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Tams GAUSZ and Zsanna GAUSZ
Department of Aircraft and Ships
Budapest University of technology and Economics
H-1521 Budapest, Hungary
Received: November 8. 2006

The rotor blade of a helicopter has difficult motions during flight. At first could be mentioned the motion is
caused by the advance of rotorcraft and rotary motion of the blade. The flapping, lagging and feathering motions
are the basic forms of motion too. The above mentioned motions are the motions of rigid rotor blade. The
bending and feathering vibration of the rotor blade are those motions caused by the flexibility. By this reason the
rotor blade could have a lot of degree of freedom. In this paper the effect of fuselage rotation on the motion of
rotor blade have been investigated. For the purpose of this investigation a simple mathematical-physical model
has been chosen. This dynamical model includes only the advance, rotary, flapping and feathering motions. The
aerodynamic model use the most simple triangle induced velocity distribution.
For the interest of analysis a general mathematical-physical model has been accomplished. This model has not
any closed regular solution against the large number of simplification. Because of this problem a numerical
analysis have been carried out the base of details of MD-500 rotorcraft. Such type of analysis limits the general
validation of the model. In our opinion the results of the computation could be seen as feature or in a given case
the computation could be repeated with details of an other type of helicopter.
In this numerical example the parameter of MD-500 helicopters motion were the follows: the inflow ratio
was = 0.049 and the advance ratio was = 0.175 . This state of motion is a very frequent one in case of
advance flight.


As it has been written in the introduction the most simple triangle induced velocity
distribution has been applied. On the base of [3] it could be expressed as follows:

e + xl
vi ( xl , r ) = vi 0 1 + K
cos r ;

xl - is the distance along the rotor blade (figure 1);


r - is the angle of azimuth (figure 1);

K - is a constant, presently in the computation is 0.8.

This model has been applied in all cases in this publication, because of by this
reason the aerodynamic model does not acts directly on the motions of rotor blades [6].
The model could be developed different directions too. The aerodynamic model would
be applied in the following investigations, gives the aerodynamic forces in accordance
with the geometry and state of motion of the rotor blade.

The figure 1 shows the applied coordinate systems. The motions of rotorcraft have
been given in a fuselage-fixed coordinate system (x y z). The rotor blades motion has
been assumed as rigid structure has been studied in the blade-fixed coordinate system.
This is the (xt yt zt) system. In the figure 1 could be seen the following coordinate
systems: the rotor-fixed but not twisted one (xr yr zr); the rotor-fixed and twisted one
(xf yf zf) and the blade longitudinal axis-fixed but not feather one (xl yl zl). Those
ones were mentioned after the first two coordinate systems are necessary for different
transformations [4].
The contact between the coordinate systems have a common origin could be described
with different rotation matrixes. In case of displaced origins a special set-off
transformation shall be applied. The turnings could be described with the follow
rr = D r ;
r f = H rr ;
rl = G r f ;
rt = M rl ;
1 0 0
cos r sin r 0

D = 0 1 0 ;
H = sin r cos r 0;
0 0
cos l
G = 0
sin l

0 sin l

0 ; M = 0 cos t
0 sin t
0 cos l

Fig. 1 Coordinate systems

sin t .
cos t

Turning are defined with (2), (3), (4) and (5) formulas. The indexes show that
system wherein vectors are described. By this reason turning could be concerned to
the coordinate systems on the base of indexes. The set-off transformation could be seen
in the figure 1.
The combined transformation could be carried out with common application of the
above mentioned sub-transformation. As an example let us to determine the angular
velocity of fuselage what is given in body fixed coordinate system in the blade
coordinate system:
t = M G H D ;


The index shows the type of coordinate system left side of equation in the (6)
expression. The components of angular velocity are the rolling x, the pitching y, and
the yawing z angular velocities.
The motion of rotor blades could be written with the rotary vector differential
equation of non inertial frames in case of given conditions [4]:

