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“The education and the mechanisms

Hidden of the Alienación”


In review of sciences of the education, Buenos Aires. Vol. 4, No. 11 , April 1974.
The education and the hidden mechanisms of the alienation

Telma Barreiro de Nudler

“I ask pardon for this, to the teachers that in awful conditions try to turn against the ideology,
against the system and against the trainings of those who are missionary, the little arms that they can find
in the history and the knowledge that they “enseñan”. It are they a species of main characters. But they are strange;
many ( the majority ) not have not at least a beginning of suspicion of the "work" that the system ( that surpasses
them and it flattens ) obliges to them carry out; worse even.. they put all your pledge and ingenuity to fulfill one's
obligations to it finishes off directive ( the famous new methods!)”.
Louis Althusser

Fundamentación theoretical.

The main hypothesis that it outlines in this work is that:

The education contributes, in a |alienante| society, to feed the formation of a

paradigm for which the conscience of the man remains marginated of thoses aspects
of the reality that they are more vital you.

I. The concept of alienation.

If we had to mention a term whose current diffusion is so wide that the specter of
your use hatched the philosophical, sociological, psychological literature and still politics
of our days difficulty find a better example that those of "alienation".
The profuse employment in debt at present for this term is not, in our judgment,
casual. There is certain ideas, certain forms of categorizing or perceive a certain aspect
of the reality that is been beginning to make way slowly in the human conscience along
the history of the philosophy, the literature, the art or the science. When finally appears a
finish that has weight to him this called to apprehend or express, although is vagrant or
diffusely, the category under discussion, is comfortably placed received, has "success".
sometimes it can occur, even, that is dug up a term that an author was accustomed does
already time and that it passed, in your moment, more or less unprepared but that
suddenly permits express an aspect of the reality that has arranged hierarchically, that
has acquired a special interest. and this occurs precisely with the "alienation" term or
"alienation" ( that it consider synonyms ).
Wedged to express a markedly speculative and metaphysical idea in the Hegelian
philosophy ( as estrangement of the spirit with respect to your own essence ) is retomado
for Marx who, although keeps the original connotation, relates it tightly to the specific
man and to the process of the work and the relations of characteristic production of the
capitalist society. According to Marx the man it become fulfilled as being generic ( and
therefore carries out your true essence ) in the work, in the measure in which the work
permits create you, of some mode, your world. But in the capitalist society the worker is
found separate of the property and the control of media cough of production and is cured
of the evil eye of the product of your work. to this called Marx " work alienated ", The
alienated work, when starting to the man the object of your production starts your
generic life. and the alienation in the work is manifested so much with respect to the
product, that is rapturous you to the heron, when with respect to the process of
production, because the man not puts in he in game your creative capacitance,
communicate, not decides not, is manipulated.
Of this way Marx takes a concept of the speculative philosophy and introduces it
in a sociological area, when locating the objective conditions that in a socioeconómico
certain frame, conduct to an estrangement of the man with respect to your authentic
nature. But that concept, that suffered a freezing in the Marxist thought with the
progressive Marx moving apart of the philosophy in favor of the political economy 2
always tied to this sense.

