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The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)

ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

Dr. Muthana M. Ibrahim *
*College of Education for Pure Sciences/ Dep. Biology/Diyala ni!. /Ira"

This experiment was conducted at the Department of biology / College of Education for Pure ciences /
!ni"ersity of Diyala on the Freesia sp. #. which ha"e the purple flowers in order to study the effect of the
corms si$e which are di"ided into small corms with weight e%ual to or smaller than & g and large corms
with weight greater than & g intertwined with spraying with the growth regulators ' the ben$yladenine( at
concentration of )* + *, mg/l and paclobutra$ol at concentration of 1, + ), mg/# as well as the handling the
comparison in the recipes of the "egetati"e growth of the freesia plants by using global experiment using a
complete randomi$ed design with four obser"ations of the handling. The results that ha"e been obtained
showed the following- exceeding the plants that resulting from culti"ation of the large corms in recording
the biggest moral "alues for plant height of .&.) cm and the number of lea"es /.. leaf / plant and leaf area
of *0.. cm
/plant and the content of the papers of chlorophyll 1*/.& P1D units and earliness in the number
of days which are necessary for the emergence of flowering buds of 1&2.. days and the number of florets
1,.) florets/inflorescences as well as "ase life which amounting to 11./ day. praying plants with ben$ylad3
enine at concentration of *, mg/l led to register the highest "alues for plant height and leaf area and in the
re%uired duration for the emergence of floral buds and the length of inflorescences of flowers and the
number of florets and the coordination age which amounting to .0.) cm+ 2&.2 cm
/plant + 1.,.2 days + &1.*
cm + 1,.2 florets/inflorescences and 1).* days respecti"ely. 4hile spraying with paclobutra$ol at concen3
tration of ), mg /l + the lowest "alues for the height of plants and the number of days re%uired for the
emergence of floral buds and the length of inflorescences which amounting to &).. cm + 1&2.* days and
)..5 cm respecti"ely+ by the other hand recorded the highest "alues of the number of leafs /./ leaf / plant
and content of leafs of chlorophyll 10/.1 P1D units. 6"erall+ the o"erlap between the si$e of the corms
and spraying with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg/l to led to register the biggest "alues for the
plants height and the leaf area and the length of inflorescences while the o"erlap between the si$e large
corms and spraying with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg /l led to register the highest "alues of the
recipe of number of lea"es and their content of chlorophyll and decrease the number of days which are
re%uired for the emergence of floral buds. The larger "alues recorded for the recipe of the number of days
that are re%uired for the emergence of floral buds and the number of florets and "ase life has recorded in
the o"erlap between plants that are resulting from small corms and sprayed with ben$yladenine at concen3
tration of *, mg /l
$E%&'(DS) C'(MS. BE*+%, #DE*I*E. -#SE ,I.E. P#C,'B/(#+',. Freesia sp.

