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Offline Assassin

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/0GA/ 2OT3C0:
The Pu4l i sher has stri 5ed to 4e as accurate and co&pl ete as possi 4l e i n the
creati on of thi s report6 not7i thstandi n! the fact that he does not 7arrant or
represent at an8 ti&e that the contents 7ithin are accurate due to the
rapidl8 chan!in! nature of the 3nternet%
9hile all atte&pts ha5e 4een &ade to 5erif8 infor&ation pro5ided in this
pu4lication6 the Pu4lisher assu&es no responsi4ilit8 for errors6 o&issions6 or
contrar8 i nterpretati on of the su4: ect &atter herei n%
An8 percei5ed sli!hts of specific persons6 peoples6 or or!ani;ations are
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Please note the infor&ation contained 7ithin this docu&ent are for
educational purposes onl8%
05er8 atte&pt has 4een &ade to pro5ide accurate6 up to date and relia4le
co&plete infor&ation no 7arranties of an8 kind are e>pressed or i&plied%
?eaders ackno7led!e that the author is not en!a!in! in renderin! le!al6
financial or professional ad5ice%
B8 readi n! an8 docu&ent6 the reader a!rees that under no ci rcu&stances i s
responsi 4l e for an8 l osses6 di rect or i ndi rect6 that are i ncurred as a resul t of
use of the infor&ation contained 7ithin this docu&ent6 includin! ) 4ut not
li&ited to errors6 o&issions6 or inaccuracies%
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Ta4le of Contents
O,,/320 AAAAAA32 32T?O=ECT3O2% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % F
C?0AT32G GOE? A0?H3C0 O,,0?A% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ..
A3T0 BE3/=32G A2= ?02OHAT3O2% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % .I
HOAT32G% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % .I
JA32T02A2C0 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % .K
A0O A2= T?A,,3C% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % .L
0JA3/ JA?M0T32G% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % .L
BE3/=32G GOE? C/302T BAA0% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <.
9AGA TO /OCAT0 C/302TA % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <.
9al k)3ns% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <.
Col d Cal l i n!% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <.
,l 8ers% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <<
=i rect Jai l Jarketi n! % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <<
Busi ness Cards % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <<
Gel l o7 Pa!es% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <<
Cha&4er of Co&&erce Jeeti n!s % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <@
Ae&i nars and Apeaki n! 0n!a!e&ents% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <@
2e7spaper Ad5ert i si n!% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <@
/ook Onl i ne!% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <@
AO/3=3,G32G TH0 AA/0% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <N
CO2T?ACTA% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <F
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BE3/=32G GOE? OETAOE?C0 T0AJ % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % <K
P?3C32G GOE? A0?H3C0A % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % @<
,/AT ?AT0 HA% HOE?/G % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % @@
ATA?T32G PO32TA % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % @N
BEJPA 32 TH0 ?OA= % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % @I
TH0 PAGJ02T P?OC0AA % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % @L
,32A/ 9O?=A: CO2C/EA3O2 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % O<
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Offline Assassin 3ntroduction
9ith the 3nternet6 &an8 of ha5e learned to de5elop profita4le 4usinesses
that i n5ol 5e l i ttl e start up costs6 fe7er producti on costs6 and 5er8 l i ttl e i f an8
9e al l !ot cau!ht up on : ust ho7 eas8 i t 7as to 4ui l d a 4usi ness onl i ne6 and
ha5in! the !lo4al outreach to 4e a4le to connect 7ith thousands6 if not
&illions of potential custo&ers all o5er the 7orld certainl8 &ade us sit up
and pa8 attention%
But :ust ho7 eas8 is it to 4uild a successful online co&pan8P
3n e5er8 &arket and industr86 8ouQre s7ar&ed 7ith co&petition% 05en
rankin! in Goo!le for 8our chosen ke87ords can 4e a ti&e consu&in! and
frustratin! process%
ThatQs not to sa8 that 8ou canQt &ake a li5in! online 7ith a 7e4site and
product l i ne of 8our o7n6 8ou can6 4ut 7eQ 5e 4eco&e so narro7 &i nded 7i th
4el i e5i n! that i n order to 4eco&e a successful entrepreneur6 our &ai n focus
should al7a8s start and end 7ith the 3nternet%
3tQ s si &pl 8 not enti rel 8 true%
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Think of all the countless 4usinesses in 8our local area%
Ho7 &an8 of those people 7ould 4enefit 48 ha5in! a 7e4 presenceP
2o76 think a!ain a4out the sheer nu&4er of &o& R pop shops that donQt
ha5e a presence and calculate ho7 &uch &one8 8ou could &ake if 8ou 7ere
the 4rid!e that connected their 4usiness 7ith the 9orld 9ide 9e4%
9hen 8ou think a4out ho7 &an8 custo&ers are ri!ht there at 8our
fin!ertips6 and 8ou 4e!in to focus on ho7 8ou can 4uild a profita4le 4usiness
:ust 48 helpin! the& e>pand their o7n 4usiness6 8ou 7ill Suickl8 disco5er
the Suick and eas8 recipe to success%
9ith offline 4usiness there is far less co&petition% Enlike online &arkets
7here 8ou are forced to el 4o7 8our 7a8 throu!h the &assi 5e cro7ds : ust to
!et 8our food in the industr86 7ith offline &arketin!6 8ou are 8our onl8
There is likel8 to 4e less resistance as 7ell since these co&panies see 8ou as
thei r connecti on to 4roadeni n! thei r outreach and taki n! thei r 4usi ness to a
7hole ne7 le5el%
Pl us6 48 4ei n! a4l e to connect 7i th so&eone personal l 8 rather than ha5i n!
