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ITE 325 Lesson Plan Format

Name Abigail Andres Title: Comparing Fractions

Grade Level and Setting 3
grade, Iliahi Elementary
Date Taught March , 2014 Duration 60 mintes Number o Students 20
!verar"hing #athemati"al Goal$s%:
!ead "ractions
Compare "ractions to #
$se an area model to compare "ractions
Identi"y patterns and relationships bet%een nmerators and denominators o" "ractions
&onsider 'our Students Needs:
Considering All Students:
&tdents ha'e e(perienced ma)ing hal'es*
&tdents ha'e e(perienced ma)ing "orths*
&tdents ha'e e(perienced ma)ing eighths*
&tdents ha'e e(perienced ma)ing thirds*
&tdents ha'e e(perienced ma)ing si(ths*
&tdents ha'e made "raction strips*
&tdents ha'e had opportnity to e(plore "raction strips on top o" each other to see e+i'alence*
For English Language Learners:
E(plain %hat ,grops- mean*
!e'ie% %hat it means to be ,e+al parts*-
!e'ie% ho% to read "ractions*
!e'ie% %hat ,e+i'alent- means*
!e'ie% %hat . and / means*
+&PSIII(&ommon &ore &ontent Standards:
CC&&*Math*Content*3*0F*A*3 E(plain e+i'alence o" "ractions in special cases, and
compare "ractions by reasoning abot their si1e*
I "an e,-lain ho. ra"tions are the same and "an "om-are ra"tions/
CC&&*Math*Content*3*0F*A*3d Compare t%o "ractions %ith the same nmerator or the
same denominator by reasoning abot their si1e* !ecogni1e that comparisons are 'alid
only %hen the t%o "ractions re"er to the same %hole* !ecord the reslts o" comparisons
%ith the symbols /, 2, or ., and 3sti"y the conclsions, e*g*, by sing a 'isal "raction
I "an "om-are t.o ra"tions .ith the same numerator or the same denominator and
"om-are them using 01 21 or1 3 "orre"tl4/
Can each stdent4
Compare "ractions5
6sti"y their ans%er5
Correctly label the "ractions5
7ra% or se model to 3sti"y their ans%er5
$se the symbols ., / and 2 correctly
8hat is a "raction5 8hat is a nmerator9denominator5 8hat does a hal" mean5 :o%
abot a "orth5 8hat does e+i'alent mean5
:o% did yo )no% ho% to order the "ractions5
:o% did yo )no% that these "ractions are less than hal"
8hat do yo obser'e5
:o% did yo )no% that these "ractions are more than hal"5
:o% did yo )no% that these "ractions are e(actly hal"5
:o% did yo )no% i" a "raction %as less than, greater than or e+al to another "raction5
5ssessment 6e"ording Sheets and(or 6ubri"s:
CC&&*Math*Content*3*0F*A*3 E(plain
e+i'alence o" "ractions in special
cases, and compare "ractions by
reasoning abot their si1e*
I "an e,-lain ho. ra"tions are the
same and "an "om-are ra"tions/
&tdent has
e+i'alence o"
"ractions and
"ractions by
abot their si1e
consistent help
"rom teacher*
&tdent sho%s
e(planation o"
e+i'alence o"
"ractions and
"ractions by
reasoning abot
their si1e %ith
some help "rom
&tdent e(plains
e+i'alence o"
"ractions and
"ractions by
reasoning abot
their si1e*
Compare t%o "ractions %ith the same
nmerator or the same denominator by
reasoning abot their si1e* !ecogni1e
that comparisons are 'alid only %hen
&tdent can;t
compare t%o
"ractions %ith
the same
nmerator or
denominator or
compares t%o
"ractions %ith
the same
nmerator or
compares t%o
"ractions %ith