The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

1. 78T96D!CT768
The production of ornamental plants and trade of flowers and commerciali$ation them became one of the important busi3
ness in the global arena as the industry of production of ornamental plants and trade of flowers became large and spacious
in our time and occupies a prominent place in the economies of many countries of the world especially the de"eloped
countries which their economy depends on these resources ':assan+ ),,*( and the bulbs of ornamental flowers considered
one of the most beautiful flowers which are rare not finding them in the gardens because of the shape and the color and
time of appearance of their flowers in addition to the aromatic smell of the flowers of some ;inds '<attab and 4asfi 10//(.
=reesia plant considers a member of the 7ridaceae family which belongs to the winter annuals bulbs which belong to the
monocotolydoneae plants which its agricultural importance comes from production of cut flowers or flowering potted plants
as well as aromatic smell of their flowers '1li ),11(.
>any studies such as 1l3 aad '),,,( and 1l3awaf and 1lwan '),1,( on Freesia plants and >ane '),,5( and 1hmed '),,0( on Polianthus tuberosa #. plant and 1l3hay;hli '),1&( on the bulbs of Iris holandric showed that there are many
factors which include the si$e of bulbs affect morally on the recipes of "egetati"e growth for the ornamental plant and e"en
:atam$adeh '),1)( pointed that the commercial farms and the amount of flowers yield depends mainly on the si$e of
the planted bulbs . 6n the other hand+ a lot of researches pointed to the importance of hormonal plants and their impact
on many ornamental plants including ornamental bulbs through earliness and prolongation the coordination age and delay3
ing aging and elongation of the leg and increasing the leaf area and increase the number of floral buds and the number of
flowers in the inflorescences and increasing the length of petals and delaying their fall 'Emongor+ ),,. and <han and
Chaudhry+ ),,2 and ?anows;a+ ),1&(+ the cyto;inin considered one of the plant hormones that play a ;ey role in regulating
the life cycle of the plant cell and many of the e"ents in the e"olutionary plant 'chmulling+ ),,.(. >oreo"er many orna3
mental plants became treated with growth obstacles especially these who grown as flowering potted plants to impro"e the
%uality of the product without a detrimental effect on the morphology of the plant but wor;s at the same time to delay the
plant growth by bloc;ing cell di"ision in the under apical region including paclobutra$ol and cycocel ':enny+ 100, and Dole
and 4il;ins+ ),,*(. Due to the importance of =reesia plant from the economic aesthetic side and the "alidity of flowers for
coordination as well as being one of the important flowering potted plants due to the need of commercial "arieties to the
support to preser"e the integrity of growth+ this study conducted in order to study the effect of the si$e of corms and
spraying with ben$yladenine and paclobutra$ol in recipes of "egetati"e growth and flowering .
). 9EE19C: >1TE971# 18D 7T >ET:6D
The experiment was conducted in a plastic house in the College of Educational for Pure cience / Diyala !ni"ersity for the
period from 6ctober ),1& until 1pril ),1. where the corms of Fressia sp. plants with purple flowers planted on 1,.1,.),1&
in plastic pots at diameter )* cm containing 1) ;g of dried aerobically component such as soil of gardens and animal manure
'sheep( with full decomposition and has "olumetric ration of &- 1- 1 and * cm in depth.
The study included the following factors- the si$e of corms which are di"ided into two si$es depending on the weight of the
corms into small corms which ha"e the a"erage weights of smaller or e%ual to & g and the large corms which ha"e the
a"erage weight of greater than &g o"erlapping with spraying by growth organi$ers@ the ben$yladenine 'A1( at concentration
of )*+ *, mg / l and the paclobutra$ol 'PAB( at concentration of 1, + ), mg /l without o"erlap between them as well as
treatment the comparison which sprayed with distilled water. The growth regulators was sprayed in the early morning and
in two phases+ the first one when there was on the plants two complete papers and the second after the arri"al of plants
to the fifth paper and thus the experiment included two important factors @ the si$e of corms and spraying with growth
regulators as an experiment with the complete randomi$ed design and with four experimental units for each the rates then
compared according to polynomial Duncan test at *C probability 'Daoud and 1bd3 Elias+ 100,(. The data recorded on traits
during the opening of basal rosette of floral inflorescences which included-
(ecipes of !egetati!e gro0th
1. Plant height 'cm(- The measurement done starting from the base of the plant until the top of the longest paper
with metric ruler.
). 8umber of lea"es #eaf/Plant.
&. The leaf area 'cm
/plant( was calculated according to the method that described by 4atson and 4atson '10*&( as
a random sample of the plant has been ta;en one of each treatment then a ;nown area was cut then dried in an
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

electric furnace at a temperature of 5* C until stability of the dry weight and then the area of the leaf cal3
culated according to the following e%uation -

