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獲得幫助現在-撥打(212)343-1122。 Get help now – Call (212) 343-1122.

有許多網站,可以給你更多的幫助和資料。 There are many websites that can give

you more help and information. 按普通類上看到下面列出的網站就這一議題: Click
on the general category below to see a list of sites on that topic:

 紐約法院 New York Courts

 法律服務 Legal Services
 政府機構 Government Agencies
 刑事司法系統信息 Criminal Justice System Information
 犯罪受害者服務 Crime Victim Services
 服務這些指控或定罪的罪行及其家屬 Services for Those Accused or
Convicted of Crimes and Their Families
 網站的兒童和青少年 Sites for Children and Teens
 其它有用的鏈接 Other Helpful Links

紐約法院 New York Courts

家事法庭 -一般資料,縣法院的形式提供下載和打印。 Family Court - General

information by county and court forms available to download and print.

 查找下一個開庭時間為家事法庭案件 。 Find the next court date for a Family

Court case .

刑事法院 -一般資料。 Criminal Court - General information.

 查找下一個法庭的日期為刑事法院的案件 。 Find the next court date for a

Criminal Court case .
 刑事法院的常見問題 -答案對刑事法院的問題。 Criminal Court FAQs -
Answers to questions about Criminal Court.

紐約州法院系統信息 -所有紐約法院。 New York State Court System Information -

All New York Courts.
最高法院 (處理刑事重罪案件和非刑事民事案件) -一般信息。 Supreme Court
(handles criminal felony cases and non-criminal civil cases) - general information.

法律服務 Legal Services

美國退休人員協會 -法律信息祖父母。 AARP - Legal information for grandparents.

提倡為兒童 -法律服務的家庭誰遇到的問題獲得適當的教育服務為自己的孩子。
Advocates for Children – Legal services for families who are experiencing problems in
obtaining appropriate educational services for their children.

劍橋能源研究協會法律熱線 -鏈接到法律熱線,免費為老人。 CERA Legal

Hotlines - Links to free legal hotlines for seniors.

中心的家庭代表 -法律幫助的人與 ACS 的參與。 Center for Family Representation -

Legal help for people with ACS involvement.

GMHC 法律股 -法律服務和宣傳的個人生活與艾滋病毒/艾滋病。 GMHC Legal

Unit - Legal services and advocacy for individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

艾滋病法律項目 -免費法律服務的民間艾滋病毒抗體陽性者。 HIV Law Project –

Free civil legal services for HIV-positive individuals.

了 InMotion 公益律師代表 -免費的法律代表對低收入婦女。 InMotion Pro Bono

Lawyer Representation – Free legal representation for low-income women.

LawHelp -關於如何獲得免費的法律服務全國。 LawHelp - Information on how to

access free legal services nationwide.

律師為兒童 -法律服務兒童寄養。 Lawyers for Children – Legal services for children

in foster care.

法律援助協會 -免費法律服務。 Legal Aid Society – Free legal services.

法律服務的紐約 -免費的法律服務為低收入紐約。 Legal Services of New York –

Free legal services for low-income New Yorkers.

紐約市律師正義中心 -免費的法律信息和諮詢意見。 New York City Bar Justice

Center - Free legal information and advice.
紐約的律師為公眾利益 -在民事法律援助事項,如住房,公民權利和公民自由,
殘疾人權利,就業和歧視。 New York Lawyers for the Public Interest – Legal
assistance in civil matters such as housing, civil rights and civil liberties, disability rights,
employment, and discrimination.

紐約法律援助團 -法律諮詢和代理低收入客戶。 New York Legal Assistance Group

– Legal advice and representation to low-income clients.

在門 -法律和社會服務的青年年齡 12 - 21。The Door – Legal and social services for

youth ages 12 - 21.

政府機構 Government Agencies

可信紐約 -一項免費服務,識別和屏幕超過 30 市,州和聯邦人類服務的福利計

劃。 ACCESS NYC - a free service that identifies and screens for over 30 City, State, and
Federal human service benefit programs.

政府為兒童服務(ACS) Administration for Children's Services (ACS)

政府對兒童和家庭-頭開始局 Administration for Children and Families - Head Start


理事會選舉 -選民登記紐約市居民。 Board of Elections - Voter registration for New

York City residents.

圈的支持 -加勒比國家聯盟支持小組培育,親屬關係,和養父母。 Circle of

Support - ACS support group for foster, kinship, and adoptive parents.

部青年和社區發展 -一個清單父道組織提供的服務和他們的子女的父親。
Department of Youth and Community Development - A list of Fatherhood Initiative
providers that serve fathers and their children.

