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Distal Point Combinations

Justine Deutsch Acupuncture Together

Musculoskeletal Pain:
-Neck Pain
-Traps, Shoulders & Deltoids
-Rhomboids/upper back/scapula
-low-back & sacral
-han!s " fingers
-feet " toes #plantar fasciatis$heel pain%
-&'() gas$bloating
-*+,D$reflu- " heartburn
-irreg menses #earl.$late%
-PM( 0 emo " ph.sical
1ea!aches " Migraines
2ibrom.algia " 3omple- ,egional Pain (.n!rome
An-iet.) PT(D) panic attacks
Depression$4o moo!$4o moti5ation
TMJ$6a pain
'ell7s Pals.
POITS !D "#T$ODS O% !PPRO!C$& has their opinion of hat the.
ha5e foun! orks best8 some masters oul! claim that using T3M theor. shoul! be
use! for herbs onl. an! not for acupuncture8 others rel. solel. on T3M. Miriam 4ee
use! one specific combination for a i!e 5ariet. of con!itions) an! foun! it 9uite
successful. (ome acupuncturists are Master Tung purists) or balance metho! purists.
:ltimatel. each acupuncturist can practice an! fin! hat their patients seem to respon!
best to8 the folloing list of metho!s an! points ma. be useful for .ou to refer to in
some ne techni9ues or sharpening up .our trie! an! true ones.
TC" 0 useful for prett. much an. internal con!ition) an! .ou kno it ell. Don7t be
afrai! to go for hat man. oul! consi!er to be the ;trie! an! true.<
"iriam 'ee(s ) Point Combination 0 (T=>) (P>) 4&?) 4:@) 4&AA 0 useful for a
m.ria! of con!itions inclu!ing !epression an! fatigue) multiple sclerosis) allergies an!
asthma) ner5ousness an! emotional !isturbance) eight loss) bloo! sugar imbalances
an! !iabetes) upper respirator. tract problems an! infections. 2or more in-!epth
anal.sis an! e-planation) rea! Insights of a Senior Acupuncturist b. Miriam 4ee.
!uricular 0 ala.s con5enient8 e usuall. use them as ;accessor. points< in our clinic)
but some people use them as the primar. mo!e of treatment.
*loodlettin+ 0 simple to incorporate into practice an! onl. takes a minute or to.
*alance "ethod 0 +B3+44+NT for an. kin! of pain8 also useful for internal
con!itions. Diagnose the channel#s% the con!ition is locate! on) an! the location on the
channel in or!er to select points #recommen!e! book for greater e-planation:
Acupuncture 1, 2, 3), 1a5ing a soli! un!erstan!ing of the use of the 'alance Metho! is
prett. much crucial to being able to gi5e soli! !istal point treatments) because .ou can
treat con!itions such as lo back pain) hip pain) shoul!er pain) etc. successfull. ithout
ha5ing people la. !on or take their clothes off. Chat is great is that there are ala.s a
multitu!e of options on ho to treat con!itions 0 se5eral channels an! locations on those
channels can be utiliDe!.
*alance "ethod #-tra Points #from Dr. Tan7s Acupuncture 1, 2, 3) p. A?>-A?@ an!
Dr. Tan7s Twelve and Twelve in Acupuncture%:
Ehong 'ai #E'%: locate! about F.G cun pro-imal to TC=. :seful for opposite si!e low
back pain) especiall. in 4H-4= region) an! sciatica8 combine ith 4I an! D'.
(ancha 0 = points locate! on the !orsum of the han! beteen the H
) =
) ?
an! G