to outsource or hire the 7ork out to an anon8&ous co&pan8 or ser5ice
online6 8ou 7ill 4e a4le to de5elop sincere relationships
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7ith 8our clients 7ho 7ill co&e to rel8 on 8ou for helpin! their 4usiness
!ro7 in a 7hole ne7 7a8%
But itQ s certainl8 not ne7 to 8ou ri!htP
Gou al read8 kno7 ho7 l ucrati 5e ha5i n! an onl i ne presence can 4e and e5en
if 8ou donQ t kno7 ho7 to do all of the different ser5ices that 8ou 7ill 4e!in to
offer local 4usinesses6 8ou alread8 kno7 e>actl8 ho7 to outsource this to
seasoned professionals and freelancers%
Gou kno7 of the &arketplaces6 the foru&s6 the freelance co&&unities and
all 8ou ha5e to do is secure the pro:ect ) pass the 7ork o5er to a freelancer )
and cash in%
Gour : o4P Jana!i n! the pro: ect% 3tQ s ne5er 4een so eas8 to &ake &one8 on
and offline%
The Offline Assassin !uide 7as 7ritten 48 a !roup of us 7ho decided to !i5e
these strate!ies a real shot% 9e decided to focus < &onths of our ti&e on
penetratin! the offline &arket to see :ust ho7 5ia4le it reall8 7as%
3Q l l 4e honest 7i th 8ou6 none of us real l 8 e>pected that our 4usi ness 7oul d
!ro7 so Suickl86 in fact6 7e 7ere all lookin! at the process as
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an interestin! e>peri&ent &ore than a life and 4usiness chan!in! endea5or%
9hat 7e disco5ered ho7e5er is that there are literall8 hundreds of
4usi nesses i n e5er8 to7n and ci t8 across the 7orl d that ha5e 8et to connect
to the !l o4al outreach that the 3nternet pro5i des%
9hile &an8 of these co&panies kno7 that the8 AHOE/= !et TonlineT6 fe7 of
the& ha5e an8 idea ho7%
9orse6 itQ s e>tre&el8 inti&idatin! for these 4usinesses to e5en consider
hi ri n! a ser5i ce pro5i der onl i ne to de5el op thei r 7e4si tes and hel p the& !et
thei r &essa!e out to thei r &arket 4ecause the8 si &pl 8 donQ t kno7 7hether
the pri ce Suotes the8 are !i 5en are reasona4l e6 or 7hether the8 trul 8 need
specific ser5ices that are 4ein! offered in a carousel of up)sells and
ridiculous offers that 7ill ne5er trul8 help their 4usiness !ro7%
But 7hen so&eone co&es alon! 7ho is a5aila4le to the& locall86 7ho see&s
to ha5e a solid 4usiness plan created6 and 7ho appears to !enuinel8 7ant to
hel p thei r 4usi ness e>pand and reach out to ne7 custo&ers6 the8 suddenl 8
start to feel hopeful a!ai n6 to en5i si on ho7 &uch l ar!er thei r 4usi ness coul d
4e 7hen !i5en this fresh ne7 online audience%
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Gou 7i l l 4e a4l e to !enerate &ore i nterest and 4ui l d a l ar!er cl i ent l i st i n a
short a&ount of ti&e than nearl8 an8 other opportunit8 a5aila4le to 8ou6
:ust 48 connectin! 7ith local 4usinesses and offerin! the& so&ethin! the8
kno7 the8 alread8 need an online presence%
The Offline Assassin 7ill sho7 8ou e>actl8 ho7 to 4uild a profita4le 4usiness
follo7in! si&ple6 8et pro5en strate!ies that 7ill solidif8 8our place in 8our
local area and help 8ou !enerate on!oin! 4usiness 48 takin! offline
4usinesses ) online%
/etQ s !et started%
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Creatin! Gour Aer5ice Offers
Creatin! 8our 4usiness plan is the first step in 4ein! a4le to connect 7ith
offline clients%
Gou donQ t need to spend a l ot of &one8 de5el opi n! 8our ser5i ce pl ans6 and
8ou real l 8 donQ t need to e5en rent out offi ce space 7hen 8ou are : ust !etti n!
Jost of 8our &eeti n!s 7i l l take pl ace at 8our cl i ents 4usi ness6 4ut 8ou can
also co&&unicate throu!h phone re!ularl8 once 8ou ha5e sealed the deal%
But fi rst6 do 8ou re&e&4er ho7 di ffi cul t e5er8thi n! see&ed to 4e 7hen 8ou
first started 4uildin! an online 4usinessP
?e&e&4er ho7 frustratin! and outri!ht dauntin! 4uildin! that first 4lo! or
7e4site feltP
3f 8ou had so&eone co&e al on! and offer 8ou an afforda4l e sol uti on 7here
8ou didnQt ha5e to lift a fin!er and the8 7ould set up a full8 functional6
opti &i ;ed 7e4si te for 8ou6 7oul dnQ t 8ou ha5e consi dered taki n! the& up on
that incredi4le dealP
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Gou need to keep that &indset 7hen 4uildin! 8our 4usiness plan and ser5ice
These offline 4usinesses understand ho7 i&portant it is that the8 4uild an
online presence6 4ut &an8 of the& 7onQ t understand e>actl8
9HAT the8 need%
Gou also 7ant to co&e do7n to the 4e!inner le5el 7ith ter&inolo!8 as 7ell%
3f 8ou approach a l ocal 4usi ness 7ho i s not fa&i l i ar 7i th the 4usi ness ter&s
used online like A0O or PPC6 8ou 7ill find it harder to land the pro:ect6
4ecause these people 7ill onl8 end up confused and unsure as to 7hether
the8 are Q cut outQ for this 7hole co&plicated online thin!%
Gou need to si&plif8 it6 to thorou!hl8 e>plain the 4enefits of e5er8 ser5ice
that 8ou are offeri n! and i n the e5ent that one of 8our ser5i ces doesnQ t fi t a
clientQ s 4usiness6 it should ne5er 4e part of the presentation%
That &eans that e5er8 ser5i ce offer 8ou present to a potenti al cl i ent needs
to 4e custo& tailored to 7hat 8ou 4elie5e their 4usiness needs in order to
e>pand their outreach and &a>i&i;e their profits%
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Caterin! to offline 4usinesses in5ol5es far &ore than :ust de5elopin! their
7e4sites6 althou!h this is usuall8 the first step in a 5ariet8 of ser5ice
a!ree&ents that 8ou can 4uild 7ith each client%
But thi nk outsi de of the o45i ous fi rst step% After thei r 7e4si te i s de5el oped6
7hat ne>tP
9hat else can 8ou offer that 7ill &ake a !enuine difference in their a4ilit8 to
pro&ote their 4rand and co&pan8 onlineP
9hat a4out traffic !eneration strate!iesP
Opti&i;in! their 7e4sites for the search en!inesP
Generatin! 4ack)links to their 7e4siteP
=e5elopin! online pro&otional &aterial and creati5e or incorporatin! an
affiliate pro!ra& to help the& !enerate fresh leadsP
Gou reall8 need to e5aluate the 4usiness first6 4efore contactin! the& to
deter&i ne e>actl 8 ho7 to approach the& i n such a 7a8 that the8 7i l l feel as
thou!h 8ou ha5e taken a personal i nterest i n hel pi n! thei r 4usi ness e>pand
4ecause 8ou ha5e done 8our ho&e7ork%
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Gou kno7 their 4usiness6 8ou understand their concerns6 and 8ou kno7 7hat
the8 7ant and need and can deli5er it to the&%
Gou &a8 4e concerned that thi s process 7i l l 4eco&e o5erl 8 ti &e consu&i n!