區檢察官辦公室- (地區檢察官起訴的罪行): District Attorney's Offices - (the

District Attorney prosecutes crimes):

 布朗克斯 Bronx
 布魯克林 Brooklyn
 曼哈頓 Manhattan
 皇后 Queens
 斯塔騰島 Staten Island

紐約市的平民申訴審查委員會 -關於申請的紐約警察局投訴。 New York City

Civilian Complaint Review Board – Information on filing an NYPD complaint.

紐約市人權委員會 -關於申報歧視的投訴。 New York City Commission on Human

Rights - Information on filing discrimination complaints.

紐約市健康與心理衛生 -信息獲取出生或死亡證明書或要求的變化。 New York

City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene - Information on obtaining a birth or death
certificate or requesting changes.

紐約市無家可歸者服務部 -社區無家可歸預防服務。 New York City Department of

Homeless Services – Community homeless prevention services.

紐約市辦公室的全市健康保險 -關於公共健康計劃的資格準則及保險紐約: New

York City Office of Citywide Health Insurance Access - Information on public health
programs and eligibility guidelines for uninsured New Yorkers:

紐約市警察局 -常見問題。 New York City Police Department - FAQs.

紐約市網站 -上市和信息為所有紐約市的政府機構。 New York City Website –

Listing and information for all NYC Government agencies.

紐約州部 , 住房和社區重建 -以社區為基礎的房屋組織。 New York State Division

of Housing and Community Renewal - Community-based housing organizations.

紐約州臨時辦公室和殘疾援助 -兒童支持信息和小冊子,可供下載。 New York

State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance - Child support information and
pamphlets available for download.

紐約州的家長教育和意識項目 -認證的名單提供全州,幫助父母分居或離婚的影
響,更好地了解他們的解體對孩子,給他們的資源,以方便。 New York State
Parent Education and Awareness Program - A list of certified providers throughout the
state that help separating or divorcing parents better understand the effects of their breakup
on their children and give them resources to make it easier. 或直接下載這裡 。 Or
download directly here .
辦公室的兒童和家庭服務防止虐待兒童 -常見問題。 Office of Children and Family
Services Child Abuse Prevention - Frequently asked questions.

謝里夫或警察部門 -全國上市。 Sheriff or Police Departments – Nationwide listings.

社會保障局 Social Security Administration

刑事司法系統信息 Criminal Justice System Information

傳訊信息提供的律師事務所擰及美利。 Arraignment Information provided by law

firm Shally & Murray.

台外觀票務體(DAT)信息提供的律師事務所擰及美利。 Desk Apperance Ticket

(DAT) Information provided by law firm Shally & Murray.

布朗克斯捍衛者 -常見問題的刑法。 The Bronx Defenders - FAQs on criminal law.

法律援助協會 -常見問題和出版物刑法。 Legal Aid Society - FAQs and publications

on criminal law.

國家刑事司法文獻服務 -常見問題和出版物對刑事司法系統。 National Criminal

Justice Reference Service - FAQs and publications about the criminal justice system.

犯罪受害者服務 Crime Victim Services

紐約州總檢察長辦公室 -犯罪受害者的人權法案。 New York State Attorney

General's Office - Crime Victim's Bill of Rights.

犯罪 利民工程 -目錄的機構提供援助的全國犯罪受害者。 Crime- Grassroots Project - Directory of agencies nationwide providing assistance to
crime victims.

美國全國犯罪受害者 -信息和協助所有犯罪受害者和網上圖書館的出版物。
National Center for Victims of Crime - Information and assistance to all crime victims and
an online library of publications.
美國全國犯罪受害者 -青少年信息犯罪的受害者。 National Center for Victims of
Crime - Information for teen victims of crime.

美國全國犯罪受害者 -信息和幫助受害婦女的家庭暴力。 National Center for

Victims of Crime - Information and assistance for women victims of domestic violence.

全國犯罪受害者律師協會 -信息對受害者的有關啟動民事案件對肇事者。
National Crime Victim Bar Association - Information for victims about starting civil cases
against their perpetrators.

紐約市 02415 性侵犯 -有關的信息和資源性暴力在紐約市。 New York City Alliance

Against Sexual Assault - Information and resources concerning sexual violence in New
York City.

紐約州犯罪受害人委員會 -信息有關獲取犯罪受害者的援助和福利。 New York

State Crime Victims Board - Information for crime victims about getting assistance and

服務這些指控或定罪的罪行及其家屬 Services for Those Accused or Convicted of

Crimes and Their Families

哥倫比亞大學法學院 -阿手冊權利的人誰是被監禁。 Columbia University Law

School - A manual on the rights of somebody who is incarcerated.