D number of the
;nown lea"es
the dry weight of lea"es D the lea"ed area
#eaf area 'cm
( E
The dried weight of the ;nown leaf area
.. >easuring the chlorophyll content of lea"es using a P1D3*,) chlorophyll meter and by P1D units
(ecipes floral gro0th
*. The number of days re%uired for the emergence of floral buds 'day(- calculated by the number of days from the
date of agriculture until the emergence of floral buds.
2. The length of inflorescences - which measured from the area of the inflorescences emergence of between lea"es
to the top.
5. 8umber of florets / inflorescences.
/. Fase life 'Day(- calculated from the date of pic;ing floral inflorescences when the first basic flower opens until loss
of the "alue of "ase life "alue'4illiom+ 10/5( and using only tap water and at room temperature.
Farious ser"ice operations done for all plants symmetrically which included hoeing the soil and get rid of the de"eloping
bushes and irrigation was conducted manually when the soil dry . 1 program for the pre"ention of diseases used with
the fungicide control sodec which contain )5/g / # and ))) g / # of dimethoate and chlorpyrifos respecti"ely and by 1 g
/ liter for each spray+ the plants sprayed with pesticide >anco$eb /,C to combat biting insects during the emergence
of symptoms of injury.
&. 9E!#T 18D D7C!768
(ecipes of !egetati!e gro0th
Plant height 1cm2
Data in table '1( pointed to outweigh the freesia plants that resulting from culti"ation of large3si$e corms in the recipe of
plant height which e%ual to .&.) cm in comparison with the height of the plants that result from small si$e corms which
are &..5 cm. plants that spayed with bn$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l in their height which was .0.) cm exceeds
morally while the plants that sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg / l showed lower "alues of plant height
which amounting to &).. cm. The o"erlapping data between the si$e of corms and spraying by growth regulators showed
that the highest moral "alues *&., cm recorded in plants heights that result from culti"ation of large corms which sprayed
with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l and this "alue descended to the lowest in the plants that result from
culti"ation of small corms that sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg /l as it amounted to )..* cm.
*umber of lea!es / plant)
The results in the table '1( shows the moral superiority of plants that result from culti"ation of large corms from those
resulting from culti"ation of small corms in the number of lea"es per plant. The plants sprayed with paclobutra$ol at con3
centration of ), mg / l exceeded in the number of lea"es as reached /./ leaf / plant which did not differ significantly from
the treatment with paclobutra$ol at concentration of 1, mg / l and ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l. The data
indicate that the plants resulting from culti"ation of large corms which sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ),
mg /l has recorded the highest moral "alues of the number of lea"es amounting to 0., leaf / plant and has recorded lower
"alues of 5., and leaf / plant in plants resulting from small corms that ha"e not sprayed with growth regulators.

The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014


Table '1(- Effect the si$e corm and spraying with ben$yladenine and with paclobutra$ol in the recipe of plant
height 'cm( and number of lea"es of =reesia sp. plants.
Effect of
corms si$e
Concentration of growth regulator 'mg/l(
i$e of


The plant height 'cm(
&..5 b )..* f &,., e3f .*.* a3c &..* d3e &0., b3e The small
.&.) a .,.& b3d &2., c3e *&., a .2.2 ab .,.& b3d The large
&)..c &&., c .0.) a .,.* b &0.2 b
Effect of
growth reg3
8umber of lea"es
5./ b /.2 ab 5.2 b3d /.& a3c 5.* cd 5., d The small
/.. a 0., a /.2 ab /.2 ab 5.2 b3d /., a3d The large
/./ a /.1 ab /.* a 5.* b 5.* b
Effect of
growth reg3
Falues of the similar letters to each factor or their inter"entions do not differ significantly according to pol3
ynomial Duncan test under probability le"el of *C.
T:E #E1= 19E1 'C>
/ P#18T(-
The plants resulting from culti"ation of large corms exceeded morally which amounting to *0.. cm
'Table )( compared to
a "alue of *..* cm
which recorded for plants resulting from culti"ation of small corms . the plants that sprayed with
ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l in the area of their lea"es which amounting to 2&.2 cm
exceeded o"er plants
of comparison treatment. The o"erlap data indicate that plants resulting from the culti"ation of large si$e which sprayed
with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / # has recorded the highest "alues of 5).& cm
of leaf area and that this
"alue be brought down to a minimum of &/.& cm
in comparison plants resulting from culti"ation of large corms that ha"e
not sprayed with growth regulators.
T:E C68CE8T91T768 6= C:#696P:G## 'P1D !87T(
8oted from the data in table ')( that the freesia plants resulting from large corms has recorded the highest moral "alues of
the concentration of chlorophyll amounting to 1*/.& P1D units compared to plants resulting from the culti"ation of small
si$e corms which amounting to 1&*.* P1D units and the plants that sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg
/ l exceed morally form all other treatments at concentration of chlorophyll amounting to 10/.1 P1D units. The o"erlapping
data shows that plants resulting from the culti"ation of large corms and sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ),
mg / # recorded the highest moral "alues which amounting to ),..1 P1D units while in comparison with plants that result3
ing from culti"ation of small si$e corms.
Table ')(- Effect the si$e of corm and spraying with ben$yladenine and paclobutra$ol in the leaf area 'cm
plant( and the concentration of chlorophyll 'P1D units( in the lea"es of Freesia sp. plants.
Effect of
corms si$e
Concentration of growth regulator'mg/l(
i$e of corms'g(
), 1, *, )* ,
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