and i n real i t86 i t can 4e chi sel ed do7n so that i t onl 8 takes a fe7 hours to
custo&i;e each presentation for e5er8 local 4usiness 8ou intend on
Gou first de5elop 8our ser5ice listin!% This 7ill include e5er8 ser5ice that 8ou
plan to offer to a 5ariet8 of 4usinesses% Gou also de5elop 8our price structure
and o5erall 4usiness plan
Then6 7ith each ne7 4usiness that 8ou co&&unicate 7ith6 8ou ad:ust this
ser5ice offer to suit their needs6 cuttin! out 7hat is not needed or addin! in
a handful of ser5ices that 7ould directl8 4enefit each co&pan8%
Ao this is 7here 8ou need to 4e!in6 48 definin! 8our ser5ice offers6 assi!nin!
price points to each ser5ice and ironin! out the s&all details%
Gou can also e>pand on 8our ser5ice offers or &odif8 the& later on if
needed6 4ut 8our fi rst step i s to 7ri te do7n e5er8thi n! that 8ou 4el i e5e 8ou
could offer to a local 4usiness6 e>plore the industr8 for a5era!e prices for
each ser5i ce offer6 and create a sol i d 4usi ness pl an that 8ou can use 7hen
approachin! each co&pan8%
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This doesnQ t ha5e to 4e ti&e consu&in!6 8ou can si&pl8 dedicate a fe7 da8s
to e5aluatin! the &arket and researchin! 7hat other people are currentl8
offeri n! to onl i ne 4usi nesses and then adapt thi s i nfor&ati on i nto creati n! a
rock solid6 irresisti4le offline offer%
Here are a fe7 ideas on ser5ices that 8ou could offer:
9e4 =e5elop&ent
=e5elopin! their 7e4sites and 4lo!s6 A3/O structures6 e&ail ca&pai!ns%
Online Jarketin!
Au4 cate!ories: /ink Buildin!6 0&ail Jarketin!6 ,eeder Aites6 Aearch en!ine
After 8ou de5elop their online 4usiness6 8ou could offer personal trainin!
ser5i ces 7here 8ou sho7 the& ho7 to &ai ntai n thei r 7e4si tes6 update thei r
pa!es6 etc%
Epdates R Jaintenance
Gou could char!e a &onthl8 recurrin! fee to update their 7e4sites
or 4lo!s6 to e&ail their clients or &ana!e their &ailin! lists%
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Pro&otional Jaterial Creation
Gou coul d offer to i nte!rate an affi l i ate pro!ra&6 pro5i de affi l i ate creati 5es
and so on%
Content =e5elop&ent
Create articles for &arketin! purposes6 7e4site article updates6 4rochures6
press releases etc%
Gou need to create a ser5ice pa!e on a professionall8 desi!ned 7e4site that
clearl8 outlines the different ser5ice packa!es 8ou are offerin!6 alon! 7ith an
esti&ated price structure6 or e5en 4etter6 !i5in! 5isitors the opportunit8 to
fill in a for& in order to reSuest a custo& Suote%
Thi s i s a cri ti cal step of the process6 e5en i f 8ou i ntend on ad5erti si n! 8our
ser5ices entirel8 offline6 4ecause once 8ouQ 5e sna!!ed a fe7 ne7 custo&ers6
the8 &i!ht 7ant to 5erif8 that 8ou6 8ourself ha5e an online presence and
kno7 e>actl 8 7hat 8ouQ re tal ki n! a4out%
3f 8ou are i ntendi n! on offeri n! desi !n ser5i ces6 consi der creati n! a sa&pl e
portfolio that sho7cases desi!ns that 8ou ha5e co&pleted for past clients6 or
if 8ou intend on offerin! online &arketin! ca&pai!ns6 8ou should outline
e>actl8 7hat is included 7ith each packa!e as 7ell as an8 a5aila4le case
studies 8ou ha5e at 8our disposal6 sho7casin! e>actl8 7hat 8ou can do%
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3f 8ou are pl anni n! to outsource the &a: ori t8 of the 7ork6 al so keep i n &i nd
the costs associ ated 7i th hi ri n! freel ancers and &ake sure that 8ou 7i l l 4e
a4le to !enerate a profit 4ased on different price structures%
Once 8ou ha5e 4e!un to 7ork 7i th a handful of offl i ne 4usi nesses6 8ou 7i l l
ha5e a 4etter i dea as to an8 pri ce resi stance and can ad: ust 8our pri ce pl an
Here are other ser5ices to consider:
Aite Buildin! and ?eno5ation
O45iousl86 the &ost co&&on ser5ice 7ill 4e 4uildin! or re5a&pin! a
7e4si te% Jan8 co&pani es donQ t ha5e a 7e4si te at al l 6 and a l ot of those that
do ha5e sites that 7ere 4uilt 48 a&ateurs and are too hard to update%
3 reco&&end usi n! 9ordPress to 4ui l d the 7e4si te for &ost co&pani es% 3tQ s
fle>i4le6 eas8 to use6 and &akes it 5er8 eas8 for the client to update if he
doesnQ t 7ant to pa8 8ou a &onthl8 fee to do so%
05er8 7e4site &ust ha5e hostin!6 and there are a couple of 7a8s 8ou can
&ake &one8 fro& 8our cl i ents 7i th i t%
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The &ost o45ious is to si&pl8 host their site 8ourself and char!e the& a
