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The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore

Chapter 8: Estimating with Confidence

Key Vocabulary:
point estimator
point estimate
confidence interval
margin of error
confidence level
four step process
level C confidence
degrees of freedom
standard error
one -sample z interval
t distribution
one-sample t
8.1 Confidence Intervals: he !asics "pp.#1$%#&'(
1. A point estimator is a statistic that
2. The value of the point estimator statistic is called a ____________________ and it is our
"best uess" at the value of the _____________________!
3. Summari"e the facts about sampling distributions learned in chapter #$
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
4. &n statistics' (hat is meant b) a *+, confidence interval-
5. A confidence interval the form of $ /estimate margin of error0
(here$ estimate 1
marin of error 1
6. 2efine a level C confidence interval.
. 3hat information does the marin of error provide-
!. S.etch and label a "5# confidence interval for the standard normal curve!
". &n a samplin distribution of $ ' (h) is the interval of numbers bet(een 4 $ s called a "5#
confidence interval-
1%. S.etch and label a "%# confidence interval for the standard normal curve!
11. &nterpret a Confidence level$ "To sa) that (e are *+, confident is shorthand for !!
12. E5plain ho( to interpret a Confidence interval!
13. 2oes the confidence level tell us the chance that a particular confidence interval captures the
population parameter- &f not' (hat does it tell us-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
14. 3hat does the critical value depend on-
15. 3rite the form for calculatin a confidence interval as sho(n on pae 4#6!
16. 3h) do (e (ant hih confidence and a small marin of error-
1. E5plain the t(o conditions (hen the marin of error ets smaller!
1!. State the three conditions for constructing a confidence interval for p or

9*! 3hat are the t(o important reminders for constructin and interpretin confidence intervals-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
8.) Estimating a *opulation *roportion "pp.&8&%&+&(
9! &n statistics' (hat is meant b) a sample proportion'
: p
4! ;ive the mean and standard deviation for the samplin distribution of
: p
<! =o( does the standard deviation differ to to standard error for the samplin distribution of

: p
4! 2escribe the samplin distribution of a sample proportion
: p
as learned in section #!4!
+! 2efine standard error.
>! &n eneral (hat is meant b) the standard error of a statistic-
#! =o( do )ou calculate the standard error of
: p
6! 3hat is the formula for a one(sample ) interval for a population proportion- 2escribe ho( to
construct a level % confidence interval for a population proportion!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
*! 2escribe the four step process on ho( to contruct and interpret a confidence interval!
9?! 3hat formula is used to determine the sample si"e necessar) for a iven marin of error-
99! 3hat conditions must be met in order to use ) procedures for inference about a proportion-
94! 3hat does )@ represent-
9<! 3hat is the value of )@ for a "5# confidence interval- &nclude a s.etch!
94! 3hat is the value of )@ for a "%# confidence interval- &nclude a s.etch!
9+! 3hat is the value of )@ for a ""# confidence interval- &nclude a s.etch!
8.' Estimating a *opulation ,ean "pp.&++%$1$(
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
1. 3hat is the formula for a one(sample ) interval for a population mean- 2escribe ho( to
construct a level % confidence interval for a population mean!
2. 3hat is the formula for the marin of error of the confidence interval for the population
mean -
3. =o( can )ou arrane to have both hih confidence and a small marin of error-
4. 2escribe the three steps for choosin a sample si"e for a desired marin of error (hen
estimatin !
5. 3hat happens to the margin of error as )@ ets smaller- 2oes this result in a hiher or lo(er
confidence level-
6. 3hat happens to the margin of error, as ets smaller-
. 3hat happens to the margin of error, as n ets larer- A) ho( man) times must the sample
si"e n increase in order to cut the margin of error in half-
!. The formula used to determine the sample si"e n that (ill )ield a confidence interval for a
population mean (ith a specified marin of error m is z@

