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Szakmai lektor: Ndasdy dm

Anyanyelvi lektor: Peter Doherty

Salamon Gbor, Zalotay Melinda, 2001

Hungarian edition Mszaki Knyvkiad, 2001

ISBN 963 16 3083 8

ISSN 1S86-8230

Kiadja a Mszaki Knyvkiad

Felels kiad: Brcz i Sndor gyvezet igazgat
Felels szerkeszt: Lakatos Zoltn

Mszaki vezet: Abonyi Ferenc

Mszaki szerkeszt: Szigeti Rbertn
Bort: Erdly Dniel s Wetzl Gabriella
A knyv formtuma: BS
Terjedelem: 28,6 (AS) v
Azonossgi szm: 1O SOS
Kszlt az MSZ S601 :1983 s S602:1983 szerint
Nyomdai elkszts: lnic Bt.
Nyomta s kttte az Olh Nyomdaipari Kft.
Felels vezet: Olh Mikls


l 7

gy mkdik a HCB


Nyelvtani segdlet s pldamondatsor


1. adjectives: order - mellknevek sorrendje


2. adverbs: position - hatrozk helye a mondatban l 22

3. ali~ who/e- minden, egsz l 24
4. ali, ever}'t each - mindegyik, az sszes l 25
5. a/fo~ permit, forbid - enged, tilt l 27
6. a/so, as wel/ (as), too - is, szintn l 28
7. although, though- br l 30
8. anybody, anything etc. - brki, brmi stb. l 31
9. articles- nvelk l 33
1o. as - mint, ahogy: az-as hasznlata l 40
11 . as, because etc.: reason and consequence - mivel, mert (ok s kvetkezmny) l 42
12. as i~ as though - mintha l 43
13. ask - kr, krdez l 45
14. at, on, in, by (time)- idmeghatrozs (elljrkkal) l 46
15 . at, in, on (place)- helymegliatrozs (elljrkkal) l 48
16. at fast etc.- vgl stb. l 49


35 .

41 .

auxiliaries without a main verb- segdigk fige nlkl l 50

be about to - kszl, 'azon van, hogy .. .' l 52
be said to etc. - azt mondjk/lltjk/hiszik stb. l 52
be to- 'terv sze ri nt', kell l 53
both, either, neither- mindkett, brmelyik, egyik sem l 54
by~ with- valamivel, 'valami ltal' l 56
can, could, be ab/e to: abi lity- kpes, tud l 57
can, may: permission - "lelhetek?": -hat/-het, szabad l 60
can, could: requests and offers - "segtesz?", "segthetek?" l 61
can, ma }'t must, will: probability, deduction - taln, bizonyra l 62
can't help - " nem brja megllni", ' knytelen' l 64
can't stand, can't bear - "nem brja elviselni" l 65
causative sentences- mve ltets l 66
comparisan-sszehason lts s fokozs l 68
conditional sentences - feltteles mondatok l 7 4
conjunctions - ktszavak: s, de, vagy, hogy, aztn l 80
dare - merni vagy nem merni l 82
discourse markers - tulajdonkppen, ennek ellenre stb. l 83
each other, one a nother - egymst stb. l 84
either, neither/nor do l, so do l - sem, n sem, n is l 85
either... or, neither. .. nor - vagy ... vagy, sem ... sem l 86
else - ms, mg ms, msklnben l 87
embedded question - begyazott krds l 88
enough, too - elgg s tl l 89
even - mg .. . is, mg ... se l 91
except, except for, but - kivve s eltekintve l 93
explain - magyarz: az explain hasznlata l 94
fair/y, ra ther etc. - 'meglehetsen' l 95
far~ a long way - messze, tvol l 96
feel - rez: a feel hasznlata l 97
few ~ litt/e - kevs rpa, kevs leves l 98

48. focus and emphasis - kiemels a mondatban l 99

49. from ... to, tili/unti/- valamikortl, valameddig l 1 02
so. future sentences- a jvidejsg kifejezse 1 103
51. had better- "jobban tennd, ha... " l 106
52. ha ff- fldeci, fl veg, fl rszeg, fl tzkor l l 07
53. have, havegot-nekem van, neked nincs l 1 09
54. "how nice!", "what a man!"- "milyen szp!", "micsoda frfi!" l 111
55. if~ whether- vajon l 112
56. if only, "/ wish" - brcsak l 114
57. imperatves- felszltsok, parancsok l 115
58. in case- htha, arra az esetre l 11 6
59. indirect speech -fgg beszd l 117
60. infinitve with to- a to+ fnvi igenv szerkezet l 122
61 . -ing form - az -ing-es alak l 126
62. inversion -fordtott szrend l 128
63. it as subject/object - az it mint alany vagy trgy l 131
64. kind of, sort of, type of- fle, fajta l 133
65. left: be left, have sg. left- megmaradt, meghagytk l 134
66. let- hagy, hadd s felszltsok a /et-tel l 1 34
67. like- milyen? olyan, mint. .. l 136
68. like/y-valszn l 138
69. long~ for a long time - sokig, rgta l 139
70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives - -ly vg hatrozk s mellknevek l 139
71 . many, much etc.- sok rpa, sok leves l 142
72. measurements - kt lb magas stb. l 145
73. mind - a mind ige hasznlata l 146
74. must, have to, have got to - kell, tilos l 148
75. need- szksges, nem szksges l 150
76. no good, no point etc.- nincs rtelme, felesleges stb. l 152
77. no longer, not any longer, not any more- mr nem, tbb nem l 152
78. no ~ not - no vagy not l 153
79. nouns: number - egyes szm vagy tbbes szm l 154
80. obligatory elements after theverb-ktelez elemek az ige utn l 158
81. one, that of, so: substitution - helyettest szerkezetek l 159
82. one, you, they: indefinite personal pronouns- ltalnos alany l 161
83. other~ another - a msik, egy msik l 162
84. own - a sajt zenekarom l 164
85. participle structures - igeneves szerkezetek l 165
86. partitives - kt pr zokni (rszelk) l 168
87. passive sentences - szenved szerkezet l 170
88. personal pronouns - szemlyes nvmsok l 176
89. possessve ad/ectives and possessve pronouns- az n hzam az enym
(jelzi s n l birtokos nvmsok) l 177
90. prefer-elnyben rszest l 179
91 . prepositions and adverb particles - igekts s elljrs szerkezetek l 180
92 . question words - krdszavak l 1 83
93 . ra ther than - inkbb, mint l 1 86
94. reflexve pronouns - magam, magad, maga (visszahat nvmsok) l 187
95. relative clause- vonatkoz mellkmondatok l 189
96. 's genitive, of.genitive- birtokos szerkezetek l 194
97. same - ugyanaz, ugyangy stb. l 197
98. say~ tell - mondja vagy mondja? l 198
99. semi-auxiliaries - flsegdigk l 199
100. "sha/1 l... ?", "sha/1 we... ?"-"becsomagol jam?" l 200
101. short answer- rvid vlasz l 201
102. should, ought to - kellene, nem szabadna l 202
103. so - olyan, szval, gyhogy: a so hasznlata l 205
l 04. so that, so as to, in order to - azrt, hogy l 206


125 .

141 .
145 .

some, any, no, none- a some, az any, a no s a none hasznlata l 207

some, a few, a couple, a littie - nhny, pr, valamennyi l 21 O
speak, ta lk- beszl vagy beszl? l 212
sti/1- mg mindig l 213

subjunctive after adjectives- ktmd mellknevek utn l 213

such- olyan, ilyen l 214
tag questions- ugye? l 214
take time etc. - idt stb. ignyel l 21 7
tense 1: present simple - igeidk 1: egyszer jelen l 218
tense ll: present continuous- igeidk ll: folyamatos jelen l 220
tense lll: present perfect - igeidk lll: befejezett jelen l 222
tense IV: past simple- igeidk IV: egyszer mlt l 225
tense V: past continuous - igeidk V: folyamatos mlt l 227
tense VI: past perfect- igeidk VI: befejezett mlt l 228
there + be, there + verb - a th ere+ be, th ere + ige szerkezet l 230
th ink so, thiQk not- gy gondolom, nem gondofam l 234
this, that- ez, az, ilyen, olyan, gy l 235
time to go, time we went - " ideje elindulni" l 237
unless- hacsak nem l 238
up, down, in, out- .fel, fent, le,_lent, be, bent, ki, kint l 238
used to, would - 'akkoriban' l 242
verbless clauses - igtlen tagmondatok l 243
verbs 1: reported requests- igk 1: "megkrt, hogy maradjak" (fgg felszlts) l 244
verbs ll : stative verbuses-igk ll : jelentsfgg folyamatostalansg l 246
verbs lll : verb +subject camplement -igk lll : "jl hangzik"
(lltmnykiegszts trgyatlan igknl) l 249
verbs IV: verb + object camplement-igk IV: "jnak tartom"
(lltmnykiegszts trgyas igknl) l 251
verbs V: see sy. come/coming- igk V: ltja megjnni, ltja jnni l 253
verbs VI: verbs with two objects- igk VI: " kldtt nekem virgot"
(kttrgyas igk) l 254
verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs - igk VII: to+ fnvi igenv bizonyos
igk utn l 255
verbs VIli: -ing form afterverbs - igk VIli: -ing-es alak bizonyos igk utn l 258
verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive afterverbs - igk IX: -ing-es arak vagy to+
fnvi igenv bizonyos igk utn l 261
very, most, very much - nagyon l 265
way- gy, gy l 266
whatever, whoever etc. - brki, brmi stb. l 267
when, while etc. - amikor, mikzben l 269
"will you ... ?"- "megteszi, hogy ... ?" l 271
wonder - "kvncsi vagyok ... ?", vajon l 272
won't, wouldn't: refusal, unwillingness- ' nem hajland' l 273
word order 1: affirmative sentences - szrend 1: llt mondatok l 274
word order ll : interrogative sentences - szrend ll : krd mondatok l 275
word order lll: negative sentences - szrend lll: tagad mondatok l 277
worth -r valamennyit, rdemes l 278
would rather- " inkbb aludnk" l 278

Reference 1- 8 l 281
Huron Tanfolyam

l 303

l 305


az j kiadshoz

Az j kiads lehetsget nyjt arra, hogy a Huron's Checkbookot valban a tanuls eszkzeknt
hasznl sok ezer nyelvtanultl s nyelvtanrtl rkezett visszajelzseket is felhasznlva egy
javtott s bvtett vltozattal jelentkezznk.
Azon kvl, hogy- ha nem is jelentsen, de- megvltozott nhny tma szerkezete (pl. conditional; should, ought to; some, any, no, none), s tdolgoztuk a Reference-oldalakat (ebbl
addan tbb tmt is j mondatokkal bvtettnk), a HCB-hez egy Nyelvtani segdlet is kszlt.
A Nyelvtani segdlet a hagyomnyos nyelvknyvek s nyelvtanok rendszerezstl eltr,
egyszer s - ami a legfontosabb - knnyen rthet, hasznlhat mdon mutatja be az
igeidket A pldamondatsorral kiegsztve lehetsget-knl arra, hogy brki akr nllan
is ttekintse s begyakoralja az angol nyelvtannak az ltalnos nyelvhasznlatban nlklzhetetlen elemeit.
A Huron's Checkbookot, az nll tanulst segt Huron sorozat eddig legsikeresebb darabjt,
a nyelvtanuls htkznapjaiban kedves kziknyvnek sznjuk. A jvben is ksznettel vrunk minden segt kritikt, javaslatot, visszajelzst az eddig megjelent Huron-knyvekkel (a
sztanulst segt Huron's Wordy Dictionary s Huron's Wordplus, a fordtst gyakoroltat
Huron's CrossQuotes, a Huron's Easy Readerek, a Huron's Angol Kiejtsi Sztr, s a Huron's
Easy Communication), illetve a jvben megjelen Huronokkal kapcsolatban. Elrhetk vagyunk levlben a Kiadn keresztl, vagye-mailben a cmen.
Ksznjk a HCB tdolgozott kiadshoz nyjtott segtsget Hofgard Katinak, Medgyes Pter-

nek, Mikinek, Rvsz Andrenak, kollginknak s tantvnyainknak, a 2000-2001. vi dobogki tanfolyamok hallgatinak.


A Huron's Checkbook (HCB) eredeti angol mondatok gyjtemnye. Az angol mondatokat mindig a bal oldali hasbban, a magyar fordtsukat a jobb oldali hasbban tallod.
A kzel 8000 pldamondatot az angol nyelvtan tmi szerint csoportostottuk. A 3-S. oldalon
felsoroljuk ezeket a tmkat.
A 147 nyelvtani tmt megtoldottuk egy-kt hasznosnak gondolt listval (rendhagy igk s
fnevek, igei s fnvi vonzatok stb.). Ezek a listk a 281. oldalon kezddnek.
A HCB lelke az Index (305. oldal). A ktnyelv index akkor is segt, ha mg nem tudod, hogy
milyen nyelvtani tma (cm) alatt keresd a tged rdekl mondatokat.
Az egy-egy tmn belli keresst a vastag bets kulcsszavakkal segtjk. Ezek a kulcsszavak a
betrendes Indexben is megtallhatk.

A nyelvi anyagrl
A mondatkorpusz sszelltsakor mindenki ltal hozzfrhet, autentikus (eredeti), brit angol
rott s beszlt nyelvi forrsokat hasznltunk.
A mondatok kivlasztsnl a korszer nyelvtanok ltal helyesnek elfogadott legmodernebb nyelvhasznlatot kvettk.
A szerkezet alapveten az angol nyelvtani rendszerezshez igazodik. Ezt igyekeztnk a kiemelt magyar kulcsszavakkal, az indexszel, a hivatkozsokkal s az angolul tanulkra jellemz tipikus hibk kiemelsvel a lehet legknnyebben hasznlhatv tenni a magyar nyelvtanulk szmra.
A HCB-ben -a tipikus hibkat pldz thzott mondatokat kivve- csak helyes mondatok
vannak, de termszetesen nincs benne minden helyes mondat. Vagyis, a HCB csak azt lltja: ez
gy biztosanj-azt nem mondja, hogy nem lehetsges mskppen is.

A mondatok fordtsrl
Valsznleg nincs olyan mondat, amelynek egyrtelmen csak egy bizonyos megfelelje ltez-

het egy msik nyelvben.

Egy mondatot egy adott nyelven szvegkrnyezettl fggen gyakran eleve tbbflekppen rthetnk. Ha azt halljuk, hogy meghztk a margt, legalbb hromfle trtnsre gondolhatunk.
Ha pl. angoira fordtunk, el kell kteleznnk magunkat valamelyik vltozat mellett. Az az angol
mondat viszont, hogy Kim liked her betterthan anybody else., rdekes mdon "ugyangy" ktrtelm, mint a magyar Kim jobban szerette t brki msnl. Radsul a beszl- lelkillapottl, cljaitl, a krnyezettl stb. fggen - egy adott mondanivalhoz is sokfle forma kzl
vlaszthat. (Ilike her. I'm fond of her. I'm hookedon her.)
Amikor a HCB mondatait fordtottuk, mi sem " a helyes megoldst" kerestk, hanem vlasztottunk az eredetinek megfeleltethet vltozatok kzl. Jnak tltk a fordtst, ha a magyar mondat angoira trtn visszafordtsakor a lehetsges vltozatok kztt szerepelt az eredeti angol
mondatunk. (A Do you mind if l take it? mondatnak gyes fordtsa a Nem baj, ha elveszem? hiszen ennek a magyar mondatnak az egyik helyes fordtsa az eredeti angol mondat.)
A Huron's Checkbook mondatainak magyarra fordtsakor a j magyar hangzs mellett termszetesen trekednnk kellett arra is, hogy minl szarosabban kvessk az angol mondatszerkezetet.
Mindezt hadd szemiitessk a HCB-bl vett pldval:
A be ab/e to hasznlatt mutat angol mondat:
l am sure you' ll be able to play it if you practise enough.
l am sure
biztos vagyok; biztos vagyok benne; biztos; biztosan; tudom
you'// be ab/e to play it
tudsz majd jtszani (pl. valamilyen krtyajtkot); fogsz tudni jtszani; kpes leszel jtszani; el
tudod majd jtszani (pl. zongoradarabot, szerepet); el fogod tudni jtszani; sikerl majd eljtszani; kpes leszel eljtszani.
Ugyanezek a varicik vgigjtszhatk a kvetkez jelentsekben is: lejtszik (zongoradarabot, meccset); jtszik rajta (pl. hangszeren); eljtssza, hogy valaki ms; kijtszik (lapot krtyajtkban).
if you practise enough
ha eleget gyakorolsz; ha gyakorolsz eleget; ha eleget gyakorolod; ha gyakorolod eleget; elg!
elegend/megfelel/kell gyakorlssal.

A helyes vltozatok szma termszetesen jelentsen bvl attl fggen, hogy a you helyre- a
szvegkrnyezetnek megfelelen-milyen szemlyt vlasztunk: te, maga, n, ti, maguk, nk.
A HCB-ben szerepl fordts a kvetkez:
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy tudsz majd rajta jtszani, ha eleget gyakorolsz.

a segtsget Vereckei Andrenak, Kormnyos Istvnnak, Generl Pternek s a Trainex Kft.-nek,
Vlaskovits Petrnak, Rdai Pternek, Rvsz Andrenak, Nyerges Andrsnak, Gwynn jonesnak,
a Gring Mhelynek, az 1993. jliusi galyateti tanfolyam hallgatinak, Markczy Editnek s
Gyrfi Mrinak.

A kvetkez mveket hasznltuk fel a HCB rendszernek a megalkotsakor:
Collins Cobuild English Usage. London, 1992, HarperCollins.
Collins Cobuild English Grammar. London, 1990, HarperCollins.
Oohr Pter: Kis Angol Nyelvtan. Budapest, 1991, Ring-6 (RINGHAT) Kft.
Knya Sndor- Orszgh Lszl: Rendszeres Angol Nyelvtan. Budapest, 1993, Terra.
Quirk, R. Greenbaum, 5., Leech, G.- Svartvik, j.: A Grammar of Contemporary English. London,
1979, Longman.
Quirk, R.- Greenbaum, 5.: A University Grammar of English. London, 1979, Longman.
Swan, Michael: Practical English Usage. Oxford, 1980, OUP.
Swan, Michael: Basic English Usage. Oxford, 1991, OUP.
Thomson, A. j. - Martinet, A. V.: A Practical English Grammar. Oxford, 1987, OUP.

gy mkdik a Huron's Checkbook

A tma cme: a nyelvtani tmk az angol cmek betrendes sorrendjben kvetik egymst.
Hivatkozs (klds): mg ezeket a tmkat (vagy mondatokat) is rdemes megnzni.
Tipikus hiba: ezt szektk elrontani. A hibs vltozatot alaposan th.ztuk!
A hivatkozsok s a tipikus hibk ltalban azt az egysget kvetik, amelyre vonatkoznak, de a
tma cfme utn tallhatk, ha az egsz tmt rintik.
Kulcsszavak: ezek a jelzsek segtenek eligazodni az adott nyelvtani tmn bell.
Index: az Indexben a kvetkez szavaktl tallhatunk ide: alapfok; annyit... amennyit; as... as;
comparison; fokozs; mellknv; mint; olyan ... mint; sszehasonlts; so ... as



s fokozs


AS... AS

not as normal as l appear. 2. He

em vagyok olyan norm is, amilyennek
as me. 3. He isn't as stron~--~---.... Olyan magas, mintn 3. Nem olyan
dad. Perhaps she isn't earning
t az apm. 4. Taln nem eres annyit,
as you hink. 5. Women have at
dolod. 5. A n6k legalb olyan inmuch in ellectual ability as men . 6. Of tellektulis kpessgekkel brnak, 'nt a frcourse, w know he's not as young as he fiak. 6. Persze, tudjuk, ho
was. 7. lt's t nearly as cold as it was yes- fiatal, mint volt. 7. Kzel si
terday. 8.1' as mystified as you re. 9. mint tegnap. 8. n is ugY'-_,..,.r---""1'77'--'
lt's j u
g in the ki en. kpedve, mint te. 9. Itt ugyanolyan j, mint a
1 O. T
ui et as a goldfis
konyhban. 1O. Semmi sem olyan csendes,
11 . 5
k as her mother. mint egy aranyhal. 11. Olyan j szakcs, mint
nyja. 12. Sterne nagy clja az volt, hogy
az e erekr61 a lehet6 leghbb kpet rajzolja. 13.
zer akkora a hzad, mint az enym.
14. Ktszer nyit keres, mint anya. 15. Egy
New York-i sz etes hromszor annyit ke.........._._..........."...,.....-~, mint egy ma
rvos. 16. Az j festk
gyszer annyiba ker , s ngyszer annyi idenyelvhasznlat art. 17. Feleannyira se agy liberlis, mint

so... as
18. l haven't got so/as much money as you r
rich brother Stanley. 19.1 find I'm not so/as
strong as l thought l was. 20. New York is
ou might think. 21.
tipikus hiba
rly so much as they

18. Nincs annyi pnze pldamondatok

Stanley btydnak. 19. ob-1~-,TI'DI'n-TT'=-'
gyok olyan er
ondoltam. 20. New
York nem o an veszlyes, mint gondolnd.
21. A csaldok kzel sem beszlgetnek
annyit, mint rgen.

He is as tali as me. NOT: Ile i! !O tali a! rne.


Nyelvtani segdlet
Az itt kvetkez segdlettel nem az a clunk, hogy lerjuk, vagy megtantsuk az "angol nyelvtan
rendszert", pusztn szeretnnk megmutatni ezt a rendszert mkds kzben. Ugyanakkor a tanulsban s a tantsban szerzett tapasztalataink alapjn gy gondoljuk, hogy aki rlt a rendszerre, az- akr mr a halad szintek eltt- gyorsan s helyesen megalkothatja a gondolatait tbbkevsb pontosan kzvett ksz mondatokat. Igyeksznk megmutatni, hogy milyen megfontolsokon keresztl juthatunkezekiga mondatokig.
Ez a segdlet nem mond ellent az ltalnosan hasznlt nyelvtanoknak, hanem mshonnanmskppen prblja lttatni ugyanazt: a ksz mondatra rnzve lesi meg, hogyan szletik a



Ms nyelvekhez hasonlan az angolnak is vannak mintk (pldamondatok) alapjn begyakorolhat, vagy egyszeren hasznlat kzben megszakhat elemei (pl. a nve lk, a had better vagy a
shou/d), s van, ahol a megrts segthet minl gyorsabban eljutni a ksz produkeiig-ilyen az
igeidk tmja.
Anlkl, hogy felsorolnnk az igeidket (a tense-eket), a valsgos idvel (a time-mal) kapcsolatos "anyanyelvi idrzknk" elegend annak eldntshez, hogy mltat, jelent vagy jvt akarunk-emondani a mondattal. A magyarban a mlt id " -t" jele, vagy pldul a " lesz, fog" szavak
megknnytik, ha nem is mindig teszik egyrtelmv a dntst (pl. a VRJ, SEGfTEK! mondatban a
jelen idej alak jv idt takar).
Anyanyelvnkben az Ez HIHETETLEN. mondatot pldul jelen idejnek, a MG soSEM JRTAM
KARDON. mondatot mlt idejnek, a HOLNAP ILYENKOR BULIZNI FOGUNK. mondatot jvnek, az A '
MINDENIT, BEVITTK A MTBE! mondatot megint mltnak, az RK TA VROK RD. s a MITA
VRTOK ITT? mondatokat jelennek, a TAVALY NEM ADTL AJNDKOT NEKI. mondatot megint Csak
mltnak tartjuk. A mondatok angoira fordtsa kzben hozott minden tovbbi teendnknek ez
az idre vonatkoz dntsnk lesz az alapja.
Ha a

m~gya'!-'mor:adat ~lapjn ,a jv me ll ett dntttnk, az angol mondatban hasznih,atjuk


a will segdigt.

' ."

Az idvel kapcsolatos dntsnk alapjn most mr csak az albbiak kzl kell vlasztanunk
(minden vlasztsi lehetsg al odartuk, hogy azon a helyen milyen segdigt, s utna az
ige melyik alakjt kell majd hasznlnunk az angol mondatban):
ms id fel mutat?

ppen a kzepben?

nem tudjuk, hogy ki/mi?

' have +'3

be+ ing

be+ 3


Ha pZ alap{n, hogy "mit akar mondani a mondat", nem a jv id mellett.dnttttink, s a t

hrom lehetsg kzl semmit nem vlasztottunk, akkor a do segdigvel kell majd mondatof
csinlnu~k- ha pedig ilyenkor a be Ot)igt hasznljuk, akkor mg.a do segdige is fel~sleges.
A be s a do segdigknek (vagy a segdige nlkl, nllan szerepl ignek) attl fggen
hasznljuk a jelen vagy mlt idej alakjt, hogy mi volt az idvel kapcsolatos els dntsnk, pl.
1953-BAN PLT. ~ It was buift in 1953.; s AKKOR EMILY ELPIRULT ~ And then Emify bfushed.
A have segdige kivtel: mindig a jelen idej alakjt hasznljuk, kivve, ha az, amit a mandatunkkal mondani akarunk, eleve egy msik mlt ids dntshez kpestmutat a mltba, pl. NEM csRGTT AZ BRESZTRM, MERT ELFELEJTETTEM FELHZNI. ~ My a farm cfock did not ring because l had
forgotten to windit up. FRADTNAK REZTK MAGUKAT. MAR RK TA LLTAK OTT . ~ They fe/t tired.
They had been standing there for hours. HCB 118.

fontos technikai tudnival,

hogy termszetesen mindig mindegyik segdignek az adott szemlyhez ill alakjt kell vlasztanunk: l have, you have, s/he has, l am, you are, s/he is, l was, you were, s/ he was stb., s hogy
a do(es)/did segdigt az llt mondatban nem tesszk ki (ilyenkor szksg szerint maga az ige
mutatja az idt s a szemlyt).
A be ltige nemcsak azrt klnleges, mert a dosegdigt is feleslegess teszi (HCB 113/76-84; 116/79-92),
hanem azrt is, mert be + ing-gel sem hasznljuk (kivtel: HCB 114/42-48).


Az Ez HIHETETLEN. mondatot jelen idejnek rezzk; amitamondat mondani akar, az nem mutat
msik idbe; az "ppen a kzepben?" krdsre ugyan igennel vlaszolunk, de a ltigvel nem
hasznlunk be + ing-et; "tudjuk, hogy mi" (ez), nem kell teht be + 3 sem; a ltighez a do
segdigre sincs szksg.






have+ 3

be+ ing

be+ 3


This is unbelievable.

A MG SOSEM JRTAM KARDON. mondat a dntsnkhz kpest (ami mlt id) egy msik id, a
jelen felmutat (hiszen azt mondja, hogy mg eddig nem jrtunk ott) - hasznljuk a have segdigt, utna pedig az ige n. 3. alakjt. HCB 11 s

have+ 3

be+ ing

be+ 3


l havenever been to Kard.

Ugye rezzk, hogy hasonl dntst hoznnk az ETTETEK MR KAVIRT?; MG NEM OLVASTAM.,
HSVT TA NEM TALLKOZTAM VELE. mondatok angol vltozatnak megalkotsakor?
A HOLNAP ILYENKOR BULIZNI FOGUNK. mondat azt akarja mondani, hogy holnap ilyenkor ppen a
kzepben lesznk a bulizsnak. jvnek rezzk, a will-re teht szksg van, s mivel 11ppen a
kzepben" lesznk a bulizsnak, hasznljuk mg a be+ ing-et is. HCB so

have + 3

. be + ing

be + 3

have a party

We will be having a party this time tomorrow.

Az A MINDENIT, BEVITTK A MTBE! mondatot mltnak rezzk, de amit mondani akar, az a jelen
felmutat (azt akarja mondani, hogy be van vive), teht vlasszuk megint a have+ 3-mat. Mivel
nem tudjuk, hogy ki/kik vitte/vittk, vlasszuk a be + 3-mat is. HCB 87, 11 s
have+ 3


be+ ing

be+ 3


Blast, he has been taken into the operating room!

Az RK TA VROK RD. vagy a MlTA VRTOK ITT? mondatokban pedig azrt lesz szksg a
have + J-ra, mert itt a jelen id mutat a mltba - radsul, mivel mg mindig a " kzepben
vagyunk" a vrakozsnak, itt be + ing is kell majd! HCB 11 5/98-11 6

have+ 3

be+ ing

l have been waiting for you for hours.

be+ 3


How long have you been waiting here?

TAVALY NEM ADTL AJNDKOT NEKI. A dntsnkhz kpest (mlt) nem mutat ms idre, nem is
vagyunk az ajndkozs kzepben, a szemlyben is biztosak vagyunk. Ha nem kell will, have+
3, be + ing, vagy be + 3, akkor do-segdigs mondatot gyrtsunk. HCB 116

have+ 3

be+ ing

be+ 3


You did not give her apresent/ast year.

Mr kevs gyakorlat utn szrevehetjk, hogy vannak ismtld, tipikus mondanivalink. Gyakran mondunk pldul olyasmit, hogy MA SOKAT ETTEM. vagy A HTE N MG NEM TALLKOZTUNK.
Mlt idben beszlnk ugyan rla, de mg benne vagyunk a mai napban, mg tart ez a ht- a
mlt a jelenbe mutat (idelg), hasznljunk teht have + 3-mat.

have+ 3

be+ ing

be+ 3


l have eaten a lot today. Q We have not (yet) met this week.

Az ezekhez hasonl mondatoknl most mr nem kell jra meg jra dntseket hoznunk, megszlethet a mondat az l have eaten a lot today. minta alapjn.


ldegyeztets, fgg


q HCB 59

Aki azt mondja, hogy "az angolban az igeidket egyeztetni kell", igazbl arra utal, hogy az
angol a "magyarhoz kpest komolyan veszi" az igeidket
A TREVOR AZT MONDTA, NEM TETSZIK NEKI AZ A KAROSSZK. q Trevor said she did not /ike that
arrnehair. mondat pldul azt akarja mondani, hogy Trevornak akkor nem tetszett az a karosszk,
amikor ezt mondta is (vagyis a mltban)- a magyarban, egyltaln nem "logikusan" , jelen idej
igt hasznlunk valamire, ami a mltban volt igaz. (A mondat arrl nem mond semmit, hogy
most tetszik-e neki!)
Az AzT /V\ONDTA, NEM JRT MG KARAooN. q He said he had not been to Ka rd. mondatban a have mlt
idej alakjt hasznljuk, hiszen a "nem jrt mg" a mltban mutat a mltra.
Az AZT MONDTA, HOGY MSNAP ELADJA AZT A SZKET. q She said she wou/d se/l that ehair the next da y.
mondatban pedig a MSNAP sz azt mutatja, hogy ez "nem igazn jv" (nem "holnap"), hanem
ez is a "mltban fog megtrtnni" - ezrt a jvt jelz will segdige mlt idej alakjt (wou/d)
kell hasznlnunk.
Az " egyebeket" (idhatrozkat, mutatszkat) mr a magyarban is "komolyan vesszk". A fenti
pldkbl idzve: AZT A SZKET, MSNAP - ezzel kapcsolatban teht nem sok tanulnivalnk van,
az angolban ugyangy viselkedhetnk, mint a magyarban. (Ha az emltett karosszk mellett
llva kzlm Trevor vlemnyt, akkor a magyarban EZT A SZKET, az angolban this arrnehair
lesz. Ha ma reggel mondta Trevor, hogy eladja a szket, akkor tnyleg HOLNAP q tornorrow teszi
majd ezt. Ebben az esetben vlaszthatunk: ha azt tartjuk fontosnak, hogy holnap eladja a szket,
akkor a wil/ segdigt tehetjk az ige el, teht: TREVOR AZT MONDTA, HOLNAP EL FOGJA ADNI EZT A
SZKET. q Trevor said he will se/l this arrnehair tornorrow. - ha pedig egyszeren csak idzni
akarjuk, hogy mit mondott Trevor, akkor hasznljuk a would-ot: q Trevor said he would se/l this
arrnehair tornorrow. Termszetesen vannak kivtelek is: HCB 59/89-126.
Meg kell tanulnunk viszont a magyar "-e" angol prjt (ez nem megrtenival, rdemes teht
megjegyezni egy mintaknt hasznlhat mondatot): MEGKRDEZTTEK, HOGY AKAR-E MARADNI? q
Did you ask hirn if he wanted to stay? Azrt wanted, mert "vegyk komolyan": az volt krdses, hogy akkor akart-e maradni - s itt termszetesen nem kell krd szrend, mert a (HOGY)
AKAR-E MARADNI nem krds, a krdjel a magyar mondat vgn a MEGKRDEZTTEK ... ? miatt van.
HCB 55, 59

Fordts pldamondatok alapjn

A MEGKRDEZTTEK, HOGY AKAR-E MARADNI? pldamondat alapjn fogunk tudni -E q if-es mondatokat gyrtani - s a mintbl azt is lthatjuk, hogyan kell bnni az "idegyeztetssel" s a
Ha valamilyen nyelvtant nem ltunk "logikusnak", akkor a megrts nem is nagyon segthet a
tanulsban-gyakorlsban. Ilyenkor rdemes egy az adott nyelvtani problmt jl illusztrl pldamondatot megjegyeznnk - termszetesen magyarul is, s angolul is, hiszen gy talljuk majd
meg az utnzsra rdemes angol mintt, hogy elbb a mondanivalnkat sszehasonltjuk a magyar pldamondattal.
Mg kt fontos tudnival:
1. Ne felejtsk el, hogy "mire plda a plda". A 41 . pldamondat pldul azt mutatja, hogy az
ige utn jn a szemly, utna pedig ktelezen to+ fnvi igenv kvetkezik - nem ktelez
v iszont mindig a tell igt hasznlni. Hogy milyen ms "fgg felszlts" igk hasznlhatk a
tell helyn, arra sok pldt lthatunk a hivatkozott HCB-tmnl. (A pldamondatbl egybknt azt is megjegyezhetjk, hogy a tell utn mindig szerepeljen szemly, s hogy a say igt ne
hasznljuk fgg felszltsra.)


2. Azon kvl, amit a pldamondat illusztrl, termszetesen ms nyelvtanra is szksgnk

lehet a fordtshoz. Ha azt akarjuk mondani, hogy azrt nem vettk fel a telefont, mert
BIZTOSAN/BIZONYRA/NYILVN ~PPEN EB~DELTEK., akkor ehhez a magyar mondatok kzl a
55.-t kell vlasztanunk, a hozz tartoz angol pldamondatbl pedig ltjuk, hogy must
have+ 3 a tennivalnk- de mivel "ppen a kzepben" lehettek az ebdelsnek, be + inget is hasznlnunk kell: ~ They must have been having lunch.
Ha mr ellenriztk, van-e pldamondatunk a mondanivalnkhoz, meg kell teht nznnk,
nincs-e szksg mg valamelyik(ek)re abbl a hrom segdigbl, amelyeket az igeidknl is

rdemes sajt pldamondatokat gyrtani-vlasztani-minl egynibb egy mondat, annl knnyebb
lehet megjegyezni.
Ezek a pldamondatok termszetesen nem illusztrlnak minden tmt s azoknak minden
rsz lett. gy gondoljuk azonban, hogy- az igeidkhz adott segtsggel egytt- ennyi mr
elg lehet ahhoz, hogy ne kelljen valamifle leegyszerstett, jszndkkal tanulhatra faragott angol nyelvvel birkzni hnapokon (veken?) t- aki ennyit "tud", az btran nekillhat
jsgot olvasni, levelezni, internetezni. .. szkincset gyaraptani.
Igeidk -


a Nyelvtani segdlet rtelmben logikus hasznlat

Ez HIHETETLEN. ~ This is unbelievable.
CSAK EGYSZER ~LNK. ~ We only live once.
Ez NAPONTA MEGTRT~NIK. ~ It happens every day.
V~RZIK AZ UJJAM. ~ My finger is bleeding.
MEGSZLALT A TELEFON, DE NEM VETTEM FEL. ~ The telephone rang but l didn't answer it.
TAVALY NEM ADTL NEKI AJND~KOT . ~ You did not g i ve her a present fast year.
HAT ~VE/KARCSONY TA ISMERJK KET. ~ Wehave known them for six years/since Xmas.
M~G sosE JRTAM KARDON. ~ l havenever been to Kard.
MA SOKAT ETTEM. ~ l have eaten a lot today.
ELVESZTETTEM A KULCSOMAT. ~l have /ost my key.
RK TA VROK RD . ~ l have been waiting for you for hours.
A MINDENIT! BEVITT~K A MTBE. ~ B/ast, he has been taken into the operating room.
HOLNAP ILYENKOR BULIZNI FOGUNK. ~ We wil/ be having a party this time tomorrOW.
NEM CSRGTT AZ RA, MERT ELFELEJTETTEM FELHZNI. ~ The alarm c/ock didn't ring be
cause l had forgotten to wind it up.
TREVOR AZT MONDTA, NEM TETSZIK NEKI AZ A SZK. ~ Trevor said she did not fike that armchair.
AzT MONDTA, NEM JRT M~G KARDON. ~ He said he had not been to Kard.
AzT MONDTA, MSNAP ELADJA AZT A SZKET.~ Shesaidshewou/dsel/thatchairthenextday.
MEGKRDEZTTEK, HOGY AKAR-E MARADNI? ~ Did you ask him if he wanted to Sta y?

Igeidk- nem

logikus, valamilyen szempontbl kivteles hasznlat

19. M1 FOG TRTNNI LoRD ARTHURRAL? ~ What is going to happen to Lord Arthur? HCB 50:

20. MIT CSINLSZ A HTVGN?~ What are you doing at the weekend? HCB 114: 60-75
21. MARADONA KEMPESNEK PASSZOL~ Maradona passes to Kempes. HCB 113:91-98
22. A GYORSVONAT READINGBE A NEGYEDIK VGNYRL INDUL. ~ The fast train to Reading leaves
from platform four. HCB 113 : 99-105




He S always fosing his keys. HCB 114: 49-59

l can't hear you. HCB 128
SHAKESPEARE fRTA. (TOLLAL) .::::> Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare.



(with a pen) HCB 87: 177-206

SEGfnsz? .::::> Will you help me? HCB 140
KIFIZESSEM AZ ITALOKAT? Sha/11 pay for the drinks? HCB l 00
HELYET CSERLJNK? .::::> Shall we change p/aces? HCB l 00
RGEBBEN SZOKTAL NEKEM VIRGOT VENNI. .::::> You used to buy me f/owers. HCB 125
MIT MONDTAL, HOGY HVNAK? .::::> What did you say your name was? HCB 59/87-95

van neki HCB 53

31. NINCS PNZEM . .::::> l haven't got any money.
32. VANNAK BARTAl AZ LLAMOKBAN?.::::> Does he have any friends in the States?
33. AKKOR KONZERVATV KORMNYUNK VOLT .::::> Wehada conservatVe government then.

there + be HCB

11 9


q There S a ho/e n the wall.

q Thereis a hedgehog and two kittens in the basket.




Are there any alligatars in New York?

There are noug/y women on/y /azy ones.

felszlts HCB 57, 66

38. NE IDEGESKEDI, LGY VIDM. q Oon't worry, be happy.
39. JJJNK sszE! .::::> Let's come together.
hadd ... HCB 66




q Let me whisper in your ear.

HCB 1 2 7


He to/d me (not) to wait outside. (asked, ordered,

wanted, etc.)
kpessg, engedly, krs, felajnlkozs, tilts, szksg
42. NEM TUDOK NEMET MONDANI. q l cannot say no. HCB 23
43. KLCSNKRHETEM A TALICSKADAT? .::::> Can/May l borrow your barrow? HCB 24
44. NEM ENGEDTEK El OTTHONRL. .::::> l was not allawed to /eave home. HCB 5
45. SEGITESZ NEKEM? .::::> Can you help me? SEGTHETEK? Can l help you? HCB 25
46. KNNYEN FOGSZ TUDNI LLST TALLNI .::::> You will be ab/e to.find a job easi/y.
47. MEG KELL TALLNUNK L AVINGTONT! q We must find Lavington. HCB 74
48. NEM KELLETT ELRE FIZETNNK .::::> We ddn 't have to pay in advance. HCB 74
49. NEM SZABAD ELMONDANOD SENKINEK. q You mustn't tell anyone. HCB 74
50. NEM SZKSGES AGGDNOD RTEM. q You needn't worry about me. HCB 75
valsznsg HCB 26

55 .

q You may be right.

q You must be wrong.
It can't be true.




q You may have been right.

He must have known Mr Soros.

He can't have heard US.




HCB 23

nvelk HCB 9


NEM VAGYOK ROSSZ EMBER, CSAK NAGYON ROSSZ VARZSL. q l am not a bad man just a very
bad wizard.
58. Az ZLET AZ ZLET. q Business is business.
59. Az EMBEREK SZERETIK A KUTYKAT. q Peopfe /ike dogs.
60. A FIATALOK MINDIG SZPEK. q The young are always beautifuf.
61 . ALLAH RLTNEK TEREMTETTE AZ ANGOLOKAT. q Al/ah created the Engfish mad.

birtokos szerkezetek HCB 96


Are you my father's /over?

q lt's not the end of the world.



mindegyik HCB 4


micsoda/milyen ... !, olyan ...


Every boy needs his mother.

Al/ men are created equal.


HCB 54

What a man.
MILYEN SZP !D/VIRGOK! q What nice weather/ffowers .
MILYEN RDEKES! q H ow interestingf
YAN RENDES EMBER. q He is such a nice man.
LYAN RENDES. q He is SO nice.

enough, too HCB 40



He's tal/ enough/too short to

join the police force.



lt's cool enough/too hot (for me) to


sszehasonlts, fokozs

HCB 3 o

73. LYAN J FEJ VAGYOK, MINT A B ATMAN. q f'm as smart as Batman.

74. ID SEBB VAGY, JOBBAN KELL TUDNOD NLAM. q You 're o/der than me, and must know better.
75. GYALOGOLT A LEGGYORSABBAN. q He wa/ked the fastest.
76. MINL ELBB HALSZ MEG, ANNL TOVBB VAGY HALOTT. q The saoner you die the fonger you
are dead.
knows more and more about Iess and Iess.
78. A N FRFI NLKL OLYAN, MINT EGY HAL BICIKLI NLKL . q A WOman without a man is /ike a
fish without a bicycle.
79. SAJTSZAGA VAN. q It smells like cheese.


HCB 111

80. UGYE NEM SZERETED A BROKKOLIT? q You don ' t fike broccofi, do you?
81. N VAGYOK A LEGJOBB BARTOD, UGYE? q I'm your best friend, aren't l?
82. SENKI NEM TUD REPLNI, IGAZ? q Nobody can ffy, can they?
83. MENJNK, J? q Let's go, sha /1 we?
84. SEGTs, J? q Help me, will you?


is, sem

HCB 36, 120



l can do it, tOO. l can't SWm, either.

Q 'l think she's a /ate deve/oper.'- 'So

was Churchill. '


'l can't SWm. '- 'Neither/nor can 1.'



'ls mine smal/er

tha n hers?'- '(Yes,) l th ink so. '/'(No,) l don't think so.'

feltteles md


HCB 31


a helyedben ...

If l were you l wou/d choose the red one.

HCB 31


kellene, nem szabadna HCB


We may/might as wel/ have coffee now.

HCB 31


mi van/lesz, ha ...

l always write to hm if/when he writes to me.

will write to hm if/when/as soon as he writes to me.
to hm if he wrote to me.
l would have written to hm if he had written to me.


RNK, HA IRNA. Q l would write

akr ... is

HCB 31


But what if he finds OUt?




shou/d smoke fess.

You shou/dn't drink SO much.


l shouldn't have switched from Scotch to Martini.

inkbb ...
1 00.

HCB 147


l wou/d rather take a taxi.

JNNL. Q l WOUfd rather you carne with me.

jobb(an tenn), ha ...


HCB 51

l thought /had better ask you



HCB 5 6

l wish/lf on/y l knew.

l wish/lf on/y/ had known.
HAGYNL EL. Q l wish/lf on/y you wou/d never feave me.



hacsak nem

HCB 123

Oon't /ie un/ess you have to.

htha, arra az esetre


HCB 58

Take an umbrella in case it rains.


azrt, hogy ... HCB 1 04

107. A ZRT )TTEM, HOGY ELBCSZZAM. q l came to say goodbye.
108. C SENDBEN JTT BE, NEHOGY FELBRESSZE A GYEREKE KET. q She cam e in quiet/y SO as not to
wake the children.
109. KI NYITOTTA AZ AJTT, H OGY A MACSKA BEJ HE SSEN. q She opened the door 50 (that) the cat
could come in.
minek-mirt ... HCB 92
110. MINEK AGGDN I? q Why worry?
rvid vlasz HCB 1 o 1
111 . 5 ZERETSZ? - IGE N. q 'Do you love me?' -'Yes, l do. '
alanyra krdezs HCB 1 44
ttagads HCB 145

Who told you that?


q l don't think Wehave met before.

begyazott krds HCB 3 9

114. MIT GONDOLSZ, Kl VAGY TE? q Who do you think you are?
115. MIT MONDOTT, MELYIK HZAT AKARJA MEGVENN I? q Which house did he say he wanted to
mveltets HCB 2 9



q Oon 't make me laugh.

The queen was made to pay income tax.

l want to have/get my ears pierced.



kt trgy HCB 1 3 2
(She gave it to me.)


q She gave me an app fe./She gave an apple to me.

lttam, hogy ... HCB 1 3 1

120. L ATTUK KET FULDOKOLNI. q We saw them drowning.
121 . L ATTAM MEGFULLADNI. q l saw hm drown .
vonatkoz mellkmondatok HCB 95
122. V AN OLYAN SZK, AMI NINCS ELTRVE? q ISthere a chairthat isn't broken?
123. Ez AZ A HELY, AMELYIKRL BESZLTEM. q This S the place (which/that) l was telling you about.
124. EGSZ )) EL HEGEDLT, AM I ZAVARTA A SZOMSZDOKAT. q 5/he played the violin al/ night,
which annoyed the neighbours.
125. AzT CSINLSZ, AM IT AKARSZ. q You can do what you like.
mintha HCB 1 2
126. GY TNIK, ESNI FOG. q It looks as if/as though it is going to rain.
127. N E BMULJ RM GY, M INTHA TRPUSI HAL LENNK. q Stop staring at me as if/as though l WaS
a tropical fish.


to + fnvi igenv HCB 60



q l didn 't know what to do.

-ing-es alak
129. A z ANGOLTANU LS LVEZET. q Learning Engfish is fun . HCB 6 1
130. F LEK A RE P LST6 L. q I'm afra id of flying HCB 9 1
13 1. M USZJ VO LT NEVETN EM , AM I KOR MEGLTTAM AZ J KA LAPJT. q l cou/dn't he/p /aughing when
l saw her new hat. HCB 27
132. Kl NEM LL HATOM A SORBANLLST. q l can't stand Waiting in que ues. HCB 28
133. M A NINCS KEDVEM DOLGOZN I . q l don 't fee//ike warking today. HCB 46
134. S EMM I H ASZNA PANASZKODN I . q The re 's no use comp/aining. HCB 76
135. A H USZONKETTES CSAPDJT RDEMES ELOLVASNI. q Catch-22 S worth reading. HCB 146
mind HCB 73
136. MEGCSKOLHATLAK? q Do you mind if l kiss you?
137. M EGCSKOLHATN LAK? q Would you mind if l kissed you?
138. L ENNE KEDVES VLASZOLNI NHNY KRDSRE? q Wou fd you mind answering a few questions?

ideje csinlni vmit HCB 122

139. I DEJE ELMONDAN I NEKI AZ IGAZAT. q lt's time (for US) tO te l/ hm the truth.
140. lDEJE, HOGY FELBRESSZTEK A GYEREKE KET. q lt's time you woke up the children.
kiemels amondatban HCB 48
141. A MOSOLYA AZ, AMI BEGERJESZT. q lt's her sm i/e that turns m e on.
142. EZT SZOKTA A RCH IE MONDOGATNI. q That's what A rchie keeps saying.
143. CSAK SZERELEMRE VA SZKSGED. q Al/ you need S /o ve.
144. EGY LL SRA VAN SZKSGED. q What you need S a job.
145. FIATAL AH H OZ, HOGY TA TSK/TAN TSON. q Sh e's too young to teach.
lltlag HCB 19
147. LL TLAG



suggest HCB s 9


S said

to be the best actor in town.

q It S said to havesunk after mindnight.

He suggested buying it.

q He suggested that l (sh o LJ./d) buy it.



fordtott szrend HCB 62



p ho ne rang.


Hardfy had we arrved when the

adjectives: order

mellknevek sorrendje

They moved to a big old house. NOT: They n,oved to a1, old, big



1. She showed me her expensive new tiny

round light brown Dani sh plastic penci!
sharpener. 2. His small bl ack eyes were hosti le. 3. He was tali, dark and handsome. 4.
It wasa beautifui autumn morning. 5. It was
a dirty old hat. 6. He was a loyal and generaus friend. 7. For everyone on board, it
wasa norma!, calm, ~unny after!loon. 8. At
the bottom of the pool, they found a black
and brown silk coat. 9. Caroline herself was
dressed in a pa le grey silky dress. 1 O. He
was w earing a dark blue corton shirt. 11.
The table was set with a pretty green embroidered tablee ioth which matched the
napkins precisely. 12. Then l saw Jim, who
wassitting on a small wooden stool next to
his boat. 13. He was very fat, and was w earing a cheap blue plastic raincoat and rubber boots. 14. The door opened and a tali,
thin man with large, serious eyes walked
in. 15. H e had a long, thin face and two
big front teeth that made him look rather
like a rabbit. 16. He laoked at me w ith his
piercing blue eyes, and raked through his
thi ck, dark hair. 17. Tadz iewski was tali,
blond, blue-eyed and beautiful. 18. Thereis
nothing l don't know about the Norwegian
leather industry. 19. At the sperm-bank she
asked for a tali , intelligent, black man. 20.
Joe Wood struck me as being an amiable,
simpl e young man with a good sense of
humour. 21. We decided to take a lightweight two-man tent made of nylon.

1. M egm utatta a d rga, j, apr, gmbl y, v il gosbarna, manyag dn ceruzahegyezjt 2. Apr, fekete szemvel ellensgesen tekintett rm. 3. Magas volt, ba rna s jkp . 4. Szp szi reggel vo lt. 5.
Koszos, rgi kalap volt. 6. Hsges s nagylelk bart volt. 7. A fed lzeten mindenki
gy gondolta, hogy ez egy tlagos, nyugodt, napos dlutn. 8 . A medence aljn
egy fekete s barna szn se lyemkabtot
talltak. 9 . Maga Caroli ne halvnyszrke
selyemruht viselt. 1 O. Sttkk pamuti ng
volt rajta. 11. Az asztal egy szp, hmzett
zld abrosszal vol t letertve, amely tkletesen ill ett a sza lvtkhoz. 12. Akkor
megl ttam Jimet, aki egy kis faszken lt a
csnakja mellett. 13. Nagyon kvr vo lt,
olcs kk man yag eskabt s gumicsizma volt rajta. 14. Kinylt az ajt, s be lpett egy nagy szem, komo ly tekintet ,
magas, vkony frfi. 15. Hossz, sovny
arcva l s kt nagy metszfogval inkbb
egy ny lhoz hasonltott. 16. that, kk
szemve l rm nzett, majd beletrt sr,
stt hajba. 17. Tadziewski magas volt,
szke, kk szem s szp. 18. Nincs, amit
ne tudnk a norvg briparrl. 19. A spermabankban egy magas, intel ligens, fekete
frfit krt. 20. Joe Wood szeretetrem lt,
j humorrz k, egyszer fia talember
benyomst keltette. 21. gy dntttnk,
hogy egy nej lonb l kszlt knny, ktszemlyes strat visznk magunkkal.


adverbs: position

hatrozk helye

q 3: al/~ who/e q 4: al/, every, each q 6: also, as wel/ (as), too q 14: at, on, in,

by (time) q 15: at, in,

on (pl ace) q 16: at fast etc. q 34: discourse markers q 36/1-7: either q 41: even q 48: focus and
emphasis q 62: inversion q 70: -ly: adverbs artd adjectives q 91: prepositions and adverb particles

You always/often/never come late. NOT: Alvvay*ften/never you come late.



1. What actually is wrong with Mrs Thatcher? 2. Please do not write to me here again.
3. Have you tried at ali? 4. We met at the
bus stop, in the rain . 5. You are always so
punctual. 6. Why do you always wear black?
7. There were barely twenty people there.
8. It must certainly have been a most confusing situation for both of you. 9. This
sounded promising, certainly. OR: This certainly sounded promising. 1O. The milkman
cal ls daily. 11. They came early, on the early
train. 12. He's hardly ever late. 13. We meet
in a cinema every Friday. 14. Every Saturday we go out. 15. What do l have to do
exactly? 16. What exactly do you want me
to do? 17. l know exactly how you feel. 18.
Daniel worked in America for a year. 19.
For a long time neither of them spoke. OR:
Neither of them spoke for a long time. 20.
Mrs Richborough will be here immediately.
21. He immediately put it back to its place.
22.1mmediately, everything changed. 23. ln
1989 there was an earthquake in San Francisco. 24. The Abbey was rebuilt in 1499.
25. It happened in Stockholm in the thirties.
26. How hot is it in Egypt in July? 27. Miss
Hunt wants to visit a friend in Majorca in
June. 28. ln spring, the offensve started. 29.
Baseball is played in summer. 30. l've left
my ticket in the taxi . 31. Please put out your
cigarettes in the ashtray by the door. 32. l
hope you slept weil last night. 33. A funny
th i ng ha ppened to me on my way home from
work last week. 34. Last Sunday we talked
things ovr. 35. The council last month refused money to open a local public library.
36. l never wear a tie. 37. You must never


1. Tulajdonkppen mi a problma Mrs Thatcherrel? 2. Lgyszves ne rj nekem ide jra!

3. Prbltad egyltaln? 4. A buszmegllban tallkoztunk, esett az es. 5. Mindig
olyan pontos vagy. 6. Mirt hordasz mindig
fekett? 7. Alig hsz ember volt ott. 8. Bizonyra igen zavarba ejt helyzet volt mindketttk szmra. 9. Mindenkppen gretesnek hangzott. 1O. Naponta jn a tejesember. 11. Korn rkeztek, a korai vonattal. 12.
Szinte sohasem ksik. 13. Egy moziban tallkozunk minden pnteken. 14. Minden
szombaton elmegynk valahova. 15. Pontosan mit kell csinlnom? 16. Pontosan mit
szeretnl, mit csinljak? 17. Pontosan tudom,
hogy mit rzel. 18. Daniel Amerikban dolgozott egy vig. 19. Hossz ideig egyikk
sem szlalt meg. 20. Mrs Richborough rgtn itt lesz. 21. Azonnal visszatette a helyre. 22. Azonnal minden megvltozott. 23.
1989-ben fldrengs volt San Franciscban.
24. Az Aptsgot 1499-ben ptettk jj.
25. A harmincas vekben trtnt Stockholmba n. 26 .Egyiptomban milyen meleg van jliusban? 27. Miss Hunt jniusban meg akarja ltogatni egy bartjt Mallorcn. 28. Tavasszal kezddtt az offenzva. 29. A baseballt nyron jtsszk. 30. A taxiban hagytam a jegyemet 31. Krjk, oltsk el a cigarettjukat az ajt melletti hamutartban. 32.
Remlem, jl aludtl az jszaka. 33. Mulatsgos dolog trtnt velem, amikor a mlt hten hazafel jttem a munkbl. 34. Mlt
vasrnap mindent megbeszltnk. 35. A tancs a mlt hnapban nem adott pnzt arra,
hogy helyi klcsnknyvtrat nyithassanak.
36. Soha nem hordok nyakkendt 37. Soha

complain. 38. Normaily l spend a great deal

of my time on my own ... with one or two
friends, perhaps. 39. Tell me what you normaily eat. 40. We're both a lot older now.
41. He is obviously intelligent. 42. l often
dream l am faliing down some stairs. 43. l
often used to th ink l was fearfully stupid. OR:
l used to often think l was fearfully stupid.
44. Do you come here often? 45. Once l
had a cat called Felix. OR: l once had a cat
called Felix. 46. Haynes once warked for
Harrison, but was sacked for stealing. 47. l
once made the mistake of introducing one
of my girlfriends to my brother. 48. l don't
eat breakfast, and l only have time for a qui ck
lunch. 49. He only thinks about himself. 50.
We only sell apples by fhe kilo. 51. Only
Linda can solvethat problem and she doesn't
wantto. 52. Perhaps he isn'tcoming. 53.Perhaps you're not as elever as l thought. 54.
Something might be arranged, perhaps. 55.
We might have tea in the garden, perhaps?
56. He cannot possibly win. 57. She was
practically trembling. 58. They probably
won't win . 59. 1' 11 probably fali asleep. 60.
You had better decide quickly. 61. He walked
into the bathroom rapidly. 62. The hours
passed slowly. 63. l slowly felt my eyelids
get heavier. 64. They live in a really unusual
house. 65. l real ly detest clearing up. 66. He
hasn't really been ill. 67.1s that really what
you wan t? 68. 'Wi ll you come, then?"- 'Weil,
l reali y don't th ink l can." 69. I' m surprised at
you, l really am! 70. We haven't seen very
much of h im recently. 71. She's only recently
started her career as a journalist 72. He secretly decided to leave the town. 73. Sometimes l really hate that dog. 74. Sometimes
my heart pounds so that l think it's going to
jump out of my chest. 75. He sometimes
comes to see me on Saturdays. 76. She would
soon find out if l was lying. 77. Summer will
soon be over. 78. l know he' ll feel better soon.
79. Suddenly his face brightened. 80. l suddenly remembered l'd heard that voice.
81.Something is surely wrong with me. OR:
Th ere is somethi ng su re ly wrong with me. 82.
Surprisingly, he didn't say a word. 83. This,
surprisingly, is true. 84. You look a bit pale
today. 85. They're coming over tomorrow.


nem szabad panaszkodnod. 38. ltalban

az idm nagy rszt egyedl tltm ... esetleg nhny barttal. 39. Meslje el nekem,
mit szakott enni. 40. Mindketten jval regebbek lettnk. 41. Nyilvnvalan intelligens. 42. Gyakran lmodom, hogy valamilyen lpcsn zuhanok lefel. 43. Azeltt
gyakran gy gondoltam, hogy borzasztan
ostoba vagyok. 44. Gyakran jssz ide? 45.
Volt egyszer egy Flix nev macskm. 46.
Haynes valamikor Harrisonnak dolgozott, de
kirgtk lopsrt. 47. Egyszer elkvettem azt
a hibt, hogy az egyik bartnmet bemutattam a btymnak. 48. Nem szaktam reggelizni, s csak egy gyors ebdre van idm.
49. Csak magra gondol. 50. Csak kilra adjuk az almt. 51. Csak Linda oldhatja meg
ezt a problmt, s nem akarja. 52. Lehet,
hogy nem jn el. 53. Lehet, hogy nem vagy
olyan okos, mint gondoltam. 54. Taln megszervezhetnk valamit. 55. Esetleg tezhatnnk a kertben. 56. Lehetetlen, hogy gyz
zn . 57. Gyakorlatilag reszketett. 58. Valsznleg nem fognak nyerni. 59. Valszn
leg el fogok aludni. 60. Jobban tennd, ha
gyorsan dnten l. 61. Gyorsan bement a frdszobba. 62. Lassan teltek az rk. 63.
reztem, hogy lassan einehezednek a szempillim. 64. Egy igazn klns hzban lnek. 65. Nagyon utlak takartani. 66. Nem
igazn beteg. 67. Tnyleg ezt akarod? 68.
" Akkor eljssz?" - " Ht, tnyleg azt hiszem,
hogy nem tudok." 69. Csodlkozom rajtad,
komolyan mondom. 70. Nem sokat lttuk
mostanban. 71. Csak nemrgiben kezdte
jsgri plyjt. 72. Titokban elhatrozta,
hogy otthagyja a vrost. 73. Nha komolyan
utlom ezt a kutyt. 74. Nha gy kalapl a
szvem, hogy azt hiszem, mindjrt kiugrik a
helyrl. 75. Nha eljn megltogatni szombatonknt. 76. Hamar rjnne, ha hazudnk. 77. Hamarosan vget r a nyr. 78. Tudom, hogy hamarosan jobban fogja rezni
magt. 79. Hirtelen felragyogott az arca. 80.
Hirtelen eszembe jutott, hogy mr hallottam
ezt a hangot. 81. Valami biztosan nincs rendben velem . 82. Meglep mdon egy szt
sem szlt. 83. Brmilyen meglep is, de igaz.
84. Egy kicsit spadtnak nzel ki ma. 85. Holnap tjnnek. 86. Holnap mr otthon le-

86. Tomorrow, we will be home. 87. Unfortunately, we can't choose. 88. l usually have
muesli for breakfast 89. Do you usually live
in the van? 90. l don't see them before noon,
usually. 91. During the week, Ted was usually home near six. 92. Usually, they don't
mind a bit of music. 93. You didn't water the
flowers yesterday, Johnnie. 94. There was a
bank robbery in central London yesterday. 95.
Yesterday, l got up laterthan usual.



sznk. 87. Sajnos nem vlaszthatunk. 88.

Rendszerint mzlit eszem reggelire. 89. ltalban a furgonban laksz? 90. Dlig rendszerint nem is ltom ket. 91. Ht kzben
Ted ltalban hat krl itthon volt. 92. ltalban nem zavarja ket egy kis zene. 93.
Johnnie, tegnap nem locsoltad meg a virgokat! 94. London belvrosban tegnap kiraboltak egy bankot. 95. Tegnap ksbb keltem, mint szoktam.

minden, egsz

l would like to see the whole world. NOT: l vvould like to ~ee the ~ll vvorld.


1. That's ali. 2. That's not ali l wanted to
hear. 3. ls that ali you can say? 4. My friends
are ali l've got. 5. Ali l know is he was my
worst teacher. 6. Ali l can do is ask h im
again. 7. Ali l could see were his contact
lenses. 8. Ali l did was (to) turn off the tap.
OR: Turn off the tap was ali l did. 9. How
puzzling it ali is! 10. At the time it ali
seemed quite natural. 11. Mike saw it ali.
12. Go ahead, you can eat it ali. 13. What's
ali this noise about? 14. Youwantit ali? 15.
The Chicago Bulls won it ali agai n in 1993.
16. Ali ou r money was spent on food for
the three of us. 17. l have done ali my packing. 18. l've heard ali this before. 19. What
will he do with ali that money? 20. They
left ali (of) the food on the table. 21. Ali of
our money was wasted on souvenirs. 22. l
haven't been out ali day. 23. l' ve been lying awake ali night. 24. You weren't up ali
night studying, were you? 25. We were there
ali july. 26. We spent ali the summer in that
littie cottage up there. 27. They just talked
and talked and talked ali the way. 28. l used
to live next door to a couple who argued
ali the time. 29. We've lived next door to
each other ali our lives. 30. They've travelled ali over China. 31. Ali the world
knows about it.

1. Ez minden. 2. Nem csak ezt akartam hallani. 3. Ez minden, amit mondani tudsz? 4.
Nekem csak a bartaim vannak. 5. Azt tudom, hogy volt a legrosszabb tanrom.
6. Pusztn annyit tehetek, hogy megkrdezem jra. 7. Nem lttam semmit a kontaktlencsjn kvl. 8. Csak ezt a csapot zrtam el, mst nem csinltam. 9. Milyen rejtlyes ez az egsz! 1 O. Akkoriban az egsz
teljesen termszetesnek tnt. 11. Mike mindent ltott. 12. Gyernk, megeheted az egszet! 13. Mirt van ez a nagy lrma? 14.
Mindet akarod? 15. A Chicago Bulls 1993ban is mi nden t megnyert. 16. Az sszes
pnznk hrmunk tkezsre ment el. 17.
Mindent becsomagoltam. 18. Mindezt mr
hallottam egyszer. 19. Mit fog csinlni azzal a sok pnzzel?-20. Az sszes ennivalt
az asztalon hagytk. 21. Minden pnznket szuvenrre pazaroltuk. 22. Egsz nap
nem voltam kint. 23. Egsz jszaka bren
fekdtem. 24. Ugye nem maradtl fenn
tanulni egsz jszaka? 25. Egsz jliusban
ott voltunk. 26. Az egsz nyarat fnt tltttk, abban a kis hzban. 27. Csak beszltek s beszltek egsz ton. 28. Egy olyan
pr mellett laktam, akik egsz id alatt veszekedtek. 29. Egsz letnkben szarnszdok voltunk. 30. Beutaztk egsz Knt. 31.
Az egsz vilg tud rla.

q4: al/, every, each q48: focus and emphasis


32. lt's ali your fault. 33. It ali depends on
your point of view. 34. l forgot ali about
her birthday. 35. His face was ali white. 36.
She was dressed ali in black. 37. l was ali
covered with dust. 38. Marilyn Monroe was
ali woman. 39.1 am so very tired of being
ali alone here.

32. Teljesen a te hibd. 33. Teljesen nz

pont krdse. 34. Teljesen elfelejtkeztem a
sz letsnapjrl. 35. Teljesen fehr volt az
arca. 36. Teljesen feketbe ltztt. 37. Teljesen belepett a por. 38. Marilyn Monroe tettl talpig n volt. 39. Annyira elegem van
abbl, hogy teljesen egyedl vagyok itt.


40. Az egsz vilg bkt akar. 41. gy tnt,

40. The whole world wants peace. 41. The

whole world seemed asleep. 42.1 would like
to see the whole world. 43. l th ink the whole
thing's a complete waste of money. 44. His
whole body began to shake. 45. l guess he
didn't tell me the whole story. 46. Did you
read the whole book? 47. He must have been
the handsomest SS officer in the whole German army. 48. ln my whole life l fought for
recognition. 49. She's been ill the who le week.
50. l was up on the seventh floor the whole
of the time. 51. They spent the whole of that
year in the mountains. 52. Since the whole of
our money was stolen, we cou ldn't continue
ou r tri p. 53. l've smoked a whole package of
Edgewood, it's been a very strange day. 54.
We wanted to spend a who le week there. 55.
It rair.ted for three whole weeks. 56. Whole
tribes were ki lied off in their hunt for gold.

alszik az egsz vi lg. 42. Az egsz vilgot

ltni szeretnm! 43. Azt gondolom, hogy
ez az egsz egyszeren pnzkidobs. 44.
Az egsz teste remegni kezdett. 45. gy sejtem, nem mondta el nekem az egsz trtnetet. 46. Az egsz knyvet elolvastad? 47.
Alighanem volt a legsnjdigabb SS-tiszt
az egsz nmet hadseregben. 48. Egsz letemben el ismersrt kzdttem. 49. Egsz
hten beteg volt. 50. Egsz id alatt a hetedik eme leten vo ltam. 51. Azt az egsz vet
a hegyekben tltttk. 52. Mivel az sszes
pnznket elloptk, nem tudtuk folytatni az
utazst. 53. Elszvtam egy egsz doboz
Edgewoodot, nagyon furcsa nap volt. 54.
Ott akartunk tlteni egy egsz hetet. 55. Hrom teljes htig esett. 56. Egsz trzseket
irtottak ki, amikor arany utn kutattak.

57. He swallowed the small creature whole.
58. There was an ox roasted whole. 59. He
sent it down his throat whole so that they
wouldn't notice it.

al/, every, each

57. Egy darabban nyelte le a kis teremtmnyt. 58. Volt egy egszben sttt kr.
59. Egyben nyelte le, hogy ne vegyk szre.

mindegyik, az sszes

1. Ali is lost. 2. Not ali good wine is ex-

1. Minden elveszett. 2. Nem minden j bor drga. 3. Minden ember egyenlnek teremtetett.
4. Termszetesen nem minden n akar gyereket. 5. Mind a hrom zrva volt. 6. Az sszes
gyerek visszajtt? 7. Az sszes tanr j hangulatban volt. 8. A bombz teljes legnysge meghalt. 9. Az sszes src, akit ismerek, nagyjbl

pensive. 3. Ali men were created equal. 4.

Of course not ali women want to have
babies. 5. Ali three were closed. 6. Are ali
the children back? 7. Ali the teachers were
in a good mood. 8. Ali the bomber crew
died. 9. Ali the boys l know are about as


hard up as l am. 1 O. We ali thought she

was joking. 11. We ali went together. 12.
Did they ali understand what to do? 13.
How brave they'll ali think me at home.
14. Ali of us waited for h im to die. 15. She
was worth more than ali of you put together. 16. Ali six of them- two adults and
four children- sleep in one bedroom. 17.
Close ali the doors and windows. 18.1've
seen ali the Terminator films. 19. 1'11 give
up ali my bad habits if you stay. 20. We
had a chance to meet ali kinds of people
there. 21. You men are ali the same. 22.
Now, let's sing it ali together. 23. lt's high
time you were ali in bed. 24. A bit of fresh
air will do you ali good.

annyira le van gve, mint n. 1O. Mindannyian

azt hittk, viccel. 11. Mind egytt mentnk. 12.
Mind megrtettk, mit kell tenni? 13. Milyen
btornak hisznek majd engem mindannyian
odahaza! 14. Valamennyien azt vrtuk, hogy
meghal. 15. Tbbet rt, mint ti mindannyian
egyttvve. 16. Mind a hatan, kt felntt s ngy
gyerek, egy szobban alszanak. 17. Csukd be
az sszes ablakot s ajtt! 18. Az sszes Termintor filmet lttam. 19. Ha velem maradsz, az
sszes rossz szoksommal felhagyok! 20. Ott
mindenfleemberrel tallkozhattunk. frfiak mind egyformk vagytok! 22. Most pedig
nekeljk el egytt! 23. Mr nagyon itt az ideje,
hogy mindannyian gyban legyetek. 24. Egy kis
friss leveg jt fog tenni mindannyiotoknak.

Q3: al/ <:::> whole



25. Every day is the same. 26. Every person is special, aren't they? 27. Every player
knew they had to win this time. 28. Every
one of us here today has good reason to
be proud. 29. l am convinced we have
every reason to refuse them . 30. There is
every reason to believethat the old gentleman was ki lied. 31. You' ll have to answer
every single question. 32. l can tell you l
enjoyed every minute of it. 33. They believed my every word. 34. They promised
to support us in every way. 35. Every time
l put it out to dry it rains. 36. We get a free
meal every day. 37. We go to the cinema
every Friday. 38. Everyone dreams every
night, Mary. 39. But things like this happen every week. 40. Mr. Ferrari reads his
newspaper quickly at the breakfast table
every morning. 41. l have to take one tablet after every meal. 42. 1' 11 come and see
you every other day. 43. We were asked
tocallthem every third day. 44. l sent you
a letter asking you to start the car every
few days, so that the battery wouldn't run
down. 45. You should take these pilis every four hours. 46. Have your car checked
every 3000 miles.

25. Minden nap egyforma. 26. Minden ember klnleges, ugye? 27. Mindegyik jtkos tudta, hogy ezttal muszj gyznik. 28.
Ma itt mindnyjunkat mltn tlt el bszkesg. 29. Meggyzdsem , hogy minden
okunk megvan r, hogy elutastsuk ket. 30.
Minden okunk megvan azt hinni, hogy az
regurat megltk. 31. Minden egyes krdst meg kell vlaszolnod. 32. Elrulhatom,
hogy minden perct lveztem a dolognak.
33. Minden szavamat elhittk. 34. Meggrtk, hogy minden eszkzzel tmogatni fognak minket. 35. Valahnyszor kiteszem szradni, elered az es. 36. Mindennap ingyen
kosztot kapunk. 37. Minden pnteken moziba megynk. 38. Mary, mindenki lmodik
minden jszaka. 39. De ht ilyesmi hetente
trtnik! 40. Mr. Ferrari minden reggel gyorsan elolvassa az jsgot reggeli kzben. 41.
Minden tkezs utn be kell vennem egy tablettt. 42. Majd ktnaponta megltogatlak.
43. Megkrtek, hogy minden harmadik nap
hvjuk ket. 44. Kldtem egy levelet, amiben krtem, hogy indtsd be az autt pr naponknt, nehogy lemerljn az akkumultor. 45. Ezeket a tablettkat ngy rnknt
kellene szedni. 46. Nzesd meg az autd
tezer kilomterenknt.

Every boy understands. NOT: [very boy~



8/25-50: everybody, everything etc.




47. Each of us played six games. 48. Each

of them did what they felt they had to do,
didn't they? 49. Each wants their money
back. 50. They each poured thernselves a
glass. 51. Arsenal and Everton each scored
fi ve goa ls. 52. The students were each paying f11 O a month. 53. Larson, Polly and
Ken each had a different plan. 54. Each
one of us had to go out and sign it. 55. We
asked Miss Danielssen to give us each a
list to work on. 56. Each room is the sa me.
57. Each day she felt a littie stronger.
58. The President looked at each man in
turn. 59. We should let each girl have a
go. 60. Several families live in each house.
61. She was holding ~gun in each hand.
62. Wednesday was the worst day of each
week. 63. We don't have to see a film each
time we go out, Timothy. 64. We had seventy-seven pounds each. 65. The stickers
cost 15p each. 66. l gave them a bullet

allow, permit, forhid


can, may: permission

47. Mindegyiknk hat menetet jtszott. 48.

Mindegyikk azt tette, amit a ktelessgnek
rzett, nem? 49. Mindegyik vissza akarja kapni
a pnzt. 50. Mindegyikk tlttt magnak
egy pohrral. 51. Az Arsenal s az Everton
t-t glt rgott. 52. Mindegyik tanul 11 O
fontot fizetett havonta. 53. Larsonnak, Pollynak s Kennek ms-ms terve volt. 54. Mindegyiknknek ki kellett mennie, s alrni. 55.
Megkrtk Miss Danielssont, hogy mindegyiknknek adjon egy listt, amin dolgozhatu nk.
56. Mindegyik szoba egyforma. 57. Minden
egyes nappal kicsit ersebbnek rezte magt.
58. Az elnk sorban mindenkire rnzett. 59.
Mindegyik lnynak meg kne engednnk,
hogy kiprblja. 60. Mindegyik hzban tbb
csald lakik. 61. Mindkt kezben puska volt.
62. Minden hten a szerda volt a legrosszabb.
63. Nem kellminden egyes alkalommal megnznnk egy filmet, ha randevzunk, Timothy. 64. Mindegyiknknek hetvenht fontja
volt. 65. A matrica darabja 15 penny. 66.
Mindegyikknek adtam egy golyt.

enged, tilt


let ~74: must, have to, have got to

They didn't allow/permit/forbid us to leave. NOT: Tn ey didn't allovv/pern litlforbid to



1. Dlutn 2 ra s 4 ra kztt nem szabad hangosan zent hallgatni . 2. Ott semmi szakatlant nem engednek meg. 3. Soha
nem engedte meg, hogy az rjn beszlgessenek. 4. Szabad dohnyozni a knyvtrban? 5. Nem szabad dohnyozni. 6.
Megengedte, hogy megnzzem a fotit. 7.
M egengedi az apd, hogy vezesd az autt?
8. De a mlt hten megengedted, hogy elmenjek. 9. Engedje meg, hogy bemutatkozzam. 1 O. Nem szabad felkel nem. 11. Be szabad mennnk? 12. Itt benn nem szabad dohnyozni. 13. Itt nem szabad parkolni, ez
itt a lakknak fenntartott hely. 14. Fogadhatunk vendgeket a szobnkban, de csak

1. They do not allow loud music from 2 p.

m. to 4 p. m. 2. They don't allow anything
irregular there. 3. He nevera liowed talking
in class. 4. Do they allow smoking in the
library? 5. Smoking is not allowed. 6. He
allewed me to see ali his photos. 7. Does
your father allow you to drive the car? 8.
But you a liowed me to go l ast week! 9. Please
allow me to introduce myself. 1O. I'm not aliowed
to get up. 11. A re w e aliowed to go i nside?
12. You're not allewed to smoke in here.
13. You're not aliowed to park here, it's for
residents only. 14. We're allewed to have
guests in our rooms, but they have to leave
by nine o'clock. 15. You are not even al-


lowed to know your own blood pressure.

16. Prisoners are all,awed vistars and letters. 17. Dogs aren't aliowed i n the restaurant. 18. No one is allawed out after elosing hours. 19. No guests are allawed in the
students' rooms after 11 p. m.

kilencig maradhatnak. 15. Mg a sajt vrnyomsunkat sem szabad megtudnunk. 16.

A foglyok fogadhatnak ltogatkat s kaphatnak leveleket. 17. Az rterembe kutyt
bevinni tilos. 18. Kapuzrs utn senki nem
.mehet ki. 19. A dikok szobiban este 11
utn vendgeknek tartzkodni tilos.

20. l won't permit it. 21. Do they perm'it
you to leave the building after lunchtime?
22. This ticket permits you to park here
during the afternoon. 23. 1' 11 call you today
if time perm i ts. 24. Will you pennit me to say a
few wo rds? 25. Normaily we do not permit
smoking du ring lectures. 26. People are not
permitted to smoke in government offices.
27.Students are not permitted to leavetheir
bikes in this shed. 28.Smoking is not permitted in the loading area. 29. Corporal
punishment is legally permitted in some European countries. 30. They don't permit
dogsor cats in the house.

20. Nem fogom megengedni. 21. El szabad hagyni az pletet ebdid utn? 22.
Ez a jegy ezen a helyen dlutni parkolsra
jogost. 23. Felhvlak ma, ha idm engedi .
24. Megengedi, hogy pr szt szljak? 25.
Rendszerint nem engedjk meg a dohnyzst az eladsokon. 26. A kormnyhivatalokban tilos a dohnyzs. 27. Ebben a trolban dikok nem tarthatjk a kerkprjukat. 28. A rakodtrben tilos a dohnyzs. 29. Nhny eurpai orszgban a trvny enged lyezi a testi fenytst. 30. Kutyt s macskt nem engednek be a hzba.


31. Don' t try to forb id me to tell hm. 32.
They can't forbid you to see you r guests out.
33. l was expecting the foreign ministry to
forbid me to leave the country, but l was
surprised. 34. They were forbidden to bathe
after dark. 35. Students are forbidden the
use of calculators. 36. Smoking is forbidden. 37. The local council forbade the building of warehouses along the park. 38. It is
strictly forbidden to feed the animals.

a/so, as wel/ (as), too


31. Ne prbld megtiltan i, hogy elmondjam

neki. 32. Nem tilthatjk meg, hogy kiksrd a
vendgeidet 33. Arra szmtottam, hogy a
klgyminisztrium megtiltja, hogy el hagyjam az orszgot, de kellemesen csaldtam.
34. Stteds utn nem volt szabad frdnik. 35. A dikok nem hasznlhatnak szmolgpet 36. Tilos a dohnyzs. 37. A helyi
tancs megtiltotta raktrpletek ptst a
parkban. 38. Az llatok etetse sz igoran tilos.

is, szintn

31/156-162: may/might as wel/ Q 36: either, neither/nor do l, so do l

"l am tired." - "l am also tired." OR: "l am tired as weil." OR: "l am, too." OR: "Me,
too." NOT: "l an"l also."
1. He was a good husband and also a very
close friend. 2. They play in the afternoons
and also on Saturdays. 3. ls it also avai!-

1. J frj volt, s nagyon kzeli bart is. 2.

Dlutnonknt s szombaton is j tszanak.
3. Srgban is kaphat? 4. Holnap minden-


able in yellow? 4.1t will be cold in al i areas

tomorrow, and might also be very windy.
5. There were aIso some photographs ta ken
at demonstrations. 6. l also think she ca n
do that. 7. l like jazz rock, but l also like
classical music. 8. What l also want is to
get my hair cut. 9. My first wife was also
called Joy. 1 O. You'll have to clean it. A Iso,
it' ll have to be painted.

hol hideg lesz, s esetleg e rs szlre is szmthatunk. 5. Volt mg nhny tntetsekrl kszlt fot is. 6. n szintn azt hiszem,
hogy meg tudja csinlni . 7. Szeretem a jazz
rockot, de a klasszikus zent is kedvelem.
8. s a hajamat is szeretnm levgatni. 9.
Az e ls felesgemet is Joynak hvtk. v.: Az
els felesgemet Joynak is hvtk. 1 O. Ki kell
pucol nod. s be is kell festeni.


11. They want those as weil. 12. " l have a

question."- " l have as w eil. " 13.1 want to
see your latest report as weil. 14. Can you
get us something to eat as weil, Jeremy?
15. They heard he r. say that as weil.
16.Why don't you come as weil? 17.1' m
reading it as weil because l've got an essay to write . 18. We ca n have lessons on
Saturday as weil. 19. Please check the oil
as weil as the tyres. 20. She is my o ldest
friend, don' t forget, as weil as your wife.
21. He is studying metaphysica l as weil as
physical problems. 22. Margaret rem embered the Second World War w ith affection as weil as horror.

11. Azokat is krik. 12. "Van egy krdsem."

-"Nekem is." 13. A legjabb jelentst szintn ltni szeretnm. 14. Valami ennivalt is
tudsz szerezni neknk, Jeremy? 15. Hallottk, hogy azt is mondta. v.: k is hallottk,
hogy ezt mondja. 16. Mirt nem jssz te is?
17. Azrt is olvasom, me rt kell rnom egy dolgozatot. 18. Mi is tarthatunk rkat szombaton. v.: Szombaton is tarthatunk rkat. v.:
rkat is tarthatunk szombaton. 19. Krem,
ell enrizze az olajat, s a gumikat is! 20. Ne
felejtsd, hogy a legrgibb bartom, azonkvl, hogy a felesged! 21. Fizikai s metafizikai problmkat is tanulmnyoz. 22. Margaret msodik vi lghbors emlkeiben a borzalom s a gyengd rzelmek keveredtek.

Ilike garlic as weil. NOT: l a~ weil like garli c.

23. Ez a te vlemnyed is? 24. Honnan tudod, hogy nem volt is szomjas? v.: .. . nem
volt szomjas is? 25. Nagyon nagy csomag
volt, s radsu l nehz. 26. Te is jssz? 27.
n is meg tudom csin lni. 28. Te is gy gondolod? 29. Zongorzik, s neke l is. 30.
Jobb szeretnm, ha is jnne. 31. Remlem, bajusza is van. v.: Remlem, neki is
van bajusza. 32. Mi is gy dntttnk, hogy
lelakataljuk a biciklijeinket 33. n is lttam ket elhajtani az j kocsijukkal . 34. Te
is el fogsz jnn i! 35. Kvnesi vagyok, vajon te is megtennd-e ezt rtem. 36. "Elmegyek." - "En is." 37. "Csaldott vagy9k."
- "En is." 38. Tudod, hogy imdlak. Es a
btym is. 39. "Az anym folyton cirkuszol
s engem nyaggat." - "Az enym is."

23. ls that you r view, too? 24. How do you

know she wasn't thirsty, too? 25. It was a
big pack and very heavy too. 26. Are you
coming too? 27.1 can do that, too. 28. Do
you think so, too? 29. She plays the piano
and sings too. 30. l'd rather he were coming too. 31. l hope he's got a moustache,
too. 32. We too decided to padlock our
bikes. 33. l, too, have seen them drive off
in their new car. 34. You , too, w ill come!
35. l wonder if you too woul d do that for
me. 36. " I' m leaving"- "Me too ." 37. " I'm
disappointed."- " l am, too." 38. You know
l am fond of you . My brother is, too. 39.
"My mother fusses and nags me ali the
time."- "Mine does, too."


although, though
q l 0/37-40:


as Q 34/l 8-20: discourse markers: however



1. (AI)though there's only 24 hours in a day,

l warked 50! 2. Although we complained,
nothing was done. 3. Although there is
plenty of food in the world, many people
do not have enough to eat. 4. Though he
knew that he still had a good twenty minutes, Floyd got up w ith haste. 5. We shall
call him Dave, although that is not his real
name. 6. Normaily the ant-bear is a harmless creature, but although it has no teeth it
is a dangeraus animal to provoke. 7. Although tired, the three men were exhilarated. 8. l fel t hot though it w as cold in th ere.
9. l could hear h im ahead, though l couldn 't
see h im. 1O. It never lets me down although
it is an old car. 11. ln the forest, nothing
seemed to move, though l could hear
sounds ali araund me. 12. No, Mum must
not be forgotten, though she always wanted
to forget me. 13. l thought they were kind,
though l didn't li ke the way the man laoked
at my shou lders. 14. The language laboratory, though advertised, didn' t exist. 15. Sad
though it is, that's what they said.