the same
nmerator or
the t%o "ractions re"er to the same
%hole* !ecord the reslts o"
comparisons %ith the symbols /, 2, or
., and 3sti"y the conclsions, e*g*, by
sing a 'isal "raction model*
I "an "om-are t.o ra"tions .ith
the same numerator or the same
denominator and "om-are them
using 01 21 or1 3 "orre"tl4/
by reasoning
abot their si1e
consistent help
"rom teacher*
&tdent can;t
record the
reslts o"
%ith the
symbols /, 2,
or . and 3sti"y
the conclsions
consistent help
"rom teacher*
denominator or
by reasoning
abot their si1e
%ith some help
"rom teacher*
record the
reslts o"
%ith the
symbols /, 2, or
. and 3sti"y the
conclsions %ith
some help "rom
denominator or
by reasoning
abot their si1e*
records the
reslts o"
%ith the
symbols /, 2, or
. and 3sti"y the
5"tivities(Instru"tional Strategies
)EF!6E: $75829mins%
1* &hare, ,<oday, %e %ill be comparing "ractions sing yor "raction cards and then %e %ill
play a game that in'ol'es comparing "ractions*-
2* !e'ie%, ,First, let;s re'ie% some math terms* 8hat is a "raction5 8hat is a
nmerator9denominator5 8hat does a hal" mean5 :o% abot a "orth5 8hat does
e+i'alent mean5- =3 mintes>
a/ :5 ra"tion is e;ual -arts o a .hole or set/<
b/ :The numerator tells ho. man4 e;ual -arts o the unshaded(shaded -arts .e
"/ :The denominator tells ho. man4 e;ual -arts are in the .hole or set/<
d/ :5 hal means that the ra"tion is hal o the .hole or set/<
e/ :5 ourth means that the .hole or set has been divided into our e;ual
/ :E;uivalent means that the t.o ra"tions have the same value even though
the4 ma4 loo* dierent/ :
3/ 6evie.1 :=hi"h side do .e start o .ith .hen grou-ing numbers rom smallest to
a/ E,-lain and sho. students that the smallest begins rom the let/
4* Instrct stdents to ta)e ot their "raction cards* ,<a)e ot yor "raction cards*-
?* @i'e the "ollo%ing instrctions and as) the "ollo%ing +estions* First ha'e them discss
their ans%ers %ith their table grops and then as) "or 'olnteers to share in the %hole
a/ :Find all the nit "ractions and pt them in order "rom smallest to largest* $nit
"ractions are "ractions that ha'e 1 as a nmerator*-
i* ,8hat pattern do yo notice5- ,:o% did yo )no% ho% to order the
"ractions5- =3A?mintes>
b/ ,Find the 2910, ?910 and B910 "raction cards and order it "rom smallest to largest*-
i* ,8hat do yo notice abot the cards5- ,7escribe %hich "raction is the
smallest9largest and %hy*- =3A?mintes>
"/ :Find the "raction cards #, C, 2910, 10912, 49B, 49?, 39D, 094, 292 and 293*- Pla"e
a "ard under the Elmo and -rovide e,-lanation to "onirm students ans.ers/
i* :Find all the cards that are less than hal"*- ,$se the # "raction card to
help yo "ind them*-
1* ,8hat do yo obser'e5- ,:o% did yo )no% that these "ractions
are less than hal"5- =3A?mintes>
ii* ,Find all the cards that are more than hal"*- ,$se the # "raction card to
help yo "ind them*-
1* ,8hat do yo obser'e5- ,:o% did yo )no% that these "ractions
are more than hal"5- =3A?mintes>
iii* ,Find all the cards that are e(actly hal"*-
1* ,8hat do yo obser'e5- ,:o% did yo )no% that these "ractions
are e(actly hal"5- =3A?mintes>
D?6ING: $75829minutes%
