compression is not in use
+DRJ V52@ Rec. V.C2 bis is in use in both directions
+DRJ V52@ RD Rec. V.C2 bis is in use in recei"e direction only
+DRJ V52@ TD Rec. V.C2 bis is in use in transmit direction only
The +DR intermediate result code, if enabled, is issued after the Error ontrol Report (+ER) and
before the final result code (e.!. 7((ET).
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/0
Defined values
See Table 22.
Ta34e 2B)V.250 Da%a com/re##&o$ re/or%&$, 1a4ue#
<1a4ue> De#cr&/%&o$
0 Data compression reportin! disabled (no +DR result code transmitted)
. Data compression reportin! enabled (+DR result code transmitted)
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit a line of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
+DRJ <curre$% #e%%&$,>
6or e&ample, -ith the recommended default settin!, the DE could report$
+DR$ /
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit a strin! of information te&t to the DTE, consistin! of$
QDRJ '4&#% o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6or e&ample, a DE that supported all defined settin!s -ould report$
+DR$ (/,0)
#mplementation of this parameter and the associated intermediate result code is mandatory if
V.C2 bis data compression is implemented in the DE.
6.7 DCE %e#%&$,
This subclause contains a set of FT (test) commands and parameters that are based on the test obEects
of Recommendation V.5D.
The parameters correspond as closely as possible to V.5D obEects. #n some cases the parameters -ere
structured to more in ?eepin! -ith )T command practice.
6.7.. L&#% o0 Te#% Comma$"# a$" +arame%er#
The follo-in! commands and parameters are defined in this subclause$
FTE0C/ Enable ?t 0C/
FTE0C0 Enable ?t 0C0
FTERD; Enable RD; 6rom Remote
FTE<D; Enable 6ront <anel RD;
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/2
FTE<); Enable 6ront <anel )nalo! ;oop
FT);S )nalo!ue ;oop Status
FTD;S ;ocal Di!ital ;oop Status
FTRD;S Remote Di!ital ;oop Status
FT)DR ;ocal V.5C )ddress
FT57DE Set V.5C 5ode
FTTER Test Error Rate
FT(.5 Errored Ait and Aloc? ounts
FT;D; ;ocal Di!ital ;oop
FTRD; Re8uest Remote Di!ital ;oop
FT); ;ocal )nalo!ue ;oop
FTSE;6 Self Test
FTRES Self Test Result
6.7.2 Te#% Comma$"# a$" +arame%er#
6.7.2.. QTE.50 E$a34e C=% .50
This parameter enables or disables DE response to si!nals on V.2C circuit 0C/, -hich controls
remote di!ital loop (V.5C loop 2).
0 Disabled
. Enabled
Recommended default setting
0 Disabled
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTE.50J M1a4ueN
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTE.50J '0K.*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/B QTE.5. E$a34e C=% .5.
This parameter enables or disables DE response to si!nals on circuit 0C0, -hich controls local
analo!ue loop test (V.5C loop B).
Defined values
0 Response is disabled
. Response is enabled
Recommended default setting
0 Disabled
Read syntax
The DE shall transmit the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTE.5.J M1a4ueN
Test syntax
The DE shall transmit the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTE.5.J '0K.*
7ptional QTERDL E$a34e RDL Erom Remo%e
This parameter enables the local DE response to a di!ital loop command (V.5C loop 2 initiation)
from the remote DE.
Defined values
0 ;ocal DE -ill i!nore command from remote
. ;ocal DE -ill obey command from remote
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/C
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
7ptional QTE+DL E$a34e Ero$% +a$e4 RDL
This parameter enables the sendin! of RD; (V.5C loop 2 initiation) commands to the remote DE
from the front panel control.
Defined values
0 Disabled
. Enabled
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
7ptional QTE+AL E$a34e Ero$% +a$e4 A$a4o,ue Loo/
This parameter enables initiation of local analo!ue loop by the front panel (V.5C loop B).
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/5
Defined values
0 Disabled
. Enabled
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
7ptional QTALS A$a4o,ue Loo/ S%a%u#
This read-only parameter reports the current status of the local analo!ue loop (V.5C loop B).