(1) It says about the matter Daniel Vidal: " the redescubrimiento of the alienation is notable in all a sector of the sociological contemporary
investigations, above all of the English language. The alignment, meanwhile that such, had never been the center of empiric analysis
until in these last years in which the sociology is interested in the |anomia| by following to Durkheim or in the problems of centrality and
of |marginalidad| with Parsons and Merten. The new interest for the alignment constitutes because a deep innovation that is not by the
way product of the North American analysis only since in Italia Giuseppe Bonazzi it carried out an important investigation on this topic.
¿That meant it is necessary to award you this new orientation?
(2) According to Daniel Bell Marx |eh| the passage of the philosophy to the political economy signs the end of the run of the concept of
alienation. ( vide the mentioned article in the well-known l.)
It opened, on the contrary, in a wide range of diverse meanings and until, in occasion,
opposed between sí3. But, however, the historically predominant use 4 is the one which
recognizes your filiation in Marx.
In that type of use is of interest us highlight here the line of adopted meaning by
Gyorgi Lukács in your trial " the |reificación| and the conscience of the proletariat " that,
by taking the central idea of the Marxism that the alienation it defines in the report of the
man with a peculiar organization of the characteristic work of the capitalist society,
stands out certain aspect we have to consider sugar mill in the state of alienation: we
refer to the sensation of impotence ( not based on personal experience as violence, but
but well suffering unconsciously ) that characterizes to the man in that social structure. It
says Lukacs: “... your work( those of the workers ) partially mechanized, objectivization of
your force of work it opposes to the totality of your personality… it is transformed in a
daily reality constant and unbeatable until such dot that, also here, the personality it
becomes converted in the impotent spectator of all that happens to your own existence,
isolated particle and integrated in a strange system "" 5.
Would that, because, being the systematically marginated heron of the real
structures of the can and of the decision in that that it does more profoundly to your
human nature and that is to relate but directly with your daily life, comes to beget in it it
as sensation of impotence, a certain way crystallized to perceive the world and to
perceive he in the world. The social machinery is presented for the individual as
somewhat die, unavoidable, "natural", in the who is sunken as an inert piece, that only
can create and act in trains perfectly predetermined.
On the other hand, this association with the society in front of the who the
individual seat to him basic passive, inert it is accompanied of a certain mode to perceive
to yes itself with regard to the other. Being the central axis of the capitalist economy the
wares, by seeing obbligato the man to sell ( or buy, in the case of the capitalist ) your
productive force, and to buy, also, all that needs to live, the human report it translates in
a report of |reificación| , of |cosificación| , in which everyone is for the other a possible
purchaser or a possible seller. So it characterizes, p. ej.Lucien Goldman the concept of |
reificación|: " exist for the merchant as soon as such and for the producer, meanwhile
that purchaser of raw materials and of force of work and seller of products, but are that
have the same abstract quality of man,that is to say, of purchaser and of possible seller,
done abstraction of whoever other social particular property. …One of the fundamental
characters of the capitalist society are to hide the business connectionses between the
men, the spiritual or psychic relations by giving you the aspect of natural attributes of the
things or of natural laws.... The relations of interchange between the different members
of the society, it show through and clear in all other forms of social organization it takes
here the form of an attribute of sewing dead persons: the price... For supposition, the
fundamental relations continue existing and by filling up your function: the baker
elaborates the bread that will eat the shoe-maker and this makes the shoes that will
shoe, between other the baker; the judge, with your verdicts, secures the duration and
the functioning of the existent order. But these functions are not fulfilled more that
implicitly; weaken and very frequently it disappear completely of the conscience of the
men and until the little ruins that of them/it even find to him no longer have not
immediate contact with the law and the daily action. In an immediate way the judge,
applies the law, the baker makes bread to sell it and obtain money. For the judge, the
accused person is not more that an is abstract; for the baker, the purchaser is not more
that a species of automaton that enters to the shop, returns the wares and puts the
money on the counter. and also, the baker itself, in the majority of your life and of your
person, is not more that an automaton that does the inverse action. It is true that these
two automatons are men that must enter contact, speak between if, sometimes.... to
keep business connectionses, find in the same places, etcetera. But all this is not
indispensable, since is not but the unavoidable decoration of the unique fundamental
fact; an inert thing, the wares, changes to him for something else inert: the money.
Therefore all that these peoples say if not it deals with still of your immediate interests
does to him false, conventional and artificial " 6

By suming up:

In the use of the concept of alignment that have to stand out because, in a special way, it
has two features: the type of inert report, dehumanized, "|reificadora|" that the individual has
with your similar and your location as impotent, static entity, in a social structure that wrap it,
that directs all your life, without that seats desire nor sees vaguely the possibility to introduce
in it radical modifications.
(3) Would that, p. e ., one of the meanings but distant of the use that it is finds more diffused is the one which tends to
consider to the technique as " forces |desalienante| ". It says K.Axelos (Marx, penseur de la technique"): " the liberation of
the technique... begin to appear to the aglow development of the conquering productivity. The be of the man... it will
coincide then with the be in happening of the technique " ( mentioned by Vittorio Rieser in your articulate " the concept of
alienation in sociology ", op. cit.)Other am accustomed curiously anomalous is the one which makes Hajda stake, who
includes between the human types not alienated to the executive of an undertaking that " never loses an opportunity to
cultivate contacts of useful business "". ("Alienation and integration of student intellectuals" Amarican Sociological
Review, octubre de I961.)