&onthl 8 fee for i t%
3f 8ouQ re not up for the responsi 4i l i t8 of hosti n! 8our cl i entsQ si tes 8oursel f6
8ou can si !n up as an affi l i ate for 5ari ous 7e4 hosti n! co&pani es and send
8our clients to the& throu!h an affiliate link%
Co&panies like HostGator pa8 up to W.VV or &ore for e5er8 custo&er 8ou
refer6 so this could 4e Suite lucrati5e if 8ou !et a lot of clients%
Ao&e 7e4si tes reSui re 5er8 l i ttl e &ai ntenance6 and others &ust 4e updated
7ith sales and specials or in5entor8 on a 5er8 re!ular 4asis%
Additionall86 A0O &a8 also reSuire so&e on!oin! &aintenance in the for& of
t7eaki n! pa!es and !etti n! 4ackl i nks% 3t takes a 4i t of 7ork to !et to the top
and sta8 there%
These are ser5i ces 8ou coul d char!e a &onthl 8 fee for% Gou coul d ask 8our
client 7hat t8pe of updates the8 7ould need6 and then price 8our ser5ice
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A0O and Traffic
O45iousl86 the 7e4sites 8ou 4uild 7ill need traffic6 7hich &eans 8ou 7ill
need to do so&e search en!ine opti&i;ation and other traffic 7ork%
GouQll need to !enerate 4acklinks for the site6 !et the co&pan8 listed in
5arious online directories includin! Goo!leQ s local search6 and &ore%
Gou can char!e for the initial setup and opti&i;ation6 as 7ell as an8 on!oin!
&onthl8 ser5ices like 4acklink 4uildin!% This could 4e a !reat additional
source of inco&e each &onth%
0&ail Jarketin!
One ser5ice e5er8 4usiness needs 4ut fe7 actuall8 ha5e is e&ail &arketin!
Jost co&panies that 4uild 7e4sites donQ t offer this ser5ice to their clients6 so
e5en co&panies that alread8 ha5e 7e4sites arenQ t usuall8 usin! it%
3tQs also an un4elie5a4l8 i&portant tool% 05er8 4usiness relies on repeat
4usiness to sustain it%
3f custo&ers donQ t co&e 4ack6 a 4usi ness canQ t sur5i 5e 5er8 l on!6 especi al l 8
in s&aller &arkets%
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Esin! e&ail &arketin!6 a co&pan8 can keep custo&ers co&in! 4ack a!ain
and a!ain%
The8 can send out &essa!es for special offers6 coupons6 announce&ents6
updates6 and special e5ents% This keeps custo&ers re&inded that the8 e>ist6
and also 4rin! custo&ers 4ack in to the location to take ad5anta!e of special
Gou could offer to si&pl8 set up the e&ail &arketin! s8ste& for the client6 or
8ou could char!e a &onthl8 fee for &ana!in! their e&ail s8ste& each
&onth% This is 8et another potential source of recurrin! inco&e%
3n the ne>t chapter6 7e 7i l l take a l ook at the di fferent 7a8s of reachi n! out
to these 4usinesses and 4uildin! 8our client list%
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Buildin! Gour Client Base
Al&ost an8 local 4usiness could 4enefit fro& 8our ser5ices% 05en a s&all
local con5enience store could 4rin! in &ore 4usiness 48 ha5in!
a 7e4site and e&ail list!
2o custo&er i s too s&al l to ha5e an onl i ne presence6 so donQ t 7orr8 a4out
tr8i n! to approach T: ust the ri !ht t8pe of 4usi nessT% 3n fact6 an8 4usi ness i s
the ri!ht t8pe of 4usiness for this s8ste&!
9a8s to /ocate Clients
There are &an8 7a8s to potenti al l 8 fi nd cl i ents% 9eQ re !oi n! to l ook at so&e
of the 4est 7a8s to find local 4usinesses that &i!ht 4e recepti5e to 8our
One of the 4est 7a8s to find 4usiness is 48 :ust 7alkin! in and askin! to
speak to the &ana!er%
Talkin! face to face is a !reat 7a8 to esta4lish trust%
Cold Callin!
Jan8 people prefer to call 4usinesses rather than hittin! the streets and
!oin! door to door% 3tQs less effecti5e than 7alkin! in6 4ut itQs easier6
especiall8 if 8ou donQ t ha5e !ood transportation%
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,l8ers can 4e 5er8 effecti5e if 8ou 7ord the& 7ell% =onQt focus 8our
&arketi n! &ateri al on 4ui l di n! 7e4si tes6 4ut on 4ri n!i n! the co&pan8 &ore
=irect Jail Jarketin!
3f 8ouQ5e e5er recei5ed an ad5ertise&ent in the foru& of a sales letter or
postcard in the &ail6 Xand 7ho hasnQ tPY then 8ouQ5e seen direct &ail
&arketin! in action% A !ood direct &ail ca&pai!n can 4e 5er8 effecti5e%
Business Cards
Ao&e people !et a !reat deal of 4usiness si&pl8 48 !i5in! a 4usiness card to
e5er8 4usiness o7ner the8 co&e in contact 7ith%
Get a haircutP Gi5e the salon o7ner a card% Zust !ot 8our car repairedP =onQ t
for!et to slip 8our card to the o7ner of the shop!