0 #nacti"e
. V.2C circuit 0C0 in"o?ed
2 6ront panel in"o?ed
2 (et-or? mana!ement system in"o?ed
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE.
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE.
QTALSJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/1
7ptional QTDLS Loca4 D&,&%a4 Loo/ S%a%u#
This read-only parameter reports the status of the local di!ital loop (V.5C loop 0).
Defined values
0 Disabled
. Enabled, inacti"e
2 6ront panel in"o?ed
2 (et-or? mana!ement system in"o?ed
5 Remote in"o?ed
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTDLSJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6.7.2.: QTRDLS Remo%e D&,&%a4 Loo/ S%a%u#
This read-only parameter reports the status of the remote local di!ital loop (V.5C loop 2).
Defined values
0 Disabled
. Enabled, inacti"e
2 V.2C circuit 0C/ in"o?ed
2 6ront panel in"o?ed
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/3
5 (et-or? mana!ement system in"o?ed
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTRDLSJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6.7.2.B QTADR Loca4 V.55 A""re##
This parameter is the V.5C address of the local DE.
Defined values
See Table C@V.5C
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTADRJ 'Ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" V.55 a""re## 1a4ue#*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/D
6.7.2..0 QTMODE Se% V.55 Mo"e
This parameter selects the V.5C mode$ point-to-point or multipoint.
Defined values
0 <oint-to-point
. 5ultipoint or tandem
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
6.7.2... QTTER Te#% Error Ra%e
This command starts and stops a bit error rate or bloc? error rate test. ) suitable loop must be
established before this test can proceed. The DE remains in ommand State after this command is
e&ecuted. The parameter FTTERS/ stops the test. 4hen the test is stopped, the bloc? and bit error
count is preser"ed and can be determined by the FT(.5 parameter.
Defined values
Type / Stop the test
0 Ait error rate
2 Aloc? error rate
B Aoth
Aloc? len!th 0-155B5 bits
Aloc?s 0-155B5 bloc?s
<attern / 1B-bit pseudo random pattern
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 0/2
0 500-bit pattern
2 2/C3-bit pattern
B )ll ones
C )lternatin! ones and +eroes
Execution time
ommand e&ecution consists of startin! or stoppin! the test in 8uestion. #n the case of startin! a test,
the test continues to run until the specified bloc? count is reached or a type of / is sent to the DE.
The time depends on the current DE speed.
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTTERJ M%e#% %y/e &$ /ro,re##NKM34oc= 4e$,%<NKMrema&$&$, 34oc=# &$ %e#%NKM/a%%er$ &$ u#eN
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTTERJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" %y/e*K'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 34oc=C4e$,%<*K'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e"
34oc=#*K'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" /a%%er$*
6.7.2..2 QTNUM Errore" @&% a$" @4oc= Cou$%#
The "alues of this parameter are the number of errored bits and bloc?s recei"ed durin! the current or
last error rate test. This is a read-only, double-"alued parameter. The response to FT(.5V is the
number of bit and bloc? errors detected durin! the current or pre"ious test. #f either of the error
counts is not a"ailable, the number displayed is /. See also the FTTER command.
Defined values
bitQerrors /-155B5
bloc?Qerrors /-155B5
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTTERJ M$um3er o0 3&% error#NKM$um3er o0 34oc= error#N
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 00/
QTTERJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 3&%Cerror#*K'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 34oc=Cerror#*
6.7.2..2 QTLDL Loca4 D&,&%a4 Loo/
This command starts a di!ital loop of the local DE. The test stops -hen the command FT;D;S/
is recei"ed by the DE. This command is "alid only -hile the DE is connected to a remote DE
(7n ;ine ommand State).
4hen the DE is in di!ital loop mode, all characters sent from the DTE to the DE are looped and
returned to the DTE unless an error rate test is in"o?ed. See the FTTER command.
The DE must be placed in 7n-;ine ommand State in order to accept a command to stop the local
di!ital loop.
Defined values
0 Stop test
. Start test
Execution time
ommand e&ecution consists of startin! or stoppin! the test in 8uestion. The test continues to run
until a FT;D;S/ command is sent to the DE.