1. Br egy nap csak 24 rbl ll , n 50-et

dolgaztami 2. Jllehet panaszt tettnk,
mgsem intzkedtek. 3. Noha rengeteg
tpllk van a Fldn, sok embernek nem
jut elg ennival. 4. Habr tudta, hogy van
mg j hsz perce, Floyd sietsen felkelt.
5. Dave-nek fogjuk hvni, br nem ez az
igazi neve. 6. ltalban a hangysz rtalmatlan llny, de annak ellenre, hogy
nincsenek fogai , veszlyes tud lenni, ha
ingerlik. 7. Br elfradtak, azrt a hrom
frfi vidm volt. 8. Ugyan hideg volt odabenn, de nekem melegem volt. 9. Hallottam t ell, br ltni nem lttam. 1 O. Soha
nem hagy cserben, pedig reg aut. 11.
gy tnt, semmi nem mozdul az erdben,
brmindenhol hangokat hallottam magam
krl. 12. Nem, anyt nem szabad elfelejteni, jllehet mindig el akart felejteni engem. 13. Kedvesnek talltam ket, jllehet nem tetszett, ahogy a frfi a vllamat
nzte. 14. A nyelvi labor, br meghirdettk, nem ltezett. 15. Brmilyen szomor
is, de ezt mondtk.

(AI)though we are poor, we have enough to eat. NOT: (AI)though we are poor, butlyet
we have enough to eat.



16. Kivl trsasg volt, br egy kicsit b

beszd . 1 Y. Nem nz ki valami
tvgygerjesztnek .. . viszont j illata van.
18. Azrt szmthatsz r. 19. " Nem mentek
el Brightonba?"- "Nem. A mlt vben viszont voltak." 20. Csendes parti volt. De
azrt jl reztk magunkat.

16. He was excellent company, a bit talkative, though. 17. It doesn't look very appetizi n g... it smells good, though. 18. You
can count on him, though. 19. " Haven't
they gone to Brighton ?"- " No. But they did
last year though ." 20. It w as a quiet party.
Wehada good time, though.


even though

21. Annak ellenre, hogy nem rtettem, csak

tovbb mosolyogtam. 22. Annak ellenre,
hogy reg a kocsi, mg mindig megbzhat.
23. Br alkalmanknt tallkazam vele, nem

21. (Even) though l didn 't undersfand, l

kept sm iling. 22. Even though the car is
old, it is st i ll rel iable. 23. Even though l
see her occasionally, l don't really ca re


about her. 24. Even though they disliked

hm, they promised to help. 25. Even
though they quarrel regularly, Jack and
Mary still say they love each other. 26.
There are bags under your eyes even
though you've just woken up. 27. She enjoys salving problems even though they
have no practical application.

igazn kedvelem. 24. Annak el lenre, hogy

ellenszenvesnek talltk, meggrtk, hogy
segtenek neki. 25. Annak ellenre, hogy
folyton veszekednek, Jack s Mary mg mindig azt mondjk, hogy szeretik egymst. 26.
Br csak most bredtl, tsksak a szemeid.
27. Szeret problmkat megoldani, mg akkor is, ha nincs gyakorlati jelentsgk.

~41 /35-38:

anybody, anything etc.


even so

brki, brmi stb.

else ~ 1OS: some, any, no, none



1. Anyone can have an accident. 2. Anyone

can do it if they try. O R: Anyone can do it if he or
she tri es. 3. Anyone can prove that, can't they?
4. Can anybody help us? 5. Excuse me, is
anybody sitting here? 6. If anybody comes,
tell them I'm out. 7. Anyone else would say
no to that. 8. Did you meet anyone in the street
on the way back? 9. l eat anything. 1O. He
probably won't say anything. 11. l hope you
haven't broken anything. 12. We can't do
anything this week. 13. l told him l didn't wa nt
to know anything about it. 14. Perhaps he
knows hardly anything about her. 15. Have
you got anything to eat? 16. Have you got
anything special? 17. Do you want anything
else? 18. ls there a phone anywhere? 19. l
have not seen it anywhere. 20. Have you seen
my pilis anywhere? 21.Anywhere she goes, l
go too. 22. Choose a seat anywhere you wa nt.
23. Can you think of anywhere we haven't
looked? 24. l couldn't say... there could've
been anywhere between SO and 80 people
at the party.

1. Brkivel trtnhet baleset. 2. Brki meg

tudja csinlni, ha megprblja. 3. Brki bizonythatja, ugye? 4. Tud valaki segteni
neknk? 5. Elnzst, l itt valaki? 6. Ha
brki jnne, mondja azt, hogy nem vagyok
itt. 7. Brki ms nemet mondana erre. 8.
Tallkoztl valakivel az utcn visszafel jvet? 9. Brmit megeszem. 1 O. Valsznleg nem fog semmit mondani. 11. Remlem, nem trtl el semmit. 12. Ezen a hten nem tehetnk semmit. 13. Mondtam
neki, hogy nem akarok tudni semmit az
gyrl. 14. Lehet, hogy al ig tud valamit rla. 15. Van mit enned? 16. Van valami klnleges? 17. Akarsz mg va lamit? 18. Van
valahol egy telefon? 19. Sehol se lttam.
20. Lttad valahol a tablettimat? 21. Brhova megy, megyek n is. 22. Foglaljon
helyet, ahol tetszik. 23. Szerinted van, ahol
mg nem nztk? 24. Nem tudnm
megmondani ... gy SO s 80 ember kztt lehettek a partin.



25. Listen, everybody! 26. It looks li ke
everybody's here. 27. ls everyone mad? 28.
Everybody knows they' ll have to take an exam
at the end of the course. 29. Not everyone
shows the same symptoms. 30. Not everyone is patient by nature. 31. Does everybody

25. Mindenki figyeljen! 26. gy ltszik,

mindenki itt van. 27. Mindenki megrlt?
28. Mindenki tudja, hogy a kurzus vgn
vizsgt kell tennie . 29. Nem mindenki
ugyanazokat a tneteket mutatja. 30. Nem
mindenkinek van trelmes termszete. 31.


know everybody? 32. Everybody agreed with

this statement. 33. Everybody was talking at
once. 34. Has everyone finished their drinks?
OR: Has everyone finished his or her drink? 35. Everyone has heard that, haven't they? 36. A
film once in a while is a good th ing for everybody. 37. Everything's so dear. 38. ls everything ali right? 39. Do you understand everything? 40. Snow covered everything. 41. l've
seen everything. 42. We donearly everything
together. 43. The sexual revolution has
changed everything in the last 20 years.
44. The cook wi ll show you w here everyth i ng
is. 45. l agree with everything you say. 46.
H is spi es are everywhere. 4 7. That blood y dust
gets everywhere. 48. l've laoked everywhere
but l can't find it. 49. Everywhere looks so dirty
- what' ve you been doing here? 50. Everywhere you go you hear the same compiaint

Mindenki ismer mindenkit? 32. Mindenki

egyetrtett ezzel az lltssaL 33. Mindenki egyszerre beszlt. 34. Mindenki vgzett
az italval? 35. Mindenki hallotta, ugye? 36.
Mindenkinek jt tesz, ha olykor-olykor megnz egy filmet. 37. Minden olyan drga. 38.
Minden rendben? 39. rtesz mindent? 40.
Mindent h takart. 41. Mindent lttam. 42.
Majdnem mindent egytt szaktunk csinlni. 43. Aszexulis forradalom az elmlt 20
v alatt mindent megvltoztatott 44. A szakcs majd megmutatja nnek, hogy mi hol
van. 45. Mindennel egyetrtek, amit mondasz. 46. A kmei mindenhol ott vannak.
47. Ez az tkozott por mindenhova bemegy.
48. Mindenhol megnztem mr, de nem tallom. 49. Minden olyan koszos - mit m
veltek itt? 50. Ahova csak megy az ember,
ugyanazt a panaszt hallja.



51. Krem, senki ne lljon fl miattam! 52.

Senki se szereti a patknyokat 53. Senki se
vlaszolt neki. 54. Senki sem figyelt az el
adsra. 55. Mirt nem jtt el senki? 56. Ugye
mg nem jtt vissza senki? 57. Senki sincs a
frdszobban. 58. Kt fiatalt kivve senki
nem volt az utcn. 59. Senki sem volt, aki
segtsen neki. 60. Senki ms nem hibs, csak
n. 61. Nincs egy olyan ember az ismerseim kztt, aki nem ismer mindenki mst az
ismerseim kzl? 62. Semmisg. Egy perc,
s rendben leszek. 63. Neked semmi se szent?
64. Most mr semmi sem lep meg. 65. Al s
n bartok vagyunk - semmi tbb. 66. gy
dntttem, ma nem csinlok semmit. 67. Ot
napig nm volt se enni-, se innivalnk. 68.
gy lttam, nincs ami segtsen rajtam. 69. De
ennek semmi kze a felesgedhez. 70. Semmi sincs azokban a fikokban. 71. Lm, a szfben nem volt semmi. 72. Bo, eskdj meg,
hogy nincs kztetek semmi, s hiszek neked!
73. A srnek semmi baja. 74. Semmi mst
nem tehettnk. 75. Ezzel semmit nem fogsz
elrni. 76. Nincs ms hely, ahova igazn el
szerelnk menni.

51. Please, nobody get up for me. 52. Nobody l ikes rats. 53. No one answered him.
54. Nobody l istened to the lecture. 55. Why
has no one come? 56. No one has come
back yet, have they? 57. There's nobody in
the bathroom. 58. There was nobody else
in the street except two youths. 59. There
was no one to help h im. 60. There's no one
toblame but me. 61. ls there no one l know
who doesn't know everyone else l know?
62. lt's nothing. 1'11 be ali right in a minute.
63. ls nothing sacred to you? 64. Nothing
surprises me now. 65. Al and l are friends nothing more. 66. l've decided to do nothing today. 67. We had nothing to eat or drink
for five days. 68. l found nothing to help
me. 69. But it has nothing to do with your
wife. 70. There's nothing in those drawers.
71. Oh, but there was nothing in the safe.
72. Bo, swear there's nothing between you
and that man, and 1'11 believe you. 73.
There's nothing wrong with the beer. 74.
There was nothing else we cou ld do. 75. That
will get you nowhere. 76. There's nowhere
else l would real ly li ke to go.

l can't see anybody there. OR: l can see nobody there. NOT:
l c~n't 5ee nobody ti ere. OR: l can 5ee ~ny body there.



-:'7. Quick! Somebody help me! 78. Someone took my watch. 79. Th ink of somebody
. ou know very weil. 80. Someone has already told you, haven't they? 81. Somebody
'ill have to answer those questions some
day. 82. l know somebody who is a police'Tlan. 83. l heard someone fumbling at the
:ront door. 84. If you like, l can send someone for you. 85. Would you like somebody
:o go with you? 86. There's someone at the
door. 87. Boys have something that girls
don't. 88. Something strange is happening.
89. Are you laoking for something particular? 90. Has something happened? 91. That's
something l do not wish to know! 92. l have
the feeling you came_ to tell me _something.
93. Would you li ke to have something to eat?
94. ls it something to do with your dream?
95. l always knew something li ke this would
happen. 96. You could go to jail for doing
something like that. 97. l think they're painting it over or something. 98. Th ere were something like twenty dogs in the yard. 99. I'm
sure l've seen that dog before somewhere.
100. It must be sornewhere in that drawer.
101. There were sornewhere between 30 and
40 of th em. 102. Let's go sornewhere qui et.
103. Then they moved to Turkey or somewhere. 104. ls th ere sornewhere to get a coffee? 105.1 will getthe money somehow. 106.
Somehow you don't seem to like her very
much. 107. They returned somewhat later
tha n they' d promised. 108. His left arm was
somewhat shorterthan his right.


77. Gyorsan, segtsen valaki! 78. Valaki elvitte az rmat. 79. Gondolj valakire, akit
nagyon jl ismersz. 80. Valaki mr megmondta neked, ugye? 81. Egy szp napon
valakinek meg kell vlaszolnia ezeket a krdseket. 82. Ismerek valakit, aki rendr. 83.
Hallottam, hogy valaki motoszkl a bejrati ajtnl. 84. Ha gondolod, rted kldk
valakit. 85. Akarod, hogy valaki elksrjen?
86. jtt valaki . 87. A fiknak van valamijk, ami a lnyoknak nincs. 88. Valami klns trtnik. 89. Keres valamit konkrtan?
90. Trtnt valami? 91. Ez olyasmi, amirl
nem szeretnk tudni! 92. Az az rzsem,
azrt jttl, hogy kzlj velem valamit. 93.
Szeretnl enni valamit? 94. Valami, ami az
lmoddal kapcsolatos? 95. Mindig tudtam,
hogy valami ilyesmi fog trtnni. 96. Az
ilyesmirt brtnbe csukhatnak. 97. Azt hiszem, tfestik, vagy valami ilyesmi. 98. gy
krlbell hsz kutya volt az udvarban. 99.
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy valahol mr lttam ezt a kutyt. 100. Valahol ott kell lennie, abban a fikban. 101. Kr Ibeil harmincan-negyvenen lehettek. 102. Menjnk
valami csendes helyre. 103. Aztn meg elkltztek Trkorszgba, vagy hova. 104.
Lehet itt valahol kvt kapni? 105. Valahogy
megszerzem a pnzt. 106. Valahogy gy t
nik, nem nagyon kedveled t. 107. Valamivel ksbb jttek vissza, mint grtk.
108. A bal karja valamivel rvidebb volt,
mint a jobb.



q14: at, on, in, by(time) q79: nouns: number q 1QS: some, an}j no, none


1. Noise annoys. 2. Man is an enemy to

1. A zaj zavar. 2. Az ember sok llat szmra el lensg. 3. Az lsten egymsnak teremtette a frfit s a nt. 4. Tbb mint huszont v
telt el az ember els rreplse ta. 5. Informcira van szksgem. 6. Gyernk mr,
vesztegetjk az idt. 7. Adj nekem idt. 8. A

many animals. 3. God created man and

woman for each other. 4. It is over twentyfi ve years since man's first flight into space.
5. l need information. 6. Come on, we're
wasting time. 7. Give me time. 8. Reality


is never simple. 9. We don't want panic.

1 O. Man cannot exist without air, food and
water. 11. Wineis expensive in Britain. 12.
Who likes ice-cream? 13. l like steak betterthan pizza. 14. What happens to salt in
water? 15. ls it wrong to eat meat? 16.
You're used to cold weather, aren't you?
17. Music was invented for lonely men.
18. Chess isthemost exciting game in the
world. 19. Weil, there are worse things in
life. 20. He never comes home from work
before late in the evening. 21. l don't th ink
much of English beer. 22. Do you suffer
from sleeplessness? 23. They crowned h im
king. 24. He was elected president for the
third time. 25. Henry was made capta in of
the team. 26. Parliament is sitting. 27. Laws
are made by Parliament. 28. Who ki lied
President Kennedy?

valsg sohasem egyszer. 9. Nem akarunk

pnikot. 1O. Az ember nem lhet leveg, lelem s vz nlkl. 11. Nagy-Britanniban drga a bor. 12. Ki szereti a jgkrmet? 13. A
slt hst jobban szeretem, mint a pizzt. 14.
Mi trtnik a sval a vzben? 15. Helytelen
dolog hst enni? 16. Ugye hozz vagy szokva a hideg idhz? 17. A zent a magnyos
embereknek talltk fel. 18. A sakk a legizgalmasabb jtk a vilgon. 19. Ht, vannak
rosszabb dolgok is az letben. 20. Ks estnl elbb soha nem jn haza a munkbl.
21. Nem tartom valami nagyra az angol srt.
22. lmatlansgtl szenved? 23. Kirlly koronztk. 24. Harmadszor vlasztottk elnkk. 25. Henryt tettk meg a csapat kapitnyv. 26. lsezik a Parlament. 27. A trvnyeket a Parlament hozza. 28. Ki lte meg
Kennedy elnkt?

He took my book. NOT: l le took the my book.

Q86: partitives Q91 /57-74: no preposition

geographica! names and institutions

fldrajzi s intzmnynevek stb.

29. You can get from Victoria to Baker Street

without changing. 30. Oh, they moved to York
Road long ago. 31. What's the capital of Norway? 32. West Sumatra is one of the islands
in lndonesia. 33. Auckland is the biggest city
in New Zealand. 34. Would you emigrate to
Siberia? 35. The Queen lives in Buckingham
Palace. 36. Do you happen to know someone studying at Oxford University?

29. A Victritl tszlls nlkl eljuthat

Baker Streetig. 30. , mr rgen elkltztek a York Roadra. 31. Mi Norvgia fvrosa? 32. Nyugat-Szumtra Indonzia egyik
szigete. 33. Auckland a legnagyobb vros
j-Zlandon. 34. Kivndorolnl Szibriba? 35. A kirlyn a Buckingham palotban lakik. 36. Nem ismer trtnetesen valakit, aki az Oxford Egyetemen tanul?

l live in Hernd street. NOT: l live in the l lernd ~treet.

sport s jtk

sport and games

37. He can swim, ski, play football, ericket
and rugby. 38. He played basketball when
he was a student. 39. Don't play cards with
h im. 40. On Mondays we meet at Hannah's
to play bridge. 41. Will you play chess with
me? 42. The Professor and l played Scrabble.

mea ls

37. Tud szni, selni, futballozni, krikettezni s rgbizni. 38. Egyetemista korban kosarazott. 39. Ne krtyzz vele. 40. Htfnknt sszejvnk Hannah-nl bridzselni.
41. Sakkozol egyet velem? 42. A professzor
s n scrabble-ztnk.


43. We usually have breakfast weil after

eight. 44. l don't eat breakfast, and l only

43. Rendszerint jval nyolc utn reggeliznk. 44. Nem reggelizem, s ltalban



have time for a quick lunch. 45. lt's chicken

for dinner. 46. They stopped for lunch at
the Cheshire Cat.

csak egy gyors ebdre van idm . 45. Csirke van vacsorra. 46. Meglltak ebdelni a
Cheshire Catnl.

l don't usually have breakfast NOT: l don't u~ually nave a breakfa~t.


tbbes szm fnevek

47. Tigers are dangeraus animals. 48. Most

Catholics still don't eat meaton Friday. 49.
Do cats eat ba ts? 50. What do pandas eat?
51. l collect shells and pebbles. 52. l don't
really like musicals. 53. He usually wears
jeans and a T-shirt. 54. He wore dark
glasses to protect his eyes. 55. Do antelopes have stripes? 56. Films are the most
vital form of art today. 57. You _are fools.
58. l like men and flowers. 59. Chinese
journalists are the worst-paid journalistsin
the world.

47. A tigrisek veszlyes llatok. 48. A legtbb katolikus tovbbra sem eszik hst pnteken. 49. Esznek a macskk denevrt? 50.
Mit esznek a pandk? 51. Kagylt s kavicsot gyjtk. 52. Nem igazn szeretem a musicalt. 53. ltalban farmert s plt hord.
54. Stt szemveget viselt, hogy vdje a szemt. 55. Az antilapok cskosak? 56. A film a
ma mvszetnek legfontosabb terlete. 57.
Bolondok vagytok. 58. Szeretem a frfiakat
s a virgokat. 59. A knai jsgrk a legrosszabbul fizetett jsgrk a vilgon.

People like dogs. NOT: Tne people like tne


Q86: partitives




60. A tiger is a dangeraus animai. 61. A
square has four sides. 62. The average lifespan of a ti ger is about 11 years. 63. A computer can only do what you program it to
do. 64. A eyelist has to pay when he goes
over the ferry. 65. Don't carry two people
on a bike. 66. ls it really a present? 67. You
aren't a sai lor. 68. Are you a cop? 69. How
much does a model get for sitting? 70. l
don't need a doctor. 71. l never wanted to
be an MP. 72. He's been a member of parliament for ten years. 73. There wasa soldierand two nurses in the hall. 74. Hilda
was not a feminist. 75. His mother is a multimillionaire. 76. He is a brave man . 77.
You' re an educated man. 78. The problem
is that l am a Roman Catholic and Ruth is
an Angi ican. 79. l thought you were an atheist. 80. An ltalian came second. 81. There's
a scar on his face. 82. There's a meeting in
the bedroom. 83. There's a crowd in the
street. 84. There's a funny look in his eyes.
85. l need an aspirin. 86. l've lost a button.

60. A tigris veszlyes llat. 61. A ngyzetnek

ngy oldala van. 62. NEgy tigrfs tlagosan
gy 11 vig l. 63. NEgy szmtgp csak
azt tudja megcsinlni, amire beprogramozzuk. 64. A biciklistknak fizetnik kell a kompon. 65. Biciklin ne vigyl kt embert! 66.
Ez tnyleg ajndk? 67. Te nem vagy tengersz. 68. Maga zsaru? 69. Mennyit kap egy
modell egy alkalommal? 70. Nincs szksgem orvosra. 71 . Sosem akartam parlamenti
kpvi sel lenni . 72. Tz ve parlamenti kpv i sel . 73. Egy katona s kt poln volt a
hallban. 74. Hilda nem volt feminista. 75.
Az anyja multimilliomos. 76. Btor ember.
77. Te egy mvelt ember vagy. 78. Az a problma, hogy n rmai katolikus vagyok, Ruth
pedig anglikn. 79. Azt hittem, ateista vagy.
80. Egy olasz rkezett msodikknt. 81. Forrads van az arcn. 82. Gyls van a hlszobban. 83. Tmeg van az utcn. 84. Van
valami furcsa a tekintetben. 85. Szksgem
van egy aszpirinre. 86. Elvesztettem egy
gombot. 87. Egy cirkuszban fogok dolgoz-


87. I' m going to work in a circus. 88. l always li ke a eu p of tea first th ing in the morning. 89. Shalll pour you a coffee? 90.1 hope
you haven't made a meal. 91. Can we stop
for a moment? 92. That remark requires an
explanation. 93. A bright idea came into
Alice's head. 94. l have an account with
the Midland Bank. 95. The police stayed for
an hour and a half. 96. Fifty per cent of British families own a pet. 97. l will give you a
cheque for a hundred pounds.'s on a
Friday, isn't it? 99. He's not an Einstein but
l' m su re he' ll pass. 1 00. She noticed a
Renoir on the wall and two Matisses. 101.
A weak sun was trying


ni. 88. Szeretem minden reggel egy cssze

teval kezdeni a napot. 89. Tltsek neked
egy kvt? 90. Remlem, nem fztL 91.
Megllhatunk egy pillanatra? 92. Ez a megjegyzs magyarzatra szorul. 93. Alice-nek
nagyszer tlete tmadt. 94. Folyszmlm
van a Midland BanknL 95. A rendrsg
msfl rig maradt. 96. A brit csaldok tven szzalka tartvalamilyen hzillatot 97.
Adok egy esekket szz fontrl. 98. Egy pnteki napon van, ugye? 99. Ht, nem egy
Einstein, de azrt biztos, hogy tmegy. 100.
EgyRenoirts kt Matisse-t fedezett fel a falon. 101. Bgyadt napsts prblt tszremleni a felhk mgl.

break through rhe clouds.



"a Mr Smith"

"egy bizonyos Mr Smith"

102. Egy Smith nev r szeretne beszlni nnel. 103. Ugye nem ismer egy bizonyos Mrs
Burton-Coxot? 104. Egy bizonyos Mr Peter
Walker beleegyezett, hogy megveszi a hzat
egy bizonyos Mrs Dorothy Boyle-tl. 105. Jogsz volt, egy bizonyos Mr Reid Melbournbl.

102. A Mr Smith wishes to speak to you.

103. You don't know a Mrs Burton-Cox, do
you? 104. A Mr Peter Walker agreed to buy
the house from a Mrs Dorothy Boyle. 105.
He was a lawyer, a Mr Reid from Melbourne.

"a da y" etc.

"naponta" stb.
106. Percenknt tven szavas sebessggel
gpel ek. 107. tlagosan t seglykr hvs
van naponta. 108. Naponta krlbell kt
rt tltk a frdszobban. 109. Ezt naponta hromszor vegye be. 11 O. Hnyszor eszel
naponta? 111. Hetente egyszer jn. 112. A
szobimat hetente ktszer takartjk. 113.
Heti 41 rt dolgozunk. 114. Mennyi pnzt
keresel vente? 115. Tbb mint 150 ki lomter per rs sebessggel msz!

106. l can type fitty words a minute. 107.

There's an average of five emergency cal ls
a da y. 108. l spend about two hours a day
in the bathroom. 109. Take this three times
a day. 11 O. How many times a day do you
eat? 111. He comes here on ce a week. 112.
My rooms are cleaned twice a week. 113.
We work 41 hours a week. 114. How much
money do you make a year? 115. You're
doing more than 90 miles an hour!

l come here once a week. NOT: l eme here nee in a vveek.


-ly: adverbs and adjectives




116. The tiger is a dangeraus animai. 117.
My favourite flower is the rose. 118. The
koala is a medium-sized marsupial that l ves
in trees. 119. The uncertainty is over. 120. l
l i ve very nea r the sea. 121. The weather

116. A tigris veszlyes llat. 117. Kedvenc

virgom a rzsa. 118. A koala kzepes mret, fkon l ersznyes. 119. Vge a bizonytalansgnak. 120. Nagyon kzellakom
a tengerhez. 121. Idn nagyszer volt az


has been excellent this year. 122. Don't

leave it out intherain this time. 123.1 come
home at six in the evening. 124. l th ink she's
feeling betterthan she did in the morning.
125. Do the English really like the Queen?
126. The sun is shining agai n. 127. The sun
rises in the east and sets in the west. 128.
Every one of those stars is a sun, often far
more b ri ll i ant t han the small nearby star w e
call the Sun. 129. Who or what created the
universe? 130. ls the Pink Poodle Club on
48th Street or 49th? 131. But if the earth is
round, sir, why don't things fali off it? 132.
The silence lasted only a moment. 133. The
light hurt his eyes. 134. That's the judge.
135. He's in the other room. 136. We met
h im du ring the holidays.J37. Someone was
out there in the street. 138. Why don't you
ask the pol i ce? 139. Have you ever bee n
fi ned for breaking the speed limit? 140. You
get nice fresh eggs in the country. 141. Can
your car puli this caravan in the mountains?
142. Let's go to the ci nem a ton ig ht. 143.
He was assassinated in the theatre. 144. The
three men laughed. 145. The bathroom is
upstairs. 146. Where's the other ladder?
147. Wi ll the ro of bear? 148. The black car
sped away. 149. The tea in that pot is cold.
150. l like the music he makes. 151. How
did you like the music we heard last night?
152. He is the man whose car was stolen
last night. 153. l don't have the time to talk
to you just now. 154. If l had the money l' d
stop working. 155. The elimate in the north
of Europe is reali y dreadful. 156. We arri ved
on the Sunday before Christmas. 157. How
great it was to live in the London of the
1610s! 158. Will May the thirteenth suit
you? 159. It happened in Stockholm in the
thirties. 160. This eastie was built in the
thirteenth century. 161. We're having the
Smiths for dinner tonight. 162. We were
dancing the can-can. 163. You are asking
me to do the impossible. 164. The blue of the
Mediterranean is unforgettable. 165. The beautifui
is not always the same as the good.


id. 122. Ezttal ne hagyd kinn az esben.

123. Este hatkor szoktam hazajnni. 124.
Azt hiszem, jobban van, mint reggel volt.
125. Az angolok tnyleg szeretik a kirlynt? 126. Megint kisttt a nap. 127. A Nap
keleten kl s nyugaton nyugszik. 128. Minden egyes ilyen csillag egy-egy nap, mely
gyakran fnyesebben ragyog, mint az apr
kzeli csillag, amelyet Napnak hvunk. 129.
Ki vagy mi teremtette a vilgegyetemet?
130. A Rzsatcsa Klub a Negyvennyolcadik vagy a Negyvenkilencedik utcban van?
131. De uram, ha a Fld kerek, mirt nem
esnek le rla a dolgok? 132. A csend csak
egy pillanatig tartott. 133. Bntotta a szemt a fny. 134. Az a br. 135. A msik
szebban van. 136. Nyaralskor tallkoztunk vele. 137. Volt kinn valaki az utcn.
138. Mirt nem krdezed meg a rendrs
get? 139. Bntettek mr meg gyorshajtsrt? 140. Vidken finom friss tojshoz juthat az ember. 141. Elbrja az autd ezt a
lakkocsit a hegyekben? 142. Menjnk moziba ma este. 143. A sznhzban kvettk
el ellene a mernyletet. 144. A hrom frfi
nevetett. 145. A frdszoba fent van. 146.
Hol a msik ltra? 147. Brni fogja a tet?
148. A fekete aut elszguldott. 149. A tea,
ami abban a kannban van, hideg. 150. Szeretem a zenjt. 151. Hogy tetszett a zene,
amit tegnap este hallottunk? 152. az a
frfi, akinek az autjt tegnap jjel elloptk. 153. Most nincs idm arra, hogy beszljek nne!. 154. Ha lenne annyi pnzem,
nem dolgoznk tbb. 155. Eurpa szaki
rszn borzaszt az ghajlat. 156. Akarcsony eltti vasrnapon rkeztnk. 157. Milyen nagyszer volt az 161 0-es vek Londonjban lni! 158. Mjus tizenharmadika
megfelel? 159. Stockholmban trtnt a harmincas vekben. 160. Ez a kastly a tizenharmadik szzadban plt. 161. Smithk
jnnek hozznk este vacsorra. 162. Knknoztunk. 163. Lehetetlent krsz tlem.
164. A Fldkzi-tenger kkje felejthetetlen.
165. A Szp nem felttlenl ugyanaz, mint
a J.

the best, the only, the first

a legjobb, az egyetlen, az els

166. I'm sure he's the best father in the

world. 167. Ray is the worst singer in Australia. 168. He was the only white person
there. 169. Am l the first person you've

166. Tudom, hogy a legjobb apa a vilgon. 167. Ray Ausztrl i a legrosszabb nekese. 168. volt ott az egyetlen fehr ember. 169. n vagyok az els, akit megkr-



musical instruments


170. Can you play the guitar? 171. She both

plays the piano and sings. 172. He went to
Seatland to learn how to play the bagpipes.
173. l've been learning the piano for three
years. 174. l enjoy listening to her practising the cello.

"on the head" etc.

170. Tudsz gitrozni? 171. Zongorzik s

nekel is. 172. Elment Skciba, hogy megtanuljon skt dudn jtszani. 173. Hrom
ve tanulok zongorzni. 174. Szeretem hallgatni, amikor gyakorol a cselln.

"fejbe, fejen" stb.

175. l was hit on the head by a ericket ball

today. 176. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain
in the shoulder. 177. He grabbed me by the
neck and tri ed to pu ll me out of the car. 178.
l punched him in the chest before he could
come any closer. 179. She was stabbed three
times in the back. 180. He laoked his old
friend straight in the eye. 181. At their wedding, he kissed Lillian behind the ear.

"the rich"

175. Ma fejen talltak egy krikettlabdval.

176. H irtelen les fjdalmat rzett a vllban. 177. Nyakon ragadott, s megprblt
kihzni a kocsibL 178. Mellbe vgtam, miel tt mg kzelebb jhetett volna. 179. Hromszor htba dftk. 180. Egyenesen reg
bartja szembe nzett. 181. Az eskvn
cskat adott Lillian fle mg.

"a gazdagok"

182. The young are always beautiful.

183. The unemployed are losing hope.
184. The strong should help the weak .
185. The wounded were given first aid.
186. There's a different law for therich and
the poor. 187. This government has always

182. A fiatalok mindig szpek. 183. A munkanlkliek kezdik remnyket veszteni. 184.
Az ersek segtsk a gyengket. 185. A sebeslteket elsseglyben rszestettk. 186. Ms
trvny vonatkozik a gazdagokra, mint a szegnyekre. 187. Ez a kormny mindig segtette a gazdagokat, de nem tett semmit a szegnyekrt: 188. Ezen a kopr, termketlen fldn csak a kicsik, a gyorsak s az erszako
sak remnykedhettek a tllsben.

helped the rich but has done nothing for

the poor. 188. ln this barren and desiccated
land only the small or the swift or the fierce
could hope to survive.

l will help the blind across the road. NOT: l will help the blind!! acro!l!l the road.
"the English"

"az angolok"
189. Allah rl tn ek teremtette az angolokat. 190. Az angoloknak, gy tnik, nincs
humorrzkk. 191. Sze ri ntem az rek fantasztikusak. 192. Liverpool kozmopolita v-

189. Allah created the English mad. 1,0.

The English don't seem to have a sense of
humour. 191. l think the Irish are fantastic.
192. Liverpool is a cosmopolitan city and,
to the an ger of the Welsh, it has been called

ros, amelyet a walesiek nagy bosszsgra


"Wales igazi fvrosnak" hvnak. 193. A

francik tbb mint hromszz fle sajtot ksztenek. 194. A svjciak nagyon gyelnek
a j hrkre. 195. Mindig szerettk az oroszokat 196. A nmeteknek van erre egy szavuk. 197. A szacialistk most hatalmon vannak. 198. Az v egyik felben a koreaiak
vadsszk a tigrist, mg az v msik felben a tigris vadssza a koreaiakat 199. A
Nyugat mindenki demokrcijt tmogatja, csak a muzulmnokt nem?

'the real capital of Wales'. 193. The Freneh

make over three hundred cheeses. 194. The
Swiss are very keen to preserve their good
reputation. 195. We've always liked the
Russians. 196. The Germans have a word
for this. 197. The socialists are now in
power. 198. The Koreans hu nt the tiger during one ha If of the year, whi le the ti ger hunts
the Koreans du ring the other half. 199. Does
the West support democracy for everyone
except the Muslims?



200. She is in bed with (the) fiu. 201. My

father has got (the) fiu. 202. l am afraid the
child has (the) mumgs. 203. They caught
(the) measies from their friends at school.
204. I'm half crippled with arthritis. 205.
l've got bad toothache. 206. She's had appendicitis. 207. She'll get AIDS. 208. She
says she can't come with us because she's
got a headache. 209. l sometimesget a pain
over my heart. 21 O. lt's on ly a cold. 211. l
caught a cold by standing in the rain. 212.
Mother's in bed with a temperature.

200. gyban fekszik influenzval. 201.

Apm influenzs. 202. Attl tartok, a gyermeknek mumpsza van. 203. Elkaptk a kanyart a bartaiktl az iskolban. 204. Flig nyomorkk tesz az zleti gyulladsom.
205. Nagyon fj a fogam. 206. Vakblgyulladsa volt. 207. AIDS-es lesz. 208. Azt
mondja, nem tud eljnni, mert fj a feje.
209. Nha fjdalmat rzek a szvem tjkn. 21 O. Csak egy megfzs. 211. Megfztam, amikor lltam az esben. 212. Anya
lzasan fekszik az gyban.


213. l always hated wearing school uniform
when l was at school. 214. Don't they teach
you anything at school? 215. He was the
worst teacher in the school. 216. He says
he wants to go back to the school for some
club meeting. 217. Are you going to university when you leave school? 218. l remember the time when l went to college.
219. He's gone to the University to give a
speech to the new graduates. 220. l was
glad to see him in church this morning. 221.
My Aunt Maggie goes to church every day,
she's very religious. 222. The last time she
was in a church was when she got married
to me. 223. The workmen are busy in the
church repairing the roof. 224. She's been
in hospital for several days now. 225. During this time l was an outpatient at a throat,
nose and ear hospital in London. 226. He
was sent to the hospital with some documents. 227. They are reported to have es-

213. Mindig is utltam egyenruht hordani, amikor iskolba jrtam. 214. Nem tantanak neked semmit az iskolban? 215.
volt a legrosszabb tanr az iskolban. 216.
Azt mondja, vissza akar menni az iskolba
valamilyen klubgylsre. 217. Ha elvgezted az iskolt, egyetemre msz? 218. Emlkszem arra az idre, amikor fiskolra
- jrtam. 219. Elment az egyetemre beszdet mondani a vgzsknek. 220. rltem,
hogy lttam a templomban ma reggel. 221.
Maggie nnikm mindennap elmegy a
templomba, nagyon vallsos. 222. Akkor
volt utoljra templomban, amikor sszehzasodtunk. 223. A munksok a templomban vannak, a tett javtjk. 224. Mr tbb
napja krhzban van. 225. Ebben az id
ben jrbetegknt kezeltek egy londoni orrfl-gge klinikn. 226. Bekldtk a krhzba valami iratokkaL 227. A jelentsek szeri nt csak nhny napja szktek meg a br-


caped from prison only a few days ago. 228.

Tomorrow I'm going to the prison to see
Clive. 229. What do you wear in bed? 230.
We can discuss Proust in bed. 231. ls it
alright if l sit on the bed? 232. Jump in, 1'11
give you a lift into town. 233. There were
only three doctars in town then. 234. l didn't
know Daniel had left town. 235. There are
several hotels in the town. 236. News travels quickly in a small town. 237. l grew up
in a small town in the West of England.

tnbl. 228. Holnap megyek a brtnbe

megltogatni Clive-ot. 229. Mit viselsz az

gyban? 230. Az gyban beszlgethetnk
ProustrL 231. lhetek az gyra? 232.
Ugorj be, elviszlek a vrosba. 233. Annak
idejn csak hrom orvos volt a vrosban.
234. Nem tudtam, hogy Daniel elment a
vrosbl. 235. Tbb szlloda van a vrosban. 236. Egy kisvrosban gyorsan terjed a
hr. 237. Egy nyugat-angliai kisvrosban nt
tem fel.

How often do you go to church? NOT: l lovv often do 10u go to the ehureh?



238. Do you know tomatoes are f1.70 a/

the kilo? 239. Potatoes are ten pencea/the
ki lo. 240. Ap p les have come up to 1 .65 a/
the kilo. 241. Sugar is 20p a/the pound. 242.
The price of oil is expected to fali by more
than $1 a/the barrel. 243. Apples are 30p
a/the dozen. 244. This car does thirty miles
a gallon/to the gallon. 245. We only sell
cloth by the metre. 246. We were paid by
the hour. 247. ls there any chance we can
hire bikes by the week? 248. You can also
buy them by the dozen. 249. The Engfish
measure by the yard and not by the metre.

238. Tudod, hogy a paradicsomnak 1 font

70 penny kilja? 239. A krumpli kilja 1O
penny. 240. Az alma ra felment kilnknt
1,65-re. 241. Egy font cukor 20 pennybe
kerl. 242. Az olaj ra hordnknt vrhatan tbb mint 1 dollrral fog esni. 243. Az
alma tucatja 30 penny. 244. Ez az aut 100
kilomteren 1O liter benzint fogyaszt. 245.
Csak mterre adjuk a szvetet. 246. rabrben fizettek bennnket. 247. Elkpzelhet,
hogy egy htre is brelhetnk biciklit? 248.
Tucatra is vehetsz bellk. 249. Az angolok
nem mterben, hanem yardban mrnek.


q 6:

mint, ahogy: az as hasznlata

a/so, as wel/ (as), too q ll : as, because etc.: reason and consequence q 12: as if, as though
q)Q/1-30: comparison: as ... as q97: same q l 39: when, white etc.


1. Do as l tell you! 2. If we don't wa nt
trouble, we must do as they say. 3.1 didn't
understand why he reacted as he did. 4.
She's free to do as she pleases, isn't she? 5.
As you know, l take very littie part in my
husband's professionallife. 6. Adolescence,
as we ali know, can be a difficult period. 7.
We talked, as they say, the same language.
8. We pretty much went our own way, as
you must have guessed. 9. As was mentioned before, we are now setting up our


1. Tgy, ahogy mondom! 2. Ha nem akarjuk, hogy baj legyen, gy kell tennnk, ahogy
mondjk. 3. Nem rtettem, mirt gy reaglt. 4. Azt teszi, ami jlesik neki, nem igaz?
5. Mint tudja, alig veszek rszt a frjem szakmai tevkenysgben. 6. A serdlkor, mint
mindannyian tudjuk, nehz idszak is lehet.
7. Ahogy mondani szektk, egy nyelven beszltnk. 8. Igencsak a sajt fejnk utn mentnk, amint azt sejthetted is. 9. Mint mr elhangzott, sajt ingatlankzvett irodt ho-

..n estate agency i n the area. 1O. As hapcens so often, we argued about money. 11.
Can l see the manager now?" - "Certainly.
-\5 you wish, Madam." 12. The results of
;; thiswereas follows. 13. ln 1992, as in
99 1, crime continued to be on the in.:rease.

zunk ltre a krnyken. 10. Mint olyan sokszor, most is a pnzen vitatkoztunk. 11. liBemehetek az zletvezethz most azonnal?"
-"Termszetesen. Ahogy hajtja, hlgyem."
12. Mindez az albbi kvetkezmnyekkel
jrt. 13. 1992-ben, akrcsak 1991-ben, tovbb nvekedett a bnzs .

Do as you're told. NOT: Do hovv/like you're told.

14. I'm tell ing you this as a fr i end. 15. He
ved in Hungary as a boy. 16. l had a job
as a gravedigger for a year. 17. As a public
:igure you ought to set an example. 18. l
can only speak as someone who knew h im
and lived with him. 19. As a paediatrician
have examined hundreds of chi ldren in
the past fifteen years. 20. l would not have
been happy as a film star. 21. l became
completely absorbed in my job as a programmer. 22. l like him as a teacher, but
not as a person. 23. 1'11 come to the party
d ressed as a pol iceman. 24. My men,
dressed as thieves, attacked h im twice. 25.
He was looked upon as a hero. 26. I'm
th inking of taking her in as a partner. 27. l
wonder what it would be like to have her
as my daughter. 28. He was one of those
men who talk about their wives as 'old
ba gs'. 29. Joe Woo d struck me as bei ng an
amiable simple young man with a good
sense of humour. 30. She i magined h im as
he had been in his college days, longhaired, untidy, round-eyed, laughing. 31.
Can't we take that as a starting point? 32.
Don't look at it as a defeat. 33. You should
see thischange in your life as an opportu nity. 34. He saw insanity as a blessing, not
a tragedy. 35. They were easy to identify
as Swiss pine. 36. ln no way are my comments intended as a criticism .

14. gymondom ezt neked mint a bartod.

15. Kisfi korban Magyarorszgon lt. 16.
Egy vig srsknt dolgoztam. 17. Mint kzleti szemlyisgnek, pldt kellene mutatnia. 18. Csak gy beszlhetek, mint aki ismerte s egytt lt vele. 19. Gyermekorvosknt tbb szz gyermeket vizsgltam meg az
elmlt tizent vben. 20. Mint filmsztr nem
lettem volna boldog. 21. Programozknt teljesen belemerltem a munkmba. 22. Kedvelem mint tanrt, de mint embert nem igazn. 23. Rendrnek ltzve megyek a buliba. 24. Az embereim, akik tolvajnak ltztek, ktszer tmadtak r. 25. Felnztekrmint
egy hsre. 26. Gondolkodom, hogy bevegyem-e mint partnert. 27. Kvnesi vagyok,
milyen lenne, ha a lnyom lenne. 28. Azok
kz a frfiak kz tartozott, akik " vn szatyorknt" emlegetik a felesgket. 29. gy lttam, hogy Joe Wood egy szeretetre mlt, j
humorrzk, egyszer fiatalember. 30. El kpzelte t olyannak, amilyen fiskol s korban
volt, hossz hajjal, rendetlenl, kerek szemekkel, nevets kzben. 31. Nem vehetnnk ezt
kiindulsi pontnak? 32. Ne tekintsd veresgnek. 33. Ezt a vltozst az letedben egy lehetsgnek kellene tartanod. 34. Az elmebetegsget nem tragdinak, hanem ldsnak
tekintette. 35. Knnyen meg lehetett llaptani rluk, hogy szrkefenyk. 36. Megjegyzseimet semmi esetre sem kritiknak sznom.

1. I'm telling you this as a friend. NOT: I' m telling you thi~ like a friend. 2. She was like
a daughter to us. NOT: She wa~ a~ a daughter to u~. 3. They treat me like a child.
NOT: They treat n 1e a~ a child. 4. She worked as a shop assistant for two months.
NOT: She vvorked like a ~hop a~~i~tant for tvvo n1onth~.
c)67: like


37. Br igen hideg volt, gyalog mentnk az
llomsra. 38. Brmennyire is siettnk, nem
rtnk el a kunyhig jfl eltt. 39. Brmennyire is ks volt, felugrottunk Stevehez az elads eltt. 40. Brmilyen hihetetlenl hangzik, ezt vlaszoltk.

37. Cold as it was, we walked down to the

station. 38. Fast as we walked, we couldn't
reach the hut before midnight. 39. Late as
it was, we called on Steve before the play.
40. Unbelievable as it may sound, that's
what they answered.
~7 :

although, though

as, because etc.:

reason and consequence

mivel, mert (ok

s kvetkezmny)


~60/1-20 : infinitive of purpose ~l 03/3 7-41 :

so ~l 04: so that, so as to, in order to

You always/often/never come late. NOT: Alovay5foftenfnever you con 1e late.



1. As we didn't know the way, we had to

take a taxi. 2. As she speaks Freneh quite
weil, she won't need an interpreter. 3. As
she is very tired, you shouldn't disturb her
now. 4. Be very diplomatic as she is the
professor's wi fe. 5. They wen t home as th ere
was nothing more to be done.

1. Mivel nem tudtuk az utat, taxival kellett

mennnk. 2. Mivel egsz jl beszl franciul, nem lesz szksge tolmcsra. 3. Minthogy nagyon fradt, nem szabadna most zavarnod. 4. Legyl nagyon diplomatikus, a
professzor felesge. 5. Miutn nem volt tbb
tennival, hazamentek.

6. Mivel megtagadtk a segtsget, egyedl
kellett megcsinlnom. 7. Azt hittem, New
Yorkban van, de miutn mgsem, hadd
mondjak nnek valamit. 8. Miutn ennyire
zlik ez a bor, rendelek nnek egy rekesszel
belle. 9. Minthggy kezdem elveszteni a trelmemet, megkrhetnm, hogy tvozzon?

6. Since they refused to help, l had to do it

alone. 7. l thought youwerein New York,
but since you aren't, let me tell you something. 8. Since you enjoy this wi ne so much,
1'11 order a case of it for you. 9. Since I'm
running out of patience, may l kindly ask
you to leave.

10. l can't tell you how disappointed my
wife will be, for you are her favourite actor.
11. l asked her to stay to tea, for l had something to tell her. 12. H er Majesty will not be

10. El sem tudom mondani, milyen csaldott lesz a felesgem, hiszen n a kedvenc
sznsze. 11. Megkrtem, maradjon tera,
mert valamit mondani akartam neki. 12. felsgenem lesz jelen, mivel ms, rendkvl
fontos gyekkel kell foglalkoznia.

presen t, for she is to attend to o ther m atters of high





13. l can't ring h im because he's not on the

13. Nem tudom felhvni, mert nincs telephone. 14. " Why do you w ant h im to
fonja. 14. "Mirt akarod, hogy eljjjn?" come?" - " Because he's my friend." 15. l
"Mert a bartom." 15. Nha aggdom amiworry sometimes because they' re twins. 16.
att, hogy ikrek. 16. Tetszett, me rt mu latsliiked it becauseit was funny. 17. l haven't
gosnak talltam. 17. Nem ksztettem vamade any supper, because it's Thursday. 18.
csort, mert cstrtk van. 18. Azrt menl married him because he reminded me of . tem hozz, mert az apmra emlkeztetett.
my father. 19. We couldn't sleep because
19. Nem tudtunk aludni, mert a munksok
the workmen were warking ali night. 20. l
egsz jjel dolgoztak. 20. Tudtam, hogy bknew you must be awake because l heard
ren vagy, mert hallottalak nekelni. 21. Akyou singing. 21. He hasn't got an accentcentus nlkl beszl- azrt, mert tbb mint
that's because he spent more than ten years
tz vet ott tlttt. 22. Miutn nem voltam
there. 22. Because l was not used to travelhozzszokva az utazshoz, nagyon elfradl ing, l got very tired . 23. Because
tam. 23. Mivel Duckworth mg nem volt
Duckworth was under eighteen, he was
tizennyolc ves, a frfit letfogytiglanra

l want to leave because I'm fed up. NOT: l vvant to lea ve becau!!e of I'm fed up.


24. Do you think they left because of me?

25. Because of his broken arm, he couldn't
move on to the next rock. 26. It ali happened because of what you said. 27. It certa in ly isn't because of me that there isn't
any more money in the bank.

24. Gondolod, hogy miattam mentek el?

25. A trtt karja miatt nem tudott tkapaszkodni a kvetkez sziklra. 26. Az
egsz amiatt trtnt, amit mondtl. 27.
Nyilvn nem miattam van, hogy nincs tbb
pnz a bankban.



28. , Damian, te kis csacsi, ht ezrt szeretlek annyira! 29. Emiatt nem hvtl vissza,
H annah? 30. Ezrt gondolom, hogy taln
ideje lenne elindulni. 31. Valsznleg ezrt
nem ette meg. 32. Ezrt akartl tallkozni
Kerryvel? 33. Ezrt nem fog bevlni, amit
javasolsz. 34. "Mirt nem jtszhatunk itt?"
-"Csak mert ez a szably."

28. Oh, Damian, you silly boy, that's why l

love you so much! 29. ls that why you didn't
call me back, Hannah? 30. That's why l th ink
it may be time to start off. 31. That's probab ly
why she didn't eat it. 32. ls this why you
wanted to meet Kerry? 33. This is why what
you suggest will not work. 34. "Why can't
we play here?"- "lt's a regulation, that's why."

He was tired so he went to bed early. NOT: Ile wa!! tired, tnat'!! vvl-ty he ovent to bed early.

as if, as though


1. It looks as though it's going to rain. 2. It
sounds as if there's a storm coming. 3. You
don't sound as if you li kethem at ali . 4. It

1. gy nz ki, esni fog. 2. gy hallom, vihar

kzeleg. 3. Nem gy beszlsz, mintha kicsit
is szeretnd ket. 4. gy tnik, nem kaptk


seems as though they haven 't receved our

fax. 5. You look as though l have asked
youarather peculiar question. 6. You look
as if you've seen a ghost. 7. It looks as if
Simon and Paula won't be able tolend us
the money after ali.

meg a faxunkat 5. Olyan vagy, mintha valami nagyon furcst krdeztem volna tled. 6.
gy nzel ki, mint aki szellemet ltott. 7.
gy nz ki, hogy Simon s Paula vgl mgsem tudjk klcsnadni a pnzt.

gy nzett ki, hogy

8. It laoked very much as if Luke was leaving us for good. 9. l felt as if l was going to
faint. 10.1 felt as though l was in the middle
of nowhere. 11. The barmen greeted us
as formaily as if we were visiting them in
their own homes, which l suppose we were.
12. They gave me a strange look as if l
shouldn't be there at ali. 13. He glanced
over his shoulder as though afra id of eavesdroppers. 14. She breathed heavily as if
with a chest compiaint 15. He rose as if
to go. 16. She spoke rapid ly, as if pretending to be cheerful and efficient.

8. Nagyon gy ltszott, mintha Luke vgleg

hagyna el bennnket. 9. gy reztem, mindjrt eljulok. 1O. gy reztem, mintha a nagy
semmiben lennk. v.: gy reztem, hogy a
nagy semmiben vagyok. 11. A csaposok
olyan udvariasan kszntttek bennnket,
mint akik az otthonukba trnek be, s felteszem, ez gy is volt. 12. Furcsn nztek rm,
mintha semmi keresnivalm nem lenne kztk. 13. Htrapillantott a vlla fltt, mintha
attl tartana, hogy valaki hallgatzik. 14. Nehezen llegzett, mint akinek baj van a tdejvel. 15. Felemelkedett, mint akimenni kszl. 16. Gyorsan beszlt, mint aki jkedv
nek s hatkonynak akar tnni.


17. Why is he laoking at me as though he
knew me? 18. l love herevery bit as much
as if she were my natural daughter. 19. l t's
almost as though they were hunting us. 20.
l remember it as if it was/were yesterday.
21. They talked, Lonie thought, as freely
as though they were alone. 22. He felt as if
he were walking in his sleep. 23. lt's not as
though we weren't making money at the
time either. 24. It wasn't as if her husband
had unusua l demands of any kind. 25. Wi th
his eyes elosed he could see her as clearly
as if she were standing in front of him. 26.
She treated me as if l was a stranger. 27.
Toby was pouring hmself a Campari, as
carefully as if he were spiitting the atom.
28. He stared at me as if l were a tropical
fish. 29. Becky gave her abrilliant smile, as
if they had not quarrelled. 30. She was tautly
polite to me, as if she had never seen me
before. 31. He laoked as though he hadn't
had a decent meal for a month.


17. Mirt nz rm gy, mintha ismerne? 18.

Pontosan annyira szeretem, mintha az deslnyom lenne. 19. Majdnem olyan, mintha vadsznnak rnk. 20. gy emlkszem r, mintha tegnap trtnt volna. 21. gy beszlgetnek, gondolta Lonie, mintha kettesben lennnek. 22. gy rezte magt, mint egy alvajr. 23. Nem mintha mi nem kerestnk volna jl ebben az idben . 24. Nem mintha a
frjnek brmiflerendkvli ignyei lettek volna. 25. Csukott szemmel olyan tisztn ltta t,
mintha ott llt volna eltte. 26. gy bnt velem, mint egy idegenne!. 27. Toby olyan vatosan tlttte ki a Camparijt, mintha atomot
hastana. 28. gy bmult rm, mintha valamilyen trpusi hal lennk. 29. Becky gynyr
mosolyt kldtt felje, mintha nem is veszekedtek volna. 30. Mereven udvarias volt, mintha soha nem ltott volna azeltt. 31. gy nzett ki, mint aki mr egy hnapja nem kapott
rendes telt. v.: gy nzett ki, mintha mr egy
hnapja nem kapott volna rendes telt.



kr, krdez

verbs VI: verbs with two objects

He asked for the bill. NOT: Ile a~ked the bill.



1. Why don't you ask hm his name? 2. "Are

you on the phone?" - she asked. 3. Now,
don't smile, my darling, I'm asking it seriously. 4. Why don't you ask them? 5. You
had better ask hm yourself. 6. Excuse me,
but may l ask you a very personal question? 7. He did not even ask the price, he
just bought a dozen of them. 8. Ask that
policeman over there the way. 9. They
asked us the way to the Westminster Abbey. 10. Ask hm if helikes chocolate. 11.
She asked if l spoke any other languages.
12. l asked them if l could use the kitchen.
13. May l ask who? 14. Don't ask me why.
15. May l ask what it is? 16. Ask h im where
it hurts. 17. She asked how much money l
needed. 18. Ask her ali the usual questions
but don't ask her how old she is. 19.1 have
come to ask exactly what you want me to
do for you. 20. They asked hm where the
money had come from.

1. Mirt nem krdezed meg, hogy hvjk? 2.

Van telefonod? - krdezte. 3. Na, ne mosolyogj, drgm, komolyan krdezem. 4. Mirt
nem krded meg tlk? 5. Jobb, ha te magad
krdezed meg. 6. Elnzst, lehet egy nagyon
szemlyes krdsem? 7. Meg se krdezte az
rt, csak megvett belle egy tucatot. 8. Krdezd meg attl a rendrtl, merre kell menni! 9. Megkrdeztk tlnk, merre kell menn i az W es tm i nster-aptsghoz. 1 O. Krdezd
meg, szereti-e a csokit. 11. Megkrdezte, beszlek-e ms nyelveket is. 12. Megkrdeztem,
hasznlhatom-e a konyht. 13. Megkrdezhetnm, kicsoda? 14. Ne krdezd, mirt. 15.
Megkrdezhetem, mi az? 16. Krdezd meg
tle, hogy hol fj. 17. Megkrdezte, mennyi
pnzre van szksgem. 18. Tedd fel neki az
sszes szoksos krdst, de ne krdezd meg,
hogy hny ves. 19. Azrt jttem, hogy megkrdezzem, pontosan mit akarnak, hogy mit
tegyek. 20. Megkrdeztk tle, hogy honnan
van a pnz.

indirect speech



21. Krjnk tle mg pnzt! 22. Cigarettt

krt tlem. 23. Krt tlem mg egy italt. 24.
Krj ajnlatokat a tet javtsra. 25. Akinek kell mg papr, krhet. 26. Trcszta a
kzponto t, s krte a rendrsget 27. Krtl mr tlk idpontot? 28. Elnzst, azt
hittem, tet kr. 29. Tl sokat kvn,
Hamilton. 30. Mirt nem krsz egyszeren
engedlyt a tvozsra? 31. Bob, krhetnk
tled egy szvessget? 32. Sosem mulasztja
el, hogy a tancsomat krje, ha fontos krdsben kell dntenie. 33. Azt remlte,
Becky nem fogja krni, hogy jhessen. 34.
Soha nem krtk, hogy belevonjanak. 35.
Maggie, krlek, hogy maradj. 36. Megkrem, hogy ne postn kldje el. 37. Elisme-

21. Let's ask hm for some more money. 22.

She asked me for a cigarette. 23. He asked
me foranother drink. 24. Ask for quotations
formending the roof. 25. Anyone who wants
more paper can ask for it. 26. She dialled
the operator and asked for the police. 27.
Have you asked them for an appointment?
28. I'm sorry, l thought you asked for tea.
29. You are asking too much, Hamilton. 30.
Why don't you just ask permission to leave?
31. Bob, could l ask you a favour? 32. He
never fails to ask my advice before an rnportant decision. 33. She hoped Becky was
not going to ask to come. 34. We neverasked
to be involved. 35. I'm asking you to stay,
Maggie. 36. l will ask him nottosend it by


post. 37. l did ask her to calm down, l admit. 38. l was asked to hand in my report by
the end of the month. 39. We've been asked
not to say anything at the moment. 40. They
asked that they should be told weil in advance. 41. H e asked that he be notified of any

rem, igenis megkrtem, hogy higgadjon le.

38. Azt krtk, hogy a hnap vgig adjam
le a jelentsemet 39. Megkrtek bennnket, hogy egyelre semmit se mondjunk. 40.
Azt krtk, hogy j elre tjkoztassk ket.
41. Azt krte, idben rtestsk brmilyen

changes in due time.

Q127: verbs 1: reported requests

at, on, in, by (time)




Q 9: articles Q 15: at, in, on (pl ace) Q 91: prepositions and adverb particles



1. Vrjl rm htkor a szakott helyen. 2. A

Eustonbl 6.20-kor indul vonat 10.35-kor
rkezik meg. 3. A htvgeken haza lehet
menni. 4. Mindig ks este jvk haza. 5.
Hajnalban fogunk elindulni. 6. Amikor
Nell vacsoraidben hazarkezett, ltta,
hogy Becky mr alszik. 7. Remlem, eljssz s velnk tltd a karcsonyt. 8. Vannak klnleges hsvti szoksaitok? 9. Jelen pillanatban mi a legfontosabb megoldsra vr problmja? 1 O. Egy idben jttek. 11. Mit rzett a balesetekor? 12. A te
korodban n is pont ilyen voltam. 13. ppen most, 43 ves koromban vesztettem
el az llsomat

1. Meet me at seven o' clock at the usual

place. 2. The train which leaves Euston at
6.20 arrves at 1 0.35. 3. You can go home
at weekends. 4. l always come home late
at night. 5. We're going to leave at dawn .
6.Coming in at suppertime, Nell found
Becky already asleep. 7. l hope you'll
come and stay with us at Christmas. 8. Do
you have any special traditions at Easter?
9. What is the main problem facing you at
the moment? 1 O. They ca me at the sam e
time. 11. How did you feel at the time of
the accident? 12. l was exactly the same
at your age. 13. l have just !ost my job at
the age of 43.


14. We must come back again on Thursday. 15. It ali started on Monday morning.
16. We'll go on the night (when) Roger
comes. 17. He was born on July 4th. 18.
On Christmas day l used to go and see my
Grandma. 19. Shall wehave a big party on
Mum's birthday? 20. Roland's always on
time. 21. Are you normaily on time for appointments? 22. l must get to the airport on

14. Cstl=tkn megint vissza kell jnnnk.

15. Htf reggel kezddtt minden. 16.
Azon az jszakn megynk, amikor Roger
megrkezik. 17. Jlius negyedikn szletett.
18. Karcsony napjn t szaktam menni ltogatba a nagyi hoz. 19. Csapjunk egy nagy
bulit anya szletsnapjn? 20. Roland mindig pontos. 21. Pontosan szaktl rkezni a
tallkozkra? 22. Pontosan kell kirnem a

They arrived exactly on time. NOT: Tl1ey arr ived exaetly in time.



23. She only works in the morning. 24.
What are the first sounds you normaily hear
in the morning? 25. 1'11 drop in for a few
minutes later in the afternoon. 26. Sometimes l wake up in the night. 27. The tulips
will bloom in June. 28. Days are long in
summerand short in winter. 29. What fuel
will cars run on in 201 O? 30. The Abbey
was rebuilt in 1499. 31. The picture was
painted in the 19th century. 32. Were you
in time for the meeting last night? 33. Ilike
to arrve in time for my appointments.
34.And in an instant, he understcod why.
35. 1'11 be with you in five minutes. 36. We
can be there in an hour. 37. She will be
back in six days. 38.-1 will be fifteen in eleven days' time. 39. What has changed in
thirty years? 40. l might bedeadin six years.
41. British higher education has grown relatively slowly in the last ten years. 42. The
economy is not expected to grow in the
short term.

23. Csak dlelttnknt dolgozik. 24. Milyen hangokat hallasz ltalban reggelente
elszr? 25. Beugrom majd pr percre valamikor a dlutn folyamn . 26. Nha felbredek jszaka. 27. A tulipnek jniusban
fognak virgozni. 28. Nyron hosszak, tlen rvidek a nappalok. 29. Milyen zemanyagot fognak hasznlni az autk 201 Oben? 30. Az Aptsgot 1499-ben ptettk
jj. 31. A kpet a XIX. szzadban festettk. 32. Idben odartl tegnap este a gy
lsre? 33. Szeretek idben rkezni a megbeszlt tallkozkra. 34. s akkor hirtelen
megrtette, hogy mirt. 35. t percen bell itt vagyok. 36. Egy ra alatt ott lehetnk.
37. Hat nap mlva itthon lesz. 38. Tizenegy nap mlva tizent ves leszek. 39. Mi
vltozott harminc v alatt? 40. Hat v mlva lehet, hogy mr nem lek. 41. A brit felsoktats az elmlt tz vben viszonylag lassan fejldtt. 42. Rvid tvon nem szmtanak a gazdasg fejldsre .

They carne in the afternoon. NOT: Tney cl!me !!fternoon.


43. You must be home by 11 o'clock. 44. l
expected you back by half past eleven. 45.
She was packed and dressed by nine thirty.
46. They should be home by now. 47. There
will be 8000 million people in the world by
the end of the century. 48. Phone me if you' re
not better by the day after tomorrow. 49. 1'11
probably be on the road by then. 50. Perhaps by then he wi ll have learnt to read. 51.
l will have developed the films by then .
52. By the time Dirk left Judy Anne was married. 53. By the time l got in, the others had
done ali the work. 54. By the time you read
this 1'11 be far away. 55. The concertwill have
started by the time we get there.

43. Tizenegyre itthon kell lenned. 44. Fl

vrtalak vissza. 45. Kilenc harmincra felltztt s sszecsomagolt 46.
Mostanra laza kellett rnik. 47. Az vszzad vgre 8 millird ember fog lni a vilgon. 48. Telefonljon, ha holnaputnra nem
rzi magt jobban. 49. Addigra mr valsznleg ton leszek. 50. Taln addigra mr
megtanul olvasni . 51. Addigra majd elh
vatom a filmeket. 52. Amikorra Dirk otthagyta Judyt, Anne mr frjhez ment. 53.
Mire bejutottam, a tbbiek mr elvgeztk
a munkt. 54. Amikor ezt olvasod, n mr
messze leszek. 55. Mire odarnk, mr elkezddtt a koncert.

We didn't get there by ten. NOT: Vv'e didn't get tnere !!t ten.


at, in, on (place)

Q9: articles Q14:



at, on, in, by (time) Q91 : prepositions and adverb particles Q124: up, down, in, out


1. l can't be at two places at once. 2. They
want us to meet them at the airport 3. We
arrved at the cinema weil after the film had
started. 4. Two men were arrested in connection with the bombing at Harrods in january.
5. The women standing at the bus stop were
staring at him. 6. There's a policeman standing at each corner. 7. You have to get off at
the next stop. 8. You can both stay at my fiat.
9. He wasstanding at the window. 1O. There's
someone at the door. 11. She stood at the end
of the garden. 12. The footnotes take up too
much space at the bottom of the page. 13. No,
l didn't see h im at the match. 14. What were
your best subjects at school? 15. l don't suppose they taught you anything about him at
school. 16. Open it at page 55.

1. Nem lehetek egyszerre kt helyen. 2.

Azt szeretnk, ha a repltren vrnnk
ket. 3. jval azutn rkeztnk a moziba,
hogy a film elkezddtt. 4. Kt embert tartztattak le a Harrods ruhzban janurban felrobbant bomba kapcsn . 5. A buszmegllban csorg nk t bmultk. 6.
Minden sarkon ll egy rendr. 7. A kvetkeznl kell lesz llnia. 8. Mindketten lakhattok a laksomban. 9. Az ablaknl llt.
1 O. jtt valaki. 11. A kert vgben llt. 12.
A lbjegyzetek tl sok helyet foglalnak el
a lap aljn. 13. Nem, nem lttam a
meccsen. 14. Mibl voltl a legjobb az iskolban? 15. Gondolom, nem tantottak
neked rla semmit az iskolban. 16. Nyisstok ki az 55. oldalon.


17. I'm not sure we're headed in the right
direction. 18. Daddy, you are the most
wonderful person in the world! 19. Tell her
my plane arrves in Vienna at 9.30. 20. We
spent our first night in Chicago in a hotel.
21. Were you in New York in February? 22.
l never realized we li vedin the same street.
23. Wehada holiday in the Welsh mountains. 24. l left my car in the car park. 25.
There were five men and seven women in
the bus. 26. Would you like to work in a
restaurant? 27. l work in an office. 28. l
never see you in church nowadays. 29.
Geoffrey was not having his New Year's
party in his own fiat. 30. 1'11 be in the loo if
anyone asks. 31. Can you sleep in a cha ir?
32. Adam must stay in bed today. 33. Do l
se e a face i n that window, l wonder? 34.
Have you looked at your eyes in the mirror
lately? 35. l just can't make out the details in
that picture. 36.Can you see his initials in


17. Nem biztos, hogy j irnyba megynk.

18. Apa, te vagy a legcsodlatosabb ember
a vilgon! 19. Mondd meg neki, hogy 9.30kor rkezik Bcsbea gpem. 20. Els chicagi jszaknkat egy hotelben tltttk. 21.
Februrban New Yorkban voltl? 22. Nem
is vettem szre, hogy egy utcban lakunk.
23. A walesi hegy~kben tltttk a szabadsgunkat. 24. A parkolban hagytam az autm. 25. t frfi s ht n volt a buszon. 26.
Szeretnl tteremben dolgozni? 27. Egy hivatalban dolgozom. 28. Mostanban sohasem ltlak a templomban. 29. Geoffrey nem
a sajt laksban tartotta a szilveszteri bulijt. 30. A vcn vagyok, ha brki krdezn.
31. Tud szken lve aludni? 32. Adamnak
ma gyban kell maradnia. 33. Vajon tnyleg
ltok egy arcot az ablakban? 34. Nzted mostanban a szemedet a tkrben? 35. Kptelen vagyok kivenni a rszleteket a kpen. 36.
Ltod a neve kezdbetit a bal fels sarok-

the top left corner? 37. There's a hole in the

knee of my jeans. 38. l think there's something in my eye. 39. You must stay in pairs.

ban? 37. Van egy lyuk a farmerom trdn.

38. Azt hiszem, van valami a szememben.
39. Maradjatok prban.

1. Thereis a down in the picture. NOT: Tnere i!! a dovvn on tl1e

2. l live in Hernd street. NOT: l live 011 llernd !ltreet.



40. Canterbury is on the road to Dover. 41.

There were icy patches on the road. 42.
They live in a house on Derby Street. 43.
There's a snack bar on my way to the office. 44. We're on the right track, l think.
45. There is snow on the mountains. 46.
The burning match fell on the floor. 47. The
hotel's got a swimming pool on the roof.
48. l put her picture on the wall next to
mine. 49. There were only two people on
the stage. 50. l can sleep on the train . 51.
We'll have to put it on a trailer. 52. He
looked at the wedding ring on his finger.
53. He squeezed the spot on my chin. 54.
Perhaps l' d better put a bandag e on that.
55. He put his hand absentmindedly on her
hand. 56. The ball hit him righton the head.
57. Did you watch Shoah on Channel Four?
58. There's an article aboutjim on page ten.

at /ast etc.

40. Canterbury a doveri ton van. 41. Jgfoltok voltak az ton . 42. Egy Derby utcai
hzban laknak. 43. Van egy snack br tkzben a munkahelyem fel. 44. Azt hiszem, j nyomon jrunk. 45. A hegyekben h van. 46. Az g gyufa leesett a padlra. 47. A hotel tetejn van egy szmedence. 48. A kpt felraktam a falra a magam mell. 49. Csak kt ember volt a sznpadon. 50. Tudok aludni a vonaton. 51.
Utnfutra kell raknunk. 52. Lenzett a
jegygyrre az ujjn. 53. Kinyomta a pattanst az llamon. 54. Taln inkbb valami ktst kne rraknom . 55. Kezt szrakozottan a lny kezre tette. 56. A labda
pont fejen tallta. 57. Nzted a Shoah-t a
Ngyes Csatornn? 58. Van a tizedik oldalon egy cikk j imrl.


vgl stb.

~34: discourse markers


went to several shops and eventually/finally we missed the bus. NOT: "vAle.

vvent to

!leve ral !ln op!! and after ali vve n I!I!!ed tn e bu!!.


1. l see you were right after ali. 2. l might
go to Scotland after ali. 3. William isn't seiling his car after ali. 4. He may not be so
rich after ali. 5. After ali, he is your husband. 6. After ali, it's in our interest too,
isn't it? 7. After ali, you're not responsible
for his actions. 8. After ali, she's old enough
to live on her own now. 9. After ali, you've
stl l got another chance. 1 O. After ali, anyone with f1.00 in cash can rent a video

1. Most mr ltom, hogy neked volt igazad. 2. Lehet, hogy vgl elmegyek Skciba. 3. William vgl is nem adja el az autjt. 4. Lehet, hogy vgl mgse olyan gazdag. 5. Vgl is, a frjed. 6. Vgtre is, ez a
mi rdeknk is, nem igaz? 7. Elvgre te nem
vagy felels az cselekedeteirt. 8. Vgl
is, elg ids mr ahhoz, hogy egyedl ljen. 9. Vgl is, mg mindig van egy eslyed. 1O. Vgl is, akinek van egy fontja kszpnzben, az klcsnzhet videkazettt




11. They're here, at last! 12. So l've found

you at last. 13. At last he said, " l have to go
away soon." 14. At last, hereyes rested on
my gloves. 15.At last they carne to a large
room at the back of the house. 16. At last
the light went out and we could go in.

11. Vgre itt vannak. 12. Na vgre niegtalltalak! 13. Vgl azt mondta: "Hamarosan mennem kell." 14. Vgl a kesztymn
nyugodott meg a tekintete. 15. Vgl egy
nagy szebba jutottak a hz vgben. 16.
A lmpa vgre elaludt, s mi bemehettnk.



17. Eventually he got his head and shoulders through the hole. 18. Eventually Mr
Darret got tough and said l would be fired
if l didn't sign up. 19. They can steer their
parachutes so that they eventually land on
the cross on the ground. 20. Drinking may
lead to carelessness, and eventually accidents.

17. Vgl sikerlt a fejt s a vllt ter

szakoln ia a lyukon. 18. A vgn Mr. Darrett
bekemnytett, s azt mondta, kirg, ha nem
iratkozom fel. 19. gy tudjk irnytani az
ejternyjket, hogy a vgn a fldre festett keresztre rkezzenek. 20. Az alkoholfogyaszts gondatlansghoz, s vgl balesethez vezethet.

21. Finally he broke down and confessed
everything. 22. And fin ally, let me thank you for
your h os pitali ry. 23. They final ly realized they
had been cheated out of their money. 24.
How many more people must die before
we final ly do something?

21. A vgn megtrt s bevallott mindent.

22. s vgl, hadd ksznjem meg nknek a szves vendgltst. 23. Vgl rjttek, hogy kicsaltk tlk a pnzket. 24.
Hny embernek kell mg meghalnia, amg
vgre tesznk valamit?

25. ln the end, she did tell me ali about
you. 26. Did she, in the end, succeed in her
exams? 27. ln the end, she secured a place
at un i vers ity, despite her fear of fa i l i ng the
entrance exam.

auxiliaries without a
main verb
q 36:

25. Vgl mgis mindent elmondott rlad.

26. Sikerltek vgl a vizsgi? 27. Vgl
sikerlt bejutnia az egyetemre, br tartott
tle, hogy megbukik a felvtel in.


- segdigk fige nlkl

either, neither/nor do l, so do l q1 01 : short answer


tag questions

"Do you know him?"- "Yes, l do. Everybody does." NOT: "Ve!, l knovV'. Everybody


1. "And now, I'm leaving." -"No, you're
not." 2. Are you coming, or are you not? 3.
"You're wasting your time, Mr Borges." -

1. "Most pedig elmegyek." - "Nem, nem

megy el." 2. Jssz, vagy nem? 3. "Az idejt
pazarolja, Mr Borges."- "Nem, nem hiszem,


o, l don't think l am." 4. "You aren't in

e with me, Nell." - "Aren't l?" - "You
w that, really. " - "l don 't, actually." 5.
' God, if that doesn't interest you, what
coes? 6. Tell Peter l will if he doesn't. 7.
ou seem to like him a lot more than l do.
His first wife cooked weil, but his second one doesn't. 9. He knows more than l
td at his age. 10. "I'm su re you had a good
me."- "Yes l did." 11. He wasn't su re why
bothered him, but it did. 12. You didn't
see his face but l did. 13. l never used to
cry, but Sandy did. 14. You haven't been
ru rned down, but l have. 15. "l have typed
ali your letters, Diana."- "You have! Splend id." 16. He said he would call back but
e hasn't. 17. "Get in touch if you-change
your mind."- "l won't." 18. "Don't ask me
why."- "l wasn't going to." 19. "I'm going
o call a doctor." - " No, you're not." - "l
w ill."- "l won't let you." - "You can't stop
me." -"1 can." 20. "Aren'tyou coming with
us?"- "l'd like to, but l can't." 21. She cannot
see you today, but she can on Tuesday. 22.
1'11 do what l can. 23. l can come next Monday, but they can't. 24. Oh, Henry, must
we? I'm so ti red. 25. You may not care now,
but l think you might later on. 26. "Maybe
they've .gone." - "Yes, they might have
(done) ." 27. l hope you'll be nice and polite. You will, won't you? 28. It is very difficult for a warking couple tospendas much
time as they should with their children. 29.
" Do you wa nt to come in?" - "Do you th ink
l should?" 30. You' ve neverasked h im about
it, though you should have. 31. "Will this
train leave on time?"- " It should (do). But
who knows?" 32. " l wasn't watching." "Weil, you should have been!" 33. "Weil ,
you could have told me! "- "Yes, l should
have, sorry." 34. An old lady was feeding
breadcrumbs to the ducks although the sign
said she shouldn't. 35. Will he do that? l
think he ought to. 36. "Could you lend me
some money?"- "l would if l could, but l.
can't." 37. They would break out if they
could. 38. "If you want, l can drive you
there."- "Oh, would you?" 39. So, they' re
tapping us. l thought they would. 40. So,
he did ... l didn't expect he would. 41. "l


hogy gy lenne." 4. "Nell, te nem is vagy szerelmes belm."- "Nem vagyok?" - "Te is tudod, hogy nem." - )gazbl nem tudom." 5.
Istenem, ha ez nem rdekel tged, akkor micsoda? 6. Mondd meg Peternek, hogy majd
n, ha nem. 7. gy tnik, te sokkal jobban
kedveled t, mint n. 8. Az els felesge jl
fztt, de a msodik nem. 9. Tbbet tud, mint
n tudtam az korban. 1 O. "B iztos vagyok
benne, hogy jl rezted magad."- "Jl." 11.
Nem tudta pontosan, hogy mirt zavarja, de
zavarta. 12. Te nem lttad az arct, de n igen.
13. Rgebben soha nem srtam, viszontSandy
igen. 14. Tged nem kosaraztak ki, de engem igen. 15. "Az sszes levelt legpeltem,
Diana!"- "Tnyleg? Pomps." 16. Azt mondta, vissza fog hvni, de mg nem tette. 17.
"Lpjen rintkezsbe velem, ha meggondoln magt." - "Nem fogom." 18. "Ne krdez-
ze, mirt." - "Nem llt szndkomban." 19.
"Hvom az orvost." - "Nem hvod!" - "De
igen!"- " De nem hagyom."- " Nem akadlyozhatod meg." - " De igen ." 20. "Te nem
jssz velnk?"- "Szeretnk, de nem tudok."
21. Ma nem tudja nt fogadni, de kedden
igen. 22. Megteszem, amit tehetek. 23. n el
tudok jnni kvetkez htfn, de k nem. 24.
6, Henry, muszj? Olyan fradt vagyok. 25.
Lehet, hogy most nem rdekel, de gy gondolom, ksbb taln fog. 26. "Taln e lmentek."- )gen, az lehet." 27. Remlem, kedves
lesze l s udva rias. Ugye az leszel? 28. A dolgoz hzasproknak nagyon nehz annyi idt
tlteni a gyerekeikkel, amennyit kellene. 29.
" Be akarsz jnni?"- "Gondolod, hogy be kellene?" 30. Sohasem krdezted t err l , pedig
kellett volna. 31. " Idben indul a vonat?""gy kne. De ht, ki tudja?" 32. " Nem figyeltem oda." - "Ht, pedig kellett volna !"
33. "Ht, megmondhattad volna!" - )gen,
sajnlom, meg kellett volna." 34. Egy reg
hlgy zsemlemorzsval etette a galambokat,
br kint volt egy tbla, hogy nem szabad. 35.
Meg fogja tenni? Azt hiszem, meg kellene tennie. 36. "Tudn l klcsnadni egy kis pnzt?"
-" Ha tudn k, adnk, de nem tudok." 37. Kitrnnek, ha tudnnak. 38. " Ha akarja, odaviszem kocsival."- ", tnyleg megtenn?''
39. Szvallehallgatnak minket. Gondoltam,
hogy le fognak. 40. Szval megtette .. . Nem

don't know why l don't leave home." "Neitherdo l. l wish you would, Lawrence!"
42. "l th ink Pamela should be told."- "She
has been." 43. Mrs. Richardsan should have
been informed but l don't think she has
been. 44. You said that we would be met,
and we weren't.

be about to

vrtam volna tle. 41. "Nem is tudom, mirt

nem megyek el itthonrl." - " n sem. De brcsak megtennd, Lawrence! " 42. "Azt hiszem, meg kellene mondani Pamelnak.""Mr megmondtuk." 43. Mrs. Richardsont tjkoztatni kellett volna, de nem hiszem, hogy
ez megtrtnt 44. Azt mondtad, vrni fognak minket, de nem vrtak.

Q 20:

kszl, 'azon van, hogy ... '

be to Q 50: future sentences



1. Look! The aircraft is about to take off. 2.

They are about to announce the election
results. 3. John is about to resign from his
job. 4. I' m justabout to have din ner, would
you like to join me? 5. Nick was justabout
to put the money in his pocket. 6. l was just
about to dive when l saw the shark. 7. She
was about to take a shower when the telephone rang. 8. We were just about to leave
when the message carne. 9. And so l was
justabout to tell you ali about it when you
c ut in. 1O. She w as about to turn on the l ight,
but then changed her mind. 11. She was just
about to start preparing dinner when there
was a knock at the door. 12. The story you
are about to hear is not a short one.

be said to etc.

1. Nzd, mindjrt felszll a replgp. 2.

Most fogjk bejelenteni a vlasztsi eredmnyeket. 3. John most kszl visszavonulni. 4. Most kszlk vacsorzni, nem akarsz
csatlakozni hozzm? 5. Nick ppen zsebre
akarta tenni a pnzt. 6. Mr ppen akartam
fejest ugrani, amikor meglttam a cpt. 7.
ppen indult zuhanyozni, amikor csengett
a telefon. 8. ppen indulni kszltnk, amikor megjtt az zenet. 9. pp ezt akartam
elmeslni, amikor kzbevgt l. 1O. Mr ppen felkapcsolta volna a villanyt, de meggondolta magt. 11. pp vacsort kezdett
volna fzni , amikor kopogtak az ajtn. 12.
A trtnet, amit hallani fognak, kicsit hossz

azt_mond jk/ll tjk/

hiszik stb.


Q48/64-70: focus and emphasis: subject raising Q 59: indirect speech Q87: passive sentences
Q99: semi-auxiliaries



1. Aaron Spelling is said to be the richest
and most successful television producer in
Hollywood. 2. Britain is said to have a temperate climate. 3. An hour of sleep before
midnight is said to be worth two hours af-


Spellingrl azt mondjk, hogy a

leggazdagabb s legsikeresebb tvproducer Hollywoodban. 2. Nagy-Britanninak
lltlag mrskelt ghajlata van . 3. Egy ra
alvs jfl eltt lltlag annyit r, mint kt

1. Aaron

ter midnight. 4. "And where is the General

now?"- "He is believed to be abroad." 5. l
guess l prefer more exotic-type dishes to
those that are considered to be more standard. 6. The third person injured, the instructor, is reported to be comfortable. 7.
Mr Howard, who is supposed to be a elever
lawyer, then left without a word. 8. I'm supposed to be in West London. 9. You're supposed to be taking notes. 1 O. It is thought
to be extremely safe.

ra alvs jfl utn. 4. 11 s hol van most a

tbornok?"- "Vlhetleg klfldn." 5. Azt
hiszem, n jobban kedvelem az egzotikus
teleket a hagyomnyosnak tekintett teleknl. 6. A harmadik srlt, az oktat a tudstsok szerint jl van. 7. Mr Howard, akit
ravasz gyvdnek tartanak, ekkor sz nlkl tvozott. 8. Valjban London nyugati
felben kellene lennem. 9. lllene jegyzetelnetek. 1 O. Rendkvl biztonsgosnak


11. He is said to have been a near relation
of King Zog. 12. Aceording to legend, the
fire was caused by a Mrs O'Leaiy's cow,
who is said to have kicked over a lantern in
the barn. 13. It was said to have been presented to Tolstoy by a group of English admirers. 14. The plane is believed to have
crashed into the ocean when fuel ran out
more tha n 300 mi les north-west of Scotland.
15. He was known to have refused it in the
interest of his profession. 16. 200 people
are reported to have died in the riots. 17.
Ted still didn't know exactly what it was
Bliss was supposed to have done. 18. He is
thought to have started the fire deliberately.
19. They are thought to have died hours
before when the pressure in the cabin
dropped sudden ly at 41,000 feet. 20. Atti la
the Hun is thought to have been buried in

11. lltlag kzeli rokona volt Zog kirlynak. 12. A legendaszerint a tzet egy bizonyos Mrs O'Leary tehene okozta, aki lltlag felrgott egy lmpst az istllban. 13.
lltlag Tolsztoj kapta ajndkba angol rajongk egy csoportjtl. 14. A gp vlhet
leg az cenba zuhant, miutn 500 kilomterre Skcia szaknyugati partjaitl elfogyott az zemanyaga. 15. gy tudtk rla, hogy a hivatsa kedvrt utastotta vissza.
16. A jelentsek szerint 200 ember halt meg
a zavargsokban. 17. Ted mg mindig nem
tudta pontosan, mit gondolnak, mit kvetett el Bliss. 18. Felttelezik, hogy szndkosan okozta a tzet. 19. A felttelezsek
szerint mr rkkal elbb meghaltak, amikor 12 ezer mter magassgban a kabinban hirtelen lecskkent a lgnyoms. 20.
Sokan gy gondoljk, hogy Attilt, a hunok
fejedelmt Magyarorszgon temettk el.