Gello7 Pa!es
Atart 48 4ro7sin! throu!h the 8ello7 pa!es of 8our local director8 searchin!
for start up 4usi ness or &o& R pop shops that coul d use 8our hel p% Gou can
al so use onl i ne search en!i nes to deter&i ne ne7l 8 re!i stered 4usi nesses i n
8our local area%
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Cha&4er of Co&&erce Jeetin!s
3f 8our area has a local Cha&4er of Co&&erce or other 4usiness
or!ani;ation6 4e sure to attend as &an8 of their &eetin!s as 8ou can%
2et7orkin! 7ith other 4usiness o7ners is a fantastic 7a8 to pick up
4usiness6 as 7ell as referrals%
Ae&inars and Apeakin! 0n!a!e&ents
One e>tre&el8 effecti5e 7a8 to find clients is to speak at se&inars and other
local e5ents 7here 8ou kno7 4usiness o7ners 7ill 4e% 3f 8ou canQt find an
e5ent to speak at6 set one up!
3f 8ou arran!e a free se&i nar on ho7 4usi nesses can use the i nternet to !et
&ore 4usi ness6 8ouQ re sure to fi nd a fe7 peopl e 7ho 7i l l 7ant 8our ser5i ces
after hearin! 8our Te>pertT speech%
2e7spaper Ad5ertisin!
=onQ t for!et a4out the po7er of 8our local ne7spaper% An ad in the TBusiness
Aer5icesT section is ine>pensi5e6 4ut &a8 not 4e as effecti5e as a lar!er ad%
But either t8pe of add should 4rin! in enou!h 4usiness to :ustif8 the cost if
8our ad is 7ell 7ritten%
/ook Online!
?e!ardless if 8our client alread8 has an e>istin! 7e4site6 it &a8 4e in need
of an o5erhaul or re5ision%
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Ese the &a:or search en!ines to find 4oth local and distance 4usinesses
that need so&e 7ork%
Gou could also 4ro7se throu!h online 4usiness directories and &arketplaces
i ncl udi n! 777%cl i ck4ank%co& and 777%c: %co& to fi nd onl i ne 4usi nesses that
could 4e i&pro5ed throu!h 4oth 7e4 desi!n6 sales funnel6 sales cop86 list
4uildin!6 traffic ca&pai!ns and &ore!
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Aolidif8in! The Aale
After 8ouQ5e found a potential client and the8 see& interested6 itQs ti&e to
close the sale%
This in one of the hardest parts for &ost people6 4ecause the &a:orit8 of
peopl e ha5e a fear of re: ecti on% 9hen 8ouQ re 7orri ed a4out 4ei n! re: ected6
8ouQ re reluctant to ask for the sale%
3tQs 5er8 i&portant to re&e&4er the A)B)C of sales% Al7a8s Be Closin!%
05er8thin! 8ou sa8 and do should lead up to closin! the deal% Other7ise6
8our ti&e is 7asted%
=onQ t 4e afrai d to ask for the sal e% Once 8ouQ 5e &ade 8our case and sho7n
the lead 8ou kno7 7hat 8ouQ re talkin! a4out6 itQ s ti&e to close%
Consider the follo7in! phrases 7hen discussin! pro:ects 7ith potential
TAo 7hen should 3 !et startedPT
THo7 7ould 8ou like to pa8 for the ser5icePT
T3 coul d !et started toda8 i f 8ouQ re read8%T
T9h8 donQ t 7e !et started on thi s ri !ht a7a8%T
3f 8ou donQ t sa8 thin!s like this6 &ost people 7ill not 5olunteer%
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Ao&eti &es peopl e 7i l l 4e so e>ci ted that the8 7i l l 5ol untari l 8 offer the sal e6
4ut !enerall8 people 7ill a5oid it% Gou &ust ask!
3 donQt !enerall8 reco&&end askin! a client to si!n a contract for &inor
7ork6 4ut if 8ouQre lookin! at &akin! si!nificant &one8 8ou &i!ht 7ant to
consider this%
Gou could ha5e an attorne8 dra7 up a !eneral a!ree&ent that 8ou could use
o5er and o5er :ust 48 fillin! in the 4lanks%
3f 8ou arenQ t 4ei n! pai d up front6 i tQ s 5i tal to !et a contract% 3f the co&pan8
deci des to rene!e on 8our deal and 8ou ha5e no 7ri tten contract6 i t 7i l l 4e
difficult Xif not i&possi4leY to !et 8our &one8%
9hen i t co&es to 4ui l di n! 8our cl i ent l i st6 and !ro7i n! 8our onl i ne 4usi ness
48 contactin! offline 4usinesses6 8ou need to adapt a 5er8 di fferent &i ndset
than 8ou &i!ht 4e fa&iliar 7ith in online 4usiness%
Gou are not A0//32G an8thin!!