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTLDLJ 0 #f a test is not in pro!ress
QTLDLJ . #f a test is in pro!ress
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
6.7.2..5 QTRDL Re>ue#% Remo%e D&,&%a4 Loo/
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 000
This command starts or stops a di!ital loop (V.5C loop 2) at the remote DE. This command is "alid
only -hile the DE is in the 7nline ommand State.
)fter issuin! this command, the DTE -ill normally issue the )T7 command to return to the 7nline
)n O result code is returned and V.2C circuit 0/3 (DSR) is turned off after the remote DE si!nals
acceptance of the command.
#f confirmation is not recei"ed, then the DE shall return the ERR7R result code.
Defined values
0 Stop RD;
. Start RD;
Execution time
ommand e&ecution consists of startin! or stoppin! the test in 8uestion. The test continues to run
until a FTRD;S/ command is sent to the DE.
ommand e&ecution consists of the transient action of startin! or stoppin! the test in 8uestion and is
thus not abortable.
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTRDLJ 0 #f a test is not in pro!ress
QTRDLJ . #f a test is in pro!ress
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
6.7.2..5 QTAL Loca4 A$a4o,ue Loo/
This command starts or stops a local analo!ue loop (V.5C loop B). 6or the case of startin! a loop, the
DE issues an 7G result code and returns to 7nline ommand State if the loop initiation -as
successful, and issues a (7 )RR#ER result code and returns to ommand State if not successful.
The MbandN subparameter is applicable to fre8uency di"ided duple& modems. The DE continues in
loop B mode until stopped by a subse8uent FT);S/ command.
(on-+ero "alues of MactionN are not "alid in 7nline ommand State.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 002
.nless an error rate test is in"o?ed, the DTE -ill normally enter Data State -ith )T7. #n Data State,
all characters sent to the DE are looped bac? to the DTE* the DTE must cause a chan!e to the
ommand State in order to command an end to the loop condition.
#f an error rate test is enabled, that test continues until stopped by command. )t the end of the error
rate test, the DE remains in the looped condition, until the loop is disabled.
Defined values
)ction / Disable analo!ue loop
0 Enable analo!ue loop
Aand / ;o- fre8uency band
0 >i!h fre8uency band
(7TE 0 % #f MbandN is omitted, / is assumed.
(7TE 2 % #f a "alid MbandN is supplied but is not needed, the DE shall i!nore it.
Execution time
ommand e&ecution consists of startin! or stoppin! the test in 8uestion. The test continues to run
until a FT);S/ command is sent to the DE.
ommand e&ecution consists of the transient action of startin! or stoppin! the test in 8uestion and is
thus not abortable.
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTALJ 0 #f a test is not in pro!ress
QTALJ . #f a test is in pro!ress
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTALJ '0K.*K'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 3a$" 1a4ue#*
6.7.2..6 QTSELE Se40 Te#%
This command in"o?es a self test of the modem. The nature of this test is not specified* ho-e"er it
shall include chec?s on the operation of hard-are components and memory. #t is assumed that the
test duration is short (typically no lon!er than 5 seconds). ) full test of DE functions is assumed to
be intrusi"e, i.e. -ould interfere -ith normal operation* a partial test is assumed to be non-intrusi"e,
i.e. could typically be performed durin! 7nline ommand State, but only pro"ides a cursory chec?
on DE operation.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 00B
Defined values
0 #ntrusi"e full test
. Safe partial test
Execution time
The e&ecution time is implementation specific$ typically no lon!er than 5 seconds.
This command is not ordinarily abortable, but may be so in some implementations.
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTSELEJ 'ra$,e o0 #u//or%e" 1a4ue#*
6.7.2..7 QTRES Se40 Te#% Re#u4%
This read-only parameter contains the result of the last self test conducted since po-er up or reset. #f
a test has not been conducted, then the "alue shall be /.
