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Groups two or more persons, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve certain objectives.
Groups may be classified as:
1. Formal Group this one is defined by the organization structure, with designated work assignments and established tasks.
2. Informal Group it is formed by individuals and developed around common interests and friendship rather than around a
deliberate design.

Types of Formal Groups

1. Command Group a group composed of individuals who report directly to a certain manager.
2. Task Group it is that kind of group consisting of persons working together to complete a job task.

Types of Informal Group

1. Interest Group one that is formed because of some special topic interest. This group disbands when the interest declines or a goal
has been achieved.
2. Friendship Group is one where members are brought together because they share one or more common characteristics such as
age, political beliefs or ethnic background.

People form groups for reasons such as:

1. Need satisfaction
2. Proximity
3. Attraction
4. Goals
5. Economics

Stages of Group Development


The forming stage

The storming stage
The norming stage
The performing stage
The adjourning stage

The Forming Stage


It is the first stage of group development. There are various ways or forming groups.

Specific concerns of the members of a certain group..

1. They are eager to learn what tasks they will be performing;
2. How they can benefit from group membership;
3. What constitutes acceptable behavior; and
4. What rules must be followed.
The Storming Stage

It is a stage when conflict within the group happens. Members may get involved in competition for desired assignments and
disagreements over appropriate behaviors and responsibilities related to task performance.

The Norming Stage


Also known as the initial integration stage, this is when the group really begins to come together as a coordinated unit.
Cooperation and collaboration are its main characteristics

The Performing Stage


In this stage, the group emerges as a mature, oraganized, and a well-functioning group, and it is ready to focus on accomplishing its
key tasks. This stage is also referred to as the total integration stage.

Performing stage consists of two different sub-stages..

1. The sub-stage where the group has attained a level of effectiveness that will remain more or less constant and as such, group
performance will be maintained at a level sufficient to ensure survival.
2. The sub-stage where the process of learning and development of the group is ongoing so that group effectiveness and efficiency
continues, and as a result, group performance will reach higher levels.
The Adjourning Stage

It involves the termination of activities. This stage is applicable to temporary groups such as committees, project groups, task forces,
and similar entities.

The termination of the groups activities may be triggered by..

1. When the groups purpose has been fulfilled; or
2. When the group has failed to revitalize itself during the performing stage.

Roles within Groups

1. Knowledge Contributor any group would largely benefit from a member who plays this role.
2. Process Observer the person occupying this role forces members to look at how the group functions.
3. People Supporter some group members are not emotionally strong to face the various difficulties heaped upon them in the
performance of their functions.
4. Challenger the group needs someone who cofronts and challenges bad ideas.
5. Listener there is a need for someone to listen to whatever ideas or proposals presented by any member of the group.
6. Mediator it is not uncommon for group members to get involved in disputes between each other.
7. Gatekeeper there is always a chance that one or two overeager members will dominate dicussions.
8. Take-charge Leader there are occasions when a group has no appointed leader, or if there is one, he could not play his role for one
reason or another.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Groups


More inputs from various perspectives can be made available for effective deecision making;
Synergism is more likely when people work together as a group;
People in the groups are more supportive of decisions that were formulated with their assistance;
It allows the efficient exchange of information for effective problem solving;
The opportunity for fulfilling the safety, affiliation, and esteem needs of group members is made available; and
Group members get mutual support from each other.

1. Group actiity is usually slower and more cumbersome because every member has the opportunity to make contributions;
2. Group meetings are held to disseminate strictly routine data that could be more efficiently conveyed in writing throung interoffice
memorandum. When this happens, the effectiveness of the group is undermined;
3. The groups decision may be diluted by every members input making the decision ineffective;
4. Accountability is often a problem with group activity;
5. There are occasions when some members shirk responsibility and let other members of the group do the work;
6. When the group is highly cohesive and motivated, outside criticism tends to be ignored as group members look inward for
reinforcement of each others opinions.

Groupthink deterioration of mental effeciency, reality testing, and moral judgementi the interest of group cohesiveness.

Techniques in Group Decision Making


Interacting groups
Nominal group technique
Electronic meeting

Interacting Groups

are typical groups in which members interact with each other face-to-face.


is a group problem-solving technique which promotes creativity by encouraging members to come up with any ideas, no matter
how strange, without fear of criticism.
The participants are required to observe the following procedures..


Generate as many ideas as possible;

Be creative, freewheeling, and imaginative;
Build upon, extend, or combine earlier ideas; and
Withhold criticism of others idea.

Nominal Group Technique


is a group decision-making method in which individual members meet face-to-face to pool their judgements in systematic but
independent fashion.
Discrete steps undertaken in the nominal group technique..


Individual members quietly list their ideas.

Ideas are written on a chart one at a time until all ideas are listed.
Brief time is allotted so that questions can be asked, but only for clarification.
A written vote is taken and the group decision is announced.

Electronic Meeting

is a decision-making technique wherein members interact through computers, allowing anonymity of comments and aggregation
of votes.

Work Teams are important elements of organizations. They are the groups expected to deliver high performance when the organization
requires it.
Differences between Workgroups and Teams..

Groups emphasize individual leadership, individual accountability, and individual work products.

Teams emphasize shared leadership, mutual accountability, and collective work products.

Types of Teams

Problem-solving Teams
Self-managed Work Teams
Cross Functional Teams
Virtual Teams

Problem-solving Teams

Are groups of 5-12 employees from the same department who meet for a few hours each week to discuss ways of improving quality,
efficiency, and work environment.

Self-managed Work Teams


Is one that is empowered to make decisions about work schedules, task allocations, job skills training, performance evaluation,
selection of new team members, and controlling quality of work.

1. Improved flexibility of staff;
2. The reduced number of job classification result to more efficient operations;
3. Absenteeism and turnover rates lower; and
4. Organizational commitment and job satisfaction re at higher levels.

1. Implementing the concept takes time;
2. The cost of training the team members is high;
3. There are inefficiencies created during the training period; and
4. Some employees are not able to adapt to a team structure.
Cross Functional Teams

Is one composed of employees from about the same hierarchical levels, but from different work area, who come together to
accomplish a task.
It allows people to perform..


Exchange information
Develop new ideas
Solve problems
Coordinate complex projects

Virtual Teams

Are those that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal.

Developing Effective Teams


Team size must be kept as small as possible.

The team members must have a sufficient range of skills, informatio, and/or experience to do the task.
Team members must have a sense of common purpose.
The team must be free to develop its work procedures.
The team must have a sense of accountability.

Turning Individuals into Teams

1. Selection
2. Training
3. Rewards

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