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Transfer of admission
This application form for a transfer of admission should only be used by applicants who hae been
admitted for the academic year !"#!$!"#%& The academic admission of the applicant will be automatically
transferred& 'oweer( the admission re)uirement with re*ard to the +niersity de*ree of the applicant has
chan*ed, an applicant with a -achelor de*ree of only % years of study will not be admitted( een if he.she
has been admitted preiously&
#& Application procedure and deadlines
This application form, together with all required documents, should be sent directly to the admission office
of the IO-.+niersity of Antwerp (see postal address below). Applications that are incomplete, illegible or
reach the admission office after the deadline will be automatically rejected. Electronic applications are not
accepted. Applications sent to the V!"#$%& &cholarship office will not be considered.
'.'. (ocuments to be enclosed
# This present application form )Transfer of admission*.
# A confirmation letter describing your lasting interest in the programme.
# An updated +V.
# An updated employer*s certificate describing your present position and stating his,her support for your
'.-. (eadlines
# ' .ebruary -/'01 applicants who apply for the V!" scholarship
# ' April -/'01 applicants who do not apply for the V!" scholarship and who need a student 2isa for
# ' &eptember -/'01 all other applicants
!& Contact details
Postal address1
Admission office
!%3 , $ni2ersity of Antwerp
4rinsstraat '0
-/// Antwerp
/isitin* address1
!%3 , $ni2ersity of Antwerp
ange &int#Annastraat 5 ('
-/// Antwerp
60- (/)0 -78 85 5/
60- (/)0 -78 85 5',iob
Application form transfer of admission -/'0#-/':
Please tick what is applicable:
! wish to transfer my admission of -/'-#-/'0 to the academic year -/'0#-/':.
! had been admitted to the ;aster of
(e2elopment E2aluation and ;anagement
Trac< '1 The macro dimensions of de2elopment inter2entions (change from -/'0#-/':
onwards1 )=ational institutions, po2erty reduction strategies > aid*)
Trac< -1 (e2elopment inter2entions and local institutional change
?o2ernance and (e2elopment
Trac< '1 ?o2ernance and conflict
Trac< -1 ocal go2ernance and po2erty reduction
?lobalisation and (e2elopment
! wish to apply for the V!" scholarship -/'0#-/':
! wish to recei2e a pro2isional admission letter -/'0#-/': in order to search for alternati2e
Application form transfer of admission -/'0#-/':
The form of your name should correspond exactly with your international passport.
.amily name1
.irst name(s)1 male female
4resent nationality1 =ationality at birth1
(ate of birth1 dd,mm,yyyy 4lace of birth1 +ountry of birth1
+i2il status1 single married other1
Postal address
(This address will be used for postal correspondence. +hanges in address should be immediately communicated to the registration office.)
The following address is my personal address , my institution address1
!nstitution,organisation (if applicable)1 +,o
&treet 6 number1
4.%. 3o@,4ostal 3ag1
4ostal code1 +ity1
Telephone number (+ountry code#area code#number)1
;obile phone number (+ountry code#area code#number)1
.a@ number. (+ountry code#area code#number)1
E#mail (E#mail will be the main mode of communication. Aou must pro2ide an e#mail address)1
Person to be contacted in case of emer*ency
.amily name and first name1
"elationship to this person1
Telephone number (+ountry code#area code#number)1
E#mail address1
LAN5+A51 06ILL0 . 12+CATION . PROF100IONAL 17P1RI1NC1 $ +P2AT1
The following only concerns other language s<ills,professional e@perience acquired and additional degrees,certificates obtained since your last
&tate in a separate sheet of paper1
# additional language s<ills acquired
# additional uni2ersity degrees obtained or additional trainings, studies or wor<shops attended
# additional professional e@perience acquired
!f you ha2e not acquired additional s<ills or wor<ing e@perience, please tic< the following bo@1
Application form transfer of admission -/'0#-/':
Add ' recent
picture and
write your
name on the
Are you applying for the V!"#$%& scholarshipB Aes complete parts 0.' and 0.-
=o complete parts 0.- and 0.0
/LIR$+O0 scholarship application history
(id you already apply for a V!"#$%& scholarship pre2iouslyB
Aes1 4rogramme1
Academic year1
%utcome of the application1 &elected for scholarship &ubstitute candidate =ot selected for scholarship
0cholarship history
(id you already obtain a scholarship (V!"#$%& or other) for studying abroadB Aes =o
!f yes, pro2ide the following information1
# period of scholarship1
# awarding institution1
# type of studies1
# country1
# qualification obtained1
Other applicants 8non /LIR$+O0 scholarship applicants9
i. (id you apply for funding or a scholarship other than V!"#$%&B Aes =o
!f yes, pro2ide the following information1
# institution,organisation1
# has your scholarship been granted yetB
Aes1 add proof
=o1 when will the result of your scholarship application be outB
ii. !s your employer going to finance (part of) your studiesB Aes =o
!f yes, for which amount (in C)B
iii. Dill your salary be paid during your absenceB Aes =o
!f yes, which amount will you recei2e monthly during your studies (in C)B
iv. Dill you ha2e other means of income during your studies in 3elgiumB Aes =o
!f yes, which amount will you dispose of monthly (in C)B
v. Dill you be able to pay the registration fee immediately upon arri2al in 3elgiumB Aes =o
vi. Dhich amount of money in total will you ha2e at your disposal during your studies in 3elgiumB
Application form transfer of admission -/'0#-/':
! hereby certify that the information pro2ided in this application form is accurate and complete. ! understand that inaccurate, incomplete or
illegible information may affect my enrolment. ;isrepresentation of this information is ground for admission denial or e2en e@pulsion from the
$ni2ersity of Antwerp. !n case of a V!"#$%& scholarship, this will lead to immediate cancellation of the scholarship.
(ate1 dd,mm,yyyy
Application form transfer of admission -/'0#-/':

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