3nstead6 8our : o4 i s to hel p 4usi ness o7ners understand ho7 thei r 4usi ness
7ill i&pro5e throu!h 8our ser5ices%
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Al l 8ou are !oi n! to do i s tal k to potenti al custo&ers6 !et thei r feed4ack as
to 7hat i s i &portant to the& and then e>pl ai n to the& e>actl 8 ho7 an onl i ne
presence 7ill 4enefit their o5erall 4usiness%
Gou 7ant to thorou!hl8 e5aluate their e>istin! 4usiness6 deter&ine 7hat
the8 are alread8 doin! to &arket their 4usiness offline and si&pl8 sho7
the& ho7 &uch &ore e>posure the8 7ill !ain6 48 takin! their 4usiness
9hen 8ou s7itch 8our &indset so that 8ou are &erel8 discussin!6
respondin! and helpin! people i&pro5e their 4usiness6 8ou 7ill find it a heck
of a lot easier to recruit clients%
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Buildin! Gour Outsource Tea&
Ai nce 8ou 7i l l l i kel 8 7ant to outsource the &a: ori t8 of the 7ork i n5ol 5ed 7i th
each pro:ect6 itQs i &portant to 4eco&e fa&iliar 7ith online freelance
co&&unities and to 4uild a profile that 7ill 7elco&e ne7 freelancers into
8our 4usiness plan%
To start6 there are do;ens of freel ance co&&uni ti es onl i ne 4ut 3 personal l 8
reco&&end settin! up an account at the follo7in! 7e4sites:
[ http://777%el ance%co& \
[ ht t p: / / 777% Guru% co& \
[ http://777%Acri ptl ance%co& Xespeciall8 if 8ou are offerin! an8
custo&pro!ra&&in! ser5icesY \
,or content pro5iders6 8ou could also include:
[ http://777%9arri or,oru&%co& Xsee T9arri ors for Hi reTY \
[ http://777%9orkahol i csOHi re%co& \
Gour :o4 as a &iddle&an 4et7een a co&pan8 and the professionals 7ho can
take thei r 5i si on and &ake i t a real i t8 i n5ol 5es 8ou 4ei n! a4l e to effecti 5el 8
&ana!e each pro: ect careful l 86 and to ensure that pro: ect deadl i nes are &et
and that 8our client recei5es consistent
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updates and pro!ress reports%
Gou ne5er 7ant to lea5e a client in the dark6 especiall8 if the8 ha5e ne5er
hired a ser5ice pro5ider like 8ou 4efore%
Gou 7ant to al 7a8s 4e a5ai l a4l e to the& shoul d the8 ha5e an8 Suesti ons or
reSuire a 4it &ore help understandin! the process%
The easier 8ou &ake the entire process for the&6 the easier it 7ill 4e secure
on!oin! 7ork fro& each co&pan8%
9hen settin! up 8our freelance tea&6 8ou reall8 7ant to sa5e &one8 48
hirin! people onl8 as 8ou need the&%
There are &an8 o5er);eal ous entrepreneurs 7ho sa7 the potenti al i n !oi n!
offline 7ho Suickl8 de5eloped a &assi5e freelance tea& thinkin! that the8
7ould need to secure as &an8 Ton callT de5elopers as possi4le%
2ot onl8 7ill this 4eco&e 5er8 distractin! and ti&e consu&in! keepin! in
co&&uni cati on 7i th a l ar!e tea& of freel ancers 4ut i t 7i l l al so i ncrease 8our
costs si!nificantl8%
Onl8 hire freelancers6 as 8ou need the& 4ased on each pro:ect that 8ou
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Gou 7ill 4e!in to 4uild relationships 7ith the freelancers that 8ou do hire
o5er ti&e6 and itQs likel8 that 8ou 7ill 4e a4le to start contactin! people
di rectl 8 7hene5er 8ou need so&e Sui ck hel p 7i thout ha5i n! to post pro: ects
on the pu4lic freelance co&&unities%
The transaction process 7ould 7ork this like:
) Gou collect pa8&ent fro& 8our client ) 8ou TH02 secure the freelancer%
) Offer the freel ancer a deposi t pa8&ent upfront 7i th the re&ai nder pa8a4l e
onl 8 on co&pl eti on of the 7ork Xunl ess 8ou kno7 the freel ancer personal l 8
or the8 ha5e a solid reputation and histor8 in the fieldY%
Offer ser5i ces on an i ndi 5i dual 4asi s as 7el l as part of a col l ecti 5e 4usi ness
packa!e6 sho7i n! the 4enefi ts and sa5i n!s i f a cl i ent chooses a ful l feature
packa!e o5er indi5idual ser5ices%
Gou al 7a8s 7ant to hi !hl i !ht the sa5i n!s shoul d a co&pan8 hi re 8ou for an
arra8 of ser5ices6 rather than on a per pro:ect 4asis%
GouQll find that clients 7ill 4e far &ore likel8 to 4ook 8ou for nu&erous
pro:ects if the8 4elie5e that it 7ill sa5e the& &one8 in the lon! run so
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itQ s 8our :o4 to al7a8s e&phasi;e the sa5in!s and 4enefits%
Gou can do thi s 48 offeri n! ne7 cl i ents coupons or di scount certi fi cates that
the8 can use to place orders for different ser5ices6 or to use in the future
once the ori!inal pro:ect has 4een co&pleted%
And re&e&4er6 there is no ser5ice that 8ou canQ t offer to clients%
3f 8ou feel that the8 7ould 4enefit fro& a specific ser5ice6 or the8 4e!in
askin! for additional ser5ices that are not part of 8our ori!inal 4usiness plan6
:ust take the order ) hire a professional freelancer ) and use 8our online
connections to increase 8our o7n inco&e 7hile 4ein! a4le to cater to an8
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Pricin! Gour Aer5ices
One thin! a lot of people stru!!le 7ith is ho7 to price their ser5ices%
There is no one)si;e)fits)all approach6 as 8our price 7ill depend on &an8
different factors%
,or e>a&ple6 pricin! 7ould 4e affected 48:
[ The current state of the econo&8 \
[ Gour location and ho7 &uch co&petition e>ists% \
[ Ho7 &uch 8ou reall8 need to &ake to co5er e>penses% \
[ The t8pe of ser5ice 4ein! offered6 and ti&e allocated to each pro:ect% \
[ Perhaps the &ost i&portant factor has to do 7ith 8ou personall8% \
[ Elti&atel86 8ou need to &ake enou!h to &ake it 7orth 8our ti&e to
perfor& this ser5ice% \
[ =eter&ine 7hat the a4solute lo7est price 8ou 7ould 4e 7illin! to
accept 7ould 4e% Tr8 to price 8our ser5ices at t7ice that rate% \
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That 7a86 i f 8ou ha5e to co&e do7n i n pri ce to !et the cl i ent6 8ouQ l l ha5e a
lot of lee7a8 for ne!otiation 4efore 8ou reach 8our Tlo7est priceT%
GouQ l l al so ha5e to take i nto consi derati on 8our l ocati on% 3f there are a l ot of
7e4 desi!n fir&s around 8our area6 &an8 7e4sites &a8 alread8 ha5e a
3f 8our co&peti ti on i s keen on i nternet &arketi n!6 the8 &a8 al so 4e offeri n!
