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[CHAP. 1

Given that there is a single a particle in the reactor at time n = 0, find an expression for the total number
of particles within the reactor at time n.
Let a ( n ) and B ( n ) be the number of a particles and B particles within the reactor at time n. The behavior within the
reactor may be described by the following pair of coupled difference equations:

Before we can solve these difference equations, we must uncouple them. Therefore, let us derive a single difference
equation for B(n). From the first equation we see that a ( n ) = #?(n - I). Substituting this relation into the second
difference equation, we have
B(n+ 1)=8B(n-


or, equivalently,
B ( n ) = 2B(n - 0
The characteristic equation for this difference equation is

+ 8B(n

- 2)

which gives the following homogeneous solulion

Similarly, because a ( n ) = B(n - I), the solution for a ( n ) is

With the initial conditions a ( 0 ) = I and B(0) = 0, we may solve for A1 and A2 as follows:

and the solutions for a ( n ) and B ( n ) are

a ( n ) = i(4)"

+ !(-2)"

n 20

B ( n ) = :(4)"

- ?(-2)"

n 20

Because we are interested in the total number of particles within the reactor at time n , with

Supplementary Problems
Discrete-Time Signals

Find the period N of the sequence

CHAP. 11


The input to a linear shift-invariant system is periodic with period N .

(a) Show that the output of the system is also periodic with period N.
(b) If the system is linear but shift-varying, is the output guaranteed to be periodic?
(c) If the system is nonlinear but shift-invariant, is the output guaranteed to be periodic?


If x(n) = 0 for n < 0, and the odd part is x,,(n) = n(0.5)1n1,

find x(n) given that x(0) = 1.


Find the conjugate symmetric part of the sequence


If x(n) is odd, what is y(n) = x2(n)?


If x(n) = 0 for n < 0, Pe is the power in the even part of x(n), and Po is the power in the odd part, which of the
following statements are true?
(a) Pc ? Po
(b) Po 2 Pe
(c) Pe = Po

(d) None of the above are true.


Express the sequence

x(n) =


-2 5 11 5 2

as a sum of scaled and shifted unit steps.


Synthesize the triangular pulse

as a sum of scaled and shifted pulses,

Discrete-Time Systems

Listed below are several systems that relate the input x(n) to the output y(n). For each, determine whether the
system is linear or nonlinear, shift-invariant or shift-varying, stable or unstable, causal or noncausal, and invertible
or noninvertihle.

(e) y(n) = median(x(n - l), x(n), x(n

+ I))


[CHAP. 1

Given below are the unit sample responses of several linear shift-invariant systems. For each system, determine the
conditions on the parameter a in order for the system to be stable.
(a) h ( n ) = a n u ( - n )

(h) h ( n ) = a " [ u ( n )- u(n - 100))

( c ) h ( n ) = aInl

Is it true that all memoryless systems are shift-invariant?

Consider the linear shift-invariant system described by the first-order linear constant coefficient difference equation
y ( n ) = uy(n - I )


Determine the conditions (if any) for which this system is stable.
Suppose that two systems, SIand SZ,are connected in parallel.
( a ) If both S, and Sz are linear, shift-invariant, stable. and causal, will the parallel connection always be linear,

shift-invariant, stable. and causal?

(h) If both S, and Sz are nonlinear. will the parallel connection necessarily be nonlinear?
(c) If both S I and S2 are shift-varying, will the parallel connection necessarily be shift-varying?

Find the convolution of the two sequences

+ 36(n - 6)
h ( n ) = 2S(n + 3 ) + S(n) + 26(n - 2 ) + 6(n

s ( n ) = 6(n - 2 ) - 26(n


The unit sample response of a linear shift-invariant system is

h ( n ) = 36(n - 3)

+ 0.5S(n - 4 ) + 0.26(n - 5 ) + 0 . 7 6 ( n .

Find the response of this system to the input x ( n ) = u(n - I).

A linear shift-invariant system has a unit sample response
h(n)= u(-n)

Find the output if the input is

A-(n)= ( i ) " r c ( n )

The step response of a system is defined as the response of the system to a unit step u ( n ) .
( a ) Let s ( n ) be the step response of a linear shift-invariant system. Express s ( n ) in terms of the unit sample response
h ( n ) , and find s ( n ) when h ( n ) = u ( n ) u(n 6 ) .

(b) Derive an expression for h ( n ) in terms of s(n) and find the unit sample response For a system whose step
response is

The unit sample response of a linear shift-invariant system is shown below.

CHAP. 11


( a ) Find the response of the system to the input u(n - 4).

( 6 ) Repeat for x ( n ) = ( - l ) " u ( n ) .

If x ( n ) = ( i ) " u ( n - 2 ) and h ( n ) = 2"u(-n

5 ) , find the convolution y ( n ) = x ( n ) h(n).

Given three sequences, h(n), g(n), and r ( n ) , express g(n) in terms of r ( n ) if

Let h ( n ) = a n u ( n )and x ( n ) = bnu(n). Find the convolution y ( n ) = x ( n ) * h ( n ) assuming that a # 6 .

