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I Actividad en lnea, seccin 3 (10%)

Estimado estudiante lee detenidamente el texto y realiza las actividades sugeridas
ms adelante.

Vertebral Compression Fracture

A vertebral compression fracture occurs when the bones of the spine become
compressed due to trauma. Usually the trauma necessary to break the bones of the
spine is quite substantial. In certain circumstances, such as in elderly people and in
people with cancer, these same bones can be fragile and they can break with little or
no force. The vertebrae most commonly broken are those in the lower back, but they
may break in any portion of the spine.
Vertebral compression fractures can be caused by osteoporosis, trauma, and diseases
affecting bone. Vertebral Compression Fracture Symptoms include pain. It tends to
be in the lower back but it may occur in the middle or upper back or neck. Some
people may also have hip, abdominal, or thigh pain. Also, people can have numbness,
tingle, and weakness; such symptoms could mean compression of the nerves at the
fracture site. Besides, among the symptoms, if people present losing control
(incontinence) of urine or stool or inability to urinate (urinary retention), the fracture
may be pushing on the spinal cord itself.
Medical treatment include back brace, rest and ice to the area, pain relief with
opiates (hydrocodone or oxycodone [OxyContin]) or depending on severe pain,
weakness, retention or incontinence, you may be admitted to the hospital. On
approval from the doctor, a stretching and strengthening program is important.
Surgery may be required because it can prevent the spine from pressing on the spinal
People who suffer vertebral compression fracture should take the medications as
prescribed. Furthermore, they have to avoid strenuous and painful activities until their
doctor approve them. They need to see their doctor frequently.

Despus de leer el texto:

Extrae 4 oraciones simples, 3 compuestas y 4 complejas.
Toma 1 oracin de cada tipo seleccionada y explica por qu se clasifica de esa forma
(cules elementos sirvieron para ayudarte a identificarla). (6 puntos).

Responde la siguiente pregunta:

De qu trata el texto ledo? (3 puntos)

Esta actividad en lnea est diseada slo para la seccin 3.

Deben formar grupos de 3 4 estudiantes.

Tiene oportunidad hasta el da viernes 11 de Julio del 2014
a las 11:59 p.m.
No habr prrroga.
Deben enviar el archivo con el nombre de uno de los
integrantes y seccin. Ejemplo: pedroperezsec3

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