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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

December 16, 2014

Pastors Notes:
Woodruff Church of God
experienced another great
weekend of Christmas Programs
and Christmas messages. Our Childrens
Department did a FANTASTIC job on Sunday morning and there were at least 3 salvations and 4
restorations in the service on Sunday morning. PRAISE THE LORD! This is the reason we do such
programs. It is bigger than tradition, expectations or any of those things. We do these programs as
MINISTRY with the sole purpose of seeing lives changed by the power of Christ. I want to thank
Ms. Donna, Mr. Garren, all of the workers and volunteers, sound & media techinicans, bus & van
drivers, Kids Kafe Workers..anyone who is involved in anyway working with our children. You
are the best ANYWHERE and we love & appreciate you. Because of your hard work, there are
people who know Jesus personally this year. Thanks be to our great God!
This coming Sunday night, we have a final time of fellowship for our Church. We will be
gathering in the CLC for a time of food, fellowship and worship. We are asking that you help
us in several ways:
1) COME! Please dont stay at home. Please come and meet some people you may not know or
enjoy a time of good Christian fellowship.
2) Bring sandwiches, chips, dips, sweets, drinks.anything that you would like to eat and share with
other. Hard for us to have fellowship without eating (hehe)
3) Bring candy Tammy Durham and some workers have put together a beautiful display called
Candyland. It was used during Miracle on Poole St.. Children were allowed to go to Candyland
and fill up a bag with candy. Our church children were not part of that so wed like for them to be
able to go through candy land and get some candy. Would you bring bags of candy so we could
make this happen for our kids?
4) Come ready to worship too. We have invited Scott Cooper to come and share his musical talents
with us. He has a wonderful voice and we are looking forward to worshipping the Lord as he leads
us in worship.
New Tithe Envelopes for next year are available in the Church Lobby. Please pick up a box or
boxes at the next church service. It does not matter what number you get. Our new system goes by
your name, not number. We do however attach the new number to your envelope once we start
receiving the envelopes in the plate. Thank you for your obedience in honoring the Lord with your
tithe and thank you for your faithful and consistent giving. It is because of that giving that we are
able to be hand of God extended, reaching out to the oppressed! May the Lord bless and prosper you
and you honor Him!

There will be no service on Wednesday night, December 24th. Please enjoy this time with your
family and use the time as a family devotional time.

Married Couples Retreat is scheduled for January 29-31in Pigeon Forge, TN. It will be held at
the Clarion Inn in Pigeon Forge. The price per couple will be $250. A deposit of $125 is due by
Sunday, Dec 28. The balance will be due by January 28. Please make payment to Woodruff
Church of God. Deposits should be given to Pastor Jason. This price includes 3 meals (2
breakfast meals and 1 lunch), lodging, and conference fees. This years speakers will be Byron
and Frankie Powers. Please sign the Sign Up Sheet in the foyer of the church, by December 28,
if you plan to attend. Do not miss this opportunity to strengthen you marriage! A conference
schedule will be available very soon!

Prayer List

AMERICA, Lucas Lundberg, Tommy Wallace, Houston & Brenda Cobb, Tonya Gibson, James
Tillman, Kaye Simmons, Larry Buchannan , Curtis Thackston, Ed & Brenda Brittian, Patrick
Teague, Cindy Taylor, The Beck Family, The Smith Family, The Nabors Family, Destiny Leonard,
Ella Weathers, Mertice Whitmore, Lisa Cooley, Darryl Crowe, Eddie Foster, Kim Roberson, Tim
Horton, Wanda Jackson, Larry Trotter, Betty Frazier, Donald Laster, Samuel (SJ) Woodruff, Allen
Bragg, Dale & Julie Lollis, Alberta Brown, Carolyn Browning, The Waldon Family, Jim Roach, M.L.
Knighton, Scott Adams, Anna Frady, Megan Laster, Duane Melton, Lib Patterson, John Painter,
Frank & Lori Patterson, Melody Hood, Nyummisha Johnson, Family of Linda Condrey, Those
needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes

The choir will wear Christmas Colors on Sunday.

We will have choir practice this Wednesday!

Hello Brothers !!!!! Well, Christmas holiday is now in full swing and it is my prayer that you and
your family are having a good time as you prepare for the big day. Let me encourage each of you
to spend quality time with your spouse, your kids and your family. This great time of year
affords us as the true Disciples of Jesus, many amazing opportunities to display the
unconditional LOVE of Jesus to everybody we come in contact with. Make it count, make a
Attention MEN: Now is NOT the time to stop listening and watching those around you. Those
special people will be dropping hints like crazy this week. And... as Pa Ben Arnold use to say
"pay right pa-tic-ler tension". (that means pay right particular attention for you folks that need
an interpreter) LOL
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 8th of 2015, in the mancave at 6:30. We will not
be meeting on the first Thursday because that is New Years Day.


There seems to be a growing number of our seniors who are struggling with health problems. To
some, this may just be a part of the aging process that we accept and move on, however, where
there is sickness, there is healing provided in the atonement.
On Tuesday morning, January 6, 2015, we will be having a very special HEALING SERVICE
for any who wish to attend. The time is 10 AM and the place is in the main Sanctuary.
Please be praying for this service and come expecting to see God fulfill His promise to HEAL
Feel free to invite a friend, a family member or anyone else who might need a healing from the

Mainstream Ministries will be having its Christmas party on Tuesday December 16th at 7pm at
Fuddruckers in Spartanburg at intersection of John B White Sr Blvd and 295 bypass. There is a
separate room in the back for us. Please bring a $5 gift for each person in your family for the
Chinese Gift Exchange.

We will have an activity on Monday, December 22. You guys are out of school, so you do not
want to miss this opportunity! Meet at the church at 11:00am!
December 17th- Youth Christmas Party 6:30 PM

A great big THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the kidz program this past Sunday. Yall
are amazing! Garren and I appreciate you and everything you do to help out and serve the
Extreme Kidz!

Ministry Leaders for This Week

Sunday Greeters- Patsy Brown & Linda Palmer
Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan
CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg
Crossing Guard- David Hoyt
Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown
Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Danny Knight
Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Harold Chesney, Dennis Crocker & Kenny Waddell
Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip Pruitt and Jason Tucker Bus Take home: Clint and Ramona
Van 1 Pickup: Richard and Buster
Van 1 Take Home: Garren and Thomas
Van 2 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian
Van 2 Take Home: Tim and June
Late workers: Donna and Patsy Brown
Nursery Wednesday- Izzy Nichols
AM Ann Knight & Alison Arnold
NO Kiddie Church
Music- Wednesday- Brantley Burnett
AM-Amy Arnold
Praise Team-Gold
Guitar- Korey, Duck, John

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