The leaf area 'cm
*..* b 21., b3c **.. cd *..0 cd *... cd .2./ d The small
*0.. a 2*.2 ab *&.2 cd 5).& a 25.1 ab &/.& e The large
2&.& a *..* b 2&.2 a 2,.5 a .).* c
Effect of growth
Concentration of chlorophyll 'P1D units(
1&*.* b 10).) b 121.. d 12).& d /0.5 h 5).1 i The small
1*/.& a ),..1 a 1**.1 e 1/1., c 1.).1f 1,0.2 g The large

10/.1 a 1*/.) c 151.2 b 11*.0 d 0,./ e
Effect of growth
Falues of the similar letters for each factor or their inter"entions do not differ significantly according to poly3
nomial Duncan test under probability le"el of *C
9EC7PE 6= =#64E978H H964T:

T:E 8!>AE9 6= D1G 9EI!79ED =69 T:E E>E9HE8CE 6= =#691# A!D 'D1G(-
The results in the table '&( indicate that the culti"ation of plants resulting from the large si$e of freesia corms had an early
flowering as it too; for the emergence of floral buds period amounted to 1&2.. days compared to plants resulting from
small3si$e culti"ation corms which recorded a period amounted to 1.,.2 days. 1nd the time re%uired for the emergence of
floral buds reduced to 1&2.* days in plants that are sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg / l while the
delayed appearance of floral buds to 1.,.2 days when spraying plants ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l. The
o"erlapping data indicate that the plants resulting from culti"ation of large corms and sprayed with paclobutra$ol has re3
duction in the time re%uired for the emergence of floral buds which amounting to 1&*., days while the highest "alues for
the number of days re%uired for the emergence of floral buds amounting to 1.)., days and recorded in plants resulting
from culti"ation of small corms s and sprayed with ben$yladenine and both concentrations under study.
#E8HT: 6= =#64E97 8H 7 8=#69ECE8CE 'C>(-
8oted from the data in the table '&( that the si$e of corms did not ha"e a significant impact on the length of the flowering
inflorescences although the plants resulting from the culti"ation of large corms had gi"en floral inflorescences taller than
the plants resulting from culti"ation of small corms . The highest "alues of the floral corms floral which amounting to &1.*
cm has been recorded in plants that sprayed with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l while spray plants with
paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg / l led to the reduction of the length of floral corms to )..5 cm. 1nd the plants
resulting from the culti"ation of the small si$e of corms which splashed with ben$yladenine at concentration of )* mg / l
recorded higher "alues amounting to &&.& cm and this "alue descended to a minimum of )).5 cm in inflorescences of plants
resulting from the culti"ation of the small si$e corms which sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg/l .
Table '&(- The effect of the si$e of corm and spraying with ben$yladenine and paclobutra$ol in the number of
days re%uired for the emergence of floral buds 'day( and the length of floral corms 'cm( for Freesia sp. plants
Effect of the
si$e of
Concentration of growth regulators'mg/l(
i$e of corms'g( ),

8umber of days re%uired for appearance of floral buds 'day(
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