so&e of the sa&e ser5i ces% Gou &a8 ha5e to pri ce co&peti ti 5el 8 i n order to
!ain 4usiness%
The econo&8 i s al so a &a: or factor% As &uch as i t sucks6 8ou &a8 ha5e to
price 8our ser5ices far lo7er than 8ou nor&all8 7ould if the econo&8 is
especiall8 4ad%
9hen the econo&8 i s sufferi n!6 4usi nesses arenQ t &aki n! as &uch &one86
so the8 7ouldnQ t 4e a4le to pa8 8ou as &uch as the8 nor&all8 7ould6
ho7e5er 48 acSuirin! their 4usiness earl8 on6 7hen the econo&8 picks up6
8ou can 4e!in to increase 8our prices accordin!l8%
,lat ?ate 5s% Hourl8
9hether 8ou char!e a fl at rate or hourl 8 rate i s up to 8ou6 4ut 3 reco&&end
char!in! a flat rate for ser5ices%
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Gou &a8 ha5e a hard ti &e con5i nci n! 4usi nesses to pa8 8ou an hourl 8 rate6
and 8ou donQ t 7ant to upset the cl i ent 48 taki n! l on!er than anti ci pated and
char!in! &ore than 8our initial Suote%
9hen 8ou char!e a flat rate6 8ouQ ll need to dra7 up a detailed plan of action6
includin! e5er8thin! 8our client e>pects%
This 7a8 8ouQre protected if the client later 7ants so&ethin! that 7asnQt
a!reed to6 and the client is co5ered if 8ou accidentall8 for!et so&ethin! that
7as a!reed to%
3f the client 7ants chan!es after 8ouQ5e deli5ered 7hat 7as pro&ised6 8ou
&a8 7ant to char!e an additional fee for this%
=onQ t !et cau!ht up in endless re5isions% The8 7ill &onopoli;e 8our ti&e and
lea5e 8ou fallin! 4ehind 7ith other pro:ects as 7ell as reducin! the actual
=onQ t for!et a4out char!in! &onthl8 fees for on!oin! 7ork as 7ell%
Aer5ices includin! hostin! and re!ular 7e4site &aintenance updates can 4e
!reat sources of recurrin! inco&e6 so &ake sure to include these in 8our
ser5ice offers%
Gou &a8 7ant to char!e 8our client for se5eral &onths in ad5ance at a
discount rate as 7ell% That 7a86 the client doesnQ t ha5e to 7orr8
) @O )
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a4out that pa8&ent for a 7hile6 is a4le to see the lon! ter& sa5in!s6 and
8ou donQ t ha5e to 7orr8 a4out non)pa8&ent%
2ote: Gou should al7a8s offer so&e sort of discount if 8ou are !oin! to
char!e in ad5ance%
,or e>a&pl e6 i f 8ou 7ere !oi n! to char!e WNV per &onth for a ser5i ce6 8ou
&i !ht char!e onl 8 WON or e5en WOV per &onth i f the8 pa8 F or .< &onths i n
Atartin! Points
Ao&e peopl e 7ant a !ood starti n! poi nt for pri ci n!6 so 3Q & !oi n! to !i 5e 8ou
so&e nu&4ers 8ou can use%
Zust keep in &ind that pricin! 7ill 5ar8 !reatl8 4ased on &an8 factors6
includin! special reSuests fro& the client6 the clientQs industr86 and 7hat
t8pe of site the client needs%
O45iousl8 a full8 functional e)co&&erce store 7ould cost &uch &ore than a
si&ple fi5e pa!e 7e4site6 so keep that in &ind% These are :ust rou!h
!uidelines to !et 8ou started!
N Pa!e 9e4site ) W<NV)WNVV
0&ail Jarketin! Aetup ) W.NV)W@VV
Hosti n! ) WN)W<N per &onth
) @N )
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3nitial A0O for a N Pa!e 9e4site ) W.NV)W@VV
Jonthl8 A0O and Backlinkin! ) W<N)W.VV per &onth
Jonthl8 0&ail Jarketin! ) W<N)W<VV
Jonthl8 Aite Jaintenance ) WNV)W.NV
?e&e&4er6 these are :ust rou!h !uidelines!
,or e>a&pl e6 &onthl 8 e&ai l &arketi n! coul d 4e an87here fro& W<N for one
short e&ai l per &onth up to se5eral hundred dol l ars i f 8ou are e>pected to
send se5eral &essa!es per 7eek6 or if 8ou ha5e to craft lon! and 5er8
detailed &essa!es%
El ti &atel 86 8our pri ci n! 7i l l 4e hi !hl 8 dependent on 7hat 8ou feel 8ou need
to &ake for each ser5ice6 and 7hat e>actl8 the client e>pects%
Consider all options 7hen creatin! 8our price structure%
A cl i ent 7ho pa8s 8ou a recurri n! fee each &onth to host hi s or her 7e4si te
and an additional fee to update it is far &ore 5alua4le than a one)off pro:ect6
and so 8ou should consider ad:ustin! 8our prices to offer the& a feasi4le
discount in order to retain the& o5er the lon! run%
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Bu&ps 3n The ?oad
Gou 7ill al&ost certainl8 run into difficult clients fro& ti&e to ti&e%
Enfortunatel86 the8 are a part of doin! 4usiness%
Jost clients 7ill 4e pleasant to 7ork 7ith6 4ut 7eQ5e all run into a handful
7ho are si&pl8 confused or o5er7hel&ed 48 the 7hole process6 are
concerned o5er pro!ress6 or si&pl8 need a 4it &ore !uidance in order to
full8 understand 7hat 8ou are offerin!6 and ho7 8ou are helpin! the&%
?e&e&4er as 7el l that not e5er8one i s !oi n! to see the 7ork that 7ent on
4ehind the scenes%
3f the8 ha5e no e>peri ence de5elopin! online 4usinesses6 i tQ s l i kel 8 that 8ou
7ill 7ant to take 8our ti&e in e>plainin! the process6 7hat 8ou and 8our
tea& ha5e 4een doi n!6 and 7h8 i tQ s an i &portant part i n the !ro7th of thei r
online e>posure%