He is said/reported to have been taken to hospital. NOT: l le

i~ ~aid(reported etc. to

have taken to 1-!o~pital.


be to

'terv sze ri nt', kell

31/95-100: conditional sentences



1. Tudod, Ray s Vivien a legjobb bartaink,

s prilisban kszlnek sszehzasodni. 2.
A kirlyn oktber els felben terv szerint
Japnba ltogat. 3. Ki fogja tadni a djakat?
4. gy volt, hogy Hamilton nem rkezik meg

1. You know Ray and Vivian are our best

friends and they are to get married in April.
2. The Queen is to vist Japan in early October. 3. Who is to give out the prizes? 4.
Hamilton was not to arrve before Thurs-


cstrtk eltt. 5. Az EGK terv szerint mg

31 milli fontot juttat Nagy-Britannia szegnyebb terleteinek. 6. Jvre j biztonsgi
eljrsokat kszlnek bevezetni. 7. gy volt,
hogy velnk tlti a htvgt, de a felesge
megbetegedett. 8. Hogy a csudba csinljon lasagnt negyedra alatt? 9. Tudtk, hogy
tbb nem fogjk ltn i egymst. 1O. gy teryez ik, hogy kezdetben valamennyi vonalon
heti hrom replgpet indtanak. 11. Szeretnm, ha elruln neknk Mr Cobb, hogy
vajon honnan teremtsk el a pnzt egy ilyen
nagyra tr tervhez? 12. Bement a szobba,
ahol az nnepsget kszltek tartani, s kicserlte a villanykrtket

day. 5. The European Economic Community is to give another f31 million to Britain's
poorer areas. 6. New safety procedures are
to be introduced next year. 7. He was to
spend the weekend with us, but his wife
fell ill. 8. How in the world is she to cook
lasagna in fifteen minutes? 9. They knew
they were not to see each other agai n. 1O.
lnitially there are to be three flights a week
in each direction. 11. Will Mr Cobb please
tell us where we are to find the money for
such an ambitious scheme? 12. He went
into the room where the celebration was to
take place and changed the light bulbs.

13. Htfre le kell fordtanom ezt az tven
oldalt. 14. A cseng megszlalsakor a ltogatknak tvozhiuk kell. 15. Valamennyi
szmlt a bemutatst kvet ht napon bell rendezni kell. 16. Meg kell vrnunk a
vlasz.t? 17. Honnan kne tudnom, mit akar
ezzel mondani? 18. Mit csinljak velk utna? 19. Mit csinljunk, ha nem jn el? 20.
Tizent embernek kell brsg el llnia a
zavargsok miatt, amelyek a londoni mecscsekrl hazatr szurkolkat szllt vonaton trtntek. 21. Senkinek sem szabad beszlned errl. 22. Azt mondja, egyltaln
nem szabad innod. 23. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem szabad hozznyl nunk, amikor villog a lmpa. 24. Kpeket, posztereket stb. a falra ragasztani tilos.

13. l am to translate these fifty pages by

Monday. 14. Visitors are to leave when the
bell rings. 15. Ali bills are to be settied
within 7 days of presentation. 16. Are we
to wa it for an answer? 17. How am l to know
what she means? 18. What am l to do with
them afterwards? 19. What are we to do if
she doesn't come? 20. Fifteen people are
to appear in court following disturbances
on atrain bringing football supporters back
from matches in London. 21. You are not
to tell anyone about it. 22. He says you're
not to drink at ali. 23. I'm sure we're not to
touch it when the light's flashing. 24. Pictures, posters etc. are not to be attached to
the walls.
QS: allow, permit, forbid

both, either, neither


74: must, have to, have got to



egyik sem

36: either, neither/nor do l, so do l Q 37: either... or, neither. .. nor Q l OS: some, any, no, none


1. Both were frightened. 2. l found one o-f
them but l couldn't find both. 3. Let's buy
both. 4. Most of our employees speak either Eng l is h or German or both. 5. We both

1. Mindketten megrmltek. 2. Az egyiket

megtalltam, de mind a kettt nem. 3. Vegyk meg mind a kettt. 4. A legtbb alkalmazottunk tud angolul, nmetl, vagy mind-


kt nyelven. 5. Mindkettnknek nagyon rossz

els hzassga volt. 6. Mindketten hazamentek. 7. Az anyja s mindketten beleegyeztek, hogy eljnnek. 8. Azt szeretnm, ha mindketten csatlakozntok hozznk. 9. Mindketttket szeretlek, s ezt mindketten tudjtok.
1O. Mi ndkette n jl vagytok? 11. Mi ndkt frfi
Barrenre nzett. 12. Mindkt zlet zrva van.
13. Lehet, hogy mindkt trtnet ms. 14. A
szleim mindketten jsgrk. 15. Mindkt
csapat jl jtszott, de egyik sem tudott glt
rgni. 16. Mindkt btym ptsz. 17. Mind
a ketten szeptemberben szi..ilettnk. 18. Mindketten agglegnyek? 19. Mind a kett nagyon
mulatsgos. 20. Mind a ketten magasak s
karcsak voltak. 21. Mindketten hibsak voltunk. 22. Ht nem mindketten ldozatok vagyunk? 23. Mind a ketten nagyon jl beszlnek magyarul. 24. Mindketten nagyon rltnk, amikor hazament. 25. Mr majdnem
azt kvntam, brcsak mind a ketten elmennnek, s itt hagynnak. 26. Majd vratlanul
mindketten vidman s felszabadultan beszlgetni kezdtek. 27. Mire visszarkezett, mr a
fggny is s az ajt is lngokban llt. 28. Az
apm is meg az anym is az gyvdjvel trgyal. 29. Mindkettji..ikke l kezet rzott. 30.
Mindketten szerettk a pingpongot. 31. Mind
a kettvel tallkoztl? 32. Mindkettnknek jut
elg hely..33. Mind a ketten ljetek le, s egy
szt se, amg nem vgeztem! 34. Ez az tikszlet nk s frfiak szmra egyarnt megfelel. 35. Beszltl az igazgatval s a titkrnjvel is? 36. Spanyolorszgban s Portugliban egyarnt megta llhatk. 37. Beszlek
s rok is japnul. 38. Csinos is s okos is. 39.
Kedvesen s egyben megrten beszlt.

had terrible first marriages. 6. They both

went home. 7. She and her mother both
agreed to come. 8. l want you both to join
us. 9. l like you both, and you both know
that. 1O. Do you both feel ali right? 11. Both
the men looked at Barren. 12. Both the
shops are closed. 13. Both the stories may
be different. 14. Both my parents are journalists. 15. Both teams were playing weil,
but neither team could score a goa l. 16. My
brothers are both architects. 17. We were
both born in September. 18. Are they both
bachelors? 19. They are both very amusing. 20. They were both tali and slim. 21.
We were both to blame for that. 22. Aren't
we both victims? 23. They can both speak
very good Hungariar1. 24. We were both
glad when she went home. 25. l almost
wished they would both go and leave me
behind. 26. And suddenly they were both
talking happily and freely. 27. By the time
he returned the curtain and the door were
both in fl ames. 28. My father and my mother
are both speaking to solicitors. 29. She
shook hands with them both. 30. Both of
them liked table tennis. 31. Did you meet
both of them? 32. There's room for both of
us. 33. Sit down, both of you, and don't
speak a word tili l have finished. 34. This
travel kit is for both men and women. 35.
Did you speak to both the director and his
secretary? 36. You' ll find them in both Spain
and Portugal. 37. l both speak and write
Japanese. 38. She is both pretty and clever.
39. She spoke with both kindness and understanding.

al/, every, each

1. Both the shops were closed. NOT: Boti the tv vo ~lop~ vvere el o~ed .
2. Both (the) men nodded. NOT: The both n e 11odded.




40. Either is acceptable. 41 . This is mine

and that's hers. You can take either. 42.
"Which one do you want?"- " l don 't want
either." 43. She couldn't answer either
question. 44. Are either of the ki ds out with
Marianne? 45. Is either of you a doctor? 46.

40. Brmelyik elfogadhat. 41. Ez az

enym, s az az v. Brmelyiket elveheted. 42. " Melyiket akarod?" - " Egyiket sem."
43. Egyik krdsre sem tudott vlaszolni.
44. Kinn van Marianne-nal valamelyik gye-


Does either of the rooms have a bath? 47.

l want the potatoes peeled before either of
you disappear. 48. Has either of you ever been
here befo re? 49. Ali that we c ou ld see of either of them was two pairs of legs.

rek? 45. Nem orvos valamelyikk? 46. Van

valamelyik szabhoz frdszoba? 47. Azt
akarom, hogy a krumpli legyen meghmozva, mieltt mg brmelyiktek is eltnik. 48.
Jrt mr itt ezeltt valamelyiktek? 49. Csupn kt pr lbat lehetett ltni bellk.

Either of these two keys will open this door.

NOT: Any ofthese hV'o keys vvill open thi~ door.

50. Either opti on seems ridiculous. 51. There
was a lift at either end of the corridor. 52.
McCann and his wife were sitting on either
side of a kitchen table. 53. He walked out
with a guard on either side of h im.

50. Mind a kt lehetsg nevetsgesnek t

nik. 51. A folyos mindkt vgn volt egy
lift. 52. McCann s a felesge a konyhaasztal kt oldaln ltek. 53. Mindkt oldaln
egy-egy testrrel stlt ki.

54. Neither spoke unti l Winnie returned
with her glass. 55. "Would you like tonic
or juice?"- "Neither, thank you." 56. Neither parent seemed worried about their
child. 57. Neither road was blocked during
the night. 58. Neither of the two women
knew about each other. 59. Neither of them
slept weil. 60. Neither of them were surprised to see me there. 61. Neither of you
can leave earl i er. 62. Both of them are smili ng, but ne i ther of t hem are happy. 63. N either of th em have been Members of Parl i ament before. 64. N either of the reports was published by the committee.



54. Egyikk sem beszlt, amg Winnie

vissza nem jtt a poharval. 55. "Tonikot
vagy juice-t szeretnl?"- "Ksznm, egyiket sem." 56. gy tnt, egyik szl sem
aggdik a gyerekrt. 57. Egyik t sem volt
lezrva jszaka. 58. A kt n kzl egyik
sem tudott a msikrl. 59. Egyikk sem
aludt jl. 60. Egyikk sem lepdtt meg
azon, hogy ott lt engem. 61. Egyiktk
sem mehet el korbban . 62. Mindketten
mosolyognak, de egyikk sem boldog. 63.
Mg egyikk sem volt orszggylsi kpvisel. 64. Egyik jelentst sem tette kzz
a bizottsg.


- valamivel, 'valami ltal'

qB?/177-206: passive sentences: by agent and other agents q91: prepositions and adverb particles


1. He got in by picking the lock. 2. You'll
never get anywhere by talking such nonsense! 3. He tries to impress people by
showing off. 4. We could only start the car
by pushing it. 5. She makes extra money
by selling insurance. 6. What do you mean
by taking the last slice?! 7. l didn't get
where l am today by helping old ladies

1. Feltrte a zrat, s gy jutott be. 2. Semmit nem rsz el azzal, hogy ilyen ostobasgokat beszlsz! 3. Hencegssei prbl hatni
az emberekre. 4. Csak gy tudtukbeindtani
a kocsit, hogy betoltuk. 5. Biztostsi gynkknt keres magnak egy kis plusz pnzt.
6. Hogy kpzeled, hogy elveszed az utols
szeletet? 7. Nem azzal vittem ilyen sokra,


across the street. 8. l proved my alibi by

producing witnesses to my presence in a
pub. 9. A porter with diabetes later saved
me by getting me some insulin from the
village. 10. He kiJled the spider by squashing it with his spoon . 11. By this they mean
that you have to fill in the whole of Part 2
of the form. 12. We were awakened by the
alarm bell. 13. We think he was killed by
a faliing rock.

hogy reg hlgyeket segtettem t az utcn.

8. Ugy sikerlt igazolnom az alibimet, hogy

szereztem tankat, akik lttk, hogy a srzben voltam. 9. Egy cukorbeteg ports men-

tett meg azzal, hogy kertett nekem inzulint

a falubl. 1 O. Sztlaptotta a pkot a kanalvaL 11. Azt rtik ez alatt, hogy a nyomtatvnyon az egsz 2. rszt ki kell tlteni. 12. A
vszcseng hangjra bredtnk. 13. Felttelezzk, hogy egy lezuhan szikla lte meg.

~85/47 -48, 55-56: participle structures

"by bus" etc.

"busszal" stb.

14. Shall we go by tram? 15. If you come by

bus, l can meet you atthe bus stop. 16. Which
is cheaper, traveliing by train or traveliing by
coach? 17. We travelled by air but wehadto
send over our luggage by sea. 18. Will it be
cheaper if we fly by charter plane?

14. Villamossal menjnk? 15. Ha busszal

jssz, eld tudok menni a buszmegllba.
16. Vonattal vagy busszal olcsbb utazni?
17. Replvel mentnk, de a csomagjainkat hajval kellett tkldeni. 18. Ha charterjrattal megynk, az olcsbb?

We went in Jim's car. NOT: 'll-e went by jin i':~ car.


19. She hit hm on the head with her handbag. 20. Fix it to your jacket with a small
safety pin. 21. You could take better pictures with my other camera. 22. We forced
it open with the help of a paper knife. 23.
Giraffes defend thernselves with their very
powerful kick. 24. She went into the kitchen
so she would not wake him with her crying. 25. He kiJled the spider by squashing
it with his spoon. 26. The couple were tortured and then kiJled with an ax.

19. Fejbe vgta a tskjvaL 20. T zd a kabtodra egy kicsi biztosttvel! 21. A msik karnermmal jobb felvteleket tudnl
csinlni. 22. Egy paprvg ks segtsgvel fesztettk fel. 23. A zsirfok hatalmas
erej rgsokkal vdekeznek. 24. Kiment a
konyhba, hogy ne bressze fel a srsvaL
25. Szllaptotta a pkot a kanalvaL 26. A
hzasprt egy baltval ltk meg, miutn
megknoztk ket.

Q85/78-85: participle structures: other structures with with

can, could,
be ab/e to: ability


kpes, tud

Q 24: can, may: permissionQ25: can, could: requests and offers Q 26: can, ma~ must, will: probability,
deduction ~27: can't help Q 28: can't stand,,can't bear Q l 28: verbs ll: stative verb uses
Q l 33/53-56: verbs VII: manage to



1. l can do it eas i ly. 2. Here we can rent a

car. 3. You can open the door with this key.

1. Knnyen meg tudom csinlni. 2. Itt brelhetnk autt. 3. Ezzel a kulccsal ki tu-


4. Of course l can prove it, Mr. Arbuthnot.

5. You can ali drive a car, can't you? 6. We
can always be friends. 7. We can talk about
that later. 8. You can rely on them to help
you . 9. l can hardly squeeze it in the boot
of the car. 1O. l am going as fast as l can,
sir. 11. ls that ali you can say? 12. l have
everything money can buy. 13. l don't th ink
it can be done any other way. 14. Nobody
can guess that. 15. l can't stop you, Marilyn. 16. l cannot move my leg. 17. l cannot say no. 18. You can't prove anything.
19. You cannot open the door without the
key. 20. You cannot be sure of that. 21. l
can't get into my old swimsuit any more.
22. l can ' t run as fast as Dorothy can.
23. She can 't be trusted, can she? 24. That
can't be done and you know i.t. 25. Can
she dance? 26. Can you read and write
Portuguese? 27. Can you do addition? 28.
Can you prevent it? 29. Can you repair this
for me? 30. Can you break an apple in two?
31. Can you tell me what happened, Sir?
32. Can you gu ess why l did that? 33. How
can you be sure? 34. What compa rison s
can we make? 35. What can we do with a
woman who faints? 36. How can women
and men have such different ideas about
the same conversation? 37. How can she
do this to me? 38. Can't she speak English? 39. Can't you tell the truth? 40. Why
can't you be honest wi th me? 41. Why can't
we ever win?

dod nyitni az ajtt. 4. Persze, hogy be tudom bizonytani, Mr. Arbuthnot. 5. Mindannyian tudtok autt vezetni, nem? 6. Bartok mindig lehetnk. 7. Ezt ksbb megbeszlhetjk. 8. Szmthatsz a segtsgkre. 9.
Alig tudombeprselnia csomagtartba. 10.
Olyan gyorsan megyek, uram, ahogy csak tudok. 11. Ez minden, amit mondan i tudsz? 12.
Megvan mindenem, amit pnzrt ven n i lehet.
13. Nem hiszem, hogy brhogy mskpp meg
lehet csinlni. 14. Ezt senki nem tudja kitallni. 15. Nem tudlak meglltani, Marilyn. 16.
Nem tudom megmozdtani a lbamat. 17.
Nem tudok nemet mondani. 18. Semmit nem
tud bizonytani. 19. A kulcs nlkl nem tudod kinyitni az ajtt. 20. Ebben nem lehetsz
biztos. 21. Mr nem frek bele a rgi frdru
hmba. 22. Nem tudok olyan gyorsan futni,
mint Dorothy. 23. Nem lehet bzni benne,
ugye? 24. Ezt nem lehet megcsinlni, ezt te is
tudod. 25. Tud tncolni? 26. Tudsz rni s olvasni portuglul? 27. Tudsz sszeadni? 28.
Meg tudod akadlyozni? 29. Meg tudja ezt
javtani nekem? 30. Flbe tudsz trni egy almt? 31. Uram, el tudja mondani, mi trtnt?
32. Sejted, mirt csinltam? 33. Hogy lehetsz
biztos benne? 34. Milyen sszehasonltsttehetnk? 35. Mihez kezdhetnk egy nvel, aki
eljul? 36. Hogy tud a nknek s a frfiaknak
ennyire klnbz elkpzelsk lenni ugyanarrl a beszlgetsrl? 37. Hogy teheti ezt velem? 38. Nem tud angolul? 39. Nem vagy
kpes megmondani az igazat? 40. Mirt nem
tudsz szinte lenni velem? 41. Mirt nem tudunk soha gyzni?

He can ride a bicycle. OR: He knowshow to ride a bicycle. NOT: Ile know~ to ride a

42. Hatves koromban tudtam zongorzni.
43. Az anym hat nyelven tudott beszlni.
44. Dickens elkpeszten jszv tudott lenni. 45. Annyira rlk, hogy el tudtl jnni.
46. rtettem a problmt, de nem jutott az
eszembe megolds. 47. Sikerlttadnod neki az zenetemet, mieltt elindult volna a reptrre? 48. Mirt nem tudtl jnni? 49. Nem
lehetett biztos benne. 50. Amikor nem tudott
hova lelni, Tony Smith tvozott. 51. Harmad-

42. When l was six l could play the piano.

43. My mother could speak six languages.
44. Dickens cou ld be incredibly kindhearted. 45. I' m so glad you could come.
46. l could understand the problem, but l
couldn't th ink of a solution. 47. Could you
give h im my message before he left for the
airport? 48. Why couldn't you come? 49.
He couldn't be sure. 50. Tony Smith left
when he couldn't finda seat. 51. He took


his driving test for the third time, but still

he couldn't pass it. 52. They complained
they couldn't sleep. 53. Her leg was broken in two places and she couldn't walk.
54. What about the fans who couldn't get
tickets? 55. He couldn't remember ali the
faces. 56. l couldn't ever really tum down
Johnnie if he needed me. 57. He hung up
the phone before Quirk could spea~ again.
58. He could have done it but l don't thi nk
he did.
~31 :

szorra mentvizsgzni autvezetsbl, de mg

most sem ment t. 52. Panaszkodtak, hogy
nem tudnak aludni. 53. A lba kt helyen eltrtt, s nem tudott jrni. 54. Mi van azokkal a rajongkkal, akik nem tudtak jegyet szerezni? 55. Nem tudott visszaemlkezni minden arcra. 56. Soha nem tudnm tnyleg elut~stani Johnnie-t, ha szksge volna rm.
57. Letette a kagylt, mieltt mg Quirk jra
megszlaihatott volna. 58. Meg tudta volna
tenni, de nem hiszem, hogy megtette.

con d iti on a l sentences

59. I'm so glad you were able to come. 60.
59. Annyira rlk, hogy el tudtl jnni.
Jacky could not swim, she was_able to
60. Jacky nem tudott szn i, de sikerlt elrreach the rock. 61. He has been ab le to read
nie a sziklt. 61. Ngyves kora ta tud olsince he was 4 years old. 62. l hope 1'11 be
vasni. 62. Remlem, fogok tudni aludni. 63.
abi e to sleep. 63. Oh, you' ll be abi e to find
, knnyen tallsz majd munkt magada job easily. 64. If l stay off it today, l th ink
nak. 64. Ha a mai napot kihagyom, azt hi1'11 be able to ski tomorrow. 65. I'm sure
szem, holnap mr tudok selni. 65. Biztos
vagyok benne, hogy tudsz majd rajta jtyou' ll be able to play it if you practise long
enough. 66. The littie room was ice cold,
szani, ha eleget gyakorolsz. 66. A kis szoba
because nobody had been able to shut the jghideg volt, mert mr t ve senki nem
tudta becsukni az ablakot. 67. Tz ve jr
window for five years. 67. He has had driving lessons for ten years, but so far he hasn't . autvezetsre, de eddig mg nem tudta lebeen abi e to pass his test. 68. He hasn't been
tenni a vizsgt. 68. Tz ve nem tud jrni.
able to walk for ten years. 69. J. definitely
69. Egszen biztos, hogy nem fogok tudni
won't be able to play in the tennis tournaj~tszani a teniszversenyen jv htvgn.
ment next weekend.

Yesterday we were able to phone Honolulu. NOT: 'le.,terda:y we could pho,,e



70. Egy jegyre sem tudtam szert tenni. 71.

70. I was unable to get ny tickets. 71. l was un

ab le to sleep at night because of the noise you made.
72. They were unable to find their way into the
harbour. 73. He'll be unable to see you i:omorrow.
74. She seems unable to do the job. 75. Accord
ing to speculations, the crew were unable to use the
life jackets.

Kptelen voltam aludni jszaka a zajtl,

amit csapott. 72. Kptelenek voltak betalini a kiktbe. 73. Holnap nem fog tudni
tallkozni nnel. 74. gy tnik, nem kpes
elvgezn i a feladatot. 75. Egyes feltevsek
szerint a legnysg nem tudta hasznlni az
letment mellnyeket.


can, may: permission



"lelhetek?": -hat/-het,

allow, permit, forbid ~23 : can, could, be ab/e to: ability ~25: can, could: requests and offers
can, may, must, will: probability, deduction ~31: conditional sentences ~59: indirect speech
~74/80-91: must not ~128 : verbs ll: stative verb uses


1. Megvrhatja t a hallban. 2. Ha gondolod, klcsnveheted a szemvegemet 3.
Anyu azt mondja, hogy fnn maradhatunk,
amg vissza nem jn. 4. Itt nem rusthat jsgot. 5. Sajnlom, uram, oda nem mehet
be. 6. Lthatnm az tlevelt? 7. Krem, fizethetek csekkel? 8. Megkaphatom a kulcsot?
9. Kaphatok mg egy korty whiskyt? 1 O. Klcsnvehetem az autdat ma este? 11. Krlek, vlthatnk nhny szt az desanyddal? 12. Tizenhat ves koromban oda mehettem a bartaimmal, ahova csak akartam.
13. Dleltt kemnyen megdolgoztattak, de
a szabadidmben azt csinlhattam, amit
akartam. 14. Elnzst, szabad belenznem
a jegyzetei be? 15. Megkrheti ek, hogy tallkezzl vele helyettem? 16. Szabadna hasznlnom a telefonjt? 17. Esetleg nem vlthatnnk nhny szt, miutn visszajtt?

1. You can wait for her in the lounge. 2.

You can borrow my glasses if you like. 3.
Mum says we can stay up tili she comes
back. 4. You can't sell papers here. 5. I'm
sorry, sir, you can't go in there. 6. Can l see
you r pass port? 7. Can l pay by cheque,
please? 8. Can l have the key? 9. Can l have
. a drop more whisky? 10. Can l borrow you r
car tonight? 11. Can l have a word with you r
mother, please? 12. When l was sixteen, l
could go wherever l wanted with my
friends. 13. They made me work hard in
the morning but l could do what l wanted
in my free time. 14. Do you think l could
take a look at your notes? 15. Could l ask
you to meet him for me? 16. Could l use
your phone? 17. Could we possibly have a word
with you after you' ve come back?

may, might: formlisabb engedlykrs

s -ads


18. Most pihenhet egy kicsit. 19. Bekldheti

a hlgyet, Miss Lin. 20. Megprblhatja, ha
hajtja. 21. Szeretnk maradni, ha lehetsges. 22: Autval csak a kijellt helyen szabad parkolni. 23. Kpek, poszterek csak a
hirdettbln helyezhetk el. 24. Lel hetek?
25. "Most mr tvozhatok?" - )gen, elmehet." 26. Visszakaphatern a kulcsaimat? 27.
Megtarthatom? 28. Megkrdezhetern a nevt? 29. Kaphatok mg egy italt? 30. Lenne
szves a nevt s a cmt? 31. Adhatok egy
szeletet? 32. Vacsorzhatnnk egytt? 33.
Feltehetem a logikusan add krdst? 34.
Megkrdezhetem, mit csinl itt? 35. Hvhatom Jimnek, ugye, doktor r? 36. Javasolhatnm, hogy ksztsen egy listt a jelltekrl?

18. You may rest a littie now. 19. You may sen d
her in, Miss Lin. 20. You may try it if you like.
21. l'd like to stay if I may. 22. Cars may be
parked only in the designated spaces. 23. Pictures,
posters may be displayed only on the noticeboard.
24. May I sit do~n? 25. " May I leave now?" "Yes, you may." 26. May I have my keys back?
27. May I keep this? 28. May I ask your name?
29. May I have another drink? 30. May I have
your name and address? 31. May I give you a slice?
32. May I join you for din ner? 33. May I ask the
obvious questio n ? 34. M ay l ask what you' re do
ing here? 35. l may call you Jim, mayn't I, Doc
tor? 36. Might I stiggest that you draw up a list of
the candidates?


can, could: requests

and offers


"seg'tesz'l" "seg'thetek'~"

can, could, be ab/e to: ability ~24 : can, may: permission ~26 : can, may; must will: probability,
deduction ~128: verbs ll: stative verb uses



1. Can you help me, please? 2. You know

what, you can do the shopping and 1'11 fetch
Danny and Naomi. 3. Can you come here
a minute, please? 4. Can you spell your
name, please? 5. Can you call me back after ten? 6. Can you give me change for a
pou n d note? 7. Can you help me take it to
the garage? 8. Can someone g ive me a l ift
back to the office? 9. Can't you leave it here and 1'11 read it tomorrow. 1O. You could
ask the next person to come in. 11. l'd like
to leave a message for Linda Burns. Could
she please call me as soon as she can? 12.
Do you th ink you could stop whistling? 13.
Could you pass the salt please? 14. Could
you help me with these cases? 15. Bob,
could you do me a favour? 16.Could we
change places for a bit? 17. Could you possi
bly !end me your calculator? 18. If you could just

1, Tudna nekem segteni, krem? 2. Tudod

mit, te bevsrolhatnl, n meg elmegyek
Dannyrt s Naomirt. 3. Ide tud jnni egy
pillanatra, krem? 4. Betzze a nevt, legyen szves. 5. Vissza tudsz hvni tz utn?
6. Fel tud vltani egy egyfontost? 7. Segtenl elvinni a szerelhz? 8. Vissza tudna
vinni valaki az irodba? 9. Nem tudnd itt
hagyni, s holnap majd elolvasom? 10. Behvn a kvetkezt? 11. Szeretnk zenetet hagyni Linda Burnsnek. Megtenn, hogy
felhv, amint tud? 12. Megtennd, hogy abbahagyod a ftylst? 13. Ideadn a st, krem? 14. Lenne kedves segteni vinni a b
rndjeimet? 15. Bob, megtennl nekem egy
szvessget? 16. Helyet cserlhetnnk egy
kicsit? 17. Megkrhetnm, hogy adja klcsn a zsebszmolgpt? 18. Ha lenne
olyan kedves tadni neki ezt a levelet, nagyon hls lennk.

give him this letter, I' d be very grateful.



19. Segthetek? 20. Elvihetlek kocsival, s

majd utna kvzunk, ha hazartnk. 21.
Felhvhatlak, mondjuk, holnap reggel. 22.
Meghvhatlak egy italra? 23. Vihetern a csomagjait? 24. Segthetnk csomagolni,
Miriam? 25. Tlthetek mg egy kis tet? 26.
Elmosogathatnk, ha gondolja. 27. Elvihetnnk oda, hogy tudjl venni valamit az
desanydnak. 28. Idehozhatom az autjt?

19. Can l help you? 20. 1can drive you there

- we can have coffee later when we get
back. 21. l can call you, say, tomorrow
morning. 22. Can l buyyou a drink? 23. Can
l carry your luggage? 24. Can we help you
pack, Miriam? 25.Can l pour you some
more tea? 26. l could do the washing-up, if
you like. 27. We could take you there so
you can buy something for you r mother. 28.
Could l get your car for you?


can, may, must, will:

probability, deduction
~2 3:


taln, bizonyra

can, could, be ab/e to: ability ~24 : can, may: permission ~25: can, could: requests and offers
75-79: have to, have gotto: probability, deduction ~l 02/68-76: probability: should, oughtto


You may be right OR: Perhaps/Maybe you are right. OR: You could be right.
NOT: You maybe right.


1. l may look old but I'm not sen ile. 2. That

may be a mistake. 3. Hurry up! Someone
may come in. 4. l may fly to San Franc isco
next Saturday. 5. She may come any ti me
now. 6. l may not show up tomorrow. 7.
You may st i ll be ab le to catch her befo re
she leaves. 8. Be carefui what you say over
the phone, someone may be listen ing. 9..
You never know what might happen. 1 O.
He might be the new teacher. 11. Motorbikes might be cheap, but they' re very dangerous. 12. l mi ght be dead in six years. 13.
The conductor m ight remember. 14. l think
it might hel p a little. 15. The telephone
might ring, and l w ant to be here to answ er
it. 16. We never know when v e might need
it. 17. They might be having d inner. 18. She
may have missed the bus. 19. She ma ha e
detested the role, but she accepted it. 20.
They may have been held up in the traffi c.
21. She might have lost you r address. 22.
They thought the pilot might have tried to
drag the two men out of the cabin, before
the fire broke out. 23. She might have forgotten to call hermother back. 24. He might
have wanted sympathy, support. 25. It can
be her Chri stmas present. 26. Who can be
at the door at this time of night? 27. What
can you have said to make him think that?
28. What can have happened? 29. You
could be right. 30. Do you th ink she could
be at Christopher's place? 31. But w ho can
have known l w as here? 32. She could have
picked him up deliberately. 33. It might
have been carelessness... It could have been
planned. 34. No one could have pred icted
that, could they?


1. Lehet, hogy regnek nzek ki, de nem

vagyok szenilis. 2. Ez lehet, hogy hiba. 3.
Siess! Bejhet valaki. 4. Lehet, hogy jv
szom baton San Franciscba replk. 5.
M ost mr brmelyik pillanatban itt lehet.
6. Lehet, hogy holnap nem jelentkezem. 7.
Lehet, hogy mg el tudod kapni, mieltt elmegy. 8. Vigyzz, mit mondasz a telefonban, lehet, hogy lehallgatjk. 9. Soha nem
lehet tudni, hogy mi trtnhet. 1O. Taln
az j tanr. 11. Lehet, hogy a motorbicikli
olcs, de nagyon veszlyes. 12. Lehet, hogy
hat v m lva mr nem lek. 13. A kalauz
taln emlkszi k. 14. Azt hiszem, egy kicsit
segthet. 15. Lehet, hogy csngeni fog a telefon, s itt akarok lenn i, hogy felvegyem.
16. Sohasem tudhatjuk, hogy mikor lehet
szksgnk r. 17. Lehet, hogy ppen vacsorznak. 18. Lehet, hogy lekste a buszt.
19. Lehet, hogy utita a szerepet, de elfogadta. 20. Taln elakadtak a forgalomban.
21. Tal n elvesztette a cmedet 22. gy
gondoltk, a pilta esetleg megprblta kivonszolni a kt frfit a kabinbl, mieltt kitrt a tz. 23. Elkpz~lhet, hogy elfelejtette visszahvni az desanyjt. 24. Lehet, hogy
egyttrzsre, tmogatsra vrt. 25. Ez lehet a karcsonyi ajndka. 26. Ki lehet az
ilyen ks jszaka? 27. Mit mondhattl,
hogy ezt gondolja? 28. Mi trtnhetett? 29.
Igazad lehet. 30. Gondolod, hogy Christophernl lehet? 31. De ki tudhatta, hogy
itt vagyok? 32. Szndkosan is felvehette.
33. Lehetett vatlansg .. . Lehet, hogy elre
elterveztk. 34. Ezt senki nem tudhatta elre, igaz?


35. You can't say it's true. 36. You can't be
serious. 37. They can't be that ill. 38. She
can't know, can she? 39. You can't say it
didn't happen. 40. She can't have been
happy. 41. Oh, no, they can't have left yet!
42. You can't've slept weil. 43. But she
can't've gone out or l would've noticed! 44.
She can't have been telling the truth.

35 . Nem mondhatod, hogy igaz. 36. Nem
gondolhatod komolyan. 37. Nem igaz, hogy
annyira betegek. 38. Ugye nem lehet, hogy
tudja? 39. Nem mondhatod, hogy nem trtnt meg. 40. Kizrt dolog, hogy boldog lett
volna. 41. , nem, az nem lehet, hogy mr
elmentek! '42. Nem aludhattatok jl. 43. De
nem mehetett ki, mert szrevettem volna.
44. Nem mondhatott igazat.

She can't have known that. NOT: It cltn't be 'lllt ~he knew thllt.



45. You must be wrong. 46. Hello! You

45. Bizonyra tvedsz. 46. Hello! Te nyil-

must be Tom Priest. I' m ji ll Cage. 47. She

must be Danish . 48. It must be a code.
49. She must be home by now. 50. You
must be a very happy man, Mr Judge. 51.
You must be disappointed. 52. It must
be a very pretty dance. 53. It must be
nice to have a garden . 54. l don't think
l' d li ke to watch a Fradi match, that must
be a horrific experience. 55. He speaks
English too weil, he must be a bloody
foreigner. 56. There must surely be many
wolves in such a wild region . 57. l must
be getting better. 58. You must be making a mistake. 59. He must be suffering
terribly. 60. If he's not in his office, he
must be warking at home. 61. You must
th ink l am mad. 62. But that must happen very often. 63. Someone must know
where she is. 64. l must have been very
tired yesterday. 65. She must have been
a very stupid woman. 66. There must
have bee n 500 of us in there. 67. l must
have been about half an hour late. 68.
The pain must have been unbearable for
h im. 69. He must have overslept. 70. You
must have asked the wrong person . 71. l
must have made that clear in my letter.
72. It must have taken months to get ali
you needed. 73. You must have heard me
shouting. 74. l must have turned the
alarm clock off and gone back to sleep
aga i't,W 75. The postman must have put it

vn Tom Priest vagy. n Jill Cage vagyok.

47. Biztosan dn. 48. Valami kdnak kell
lennie. 49. Mostanra mr biztosan otthon
van. 50. Maga valsznleg nagyon boldog
ember, Mr Judge. 51. Biztosan csaldott
vagy. 52. Biztosan nagyon szp tnc. 53.
J dolog kell legyen, ha az embernek kertje
van. 54. Azt hiszem, nem szeretnk megnzni egy Fradi meccset, szrny lmny
lehet. 55. Tl jl beszl angolul, valami tkozott klfldi lehet. 56. Biztosan sok farkas van egy ilyen vad vidken. 57. Most
mr biztosan gygyulok. 58. Biztosan hibt kvetsz el. 59. Bizonyra szrnyen szenved . 60. Ha nincs az irodjban, akkor nyilvn otthon dolgozik. 61. Nyilvn azt hiszed,
megrltem . 62. De ez bizonyra nagyon
gyakran megtrtnik. 63. Valakinek tudnia
kell , hogy hol van . 64. Tegnap nagyon fradt kellett, hogy legyek. 65. Nagyon buta
n kellett, hogy legyen. 66. gy tszzan
kellett, hogy legynk. 67. Krlbell egyflrt kshettem. 68. A fjdalom elviselhetetlen lehetett szmra. 69. Biztosan elaludt.
70. Biztos nem a megfelel embert krdezted. 71. Ezt bizonyra egyrtelmen megfogalmaztam a levelemben. 72. Hnapokig tarthatott, amg megszereztetek mindent,
amire szksgetek volt. 73. Hallanotok kellett, ahogy kiablok. 74. Valsznleg lenyomtam az bresztrt s visszaaludtam.
75. A posts biztosan tvedsbl a mi pos-


into our letter-box by mistake. 76. It must

have been lost in the post. 77. Then ali
the things must have fallen out.

taldnkba dobta. 76. Biztosan a postn veszett el. 77. Aztn nyilvn minden ki potyogott.

He must have known that. NOT: It mu~t be that he knevo that. OR: It i~ ~ure that he

kne'vo that.

78. "What's he doing?" - " He'll be typing
those letters you dictated in the morning."
79. You'l l be exhausted after ali that cleaning. Come and sit down. 80. Those of you
who are familiar with the game will know
this. 81. You won't know Gordon. He is our
new doctor. 82. She won't be warking at the
moment. Give her a ring. 83. There's no point
in phoning. He'll have left by now. 84. Per
ha ps you'll have heard of it. 85. You'll have read roy
artide in today's Times, I suppose. 86. They won't
have arrved yet.

can't help

78. "Mit csinl?" - "Valsznleg azokat a

leveleket gpeli, amelyeket ma reggel diktlt neki." 79. Gondolom kimerlt vagy az
utn a sok takarts utn. Gyere s lj le! 80.
Akik ismerik a jtkot, ezt mr tudni fogjk.
81. Valsznleg nem ismeri Gordont. O az
j orvosunk. 82. Gondolom, most nem dolgozik. Hvd fel! 83. Nincs rtelme telefonlni. Mostanra mr biztosan elment. 84. Valsznleg hallott mr rla. 85. Felttelezem,
olvasta mr a cikkemet a mai limesban. 86.
Mg biztosan nem rkeztek meg.


"nem brja megllni",


~ Reference 1



1. " Ne bmuld mr t, j?"- "De ha egyszer nem brom megllni." 2. Nem tehet rla, nem akar tl erszakos lenni. 3. Bocs,
tudom, hogy faragatlansg, de nem brom
megllni nevets nlkl. 4. Egyre csak az az
rzsem, hogy a te hibd. 5. Mindenkppen
gy rzem, feleslegesen aggdnak a lnyuk
miatt. 6. Knytelen voltam gy rezni, mintha egy sllyed hajrl meneklnnk. 7.
Egyszeren nem megy ki a fejembl az zenet, amit kldtt. 8. Muszj volt mosolyognom, amikor rtaposott a szemvegre. 9.
Egyre csak azon tndtem, rjttek-e, hogy
idegen vagyok. 1O. Amit tettem, knytelen
voltam megtenni, de nem akartam rosszat.
11. Elnzst, nem tehetek rla, de hallottam,
mirl beszltek. 12. Ugyanakkor mindenkppen szrakoztatnak talltam . 13.
Felhbort Dr. Brute vlemnye, miszerint
csak bolondok dolgoznak nknt.

1. "Stop staring at hm, will you?"- " But l

just can't help it, you see". 2.She can't help
herself, she doesn't wan t to be so aggressive.
3. Sorry, l know it's rude, but l can't help
laughing. 4. l can't help feeling that it's your
fault. 5. l can't help feeling that you are
worrying unnecessarily about your daughter. 6. l can't help feeling I' m escaping from
a sinking ship. 7.1t's just that l can't help
thinking of that message he sent us. 8. l
couldn't help smiling when hetrod on his
glasses. 9. l couldn't help wandering if they
realized l was a stranger. 1 O. l could not
help doing what l did, though l meant no
harm. 11. l am sorry, l couldn't help overhearing. 12. At the same time l couldn't help
being amused. 13. I cannot help but fed anger
at Dr Brute's opinion that only fools work voluntar


14. They never do any more work th an they

can help. 15. And don't think ahead more
than you can help. 16. She shouldn't give
them more than she can help.

cn't stand, can't bear


14. Soha nem dolgoznak tbbet, mint
amennyit muszj. 15. s ne gondolkozz elre jobban, mint muszj. 16. Nem kellene
tbbet adnia nekik, mint amennyit muszj.


"nem brja elviselni"

Reference 1



1. l felt that l just couldn't bear it any

more. 2. He can't bear the thought of my
sleeping with Alfred. 3. l can't bear working in the same room as that woman. 4. l
couldn't bear watching them fight any
Ion ger, so l left the kitchen. 5. l can't be ar
you always borrowing my things and not
giving them back. 6. She couldn't bear to
owe him anything. 7. l can't bear to walk
home alone every evening. 8. l just
couldn't bear her to leave me for another

1. reztem, hogy egyszeren nem brom tovbb. 2. Nem brja elviselni a gondolatot,
hogy lefekszem AlfreddeL 3. Nem brok egy
szobban dolgozni azzal a nvel. 4. Nem
brtam tovbb nzni, ahogy lik egymst,
gyhogy kimentem a konyhbl. 5. Ki nem
llhatom, hogy folyton klcsnkred a dolgaimat, s aztn nem adod vissza ket. 6.
Nem brta elviselni, hogy brmivel is tartozzon neki. 7. Nem brom elviselni, hogy
minden este egyedl kelljen hazamennem.
8 . .Egyszeren nem brtam elviselni, hogy
otthagy egy msik frfirt.


9. They can't stand bal let. 1O. She just can't
stand my friends. 11. l can't stand places
like Majorca or the Costa Brava. 12. This
went on week after week, unti l one day
she could stand it no longer. 13. l don't
mind discos myself but it's obvious that
Vanessa can't stand them. 14. l can't stand
getting up early. 15. l can't stand doing the
washing up. 16. l can't stand waiting in
queues. 17. l can't stand seeing you smoking. 18. l really can't stand people telling
me when to get up. 19. l never could stand
my parents telling me how to dress. 20. I
can't stand your always being late. 21. My boss
couldn't stand anyone criticizing him. 22.
I'm sorry for being rude- l just can't stand
being laughed at, you know.

9. Ki nem llhatjk a balettot. 10. Egyszeren ki nem llhatja a bartaimat. 11. Ki nem
llhatom az olyan helyeket, mint Mallorca
vagy a Costa Brava. 12. Ez gy ment heteken
keresztl, amg egyszer csak nem brta tovbb. 13. n jl trm a diszkkat, de
Vanessa nyilvnvalan ki nem llhatja ket.
14. Ki nem llhatom, ha korn kell kelni.
15. Utlom a mosogatst. 16. Ki nem llhatom a sorban llst. 17. Ki nem llhatom, ha
dohnyozni ltlak. 18. Tnyleg ki nem llhatom, ha msok akarjk megmondani, mikor keljek fel. 19. Soha nem brtam elviselni, amikor a szleim akartk megmondani,
hogyan ltzkdjek. 20. Nem tolerlom,
hogy maga rendszeresen ksik. 21. A fn
km ki nem llhatta, ha brki is kritizlta.
22. Elnzst, hogy durva voltam, de tudod,
ki nem llhatom, ha nevetnek rajtam.


causative sentences



Q 66: let Q 127: verbs 1: reported requests Q130: verbs IV: verb + object camplement


1. Don't make me laugh. 2. It makes you
look so pretty. 3. Looks great! It doesn't
make you look old, you know. 4. You make
me feel giddy. 5.1 felt guilty about making
her feel guilty. 6. l wrote a letter home and
that made me feel worse. 7. l made my father get up at 1 p. m. 8. They made me
open my suitcase. 9. He made her tell h im
the truth. 1O. l tri ed to make them stay. 11.
You must make hm go back. 12. They'll
make you do it saoner or later. 13. His staries made us ali laugh. 14. It wasn't a cold
day, but Mum made me wear long johns.
15. They make me get up at six in the marning and do ali the washing before breakfast. 16. Maybethat made Mother drink, l
don't know. 17. They' ve made the Queen
pay income tax. 18. You'll have to really
speak up if you wa nt to make yourself heard
across the room. 19. l was made to put some
of the boxes on a lorry. 20. We were made
to wait for hours. 21. She wasn't made to
do it, I'm sure she wanted to do it herself.
22. Did they make you r son carry their bags
for them? 23. What makes you say that? 24.
What made hm leave school? 25. What
made you sit down to that piano, then?

1. Ne nevettess! 2. Olyan csnosan nzel ki

benne. 3. Nagyszeren ll! s tudod, egyltaln nem regt. 4. Megszdtesz. 5. Bns
nek reztem magam, amirt bntudatot bresztettem benne. 6. rtam haza egy levelet,
s ettl mg rosszabbul reztem magam. 7.
Dlutn egykorfelkeltettem az apmat. 8. Kinyittattk velem a brndmet 9. Rvette,
hogy mondja meg neki az igazat. 1O. Prbltam marasztaini ket. 11. Muszj rvenned,
hogy visszamenjen. 12. Elbb-utbb megcsinltatjk veled. 13. A trtnetei mindannyiunkat megnevettettek 14. Nem volt hideg aznap, de anya jgeralst vetetett fel velem. 15.
Flkeltenek reggel hatkor, s mindent elmosogattatnak velem reggeli eltt. 16. Lehet,
hogy ez kergette anyt az ivsba, nem tudom.
17. Jvedelemadt fizettettek a kirlynvel.
18. Tnyleg hangosan kell beszlned, ha azt
akarod, hogy az egsz szabban halljanak.
19. Nhny ldt a teherautra rakattak velem. 20. rkig vrakoztattak bennnket. 21.
Nem megcsinltattk vele, hanem biztos vagyok benne, hogy maga akarta megcsinlni.
22. A fiaddal cipeltettk a tskjukat? 23. M i
ksztet arra, hogy ezt mondd? 24. Mi miatt
hagyta ott az iskolt? 25. Akkor mi ksztetett
arra, hogy lelj ahhoz a zongorhoz?

He made me laugh. NOT: Ile msde .me to lsug.M.


have sg. done
26. You ought to have you r hair c ut. 27. Have
that house in Soho watched day and night.
28. She is having her ears pierced tomorv. 29. They' re having a fireplace built. 30.
surprised how much it costs to have my.
~ painted. 31. I'm going to have my car
ser. ced this afternoon. 32. Mike had his
so:a::h typed for him by Liz. 33. The old
- the food delivered. 34. Perkins had


26. Le kellene vgatnod a hajadat. 27. Azt

a Sohban lv hzat figyeltesse jjel-nappal! 28. Holnap kilyukasztalja a flt. 29.
Most pttetnek egy kandal lt. 30. Meg vagyok dbbenve, hogy mennyibe kerl kifestetni a laksomat. 31. Ma dlutn tnzetem az autmat. 32. Mike legpeltette
Lizzel a beszdt. 33. Az ids hlgy hzhoz szllttatta az telt. 34. Perkins bekere-

the letter framed and hung it on the wall of

his room. 35. We had to have the roof repaired. 36. They've had a bell fitted on the
outside of the house. 37. l didn't have my
photograph taken so they couldn't fix me up
with a perm it. 38. l just couldn't have it fixed
in time. 39. Did the police have your car
towed away? 40. Have you had your fi lm
developed? 41. Have you ever had a tooth
extracted? 42. You should've had your house
insulated against heat loss.

teztette a levelet, s flakasztotta a szabja

falra. 35. Meg kellett javttatnunk a tett.
36. Csengt szereltettek kvl a falra. 37.
Nem csinltattam fnykpet, gyhogy nem
tudtak nekem belpt adni. 38. Egyszer
en nem tudtam idben megjavttatni. 39.
Elvontatta a rendrsg az autdat? 40. El
hvattad mr a filmedet? 41. Hzattl mr
fogat? 42. Hszigeteltetned kellett volna a

have sy. do sg.

43. l always have my assistant look up the
information l need. 44. I' m having a joiner
make a table. 45. l hadhim get me anather
drink, just to have time to think. 46. He
didn't have us sign the minutes as l expected. 47. They may have had h im draft a
contract during the weekend.

43. Mindig az asszisztensemmel kerestetem

ki az informcit, amire szksgem van. 44.
Egy asztalossal csinltatok asztalt. 45. Hozattam vele mg egy italt, csak hogy legyen
idm gondolkozni. 46. Nem ratta al velnk a jegyzknyvet, ahogy vrtam. 47.
Lehet, hogy kszttettek vele egy szerzds
tervezetet a htvgn.

have sy. doing sg.

48. We soon had them ali dancin g. 49. They
had us laughing ali through the meal. 50.
He will have us doing the cleaning for h im
if we go there. 51. She's going to have us
digging the garden ali weekend.

48. Hamarosan mindannyiukat megtncoltattuk. 49. Evs alatt vgig nevettettek bennnket. 50. Velnk fog kitakarttatni, ha odamegynk. 51. Egsz htvgn a kertjt fogja velnk satni.

participle structures



get sg. done

52. l can get.a phone installed in one week
if l bribe someone. 53. What l also want is
to get my hair done. 54. l see you didn't get
this window fixed. 55. Can you get it
mended by tomorrow? 56. Why doesn't she
get her teeth fixed?

52. Egy hten bell be tudok szereltetni egy

telefont, ha megvesztegetek valakit. 53. Mg
a hajamat is meg akarom csinltatni . 54.
Ltom, hogy nem javttattad meg ezt az ablakot. 55. Meg tudod javttatni holnapra?
56. Mirt nem hozatja rendbe a fogait?

get sy. doing sg.

57. She tried to get hm talking again. 58.
He finally got the radio warking by con-.
necting two wires. 59. l can't get the lift
working, you'll have to climb the stairs up
to the sixth. 60. How are you going to get
her jogging again?


57. Prblta rvenni, hogy beszljen jra.

58. Vgl kt vezetk csatlakoztatsval sikerlt megszlaltatnia a rdit. 59. Nem tudom beindtani a liftet, lpcst kell msznod a hatodikig. 60. Hogy fogod elrni,
hogy megint kocogjon?

get sy. to do sg.

61. lt's time we got a plumber to fix that
radiator. 62. It was always difficult to get
h im to go. 63. She even got me to give up
smoking completely. 64. You can get anyone to do anything. 65. l will get Felix to
help me choose the menu. 66. l cannot
get my parents to pay attention to my
story. 67. No, Mr Jones is not in, but can
l get him to ring you back? 68. Can you
get Mr Ferlinghetti to fax me ali the details, please?

61. Itt az ideje, hogy egy vzszerelvel megcsinltassuk azt a raditort. 62. M indig nehz volt rvenni, hogy elmenjen. 63. Mg
arra is rvett, hogy teljesen leszokjarn a dohnyzsrl. 64. Brkit brmire r lehet venni. 65. Majd megkrem Felixet, hogy segtsen nekem megvlasztani a ment. 66. Nem
brom elrni, hogy a szleim odafigyeljenek
arra, amit meslek. 67. Nem, Mr Jones nincs
benn, de megmondjam neki, hogy hvja
vissza nt? 68. Krem, el tudja faxoltatni Mr
Ferlinghettivel az sszes rszletet?

~85/5 7-77 : participle structures



69. The market is rather depressed, which has

caused several big producers to grow Iess cocoa.

70. The storm caused several ships to make for

po rt.

69. Meglehetsen pang a piac, s ezrt tbb

nagy termel kevesebb kakat termeszt. 70.
A vihar miatt tbb haj a part fel vette az



71. He forced hmself to look into hereyes

again. 72. When she forced hm to adrnit
it, he begged her for forgiveness. 73. The
gunman forced the hostages to throw a
message across to the police. 74. Linda
didn't force her friend to ta lk. 75. They were
forced to work ali day.


71. Knyszertette magt, hogy jra a szembe nzzen. 72. Amikor knyszertette,
hogy bevallja, bocsnatrt knyrgtt. 73.
A fegyveres a tszokkal egy zenetet dobatott t a rendrknek . 74. Linda nem
knyszertette a bartjt, hogy beszljen. 75.
Knyszertettk ket, hogy egsz nap dolgozzanak.

s fokozs


like~ 72: measurements ~9 7: sa me~ 121 : this, that


AS... AS
1. I'm not as norma! as l appear. 2. He is
as tali as me. 3. He isn't as strong as my
dad. 4. Perhaps she isn't earning as much
as you think. 5. Women have at least as
much intellectual ability as. men. 6. Of
course, we know he's not as young as he
was. 7. lt's not nearly as cold as it was yes-

1. Nem vagyok olyan normlis, amilyennek

tnk. 2. Olyan magas, mint n. 3. Nem olyan
ers, mint az apm. 4. Taln nem keres annyit,
mint gondolod. 5. A nk legalbb olyan intellektulis kpessgekkel brnak, mint a frfiak. 6. Persze, tudjuk, hogy mr nem olyan
fiatal, mint volt. 7. Kzel sincs annyira hideg,


terday. 8.1'm as mystified as you are. 9.

lt's just as good as being in the kitchen.
1 O. There's nothing as quiet as a goldfis.h.
11. She is as good a cook as her mother.
12. The great aim of Sterne was to give as true a
pictureas possihle of real human beings. 13. You r
house is twice as big as mine. 14. She earns
twice as much as Mum does. 15. A New
York dustman makes three timesas much
money as a Hungarian doctor. 16. The new
paint costs four times as much and lasts
four timesas long. 17. You're not half as
liberal as you think you are.

mint tegnap. 8. n is ugyangy el vagyok

kpedve, mint te. 9. Itt ugyanolyan j, mint a
konyhban. 1O. Semmi sem olyan csendes,
mint egy aranyhal. 11. Olyan j szakcs, mint
az anyja. 12. Sterne nagy clja az volt, hogy
az emberekrl a lehet leghbb kpet rajzolja. 13. Ktszer akkora a hzad, mint az enym.
14. Ktszer annyit keres, mint anya. 15. Egy
New York-i szemetes hromszor annyit keres, mint egy magyar orvos. 16. Az j festk
ngyszer annyiba kerl, s ngyszer annyi ideig tart. 17. Feleannyira sem vagy liberlis, mint

so... as
18. l haven't got so/as much money as you r
rich brother Stanley. 19.1 find I'm not so/as
strong as l thought l was. 20. New York is
not so dangerous as you might think. 21.
Families don't talk nearly so much as they
used to.

18. Nincs annyi pnzem, mint a gazdag

Stanley btydnak. 19. gy ltom, nem vagyok olyan ers, mint gondoltam. 20. New
York nem olyan veszlyes, mint gondolnd.
21. A csaldok kzel sem beszlgetnek
annyit, mint rgen.

He is as tali as me. NOT: Ile i!l !IO tali



alapfok: hatrozk

22. l picked her up as gently as l could. 23.

She left as rapidly as she had entered. 24.
My grandmather doesn't move as quickly
assheused to. 25. He can't sing as weil as
my brother does. 26. Sybi l speaks Freneh
just as weil as l do. 27. lt's a lucky th ing we
both know you as weil as we do. 28. l don't
feel quite as bad as l did yesterday. 29. He
runs twice as fast as she does. 30. He doesn't
snore so/as loudly as you do.

22. Amilyen gyengden csak tudtam, felemeltem. 23. Amilyen gyorsan bejtt, olyan gyorsan tvozott. 24. Nagyanym mr nem mazag olyan frgn, mint rgen. 25. Nem tud
olyan jl nekelni, mint a btym. 26. Sybil
ugyanolyan jl beszl franciul, mint n. 27.
Szerencse, hogy mindketten ennyire ismernk.
28. Nem rzem magam annyira rosszul, mint
tegnap. 29. Ktszer olyan gyorsan fut, mint .
30. Nem horkol olyan hangosan, mint te.


31. A hm tigris nagyobb, mint a nstny.

32. Rvidebbre vgattad a hajad? 33. Mg
szlesebben mcsolygott 34. Mdosthatok
egy ksbbi jratra? 35. Van olcsbb md,.
ja, hogy odajussak? 36. A retr olcsbb,
mint kt kln jegy oda s vissza. 37. Id
sebb vagy nlam, neked kellene jobban tudnod. 38. Semmi nem lehet ennl vilgosabb. 39. A siktor keskenyebbnek tnt,
mint a teherautnk. 40. Soha nem voltam

31. The male ti ger is larger tha n the female.

32. Have you cut your hair shorter? 33. His
smile grew broader. 34. Can l change to a
later flight? 35. ls there a cheaper way to
get there? 36. A return ticket is cheaper tha n
two singles. 37. You are older tha n me, and
should know better. 38. Nothing can be
clearer than that. 39. The alley looked narrower than ou r lorry. OR: more narrow 40.
l've never been happier than l am now. 41.


Would it be simpier if we justsentit by post?

OR: more simple 42.1 am two years younger
than you. 43. ls she twenty years younger
than her husband? 44. She wasa foot tali er
than any of us. 45. Their house is at least
three timesbigger than ours. 46. Dolphins
have bigger brains in proportion to their
body size tha n hu mans have. 47. After a
few lessons you'll feel more confident. 48.
Romantic fictionismore popular than ever.
49. You real ly ought to bemore careful. 50.
Can't you write something more cheerful?
51. I'm stronger, faster and more intelligent
than h im. 52.1 get on much better with Peter, but the relationship with Roger was more
exciting. 53. Small firms are often more
friendly, but there are fewer opportunities
for promotion. OR: friendlier 54. I'm more
relieved than you can imagine. 55. l've
never seen a man more frightened. 56. She
was definitely the more elever of the two.
OR: cleverer 57. The film was Iess funny
than the book. 58. l find the job Iess interesting than the old one. 59. Her second
book is Iess weil known than the first one.

boldogabb, mint most. 41. Egyszerbb lenne, ha elkldennk postn? 42. Kt vvel
fiatalabb vagyok nlad. 43. Hsz vvel fiatalabb a frjnl? 44. Egy lbbal magasabb
volt mindegyiknknl. 45. Legalbb hromszor akkora a hzuk, mint a mienk. 46. Testmretkhz viszonytva a delfinek agya nagyobb, mint az emberek. 47. Nhny ra
~:~tn tbb nbizalmad lesz. 48. A romantikus regnyek npszerbbek, mint valaha.
49. Tnyleg vatosabbnak kne lenned. 50.
Nem tud valami vidmabbat rni? 51. Er
sebb, gyorsabb s intelligensebb vagyok nla. 52. Jobban kijvk Peterrel, de a kapcsolatom Rogerrel izgalmasabb volt. 53. A
kis cgek gyakran bartsgosabbak, de kevesebb lehetsg van az elrelpsre. 54.
El se tudod kpzelni , mennyire megknnyebbltem. 55. Nem lttam mg nla
rmltebb embert. 56. Kettjk kzl egyrtelmen volt az okosabb. 57. A film nem
volt annyira szrakoztat, ll) int a knyv. 58.
Ezt az llst kevsb tallom rdekesnek,
mint az elzt. 59. A msodik knyve kevsb ismert, mint az els.

She is younger than you. NOT: She


n ore you nger tha n you.

rendhagy kzpfokok

irregular comparison

60. Jobban vezetsz, mint Nicky. 61. Jobban,

vagy rosszabbul fognak menni a dolgok? 62.
jobb a kiadsokat adztatni, mint a kereseteket. 63. Rosszabb matekbl, mint a legtbbnk,
nem igaz? 64. Most jobban fj a fejed? 65. Ahelyett, hogy javulna, egyre rosszabb a fejem.
66. vi 5000 fonttal keresek tbbet nla. 67. A
hentesek kztttbb a n, mint a frfi. 68. Nem
akarok nluk tbb cipt venni. 69. Inkbb hbors film volt, mint western. 70. Mirt kapnnk ht kevesebbet, mint k? 71. Kevesebb
beszlgetst s tbb figyelmet szeretnk! 72.
Hasznljon kevesebb ramot. 73. Kevesebb
idm van, mint neked. 74. Eurpban nincs
akkora szegnysg, mint Afrikban. 75. Kevesebbet kellene ruhra kltened. 76. Kevesebb,
mint tz percet tltttem a boltban. 77. Kevesebb munkval vgeztem, mint remltem.

60. You' re a better driver th an Nicky. 61. A re

things going to get better or worse? 62. It is
better to tax spending than to tax earnings.
63. He is worse at maths than most of us,
isn't he? 64. ls your headache worse now?
65. My head gets worse instead of better.
66. l earn fS,OOO more per year than she
does. 67. More butchers are women th an
men. 68.1 don't want to buy more of their
shoes. 69. It was more a war movie than a
western. 70. So why should we get Iess than
they do? 71 . Can we have Iess talk and
more attention! 72. Use Iess electricity. 73. l
have Iess time than you have. 74. There is
Iess poverty in Europethan in Africa. 75. You
should spend Iess on clothing. 76. l was in
the shop for Iess than ten minutes. 77. l finished Iess of the work than l had hoped.

We talked about several things. NOT: We talked about n1ore thi11g~ .



kzpfok: hatrozk

78. 1'11 call you later. 79. He decided to

work even harder. 80. He arrved earlier
than John. 81. He drove fasterthan l did.
82. l know hm better than you do. 83.
You ought to know me better tha n that. 84.
Maybe you can answer that better than l
can. 85. You drive worse than your sister.
86. She needs sleep more than anything
else. 87. l am more to blame than you,
Watson. 88. They pushed the boat farther
into the water. 89. You should smile more
often. 90. Could you speak more slowly?
91. l recevered more quickly than anyone
had expected. 92. Tigers of the south are
smaller and more brightly coloured than
those of the north. 93-; Everything will be
so much easier now.

"a bit smaller", "a lot smaller"

78. Ksbb felhvlak. 79. gy hatrozott,

hogy mg kemnyebben fog dolgozni. 80.
Korbban rkezett, mintJohn. 81. Gyorsabban hajtott nlam. 82. Jobban ismerem t,
mint te. 83. Ennl jobban kellene ismerned.
84. Erre te taln jobban tudsz vlaszolni,
mint n. 85. Rosszabbul vezetsz, mint a n
vred. 86. Mindennl jobban szksge van
az alvsra. 87. Inkbb n vagyok a hibs,
mint n, Watson . 88. Beljebb lktk a vzre a csnakot. 89. Gyakrabban kellene mosolyognod. 90. Nem tudna lassabban beszlni? 91. Gyorsabban felpltem, mint
brki gondolta volna. 92. A dlen l tigrisek kisebbek s lnkebb sznek, mint az
szakiak. 93. Most minden sokkal
knnyebb lesz.

"kicsit kisebb" - "sokkal kisebb"

94. You look no olderthan thirty. 95. Their

house is small, but ours is a lot smaller. 96.
The operatien was slightly cheaper than
we'd expected. 97. 1'11 talk to you about it
one day when you are a littie more amiable. 98. My English is a lot better now. 99.
The weather is much worse now. 100. l
th ink he knows much more about this than
l do. 101. ls there any more tea? 102. l need
to ask you a few more questions. 1 03. There
was no more flirting between us, nomore
kiss ing. 104. Margarine costsa bit Iess than
butter. 105. l read sci-fi books far fasterthan
l read any other kind of books. 106. Sound
travels much faster and much further in
water than it does in air.

94. Nem nzel ki harmincnl tbbnek. 95 .

Kicsi a hzuk, de a mienk sokkal kisebb.
96. Az operci kicsit olcsbb volt, mint
gondoltuk. 97. Majd beszlek veled errl
egyszer, amikor kicsit bartsgosabb vagy.
98. Most sokkal jobban tudok angolul. 99.
Most sokkal rosszabb az id. 100. Szerintem sokkal tbbet tud errl , mint n. 101.
Van mg tea? 1 02. Mg nhny krdst kell
felten nem. 103. Nem volt kztnk tbb
flrt, cskolzs. 104. A margarin egy kicsit olcsbb, mint a vaj . 105. A sci-fit gyorsabban olvasom, mint brmilyen egyb
knyvet. 106. A hang sokkal gyorsabban terjed s tvolabbra jut vzben, mint leveg

egyre ...

-er and -er, more and more ...

107. She gets lazier and lazier. 108. As the
time carne closer and closer we got more
and more excited. 109. More and more
people buy guns to protect thernselves from
more and more people who have guns:
11 O. Mike was getting more and more rnpatient 111 . The boat drifted farther and farther from the dock. 112. A special ist is a ma n
who knows more and more about Iess and
Iess. 113. They had Iess and Iess to ta lk about.

107. Egyre lustbb. 108. Ahogy kzeledett

az ideje, egyre izgatottabbak lettnk. 109.
Egyre tbb ember vsrol fegyvert, hogy
megvdje magt egyre tbb embertl , akinek fegyvere van. 11 O. Mike egyre trelmetlenebb lett. 111. A csnak egyre tvolabb sodrdott a kikttl. 112. A specialista az, aki egyre tbbet tud egyre kevesebbrl. 113. Egyre kevesebb tmjuk


the -er... the -er, the more... the more...

minl... annl

114. The sooner the better. 115. And the

soon er we begin it, the better. 116. The bigger it grew the faster it grew. 117. The better the slogan, the better the ad. 118. The
more friends you have, the happier you are.
119. The more you sleep, the more you
want to sleep. 120. The older he gets, the
wiser he is. 121. The more you know the
Iess you think you know. 122. The more
you spend on advertising, the more you wi ll
sell. 123. The more the data banks record
about each one of us, the Iess we ex ist. 124.
The better informed someone is the more
boring they are. 125. The nearer things are
to the truth the more they hurt. 126. The
more actve an animal is in its natural state,
the crueller it is to cage it.

114. Minl elbb, annl jobb. 115. s minl

elbb kezdjk, annl jobb. 116. Minl nagyobb lett, annl gyorsabban ntt. 117. Minl jobb a szlogen, annl jobb a hirdets.
118. Minl tbb bartja van valakinek, annl boldogabb. 119. Minl tbbet alszol, annl tbb alvsra vgysz. 120. Ahogy regedik, egyre blcsebb. 121. Minl tbbet tud
az ember, annl kevesebbnek gondolja. 122.
Minl tbbet kltnk reklmra, annl tbbet adunk el. 123. Minl tbbet tudnak rlunk az adatbankok, annl kevsb lteznk.
124. Minl tjkozottabb valaki, annl unalmasabb. 125. Minl kzelebb van valami az
igazsghoz, annl jobban fj. 126. Minl aktvabb egy llat termszetes krnyezetben,
annl kegyetlenebb dolog ketrecbe zrni.


127. You're my oldest friend. 128. What is
your greatest ambition? 129. What has been
your greatest achievement? 130. Where is
the nearest letter-box? 131. Which is the
highest mountain in Africa? 132. Which is
the longest river in Europe? 133. How far is
the nearest post office? 134. How old is the
youngest member of your family? 135.She
was wearing the shortest skirt l've ever seen.
136. He is the fastest sprinter in the world.
137. Joe Freezer's the ug l iest ma n l've ever
seen. OR: the most ugly 138. l had the
dullest time of my life last night. 139. Here
is the reddest rose i n ali the world. 140.
He's the greediest man l know. OR: the most
greedy 141. It was the stupidest question
he could th ink of. OR: the most stupid 142.
The funniest thing is when they try to escape through that l ittle hol e. 143. The most
funny of ali was his attempt to explain his
economic policies. 144. Their newest
model has just come out. 145. That's what
the latest sales figures show anyway. 146.
Mrs Goff took me to the untidiest sittingroom l have ever seen. OR: the most untidy
147. It was the longest film that had ever
been made. 148. He's the second tallest in
the class. 149. I'm sure the boss will want
it ready in the shortest possible time. 150.


127. Te vagy a legrgibb bartom. v.: Te vagy

a legregebb bartom. 128. Mi a legnagyobb
vgya? 129. Mi eddigi legnagyobb eredmnye? 130. Hol van a legkzelebbi postalda? 131. Melyik a legmagasabb hegy Afrikban? 132. Melyik a leghosszabb foly Eurpban? 133. Milyen messze van a legkzelebbi posta? 134. Hny ves a csaldod
legfiatalabb tagja? 135. A legrvidebb szo~:
nya volt rajta, amit valaha is lttam. 136. O
a leggyorsabb sprinter a vilgon. 137. Joe
Freezer a legcsnybb frfi, akit valaha lttam. 138. letem legunalmasabb estje volt
a tegnapi. 139. me a legpirosabb rzsa az
egsz vilgon. 140. a legkapzsibb ember,
akit ismerek. 141. A legostobbb krds volt,
ami eszbe juthatott. 142. A legmurisabb,
amikor megprblnak azon a kis lyukon kimeneklni. 143. A legmulatsgosabb az a
ksrlete volt, hogy megmagyarzza gazdasgi elkpzelseit. 144. pp most jtt ki a
legjabb modelljk. 145. Mindenesetre ezt
mutatjk a legfrissebb rtkestsi adatok.
146. Mrs Goff bevezetett a legrendetlenebb
nappaliba, amit valaha lttam. 147. Ez volt
a leghosszabb film, amit valaha is gyrtattak. 148. a msodik legmagasabb az osztlyban. 149. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy a
fnk azt akarja majd, hogy a lehet legr-

The most famous knights were Sir Lancelot,

Sir Gawain and Sir Galahad. 151. l have
many old books but this is the most interesting. 152. She always wore the most
fashionable clothes. 153. It was the most
disgusting room l have ever seen. 154. Bring
me the two most precious things in the city.
155. Daddy, you're the most wonderful
person in the world. 156. Films are the most
vital form of art today. 157. Today was the
most terrible day of my life. 158. Marriage
isthemost complicated of ali relationsh ips.
159. Meat is by far the most nutritious food
available to us. 160. He must have been
the handsomest SS officer in the whole
German army. OR: the most handsome 161.
We' d better take the one that is .the least
expensive. 162. He was prime minister of
one of the least powerful states in Africa.

videbb idn bell ksz legyen. 150. A leghresebb lovagok Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain s
Sir Gaiahad voltak. 151. Sok rgi knyvem
van, de ez a legrdekesebb. 152. Mindig a
legdivatosabb ruhkban jrt. 153. Ez volt a
leggusztustalanabb szoba, amit valaha is lttam. 154. Hozd el nekem a kt legrtkesebb dolgot a vrosbl. 155. Papa, te vagy a
legcsodlatosabb ember a vilgon! 156. A
film a ma mvszetnek legfontosabb ter- lete. 157. Ma volt letem legszrnybb napja. 158. A hzassg kapcsolataink kzl a
legbonyolultabb. 159. A hs messze a legtpllbb a szmunkra elrhet telek kzl. 160. Minden bizonnyal volt a legsnjdigabb SS-tiszt az egsz nmet hadseregben.
161. Jobb lesz, ha azt vesszk el, amelyik a
legolcsbb. 162. Az egyik legkevsb befolysos afrikai llam miniszterelnke volt.

She is the youngest girl in the group. NOT: Sne

i~ yoUIge~t girl

it, tne group.


irregular comparison

163. A francia konyha a legjobb a vilgon.

164. Mi ruljuk a legjobbat, a tbbiek, ami
marad. 165. Ezer ve a legjobb hr, amit kaptam. 166. Fnyesteni jsgpaprral lehet a
legjobban. 167. A magyarzat legjobb mdja, ha csinljuk is. 168. Dniban a tanrok
a legjobban fizetettek kz tartoznak. 169.
Csak azt tudom, hogy volt a legrosszabb
tanrom. 170. Ez a legrosszabb knyv, amit
valaha is olvastam. 171. A legtbb, amit tehetek, hogy felajnlom a tmogatsomat
172. Kinek van a legtbb pnze? 173. A legtbb embernek a jobb keze s lba egy kicsit nagyobb, mint a bal. 174. A legtbb ruhmat n csinlom. 175. Ideje legnagyobb
rszt a knyvtrban tlttte. 176. A legtbben a javaslat ellen szavaztunk. 177. A lehet legkevesebb idt szeretnm vele tlteni.

163. Freneh cooking is the best in the

world. 164. We sell the best, the others
sell the rest. 165. This is the best news l
have had for ages. 166. Newspapers are the
best material for polishing with. 167. The
best way to explain it is to do it. 168. ln
Denmark, teachers are among the bestpaid. 169. Ali l know he was my worst
teacher. 170. This is the worst book l have
ever read. 171. The most l can do is offer
my support. 172. Who has the most
money? 173. The right feet and hands of
most people are slightly larger than the left.
174. l make most of my own clothes.
175. He used to spend most of his time in
the library. 176. Most of us voted against
the proposaL 177. l would like to spend
the least possible time with her.
~ 136:


very, most, very much




178. Te tudod a legjobban. 179. ment a

leggyorsabban. 180. Melyik nap felelne
meg a legjobban? 181. Mit lvezel leginkbb az letben? 182. Mely hangok zavar-

178. You know best. 179. He walked the

fastest 180. What day would su it you best?
181. What do you enjoy most in life? 182.
What sounds in your house most annoy


you? HB. It happened just when we least

expected it. 184. It can most easily be paid
by post. 185. This isthemost efficiently run
office in the area. 186. She smokes the most
heavily of ali of us, but she also works the
hardest. 187. Of the three methods, this one
functions the least efficiently.

conditional sentences

nak legjobban a hzban? 183. Pont akkor

trtnt, amikor a legkevsb szmtottunk
r. 184. A legknnyebben postn lehet befizetni . 185. Ez a leghatkonyabban mkd
tetett iroda a krnyken. 186. dohnyzik
a legtbbet kzlnk, de is dolgozik a
legkemnyebben. 187. A hrom mdszer
kzl ez mkdik a legkevsb hatkonyan.


feltteles mondatok


as if, as though ~55 : if~ whether ~56 : if only, "l wish" ~58: in case ~ 5 9/7 8-82 , 112-120:
indirect speech: conditional sentences ~73 : mind ~1 02: should, ought to~ 123: unless~ 138:
whatever, whoever etc. ~ 141 : wonder





1. If you cut you r finger very deeply with a

knife it usually bleeds. 2. If a ferret bites
you it is nearly always your fault. 3. If you
mix the colours blue and red, you get
purple. 4. What happens to petrol if you
strike a match near it? 5. When you are
young and in love nothing seems pointless.
6. When the tap is dripping, it needs a new
washer. 7. When telephoning Budapest
numbers, dial 1. 8. If it is raining, we us.ually stay indoors. 9. It hurts when l bend
down. 1O. If you take on a married ma n
you have to behave decently towards his
children. 11. l can be very responsible if l
have to be. 12. You mustn't worry if you
make mistakes. 13. When he looked OK l
felt OK, because l loved hm.


(l sr TYPE)

1. Ha egy kssel nagyon mlyen megvgod

az ujjadat, akkor ltalban vrzik. 2. Ha egy
menyt megharap, az majdnem mindig a te
hibd. 3. Ha sszekevered a kket s a pirosat, akkor li lt kapsz. 4. Mi trtnik a benzinnel, ha gyuft gyjtunk a kzelben? 5. Amikor az ember fiatal s szerelmes, semmi sem
tnik rtelmetlennek. 6. Ha a csap cspg,
akkor j tmtgyrre van szksg. 7. Ha
budapesti szmot hv, trcszza az egyest. 8.
Ha esik az es, ltalban bent szaktunk maradni a laksban. 9. Fj, amikor lehajolok. 1O.
Ha ns frfival kezd az ember, rendesen kell
viselkedni a gyerekeiveL 11 . Ha kell, tudok
nagyon megbzhat lenni. 12. Nem szabad
idegeskedned, ha hibzol! 13. Amikor gy
tnt, hogy rendben van, n is jl reztem
magam, mert szereimes voltam bel.


(1. TPUS)
14. Ha te igent mondasz, akkor igent mondok n is. 15. Ha fekete macskt ltsz, szerencsd lesz. 16. Ha hozok neki egy vrs
rzst, pirkadati g velem fog tncolni. 17. Az
sszes rossz szoksommal felhagyok, ha velem maradsz. 18. Ha lny, Victorinak fogjuk hvni, ha fi, Jasonnek. 19. Mihez kezd
John, ha nem kapja meg a munkt? 20. Ret-

14. If you say yes, l wi ll say yes too. 15. If

you see a black cat you' ll have good luck.
16. If l b ring her a red rose she wi ll dance
with me tili dawn. 17. l will give up ali my
bad habits if you stay. 18. If it's a girl, we'll
call her Victoria, and if it's a boy we' ll call
hm Jason. 19. What will John do if he
doesn't get the job? 20. l d read to thi nk what


will happen if l cannot finishit by the deadline. 21. If you ever come to ou r neighbourhood, you'll see what l mean. 22. l won't
ask you any questions if you don't ask me
any. 23. Do come back agai n, and we won't
talk about cats or dogs either, if you don't
li ke them. 24. And if Jim says he washes his
handsof it? 25. Please let me know if you require
a deposit. 26. If by any chance it goes wrong
agai n, let us know straight away. 27. If you
don't want to listen, go home. 28. If you
drive west you cannot miss it. 29. Don't ta lk
if it hurts. 30. They wi ll be sorry when l am
famous. 31. 1'11 speak to him when he comes
tomorrow. 32. What will she say when she
hears? 33. What will you miss when you
go home? 34. Turn sow:h when y.ou come
to the river. 35. 1'11 speak to hm after he
arrives. 36. Before l move into the fiat, l
will have to paint it. 37. You can sleep here
if you like. 38. When l go to university l
may study the problem. 39. l think l might
like to be a vet when l grow up. 40. If anyone doubts the truth of this, they should
check it for themselves. 41. Show me a sane
man and l will cure him for you. 42.1'11 call
you when they've left for work. 43. They' ll
send full details when they have receved
your entry. 44. 1'11 see them both after
they've come back. 45. Afterwehave l ved
in Canterbury for a few years, we will move
back to London. 46. I'm sorry if l have hu rt
you .

tegek, ha arra gondolok, hogy mi fog trtnni, ha nem tudom hatridre befejezni. 21.
Ha valaha a krnyknkre merszkedsz,
majd megtudod, mire gondolok. 22. Nem
krdezek tled semmit, ha te se krdezel t
lem semmit. 23. Krlek, gyere vissza, s nem
fogunk macskkrl vagy kutykrl beszlni,
ha nem szereted ket! 24. s ha Jim azt
mondja, hogy mossa kezeit? 25. Krem, tudassa, ha foglalt kr. 26. Ha esetleg megint
elromlik, krjk, azonnal rtestsen minket.
27. Ha nem akarsz figyelni, menj haza! 28.
Ha nyugatnak hajt, nem tvesztheti el. 29.
Ne beszlj, ha nehezedre esik. 30. Majd
megbnjk ezt, ha egyszer hres leszek. 31.
Majd beszlek vele, amikor jn holnap. 32.
Mit fog szlni, ha meghallja? 33. Mi fog hinyozni, ha hazamsz? 34. Forduljon dlnek,
amikor a folyhoz r! 35. Majd beszlek vele, amikor megrkezik. 36. Mieltt bekltzm, ki kell festetnem a 'lakst. 37. Itt aludhatsz, ha akarsz. 38. Esetleg tanulmnyozem
majd a problmt, ha egyetemista leszek. 39.
Azt hiszem, taln llatorvos szeretnk lenni,
ha felnvk. 40. Ha brki ktelkedik abban,
hogy ez igaz, jrjon utna maga. 41 . Mutass
nekem egy pelmj embert, s n majd meggygytom neked. 42. Majd felhvlak, ha elmentek dolgozni. 43. Rszletes tjkoztatst
kldenek, amikor megkaptk a jelentkezsedet. 44. Mindkettjkkel tallkozni fogok,
amikor mr visszajttek. 45. Miutn pr vig
Canterburyben ltnk, majd visszakltznk
Londonba. 46. Sajnlom, ha megbntottalak.

mihelyt, amint

as soon as

47. tadom neki az zenetet, mihelyt tallkozom vele. 48. Amint tudok, segtek neked. 49. Azonnal rtestsenek, amint van
valami jsg. 50. Beszlnk velk, mihelyt

47. 1' 11 give her the message as soon as l

see her. 48. 1' 11 help you as soon as l can .
49. Let me know as soon as you have any
news. 50. We' ll talk to them as soon as
we've had lunch.


(2. TPUS)



51. Szeretnk mutatni neked valamit. 52.

Szeretnk tag lenni. 53. Krlbell ugyanannyiba kerlne. 54. Nem szeretnk gazdag lenni. 55. Nem ldozn fel magt m-

51.1'd like to show you something. 52. l' d

like to beceme a member. 53. The cost
would be about the same. 54. l wouldn't
like to be rich. 55.She would not sacrifice


herself for others. 56. Wo u ld you like some

sokrt. 56. Krsz mg pirtst? 57. Szeretmore toast? 57. Would you like to go out
nl elmenni valahova ma este? 58. Akarod,
tonight? 58. Would you likeme to get you
hogy hozzak neked valamit? 59. Megmonsomething? 59. Would you tell me which
dan, melyik t vezet ki az erdbl? 60.
road leads out of the wood? 60. Wouldn't
Nem lenne kedve megltogatni minket vayou l i ke to come and see us some ti me? 61.
lamikor? 61. s mit tennl cserbe? 62. HoAnd what would you do in return? 62.
va szeretnl ma menni? 63. Mirt rtene
Where would you l ike to go today? 63. Why
egyet? 64. Ha tudnd, hogy kinevettek a hwould he agree? 64. If you knew how . tad mgtt az emberek! 65. n hogyan vpeople laughed at you behind your back.
lasztana ki egy j tanrt, ha iskolaigazgat
65. If you were a headmaster, how would
lenne? 66. Ha n lenne, tudn, hogyan ryou choose a new teacher? 66. If he
tem. 67. Ha olyan nagy lennk, mint te,
was/were a woman, he would know what
meglnlek. 68. Ha gazdag lennk, azt csil mean. 67. If l was/were as big as you, l
nl nm, amihez kedvem van. 69. Ha ma
would kill you. 68. If l was/were rich, l
lenne vlaszts, SO szzalk rjuk szavazwould do what ll i ked. 69. If there was/were
na. 70. Ha igent mondanl, igent mondaan election today, SO% wou ld vote for th em.
nk n is. 71. Mit csinlnl, ha nyernl a
lottn? 72. Nem hinnd el, ha letagadnm.
70. If you said yes, l would say yes too. 71.
Az emberek jobban szeretnk Albertet,
What would you do if you won the lottery?
72. You wouldn't believe me if l den-ied it.
ha nem beszlne olyan sokat. 74. Mg ha
73. People would like Albert more if he
fizetnl rte, se mennk oda. 75. Ha nem
kellene maradnom, elmennk. 76. Ha nem
didn't talk so much. 74. l wouldn't go there
if you paid me. 75. If l didn't have to stay, . szerelnlek annyira, az egsz nem is szmtana. 77. Ha mindenki a sajt dolgval
l' d leave. 76. If l didn't love you so much it
wouldn't matter. 77. If everybody minded
trdne, a vilg jval gyorsabban forogna,
their own business, the world would go
mint gy. 78. Ugye megmondand neknk,
round a deal fasterthan it does. 78. You'd
ha errl lenne sz? 79. Sajnlom, hogy zavarom. Nem tennm, ha nem lenne mutell us if that was the case, wouldn't you?
79. Sorry to bother you. l wouldn't if l didn't
szj. 80. Azt hiszem, j tlet lenne, ha khave to. 80. l th ink it' d be a good idea if we
ln-kln tvoznnk. 81. Azt mondta, tncol velem, ha hozok neki vrs rzst. v.:
left separately. 81. She said she would dance
Azt mondta, tncolna velem, ha hoznk newith me if l brought her red roses. 82. This
ki vrs rzst. 82. Ennek nagyon rossz hacould have a very bad effect on me. 83.
tsa lehetne rm. 83. Mit felelhetnk? 84.
What could l reply? 84. Could l move in
Odakltzhetnk hozzd egy idre? 85.
with you for a while? 85. How could we
Hogyan prblhatnnk ki az tletet? 86.
test this idea? 86. Do you think you could
Gondolod, hogy tudnl klcsnzni 50
lend me SOp? 87. Goodness knows what
pennyr? 87. Ki fudja, mire lenne kpes, ha
he could do if he tried. 88. Be carefui bemegprbln. 88. Lgy vatos, mert ha
cause if you frightened them, they might
megriasztand ket, esetleg el replnek. 89.
take off. 89. I should be surprised if they ca me to
Meglepdnk, ha netn eljnnnek bocsapologize. 90. l would say yes if it wasn't for
natot krni. 90. Ha nem volna Roberto,
Roberto. 91. If it wasn't for the kids, l'd ask
for a divorce tomorrow. 92. I would love to
igent mondank. 91. Ha nem volnnak a
gyerekek, holnap beadnm a vlpert. 92.
come if it weren't for my job. 93. If it wasn't for
Nagyon szeretnk menni, de az llsom mitheir help l don't know how l could go on.
att nem lehet. 93. Ha nem segtennek, nem
94. If it weren't for ali the dust in the atmosphere,
human beings would be killed by the heat f the
tudom, hogyan tudnm folytatni. 94. Ha
sun. 95. If l was to do that, what would you
nem volna az a rengeteg por az atmoszfsay? 96.1f she was to die, Maximili an would . rban, az embereket elpuszttan a Nap tze. 95. Ha esetleg megtennm, mit monget ali the money. 97. If you were to find


that your husband had been cheating you,

what would you do? 98. If you were to be
told that you only had a year to live, what
would you do? 99. What would you do if war
were to break out? 100. If he were to call and ask
me out agai n, l might just say yes .

dan"l? 96. Ha netn meghalna, Maximilian

rkln az sszes pnzt. 97. Ha megtudnd,.~ogy megcsalt a frjed, mit csinlnl?
98. On mit tenne, ha azt mondank, mr
csak egy ve van htra? 99. Mit tenne, ha
hbor trne ki? 100. Ha meg i nt telefonlna, s elhvna valahova, taln igent is mondank.

