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Name of Policy:

Policy Number:
Department: Nursing Service/Staff Development
Approving Offcer:
Chief Nursing Officer/CNO
Responsible Agent:
Chief Nursing Offcer/CNO
The University of Toledo Medical Center
Effective Date: 2.1.2014
Initial Effective Date: April, 1979
_ New policy proposal Minor/technical revision of existing policy

_ Major revision of existing policy Reaffirmation of existing policy
(A} oIicyStatcmcnt
All Nursing Service Nursing Service employees are responsible for participating in ongoing educational
activities designed to improve their competence and professional growth. An educational program is
designated as an "outside" offering if it is sponsored by an organization other than the UTMC. Programs
sponsored by the University of Toledo Center for Continuing Education are considered "outside" offerings.
(B) urposcoloIicy
To provide learing opportunities to increase the knowledge and skill of our nursing staff, with the ultimate
goal of safe and quality patient care.
(C) roccdurc
1. Nursing staff that have completed their probationary period may be provided with the opportunity
to attend work related outside continuing education (CE) programs.
2. Nursing staff are responsible for identifying their own needs for CE and independently attending
desired programs.
3. I is expected that all staff attending CE programs will share their knowledge and skills with co
workers, conduct themselves in a manner representative ofUTMC, and make the request to attend
the program far enough in advance to facilitate scheduling.
4. All Nursing Service employees requesting sponsored attendance at an outside CE activity must
submit a written request for approval. I should be completed and submitted to their immediate
supervisor along with a copy of a brochure or fyer which states the cost of the program, date, and
location. Afer attending the CE program, the employee is expected to initiate the process for
reimbursement of approved expenses. Original receipts and proof of attendance are required for
5. Nursing Service Administration will maintain records for attendance at CE programs for 3 years.
Staff should provide proof of attendance for both sponsored and independently attended programs.
Policy 3364-130-05
Outside Continuig Education Activities
Approved by:

Daniel Barb e , BSN, MBA
Chief Nursing Ofcer/CNO
Review: Policy & Standard Committee, 2/11, 2114.
Revision Completed By: Greg Shannon, MSN R

Policies Superseded by This Policy: 2-05 Outside Continuing Education Activities
Review/Revision Date:
1980 7/90
1982 6/92
1983 1/93
1984 1/95
1985 8/99
1986 2002
1987 2005
1988 4/2008
1989 3/2/2011
Next Review Date: 2.2017

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