1* E(plain to stdents the rles and instrction "or Fraction Top-It in the Student Reference
Book on page 2BE and ha'e stdents "ollo% along*
a* ,0o%, %e %ill be playing a game %here yo %ill be comparing "ractions*- ,<rn
to page 2BE in yor Student Reference Math Book as I go o'er the rles and
2* Instrct stdents to se hal"Asheets o" paper to record each rond sing ., /, or 2 to
compare "ractions*
a* ,Fo %ill each ha'e a hal"Asheet o" paper to record yor comparison o" the t%o
"raction cards o" each rond* $se a .,/ or 2 to compare yor "ractions*- ,For
each rond discss %ith yor partner ho% yo )no% that yor "raction card %as
less than, greater than or e+al to yor partner;s "raction card*-
3* !e'ie% the symbols . and /* :a'e the stdents sho% yo ho% they loo) li)e %ith their
a* ,8hat is the symbol "or less than5 &ho% me sing yor hands*- ,8hat is they
symbol "or greater than5 &ho% me sing yor hands*-
4* 7emonstrate the game by playing t%o to three ronds %ith a stdent*
a* ,I %ill no% demonstrate ho% to play the game*- ,Can I ha'e a 'olnteer to be my
?* Gair the stdents p and gi'e all o" them a hal"Asheet o" paper*
a* ,I %ill no% tell yo %ho yor partner is* A"ter I annonce all the pairs, I %ill gi'e
each o" yo a hal"Asheet o" paper to record yor comparisons and pic) a place
arond the class to play the game %ith yor partner* I" yo %ill be seating on the
"loor %ith yor partner please get a clipboard "or yor paper*-
6* 8al) arond and monitor as stdents are playing the game, %al) arond and monitor*
Gro'ide additional spport "or indi'idal9pairs needing e(tra help* Hbser'e and assess
stdents as %ell as %rite do%n any additional notes*
a/ 5re the4 "om-aring ra"tions "orre"tl4>
b/ 5re the4 using 31 0 or 2 to "om-are the ra"tions>
"/ &an the4 e,-lain .h4 a ra"tion is less than1 greater than or e;ual to another
5FTE6: $5879 minutes%
1* @ather stdents and ha'e a discssion abot comparing "ractions* :a'e them discss
%hat they ha'e learned* Allo% them to discss as a small grop "irst and then ans%er in a
large grop*
a* ,H)ay go bac) to yor seats*- ,8hat did yo learn abot comparing "ractions5-
,:o% did yo )no% i" a "raction %as less than, greater than or e+al to another
#aterials Needed:
Each student ill need:
Fraction strips
&tdent !e"erence Ioo), pp* 2BE
:al"Asheet paper
Teacher ill need:
Fraction strips
&tdent !e"erence Ioo), pp* 2BE
:al"Asheet paper
5n4 other resour"es needed $.or*sheets1 data tables1 et"%:
5ssessment 6e"ording Tool:
&tdent;s 0ame4 CC&&*Math*Content*3*0F*A*3
E(plain e+i'alence o"
"ractions in special cases, and
compare "ractions by
reasoning abot their si1e*
I "an e,-lain ho. ra"tions
are the same and "an
"om-are ra"tions/
Compare t%o "ractions %ith the
same nmerator or the same
denominator by reasoning abot
their si1e* !ecogni1e that
comparisons are 'alid only
%hen the t%o "ractions re"er to
the same %hole* !ecord the
reslts o" comparisons %ith the
symbols /, 2, or ., and 3sti"y
the conclsions, e*g*, by sing a
'isal "raction model*
I "an "om-are t.o ra"tions
.ith the same numerator or
the same denominator and
"om-are them using 01 21 or1 3
2*? 2
2 2
2 2
1*? 2
2 2
2*? 3
2 2*?
3 2*?
2 2
2 2
2*? 2*?
1 1*?
2 1*?
1*? 2
2*? 2*?