Defined values
0 (o test
. <ass
2 6ail
Recommended default setting
Read syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
Test syntax
The DE shall send the follo-in! information te&t to the DTE$
QTRESJ '0-2*
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 00C
)<<E(D#I #
Summary o0 3a#&c a$" e-%e$"e" 0orma% comma$"#
Ta34e I..)V.250 De0&$e" 4ea"&$, c<arac%er #e>ue$ce#
Lea"&$ I$c4u"e# comma$"# re4a%e" %o
+A all control (net-or? Addressin!) issues, common, <ST(, #SD(, Rec. I.25,
s-itched di!ital
+C Di!ital Cellular e&tensions
+D Data ompression, Rec. V.C2 bis
+E Error ontrol, Rec. V.C2
+E Eacsimile, Rec. T.B/, etc.
+G Generic issues such as identity and capabilities
+I DTE-DE Interface issues, Rec. V.2C, etc.
+M Modulation, Rec. V.B2 bis, etc.
+S S-itched or Simultaneous Data Types
+T Test issues
+V Voice e&tensions
+O Oireless e&tensions
(7TE % See the Supplement to Recommendation V.25/ for a current summary of other Standards that
are based on this Recommendation.
Ta34e I.2)V.250 Summary o0 comma$"#
Name Ty/e Sy$%a- Re0ere$ce De#cr&/%&o$
R <arameter Aasic 1.2.D ircuit 0/2 (Recei"ed line si!nal detector) Aeha"iour
RD <arameter Aasic 1.2.2 ircuit 0/D (Data terminal ready) Aeha"iour
R6 )ction Aasic 1.0.2 Set to 6actory-defined onfi!uration
+DR <arameter E&tended 1.1.2 Data ompression Reportin!
+DS <arameter E&tended 1.1.0 Data ompression
+EA <arameter E&tended 1.5.2 Area? >andlin! in Error ontrol operation
+E6S <arameter E&tended 1.5.C B2-bit 6rame hec? Se8uence
+ER <arameter E&tended 1.5.5 Error ontrol Reportin!
+ES <arameter E&tended 1.5.0 Error ontrol Selection
+ESR <arameter E&tended 1.5.B Selecti"e Repeat
+ETA5 <arameter E&tended 1.5.1 all Termination Auffer 5ana!ement
+')< )ction E&tended 1.0.2 Re8uest omplete apabilities ;ist
+'# <arameter E&tended 1.0.0/ ountry of #nstallation
+'5# )ction E&tended 1.0.C Re8uest 5anufacturer #dentification
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 005
+'55 )ction E&tended 1.0.5 Re8uest 5odel #dentification
+'5R )ction E&tended 1.0.1 Re8uest Re"ision #dentification
+'7# )ction E&tended 1.0.D Re8uest 'lobal 7bEect #dentification
+'S( )ction E&tended 1.0.3 Re8uest <roduct Serial (umber #dentification
+#6 <arameter E&tended 1.2.00 DTE-DE haracter 6ramin!
+#6 <arameter E&tended 1.2.02 DTE-DE ;ocal 6lo- ontrol
+#;RR <arameter E&tended 1.2.0B DTE-DE ;ocal Rate Reportin!
+#<R <arameter E&tended 1.2.0/ 6i&ed DTE Rate
+5) <arameter E&tended 1.C.2 5odulation )utomode ontrol
+5R <arameter E&tended 1.C.B 5odulation Reportin! ontrol
+5S <arameter E&tended 1.C.0 5odulation Selection
+5V0D)5 <arameter E&tended 1.C.1 )ns-erin! messa!e editin!
+5V0D< <arameter E&tended 1.C.3 7rder of <robes
+5V0DR <arameter E&tended 1.C.5 V.0D Reportin! ontrol
+5V0DS <arameter E&tended 1.C.C V.0D Selection
) )ction Aasic 1.B.5 )ns-er
D )ction Aasic 1.B.0 Dial
E <arameter Aasic 1.2.C ommand Echo
> )ction Aasic 1.B.1 >oo? ontrol
# )ction Aasic 1.0.B Re8uest #dentification #nformation
; <arameter Aasic 1.B.0B 5onitor Spea?er ;oudness
5 <arameter Aasic 1.B.0C 5onitor Spea?er 5ode
7 )ction Aasic 1.B.3 Return to 7nline Data State
< <arameter Aasic 1.B.B Select <ulse Diallin!
