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Batizado and Troca de Cordas Fall 2011

The Emory Capoeira Club, in conjunction with the Portuguese Department and
The Office of Multicultural Programs and Services, will be hosting a Capoeira
Batizado/Encounter on October 22-23, 2011.

Event Purpose and Impact:

The purpose of this event is to spread Brazilian culture on Emorys campus and in the greater city of Atlanta.
It will do so by hosting workshops, providing authentic Brazilian meals, dialogue (in Portuguese with a
translator) with Mestres of Capoeira, and live Brazilian music and dance performances. This event will
be a partnership between the Emory Capoeira Club and the Decatur Maculel group.
This event will also be the fall batizado, or graduation ceremony for the Emory Capoeira students. This is a
vital part of their training every year, where Capoeira professionals from the United States and Brazil
come together in a celebration of the students dedication over the course of the year.
Event Description:
This will be a two-day event with workshops, performances, and lectures spread over the two days. Saturday
morning will be focused mostly on the Emory Capoeira students, as well as visiting students from other
universities, while Saturday afternoon/night and the whole of Sunday will be open to the public.
Goals of our Event:
We hope to foster a greater sense of community within the Emory Capoeira group, and within the Emory
community as a whole. We also want to instill awareness and cultivate interest in Brazilian culture both
in Emory and Atlanta, especially with the regard to the art of Capoeira, as well as promote inter-cultural
Also, we are trying to raise money for the Maculel Foundation in Londrina, Brazil. The Foundation is a social
project that provides education and support for low-income children in Londrina, with currently more
than 200 children participating in the project. A portion of the money raised for this event will be sent to
the Foundation.

Anticipated Event Attendance: 250+ (50 out of town participants, plus 200+ audience) We will have shows
on both Saturday night and Sunday afternoon and expect large audiences on both days.

Event Promotion: We are promoting our event through the use of flyers, digital advertising, posters, word of
mouth, and several live demonstrations which we have planned for the coming weeks prior to the
event. Emory Dance, Emory OMPS, and the Portuguese Department have already agreed to help us
with the advertising within the Emory community.

TOTAL Anticipated Cost of Event: $ 2,500.00

Special Guest Plane Tickets: ~$1,000
Mestre Sabia Brazil (tickets from Brazil are $1000+)
Mestrando Saci London (currently, tickets from London are ~$450 and we hope to buy one
this week)
The majority of our guests will be paying for their own transportation, and will either be
caravanning or flying.
Accomodations: We will be housing most of our guests in homes and apartments of Emory Capoeira
and Decatur Capoeira practitioners. The invited Mestres and Mestrandos will be housed in a hotel, and
there will be associated costs with this as well.
Catering (Rio de Janeiro): ~$500
We are providing 2 Brazilian lunches each for approx. 50 people. For the invited Mestres and
Mestrandos, we will be providing breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner for the whole weekend.
Space Rental (Theatre Decatur): ~$500
Miscellaneous Costs: ~$500
Event Shirts

As we are currently in the process of finalizing the purchase of plane tickets, catering, and most of the costs
associated with the event, I cant give exact prices as to each item. However, the budget above is a
good representation of the scale and kinds of costs we will be accountable for.

We are currently fundraising through garage sales, silent auctions, applying for sponsorships from local
businesses and organizations just as the ECLC.
We are also currently applying for funds from OMPS (The Office of Multicultural Programs and Services).
Capoeira Maculel Decatur is also co-sponsoring the event and will be providing a portion of the
funding for the event.

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