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Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

1. I (learn) English for seven years now.
2. But last year I (not / work) hard enough for English, that's why my marks
(not / e) really that good then.
!. "s I (#ass / want) my English e$am su%%essfully ne$t year, I (study)
harder this term.
&. 'uring my last summer holidays, my #arents (send) me on a language
%ourse to (ondon.
). It (e) great and I (think) I (learn) a lot.
*. Before I (go) to (ondon, I (not / en+oy) learning English.
,. But while I (do) the language %ourse, I (meet) lots of young
#eo#le from all over the world.
-. .here I (noti%e) how im#ortant it (e) to s#eak foreign languages
/. 0ow I (have) mu%h more fun learning English than I (have)
efore the %ourse.
11. "t the moment I (revise) English grammar.
11. "nd I (egin / already) to read the te$ts in my English te$tooks again.
12. I (think) I (do) one unit every week.
1!. 2y e$am (e) on 1) 2ay, so there (not / e) any time to e lost.
1&. If I (#ass) my e$ams su%%essfully, I (start) an a##renti%eshi# in
1). "nd after my a##renti%eshi#, maye I (go) a%k to (ondon to work there for
a while.
1. I have een learninga%tion that started in the #ast and is still going on now, em#hasis is
#ut on the duration (signal word4 for seven years) 5 Present Perfect Progressive
English for seven years now.
2. But last year I was not working hard enough for English, that's why my marks were
not1st er!" you %an either use #ast #rogressive or sim#le #ast.
a) 6ast 6rogressive4 #uts em#hasis on the duration
) 3im#le 6ast4 #uts em#hasis on the fa%t
#n$ er!" a fa%t in the #ast 5 Simple Past . really that good then.
!. "s I want to #ass my English e$am su%%essfully ne$t year, I am going to study1st
ver4 situation in the #resent 5 Simple Present (after 'want' use 'to' 7 infinitive)
2nd ver4 de%ision made for the future 5 Future I going to . harder this term.
&. 'uring my last summer holidays, my #arents sent%om#leted a%tion in the #ast 5 Simple
Past me on a language %ourse to (ondon.
). It was great and I think I have learned1st ver4 fa%t in the #ast 5 Simple Past
2nd ver4 situation in the #resent 5 Simple Present
!rd ver4 finished a%tion that has an influen%e on the #resent. em#hasis is on the result
5 Present Perfect Simple a lot.
*. Before I went to (ondon, I had not en+oyed1st ver4 a%tion in the #ast 5 Simple Past
2nd ver4 a%tion taking #la%e efore that %ertain time in the #ast (signal word4 efore) 5
Past Perfect . learning English.
,. But while I was doing the language %ourse, I met1st ver4 a%tion taking #la%e only for
a %ertain #eriod in the #ast 5 Past Progressive
2nd ver4 short a%tions in the #ast taking #la%e in the middle of another a%tion 5
Simple Past . lots of young #eo#le from all over the world.
-. .here I noti%ed how im#ortant it is1st ver4 oservation in the #ast 5 Simple Past
2nd ver4 general fa%t that is true for the #resent 5 Simple Present to s#eak foreign
languages nowadays.
/. 0ow I have mu%h more fun learning English than I had1st ver4 situation in the
#resent 5 Simple Present
2nd ver4 situation in the #ast 5 Simple Past efore the %ourse.
11. "t the moment I am revisinga%tion ha##ening around now (signal word4 at the
moment) 5 Present Progressive English grammar.
11. "nd I have already eguna%tion that has +ust started (signal word4 already), em#hasis
is #ut on the fa%t (not the duration) 5 Present Perfect Simple to read the te$ts in my
English te$tooks again.
12. I think I will do1st ver4 feeling in the #resent 5 Simple Present
2nd ver4 assum#tion with regard to the future (signal word4 I think) 5 Future I will
one unit every week.