(4) Vide Ricser and other, |op|. pages 40.

(5) Gyorgi Lukacs, "Histoire et conscience de classe" París, 1960. pag.112.
(6) Lucien Goldman, "La reificación”, in Investigaciones dialécticas 1959.
II. Psychological genesis of the alignment.

Until now it have seen how the concept of alienation it relates to the sphere of the
political economy. But, being the alienation a certain |sujetivo| state, a certain mode of
categorizing and perceive the world, winch ask who is the psychological springs that
slowly are beginning to form that type of mechanism of the personality.
We must accept with the Marxist thinkers that the economic relations create a
basic style of social intercommunication. But also we must investigate |através| that
subtle, inserted springs never daily immediate of each individual, the consequences of
that economic basic substructure generate the attitudes, the feelings, the mental
Even before dealing with obliged to buy and sell a child can have a |reificada|
perception of the fellow man; before dealing with obliged to sell your productive force or
see limited your creative capacitance, your can of decision in a labor report castrator, an
individual can be perceived to if itself as secure liabilities in a plots social that is unknown
you and all powerful.
Apart from the work and of the activities directly related to the relations of
production the man finds in the oppressive society other sources that beget or it
realimentan permanently your alignment.

The thesis that it is maintained in present I articulate:

One of the more powerful and subtle mechanisms of the alignment are found
in the escolar education or in other words in the form of escolar education that
will call “tradicional”, characterized for a formalistic spirit, with a |verticalista|
conception of the authority and the discipline, and zealously guarded for the
bureaucratic organisms of the state.

lll.Education and alignment.

The paradigm and the area of semi-darkness

To explain our hypothesis about the |alienantes| mechanisms it takes part in in the
education it appeals to the concept of paradigm. The notion of paradigm has been
developed by T.Kuhn in your work. “The structure of the científicas” revolutions. In that
context it alludes to the paradigm in an epistemological sense as a frame of reference for
the scientific investigation. A paradigm is a theoretical system dominant in the science in
each period of your history, that organizes and directs the scientific investigation in a
certain direction, permits the |surgimiento| of certain hypothesis and inhibits the
development of other, centers the attention of the scientist in certain aspects of your
object and gets dark other, etcetera. That concept can be extrapolated –aunque by
forcing the originating intention of the author-to the dominion of the life cotidiana.7 all
men have a “paradigma” to connect us with the world, a “existencial” |categorial| outline,
for so say, a system of references that permits organize us our perception, performance
and valuation of the world. In this paradigm they subyacen the factors of the ideological
character, but these is not the unique, but that it is presented tweeds, imbricate, with
other factors, by forming a complex |motivacional| system.
One of the effects of the paradigm are that permits cut us areas of interest in the
reality. In the same way that the perception, as psychological elementary mechanism,
operates always by cutting a figure on a buttom, the observation all of the physical and
social world that goes by a roundabout way us it takes place, for the presence of the
paradigm; through a system of |jerarquización| of the observation, that causes the
segregation and the relief of certain aspects of the reality in detriment of other. It can be
given a very rudimentary example of which here try to get say-so comparing two
individual that read a same daily or bear to him in front of a same kiosk of reviews.
Everyone of them/it will search for in the daily or in the kiosk thoses materials that they
have to see with your interests;