2 2
2 2
2 2
1*? 2
2 2
6ele"tions $Turned in .ithin ten da4s o tea"hing1 but b4 inal deadline%:
1* 8hat math concepts did yo, the teacher, ha'e to nderstand in order to teach this lesson
%ell =cite sorces>5
From page 310A312 o" the boo) ,Elementary and Middle &chool Mathematics
<eaching 7e'elopmentally- it tal)s abot comparing "ractions* In order "or me to teach
this lesson %ell I ha'e to )no% ho% to compare "ractions mysel" as %ell as )no%ing ho%
to teach and e(plain comparing "ractions the right %ay to my stdents*
Hne thing that I need to )no% abot comparing "ractions is comparing nit
"ractions* I needed to )no% that there is an in'erse relationship bet%een nmber o" parts
and si1e o" parts* I needed to )no% that stdents sholdn;t be directly told this
in"ormation bt rather allo% stdents opportnities to nderstand and create this concept
on their o%n by pro'iding them %ith e(periences %ith these types o" "ractions*
I also needed to )no% the di""erent %ays that "ractions can be compared by* Hne
%ay that "ractions can be compared by is called sa!e-si"e hole %hich means that the
"ractions ha'e the same denominators* <his means that %e ha'e to thin) abot ha'ing a
certain nmbers o" parts o" something and also ha'ing another certain nmbers o" parts o"
that same something* Another comparison strategy that I needed to )no% is called sa!e
nu!#er of parts #ut different-si"ed holes %hich means that the "ractions ha'e the same
nmerators* In this strategy there are the same nmbers o" parts needed bt the si1e o"
the %hole are di""erent* I" the parts needed are the same bt the %hole is di""erent, then
the %hole that is the bigger nmber is actally the smaller "raction becase the parts %ill
be smaller in order to "it all the parts* More than$less than one-half or one is another
strategy that I needed to )no% on comparing "ractions* In this strategy yo loo) at the
nmerator to see ho% mch more or less the nmber o" parts is to hal" o" the %hole that
yo ha'e* <he last strategy that I needed to )no% is closeness to one-half or one* <his
in'ol'es loo)ing at %hich "raction is the closest to oneAhal" or one by loo)ing at ho%
many parts yo need and the si1e o" each part based on the %hole* It %as important "or
me to )no% these di""erent strategies "or comparison to help me %ith my o%n nmber
sense and in order "or me to help de'elop my stdents; nderstanding o" comparing
I also had to )no% ho% to compare and )no% i" "ractions are e+i'alent despite
the t%o "ractions loo)ing di""erent* I had to )no% di""erent strategies mysel" as to ho% to
"ind i" "ractions are e+i'alent in order to help gide my stdents into learning that t%o
"ractions may loo) di""erent bt still be e+i'alent*
2* 8hat e(periences did stdents ha'e prior to the lesson that shold ha'e helped them be
sccess"l5 8hat are some concepts and procedres they shold ha'e had some
nderstanding o" to be sccess"l5 =cite sorces>
Hn page 2D1 o" the boo) ,Elementary and Middle &chool Mathematics <eaching
7e'elopmentally- it tal)s abot the di""erent "raction constrcts there are* My stdents
had e(periences in sol'ing "raction story problems throgh di""erent "raction constrcts*
<hey had "raction stories on partA%hole "ractions, di'ision "ractions and ratio "ractions*
Instead o" 3st ha'ing a pictre %ith shaded parts as)ing ho% many parts are shaded or
ha'ing a pictre and telling the stdents to shade or circle a certain nmber o" e+al parts
o" the %hole stdents %ere gi'en "raction stories that helped them to see that there are
di""erent %ays to sho% "ractions and that there are di""erent %ays to sol'e them* <his
helps them not to solely rely on e+ations %hich %ill 3st be rotine to them bt to del'e
deeper into their nderstanding o" "ractions and their meanings*
<he stdents also had e(periences in learning abot di""erent models "or "ractions
=page 2D3A2D?>* <he stdents %ere gi'en opportnities to e(plore the di""erent models
sing di""erent types o" maniplati'es* <his allo%s the stdents to connect the models to
the related concepts* <he se o" physical models leads to stdents sing a mental model
%hich helps to bild stdents; nderstanding o" "ractions* Hne model that stdents
learned abot is the area model in %hich "ractions are based on parts o" an area* &tdents
sed circlar ,pie- pieces and did paper "olding to help them constrct their
nderstanding o" area models and "ractions* For the length models =lengths or