Q 51 : had better Q62: inversion Q127/19-22, 32-41: reported requests: wou/d like, want Q135/140-150: verbs
IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after verbs: want Q147: would rather

"If l were you"

"a helyedben"

101. So l shouldn't worry if l were you. 102.

What would you do if you were me? 103.
If l w ere you, l'd go home early. 104. If l
was/were him, l shouldn't letthem in. 105.
l wouldn't even dreani of going 'there if l
were you.

101. Szval a helyedben nem aggd nk.

102. Mit tennl a helyemben? 103. A helyedben korn hazamen nk. 104. A helyben nem engednm be ket. 105. A helyedben nem is lmodnk rla, hogy odamegyek.





106. l would have l i ked to help her, but she

sent me away. 107. l never would have
believed it... OR: l would never have believed it... 108. She would not have been
happy as a teacher. 109. Who would have
guessed it? 11 O. What would you have preferred? 111.1twould have been better if he
had told us before. 112. If you had said yes,
l would have said yes too. 113. If he had
told the truth, he wouldn't have been punished. 114. If you hadn't been going so fast,
l'd have had plenty of time to get across.
115. lfwe hadn't set out late, we wouldn't
have been caught in that traffic jam. 116. If
you had any sense you would have married him while you had the chance. 117.
She would have prayed if she had believed
it would help. 118. If he had known how
difficult the task would be he would not
have attempted it. 119. l might've got the
job if l hadn't been late. 120. l dread to
think what might have happened if l' d tried
to open it. 121. If l had heard you, l should
have answered. 122. You could have taken
them home. 123. You could have told me
on the phone not to come . 124. You
couldn't have come at amore inconvenient


106. Szerettem volna segteni neki, de elkldtt. 107. Sohasem hittem volna ... 108.
Nem lett volna boldog tanrknt. 109. Ki
sejtette volna? 11 O. Te mit vlasztottl volna? 111. Jobb lett volna, hogy ha elbb megmondja neknk. 112. Ha igent mondtl volna, igent mondtam volna n is. 113. Ha
megmondta volna az igazat, nem bntettk volna meg. 114. Ha nem hajtott volna
annyira gyorsan, mg bven trtem volna
a tloldalra. 115. Ha nem indultunk volna
ksn, nem kerltnk volna abba a dugba. 116. Ha lett volna egy csepp eszed,
hozzmentl volna felesgl, amg mg lehetett. 117. Imdkozott volna, ha hisz benne, hogy az segt. 118. Ha tudta volna, hogy
milyen nehz lesz a feladat, nem vgott volna bele. 119. Taln megkaphattam volna a
munkt, ha nem ksem el. 120. Rettegek,
ha arra gondolok, mi trtnt volna, ha megprblom kinyitni. 121. Ha hallottalak volna, vlaszoltam volna. 122. Hazavihetted
volna ket. 123. Mondhattad volna a telefonban, hogy ne jjjek. 124. Nem is jhetettvolna rosszabbkor. 125. Amikor 1951-ben
elkezdtem, nem hiszem, hogy brki meg
tudta volna jsolni, hogy egy hrom mil-

time. 125. When l started in 1951, l don't

think anyone could have predicted that l'd
became the boss of a campany worth three
billion dollars. 126. If it hadn't been for you,
we' d have ali been happy.
q 62: inversion q135/140-150: verbs IX:

lird dollrt r vllalat igazgatja leszek.

126. Ha te nem lettl volna, mindannyian
boldogok lettnk volna.

-ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs: want q147: would rather




127. If you had said yes, l would say yes
too. 128. If you are warking on something,
perhaps l could show it to h im. 129. If you
had left home in time, we wouldn't have to
take a taxi. 130. If l' d been given a visa, l'd
be living in Nairobi. 131. If l hadn't missed
that plane, l'd be dead now. 132.1 couldn't
buy it if l hadn't sold my old car. 133. If
they had phoned, as they said they would,
we would be on ou r way to the airport. 134.
If you' d stopped at the petral station, we
wouldn't be sitting here with an empty tank.
135. If l didn't love you, l wouldn't have
come to you, would l? 136.1f it hadn't been
for Greenberg, l don't know where l'd be
right now.

127. Ha igent mondtl volna, n is igent

mondank. 128. Ha ppen dolgozol valamin, esetleg megmutathatnm neki. 129. Ha
idben elindultatok volna otthonrl, nem
kellene taxival mennnk. 130. Ha megkaptam volna a vzumot, akkor most Nairobiban lnk. 131. Ha nem kstem volna le azt
a replt, most halott lennk. 132. Nem tudnm megvenn i, ha nem adtam volna el a rgi
kocsimat. 133. Ha telefonltak volna, ahogy
mondtk, most mr ton lennnk a reptr fel. 134. Ha meglltl volna a benzinktnl,
most nem ldglnnk itt res tankkaL 135.
Ha nem szeretnlek, nem jttem volna el hozzd, nem igaz? 136. Ha nem lett volna
Greenberg, nem tudom, most hol tartank.



137. Feltve, ha nem llnak az utamba. 138.

Elviheted a flhallgatmat, feltve, ha
visszahozod. 139. Nem lesz semmi problma, feltve, ha elre rtest minket. 140.
Vagyis amennyiben a pnz rajta van a szmljn, annyit klt, amennyit akar. 141. Idelis esetben, ha nem beteg, folytathatja egy
kis testgyakorlattat; mg ha kevesebbel is,
mint amennyivel szokta. 142. A rendrsg
ltalban bkn hagyta ket, feltve, hogy
maguk kztt intztk el a verekedst. 143.
Tegyk fel, hogy szksg van egy srknyra a darabban. 144. Tegyk fel, hogy korbban jnnek, akkor mit csinlunk? 145.
Tegyk fel, hogy bevallan, lopta el, mit
tennl? 146. Pldul tegyk fel, hogy egy
,,kis zld szemly" ltogat meg minket egy
msik plantrl. 147. Es ha esetleg egyltaln nem lenne beteg - az milyen zavarbaejt lenne.

137. Providing they keep out of my way.

138. You can take my earphones providing/provided you bring them back. 139.
Provided/providing you let us know in advance, there'll be no problem. 140. So provided you have the money in you r account,
you can spe nd as much as you l ike. 141.
ldeally, provided you are not ill, you can
continue with some exercise, even if it is
Iess than you are used to. 142.The police
force generally left them alone, providing
they kept the fighting amongst themselves.
143. Suppose we need a dragon in a drama.
144. Suppose/supposing they come back
earlier, what will we do? 145. Supposing
he adrnitted stealing it, what would you do?
146. For example, suppose we were vrsited by a "l ittle green person" from another
star. 147. And suppos i ng he w ere not i ll at
ali - how embarrassing that would be.


148. Even if it doesn't mean anything.
149. Why don't you come along? You will
have fun even if you cannot dance. 150.
Even if the prospects seem bad, you have
to carry on. 151. Even if he's a boring fool,
he's your boss so you have to pretend to
admire him. 152.So even if they haven't
much money, they have no choice but to
buy. 153. So even if somebody were to offer us a piece of old medieval furniture, we
wouldn't take it. 154. So even if you had
seven children you would still only get
seven ninety five? 155. Even if l had known
what the problem was, l couldn't have
helped them.

148. Mg ha nem is jelent semmit. 149. Mirt nem jssz velnk? Jl fogod magad rezni, akkor is, ha nem tudsz tncolni. 150.
Mg ha a kiltsok nem tl kedvezek, akkor is folytatnotok kell. 151. a fnkd,
mg akkor is, ha egy unalmas hlye, vagyis
gy kell tenned, mintha rajonganl rte.
152. Vagyis, ha nincs is pnzk, akkor sem
tehetnek mst, mint vsrolnak. 153. Teht,
mg ha fel is ajnlana neknk valaki egy
kzpkori btordarabot, akkor sem fogadnnk el. 154. Teht, ha ht gyereke lenne
az embernek, akkor is csak ht-kilencventt kapna. 155. Mg ha tudtam is volna,
mi a problma, akkor sem segthettem volna nekik.

lf/when/after/providing/as soon as he calls me back, l will talk to him.

NOT: lf/vvnen/after/providinWa~ ~oor a~ ne vvill call me back, l vvill talk to nim.


156. l think l may as weil go in at once.
157. You might as weil be honest about it.
158. We might as weil say yes to them. 159.
We might as weil ali emigrate. 160.1t's past
ten, so we may just as weil go to bed. 161.
We'll be there soon so you might as weil
leave the door open for us. 162. But you
may as weil see for yourself if you don't
believe me.

156. Azt hiszem, akr rgtn be is mehetek. 157. Akr szinte is lehetnl. 158. Akr
igent is mondhatnnk nekik. 159. Akr
mindannyian emigrlhatnnk is. 160. Tz
elmlt, gyhogy akr le is fekhetnk. 161.
Hamar ott lesznk, gyhogy akr nyitva is
hagyhatntok az ajtt neknk. 162. De te
magad is megnzheted, ha nekem nem hiszel.



163. lfyou' ll follaw me, please. 164.1fyou
will come this way, 1'11 show you where his
office is. 165. If you'll stop thinking about
yourself for one moment, 1'11 tell you something you ought to know. Your wife is going
to have a baby. 166. Tell him 1'11 be glad if
he would contact me as soon as possible.
167 It would help me if you would carry
this bag. 168. l'd very much appreciate it if
you would help with that. 169. l'd be grateful if you would stop blowing smoke in my
eyes. 170. Hand me that fol der, if you would.


163. Ha lenne kedves utnam fradni . 164.

Ha velem jnnek, megmutatom, hol van az
irodja. 165. Ha egy pillanatra msra is tudnl gondolni, mint sajt magadra, mondank valamit, amittudnod kne. A felesged
gyermeket vr. 166. Mondja meg neki, hogy
nagyon rlnk, haminl elbb megkeresne. 167. Segtene, ha vinnd ezt a tskt.
168. Nagyon mltnyolnm, ha segtene
ebben! 169. Hls lennk, ha nem fjn
tovbb a fstt a szemernbel 170. Adja ide
azt a dosszit, ha szabad krnem.

"WHAT IF... "

"MI VAN, HA .. .?"

171. But what if l lose? 172. But what if she

finds out? 173. What if the job is not as attractive as it seems? 174. What if it rained
ali day? 175. Please don't go nearer. What
if you fell in? 176. Next time you had better call us first Mrs. Santiago. What if it had

~ 7:

171. De mi van, ha vesztek? 172. De mi

lesz, ha rjn? 173. s mi van, ha a munka
nem olyan vonz, mint amilyennek tnik?
174. s mi lenne, ha egsz nap esne? 175.
. Lgy szves ne menj kzelebb! Mi lenne,
ha beleesnl? 176. Legkzelebb jobban teszi, ha elszr felhv minket Mrs. Santiago.
s ha felrobbant volna?



s, de, vagy,
hogy, aztn

although, though ~1 O: as ~11 : as, because etc.: reason and consequence ~31 /47-50: as soon as
~37: either...or, neither. ..nor~92: question words



1. Az irodja nagy s knyelmes szoba volt.

2. Az rhaj egyre jobban kzeledett a fldhz. 3. A nagyszoba hts rsze stt volt,
s Nescaf meg savany tej szagot rasztott. 4. Lefekdtem s becsuktam a szemem.
5. Nem tudom, s nem is rdekel. 6. Fradtnak tnt, s koszosak voltak a krmei.
7. j televzit akart venni, de n gy gondoltam, nem engedhetjk meg magunknak.
8. Szerencst kvnt nekem s adott hsz
fontot. 9. Azonnal hagyd abba, Mike, lj
le, s edd meg az teledet! 1 O. Jjjn el Las
Vegasba s prbljon szerencst! 11. Azt
hiszem, oda knemennem megfogni a csnakomat 12. s a szeme zld volt, mint a
muskotlyos szl. 13. Ne igyon, ha vezet!
14. s ne krj bocsnatot.

1. Hisoffice was a large and comfortable

room. 2. The spaceship carne closer and
closer to the ground. 3. The far end of the
main room was dark and smelled of Nescaf
and sour milk. 4. 11ay down and elosed my
eyes. 5. l don't know and l don't care. 6.
She seemed tired and her nails were dirty.
7. He wanted to buy a new television set,
and l didn't th ink we could afford it. 8. He
wished me luck and gave me twenty
pounds. 9. Stop it at once, Mike, and sit
down and eat you r food. 1O. Come to Las
Vegas and try your luck. 11. Weil, l'd better
go and get hold of my boat. 12. And her
eyes were green as muscat grapes. 13. Do
not drink and drive. 14. And don't apologize.

Don't talk to him or phone him. NOT: Don't talk to hin, and phone him.
~60/1 3 0-139 : infinitive with

to: and instead of to



15. A kutykat szeretem, de a macskkat

15.11ike dogs, but l don't like cats. 16. But
nem. 16. De ez nem olyan egyszer. 17.
it isn't as simple as that. 17. Mandy looked
up butwenton eating. 18. l' d li ke to change Mandy felnzett, de folytatta az evst. 18.
Szeretnk mindent megvltoztatn i, de nem
everything but l don't know why. 19. l th ink
tudom, mirt. 19. Azt hiszem, valamennyiyou ali know the rules, but l will repeat
en ismeritek a szablyokat, de azrt elisthem. 20. l called Bruno at home, but he


wasn't there. 21. He put his hand out to

push me, put l backed off. 22. The 79A
doesn't stop here but up the road. 23. But
that isn't what he said. 24. But you said she
sang beautifully. 25. But there was doubt
in her eyes.

mtlem. 20. Kerestem Brunt otthon, de

nem volt ott. 21 . Kinyjtotta a kezt, hogy
meglkjn, de n elhtrltam. 22. A 79A
nem itt ll meg, hanem feljebb . 23. De ez
nem az, amit mondott. 24. De te azt mondtad, gynyren nekel. 25. m a szemben ktely volt.



26. lt's a matter of life or death. 27. They

can't read or write. 28. She never writes or
telephones. 29.1 don't li ke cats or dogs very
much. 30.1 don't look like my mother or
my father. 31. Are you coming or not?
32. Believe it or not, he's coming back for
good. 33. The next year or two will not be
easy. 34. ls this story true or did you make
it up? 35. He told me not to pick my nose
or put anything into it. 36. Would you like
tea or coffee? 37. You have to paint it over
or it'll soon rust away.

26. Ez let-hall krdse. 27. Nem tudnak

rni s olvasni. 28. Soha nem r s nem telefonl. 29. Nem igazn szeretem a kutykat
meg a macskkat. 30. Nem hasonltok se az
anymra, se az apmra. 31. jssz, vagy nem?
32. Akr hiszed, akr nem, vgleg hazajn.
33. Az elkvetkez egy vagy kt v nem lesz
knny. 34. Igaz ez a trtnet, vagy te talltad ki? 35. Azt mondta, ne.piszkljam az orrom s ne dugjak bele semmit. 36. Tet krsz,
vagy kvt? 37. Le kell festened, klnben
hamar meg fog rozsdsodni.

Don't talk to him or phone him. NOT: Don't talk to nin and pnone nim.


38. Tudtad, hogy Ruth bendzszik? 39. J,

hogy nem kell holnap dolgoznunk. 40. Sajnlom, hogy ez trtnt. 41. Biztos vagyok
benne, hogy nem akart megbntani. 42.
Nem vagyok te~jesen biztos benne, hogy
egyetrtek. 43. Orlnk, hogy jnnek. 44.
Mindenki meglepdtt azon, hogy ott voltunk a gylsen. 45. Bszke arra, hogy nem
volt katona. 46. Nem tudatosult bennem,
hogy a btym bartja vagy. 47. Olyan sok
ember volt, hogy egy kukkot sem hallottunk.
48. Az a problma, hogy ezek a vlaszok
semmit sem fognak megoldani. 49. Az a
9odlatos ebben a trtnetben, hogy igaz.
50. Ragaszkodtak hozz, hogy kszpnzzel fizessek. 51. Nem arrl van sz, hogy
nem akarom, csak egy kicsit tbb idre van

38. Did you know that Ruth played the

banjo? 39. lt's good that we don't have to
work tomorrow. 40. I'm sorry (that) this has
happened. 41. I'm sure (that) she didn't
mean to hurt you . 42. I'm not entirely sure
that l agree. 43. We're glad that they' re coming. 44. Everyone was surprised that we attended the meeting. 45. He's proud that he
didn't serve in the army. 46.1 didn't realize
(that) you were a friend of my brother's. 47.
There were somany people that we couldn't
hear a thing. 48. The problem is that these
reactions won't solve anything. 49. The
amazing thing about this story is that it's
true. 50. They insisted that l should pay
cash. 51. lt's not that l don't want it, l just
need a littie more time.

I'm sure that he will come. NOT: It'! !tlre tnat ne vo ill eon1e.
c::> 59: indirect speech c:>


63: it as subject/object


52. Walk along this street, then turn left. . 52. Menjen vgig ezen az utcn, azt'n for53. Lift the back first, then drive in the other
duljon balra! 53. Elszr emeld fel a htscrew. 54. l work tili four and then go to
lapjt, aztn csavard be a msik csavart!
Spanish classes in the evening. 55. Then
54. Ngyig dolgozom, aztn este spanyolhe put an arm round her waist. 56. Then l
rra megyek. 55. Aztn tkarolta a derelost consciousness again. 57. He asked if l
kt. 56. Azutn jra elvesztettem az eszw as alright and then rushed out. 58. If you' re
mletemet. 57. Megkrdezte, hogy jl vanot hungry now, (then) we'll get something
gyok-e, aztn kirohant. 58. Ha most nem
to eat at that puli-in before Alding.
vagy hes, akkor majd esznk valamit
Aiding eltt annl az auts pihennL
Then l went away. OR: After that l went away. NOT: After, l vvent a:Mrf.




mern1 vagy nem mern1


1. Nem meri megrinteni. 2. n nem merem megkrdezni. Megtennd helyettem?

3. Nyilvnval okokbl nem mer nyilatkozni. 4. Nem mert tovbb tiltakozni. 5. Hogy
merszeled kinyitni a leveleimet? 6. Hogy
merszelsz idejnni azok utn, hogy velk
ebdeltl? 7. "Elvihetem stlni a hrcsgdet?"- "Azt prbld meg!" 8. Merem lltan i, hogy hamarosan esni fog.

1. She daren't touch it. 2. I daren't ask hm. Will

you do it for me? 3. He daren't give an interview for
obvious reasons . 4. She dared not protest further.

5. How dare you open my letters? 6. How

dare you come here after you've had lunch
with them? 7. "Can l take your hamster for
a wa lk?"- "Just you dare!" 8. l dare say it' ll
rain soon.



9. "Come on, you can let it go!" - "l don't
dare ..." 10. Don't you dare say that again!
11. l did not dare ask agai n for tea, oreven
a bit of bread and butter. 12. There were so
few that we didn't dare take one. 13. Then
Berry Kent wouldn't dare touch me again.
14. Nobody eve~ dared to complain about
her.15. l didn't dare to tellthem l had already accepted the job. 16. Would you dare
to tell them?

9. "Gyernk, elengedheted! " - " Nem

merem .. ." 1O. Nemerd mg egyszer ezt mondani ! 11. Nem mertemtbbtet kr~ i, de mg
egy falat vajas kenyeret se. 12. Olyan kevs
volt, hogy nem mertnk venni belle. 13. Akkor Berry Kent nem merne tbb hozzm
nylni. 14. Soha senki nem mert panaszkodni miatta. 15. Nem mertem megmondani nekik, hogy mr elfogadtam az llst. 16. Lenne btorsgod megmondani nekik?

dare sy. to do sg.

"nem mersz!"

17. l dare you to walk along the window- 17. Fogadjunk, hogy nem mersz velem vsi ll wi th me. 18. She da red me to jump off
gigjnn i az ablakprknyon! 18. Azt mondthe balcony.
ta, nem merek leugrani az erklyrl.


discourse markers


ennek ellenre stb.

Q16/1-10: afterai/Q103: so

1. Actually, l remember her quite weil. 2.

Weil, actually, I'm extremely nervous of flying. 3. Weil, actually, l'd rather be Prime
Minister. 4. You're wrong, actually. 5. l
know he's one of you r best drivers. Ali the
same, l don't think he is the right man for
this job. 6. What a pity she couldn't come!
Anyhow, what's important is that you're
here. 7. Anyway, Ilike it. 8. Anyway, you'll
be hearing from my solisitor. 9. W~ere does
th is tra i l lead, anyway? 1O. As a matter of
fact, those keys are mine. 11. As a matter
of fact I'm thinking of selling it. 12. "She
may not know about this."- "As a matter
of fact, she doesn't." 13. Oh, by the way,
are you coming to the meeting tonight? 14~
By the way, l may be late ton ight. 15. First
of ali, let me ask you about something. 16.
For one thing, l've never been asked. 17.
Lastly, there's the question of timing. 18.
This, however, was not the end of the story.
19. l-;lowever, l don't believe her. 20. There
is plenty of food in the world. However,
many people do not have enough to eat.
21. I'm afraid l can't tell you. 22. I'm afra id
Miss Gatty is offended. 23. l am afraid he's
in a meeting. 24. I' m afraid that this isn't
our responsibility. 25. That's ali l can say,
I'm afraid. 26. l mean, it wasn't really my
fault, was it? 27. l mean, I'm not racist, or
anything! 28.1 mean, you have to draw the
line somewhere. 29. It was kind of surprising they didn't have the guts to tell h im. 30.
And then time goes on, and you kind of
give up hope. 31. He's got a sort of blondy
moustache. 32. Really, he looked sort of
scared of something. 33. We ali sort of
learned ou r trade in the Variety theatre. 34.
"Did you send hm away?" - "Sort of." 35~
Let me see... what about topping it with
cream? 36. You could pick me up at... let
me think... say, half past five? 37. Oh, let
me th ink a moment... yes, you could take a


1. Tulajdonkppen egszen jl emlkszem r.

2. Nos, n tulajdonkppen nagyon flek a replstl. 3. Ht, valjban inkbb miniszter-

elnk lennk. 4. Tulajdonkppen tvedsz. 5.

Tudom, hogy az egyik legjobb sofrtk. Ennek ellenre nem hiszem, hogy a megfelel ember erre a munkra. 6. Milyen kr, hogy
nem tudott eljnni! No mindegy, az a lnyeg,
hogy te itt vagy. 7. Nekem mindenesetre tetszik. 8. Mindenesetre az gyvdem fel fogja
nt keresni. 9. Egyltaln, hova vezet ez az
svny? 10. Ami azt illeti, azok a kulcsok az
enymek. 11. Tulajdonkppen azon gondolkozom, hogy eladom. 12. "Lehet, hogy nem
is tud rla."- "Ami azt illeti, valban nem
tud rla." 13. , errl jut eszembe, jssz ma
este a gylsre? 14. Aprop, lehet, hogy ksn jvk ma este. 15. Elszr is, hadd krdezzek valamit. 16. Elszr is, soha nem krdeztek meg. 17. Vgl pedig itt van az idz
ts krdse. 18. Itt azonban mg nem rt vget a trtnet. 19. Ennek ellenre nem hiszek
neki. 20. Rengeteg ennival van a Fldn.
Ugyanakkor sok embernek nem j ut elg tpllk. 21. Sajnos nem mondhatom el neked.
22. Attl tartok, Miss Gatty megsrtdtt. 23.
Sajnos rtekezleten van. 24. Attl tartok, ez
nem a mi fe lelssgnk. 25. Sajnos ez minden, amit mondhatok. 26. gy rtem, ez nem
igazn az n hibm volt, ugye? 27. gy rtem, nem vagyok fajgyll, vagy ilyesmi. 28.
gy rtem, valahol meg kell hzni a hatrt.
29. Kicsit meglep volt, hogy nincs merszk
megmondani neki. 30. Aztn mlik az id,
s az ember valahogy feladja a remnyt. 31.
Olyan szks bajusza van. 32. Tnyleg, gy
nzett ki, mintha flt volna va lamitl. 33. Mi
mind a Variet Sznhzban, hogy gymondjam, tanultuk ki a szakmt. 34. " Elkldted t?"
- "Valahogy gy." 35. Hadd nzzem ... mi
lenne, ha tejsznt tennnk a tetejre? 36. Eljhetnl rtem, egy pillanat. .. mondjuk, fl hatra. 37. , hadd gondolkozzam egy pilla-

number 9 bus, or a tram. 38. Mind you,

modern life has its part to play in family
tensions. 39. He can be aggressive too, mind
you. 40. Obviously, it'd be nice to meet
some time. 41. Now that we've won the
lottery, we'll buy a bigger house, obviously.
42. On the one hand, it's the best paid job
l've ever had. On the other hand, l have to
travel a lot, which is ti ring. 43. On the other
hand, everything is relative. 44. Black coal
is usually found a long way below the
earth's surface; brown coal, on the other
hand, is found on the surface. 45. The thing
is, l just can't stand this any more. 46. I'm
ever so sorry, the thing is, l just forgot to
call you back. 47. Weil, yes and no. 48.
Weil, I'm not sure about that. 49. Weil, we
can begin without her. 50. Weil, there are
worse things in life. 51. Weil, you have your
op in ion and l have mine, so let's not worry
about it. 52. She sounded so agitated and,
weil, incoherent. 53. My uncle, you know,
lives in Regent's Park. 54. Good Heavens,
G ladys, you' re getting really fat, you know!
55. You know, it's funny, but we'd never
slept tagether bef9re we were married. 56.
Whisky can't be a remedy, you know. 57.
Weil, the thing is, you see, that l can never
say no to anyone. 58. That's something l
wouldn't like to talk about, you see.

each other, one another .

nati g ... igen, mehetne 9-es busszal, vagy villamossal. 38. Megjegyzem, amodern let is
felels a csaldon belli feszltsgekrt 39.
Ne felejtsd el, tud agresszv is lenni. 40.
Termszetesen nagyon j lenne tallkozni valamikor. 41. Most, hogy nyertnk a lottn, vesznk egy nagyobb hzat, termszetesen. 42.
Egyrszt soha nem volt mg ilyen jl fizet
llsom. Msrszt viszont sokat kell utaznom,
s ez elg fraszt. 43. Msrszt viszont minden relatv. 44. A feketeszn ltalban jval a .
fld felszne alatt tallhat; a barnaszn ezzel szemben a felsznen. 45. Arrl van sz,
hogy egyszeren nem brom tovbb elviselni. 46. Rettenetesen sajnlom, de arrl van
sz, hogy egyszeren elfelejtettelek visszahvni. 47. Ht, igen is, nem is. 48. Na, ebben nem
vagyok biztos. 49. Nos, elkezdhetjk nlkle.
50. De ht, rosszabb dolgok is vannak az letben. 51. Nzd, neked is megvan a vlemnyed, nekem is a magam, ne foglalkozzunk
ezzel tbbet. 52. Olyan zaklatott volt, ahogy
beszlt, s szval, sszefggstelen is. 53. Tudod, a nagybtym a Regent's Parkban lakik.
54. Te j g, Gladys, tudod, tnyleg egyre jobban elhzol ! 55. Tudod, mulatsgos, de soha
nem aludtunk egytt, mieltt sszehzasodtunk 56. Tudod, a whisky nem lehet megolds. 57. Szval, tudod az van, hogy soha senkinek nem tudok nemet mondani. 58. Tudod
ez olyasmi, amirl nem szeretnk beszlni.


egymst stb.

1. l believe you two know each other. 2.
I'm sorry- do we know each other? 3. They
could hardly see each other in the dark. 4.
You two really love each other. 5. Archie,
Ken and Donald laoked at each other. 6.
Giraffes communicate with each other by
the way they hold their necks. 7. We've always been honest wi th each other. 8. Jimmy
and she are very fond of each other.
9. We've l ived next door to e ach other a ll
ou r lives. 1 O. Neither of the two women


1. Azt hiszem, ti ketten ismeritek egymst.

2. Bocsnat, ismerjk mi egymst? 3. Alig
lttk egymst a sttben. 4. Ti ketten tnyleg szeretitek egymst. 5. Archie Ken s Donald egymsra nztek. 6. A zsirfok azzal
adnak jeleket egymsnak, ahogy a nyakukat tartjk. 7. Mindig szintk voltunk egymssal. 8. jimmy s nagyon kedvelik egymst. 9. Egsz letnkben szomszdok voltunk. 1 O. Egyik n sem tudott a msikrl.
11. sszetallkozott a tekintetnk, s rg-

knew about each other. 11. Ou r eyes met,

and he and l knew we were not meant for
each other. 12. But it was really only in
Moscow that we became important to each
other. 13. When elephants are out of sight
of each other they purr. 14. The crew ca me
back in and they thanked each other. 15.
Did they move to each other's houses?

tn tudtuk, hogy minket nem egymsnak

teremtettek. 12. De az mr valjban csak
Moszkvban volt, hogy fontosak lettnk
egymsnak. 13. Amikor az elefntok kikerlnek egyms ltkrbl , akkor morg
hangot adnak. 14. A brigd tagjai visszajttek, s ksznetet mondtak egymsnak. 15.
Bekltztek egyms hzba?

16. They were ali tooking at one another wi th pure
hatred in their eyes. 17. At !ast we ali understand
one another. 18. The whole family were extremely
fond of one another. 19. You'll have to put att files
beside one another.

either, neither/no r do l,
so do l

16. Mindannyian valdi gyllettel a szemkben nztk egymst. 17. Vgre mindannyian rtjk egymst. 18. A csald minden tagja rajongott egymsrt. 19. Az sszes
aktt egyms mell kell tenned.


sem, en sem, en 1s

auxiliaries without a main verb ~37: either. .. or, neither... nor



1. l can't swim, either. 2. You can't play football and you can't speak English properly either. 3. No, we can't do anything next week,
either. 4. "l haven't got his phone number.""l haven't got it either." 5. "l haven't seen h im
this morning." - "l haven't, either." 6. As a
rule, l myself do not like tali men either. 7.
The Ditchley Foundation is not exactly seeret, but it is not exactly public, either.

1. n sem tudok szn i. 2. Nem tudsz focizn i, s angolul sem tudsz rendesen. 3. Nem,
a jv hten sem tehetnk semmit. 4.
"Nincs meg a telefonszma." - "Neke_m
sincs." 5. "Nem lttam t ma reggel."- "En
sem." 6. Alapveten nekem sem tetszenek
a magas frfiak. 7. A Ditchley Alaptvny
nem kifejezetten titkos, de nem is teljesen

l can't swim, either. NOT: l can't ~vv im, too.


8. "I'm not interested in politics." - "Nor am
1." 9. "l was never any good at maths."- "Neither was l. l was hopeless." 1O. You don't have
time and nor do l. 11. "l don't li ke getting up
in the morning!"-:- "Neither do l!" 12. "l don't
know how to interpret dreams."- "Neither
does anybody else." 13. Mary didn't ta lk about
her father and nor did Lillian. 14. "l didn't

8. "Nem rdekel a politika."- "Engem sem."

9. "Soha nem voltam valami j matematikbl." - "n sem. Remnytelen eset voltam." 10. Nincs idd, s nekem sincs. 11.
"Nem szeretek reggel felkelni."- "n sem."
12. "Nem tudom megfejteni az lmokat.""Ms se tudja." 13. Mary nem beszlt az
apjrl, s Lillian sem. 14. "Nem hittem el,


believe what he told us."- "Neither did 1."

15. "l won't be back for the meeting."- "N either will l." 16. "l never would have believed
it."- "Nor would Johnny."

"I'm not


amit meslt neknk."- "n sem." 15. "Nem

rek vissza a megbeszlsre." - "n sem."
16. "Soha nem hittem volna!" -"Johnny

in politics."- "Nor am 1." NOT: "l'rn nt t."



17. "I'm Cancer."- "So am 1." 18. "Ali in

alii'm glad she's gone." -"So are ali of us."
19. "Robert Redford is tali, fair and handsome." - "And so are you." 20. "I'm surprised you get on with him."- "So is he, l
think." 21. But you' re here today, and so is
she. 22. "l was just going to call on Millie."
-"So was l. She's out, though." 23. "l th ink
she's a late developer." - "So was Churchill." 24. "l feel pretty tired."- "So do 1."
25. "James likes boxing."- "So does Alex."
26. It is true that a smi le means the sa me
th ing in any language. So does laughter or
crying. 27. "He understood everything.""So did you.' 28. "l thought the line had
gone dead." - "So did 1." 29. He looked at
me with respect So did Mike. 30. "Edison
got a lot of ideas while he was asleep." "So did Einstein." 31. "l've had enough of
this."- "So have we. " 32. "l have heard the
stories." - "So have l." 33. "Obviously,
James has accepted it."- "So has Mr Dong,
sir." 34. "l can smell something burning.""So can 1." 35. "l must visit her."- "So must
1." 36. "l could stare at the clouds ali day."
-"So could 1." 37. "l think you should go
to a psychiatrist."- "So should my wife."

either... or, neither... nor

~36 :

.17. "n Rk vagyok."- "n is." 18. "Mindent sszevve, rlk, hogy elment." "Mi is, mindannyian." 19. "Robert Redford
magas, szke s jkp."- "Te is az vagy."
20. "Meglep, hogy kijssz vele." - "t is,
azt hiszem." 21. De ma itt vagy, s is itt
van. 22. "pp Millie-t kszltem megltogatni."- "n is. De nincs otthon." 23. "Azt
hiszem, ksn r tpus." - "Churchill is
az volt." 24. "Elg fradtnak rzem magam."- "n is." 25. "James szeret bokszolni." -"Alex is." 26. Igaz az, hogy a mosoly minden nyelven ugyanazt jelenti. s
a nevets, meg a srs is. 27. "Mindent rtett." - "Te is." 28. "Azt hittem, megszakadt a vonal."- "n is." 29. Tisztelettel nzett rm. s Mike is. 30. "Edisonnak sok
tlete tmadt alvs kzben." - "Einsteinnek is." 31. "Ebbl nekem elegem van.""Neknk is." 32. "Hallottam a trtneteket." - "n is." 33. "James termszetesen
elfogadta." - "Mr Dong is, uram." 34.
"gett szagot rzek." -"n is." 35. 11 Meg
kellltogatnom."- "Nekem is." 36. "_Egsz
nap tudnm bmulni a felhket."- "En is."
37. "Azt hiszem, el kellene menned egy
pszichiterhez." - "A felesgemnek is."


vagy ... vagy, sem ... sem

either, nether/nor do l, so do l



1. Ez liba, vagy kacsa. 2. Nem igazn tudom, de Tamara vagy az unokahga, vagy
a sgornje. 3. Barna volt, szrke, vagy
lila, azt hiszem. 4. Vlaszthatja ezt az utat,
vagy azt a zlddel jelzettet 5. Vagy ma

1. lt's either a goose or a duck. 2. l don't

really know, Tamara is either his niece or
his sister-in-law. 3. It was either brown, grey,
or purple, l think. 4. You can take either
this route or the one marked green. 5. 1'11


either come today or tomorrow. 6. He was

barely talking to either Jack or me. 7. If either Frank or his brother say no, we'll stop.
8. l don't th ink either Brian or l were natural enterpreneurs. 9. If either the Professor or
M r Wilson comes, tell th em we're off to the club.

1 O. Either it's wrong or it isn't. 11. Either

you give it back or leave my house. 12.
Levin was either lying or mistaken. 13. Either the locks were too large, or the key
was too small, but at any rate it would not
open any of them.

jvk, vagy holnap. 6. Alig szlt hozzm

vagy Jackhez. 7. Ha Frank vagy a btyja
nemet mond, abbahagyjuk. 8. Nem hiszem, hogy akr Brian, akr n szletett
vllalkozk lettnk volna. 9. Ha a professzor vagy Mr Wilson jn, mondja meg
nekik, hogy a klubba mentnk. 1 O. Vagy
rossz, vagy nem. 11. Vagy visszaadod, vagy
elhagyod a hzamat! 12. Levin vagy hazudott, vagy tvedett. 13. Vagy a zrak voltak tl nagyok, vagy a kulcs kicsi , mindenesetre egyiket sem nyitotta.



14. l am neither tali nor short. 15. She was

neither beautifui nor intelligent. 16. Unfortunately, they spoke neither English nor
Spanish. 17. l neither like nor dislike hm.
18. She neither wrote, telephoned nor sent
a letter. 19. Neither my mother nor my father have any real friends outside the family. 20. Neither tea nor coffee is good for you in
large quantities. 21. N either Rita nor l recalled
ever having seen her.

14. Nem vagyok se magas, se alacsony. 15.

Nem volt sz p, se intell i gens. 16. Sajnos
nem beszltek se angolul, se spanyolul. 17.
Se nem szeretem, se nem utlom. 18. Nem
rt, nem telefonlt, s nem kldtt levelet
sem. 19. Se az anymnak, se az apmnak
nincsenek igazi bartai a csaldon kvl. 20.
Se a kv, se a tea nem tesz jt nagy
mennyisgben. 21. Se Rita, se n nem emlkeztnk, hogy valaha lttuk volna.

l neither like nor dislike him. NOT: l neither li ke or di~like hin'



" meg
" mas,


1. Who else l ves here? 2. Who else wanted
to come? 3. What else have you got in you r
pocket? 4. What else do l have to do? 5.
What else isthere to know? 6. Where else
should l be? 7. But how else was he to deal
with her? 8. Why else was he so angry, then?
9. There wasn't anyone else in the bathroom. 10. Would anyone else like to give
an opinion? 11. Everyone else has given it.
up and gone away. 12. How does everyone else do it? 13. No one else knows yet.
14. Th ere w as nobody els~ i n the street except two youths. 15. Does he love someone else? 16. That's someone else's idea,


1. Ki lakik mg itt? 2. Ki akart mg jnni? 3.

Mi van mg a zsebedben? 4. Mit kell mg
csinlnom? 5. Mit kell mg tudni? 6. Hol
mshol kellene lennem? 7. De hogyan mshogy bnjon vele? 8. Akkor mi msrt lett
olyan nirges? 9. Senki ms nem volt a frdszobban. 1O. Szeretne mg valaki ms
is vlemnyt mondani? 11. Mr mindenki
ms feladta s elment. 12. Hogyan csinlja
ezt mindenki ms? 13. M g senki ms nem
tudja. 14. Kt fiatalon kvl senki ms nem
volt az utcn. 15. Valaki mst szeret? 16.
Ez valaki msnak az tlete, nem gondolod?
17. Szeretn azt hinni, hogy minden, ami

don't you think? 17. She'd like to believe

everything that happens is someone else's
fault. 18. Have you bought anything else?
19. There was nothing else he could do. 20.
He decided to try something else. 21.
There's somethi n g else neither of you know
about. 22. Then take your money and go
sornewhere else. 23. l th ink people here are
happier than anywhere else. 24. When ali
else fai ls, p ray. 25. Th ere w as l itt le else we
could hope for. 26. There wasn't much else
to do except wait for the doctor to return.

trtnik, valaki msnak a hibja. 18. Vettl

mg valamit? 19. Semmi mst nem tehetett
ezen kvl. 20. gy dnttt, hogy valami
mssal prblkozik. 21. Van mg valami
ms is, amirl egyiktk sem tud. 22. Akkor vidd a pnzedet, s menj mshov l 23.
Azt hiszem, az emberek itt boldogabbak,
mint brhol mshol. 24. Amikor semmi ms
nem segt, imdkozz! 25. Msban mr nem
nagyon remnykedhettnk. 26. Nem igazn lehetett mst tenni, mint vrni, hogy az
orvos visszajjjn.

Let's talk about something else. NOT: Let's talk about else.

or else


27. You pay now or else you must leave

the room this morning. 28. l put it back on
the shelf or else l left it on Fanny's desk.

embedded question

27. Fizet most, vagy klnben ma


el kell hagynia a szobt! 28. Visszaraktam

a polcra, vagy ha nem, akkor otthagytam
Fanny rasztaln.


begyazott krds

c> 59: indirect speech

Where did he say he was? NOT: 'A/nat did ne say, wnere was ne?


1. Who do you thi nk will win? 2. Who do

you th ink you' re talking to? 3. Who does she
believe is to blame for that? 4. l asked you,
who do you th ink did it? 5. Whose house do
you th ink we should go to this time? 6. What
do you th ink RSPCA means? 7. What do you
th ink will happen? 8. What do you th ink has
become of Tommy? 9. What do you suppose
l do when you're at the office ali day? 1O.
The man who hit you, what do you suppose
he was looki ng for? 11. What did you say you r
name was? 12. What do you suggest we
should do? 13. Which plane do you think
she's coming on? 14. Where do you think is.
the best pl ace to l ive? 15. Where do you wish
you were living? 16. Where do you suppose
they have taken h im? 17. Where did you say
you were going? 18. Where did you say he'd


1. Mit gondolsz, ki fog nyerni? 2. Mit kpzelsz, kivel beszlsz? 3. mit hisz, ki hibs ezrt? 4. Azt krdeztem, szerinted ki
csinlta. 5. Mit gondolsz, ezttal kinek a
hzba kellene mennnk? 6. Mit gondolsz,
mit jelent az, hogy RSPCA? 7. Mit gondolsz,
mi fog trtnni? 8. Mit gondolsz, mi lett
Tommybl? 9. Szerinted mit csinlok n,
amikor te egsz nap az irodban vagy? 1 O.
A frfi, aki lettt, felttelezsed szerint, mit
keresett? 11. Mit mondtl, hogy hvnak? 12.
Mit javasolsz, mit kne tennnk? 13. Mit
gondolsz, melyik gppel jn? 14. Mit gondolsz, hol a legjobb lni? 15. Mit kvnnl,
hogy hol lj? 16. Szerinted, hova vittk? 17.
Mit mondtl, hova msz? 18. Mit mondtl,
hova ment? 19. Mit gondolsz, mikor tudod
visszaadn i? 20. Mit gondolsz, mikor fognak

gone? 19. When do you th ink you cangiveit

back? 20. When do you think they'll arrive?
21. Which one do you recommend l should
choose? 22. Why don't you th ink the marriage
will last? 23. Why else do you suppose we
have two arms? 24. How old do you th ink l
am? 25. How old did you say you were? 26.
How do you suppose he got here? 27. How
fast do you suppose news travels? 28. How
many different countries do you th ink you've
been to? 29. How do you think Joe Pot has
been doing inthelast six months?

enough, too

megrkezni? 21. Mit javasol sz, melyiket vlasszam? 22. Mirt gondolod, hogy nem fog
sokig tartani a hzassg? 23. Mit gondolsz,
mi msrt lenne kt karunk? 24. Mit gondolsz, hny ves vagyok? 25. Mit mondtl,
hny ves vagy? 26. Szerinted, hogyan jutott el ide? 27. Mit gondolsz, milyen gyorsan terjednek a hrek? 28. Mit gondolsz,
hny klnbz orszgban jrtl mr? 29.
Mit gondolsz, hogy ment Joe Potnak az elmlt hat hnapban?


elgg s tl

q 44: fair/y, ra ther etc.


1. Have we got enough bread? 2. We have
enough food for everyone. 3. Do you th ink
there's enough light to take a photo? 4. Have
you got enough money to !end me fS? 5. ls
there enough money for us to get a bottie of
wi ne? 6. If only we h ad money enough to travel the re!
7. Just don't come to us with that - we've
enough problemsof ou r own. 8. There aren't
enough policemen on the streets. 9.1've eaten
more than enough. 1 O. He's not pushy
enough. 11. He wasn't fast enough. 12. He
doesn't swim weil enough. 13. l don't understand men weil enough. 14. My oral exams
will be in a week and l can't speak Freneh
weil enough yet. 15. The day started badly
enough. 16. Are you sure he's old enough?
17. He's slept long enough now. 18. ls her
home large enough for a pet? 19. Preparing
an cmlette may seem easy enough. 20. He
would li ke to be a singer but l don't th ink he's
got a good enough voice. 21. l haven't got
big enough nai ls to open it. 22. Would you be
kind enough to let us know the date of your arrival?

23. l've lived here for years, but strangely

enough l can't speak a word of French. 24.
Five minutes of this exercise is enough. 25.
We've got ten dallars - l hope it's enough.
26.1've heard enough! 27. Enough is enough.
28. Not enough is known about what happened. 29. l've had enough of this. 30. Did
you buy enough of them?


1. Van elg kenyernk? 2. Van elg tel mindenkinek. 3. Gondolod, hogy van elg fny
a fotzshoz? 4. Van annyi pnzed, hogy klcsn tudjl adni t fontot? 5. Van annyi pnznk, hogy vegynk egy veg bort? 6. Brcsak lenne elg pnznk, hogy odautazzunk l
7. Csak ne gyere ezzel is hozznk, van pp
elg bajunk. 8. Nincs elg rendr az utckon. 9. Bven eleget ettem. 1O. Nem elg
rmens. 11. Nem volt elg gyors. 12. Nem
szik elg jl. 13. Nem rtem elgg a frfiakat. 14. Egy ht mlva lesznekaszbeli vizsgim, s n mg mindig nem beszlek elg
jl franciul. 15. A nap elg rosszul kezd
dtt. 16. Biztos vagy benne, hogy mr elg
ids? 17. Eleget aludt mr. 18. Elg nagy a
laksa ahhoz, hogy hzillatot tartson? 19.
Egy omlett elksztse elg knnynek tn
het. 20. nekes szeretne lenni, de nem hiszem, hogy elg j hangja van hozz. 21.
Nem elg nagy a krmm ahhoz, hogy kinyissam. 22. Lenne olyan kedves, hogy tudatja velnk rkezse idpontjt? 23. vekig lt Franciaorszgban, de brmilyen furcsa, egy szt sem tud franciul. 24. t perc
elg ebbl a gyakorlatbL 25. Tz dollrunk
van, remlem, elg. 26. Eleget hallottam! 27.
Ami sok, az sok! 28. Nem tudunk eleget arrl, hogy mi is trtnt. 29. Elegem van ebbl. 30. Eleget vettl bellk?

... enough to

elg... ahhoz, hogy; olyan ... hogy

31. l am old enough to see that film. 32.

31. Elg ids vagyok, hogy megnzzem azt
He is not tali enough to join the police
a filmet. 32. Nem elg magas ahhoz, hogy
force. 33. Frederick didn't run fast enough belljon rendrnek. 33. Frederick nem futo catch the tra in. 34. Stay in bed unti l you
tott elg gyorsan, hogy elrje a vonatot. 34.
feel weil enough to work. 35. Marjorie was
Maradj gyban, amg nem rzed magad elg
very weak, but strong enough to underjl, hogy dolgozzL 35. Marjorie nagyon
stand what she had to do. 36. Anybody
gyenge volt, de annyi ereje maradt, hogy
could see at a glance that she was young
megrtse, mit kell tennie. 36. Egy pillants
enough to be his daughter. 37. Barbara
elg volt, hogy brki megllaptsa, a lnya
went to the door and opened it just wide
lehetne. 37. Barbara az ajthoz ment s kienough to see who it was. 38. They said l
nyitotta, pp csak annyira, hogy lssa, ki az.
wasn't experienced enough to handie the
38. Azt mondtk, nem vagyok elg tapaszjob. 39. The computer is small enough to
talt ahhoz, hogy ellssam a feladatot. 39. A
fit into your briefcase. 40. l think it's late
szmtgp olyan kicsi, hogy befr az aktaenough for everybody to go home. 41. lt's
tskdba. 40. Szerintem elg ks van mr,
late enough for us to put Phil ip to bed. 42.
hogy mindenki hazamenjen. 41. Elg ks
Don' t you th ink it is now warm enough to
van mr, ideje Philipet lefektetni. 42. Nem
go for a walk? 43. He came near enough
gondolod, hogy mr elg meleg van egy sto shoot. 44. ls it cool enough for you to
thoz? 43. Elg kzel jtt ahhoz, hogy l
drink now? 45. lts ears seemed close
hessen. v.: Elg kzel jtt ahhoz, hogy le leenough to touch .
hessen lni. 44. Elg hideg mr, hogy meg
tudd inni? 45. gy tnt, a fle olyan kzel
van, hogy akr meg is rinthetem.

1. You're old enough to see that film. NOT: You're enougn old to !lee that fi ln,.
2. My coffee is cold enough to drink. NOT: ,\~y eoffee i!! cold e11ougl i to d ri r ik it.
q48/71-84: focus and emphasis: object raising


46. You protesttoo much. 47. He knew he
was talking too much. 48. Don't blame yourself too much. 49. l drank too much wine
last night. 50. Don't make too much noise,
will you? 51. You shouldn't eat too many
chips. 52. l am tired of films- l have seen
too ma ny poor on es. 53. Th ere were far too
many people there. 54. lt's not too bad. 55.
lt's too risky. 56. This bianket is too heavy.
57. lt's a bit too salty for me. 58. lt's much
too cold. 59. lt's too warm in here. 60.
You're much too kind to me. 61.1 cannot
stay up any longer, l am too tired . 62. You
can never be too carefuL 63. You got up
too early again. 64. The bed was too near
the fire. 65.Aren't you too hot in that fur?
66. Taxes are much too high in this country, aren't they? 67. His hat was at least two

46. Tl sokat tiltakozoL 47. Tudta, hogy tl

sokat beszl. 48. Ne vdold magad tlsgosan. 49. Tl sok bort ittam tegnap este.
50. Ne csinlj tl nagy zajt, j? 51. Nem
volna szabad tl sok csipszet enned. 52.
Beleuntam a filmkbe-tl sok rosszat lttam. 53. Tl sok ember volt ott. 54. Nem is
olyan rossz. 55. Tl kockzatos. 56. Ez a
takar tl nehz. 57. Ez egy kicsit ss nekem. 58. Tlontl hideg van. 59. Tl meleg van itt benn. 60. Tlsgosan is kedves
vagy hozzm. 61. Nem tudok mr tovbb
fenn maradni, nagyon fradt vagyok. 62. Az
ember sohasem lehet elg vatos. 63. Mr
megint nagyon korn keltl. 64. Az gy tl
kzel volt a tzhz. 65. Nincs nagyon meleged abban a bundban? 66. Az adk tlsgosan is magasak ebben az orszgban,


sizes too small. 68. This town is too small

for both of US. 69. Don' t leave it in too warm a

nem? 67. A kalapja legalbb kt szmmal

kisebb volt. 68. Ez a vros kicsi kettnk
nek. 69. Ne hagyja nagyon meleg helyen.

This book is too long for a littie child. NOT: Thi" book i" long for a littie eh i ld.

too... to

tl ... ahhoz, hogy; olyan ... hogy

70. l am too ti red to write any more. 71. She

was much too upset to l isten. 72. You are
far too young to get married. 73. They were
too shocked to move. 74.She is too small
to join the police force. 75. Perhaps she
was too brave or too stupid to run. 76. My
father-in-law was too angry for a moment
to know what to say. 77. l think he is too
addicted to stop. 78.1 iri ed to explain but
my father Was too angry to listen. 79. It is
too cold to go out. 80. It is too dark to
work in the garden. 81. It was too dark too
see anything. 82. lt's too long to fit in the
living room. 83. Can't you wait a littie bit?
Your tea is too hot to drink yet. 84.1sn't it
a bit too old to cook? 85. She was too ti red
to teach. 86. She is too kind a woman to
refuse. 87. It was too good an opportunity to
miss. 88. I'm afraid it's too heavy for you
to lift. 89. lt's too late for the supermarket
to be open .

70. Tl fradt vagyok, hogy tbbet rjak. 71.

Nagyon ideges volt ahhoz, hogy odafigyeljen. 72. Tl fiatal vagy ahhoz, hogy meghzasodj. 73. Mozdulni se tudtak az ijedtsgtl . 74. Alacsony rendrnek. 75. Taln tl
btor, vagy tl buta volt ahhoz, hogy elszaladjon. 76. Apsom egy pillanatig dhben
azt se tudta, mit mondjon. 77. Azt hiszem,
tlsgosan rabja mr ahhoz, hogy abbahagyja. 78. Prbltam elmagyarzni, de apa
annyira mrges volt, hogy oda sem figyelt.
79. Hideg van mr ahhoz, hogy kimenj. 80.
Tl stt van mr a kertben dolgozni. 81.
Olyan stt volt, hogy nem lttunk semmit.
82. Hossz ahhoz, hogy befrjen a nappaliba. 83. Nem tudsz vrni kicsit? Mg forr a
ted, nem tudod inni. 84. Nem reg mr ez
kicsit ahhoz, hogy megfzzk? 85. Fradt
volt ahhoz, hogy tantson. v.: Fradt volt ahhoz, hogy tantsk. 86. Tl kedves n ahhoz, hogy visszautastson. v.: Tl kedves n
ahhoz, hogy visszautastsam. 87. Tl j lehetsg volt ahhoz, hogy elszalasszam. 88.
Attl tartok, olyan nehz, hogy nem tudod
felemelni. 89. Ks van ahhoz, hogy aszupermarket nyitva legyen.

lt's too hot to drink. NOT: It'" too hot to drink it.
~48/71 -84 :

focus and emphasis: object raising


.1s, meg
... se





even though

1. A vacsora mg rosszabb volt. 2. n mg
tbbet fizettem. 3. Az emberek a faluban
mg jobban szerettk s tiszteltk t, mint
azeltt. 4. Christian mg figyelmetlenebbl

1. Dinner was even worse. 2. l paid even

more. 3. The people of the v i ll age loved
and respected him even more than before.
4. Christian drives even more carelessly


than Catherine. 5. The new house will be

even more luxurious than the old one. 6.
Nurses earn even Iess than teachers. 7. Even
a child can do it. 8. Even the curtains were
rehung. 9. Everyone, even Mike's wife, was
watching him now. 10. She even tried to
get me a job with a publisher. 11. The
postman's widow was even pleased. 12.
You've got to work every day, even on Sundays. 13. Even in England it is difficult to
speak of a standard of pronunciation. 14.
Even in the same culture, people differ in
their ability to interpret and express feelings. 15. 1'11 say yes even if you don't. 16.
Even as she was speaking to us her eyes
were barely open.

vezet, mint Catherine. 5. Az j hz mg pazarabb lesz, mint a rgi. 6. Az polndk

mg kevesebbet keresnek, mint a tanrok.
7. Mg egy gyerek is meg tudja csinlni. 8.
Mg a fggnyket is kicserltk. 9. Most
mindenki, mg Mike felesge is 6t figyelte.
10. Mg llst is prblt szerezni nekem
egy kiadnL 11. A posts zvegye mg
rlt is. 12. Mindennap dolgoznod kell,
mg vasrnaponknt is. 13. Mg Angi i ban
is alig beszlhetnk kiejtsi standardrL 14.
Az emberek mg ugyanazon a kultrn bell is klnbznek abban, hogy mennyire
kpesek rtelmezni s kifejezni rzseiket
15. n igent mondok, akkor is, ha te nem.
16. Amikor beszlt hozznk, mg akkor is
alig volt nyitva a szeme.


17. l can't even lift it. 18. There wasn't even
an indoor loo. 19. You haven't even got a
d riving licence. 20. They don't even have the
guts to make a war any more. 21. Mike didn't
even look at her. 22. He never even noticed
her. 23. She wasn't even sure she liked him.
24. You didn't even send any flowers to the
funeral. 25. l didn't even know which was
north and which was south. 26. l don't even
know where to send messages to him. 27.
We're not even divorced yet. 28. They haven't
even started yet. 29. You haven't even asked
me, Susan, you see. 30. He hasn't even sent
me a postcard since he left. 31. Haven't you
even got the kettie on yet? 32. You' re saying
ali these horrible things about Luke, and you
don't even know hm! 33. Phillpots couldn't
even imagine that amount of money. 34.1
refuse even to listen to you .

17. Fel se tudom emelni. 18. Mg egy benti

vc sem volt. 19. Mg jogostvnyod sincs.
20. Mr ahhoz sincs merszk, hogy hbort
kezdjenek. 21. Mike mg csak r se nzett.
22. Soha mg csak szre sem vette. 23. Mg
abban sem volt biztos, hogy tetszik neki. 24.
Mg egy szl virgot se kldtl a temetsre.
25. Azt sem tudtam, merre van szak, s merre dl. 26. Azt se tudom, hova kldjek neki
zenetet 27. Mg el sem vltunk. 28. Mg
el se indultak. 29. Ltod, Susan, mg csak
meg sem krdeztL 30. Mg egy kpeslapot
sem kldtt nekem, mita elment. 31. Mg
fel se tetted a teskannt? 32. Mondod ezeket a szrny dolgokat, Luke-r l, s mg csak
nem is ismered. 33. Phillpots ennyi pnzt el
sem tudott kpzelvi. 34. Meghallgatni sem
vagyok hajland tged.

He is still here. NOT: Ile i! even here.


35.1 saw him come in this morning. Even

35. Lttam bejnni ma reggel. Mg gy is

alig tudom elhinni, hogy visszajtt. 36. Msodosztly flke volt. Ezzel egytt egsz
knyelmesnek talltuk. -37. Ron hnapokkal ezel6tt elhagyta. mgsem akar elvlni. 38. Tbb mint egy ve itt vagyok, ennek
ellenre ezt nem tudom megszokni.

so, l can't believe he's back. 36. It wasa second-class compartment. Even so, we found
it quite comfortable. 37. Ron left hermonths
ago. Even then, she doesn't want to get a
divorce. 38. l've been here for more than a
year- even then, l can't get used to that.


except, except for, but



kivve s eltekintve

l. Everyone ca me except john. 2. Everybody

agreed except h im. 3. Everyone liked her
except me. 4. Nobody except Miss Doggett
seemed to be hungry. 5. Everybody except
me looked busy and important 6. Everybody knew why except me. 7. The girls
don't want to talk about anything except
pop groups and clothes. 8. Nothing could
save them now, except a miracle. 9. Prosti

1. Johnt kivve mindenki eljtt. 2. Mindenkr egyetrtett, kivve t. 3. Rajtam kvl mindenki kedvelte t. 4. Miss Doggetten kvl
senki sem tnt hesnek. 5. Rajtam kvl
mindenki elfoglalt s fontos embernek ltszott. 6. Mindenki tudta, mirt, kivve engem. 7. A popegytteseken s a ruhkon
kvl a lnyok semmirl nem akarnak beszlni. 8. Most mr semmi sem menthette
meg ket, csak egy csoda. 9. A prostitci
Nevadt kivve minden llamban tiltott tevkenysg. 1O. Ritkn jr el, kivve, hamisre megy. 11. A szabadsgon kvl semmit sem kvetelt tle. 12. Nem sok mindent tehettem azon kvl, hogy vrtam. 13.
Nem tudott semmit azon kvl, hogy fel fogjuk venni a tallkozhelyen. 14. Elg kellemes a parkban, kivve, amikor a kutyk
megkergetnek 15. Mindent tudott az irodalomrl, kivve hogy hogyan lvezze.

nttio n is an illicit activity in ali states except Nevad a.

1O. He seidom goes out except to go to

Mass. 11. She demanded nothing of him
except to be free. 12. There was littie l could
do except wait. 13. He knew nothing except that he would be picked up at the
meeting point. 14. lt's qui te n ice in the park,
except when you get chased by dogs. 15.
He knew everything about literature except
how to enjoy it.

Ilike you, except when you're crying. NOT: Ilike you, except for vvhen you're crting.

16. Mindenki megkapta a levelt, kivve
Sharont. 17. A ksn j vket kivve mindenki kapott ajndkot. 18. Carolt kivve
senki nem volt elgedett a vlaszokkaL

16. Everyone got their letters, except for

Sharon. 17. Except for the latecomers, everyone was given a gift. 18. Except for Caro!,
nobody was satisfied with the answers.

19. Aszoba res volt, eltekintve az egyik
sarokba hajtott nhny matractL 20. A
nyarals kitn volt, eltekintve az estl.
21. Eltekintve egypr hibtl, a dolgozatod
nagyon j.

19. The room was empty except for a few

mattresses thrown in one corner. 20. The
holiday was excellent, except for the rain.
21. Except for a few mistakes, your paper is
very good.



22. Nem csinltak semmit, csak ltek s beszlgettek. 23. A kutym mindent csinl, pp
csak nem beszl. 24. Itt, ebben a kis faluban
a munkn kvl nincs nagyon mit tenni. 25.

22. They didn't do anything but sit and ch at.

23. My dog does everything but speak. 24.
Here, in this littie village, thereis not much
to do but work. 25. You can park anywhere


but here. 26. l had no choice but to

Brhol parkolhatsz, kivve itt. 26. Nem teconfirm that with my silence. 27. Who but
hettem mst, mint hogy megerstettem a hallElizabeth could wear a hat like that one?
gatsommaL 27. Elizabethen kvl ki ms vi28. Everybody came but Naomi. 29. No one
sel hetettvolna ilyen kalapot? 28. Naomin kbut Essington called her Sunflower. 30. They
vl mindenki eljtt. 29. Essingtonon kvl senseem to do nothing but complain. 31. l've
ki nem hvta t Napraforgnak 30. gy t
been th inking of nothing but Patrcia. 32. It
nik, mst se tesznek, csak panaszkodnak. 31.
is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to
Msra sem gondolok, csak Patricira. 32.
accept anything but the best, you very of- Mulatsgos dolog ez az letben; ha csak a
ten get it. 33. They knew t here was no choice
legjobbat vagy hajland elfogadni, nagyon
but to fight. 34. One cannot but respect his cour
gyakran megkapod. 33. Tudtk, hogy nincs
ms vlasztsuk, mint harcolni. 34. Az emage. 35. l have nothing but good memories
ber knytelen tisztelni a btorsgt. 35. Csak
of that holiday in Rio de Janeiro.
szp emlkeim vannak arrl a rii nyaralsrl.



az explain hasznlata

verbs VI : verbs with two objects

1. Let me explain to you what to do. NOT: Let n e explain you vvl 1at to do.

2. She explained the rules to us. NOT: Ile explained us tl1e 1ules



1. Hadd magyarzzam meg, Carolinel 2.

Mindent meg kell magyarznunk? 3. A frfi
vgigment a vonaton, hogy megmagyarzza, mirt ksnk. 4. Nos, megmagyarzn
a frje viselkedst? 5. Remlem, ki tudja
magyarzni magt. 6. Krlek, magyarzd
meg! 7. Elkezdte megmagyarzni neknk a
szablyokat. 8. Mi.rt nem veszi r az anysomat, hogy magyarzza el nnek? 9. Elmagyarztam, hogy ki vagyok. 1O. Meg tudja magyarzni, hogy ez mit jelent? 11. Nem
tudta megmagyarzni, mirt rzi magt
olyan boldognak. 12. Most pedig magyarzd csak meg nekem, hogy hogyan jutottl be ide! 13. Eladta, hogy a frf titkos
gynk. 14. Felieia el akartamondani neki,
hogy nem akarta megbntani.

1. Let me explain, Caroli ne. 2. Do wehave

to explain everything? 3. The man came
along the train to explain the delay. 4. Will
you explain your husband's behaviour,
then? 5. l hope he can explain himself. 6.
Please explain it to me. 7. She began explaining the rules to us. 8. Why don't you
get my mother-in-law to explain it to you?
9. l explained who l was. 1 O. Can you explain what this means? 11. She could not
explain why she felt so happy. 12. Now
just explain to me how you got in here.
13. He explained that the man was a seeret agent. 14. Fel ieia wanted to explain
that she hadn 't meant to hurt him.


fair/y, rather etc.


She is fairly pleasant. She is rather boring. NOT: She

i~ enough plea~al"'t. She i~

enough bori ng.



1. We know each other fairly weil. 2. ls the

room fairly quiet? 3. He was fairly happy
about the comments we made. 4. Sharks
are seen fairly frequently off the English
coast. 5. Theylivedin Hampstead, and were
fairly weil off. 6. l felt fairly sure she would
forgve me for that.

l. Elg jl ismerjk egymst. 2. Elg csendes a szoba? 3. Meglehetsen rlt a megjegyzseinknek. 4. Elg gyakran ltni cpt
az angli ai partok k z el ben. 5.
Hampsteadben ltek, s elg jmdak voltak. 6. Meglehetsen biztos voltam benne,
hogy meg fog bocstani nekem.

7. I' m still pretty hopeless at chess. 8. l
thi nk their offer is pretty fair. 9. l thi nk that
sounds pretty cynical, Mira. 1 O. You r dad's
pretty upset, and he's really angry with you.
11. The three sisters in the family looked
pretty alike. 12. We pretty much wentour
own way, as you must have guessed. 13.
l've been pretty easy to push around up to

7. Mg mindig elg remnytelen vagyok

sakkban. 8. Azt hiszem, elg fair az ajn latuk. 9. Azt hiszem, ez meglehetsen cinikusan hangzik, Mira. 1O. A papd meglehetsen ideges, s tnyleg haragszik rd. 11.
A csaldban a hrom nvr nagyon hasonltott egymsra. 12. Elgg a magunk tj t
jrtuk, ahogy nyi Ivn gondolta is. 13. Eddig elg knnyen utastgattak.

14. Nos, n magam meglehetsen lusta vagyok. 15. Elg hvs itt az id . 16. Ez elg
klns, ugye? 17. Ami azt illeti, ez elgg
bizalmas. 18. A legtbb btor egyszer volt,
s meglehetsen reg. 19. Egyetrtek abban,
hogy az tlet meglehetsen abszurd. 20. Nagyon szp nap volt, br kiss hossz. 21. Elg
kellemetlen tudok lenni idnknt. 22. Azt
kell mondjam, magam is igen meglepdtem .
23. Azt hiszem, ez elgg szrakoztat. Szerinted is? 24. A film nem nyert djat, ami elg
meglep. 25. Vratlanul vad nevetsben trt
ki. 26. Egszen j tletnek tnt, hogy feler
sts eltt megmelegtsk. 27. Valjban
Gary jval szenilisebb, mint n. 28. Valsznleg meglehetsen lvezte volna ezt.

14. Weil, I' m rather lazy myself. 15. The

weather is rather cool here. 16. That's rather
odd, isn't it? 17. lt's rather confidential, actually. 18. Most of the furniture was simple,
and rather old. 19. l agree that the idea is
rather absurd. 20. It was a very nice day
though rather long. 21. l can be rather
beastly at times. 22. l must say l was rather
surprised myself. 23. l think that's rather
amusing, don't you? 24. The film did not
win a prize, which is rather surprising. 25.
Sudden ly she began to laugh ratber wildly.
26. It seemed rather a good idea to heat it
before fixing it. 27. ln fact Gary is rather
more senilethan l am. 28. He'd probably
rather have enjoyed that.

29. Igen bjosan nzett ki. 30. Az ok elg

29. She was looking quite lovely. 30. The

reason is quite simple. 31. This evening the

egyszer. 31. Ma este elg kicsi volt a for-


roads were quite clear. 32.1 am getting quite

good at housework. 33. She said that Mr
Greyson had behaved quite normally, 34. l
th ink that's quitea good idea. 35. He is quite
a decent chap. 36. He's in quite a good
mood today. 37. l quite enjoy taking risks.
38. It was traveliing quite slowly between
35 and 40 mph.

ga lom. 32. Kezdek elg j lenni a hzimunkban. 33. Azt mondta, hogy Mr Greyson
egsz normlisan viselkedett. 34. Szerintem
egsz j tlet. 35. Elg rendes src. 36. Ma
elg j hangulatban van. 37. Igencsak szeretek kockzatot vllalni. 38. Elg lassan
ment, gy 55-65 kilomter per rs sebessg.gel.

39. At the time it ali seemed quite natural.

40. l quite forgot you didn't like cats. 41. l

don't quite agree, l must tell you. 42.1 didn't
quite trust her. 43. The room was quite
empty. 44. It isn't quite the same. 45. Oh,
he may be quite harmless. 46. There isn't
really quite enough for two. 47. The light
should be in quite another place. 48. You' re
going quite the wrong way.

far ~a long way

39. Akkor az egsz teljesen termszetesnek

40. Teljesen elfelejtettem, hogy nem
szereted a macskkat. 41. Meg kell mondjam, nem egszen rtek egyet. 42. Nem egszen bztam meg benne. 43. A szoba teljesen res volt. 44. Ez nem egszen ugyanaz. 45. , lehet, hogy teljesen rtalmatlan!
46. Nem egszen elg kt embernek. 47. A
lmpnak egszen mshol kellene lennie.
48. Teljesen rossz fel msz.


messze, tvol

1. Kard is 220 km from Budapest. NOT: l<ard is 220 l<n' fft:r rrom Bt1dapest.
2. Australia is a long way from Kard. NOT: AtJstralia is fft:r tron l(ard.

1. The lightning was far away. 2. He's far
behind. 3. Go along this road as far as the
Post Office, and then turn right. 4. The bus
stop is just a.bit farther along. 5. l don't live.
far from here. 6. lt's too far for me. l can't
come with you . 7. lt's not far to walk if you
don' t want to take a bus. 8. Have we got far
to go? 9. How far away is that crater? 1 O.
How far is it from Edinburgh to London?
11. How far up shall l climb?

tlnk tvol volt. 2. Messze

lemaradt. 3. Menjen egyenesen ezen az ton
egszen a postig, s ott forduljon balra. 4.
A buszmegll mg egy kicsit messzebb van.
5. Nem messze lakom innen. 6. Nekem az
nagyon rnessze van~ Nem tudok veled menni. 7. Nincs messze gyalog sem, ha nem akarnak buszra szllni. 8. Messzire kell mg mennnk? 9. Milyen messze van az a krter? 10.
Milyen messze van Edinburgh Londont!?
11. Mi lyen magasra msszak?

1. A villmls



12. We live a long way from the city centre. 13. The hotel was a long way from the
beach. 14. The rope lay a long way out of.
his reach. 15. Dublin is a long way away.
We'll hardly see you any more. 16. We


12. Messze lakunk a vroskzponttL 13.

A szlloda messze volt a strandtl. 14. A
ktl elrhetetlenl messze hevert a fldn.
15. Dublin nagyon messze van. Aligha ltunk tbb. 16. Messzirl hallottuk ket. 17.

couldhearthem from a long way off. 17. If

you like, l can drive you there. lt's a long
way to walk. 18. We'd walked a long way,
but we could see no sign of them anywhere.

fe el

Ha a'karja, elviszem autval. Gyalog messze

van. 18. Mr j sokat gyalogoltunk, de nyomuk sem volt sehol.

q 128:

rez: a fee/ hasznlata

verbs ll: stative verb uses q 131: verbs V: see sy. come/coming



1. l feel fine. 2. Annabelle felt lucky. 3. l

know exactly how she feels. 4. How will
l feel afterwards? 5. Do you ever feel nervous or tense? 6. l often feel just miserable. 7. A girl wants t feel independent.
8. l don't feel weil enough to go out. 9. l
dohope you are feeling better now. 10.1t
always makes me feel better. 11. l wasn't
feeling very hungry so l just ordered a
salad. 12. l felt light, and then suddenly
very heavy. 13. One day you will feel sorry
for this. 14. How would you feel about a
black cat crossing your path? 15. l felt
such a fool when she left me. 16. l don't
feel l i ke a parent towards Lu ke . 17.
Doesn't it feel like autumn! 18. Anybody
would feel like l do in my situation. 19. l
feel a pain in my leg. 20. l could feel a
light breeze on my face. 21. Did you feel
the earthquake last night? 22. He felt the
sweat pouring down his back. 23.
Sebastian could feel himself blushing. 24.
l felt as if l was going to faint. 25. l felt l
now had a right to ask. 26. She felt (that)
she was making a mistake by letting her
go. 27. She feltit was time to change her
job. 28. Weil, that's how school felt at
first. 29. How does it feel, warm or cold?
30. It will feel warmer in a minute. 31. It
doesn't feel very heavy. 32. It felt so good
to be back home. 33. It feels very bad to
be used.

1. Jl rzem magam. 2. Annabelle szerenessnek rezte magt. 3. Pontosan tudom,

hogyan rez. 4. Hogy fogom rezni magam
utna? 5. Szokott nha ideges, vagy feszlt
lenni? 6. Gyakran egyszeren nyomorultul
rzem magam. 7. Egy lny fggetlennek
akarja rezni magt. 8. Nem vagyok elg
jl ahhoz, hogy elmenjek brhov. 9. Igazn remlem, hogy most mr jobban vagy.
1O. Ettl mindig jobban rzem magam. 11.
Nem voltam tl hes, gyhogy csak saltt
rendeltem. 12. Knnynek reztem magam,
aztn hirtelen nagyon nehznek. 13. Egy
nap mg meg fogod bnni ezt. 14. Mit
szlnl, ha egy fekete macska menne t elt
ted az ton? 15. Olyan bolondnak reztem
magam, amikor elhagyott. 16. Nem gy rzek Lu ke irnt, mint egy szl. 17. Ht nem
olyan rzs, mintha sz lenne? 18. Az n
helyzetemben brki ugyangy rezne. 19.
Fj a lbam. 20. Gyenge szellt reztem az
arcomon. 21. rezted a fldrengst mlt jszaka? 22. rezte, ahogy az izzadsg vgigcsorog a htn. 23. Sebastian rezte,
hogy elpirul. 24. gy reztem, mindjrt eljulok. 25. gy reztem, vgre jogom van
krdezni. 26. Ugy rezte, hibt kvet el azzal, hogy elengedi. 27. rezte, hogy ideje
llst vltoztatn i. 28. Ht, elszr ilyennek
talltam az iskolt. 29. Milyen rzs, meleg, vagy hideg? 30. Egy perc, s melegebb
lesz. 31. Nem tnik nagyon nehznek. 32.
Olyan j rzs volt jra otthon lenni. 33.
Nagyon rossz rzs, hogy kihasznlnak.

He felt happy. NOT: Ile felt nim"elf l appy. OR: Ile felt l appii~.




34. l feel like a quiet evening at home

tonight. 35. l feel like skipping class today. 36. l felt like talking, but not about
the night before. 37. l hardly feel like
meeting her after this. 38. Do whatever
you feel like, Nell . 39. l don't feel like
cooking tonight. 40.1 don't really feellike
going out tonight, actually. 41. Do you
feellike a cup of tea? 42. Do you feellike
crying if you see a sad film? 43. Don't you
feel like a drink?




: ma ny, much etc.

34. Ma egy csendes otthonls esthez van

kedvem. 35. Ma kedvem lennelgnia sulibl. 36. Volt kedvem beszlgetni, csak
nem az elz jszakrl. 37. Nem nagyon
van kedvem tallkozni vele ezutn. 38.
Tedd azt, ami jlesik, Nell. 39. Nincs kedvem fzni ma este. 40. Valjban ma este
nem nagyon van kedvem elmenni sehova.
41. Volna kedved egy cssze tehoz? 42.
Srhatnkod tmad, ha egy szomor filmet
ltsz? 43. Nem esne jl egy pohr ital?

~ 1OS :

kevs rpa, kevs leves

some, any, no, none ~ 106: some, a few, a couple, a littie



1. Few men part their hair on the right. 2.

Very few people li ke doing what they' re not
very good at. 3. Tommy packed up his few
belongings mechanically. 4. There are few
good restaurants here. 5. Very few streets
are properly lit in Soweto. 6. There have
been fewer accidents this month. 7. Which
of you has the fewest mistakes? 8. Few of
the guests saw him' leave. 9. Few of them
were worthy of his attention. 1 O. His clothes
were few but neatly folded. 11. There were
so few that we didn't dare take one. 12.
Although few understcod the problem, they
ali voted against my proposal. 13. After a
while the visits got fewer.

1. Kevs frfi vlasztja el a hajt jobb oldalon. 2. Nagyon kevs ember szeret olyasmit
csinlni, amihez nem rt igazn. 3. Tommy
gpiesen sszecsomagalta kevs holmijt. 4.
Kevs j tterem van itt. 5. Nagyon kevs utca van megfelelen kivilgtva Sowetban. 6.
Ebben a hnapban kevesebb baleset trtnt.
7. Melyiktknek van a legkevesebb hibja?
8. A vendgek kzl kevesen lttk tvozni.
9. Kevesen voltak mltk a figyelmre. 1 O.
Kevs ruhja volt, de azok szpen ssze voltak hajtogatva. 11. Olyan kevs volt, hogy
nem mertnk venni belle. 12. Annak ellenre, hogy csak kevesen rtettk a problmt,
mindannyian a javaslatom ellen szavaztak. 13.
Egy id mlva ritkbbak lettek a ltogatsok.

How lucky! We still have a few bananas. NOT: llow lucky! We

~tili have





14. Nagyon kevs idnk van. 15. Kevs pnznk maradt djakra. 16. Kevs a remny,
hogy vissza tud jnni hozznk. 17. A sajt
kevs figyelmet szentelt az esetnek. 18. Mr
Scotti nagyon kevesettudott angolul. 19. Csak
keveset, vagy szinte semmit nem tudok rla.

14. Wehave very littie time . 15. Wehave

l ittle money left for prizes. 16. T here is l ittle
hope that she can come ba ck to us. 17.
The case receved littie attention in the
press. 18. Mr Scott i spo ke very l ittle English. 19. l really know littie or nothing


about it. 20. l understand l itt le of what

you' re saying. 21. There was so littie that l
couldn't give them any. 22. We see littie
of th em and that on ly on Sundays. 23. The
more l study the more l realize how littie l
know. 24. Littie do we know about their plans.
25. l' ve always earned Iess than most of
my workmates. 26. It was a larger room
than mine, but with Iess furniture. 27.
Gradually he saw Iess and Iess of his
schoolfriends. 28. William arrved Iess than
five minutes after Hilda. 29. They gave us
no Iess than thirty minutes to get back. 30.
We'd better take the one that costs the
least. 31. Nothing to thank for. It was the
least we could do.

20. Kveset rtek abbl, amit mondasz. 21.

Olyan kevs volt, hogy egyltaln nem tudtam adni nekik. 22. Csak nha ltjuk ket, s
akkor is csak vasrnaponknt. 23. Minl tbbet tanulok, annl inkbb rjvk, hogy milyen keveset tudok. 24. Keveset tudunk a terveikrL 25. Mindig kevesebbet kerestem, mint
a legtbb munkatrsam. 26. Nagyobb szoba
volt, mint az enym, de kevesebb btorral.
27. Fokozatosan egyre kevesebbet tallkozott
az iskolai bartaival. 28. William kevesebb
mint t perccel Hilda utn rkezett. 29. Nem
kevesebb, mint harminc percet adtak, hogy
visszarjnk. 30. Jobb, ha azt vesszk el, amelyik a legkevesebbe kerl. 31. Nincsmit megksznni. Ez a legkevesebb, amit tehettnk.

No problem, l can give you a little. NOT: ~.J o preblen 1, l can g i ve you littl e.

focus and emphasis


kiemels a mondatban

q63: it as subject/object q81/1-28: one: substitution q95: relative clause

KIEMELS: IT (" AZ, AKI. .. ")

IT IS...

1. Te vagy az, akirl gondolkozom. 2. Te

vagy az, aki megvltozott, nem n. 3. Az
jkirlyn adja a hercegnek a varzsfuvolt 4. Geoffrey hozta a hrt, s Nell nem
hitt neki. 5. Nem Johnnie volt az, aki beszlt neked Ronrl s Brianrl? 6. A mcsolytl gerjedek be. 7. Mlt vasrnap betegedtem meg elszr. 8. Reggel volt, amikor
elszr hallottam. 9. Azon a napon lettem
szerelmes a tengerbe. 1 O. Holnap van a
napja, hogy jn? 11. Perkins a kereskedelmi trgyalsok alatt tallkozott elszr
Molly SpencerreL 12. A hd alatt kellett tallkoznunk velk. 13. Egy norfol ki frfi volt,
s egy norfol ki faluban trtnt, hogy elszr
sszefutottunk. 14. Ezrt, s csakis ezrt
hasznlja az enymet. 15. Mondta nekem,
hogy azrt dntttek gy, hogy visszafordulnak, mert beteg volt. 16. Bizonyra a nvrt lttad. 17. Harry lehetett, aki tegnap este
telefonlt. 18. Magamtl flek, Sean, nem
tled. 19. Alfred a zrzavarra szmtott.

1. lt's you I'm thinking about. 2. lt's you who

have changed, not l. 3. lt's the Queen of the
Night who gives the prince the magic flute. 4.
It was Geoffrey who brought the news, and
Nell didn't believe him. 5. Wasn't it Johnnie
who told you about Ron and Brian? 6. lt's her
smile that turns me on. 7. It was last Sunday
that l first fell ill. 8. It was in the morning that l
first heard it. 9. It was on that day that my love
of the sea began. 1O. ls it tomorrow that she
comes? 11. It was during the trade negotiations that Perkins first met Molly Spencer. 12.
It was under the bridge that we had to meet
th em. 13. He wasa Norfolk man, and it was in
a Norfolk viliage where l first ran across him.
14. It is for this reason, and this reason only,
she uses mine. 15. He told me that it was because he was ill that they decided to return.
16. It must have been her sister that you saw.
17. It could have been Harry that phoned last
night. 18. lt's me I'm afraid of, Sean, not you.
19. It was the confusion Alfred counted on.

lt's the money that worries me. NOT: It'~ the n 10ney- what worrie~ me.