(7) Strictly Kuhn does not characterize with excessive precision the notion of paradigm. Would that, a commentator of your
work, Margaret Mastermann, points out twenty-one distinguishable uses of this finishes in the work mentioned ( see “The
Nature Paradigm "" of, in Lakatos and Musgrava, Criticism |the| |and| Growth Knowledge, Cambridge of, 1970 ). The
sense in which take it here is, notwithstanding, one of the predominant, and returns reasonable the proposed
extrapolation. The same Kuhn, on the other hand, suggests it when says: “when examining the rich experimental
literature that have extracted thoses examples, can reach to suspect that it is necessary somewhat similar to a paradigm
as previous requirement for the same perception. Which sees a man depends so much of which watches as of which
your visual and conceptual previous experience has prepared it to see. In absence of that single preparation it can have,
in opinion of William James, “una flourishing confusion and |zumbantes|.” ( Thomas S. Kuhn, the structure of the |
cientificas| revolutions, buttom of economic culture, Mexico, 1972, Pág.179.)
one will watch first the news of football and the police chronicles; other the political news,
etcetera. There is many readers that not it read never whole sectors of the daily or not it
scale off never certain type of publications. Which is of interest realizes to him, searches
for to him, selects to him. The sun-dried remainder to integrate the buttom, remains
faultily drawn. Does not wake up neither sympathy nor dislike, simply results indifferent,
This mechanism it repeats oneself incessantly in our perception of the reality.
Except thoses aspects that autosegregan to him for some intrinsic reason ( as serious the
case, for example, of a great streaked legend with tar in the walls of the tunnel of the
subterranean ), in a field in if itself neuter, "routinist", without own segregation, each man
stands out with your observation the aspects that result relevant in your paradigm, that
worry you that are of interest you. Thus it is beginning to cut to him clear for " each areas
subject very lit up of the reality, areas of "brightness", and other of semi-darkness or
totally dark.
Well, it is to the level of the formation of this paradigm, that directs and frames the
observation that the education weaves your more fine swimming trunks. through the
education it gets into to the child in a conceptual paradigm and |valorativo| that then will
be reinforced for the remaining mechanisms of the society. For the formation of that
paradigm it interests not single ( maybe not even |prioritariamente| ), the acquired
knowledges, but fundamentally the type of relationship that is been beginning to create
with the reality and above all the area of the reality it goes by being privileged for the
observation and the interest.
A |alienante| education has the characteristic that truly, and independently of
which officially unbosom oneself to the respect, it finishes by throw the aspects of the
more significant reality for the human life to the common background perceptive bag, to
the area not separate, not outstanding. In a society that produces and needs alienation,
the education fulfills the function to transform to the child, that it is a be naturally curious
and it disquiet in an individual invaded for a total contempt towards the knowledge and
the possibility of action on the really transcendent aspects of the reality, in a man-eating
individual in the vice of the indifference, with a paralysis of your spirit criticizes and a
systematic inhibition of the capacitance of observation of the immediate reality. and near
that dimension that we can call general |gnoseológica| of the paradigm gestates a facet
but immediate and personal: the perception that the individual is beginning to acquire of
if itself as an is basic inert and passive in front of a rigid reality and unknown, that it is
imposes you as given and that appears as |inmodificable| in the main thing.

Some mechanisms for the alignment

We will try to it shows now one of the specific mechanisms that are nourishing the
formation of this type of system of references. when making have to it point out several
aspects of the educational reality that already have been criticized exhaustive for the
theoreticians of the called pedagogy it actives. In this sense our contribution is not new.
Which it will try to do here is to lay out again those critical from a philosophical different
perspective to the one that inspire to the modern pedagogues, by showing of what mode
these many times signal "vices" fulfill in his way, a certain social function.
-1 b the verbalism: |ocultamiento| of the reality for symbolic cover.
One of the
mechanisms through those which the "traditional" education is accustomed to hide the
reality is the unilateral emphasis in the word, in detriment of the systematic observation
and the based on personal experience experience. through the |monopólica| valuation of
the “lección” as barter orally to be hearings, fixed and repeated constructs to him a
symbolic empty net, hollow, distant of the immediate observation, and when raising that
verbosity to the category of the valuable produces to him a systematic sleight of hand of
the reality that, in theory, it must be penetrated and uncovered, |develada|, |através| of
the word. It deviated so the attention towards a symbolic pure, artificially separate area
and detached of it real; forces the observant spirit, naturally attached to the intuition, of
the child, towards a phantasmagoric world formed for words, a species of very leafy but
extremely flimsy |superestructura| called to disappear scarcely fulfilled to him the proof
of evaluation to that were appointed to. 8
Here they appear to the nude some mechanisms of the alienation: lack of affection
of the reality and functioning of a |abstractor| mechanism that not part of a based on
personal experience experience and that crystallizes symbols without real meaning.