measrements are compared instead o" areas> stdents %ere able to se Cisenaire rods
and "olded paper strips to help them nderstand that a "raction is a nmber instead o"
thin)ing "ractions as being one nmber o'er another nmber* Conters and small bloc)s
%ere sed to help stdents nderstand set models* In set models, the %hole is a set o"
ob3ects and sbsets o" the %hole ma)e p "ractional parts* Iy ha'ing stdents e(plore
"ractions sing the di""erent models o" "ractions it allo%s s as teachers and the stdents
to see i" they nderstand the meaning o" a "raction sch as J %hen they represent %hat
threeA"orths is sing models*
$nderstanding "raction langage is important "or stdents to be sccess"l in
doing this lesson and nderstanding "ractions in general* <hey shold ha'e learned that
the "ractional parts mst be the same si1e, bt it doesn;t ha'e to be the same shape and
that the nmber o" e+alAsi1ed parts that can be portioned %ithin the nit determines the
"ractional amont =page 2D6>* Gartitioning means to section a shape into e+alAsi1ed
pieces =page 2D6> and is also important "or stdents to nderstand "raction concepts*
&tdents sed pattern bloc)s and partitioned sets o" ob3ects to help them nderstand this
)ey concept o" "ractions*
Iterating or conting "ractional parts to see ho% mltiple parts compare the %hole
helps stdents to nderstand the relationship bet%een the parts and the %hole =page 2DD>*
&tdents; )no%ledge o" iterating and ho% to iterate %ill help them %ith later and harder
"raction concepts* &tdents shold also ha'e )no%ledge o" %hat the top nmber and
bottom nmber means instead o" 3st ha'ing them )no% that it;s called a nmerator and
denominator* Iy ha'ing stdents )no% that the top nmber tells ho% many e+al shares
or parts %e ha'e and that the bottom nmber tells ho% many is in or set or %hole
stdents %ill ha'e an easier time nderstanding and doing "raction problems sch as
comparing "ractions =page 302>*
3* !e"lect on yor assessment plan* 8ere yo able to se it5 8hy or %hy not5 $se"l data
allo%s yo to monitor indi'idal, small grop and %hole class progress to%ard
de'eloping conceptal nderstanding, procedral "lency and reasoning9problems sol'ing
s)ills* I" yo %ere not able to collect se"l data "or at least hal" o" yor children, ho%
%old yo change yor assessment plan5
I %as able to se my assessment plan to monitor progress to%ard stdents;
nderstanding o" comparing "ractions* :o%e'er I thin) I %as able to collect data more
on one hal" o" the assessment plan and did not gain mch data by sing the other hal" o"
the plan* In order to see i" stdents are gaining nderstanding o" comparing "ractions and
i" they can e(plain ho% "ractions are the same and can compare "ractions I ga'e stdents
di""erent sets o" "ractions to pt in order "rom smallest to largest* A"ter stdents arranged
their "ractions I had them tal) in their table grops and e(plain %hy they arranged their
cards in that order and ho% did they )no% it %as correct* A"ter sharing %ith their table
grops I had stdents 'olnteer to e(plain to the class %hat they or someone in their
grop had shared dring discssion* 8hile stdents %ere %or)ing on arranging their
"raction cards and tal)ing in their table grops I %al)ed arond and monitored to see
%hat stdents %ere doing9saying and chec) to see %ho is gaining nderstanding o" the
concept and %ho needs more help* Iy ha'ing 'arios "orms and opportnities to e(plain
their reasoning it helps me to nderstand indi'idal, small grop and %hole class
progress o" nderstanding comparing "ractions* It also allo%s them to orally hear %hat
they or their classmates are saying in order "or them to solidi"y their o%n nderstanding
o" the concept or recogni1e areas in their nderstanding that they need to "i(*
<o chec) "or progress in stdents nderstanding o" comparing t%o "ractions %ith
the same9di""erent nmerator or denominator and i" they can compare them sing the /,.
or 2 symbols I had the stdents play a comparing "raction game called ,Fraction <opAIt-*
&tdents %ere assigned pairs and they each "lipped a "raction card in %hich they had to
compare %hich o" the "raction cards is greater* &tdents had to e(plain ho% they )no%
that a "raction is greater than another and %rite do%n the comparison o" the t%o "ractions
by sing the appropriate symbols* 8ith this game I %as able to get some data on
stdents; progress o" the concept as I %al)ed arond and monitored the grops*