+ ( ) = M 0 ( s a 0 ) m ;
- angular velocity of rotor blade;
- tensor of rotor blades inertia;
M0 - resultant moment acting on rotor blade, concerning the origin of the chosen
coordinate system;
s - radius vector of the centre of gravity of the rotor blade;
a 0 - acceleration of the chosen coordinate systems origin.
During the real computation the members of (7) vector differential equation get a
further t index, because of the computation was carried out in the (xt yt zt)
coordinate system. By this reason it can be seen that an angular velocity and
acceleration components appear in the chosen coordinate system, due to the t angle
change caused by the flapping motion and control system too. Further the time
derivatives would be changed to derivatives of azimuth:
 l =

d l d r
= l' ;
d r d t


This goes to show that if the angular velocity of rotor shaft could be seen as a
constant value than the time derivatives are equal to the product of the azimuth
derivatives and angular velocity.
Finally on the base of kinematical constraint on the blade, the equation of yt
component of the (7) differential equation is necessary and adequate to write the
investigated movement. The particular description of the equation needs a large place

so only the left first component of (7) equation (the time derivative of angular velocity)
has been printed as an example:

= t' sin t ( x sin r + y cos r ) + l' +


{cos [(



+ )]} +
+ )]}

cos r y sin r ) + 2 l'' + {sin t sin l ( x sin r y cos r ) } +

{ cos [sin ( cos

{sin [ cos ( cos +


+ y sin r ) + cos l ( z

sin r ) l' sin ( z

The apostrophe shows the azimuth derivatives in the (9) expression too. The last
member in the first bracket by the second row of right side, is the second derivative of
the flapping angle. During the numerical simulation this value shall be computed,
while the other members are accounted as known ones. This is apparently not realistic,
but with the iteration procedure the right solution could be approximated
asymptotically. The solution really do not perturb after six-eight rotations, so this one
could be seen as the searched approximation. It is not common with our intention to
write particularly the further components and final computation formula.
The conventional rotorcraft control systems were designed decades ago [1, 5, 8].
Today the most helicopter use same systems too. Our example MD 500 helicopter also
has hinged blade joins and conventional control system.
In case of control the pilot or any automatic system modify the p parameter as
the following manner:
p = p 0 + p1 cos r + p 2 sin r ;
On the right side f the expression the first component describe the common, the
second one generally describe the pitch, and the third one generally describe the roll
control. The generally description is caused by the built in advance of real control
systems due to the delayed movement of rotor blades.

Fig. 2 Conventional control system

On the base of figure 2 could be written the control law of rotor blades:
p r0 e

tan l ;

t = Arc sin


The control coefficients and flapping angle also change in the function of azimuth
so appear the feathering motion and its angular velocity and acceleration too. If all
components would be considered correctly differently from conventional way by
the computation of them, then the angular velocity is [6]:
p1 sin r + p 2 cos r r0 e l'
f cos 2 l

t' =

cos ;


and the angular acceleration:

p cos p sin
r e
+ 0

t'' =

( )

2 l'

cos 2 l cos 2 l

+ sin '

( ) cos1


Using the (11), (12) and (13) equations the conventional expressions could be
reached with the reduction of the assumption of small flapping and feathering angle.
Using the whole formula is without any reduction could be allowed in case of
numerical analysis.
The rotor blades movement has been investigated numerically with the above
mentioned aerodynamic-dynamic model. This goes to show practically that the
computation could be started with homogeneous initial conditions and the equation of
movement could be integrated as far as a Poincare limit cycle could be reached with
the solution [2]. The limit cycle reaching has been investigated with Cauchy integral
convergence test [2].