1.,.2 a 1&/., a3c 1.,.& ab 1.)., a 1.)., a 1.,.2 ab The small
1&2.. b 1&* c 1&..2 c 1&0.& ab 1&2.2 bc 1&2.& bc The large
1&2.* b 1&5.* b 1.,.2 a 1&0.& ab 1&/.* ab
Effect of growth reg3
#ength of floral inflorescences
)5., a )).5 d )*.1 cd &,., a3c &&.& a ).., cd The small
)0., a )2.2 a3d )5.& a3d &&.1 a )*.* b3d &).& ab The large
)..5 b )2.) b &1.* a )0.. ab )/.1 ab
Effect of growth reg3
Falues of the similar letters to each factor or its inter"entions do not differ significantly according to polynomial
Duncan test under le"el of probability e%ual to * C
8!>AE9 6= =#69ET / 78=#69ECE8CE
The results in the table '.( show superiority of the plants that resulting from culti"ation of large corms in comparison with
the plants resulting from culti"ation of small corms in the recipe of number of florets. praying plants with growth regulators
led to increase in the number of florets per inflorescences in comparison with plants of comparison. 7t seems clear from the
o"erlapping data that the highest "alues of 11., floret/ inflorescences recorded in plants resulting from culti"ation of small
corms and sprayed with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / # in comparison with plants of comparison that resulting
from culti"ation of small corms and recorded a "alue amounted to 5.& floret/ inflorescences.
T:E F1E #7=E 'D1G(
Data in Table '.( referred to the significant superiority of the cut inflorescences of plants that resulting from culti"ation of
large corms in the recipe of "ase life as recorded 11./ days before the appearance of signs of wilt in comparison to "ase life
of the cut inflorescences of plants that resulting from culti"ation of small corms which amounting to1,.5 days. praying
plants with growth regulators which are under study shows the increase the life of the "ase life of the cut inflorescences
and recorded the highest "alues of 1).* days when sprayed with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l. The o"erlap3
ping data indicate that the highest "alues has recorded 1&., days of "ase life from the plants that resulting from the culti"a3
tion of the small si$e of freesia corms and this "alue has declined to 0., days in the life of the "ase life of comparison plants
that resulting from culti"ation of small corms
Table '.(- The effect of si$e of corm and spraying with ben$yladenine and paclobutra$ol in the number of
florets / inflorescences and "ase life 'day( for =reesia sp. plants.
Effect of
corms si$e
Concentration of growth regulators'mg/l(
i$e of corms
8umber of inflorescences
0.. b 1,., a 0.* a 11., a 0.* a 5.& b small
1,.) a 0.2 a 1,.1 a 1,.& a 1,.2 a 1,.& a large
0./ ab 0./ ab 1,.2 a 1,., ab /./ b
Effect of
growth regula3
The "ase life
1,.5 b 11.* a3c 0.* cd 1&., a 1,.* b3d 0., d small
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

11./ a 1)., ab 1)., ab 1)., ab 11.* a3c 11.*a3c large

11.5 a3b 1,.5 b 1).* a 11.3 a3b 1,.) b
Effect of
growth regula3
The "alues of similar letters to each factor or their inter"entions do not differ significantly according to pol3
ynomial Duncan test under le"el of probability of *C
6"erall+ the results of the current study indicate that the use of freesia corms of large si$e led to a significant increase in all
the %ualities of the "egetati"e growth of the plants produced from them which contain the recipe of plant height and the
number of lea"es and the leaf area and the concentration of chlorophyll in the lea"es+ these results are consistent with the
findings of the aad '),,,( on freesia plants and 1ddai and cott '),11( on the :yacinth and lily plants + the cause may be
attributed to the amount of stored food such as carbohydrates which increases with the si$e of corms as well as the degree
of physiological maturity and which is reflected on the strength plant growth and then reflected on the floral growth recipes
+ as the plants that resulting from culti"ation of large3si$ed corms outperformed morally than plants that resulting from
small si$ed corms in the recipe of the number of days re%uired for flowering and these results are consistent with the
findings of the >oradian '10/&( on the Gladiolus plant and hay;hli '),1&( on the iris plant and superiority was morally in
e"ery recipe of the number of florets per each inflorescences and the coordinating age of inflorescences as well as the
increase in the length of floral inflorescences and this is in accordance to what 1l3aad found '),,,( on the freesia plant and
>ane '),,5(.
The moral superiority which of the plants that sprayed with ben$ialadenine in the recipe of plant height with increase in
concentration may be due to the role of cyto;inin of increasing the cell di"ision and the addition of new cells to the plant
'>a$her ),11(+ the plants that treated with paclobutra$ol recorded the lower "alues in plant height and in this direc3
tion se"eral studies suggest that the growth obstacles effect on the biosynthesis of jprlin by inhibiting it through turning in
its built way 'Chaney+ ),,*( so the growth obstacles ha"e an effect opposite to the jbrlin their effects not appear in de"el3
oping tops but appear in the sub apical parts by inhibition cell elongation 'aleh+ 1001(. The results showed that the largest
leaf area recorded when the plants sprayed with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l although the biggest "alues of
the number of lea"es recorded in the plants that are sprayed with paclobutra$ol at concentration of ), mg / l and this result
could be explained on the basis that the estimation of the leaf area depended on the "alue of dry weight of ;nown area
which indicate that the lea"es of plants treated at concentration of *, mg / liter of ben$yladenine was thic;er and richer in
content of dry matter which was reflected in recording the larger "alues. The data of lea"es content of chlorophyll show
that spraying plants at concentration ), mg / l of paclobutra$ol has recorded the highest moral "alues and has been at3
tributed that according to Hrossmann '100)( in his study about soybean and ebastian '),,)( on the clo"es plant that
treatment plants with growth inhibitors increases the content of plant of the cyto;inin which plays an important role in the
differentiation and de"elopment of chloroplast and wor;s on the construction of chlorophyll and inhibit its destruction
':organ+ 10/.(and this is what confirmed by the recorded "alue confirms the of the content of lea"es of chlorophyll during
treatment of plants with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l and this determines in the same direction the effect
of spraying plants at concentration of ), mg / l with paclobutra$ol in the number of lea"es which recorded the highest
"alues which did not differ significantly during the treatment at concentration of *, mg / l with ben$yladenine because of
regulatory role of cyto;inin in in the formation of lea"es through the promotion of cell di"ision at the de"eloping top and
their differentiation into lea"es.
The increase in the number of days re%uired for the emergence of floral buds directly proportional with the increased in the
concentration of the used ben$yladenine 'Table 1( may be as the result of the lengthening the bully phase of plants as said
1bd3Elhamid '100&( that the o"erlapping between the cyto;inin and some internal hormones may lead to inhibit the
emergence of buds. 1nd that the increase in the length of the inflorescences bearer during treatment with ben$yladenine
may be due to the effecti"e role of cyto;inin in increasing the concentration of internal gibberellin which led to increase cell
di"ision and their elongation '1bdoul 1001(. 1lso the accumulation of nutrients in the plant which sprayed with growth
regulators may has a role in increasing the number of florets / inflorescences in comparison with the treatment comparison
and the results obser"ed in the data of "ase life reinforce this interpretation as noted that spraying plants with ben$ylade3
nine and paclobutra$ol and in different concentrations adopted in the experiment increased the "ase life although they are
no different morally form comparison treatment which may be attributed to the increase in the content of plants from
carbohydrates which would be reflected on the content of the flowers of carbohydrates which as a result on the content of
The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