:o%e'er, I cold ha'e changed the game to each player ta)ing trns in comparing the
"ractions and gi'ing e(planations becase as I %al)ed arond I noticed that same grops
had stdents %ho )ne% the ans%er more and the stdent %ho is still trying to gain
nderstanding is 3st copying their partners ans%er* Iy ta)ing trns comparing and
sol'ing I can see %ho needs more help %ith comparing "ractions and %ho is ma)ing good
progress in their nderstanding o" comparing "ractions*
4* 8hat nderstandings did the children e(hibit5 Kist at least "i'e speci"ic things the
stdents did and said that are e'idence o" nderstandings* I" they did not sho% e'idence
o" nderstanding, %hat %old yo ha'e as)ed to get more in"ormation5
Hne nderstanding that a stdent e(hibit %as in regards to comparing nit
"ractions* 8hen as)ed to arrange the nit "ractions "rom smallest to largest the child got
it correct* 8hen as)ed %hat she did she said ,I sa% that the nmerators %ere all 1 so I
3st loo)ed at the denominators* I )no% that the bigger the denominator the smaller the
e+al pieces are* &o that means that the smallest "raction is the one %ith the biggest
Another nderstanding %as that a stdent said ,8hen the denominators are the
same then I don;t need to loo) at the denominators to help my compare the "ractions* I
need to loo) at the nmerator becase it tells me ho% many e+al pieces I ha'e* <he
more pieces the bigger that "raction is*-
Another stdent compared "ractions by seeing ho% close the "raction %as to being
a %hole "raction* <his stdent sed the 'isal side o" the "raction cards to help him
becase he noticed that both "ractions %ere 1 "ractional part a%ay "rom being a %hole*
:e pt them ne(t to each other and sa% that the "raction %ith the larger denominator %as
the bigger "raction becase the "ractional pieces are smaller so more area is shaded*
Another stdent said ,8hen yo ha'e the same nmerators yo 3st ha'e to loo)
at the denominators* <he larger denominator is the smaller "raction becase the pieces
%ill be smaller*-
I cold ha'e as)ed more +estions that %ill help the stdent thin) more and gain a
better nderstanding o" the concept* I shold ha'e as)ed +estions sch as ,%hat did yo
do that helped yo nderstand the problem-, ,:o% did yo decide %hether yor ans%er
%as right- and ,can something yo did in this problem help yo sol'e other problems-* I
"ond that some stdents got the order correct %hen it came to comparing them and
ptting them in order bt %as not able to e(plain %hy or ho% they got the order*
?* 8hat misnderstandings did the children e(hibit5 Kist at least "i'e speci"ic things that
stdents did and said that are e'idence o" misnderstandings5 I" they did not sho%
e'idence o" misnderstandings, %hat cold yo as) to get more in"ormation5
Hne misnderstanding that a stdent e(hibit %as the she arranged her nmber
"rom smallest to largest "rom right to le"t* :o%e'er, she )ne% %hich "raction %as the
smallest and %hich is the largest* 7oes this mean she nderstands ho% to compare
"ractions bt 3st ordered it the %rong %ay5 Iy ordering the "ractions the %rong %ay it
might a""ect her nderstanding o" "ractions in the long rn* I as)ed my mentor teacher i"
she ordered nmbers the %rong %ay "or other things sch as ordering nmbers "rom
smallest to largest bt she said that she ne'er sa% her do that be"ore*
Another misnderstanding %as abot nit "ractions* 8hen I as)ed a stdent
%hich is bigger thirds or si(ths, the stdent said si(ths* <he stdent thoght that the
bigger the nmber is the bigger the "raction is* In %holeAnmber "orm si( is bigger than
three bt she didn;t reali1e that %e are brea)ing p the %hole or set into a certain e+al
amont o" parts*
Hne stdent didn;t nderstand the concept that i" the "ractions are both 1
"ractional part a%ay "rom its %hole then %e shold loo) at the %hole* 8hen they are
both the same amont a%ay "rom getting its %hole then %e shold loo) at ho% big the
"ractional parts are* <he stdent only "ocsed on ho% many parts a%ay it %as to the
%hole* &o since they %ere both 1 a%ay "rom the %hole he thoght that the parts %here
A "e% o" the stdents %ere not able to e(plain ho% they compared the "ractions* I
sa% that some o" them got the comparisons correct bt they cold only tell me 'agely
ho% they )no% it is correct* For e(ample one stdent said, ,69D is greater than 49D
becase the nmerator is greater ma)ing it a bigger "raction*-
&ome stdents had troble seeing that some "ractions are e+i'alent e'en thogh