20. This is just what l meant. 21. This is
20. ppen erre cloztam. 21. Ezt hvja a
what the world cal ls a romance. 22. This is
vilg romncnak. 22. Ez minden, amit a
ali the future holds for any of us. 23. I'm
jv brmelyiknknek tartogat. 23. Attl
afraid that's ali l can say now. 24. That's
tartok, ez minden, amit most mondhatok.
exactly what l don't know. 25. That's what
24. Pontosan ez az, amit nem tudok. 25.
Archie keeps saying. 26. That's what he did.
Ezt szokta Archie mondogatni. 26. Ezt tet27. That's not what l said. 28. 1'11 bet you
te. 27. n nem ezt mondtam. 28. rmwith pleasure, if that's what you wish. 29.
mel fogadok nnel, ha ezt kvnja. 29. Ezt
ls that what you weregoing to do? 30. That's akartad tenni? 30. Ez az, amit gy remlwhat l was hoping you could do for me.
tem, hogy megteszel nekem. 31. , istenem, ez minden, amirt aggdsz? 32. Ez
31. Oh, Lord, is that ali you're worried
about? 32. ls that the man who wants to
az a frfi, aki meg akarja venni a kocsidat?
33. Ezt a helyet vlasztottuk. 34. Azon az
buy you r car? 33. That's the pl ace we c hose.
34. That was the night when the roof fell
jszakn szakadt be a tet. 35. Sajnlom,
in. 35. Sorry, Pandora, but that's how things
Pandora, de gy llnak a dolgok. 36. gy
are. 36. That's how l got hold of a cat. 37.
tettem szert macskra. 37. gy kezddtt a
That was how our romance began. 38.
mi szerelmi regnynk. 38. ppen ez az,
ami miatt panaszkodom!
That's just what l am complaining of!

This is what worries me. NOT: Thi~


that 'M:mie<' M.,e.


WHAT. ..
39. What confuses me is the hostility. 40.
What you see actually happened. 41. What
we need is a simple, practical idea. 42. What
Ilike about you is you r toughness. 43. What
bothers us is that he hasn't been seen for a
week now. 44. What annoys me most are
the owners who allow their dogs to foul
children's playgrounds. 45. What l missed
most was a proper conversation. 46. What
you really believe is what is important 47.
What l also want is (to) get my hair cut. 48.
What you are asking me to do is unethical.
49. What he had done was (to) spoil the
whole thing. 50. Happiness is what most
people want. 51. A glass of beer is what l
need. 52. Her statement is what saved you.
53. Who was it who invited you? 54. Who
said that was trying to deceive you. 55.
Here is where the accident took place. 56.
Where was it that you spent the weekend?

39. Az ellensgeskeds zavar meg. 40. Amit

ltnak, az valban megtrtnt 41. Neknk
egy egyszer, praktikus tletre van szksgnk. 42. A kemnysget szeretem benned.
43. Az aggaszt bennnket, hogymost mr
egy hete nem lttk. 44. Legjobban azok a
kutyatulajdonosok idegestenek, akik hagyjk, hogy a kutyjuk odapiszktsan a jtszterekre. 45. Ami a legjobban hinyzott, az
egy igazi beszlgets. 46. Az a fontos, amit
tnyleg hiszel. 47. Mg a hajamat is le akarom vgatni. 48. Amit krsz tlem, az nem
etikus. 49. Elrontotta az egszet, ez az, amit
tett. 50. A legtbb ember boldogsgra vgyik. 51. Egy pohr srre van szksgem.
52. Az vallomsa mentett meg tged. 53.
Ki volt az, aki meghvott tged? 54. Aki ezt
mondta, be akart csapni tged. 55. Ez az a
hely, ahol a baleset trtnt. 56. Hol tlttted a htvgt?

What l did was give him the key. NOT: Yv'hat l did



gave him the




57. Ali l need now is a job. 58. Ali you

need is a good night's sleep. 59. Ali it r.equires is will power. 60. Ali you do is critlcize. 61. Alii'm trying to say is that Nancy
can be a trifle irritating at times. 62. Ali
she can remember is the name of popstars.
63. Ali we have won tonight is political

57. Most mr nem kell ms, csak egy lls.

58. Csak arra van szksged, hogy jl kialudd magad. 59. Csak akarater kell hozz. 60. Csak kritizlsz. 61. Pusztn azt akarom mondani, hogy Nancy nha enyhn
idegest. 62. Csak a popsztrok nevt tudja. megjegyezni. 63. Ma mindssze politikai hatalomra tettnk szert.


64. He is slow to react. 65. They are certain
to arrve this week. 66. l am hesitant to agree
with you. 67. He's sure to forget what to do.
68. She is likelyto pass hertest 69. You seem
to have made a mistake there. 7(). She is
known to be an excellent surgeon.

64. Lassan reagl. 65. Bizonyosan megrkeznek a hten. 66. Habozom, hogy egyetrtsek-e n nel. 67. Biztos, hogy elfelejti, mit
kell csinlnia. 68. Valsznleg tmegy a
vizsgjn. 69. gy tnik, hogy hibztL 70.
gy tudni, kivl sebsz.

Q19: be said to etc. Q40: enough, too Q60: infinitive with to Q99/38-46: semi-auxiliaries


71. Wood is easy to cut. 72. They are easy
to beat. 73. Dogs are expensive to keep.
74. He is impossible to convince. 75. She
is a pleasure to teach. 76. lt's fairly easy to
pick up, isn't it? 77. After building, a nuclear
plant is cheap to run. 78. Weil, this isn't
easy to explain, but l had to withdraw that
offer. 79. He wasa difficult person to help.
80. lt's an easy mistake to make. 81. Paul
Edgerton wi ll not be an easy ma n to dece i ve. 82. She's a difficult person to get on
with. 83. She is fun for us to be with . 84.
That's just one of the reasons l found h im
such heli to live with .

71. A ft knny vgni . 72. ket knny

megvern i. 73. Kltsges dolog kutyt tartani. 74. t lehetetlen meggyzni. 75. t lvezet tantani. 76. Viszonylag knny megtanulni, igaz? 77. Ha mr felplt, az atomermvet olcs zemeltetni. 78. Szval,
nem knny megmagyarzni, de vissza kellett vonnom azt az ajnlatot. 79. Nehz volt
segteni neki. 80. Ezt a hibt knny elfogadni. 81. Paul Edgertont nem lesz knny
megtveszteni. 82. Nemknnyvele kijnni. 83. lvezet szmunkra vele lenni. 84.
ppen ez az egyik oka annak, hogy annyira pokolnak tnik vele az let.

She is a pleasure to be with. OR: It is a pleasure to be with her. NOT: Sne

to be vvitn ner.
Q40: enough, too Q 60: infinitve with to



a plea~ure

from... to, tili/until


valamikortl, valameddig

We stayed from June to July. NOT: W-e 5tayed fron1 June tili July.

-TL. .. -IG

1. Mr Strong wants to spend a week in Hamburg from 1Oth May. 2. The bank is ope!1
from 9.30 to 3.00. 3.1' 11 only work forthem
from February to Ju ne. 4. But we can't wa it
any longer! lt's 2 days to his birthday. 5. l
can't tell you, l didn't stay to the end of the
meeting. 6. We sent our letter seventeen
days ago and we have not had an answer
up to now. 7. He made us wa it from ni ne to
eleven-thirty. 8. l worked for Badger from
1970 to 1980 as a translator. 9. From 1960
to 1980, the popul ation of the United States
grew from 170million to 21O million.

1. Mr. Strong mjus tizediktl egy hetet

Hamburgban szeretne tlteni . 2. A bank
9.30-tl 3.00-ig tart nyitva. 3. Csak februrtl jniusig fogok nluk dolgozni. 4. De nem
vrhatunk tovbb! Kt nap van a szletsnapjig. 5. Nem tudom megmondani, nem
maradtam ott a gyls vgig. 6. Tizenht
napja kldtk el a levelnket, s a mai napig nem kaptunk vlaszt. 7. Kilenctl fl tizenkettig vrakoztatott minket. 8. 1970-tl
1980-ig a Badgernl dolgoztam tolmcsknt.
9. 1960 s 1980 kztt az Egyeslt llamok
npessge 170 millirl 21 O millira ntt.


10. 1' 11 be on duty from 6 pm tili midnight.
11. We'd better put off the meeting tili Tuesday. 12. Ali this can wait unti l the morning.
13. W e st i ll have ti me ti ll January, don't w e?
14. They sat in his study until early next
morning. 15. Until yesterday Sheila shared
her room w ith eleven child ren. 16. l didn 't
hear the news until the next day. 17. lt's 3
days tili the end of term . 18. l didn't meet
Joe tili 1970. 19. "Weil, see you then. " "Yes, tili tonight." 20. lt's no usegoing unti l
the shops are open. 21. Don't run unti l two
hours after eating. 22. The cubs are striped
and remain with the mother unti l about the
second year. 23. Sad ie called, but l put her
off unti l after the funeral. 24. Ring the bell
tili they answer. 25. Beat the egg whitesuntil
they are li ght and frothy. 26. Drive on tili
you come to a roundabout. 27. Don't stop
running until you get to the van. 28. W e'd
better wa it tili Li z comes. 29. No one knows
what they can do ti ll they try. 30. But M om,
l can't waittilll'm grown up! 31. l ca.n't get
on with painting the bathroom until th e
undercoat's dry. 32. We' ll w a it unti l you are
ready. 33. 1' 11 keep the ring until we meet
again. 34. You can eat whatever you like,

1O. Este hattl jfl ig szaiglatban leszek. 11 .

Jobb, ha keddig elhalasztjuk a megbeszlst.
12. Ez mind vrhat reggelig. 13. M g van
idnk janurig, ugye? 14. M snap kora reggelig ltek a dolgozszobjban. 15. Sheila
tegnapig tizenegy gyerekkel osztotta meg a
szobjt. 16. Csak msnap hallottam a hreket. 17. Hrom nap van a flv vgig. 18.
Joe-val csak 1970-ben tallkoztam. 19. "Akkor viszlt." - "Viszlt estig." 20. Addig semmi rtelme elmenni, amg az zletek ki nem
nyitnak. 21. Evs utn kt rig nem szabad
futni. 22. A klykk cskosak, s krlbell
ktves korukig az anyjukkal maradnak. 23.
Sadfe keresett, ae krtem, hogy a temets utnig ne tallkozzunk. 24. Nyomd a csengt,
amg ki nem jn valaki. 25. Addig verjk a
tojsfehrjt, amg habos s vilgos szn nem
lesz! 26. H ajtson tovbb, amg a krforgalomhoz nem r! 27. Ne hagyd abba a futst, amg
el nem red a furgont! 28. Inkbb vrjunk,
amg Liz megj n. 29. Senki nem tudja, mire
kpes, amg ki nem prblja. 30. De mami,
nem tudok addig vrni, amg felntt leszek!
31. Nem folytathatom a festst a frdszob
ban, amg az alapozs meg nem szrad. 32.
M egvrj uk, amg kszen leszel. 33. Megrzm


but you mustn't drink any alcohol until

you've finished taking the pilis. 35. l was
intrigued until l got bored. 36. l had never
been interested in horses until my friend
began to take me to horse races.

a gyrt, amg jra tallkozunk. 34. Ehet, amit

csak jlesik, de nem szabad alkoholt fogyasztania, amg szedi a gygyszert. 35. Egy darabig nagyon rdekelt, de aztn elkezdtem unatkozni. 36. Soha nem rdekeltek a lovak, mg a
bartom el nem vitt egyprszor lversenyre.

Walkas far as the lights. NOT: 'Nalk unti l the light~ .

future sentences




q 18: be about to q 20: be to q 31: conditional sentences q 59: indirect speech q 11 3/99-1OS : present
simple: future meaning q114/60-75 : present continuous: future meaning q142: won't, wouldn't:
refusal, unwillingness


egyszer jv

future simple (will)

1. 1' 11 be frank with you. 2. 1'11 tell you a

1. szinte leszek hozzd. 2. Mondok nedirty joke. 3. Anything will do. 4. He'll be
ked egy malac viccet. 3. Akrmi j lesz. 4.
Itt lesz holnap este. 5. Holnap kldk egy
here tomorrow night. 5. l will send you a
cheque tomorrow. 6. She'll be 97 next July.
esekket 6. jv jliusban lesz 97 ves. 7.
7. Weil, we'll soon be in Lordsburg. 8. The
Nos, hamarosan Lordsburgban lesznk. 8.
delivery men will be here soon, won't they?
A szlltk nemsokra itt lesznek, ugye? 9.
Tz perccel ksbb indulok el, mint te. 10.
9. 1'11 leave ten minutes after you do. 1 O.
This medicine will help you. 11. You' ll find
Ez a gygyszer segteni fog. 11. A hetedik
oldalon tallod . 12. Azt hiszem, ez a terv
it on page seven. 12. l th ink that will be the
best plan. 13. You will need a pen and an
lesz a legjobb. 13. Egy tolira s egy fzetre
exercise book. 14. You'll have to accept
lesz szksged. 14. Ezt el kell majd fogadnod. 15. Tl sok ember fog megsrtdni.
that. 15. Too many people'll get hurt. 16.
16. Becsomagolarn nnek. 17. Eljn rtem
l' ll wrap it up for you. 17. She' ll pick me up
kocsival az llomsra, ugye? 18. j sok emat the station, won't she? 18. There wi ll be
ber lesz ott, gyhogy jobb lenne, ha elmequitea few people araund - so you' d betslnd, hogy nz ki. 19. Odaadom majd
ter tell me what he looks li ke. 19. 1'11 g ive it
nekik, amikor megltogatnak. 20. Elfogatothem when they vist us. 20. l will take
dom az llst, ha felajnljk. 21. Ha megthe job if they offer it to me. 21. Of course
nyeri a vlasztsokat, Perkins termszetePerkins will take power, if he wins the elecsen hatalomra kerl. 22. J tanr lesz bel tion. 22. He' ll make a fine teacher one day.
le egyszer. 23. A harmadik spsznl pon23. At the third stroke it will be eight fiftytosan nyolc ra tvenkilenc perc lesz. 24.
nine precisely. 24. You will nevedorget the
Soha nem fogja elfelejten i Magyarorszg
warm welcome you will get in Hungary. 25.
l th ink l will never get over this shock. 26. l
vendgszeretett. 25. Azt h iszem, ezt a csawill never speak to him again. 27. l won't . pst soha nem fogom kiheverni. 26. Soha
tbb nem beszlek vele. 27. Tbbet nem
interrupt you agai n. 28. l won't answer that
szaktalak flbe. 28. Erre a krdsre nem
question. 29. l promise you it won't hapvlaszolok. 29. Meggrem, hogy tbb
pen agai n. 30. I'm su re it won't be for long.
nem fog elfordulni. 30. Biztosan nem fog
31. You won't play your father's jazz
sokig tartani. 31. Ugye nem fogod az apd
records, will you ? 32. You won't ever leave


me, will you? 33. But he won't fire me for

that, will he,? 34. Will man ever get to Mars?
35. Will the shops be open at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning? 36. Willtherebe a class
next Saturday? 37. But won't it be a bit dangerous? 38. And who wi lllook after the dog?
39. When will you know? 40. And how
many people will be put out of work? 41.
How long do you think it willlast?

dzsesszlemezeit hallgatni? 32. Ugye soha

nem hagysz el? 33. De azrt nem fog kirgni emiatt, ugye? 34. Vajon eljut az ember
valaha is a Marsra? 35. Nyitva lesznek a
boltok holnap reggel nyolckor? 36. Lesz ra
jv szombaton? 37. De nem lesz ez egy
kicsit veszlyes? 38. s ki fog vigyzni a kutyra? 39. Mikor fogod tudni? 40. s hny
ember fogja elveszteni az llst? 41. Mit
gondolsz, meddig fog tartani?

Wait! 1'11 help you. NOT: ~'ait! l help you.

future continuous (will + be + ing)

folyamatos jv

42. "This is your captain speaking. Welcome abaard this flight. We'll be flying at
25,000 feet." 43. 1'11 be filming myself during the trip. 44. As l understand you'll be
taking anather course this year? 45. This is
the room you'll be sleeping in. 46. 1'11 be
lying on the beach at Torremoli nos this time
next week. 47. This time tomorrow we'll
be getting ready for our journey.

42. "Itt a replgp pi ltja beszl. dvzlm nket a fedlzeten. 25 ezer lb magasan fogunk replni." 43. Az t sorn filmezni fogom magam. 44. Ha jl rtem, idn
egy msik tanfolyamra fogsz jrni? 45. Ebben a szabban fogsz aludni. 46. jv hten ilyenkor mr a torremolinosi strandon
fogok napozni. 47. Holnap ilyenkor mr az
tra fogunk kszldni.

folyamatos jv: sima jv jelentssei

(future continuous: future simple meaning)

48. l won't be warking before ni ne tomorrow
morning. 49. She won't be going on a holiday unti l after she's finished her book. 50. Will
you be werking ali summer? 51. Will you still
be studying English in six months' time? 52.
How much Ionger will you be doing that?
53. 1'11 be seeing her tomorrow and 1'11 give
her the message. 54. They'll be probably be
staying at an expensive hotel somewhere. 55.
1'11 be arriving at 6.45 from Victoria. 56. Would
you like to join us? We' ll be starting early, at
half past six or so. 57. "I'm just going down
to the vili age."- 'Will you be going near the
Post Office?" 58. Will you be bringing your
boyfriend to the party? 59. Will you be coming to the reception tomorrow? 60. Will you
be meeting them after lunch, then?

48. Holnap reggel kilenc eltt nem fogok

dolgozni. 49. Nem fog addig szabadsgra menni, amg be nem fejezte a knyvt.
50. Egsz nyron dolgozni fogsz? 51. Mg
hat hnap mlva is angolul fogsz tanulni? 52. Meddig csinlod mg ezt? 53. Holnap tallkezem vele, s tadom neki az
zenetet 54. Biztosan valami drga szllodban fognak lakni. 55. 6.45-kor rkezern a Victorirl. 56. Akarsz csatlakozni
hozznk? Korn reggel fl hat krl indulunk. 57. "Megyek a faluba." - "Msz a
posta fel is?" 58. Elhozod a bartodat a
buliba? 59. Eljn holnap a fogadsra? 60.
Akkor most tallkozol velk holnap ebd

128: verbs ll: stati ve verb uses

future perfect (will+ have + 3)

befejezett jv

61. We'll have run out of money before the

end of the month. 62. Perhaps by then he

61. A hnap vge eltt el fogfogynia pnznk. 62. Taln addigra mr megtanul ol-


will have learnt to read. 63. The caneert

will have started by the time we get there.
64. By the time we move to Dover, we'll
have spent 4 years in Worcester. 65. ln two
weeks'time Pete and Tim will have finished
their exams. 66. Tuesday is too late.. . They
won't have eaten for more than six days by
then . 67. When they've talked to me, the
police will have questioned everybody in
the office. 68. When he retires, he will have
been a member of our society for 25 years.

vasni. 63. Mire odarnk, mr elkezddik

a koncert. 64. Mire Doverbe kltznk, mr
ngy vet tltttnk Worcesterben. 65. Kt
hnap mlva Pete s Tom mr letette a vizs. g it. 66. Kedd az tl ks. Addigra mrtbb,
mint hat napja nem esznek. 67. Mire velem beszlnek, addigra az irodban mr
mlndenki mst kikrdez a rendrsg. 68.
Visszavonulsakor mr 25 ve lesz a trsasgunk tagja.

folyamatos befejezett jv

future perfect continuous

(will + have + 3 + be + ing)
69. We'll have been living here for ten years
next su mmer. 70. My fa tn er wi ll have been
warking for the bank for 35 years tomorrow. 71. She'll have been standing in the
cold for hours by the time we pick her up.
~ 128:

69. Jv nyron mr tz ve fogunk itt lakni. 70. Holnap lesz a napja, hogy apm
35 ve dolgozik a banknl. 71. Mire odarnk rte, mr rk ta fog a hidegben
csorogn i.

verbs ll: statve verb uses

will: present meaning

will: jelen

72. She'll often say something and then forget what it was. 73. He'll sit for hours staring into the fire. 74. My brother will talk
with his mouth full. 75. Boys will be boys.
76. As we ali know, gold won't dissalve in
hydrochloric acid. 77. Most people will say
there's nothing in horoscopes.



72. Gyakran mond valamit, aztn elfelejti,

hogy mit mondott. 73. rkig csak l s bmul a tzbe. 74. A btym bizony tele szjjal
beszl. 75. A fik csak fik maradnak. 76.
Mint tudjuk, az arany nem olddik ssavban.
77. A legtbb ember gy gondolja, hogy a
horoszkpok nem jelentenek semmit.


78. I shall do nothing of the sort. 79. We shall
never surrender! 80. I shall have to discuss that
with Charles first. 81 . You shall h ave ali the help
you need. 82. Very weil, my dear. You shall have
the coat. 83. You shall do as I tell you! 84. You
shan't talk without permissio n! 85. I shall be wait
ing for you in the car.

78. Semmi ilyesmit nem fogok csinlni. 79.

Soha nem adjuk meg magunkat. 80. Ezt legelszr is Charlesszal kell megbeszlnem.
81. Minden segtsget meg fog kapni , amire
szksge van. 82. Rendben van, drgm.
Megkapod a kabtot. 83. Azt fogod tenni,
amit mondok! 84. Engedly nlkl nem fogsz
meg~zlalni! 85. Vrni foglak a kocsiban.


86. Something terrible is going to happen.
87. She is going to be so disappointed! 88.
I'm going to miss Frank. 89. Jimmy is going
to be five next July. 90. She is going to live
in Japan for a few years. 91. l think they're

86. Valami szrny dolog fog trtnni. 87.

Olyan csaldott lesz! 88. Hinyozni fog nekem Frank. 89. Jimmy jv jliusban lesz
tves. 90. Pr vig Japnban fog lni. 91.
Azt hiszem, szaktani fognak. 92. Tudom,


going to split up. 92. l know I'm going to

hogy meg fogok bukni. 93. Gondolod, hogy
fail. 93. Do you th ink it's going to rain? 94.
esni fog? 94. Remlem, most mr mkdni
l hope it's going to be working now. 95. I'm
fog. 95. Hromig szmolok ... 96. Attl targoing to count three ... 96. This is going to
tok, ez komoly megrzkdtats lesz az nk
be a bit of a shock to you, I'm afraid. 97.
szmra. 97. Fldnk le fog hlni. 98. Meg
The earth is going to get cooler. 98. Things
fognak vltozni a dolgok errefel. 99. Ez
are going to be different around here. 99.
nagyon meg fogja nehezteni a helyzetet.
lt's going to make things very difficult. 100.
100. Ennl a kanyarnl hamarosan ba leset
There's going to be a crash on that bend trtnik. 101. William, megltnak bennnsoon. 101. William, we're going to be seen.
ket. 102. Nem fogok bocsnatot krni azrt,
102. I'm not going to apalogize for what
amit teszek. 103. Ugye nem fogsz nekem
I'm doing. 103. You're not going to pass
odabent eljulni? 104. Rendbe fogok jnout in there, are you? 104. Am l going to be
ni? 105. Mteni fognak? 106. Nem iszod
ali right? 105. Are they going to operate?
meg a tedat? 107. Mi fog trtnn i a yorki
106. Aren't you going to have yourtea? 107.
hercegnvel ? 108. Mit fog szlni anyu? 109.
What is going to happen to the Duchess of
Mit fogok csinlni a telefonszmlval ? 11 O.
York? 108. What's Ma going to say? 109.
Hogyan fogjuk elklteni a pnzt? 111. Fe l
What am l going to do about the phone bill?
akartalak hvni, csak elfeledkeztem r la.
11 O. Ho w are we go i n g to spe n d the
112. 1982-ben gy volt, hogy Londonba
money? 111. l was going to call you but l
kltznk, de aztn ktba esett az llsom.
forgot. 112. We weregoing to move toLon113. gy volt, hogy a gyerekeim holnap regdon in 1982 but my job fell through. 113.
gel Angelickhoz mennek, de a legid
My children were going to come to
sebbnek kanyarja lett. 114. Mindig tudAngelica's house tomorrow morning but my
tuk, hogy mit fog mondani legkzelebb.
115. Azt hittem, itt maradsz jszakra. 116.
eidest has got measles. 114. We always
knew what he was going to say. 115. l
Nem akartam, hogy megint bolondot csithought you were going to stay the night.
nljanak bellem, gyhogy elindultam a zaj
116. l wasn't going to be fooled agai n, so l
walked towards the noise.

had better


"jobban tennd, ha ... "

<=:>147: would rather

You had better take a taxi. NOT: You nad better to take a taxi.



1. You'd better believe it. 2. We'd better

find out. 3. Marianne had better decide
quickly. 4. l'd better follow them. 5. l
th ink we'd better let hm in . 6. So l thought
l had better let you know. 7. l think
there' re things you'd better know about
Arnie. 8. l think l'd better be pushing off
home. 9. Weil , l' d better be getting home.
10. We'd better arrive a few minutes early.
11. He decided that we had better leave.

1. Jobb, ha el h iszed. 2. J lenne, ha megtud. nnk. 3. Marianne jobban tenn, ha gyorsan

dntene. 4. Jobban teszem, ha kvetem ket.
5. Azt hiszem, helyesebb ha beengedjk. 6.
Szval gy gondoltam, jobb, ha rtestelek.
7. Azt hiszem, bizonyos dolgokat jobb, ha
tudsz Arnie-rl. 8. Azt hiszem, jobb, ha hazatzk. 9. Azt hiszem, indulnom kne hazafel. 1O. Jobb lesz, ha pr perccel korbban rkeznk. 11. gy dnttt, jobb, ha el-


12. l'd better put this in the boot, hadn 't

l? 13. So you had better continue. 14.
You'd better get back to your hut. 15. ln
that case we had better stick together. 16.
l don't know what you want, but you'd
better go to someone else. 17. l th ink you
had better finish your studies first. 18.
Don't you th ink we'd better tell Mum first?
19. He'd better be on time this evening!
20. You'd better not do that again! 21.
Then you'd better not tell your aunt. 22.
Weil, l'd better not keep Gregory waiti n g. 23. You' d better not have any more
to drink. 24. You' d better not try and stop
me. l've had enough. 25. Had l better
phone her now? 26. Had we better be
getting back? 27. Haan't you better take
that thing off? 28. Hadn' t you better wait
unti l the day after tomorrow? 29. Hadn't
you better get t hose fi It h y ba ndages off?
30. Hadn't she better lie down on the

ha If

megynk. 12. Ugye jobb, ha ezt beteszem a

csomagtartba? 13. Szval jobb lesz, ha folytatod. 14. Jobb, ha visszamsz a kunyhdba.
15. Ez esetben jobban tesszk, ha sszetartunk. 16. Nem tudom, mit akar, de jobban
tenn, ha mshoz menne. 17. Azt hiszem,
jobban tennd, ha elszr befejeznd a tanulmnyaidat. 18. Nem gondolod, hogy jobb
lenne elbb anyunak megmondani? 19. Jl
tenn, ha pontos lenne ma este. 20. Jobb lesz,
ha nem csinlod ezt mg egyszer! 21. Akkor
jobb, ha nem mondod el a nnikdnek. 22.
Nos, jobb, ha nem vrakaztatom Gregoryt.
23. Jobban tennd, ha nem innl tbbet. 24.
Jobb lesz, ha nem prblsz meg meglltani.
Elegem volt. 25. Jobb lenne, ha most telefonlnk neki? 26. Jobban tennnk, ha visszamennnk? 27. Nem lenne jobb, ha levetnd
azt a micsodt? 28. Nem lenne jobb, ha vrnl holnaputn ig? .29. Nem lenne jobb levenni azt a koszos ktst? 30. Nem lenne
jobb, ha lefekdne az gyra?


fldeci, fl veg, flrszeg,

fl tzkor

1. Half of 50 is 25. 2. " How much milk do
you want in it?" - "Half and half, please." 3.
Alice didn't want to take the bigger half, either. 4. The other half are given clear, plain
water - they are the control group. 5. Wehave
200 computers but only half are used regularly. 6. Three halfs, please. 7. Three halves
to Greenwich, please. 8. 1'11 be back by half
eight. 9. The bar opens at half past nine and
closes at ha If past three. 1 O. Buses come on
the half hour. 11. Half (of) the drivers were
ready to go on strike. 12. l have eaten ha If (of)
the cake. 13. We weregiven half (of) the time
we used to have for tests. 14. I' m not going to
spend with you half my life, you know. 15.
Half of them have left. 16. We're going to
spend the first half of June in Denver. 17. The
Koreans hunt the tiger during one half of the
year, while the ti ger hunts the Koreans during

1. tvennek a fele huszont. 2. "Mennyi

tejet kr bele?'' - " Fele-fele legyen, ksznm." 3. Alice sem akarta elvenni a nagyobbik fel t. 4. A csoport msik felnek si ma
ivvizet adnak - k a kontrollcsoport. 5.
200 szmtgpnk van, de csak a felt
hasznljuk rendszeresen . 6. Hrom korst
legyen szves. 7. Hrom flrt krek
Greenwichbe. 8. Fl kilenere visszarek. 9.
A br fl tzkor nyit s fl ngykor zr. 1O.
Mindig flkor jn a busz. 11. A sofrk fele
ksz volt sztrjkolni. 12. M egettem a sti
felt. 13. Feleannyi idt kaptunk, mint
amennyit dolgozatrsra szoktunk. 14. Tudod, nem fogom veled tlteni a fl letemet. 15. Az emberek fele elment. 16. Jnius els felt Denverben fogjuk tlteni. 17.
Az v egyik felben a koreaiak vadsznak
a tigrisre, az v msik felben a tigris vad-


the other half. 18. Huri ey left half of his d ri nk,

and william saw him to the door. 19. Chris
has ha If of Cambridge here and the pl ace is a
madhouse. 20. You haven't heard half of it
yet! 21. l believe only half of what he said.
22. She returned with more than halfakilo of
rice. 23. We need at leasta kilo and a half of
rice for ten persons. 24. l only want half a
cup, thank you. 25. Half a pint of beer, please.
26. Now our tumover is more than half a
million pounds a year. 27. The closest .
neighbouring house was nearly half a mile
away. 28. 1'11 be back in half a minute. 29.
Our plane leaves in halfan hour. 30. They
were in bed within halfan hour. 31. l don't
spend more than half an hour a day travelling. 32. We'llland in New York in five and a
half hours. 33. When l pulled it out l saw it
was only half a nail. 34. It was a good half
hour. 35. Why don't you spend another half
hour with Carol? 36. We'll be away for a few
days at half term. 37. A spokesman said that
32 arrests were made at the square and a fu rther half dozen at Downing street. 38. A year
and a half have passedsince she left. 39. The
distance from that pi pe to the window is about
a metre and a half. 40. We only have half as
much as they want to buy. 41. We cut the
apple in half.

sz ik a koreai akra. 18. Huri ey meghagyta az

itala felt, s William kiksrte az ajthoz.
19. Chris fl Cambridge-t idehvta, s a laks ksz rltekhza. 20. Mg a felt se hallottad. 21. Csak a felt hiszem el annak, amit
mondott. 22. Tbb mint fl kil rizzsel jtt
haza. 23. Tz szemlyhez legalbb msfl
kil rizsre van szksgnk. 24. Csak egy
fl csszvel krek, ksznm. 25. Fl pint
srt legyen szves. 26. A forgalmunk jelenleg tbb, mint flmilli font vente. 27. A
legkzelebbi hz a krnyken majdnem fl
mrfldre volt. 28. Fl perc mlva itt vagyok. 29. Fl ra mlva indul a gpnk. 30.
Fl rn bell gyban voltak. 31. Nem tltk naponta fl rnl tbbet utazssal. 32.
t s fl ra mlva leszllunk New Yorkban. 33. Amikor kihztam, lttam, hogy
csak egy fl szg. 34. j fl ra volt. 35.
Mirt nem tltesz mg egy flrt Carollal?
36. Flv vgn egypr napra elutazunk.
37. A szviv kzlte, hogy 32 embert
tartztattak le a tren, s mg egy fl tucatot a Downing Streeten. 38. Msfl v
telt el azta, hogy elment. 39. A tvolsg
attl a cstl az ablakig krlbell msfl mter. 40. Csak feleannyink van, mint
amennyit venni akarnak. 41. Flbevgtuk
az almt.

l want half of it. NOT: l ovant ti-le l-lalf of it.

42. The box was now almost ha If full. 43.
Miriam felt half asleep. 44. We could not
lift the box until it was half empty. 45.
I'm half crippled with arthritis. 46. l was
only half finished with my lunch when
they found me. 47. He took a half empty
bottie from his pocket. 48. He should
know how to settie this- he is half French,
half German. 49. He was now half under
the fence, struggling to get back on his
feet. 50. l was half laughing, half crying.
51. But it's not half as big as the one you
took for yourself.

42. A doboz most mr majdnem fl ig tele

volt. 43. Miriam gy rezte, flig alszik mr.
44. Csakakkor tudtuk felemelni a dobozt,
amikor mr flig res volt. 45. Flig nyomork vagyok az zleti gyulladstL 46.
Mg csak flig ettem meg az ebdem, amikor rm talltak. 47. Kivett egy flig res
veget a zsebbl. 48. Tudnia kell, hogyan
lehet ezt elrendezni- flig francia, flig nmet. 49. Most mr flig a kerts alatt volt,
s azon kszkdtt, hogy jra lbra lljon.
50. Egyik szemern srt, a msik nevetett. 51.
De ez feleakkora sincs, mint amekkort magadnak vettl el.


have, have got


nekem van, neked nincs

1. l hope she will have blue eyes. NOT: l hope she vvill have got blue efes.
2. l didn't have enough money. NOT: l hadn't got enough n oner.
3. l always have a cold in winter. NOT: l have al"vo'ays got a cold in vo inter.


1. Wehave a conservatve government now.

2. l never have any spare money. 3. Spiders
have hairy legs. 4. Two out of five children
have learning problems. 5. He has a bunch
of flowers in his hand. 6. l have very few
bills to pay this month. 7. He had a vast
beard. 8. The girl's dress had long sleeves,
didn't it? 9.1 didn't knowyou had agun. 10.
Weil, l th ink the most of us w ill have an electric car in ten or fifteen years' time. 11. Before we can pay this cheque we must have
you r signature. 12. They may have questions
to ask so be prepared for that as weil. 13. Ali
volunteers must have a clean crimina!
record. 14. He must've had several muffins
if he offered you one. 15. National minorities should have the right to govern themselves. 16. l had no close friends at school.
17. As you know, l was ali she had. 18. Dad's
always had women. 19. l've had two jobs
since January. 20. She has never had any
jewellery before. 21. 1'11 have one ready for
you by Tuesday. 22. l knew he'd have one
to give you. 23. l'd never miss the tv set if
we didn't have it. 24. Women don't have
better memories than men. 25. You don't have
another girlfriend, do you? 26. You have no
proof at ali. 27. They didn't have anything
against us. 28. It was not that he didn't have
friends. 29. He hasn't had a car for two months
now, which is unusual. 30. Do you have any
brothers or sisters? 31. Does she have a new
dog agai n? 32. Did he have any enemies that
you know of? 33. Can l have the photographs?
34. What have they had, a boy or a girl?

1. Most konzervatv kormnyunk van. 2. Soha sincs sprolt pnzem. 3. A pkoknak sz

rs a lbuk. 4. t gyermek kzl kettnek
gondjai vannak a tanulssal. 5. Egy csokor
virg van a kezben. 6. Ebben a hnapban
nagyon kevs fizetnival szmlm van. 7. Hatalmas szaklla volt. 8. Ugye a lny ruhjnak hossz ujja volt? 9. Nem tudtam, hogy
van puskd. 1O. Azt hiszem, tz-tizent v
mlva a legtbbnknek elektromos autja
lesz. 11. Csak akkortudjuk kifizetni ezt a esekket, ha megvan az alrsa. 12. Lehet, hogy
lesznek krdseik, gyhogy kszlj fel arra
is. 13. Valamennyi nkntesnek bntetlen el
letnek kell lennie. 14. Biztos tbb muffinja
volt, ha egyet felajnlott. 15. A nemzeti kisebbsgeknek meg kell kapniuk az nrendelkezsi jogot. 16. Nem voltak kzeli bartaim
az iskolban. 17. Mint tudod, csak n voltam
neki. 18. Apunak mindig is voltak ni. 19.
janur ta mr kt llsom volt. 20. Eddig mg
soha nem voltak kszerei. 21. Keddre elk
sztek neked egyet. 22. Tudtam, hogy lesz neki
a szmodra is egy. 23. Nekem egyltaln nem
hinyozna a tvksz lk, ha nem lenne. 24.
A nknek nincs jobb memrijuk, mint a frfiaknak. 25. Ugye nincs ms bartnd? 26.
Semmi bizonytkod nincsen. 27. Semmit
nem tudtak felhozni ellennk. 28. Nem arrl
volt sz, hogy nem voltak bartai. 29. Mr
kt hnapja nincs kocsija, s ez szokatlan.
30. Vannak testvreid? 31. Megint j kutyja
van? 32. Tud rla, hogy ellensgei lettek volna? 33. Megkaphatom a fotkat? 34. Mijk
szletett? Fi vagy lny?

a have kifejezsekben

have in expressions
35. l see you two are having a good time
making fu n of others. 36. The Queennever
has a real holiday. 37. We weregetting ti red

35. gy ltom, ti ketten remekl szrakoztok azzal, hogy msokon gnyoldtak. 36.
A kirlynnek soha sincs igazi vakcija. 37.


so we stopped to have lunch. 38. Bob Hope

had a bad Christmas. 39. We had one real ly
bad storm, didn't we, Dad. 40. Then she
had a coughing fit and spat into a handkerchief l fetched . 41. l was driving along the
motorway when l had a puncture. 42. He
had the mumps when he was eight. 43. Gee,
we had fun, didn't we? 44. We've been
having a meeting here and we tho.ught you
might want to come over. 45. l haven't had
a holiday for ages. 46. She remembered that
she had had no tea, but felt too excited to
feel hungry. 47. Your mcther will have a fit
if she sees the state you r room is in. Tidy it
up! 48. Tell hm we'll be having the
Hamptons over for din ner, and l can't come.
49. Do you have nightmares? 50. Did you
have a nice Christmas? 51. Did you ever
have a nervous breakdown when you were
a student? 52. When l was younger l used
to have a party quite often. 53. Will you
have a littie more pudding? 54. l'd rather
have a pizza than a hamburger. 55. How
about having a party soon?

Kezdtnk elfradni, gyhogy meglltunk

ebdelni. 38. Bob Hope-nak rossz karcsonya volt. 39. Egy igazn csnya viharunk
volt, ugye apu? 40. Aztn khgsi rohama
tmadt s belekptt a zsebkendbe, amit
hoztam neki. 41. Az autplyn vezettem,
amikor defektet kaptam. 42. Nyolcves korban volt mumpsza. 43. Ty, de j muri volt,
mi? 44. ppen gylst tartunk itt, s gondoltuk, taln szvesen tjn ne. 45. Ezer ve nem
voltam nyaralni. 46. Eszbe jutott, hogy nem
uzsonnzott, de tl izgatott volt ahhoz, hogy
hes legyen. 47. Az anyd dhrohamot kap,
ha megltja, milyen llapotban van a szobd. Takarts ssze! 48. Mondd meg neki,
hogy Hamtonk jnnek hozznk vacsorra,
gyhogy nem tudok menni. 49. Szoktak lenni
rmlmaid? 50. Szp karcsonyod volt? 51.
Elfordult n nel, hogy ideg-sszeroppansa
volt dikkorban? 52. Fiatalabb koromban
gyakran volt nlam hzibuli. 53. Kr mg
egy kis pudingot? 54. Inkbb pizzt ennk,
mint hamburgert. 55. Mi lenne, ha hamarosan tartannk egy hzibulit?

have: segdige, vagy fige?

have: auxiliary or main verb?

56. Have you any plans for your summer
hol idays? 57. How many brothers and sisters have you altogether? 58. Have you sti ll
no idea where we are? 59. Have yo u anything
to declare? 60. What right have you to question
m e? 61. Have you the key of the door? 62. l
haven't any money. 63. He hasn't any sisters. 64. We haven't a penny to pay these
bills with. 65. I haven't many facts but I have
simply got to decide so mething.

56. Vannak tervei a nyri sznidre? 57.

sszesen hny testvre van? 58. Mg mindig elkpzelsed sincs arrl, hogy hol vagyunk? 59. Van valami elvmolnivalja? 60.
Milyen jogon von n engem krdre? 61.
nnl van az ajt kulcsa? 62. Nincs pnzem. 63. Nincsenek lnytestvreL 64. Egy
fillrnk sincs, hogy kifizessk ezeket a
szmlkat. 65. Nem sok tnnyel rendelkezem, de muszj dfitenern valahogy.



66. l've got a small caravan. 67. You've got
nice legs. 68. l see you've got a beard. 69.
She's got a littie caf in London. 70. l have
only got sixty-eight pence. 71. l've got a pain
in my back. 72. Make sure you've got the
relevant visas. 73. Show me what you' ve got
in your hand. 74. l've got a terrible headache, so will you please leave me alone? 75.
l haven't got your address. 76. They haven't

66. Van egy kis lakkocsim. 67. Szp lbad van. 68. Ltom, szakllad van. 69. Van
egy kis kvhza Londonban. 70. Csak hatvannyolc pennym van. 71. Fj a htam.
72. E ll enrizd , hogy megvannak-e a szksges vzumok. 73. Mutasd, mi van a kezedben. 74. Rettenetes fejfjsom van ,
gyhogy krl ek, hagyj l bkn. 75. Nincs
meg a cmed. 76. Nincs nekik. 77. Mr

11 o

got one. 77. Mr Brown hasn't got wings. 78.

I'm going out with Tony tonight, and l haven't
got anything to wear. 79. l haven't got a mark
on my shirt, have l? 80. Apart from being
exceptionally good ltalian restaurants, they
haven't got much in common. 81. As if we
haven't got enough problems! 82. Have you
got a job? 83. Have you got a driving licence? 84. Have you got any luggage? 85.
Has she got your number? 86. Has he got
any relatives? 87. Have you got a table for
two? 88. Have you ali got your maps? 89.
Have guinea pigs got tails? 90. Have the
rooms got private bathrooms? 91. What have
you got in your hand? 92. What's he got in his
right hand? 93. What have we got to offer?

"how nice!",
"what a man!"

Brownnak nincsenek szrnyai. 78. Tonyval

randevzam ma este, s nincsmit flvennem. 79. Nincs folt az ingemen, ugye? 80.
Azonkvl, hogy remek olasz ttermek,
nincs sok kzs bennk. 81. Mintha nem
volna elg problmnk. 82. Van llsod?
83. Van jogostvnyod? 84. Van valami
c:somagja? 85. Megvan neki a telefonszmod? 86. Vannak rokonai? 87. Van egy asztal kt szemlynek? 88. Mindenkinek megvan a trkpe? 89. A tengerimalacoknak
van farkuk? 90. A szobkban van frd
szoba? 91. Mi van a kezedben? 92. Mi van
a jobb kezben? 93. Mit tudunk felajnlani?

~ ,",
"m1.l yen szep.

~1 03: so~

11 O: such

"micsoda frfi!"

121 : this, that


HO W. .. !
1. How extraordinary! 2. How disillusioning! 3. How very ridiculous! 4. How elever
of you! 5. Chuck, how sweet of you to wa it!
6. How nice to see you! 7. How queer everything is today! 8. How stupid men are!
9. How puzzling it ali is! 10. How humiliating that was. 11. How brave they' ll ali
thinkme at home. 12. How surprised he' ll
be when he finds out who l am. 13. How
nice and soft sounds! 14. And how fast it
comes! 15. How weil you talk! 16. How
white you look! 17. How extraordinarily
young you look! 18. How proud he was to
be English! 19. You don't know how banai
my life is. 20. Th ink how useful it might be.
21. How lucky you mentioned it! 22. How
nice to have a visitor drop by. 23. Look,
how the colour has faded! 24. When l told
her how white she laoked she just turned
her back on me. 25. How l would like to
see h im! 26. How l wish l was one of them!
27. How Freud would have loved to hear
that story.

1. Milyen rendkvli! 2. Milyen kibrndt! 3. Milyen nagyon nevetsges! 4. Milyen

okos tled. 5. Chuck, milyen kedves tled,
hogy megvrtL 6. De j ltni tged! 7. Milyen furcsa ma minden! 8. Milyen ostobk a
frfiak! 9. Milyen rejtlyes ez az egsz! 10.
Milyen megalz volt! 11. Milyen btornak
fognak majd tartani otthon! 12. Hogy meg
lesz lepve, ha rjn, ki vagyok! 13. De szp
lgyan is hangzik! 14. s milyen gyorsan jn!
15. Milyen jl beszlsz! 16. Milyen spadt
vagy! 17. Milyen borzasztan fiatalnak ltszol! 18. Milyen bszke volt arra, hogy angol! 19. Nem is tudod, milyen unalmas az
letem. 20. Gondold csak el, milyen hasznos lehet! 21. Micsoda szerencse, hogy megemltettedi 22. Mi lyen j is az, ha ltogat
rkezik. 23. Nzd, hogy kifakult a szne! 24.
Mikor mondtam neki, hogy milyen spadt,
egyszeren htat fordtott. 25. Mennyire szeretnm t ltni! 26. De nagyon szeretnm,
ha n is kztk lehetnk! 27. Hogy rlt volna Freud, ha hallja ezt a trtnetet!




WHAT. . !
28. What a woman! 29. What a man! 30.
What a nice surprise! 31. What an idea!
32. What a memory. 33. What a nice old
house! 34. What a coineidencel 35. What
a pity you didn't come earlier. 36. What a
sil ly question! 37. What a curious th ing! 38.
What a remarkable phenomenon! 39. What
a friendly bunch they are. 40. What a waste
of time! 41. What a wanderfui speech. That
Mark Anthanywasa elever man. 42. What
a love ly dog- how long have you had her?
43. What a long time you've been with that
man. 44. What a tedious bore that man is.
45. What a cruel thing to say. 46. What a
busy day it was! 47. What a mistake they
made! 48. What great big ears you have,
Grandmal 49. What lovely flowers! 50.
What wonderful weather! 51. What nonsensei 52. What impertinence! 53. Oh dear,
what nonsense you're tal king! 54. D i ck and
l often talk of you, and what good
neighbours you were. 55. What a strange
name to give a dog. 56. You can't imagine
what strange thoughts l have. 57. Oh, dear,
what a lot l have eaten!

28. Micsoda


29. Micsoda frfi! 30. Milyen kellemes meglepets! 31. Micsoda tlet! 32. Micsoda memria! 33. Milyen szp
reg hz! 34. Micsoda vletlen egybeess!
35. Milyen kr, hogy nem jttl elbb! 36.
De hlye krds! 37. Milyen furcsa dolog!

38. Milyen rendkvli jelensg! 39. Milyen

bartsgos egy trsasg. 40. Micsoda idpa
zarl s! 41. Milyen remek beszd! Az a
Marcus Antonius okos ember volt. 42. Milyen aranyos kutya- mita van meg? 43. Milyen rgta egytt vagy azzal a frfival! 44.
Micsoda egy unalmas fick ez az ember! 45.
Micsoda kegyetlen dolog ezt mondani! 46.
Milyen rohans nap volt! 47. Mekkora hibt kvettek el! 48. Milyen nagyok a fleid,
nagymama! 49. Milyen csodlatos virgok!
50. Milyen remek id! 51. Micsoda kptelensg! 52. Min szemtelensg l 53. Te j g,
milyen kptelensgeket beszlsz! 54. Dick
s n gyakran emlegetnk titeket, meg hogy
milyen j szomszdok voltatok. 55. Milyen
furcsa nv egy kutynak! 56. El se tudod kpzelni, milyen furcsa gondolataim vannak. 57.
Te j g, milyen rengeteget ettem!

1. What nice weather. NOT: What a nice vveather.

2. What lovely flowers. NOT: What a lovely flovver~.



~31: conditional sentences ~59 : indirect speech ~ 141:



1. l don't know if it can wait that long. 2. l
doubt if Rose is in Paris. 3. I'm phoning to
ask if you've receved our brochure. 4. l
doubt if he'll come. 5. He asked me if l
had anything to say. 6. She put on her
dressing gown and went out to see if Millie
needed any help. 7.1 asked him if he would
like to see me agai n. 8. 1'11 see if l can help
you with that. 9. l could not say if it was
the voice of a ma n or a woman. 1 O. l wander if l ought to take my mackintosh with

1. Nem tudom, hogy vrhat-e addig. 2. Ktlem, hogy Rose Prizsban van. 3. Azrt telefonlok, hogy megkrdezzem, megkaptke a brosrnkat. 4. Ktlem, hogy el fog jnni. 5. Megkrdezte, hogy van-e valami mondanivalm. 6. Felvette a hlkntst, s kiment megnzni, nincs-e szksge Millie-nek
segtsgre. 7. Megkrdeztem, akar-e jbl tallkozni velem. 8. Majd megltom, tudok-e
segteni ebben. 9. Nem tudtam megllaptani, hogy frfi vagy ni hang volt-e. 10. Vajon magammal vigyem az eskpenyemet?


11. l really don't know yet whether l will go
by bus or by train. 12. l doubt whether anyone else in the country has any of it at the
moment. 13. It depends on whether the government takes any action. 14~ Haven't you
everwondered whether Brian is quite as you
imagine him? 15. They can sense whether
there is sympathy and compassion for them.
16. How can we find out whether their strategy has been successful? 17. l almost wondered whether you were avoiding me. 18.
We discussed whether we should pay
Greenfield's costs. 19. ln 1965 Kenneth
Tynan was asked whether he would allow
sexual intercourse on stage at the National
Theatre. 20. The thing is l've fallen in love
with him and l don't know whether to tell
h im. 21. The organizers will decide whether
to impose fines. 22. Before you decide
whether to buy from a salesman, find out
what the same goods would cost in shops.
23. It is ou r decision whether to go on wi th
the talks. 24. There was no word whether
the terrorists had extended their deadline.
25. Whether it can wa it that long is another
question. 26. Whether we can force h im to
sell itisanother matter.

11. Mg tnyleg nem tudom, busszal vagy

vonattal megyek-e. 12. Ktlem, hogy jelen
pillanatban brki msnak az orszgban lenne belle. 13. Attl fgg, hogy a kormny
tesz-e lpseket 14. Soha nem t ndtl mg
el azon, hogy vajon Brian tnyleg olyan-e,
amilyennek kpzeled? 15. rzkelni tudjk,
hogy megnyilvnul-e irnyukban egyttrzs vagy rszvt. 16. Honnan fogjuk megtudni, bevlt-e a stratgijuk? 17. Mr kezdtem azon tndni , vajon nem szndkosan
kerlsz-e. 18. Megtrgyaltuk, fizetnnk kellene-e Greenfield kltsgeit. 19. 1965-ben
Kenneth lynant megkrdeztk, engedn-e,
hogy nemi aktust mutassanak be a National
Theatre sznpadn. 20. Arrl van sz, hogy
beleszerettem, s nem tudom, megmondjam-e neki. 21. A szervezk dntik el, hogy
kirjanak-e bntetst. 22. Mielott eldntjk,
hogy vsroljunk-e az gynktl, tudjuk
meg, mennyibe kerl ugyanaz az ru a boltokban. 23. Rajtunk mlik, folytatjuk-e a trgyalsokat. 24. f'-l em kaptunk hrt arrl, meghosszabbtottk-e a terroristk a hatridt
25. Hogy vrhat-e a dolog addig, az mr ms
krds. 26. Az ms krds, vajon r tudjuke knyszerteni arra, hogy eladja.

l don't know whether to stay. NOT: l dor't know if to !!tay.



27. l never know whether Joe is serious or
not. 28. You' re going to listen to me, whether
you want to or not. 29. l've got to warn Liz
about Luke, whether she wants to hear it or
not. 30. Rob st i ll se ems doubtfu l abo ut
whether he wants to go to university or not.
31. Find out whether or not the account has
been paid. 32. l do not know whether or not
Rufford attempted to check the story. 33. It was
not clear whether he was referring to the Prime
Minister or the Foreign Secretary. 34. She didn't
know whether to laugh or cry. 35. She clearly
wasn't quite sure whether to feel delighted or
worried at having Jennifer in her living room.

27. Sosem tudom, hogy Joe komolyan beszl-e, vagy sem. 28. Meg fogsz hallgatni,
akr akarod, akr nem. 29. Figyelmeztetnem
kell Lizt Luke miatt, akr akarja hallani, akr
nem. 30. gy tnik, Rob mg mindig nem
tudja, hogy akar-e egyetemre menni vagy
sem. 31. Tudja meg, kiegyenltettk-e a szmlt. 32. Nem tudom, Rufford megprblt-e
utna jrni a trtnetnek vagy nem. 33. Nem
volt vilgos, vajon a miniszterelnkre, vagy a
klgyminiszterre gondol-e. 34. Nem tudta,
srjon-e vagy nevessen. 35. Nyilvnvalan
nem tudta eldnteni, rljn-e, vagy aggdjon-e, amirt Jennifer a nappaliban van.

l ~on't know whether Joe is serious or not. NOT: l don't kno9v if joe i!! !Ieri ou~ or not.


if only, "l wish"



~31 : conditional sentences



1. If only l werein London now. 2. If only l

had a lot of money. 3. If l only knew how to
begin. 4. If only l knew what's going to hap-
pen. 5. If only you knew what a sober life l
lead in London. 6. If only l had invited her!
7. If only l hadn't eaten that sal ad. 8. If only
he would drive more slowly. 9. If only l
could .trust him. 10. If only it could go on
for ever. 11.1f only we could see each other
more often. 12. If only he wouldn't drink
so heavily. 13. If only he would go home!
14. If only you would listen to me! 15. If
only they would stop that terrible noise.

1. Brcsak Londonban volnk most! 2. Brcsak sok pnzem volna! 3. Br tudnm, hol
kezdjem. 4. Brcsak tudnm, mi fog trtnni. 5. Brcsak tudnd, milyen jzan letet
lek Londonban! 6. Br meghvtam volna!
7. Brcsak ne ettem volna meg azt a saltt! 8. Brcsak lassabban vezetne! 9. Brcsak meg tudnk bzni benne! 10. Brcsak
rkk tarthatna! 11. Brcsak gyakrabban
lthatnnk egymst! 12. Brcsak ne inna
annyit! 13. Brcsak hazarnenne mr! 14.
Brcsak hallgatnl rm! 15. Brcsak abbahagynk mr ezt a szrny zajongst!

"l WISH"
16. l wish you were down here with me.
17. l wish she wasn't taller than me. 18.
How l wish l was one of them! 19. I wish I
were a butterfly. 20. l wish l had a horse. 21.
Oh, Geraldine, l wish l knew more about
you! 22. l wish l knew what l should do.
23. How l wish l could fly. 24. How l wish
l could shut up like a telescope! 25. She
said she wished she could remember his
name. 26. l wish you had phoned me. 27.
l wish l' d known her before. 28. l wish l' d
gone to university. 29. l wish l had never
married Peterson. 30. l wish l hadn't said
that. 31. l wish l hadn't mentioned your
name! 32. Now she wishes she hadn't
drunk quite so much. 33. l wish l hadn't
listened to him. 34. "l don't think he'll accept that."- "l wish he would." 35. l wish
my grandmather would come home. 36.
God, l wish he'd lose that damned trumpet. 37. l wish you would stop telling
people what to do. 38. Don't you wish they
would come to see us more often. 39. l
wish they would sell me that picture. 40. l
wish you wouldn't leave your mess lying
everywhere. 41. l wish you wouldn't get
annoyed so easily.

16. Brcsak idelenn volnl velem te is! 17.

Brcsak ne volna magasabb nlam! 18. De
nagyon szeretnm, ha n is kztk lehetnk!
19. Brcsak pillang lennk! 20. Brcsak lenne egy lovam! 21. , Geraldine, br tbbet
tudnk rlad! 22. Br tudnm, mit kne tennem! 23. De nagyon szeretnm, ha tudnk
replni. 24. gy szeretnm, ha ssze tudnk
csukdni, mint egy teleszkp! 25. Azt kvnta, brcsak vissza tudna emlkezni a nevre.
26. Br felhvtl volna! 27. Brcsak elbb
megismertem volna! 28. Brcsak egyetemre
mentem volna! 29. Brcsak ne mentem volna felesgl Petersonhoz! 30. Brcsak ne
mondtam volnaL31. Brcsak ne emltettem
volna a nevedet! 32. Most mr azt kvnja,
brcsak ne ivott volna olyan sokat. 33. Br ne
hallgattam volna r! 34. "Azt hiszem, nem
fogja elfogadni."-" Brcsak megtenn!" 35.
Brcsak hazajnne a mamm! 36. Istenem,
brcsak elveszten egyszer azt a nyavalys
trombitjt! 37. Br leszoknl arrl, hogy mindig te akarod megmondani, ki mit csinljon.
38. Nem szeretnd, ha gyakrabban jnnnek
hozznk ltogatba? 39. Brcsak eladnk nekem azt a kpet! 40. Brcsak ne hagynd mindig szanaszt a holmijaidat! 41. Brcsak ne
idegestend fel magad olyan knnyen!




felszltsok, parancsok

q2S/1-18: requests: can, coufdq66: letq73/38-47: mindqlOO: "shall /... ?", "sha/1 we ... ?"
q127: verbs 1: reported requests q l 40: "will you ... ?"



1. Bethere at 6. 2. Be nice to h im. 3. Smell

it. 4. Have a cigarette. 5. Get an answering machine. 6. Bring back the ladder! 7.
Hold tight! 8. just sitthere and keep quiet.
9. But look, this is urgent. 1O. Tell Horatio
something for me, will you? 11. Giveme
those matches, will you? 12. Pi ck that
book up, will you? 13. Give Frank a call,
will you? 14. Call us tomorrow, won't
you? 15. Send us a card, won't you? 16.
Just sign your name here. 17. Call the first
witness. 18. Then dine with us here one
night. 19. Catch hold of this rope! 20. Fill
in this form, please. 21. Pass the teapot,
please. 22. Tell us ali about it! 23. Help
me get it into this bag. 24. Guess w hat it
is. 25. Stay right where you are! 26. Be
carefui when you open it up, won't you?
27. Please come back and finish your
story! 28. Promise you will come tomorrow..29. Eat nothing for the next 24 hours.
30. Be prepared to answer questions after the lecture. 31. Ali right, then show
me the documents. 32. Just keep walking
and listen to me. 33. Do as l tell you, you
coward! 34. Stop this moment, l tell you.
35. Say thatagain and 1' 11 show you. 36.
If Carl a comes, tell her I'm upstairs. 37. If
you don't like hm, forget h im. 38. If you
need anything, just press the button! 39.
Always warm up before you run. 40.
Never shampoo carpets when they' re new
-they get dirty faster. 41. Listen, everyone! 42. Take it easy, everybody. 43. Everybody shut their eyes. 44. Somebody
answer the phone! 45. For God's sake,
someone cal l the police. 46. Please no~
body get up for me. 47. Don' t anyone
open the door! 48. You sit here, Sandra,
and you sit over there, Sue. 49. Jock and
Samantha wait over there. 50. Sit down,
ali of you, and listen to me! 51. jimmy,

1. Legyl ott hatkor! 2. Lgy kedves hozzl 3.

Szagold meg! 4. Vegyl cigarettt! 5. Szerezz
egy zen etrgztt! 6. Hozza vissza a ltrt!
7. Fogd szorosan! 8. Csak lj le s maradj
csendben! 9. De nzd, ez srgs! 10. Mondjon meg valamit Horatinak, j? 11. Add ide
azt a gyuft, j? 12. Vedd fel azt a knyvet,
lgyszves! 13. Szlj oda telefonon Franknek,
ok? 14. Hvjl fl minket holnap, rendben?
15. Kldj neknk kpeslapot, j? 16. Csak rja itt al! 17. Hvja be az els tant! 18. Akkor vacsorzzanak velnk egyik estel 19.
Kapd el ezt a ktelet! 20. Legyen stves kitlteni ezt a nyomtatvnyt! 21. Lgyszves, add
ide a teskannt! 22. Meslj el mindent! 23.
Segts belerakni ebbe a tskba! 24. Talld
ki, mi az! 25. Maradj ott, ahol vagy! 26. Legyl vatos, amikor fel nyitod, j? 27. Krem,
jjjn vissza s fejezze be a trtnett! 28.
grd meg, hogy eljssz holnapl 29. A kvetkez 24 rban ne egyen semmit! 30. Kszljenek fel, hogy az elads utn krdseket kell megvlaszoln iuk. 31. Rendben, akkor mutassa meg a dokumentumokat! 32.
Csak menjen tovbb s kzben figyeljen rm!
33. Tedd, amit mondok, te gyval 34. Azonnal hagyd abba, azt mondtam! 35. Csak merd
ezt mondani mg egyszer, majd megltod, mi
lesz! 36. Ha Carla jn, mondd meg neki, hogy
odafenn vagyok. 37. Ha nem szereted t, felejtsd ell 38. Ha szksge van valamire, csak
nyomja meg a gombot! 39. Mindig melegts
be, mieltt futsz! 40. Sohase tiszttsuk sz
nyegtiszttval a sznyeget, amg j -gyorsabban koszoldik. 41. Mindenki figyeljen
ide! 42. Csak nyugodtan, emberek! 43. Mindenki hunyja le a szemt! 44. Valaki vegye
fel a telefont! 45. Az isten szerelmre, valaki
hvja a rendrsget! 46. Krem, senki ne lljon fl miattam! 47. Nehogy brki kinyissa
az ajtt! 48. Te ide lj, Sandra, te pedig oda,
Sue! 49. jock s Samantha, ti vrjatok ott! 50.


don't! 52. Don 't do anything. 53. Don't

call Washington . 54. Don't forget the
wine. 55. Don 't turn around. 56. Don 't
be absurd! 57. Don't be long, will you?
58. However, don't be discouraged. 59.
Don't use the office phone for personal
cal ls. 60. Don' t be impertinent, and don't
look at me like that. 61. Now don't make
any more excuses, but listen! 62. If this
exercise hurts your back, don't do it.

Mindannyian ljetek le s figyeljetek rm! 51.

jimmy, ne! 52. Ne csinlj semmit! 53. Ne hvja
Washingtont! 54. Ne felejtsd el a bort! 55.
Ne forduljon meg! 56. Ne lgy nevetsges!
57. Ne maradj sokig, j? 58. Azrt nemenjen el az nbizalmad. 59. Ne hasznlja az
irodai telefont magnbeszlgetsekrel 60. Ne
legyl szemtelen, s ne nzz gy rm! 61. Ne
-mentegetzz tovbb, hanem figyelj ide! 62.
Ha ettl a gyakorlattl fj a hta, ne csinlja!

do emphasis

felszlts nyomatkostsa

63. Do have some more tea, will you? 64.

Do come in. 65. Do be careful. 66. Do
keep in touch. 67. Do go and talk things
over. 68. Please do sit down everyone.

63. Igyon mg egy kis tet, j? 64. jjjn

be! 65. Legyl nagyon vatos! 66. Tartsuk
a kapcsolatot! 67. Menj s beszljetek meg
mindent! 68. Mindenki ljn le, krem!

Bring back the book l gave you. NOT: 'lou bring b~ck tne book l g~ve you.


69. Breathe in deeply. 70. Keep pressing

Button A unti l you hear a hum. 71. Put the
glue on the broken pieces, wait until it's
tacky and then stick them together. 72.
Please avoid leaving litter, lighting fires,
damaging trees or plants. 73. Warning:
clean equipment thoroughly after use. 74.
Serve at once. 75. Add milk and sugar to
taste. 76. Stir again before serving. 77.
Leavein oven unti l cooked to a light brown
col ou r.


69. Llegezzenek mlyeket! 70. Az A gombot tartsa lenyomva, amg zmmg hangot nem hall. 71. Tegye a ragasztt a trtt
darabokra, vrjon, amg tapads lesz, aztn
ragassza ssze a darabokat. 72. Krjk, ne
szemeteljen, ne gyjtson tzet, ne okozzon
krt a fkban s a nvnyekben l 73. Figyelmeztets: hasznlat utn alaposan tiszttsa
meg a berendezst! 74. Azonnal tlaljuk. 75.
zls szerint adjunk hozz tejet s cukrot. 76.
Tlals eltt keverjk fel jra. 77. Hagyjuk
slni, amg vilgosbarna nem lesz.


htha, arra az esetre

~31: conditional sentences

lnsure your house in case there is a fire. NOT: lnsure }'OUr nouse if tnere is

~ fire.


1. Take this money in case you need it. 2.
You'd better insure your house in case
there's a fire. 3. We'd better not talk here
in case someone is listening. 4. l put it in
my pocket in case l was hungry at the foot-

1. Vedd el azt a pnzt, htha szksged lesz

r! 2. Jobban tennd, ha biztostand a hzadat arra az esetre, ha tz lenne. 3. Jobb
lesz, ha nem beszlnk itt, htha valaki hallgatzik. 4. Zsebre vgtam, htha meghe-


ball match. 5. Sorry l lost my temper. ln

case l don't see you again, goodbye. 6.
People are scared of employing someone
with a record li ke mine, you know, in case
they begin stealing again. 7. He prepared a
carefui story in case the tax inspector should call.
8. I always help old ladies over crossings , and pick
up pareels for old gentlemen, in case they should
tum out to be eccentric millionaires. 9. She put
the brooch on the mantelpiece in case Tommy
should look for a sign.

indired speech

zem a futball meccsen. 5. Sajnlom, hogy begurultam. Ha esetleg nem tallkoznnk mr,
akkor viszlt. 6. Az emberek flnek olyan
ellettel alkalmazni valakit, mint az enym,
htha megint lopni fog. 7. Alaposan felkszlt
egy trtnettel arra az esetre, ha belltana az
adellenr. 8. Mindig tsegtern az ids hlgyeket a keresztezdseknl , s cipelem az
ids riemberek csomagjait, htha kiderl valamelyikrl, hogy egy klnc mi ll iomos. 9. A
kandallprknyra tette a brosstt, htha
Tommy valami jelzs utn kutat majd.




Q13: ask Q 39: embedded question Q43: explain Q46: feel QSS: if~ whether Q 87: passive sentences
Q 127: verbs 1: reported requests Q 141: wonder

1. You know who l am. NOT: 'fou knovv wno am l. 2. He asked how l felt.
NOT: l le a~ked now do l feel? OR: Ile a~ked now did l feel? OR: l le a~ked how l feel.



1. You know who l am. 2. And now tell me

how Laura is. 3. He says he wants to see
the manager. 4. He wants to know if you
can help him. 5. Someone must know
where she is. 6. Are you sure that's a good
idea? 7. Can you tell me what days you're
free next week? 8. Would you say that he is
a violent person? 9. l don't know why l
bother. 1 O. l don't know where that information comes from. 11. Some people ask
me why l. keep a cat. 12. l think you know
why I'm doing it. 13. You may say that was
just autosuggestion. 14. l adm it that l told
you lies. 15. It is difficult to say when our
problems started. 16. W e know what he did,
what he wrote, what he felt, whom he
loved, where he went, what he d i ed of. 17.
You would not believe how my morning
went. 18. Your friend Brock says we're ali
going to be rich . 19. Look, l would like to'
know where l am going to live. 20. l hope
you won't b lame me too much. 21. Do you
really think 1'11 ever get weil? 22. Do you
think there willever be a third world war?
23. l feel sure that tonight when he comes

1. Tudja, ki vagyok. 2. Most pedig mondd,

hogy van Laura. 3. Azt mondja, az zletvezetvel akar beszln i. 4. Azt akarja tudni,
tudsz-e segteni neki. 5. Valaki kell, hogy tudja, hol van. 6. Biztos benne, hogy ez j tlet? 7. Meg tudja mondani, milyen napokon
lesz szabad a jv hten? 8. gy fogalmazna, hogy egy erszakos ember? 9. Nem is
tudom, mirt trdm vele. 1O. Nem tudom,
honnan szrmazik ez az informci. 11. Nhnyan azt krdezik, mirt tartok macskt.
12. Azt hiszem, tudod, mirt csinlom. 13.
Mondhatod, hogy csak bemagya rztam magamnak. 14. Beismerem, hogy hazudtam
magnak. 15. Nehz megmondani, mikor
kezddtek a problmink. 16. Tudjuk, mit
csinlt, mit rt, mit rzett, kit szeretett, hova
ment, miben halt meg. 17. El se hinnd, milyen dlelttm volt. 18. A bartja, Brock
azt mondja, valamennyien gazdagok lesznk. 19. Nzd, tudni szeretnm, hol fogok
lakni. 20. Remlem, nem fogsz nagyon hibztatni. 21. Tnyleg azt hiszed, meggygyulok valaha? 22. Gondolja, hogy lesz valaha
harmadik vilghbor ? 23. Biztosan rzem,


home from work, he'll bring me a dozen

roses. 24. Darwinism teaches us that we
have descended immediately from the primates. 25. Do you th ink Kerry might be jealous of Anne? 26. Has it ever occurred to
you that you might be wrong?

hogy ma este, amikor hazajn a munkbl,

hoz nekem egy tucat rzst. 24. A darwinizmus azt tantja, hogy kzvetlenl a feml
sk leszrmazottai vagyunk. 25. Gondolod,
hogy Kerry fltkeny lehet Anne-re? 26. Gondoltl mr valaha arra, hogy tvedhetsz?

"HE SAID ..."

justified backshift


tartalmi idegyeztets

27. The teachers thought l w as lazy. 28. He

adrnitted that he was a bigarnist 29. Who
said it was your fault dear? 30. l confessed
how nervous l was. 31. He wasn't su re what
the ditference was at first. 32. l only asked
h im how he was and he practical ly snapped
my head off. 33. He said he didn't believe
me. 34. He said he had the documents to
prove it. 35. He knew he had to run. 36. She
asked how l felt. 37. He asked me where l
carne from, what l did and how long l was
staying. 38. He asked whether they aceused
h im of lying. 39. He said he was enjoying it.
40. l knew they were joking. 41. He thought
people.were staring at h im. 42. She said she
was coming back soon. 43. Didn't she say
where she was going? 44. Francessaid she
was going off to a caf, but l didn't move.
45. She didn't doubt that Becky was telling
her the truth. 46. He was sorry he couldn't
sound more sincere. 47. l felt l could trust
him. 48. The doctor carne and told Raquel
that she couldleavethe following morning.
49. Something, he knew, was missing, but
what it was he could not remember. 50. We
couldn't be sure where you went. 51. You
thought you weregoing totrick me! 52. Do
you think the captain knew there was bad
weather coming today? 53. She wanted to
know if l would do it the next day. 54. He
said he' d bring italong next time he carne.
55. Ann said she'd phone, didn't she? 56. l
knew it would turn out for the best. 57. He
decided he would th ink about it. 58. l didn't
know you would be here. 59. She didn't
think her marriage would last. 60. Didn't l
tell you she'd forget ali about it? 61. Then,
why did you say you' d let me go? 62. l was
afraid that he would sack me. 63. l thought
you' d have the tea made by now. 64. He

27. A tanrok azt hittk, lusta vagyok. 28.

Beismerte, hogy bigmista. 29. Drgm, ki
mondta, hogy a te hibd? 30. Bevallottam,
mennyire ideges vagyok. 31. Elszr nem
tudta biztosan, mi a klnbsg. 32. Csak
megkrdeztem, hogy van, s majdnem leharapta a fejemet. 33. Azt mondta, nem hisz
nekem. 34. Azt mondta, megvannak a dokumentumai, amivel bizonythatja. 35. Tudta, hogy futnia kell. 36. Megkrdezte, hogy
rzem magam. 37. Megkrdezte, hova valsi vagyok, mivel foglalkozom, s meddig
maradok. 38. Megkrdezte, hazugsggal vdoljk-e. 39. Azt mondta, lvezi. 40. Tudtam, hogy trfl nak. 41. gy rezte, bmuljk az emberek. 42. Azt mondta, hamarosan visszajn . 43. Nem mondta, hova
megy? 44. Frances azt mondta, elmegy
egy kvhzba, de n nem mozdultam. 45.
Nem ktelkedett abban, hogy Becky az igazat mondja. 46. Sajnlta, hogy kptelen
szintbbnek hangzani. 47. gy reztem,
megbzhatok benne. 48. Jtt az orvos, s
azt mondta Raquelnek, hogy msnap elmehet. 49. Tudta, hogy valami hinyzik, de
nem emlkezett, hogy micsoda. 50. Nem
lehettnk biztosak-benne, hogy hova msz.
51. Azt hitted, becsapsz! 52. Gondolja,
hogy a kapitny tudta, hogy ma rosszra fordul az id? 53. Tudni akarta, msnap megcsinlom-e. 54. Azt mondta, elhozza legkzelebb, amikor jn. 55. Ugye Ann azt
mondta, hogy telefonl? 56. Tudtam, hogy
minden jra fordul. 57. gy dnttt, gondolkodik rajta. 58. Nem tudtam, hogy itt
leszel. 59. Nem gondolta, hogy tarts lesz
a hzassga. 60. Nem megmondtam, hogy
teljesen el fogja felejteni? 61. Akkor mirt
mondta, hogy elenged? 62. Fltem, hogy
kirg. 63. Azt hittem, mostanra elkszted


didn't know that l had been married before.

65. l told you that l had been a shorthand
typist for fifteen years. 66. l realized l had
been completely wrong i n my approach. 67.
You promised me, Mick. l thought we'd
agreed. 68. l told her that l had meant no
harm. 69. She did not believethat he had
told her the truth. 70. l thought you' d gone
over to the island. 71. When l told Mrs Goff
what had happened, she was quite pleased
with me. 72. Weil, l recognized that feeling
too, though l hadn't had it for a long time.
73. They wanted to know if l had transferred
any money into a foreign bank. 74.1 knew it
was the woman l had been locking for. 75. l
felt that she might be m_?king a mi~take. 76.
They said l might/could take their boat. 77.
He said he might come later. 78. He
should've said who was speaking. 79. l told
them that youwerein a meeting and you' d
call them back as soon as you got back. 80.
We agreed l' d jain h im as soon as l got work.
81. l said l would not sign anything if l did
not know it was true. 82. He said that if l called
on h im the next day he could see me. 83. He
said it might be worth a bit of money, so l
took it to the museum. 84. She wanted me to
tell her anything l might have heard about
them. 85. An expert said it might have suffered a failure in the machinery. 86. She said
she wished she could remember you r name.

a tet. 64. Nem tudta, hogy voltam mr frjnl. 65. Mondtam neked, hogy tizent vig
gyors- s gpr voltam. 66. R jttem, hogy
teljesen rossz volt a megkzeltsem. 67.
Meggrted, Mick. Azt hittem, megegyeztnk. 68. Megmondtam neki, hogy nem
akartam bntani. 69. Nem hitte el, hogy az
igazat mondta neki. 70. Azt hittem, tmentl a szigetre. 71. Amikor elmondtam Mrs
Goffnak, mi trtnt, nagyon elgedett volt
velem. 72. Ami azt illeti, rismertem az rzsre, br rgen nem volt mr rszem benne. 73. Azt akartk tudni, utaltam-e t pnzt
klfldi bankba. 74. Tudtam, hogy ez az a
n, akit keresek. 75. gy reztem, taln hibt kvet el. 76. Azt mondtk, elvihetem a
csnakjukat 77. Azt mondta, lehet, hogy
ksbb jn. 78. Meg kellett volna mondania, ki beszl. 79. Megmondtam nekik, hogy
mtinged van, s mihelyt visszarsz, visszahvod ket. 80. Megegyeztnk, hogy mihelyt munkt kapok, utnamegyek. 81'. Azt
mondtam, nem rok al semmit, ha n.em tudom, hogy igaz-e. 82. Azt mondta, ha msnap beugrom hozz, tud fogadni. 83. Azt
mondta, szp kis summt rhet, gyhogy
bevittem a mzeumba. 84. Azt akarta, hogy
mindent mondjak el neki, amit esetleg hallottam rluk. 85. Egy szakrt szerint gphiba trtnhetett. 86. Azt mondta, brcsak
emlkezne a nevedre.

pusztn formai egyeztets

unjustified backshift
87. What did you say your name was? 88.
"How old are you?"- "Pardon?"- "l asked
how old you were." 89.1s this yourfirst vis it?
Weil, l thought it was. 90. l thought you
were the manager. 91. l was su re you knew
that. 92. l thought perhaps you wanted to
say something. 93. l didn't say she was innocent. 94. We neversaid we were cheap.
95. l didn't know you smoked.

87. Mit mondott, hogy hvjk? 88. " Mennyi

ids?"- "Tessk?"- 11 Azt krdeztem, mennyi
ids." 89. Most van itt elszr? Gondoltam.
90. Azt hittem, maga az zletvezet. 91.
Biztos voltam benne, hogy tudod. 92. Gondoltam, taln akarsz mondani valamit. 93.
Nem mondtam, hogy rtatlan. 94. Sose
mondtuk, hogy olcsk vagyunk. 95. Nem
tudtam, hogy dohnyzik.

nincs egyeztets

no backshift
96. l was just saying we never hear from
Joanna when she appeared. 97. l said you
haven't got the slightest idea of what's going on. 98. l happened to be passing, and l

96. ppen azt mondtam, soha nem hallunk

Joan na fell, amikor megjelent. 97. Azt mondtam, hogy halvny sejteirned sincs, mi trtnik. 98. Eppen erre stltam, s szrevettem,


noticed you have a tile loose. 99. He told

me he's getting married next January. 100. l
was telling your father the other day that
l've always li ked Betty. 101. You neve r told
me how you managed to end up in Ulan
Bator. 102. Shakespeare said that ali the
world's a stage. 103. Copernicus argued that
the Earth goes round the Sun. 104. Willie
said the kettie has just boi led. 105. She said
that she wi ll be 1 8 next y ear. 106. He telephoned and said he will be here by 4
o' clock - it's 1 o' clock now so you have
time to go out for lunch. 107. He claimed
that a child's early experiences may cause
psychologica l distress in later life. 108. She
said she mustn't see him. 109. He said l
must be joking. 11 O. At first they said he
must leavethe United Kingdom on 15 September. 111. He told me l needn't stay up
late for him. 112. We told him he should
be more carefu l. 113. l just thought you
ought to know. 114. My father would've
said l ought to do whatever was right for
me. 115. He said he would be glad if l
helped him drink it. 116. l thought you'd
like to see me. 117. l asked the woman if
she'd like to leave her number so l could
phone her. 118. So l thought l' d better let
you know. 119. l decided that if this was
going to be a joke then l'd better join in
quickly, so l forced myselfto smile with her.
120. l was sure she would rather give up
everything than let me go.

hogy meglazult egy cserp a hztetn. 99. Elmondta, hogy jv janurban hzasodik. 100.
Aminap mondtam az desapjnak, hogy mindig is kedveltem Bettyt. 101. Mg soha nem
meslted el, hogyan sikerlt vgl Ulnbtorban kiktntk 102. Shakespeareszerint sznhz az egsz vilg. 103. Kopernikusz azt lltotta, hogy a Fld a Nap krl forog. 104. Wi ll ie
.szlt, hogy felforrt a teavz. 105. Azt mondta,
jvre lesz 18 ves. 106. Telefonlt s azt
mondta, ngyre lesz itt - most egy ra van,
gyhogy van idd elmenni ebdelni. 107. Azt
lltotta, hogy a gyermek korai tapasztalsai lelki zavarokat okozhatnak a ksbbi letvekben. 108. Azt mondta, nem tallkozhat vele.
109. Azt mondta, biztosan viccelek. 11 O. El
szr azt mondtk, hogy szeptember 15-n el
kell hagynia az Egyeslt Kirlysgot. 111. Azt
mondta, nem kell miatta sokig fennmaradnom. 112. Mondtuk neki, hogy vatosabb kellene, hogy legyen. 113. Csak gy gondoltam,
tudnod kell. 114. Apm azt mondta volna, azt
kell tennem, amit helyesnek tartok. 115. Azt
mondta, rlne, ha segtenk neki meginni. v.:
Azt mondta, rlni fog, ha segtek neki meginni. 116. Gondoltam, ltni szeretnl. 117. Megkrdeztem a nt, nem akarja-e megadni a szmt, hogy felhvhassam. 118. Szval gy gondoltam, jobb, ha rtestelek. 119. gy dntttem, hogy ha valami trfa kszl, jobb, ha gyorsan beszll ok, gyhogy knyszeren bele mosolyogtam. 120. Biztos voltam benne, hogy inkbb mindent felad, minthogy elengedjen.

He said l must be joking. NOT: Ile ~aid l had to be jokir-,g.


"HE WILL SAY. .. "

121. You' ll think I'm lying. 122. He's going
to believe we don't want to let him in on
it. 123. Perhaps they will think it was my
fau It. 124. Wi ll they su ggest that we move
over to their place? 125. I'm not going to
tellthem you're here.

121. Azt fogod gondolni, hogy hazudok.

122. Azt fogja hinni, hogy nem akarjuk beavatni. 123. Valsznleg gy gondoljk
majd, hogy az n hibm volt. 124. Azt javasoljk majd, hogy kltzznk t hozzjuk?
125. Nem mondom meg nekik, hogy itt vagy.


126. l would not advise taking a boat in
this weather. 127. l advised her not to tell
Jimmy. 128. What would you advise me to

126. Nem javasolnm, hogy ebben az id

ben csnakkal menjenek. 127. Azt tancsoltam, ne mondja el Jimmynek. 128. Mit tan-


do? 129. l advise you that you should have

plenty of rest. 130. My father demanded to
see the manager. 131. Outside Thomas and
Mary Lou were banging on the door demanding to be let in. 132. He demanded
that l should tell h im what l had found. 133.
They demanded that ali thenames be made
public. 134. Maimie insisted on coming up
to see the bedroom. 135. On the other day
she insisted on being carried downstairs and
outside. 136. She insists that she didn't see
them leave. 137. The guard insisted that we
should walk on to the gate. 138. The judge
insisted that he take a look at the knife. 139.
He ordered me to take the dog home.140.
They ordered the gate to be shut weil before dark. 141 . Can't you orderthem to set
h im free? 142. l ordered that the guns should
be ta ken to my barracks. 143. They ordered
that the flag be flown at half-mast 144. l
propose setting up a special committee.
145. The Council proposed to build a new
service area on the M4. 146. Isabelle proposed that we plant trees. 147. Can l recommend a trip to Rome? 148. l don't recommend going for long walks if you feel
weak. 149.1 would recommend you not to
do that, Mr Spencer. 150. Doctor Laneaster
recommended that l should stay in bed for
the rest of the da y. 151. The committee recommended that membership of football
clubs be made compulsory. 152. Variaus
solutiens were suggested but Dr Khan found
them ali inadequate or too costly. 153. She
suggested setting up a campany together.
154. What do you suggest we should do?
155. l suggested that she should phone her
husband's brother. 156. Then l suggest you
phone hm. 157. l suggest we pause here.
158. The tours are very popular, Mr Wilson, so may l suggest you book as soon as
possible? 159. Look Mr Horne, may l suggest that Maria be taken home, while you
st i ll have the chance to ta lk to th em. 160.
He wondered how long it would take to
get there.

csolna, mittegyek? 129.Azttancsolom, hogy

pihenjen sokat. 130. Apm kvetelte, beszlhessen a fnkkel. 131. Odakinn Thomas s
Mary Lou drmblt az ajtn, kvetelve,
hogy engedjk be ket. 132. Kvetelte, hogy
mondjam el neki, mit tudtam meg. 133. Kveteltk, hogy az sszes nv kerljn nyilvnossgra. 134. Maimie ragaszkodott hozz,
hogy feljjjn s megnzze a hlt. 135. Valamelyik nap ragaszkodott hozz, hogy hozzam le a lpcsn , ki a hz el. 136. Ragaszkodik ahhoz, hogy nem ltta ket tvozni.
137. Az r ragaszkodott hozz, hogy menjnk tovbb a kapuig. 138. A br mindenron ltni akarta a kst. 139. Megparancsolta, hogy vigyem haza a kutyt. 140. Parancsba adtk, hogy a kapu jval stteds
eltt legyen bezrva. 141. Nem tudja megparancsolni nekik, hogy bocsssk szabadon?
142. Megparancsoltam, hogy a fegyvereket
vigyk a barakkomba. 143. Azt parancsoltk,
hogy engedjk flrbocra a zszlt. 144. Javaslom, hogy lltsunk fel egy klnbizottsgot. 145. A tancs javasolta, hogy pljn egy
j szervizlloms az M4-en. 146. Isabelle azt
javasolta, ltessnk fkat. 147. Javasolhatok
egy rmai utazst? 148. Nem ajnlom a
hossz stkat, ha gyengnek rzi magt. 149.
Azt ajnl anm, ne tegye ezt, Mr Spencer. 150.
Dr Laneaster azt javasolta, hogy a nap htral v rszben maradjak gyban. 151. A bizottsg azt ajnlotta, hogy a futballklubokban
vezesskbe a ktelez tagsg rendszert. 152.
Klnfle megoldsokat javasoltak, de Dr
Khan mindegyiketelgtelennek, vagy tl kltsgesnek tallta. 153. Azt javasolta, hogy alaktsunk egytt cget. 154. Mit javasolsz, mit
tegynk? 155. Azt javasoltam, hvja fel a frje
btyjt. 156. Akkor azt javaslom, hvja fel.
157. Javaslom, hogy itt lljunk meg kicsit.
158. Nagyon npszerek ezek az utak, Mr
Wilson, gyhogy, ha javasolhatom, minl
elbb foglalja le a helyet. 159. Nzze, Mr
Horne, javasolhatom, hogy Mari t vigyk haza, amg mg van lehetsge r, hogy beszljen velk? 160. Tudni akarta, mennyi id alatt
r oda.