(8) May I refer to here two anecdotes they serve to illustrate this " fetichismo” of the word and your serious consequences in
the intellectual order. In an occasion it explained to a group of pupils of fourth years of certain teaching historical
happenings and said you that it had masses of peasants they perished of hunger. A pupil that it went in " surrender your
lección” little after say that it had knead of peasants that " perished of agua”. When ask you that wanted say that
somebody died " of water " said me, textually: “¡Ah! ¡I not ! But you it dijo”. Evidently, it had heard wrong. ¡That
systematic brain washing must have received that girl during ten years of schooling to resign to say, without the smaller
scruple, an absolutely lacking sentence of sense! In other occasion to a youth of first year of the university that it is shown
unable to be located in the time to any historical character but or wind on a jenny relevant you are asked if it had idea, at
least, of the century in which had lived Jesus Christ.. The pupil showed very embarrassed. I flee knew it. For the words "
before Cristo” and “después of Cristo”, a thousand timeses happinesses in your high school, not it were important
absolutely nothing.
-2 b the freezing of it real: Many times, because, the reality remains hides, dissembled

modest after the mantle of the words.

Other mechanism, somewhat different, consists in
presenting to the pupil the reality as somewhat static, fenced-in garden, finish., and, in
certain mode, not perceptible. The reality is somewhat already fact, is not somewhat in
transformation. The reality must be described, classify and name ( in this way the
endless lists with names of rivers, of mountains, high, classification of thousand it forms
of sheets, etcetera.), but it does not explain, neither value, nor transform . Therefore
puts the emphasis in the descriptive, taxonomic part, instead of doing it in the
explanatory part and genetic. Let us see for example, some specific resources in the
presentation of the historical reality, related to which it call the freezing of it real: (l) the
big transformations occured in the past. At present the situation is frozen: there is not
conflicts ( flight of the present time and your dynamics ). Therefore the by educating it
seat that it must or can be integrated to a process of transformation. (ll) Really, the
history do it the main characters, that it are perfect mythes. But if the history do it the
main characters any mediocre pupil can make history, since are wanted exceptional
qualities. Therefore, the majority remains marginated of the historical process. ( lll ) and
if the history do it the main characters interest investigate the process, the history as
system of forces, but study the biography and action of the isolated individuals, with your
outstanding personality. ( lV) The love to the fatherland, so apparently hothead, it has
nothing to do with the daily reality; the fatherland it appears as distance, love to the
fatherland it wants say-so love to the symbols and to the national heroes frozen ( the
same "national hero" word is frozen ), but little times are taught to the child to know and
love to other childrens as it, your compatriots, that it are many times sacrifice of the
illiteracies the malnutrition and the abandonment.
-3 b the formalism: adaptation to the structures.
Other path to introduce to the child
in the dominion of the |reificación| , in the autoconciencia of the inert and passive is the
formalism. puts the emphasis in the forms, — the forms in the notebook and the
composition, in the formation of the row and in the greeting to the director, etcetera. —
that it are the "showable" finish product, the thing that can exhibit to him, which remains
outside of the child, instead of putting the emphasis in the inside process lives, panting of
doubt, of investigation, of creation, of criticizing. The care of the forms begins to appear,
for a part, to the supremacy of the inert and feigns on the vital authenticate, and for the
other to the |introyeccion| of rigid, stereotyped norms and |uniformantes|, that close
properly to the by educating in the sinus of an unremovable structure. The formalism is,
for supposition, intimately united to the problem of the discipline and the authority. One
of the main preoccupations of a " good college " is to introduce in the child the
hierarchical outline, the respect to the superiors and the unconditional love to the order.
In other words, it teach you to occupy your place in a static system of where hierarchy a
few give the orders and other obey, for good of all. Here it sees also with clarity the
apprenticeship of an alienated attitude: the inert individual by occupying an assigned
place in the social world where at the most audacious more than could do be stops to be,
with the time, one of the that obeies to be one e those who give the orders. Formalism
and authoritarianism introduces in the individual the respect to the structures that it
stand out and flatten the vital, but that not it are known that is not understanded, that
not. they perceive as an all.
-4 Detallismo b: accumulation |compartímentalización|: The sleight of hand of the