ME! Solve for n.
". &t is the si"e of the ________________ that determines the marin of error! The si"e of the
____________________ does not influence the sample si"e (e need!
1%. %omplete the %hec. Bour Cndertandin on pae +?9!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
11. =o( do )ou calculate the degrees of freedom for a t distribution-
12. 3hat happens to the t distribution as the degrees of freedom increase-
13. =o( (ould )ou construct a t distribution-
14. 2escribe the differences bet(een a standard normal distribution and a t distribution!
15. 2escribe the similarities bet(een a standard normal distribution and a t distribution!
16. 3hat is the formula for the standard deviation of the samplin distribution of the sample
mean $ -
1. 3hat is the standard error of the sample mean $ -
1". 2escribe ho( to construct the one(sample t interval for a population mean-
2%. Summari"e the t*ree conditions for inference about a population mean'
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
21. &nferences for proportions use ______ and inferences for means use _____!
22. 3hat does it mean if an inference procedure is robust-
23. &f the si"e of the S7S is less than 9+' (hen can (e use t procedures on the data-
24. &f the si"e of the S7S is at least 9+' (hen can (e use t procedures on the data-
25. &f the si"e of the S7S is at least <?' (hen can (e use t procedures on the data-
26. Summari"e the details of the four step procedure for estimatin p$
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
Chapter +: esting a Claim
Key Vocabulary:
Significance test
Null Hypothesis
One sided alternative
Two sided alternative
significance level
one-sample z test
test statistic
one sample t test
paired data
four-step process
statistically significant
Type !rror
Type !rror
#egrees of freedom
paired t procedures
+.1 -ignificance ests: he !asics "pp.$)8%$&'(
9! 3hat is a significance test-
4! 3hat is the difference bet(een a null and an alternative *+pot*esis- 3hat notation is used
for each-
<! E5plain the differences bet(een one-sided and t(o-sided h)potheses! =o( can )ou decide
(hich one to use-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
4! 3hat form does the null and alternative h)pothesis ta.e in sinificance testin-
+! =)potheses al(a)s refer to a ___________' not to a ______________!
>! &n statistics' (hat is meant b) the ,(value- 3hat does a P-value measure-
#! &f a ,(value is small' (hat do (e conclude about the null *+pot*esis-
6! &f a ,(value is lare' (hat do (e conclude about the null *+pot*esis-
*! 3hat are common errors students ma.e in their conclusions of P-values-
9?! Dn (hat evidence (ould (e re-ect t*e null *+pot*esis-
99! Dn (hat evidence (ould (e accept t*e null *+pot*esis (ie! fail to reEect the null h)pothesis)-
94! 3hat is meant b) a significance level-
9<! E5plain (hat it means to sa) that data are statisticall+ significant!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
94! =o( small should the ,(value be in order to claim that a result is statisticall+ significant-
9+! 3hen usin a fi$ed significance level to dra( a conclusion in a statistical test (hat can be
concluded (hen the P value is < and -
9>! 3hat t(o circumstances uide us in choosin a level of sinificance-

9#! 3hat is a .+pe & /rror-
96! 3hat is a .+pe && /rror -
9*! 3hich error is (orse' T)pe & or T)pe &&-
4?! %omplete the C*ec0 Your 1nderstanding on page 53"!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
49! 3hat is the relationship bet(een the significance level and the probabilit) of .+pe & /rror-
44! =o( can (e reduce the probabilit+ of a T)pe & error-
4<! 3hat is meant b) the po2er of a sinificance test-
44! 3hat is the relationship bet(een ,o2er and .+pe && /rror- 3ill )ou be e5pected to calculate
the po(er on the AP e5am-
4+! 3hat four factors affect the po(er of a test- 3h) does this matter-
4>! 2escribe the three influences that must be verified before decidin on ho( man)
observations are needed in a stud)!
Sinificance Fevel
Practical &mportance
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
+.) ests about a *opulation *roportion "pp.$&+%$#1(
9! Summari"e the three conditions that must be chec.ed before carr)in out sinificance tests$

4! State the eneral form of the /test statistic0!
<! 3hat does the test statistic measure- &s this formula on the AP e5am formula sheet-
4! 2escribe the four step process for sinifiance tests! E5plain (hat is reGuired at each step!