Fig. 3 Graph of phase plane

It has to be noted that the limit cycle appeared really partly same as to be shown by
figure 3, but partly shows the signs of deterministic chaos namely the points of the
phase plane run in a finite with strip instead of only closed curve. This finite with strip
suit to improper ring could be called as the bounded especial attractor of the chaotic
solution [2].
It is an important property of the numeric solution that the rotor blade movement in
downward direction is slowly than upward. This could be ascertained both on the base
of the asymmetry of the curve in the figure 3. and with the analysis of numeric results.
In the base case of the computation example the rotor blade has moved downward
during a 196 degrees range of azimuth angle, respectively by this way it has moved
upward during a 164 degrees range of azimuth angle. This fact is very important
because of the harmonious approximation of the rotor blades movement could be
more difficult approximated by this behaviour.
The effects of control system have been considered with a non-linear model in the
computation. The figure 4 shows difference between the linearized and realistic control
model, in the basic case of computation. Somewhere this difference is insignificant,
but near the maximum flapping angle it reaches 10 percents and the angle has been
calculated on the base of realistic model is less than other one has been calculated on
the base of linearized model. Generally the difference is large where the flapping angle
is large and the second derivative of this angle is also large there.

Fig. 4 Linearized and non linearized control


In case of yawing motion the z angular velocity component is not equal to zero.
This type of additional movement increases or decreases the angular velocity of rotor
around the rotor shaft. In the body fixed coordinate system the sense of this rotation is
negative to the rotor system. In accordance with this in case of positive z the coning
angle decrease 0.45 degree and the rotor cone tilts backward 0.35 degree due to the
deceleration of rotors angular velocity. In case of negative z the coning angle
increase 0.44 degree and the rotor cone tilts forward 0.35 degree relatively to the
normal position.

Fig. 5 Investigation of yawing motion

The sideward tilt of rotor in normal position was 1.77 degree and it has been
changed small ( 0.06 degree) due to yaw. This goes to show that the movement of
rotor blade is relatively not sensitive to the yawing motion.

Fig. 6 Investigation of rolling motion

The rolling motion acts very small on the conic angle but major change has been
computed on lateral and longitudinal tilting. In case of positive x the rotor cone tilts
forward 1.7 degree and 1 degree to the left side relatively to the normal position. .
In case of negative x the rotor cone tilts backward 2 degrees and 1 degree to the
right side. The tendencies of lateral tilting could be accounted in advance. Flapping
magnitude increasing about 4 degrees is very essential in case of negative x.

Fig. 7 Investigation of pitching motion

The rotor blades are most sensitive to the pitching motion of fuselage. In case of
nose-down pitching the rotor tilts 1 degree to left side and 0.5 degree backwards, in
case of nose-up pitching the rotor tilts to the right side 1 degree and 0.5 degree
forward relatively to the normal position. The magnitude of flapping motion decrease
1.8 degree in case of nose-up pitching and in case of nose-down pitching increase 3
The rotary motion of helicopter fuselage separately produces a significant influence
on the movement of rotor blades. Tilting of rotor cone indicate change in the force and
moment relations, that must be followed with control in spite of the fact that these
motions are created basically by the control system. The yawing motion has the
smallest influence, the influence of rolling motion is higher, but the pitching motion
has the highest influence. In case of the last two motions the magnitude of flapping
motion would be increased strongly causing a dangerous situation between rotor blades
and tail boom.

[1] Bramwell, A.R.S.: Helicopter Dynamics, Edward-Arnold Ltd, 1976
[2] Bronstein Szemengyajev.: Mathematical Handbook (in hungarian) Budapest,
[3] Galuert, H.: On Horizontal Flight of a Helicopter. R&M No. 1157, 1928
[4] Gausz, T.: Helikopterek. BME Mrnktovbbkpz Intzet Budapest, 1982.
[5] , . .: 1
[6] Stepniewsky, W. Z.- Keys, C. N.: Rotary-Wing Aerodynamics; Dover
Publications, Inc., New York 1984.
[7] Szilgyi, D.: Aerodynamic and Dynamic Investigation of Rotor Blade Loads
PhD Dissertation, 2003 TUB Budapest
[8] Young, R.A.: Helicopter Engineering, Ronald Press Comany, New-York, 1949

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