notion of system.
Related with that absence of display wholly this the emphasis in the
detail. Would that, p. ej.,the childrens are obliged to reproduce in the maps each child
injures geographical of a country, but after twelve years of schooling know not point at,
mode |grosso| , in the earth, where remains Afghanistan, v. gr.This vitiate neither is
casual. As well as the forms they distract of the contents and flatten it lawless but vital,
as well as the emphasis in the heroic individuals of the history it distracts of the historical
process itself, the emphasis in the detail distracts of the mink of the whole; to stop in the
small detail impedes the contemplation wholly, by obstructing the global, structural
The same effect produces the |compartímetalizada| sight of the reality. The reality
presents to him divided in static compartments. There is not interaction between your
parts; each thing is detached of the other. The historical phenomenona not relate with
the economic facts, nor with the philosophical theories; the development of the science
influence nor is had influence for the political factors, etcetera. This perception of a
divided reality, |fragmentarizada| in sectors separated between if, it is related with a |
fragmentarizada| sight of the society, in which each individual occupies your place,
immersed truly in an all, impotent to change nothing, but by perceiving to if itself
somewhat as well as a |leibniziana| cute little thing, without noticing the deep interaction
that relates definitively your life and your destiny to those of the other men, immersed in
a social system that decides them.
Related with this same phenomenon of castration of the capacitance to think about
terms of systems or construct is, for supposition, the accumulative conception of the
knowledge ( which talk Freiré calls the "bank" conception or of deposits ); learning
consists in juxtaposing information, not in analyzes the, nor relates the with other. As well
as the verbalism it produces the inhibition of the capacitance of observation, this
treatment of the knowledge produces, for an exaltation envelope of the learning by heart
and for falling asleep of the intellect, the paralysis of the critical spirit and reinforces the
incapacity to establish associations between the knowledges and extract general
consequences about the interactions between the phenomenona.
-5 b the crime of hurt curiosity: Rise of the subtle mechanisms of a |alienante|

education, intimately united to the previous, it is which will call the " crime of hurt curiosity ",

for which the "formal" school achieves mutilate the infantile curiosity.
We will take for this a
schematic example, but to our revealing judgment. Any person that has treatments with
childrens five, six or seven-years will be able to as observe vividly wakes up your
curiosity the problems related with the life and the death, the genesis and dimensions of
the universe, the problem of the |surgimiento| of the life on the earth. This curiosity is not
accidental nor capricious; it is, on the contrary, profoundly serious, since represents the
human incipient conscience in the child, met face to face for first time to your own
situation in the world. But the school gather that problematic, feed that sparkle of
disquiet rich that it can be the path of access for a slow penetration, but systematic, in
the dominion of the scientific and philosophical knowledge. Instead of studying
profoundly the infantile curiosity and it directs the for more penetrating and organic river
beds, the |alienante| education drowns it or deforms it, flattens it below the weight of the
words that they must hear and turn over in the lesson or deviated it towards
untranscendental phenomenona. and this neither is casual. A child profoundly
"busybody", that it is accustomed to investigate the causes of the phenomenona that
worry you and your mutual interaction is, to long run, a disturbing element, not results
not a passively adapted individual, as needs |mayoritanamente| an oppressive society.

-6 Mercantilismo b and competence: pathes towards a |reificada| perception .

important |adaptativo| spring, related in this case with the affective sphere, it
instruments through the type of stimulus that the traditional school offers for the work.
These stimuluses are related, for a part, with the ""note" and for the other with the
individual competence. Would that, p. ej.,the child desires is outstanding, to perceive the
flattery and the consideration of your teachers, it wants to belong to the " honor square "
(that is to say, highlight of the majority ), etcetera. The systematic drill of the
competence as stimulus impedes the development of an authenticate feeling in common
in the escolar group, obstructs the |surgimiento| of relations of |intragrupal| solidarity and
prepares to the child to adapt oneself to a society in which thrives an exacerbated
individual egoism, a basic competitive society where triumph the but “aptos”. Also, the
competence contributes to create in the childrens also, the competence contributes to
create in the less gifted childrens ( that it are many times, " by chance ", the childrens of
the classes but drops) the sensation of systematic failure, of |marginalidad| , of
impotence, that very foregone will move to your general location in the society.
On the other hand, being the central motivation the obtaining of the note and the
promotion, the knowledge of the reality that is supposed receives the by educating
appear as somewhat valuable in if itself, yes not only as a halfback, an instrument for the
social promotion. Of some way the child learns already in the school to sell your time and
your effort, to obtain as pay a note, a title, that will permit you "better life". The
possibility of is happy about the apprenticeship, or the need of getting rich and form
through the knowledge to be really a social useful individual are absolutely unknown. and
this has also a lot of that sees with the mechanism of |reificación|. In effect, instead of
learning to be perceived to if itself as a be inwardly live, that is concentrating your effort
in ripening, enrich and connect with the reality to integrate |careadoramente| in it, the
by educating it trains in the art to feel an inert thing, whose unique effort is directed to
tries to go up some step in the social stairs not to remain definitively " enterrado” in the
stratums but hollows.