+! 3hat test statistic is used (hen testin for a population proportion- &s this on the formula
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
>! Summari"e the one-sample " test for a proportion and s.etch the three possible
To test
Cse this test
&f 8ormailit) is not met
#! 3hat happens (hen the data does not support
6! &f as.ed to carr) out a sinifiance test and there is no provided' (hat is recommended-
*! %an )ou use confidence intervals to decide bet(een t(o h)potheses- 3hat is the advantae
to usin confidence intervals for this purpose-
9?! 3h) donJt (e al(a)s use confidence intervals-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
+.' ests about a *opulation ,ean "pp.$#$%$8$(
9! 3hat are the three conditions for conductin a significance test for a population mean-
4! 3hat test statistic do (e use (hen testin a population mean- &s this formula on the AP
e5am formula sheet-
<! =o( do )ou calculate p(values using t*e t(distributions-
4! 3hat do )ou do if the degrees of freedom )ou need is not in table b-
+! =o( do )ou find p(values (hen carr)in out a sinifiance test about a population mean
on the calculator-
>! Ior a one-sample t- test for a population mean' state$


the three possible

Hs ((ith small s.etches to illustrate)

3hat is the t test statistic and ho( is it interpreted-

The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore

Cnder (hat conditions can this test be used

#! &n terms of reEectin the h)pothesis
' ho( is a sinificance test related to a confidence
interval on the same population-
6! Cse )our calculator to find the p value (tcdf command) for the e5ample =ealth) Streams!
3hat is that p-value-
*! 3hen usin technolo) for the 4564 part of the four step process' (hat is recommended
on pae +#<-
9?! 3or. throuh the 7uic+ ,ineapple e$ample on pae +#4! Cse a calculator to find the
e5act P-value! 3h) is tcdf mulitplied b) 4-
99! 3h) is the difference bet(een usin the calculator versus Table b (hen findin the p-
value in this e5ample-
94! 2o (e have encouh evidence to reEect

in the Kuic) Pineapple e5ample- E5plain!
9<! 7ead the %hec. Bour Cnderstandin on pae +## and ans(er Guestions 9 and 4!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
94! 3hat is paired data-
9+! 3hat information (ould lead us to appl) a paired t(test to a stud)' and (hat (ould be the
statistic of interest-
9>! &n the e5ample' &s Caffeine 5ependence 8eal' e5plain the difference in the "2o"
procedures for this e5ample versus the 7uic+ ,ineapple e5ample!
9#! 2escribe the four points to be a(are of (hen interpreting sinifiance tests!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
Chapter 1.: Comparing wo *opulations or /roups
Key Vocabulary:
difference between
two sample z interval
for proportions
two sample z test for
difference between two
two sample z statistic
two sample t statistic
pooled combined
sample proportion
standard error
paired t-test
two sample t test for
two sample t
interval for means
difference between
two means
pooled two sample t