flowers because they are the main source of energy in the plant cell and this increase reflected on the coordination age+ as
reported by Capde"ille'),,&( that there are many reasons for the role of carbohydrates 'such as sucrose( in prolong
the age of the coordinating flowers such as maintaining the structure and function of mitochondria and other organelles in
the cell and its role in regulating the withdrawal of water and minerals to the "essels of wood through the control of tran3
spiration as well as the highest "alues of the "ase life which registered for the inflorescences which cut from plants that
sprayed with ben$yladenine at concentration of *, mg / l may be due to the role of cyto;inins in maintaining the permea3
bility of cell membranes and water balance 'Aufler 10/,( or its role in inhibition protein analy$ing and 981 in plant
cells as it wor;s at its accumulation sites on the withdrawal of nutrients and free amino acids and sugars '4asfi+100*( and
that the existence of ideal concentration wor;s to reduce the sensiti"ity of flowers to ethylene and thus delay florets wilting
and falling them which terminates the "ase life of them 'an;hla ),,* (. 7t is noted that the results ta;en an in"erse
relationship with the concentrations of paclobutra$ol in the recipe of the period re%uired for the emergence of floral buds
and the length of floral inflorescences which may explain according to the role of paclobutra$ol in obstruction the effect of
gibberellin 'H1&( 'cott 1000( through its role in the inhibition of biosynthesis of gibberellin or interference with its
effects or e"en speed up the destruction process and therefore this is also reflected on reducing its role in the decomposition
of starch into sugars in the lea"es and flowers which is reflected in the impro"ement of the coordination age by impro"ing
water balance where through increasing the dissol"ed parts in the cell and thus withdraw larger amounts of water 'Emongor+
),,. and :op;ins and :uner+ ),,.'.
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ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014

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The Swedish Journal of Scientific Research (sjsr)
ISSN: 2001-9211. Volume 1. Issue 6. November 2014


#ddress for correspondence)
Author: Dr. Muthana M. Ibrahim, College of Education for Pure Science/ Dep. Biology/Diyala University.

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