財富會 -曾坐過牢的服務,以人民和風險青年。 Fortune Society - Services to

formerly incarcerated people and at-risk youth.

紐約州統一法律系統 -刑事司法系統的手冊寫的被告。 New York State Unified

Court System - Criminal justice system handbook written for defendants.

紐約州懲教設施 -找到一個犯人在任何國家的懲教設施。 New York State

Department of Correctional Facilities - Locate an inmate in any state correctional facility.

紐約更正教所部查詢後續服務 -找到一個犯人在紐約市的一個監獄使用的基本信
息。 NYC Department of Correction Inmate Look-up Service - Locate an inmate in a NYC
jail using basic information.
紐約部校正 -信息如何傳送包囚犯的規則,對訪問的犯人,解決了紐約市懲教設
施,常見問題,等等。 NYC Department of Correction - Info on how to send packages
to inmates, the rules on visiting an inmate, addresses of NYC correctional facilities, FAQs,
and more.

奧斯本協會 -服務對被監禁者,以前被監禁,和他們的家人。 Osborne Association

- Services for the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and their families.

女子監獄協會 -服務和宣傳婦女誰在當前或事先參與在刑事司法系統。 Women's

Prison Association - Services and advocacy for women who have current or prior
involvement in the criminal justice system.

婦女在監獄項目 -服務來以前,被關押的婦女,包括領導能力培訓。 Women in

Prison Project - Services to formerly-incarcerated women, including leadership training.

其它有用的鏈接 Other Helpful Links

蜂巢 -信息和資金方面的資源,衛生,就業,學校和家庭在紐約市。 The Beehive

- Information and resources regarding money, health, jobs, school and family in NYC.

布魯克林祖父母聯盟 -支持祖父母。 Brooklyn Grandparents Coalition - Support for


兒童福利信息網關 -詞彙兒童福利方面翻譯成西班牙文。 Child Welfare Information

Gateway - Glossary of child welfare terms translated into Spanish.

兒童福利組織項目 ,信息和支持,其子女在寄養。 Child Welfare Organizing

Project –Information and support for parents whose children are in foster care.

懲教協會紐約 -宣傳組織更好的刑事司法政策。 Correctional Association of New

York - Advocacy organization for better criminal justice policies.

醫療保險權利中心 -關於醫療保險權利。 Medicare Rights Center - Information on

Medicare Rights.

全國法律援助和後衛協會 -提供宣傳和資源,誰代表律師低收入客戶。 National

Legal Aid and Defender Association - Providing advocacy and resources for lawyers who
represent low-income clients.
紐約市關心一線 -熱線,提供各種資源,紐約青年。 New York City Youthline -
Hotline providing various resources to NYC youth.

紐約債務幫助 -有用資源與追收欠款。 New York Debt Help - Helpful resource about

debt collection.

紐約證券交易委員會親屬導航 -提供信息和轉介親屬照顧者在紐約州。 NYS

Kinship Navigator - Provides information and referrals to kinship caregivers across New
York State. -支持誰的律師提供法律援助,囚犯(罪犯和審前拘留者)方面的條
件,其限制或待遇的監獄工作人員。 - Supports lawyers who are
providing legal assistance to prisoners (convicts and pre-trial detainees) with respect to the
conditions of their confinement or their treatment by prison personnel. -材料律師,社會服務提供者,倡導者和政策改革和對大氣層的影響
刑事訴訟。 - Materials for attorneys, social service providers, and policy
reform advocates on reentry and the consequences of criminal proceedings.

安全地平線 -信息和援助受害者的罪行,包括家庭暴力(所有紐約個區)。 Safe

Horizon – Information and assistance for victims of crimes, including domestic violence
(all NYC boroughs).

單親資源中心 Single Parent Resource Center

美國鄰里之家 -關於社區或社區中心,提供多元化的社會服務。 United

Neighborhood Houses – Information on community or neighborhood centers which
provide a wide range of social services.

女子監獄協會 -提供服務和宣傳的婦女誰在當前或事先參與在刑事司法系統。
Women's Prison Association - Provides services and advocacy to women who have current
or prior involvement in the criminal justice system.

如果您有一個有益的建議,鏈接或有任何問題,瀏覽此網頁,請發郵件至。 If you have a suggestion for a helpful link or have a problem
viewing anything on this page, please email us at .
升降機這裡幫助。 LIFT is here to help.

致電客戶服務熱線(212)343-1122。 Call our Hotline at (212) 343-1122.

觀賞紐約證券交易委員會 DCSE 的視頻兒童支持: Watch NYS DCSE's video on

Child Support:
你需要了解兒童支援和服務聽證會 What You Need to Know about Child Support
Hearings and Services

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