If x ( n ) = anu(n),find the convolution y ( n ) = x ( n ) * x(n).
The input to a linear shift-invariant system is the unit step, x ( n ) = u ( n ) , and the response is y ( n ) = S(n). Find the
unit sample response of this system.
If h(n) = A6(n) +(f )"u(n) is the unit sample response of a linear shift-invariant system, and s ( n ) is the step response
s(n) = 0.
(the response of the system to a unit step), find the value of the constant A so that lim,,,
The unit sample response of a linear shift-invariant system is

Find the response of the system to the complex exponential x ( n ) = exp(jnrr/4).

Evaluate the convolution of the sequence x ( n ) = n(i)"cos(rrn) with the unit step, h ( n ) = u(n).

05n 55
n c O

and h(n) = ej%"u(-n). If y ( n ) = x ( n ) * h(n), what is the numerical value of y(-2)?


and h ( n ) = S(n - 2 ) S(n - 3 ) 6(n - 4), at what value of n will the convolution y ( n ) = x ( n ) * h ( n ) attain its
maximum value, and what is this maximum value?
A linear system has a response h k ( n ) = S(2n - k ) to the unit sample 6(n - k). Find the response of the system to
the input x ( n ) = u(n).
Consider the interconnection of three linear shift-invariant systems shown in the figure below.




(+> =



~ ( n )

[CHAP. 1


If hl(n) = u(n - 2), hn(n) = nu@) and h3(n) = 6(n

- 2). find the unit sample response of the overall system.

Difference Equations

Consider the linear shift-invariant system described by the LCCDE

y(n) = -iy(n - I) +2x(n)
Find the response of this system to the input

x(n) =

n = 0 , 2 , 4 , 6 ,...

Hint: Write x(n) as (1 + (-1)") u(n) and use linearity.


Consider a system with input x(n) and output y(n) that satisfies the difference equation
y(n) = ny(n - I)

+ x(n)

If x(n) = 6(n), determine y(n) for all n.


A linear shift-invariant system is described by the LCCDE


- I)+6y(n

-2) =x(n

- 1)

Find the step response of the system (i.e., the response to the input x(n) = u(n)).

A system is characterized by the difference equation

If the input is x(n) = 2u(n) - 3nu(n), find the response of the system assuming initial conditions of y(-1) = 2 and
y(-2) = 1.

Consider the system described by the difference equation

y(n) - y(n

- 1) + 0.25y(n - 2) = x(n) - 0.25x(n - 1)

(a) Find the unit sample response of the system.

(b) Find the response of the system to x(n) = (0.25)"u(n).

For a savings account that pays interest at the rate of I percent per month, if deposits are made on the first of each
month at the rate of $50 per month, how much money will there be in the account at the end of 1 year?


A savings account pays interest at the rate of 1 percent per month. With an initial deposit of $50, how much will
there be in the account after 10 years?

Answers to Supplementary Problems


(a) If x(n) = x(n

(b) No. (c) Yes.

+ N), by shift-invariance, y(n) = y(n + N). Therefore, y(n) is periodic with period N.

CHAP. 11





(a) is true.


(a) Linear, shift-varying, stable, noncausal, noninvertible. (6) Linear, shift-varying, unstable, noncausal,
invertible. ( c ) Linear, shift-invariant, stable. noncausal, invertible. (d) Nonlinear, shift-invariant, stable, causal,
invertible. ( 0 ) Nonlinear, shift-invariant, stable, noncausal, noninvertible.


(a) la1


No. Consider the system y(n) = x(n)cos(nr/2).


(a) Yes. (6) No. ( c ) No.


The sequence values. beginning at index n = -I, are y(n) = {2,0, -4, 1,6,0, I , -1, -2,6,3).


(a) s(n) =

1. (6) Any finite a . ( c ) la[ < 1.

h(k). With h(n) = u(n) - u(n

- 6)

the step response is


(6) h(n) = s(n) - s(n - 1). If s(n) = (-0.5)nu(n), then h(n) = S(n) + 3(-0.5)"u(n - 1).

(a) y(n) = S(n - 2)

( b ) y(n) = S(n

+ 2S(n - 3) - 2S(n

+ 2) - 26(n) + S(n - 2).


bn+l - an+l
y(n) = -- u(n).


h(n) = S(n) - S(n - I).


- 5) - S(n

- 6).



y(n) =


+ 3)(-i)"


y(-2) = 17 - j n s *


y , which occurs at index n = 8.

y(n) = 4 n ) .
Y @ )= u(n - 4 )
y(n) = [4(-1)"

+ f (n - 2)(n - 1) u(n - 2).

- !(-f)"]u(n).

y(n) = n! u(n).
~ ( n=)

[i + (;)(3)"

- 2(2")]u(n).

~ ( n=) [lj?.[4"- 11 - 4n

h(n) = [ i n


+ 12(2)"]u(n).

+ ~ ] ( i ) ~ u ( (nb)). y(n) = (n + I ) ( f ) n u ( n ) .

[CHAP. 1

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