1!. 2y e$am is on 1) 2ay, so there is not1st ver4 the e$a%t date for the e$am is already
s%heduled 5 Simple Present .
2nd ver4 idiomati% e$#ression any time to e lost.
1&. If I #ass my e$ams su%%essfully, I will startdonditional senten%e ty#e I4 if 7 3im#le
6resent, 8uture I will an a##renti%eshi# in 3e#temer.
1). "nd after my a##renti%eshi#, maye I will goassum#tion / dream for the
futureermutung 5 Future I mit will . a%k to (ondon to work there for a while.
Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.
1. They (build) a new power station at the moment.
2. When I was buying the stamps somebody (call)
my name.
3. 'What time (e!in come) "' '#n hour ago.'
$. I (not go) to the cinema last night. I was too tired.
%. &arol in!ited us to the party but we (not go) . We
had other things to do.
'. I saw (ridget at the museum when I was going to the
restaurant but she (not see) me.
). 'Where (your parents li!e) "' 'In a !illage near
*ondon. They ha!e always li!ed there.'
+. ,he spea-s .nglish but she (not spea-) French.
/. 0e1 is 2rom *ondon. 3e (li!e) there all his li2e.
14. 5y 2a!ourite country is &anada. I (be) there 2our
11. I (ne!er eat) bananas.
12. '3ow long (you study) 6hotography"' 'For one
13. 'Where are you going on holiday"' 'I don't -now. We (not
decide) yet.'
1$. Who (in!ent) the washing machine"
1%. 'Where's 0ill"' ',he (ha!e) lunch at the moment.'
1'. (Terry wor-) " 7o8 he is on holiday.
1). ,omebody (steal) my sunglasses at the
swimming pool last wee-.
1+. (she wear) the nice 9ac-et when you saw her"
1/. Where (be) you yesterday"
24. #s you (see : can) 8 I (become) a real *ondon
2an already.
1. They (build) #;. (<I*=I7> a new power station at the moment.
2. When I was buying the stamps somebody (call) &#**.= my name.
3. 'What time (e!in come=I= .?I7 &@5. "' '#n hour ago.'
$. I (not go) =I= 7@T >@ to the cinema last night. I was too tired.
%. &arol in!ited us to the party but we (not go=I= 7@T >@ . We had other things
to do.
'. I saw (ridget at the museum when I was going to the restaurant but she (not
see=I= 7@T ,.. me.
). 'Where (your parents li!e=@ A@<; 6#;.7T, *I?. "' 'In a !illage near *ondon.
They ha!e always li!ed there.'
+. ,he spea-s .nglish but she (not spea-) =@., 7@T ,6.# French.
/. 0e1 is 2rom *ondon. 3e (li!e) 3#, *I?.= there all his li2e.
14. 5y 2a!ourite country is &anada. I (be) 3#?. (..7 there 2our times.
11. I (ne!er eat3#?. 7.?.; .#T.7 bananas.
12. '3ow long (you study) 3#?. A@< (..7 ,T<=AI7> 6hotography"' 'For one
13. 'Where are you going on holiday"' 'I don't -now. We (not decide3#?. 7@T
=.&I=.= yet.'
1$. Who (in!ent) I7?.7T.= the washing machine"
1%. 'Where's 0ill"' ',he (ha!e) I, 3#?I7> lunch at the moment.'
1'. (Terry wor-) I, T.;;A W@;I7> " 7o8 he is on holiday.
1). ,omebody (steal) ,T@*. my sunglasses at the swimming pool last wee-.
1+. (she wear) W#, ,3. W.#;I7> the nice 9ac-et when you saw her"
1/. Where (be) W.;. you yesterday"
24. "s you %an see, I have e%ome1st ver4 situation in the #resent 5 Simple Present (after
'%an' use the infinitive without 'to')
2nd ver4 situation from the #ast to the #resent, em#hasis is #ut on the fa%t 5 Present Perfect
Simple a real (ondon fan already.

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