The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
1..1 Comparing wo *roportions "pp. #.&%#18(
9! Summari"e the three properties of a samplin distribution of a sample proportion$
4! 3hat are the shape' center' and spread of the samplin distribution of
9 4
: : p p
- Provide the
formulas for the mean and standard deviation!
<! 3hat conditions need to be met for the samplin distribution of
9 4
: : p p
4! ;ive the formula for the standard error (hen calculatin a confidence interval for
9 4
: : p p
and define each variable in the eGuation!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
+! 3hat is the confidence interval for
9 4
: : p p
>! 3hat conditions must be met in order to use the T(o-sample " &nterval for a 2ifference
bet(een T(o Proportions-
!. Cse the e5ample' .eens and 9dults on Social :et2or0ing Sites' to outline ho( to
construct and interpret a confidence interval for the difference bet(een t(o proportions'
9 4
p p
". State the null h)pothesis for a t2o proportion significance test.
1%. 3hat does
represent' and ho( is it calculated-
11. 3h) do (e pool the sample proportions-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
12. ;ive the formula for the t2o(proportion )(statistic' and define each variable in the
13. &s this on the formula sheet- 3hat does the test statistic measure-
14. State and use diarams to illustrate the three possible alternative h)potheses for a t2o
proportion )(test.
15. 3hat are the conditions for conductin a t(o-sample ) test for a difference bet(een
16. =o( are these different than the conditions for a one-sample ) interval for p-
1. 2escribe the randomi)ation distribution!
1!. 3hat must )ou be careful about (hen defining parameters in e5periments- =o( can this
be avoided-
1". %an )ou use )our calculator for the 5o step- Are there an) dra(bac.s-
2%. 3hat are the calculator commands for the t(o-sample " test and interval for
9 4
: : p p
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
1..) Comparing wo ,eans "pp.#)0%#&8(
9! Summari"e the three properties of a samplin distribution of a sample mean$
4! 3hat are the shape' center' and spread of the samplin distribution of
9 4
$ $
- ;ive the
formula for the mean and standard deviation!
<! 3hat are the conditions for the samplin distribution of
9 4
$ $
4! ;ive the formula for the t2o(sample t(statistic' and define each variable in the eGuation!
+! &s this on the formula sheet- 3hat does it measure-
>! 3hat is the standard error of
9 4
$ $
- &s this on the formula sheet-
#! 3hat distribution does the t(o-sample t statistic have-
6! 3h) do (e use a t statistic rather than a ) statistic-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
*! 3ithout usin technolo)' ho( do )ou estimate the derees of freedom (hen usin t(o-
sample t-procedures-
9?! =o( do )ou calculate the confidence interval for
9 4

99! &n a t2o(sample t interval problem' (hat conditions must be met for comparin t(o
94! 3hat are the conditions for conductin a t(o-sample t test for
9 4

9<! 2ra( a s.etch of the three possible scenarios for the alternative h)pothesis!
94! 2escribe the :ormal Condition (hen usin the t(o sample t procedures!
9+! 3hat calculator commands are used for a t(o-sample t test and interval for
9 4

The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
9>! =o( do )ou proceed (hen usin t(o-sample t procedures to chec. the 8ormal %ondition
in the follo(in cases$
Sample si"e less than 9+
Sample si"e at least 9+
Fare samples
9#! &n a t(o-sample problem' mustLshould the t(o sample si"es be eGual-
96! 3hen doin t(o-sample t procedures' should (e pool the data to estimate a common
standard deviation- &s there an) benefit- Are there an) ris.s-
Chapter 11: Inference for 1istributions of Categorical
Key Vocabulary:
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
one way table
chi-s$uare test for
goodness of fit
chi-s$uare statistic
e%pected count
observed count
chi s$uare distribution
degrees of freedom
chi-s$uare distribution
components of chi-
cell counts
r % c table
chi s$uare test for
chi s$uare test for
11.1 Chi%-2uare /oodness of 3it est "pp.#08%#+.(
9! 3hat is a one(2a+ table-
4! 3hat is a c*i(s;uare goodness(of(fit test-
<! 3hat is the difference bet(een the notation M
4! State the eneral form for the null *+pot*eses for a
oodness of fit test!
+! State the eneral form for the alternative *+pot*eses for a
oodness of fit test!
>! =o( do )ou calculate the e$pected counts for a chi-sGuare oodness-of-fit test- =o( should
)ou round the ans(er for the e5pected counts-
#! 3hat is the shape of a c*i(s;uare distribution- 3hat happens to the shape as the derees of
freedom increases- (&llustrate (ith a diaram)
6! 2escribe the center and spread of the chi-sGuare distributions!
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
*! 3hat is the c*i(s;uare test statistic- &s it on the formula sheet- 3hat does it measure-
9?! =o( man) derees of freedom does the c*i(s;uare distribution have-
99! 3hat is the rule of t*umb for all e5pected counts in a chi-sGuare oodness of fit test-
94! 3hat conditions must be met in order to use the goodness of fit test-
94! =o( do )ou calculate p-values usin chi-sGuare distributions-
94! %an )ou use )our calculator to conduct a chi-sGuare oodness-of-fit test- &f )es' (hat are the
calculator commands-
9+!3hat is meant b) a component of chi-sGuare-
9>! 3hat does the largest component of chi-sGuare sinif)-
9#!3h) is it necessar) to perform follo2(up anal+sis to a chi-sGuare test-
1&.) Inference for 4elationships "pp.#+#%0)1(
9! 3hat is the *+pot*esis for a test of homoeneit)-
4! 2escribe the complications (ith multiple comparisons- =o( are the) overcome-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
<! E5plain ho( to calculate the e5pected counts for a test that compares the distribution of a
cateorical variable in multiple roups or populations!
4! 3rite the formula for the %hi-sGuare test statistic- &s this on the AP E5am formula sheet-
+! 3hat does the %hi-sGuare test statistic measure-
>! 3hat information is contained in a t2o(2a+ table for a %hi-sGuare test-
#! =o( man) degrees of freedom does a chi-sGuare test for a t(o-(a) table (ith r ro(s and
c columns have-
6! 3hat re;uirements must be chec.ed before carr)in out a %hi-sGuare test for
*! State the null and alternative h)pothesis for the %hi-sGuare test for =omoeneit)-
9?! %an )ou use )our calculators to do a %hi-sGuare test of homoeneit)- &f )es' (hat are the
calculator commands-
99! Summari"e ho( to carr) out a C*i(s;uare .est for 3omogeneit+ of ,opulations$
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
94! E5plain ho( and (hen to conduct a follo2(up anal+sis for a test of homoeneit)-
9<! 3hat does it mean if t(o variables have an association-
94! 3hat does it mean if t(o variables are independent-
9+! State the null and alternative *+pot*eses for a %hi-sGuare test for
9>! =o( is a test of associationLindependence different than a test of homoeneit)-
9#! =o( do )ou calculate e$pected counts for a test of associationLindependence-
96! Summari"e ho( to carr) out a %hi-sGuare Test for AssociationL&ndependence$
9*! 3hat are the conditions for a test of associationLindependence-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
4?! 3hen should )ou use a c*i(s;uare test and (hen should )ou use a t2o(sample ) test-