They suggested that we (should) stay. NOT: Tney ~ugge~ted (u~) to ~ta y-.


infinitive with to


a to + fnvi igenv

q 19: be said to etc. q 48: focus and emphasis ~ 59/126-160: reporting verbs q63/26-39: it as subject
q 80: obligatory elements after the verb q87/160-176: passive infinitive q1 04: so that, so as to, in order
to q127: verbs 1: reported requests q133: verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs q13S: verbs IX: -ing form
or to+ infinitive after v.erbs q Reference 1



1. l do it to do it. 2. l am here to make a

fortune. 3. She got up to go. 4. l came here
to ask you to be my wife. 5. She started
drinking to forget. 6. Why don't we telephone to check? 7. ls that what you rang
up to ask, Bernadette? 8. l stopped in the
kitchen to put my boots on. 9. We have
come to fix the pi pes. 1O. Sheldon turned
to face the agent. 11. They paused for a
moment to look over the vall ey. 12. Nevertheless, she stayed to watch. 13. Josephi ne
went to find work in New York. 14. This
year l went to Ascot to write about the
peopl e there. lS. The last time l went to
the cinema was to get out of therain while
l was waiting for a bus. 16. Are they telling
me these things to frighten me? 17. l get up
at 5.30 three mornings a week to swim. 18.
To turn on the computer, move this switch
to the right. 19. We should be carefui not
to spoil them . 20. More money is needed
to feed the family.

1. Azrt csinlom, hogy csinljam. 2. Azrt

vagyok itt, hogy meggazdagodj ak. 3. Fel kelt,
hogy elinduljon. 4. Azrt jttem, hogy megkrjelek, lgy a felesgem. 5. Inni kezdett,
hogy felejtsen. 6. Mirt nem szlunk oda telefonon, ellenrizni? 7. Bernadette, azrt hvtl fel, hogy ezt megkrdezd? 8. Meglltam a
konyhban felvenni a csizmm. 9. Jttnk javtani a csvet. 10. Sheldon szembefordult
az gynkkeL 11. Meglltak egy pillanatra,
hogy vgignzzenek a vlgyn. 12. Ennek ellenre ott maradt, hogy figyeljen. 13.
Josephi ne New Yorkba ment munkt keresni. 14. Idn elmentem Ascotba, hogy az ott
l emberekrl rjak. 15. Utoljra azrt voltam moziban, hogy ne zzak meg, amg vrom a buszt. 16. Azrt mondjk ezeket, hogy
megijesszenek? 17. Hetente hromszor fl
hatkor kelek, hogy szni menjek. 18. A szmtgp bekapcsalshoz fordtsuk jobbra ezt
a kapcsolt. 19. Vigyznunk kell, nehogy elknyeztessk ket. 20. Tbb pnzre van szksg ahhoz, hogy enni adjunk a csaldnak.

l carne here to talk to you. NOT: l eame here for to-talk to you.


21. I'm sorry to bother you. 22. lt's frightfully difficult for me to speak of ali this. 23.
Do you fi n d it difficult to get into conversation wi th strangers? 24. l w as surprised .to
be invited. 25. He was much too upset to
l isten. 26. Thenwehave done right to come
here. 27. l am accustomed to certain
rhythms in my life. 28. Mr Carter was the

21. Elnzst, hogy zavarom. 22. Borzaszt

nehz nekem errl az egszrl beszlni. 23.
Nehezre esik idegenekkel beszlgetsbe elegyedni? 24. Meglepdtem, hogy meghvtak.
25. Tl ideges volt ahhoz, hogy odafigyel jen.
26. Akkor jl tettk, hogy idejttnk. 27. Hozz vagyok szokva ahhoz, hogy bizonyos ritmus szerint ljek. 28. Mr Carter rkezett utol-


last to arrive. 29. She loves parties. She is

always the first to arrive and the last to
leave. 30. It was wanderfui to be home.
31. It would be exciting to canoe down
the river. 32. It would be interesting to
compare them. 33. It would have been so
nice to see you- next time perhaps. 34. It
was kind of you to express so much interest in our project. 35. It is better to tax
spending than to tax earnings. 36. The instructions are easy to follow. 37. If you l ve
in a damp cold building difficult to heat
you will contract rheumatism. 38. And
he'd better wear light clothes, something
easy to swim in. 39. I'm so sorry to have
kept you waiting. 40. l was ashamed to
have spent so much time in his bed. 41. l
was disappointed to have missed hm. 42.
I'm happy to have been abi e to talk to you.

jra. 29. tmdja a partikat Mindig rkezik

elszr, s megy el utoljra. 30. Csodlatos

volt otthon lenni. 31. lz_galmas lenne kenun

lemenni a folyn. 32. Erdekes lenne sszehasonltani ket. 33. Olyan j lett volna tallkozni - taln majd legkzelebb. 34. Igazn
kedves volt ntl, hogy ilyen nagy rdekl
dst tanstott a projektnk irnt. 35. Helyesebb a fogyasztst adztatni, mint a kereseteket. 36. Az utastsok knnyen kvethetek
37. Ha nedves, hideg, nehezen fthet pletben lakik az ember, knnyen reums lesz.
38. s jobban tenn, ha valami laza ltzket hzna, amibenknny szn i. 39. Igazn
sajnlom, hogy megvrakoztattam. 40. Szgyelltem, hogy olyan sok idt tltttem az
gyban. 41. Csaldott voltam, amirt lemaradtam a tallkozsrl. 42. Boldog vagyok,
hogy tudtam nne! beszlni.




43. You only give me routine work to do.
44. We haven't a penny to pay these bills
with. 45. It is twenty pounds to join. 46. It
is a mistake to look too far ahead. 47. l have
something to tell you. 48. You've got Mary
to help you. 49. l've got some drawings to
finish. 50. l thi nk l have gotquite a talent to
amuse people. 51. She had milking to do,
calves to feed and bal es of hay to carry to a
barn. 52. I'm afraid I'm not in a position to
revealany information on that. 53. The first
taskofa campany director is to make decisions. 54. l've never known a woman to
spend so much time in a garage. 55. The
worst orchestra ever to perform in public
was the Portsmouth Symphonia. 56. She
was the only one to survive the crash. 57.
The first people to arrve were Mr Shaw and
his niece. 58. Who was the first person to
swim the English Channel? 59. Wasn't he
the first person to have windsurfed araund
the United Kingdom? 60. This is the right
thing to do. 61. That's a nasty thing to say.
62. This is a difficult thing to discuss. 63.
That was really a stupid thing to do in the
circumstances. 64. l've got a right to know
that. 65. l don't think l'd have the courage

43. Mindig csak rutinmunkt adsz nekem.

44. Egy fillrnk sincs ki fizetni ezeket a szmlkat. 45. Hsz fontba kerl a tagsg. 46.
Hiba tlsgosan elre gondolkodni. 47. Van
valami, amit el kell mondanom. 48. Neked
ott van segtsgnek Mary. 49. Van egypr
rajz, amiket be kell fejeznem. 50. Azt hiszem,
van nmi tehetsgem ahhoz, hogy szrakoztassam az embereket. 51. Mg fejnie kellett,
megetetnie a borjakat, s az istllba hordani a sznablkat. 52. Attl tartok, nem vagyok abban a helyzetben, hogy brmilyen
informcit adhassak errl. 53. Egy cg vezetjnek els szm feladata, hogy dntseket hozzon. 54. Mg sosem tallkeztam
olyan nvel, aki ilyen sok idt tlttt volna
a garzsba n. 55. A legrosszabb zenekar, amelyik valaha is fellpett, a Portsmouth
Symphonia volt. 56. O volt az egyetlen, aki
tllte a szerencstlensget. 57. Mr Shaw s
az unokahga rkeztek elszr. 58. Ki szta
t elsnek a La Manche csatornt? 59. Nem
volt az els, aki szrfn megkerlte az
Egyeslt Kirlysgot? 60. Ez a helyes lps.
61. Csnya dolog ezt mondani. 62. Nehz
errl beszlni. 63. Az adott krlmnyek kztt ez tnyleg butasg volt. 64. Jogom van


to live on my own again. 66. Her first instinct was not to believe any of it. 67. It
isn't a very interesting town to live in. 68.
Of course she has the money to preserve
her looks. 69. l have a compiaint to make.
70. l have something important to say. 71.
Th ere were pi les of letters to be answered.
72. There is a problem to be solved. 73.
There's no time to lose. 74. There's not
much to do in a cell, you know. 75. There
was nowhere to sit. 76. There's always
someone new to meet. 77. There's still some
work to be done. 78. There's nothing to
worry about. 79. There's nothing in the
house to steal. 80. Have you got anything
to eat?

hozz, hogy tudjam. 65. Azt hiszem, nem

lenne btorsgom ahhoz, hogy megint"egyedl ljek. 66. Az sztnei azt sgtk, egy
szt se higgyen el az egszbL 67. Nem igazn rdekes ebben a vrosban lakni. 68. Persze van pnze megrizni a szpsgt. 69.
Panaszt szeretnk tenni. 70. Fontos mondanivalm van. 71. Halomban lltak a megvlaszoland levelek. 72. Van egy problma,
amit meg kell oldani. 73. Nincs veszteni val idnk. 74. Egy cellban, tudod, nem sok
mindent lehet csinlni. 75. Nem volt hova
lni. 76. Mindig j embereket lehet megismerni. 77. Mg mindig van mit csinlni. 78.
Nincs mirt aggdni. 79. Nincs mit ellopni
a hzbl. 80. Van valami ennivald?

l've got a right to know that. NOT: l' oe got a right that l know that.




81. l don't know what to do. 82. l don't

know who to turn to for help. 83. Can you
tell me who to write to? 84. Nobody knew
what to say. 85. Often it's Iess important
to know what to say than what not to say.
86. l did not know what to wear. 87. l have
no idea what to buy for my father for his
birthday. 88. Jack couldn't decide which
job to take. 89. l don't know where to start.
90. 1'11 show you where to put it. 91.
Lannath will show you where to go. 92. l
suppose you know how to waltz. 93. Do
you know how to knit? 94. l don't know
how to thank you ... 95. If only l knew how
to begin.

81. Nem tudom, mit csinljak. 82. Nem tudom, kihez forduljak segtsgrt. 83. Meg
tudod mondani, kinek rjak? 84. Senki nem
tudta, mit mondjon. 85. Gyakran kevsb
fontos azt tudni, mit mondjunk, mint azt,
hogy mit ne mondjunk. 86. Nem tudtam,
mit vegyek fel. 87. Fogalmam sincs, mitvegyek apmnak a szletsnapjra. 88. Jack
nem tudta eldnteni, melyik llst vlassza.
89. Nem tudom, hol kezd jem. 90. Megmutatom, hova rakd. 91. Lannath majd megmutatja, merre menjen. 92. Felttelezem,
tud keringzni. 93. Tudsz ktni? 94. Nem
tudom, hogy ksznjem meg. 95. Brcsak
tudnm, hogy kezdjem.

l didn't know what to say. NOT: l didn't k1 1VV that what l ~a;.



96. To err is human. 97. To use violence to pun
ish a child is always wrong. 98. To promote healthy
living is our chief aim. 99. To be kind and gener
ous counts for nothing with men.

96. Tvedni emberi dolog. 97. Erszakot alkalmazni a gyerekek bntetsekor mindenkppen helytelen. 98. F clunk az egszsges letmd propaglsa. 99. A kedvessg
s nagylelksg mit se szmt a frfiaknak.

<=>61 : -ing form <=>63: it as subject/object




100. Mary w as wa i ting for her husband to

come home from work. 101. lt's foolish for
h im to do that. 102. lt's unusua l for Fred to
lose his temper. 103. Do you th ink it's norma! for a 14-year-old girl to act like this?
104. She made it difficult for john to refuse.
1 05. It was dangerous for wo me n to go out
after dark. 106. I' m eager for Mark and his
friends to join us. 107. We ali seem to agree
that it's pointlessfor ali of us to stay. 108.
I'm not absolutely sure if it's right for us to
go ba ck together, you and l, anyway. 109.
lt's essential forthere to be an index at the
back. 110. That night there were too many
clouds for the moon to shine into their bedroom. 111. There's no need for you to hurry
back. 112. Their idea was for us to share
the room with the instructor. 113. Our plan
is for Pau l to start college next year. 114.
The best thing would be for her to tell everybody. 115. l've made an appointment for
you both to go and see a good family therapi st. 116. It is an excellent opportunity for
me to meet new people. 117. The solution
would be for a ticket to be issued on entry
to the car park. 118. lt's easy for you to ta lk.
119. l didn't wait for her to say anything.
120. Now if you would let me arrange for
you to see a specialist... 121. Ali he needs
is for you to cheer up and he' d be fine. 122.
I'm longing for everybody to go home. 123.
It' ll su it me best for you to arrve at 1O pm.
124. He called a nurse and told her to arrange for Marjorie to be X-rayed.



1 00. Mary vrta, hogy a frje hazajjjn a munkbl. 101. Butasg volt, hogy ezt tette. 102.
Ritkasg, hogy Fred elvesztse a treimt 103.
Gondolod, normlis, hogyegytizenngyves
lny gy viselkedjen? 104. Megneheztette
John nak, hogy visszautastsa. 105. Veszlyes
volt nknek stteds utn az utcra menni.
106. Nagyon szeretnm, hosy Mark s a bartai velnk jjjenek. 107. Ugy tnik, egyetrtnk abban, hogy felesleges mindannyiunknak itt maradni. 108. Egybknt sem vagyok
biztos benne, hogy helyes, ha te meg n egytt
megynk vissza. 109. Elengedhetetlen, hogy
legyen index a vgn. 11 O. Azon az jszakn
olyan sok felh volt az gen, hogy a hold nem
sthetett be a szobjukba. 111. Nem fontos
sietned vissza. 112. Az volt az elkpzelsk,
hogy egy szobba tesznek minket az oktatval. 113. Azt tervezzk, hogy Paul jvre fis
kolra megy. 114. Az lenne a legjobb, ha mindenkinek elmondan. 115. Megbeszltem egy
idpontot ketttk szmra egy j csaldterapeutval. 116. Remek lehetsg nekem arra,
hogy j ismersket szerezzek. 117. A megolds az lenne, ha a parkolba val behajtskor
adnnak egy jegyet. 118. Te knnyen beszlsz.
119. Nem vrtam meg, hogy brmit mondjon. 120. Ha megengedn, hogy megbeszljek egy idpontot nnek egy specialistval ...
121. Semmi msra nincs szksge, csak arra,
hogy te vidmabb legyl, s mris rendbe jnne is. 122. Azt szeretnm, ha mindenki hazamenne. 123. Nekem az felelne meg a legjobban, ha n este tzkor rkezne. 124. Odahvott egy nvrt s megbeszlte vele, hogy
Marjorie-t megrntgenezzk

too~ 112:


take time etc.



125. l woke up to find the van was on the

125. Arra bredtem, hogy a furgon ton van
way home. 126. l ca me ba ck on ly to fi nd they
hazafel. 126. Arra rkeztem vissza, hogy pwere eating up what was left of my steak. 127.
pen megeszik a bifsztekern maradkt. 127.
Hereturned to his bedroom, only to hear noises Visszament a hlszobba, de akkor meg a
msodik emeleti erklyajt fell hallott zajoat his second floor balcony door. 128. They
kat. 128. Arra rkeztek haza, hogy kt betr
returned to their home to find two burglars rankutat a holmijaik kzt. 129. lete legnagyobb
sacking their belongings. 129. He opened the
door to have the surprise of his life.
meglepetse rte, amikor kinyitotta az ajtt.


130. Try and turn it inside out. 131. Try and
130. Prbld meg kifordtani. 131. Prblj
remember you r mother's adv ice. 132. Weil,
visszaemlkezni az desanyd tancsra.
l thought we might try and catch that Freneh
132. Arra gondoltam, taln megprblhatfilm at the Curzon. 133. You'll have to try
nnk megcspni azt a francia filmet a
and make up for lost time. 134. The counCurzonban. 133. Meg kell prblnod behozcil decided to try and kill ali the snakes in
ni az elvesztegetett idt. 134. A tancs gy
the area. 135. We must wait and see. 136.
dnttt, megprblja kiirtani a krnykrl a
Come on, hurry up and open it. 137. Go
kgykat. 135. Majd megltjuk. 136. Gyernk,
and post it right now. 138. You could come siess mr, nyisd ki! 137. Menj s add fel most
and see me tomorrow perhaps. 139. l'd
rgtn! 138. Esetleg eljhetne hozzm holbetter go and collect my car from the ponap. 139. Azt hiszem, jobb lesz, ha megyek
lice station
s elhozom a rendrsgrl az autmat.


140. l'd like to really understand his reasons. 141. It is my duty to plainly tell you
the truth. 142. l've no idea where it is, it
seems to have just disappeared. 143. The
children are very pleased to have finally met
their unde. 144. They began to slowly creep
back towards the bushes.

-ing form

140. Szeretnm valban rteni az indokaikat. 141. Ktelessgem nyltan megmondani az igazat. 142. Fogalmam sincs, hol van,
gy tnik, egyszeren csak eltnt. 143. A
gyerekek nagyon rlnek, hogy vgre megismerhettk a nagybtyjukat. 144. Elkezdtek lassan visszakszni a bokrok fel.

az -ing-es alak


~63/40 -43:

it as subject ~76: no good, no point etc. ~85 : participle structures ~131 : verbs V: see sy.
come/coming ~ 1 34: verbs VIli : -ing form after verbs ~135: verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after
verbs ~ 146: worth ~ Reference 1




1. Learning English is pointless. 2 . Timing is vital. 3. Smu ggling is a crime. 4.
Teaching is terribly stimulating. 5. What
does being fri ends mean? 6 . Horse racing is a very popular sport in Britain. 7.
Shopping here is different from shopping
elsewhere. 8. Going to the cinema to me
is just a way to kill time. 9. Thinking always made h im sleepy. 1 O. Talking over
old photographs could make him cry. 11.
Buying a computer will solve ali your
problems. 12. lsn't traveliing first class
very expensive in your country? 13. Runn ing a pub is like having a party in your

1. Angolul tanulni rtelmetlen. 2. Az id

zts ltfontossg. 3. A csempszs bn .
4. A tants borzasztan izgalmas. 5. Mit
jelent bartoknak lenni? 6. A lverseny
nagyon npszer sport Nagy-Britanniban. 7. Itt vsrolni ms, mint mshol. 8.
Moziba csak azrt jrok, hogy elssem valamivel az idt. 9. A gondolkods mindig
ellmostotta. 1 O. Olykor megrkatta t,
ha rgi fotkat nzve beszlgettnk. 11.
Minden problmjt megoldja, ha vesz
egy szmtgpet 12. Nem nagyon drga az nk orszgban e ls osztlyon
utazni? 13. Ha van egy pubod, az olyan,


house seven days a week. 14. Eating out

will probably cost you at least f7 or f8
per person. 15. Without a rope climbing
is suicide. 16. Being able to communicate properly with people agai n did wonders for my self-confidence. 17. W e
watched the changing of the guards take
place. 18. l believe the shooting of the
Pope may at last be the catalyst for a global anti-terrorism campaign.

mintna a ht minden napjn buli lenne

nlad. 14. tteremben enni valsznleg
legalbb 7-8 fontba kerl fejenknt. 15.
Ktl nlkl a hegymszs ngyilkossg.
16. Az, hogy megint kpes voltam megfelelen kommuniklni az emberekkel,
csodlatosan megnvelte az nbizalmamat. 17. Figyeltk az rsgvltst 18. gy
vlem, az, hogy rlttek a ppra, vgre
kataliztora lehet egy v i lgmret terro-:rizmusellenes kampnynak.

Teaching is terribly stimulating. NOT: The teaching is terribly stimulating.



19. Thank you forthanking me. 20. l have

often dreamt of being-rich. 21. 'I'm not
interested in being a hero. 22. Please forgve me for bei n g so ru de. 23. So far from
being silly, the goat is a highly intelligent
animai. 24. l've changed my mind about
going to London. 25. Surprisingly, they
looked happy about having to stay in. 26.
l was driving towards Otley in West York
after visiting a friend in a viliage near
Wetherby. 27. He's good at making excuses. 28. Please, register before going up
to your room . 29. I'm sorry for troubling
you. 30. lt's terribly hot for cycling, don't
you think? 31. That water is a bit chiily
for swimming, isn't it? 32. I'm fond of
reading. 33. I'm afraid of losing my way.
34. I'm sick and ti red of playing with rabbits. 35. I'm thinking of going into advertising. 36. l wouldn't waste thirty thousand pounds on buying a semi-detached
house. 37. We sat there without talking.
38. He entered without knocking. 39. l
wore odd socks yesterday without knowing it. 40. l am sorry about not inviting
you. 41. Kasparov had other reasons for
not wanting to play in Manchester. 42.
Look at john lifting that big rock. 43.
Margaret rather fancied the idea of her
Harry being an MP. 44. ls Geoffrey connected with Brian being in gaol? 45. She
seemed quite ahnoyed about john's forgetting to call her back. 46. Do you feel a
worse woman for having spent these few

19. Ksznet a ksznetrt. 20. Gyakran lmodtam arrl, hogy gazdag leszek. 21. Nem
rdekel, hogy hs legyek. 22. Krlek, bocssd
meg, hogy olyan durva voltam. 23. A kecske
teht messze nem ostoba, hanem nagyon is
intelligens llat. 24. Meggondoltam magam
a londoni utazssal kapcsolatban. 25. Meglep mdon rlni ltszottak annak, hogy
benn kell maradni uk. 26. A nyugat-yorki Otley
fel hajtottam, miutn megltogattam a bartomat egy faluban Wetherby mellett. 27. Nagyon gyesen tud mentsgekettallni. 28. Krjk, jelentkezzen be, mieltt felmegy a szobjba. 29. Elnzst, hogy zavarom. 30. Nem
gondolod, hogyborzaszt meleg van ahhoz,
hogy biciklizznk? 31. Kicsit hideg ez a vz
ahhoz, hogy sszunk benne, nem? 32. Nagyon szeretek olvasni. 33. Flek, hogy eltvedek. 34. Torkig vagyok mr azzal, hogy nyulakkal jtsszam. 35. Azon gondolkozom, hogy
a reklmszakmban helyezkedern el. 36. En
nem pazarolnk harmincezer fontot arra,
hogy ikerhzat vegyek. 37. Ott ltnk sz nlkl. 38. Kopogs nlkl jtt be. 39. Felems
zokni volt rajtam tegnap, s szre se vettem.
40. Bnom, hogy nem hvtalak meg. 41.
Kaszparovnak egyb okai is voltak arra, hogy
ne akarjon Manchesterben jtszani. 42. Nzd,
hogy felemeli john azt a nagy sziklt! 43.
Margaretnek nagyon tetszett az tlet, hogy az
Harryjbl parlamenti kpvisel lesz. 44.
Van kze Geoffreynak ahhoz, hogy Brian brtnben van? 45. Nagyon idegesnek tnt amiatt, hogy John elfelejtette visszahvni. 46.


minutes with me? 47. We haven't been

informed about there being any proposals to consider.

Rosszabb nnek rzi magt amiatt, hogy velem tlttte ezt a nhny percet? 47. Nem
rtestettek bennnket arrl, hogy vannak
megfontolsra vr javaslatok.

~Reference 6, 7, 8



48. Come swimming with us. 49. Have you
done any computing? 50. On my afternoons
off l've been doing quite a bit of sunbathing and swimming. 51. He goes gambling
almost every night. 52. Linda goes fishing
on Saturdays. 53. Will you go sking tomorrow? 54. Nevergo shopping for food on an
empty stomach. 55. l went hang-gliding
yesterday. 56. Margaret was too ill to go
out looking for rooms.


48. Gyere velnk sznil 49. Dolgoztl mr

szmtgpen? 50. Szabad dlutnjaimon
sokat napozom s szom mostanban. 51.
Majdnem minden este szeren csejtkot jtszik. 52. Linda szombatonknt horgszni
jr. 53. Msz holnap selni? 54. Soha ne
menjnk res gyomorral lelmiszert vsrolni . 55. Tegnap srknyreplni voltam. 56.
Margaret olyan beteg volt, hogy nem tudott
felkelni s albrletet keresni.


fordtott szrend


1. So severe was the pain that I called an ambu
lance . 2. H arcily had we arrved when the phone
rang. 3. Scarcely had she put her head o n the
pillow, that sh e fell into a deep sleep. 4. No
saoner had Wobble slammed th e door than the
telephone rang agai n . 5. No sooner had he drunk
the coffee than he began to feel drowsy. 6. Never
in my life had l seen such a mess. 7. Never be
fore had the leopard climbed so high. 8. Rarely
can a politician fuifi l ali campaign promises. 9.
Seidom will you find a better bargain. 1 O. Only
w h en I had go t on the bus did l realize that I' d
left my purse at home. 11. Only sometimes do
tropical storms reach northern a reas . 12. Only
long after the relationship was finished with Mia
did ours very gradually drift into an intimate rela
tionship. 13. Only by usi ng a powerful micro
scope can you see the intricate cell-structure. 14.
Not only can Bill sing, but he can dance as weil.
15. Not only did he borrow my car without ask
ing, he also brought it back covered in mud. 16.
On no account may you return after midnight.
17. On no account must this switch be touched.

1. Olyan ers volt a fjdalom, hogy mentt

hvtam. 2. Alig rkeztnk meg, amikor megszlalt a telefon. 3. Mg alig hajtotta a fejt a
prnra, mris mly lomba merlt. 4. Alighogy Wobble bevgta maga mgtt az ajtt,
mr jbl csngtt is a telefon. 5. pp hogy
megitta a kvjt, s mris ellmosodott. 6.
Soha letemben nem lttam mg ilyen rendetlensget. 7. Soha ilyen magasra nem mszott mg a leoprd. 8. Egy politikus ritkn
tudja valamennyi..kampnygrett teljesteni. 9. Ennl jobb zletet nemigen kthetsz.
1O. Csak mikor mr felszlltam a buszra, jutott eszembe, hogy otthon hagytam a pnztrcm. 11. A trpusi viharok csak nagyon ritkn rik el az szaki terleteket 12. A m i kapcsolatunk csak az utn vlt benssgesebb,
hogy Mival mr rgen szaktottunk 13. Csak
nagyon ers mikroszkp segtsgvel lthatjuk a bonyolult sejtstruktrt 14. Bill nemcsak nekelni, de tncolni is tud. 15. Nemcsak hogy a megkrdezsem nlkl klcsnvette az autmat, de radsu l srosan hozta


18. I often stayed up late before exams, as did

most of my friends. 19. Nowhere can I think so
happily as in a train. 20. In no way are my com
ments intended as a criticism. 21. Under no cir
cumstances must you contact the police. 22. N or
was it possible to keep the matter secret.

vissza. 16. Semmikppen nem szabad jfl

utn hazajnnd. 17. Semmikppen sem szabad hozznylni ehhez a kapcsolhoz. 18.
Vizsgk eltt gyakran sokig fennmaradtam,
akrcsak a legtbb bartom. 19. Sehol mshol
nem tudok olyan nyugodtan gondolkodni, mint
a vonaton. 20. Megjegyzseimet semmikppen sem kritiknak sznom. 21. Semmilyen
krlmnyek kztt sem szabad kapcsolatba
lpnik a rendrsggeL 22. De az sem volt
lehetsges, hogy titokban tartsk az gyet.

36: either, neither/nor do l, so do l

hardly etc. without inversion

alig stb. fordtott szrend nlkl

23. He warked so hard, that he was quite

worn out. 24. We had_hardly gooe to bed
when his mother came. 25. He awoke, and
it seemed that he had scarcely elosed his
eyes. 26. l had no saoner left the house tha n
it started to rain. 27. He had never seen such
chaos before. 28. l have rarely seen such
an abundance of dishes. 29. l will seldom,
if ever, drink alcohol, since having my liver
operation. 30. She only realized her fatal
mistake much later. 31. He not only gave
us thenames we needed but al so promised
to let us look into their files. 32. l know l
wouldn't find the same kind of people anywhere else. 33. My comments should in no
way be regarded as a criticism. 34. You
should not try and remave its cover under
any circumstances.

23. Olyan kemnyen dolgozott, hogy teljesen kimerlt. 24. Alig bjtunk gyba, amikor belltott az anyja. 25. Amikor felbredt, gy rezte, pp csak az elbb hunyta
le a szemt. 26. Alig lptem ki az ajtn,
amikor eleredt az es. 27. Soha nem ltott
mg ilyen koszt. 28. Ritkn lttam ennyifle telt. 29. Ritkn, szinte soha nem iszom
alkoholt, amita a mjamat operltk. 30.
Csak sokkal ksbb dbbent r, mekkort
hibzott. 31. Nemcsak odaadta a neveket,
amiket krtnk, hanem azt is meggrte,
hogy belenzhetnk a szemlyi anyagaikba. 32. Tudom, hogy sehol mshol nem tallnk ugyanilyen embereket. 33. Megjegyzseimet egyltaln ne tekintsk kritiknak.
34. Semmilyen krlmnyek kztt nem
szabad megprblnia eltvoltani a fedelt.



35. "Let's get going," said John. 36. "And
weletthem go," added Ruskin, smiling. 37.
"How very interesting," grumbled Jeff, stifling a yawn. 38. "Why go on?" asked Doris.
39. Hello, said John.

35. Rajta, induljunk - szlt John. 36. s mi

hagytuk ket elmenni- tette hozz Ruski n
mosolyogva. 37. Rendkvl rdekes- morogta Jeff, s elnyomott egy stst. 38. Mirt folytassuk? - krdezte Doris. 39. Hello
- mondta John.


40. lsn't it a lovely day! 41. lsn't it nice to
meet them again! 42. Aren't they lovely!
43. Doesn't it look beautifull

40. Ht nem gynyr napunk van! 41. Milyen csodlatos, hogy jra tallkozunk velk! 42. Ht nem desek?! 43. Ht nem gynyr?





44. Behind us is the Bowyers factory. 45.

On the unmade bed was a piece of paper.
46. On the doorstep lay her handkerchief,
which she had dropped. 47. On the top of
a hill stood an old church. 48. Down the
h ill rolls the ball. 49. Up into the clear blue
sky soared the brd. 50. A few yards further
on stood an ancient oak.

44. Ez itt mgttnk a Bowyers gyr. 45. A

vetetlen gyon egy darab papr volt. 46. A
fldre ejtett zsebkendje ott hevert a kszbn. 47. A hegy tetejn egy reg templom llott. 48. Gurul a labda le a hegyrl.
49. Felreplt a madr a tiszta kk g fel.
.50. Pr mterrel odbb llt egy sreg




51. Here comes Mandy at last. 52. Here

comes my friend. 53. There goes Mr Faraday. 54. There goes ou r bus. 55. Now comes
the difficult bit.

51. Vgre itt jn Mandy. 52. Itt jn a bartom. 53. Ott megy Mr Faraday. 54. Ott megy
a buszunk. 55. Most jn a neheze.



56. Were you to ask me agai n, I might accept.
57. Weren't it for the children, I would ask for a
divorce tom orrow. 58. H ad it been for Joe to
choose, we would have had yet anather holiday in
rainy old Britai n! 59. Should h e decide to accept
the job, he will have to sign this contract. 60. Had
I known earlier, I should have warned you. 61.
H ad l known his intention, l would certainly have
tried to stop him . 62. H ad I met her fiftee n yea rs
earlier l might well h ave got myself into some so rt
of trouble.

56. Ha mg egyszer megkrnl, taln elfogadnm. 57. Ha nem lennnek a gyerekek,

holnap beadnm a vlpert. 58. Ha joe vlaszthatott volna, megint a j reg ess Angliban nyaralunk! 59. Ha mgis gy dntene, hogy elfogadja az llst, al kell rnia ezt
a szerzdst. 60. Ha elbb tudom, figyelmeztettelek volna. 61. Ha tudtam volna, hogy ez
a szndka, termszetesen megprbltam volna lebeszlni. 62. Ha gy addik, hogy tizentwel korbban tallkozom vele, bizony
bajba sodorhattam volna magamat n is.

feltteles mondatok fordtott szrend nlkl

conditional sentences without inversion

63. If he was to die, Max would get ali the

money. 64. Do you real ize that if it weren't

63. Ha meghalna, Max lenne az sszes

pnz. 64. Tisztban vagy vele, hogy ha nem

formother we'd still be living at you r pl ace?

65. If she should come this way, stop her. 66. If it
hadn't been for the courageous action of
Dr Thomas, the child would certainly have
drowned. 67. If he had told the truth, he
wouldn't have been punished.

lenne anya, mg mindig nlatok laknnk?

65. Ha netn erre jnne, lltsd meg. 66.
Ha Dr Thomas nem cselekszik olyan btran, a gyermek bizonyosan megfullad. 67.
Ha megmondta volna az igazat, nem bntettk volna meg.


it as subject/object


as i" as though ~48 : focus and emphasis


az it mint alany vagy trgy

no good, no point etc.

~ 109: subjunctive after

adjectives ~121: this, that~146 : worth


IT MINT ALANY, "harmadika van"

1. lt's nearly half past 8. 2. lt's 3rd June. 3. l

forgot that it's Thursday. 4. Today is Monday,
is it not? 5. I'm glad it's not your birthday
every day of the week. 6. It was nearly midnight. 7. It was early dawn by the time he
fell asleep. 8. It was as dark as anything. 9.
It will be light soon. 10. lt's been snowing
for hours. 11. It ra i ned heavi ly. 12. l
wouldn't be surprised if it rained. 13. lnside the house it was always warm. 14. It
will be cold in ali areas tomorrow, and
might also be very windy.

15. lt's your mother and father. 16. How is it

going? 17. What was it between you two?
18. lt's right behind you, on the top shelf. 19.
lt's the firsttime that l've ever written to a newspaper. 20. It wasa year since she last smoked.
21. lt's ali your idea, moving to London. 22.
lt's not as easy as it may seem. 23. ls it ali
right if l use you r telephone? 24. ls it O . K. if l
sit here? 25. Perhaps it might have been better if you hadn't writteri letters to us.

1. Mr majdnem fl kilenc. 2. Jnius harmadika van. 3. Elfelejtettem, hogy ma cstrtk van. 4. Ugye ma htf van? 5. De j,
hogy nincs a ht minden napjn szletsnapod. 6. Mr majdnem jfl volt. 7. Kora
hajnal volt, amikor vgre elaludt. 8. Hihetetlenl stt volt. 9. Hamarosan vilgos
lesz. 1O. rk ta havazik. 11. Nagyon esett
az es. 12. Nem lepdnk meg, ha esne.
13. A hzban mindig meleg volt. 14. Holnap mindenhol hideg lesz, s ers szlfjs is vrhat.



15. Az anyd meg az apd az. 16. Hogy

megy? 17. Mi volt kztetek? 18. Pont mgtted van, a fels polcon. 19. Ez az els alkalom, hogy levelet rok egy jsgnak. 20. Egy
ve volt mr, hogy utoljra rgyjtott 21. Az
egsz a te tleted, a kltzs Londonba. 22.
Nem olyan knny, mint amilyennek taln
ltszik. 23. Nem problma, ha hasznlom a
telefont? 24. Nem baj, ha idelk? 25. Taln
jobb lett volna, ha nem rsz neknk.

' tudni"
26. Helytelen dolog hst enni? 27. Furcsa
26. ls it wrong to eat meat? 27. lt's fu n ny to
hear myself say that. 28. lt's impossible to
hallani magam, ahogy ezt mondom. 28.
please some people. 29. Surely you don't
Egyeseknek lehetetlen a kedvre tenni . 29.
Ugye nem gondolod komolyan, hogy lehetthink it's possible to generalize that way.
30. lt's so difficult to imagine what it was
sges gy ltalnostani? 30. Ugyemilyen nelike, isn't it? 31. Butsometimes it is hard to
hz elkpzelni, hogy milyen volt? 31. Csakhogy gyakran nehz megrteni, mit is akarunderstand what they want you to do. 32.
nak az embertl. 32. Rendkvl fontos szls it extremely important to you 'to get on
in the world'? 33. lt's far from easy to make
modra, hogy "elrehaladj az letben"? 33.
Tvolrl sem knny nyeresget termelni.
a profit. 34. Do you not th ink it was stupid
to put that blouse in your bag and walk
34. Nem gondolja, hogy butasg volt beleaway without paying? 35. Weil, l don't . tenni azt a blzt a szatyrba, s fizets nlkl tvozni? 35. Ht, nem tudom ... taln jknow... but it might be fun to try. 36. It
pofa volna kiprblni. 36. Butasg volna nem
would be stupid not to accept it. 37. lt's
37. Furcsa, hogy nyitva van jjel
unusua l for their garage to be open at night.
a garzsuk. 38. Csodlatos vgre megint az
38. It w as very n ice to be ba ck at my d esk.
rasztalomnl lni. 39. vek ta megvan az
39. It has been my habit for many years to


take a nap after lunch. 40. It was nice having you with us. 41. It was pleasant sitting
there in the sunshine with beer and cigarette. 42. You'll see it's fun working with
h im. 43. lt's crazy your talking li ke this. 44.
lt's possible (that) he is here. 45. lt's obvious that he is drunk. 46. lt's lucky that Jim
has a car. 47. It was really surprising that
she leftJason. 48. It is doubtfui that Hoover
knew what communism real ly was. 49. lt's
strange that she hasn't written for a whole
month. 50. lt's interesting that you should
enjoy a grand opera. 51. It is evident that
she will be elected. 52. lt's depressing how
we turn out to be like our parents. 53. It
turned out that she had forty-four dogs. 54.
Will it suit youtosend it over to my office
on Monday morning? 55. It really worried
ali of us that she didn't turn up at ali. 56. l
th ink it real ly broke her heart to see her son
like that. 57. The island was nearer than it
looked. 58. Didn't it occur to you they might
want to borrow it? 59. Does it matter
whether we paint the table before or after
the bookcase?

a szoksom, hogy ebd utn szundtok egyet.

40. Nagyon j volt, hogy velnk voltl. 41.
Kellemes volt ott lni a napstsben, srt
iszogatva, cigarettzva. 42. Meg fogja ltni,
lvezet vele dolgozni. 43. rltsg, hogy gy
beszlsz. 44. Lehetsges, hogy itt van. 45.
Nyilvnval, hogy rszeg. 46. Szerencse,
hogy Jimnek van autja. 47. Tnyleg megle. p volt, hogy elhagyta Jasont. 48. Ktsges,
tudta-e egyltaln Hoover, mi is a kommunizmus. 49. Furcsa, hogy mr egy teljes hnapja nem r. 50. rdekes, hogy te lvezni
tudsz egy nagyopert 51. Teljesen egyrtelm, hogy megvlasztjk. 52. Lehangol,
hogy mennyire olyanok lesznk, mint a szleink. 53. Kiderlt, hogy negyvenngy kutyja van. 54. Megfelel nnek, ha htf reggel
tkldi az irodmba? 55. Mindannyian nagyon aggdtunk, amirt egyltaln nem jelentkezett. 56. Azt hiszem, tnyleg majd' megszakadt a szve, hogy gy kellett ltnia a fit.
57. A sz iget kzelebb volt, mint tnt. 58. Nem
jutott eszedbe, hogy esetleg klcsn akarjk
krni? 59. Szmt az, hogy az asztalt, vagy a
knyvszekrnyt festjk le elbb?

1. It happened in June. NOT: It'~ napper 1ed in June. 2. I'm su re that he will come.
NOT: It'~ ~ure that l1e V"Vill come.
Q 32/38-51: con junctions: that Q 59: indirect speech 48: focus and emphasis Q60/1 00-124: to+
infinitive with subject


60. l th ink it right that we should return
immediately. 61. l thought it stupid of h im
to leave his old job. 62. He considered it
his du ty to resign. 63. The stitches in her
palate made it painful to talk. 64. He
made it ele ar that he wo u ld neve r accept
responsibi li ty for that. 65. She made it
obvious that she wanted us to leave. 66. l
find it difficult to believe anyone's that
lazy! 67. You always did find it hard to
adrnit you were wrong. 68. Don found it
impossible to l isten. 69. We'll leave it to
you to decide which group should .be

60. Helyesnek tartom, hogy azonnal visszainduljunk. 61. Butasgnak tartottam a rszrl, hogy otthagyta a rgi llst. 62. Ktelessgnek tartotta, hqgy lemondjon. 63. A szjpadlsn lv varratok fjdalmass tettk a
beszdet. 64. Nyilvnvalv tette, hogy ezrt
semmikppen nem vllalja a felelssget. 65.
Egyrtelmv tette, hogy azt szeretn, ha elmennnk. 66. Nehezemre esik elhinni, hogy
valaki ilyen lusta legyen. 67. Mindig is nehezedre esett elfogadni, hogy nem neked van
igazad. 68. Don lehetetlennek rezte, hogy
odafigyeljen. 69. Meghagyjuk nnek a dntst, hogy melyik csoportot szponzorljuk.

He made it clear that he disagreed. NOT: Ile n1ade clear that he di~agreed.
Q80: obligatory elements after the verb Q81/34-44:


so: substitution

kind of, sort of, type of


~ 105/1-14, 26-41 :

fle, fajta

some, any, no, none



1. What kind of house is it? 2. What sort

of a man is he? 3. What sort of music do
you like? 4. What sort of car was he driving? 5. What kind of job are you after? 6.
You're just the sort of person we need. 7.
He's the kind of boss Ilike. When he says
something, he means it. 8. Do you think
they're the sort of ants that sting? 9. She
felt the girls' hostility as a kind of betrayal.
1 O. There's some sort of technical problem with the plane.-11. Some kinds of
whale are almost extinct. 12. Men understand that sort of th ing. 13. That kind of
thing is rather difficult to talk about. 14.
Those sort of remarks are not going to help
us get closer. 15. l've never seen these
kind of plants before. 16. We don't like
questions of that kind in our interviews,
Bob. 17. "What do people keep in ali
th ese bottles?"- "Ali ki nds of th in gs." 18.
He had ali kinds of people around him
ali the time. 19. The walls were adorned
with ali kinds-of old-fashioned weapons.
20. We've used ali sorts of instrument(s)
to determine its size, but with no success.
21. It gives you ali sorts of information
on how to build your own cottage. 22.
People do ali sortsof silly things at university. 23. Alice doesn't like any kind of
sport. 24. The men l know at work, or
even friends l've known for years, they
just aren't the sort of people l would want
to marry. 25. The fourth experiment is of
arather different kind. 26. ls there a demonstration of some sort? 27. l had a kind
of feeling that she wanted me to leave.

1. Mifle hz ez? 2. Mifle frfi 6? 3. Mi.lyen zent szeretsz? 4. Milyen autt vezetett? 5. Milyen llst keres? 6. Maga pont
az a fajta ember, akire szksgnk van. 7.
Pont olyan fnk, amilyent szeretek. Ha
mond valamit, akkor azt gy is gondolja.
8. Gondolod, hogy ezek olyan hangyk,
amelyek cspnek? 9. A lnyok ellensgessgt valamifle rulsnak rezte. 1O. Valami technikai hiba van a gppel. 11. Egyes
blnafajtk mr majdnem kihaltak. 12. A
frfiak rtik az ilyesmit. 13. Az ilyesmirl
meglehetsen nehz beszlni. 14. Az ilyen
megjegyzsek nem igazn segtenek, hogy
kzelebb kerljnk egymshoz. 15. Ilyen
nvnyeket mg sose lttam. 16. Mi nem
szeretjk az ilyen krdseket az interj inkban, Bob. 17. "Mi mindenttartanak az emberek ezekben az vegecskkben?" "Mindenflt." 18. Mindig mindenfle emberek voltak krltte. 19. A falakat mindenfle rgimdi fegyver dsztette. 20.
Mindenfle mszerrel prbltuk meghatrozni a mrett, de sikertelenl. 21. Mindenfle informcit tartalmaz arrl, hogyan ptsnk magunknak hzikt. 22. Az
emberek mindenfle ostobasgot csinlnak
egyetemista korukban. 23. Alice semmifle sportot nem kedvel. 24. A frfiak, akikkel egytt dolgozom, vagy akr a bartaim, akiket vek ta ismerek, egyszeren
nem azok az emberek, akikhez hozzmennk felesgl. 25. A negyedik ksrlet mr
meglehetsen ms jelleg. 26. Valami tntetsfle van? 27. Olyan rzsem volt, hogy
azt szeretn, menjek el.

l li ke this kindisort of film. OR: l li ke these kind(s) of films. OR: l li ke films of this
kind. NOT: l lik~ thi~ kir,d/~ort of film~ .


28. He is a solitary type of person, really.
29. ls this the type of fan you' d like to have?
30. lt's not the type of plant you have to

28. olyan magnyos tpus. 29. Ilyen fajta ventiltort szeretnl? 30. Ez nem az a
fajta nvny, amit naponta kell locsolni.


water every day. 31. We've tried several

types of walipaper but they ali got dirty in
no time. 32. He has a weakness for women
of a certain type.

left: be left, have sg. left

31. Klnfle taptkkal prblkoztunk,

de mindegyik pillanatok alatt sszekoszoldott. 32. Egy bizonyos ntpus a gyengje.


megmaradt, meghagytk



1. I'm afraid there are no oranges left. 2.

There are no tickets left for tonight's performance. 3. He never got his roast beef because there were no piates left. 4. There is
nothing left in the freezer. 5. There isn't
enough left for both of us. 6. There'll be
plenty of money left. 7. There's nothing left
to say. 8. ls there no privacy left in the world!
9. ls there anybody left in the building? 10.
Actually, l've got some left. 11. Since we
have only one day left, we'd better make
an effort to finish. 12. We've still got two
kilos left over. 13. He is the only friend l
seem to have left now.


1. Attl tartok, nem maradt narancs. 2. A

mai eladsra nem maradt jegy. 3. A vgn
mgsem kapta meg a slt marhahst, mert
elfogytak a tnyrok. 4. Mr semmi sincs a
mlyhtben. 5. Nem maradt elg kettnk
nek. 6. Rengeteg pnz fog maradni. 7. Nincs
mr mit mondani. 8. Ht mr a vilgon semmi magnlete nem lehet az embernek? 9.
Maradt brki is az pletben? 1O. Tulajdonkppen nekem maradt egy kevske. 11. Mivel mr csak egy napunk van htra, meg
kellene ksrelnnk befejezni. 12. Mg mindig megmaradt kt kilnk. 13. gy tnik,
mostanra maradt az egyetlen bartom.


hagy, hadd s felszltsok

a /et-tel

5: al/ow, perm it, forbid Q 100: "sha/11... ?", "sha/1 we... ?" Q 34: discourse markers Q 57: imperatves

They let me stay. NOT: They let n e

~tayinsfto ~tay.


1. Allen lets them do ali kinds of things.
2. She doesn't let me do the shopping or
help her in any other way. 3. Why does
she let Charlotte make friends with the
Alvins? 4. Are you letting you r beard grow,
or what? 5. She let me borrow her motorbike. 6. Last night she let me feel her tits.
7. Ilet the dog sleep in my room last night.
8. She let an hour pass before entering
the building. 9. She lit a cigarette and let
the match burn unti l the flame w as touching her finger before dropping it into an
ashtray. 1 O. You must let us see it. 11. They
didn't let anyone leavethe main building.

1. Allen .mindent ll).egenged nekik. 2. Nem

hagyja, hogy bevsroljak neki, vagy hogy
brmi msban segtsek. 3. Mirt engedi, hogy
Charlotte Alvinkkal bartkozzon? 4. Nveszted a szakllad, vagy mi a szsz? 5. Megengedte, hogy klcsnvegyem a motorjt. 6. Tegnap este megengedte, hogy megfogjam a cicijt. 7. Mlt jszaka hagytam, hogy a kutya
a szobmban aludjon. 8. Vrt egy rt, mieltt bement volna az pletbe. 9. Meggyjtott egy cigarettt, majd hagyta, hogy a gyufa
a krmre gjen, mieltt bedobta volna a hamutartba. 1O. Meg kell engedned, hogy megnzzk. 11. Senkinek sem engedtk meg,


12. l was going to come and see you but

they didn't let me. 13. Why do we let th em
do this to us every summer? 14. Why
didn't you let me take care of ou r luggage?
15. l have orders to let no one pass
through this gate, Sir. 16. She refused to
let me help her do anything- get dressed,
get down the stairs, eat breakfast 17. l
th ink you might have told me, Al, and not
have let me make such a fool of myself.
18. We were let go. 19. For Christ's sake,
Samuel, let the man talk. 20. Please, let
us leave now, we promise not to tell anyone. 21. Let th em do what they l i ke. 22.
Never let your child play with a plastic
bag. 23. Do not let them see you. 24.
Don't let us discourage you, Mrs Hemingway. 25. l knew they were not going to
let me take Nigel with me. 26. I' m dead
sure he won't let you go to Brussels alone.
27. She said they had let her go off without a word. 28. You had better not let
David borrow your things any more. 29.
You should have let us do everything the
way we liked.

hogy elhagyja a fpletet. 12. El akartam jnni hozzd, de nem hagytk. 13. Mirt hagyjuk, hogy minden nyron ezt csinljk velnk?
14. Mirt nem hagytad rm a csomagokat?
15. Parancsom van r, hogy senkit ne engedjek t ezen a kapun, Uram. 16. Nem engedte, hogy brmiben segtsek - hogy felltzzn, lemenjen, vagy megreggelizzen. 17. Azt
hiszem, szlhattl volna, Al, ahelyett hogy
hagysz ekkora bolondot csinlni magambl.
18. Elengedtek minket. 19. Az g szerelmre,
Samuel, hagyd mr beszlni ezt az embert!
20. Krem, engedjen most minket el, meggrjk, hogy nem mondjuk el senkinek. 21.
Hadd csinljk, amit akarnak. 22. Sose engedjk a gyereket nejlonzacskval jtszani.
23. Ne hagyd, hogy meglssanak! 24. Ne
hagyja, hogy elvegyk az nbizalmt, Mrs
Hemingway. 25. Tudtam, nem engedik majd,
hogy Nigelt is magammal vigyem. 26.
Holtbiztos, hogy egyedl nem enged el Brszszelbe. 27. Azt mondta, sz nlkl elengedtk. 28. Jobban tennd, ha tbbet nem engednd meg Davi dnek, hogy klcsnvegye a
dolgaidat. 29. Hagynod kellett volna, hogy
mindent gy csinljunk, ahogy kedvnk



30. Let me be the first to tell him! 31. Let
me whisper in your ear. 32. Let me ask you
a question. 33. Let me explain. 34. Let me
take your coat. 35. Let me hold the torch.
36. Let me get you an ashtray. 37. Just a
moment, let me look in my diary. 38. Let
me show you the one l think is best. 39.
Just please let me finish, will you? 40. Don't
let me hearthat name again! 41. Don't let
me have to say that agai n.

30. Hadd legyek n az els, aki elmondja neki! 31. Hadd sgjak neked valamit! 32. Hadd
krdezzek valamit. 33. Hadd magyarzzam
meg! 34. Hadd vegyem el a kabtjt! 35.
Hadd tartsam a zseblmpt 36. Hadd hozzak neked egy hamutartt! 37. Pillanat, hadd
nzzek bele a naptrarnbal 38. Hadd mutassam meg azt, amelyik szerintem a legjobb.
39. Engedd meg, hogy befejezzem, rendben?
40. Meg ne halljam ezt a nevet mg egyszer!
41. Ne kelljen mg egyszer mondanom!



42. Let's ali be good friends. 43. Let's see
what happens. 44. Let's look around, shall
we? 45. Let us pretend we understand. 46.
Let's go on with the game. 47. Let's go in

42. Legynk valamennyien bartok! 43.

Lssuk, mi trtnik! 44. Nzznk krl, j?
45. Tegynk gy, mintha rtennk! 46.
Folytassuk a j tkot! 47. Menjnk be, s


and have some lemonade. 48. Let's get

married. 49. Let's take the hamburger bun,
for example. 50. Let's play a game of chess,
shall we? 51. Come, let's hear some of you r
adventures. 52. Let us have a look at the
garden first. 53. Let's haveadrink while we
talk. 54. Let's have some ice-cream, shall
we? 55. Let's hear him say it. 56. Let's not
arrive late. 57. Let's not let our imagination
run away with us, dear. 58. Don't let's talk
until we are outside.

igyunk egy kis limondt! 48. Hzasodjunk ssze! 49. Vegyk pldul a hamburger bucit. 50. Sakkazzunk egyet, j? 51 .
Gyernk, hadd halljunk valamit a kalandjaibl! 52. Elszr nzzk meg a kertet!
53. Igyunk egyet, amg beszlgetnk! 54.
Egynk egy fagylaltot, rendben? 55. Halljuk, hadd mondja. 56. Ne rkezznk ksn. 57. Ne hagyjuk, hogy a fantzink nagyon elragadjon minket, drgm! 58. Ne
beszljnk, amg ki nem rnk!




59. Let Mark take you back in the car. 60.

59. Vigyen vissza Mark kocsival! 60. Le-

Let this be a lessan to you never to lose

your temper! 61. Let him have his turn. 62.
Alright, let him come by six-thirty. 63. Let
them come in. 64. Let the best m an win. 65.
Let c= a+ b.

gyen ez szmodra tanulsg, hogy soha ne

vesztsd el a trelmedet. 61. Jjjn most !
62. Na j, jjjn fl htre. 63. Jjjenek be.
64. Gyzzn a legjobb! 65. Legyen c egyenl a+ b-vel.



66. Can you let me know as soon as possible? 67. Let me know ali about her. 68. If
you have any ideas, let me know. 69. Let us
know what you work out. 70. Let us know
how it turns out. 71. Let us know when you
arrive. 72. l will let you know the news. 73.
1'11 let you know as soon as it's settled.


66. Tudatn velem, amint lehetsges? 67.

Mondjon el rla mindent! 68. Ha van brmilyen tleted, szlj! 69. Tudassk velnk, mire
jutottak! 70. Tudasstok velnk, hogy alakul a
dolog! 71. rtestsen minket arrl, hogy mikor
rkezik! 72. Majd szlok, ha van valami jsg. 73. Ha vgleg eldl a dolog, rtestelek.


as ~30: comparisan


milyen? olyan, mint. ..

this, t.f!at~137: way



1. What's the weather like today? 2. What

are your new classmates like? 3. What's it
like? 4. What's it like to be left-handed? 5.
What will life be like in the year 2001? 6.
You don't know what schools are like in
South London. 7. Of course, l couldn't
imagine what it would be like. 8. Do you
think about what it will be like to be dead?

1. Milyen ma az id? 2. Milyenek az j

osztlytrsaid? 3. Milyen? 4. Milyen balkezesnek lenni? 5. Milyen lesz 2001-ben
az let? 6. Nem tudod, milyenek az iskolk London dli rszben. 7. Termszetesen nem tudtam elkpzelni, milyen lenne.
8. Szaktl arra gondolni, milyen lesz halottnak lenni?

What star sign are you? NOT: '/ihat like ~tar ~ign are you?

9. A man li ke me cannot fai l. 1 O. l've just
seen a bike like yours leaning against
Bently's fence. 11. lt's like an orange. 12.
Mars w as l i ke the earth one e. 13. He was
li ke a child showing off his toys. 14. You're
just like your parents! 15. He is very like
his father. 16. And why do you want to be
li ke h im? 17. If more peoplewereli ke you
l don't think we'd be in such a mess. 18. l
am not like other men. 19. You weren't
like thisaminute ago. 20. A woman without a man is l i ke a fish without a bicycle.
21. lt's not like him to promise something
and then go back on his word. 22. It was
like watching a film. 23. It is just like being in church. 24. She vvas crying li ke a
child. 25. You dress just like a hobo. 26.
You're talking like a politician. 27. Last
night he was playing like an amateur. 28.
Do it like this. 29. He looks like an expert.
30. eraven Road looks like a thousand
other roads. 31. What does he look like?
32. He laoked li ke anyone you might meet
in the street. 33. She said llooked like Shelley. 34. The photo doesn't look li ke her at
ali. 35. Although whales look like fish,
they're mammals. 36. It laoked something
like a big fish. 37. l want to see what it
looks li ke. 38. She didn't care what Uncle
Magnus laoked like. 39. Do you know
what you look li ke? 40. You don't look li ke
you need to diet. 41. You sound like Mrs
Thatcher. 42. It sounds like Beethoven. 43.
What did he sound like? 44. It smells like
cheese. 45. It tastes like tuna fish, doesn't
it? 46. The house felt li ke home to me. 47.
Doesn't it feel li ke autumn, do you th ink?
48. There was a sound something like a

9. Egy olyan ember, mint n, nem vallhat
kudarcot. 1 O. pp most lttam egy olyan
biciklit, mint a tied, Bently kertsnek tmasztva. 11. Olyan, mint egy narancs. 12.
A Mars egykor olyan volt, mint a Fld. 13.
Olyan volt, mint egy gyerek, aki dicsekszik
a jtkval. 14. Teljesen olyan vagy, mint a
szleid! 15. Nagyon hasonlt az apjra. 16.
s mirt akarsz olyan lenni, mint ? 17. Ha
tbb olyan ember volna, mint te, azt hiszem, nem lennnk ekkora pcban. 18. n
nem olyan vagyok, mint a tbbi frfi . 19.
Egy perce mg nem voltl ilyen. 20. A n
frfi nlkl olyan, mint a hal bicikli nlkl.
21. Nem jellemz r, hogy meggr valamit, s aztn visszavonja a szavt. 22. Olyan
volt, mintha egy filmet nztl volna. 23.
Pont, mintha templomban lennnk. 24. Srt,
mint egy gyerek. 25. Pont gy ltzl, mint
egy hob. 26. gy beszlsz, mint egy politikus. 27. Te_gnap este gy jtszott, mint egy
amatr. 28. Igy csinld! 29. Szakrtnek ltszik. 30. A eraven Road pontosan gy nz
ki, mint sok ezer msik utca. 31. Hogy nz
ki? 32. gy nzett ki, mint brki ms, akit
az utcn lt az ember. 33. Azt mondta, gy
nzek ki , mint Shelley. 34. A fotn egyltaln nem olyan, mint a valsgban. 35. A
bl nk, br halnak ltszanak, emlsk. 36.
Mintha valami nagy hallett volna. 37. Ltni akarom, hogy nz ki. 38. Nem rdekelte, hogyan nz ki Magnus bcsi. 39. Tudod,
hogy nzel ki? 40. Nem gy nzel ki, mint
akinek fogykrznia kell. 41. Mintha csak
Mrs Thateher beszlne nbl. 42. Beethovennek tnik. 43. Milyen volt a hangja? 44.
Sajtszaga van. 45. Tonhal ze van, nem? 46.
Otthonosan reztem magam a hzban. 47.
Nem rzed, hogy olyan, mintha sz lenne?
48. Volt valami csrgsszer hang.

1. I'm telling you this as a friend. NOT: I'm telling you thi~ like a friend . 2. She was like
a daughter to us. NOT: She wa~ a~ a daughter to u~. 3. They treat me li ke a child.
NOT: TI ey treat me a~ a child. 4. What does it look li ke? NOT: llow doe~ it look li ke?
~1 2 9:

verbs lll: verb +subject camp lement

13 7


49. He plays tennis, just like you. 50. Why

don't you go to evening classes, like l did?
51. Judy, like the others, tried to slip past
the open door. 52. A few of them did receive ou r letter though, li ke Mrs Plomb and
the Shipmans. 53. The Edwardian era, like
every era, was full of suppressed literature
and dirty pictures.

49. 6 is teniszezik, akrcsak te. 50. Mirt

nem msz el te is esti iskolba, mint n csinltam? 51. Judy megprbltelsurrannia nyitott ajt eltt, mint a tbbiek. 52. Egypran
viszont, mint pldul Mrs Plomb, vagy
Shipmank, megkaptk a levelnket. 53. Az
Edward-korszak, mint minden korszak, tele
volt tiltott irodalommal s malac kpekkel.


q48/64-70: focus and emphasis: subject raising

He is (un)likely to come. OR: It is (un)likely that he will come. NOT: Ile i~ (un)likely
that he vvi ll eor11e.
1. She will most likely come by the 6.50
train from Newcastle. 2. lt's likely that the
plane will be delayed by bad weather. 3.
Your brother is likely to be in Paris. 4. She
is likely to pass her test. 5. She's likely to
spoil that party, if you ask me. 6. I' m not
very likely to do that for you . 7. He's not
likelyto recognize you. 8. They're not likely
to win this match. 9. l don't th ink he's likely
to telephone this late at night. 1 O. What
amount is likely to be involved? 11. And
the family handgun is six times more likely
to be used against a family member than
against a crimina!.

1. Legvalsznbb, hogy a 6..50-es Newcastiei vonattal jn. 2. Valszn, hogy a gp ksni

fog a rossz id miatt. 3. A btyd valsznleg Prizsban van. 4. Valsznleg tmegy a
vizsgn. 5. Ha engem krdezel, szerintem
tnkre fogja tenni a bulit. 6. Nem nagyon valszn, hogy ezt megtegyem neked. 7. Nem
valszn, hogy felismer. 8. Nem valszn,
hogy megnyerik ezt a meccset. 9. Nem valszn, hogy ilyen ksn telefonl jon. 1O. Milyen sszeg jhet szmtsba? 11. Hatszoros
a valsznsge annak, hogy az otthon tartott
fegyvert nem egy bnz, hanem egy csaldtag ellen fogjk hasznlni.

12. It is unlikely that they will bump into
us. 13. It is very unlikely that they will find
anything there. 14. We ali believe it is unlikely to turn out that way. 15. This is unlikely to be true. 16. She's unlikely to need
any help. 17. She is unlikely to leave her
boyfriend for me.


12. Igen kicsi a valsznsge annak, hogy

belnk botlanak. 13. Nagyon nem valszn, hogy brmit talljanak ott. 14. Valamennyien gy gondoljuk, nem valszn,
hogy gy alakuljon. 15. Nem valszn,
hogy ez igaz legyen. 16. Nem valszn,
hogy segtsgre legyen szksge. 17. Valszntlen , hogy otthagyja rtem a bartjt.


long ~ for a long time


sokig, rgta

l've been waiting for a long time. NOT: l've been vvaiting long. OR: l' ve bee11 'vV'aiting
for lo1 1g ti n 1e.


1. She didn't look up for long. 2. He didn't

have to wait too long to find out. 3. I'm sorry.
Have you been waiting long? 4. "Come back
tomorrow, and..." - "l can't wait that long." 5.
I'm sure he hasn't been back long. 6. She said
she was in a hurry and she couldn't stay long.
7. It was not long before he noticed us hiding
behind the tree. 8. Are you going t be much
Ionger doing that? 9. l can't wa it much Ionger
for my money. 1O. How long will he be away?
11. How long have you been standing here
watching me asleep? 12. How long has the
road been built? 13. How long will it be closed?
14. l don't know how long it was before l ca me
back to consciousness. 15. Weil, I' m sure it
needn't delay us for too long.

1. Sokig nem nzett fel. 2. Nem kellett sokig vrni, hogy megtudja. 3. Elnzst krek. Rgta vr? 4. "Jjjn vissza holnap,
s akkor majd ... " - "Nem tudok olyan sokig vrni ." 5. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy
nem rgen jtt vissza. 6. Azt mondta, nagyon siet, s nem maradhat sokig. 7. Nem
tartott sokig, amg megtallt minket a fa
mgtt. 8. Sokig csinlod mg ezt? 9. Mr
nem tudok sokig vrni a pnzemre. 1 O.
Milyen sokig lesz tvol? 11. Mita llsz itt
s nzed, ahogy alszom? 12. M ita ptik
az utat? 13. Meddig lesz zrva? 14. Nem
tudom, mennyi id mlva trtem magamhoz. 15. Nos, biztos, hogy emiatt nem kell,
hogy sokat kssnk.



16. For a long time neither of them spoke.
17. For a long time l haven't talked about
these things to anyone. 18. For a long time
l believed he real ly caredabout me. 19. l've
waited for a long time to see you put in jai l,
you know. 20. lt's been a long timesince l
had a meal. 21. lt's such a long timesince l
w as wi th anyone who got enthusiastic about
anything. 22. A girll've known a long time
has asked me to go out with her.

-ly: adverbs and adjectives

16. Sokig egyikk sem szlalt meg. 17. Sokig nem beszltem ezekrl a dolgokrl
senkinek. 18. Sokig azt hittem, tnyleg szmtok neki. 19. Tudod, rgta vrtam mr,
hogy vgre rcs mg kerlj. 20. Rgen ettem utoljra. 21. Nagyon rgen nem tallkeztam mr olyan emberrel, aki lelkesedni
tudott volna brmirt is. 22. Egy lny, akit
mr rgta ismerek, elhvott, hogy menjek
el vele valahova.


-ly vg hatrozk
s mellknevek

q1 : adjectives: order q 2: adverbs: position q13 7: way



1. Thisapple-pieis absolutely marvellous,
isn't it, dari i n g? 2. They weren't adequately
insured. 3. You look awfully thin. 4. He

1. Ez az alms pite egyszeren csodlatos,

ugye, drgm? 2. Nem voltak megfelelen
biztostva. 3. Borzasztan sovnynak nzel


drives badly. 5. How badly was he hurt?

ki. 4. Rosszul vezet. 5. Milyen slyosan s6. We need the money badly. 7. Farm
rlt? 6. Nagyon kell a pnz. 7. A mezgazda
workers are badly paid. 8. They were obsgi munksokat rosszul fizetik. 8. Nyilvnviously getting on extremely badly. 9.
val volt, hogy nagyon rosszul jnnek ki egyMatlock tri ed to speak calmly. 1 O. The
mssal. 9. Matlock megprblt nyugodtan bedoctor looked atthem ali curiously. 11. He
szlni. 1O. A doktor kvncsian nzett vgig
deliberately ignored the audience. 12. l
rajtuk. 11. Szndkosan nem vett tudomst a
desperately wanted to talk to somebody.
kznsgrl. 12. Mindenron beszlni akar13~ She shook her head doubtfui ly. 14. lt's . tam valakivel. 13. Ktkeden rzta meg a fedreadfully confusing. 15. Mr Carter smiled
jt. 14. Ez borzasztan zavarba ejt. 15. Mr
dryly. 16. People a re essentiaily good. 17.
Carter szrazon mosolygott. 16. Az emberek
It might help if we tell you exactly what
alapveten jk. 17. Taln segt, ha elmondthe job is. 18. You'd better pack those
juk pontosan, mi is a feladat. 18. J lesz, ha
rendkvl alaposan becsomagolod azokat a
glasses extremely carefully if you want
poharakat, ha azt akarod, hogy psgben odathem to arrve intact. 19. I'm extremely
rjenek. 19. Rendkvl hls vagyok, amirt
grateful you've decided to help. 20.
gy dnttt, hogy segt. 20. Darnell elszr
Darnell listened idly at first. 21. lt's an incredibly small island. 22. He kissed her
ttlenl figyelt. 21. Ez egy hihetetlenl kicsi
forehead lightly. 23. The situation isn't
sziget. 22. Knnyedn homlokon cskolta.
23. A helyzet korntsem olyan egyszer, mint
nearly as simple as people think. 24. l
heard someone laugh nervously. 25.
ahogy azt az emberek kpzelik 24. Hallottam, hogy valaki idegesen felnevet. 25.
Jonathan nodded obediently. 26. 1'11 contact Dr Thurbon personally. 27. She spoke
Jonathan engedelmesen blintott. 26. Szemlyesen fogok kapcsolatba lpni Dr
rapid ly and fluently. 28. Do you save reguThurbonnal. 27. Gyorsan s grdlkenyen
larly? 29. She gave her the money relucbeszlt. 28. Rendszeresen teszel flre pnzt?
tantly. 30. Tommy shook his head sadly.
29. Kelletlenl adta oda a pnzt. 30. Tommy
31. Suddenly he sat up. 32. We were
szomoran rzta meg a fejt. 31. Hirtelen felwrongly informed.
lt. 32. Rosszul informltak bennnket.


33. You' redriving too fast, M iss Storm. 34.
l ran away as fast as l could. 35. How fast
does he type? 36. l went straight to bed.
37. He said he was going straight down to
have breakfast

33. Tl gyorsan vezet, Miss Storm. 34. Amilyen gyorsan csak tudtam, elfutottam onnan. 35. Milyen gyorsan gpel? 36. Egyenesen gyba bjtam. 37. Azt mondta, egyenesen. lemegy r~gelizni.


mst jelent

hard, hardly
38. It snowed hard that winter. 39. We had
to work hard to finish the job. 40. l can
hardly keep awake. 41. l hardly ever go to
restaurants. 42. You'll hardly recognize our

38. Azon a tlen nagyon sok h esett. 39.

Kemnyen kellett dolgoznunk, hogy befejezzk a munkt. 40. Alig brok bren maradni. 41. Alig fordul el, hogy tterembe menjek. 42. R se fogsz ismerni a laksunkra.

24: inversion: hardly

43. So, you'reten minutes late again ... What's

the excuse this time? 44. Do you mind if l

43. Szval, megint tz percet kstL Ezttal

mi a magyarzat? 44. Baj lenne, ha holnap


come late tomorrow? 45. Where have you

been lately? 46. We were adrnitted free. 47.
You can speak freely in front of Au nt Clara.

ksnk? 45. Hol jrtl mostanban? 46. Ingyen beengedtek minket. 47. Clara nnm
eltt nyltan beszlhetsz.

/oud(/y), slow(/y)

nincs jelentsklnbsg

48. W e sa w he w as deep i n thought so w e

tiptoed out of his cabin. 49. She sighed
deeply and ran to greet h im. 50. Although
Jake had climbed quite high up, he couldn't
see very far. 51. Composers who write music for films are highly paid. 52. Hereyes
were wide open against the wind . 53. He
opened the door wide. 54. A hippo can
open its mouth 1 .35m wide. 55. He is
widely known as an artist 56. l bought it
really cheap. 57. You_can play golf comparatively cheaply. 58. Of course you can
live very cheaply if you know what you' re
doing. 59. There was a flight direct from
Brussels to Athens. 60. The wasp did not
return directly to its nest. 61. 1'11 get there
as quick as l can . 62. l eat quickly. 63. He
runsas quickly as a deer. 64. W e mtJst reply to inquiries quickly. 65. You' ll have to
go slow or you' ll miss the sign. 66. Blanche
sat down slowly on the sofa. 67. Could you
speak more slowly? 68. Put it down slowly.
69. You needn't shout so loud. 70. Ssssh!
Not so loud! 71. She spoke loudly and
cheerfully. 72. l want you to start at fivethirty sharp. 73. Turn sharp left there. 74.
The price of coal has fallen sharply over
the last three years. 75. We're flying steady
at 4,000 feet. 76. l could hear my father
breathing steadily. 77. His hands were
bound tightly behind his back. 78. Ali the
doors were shut tight(ly).

48. Lttuk, hogy mlyen a gondolataiba merlt, gyhogy lbujjhegyen kisurrantunk a flkbL 49. Nagyot shajtott, s szaladt dvzlni t. 50. Br Jake igen magasra mszott,
mgse ltott messzire. 51. A filmzenkrt nagyon jl megfizetik a zeneszerzket 52. Szemt tgra nyitotta a szlben. 53. Szlesre trta az ajtt. 54. A vizil 1 ,35 mter szlesre
tudja kittani a szjt. 55. Szles krben ismert mint mvsz. 56. Nagyon olcsn vettem. 57. Viszonylag olcsn lehet golfozni. 58.
Persze, lehet nagyon olcsn lni, ha egy kicsit odafigyel az ember. 59. Volt egy kzvetlen jrat Brsszelbl Athnba. 60. A darzs
nem replt vissza egyenesen a fszkhez. 61.
Amilyen gyorsan csak tudok, ott leszek. 62.
Gyorsan szoktam enni. 63. gy fut, mint egy
szarvas. 64. Az rdekld levelekre gyorsan
kell vlaszolnunk. 65. Lassan kell menni, klnben el szalasztod a jelzst. 66. Blanche lassan lelt a szfra. 67. Tudna lassabban beszlni? 68. Szp lassan tedd le. 69. Nem kell
olyan hangosan kiabl nod. 70. Pszt! Ne olyan
hangosan! 71. Hangosan s vidman beszlt.
72. Azt akarom, hogy pontosan 5.30-kor
kezdjetek. 73. Ott kanyarodjon lesen balra.
74. A szn rameredeken zuhant az elmlt
hrom vben. 75. Egyenletesen replnk
1200 mter magasan. 76. Hallottam, ahogy
az apm egyenletesen llegzik. 77. A kezt
szorosan sszektztk a hta mgtt. 78. Az
sszes ajtszorosan be volt csukva.


79. When you are asleep, the bodily functions slow down. 80. You're always so cowardly. 81. This poison is deadly for many
animals, and may cause blindness in humans. 82. l haven't got any ri ch elderly relti ves. 83. Her colleagues were friendly. 84.
lt's not a very friendly place, is it? 85. She
didn't sound very friendly on the telephone.
86. He greeted me in a friendly way. 87.

79. Amikor alszunk, a testmkds lelassul. 80. Mindig olyan gyva vagy. 81. Ez a
mreg sok llat szmra hallos, az embereknl pedig vaksgot okozhat. 82. Nincsenek gazdag, ids rokonaim. 83. A kollgi
bartsgosak voltak. 84. Nem valami bartsgos hely, nem igaz? 85. Nem hangzott
valami bartsgosnak a telefonban . 86. Bartsgosan dvzlt. 87. Magnyos vagyok,


I' m lonely but I'm free as weil. 88. lt's such

a love ly da y. 89. Don 't the l i l i es smell
love ly?

de ugyanakkor szabad is. 88. Milyen gynyr napunk van! 89. Ht nem csodlatos a liliomok illata?

She spoke to me in a friendly way. NOT: Sne ~po ke to me friendly.





90. It was early afterneon and the streets

were empty. 91. l want an early lunch today, Charles. 92. Th ere is an early fl ight on
Mondays. 93. The six o' clock train was ten
minutes early. 94. Ilike not getting up early
on Sunday. 95. l was woken up early that
morning. 96. l tend to forget about my da ily
exercises. 97. l only had time to skim
through a few of the da ily papers befo re the
meeting. 98. The milkman calls daily. 99.
There is a weekly flight to Kuala Lumpur.
100. W e w ant it to come out week ly. 1 01. l
can't even afford a monthly tic ket. 102. W e
are p aid month ly. 103. lt's a quarterly magazi ne.


Kora dlutn volt, s az utck kihaltak

voltak. 91. Charles, ma korn szeretnk ebdelni. 92. Htfnknt van egy korai jrat. 93.
A hatrs vonat tz perccel korbban rkezett be. 94. Szeretek vasrnap sokig gyban maradni. 95. Azon a reggelen korn felbresztettek. 96. Hajlamos vagyok elfeledkezni a napi testgyakorlsrL 97. Csak arra
volt idm, hogy vgiglapozzak nhny napilapot az rtekezlet eltt. 98. A tejesember
naponta jr. 99. Hetente megy gp Kuala
Lumpurba. 100. Azt szeretnnk, ha hetente
jelenne meg. 101. Mg egy havijegyre sincs
pnzem. 102. Havonta kapunk fizetst. 103.
Ez egy negyedvenknt megjelen magazin.

Q9/ 106-115: articles: "a da y" etc.

many, much etc.


sok rpa, sok leves



1. It ali happened many years ago, on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. 2. We
have now branches in many countries outside Europe. 3. Many farnous people have
been buried there. 4. Many politicians are
bought off by some private interests. 5. l
have many friends, you know, they' ll be
glad to be of help. 6. There are too many
lawyers in this country already. 7. There are
somany things l don't understand. 8. There
are many good reasonsfor avoiding sex. 9.
A great many people have given us a lot of
support in our campaign . 10. There aren't
many taxis in this town. 11. Don't ask so
many questions. 12. l don't th ink l have
made many mistakes. 13. Do you think

1. Mindez sok vvel ezeltt, a Csendes-cen egy tvol i szigetn trtnt. 2. Eurpn
kvl is sok orszgban van mr fikzletnk
3. Sok hres ember van itt eltemetve. 4. Sok
politikus szegdik pnzrt magnrdekek
szolglatba. 5. Tudod, sok bartom van,
s valamennyien rlni fognak, ha segthetnek. 6. Mr gy is tl sok gyvd van ebben
az orszgban. 7. Olyan sok mindent nem
rtek. 8. Sok rtelmes indok lehet arra, hogy
az ember kerlje a szexet. 9. Rengeteg ember komolyan tmogatott bennnket a kampny sorn . 10. Nincs sok taxi ebben a vrosban. 11. Ne tegyl fel ilyen sok krdst.
12. Azt hiszem, nem kvettem el sok hibt.
13. Gondolod, hogy sokan lesznek a sz-


there will be many people at his birthday

party? 14. Not many people come here in
the winter. 15. In the opinion ofmany scientists
this may happen soonerthan expected. 16. Many a
good man has been ruined this way. 17. Many of
his friends live here in our neighbourhood.
18. l know that many of you wished l
wouldn't come back. 19. Such things do
not come to many of us. 20. l've tried lots
of games but didn't li ke many of them. 21.
Many fi nd it difficult to adrnit that they need
help. 22. A few people arrved before the
party started but not many. 23. The birdies
must have been sleeping because we didn't
see many.

lets'napi bulijn? 14. Tlen nem sok ember jr ide. 15. Sok tuds vlemnye szerint ez a vrtnl elbb is megtrtnhet 16.
Sok j ember ment mr gy tnkre. 17. A
bartai kzl sokan laknak itt a krnyknkn. 18. Tudom, hogy sokan nk kzl
azt szerettk volna, ha nem jvk vissza.
19. Ilyen dolgok nem sokunkkal fordulnak
el. 20. Rengeteg jtkot kiprbltam, de
csak kevs tetszett kzlk. 21. Sokan nehezen ismerik be, hogy segtsgre szarulnak. 22. Nhny ember megrkezett a parti eltt, de nem sok. 23. A madrkk biztosan aludtak, mert nem sokat ltunk bel


how many
24. How many teeth have you got? 25. How
many people were on the plane? 26. "How
many sausages do you produce every day
here?" - "Approximately 110,000 pounds
a day." 27. How many hours do you work?
28. How many wives did King Henry VIli
have? 29. How many of you like to clean

24. Hny fogad van? 25. Hny ember volt

a gpen? 26. " Hny darab kolbszt lltanak itt el naponta?"- "Megkze ltleg 11 O
ezer fontnyit." 27. Hny rt dolgozol? 28.
Hny felesge volt VIli. Henriknek? 29. Hnyan szeretnek kzletek ablakot tiszttani?

("SOK ID")

30. You can drink as much wineas you li ke.
31. We had too much rain last week. 32.
There isn't much food in the fridge. 33.
There's some food, but not much drink. 34.
l didn't have much opportunity to talk to
hm. 35. But l still think there's too much
profit in too few hands. 36. l watched with
much interest and amusement a red squirrel extracting fallen chestnuts from their
prickly cases. 37. You put much too much
emphasis on how much money you r friends
have. 38. Much research has been carried out o n
the developm ent of an electric engine. 39. l can't
remember now much of what l said. 40. l
don't thi nk much of him, so it's real ly difficult to show respect. 41. John has a lot of
free time, but l haven't much. 42. There s
much at stake.

30. Annyi bort ihatsz, amennyit csak akarsz.

31. Tl sok es volt a mlt hten. 32. Nincs
sok enn ival a frizsiderben . 33. Van valamennyi tel, de ital az nem sok. 34~ Ne,m
sok lehetsgem volt beszlni vele. 35. En .
mgis azt gondolom, nagyon sok profit sszpontosul nagyon kevs kzben. 36. N agy
rdekldssei s jkedvvel figyeltem, ahogy
egy vrsmkus a lehullott gesztenyket
szedegeti ki tsks hjukbl. 37. Tl nagy
hangslyt fektetsz arra, mennyi pnze van
a bartaidnak. 38. Nagyon sok kuto.ts e lz
te meg az elektromos motor kifejlesztst.
39. Nem sokmindenre emlkszem mr abbl, amit mondtam. 40. Nem tartom valami nagyra, gyhogy igazn nehz tiszteletet mutatnom. 41. Johnnak sok szabad ideje van, nekem viszont nem. 42. Sok minden forog kockn.


sokat, sokkal, nagyon

43. Do they come here much? 44.1 see you
43. Sokat jrnak ide? 44. Ltom, nem sokat
haven't changed much. 45. l know him
vltoztl. 45. n sokkal jobban ismerem t,
much better than you do. 46. Everything
mint te. 46. Mostantl minden annyival
will be so much easier now. 47. He's much
knnyebb lesz. 47. Nagyon reg hozz. 48.
too old for her. 48. This solution is much
Ez a megolds messze a legjobb.
the best.
q 136: very, most, very much



49. How much is it? 50. "How much money

have you got?"- "l've got plenty. Why do you
ask?" 51. How much tax did you pay last year?
52. How much blood wi ll they take? 53. How
much do l owe you? 54. How much weaker l
am than l thought!

49. Mennyibe kerl? 50. "Mennyi pnzed

van?"- "Sok. Mirt krded?" 51. Mennyi adt
fizettl tavaly? 52. Mennyi vrt fognak venni?
53. Mennyivel tartozom? 54. Mennyivel gyengbb vagyok, mint gondoltam!


55. A lot of things were possible. 56. A lot
of people weresick-but no one died. 57.
A lot of people believe it's just a bad joke.
58. She knows a lot of influential people.
59. Have you got a lot of friends? 60. We
have poured a lot of money into research
work. 61. We ali gave him a lot of advice,
and wrote most of his love lettersfor h im.
62. My job involves a lot of traveli ing. 63.
Would you like to hear anather song? l
know a lot. 64. A lot have been built on,
haven't they? 65. Wehave a lottocover in
just a few hours. 66. ln lotsof houses, seven,
eight or more people have to share one
room. 67. You must havelotsof money. 68.
My driver's got lots of experience. 69. We
found it lots more interesting th an the other
lecture on animal sounds.

55. Sokminden lehetsges volt. 56. Sok ember lett beteg- de senki nem halt meg. 57.
Sokan azt hiszik, hogy ez csak egy rossz
trfa . 58. Sok befolysos embert ismer. 59.
Sok bartod van? 60. Sok pnzt ltnk a
kutatmunkba. 61. Mindannyian nagyon
sok tancsot adtunk neki, s a legtbb szerelmes levelt megrtuk helyette. 62. A munkm sok utazssal jr. 63. Szeretnl mg egy
dalt hallani? Rengeteget ismerek. 64. Sokra
mr rptettek, ugye? 65. Nagy tvolsgot
kell mg megtennnk nhny ra alatt. 66.
Sok hzban ht, nyolc, vagy mg tbb embernek kell laknia egy szobban. 67. Rengeteg pnzed kell, hogy legyen. 68. A sof
rmnek nagyon nagy tapasztalata van. 69.
Ezt sokkal rdekesebbnek talltuk, mint a
msik eladst az llathangokrl.

sokat, sokkal, nagyon

a lot
70. l still miss him a lot. 71. Do you daydream a lot? 72. Does she read a lot? 73. l
like you a lot. .. but l don't love you. 74.
Oh, dear, what a lot l have eaten! 75. Tom's
beard makes h im look a lot older.