H <arameter Aasic 1.2.5 Result ode Suppression
S/ <arameter Aasic 1.B.D )utomatic )ns-er
S0/ <arameter Aasic 1.B.02 )utomatic Disconnect Delay
SB <arameter Aasic 1.2.0 ommand ;ine Termination haracter
SC <arameter Aasic 1.2.2 Response 6ormattin! haracter
S5 <arameter Aasic 1.2.B ommand ;ine Editin! haracter
S1 <arameter Aasic 1.B.2 <ause Aefore Alind Diallin!
S3 <arameter Aasic 1.B.0/ onnection ompletion Timeout
SD <arameter Aasic 1.B.00 omma Dial 5odifier Time
T <arameter Aasic 1.B.2 Select Tone Diallin!
V <arameter Aasic 1.2.1 DE Response 6ormat
I <arameter Aasic 1.2.3 Result ode Selection and all <ro!ress 5onitorin! ontrol
P )ction Aasic 1.0.0 Reset To Default onfi!uration
)<<E(D#I ##
DCE co$0&,ura%&o$K "&a44&$,K $e,o%&a%&o$ a$" re/or%&$,K e-am/4e #e##&o$
Ta34e II..)V.250
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 001
DCE ac%&o$ L&$e
)T+')< +5S, +ES, +DS
#ndicate areas of capabilities 7n-hoo? 1.0.2
)TR6 7G #nitiali+e parameters to factory default 7n-hoo? 1.0.2
)TRD2 7G Set-up of DTR han!up 7n-hoo? 1.2.2
Set-up modulation enable reports 7n-hoo? 1.C.0
Set-up error control enable reports 7n-hoo? 1.5.0
Set-up compression enable reports 7n-hoo? 1.1.0
)T+#6=2,2 7G Set-up flo- control 7n-hoo? 1.2.02
Set-up local port rate enable reports 7n-hoo? 1.2.02
+5R$ VB2A
+5RR$ 0CC//
+ER$ ;)<5
+#;RR$ 531//
Dial <number>
arrier type
arrier rate
Error control
;ocal port rate
Result code
<data> %> <% <data> Data connection onnection
<ne!ate c?t 0/D@2> 7G >an!up >an!up 1.B.1
)<<E(D#I ###
E$ca/#u4a%&o$ o0 V.250 me##a,e# &$ V.25 bis DCE
III.. Sco/e
This appendi& defines means to use V.25/ messa!es in a V.25 bis compliant DE.
This Recommendation contains three types of messa!es$
% commands, -ith parameters as needed*
% final or intermediate result codes*
% information te&t.
III.2 E$ca/#u4a%&o$ o0 V.250 me##a,e#
) DE compliant -ith Recommendation V.25 bis and this appendi& shall implement t-o ne-
opcodes. See Table ###.0
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 003
Ta34e III..)V.250 I V.250 o/co"e# 0or e$ca/#u4a%&o$ o0 V.250 me##a,e#
O/ Co"e De#cr&/%&o$ Me##a,e# E-am/4e#
EI EItended ommand ommands EI+'5#V
EI# EItended #ndication Result codes,
information te&t
EI#+5R$ VB2A
EI#+5RR$ 0CC//
.nless other-ise noted in this appendi&, any "alid indi"idual V.25/ command, information te&t or
result code may be encapsulated as a V.25 bis messa!e. The V.25/ command may include any
necessary parameter "alues, of numeric, strin! or compound type.
III.2 A//4&ca34e V.250 comma$"#
See Table ###.2.