Chapter 1): ,ore about 4egression
Key Vocabulary:
sample regression
true regression line
t interval for slope
standard error of
t test for slope
standardized test
standard error
e%ponential model
power model
logarithmic model
1).1 Inference for 5inear 4egression "pp.0'+%0$0(
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
9! 3hat is the difference bet(een a sample regression line and population <true= regression
4! E5plain the sampling distribution of b-
<! ;ive the eGuation for the true regression line' and state (hat each component of the
eGuation represents!
4! Summari"e the conditions for reression inference$
+! E5plain ho( to c*ec0 t*e conditions for reression inference$
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
>! 7ecord the formula for the standard error of t*e slope- 2efine the variables!
#! 3hat is the formula for the t(interval of t*e slope of a least-sGuares reression line- &s
this on the AP e5am formula sheet-
6! 3hat is the formula for the t(test for t*e slope of the population reression line- &s this
on the AP e5am formula sheet-
*! 2escribe the distribution of the standardi)ed test statistic
9?! 3hat is the formula for constructin a confidence interval for a slope-

99! 3hat calculator commands are used to et the value of t@-
94! %an )ou use )our calculator to conduct a test and confidence interval for the slope-
1).) ransforming to 6chieve 5inearity "pp.0#$%08'(
9! 3hat does it mean to transform data-
The Practice of Statistics (4th Edition) - Starnes, Yates, Moore
4! 3hat is a po2er model-
<! ;ive three e$amples of po(er models-
4! Aside from po(er transformations' ho( can )ou lineari)e an association that follo(s
a po(er model in the form + 1 a$
+! 2escribe a logarit*mic model! ;ive t(o e5amples!
>! 2escribe an e$ponential model! ;ive t(o e5amples!
#! 2escribe the t(o methods used to lineari"e a relationship that follo(s an e5ponential
6! Sho( ho( to use loarithms to transform the data iven b) + 1 a$
to produce a
linear relationship!
*! The bi idea usin loarithms to transform data is that "if a variable ro(s
__________________' its __________________ ro( linearl)!"
9?! 2escribe ho( to ac*ieve linearit+ from a po(er model as e5plained on pae ###!
99! After usin a loarithm transformation' (hat does the scatter plot of the data sho(-

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