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Kindly refer to the rules(below) for the debates

The MC (master of the ceremony) will also preside over the debates and will
also be responsible for keeping time and conducting the event smoothly.
1. There will be two teams.
Team A
Team B
All participants in favour of the assigned topics will be Team A and all that
are speaking against the assigned topics will be Team B.
2. The participants must speak in favour of or against the topic. No neutral
conclusions can be drawn for the given topic by any of the participant.
3. The person in favour of the topic will start first and will initially
speak for 3 minutes.
4. The person speaking against the topic will follow and present his
arguments for 3 minutes.
5. The person in favour will be given an additional 1 or 2 minutes
to answer to the opponents view point or to further augment her/his
point of view.
6. The person speaking against the topic will also be subsequently
given another 1 or 2 minutes to further present her/his views against
the topic and against their opponent.
7. Each person will be given a total of 4-5 minutes to speak
8. Where a general introduction to the topic is required participants must
make use of audio visual aids including pictures, videos and multimedia
for the purpose of providing a general introduction to the topic however,
this should not take more than 3 minutes.
9. Profanity, obscene remarks, religious extremism, racial or
sectarian bias and social prejudice is not allowed. (If a student is
observed making use of the aforementioned during her/his speech then
s/he will immediately be disqualified and be given an F).
10. Participants must dress formally.
11. The decision of the person working as adjudicator will be final.

Marks Distribution

a. Matter =
b. Method =
c. Manner =


The content of the speech the facts and figures on which the argument
is based.
It may include historical references, quotes, events, statistics and
Matter must consist of logical arguments supported with relevant
There must be more than one logical argument.
The method is the general structure in which a speech should be
delivered that is a proper beginning (an introduction), middle and a
proper conclusion.
There should be no repetition of the ideas.
A clear clash must be established with the opposition.
The manner of delivery includes accent, eye contact, body language,
vocal quality, stress and intonation.
The participants must know where to stress and where to pause.
Palm cards may also be utilized but paper reading is not allowed.
General Rules:
1. General Discipline must be observed by the participants and the
2. If a team member will create disruption then the entire team will be
graded F.
3. It a team member will indulge in unnecessary arguments then the
entire team will be graded F.
4. If a participant will take more than the allocated time then s/he will
be disqualified.
5. If a participant from any team refuses to speak then the entire
teams marks will be deducted.

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