metacarpals) locate! in the !epression pro-imal to the metacarpophalangeal 6oints
#Note: (ancha encombasses 4uo Ehen #4E%) (o Jing Dian #(JD% an! Ehong 'ai #E'%%.
:seful for sacral/SI .oint pain on the opposite si!e.
4uo Ehen #4E% ;2all Pillo)< hich translates to sleeping in a eir! position an! aking
up ith neck pain: locate! me!iall. le5el to TC=) H
an! =
!igits of the han!. Jpposite
si!e neck pain. +nhances an. treatment for neck pain.
(o Jing Dian #(JD%: locate! me!iall. le5el to TC=) beteen the =
an! ?
!igits of the
han!. Jpposite si!e *') '4 an! *K neck pain.
"aster Tun+ Points 0 e-tremel. poerful points8 .ou can use 6ust a fe to keep the
number of nee!les to a minimum #classicall. Master Tung oul! use less than > points
in a treatment%. 'elo is a list of points & ha5e gleane! from (usan Johnson7s ;M.
2a5orites of Master Tung7s Points< lecture an! 1enr. Mc3ann7s ;A Practical *ui!e to
Tung7s Points)< an! from other PJ3A$3AN members. (ome of these are also note! in
Dr. Tan7s Acupuncture 1, 2, 3 an!$or ma. be familiar to .ou as ;e-tra points.<
A or! about these points: each of these points has a multitu!e of in!ications8 & am
sharing ith .ou the ;hea5. hitter< point in!ications$hat & use them for an! the
con!itions for hich & ha5e been tol! the. are most poerful an! best in!icate!.
Depth is also consi!ere! hen nee!ling these points:
N++D4+ TJ T,+AT
(kin (kin$4: #superficial !isease L nee!le superficiall.%
Kessels Kessels an! 1T
2lesh 2lesh " (P
Ten!on Ten!on " 4K
'one 'one " ID
i.e. for superficial skin !iseases) nee!le superficiall.
i.e. for lo back$bone problems) nee!le 4I !eepl.
2u Ie ;Comen Department< #*.necolog. Points%: H points locate! at the ulnar si!e of
the !orsal pro-imal phalan- of the thumb #A$= an! H$= along the pro-imal phalan-%. 3an
nee!le on one si!e or both si!es. !/ 0/ problem8 all causes of infertilit.8 fibroi!s8
especiall. goo! for the uterus. (afe in pregnanc..
1uan 3hao ;,eturn to Nest<: locate! along the ulnar si!e of the ring finger at the
intersection of the re! an! hite skin) at the center of the mi!!le phalan-. N++D4+ A
(&D+ JN4/ #can use either si!e%. &s nice to use ith 2u Ie on opposite han!. !/
0/ problem) but especiall. 4K 9i stag) o5aries an! bloo! issues. 3alms fetus an!
treats fre9uent miscarriage 0 safe in pregnanc..
4ing Iu$4ing *u #4I% ;(pirit 'one<: at the 6oint of the A
an! H
metacarpals of the
!orsal palm. 'ow back pain and sciatica$an. kin! of ra!iating pain #opposite si!e%8 also
has a affect on the ID. 3JNT,A&ND&3AT+D &N P,+*NAN3/.
Da 'ai #D'% ;*reat Chite<: slightl. !istal to 4&=. 3ombine ith 4I for low back pain8
also goo! for sciatica an! trigeminal neuralgia #opposite si!e for all of those%.
3JNT,A&ND&3AT+D &N P,+*NAN3/.
3hung TDe an! 3hung 1sien #Jung DD an! Jung (.an% ;Double (on< an! ;Double
3hil!<: these points are locate! in the thenar area about A inch an! H inches from the
fol! of skin beteen the A
H metacarpals8 another a. to look at it is to !ra an
imaginar. line from P3@ to the loest point of the eb beteen the thumb an!
forefinger) then split that line in thir!s) ith 3hung TDe appro- A$= from the skin fol! an!
3hung 1sien H$= from that skin fol!. +B3+44+NT for rhomboid pain, upper back and
scapula pain on the opposite si!e. +speciall. goo! if pain ra!iates through to the front
of the chest. Also in!icate! for 4: con!itions: asthma) cough) respirator. infections.
:suall. is 5er. sore hen palpate! if the opposite rhomboi! area is sore.
3e (an 4i ;'esi!e Three Miles< " 3e Bia (an 4i ;'esi!e 4oer Three Miles< 0 3(4 is
locate! A-A.G cun lateral$horiDontal to (T=>8 3B(4 is locate! H cun belo 3(4.
:se 3(4$3(B4 3JNT,A4AT+,A44/ for $#!D: hea!ache) toothache) 'ell7s Pals.)
trigeminal neuralgia) inner ear pain. Also goo! for opposite elbo pain of TCM4& an!
1TMP3 channels !ue to its location on the *'M(T lines.
(hen *uan ;1ea5enl. +mperor $ Ii!ne. *ate< 0 A.G cun inferior to (PN. 3an combine
ith Di 1uang ;+arth +mperor< #(P@% an! ,en 1uang ;Man +mperor< #A cun !istal to
(P>) or ID@.G !epen!ing on ho .ou ask%. The = together are calle! 4oer =
+mperors. (hen *uan is most poerful ID point in the hole bo!.) for an. kin! of ID
-u. All of them together treat */N) ID -u urogenital #i.e. impotence) premature
e6aculation) fre9uent urination% an! leg eakness) e!ema or paral.sis.
Mu 4iu 0 this is 6ust like (T?? or *'?= 0 it is locate! in the eb margin beeen the =

an! ?
toes. +-cellent for hea!aches that are locate! beteen the *' an! (T channels
#think migraines or frontal$temporal hea!aches%. Makes sense accor!ing to the balance
"aster Tun+ Points which o1erlap with TC" points 2interestin+ to note the
di33erent and similar indications4&
Men Jin ;*ol!en *ate< - ST56 0 great for sinus pressure$pain) !igesti5e problems)
frontal h$a an! acute menstrual pain$!.smenorrhea
(hiu Jing ;Cater 3r.stal< 7D8 - uterine inflammation) uterine tumors) pel5ic
inflammator. !isease) o5arian c.sts 0 */N$loer ab!omen) refle- area of uterus
/i Ehong ;A Ceight< 0*69 0 4K !isease) breast problems especiall. phlegm$9i stag
#mastitis) fibroc.stic) breast cancer%) 'ell7s Pals.) l.mpha!ema) 9i stag an! phlegm stag.
3an combine ith +r Ehong #H Ceight) H cun superior to *'=N% an! (an Ehong #=
Ceight) ? cun superior to *'=N% 0 all = are combine! an! knon as ;= Ceigihts)< an!
in!icate! for the same !isor!ers.
(i 1ua (hang ;:pper ? 2loers< ST68 0 respirator. !isor!ers) asthma) car!iac !isease)
palpitations) hea!ache) toothache) !iDDiness) 5omiting.

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