they don;t appear to be* Hne stdent said ,ho% can the t%o "ractions be e+al i" I can;t
di'ide the "raction in hal" to become the same nmber as the other "raction* Ki)e I cold
ct 294 in hal" %hich ma)es # so I )no% that they are e+al "ractions*-
6* 8hat %old yo do the same and di""erently i" yo cold teach this lesson again5 Inclde
speci"ic ideas that are related to the %rocess Standards =pp* 3A?>, the Co!!on Core
Standards for Mathe!atical %ractices =pp* ?AE>, Selecting &orthhile Tasks =pp* 36A42>,
'rchestrating Classroo! (iscourse =pp* 42A46> and9or %lanning for All Learners =pp* 64A
&omething that I %old do the same is ha'ing stdents %or) indi'idally, in a
small grop and as a %hole class* Iy ha'ing 'arios "orms and opportnities to e(plain
their reasoning it helps me to nderstand indi'idal, small grop and %hole class
progress o" nderstanding comparing "ractions* It also allo%s them to orally hear %hat
they or their classmates are saying in order "or them to solidi"y their o%n nderstanding
o" the concept or recogni1e areas in their nderstanding that they need to "i(* Iy hearing
other stdents; ideas, they come to see the other approaches to comparing "ractions and
see that they can se those approaches too* &tdents begin to ta)e o%nership o" their
o%n ideas =strategic competence> and de'elop a sense o" po%er in ma)ing sense o"
comparing "ractions =prodcti'e disposition>*
I %old also present my +estions the same %ay that I did* Instead o" telling the
stdents ho% they can compare "ractions "rom the beginning I allo%ed them to "orm their
o%n %ay to compare "ractions* Iy allo%ing the stdents to "orm their o%n ideas and
discssing them it encorages stdents to apply their o%n nmber sense into the problem
%hich %ill help them remember these concepts long term*
&omething that I %old do di""erently is a"ter hearing stdents; e(planations o"
ho% they compared "ractionsL I cold reA'oice and pro'ide models o" %hat it is going on*
!eA'oicing allo%s me to clari"y, apply appropriate langage and to in'ol'e more
stdents* <his rein"orces langage and enhances comprehension "or EKKs* Iy modeling
thin)Aalods in %hich I discss and sho% ho% I thoght abot sol'ing the problem it
spports stdents %ith learning disabilities to spport their thin)ing abot a strategy*

E* I" yo %ere to teach a "ollo%Ap lesson, %hat %old be the "ocs o" the ne(t lesson5
8hat %old the speci"ic problem9tas) be5 =8ritten as it %old be presented to stdents>
<he "ollo%Ap lesson %ill be on the di""erent strategies %e can se to compare "ractions4
@i'e a "e% problems and as) a "e% +estions that in'ol'e each strategy* A"ter each
strategy "rther e(plain the strategy and introdce the name o" this strategy* 7o a thin)
alod modeling to "ind the greater "raction sing each strategy*
o First strategy4 "ractions %ith the same denominators*
8hich "raction is greater5 E912 or ?9125
:o% did yo )no% %hich is greater5
8hat do yo notice abot the t%o "ractions5
:o% can %e se %hat %e learned %ith this set o" "ractions that can
help s %ith other "raction comparisons that loo) li)e this5
Apply the same nderstanding that yo learned "rom the "irst
problem to this problem* 8hich is greater, 49E or ?9E5
o &econd strategy4 "ractions %ith the same nmerator
8hich is greater, 49? or 49D5
:o% did yo )no% %hich is greater5
8hat do yo notice abot the t%o "ractions5
:o% can %e se %hat %e learned %ith this set o" "ractions that can
help s %ith other "raction comparisons that loo) li)e this5
Apply the same nderstanding that yo learned "rom the "irst
problem to this problem* 8hich is greater, ?9E or ?9D5
o <hird strategy4 more than9less than oneAhal" or one
8hich is greater, 39B or 49E
:o% did yo )no% %hich is greater5
8hat do yo notice abot the t%o "ractions5
:o% can %e se %hat %e learned %ith this set o" "ractions that can
help s %ith other "raction comparisons that loo) li)e this5
Apply the same nderstanding that yo learned "rom the "irst
problem to this problem* 8hich is greater, 39? or 39E5
o Forth strategy4 closeness to oneAhal" or one
8hich is greater, 39B or 49105
:o% did yo )no% %hich is greater5
8hat do yo notice abot the t%o "ractions5
:o% can %e se %hat %e learned %ith this set o" "ractions that can
help s %ith other "raction comparisons that loo) li)e this5
Apply the same nderstanding that yo learned "rom the "irst
problem to this problem* 8hich is greater, B9D or E9B5

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