70. Mg mindig nagyon hinyzik. 71 . Sokat szoktl brndozni? 72. Sokat olvas? 73.
Nagyon kedvellek ... de nem vagyok beld
szerelmes. 74. Te j g, de sokat ettem! 75.
Tom sokkal regebbnek nz ki szakllal.

l read a lot. NOT: l read a lot of.




76. There are plenty of other houses. 77.

There were plenty of hotels in the town .
78. When the doors close at 2.30 p. m.there
are plenty of glasses to wash and ashtrays
to clean. 79. Take plenty of liquid, and Vitamin C may help. 80. Never mind about
the money - l've got plenty of it. 81. We
have plenty of room in the basement. 82.
There'll be plenty of money left. 83. There's
plenty of time. Come back for a mea l. 84.
He had plenty of time to think over what
had happened. 85. I'm sure there' ll be
plenty for everyone. 86. We were ali given
plenty to eat. 87. There's plenty more in
that cupboard.


~9/238-249 : articles:

"a/the ki/o" etc.


76. Van mg sok ms hz. 77. Rengeteg

szlloda volt a vrosban . 78. Amikor dlutn fl hromkor bezrunk, rengeteg poharat kell elmosni, rengeteg hamutartt kitiszttani. 79. Igyl sok folyadkot, s a Cvitamin is hasznlhat. 80. Ne trdj a pnzzel ...,. van bven. 81. Az alagsorban bven
van hely. 82. Marad pnz bven. 83. Van
id bven. Gyere vissza, egynk valamit.
84. Bven volt ideje vgiggondolni, mi trtnt. 85. Biztos, hogy lesz elg mindenkinek. 86. Bven adtak enni mindannyiunknak. 87. Van mg belle bven abban a

~ 30: comparisan ~ 52:

kt lb magas stb.
ha ff

~ 86: partitives ~ 92/1-59:

question words: how, what



1'. The Park itself was very large, nearly a

1. Maga a park nagyon nagy volt, majdthousand acres. 2. But l slipped back two
nem ngyezer hektros. 2. De visszacssztam hat-ht centit. 3. Harminc centire volt
or three inches. 3. It wasa foot below me,
so l could just reach it. 4. The aircraft
alattam, gyhogy ppen elrtem. 4. A replgp msodpercek alatt krlbell 900
plunged some 3,000 feet in a matter of
mtert zuhant. 5. A szoba, amit mutatott
seconds. 5. The room he showed me was
nekem, krlbell 2,5x3,5 mter alapteabout 8 feet by 1 O feet. 6. He weighs
rlet volt. 6. Tbb, mint kilencven ki l.
more than ninety kilos. 7. Steel produc7. Az acltermels az prilis tizenegyedition fell to 2.595 tons in the w eek ended
April11, a decrease of eight-tens of 1 perkvel vgzd hten 2,6366 tonnra esett
vissza, ami tovbbi egy nyolcad szzalcent from the previous week. 8. You could
kos cskkenst jelent az e lz hthez k-
move your desk a couple of yards to the
pest. 8. Pr mterrel jobbra vihetnd az
right. 9. The water of the stream was nowhere more t han a foot deep. 1 O. The
rasztalodat 9. A patak vize sehol sem
mlyebb egy lbnl. 1 O. A Csendes-cen
Pacific Ocean is 4,000 metres deep, on
tlagos mlysge 4000 mter. 11. A szoba
average. 11. The room was ten or twelve
tz-tizenkt mter magas volt. 12. A mametres high . 12. It was more than ten
tbb, mint tz mter volt. 13. A
metres in height. 13. The string was exactly fifteen metres long. 14. By noon an . zsinr pontosan tizent mter hossz volt.
14. Dlben mr egy 15 ki lomter hossz
oil slick about 9 miles long and 1.2 miles
2 kilomter szles ol ajfolt szott dlkewide was drifting slowly to the southeast,
letre, a partvidk kb. 300 ki lomter tvol to the southern part of the coast, some
sgban l v dli rsze fe l. 15. Tbb, m int
180 miles away. 15. He's over six foot/
183 centi magas. 16. Egy 650 millimter
feet tali. 16. He w as smiling from behind


a bullet-proof plastic shield that was 650

millimetres thick. 17. The weight of ali
these things was more than a hundred and
fifty kilograms. 18. She looked about five
foot one. 19.' The boy was Iess than four
foot/feet tali and weighed only four-anda-half stone. 20. They can squeeze
through a gap only an eight of an inch
wide. 21. A hippo can open its mouth
1.35m wide. 22. It looked about the
length of a walking stick. 23. His car is
about the width of our living room. 24.
London is twice the size of Manchester.
25. l am a foot taller than Napoleon and
twice the weight of Twiggy. 26. The new
model is twice the price of this one. 27.
One litre of whisky, two hundred
Marlboro, two bottles of wine ... which
currency are you paying in, sir? 28. She
put the bottie on the counter half empty
- she'd drunk more than half a pint of
wine. 29. Four pounds of apples and a
pound of carrots, please.


vastag golyll manyag pajzs mgl mosolygott ki. 17. Mindezeknek a dolgo'knak
a slya tbb, mint 150 kil volt. 18. Krlbell t lb egy hvelyk magasnak ltszott. 19. A fi alacsonyabb volt 120 centinl, s mindssze harminc ki lt nyomott.
20. t tudnk bjni egy akr csak 1/8 hvelyk (kb. hrom tized millimter) szles
repedsen is. 21. A vzil 1,35 mter szlesre tudja kinyitn i a szjt. 22. Krlbell olyan hossznak ltszott, mint egystaplca. 23. Krlbell olyan szles az autja, mint a nappal ink. 24. London ktszer
akkora, mint Manchester. 25. Harminc
centivel magasabb vagyok, mint Napleon, s ktszer olyan nehz, mint Twiggy.
26. Az j modell ktszer annyiba kerl,
mint ez. 27. Egy liter whisky, ktszz
Mari boro, kt veg bor. .. milyen valutval fizet, uram? 28. Visszatette a flig res
veget a pultra - majd' negyed liter bort
megivott. 29. Kt kil almt s fl kil rpt legyen szves.


a mind ige hasznlata

34: discourse markers ~ Reference 1


1. Usually, they don't mind a bit of music. 2. You don't mind if l smoke, do you?
3. Please don't mind if l don' t show up
this Saturday. 4. l hope you don't mind
that l carne early. 5. l'd rather not answer
that, if you don't mind. 6. Linda apolagized for being late. Wilson didn't seem
to mind. 7. How old are you, if you don't
mind my asking? 8. l don't mind waiting.
9. l don't mind having to get up very early
in summer. 10. My boss doesn't mind being told what to do. 11. l hope you don't
mind me coming at a time like this. 12.
Yo u don't mind my saying this, do you? 13. l
didn't mind her going. 14. l didn't mirid
him being my friend. 15. I hope you didn't
mind my choosing Blackpool at ali . 16. l don't
mind journalists follawing me about. 17.

1. Tbbnyire nem zavarja ket egy kis zene. 2. Ugye nem zavarja, ha rgyjtok? 3.
Krlek, ne zavarjon, ha most szombaton
nem megyek. 4. Remlem nem baj, hogy
korn jttem. 5. Erre inkbb nem vlaszolnk, ha megengedi. 6. Linda bocsnatot
krt, amirt elksett. De gy tnt, Wilsant
nem zavarja. 7. Hny ves n, ha szabad
krdeznem? 8. Nem bnom, ha vrnom
kell. 9. Nyron nem bnom, ha nagyon korn kell kelnem. 1O. A fnkmet nem zavarja, ha megmondjk neki, mit csinljon.
11. Reml em, nem zavarja nt, hogy ilyenkor jvk. 12. Ugye nem baj, hogy ezt mondom? 13. Nem bntam, hogy elmegy. 14.
rltem neki, hogy a bartom. 15. Remlem, cseppet sem bnta, hogy Blackpoolt
vlasztottam. 16. Nem zavar, ha jsgrk


jrnak'a nyomomban. 17. Fellem azzal jtszol, akivel akarsz. 18. Nem rdekel, milyen ksn kelsz fel . 19. Hogyan zavarhatna, ha nem is tudok rla? 20. Nem lenne
rossz tudni, hol lakik.

l don't mind who you play with . 18. l

don't mind how late you get up. 19. How
could l mind if l don't know it is being
done? 20.1 wouldn't mind knowing where
she lives.

"do you mind... "

21. Do you mind the smell of garlic? 22. Do
you mind if l stay here a while? 23. Do you
mind if l smoke? 24. Do you mind if l kiss
you? 25. Mum, do you mind if l tell you
something? 26. Do you mind very much if l
bring my dog in here? 27. Do you mind if l
ask why? 28. Do you mind if Ileave my rucksack on the back seat? 29. l wonder, does
anyone mind if l comejn? 30. DQes Tom
mind if Greg joins us? 31. Do you mind me
smoking? 32. Do you mind my making a sugges
tion? 33. Do you mind the TV on? 34. Mind
if l borrow your binoculars a moment?

2f. Zavar a fokhagymaszag? 22. Zavar, ha

itt maradok kicsit? 23. Nem zavarja, ha rgyjtok? 24. Megcskolhatlak? 25. Anya,
mondhatok neked valamit? 26. Nagyon zavarn, ha behoznm a kutymat? 27. Megkrdezhetem, hogy mirt? 28. Nem baj, ha
a hts lsen hagyom a htizskomat? 29.
Ugye senkit nem zavar, ha bejvk? 30.
Zavarja Tomot, ha Greg csatlakozik hozznk? 31. Rgyjthatok? 32. Javasolhatok
valamit? 33. Nem baj, hamegy a tv? 34.
Klcsnkrhetern a szemvegedet egy

"would you mind... "

35. Would you mind if l smoked? 36. Would
you mind if l had one of those? 37. Would
you mind if l took off my shoes?

35. Zavarn, ha rgyjtank? 36. Vehetnk

egyet azokbl? 37. Zavarna, ha levennm
a cipmet?


38. Would you mind holding this for amoment? 39. Would you mind helping me? 40.
Would you mind shutting the door? 41.
Would you mind answering a few questions? 42. Would you mind getting your dog
off the sofa? 43. Would you mind not smoking, please? 44. Would you mind not staring at me? 45. If that's you r b i ke, would you
mind bringing it into the courtyard? 46.
Would those of you at the back mind moving forward to the front? 47. l wonder if
you'd mind starting next month?

38. Megfogn ezt egy pillanatra? 39. Lenne

kedves segteni? 40. Lenneszves becsukni
az ajtt? 41 . Feltehetnk nnek nhny krdst? 42. Lenne kedves levenni a kutyj t a
szfrl? 43. Megtenn, hogy nem dohnyzik? 44. Lenne olyan kedves nem bmulni
gy rm? 45. Ha az n az a bicikli, megtenn, hogy behozza az udvarra? 46. Lennnek kedvesek a htul lk egy kicsit el
rbb hzdni? 47. Tudna esetleg a jv hnapban kezdeni?


must, have to, have got to


kell, tilos

Q20: be to Q 24: can, may: permission Q 26: can, may, must, will: probability, deduction
Q 75: need Q 78: no~ not Q 102: should, oughtto



1. l must phone my wi fe. 2. You must rest.

3. He must find Lavington. 4. You must
l isten to me. 5. W e must be practical. 6.
You must tidy you r room, Freddie. 7. You
must go, mustn't you? 8. l real ly must be
going now. 9. Life must go on. 1 O. But
you must bemore carefui next time, Mary.
11. We must get rid of h im. 12. l musttell
you about the drearn l had last night. 13.
You must abide by the decision of the
group. 14. Lies must always be as close
to the truth as possible. 15. l must have
that book. 16. Ali soldiers must have short
hair. 17. Dr Cool told me l must stop
smoking. 18. Prams must be left outside
the shop. 19. Must you go now? 20. Must
he stay at home today? 21. Must we give
them ali the money? 22. Must you play
your harmonica in the living room? 23.
What qualifications must a baker have?
24. Why rnust you always be bothering
me? 25. How long must this go on before
action is taken?

1. Fel kell hvnom a felesgemet. 2. Pihenned kell. 3. Meg kell tallnia Lavingtont. 4.
Meg kell hallgatnod. 5. Praktikusan kell gondolkodnunk. 6. Rendet kell csinlnod a szobdban, Freddie. 7. Muszj menned, ugye?
8. Most mr tnyleg mennem kell. 9. Az let
nem llhat meg. 10. De legkzelebb vatosabbnak kell len ned, Mary. 11. Meg kell szabadulnunk tle. 12. Muszj elmesl nem, mit
lmodtam mlt jjel. 13. Tartanod kell magad a csoport dntshez. 14. A hazugsgnak mindig a lehet legkzelebb kell maradnia az igazsghoz. 15. Meg kell szereznem
azt a knyvet. 16. Minden katonnak rvid
haja kell legyen. 17. Dr Cool azt mondta, abba kell hagynom a dohnyzst. 18. A babakocsikat tessk a bolt bejratnl hagyni. 19.
Menned kell? 20. Itthon kell maradnia ma?
21. Muszj odaadnunk nekik az sszes pnzt?
22. Muszj a nappaliban harmonikznod? 23.
Milyen kpestssel kell rendelkeznieegy pknek? 24. Mirt muszj folyton engem nyaggatnod? 25. Meddig kell mg ennek folytatdnia, mg vgre cselekvsre kerl sor?


26. l have to phone my wife. 27. We have
toco-operate with th em. 28. l have to travel
one hour to my office every day. 29. We
have to believe in luck. 30. l have to adrnit
that l am just not happy in this job. 31. Everyone i n a food factory has to keep ele an
and tidy and cover ali the hair on the head.
32. You don't have to stay. 33. l don't real ly
have to go, do l? 34. My decision doesn't
have to be your decision. 35. Do l have to
wear a su it? 36. Do you have to work hard?
37. Does everybody have to do military service in Holland? 38. What do l have to do
first? 39. Wehadto wait only five minutes.
40. l had to sleep in an armchair. 41. We

26. Telefonlnom kell a felesgemnek. 27.

Egytt kell mkdnnk velk. 28. Mindennap
egy rfkell utaznm a munkahelyemre. 29.
Hinnnk kell a szerencsben. 30. Be kell ismernem, egyszeren nem rzem jl magam
ebben az llsban. 31. Az lelmiszergyrban
mindenkinek tiszta, rendezett klsvel kell
dolgoznia, s teljesen be kell fednie a hajt.
32. Nem kell itt maradnod. 33. Ugye nem
kell tnyleg elmennem? 34. Az n dntsem
nem kell, hogy a te dntsed is legyen. 35.
ltnyt kell felvennem? 36. Kemnyen kell
dolgoznod? 37. Hollandiban mindenkinek
kell katonai szelglatot teljestenie? 38. Mit
kell tennem elszr? 39. Csak t percet kel-


only had to say jump and they jumped. 42.

They had to learn Latin, didn't they? 43. You
didn't have to sell that bracelet, did you?
44. l knew l had to find another excuse.
45. Did you have to ask him to help you?
46. Did they have to write a report on that?
47. I'm afraid you'll have to come back tomorrow. 48. You will have to pay a fine of
f1 O. 49. 1'11 have to go to the bank before
the weekend. 50. Otherwise I shall have to speak
to the manager. 51. It has to be done. 52.
Sometimes rules have to be broken. 53.
Does my camera have to be X-rayed? 54. l
hate having to stand in the queue. 55. But
for God's sake, call h im if you have to.

lett vrnunk. 40. Egy karosszkben kellett

aludnom. 41. Csak fttyentennk kellett, s
k ugrottak. 42. Tanulniuk kellett latint, ugye?
43. De nem volt muszj eladnod azt a karktt, ugye? 44. Tudtam, hogy ms mentsget
kell tallnom. 45. Meg kellett krned, hogy
segtsen? 46. Jelentst kellett rniuk rla? 47.
Attl tartok, vissza kell jnnie holnap. 48. Tz
font bntetst kell fizetnie. 49. El kell mennem a bankba mg a hten. 50. Klnben
beszlnem kell az zletvezetveL 51. Meg
kell tenni! 52. Nha t kellhgnia szablyokat. 53. t kell vilgtani a kamermat? 54.
Utlom, ha sorba kell llnom. 55. Az lsten
szerelmre, hvd fel, ha kell.



56. You have to be joking. 57. This has to

be our watershed. 58. There is this bias
with critics that if it is about vampires it
has to be junk - weil it is absolutely not
true. 59. So there has to beanother black
box, doesn't there? 60. There has to be a
better way of selling books. 61. The situation is so serious that for any government
to do what is necessary, it will have to be
ha ted.

56. Nyilvn viccelsz. 57. Ez lesz a vzvlaszt a mi esetnkben. 58. Van egy ilyen
a kritikusokban, hogy ha valami a
vmprokrl szl, akkor az szemt - nos,
ez egyltaln nincs gy. 59. Vagyis, kell hogy
legyen mg egy doboz, ugye? 60. Kell, hogy
legyen alkalmasabb mdja a knyveladsnak. 61. A helyzet olyan komoly, hogy ha
egy kormny megteszi, amit meg kell tenni, akkor szksgszeren utini fogjk.



62. l've got to phone my wife. 63. Listen,

darling, you've got to tell him. 64. l've got
to get up early tomorrow. 65. He's got to
get back to the office before six. 66. l've
got to cash a cheque before they close. 67.
l might be late tonight. l've got to see somebody. 68. The boss says you've got to go
down the chimney. 69. You've got to make
up you r mind what you' re going to do. 70.
This is the kind of th ing we' ve got to avoi d.
71. He's got to be stopped. 72. You haven't
got to start now, if you don't want to. 73.
Have they got to se ll their house? 74. What's
got to be done now?

62. Fel kell hvnom a felesgemet. 63. Figyelj, kedvesem, meg kell mondanod neki .
64. Holnap korn kell felkelnem. 65. Hat
eltt vissza kell rnie az irod ba. 66. Be kell
vltanom egy csekket, mg mieltt bezrnak. 67. Lehet, hogy ksek ma este. Tallkoznom kell valakivel. 68. A fnk azt
mondja, le kell msznod a kmnybe. 69.
El kell dnte ned, mit fogsz csinlni . 70. Pontosan az ilyesmit kell kerlnnk. 71. Meg
kell lltanil 72. Nem kell most elindulnod,
ha nem akarod. 73. Muszj eladniuk a hzukat? 74. Most mi a teend?

1. l often have to speak Freneh in my job. NOT: l eften l-l ave get te ~pe ak Freneh i n my
job. 2. l had to wait until they carne back. NOT: l l-lad get te 'vvait unti l tl-ley ean,e





75. Hank Samrin nyilvn hazudik. 76. Valahol menetkzben valaki nyilvn majd
megtudja az igazat s minden kiderl. 77.
Kelllegyen valami oka annak, hogy nem vlaszoltak. 78. Biztos valami hiba trtnt. 79.
Kell hogy legyenek itt emberek.

75. Hank Samrin has got to be lying. 76.

Sornewhere along the line somebody has got
to hear the truth and it has got to come out.
77. There's got to be a reason that they have
not replied. 78. There's gotto be some mistake.
79. There's got to be people around here.


80. My father isasleep upstairs, and we must
not wake him. 81. You must not be late for
meals. 82. He mustn't find out. 83. Oh, you
mustn't worry about me, Alfred, 1'11 be ali
right. 84. You must not try to influence their
decision. 85. l mustn't say anything definite yet. 86. You must never mention our
involvement. 87. And you must nevertell
them where it is. 88. She said she mustn't
see h im. 89. The patient must not be moved.
90. l don't want to preach, but you really
mustn't be so trapped inside you r own probl ems. 91. What th ings mustn't you do in
the country?

80. Odafent alszik az apm, s nem szabad

felbresztennk. 81. Nem szabad elksned
az tkezsekrL 82. Nem szabad rjnnie.
83. Nem szabad m miattam aggdnod,
Alfred, rendbe jvk. 84. Nem szabad megprblnod befolysolni a dntsket 85.
Egyelre semmi biztosat nem mondhatok.
86. Soha nem szabad emltened, hogy mi is
benne voltunk. 87. s soha nem szabad megmondanod nekik, hol van. 88. Azt mondta,
nem tallkozhat vele. 89. A beteget nem szabad megmozdtani. 90. Nem akarok prdiklni, de tnyleg nem szabad ennyire bezrkznod a sajt gondjaidba. 91. Mit nem szabad csinlni vidken?

QS: a/low, permit, forbid



szksges, nem szksges

74: must, have to, have got to 102: shou/d, ought to

Reference 1



1. l need a clean towel. 2. She needed a

1. Egy tiszta trlkzre van szksgem. 2.

work permit. 3. Shout if you need me. 4.

l need to send a fax. 5. l need to lose
weight. 6. We need to speak to him. 7.
She will need to wear a bra soon. 8.1 need
to find out where the town centre is. 9. l
needed to rest for a few minutes. 1 O. You r
new dress needs to be let down. 11. There
are a lot of things that need to be thought
about first. 12. He needs to be taught a
few basicsabout English syntax. 13. None
of these tricks were needed. 14. l don't
need a new coat. 15. We don 't need your

Munkavllalsi engedlyre volt szksge.

3. Kilts, ha szksged van rm. 4. Egy faxot kell elkldenem. 5. Fogynom kell. 6.
Beszlnnk kell vele. 7. Hamarosan melltartt kell hordania. 8. R kell jnnm, hol
a vroskzpont. 9. Muszj volt pihennem
egypr percet 1 O. Az j ruhdat le kell engedni. 11. Nagyon sok olyan dolog van,
amit elbb vgig kell gondolni. 12. Meg kell
tanulnia nhny alapvet dolgot az angol
szintaxisrl. 13. Semmi ilyen trkkre nem
volt szksg. 14. Nincs szksgem j ka-


help. 16. We don't need to wear formal

clothes, do we? 17. You don't need to say
any more, l agree with you. 18. l didn't
need to warn hm. He'd been told. 19.
Do you need any help, Jane? 20. Do l
need to apply for a visa? 21. Do you need
to have a special l icence to drive a lorry?
22. Did you need to get permission to
sta y?

btra. 15. Nincs szksgnk a segtsgedre. 16. Ugye nem szksges elegnsan felltznnk? 17. Nem szksges tbbet mondania, egyetrtek n nel. 18. Nem volt szksg arra, hogy figyelmeztessem. Mr megmondtk neki. 19. Szksged van segtsgre, Jane? 20. Kell vzumot ignyelnem? 21.
Kell klnleges jogostvny ahhoz, hogy teherautt vezessen az ember? 22. Kellett engedlyt krned arra, hogy maradhass?

You don't need to worry. NOT: Vou don't need vvorry/vvorrying.

23. The hedge needs trimming. 24. She said
wehadto get back in time because her cats
needed feeding. 25. l-always knew he
needed looking after. 26. That's the one that
needs repairing.

23. Rfrne egy kis igazts a svnyre. 24.

Azt mondta, idben kell visszarnnk, mert
a macskt meg kell etetni. 25. Mindig is tudtam, hogy gondoskodsra van szksge. 26.
Ez az, amelyiket meg kell javtani.



27. I don't think we need go yet. 28. The o nly

thing you need do is rub it off. 29. Nothing need
be said about it. 30. It need not be the same

27. Azt hiszem, nem kell mg indulnunk.

28. Egyszeren csak le kell drzslnie. 29.
Errl nem kell mondani semmit. 30. Nem
kell felttlenl, hogy ugyanaz a csald legyen. 31. Nem kell aggdnod rtem. 32.
Nem szksges, hogy logikai kapcsolat legyen kzttk. 33. Hiszen csak fk. Nem kell
flnem tlk. 34. Nem szksges bemutatnom magam. 35. Nem fontos most dntenie. 36. Nem kell kifizetnnk, ugye? 37. Tudtk, hogy nem kell velem trdnik. 38. Ha
nem akarsz, nem muszj menned. 39. Nos,
biztos, hogy emiatt nem kell , hogy tl sokat
kssnk. 40. Most rgtn meg kell csinlnom?
41. Muszj, hogy szombatra ksz legyen?

family. 31. You needn't worry about me.

32. There need not be a logical connection between them. 33. Why, they're only
trees, after ali. l needn't be afra id of them .
34. l need not introduce myself. 35. She
need not decide now. 36. We needn't pay
for that, need we? 37. They knew they
needn't bother about me. 38. You needn't
go if you don't wa nt to. 39. Weil, I'm su re
it needn't delay us for too long. 40. Need l
do it at once? 41. Need it be finished by

You needn't worry. NOT: Vou needn't to worry.

nem kellett volna

needn't have
42. It needn't have happened. 43. You
needn't have sent it by post, l could have
picked it up. 44. Oh, you needn't have .
waited out there. 45. You needn't have
come ali at once.

42. Nem kellett volna, hogy megtrtnjen.

43. Nem kellett volna postn kldened, beugrottam volna rte. 44. , nem kellett volna odakinn vrakoznod . 45. Nem kellett
volna mind egyszerre jnntk.


no good, no point etc.

~146 :






1. lt's no good trying to frighten me, Mother.

2. lt's no good panicking - keep ca lm, slow
down and let him pass. 3. l realized it was
no good trying to ta lk to h im. 4. lt's not much
good switching it on, you've blown the fu se.
5. There's no point trying to get out now. 6.
There's not much point in phoning. He'll
have left by now. 7. Thereis no point in denying that there are sometimes reasons to
complain. 8. There was no point in pretending that he had the si ightest chance now. 9.
There was no point waiting to be rescued.
10. There seemed no point in anything: not
even in clearing the table. 11. There's no
sense in making up stories. They will ask
questions. 12. There's no sense in making
so much fuss over a phone call. 13. What's
the sense in waiting? 14. Come, there's no
use crying like that! 15. lt's nousemaking a
face like that! 16. lt's nousegoing unti l the
shops are open. 17. I'm afraid it isn't any
use laoking for her, she's left. 18. She knew
it was no use protesting. 19. Frank, it's no
use now to pretend to be two people.

no longer, not any longer,

not any more

nincs rtelme, felesleges stb.

1. Felesleges megprblnod rm ijeszteni,

anya. 2. Semmi rtelme pnikolni- maradj
nyugton, lassts le, s hagyd elmenni. 3. Rjttem, nincs rtelme megprblni beszlni
vele. 4. Nem sok rtelme van bekapcsolni ,
kivgtad a biztostkot. 5. Most semmi rtelme megprblni kijutni. 6. Nem sok rtelme van telefonlni. Mr biztos elment. 7.
Hiba tagadnnk, hogy idnknt van ok panaszra. 8. Felesleges lett volna gy tennie,
mintha mg mindig lenne brmi eslye. 9.
Nem volt rtelme vrni, hogy megmentsenek. 1O. gy tnt, nincs rtelme semminek,
mg annak se, hogy leszedje az asztalt. 11.
Felesleges mindenfle mest kitallni. Krdseket fognak feltenn i. 12. Felesleges ilyen
nagy gyet csinlni egy telefonbeszlgetsbl. 13. Mi rtelme vrni? 14. Ugyan mr,
kr gy bgni. 15. Felesleges ilyen poft vgni. 16. Addig nem rdemes menni, amg ki
nem nyitnak a boltok. 17. Attl tartok, nincs
rtelme keresni, elment. 18. Tudta, hogy kr
is tiltakoznia. 19. Nincs rtelme tovbb kt
embernek tettetnie magt, Frank.


mr nem, tbb nem


1. She is no Ionger under my care. 2. They
were terrified, but they were no Ionger utterly helpless. 3. l am no Ionger sure l can
go on blaming her. 4. Mariy Eskimos no
Ionger live as they used to. 5. We can no
Ionger depend on their support. 6. The rabbit was no Ionger to be seen.

1. Mr nem ll a kezelsem alatt. 2. Rettegtek ugyan, de mr nem voltak teljesen tehetetlenek. 3. Mr nem vagyok olyan biztos
benne, hogy tovbbra is t hibztathatom.
4. Sok eszkim mr nem gy l, mint rgen.
5. Nem fgghetnk tovbb a tmogatsuktL 6. A nyulat nem lehetett mr ltni.



7. l don't live in Glasgow any longer. 8. We
don't go out together any Ionger in case they
might notice. 9. I'm sure l don't want to
sta y here any longer. 1O. It w as too dangerous to stay there any longer. 11. You can't
go on living in this way any longer. 12. He
could not put it off any longer. 13. You had
better not wait any longer. 14. Your temperature has gone down now, so you
needn't stay in bed any longer.

7. Mr nem lek Glasgow-ban. 8. Mr nem

jrunk el egytt sehova, mert esetleg megltnnak. 9. Biztos, hogy nem akarok tovbb itt maradni. 10. Tlsgosan veszlyes
volt tovbb ott maradni. 11. Nem lhetsz
gy tovbb. 12. Nem halogathatta tovbb.
13.Jobban tennd, ha nem vrnl tovbb.
14. Lement a lzad, gyhogy nem kell tovbb gyban maradnod.

15. They're not living together any more.
16. l hardly felt Englishany more. 17. He
hasn't got his car any mare. 18. l don't go
to Maxi's Disco any more. 19. "And did he
really use to go to art school?" - "Yes, he
did, but he doesn't any more." 20. I' m not
afraid of being bothered in the street any
more. 21. l chopped until l couldn't hold
the axe any more. 22. You needn't take the
tablets any more.

15. Mr nem lnek egytt. 16. Mr alig reztem magam angolnak. 17. Mr nincs meg
az autja. 18. Mr nem jrok a Maxi
Discba. 19. "Tnyleg mvszeti iskolba
jrt?" - " Igen, de mr abbahagyta." 20. Tbb nem flek attl, hogy zaklatnak az utcn. 21. Addig vgtam a ft, amg mr nem
tudtam tovbb tartani a fejszt. 22. Nem
kell tovbb szednie a tablettkat.

l don't go to Maxi's Disco any more. NOT: l do1,'t go to Maxi'~

q 77:



any lo1,ger.

novagy not


no longer, not any longer, not any more q 81/45-50: if so, if not q120: think so, th ink not q145:
word order lll: negative sentences

He is not a fool. OR: He is no fool. NOT: l le


not fool.



1. He can never say no to anyone. 2. Learn

1. Soha senkinek nem tud nemet mondani.
how to say 'No'. 3. "You mean you've never
2. Tanulj meg nemet mondani. 3. "gy rtaken 'souvenirs' from a hotel?" - "No,
ted, mg soha sem hoztl el valamit' em lkbe'
never." 4. No, no, l don't want to talk to
egy szllodbl?" - "Nem, soha." 4. Nem,
nem, senkivel sem akarok beszlni! 5. Nem
anybody! 5. Conanghan will receive no
special treatment from me. 6. You yourself
fogok kivtelezni Conanghannal. 6. Te maknew ir was no big problem. 7. You look . gad is tudtad, hogy ez nem nagy problma.
no olderthan thirty. 8. Hammond is no fool,
7. Nem nzel ki tbbnek harmincnL 8.
Hammond nem bolond, te is tudod. 9. Nincs
you know that. 9. There's no future in it.
1 O. lt's no secret. 11. You can get a bed but
jvje. 1O. Nem titok. 11. Szllst kaphat, de
telt nem. 12. Az orvosok semmilyen tjno food. 12. l could get no information from
the doctors at ali. 13. l have no idea where
koztatst nem adtak. 13. Sejtelmem sincs, ho-


they've gone. 14. There is no connection

between intelligence and creativity. 15.
There's no time to lose, please, let me in.
16. Otherwise, there was nochange in the
norma! routine. 17. There were no signs of
a struggle. 18. NO SMOKING

va mentek. 14. Az intelligencinak s a kreativitsnak nincs kze egymshoz. 15. Nincs

vesztenival id, krem, engedjenek be. 16.
Msklnben aszoksos gyakorlat semmiben
nem vltozott. 17. Semmi nyoma nem volt
kzdelemnek. 18. Dohnyozni ti Ios.



19. Not everyone went home. 20. lt's not

the end of the world. 21. No, Mr Jones is not
in. Can l take a message? 22. l hope you're
not here against your will. 23. She was not
li ke the rest of the family. 24. That's not what
l asked you to do. 25. I'm a waitress, not a
cook. 26. You are a human being, not a
machine. 27. Are you coming or not? 28. So
maybe you shou ld leave and not come ba ck.
29. Not you again! 30. "Who's been using
my toothbrush?" - "Not me." 31. "Let me
see what you've got for us." - "Airight, but
not here. Let's go to my place." 32. "How
did it go?"- "Not very weil. Ali cleared off
before midnight." 33. "Are you satisfied?""Not really." 34. "Do you always take a dip
in the pool before breakfast?"- "No, not often, not when l get up late." 35. We can have
it whenever it suits you but not on Thursday
or Friday... 36. You' ll have to come down
punctually to breakfast or not at ali. 37. Not
one copy was sold.

nouns: number

19. Nem mindenki ment haza. 20. Ez mg

nem a vilg vge. 21. Nem, Mr Jones nincs
itt. tvehetek zenetet? 22. Remlem, nem
akarata ellenre van itt. 23. Nem olyan volt,
mint a csald tbbi tagja. 24. Nem erre krtelek. 25. Felszolgl vagyok, nem szakcs.
26. Ember vagy, nem gp. 27. jssz vagy
nem? 28. Szvallehet, hogy el kellene menned s nem visszajnnd. 29. Csak nem te
vagy mr megint! 30. "Ki hasznlja a fogkefmet?" - "Nem n." 31. "Nzzk, mit
tartogat neknk."- "j, de ne itt. Menjnk
hozzm." 32. "Hogy ment?" - "Nem valami jl. Mindenki lelpett jfl eltt." 33.
' d ett.?" - " N em 1gazan.
' " 34. " M"md.1g
" El ege
megmrtzol reggeli eltt?"- "Nem, nem
gyakran. Ha ksn kelek, akkor nem." 35.
Brmikor j, amikor nnek megfelel, csak
ne cstrtkn vagy pnteken. 36. Pontosan kell lejnnie a reggelihez, vagy ne. is
jjjn. 37. Egyetlen pldny se fogyott.


egyes szam vagy

tbbes szm


anybody, anything etc. ~9: articles ~21: both, either, neither ~47: few~ littie ~ 64: kind of, sort
of, type of~ 71: ma ny, much etc. ~ 1OS: some, any, no, none~ 106: some, a few, a couple, a littie
~ 13 8: whatever, whoever etc.


1. The Americans said their version was
cheaper. 2. l've known Tom and Dan since
they were babies . 3. Back at the Ritz,
Tommy packed up his few belongings. 4.
We packed ali the books in wooden boxes.
5. You shouldn't eat too many chips. 6. l' d
had several coffees before l could sit up. 7.

1. Az amerikaiak azt mondtk, az vltozatuk olcsbb. 2. Tomot s Dant kisbabakoruk

ta ismerem. 3. Tommy, miutn visszatrt a
Ritzbe, sszepakolta kevske holmijt. 4. Az
sszes knyvet fadobozokba raktuk. 5. Nem
szabadna tl sok csipszet enned. 6. Tbb kvt megittam, mire vgre fel tudtam lni. 7. A


The conditions were terrible. 8. He works

five days a week. 9. My wife was mixing
drinks. 1O. Food is qui te c heap here, drinks
aren't. 11. Don't widen you r eyes like that.
12. Which flowers do you like best? 13. Do
you think grown-ups will ever let you do
things like that? 14. l love old houses. 15. l
have my ideas on the subject. 16. Koala
bears eat eucalyptus leaves. 17. Molly li ked
discussing the private livesof public figures.
18. l like living with my parents. 19. Several passersby saw the man get into a taxi.
20. Why are pizzas fiat? 21. l want a coat
with big pockets. 22. Stamps can only be
bought in post offices. 23. l have booked
two roomsfor tonight. 24. Roses are beautiful. 25. How much are M-lese sandwiches?
26. I'm fond of sweets. 27. Ali the teachers
were very old. 28. Things have changed.
29. Th ese tomatoes ca me from Holland. 30.
English vegetables are weil known for their

krlmnyek borzasztak voltak. 8. Heti t

napot dolgozik. 9. A felesgem ppen italokat kevert. 1O. Az tel elg olcs itt, az italok
kevsb. 11. Ne is mereszd gy a szemedet.
12. Milyen virgokat szeretsz a legjobban?
13. Gondolod, hogy a felnttek valaha is megengednek neked ilyesmit? 14. Szeretem az
reg hzakat. 15. Megvannak a tmval kapcsolatos elkpzelseim. 16. A koala medvk
eukaliptusz levelet esznek. 17. Molly szerette megbeszlni hres emberek magnlett
18. Szeretek aszleimmel lni. 19. Tbb jrkel is ltta a frfit taxiba szllni. 20. A pizza mirt lapos? 21. Egy kabtot sz eretnk nagy
zsebekkeL 22. Blyeget csak a postn rul-
nak. 23. Foglaltam kt szobt ma jjelre. 24.
A rzsa gynyr virg. 25. Mennyibe kerlnek ezek a szendvicsek? 26. Nagyon szeretem az dessget 27. Az sszes tanr reg
volt. 28. Megvltoztak a dolgok. 29. Ez holland paradicsom. 30. Az angol zldsgflk
hresek arrl, hogy nincs semmi zk.

Reference 2


31. l think he can give me some good advice. 32. Would you see if there's any bread
left? 33. The flood caused serious damage
to th smaller houses. 34. There wasn't any
evidence to suggest they had accepted
bribes. 35. Reading is fun. 36. lt's time we
had a bit of fun around here. 37. What's
wrong with the furniture? 38. She likes to
give us a lot of homework for holidays. 39.
l'd like some information about trains. 40.
Now this was surprising information. 41.
Have you got any luggage? 42. l need money
desperately. 43. l th ink about a lot of money
morning, noon and night. 44. Can't you borrow some money? 45. l don't do it for the
money. 46. We can't just wa lk inthere without permission. 47. Meat contains more protein than anything else. 48. Oil is plentiful
in the area. 49. She sat me down and gave
me a cup of cocoa with too much sugar in
it. 50. Have you ever done any honest work?

31. Azt hiszem, tud majd valami j tancsot adni nekem. 32. Megnznd, maradt-e
mg kenyr? 33. Az rads komoly krokat
okozott a kisebb hzakban. 34. Semmilyen
bizonytk nem volt arra, hogy kenpnzt
fogadtak volna el. 35. Olvasni lvezet. 36.
Ideje, hogy egy kicsit jl rezzk itt magunkat. 37. Mi baj a btorral/btorokkal? 38. Szeret sok hzi feladatot adni a sznidre. 39.
Vonatokrl szeretnk rdekldni. 40. Ht ez
meglep informci volt. 41. Van valami csamagja? 42. geten szksgem van pnzre.
43. Reggel, dlben s este sok pnzrl lmodom. 44. Nem tudsz klcsnkrni valamennyit? 45. Nem a pnzrt csinlom. 46.
Nem stlhatunk be csak gy engedly nlkl. 47. A hs brmi msnl tbb proteint
tartalmaz. 48. Bsges mennyisgben van
olaj a terleten . 49. Leltetett s megknlt
egy cssze tl des kakaval. 50. Vgeztl
mr valaha brmilyen becsletes munkt?

We bought several pieces of new furniture. NOT: \Ve bought !everal new furlliture(!).
Q86: partitives




51. ls billiards played by women too? 52.

51. A nk is szoktak bilirdozni? 52. A kzEconomics is supposed to be a science. 53.
gazdasgtanrl azt tartjk, hogy tudomny.
The IRA blew up a gasworks at Warrington.
53. Az IRA felrobbantott egy gzgyrat
54. Measies is even worse, especially with
Warringtonban. 54. A kanyar mg rosszabb,
adults. 55. Mathematics is a solitary activklnsen felnttek esetben. 55. A mateity. 56. News travels quickly in a small town.
matika magnyos foglalatossg. 56. Egy kis57. This news he announced with just a
vrosban gyorsan terjednek a hrek. 57. Ezt
trace of a smile. 58. That's not bad news . a hrt pp csak egy apr mosollyal jelentette
for me. 59. l've got some bad news. 60.
be. 58. Nekem ez nem rossz hr. 59. Rossz
Politics is something we usually avoid talkhrem van. 60. A politika az a dolog, amirl
ing about.
ltalban igyeksznk nem beszlni.

This is bad news. NOT: Tnese are bad nevvs.


61.1n his (or her) lifetime the average Briton
eats, among others, 8 cattle, 36 pigs, and
550 poultry. 62. You'd better put on some
warm clothes. 63. Do you ever buy second-hand clothes? 64. Can you see my
glasses anywhere? 65. Have the goods been
unloaded from both lorries? 66. There'll be
quite a few people around. 67. Farnous
people are ali the same. 68. Help other
people get what they want. 69. People at
school say I' m mad. 70. Your scissors are
blunt. 71. I'm sure these shoes aren't made
of leather. 72. His mother was running up
and down the stairs most of the time. 73.
Police think that the blaze wasstarted by a
dropped cigarette. 74. Your police have one
unfortunate weakness: they have no imagination. 75. He was wearing blue trausers
and a T-shirt.

61. lete sorn egy tlag brit egyebek kzt

elfogyaszt 8 marht, 36 disznt s 550 baromfit. 62. jobb lenne, ha felvennl valami
meleg holmit. 63. Szoktl hasznlt ruhaflt venni? 64. Nem ltod valahol a szemvegemet? 65. Mind a kt teherautrl lerakodtk az rut? 66. Elg sokan lesznek
ott. 67. A hres emberek mind egyformk.
68. Segts msoknak megszerezni, amit
akarnak. 69. Az emberek az iskolban azt
mondjk, rlt vagyok. 70. letlen az olld. 71. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ez a
cip nem brbl van. 72. Az anyja az id
legnagyobb rszben fel-le rohanglt a lpcsn . 73. A rendrsg felttelezi, hogy a tzet egy eldobott cigaretta okozta. 74. Az
nk rendrsgnek van egy kellemetlen
gyenge pontja: nincs kpzelerej k. 75. Kk
nadrg s pl volt rajta.

1. l bought two pairs of jeans. NOT: l bougl 1t1V\Io jea1,s.

2. The poli ce are looking for him. NOT: Tn e poli ee is looki1 g for hin'l.
q9/189-199: articles: "the rich", "the English" q86: partitives


76. We caught more fish than we had caught
ever before. 77. What kind of fish is that?
78. It wasn't sheep. 79. Ali l saw were a few
cows, some sheep and two tractors. 80. The
huntsmen shot three deer befo re midday. 81.
The aircraft which crashed was a 320B. 82.
We' re buying 3 aircraft for ou r charter fl ights.

76. Tbb halat fogtunk, mint eltte brmikor. 77. Milyen hal az? 78. Nem birka volt.
79. Csak nhny tehenet s birkt, valamint
kt traktort lttam. 80. A vadszok mg dl
eltt hrom szarvast ejtettek. 81 . A szerencstlenl jrt replgp 3208 tpus volt. 82.
Hrom gpet vsrolunk a charterjrataink


83. We're supposed to be met at a crossroads outside town. 84. Ali the crossroads
were blocked by taxis and lorries. 85. The
data that seems to be lost was most important 86. Who the heli has erased ali the data
from this disk? 87. Which do you think is
the cheapest means of travel? 88. Use ali
possible means to get them off this project.
89. The written media has always been more
liberaL 90. ls/Are ali the media going to be
brought under government control? 91. He
wrote a series of letters to the poli ce. 92. Dallas was the most successful television series
of the 1970s. 93. You're going to have two
series of questions to answer in your final test.

szmra. 83. A vroson kvl, egy keresztezdsnl fognak vrni rnk. 84. Minden keresztezdst taxik s teherautk zrtak el. 85.
Az adat, ami gy tnik, eltnt, igen fontos
volt. 86. Ki a fene trlte le az sszes adatot
errl a diszkrl? 87. Mit gondol, melyik a
legolcsbb utazsi forma? 88. Hasznlj fel
minden lehetsges eszkzt, hogy eltrtsd
ket ettl a vllalkozstL 89. A nyomtatott
mdiamindig liberlisabb volt. 90. Az sszes
mdia a kormny ellenrzse al kerl? 91.
Egy sor levelet rt a rendrsgnek. 92. A Dallas volt az 1970-es vek legsikeresebb tvsorozata. 93. A zr tesztben kt krdssort
kell megvlaszolniuk.

-1 ate two fish. NOT: l ate tvvo fi!lne!l.



94. The point is the audience were too young

for the kind of music we play. 95. An audience full of managers, their lawyers and accountants applauded wildly. 96. What if the
Council don't finish their meeting before
twelve? 97. The Council has published the
plansfor the new shopping area. 9~. Where
is/are the film crew? 99. Ours is the largest
family in our neighbourhood. 100. Do you
mean his family were collaborators? 101. It
seems the government are not wi ll i ng to fa ce
the consequences of a British Leyland collapse. 102. Nevertheless, the government has
already proposed rules for controllingthe import of guns "not readily adaptable to sporting purposes". 103. You must know what
the public wants and you must know how
much they are prepared to pay. 104. The
British public are slowly beginning to develop
a taste for real coffee. 105. The public don't
need any guidance from you. 106. Which
team has won? 107. The whole team were
fighting l ike heroes. 108. The theatre have
sentou r cheque back- they couldn't suppl y
tickets for the show.

94. A helyzet az, hogy a kznsg tl fiatal

volt ahhoz a zenhez, amit mi jtszunk. 95.
A menedzserekkel, valamint jogszaikkal s
knyvelikkel teli kznsg vadul tapsolt.
96. Mi lesz, ha a Tancs nem fejezi be a
megbeszlst dlig? 97. A Tancs kzztette az j bevsrlkzpont terveit. 98. Hol
vannak a filmesek? 99. A mi csaldunk a
legnagyobb a krnyknkn. 100. Azt akarod mondani, hogy a csaldja kollaborns
volt? 101. gy tnik, a kormny nem hajt
szembenzni a British Leyland csdjnek
kvetkezmnyei vel. 102. Mindenesetre a
kormny mr beterjesztette a " nem kifejezetten sportclokra hasznlatos" fegyverek
importjnak szablyozsra tett javaslatait. 103. Tudnod kell, mit akarnak az emberek, s tudnod kell, mennyit hajlandk kifizetni rte. 104. A brit fogyasztk lassan kezdik megszeretni az igazi kv zt. 105. Az
emberek nem ignylik, hogy irnytsd ket.
106. Melyik csapat nyert? 107. Az egsz
csapat hsiesen kzdtt. 108. A sznhz
visszakldte a esekket-nem tudtak jegyeket biztostani az eladsra.


109. Are these you r coat and hat? 11 O. Si ck
children are always a problem.111. Yourdad
and l aren't getting any younger, you know.

109. Az n ez a kabt s a kalap? 11 O. A

beteg gyerekek mindig problmt jelentenek. 111. Tudod, apa s n nem lesznk


112. Archie Beesan and his wife were frightening. 113. Janet and N igei were stepbrother
and sister. 114. My father and Ted's mother
were brother and sister. 115. It was an importanttown in the11th and 12th centuries. 116.
Where's my scrambled eggs? 117. What about
that ten pounds that's left on the tray there?
118. Three hundred miles is a long way to
come for a funeral. 119. I'm not staying any
longer. Two days was enough. 120~ We need
anather three weeks to finish this job. 121.
We bought two dozen eggs. 122. We've been
there dozens of times. 123. The population
ofthe country is 15 million. 124. Most ecuntries spend millions of dallars on oil. 125. He's
fi ve foot/feet six inches tali. 126. Do you mind
if l give you a fifty-pound riote? 127.1t's pretty
expensive to film a five-minute scene which
you later have to throw away. 128. l have a
two-year-old daughter, but I' m dying to have
anather baby. 129. A bomb blew a 200-footwide erater under the World Trade Center in
New York. 130. The 670 bed hospital will be
built in two stages on a 40 acre site.

egyre fiatalabbak. 112. Archie Beesan s felesge ijesztek voltak. 113. Janet s Nigel
mcstohatestvrek voltak. 114. Apm s Ted
anyja testvrek voltak. 115. Fontos vros
volt a XI. s XII. szzadban. 116. Hol arntottm? 117. s az a tz font, amit otthagytak a tlcn? 118. tszz kilomter nagy t
egy temets kedvrt. 119. Nem maradok
tovbb. Kt nap elg volt. 120. Mg hrom
htre van szksgnk a munka befejezshez. 121. Kt tucat tojst vettnk. 122. Tucatnyi alkalommal jrtunk ott. 123. Az orszg npessge 15 mi ll i . 124. A legtbb
orszg dollrmillikat klt olajra. 125. t
lb hrom hvelyk magas. 126. Nem baj,
ha tvenfontost adok? 127. Elg sokba kerl felvenni egy tperces jelenetet, <;~mit aztn ksbb ki kell dob n i. 128. Van egy ktves lnyom, de rettenetesen szeretnk mg
egy gyereket. 129. A bomba 60 mter szles krtert vjt a New York-i World Trade
Center al. 130. A 670 gyas krhzat kt
temben ptik fel a kb. 16 hektros terleten.

l have a two-year-old daughter. OR: l have a daughter who is 2 years old. NOT: ~
a tvvo year~ old dauglter.

obligatory elements after

the verb
~120 :


az ige utn


think so, think not~132 : verbs VI: verbs with twa abjects ~129: verbs lll: verb +subject
camplement ~ 130: verbs IV: verb + abject camplement


1. Nagyon mltnyolnm, ha segtene ebben!

1. l' d very much appreciate it if you would

help with that. 2. l promise l won't do it
again. 3. "He may want to marry you ." - " l
doubt it." 4. l examined it carefully. 5. lt's
not true, and you know it. 6. l hate the idea
of leaving. l like it here. 7. l love it when l
can go home early. 8. How would you like
it if someone did it to you? 9. We ali four of
us took the game seriously, which is the only
way to take it.

2. Meggrem, hogy nem csinlom tbbet. 3.

"Lehet, hogy el akar venni felesgl."- "Ktlem." 4. Alaposan megvizsgltam. 5. Ez nem
igaz, s ezt te is tudod. 6. Gondolni se brok
arra, hogy elmenjek innen. Szeretek itt lenni.
7. Imdom, amikor korn hazamehetek. 8.
Az hogy tetszene, ha veled csinl n ezt valaki? 9. Mind a ngyen komolyan vettk a jtkot, hiszen mshogy nem is szabad.

Ilike it when you smile. NOT: Ilike vvhen you 5mile.


it as object



10. Ktlem, hogy k ezt helyeselni fogjk.
11. Kldj neknk kpeslapot az irodba. El
ne felejtsd! 12. Egyszeren nem tudom. 13.
Ahogy gondolja, uram. Csak ntl fgg. 14.
"Mondd, hogy nem trtnik meg mg egyszer!"- "Rendben, meggrem." 15. Hol is
volt ez? Egyszeren nem emlkszem. 16.
Menj, s mondd el neki. Meg fogja rteni.

10. l doubt whether they will approve of

that. 11. Don't forget! Send us a postcard at
the office. 12. l just don't know. 13.As you
like, sir. lt's entirely up to you. 14. "Say it
won't happen again!" - "OK, l promise..''
15. Where was it? l just can't remember.
16. Go and tell hm about it. He'll understand.


17. "Want to have a tattoo on your shoulder?" - "No, we're not allawed to." 18.
"Why did you give Babara job in you r own
firm?" - "Because Brian asked me to." 19.
"Let's go back to your place and have a
party."- "l'd li ke to, but lim feeling too ti red
this evening." 20. Only Linda Gin solvethat
problem and she doesn't want to. 21. If l
wanted to l could get rid of h im. 22. l told
hm l could stay if he wanted me to. 23. Do
you thi nk we should go? I'm sure she wants
us to. 24. "You know you hurt me by saying that."- "Sorry, l didn't mean to." 25. "l
can't come tonight, Alice."- "But you promised to."
~60 :

17. "Akarsz egy tetavlst a vlladra?" Nem, neknk nem szabad." 18. "Mirt adtl llst Babarnak a sajt cgednl?" "Mert Brian megkrt r." 19. " Menjnk fel
hozzd bulizni egyet!"- "Szeretnk, de tl
fradt vagyok hozz ma este." 20. Csak Linda tudja megoldani a problmt, de nem
akarja. 21. Ha akarnm, megszabadulhatnk tle. 22. Mondtam neki, hogy ott tudok maradni, ha akarja. 23. Gondolod,
hogy mennnk kne? Biztos vagyok benne, hogy azt akarja. 24. "Tudod, hogy megbntasz azzal, ha ezt mondod."- "Elnzst,
nem llt szndkomban." 25. "Alice, ma
este nem tudok jnni."- "De meggrted l"

infinitive with to



26. She won't wrap it up for you unless

you ask her. 27. l should have told you
but l forgot. 28. But they can think what
they like. 29. You maytry it if you like. 30.
"Do you think you can do it?" - "I' m not
sure. 1'11 try." 31. If you want, l could drive
you there. 32. You can come any day you
w ant.

one, that of, so:


26. Csak akkor csomagolja be neked, ha

megkred. 27. Mondanom kellett volna, de
elfelejtettem. 28. Fellem azt gondolnak,
ami jlesik nekik. 29. Megprblhatod, ha
van kedved. 30. "Gondolod, hogy meg tudod csinlni?"- "Nem tudom, megprblom." 31. Ha akarod, elviszlek kocsival. 32.
Brmelyik nap jhetsz, amikor akarsz.






1. l can't find my pen. Have you got one?

2. Please, show me anather one. 3. Remember to get me a bigger one. 4. Ou r marriage

1. Nem tallom a tollamat. Van nlad egy?

2. Krem, mutasson egy msikat. 3. Ne felejts el szerezni nekem egy nagyobbat. 4. A


wasa perfectly norma! one. 5. I'm sure their

offer is a very fair one. 6. This problem is a
very common one. 7. The story you are
about to hear is not a short one. 8. ls this
the new one? 9. This one's been opened.
1O. l th ink l li ke the green one. 11. Would
you like to taste one? 12. Mary didn't like
the fiat she was living in. She thought she
should move to a different one. 13. You
should get a new car before your old one
breaks down. 14. There are plenty of other
reasons but this is the main one. 15. ls that
the one you meant? 16. My coat is the one
with a silk lining. 17. Which is the one
you' re u sing now? 18. l can't take one that's
been opened. 19. That's the one that needs
repairing. 20. Which ones would you like?
21. They're the ones whose garage fell
down. 22. l prefer the ones with chocolate
on myself. 23. The ones l have are different
from the ones you gave me. 24. Which city
is you r favourite? Of ali the ones you' ve visited, l mean. 25. Don't bother washing the
cups. We can use the old ones. 26. Turkish
dogs are just thesameas English ones. 27.
Those ones don't look expensive. 28. I'm
one of the lucky ones.

hzassgunk egy teljesen normlis hzassg volt. 5. Biztos vagyok abban, hogy az
ajnlatuk nagyon mltnyos ajnlat. 6. Ez egy
nagyon gyakori problma. 7. A trtnet,
amelyet hallani fognak, nem lesz rvid. 8.
Ez az j? 9. Ezt felnyitottk. 1 O. Azt hiszem,
a zld tetszik. 11. Nem kstol sz meg egyet?
12. Mary nem szerette a lakst, ahol lakott.
.gy gondolta, msikba kellene kltznie.
13. Kellene egy j kocsit szerezned, mieltt a rgi lerobban. 14. Szmos egyb ok
is van, de ez a legfontosabb. 15. Erre gondoltl? 16. A selyembls az n kabtom.
17. Melyik az, amelyiket most hasznlod?
18. Nem vehetek el olyat, amelyik fel van
nyitva. 19. Az az, amelyiket javtani kell.
20. Melyikeket kri? 21. k azok, akiknek
beszakadt a garzsuk. 22. Magam is a csokisakat szeretem jobban. 23. Amik nekem
vannak, nem olyanok, mint amiket adtl.
24. Melyik vrost kedveli a legjobban? Mrmint mindazok kzl, ahol jrt. 25. Nem
fontos elmosogatnod a csszket. Hasznlhatjuk ugyanazokat. 26. A trk kutyk pontosan ugyanolyanok, mint az angol kutyk.
27. Azok nem ltszanak drgnak. 28. A
szerencssek kz tartozom.

1. Jim ate three. NOT: jin, ate three eme~. 2. l think Ilike the green one. NOT: l think l
li ke ti 1e green.
q48: focus and emphasis q89: possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns


29. l certainly don't think my only role in
life should be that of a wife and mother.
30. He was su re the other voice was that of
an old woman. 31. The position of a friend
is easier than that of a spouse. 32. Their
colour was the same as that of the wood
panelling around. 33. Tigers of the south
are smaller and more brightly col ou red than
those of the north.

29. Termszetesen nem gondolom, hogy az

egyetle') szerepellJ az letben az, hogy felesg s anya legyek. 30. Biztos volt benne, hogy a msik egy ids n hangja. 31.
Egy bart helyzete knnyebb a hzastrsnL 32. Ugyanolyan volt a sznk, mint krben a lambri. 33. A dlen l tigrisek
kisebbek s lnkebb sznek, mint az szakiak.


egyes igk mellett

34. Since she wanted to sleep on the balcony, l told her to do so. 35. If you' re signing up do so quickly. 36. " He's gone to see

34. Miutn az erklyenakart aludni, mondtam neki, hogy tegye azt. 35. Ha feliratkozol, minl elbb tedd. 36. "Elment megl-


them in the camp." - "Yes, he did so last

week, too." 37. Who says so? 38. I'm glad
to hear you say so. 39. If you don't understand something, say so clearly. 40. He
wanted to leave, but he didn't say so. 41.
Why didn't you say so before? 42. If you
don't mind my saying so, l think you have
made a big mistake. 43. If he told you so,
he must have been real ly disappointed. 44.
"He's th inking of moving to Bristol."- "Oh,
did he tell you so?"

togatni ket a tborban." - "Igen, a mlt

hten is." 37. Ki mondja ezt? 38. rlk,
hogy ezt mondja. 39. Ha nem rtesz valamit, mondd meg vilgosan. 40. El akart
menni, de nem mondta. 41. Mirt nem szltl elbb? 42. Ha nem haragszik, hogy megmondom, azt hiszem, nagyot hibzott. 43.
Ha ezt mondta neked, nagyon csaldott lehetett. 44. "Azt tervezi, hogy Bristol ba kltzik."- ", ezt mondta neked?"

If you don't understand it, please say so. NOT: If JU dn't under~tand it, plea~e ~ay it.
q l 20:


think so, think not

HA IGEN ..., HA NEM ...


45. Do you smoke? If so, how much per

week? 46. Have you passed any examinations in English? If so, which ones? 47. Have
you ever had a serious illness? If so, give
full details. 48. If not, why not? 49. Harley's
may be open. If not, we can walk back to
my place. 50. Have you told them you're
com ing? If not, they' re going to be very surprised.

one, you, they: indefinite

personal pronouns

45. Dohnyzik? Ha igen, mennyit szv naponta? 46. Letett valamilyen vizsgt angolbl? Ha igen, melyiket? 47. Volt mr valamilyen slyos betegsge? Ha igen, rszletezze. 48. Ha nem, mirt nem? 49. A
Harley's mg lehet, hogy nyitva van. Ha
nem, visszastlunk hozzm. 50. Megmondtad nekik, hogy msz? Ha nem, igen
meg leszek lepve.

ltalnos alany


qB: anybody, anythingetc. q138: whatever, whoeveretc.


1. But one never knows . 2. One has to
be careful. 3. One's never too old to
learn, you know. 4. Can one camp in the
forest? 5. One can't afford to drive a large
car these days. 6. One simply can't do
that sort of th ing, can one? 7. l th ink one
would have to call her big rather than
tali. 8. How is one expected to teach .
young people decent behaviour when
leading public figures set such an example? 9. l suppose it depends on one's
point of view. 1 O. It makes one wonder
whether they understood anything.' 11.

1. Az ember sohasem tudhatja. 2. vatosnak kell lenni. 3. Tudod, mindig tanul valami jat az ember. 4. Lehet az erdben tborozni? 5. Manapsg nem engedheti meg magnak az ember, hogy nagy autja legyen.
6. Ilyesmit egyszeren nem szabad tenni,
nem igaz? 7. Az hiszem, inkbb nagydarabnak, mint magasnak kell t neveznnk. 8.
Hogy vrjk el az embertl, hogy a fiatalokat helyes viselkedsre tantsa, amikor a kzlet fontos szerepli ilyen pldt mutatnak?
9. gy gondolom, ez nzpont krdse. 1O.
Az emberben felmerl, vajon rtettk-e egy-


One should always think of one's family. 12. Talking to oneself is not necessarily a sign of madness.

ltaln. 11. Az embernek mindig kell gondolnia a csaldjra. 12. Nem felttlenl az
rlet jele, ha valaki magban beszl.

13. When you are asleep, the bodily func13. Amikor alszunk, a testmkds lelastions slow down . 14. You never know
sul. 14. Sose lehet tudni, mi trtnik legkwhat's going to happen. 15. You neverknow . zelebb. 15. Sosem tudhatod, nem hallgatwho might be listen ing. 16. You read about
zik-e valaki. 16. Naponta olvas ilyesmit az
that sort of th i ng i n the paper every day. 17.
ember az jsgban. 17. A kontaktlencse viYou get used to wearing contact lenses. 18.
selshez hozz lehet szokni. 18. Ha eleIf you get fed up with it, you can always
ged van belle, brmikor kicserl heted. 19.
change it. 19. You get a sp lendid view from
Gynyr a kilts a hdrl. 20. Persze, ha
the bridge. 20. Of course you can l ive very
odafigyel az ember, lehet nagyon olcsn is
cheaply if you know what you're doing. 21.
lni. 21. Amikor fenn van a piros zszl,
You must not swim when the red flags are
nem szabad szni. 22. Hogy kell kiejteni
flying. 22. How do you pronounce this
ezt a szt? 23. Hogyan gygythat a hipoword? 23. How can you cure hypochonchondria? 24. Hogy jut el az ember ebbe
dria? 24. How do you get to this Job Centre
az llskzvett irodba, amit emltettl?
you mentioned?
One never knows. OR: You never know. NOT: It c!n never be knvvn.
OR: Peple neve r k1 i'vV.

"azt mon d''k

Ja ... "

25. They say it's going to be very cold. 26.
They tell me that you' ve got married. 27. ln
some places they ban cars from city centres altogether. 28. Butsometimes it is hard
to understand what they want you to do.
29. lt's not as bad as they say it is.

other ~ another

25. Azt mondjk, nagyon hideg lesz. 26.

Azt beszlik, meghzasodtl. 27. Nhny
helyen teljesen kitiltjk az autkat a belvrosbL 28. De nha nehz megrteni, mit
akarnak tled . 29. Nem o lyan borzaszt,
ahogy mondjk.

~35 :

a msik, egy msik

each other, one anather


1. Why didn't you choose the other one?
2. The ma n entered the leopard's cage with
a whip in one hand and a hoop in the other.
3. She had better legs than the other girl.
4. Once you start laoking it seems most
books are copied out of other books. 5.
Painting can be a hobby just li ke any other
hobby. 6. Don't you understand, that I'm
probably Iess interested in sex than any

1. Mirt nem a msikat vlasztottad? 2. A frfi

egy korbccsal az egyik kezben s egy karikval a msikban lpett be a leoprd ketrecbe. 3. Jobb lba volt, mint a msik lnynak.
4. Ha elkezdi figyelni az ember, gy tn ik, a
legtbb knyvet ms knyvekbl msoljk.
5. A fests ugyanolyan hobbi lehet, mint brmilyen ms hobbi. 6. Nem rted, hogy engem kevsb rdekel a szex, mint brki ms


other man you've ever met? 7. Sir Roger's

gu est was none other th an the Prince h imself. 8. l share a house with two other girls.
9. There was only one other couple in the
hotel, an American professor and his wife.
1 O. She knew t here were other pol icemen
in the garden ali around the house. 11. Tell
him l've gotother things to do. 12. l can't
see any other problems there. 13. There
ought to be otherwaysof getting them interested. 14. l shouldn ' t live on other
people's money, should l, Father. 15. He's
not like other men. 16. Do you think there
is life on other planets? 17. She never worried about what other people thought. 18.
Some said she was a monster, others, in
reply, said that she was a saint. 19. But
what do people know about nuclear
power, other than it is efficient but risky?
20. Every other day it was my turn to wa lk
Tom to his school.

frfit, akivel valaha is talalkoztl? 7. Sir Roger

vendge nem ms volt, mint maga a herceg.
8. Kt msik lnnyal lakom egy hzban. 9.
Csak egy msik pr volt a hotel ben, egy amerikai professzor a felesgvel. 1O. Tudta, hogy
vannak mg rendrk a kertben is, krben a
hz krl. 11. Mondd meg neki, hogy ms
dolgom van. 12. Nem ltok itt semmilyen ms
problmt. 13. Kell legyen ms mdja is
annak, hogy felkeltsk az rdekldsket.
14. Nem szabadna msok pnzbl lnem,
igaz, atym? 15. Nem olyan, mint ms frfiak. 16. Gondolod, hogy van let ms bolygkon? 17. Soha nem izgatta, hogy msok
mit gondolnak. 18. Nhnyan azt mondtk,
szrnyeteg, mire msok azt mondtk, hogy
szent. 19. De ht, mi mst tudnak az emberek a nukleris energirl, mint azt, hogy hatkony, de veszlyes? 20. Minden msodik
napon rm kerlt a sor, hogy Tomot iskolba

Giveme the other one(s). NOT: Giveme other. OR: Give n1e the other(~).

21. She didn't even take a look at the other
pictures. 22. What about the others? 23. The
others obeyed him. 24. What did the others say? 25. You're getting as lazy as the
others. 26. Ali monkeys are clever, but some
are more elever than the others. 27. He
stepped forward to stop the others.

21. Meg se nzte a tbbi kpet. 22. Mi lesz

a tbbiekkel? 23. A tbbiek engedelmeskedtek neki. 24. Mit mondtak a tbbiek?
25. Kezdesz ugyangy ellustulni, mint a tbbiek. 26. Mindegyik majom okos, de nmelyik okosabb a tbbi nl. 27. Elrelpett,
hogy meglltsa a tbbieket.


28. Do you love another man? 29. l tried to
get another job, and another place to live.
30. Kerry's started seeing another psychologist. 31. After ali, one young man is much
li ke another. 32. l don't thi nk it is the sort of
letter one crimina! would write to another.
33. l am on another call at the moment.
Could l ring you back in about five minutes? 34. Another facet of this programme
is the student library. 35. Could you think
of another way to keep them away while
we pass the checkpoint? 36. Mr Ta te peeled
another banana. 37. W ou ld you l i ke to have
another drink? 38. There were pictures

28. Ms frfit szeretsz? 29. Prbltam msik llst szerezni, meg msik lakst. 30.
Kerry elkezdett egy msik pszicholgushoz
jrni. 31. Vgl is, az egyik fiatal frfi olyan,
mint a msik. 32. Nem hiszem, hogy ez
olyasfle levl, amit egy bnz r egymsik bnznek. 33. ppen beszlek egymsik vonalon . Visszahvhatnlak egy t perc
mlva? 34. Egy msik, a program ltal knlt lehetsg a dikknyvtr. 35. Tudnl
valami ms mdot arra, hogy tvol tartsuk
ket, amg elmegynk az ellenrz pont
me ll ett? 36. Mr Tate meghmozott egymsik bannt. 37. Kr mg egy italt? 38. Kr-


araund the walls - one of an old woman

praying by the window, and anather of a
cat surrounded by mice. 39. They gave me
anather 3 pounds for hooks and baits. 40.
Anather three months went by.

ben a falon kpek voltak: az egyiken egy

ablak mellett imdkoz ids n, a msikon
egy macska, egerekkel krlvve. 39. Adtak mg hrom fontot horgokra meg csal ira. 40. Eltelt mg hrom hnap.

1. He tookanother book from the shelf. NOT: Ile took 1m another book fron, the ~helf.
OR: l le took an other book fron, the ~helf. 2. He never listens to other people's
problems. NOT: Ile neve r li~ten~ to another people'~ problen 1~.



a sajt zenekarom



1. My time is my own. 2. l wa nt to have my

own. 3. l recognized my own handwriting.
4. ls this really your own wallet? 5. Can't
you organize your own life? 6. He had his
own jazz band once. 7. Caerphilly had its
own brass band to play on special occasions. 8. He's caught in his own trap. 9.
What a th i ng to do to you r own father. 1O.
Why did you give Baba r a job in you r own
firm? 11. Young Edward kept a notebook
about himself, reporting on his own
thoughts. 12. Few people real ly know what
is in their own best interest in the long run.
13. l co u ldn't bel ieve my eyes .. . it w as my
very own jack knife. 14. Des and Vallikeit
because they' re their own boss and because
they work among friends. 15. l'd love to
have a room of my own. 16. They have a
secret language of their own.

1. Az idm az enym. 2. Azt akarom, hogy

nekem is legyen egy. 3. Felismertem a sajt
kzrsomat 4. Ez tnyleg a maga trcja?
5. Nem tudod megszervezni a sajt letedet? 6. Valaha sajt dzsesszzenekara volt.
7. Caerphillynek sajt fvszenekara volt a
klnleges alkalmakra. 8. Sajt csapdjba
esett. 9. Ilyet tenni a sajt apddal l 10. Mirt vetted fel Babart a sajt cgedhez? 11. A
fiatal Edward egy jegyzetfzetet tartott magnl, amelyben sajt gondolatairl szmolt
be. 12. Kevesen vannak igazn tisztban sajt hossz tv rdekeikkeL 13. Nem akartam hinni a szememnek ... a sajt zsebksem volt az. 14. Des s Val szereti, mert
sajt maguk fnkei, s mert bartok kztt dolgozhatnak. 15. Nagyon szeretnk
egy sajt szobt. 16. Sajt titkos nyelvk

l have a room of my own. NOT: l have an ovvn room.

17. Don't stay in here on your own. Come
and join us. 18. Normaily l spend a great
deal of my time on my own ... with one or
two friends. 19. l've never been on atrain
on my own before. 20. l can go on my own
if you like. 21. Can you carry it on your

17. Ne maradj itt e~yedl. Gyere, csatlakozz hozznk. 18. Altalban az idm legnagyobb rszt egyedl tltm ... esetleg
egy-kt barttal. 19. Mg soha nem utaztam egyedl vonaton. 20. Ha akarod, mehetek egyedl. 21. Tudod vinni egyedl?

reflexive pronouns


participle structures

61: -ing form


igeneves szerkezetek

126: verbless clauses Q 131 : verbs V: see sy. come/coming


(ll, l stb.)

1. l painted a lonely boy standing on a

bridge. 2. l heard the cl ick of the key tuming. 3. Sudden ly the noise of the garden gate
opening startled her. 4. Who's that coming
up? 5. l was terrified when l nearly fell over
a beggar sleeping in the dark stairway. 6.
She found herself in a long, low hall, which
was lit up by a row of lamps hanging from
the roof. 7. Her voice trembling with rage,
she read out the two names. 8. Anyone refus ing to cooperate will have to face the
consequences of that. 9. l' d never seen a
cow being milked before. 10. l didn't like
to hear my mother being spoken of in such
a way so l carne home.

1. Egy hdon ll magnyos fit festettem.

2. Hallottam a zrban elfordul kulcs kattanst. 3. Hirtelen felriadt a nyl kertkapu zajtl. 4. Ki jn ott felfel? 5. Megrmltem, amikor majdnemtestem egy kolduson, aki a stt kapualjban aludt. 6. Egy
hossz, alacsony teremben tallta magt,
amelyet ragyog fnybe bortott a mennyezetrl fgg lmpasor. 7. Haragtl remeg
hangon felolvasta a kt nevet. 8. Brkinek,
aki nem hajland egyttmkdni , szembe
kell nznie a kvetkezmnyekkel. 9. Azeltt
sosem lttam mg, hogyan fejik a tehenet.
1O. Nem tetszett, hogy gy beszlnek anymrl, gyhogy hazajttem.

11. My mother used to keep a bull terrier
called Bruce. 12. There was a girl called
Jenny working for City Trust. 13. An old
woman dressed in black was walking down
the road. 14. Her grey hair, stained at the
.frontwith nicotine, was bundled insecurely
into a hair-net. 15. Most of the people invited were jamie's friends. 16. It doesn't
have to be somebody appointed by the
committee. 17. Through the hospital windows, l could see nurses bending over beds,
and doctors huddled in offices.

11. Anymnak volt akkoriban egy Bruce nev bull terrierje. 12. Dolgozott egy Jenny
nev lny a City Trustnl. 13. Egy feketbe
ltztt ids asszony ment az ton. 14. sz
hajt, amely ell srgs-foltos volt a nikotintl, hevenyszve egy hajhl al igaztotta. 15. A meghvottak tbbsge Jam ie bartja volt. 16. Nem kell olyasvalakinek lennie, akit a bizottsg nevez ki. 17. A krhz
ablakain t gyak fl hajol nvreket lttam, az irodkban pedig fejket sszedug

He punished the children not listening. NOT: Ile punished the not listening children.

(llva, lve stb.)

18. Do you always wear a safety belt when

traveli ing in a car? 19. You can't go home
looking like that. 20. l should be home
watching TV. 21. He might be there, waiting for us. 22. Flora stood looking out of
the window. 23. They sat facing the sea.

18. Mindig rajtad van a biztonsgi v, amikor autban utazol? 19. Ezzel a klsvel
nem mehetsz haza. 20. Otthon kne lnm
a tv eltt. 21. Lehet, hogy ott van, s rnk
vr. 22. Flora ott llt, s nzett ki az ablakon. 23. A tengerfel nzve ltek. 24. Nem,


24. "No, l won't!" she replied, shaking her

head. 25. "How do you know?" Max asked,
laoking doubtfully at her. 26. " Don't look
out!" he yelled, puliing her back by the arm.
27. Standing in the doorwaywasa man with
a gun. 28. The girls, taking a lunch break
now, were laughing comfortably. 29. She
went upstairs cursing and grumbling. 30.
Victor came in, banging the door. 31. Our
roast beef lay before us on ou r plates, slowly
steaming. 32. He wassitting at a table having coffee with a woman. 33. Kressel
walked back to his chair, carrying his glass.
34. Holding the knife between his teeth, he
reached out for the rope. 35. Without knowing why, he bent down and picked up a
small stone. 36. Nobody having any more
to say we declared the meeting closed. 37.
Considering everything, l am for it. 38. The
people sat still in their chairs, ali eyes watching the auctioneer. 39. Being a doctor, he
was able to help. 40. Bei ng British, we were
readily accepted. 41. Being separated after
somany years, it's difficult at first to make
new friends. 42. Jack, not being interested
in my marriage, could hardly be interested
in my divorce. 43. Having seen The Mousetrap, l don't know why it's so popular. 44.
Having asked ali his questions, he decided
to leave. 45. ln my rush to catch the train l
left my fiat having forgotten to take my insulin. 46. He was lying stretched out in the

nem fogok! - vlaszolta, a fejt rzva. 25.

Honnan tudod? - krdezte Max, s ktkedn nzett r. 26. Ne hajolj ki! - kiltotta,
karjnl fogva visszarntva a lnyt. 27. Az
ajtban egy frfi llt, puskval a kezben.
28. A lnyok, ppen ebdsznet kzben,
kedlyesen nevetgltek. 29. Morogva, kromkodva felment az emeletre. 30. Victor
bejtt, s bevgta az ajtt maga mgtt. 31.
A slt marhaszelet ott gzlgtt elttnk a
tnyron. 32. Az egyik asztalnl lt, s egy
hlggyel kvzott. 33. Kressel, kezben a
pohrral, v isszament az asztalhoz. 34. A
kst a foga kz szortva a ktl utn nylt.
35. Anlkl, hogy tudta volna, mirt, lehajolt s felvett egy apr kdarabot 36. Mivel senkinek sem volt tbb mondanivalja,
az lst berekesztettk. 37. Mindent sszevve, n mellette szavazok. 38. Az emberek mozdulatlanul ltek a szkkn, minden szempr a kikiltra meredt. 39. Mivel
orvos volt, tudott segteni. 40. Mivel britek
voltunk, hamar befogadtak bennnket. 41.
Egy hossz hzassgot kvet v ls utn
egy ideig mg nehz j bartokat szerezni.
42. Ha egyszer Jacket nem rdekelte a hzassgom, aligha rdekelte volna a vlsom.
43. Most, hogy lttam az Egrfogt, nem
rtem, mitl olyan npszer. 44. Miutn feltette valamennyi krdst, gy dnttt, hogy
tvozik. 45. Annyira rohantam a vonat miatt, hogy az inzulinom nlkl jttem el otthonrl. 46. Elnyjtzva fekdt a napon.

47. Rejected by his family, he decided to
leave forever. 48. Delayed by traffic, Sir
Peter arrived at the station just as his train
was leaving. 49. Situated in the South W est
of England, between Exeter and Plymouth,
Torquay is one of the most popular holi day resorts in Britain . 50. Seen from
Djakarta this continent looks so old, so
beautiful. 51. Mum, astonished, made her
a cup of tea. 52. Children ran up and down
the long corridors, excited at their new
home. 53. If required, the life jacket should
be fitted as illustrated. 54. Of course sheep
sometimes panic when frightened; so do

47. ty1iutn a c~aldja ellkte magtl, gy

dnttt, hogy rkre elmegy. 48. A nagy forgalomban sokig tartott az t, gyhogy mire
Sir Peter kirt az llomsra, a vonata mr ppen indult. 49. Az Exeter s Plymouth kztt,
Anglia dli partjainl fekv Torquay Anglia
egyik legkedveltebb dl h e lye . 50. Ha
D jakartbl tekintnk r, ez a kontinens olyan
reg s olyan szp. 51. Anya ezen meglep
dtt, s ksztett neki egy cssze tet. 52. A
gyerekek j otthonuktllzba jve, fel-al rohangltak a folyosn. 53. Szksg esetn az
letment mellnyt az bra szerint kell felersteni. 54. Termszetesen a birkk idn-


hu mans. 55. On the shelf there were dozens of paperbacks written by several infamous authors. 56. They'll never let a
Labour government headed by Harry
Perkins take power.

knt pnikba esnek, amikor megriasztjk ket;

ezt teszik az emberek is. 55. A polcon tbb
tucat, rossz hr szerzk tollbl szrmaz
ponyva sorakozott. 56. Soha nem fogjk hagyni, hogy Harry Perkinsszel az ln munksprti kormny kerljn hatalomra.




57. Get your men started as soon as you

can. 58. My mother got her arm badly broken at the elbow. 59. l must get some work
done. 60. She wasn't wearing her seat belt
because she didn't want to get her dress
cre ased. 61. Now w e have trucks ro ari ng
through the village. 62.. When h~ became
farnous he had people stopping him in the
street and asking for his autograph. 63. l
won't have you tell ing me what to do! 64. l
won't have my son growing up like this.
65. l won't have my car turned into a lorry!
66. l enjoy having doors opened for me.
67. He had a bottie broken over his head.
68. l had my leg broken in an accident. 69.
A pol iceman who tri ed to stop the fight had
his jaw broken. 70. The other patient, a 55year-old housewife, had a kidney transplanted at the same time. 71. Doctars carne
and felt me, l had a blood sample taken, l
was X-rayed and embarrassed. 72. Have
you ever had your pocket picked? 73. Everyone has heard of someone who was
mugged or had their passport and necklace
stolen. 74. l wouldn't have had this happen for the world. 75. We don't want our
lives changed. 76. He wants it written out
and translated. 77. l really don't want you
getting smashed in the head.

57. Indtsd el az embereidet, amint lehet!

58. Csnyn eltrt az anym karja a knyknL 59. Mg meg kell csinlnom valamit. 60. Azrt nem volt rajta a biztonsgi
v, mert nem akarta, hogy sszegyrdjn
a ruhja. 61. Most traktorok dbrgnek a
falvakban. 62. Amikor hres lett, folyton emberek lltottk meg az utcn, s autogrammot krtek tle. 63. Nem fogom eltrni ,
hogy te mondd meg, mit csinljak! 64. Nem
hagyom, hogy a fiam gy njn fel. 65. Nem
hagyok teherautt csinlni az autmbl l 66.
lvezem, hogy kinyitjk nekem az ajtt. 67.
'Szttrtek egy veget a fejn. 68. Egy baleset sorn eltrt a lbam. 69. Egy rendr
nek, aki megprblt vget vetni a verekedsnek, eltrtt az lla. 70. A msik betegen, egy 55 ves hziasszonyon, ugyanabban az idben vesetltetst hajtottak vgre. 71. Doktorok jttek s megtapogattak,
vrt vettek tlem, megrntgeneztek, s zavarba hoztak. 72. Loptak ki mr valamit a
zsebedbl? 73. Mindenki hallott mr olyanrl , hogy valakit megtmadtak az utcn,
vagy elvettk tle a nyaklnct, meg az tlevelt. 74. A vilgrt se hagytam volna,
hogy ez megtrtnjen. 75. Nem akarjuk,
hogy megvltoztassk az letnket. 76. Rendesen lerva s lefordtva kri. 77. Tnyleg
nem szeretnm, hogy betrjk a fejed.

q 29: causative sentences



78. With time running out, they are growing desperate to see some of their money
back. 79. l often wake up in the night with
my body pouring with sweat. 80. l can't
concentrate with you two standingthereli ke

78. Mivel az id fogy, egyre elkeseredettebben szeretnk legalbb a pnzk egy rszt viszontltni. 79. Gyakran arra bredek,
hogy verejtkben szik a testem. 80. Nem
tudok gy koncentrlni, hogy ti ketten ott


that. 81. l found one of the journalists in

the shower with water dripping down his
pencil, it was infuriating! 82. With crimes
of ali kinds rising sharply, police appear
powerless to do anything about the killers.
83. Stand with your arms stretched sideways. 84. With my eyes elosed l fel t for the
light switch. 85. The air was damp and
stuffy, as though several people had been
sleeping inthere with the windows closed.

csorogtak. 81. Az egyik jsgrt a zuhany

alatt talltam meg, ott cspgtt a vz a ceruzjra, vrlzt volt. 82. Mikzben a b
nzs minden formja gyorsan terjed, a
rendrsg tehetetlennek tnik a gyilkosokkal szemben. 83. lljunk oldalra kinyjtott
karral. 84. Csukott szemmel a villanykapcsol utn matattam. 85. A leveg dohos
s porodott volt, mintha csukott ablaknl
aludtak volna tbben is a szobban.



kt pr zokni


measurements ~79: nouns: number ~Reference 5

1. l bought two loaves of bread. NOT: l bought two bre sd!!.

2. l bought two pairs of jeans. NOT: l bought two jesr,!l.