Ta34e III.2)V.250 V.250 comma$"# 0or u#e &$ V.25 bis DCE
Name Ty/e Re0ere$ce De#cr&/%&o$
R <arameter 1.2.D ircuit 0/2 (Recei"ed line si!nal detector) Aeha"iour
R6 )ction 1.0.2 Set to 6actory-defined onfi!uration
+')< )ction 1.0.2 Re8uest omplete apabilities ;ist
+'5# )ction 1.0.C Re8uest 5anufacturer #dentification
+'55 )ction 1.0.5 Re8uest 5odel #dentification
+'5R )ction 1.0.1 Re8uest Re"ision #dentification
+'7# )ction 1.0.D Re8uest 'lobal 7bEect #dentification
+'S( )ction 1.0.3 Re8uest <roduct Serial (umber #dentification
+'# <arameter 1.0.0/ ountry of #nstallation
+5) <arameter 1.C.2 5odulation )utomode ontrol
+5R <arameter 1.C.B 5odulation Reportin! ontrol
+5S <arameter 1.C.0 5odulation Selection
; <arameter 1.B.0B 5onitor Spea?er ;oudness
5 <arameter 1.B.0C 5onitor Spea?er 5ode
S1 <arameter 1.B.2 <ause Aefore Alind Diallin!
S3 <arameter 1.B.0/ onnection ompletion Timeout
S0/ <arameter 1.B.02 )utomatic Disconnect Delay
P )ction 1.0.0 Reset To Default onfi!uration
)ll other V.25/ commands are either not applicable or reser"ed for future study.
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 00D
III.5 A//4&ca34e V.250 re#/o$#e#
See Table ###.B.
Ta34e III.2)V.250 V.250 comma$"# 0or u#e &$ V.25 bis DCE
Name Ty/e Re0ere$ce De#cr&/%&o$
+5R$ <carrier> #ntermediate result 1.C.B DE-DE arrier Report
+5RR$ <rate> #ntermediate result 1.C.B DE-DE arrier Rate Report
+'5# response #nformation te&t 1.0.C 5f! #D
+'55 response #nformation te&t 1.0.5 5odel #D
+'5R response #nformation te&t 1.0.1 Re"ision #D
+'7# response #nformation te&t 1.0.D 7bEect #D
+'S( response #nformation te&t 1.0.3 Serial (umber
+')< response #nformation te&t 1.0.2 apabilities
)ll other V.25/ indications are either not applicable or reser"ed for future study.
)<<E(D#I #V
Area# re#er1e" 0or 0ur%<er #%u"y
DTE-DE commands for control of the follo-in! features are for further study$
a) in-band DE control*
b) V.D DE control (future )nne& ))*
c) Recommendation V.D bis DE control*
d) ne- modulations and si!nallin! (e.!. #SD(, ellular, <ersonal ommunication Systems)*
e) ne- DE types (e.!. Voice #@7)*
f) ne- DE protocols (Voice, Simultaneous or )lternatin! Voice@Data, Videotelephones)*
!) DE testin! (e.!. Recommendations V.5C, V.51).
Series ) 7r!ani+ation of the -or? of the #T.-T
Series A 5eans of e&pression$ definitions, symbols, classification
Series 'eneral telecommunication statistics
Series D 'eneral tariff principles
Series E 7"erall net-or? operation, telephone ser"ice, ser"ice operation and human factors
Series 6 (on-telephone telecommunication ser"ices
Series ' Transmission systems and media, di!ital systems and net-or?s
Series > )udio"isual and multimedia systems
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 002
Series # #nte!rated ser"ices di!ital net-or?
Series O Transmission of tele"ision, sound pro!ramme and other multimedia si!nals
Series G <rotection a!ainst interference
Series ; onstruction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Series 5 T5( and net-or? maintenance$ international transmission systems, telephone circuits,
tele!raphy, facsimile and leased circuits
Series ( 5aintenance$ international sound pro!ramme and tele"ision transmission circuits
Series 7 Specifications of measurin! e8uipment
Series < Telephone transmission 8uality, telephone installations, local line net-or?s
Series H S-itchin! and si!nallin!
Series R Tele!raph transmission
Series S Tele!raph ser"ices terminal e8uipment
Series T Terminals for telematic ser"ices
Series . Tele!raph s-itchin!
Ser&e# V Da%a commu$&ca%&o$ o1er %<e %e4e/<o$e $e%!or=
Series I Data net-or?s and open system communication
Series P <ro!rammin! lan!ua!es
Recomme$"a%&o$ V.250 '(()YY* 02/

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