By suming up, then:

Would that, slow and daily, through these and other resources, are
beginning to reinforce to him the lines of a |alienante| paradigm, characteristic
of an individual that understand nor is interested in the mechanisms of the
social structure in which are immersed, that is not recognized as occupy a
certain place in the historical process, that not has not the habit to relate
inquisitive with the reality. Unable of sinking a penetrating, investigating,
critical look, in the world that goes by a roundabout way it, unable of
discovering behind feign it real, behind the inert the most sensitive spot and in
transformation, behind the individual phenomenona the general causes,
adapted to a hierarchical system and to an interindividual report egoist,
competitive and mercantilist, the by educating it is swallowed for plot it social
and adopts as own and definitive the image become poor and false of the
reality it emanates of the social system and reinforces it.

lV.The education as symptom: of Dewey to the school of Barbiana and talk Freiré.

It have tried to until here find some association between the defects well known of
an escolar education "formal" or traditional and the genesis of the own alienation of a
certain type of social structure.
The analysis that proposes, of is considerate correct, suggests the possibility " that
the contributions of the called pedagogy active result incorporated in the conceptual
frame of a criticizes radical of the society. in this respect it is curious to observe that
exists a species of indifference does not exempt of hostility between the theoreticians of
the Marxism that attend to the problem of the education and the postulates of the " new
education ". 9 However, two texts that can consider keys in which it will call "
revolutionary pedagogy socialist ", in any way whatever the " letter to a teacher "
streaked per students of the school of Barbiana and the " pedagogy of the oppressed ", of
talk Freiré, contain explicit or implicitly most criticize to the education that have been
denounced systematically for a philosopher as John Dewey, although framed in a
philosophical different context, and not by recognizing in absolute filiation or debt with
such type of thought.
Which occurs in this sense it derives of a question of framing ideological. I having
centered the investigation in the problem of the development of the individual, the
theoreticians of the active pedagogy realize that the systematic mutilation that it takes
place through the "formal" education is a reflex of a basic oppressive society: see the
education as a participant cause in the social, without noticing that herself is in turn an
effect, a product of other construct social and that, consequently, a practical educational
mail must be interpreted and study as symptom of a sick society and can be surpassed
fully if you do not reestructuran to him the remaining institutes. The active pedagogy of
the liberal philosophy not perceived with sufficient clarity that being the systematic
education a species of workshop of modeling of the reflected minds the type of man that
a society tends to beget of a much more authentic way that the statements of the official
For your part the Marxism, by having put the emphasis in the class struggles and in
the incidence of the economic factors on the ideological, has directed your theoretical
eagerness to the study of that aspect of the social reality and it has been negligent
frequently the description of other areas, maybe derived of that, but in any case go
participants. and in spite of that, as says Althusser, applies to him theoretically the "
relative autonomy of the |superestructura| and the return action of the |superestructura|
on the base ", 10 not always it beens defined, the sufficient thing to explore through what
specific springs of the individual interaction is beginning to create to him, never daily, the
psychological necessary mechanisms to sustain subjectively an image of the reality that
preserves the quo |statu|.
Serve, because, the present work as attempt of closeness of two currents of
thought historically divorced but that to our judgment, have many more points of contact
in the ethical underlying conception of which your respective frame ideological and
epistemological appear indicate.

(9) So it reads, p, |ej|., in Althusser: " I ask pardon for this to the teachers that in awful conditions try to turn against the
ideology, against the system and against the trainings of those who are missionary, the little arms that they can find in the
history and the knowledge that they “enseñan”.It are they a species of main characters. But they are strange; many ( the
majority ) not have not at least a beginning of suspicion of the "work" that the system ( that surpasses them and flattens )
obliges to them carry out; worse even, they put all your pledge and ingenuity to fulfill one's obligations to it finishes off
directive ( the famous new methods!)” New sight, files series Ens.116, VII, Pág.1

(10) Althusser, L.,op.Cit., Pág. 5.

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