,or the &ost part6 8ou shoul d tr8 to 7ork 7i th cl i ents to &ake sure the8 are
happ8 e5er8 step of the 7a86 and to do 8our part i n 4ei n! understandi n! 48
puttin! 8ourself in their position%
?e&e&4er6 these peopl e trust i n 8ou6 the8 ha5e a!reed to l et 8ou &ana!e
an i&portant part of their 4usiness] their online presence and
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8ou need to 4e sincere in co&&unicatin! 7ith the& e5er8 step of the 7a8%
?e&e&4er6 clients 7ho are 5er8 happ8 7ill potentiall8 refer other clients to
8ou in the future% This could &ean a !reat deal of 4usiness%
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The Pa8&ent Process
9ith e5er8 client that 8ou take on6 8ou 7ill 7ant to create an a!ree&ent
that clearl8 e>plains 8our o4li!ations as 7ell as an8 &onetar8 o4li!ations
associated 7ith the deal%
Ao&e clients &a8 pa8 8ou upfront6 7hich is al7a8s 4est6 and at the 5er8
least 8ou should reSuire a deposit of the o5erall ser5ice cost%
Jost 4usinesses6 ho7e5er6 7ill e>pect to 4e a4le to pa8 8ou after 8ouQre
finished 7ith the 7ork% 3n fact6 &an8 4usinesses are used to pa8in! on a
2et)@V 4asis6 7hich &eans the8 recei5e an in5oice for &ost of the !oods and
ser5ices the8 4u8 7hich the8 can pa8 up to @V da8s later%
Thi s i s tou!h 7hen 8ouQ re a s&all 4usiness% 9ai ti n! @V da8s to 4e pai d can
put 8ou i nto seri ous fi nanci al trou4l e 7hen 8ouQ re : ust starti n! out especi al l 8
7hen 8ou ha5e t o pa8 t he f reel ancers t hat 8ou ha5e hi red t o co&pl et e t he
To a5oi d thi s6 8ou &a8 7ant to offer a heft8 di scount for cl i ents 7ho pa8 i n
?e&e&4er 7hen 3 said 8ou should char!e dou4le the lo7est price 8ouQre
reall8 7illin! to acceptP
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This is i&portant6 4ecause 7hen 8ouQre ne!otiatin! 7ith a client 7ho is
hesitant to pa8 in ad5ance6 8ou can use that lee7a8 to offer a 4i! discount if
pa8&ent is &ade upfront% A!ain al7a8s hi!hli!ht the sa5in!s and 4enefits to
8our client e5er8 step of the 7a8%
Offer a .V^6 <N^6 e5en NV^ discount if 8our client 7ill pa8 in ad5ance%
3f 8ou are ne7 ser5ice pro5ider6 8ou &i!ht find it difficult to con5ince
4usinesses to pa8 the entire 4ill 7ithout seein! results6 ho7e5er as 8ou 4uild
8our client portfolio6 8ou 7ill 4e in the position to reSuire a lar!er upfront
deposit or the entire a&ount%
Gou could accept NV^ upfront pa8&ent6 7hich 7ould 4e 8our lo7est possi4le
price6 and if 8ou 7ere ne5er paid the 4alance it 7ouldnQ t &atter so &uch%
El ti &atel 8 8ou 7oul d at l east 4e pai d 8our &i ni &u& a&ount that 7oul d
co5er 8our freelance costs and 8our ti&e%
9hile 8ou should al7a8s lea5e roo& for ne!otiation6 7ith 8our price
structure6 8ou ne5er 7ant to 7alk a7a8 feelin! as if 8ou under)cut 8ourself%
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2otes: 3f 8ou can6 hire a la78er 7ho can create a 4asic
a!ree&ent for 8ou that 8ou can re)purpose and use
7ith each client%
9ith a contract that identifies the responsi4ilities or
o4li!ations of 4oth parties6 8ou 7ill 4e in the position
to seek co&pensation in the e5ent that 8our client fails
to co&pl ete pa8&ent%
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,inal 9ords: Conclusion
Buildin! a relationship 7ith each client is e>ceptionall8 i&portant and the
&ore 8ou 7ork to7ards co&&uni cati n! 7i th each cl i ent on a re!ul ar 4asi s6
48 i n5ol 5i n! the& i n the enti re process as &uch as possi 4l e and 48 sho7i n!
the& e>actl 8 ho7 8ou are a4l e to i &pro5e thei r 4usi ness6 8ou 7i l l 4e a4l e to
position 8ourself so that 8ou ne5er ha5e to seek out pro:ect 7ork a!ain )
the8 7ill co&e to 8ou!
Take a real !enuine interest in the 4usinesses that 8ou 7ork 7ith%
After all6 8ou should sincerel8 7ant to help the& &a>i&i;e their outreach
and thei r 4otto& l i ne 4ecause the !reater pro!ress and i &pro5e&ent the8
see fro& 8our 7ork6 the &ore likel8 the8 7ill co&e to 8ou a!ain and a!ain%
Al so keep i n &i nd that referral s 7i l l &ake up a 5er8 l ar!e part of 8our cl i ent
4ase6 and it al7a8s 4e!ins 7ith a sin!le client%
?e&ain focused 7ith 8our 4usiness plan and ne5er !i5e up!
9hile it &a8 take a 4it of ti&e for 8ou to 4uild a client list6 if 8ou sta8
persistent and do 8our 4est to offer each 4usiness a custo&i;ed ser5ice
proposal that sho7cases the &an8 7a8s that 8ou can help the& i&pro5e
their 4usiness6 8ou 93// succeed%
) O< )
Get Paid To Help Offline Businesses Get Online!
?e&e&4er6 itQ s a4out 8ou H0/P32G the& ) not A0//32G to the&%
Offer 8our ser5ices to those 7ho !enuinel8 need it6 7ork hard6 4e fierce6 and
ne5er stop 4elie5in! in 8ourself% The possi4ilities are trul8 endless!
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) O@ _
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