1. He broke the bar of chocolate in two and
handed me the bigger half. 2. Can l have a
bit of cheese? 3. On his way home from
work he bought three bottles of champagne.
4. He fishedin hisbagand gave me a bottie
of pilis. 5. A couple of stiff drinks and a bowl
of soup afterwards was about ali l could
cope with. 6. Throw me the box of matches,
please. 7. Compare, for example, a box of
chacolates with eight layers of wrapping,
to a bag of ri ce with only one. 8. We threw
hundreds of buckets of water on the fire. 9.
There is a bunch of red roses on the coffee
table. 1 O. The only things on offer were a
flask of shower-gel, a roll-on deodorant and
a cake of soap, ali from a chain of shops
farnous for herbal products. 11. Fortunately
a fellow with a spare can of petrol carne
a long. 12. There's a d rop of ra in right at the
end of you r nose. 13. Then l noticed a flock
of sheep in the adjoining field. 14. A girl
was coming in their direction, driving a
flock of geese in front of her. 15. A flock of
littie boys followed us, chattering in a mixture of Arab and French. 16. She hid her
face in her hands, and burst into floods of
tears. 17. A glass of tea is what l need. 18.
The railway wasstarted in 1967 by a group

1. Ketttrte a tbla csokoldt, s felm

nyjtotta a nagyobb darabot. 2. Ehetek egy
falat sajtot? 3. tban hazafel a munkahelyrl vett hrom veg pezsgt. 4. A tskjban kotorszott, majd odaadott egy
gygyszeres veget. 5. Csak nhny pohr
tmnnyel, majd egy tnyr j ers levessel tudtam csak megbirkzni. 6. Dobd ide
nekem a gyuft, lgy szves. 7. Hasonltsunk ssze pldul egy doboz csokoldt
nyolc rteg csomagolssal s egy zsk rizst
egy rteggel. 8. Tbb szz vdr vizet ntttnk a tzre. 9. Van egy csokor rzsa a
kisasztal on. 1 O. Csak egy gygynvnytermkeirl bres ruhzlncbl szrmaz flakon tusfrd, egy golys dezodor s egy
szappan szerepelt a felajnlott trgyak kztt. 11. Szerencsre jtt egy pasi, akinek
volt egy tartalk kanna benzine. 12. Van egy
escsepp pont az orrod hegyn. 13. A szomszdos mezn szrevettem egy birkanyj at.
14. Egy kislny jtt feljk, maga eltt terelgetve a libanyjat 15. Egy csapat kisfi
kvetett minket, arab s francia keverknyelven csivitel ve. 16. A kezbe temette az
arct s knnyekben trt ki. 17. Egy pohr
tera vgyom a legjobban. 18. A vasutat
1967-ben hozta ltre a southport i V. Gyrgy


of school boys from King George V in

kirly iskola dikjainak egy csoportja. 19.
South port. 19. A group of 96 academics isFebrur 28-n 96 akadmikus egy llsfogsued an open statementon Feb. 28. 20. On
lalst tett kzz. 20. Az rasztal msik sarthe end of the desk was a heap of newspakn egy halom jsg hevert. 21. Krlbell
pers. 21. It was about ten feet from hm.,
hrom mterre volt tle s gy nzett ki,
and looked like a heap of old clothes. 22.
mint egy kupac rongy. 22. Charles s Wendy
Charles and Wendy Russell own the largest
Russel tulajdonban van az Egyeslt Kirlyherd of Gloucester Old Spot pi gs in the UK.
sg. legnagyobb Gloucester Old Spot ser23. On the other side of the gate, in the
tsfalkja . 23. A kapu tloldaln, a m.ezn
field, was a herd of cows! 24. There was
egy tehncsorda volt. 24. A folyos tls
the roaring and stamping of a herd of drunks
feln egy rszeg csorda vltzse s trapat the other end of the corridor. 25. Each
polsa hallatszott. 25. Az egyes adatok nmagukban nem felttlenl hasznosak az
item of data on its own may not be useful
to the police officer studying the data. 26.
ket tanulmnyoz rendrtiszt szmra. 26.
Which embarrassing item of clothing did
Melyik zavarbaejt ruhadarabjt hagyta Sir
Sir Geoffrey Howe once leave on a train?
Geoffrey Howe a vonaton? 27. Megkrt,
27. He asked me to buy a ja r of honey. 28.
hogy vegyek egy csupor mzet. 28. Fzfa
ln her wicker basket there was a shopping
kosarban a bevsrlcetli n ez llt: egy csomag zabpehely, elsttt hasbbu rgonya,
l ist for a pa c ket of porridge, some avenegy karton mirel it brokkoli, egy darab already chips, a carton of frazen broccoli, one
ma, egy narancs, egy vekni teljes kirls
apple and one orange, a small loaf of
szeletelt kenyr, s egy kt s fl kils Pediwholemeal sliced bread, and an 8 oz tin of
Pedigree Chum. 29. She melted anather
gree Pal. 29. Megolvasztott mg egy dinyi
vajat s belekeverte a lisztbe. 30. Nem, nem
lump of butter and stirred in the flour. 30.
veszek neked egy j csomag kotont. 31.
No, I'm buying you a new pack of condoms.
Egy farkashordrl ez nem mondhat el.
31. It is not true of the pack of wolves. 32.
Gillian felknlt Raynek egy csomag
Gillian offered Ray a pack of Mariboro
Mariboro Lightot. 33. Mindig van egy doLights. 33. l always have a spare packet of
boz tartalk cigaretta a msik zsebemben.
cigarettes in my other pocket. 34. How
34. Hny pr ci pd van? 35. Vegyl mg
many pairs of shoes do you own? 35. Have
egy szeletet ebbl a tortbl. 36. rdekes
anather piece of this cake. 36. l heard an
informcihoz jutottam ma reggel. 37. Ha
interesting piece of information this morna jvt akarja megjsolni, adhatok egy j
ing. 37. If you are making forecasts about
tancsot. 38. Mg milyen btortszeretne a
the future, l can give you one good piece
laksba? 39. Mindig van egy halom
of advice. 38. What additiana l piece of furszennyes a szabja sarkban. 40. A tubus
niture would you like in your home? 39.
aljn van egy csi petnyi rzsaszn por. 41.
There's always a pi le of dirty clothes in the
Eltnt, majd nyomban visszatrt egy tlca
corner of her room. 40. Down in the botszendviccsel s egy kanna teval. 42. Tnytom of the tub lies a pinch of pink powder.
leg hrom adag fagylaltot me_gettl azutn
41 . She disappeared to return immediately
a hatalmas vacsora utn? 43. Epp itt az idewith a p late of sandwiches and a pot of tea.
je, hogy felnyissunk egy jabb csupor lek42. Did you really eat three portions of ice
44. Barnes rpillantott a paprlapra a
cream after that big din ner? 43. High time to
kezben . 45. Ftt tojst, kt szelet pirtst
start a new pot of jam. 44. Barn es glanced at
the sheet of paper in his hand. 45. l had a . s egy cssze tet reggeliztem. 46. Hrom
kanl cu krot tett a tejba. 47. Rgtn ltboiled egg, two slices of toast and a cup of
szott, hogy egy mteremben vagyunk, ktea. 46. She put three spoonfuls of sugar in
kpek, nmelyik befejezve, nmeher tea. 47. It was obviously an artist's stulyik keretezsre vrva. 48. Mindent megdio, with stacks of pictures, some completed,
szervezett egy szakrtkbl ll csoport. 49.
some waiting to be framed. 48. Everything


is erganized by a team of experts. 49. He

was aceused of stealing a ti n oftuna fish and
a carton of cream. 50. Rose picked up a tube
of sun-erearn and hel d it out to Daphne.

passive sentences (be + 3)

~ 19:

be said to etc.

Azzal vdoltk, hogy ellopott egy doboz

szardnit s egy karton tejsznt. 50. Rose
felvett egy tubus napolajat s odanyjtotta




participle structures



1. The door is stuck. 2. We're stuck in the
mud. 3. The table is laid for two. 4. His
line is engaged. 5. His toilet is blocked
again. 6. Everything's organized. 7. Of
course, nothing is settied at ali. 8. These
spoons are made of silver. 9. I'm sorry sir,
the telephone is disconnected. 1 O. I'm
afraid we're fui ly boaked this evening. 11.
Petral is sold by the litre.12. lt's built of
brick with a tiled roof. 13. The dustbins
are emptied every Thursday. 14. Whales
are hunted for their oil. 15. Elephants are
destroyed for their ivory which is used for
jewellery. 16. This man isn't trained. 17.
Naturally l am not invited. 18. Tellthem
that if the v ideo in my study isn't fixed by
Wednesday they can take it back. 19. It is
expected to lead to productivity improvements up
to 70 per cent. 20. It is believed that a large yellow
car was in the vicinity at the time of the accident.
21. Itisoften claimed th at nuclear e nergy is some
thing we cannot do without. 22. Pumas a re seen
relatively rarely. 23. Are you eas i ly h urt? 24.

Are the buttons firmly sewn on? 25. lsn't it

stuck onta the wallpaper? 26. What's got
to be done now? 27. And what are they
made of? 28. Why are pubs called pubs?
29. Why are we always shut in? 30. How
is bread made? 31. l was drugged. 32. My
car was searched. 33. The room was dimly
lit. 34. My parents were separated. 35. Five
peopl e were killed in the accident. 36.
Harrison was last seen alive at 9.30 p. m.
37. This tooth was filled six months ago.
38. Many girls were called simply Lenina,
Stalina. 39. He was elected president for

1. Beragadt az ajt. 2. Beragadtunk a srba.

3. Az asztal kt szemlyre van megtertve.
4. Foglalt a telefonja. 5. Megint el van dugulva a vcje. 6. Minden meg van szervezve. 7. Termszetesen semmi nincs elrendezve. 8. Ezek a kanalak ezstbl vannak. 9.
Saj nlom uram, a telefont kikapcsol tk. 1O.
Sajnos ma estre egyetlen szabad helynk
sincs. 11. A benzint literre adjk. 12. Tglbl plt, cserptetveL 13. A kukt cstrtknknt rtik. 14. A blnt az olajrt vadsszk. 15. Az elefntokat az elefntcsontrt lik le, amit aztn kszerksztshez hasznlnak. 16. Ez az ember nincs kikpezve.
17. Termszetesen nem vagyok meghva. 18.
Mondja meg nekik, hogy ha szerdig nem
lesz megjavtva a vide a dolgozszobmban, akkor visszavihetik. 19. Vrhatan maximum 70 szzalkos termelkenysgnvekedst fog eredmnyezni. 20. gy gondoljk, hogy a baleset idejn egy nagy srga aut
volt a kzelben. 21. Gyakran lltjk, hogy
a nukleris energia olyasmi, amit nem nlklzhetnk. 22. Viszonylag ritkn ltni pumt. 23. Knnyen megbntdsz? 24. Rendesen fel vannak varrva a gombok? 25. Nincs
rragasztva a taptra? 26. Most mi a teend? 27. s mibl vannak? 28. Mirt hvjk a
pubokat pubnak? 29. Mirt zrnak be mindig bennnket? 30. Hogyan kszl a kenyr?
31. Elkbtottak. 32. tkutattk a kocsimat.
33. A szobt halvny fny vilgtotta meg.
34. A szleim kln ltek. 35. A balesetben
ten meghaltak. 36. Harrisont utoljra este
9.30-kor lttk letben. 37. Ezt a fogat fl
ve tmtk be. 38. Sok lnyt egyszeren


the third time. 40. Henry was made captain of the team. 41. The Kremlin was built
in 1156. 42. The house was built in 1587,
rebuilt in 1690. 43. The flats were built
between 1971 and 1973. 44. The bus and
the truck campany was sold to the Japanese. 45. Nell saw her left eye was badly
bruised. 46. l worked on a building site in
Battersea, but was aceused of sloppy work
and got the sack. 47. l was hopeless at
school and easily led. 48. Jenny was glad
she was dressed like the others in an old
skirt and a heavy sweater. 49. El sa saw that
a littie craft was needed. 50. We were
wrongly informed . 51. Marilyn Monroe
was found dead in her Los Angeles home
today. 52. Brian was found guilty and senteneed to three years' imprisonment. 53.
One kidney was removed l ast summer. 54.
There was a banquet held to celebrate the
company's 50th anniversary. 55. l was sent
out of the room then. 56. He was sent to
see the headmaster today. 57. l was asked
to hand in my report by the end of the
month. 58. l was told to come here and
give this folder to you. 59. He was told he
could re-sit the exam. 60. We were made
to wait for hours. 61. He was heard to
come in three o'clock this morning. 62.
The decision was not democratically arrived at. 63. My observations were not weil
received. 64. It really wasa shock for h im.
He wasn't bad ly hu rt though . 65. Who else
was asked to sign a contract? 66. How
many people were arrested? 67. Why
wasn't he appointed chairman of the committee?

Leninnak, Sztlinnak hvtak. 39. Harmadszorra vlasztottk meg elnknek. 40. Henryt
tettk meg csapatkapitnynak. 41. A Kreml
1156-ban plt. 42. A hz 1587-ben plt
fel, s 1690-ben jjptettk. 43. A laksok
1971 s 1973 kztt pltek. 44. A buszgyrat s a teherautgyrat eladtk a japnoknak. 45. Nell a bal szeme tjn csnya
zzdst ltott. 46. Egy ptkezsen dolgoztam Battersea-ben, de hanyag munkavgzssel vdoltak s kirgtak. 47. Az iskolban
remnytelen eset voltam, s knnyen befolysolhat. 48. jenny rlt, hogy ugyangy
van ltzve, mint a tbbiek, rgi szaknyban s vastag pulverben. 49. EIsa ltta, hogy
egy kis gyessgre van szksg. 50. Rosszul
tjkoztattak bennnket. 51. M a Los Angeles-i otthonban holtan talltk Mari lyn Monroe-t. 52. Briant bnsnek talltk s hrom
v brtnre tltk. 53. Az elmlt nyron eltvoltottk az egyik vest. 54. Bankettet tartottak a cg fennllsa tvenves vforduljnak tiszteletre. 55. Aztn kikldtek a
szobbl. 56. Ma bekldtk az igazgathoz.
57. Azt krtk, hogy a hnap vgig adjam
be a jelentsemet 58. Azt mondtk, jjjek
ide s adjam oda nnek ezt a dosszit. 59.
Azt mondtk neki, hogy utvizsgzhat. 60.
rkig vrakoztattak bennnket. 61. Hallottk bejnni hajnali hromkor. 62. A dnts
nem demokratikusan szletett. 63. M egfigyelseim nem rszesltek kedvez fogadtatsban. 64. Igazi sokk volt szmra. Br nem
srlt meg komolyan. 65. Mg kit krtek
meg, hogy rjon al szerzdst? 66. Hny
embert tartztattak le? 67. Mirt nem neveztk ki a bizottsg elnkv?


(be + 3 + be + ing)


68. Our house is being repainted . 69. My

other car is being repaired. 70. My department is being completely reorganized . 71.
We are being carried away by enthusiasm.
72. This is the first time l have been to England and l am being kidnapped. 73. l feel
wearebeing bullied into an agreement we
do not want. 74. l think the whole affair is
being overplayed. 75. The match was be-

68. Most festik jra a hzunkat. 69. A msik kacsimat ppen javtjk. 70. Most teljesen tszervezik az osztlyomat 71. Elragad bennnket a lelkeseds. 72. Most vagyok elszr Angliban, erre elrabolnak.
73. gy rzem, rnk erszakolnak egy
egyezsget, amit nem akarunk. 74. Szerintem ez az egsz gy fel van fjva. 75. A
Yorkshire-i tv a tz kitrsekor ppen fel-


vtelt ksztett a mrkzsrl. 76. gy

reztem, mintha figyelnnek. 77. Olyan rzsem tmadt, hogy kvetnek, de amikor
megfordultam, nem volt ott semmi. 78. t
vvel ezeltt nem vettk komolyan ezt a

ing recorded by Yorkshire TV when the fire

began. 76. l felt as if l was being watched.
77. l got the feeling that l was being followed, but when l turned araund there was
nothing there. 78. Five years ago this issue
was not being treated seriously.



(have+ 3+ be+ 3)


79. The phone has been cut off. 80. A

strange object has been seen in the night
sky. 81. l am afraid something has been
spilt here. 82. A red star has been sewn on
the curtain. 83. The local police have been
called in. 84. l have been treated fairly,
and l have no complaints. 85. I'm afraid
the carpet's been stained. 86. l've never
been sacked from a job before. 87. l've
only been shot at once in my service- and
he missed. 88. He's been picked to play
for our team. 89. They've been trained to
obey orders, that's ali. 90. And next, it has
been suggested that we ask the management to improve the employee's pension
scheme. 91. Single items have disappeared
before, but now, there has been a bag stalen from under the manager's nose. 92.
They used a stalen Mercedes, whose
owner has not yet been found. 93. It hasn't
been discussed many times before. 94.
Don't say you've not been paid for that.
95. It hasn't been designed to resist high
pressures. 96. Has that letter been answered? 97. Has my book been found? 98.
Has the reservation been made yet? 99.
Have any steps been taken to halt the
spread of the disease? 1 00. Why have we
been chosen? 101. It was too late: the papers had been removed. 102. The strike
began last week after a warker had been
sacked. 103. Sam real i zed he' d bee n
trapped. 104. She put on the grey squirrel
coat that Adam had given her last Christmas. 105. They hadn't been told they' d be
on n ig ht sh i ft. 106. And then they told me
that the hotel l was boaked into hadn't
been built yet. 107. Had they been warned
not to go too nea r the canal?

79. Kikapcsoltk a telefont. 80. Lttak egy

furcsa trgyat az jszakai gbolton. 81. Attl
tartok, itt kilttyent valami. 82. Vrs csillagot varrtak a fggnyre. 83. Bevetettk a helyi rendrsget 84. Tisztessgesen bntak
velem, nincs okom panaszra. 85. Attl tartok, foltos lett a sznyeg. 86. Mg soha nem
rgtak ki az llsombl. 87. Szalglatom sorn csak egyszer lttek rm - nem talltak
el. 88. Kivlasztottk, hogy a mi csapatunkban jtsszon. 89. Egyszeren csak arra tantottk ket, hogy engedelmeskedjenek a parancsnak. 90. Most pedig arrl a javaslatrl,
miszerint krjk meg a cgvezetst, hogy tegyk elnysebb az alkalmazotti nyugdjrendszert. 91. Egy-egy ttel eltnt mr korbban is, de most egy egsz zskot loptak
el az zletvezet orra ell. 92. Egy lopott
Mercdeszt hasznltak, amelynek mg nem
talltk meg a tulajdonost. 93. Eddig nem
sokszor esett sz rla. 94. Azt ne mondd,
hogy nem fizettek meg rte. 95. Nem arra
terveztk, hogy magas nyomsnak ellenlljon. 96. Meg lett mr vlaszolva az a levl?
97. Elkerlt mr a knyvem? 98. A helyfoglals megtrtnt mr? 99. Trtnt mr brmilyen lps a betegsg terjedsnek megakadlyozsra? 100. Mirt vlasztottak ki
bennnket? 101. Elksett: a paprokat mr
elvittk. 102. A sztrjk a mlt hten kezd
dtt, miutn elbocstottak egy munkst. 103.
Sam rdbbent, hogy csapdba csaltk. 104.
A szrke mkusbunda kabtjt vette fel, amelyet Adamtl kapott tavaly karcsonykor.
105. Nem mondtk meg nekik, hogy jjeli
mszakban fognak dolgozni. 106. Aztn azt
mondtk, hogy a hotel, ahol szobt foglaltattam, mg fel sem plt. 107. Figyelmeztettk ket elzleg, hogy nemenjenek tl
kzel a csatornhoz?


108. Meg fog lepni az eredmny. 109. Az
gyet azonnal megvizsgl juk. 11 O. Kvet-


(will+ be+ 3)
108. You will be astonished atthe result. 109.
11 O.

The matter will be dealt with immediately.

Further information will be giveninou r next

news bulletin. 111. A decision has to be
made so l suppose a decision will be made.
112. You won't be arrested. 113. Are you
telling me my air conditioner won't be repaired until tomorrow? 114. Where exactly
will the motorway be built? 115. Everything
wi ll have been done by the 15th. 116. Brian
had known for more than four months he
was going to be charged with fraud without
mentioning a word to Anne about it. 117.
What's going to be done to put it right?

kez hradsunkban tovbbi tjkoztatssal szolglunk. 111. Kelllegyen dnts, gyhogy felttelezem, lesz dnts. 112. Nem
_fognak letartztatni. 113. Azt akarja mondani, hogy holnapig nem javtjk meg a lgkondicionlmat? 114. Pontosan hol pl
fel az autt? 115. Tizentdikig minden
lezajlik. 116. Brian tbb mint ngy hnapja tudta, hogy csalssal fogjk vdolni, de
Anne-nek egy szt sem szlt rla. 117. Mi
fog trtnni ann ak rdekben, hogy ezt

q 20: be to




118. Bicycles can be rented cheaply. 119.

The use of weapons can never be justified.
120. That can't be done and you know it.
121. But it can't be helped, Mother. 122.
You can't be given the sack for being late a
couple of times! 123. Where can this film
be developed? 124. He may have been
forced to letthem in. 125. This door must
be kept shut. 126. An example must be
made. 127. The marriage must be postponed, at ali costs. 128. It must have been
lost in the post. 129. Nurses should be pa id
more. 130. Debts should be rescheduled.
131. Should guns be banned? 132. How
should these people be rewarded? 133. It
ws hard to i magi ne how the system could
be improved or made more conven ient.
134. You' d never be trusted again. 135. The
decorating would have been finished but l
ran out of paint.

118. Olcsn lehet kerkprt brelni. 119. A

fegyverek alkalmazsa soha nem igazolhat. 120. Nem lehet megcsinlni, s ezt te is
tudod. 121. De anya, ezen nem lehet segteni. 122. Nem rghatnak ki, amirt prszor
elkstl. 123. Hollehet elhvni ezt a filmet?
124. Lehet, hogy knyszertettk, hogy engedje be ket. 125. Ezt az ajtt becsukva kell
tartani . 126. Pldt kell mutatni. 127. A hzassgot mindenron el kell halasztani. 128.
A postn kellett elvesznie. 129. Jobban meg
kellene fizetni az polnket. 130. t kellene temezni az adssgokat. 131. Be kellene tiltani a fegyvereket? 132. Hogyan kellene megjutalmazni ezeket az embereket? 133.
Nehz volt elkpzelni, hogyan lehetne javtani vagy knyelmesebb tenni a rendszert.
134. Soha nem bznnak meg benned jra.
135. Elkszltem volna a dekorlssal, de
kifogytam a festkbL




136. He was given two Libriums but could
not sleep. 137. When l was first given the
job, l asked how to do it. 138. ln the present

136. Kt Libriumot kapott, de nem tudott

aludni. 137. Amikor elszr megkaptam a

investigatien the experimental kitten was

138. A jelen vizsglat sorn a ksrleti macs-

munkt, megkrdeztem, hogyan csinljam.


given 5,000 electricai shocks to its rear legs.

139. She wasn't given a choice, she just had
to do it. 140. W e w ere taught l i es. 141. Everyone was presented with a silver goblet.
142. It was sent to me on the fourteenth.
143. The Nobel Prize was awarded to
Mother Theresa. 144. Your address was
given to me by the student accommodation agency. 145. A new panda has been
given to the zoo.

ka hts lbait 5000 ramts rte. 139.

Nem volt vlasztsi lehetsge, egyszer
en meg kellett tennie. 140. Hazugsgokat
tantottak neknk. 141. Mindenki kapott egy
ezstserleget. 142. Tizennegyedikn kldtk el nekem. 143. Teresa anynak tltk a
Nobel-djat. 144. A dikszllsokkal foglalkoz gynksgtl kaptam az n cmt.
145. j pandt kapott az llatkert.

The present was given to Laurel. OR: Laurel was given the present. NOT: Tne pre~ent
was gioer, Laurel.

146. lt's quite ni ce in the park, except when
you get chased by dogs. 147. l got stuck in
a traffic jam. 148. Floragot questioned agai n
by the pol i ce. 149. l see Micky got arrested
again yesterday. 150. l get mixed up with
ali your girlfriends. 151. The papers got
mixed up today. 152. You'll get fired!

146. Egsz kellemes a parkban, kivve, amikor megkergetnek a kutyk. 147. Elakadtam egy kzlekedsi dugban. 148. Flort
megint kikrdeztk a rendrk. 149. gy
ltom, Mickyt tegnap megint letartztattk.
150. Teljesensszezavarsza sok bartnd
del. 151. Ma sszecserltk az jsgokat.
152. Ki leszel rgva!

csak formailag passzv (visszahat jelents)

153. Nancy and l got married last month.
154. Wait here while l get dressed. 155.
We got undressed and into bed. 156. Sometimes he gets mistaken for his brother. 157.
The workers get paid once a month. 158.
You r argument gets a bit confused here. 159.
My repertaire of reassurances was getting

153. Nancy s n sszehzasadtunk a mlt

hnapban. 154. Vrjon itt, amg fel ltzm.
155. Levetkztnk s gyba bjtunk. 156.
Nha sszetvesztik a btyjval. 157. A
munksok havonta egyszer kapnak fizetst.
158. Itt egy kicsit zavaross vlik az rvelsed. 159. Kezdtem kifogyni a btort megjegyzsekbl.




160. I'm proud to be chosen . 161. l was
the first one to be told. 162. The cats were
glad to be let in and fed. 163. If we want
to betaken seriously, then we've got to set
an example. 164. But l felt you'd like to
be consuited first. 165. l don't want to be
adopted. 166. The rabbit was no Ionger to.
be seen. 167. T here w as no one to be seen
on the streets. 168. They went home as
there was nothing more to be done. 169.
No one !ikes to be cheated, nobody !ikes

160. Bszke vagyok, hogy kivlasztottak. 161.

n voltam az els, akinek megmondtk. 162.
A macskk rltek, hogy beenged ik s megetetik ket. 163. Ha azt akarjuk, hogy komolyan vegyenek bennnket, j pldval kell ell
jrnunk. 164. De gy reztem, azt szeretn,
ha elbb nne! beszlnk. 165. Nem akarom,
hogy rkbe fogadjanak. 166. A nyulat tbb nem lehetett ltni. 167. Senkit nem lehetett ltni az utckon. 168. Hazamentek, mert
mr semmi tennival nem maradt. 169. Sen-


to be deceived. 170. What repairs to your

home still need to be done? 171. Now
which are the animals really to be pitied
in captivity? 172. lt's nothing to be worried about, is it? 173. l didn't come here to
be laughed at. 174. He' ll have to be spoken to firmly. 175. They were interrupted
by a private secretary who came with letters to be signed. 176. It is to be hoped that
intlation will not exceed l O% thi s year.

ki nem szereti, ha becsapjk, senki nem szereti, ha megtvesztik. 170. Milyen javtsokat kell mg vgezni a laksban? 171. Akkor melyik llatokat kell tnyleg sajnlni, ha
fogsgban vannak? 172. Nincs ok aggodalomra, igaz? 173. Nem azrt jttem ide, hogy kinevessenek. 174. Hatrozottan kell vele be. szlni. 175. Egy magntitkr szaktotta flbe
ket, aki leveleket hozott alrsra. 176. Remlhet, hogy az inflci ebben az vben
nem haladja meg a tz szzalkot.



177. "Who makesthese chairs?"- "They're
made by Ercol." 178. Laws are made by Parl iament. 179. Ali the apples that f~ll are eaten
by the pigs. 180. This report was prepared
by a team of experts. 181. They had to be
guided by radio into Clovelly. 182. Yesterday Donald was knocked down by a lorry
and almost ki lied. 183. Manyforestfires were
caused by the hot weather. 184. Duval was
startled by Greenberg's statement. 185. l was
shocked by their attitude. 186. l was hit on
the head by a ericket ball today. 187. The
game was invented late in 1891 by Dr James
A. Naismith. 188. Oxygen was first prepared
by Joseph Priestley in 1774. 189. She was
frightened by the noise of the garden gate
opening. 190. Amelia Bliss is regarcled by
many men as an outstandingly beautifui
woman. 191. l was touched by the friendliness of the people. 192. Simon was always
made angry by women crying. 193. Who
was ever helped by reading a novel ? 194.
The harbour walls were built in the 1820's
by a gang of masons under the command of
Captain William Fanshave. 195. You can't
be tyrannzed by a child. 196. Do l pay for
my room, or is it going to be paid for by
your firm? 197. I' m worried about your
health. 198. l was frightened at the very
thought of her leaving me. 199. My father
was frightened of his mother. 200. l have
been interested in space travel ever since l
read a book about it. 201. We realized we
were ali covered in mud. 202. Nearly threequarters of the Earth is covered with water.
203. He was filled with joy at the thought of

177. " Ki gyrtja ezeket a szkeket?"- "Az

Ercol. " 178. A trvnyeket a Parlament
hozza. 179. Minden lehullott almt megesznek a disznk. 180. Ezt a jelentst egy
szakrtkbl ll csoport ksztette. 181 .
Rdi segtsgvel kellett bevezetni ket
Clovellybe. 182. Tegnap Donaidot elttte egy teheraut, s majdnem meghalt.
183. A forrsg sok helyen erdtzet okozott. 184. Duvalt meghkkentette Greenberg kijelentse. 185. Megdbbentett a
hozz llsuk. 186. Ma fejbe tallt egy
krikettlabda. 187. A jtkot Dr James A.
Naismith tallta fel 1891 vgn. 188. El
szr Joseph Priestley l ltott el oxignt
1774-ben. 189. M egrmlt a nyl kertkapu zajtl. 190. Amelia Blisst sok frfi rendkvl szp n n ek tartja. 191. Meghatott az
emberek bartsgossga. 192. Simont mindig fe ldhtette, ha egy n srt. 193. Kin
segtett az valaha is, hogy elolvasott egy
regnyt? 194. A kikt falait az 1820-as
vekben ptette egy kmvesbrigd, W ill iam Fanshave kapitny vezetsvel. 195.
Nem zsarnokoskodhat fltted egy gyerek.
196. n fizetem a szobt, vagy az nk
cge? 197. Aggdom az egszsged miatt. 198. Rmlettel tlttt el maga a gondolat is, hogy elhagy. 199. Apm flt az
anyjtl. 200. Amita olvastam r la egy
knyvet, egyfolytban rdekel az rutazs.
201. Rdbbentnk, hogy valamennyien
nyakig srosak vagyunk. 202. A Fld felsznnek ktharmadt vz bortja. 203. Boldogsggal tlttte el a gondolat, hogy jra
ltni fogja. 204. London nyugati rszben


seeing h im again. 204. The west of London

is already studded with good ltalian restaurants. 205. The streets were jammed with
people demonstrating against the new poli
tax. 206. l was overcome with excitement.

22 : by~

mr egymst rik a remek olasz ttermek.

205. Az utckat elrasztottk az emberek,
akik az j fejad ellen tntettek. 206. Izgalom lett rr rajtam.

with, Reference 6

personal pronouns

szemlyes nvmsok

one, you, they: ndefnte personal pronouns Q89: possessve adjectves and possessve pronouns
Q94: reflexve pronouns Q121: this, that
lt's me/him/her/us/them. NOT: It'!! 1/hef!!hefoueftl-ley.

N, TE, , Ml, TI, K


1. l th ink l can help you . 2. What do you
want? 3. Are you married? 4. l can do anything better than you . 5. Do you both
smoke? 6. Why don't you go home? 7.
He knows you' re alone. 8. He has invited
me to his birthday party. 9. The student is
given a part which s/ he has to act o ut. 1 O. The
law demands pro o f that a person' s life is in dan
ger befo re he or she can o b tain a permit to carry
a weapon. 11. She is only fourteen. 12. She

was a spy. 13. Your mother's dead, isn't

she? 14. l looked at it, but it wasn't my
dog. 15. The leopard knew that something
was wrong when it felt a stunning blow
on its head. 16. It was a lovely baby, but
whose was it? 17. ls it big? 18. This coin
is rare, isn't it? 19. It was full of spelling
mistakes. 20. We ali want you to have a
good time. 21. We can start now if you
like. 22. Why do we need the leaflets?
23. We will miss you. 24. They were an
attractive couple. 25. They shook hands.
26. l bet they couldn't do it, could they?
27. He checked the books on the third
shelf. They weren't in the sa me order. 28.
Each member wi ll then get a form they
have to fill in.

1. Azt hiszem, tudok segteni neked. 2. Mit

akarsz? v.: n mit akar? v.: Mit akartok? v.:
nk mit akarnak? 3. Hzas vagy? 4. Brmit jobban csinlok, mint te. 5. Mindketten
dohnyoztok? 6. Mirt nem msz haza? 7.
Tudja, hogy egyedl vagy. 8. Meghvott a
szletsnapi buli jba. 9. A dik kap egy szerepet, amit el kell jtszania. 1O. A trvny
szerint, mieltt valaki fegyvertartsi engedly
kaphat, bizonytania kell, hogy az lett veszly fenyegeti. 11. Csak tizenngy ves. 12.
Km volt. 13. desanyd mr nem l, ugye?
14. Rnztem, de nem az n kutym volt.
15. Amikor kbt erej ts rte a fejt, a
leoprd tudta, hogy valami nincs rendben.
16. Gynyr baba volt, de ki? 17. Nagy?
18. Ez egy ritka rem, ugye? 19. Tele volt
helyesrsi hibval. 20. Valamennyien azt
akarjuk, hogy jl rezztek magatokat. 21.
Kezdhetjk, ha gondolod. 22. Mirt van
szksgnk szrlapokra? 23. Hinyoini fogunk. 24. Elegns pr voltak. 25. Kezet rztak. 26. Fogadok, hogy nem tudtk megcsinlni, igaz? 27. Ellenrizte a knyveket a harmadik polcon. Nem ugyanabban a sorrendben voltak ott. 28. Ezutn minden tag kap
egy nyomtatvnyt, amit ki kell tltenie.



29. Hallo, compiaints department? lt's me
again ... 30. Don't misunderstand me. 31.

.29. Hall, panasziroda? Megint n vagyok ... 30. Ne rts flre. 31. El tud vontatni


Can you tow me to the garage? 32. Why did

you come to me? 33. They were angry with
me. 34. There's a lot of things you don't know
about me. 35. Mike? ls that you? 36. Perhaps l may see you again. 37. l know you
betterthan you th ink. 38. Sorryto detain you,
Dr Carry. 39. Did he attack you? 40. Let me
get you a drink. 41. Why is that difficult for
you? 42. l want to hear about you first. 43.
That's him, and that's me. 44. You don't believe h im, do you? 45. l tried to comfort h im.
46. No one paid any attention to him. 47.
She looked at him with a strange smile. 48.
That's her! 49. l trust her and she trusts me.
50. Everyone will help her. 51. For her, this
was always a blissfui time of day. 52. Nevertheless 1'11 do it for you ...S3. I'm so .glad you
noticed it. 54. Stir it until it thickens. 55.
Please, please accept it, and wear it forever.
56. We want to be prepared for it. 57. Come
on, open up! lt's us! 58. You see, there are
seven of us at home. 59. Now, do tell us
what you r new novel is about. 60. One day,
l may write a book about us a ll. 61. One of
us will have to see her off anyway. 62. Oh,
no. lt's them again. 63. 1'11 call them myself,
if necessary. 64. One of them wasn't telling
the truth. 65. There were only four of them,
but they were making more noise than a
packed football stadium. 66. Neither of them
spoke again until they reached the Ritz. 67.
1'11 show it tothem then.

possessive adjectives
and possessve pronouns

a szervizig? 32. Mirt hozzm jttl? 33.
Haragudtak rm. 34. Van egy csom dolog, amit nem tudsz rlam. 35. Mike? Te
vagy az? 36. Taln ltlak mg titeket. 37.
Jobban ismerem magt, mint gondoln. 38.
Sajnlom, hogy feltartom, Dr Carry. 39.
Megtmadta? 40. Hadd hozzak neked egy
it9-lt. 41. Mirt nehz ez maguknak? 42. El
szr magadrl beszlj . 43. Ez , s ez vagyok n. 44. Ugye nem hiszel neki? 45. Prbltam megvigasztalni. 46. Senki nem figyelt r. 47. Furcsa mosollyal nzett r. 48.
Ez . 49. Bzom benne, s is bzik bennem. 50. Mindenki segteni fog neki. 51.
Szmra ez mindig a nap legkellemesebb
rsze volt. 52. Mindamellett, megteszem neked. 53. Annyira rlk, hogy szrevetted.
54. Keverjk, amg besrsdik. 55. Nagyon krlek, fogadd el, s viseld rkk. 56.
Azt akarjuk, hogy fel legynk kszlve r.
57. Gyernk, nyisd ki! Mi vagyunk! 58. Tudja, heten vagyunk otthon. 59. Ht akkor,
mondja el, mirl szl az j regnye. 60. Taln egyszer majd knyvet rok valamennyinkrl. 61. Valamelyiknknek gyis ki kell
ksrnie. 62. Na, nem. Ezek megint k. 63.
Ha szksges, magam hvom ket. 64. Egyikjk nem mondott igazat. 65. Csak ngyen
voltak, de nagyobb zajt csaptak, mint egy
tmtt futballstadion. 66. Amg a Ritzhez
rtek, egyikjk sem szlalt meg. 67. Majd
akkor megmutatom nekik.


az n hzam az enym (jelzi

s nll birtokos nvmsok)

Q84: own Q96: 's genitive, of-genitive

Simon is a good friend of mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs. NOT: Simon

i~ my/your/his-/

herlour/their good friend.



1. He sa ved my l i fe. 2. My parents a re
abroad. 3. May l wear my velvet jacket? 4.
At my 70th birthday party, everyone was
greatly amused, if not surprised, by my



1. Megmentette az letemet. 2. A szleim klfldn vannak. 3. Felvehetem a brsonyzakmat? 4. Hetvenves szletsnapomon mindenki igen szrakoztatnak, st, meglepnek


dancing of the tango! 5. Who is your boss?

6. I'm your man, Mr Fitch. 7. Can you lift
your leg, dear? 8. Sorry, but isn't that your
purse? 9. Do you snore in you r sleep? 1O.
I'm going to take your pulse. 11. His body
ached. 12. Matlock made his decision. 13.
Greenberg's face betrayed his distaste. 14.
And what about Jenny? After ali, she is his
wife. 15. Who was her dentist? 16. She
buried her face in her hands. 17. l heard
her curse her bad arm. 18. The cat was in
the basket with its kittens. 19. Life as a millionaire had its drawbacks. 20. The Volkswagen has its engine at the back whereas
the Mini has it at the front. 21. It had an
enormous pile of baskets on its back. 22.
Let's check ou r watches. 23. After ali, it's in
our interest too, isn't it? 24. What will ali
our friends say? 25. We met Robert on our
way home. 26. Tell me about their family.
27. 1' 11 keep their secret. 28. Their colour
was thesameas that of the wood panelling

tallta, hogy tangztam. 5. Ki a fnkd? v.:

Nektek ki a fnktk? v.: Magnak ki a f
nke? v.: Maguknak ki a fnke? 6. n vagyok az n embere, Mr Fitch. 7. Meg tudod
emelni a lbadat, kedvesem? 8. Elnzst, de
ez nem az n ersznye? 9. Szaktl horkol ni?
10. Megnzem a pulzust. 11. Fjdalmat rzett a testben. 12. Matlock meghozta a dn.tst. 13. Greenberg arca elrulta, hogy ellenszenvet rez. 14. s Jenny? Vgl is a felesge. 15. Ki volt a fogorvosa? 16. Kezbe temette az arct. 17. Hallottam, ahogy szitkozdik a srlt karja miatt. 18. A macska s a
klykei a kosrban voltak. 19. A milliomos
letnek megvoltak a htrnyai. 20. A Volkswagennek htul van a motorja, aMininek viszont ell. 21. Hatalmas halom kosr volt a
htn. 22. Ellenrizzk az rinkat 23. Vgl is, ez ami rdeknk is, nem igaz? 24. Mit
mondanak majd a bartaink? 25. Hazafel
tallkoztunk RobertteL 26. Meslj a csaldjukrl. 27. Megtartom a titkukat. 28. Ugyanolyan volt a sznk, mint krben a larribri.





29. The is land is mine. 30. Yoursa re smaller

29. A sziget az enym. 30. A tieid kisebbek, mint az enym. 31. Hozzd menjnk,
than mine. 31. Shall we go to you r place or
to mine? 32. She put her hand over mine.
vagy hozzm? 32. A kezemre tette a ke33. Mine is broken. 34. Mine is a long and
zt. 33. Az enym eltrt. 34. Hossz s
szomor trtnet az enym. 35. Egy barsad tale. 35. He's the uncle of a friend of
mine. 36. My feet are bigger than yours.
tom nagybtyja. 36. Nagyobb a lbam,
mint a tied. 37. Ma nem kaptam jsgot.
37. l didn't getapaper today. Can l borrow
Klcsnkrhetern a magt? 38. Akkor a
yours? 38. Then yours wasn't a real ly good
school. 39. "This is yours," he said hand- . tietek nem igazn volt j iskola. 39. Ez a
tied- mondta, odanyjtva az utolst. 40.
ing me the last one. 40. Are the Kennicats
Bartai nnek Kennlcotk? 41. Boldog volfriends of yours? 41. Were you happy with
that Tom of yours? 42. Why is our office
tl azzal a te Tomoddal? 42. Mirt nagyobb
bigger than his? '4 3. My eyes are the same
az irodnk az vnl? 43. Ugyanolyan szn a szemem, mint az v. 44. Hla lstencolour as his. 44. My friends are not like
nek, az n bartaim nem olyanok, mint az
his, thank God. 45. His is beautiful. 46. Are
vi. 45. Az v szp. 46. Ezek az vi?
these his? 47. He likes cooking-cooking
47. Szeret fzni-hobbijaa fzs. 48. Nem
is a hobby of his. 48. He was not surprised
lepte meg, hogy az sszes ni knyvszemto read that ali the female reviewers were
ler ilyen kritikusan nyilatkozik errl a rehighly eritical of that novel of his. 49. My
gnyrl. 49. Apm nem vette le a tekinfather did not take his eyes from hers. 50.
tett az vrl . 50. A frfi kezt szarosan
She took his hands tightly in hers. 51. She
a magba fogta. 51. Simon volt; Simon
was Simon's, he was hers. 52. Will those
friends of hers be there? 53. Can you give
pedig az v. 52. A bartai ott lesznek?


us a lift in your car? Ours has broken down.

54. The decision is ours. 55. She is a very
close friend of ours. 56. Animals are so
much quicker in picking up our thoughts
than we are in picking up theirs. 57. Theirs
is better. 58. The black one isn't theirs, is it?
59. They will never agree tosell that one.
lt's a favourite of theirs.

53. El tudna vinni bennnket az autjn?

A mienk lerobbant. 54. Mienk a dnts joga. 55. Igen kzeli bartunk. 56. Az llatok sokkal gyorsabban megrtik a mi gondolatainkat, mint mi az vkt. 57. Az vk
jobb. 58. Ugye a fekete nem az vk? 59.
Soha nem fognak beleegyezni, hogy azt
eladjk. Az a kedvenck.





Reference l

l prefer a shower to a bath. NOT: l prefer a ~hoov<er than a bath.


1. Maureen jackson preferred older men.
2. Weil, l much prefer the personal interview. 3. l prefer the ones with chocolate.
4. l used to smoke cigars but now l prefer
cigarettes. 5. Which do you prefer, brains
or beauty? 6. l prefer a shower to a bath.
7. Do you prefer Mozart to Wagner? 8. l
prefer soft drinks to alcohol. 9. l guess l
prefarmore exotic-type dishes tothose that
are more standard. 1O. No, tha nk you. l
prefer it cold. 11. We prefer living in a village. 12. l prefer eating in restaurants to
eating at home. 13. We seem to prefer being tagether only some of the time. 14. l
prefer not cooking at ali to having to do
the washing up afterwards. 15. Which do
you prefer living in, a house or a fiat? 16. l
prefer to work as part of a group. 17. If
you prefer to answer the question in writing l' ve got no objection. 18. l prefer to
borrow money off a friend than off someone l hardly know. 19. l prefer not to answer that question. 20. l prefer not to use
my married name in the office. 21. Do you
prefer to rise early or late? 22. l' d prefer to .
be an astronaut 23. They would prefer to
pay monthly. 24. She'd prefer not to work
in an office. 25. Would you prefer to use a
hand whisk or an electric mixer to prepare
an omelette? 26. Rather tha private lessons,



1. Maureen jackson az idsebb frfiakat kedvelte. 2. Ami azt illeti, sokkal jobban szeretem a szemlyes beszlgetst. 3. A csokisokat jobban szeretem. 4. Rgen szivaroztam,
de most jobban zlik a cigaretta. 5. Szerinted az sz vagy a szpsg a fontosabb? 6.
jobban szeretek zuhanyozni, mint frdeni.
7. Mazartot jobban szereti Wagnernl? 8. Inkbb dtitalt szeretek inni, mint alkoholt.
9. Azt hiszem, inkbb az egzotikusabb teleket szeretem, mint a hagyomnyosabbakat 10. Nem, ksznm. Hidegen szeretem.
11. Jobban szeretnk falun lni. 12. Szvesebben eszem tteremben, mint otthon. 13.
Lthatlag azt szeretjk jobban, ha csak az
idnk egy rszben vagyunk egytt. 14. Inkbb nem is fzk, mintsem hogy mosogassam utna azt a rengeteg ednyt. 15. Hol
szeretsz inkbb lakni, hzban vagy laksban? 16. Szvesebben dolgozam csoportban.
17. Ha inkbb rsban vlaszolna, rszemrl
rendben van. 18. Inkbb egy barttl krek
klcsn, mint olyan valakit l, akit alig ismerek. 19. Ezt a krdst inkbb nem vlaszolnm meg. 20. Nem szeretem az asszonynevemet hasznlni az irodban. 21. Inkbb korn vagy ksn szeret felkelni? 22. Inkbb r
hajs lennk. 23. Szeretnnek inkbb havonta fizetni. 24. Nem szeretne irodban dolgozni. 25. Kzi habvervel vagy inkbb robotgp-


l'd prefer to join in a class, if that's possible. 27. Shall l wait unti l you're finished
or would you prefer me to come back tomorrow? 28. Would you prefer thatwearrange

pel ksztene omlettet? 26. Ha lehet, inkbb

csatlakoznk egy osztlyhoz, mint hogy magnrkat vegyek. 27. Megvrjam, amg elkszl, vagy inkbb jjjek vissza holnap? 28. Kvnja, hogy inkbb beszereltessk?

to have it installed?

prepositions and adverb

~ 14:



s elljrs

at, on, n, by (time) ~ 15: at, n, on (pl ace) ~22: by~ with ~61 /19-47: -ing form after prepositions ~ 124: up, down, n, out~ Reference 6, 7, 8



1. I'm going to write a book about Pest. 2.

The blade was hanging directly above me.
3. Can l get a coffee around here? 4. Joe
threw a book at the wall. 5. She has lunch
at home, doesn't she? 6. Cou ld you confirm my reservation by return of post? 7.
What can l do for you? 8. It' d be easier for
you with a car. 9. l prepared Maimie for the
worst. 1O. The dog is loeked in the coal
shed. 11. How did you get into my apartment? 12. We flew over the city. 13. There's
a wall round the garden. 14. Do you work
through an agent, Jim? 15. Why did you l ie
tothose Canadians about the fishpond? 16.
The dog slept under the table. 17. You left
the parking ticket under your windshield
wi per. 18. It was under the bridge (that) we
had to meet them. 19. How smal l he looks
from up here. 20. ls there something up
there? 21. What's in it? 22. Why is it so dark
in here? 23. Without laoking up, he handed
it back to me. 24. Sandy must be feel ing a
fool for having so stupidly loeked the keys
in. 25. He seemed genuinely pleased at being asked for help. 26. l never can remember what you do with burns. 27. When we
watch television with the kids, we always
vote on what to watch. 28. Tell us about
when we were little. 29. But let me tell you
about where l am now. 30. She was surprised at where he lived. 31. His eyes slid
past them to where Naomi was coming
along the beach. 32. From where we stood,

1. rok egy knyvet Pestrl. 2. A penge kzvetlenl felettem lgott. 3. Kaphatok itt valahol kvt? 4. Joe a falhoz vgott egy
knyvet. 5. Ugye otthon szakott ebdelni? 6. Megtenn, hogy postafordultval
visszaigazolja a helyfoglalsomat? 7. Mit
tehetek nrt? 8. Autval knnyebb lenne
neked. 9. Maimie-t felksztettem a legrosszabbra . 1O. A kutya be van zrva a
szntrolba. 11. Hogyan jutott be a laksamba? 12. trepltnk a vros fltt. 13.
A kertet fal veszi krl. 14. gynkkel dolgozol, Jim? 15. Mirt hazudtl azoknak a
kanadaiaknak a halastrl? 16. A kutya az
asztal alatt aludt. 17. Az ablaktrl alatt
hagytad a parkolcduldat. 18. A hd alatt
kellett velk tallkoznunk. 19. Milyen kicsinek ltszik innen fentrl. 20. Van valami ott fenn? 21. Mi van benne? 22. Mirt
van itt benn ilyen stt? 23. Anlkl, hogy
felnzett volna, visszaadta. 24. Sandy biztosan hlyn rzi magt, amirt olyan buta volt, hogy bezrta a kulcsot. 25. gy
tnt, szinte rmme l fogadja, hogy segtsget krnek tle. 26. Soha nem tudom,
mit kell tenni az gsi srlsekkel. 27.
Amikor a gyerekekkel tvznk, mindig
megszavazzuk, hogy mit nzznk. 28. Meslj arrl, amikor kicsik voltunk. 29. De
hadd mondom el neked, hol vagyok most.
30. Meglepdtt azon, hogy hol l a frfi.
31. Szeme elsiklott a fejk felett abba az
irnyba, ahonnan Naomi kzeledett a par-


the town looked li ke part of fairyland. 33.

She rushed in with what looked like a walking stick.

ton. 32. Onnan, ahol lltunk, a vros tndrorszg rsznek tnt. 33. Berontott egy
staplcnak ltsz trggyal.

preposition without a noun phrase

after the verb

htuljr elljr
34. Mi a fenrl beszlsz? 35. Itt vannak a
plmk, amelyekrl mesltem. 36. Nzzk
meg, mirl szl a darab. 37. Msodszorra
nevettk ki. 38. Nem a pnzrt jtszottunk:
39. Mirt jtt ide? 40. Melyik szobba teszed ket? 41. s utlom azt a csoportot,
amelyikben vagy. 42. Micsoda llapotban
lehet a hzassguk! 43. Milyen kalamajkba keveredtl! 44. Mitl flsz? 45. Abban viszont biztos vagyok, hogy tudnak valamit. 46. Egyelre ez minden, ami eszembe jut. 47. Hov indulsz? 48. Vannak dolgok, amikbl ki kell nnd. 49. Operltak
mr valamivel? 50. Kinek adta azokat az
utastsokat? 51. Kivel akar beszlni? 52.
Meg tudja mondani, kinek rjak? 53. Nem
tudom, kihez forduljak. 54. Ez nem ugyanaz a lyuk, amin bemsztunk. 55. Kivel
mentl? 56. Sajnlom, hogy ezt kell mondanom, de igen nehz veled lni.

34. What the heli are you talking about?

35. Here are the palms l was telling you
about. 36. Let's see what the play is about.
37. He was laughed at for the second time.
38. It was not the money we played for. 39.
What did you come here for? 40. Which
room are you putting them in? 41. And l
hate the group you're in. 42. What a state
their marriage must be in! 43. What a mess
you've got into! 44. What are you afraid
of? 45. What l am su re of is that they know
something. 46. That's ali l can think of for
the moment. 47. Where are you off to? 48.
There are things you have to grow out of.
49. Have you ever been operated on? 50.
Who did he give those instructions to? 51.
Who do you want to talk to? 52. Can you
tell me who to write to? 53. l don't know
who to turn to. 54. This is not the same hol e
we climbed in through. 55. Who did you
go with? 56. I'm sorry to have to say this, but
you're a very difficult person to live with.

95/85-106: relative clause

1. l was looking, but l didn't see. NOT: l vvas looking at, but l didn't see.
2. What are you talking about? NOT: About '9vnat are you tal king?

nincs elljr

no preposition
57. When are you free this week? 58. Perhaps we could eat together this evening. 59.
Everyone w as happy that summer. 60. People
are more tolerant these days. 61. That night
l slept bad ly. 62. What are you doing tomorrow morning? 63. What time did you come
home last night, then, June? 64. They stayed
wi th us last Christmas. 65. I'm going to learn
to drive next year. 66. 1'11 be lying on the
beach at Torremolinos this time next week.
67. l last saw her the day before yesterday.
68. We're going on holiday the week after
next. 69. l've been nervy ali day. 70. l jog

57. Mikor vagy szabad a hten? 58. Esetleg

vacsorzhatnnk egytt ma este. 59. Azon
a nyron mindenki boldog volt. 60. Manapsg tolernsabbak az emberek. 61. Akkor
jjel rosszul aludtam. 62. Mit csinlsz holnap dleltt? 63. Mikor is jttl haza tegnap este, june? 64. Mlt karcsonykor nlunk voltak. 65. jvre megtanulok vezetni. 66. jv hten ilyenkor mr a
torremolinosi strandon fogok fekdni. 67.
Tegnapeltt lttam utoljra. 68. A jv ht
utni hten nyaralni megynk. 69. Egsz
nap ideges voltam. 70. Minden reggel ko-


every morning. 71. You can come any day

you like. 72. Some day your dreams will
come true. 73. We got home late. 74.1 don't
usually leave work before six.

cogok. 71. Brmelyik nap jhetsz, amikor

kedved van. 72. Egy napon megvalsulnak
az lmaid. 73. Ksn rtnk haza. 74. ltalban nem jvk el a munkbl hat eltt.

1. They carne home late. NOT: They eame to home late.

2. l stayed up late last night. NOT: l ~tayed up htte ab'in la~t night.


75. l know it's late but l don't wa nt to get up.
76. He broke down and cried like a baby.
77. She had an enormous hat on. 78. Why
are the lights on? 79. The time bomb went
off outside the governor's house. 80. And
then suddenly this sheepdog carne out and
jumped up and bit me in the leg. 81. Don't
throw away anything. 82.1fyou come across
any good jobs, let me know! 83. Bringing
up a child is a tricky business. 84. Can l try
this on? 85. Why don't you take off your
shorts and shirt if you're too hot? 86. Puli
your trousers up immediately. 87. l can't do
my zip up. 88. Can l call you back tomorrow? 89. Jimmy opened the littie gate and
let the chickens out. 90. 1'11 just go up and
put some fresh make-up on. 91. How do you
slowthe machine down? 92. Listen, you can
throw me out if you want to. 93. The vet has
taken the dog away. 94. l've talked the matter over with my wife and we've decided to
accept you r offer. 95. She took her socks off,
relled them into a ball and threw them in
my face. 96. Have the curtains been put up?
97. She promised to pay the money back
within a year. 98. She just took herself off
the Pill withouttelling me. 99. You can hardly
get away with robbing a bank. 100. But l
don't want to give up smoking, actually, l
enjoy it. 101.1 knew you would end up living out of dustbins. 102. Tim wanted to take
up painting, so he jeined an evening class at
the local College of Art.

75. Tudom, hogy ks van, de nem akarok

felkelni. 76. Osszetrt s srt, mint egy
csecsem.77. Egy hatalmas kalap volt rajta. 78. Mirt g a villany? 79. Az idztett
bomba a kormnyz hza eltt robbant fel.
80. Aztn hirtelen eljtt az a juhszkutya,
felugrott, s megharapta a lbamat. 81. Ne
dobj el semmit! 82. Ha brmilyen j llsra bukkansz, szlj! 83. A gyereknevels nehz gy. 84. Felprblhatom? 85. Mirt nem
veszed le a sortodat meg az ingedet, ha meleged van? 86. Azonnal hzd fel a nadrgodat! 87. Nem tudom felhzni a cipzrarnat 88. Visszahvhatern nt holnap? 89.
Jimmy kinyitotta a kiskaput s kiengedtea
tykokat 90. Megyek s rendbe teszem egy
kicsit a sminkemet 91. Hogyan kell lelasstani a gpet? 92. Nzd, ha akarod, kidobhatsz. 93. Az llatorvos elvitte a kutyt. 94.
Megbeszltem a dolgot a felesgemmel, s
gy dntttnk, hogy elfogadjuk az ajnlatt. 95. Levette a zokniJt, gombcba gyrte s az arcomba dobta. 96. Feltettk mr a
fggnyket? 97. Meggrte, hogy egy ven
bell visszafizeti a pnzt. 98. Egyszeren
abbahagyta a fogamzsgtlt, anlkl, hogy
szlt volna. 99. Egy_bankrablst aligha szol
meg. 100. De nem akarok leszokni, tulajdonkppen szeretek dohnyozni. 101. Tudtam, hogy vgl majd guberlsbl fogsz
lni. 102. Tim elhatrozta, hogy festeni fog,
gyhogy beiratkozott a helyi mvszeti f
iskola egyik esti csoportjba.

Call me back tomorrow. NOT: Call beci< me ton,orrovv.


103. He leoked down at his speedometer.
104. Brian loeked up at her without smil-

1 03. Lenzett a sebessgmr re. 104. Brian

mosolygs nlkl nzett fel r. 105. Mr na-


ing. 105. I'm really looking forward to retiring next year. 106. l am going to slow
down behind this lorry. 107. 1'11 ring you
up from Amsterdam. 108. I'm fed up with
washing up for Bert. 109. Hetore the letter
up into fragments. 11 O. lt's time we got
down to work. 111. l told my stories to get
away from his stories. 112. The burglar must
have got in through the window. 113. l can
only say we get on quite weil with them
ali. 114. He never let me i n on h is plans.
115. This question can be looked at from
several pointsof view. 116. We didn't have
any bread so we had to make do with rusk.
117. Wehave run out of cigarettes. 118.
The captain promised to take us back but
he went back on his word. 119. There's
nothing interesting on at the festival hall.
120. How can you put up with four children! 121. Fred was always going on abo ut
how corrupt and violent the police were.

gyon vrom, hogy jvre nyugdjba menjek. 106. Lelasstok e mgtt a teheraut
mgtt. 107. Felhvlak Amszterdam bl.
108. Elegem van abbl, hogy Be rt helyett
mosogassak. 1 09. Apr darabokra tpte a
levelet. 11 O. Ideje, hogy munkhoz lssunk.
111. Azrt mesltem, hogy ne t kelljen
ha11gatnom. 112. A betr az ablakon keresztl juthatott be. 113. Csak annyit mondhatok, hogy mindannyiukkal egsz jl kijvnk. 114. Soha nem avatott be a terveibe. 115. Ezt a krdst tbb szempontbl is
nzhetjk. 116. Nem volt semmi kenyernk, gyhogy be kellett rnnk ktszerslttel. 117. Elfogyott a cigarettnk. 118. A kapitny meggrte, hogy visszavisz bennnket, de visszavonta a szavt. 119. A fesztivlteremben most nem megy semmi rdekes. 120. Hogy brsz elviselni ngy gyereket?! 121. Fred mindig azt hajtogatta, menynyire korrupt s agresszv a rendrsg.

This is a situation l can't put up with. OR: This is a situation which l can't put up with.
NOT: Thi~ i~ a ~ituation up vvith which l can't put.


question words


what if


91: prepositions and adverb particles Q 95: relative ela u se

1. l don't know what to do. NOT: l don't knovv tl1at oohat to do.
2. l don't know what his name is. NOT: l d(m't knooo vvl1at i~ hi~ Mn 1e.


1. How is your mother? 2. How's your new

1. Hogy van a mamd? 2. Milyen az j ll-

job? 3. How was the party l ast night? 4. How

do these changes affect you? 5. How do
you pronounce "archeology"? 6. How do
you say that in English? 7. How l survived l
don't know. 8. How do you like my room?
9. How do you know that? 1 O. How should
l know? 11. How will l recognize you? 12.
I'm not sure how l will vote. 13. Can you
show me how to start it? 14. How attractive did they find him? 15. How often does
the 78A run? 16. Howtall areyou? 17. How
wide is it? 18. How far is Philadelphia? 19.
How far have you got with it? 20. How

sod? 3. Hogyan sikerlt a buli mlt jszaka?

4. Hogyan rintenek tged ezek a vltozsok? 5. Hogyan kell ejteni azt, hogy "archeology"? 6. Hogy mondod ezt angolul? 7.
Hogy hogyan ltem tl, nem tudom. 8. Hogy
tetszik a szobm? 9. Honnan tudod? 1 O.
Honnan tudjam? 11. Hogyan fogom magt
megismerni? 12. M g nem tudom biztosan,
hogyan fogok szavaz n i. 13. Meg tudod mutatni, hogyan kell elindtani? 14. Mennyire
talltk vonznak t? 15. Milyen gyakran jr
a 78A? 16. Milyen magas vagy? 17. Milyen
szles? 18. Milyen messze van Philadelphia?


many hours did you spend watching TV l ast

week? 21. How many times have you
looked into the mirror today? 22. How
much is it? 23. How long will you remain
here? 24. How about a game of chess, then?
25. How about leaving right now?

19. Milyen messze jutottl vele? 20. Hny

rt tlttt tvnzssei a mlt hten? 21.
Hnyszor nztl ma a tkrbe? 22. Mennyibe kerl? 23. Meddig maradsz itt? 24. Akkor
mit szlnl egy sakkpartihoz? 25. Mit szlnl ahhoz, ha most rgtn elmennnk?


26. What's on television tonight? 27. What
are you r favourite subjects? 28. What exactly
is a lie? 29. What more can a girl do? 30.
What's wrong with the furniture? 31. What is
you r annual income? 32. What's you r phone
number? 33. What's the population of Ka rd?
34. What are you afra id of? 35. l know what
it is to be young. 36. What does this word
mean? 37. What have l done wrong? 38. l
just didn't know what to say to that. 39. What
are you th inking about? 40. What do you call
that th ing? 41. What is this called in English?
42. What street is this? 43. What newspaper
do you read? 44. What film are they showing?
45. What day is it? 46. What day would suit
you best? 47. What religion do you belong to?
48. What class are you travelling? 49. What
colour are his eyes? 50. What colour would
you like? 51. What star sign is the pilot? 52.
What size shoes do you take? 53. What more
proof do you need? 54. What was the hotel
li ke? 55. What time do we get there? 56. What
time is it over? 57. What about Steve?ls he coming? 58. What about doing it later? 59. What if
we go and see her first time in the morning?

26. Mi van ma este a tvben? 27. Mik a

kedvenc tantrgyaid? 28. Pontosan mi is a
hazugsg? 29. Mi tbbet tehet egy lny? 30.
Mi a baj a btorral? 31. Mennyi az ves
jvedelmed? 32. Mi a telefonszmod? 33.
Mekkora Kard npessge? 34. Mitl flsz?
35. Tudom mi az, fiatalnak lenni. 36. Mit
jelent ez a sz? 37. Mit csinltam rosszul?
38. Egyszeren nem tudtam, mit mondjak
erre. 39. Min gondolkozol? 40. Mi a neve
annak ott? 41. Minek hvjk ezt angolul?
42. Milyen utsa ez? 43. Melyik jsgat szaktad olvasni? 44. Milyen film megy? 45. Milyen nap van ma? 46. Melyik nap lenne a
legjobb nnek? 47. Milyen valls vagy? 48.
Melyik osztlyon utazol? 49. Milyen szem a szeme? 50. Milyen sznt szeretne?
51. Milyen csillagjegyben szletett a pilta? 52. Milyen mret cipt viselsz? 53. Mifle bizonytk kell mg? 54. Milyen volt a
szlloda? 55. Hny rakor rnk oda? 56.
Hnykor van vge? 57. Mi van Steve-vel?
Jn is? 58. Mi lenne, ha ksbb csinlnnk meg? 59. s mi van, ha reggel legel
szr is elmegynk hozz?

What are you thinking about? NOT: About vvnat are you tninking?


60. W hen were you born? 61. When is you r
birthday? 62. When is the best time to call
on them? 63. When is a piece of toast ready?
64. When do you have to hand it in? 65.
When did you get your computer? 66.
When did ali this happen, Katie? 67. When
did you l ast see your father? 68. When can
you come? 69. When shall we meet? 70.
When will you be ready? 71. We're worried about when she wi ll be free. 72. When
are you going to get married? 73. Did they
tell you when to call them?

60. Mikor szlettl? 61. Mikor van a szletsnapod? 62. Mikor lenne a legjobb beugrani hozzjuk? 63. Miblltszik, hogy ksz
a pirts? 64. Mikor kell beadnod? 65. Mikor szerezted a szmtgpedet? 66. Mikor
trtnt mindez, Katie? 67. Mikor lttad utoljra az apdat? 68. Mikor tudsz jnni? 69.
M ikor tallkozzunk? 70. Mikorra leszel
ksz? 71. Azon idegeskednk, hogy mikor
lesz szabad. 72. Mikor hzasodtak? 73.
Megmondtk, hogy mikor hvd ket?



74. Hol vannak a biztostsi paprjaid? 75.
Hol lnek a pingvinek? 76. Hollaksz Londonban? 77. Hol kell bejelentkeznem? 78.
Hol volt n tegnap? 79. Hova vittk? 80.
Hol tudok parkolni? 81. Hol szrthatom
meg a ruhimat? 82. Hol fogsz aludni? 83.
Pontosan hova fog plni az autplya?
84. Arrl krdeztek, hogy hol voltam. 85.
Meg tudn mondani, hol talljuk Mr Randy
irodjt? 86. Ott kellene maradnod, ahol

74. Where are your insurance documents?

75. Where do penguins live? 76. Where in
London do you live? 77. Where do l check
in? 78. Where were you yesterday? 79.
Where did they take h im? 80. Where can l
park my car? 81. Where can l dry my clothes?
82. Where will you sleep? 83. Where exactly
will the motorway be built? 84. They questioned me about where l had been. 85. Can
you tell us where to find Mr Randy's office?
86. You should just stay where you are.



87. Which door? 88. Which one would you

like? 89. Which would you like- wine or
beer? 90. Which of you took f"DY pudding?
91. Can you tell me which tra in goes to Reading? 92. Which languages do you speak? 93.
Which European countries produce oil? 94.
Which year were you born in? 95. ln which
direction is Slough? 96. It depends oh which
way you go. 97.1'm not quite su re which one
to take with me. 98. Which is the one you
wa nt to land on? 99. Which of th esecasesis
yours? 100. He took one of our Brubeck
records, but l don't remember which.

87. Melyik ajt? 88. Melyiket kred? 89. Mit

krsz - bort vagy srt? 90. Melyiktk vette
el a pudingomat? 91. Meg tudn mondani,
melyik vonatmegy Readingbe? 92. Milyen
nyelveket beszlsz? 93. Mely eurpai orszgok termelnek olajat? 94. Melyik vben
szlettl? 95. Melyik irnyban van Slough?
96. Attl fgg, melyik ton msz. 97. Nem
tudom biztosan, melyiket vigyem magammal. 98. Melyikre akarsz leszllni? 99. Melyik brnd az n ezek kzl? 100. Elvitte
az egyik Brubeck lemeznket, de nem emlkszem, hogy melyiket.


101. Who is Douglas Kennedy? 102. Who is
h is unde? 103. Who wan ts to dance? 104.
Who shot the sheriff? 105. Who sent you after me? 106. Who forgot to wipe their shoes?
107. Who do you know here? 108. Who did
the sheriff shoot? 109. Who's she going to
marry? 11 O. We couldn't decide who to ask
first. 111. Who did you ask to help you with
the packing? 112. Who's you r letter from, dear?
113. Who did you send your application to?
114. You didn't say who you went there with.
115. Whom did they elect as President? 116. With
whom will you shar the apartment?

101. Ki az a Douglas Kennedy? 102. Ki a

nagybtyja? 103. Ki akar tncolni? 104. Ki
ltte le a seriffet? 105. Ki kldtt utnam?
106. Ki felejtette el letrlni a cipjt? 107.
Kit ismersz itt? 108. Kit ltt le a seriff? 109.
Kihez megy hozz? 11 O. Nem tudtuk eldnteni, kit krdezznk meg elszr. 111.
Kit krtl meg, hogy segtsen csomagolni?
112. Kitl jtt leveled, kedvesem? 113. Kinek kldte be a krvnyt? 114. Nem
mondtad, kivel mentl oda. 115. Kit vlasztottak meg elnknek? 116. Kivel fog
egy laksban lakni?


117. Whose case is this? OR: Whose is this
case? 118. Whose wallet was stolen? 119.
l'd li ke to know whose it is. 120. Whose are

117. Ki ez a brnd? v.: Kinek a brndje

ez? 118. Kinek a trcjt loptk el? 119. Szeretnm tudni, ki. 120. Ki ez a keszty?


these gloves? 121. Whose car did they use?

122. Whose place shall we go to? 123.
Whose side are you on, l wonder? 124. No
one dared guess whose wife she was. 125.
With whose friend did she elope?

121. Kinek az autjt hasznltk? 122. Kinek a laksra megynk? 123. Vajon kinek
az oldaln llsz? 124. Senki nem mert tallgatni, kinek a felesge lehet. 125. Kinek
a bartjval szktt meg?



126. Why are you so wet? 127. Why a re

you lying to me? 128. Why do people get
married? 129. Why does God torture me?
130. Why does this always happen to me?
131. Why did you leave you r last job? 132.
Why should wehave faith in anyone? 133.
Why would l want to go to Malta? 134.
They wanted to know why we had left
separately. 135. lt's difficult to explain why
people fali in love. 136. l couldn't move
for five minutes, but Marjorie didn't ask
why. 137. With a shock of recollection he
understcod why. 138. Why don't you just
sit down and relax? 139. Why can't you
take us with you?

. 126. Mitl vagy ilyen nedves? 127. Mirt hazudsz nekem? 128. Mirt hzasodnak ssze
az emberek? 129. Mirt knoz az lsten? 130.
Mirt mindig velem trtnik ez? 131. Mirt
hagytad ott a legutbbi llsod? 132. Mirt
kellene megbznunk brkiben? 133. Mirt
akarnk n Mltra menni? 134. Tudni akartk, mirt tvoztunk kln-kln. 135. Nehz elmagyarzni, mirt lesznek szerelmesek egymsba az emberek. 136. t percig
nem tudtam megmozdulni, de Marjorie nem
krdezte meg, hogy mirt. 137. Egy hirtelen
feltmad emlkkp megrtette vele, hogy
mirt. 138. Mirt nem lsz le, s laztasz kicsit? 139. Mirt nem tudsz magaddal vinni?

"why worry?"

"minek idegeskedni?"

140. Why bother? 141. Then why see her?

142. Why go on? Why not split up now?
143. Why wear heels like that? 144. Why
retire and wait for death?

rather than

140. Minek izgulni? 141. Akkor meg minek tallkozni vele? 142. Minek folytassuk?
Mirt ne szaktsunk most? 143. Minek ilyen
magas sark cipt hordani? 144. Minek
nyugdjba menni s vrni a hallt?


inkbb, mint

~44 : fair/y, rather etc. ~ 147: would rather-


1. l found it sort of greyish rather than yellow. 2. l think one would have to call her
big rather than tali. 3. l am worried rather
than angry at the moment. 4. l should have
stood for Parliament as a Liberal ratherthan
as a Tory. 5. l prefer Iess crowded beaches,
so l go on holiday in June rather than
August. 6. l don't speak fluent Hungarian
yet, I' m sure they will give the job to your
father rather than me. 7. l expect she will

1. Inkbb szrksnek lttam, mint srgnak.

2. Azt hiszem, inkbb nagydarabnak, mint
magasnak kell t neveznnk 3. Most inkbb
aggdom, nem pedig mrges vagyok. 4.
Nem a Tory, hanem inkbb a Liberlis Prt
szneiben kellett volna indulnom. 5. A kevsb zsfolt strandokat jobban szeretem,
gyhogy inkbb jniusban nyaralok, mint
augusztusban. 6. Mg nem beszlek folykonyan magyarul, biztosan inkbb apdnak


give up the house rather than wait for

Blakeweil to move out. 8. Let's dine out
rather than at home, shall we? 9. l prefer
getting up a bit late, ratherthan starting work
half asleep. 1O. She resigned rather than
stifle her conscience. 11. l just thought l
would rather wait than try and find you in
the park later. 12. Don't you thi nk we ought
to check up, ra ther tha n bel ieve what he
says? 13. It is right to invest rather than letting ali your money go on repairs now. 14.
So rather than have two cars plus a campany car l just sold my car. 15. But even
then, Charlotte had listened rather than
talked back.

adjk az llst, mint nekem. 7. gy gondolom, inkbb lemond a hzrl, mintsem arra
vrjon, hogy Blakeweil kikltzzn. 8. Inkbb tteremben vacsorzzunk, mint itthon,
j? 9. Inkbb kicsit ksbb kelek fel, mint
hogy fllomban kezdjem a munkt. 10. Inkbb lemondott, mintsem beszennyezze a
lelkiismerett. 11. Csak gy gondoltam, inkbb vrok, s nem ksbb prbllak megkeresni a parkban. 12. Nem gondolod, hogy
inkbb le kellene ellenriznnk, mint elhinni, amit mond? 13. Helyesebb befektetni,
mint hagyni, hogy az sszes pnzed elmenjen most a javtsra. 14. Teht, inkbb minthogy kt autm s egy vllalati autm legyen, eladtam a sajt kocsimat. 15. De akkor is, Charlotte inkbb csak hallgatott, semmint visszabeszlt volna.

sooner. than
16. Ali the same, saoner you than me! 17.1
would sooner die than smell it, wouldn't you?
18. l would sooner crawl than let you help

reflexive pronouns

16. Mindegy, inkbb te, mint n. 17.1nkbb

meghalok, minthogy megszagoljam, te
nem? 18. Inkbb cssznk a porban, mintsem hagyjam, hogy segts nekem.


magam, magad, maga

(visszahat nvmsok)

one, you, they: indefinite personal pronouns Q84: own Q88: personal pronouns

l will take it with me. NOT: l vvi ll take it wi th n' r~e If.





1. Don't worry, l told myself. 2. l always

1. Ne aggdj - mondtam magamnak. 2.
express myself so badly. 3. l must puli myMindig olyan rosszul fejezem ki magam. 3.
ssze kell szednem magam. 4. reztem,
self together. 4. l fel t myself blushing wi th
hogy elpirulok a mregtl. 5. Senki msra
anger. 5. You don't think of anyone but
nem gondolsz, csak sajt magadra. 6. Miyourself. 6. Why do you tell yourself lies?
7. Please don't b lame yourself. 8. Do you . rt hazudsz magadnak? 7. Krem, ne hibzoften cook for yourself? 9. Stop laoking at
tassa magt. 8. Gyakran fz l magadnak?
9. Hagyd mr abba, hogy a tkrben nzeyourself in the mirror. 1O. Try to relax and
geted magad! 1 O. Prblj meg laztani s
be yourself. 11. He made hmself anather
drink. 12. John Baker considered hmself
jra nmagad lenni! 11. Ksztett magnak
a very ordinary man. 13. What in Heaven
mg egy italt. 12. John Baker nagyon tla-


has he done to himself? 14. l followed her

but she had loeked herself in. 15. She tried
to kill herself. 16. Mostly she was enjoying herself. 17. The cat licked itself clean
in no time. 18. Weil, how littie we know
ourselves. 19. We must set ourselves realistic targets. 20. We were getting bored
with ourselves. 21. You must have confidence in yourselves. 22. But you are making yourselves very ti red. 23. You and Anne
mustn't deceive yourselves. 24. They're
lying to themselves. 25. They only think
about themselves. 26. They spilied champagne on each other and themselves. 27.
Everyone, of course, enjoyed thernselves

gos embernek tartotta magt. 13. Mi az rdgt csinlt magval? 14. Utnamentem,
de magra zrta az ajtt. 15. Megprblta
meglni magt. 16. Alapveten jl rezte
magt. 17. A macska pillanatok alatt tisztra nyalta magt. 18. Ht igen, milyen kevss ismerjk magunkat! 19. Relis clokat kell kitznnk magunk el. 20. Kezdtk unni magunkat. 21. Bznotok kell magatokban. 22. De nagyon kifrasztjtok magatokat. 23. Anne-nek s neked nem szabad becsapnotok magatokat. 24. Hazudnak
magunknak. 25. Csak magukra gondolnak.
26. Pezsgt locsoltak magukra s egymsra. 27. Termszetesen mindenki rettenetesen jl rezte magt.

by myself etc.


28. Ilike going for walks by myself. 29. Can

he do it by himself? 30. Mary had dinner
by herself. 31. The huge machine started to
move ali by itself, clicking and rattling.

28. Szeretek egyedl stlni. 29. Meg tudja

csinlni egyedl? 30. Mary egymagban vacsorzott. 31. A hatalmas gp kattogva s
kerepelve magtl megmozdult.

emphatic usage

nyomatkost rtelem

32. l myself have mixed feelings about

money. 33. l must say l felt rather excited
myself. 34. l always made his coffee myself every evening. 35. l wanted to give
my children what l didn't have myself as a
child. 36. You said yourself that you felt
Lon was strange. 37. Do it yourself. 38.
Did you make it yourself? 39. You can
judge for yourself. 40. He himself was a
bachelor. 41. He himself told me. 42. l
spoke to the Presiclent himself. 43. Why
couldn't she come herself? 44. The Queen
herself signed the cards. 45. The lounge
itself was so crowded , we thought we
could stay inthere without being noticed
for a while. 46. lnstead of taking the bypass around Oban, it is weil worth driving
into the town itself. 47. We ourselves are
strangers here. 48. We saw the ghost ourselves once. 49. Try it yourselves. 50. But
these vegetables will taste special, because
you grew them yourselves. 51. They may
do the same themselves. 52. They could
hardly believe it themselves .

32. Nekem magamnak is vegyes rzelmeim

vannak a pnzzel kapcsolatban, 33. Azt kell
mondanom, magam is nagyon izgatott voltam. 34. Minden este magam csinltam meg
a kvjt 35. Meg akartam adni mindazt a
gyermekeimnek, amit n nem kaptam meg
gyerekkoromban. 36. Te magad mondtad,
hogy gy rezted, Lon furcsn viselkedik. 37.
Csinld magad! 38. Te magad ksztetted? 39.
Te is meggyzdhetsz rla. 40. maga agglegny volt. 41. _maga mondta nekem. 42.
Magval az elnkkel beszltem. 43. Mirt
nem tudott maga eljnni? 44. Maga a kirlyn rta al a krtykat. 45. Maga a hall
olyan zsfolt volt, hogy gy gondoltuk, egy
ideig szrevtlenl ott maradhatunk. 46. Ahelyett, hogy kikerlnnk Obant, mindenkppen megri behajtani magba a vrosba. 47.
Mi magunk is idegenek vagyunk itt. 48. Mi is
lttuk egyszer a szellemet. 49. Prbljtok ki
ti magatok! 50. De ezeknek a zldsgeknek
klnleges ze lesz, mert ti magatok ltetttek ket. 51. Taln k maguk is ugyanezt csinljk. 52. k maguk is alig hittk el.


relative dause


vonatkoz mellkmondatok

Q48: focus and emphasis Q85: participle structures

who, whom



1. He explained to Professor Epstein, who

1. Megmagyarzta Epstein professzornak,

is a friend of his, that it was his fault my

paper was late. 2. Jim, who usually wears
jeans, carne to work in a su it today. 3. She's
been staying with my sister-in-law, who has
a rather depressing house in Bayswater. 4.
Then l saw Jim, who wassitting on a small
wooden stool nextto his-.boat. 5. The next
person l spoke to was their boss, who
carne in a few minutes later. 6. Churchill,
who lived to the age of 91 , enjoyed brandy and fine cigars . 7. We met a few
hippos, who soon plunged into the water
on our approach. 8. May my fianc, who
is divorced, and l marry in church ? 9.
When l was in town l bumped into my
co u si n, who told me the news . 1 O.
Victoria is a cheerful woman who is fond
of bright colours. 11. Mr Lucas is a bus
driver who left school at fourteen . 12. l've
found a firm in Budapest who are interested in handling your company's product.
13. l was introduced to several ministers,
none of whom showed any interest in ou r
problems. 14. He's got lotsof friends, some
of whom are my friends as weil. 15. Peter,
whom everybody suspected, turned out
to be innocent

aki a bartja, hogy az hibjbl rkezett

ksve a dolgozatom. 2. jim, aki ltalban
farmert hord, ma ltnyben jtt be dolgozni. 3. A sgornmnllakik, akinek egy meglehetsen nyomaszt hza van Bayswaterben. 4. Akkor meglttam jimet, aki egy kis
faszken lt a csnakja mellett. 5. A kvetkez, akivel beszltem, a fnkk volt, aki
pr perccel ksbb jtt be. 6. Churchill, aki
91 ves korig lt, kedvelte a finom szivarokat s a brandyt. 7. Tallkoztunk nhny
vzilval, akik kzeledtnkre hamarosan
belecsobbantak a vzbe. 8. A vlegnyem
nek, aki elvlt, s nekem lehet templomi
eskvnk? 9. Amikor a vrosban jrtam, az
unokatestvrembe botlottam, aki tudatta velem a hrt. 1 O. Victoria vidm n, aki kedveli az lnk szneket. 11. Mr Lucas egy
buszsofr, aki tizenngy vesen otthagyta
az iskolt. 12. Talltam Budapesten egy cget, akik rdekeltek az nk termkeinek a
forgalmazsban . 13. Bemutattak tbb miniszternek, akik kzl egyik sem mltatta
figyelemre a problminkat 14. Sok bartja van, akik kzl sokan az n bartaim is.
15. Kiderlt, hogy Peter, akire mindenki gyanakodott, rtatlan.

akinek a..., amelynek a...

16. This is Joe, whose sister you met last
Christmas. 17. joe Ron Lefever, whose wife
sti ll l i ves Athens, d ied some years ago. 18.
He was not as tali as Bob Lilburn, to whose
wife he was now talking. 19. They used a
stolen Mercedes, whose owner has not yet
been found.

16. joe, akinek a nvrvel tavaly karcsonykor tallkoztl. 17. Joe Ron Lefever,
akinek a felesge mg mindig Athnben l,
pr vvel ezeltt hunyt el. 18. Nem volt
annyira magas, mint Bob Lilburn, akinek a
felesgvel ppen beszlgetett. 19. Egy lopott Mercdeszt hasznltak, amelynek mg
nem talltk meg a tulajdonost.



amely, ami

20. Lhasa, which is in Tibet, is the world's

highest capital. 21. Chocolate comes from
cocoa beans, which are the seeds of the cacao tree. 22. The painting, which is worth
half a million pounds, was given to the gallery in 1975. 23. We looked at the church,
which was black, as everything in Bradford
was black. 24. Kojak, which was very popular in Britain, was an American tv series. 25. l
am surprised that l haven't receved a reply
to my letter of 101h June, which l wrote in response to you r TV advertisement. 26. The raiders made their getaway in a stolen Jaguar,
which was later found abandoned in
Croydon. 27. The clock on the mantelpiece,
which was propped up one side with a matchbox, said five o'clock. 28.1 have an old house
which needsan awful lot of work. 29. We
have a poor product which is overpriced. 30.
Theygot in through an upstairs windowwhich
the owners had forgotten to close. 31. He
showed me several folders, one of which had
my name on. 32. Then they weregiven their
task, which none of us had been informed
on. OR: Then they were given their task, on which
none of us had been informed.

20. A Tibetben tallhat Lhasa a vilg legmagasabb fekv fvrosa . 21. A csokold kakababbl kszl, amely a kakacserje magja. 22. A festmnyt, amely flmilli
fontot r, 1975-ben adomnyoztk a galrinak. 23. Megnztk a templomot, amely
fekete volt, minthogy Bradfordban minden
fekete volt. 24. A Nagy-Britanniban igen
npszer Kojak egy kanadai tvsorozat
volt. 25. Meglep, hogy mg nem kaptam
vlaszt jnius 1O-i levelemre, amelyet a tvhirdetskkel kapcsolatban rtam. 26. A
tmadk egy lopott Jagurral menekltek
el, amelyet ksbb megtalltak Croydonban. 27. A kandallprknyon az ra, amit
egyik oldalnl gyufaskatulyval tmasztottak al, t rt mutatott. 28. Van egy rgi hzam, amelyen rengeteget kell dolgozni. 29. Van egy rossz minsg termknk,
amely tl drga. 30. Egy emeleti ablakon
t jutottak be, amelyet a tulajdonosok elfelejtettek bezrni. 31. Tbb dosszit is
mutatott, amelyek kzl az egyiken rajta
volt a nevem. 32. Aztn megkaptk a feladatukat, amelyrl egyiknk sem kapott tjkoztatst.

which: sentence relative

ami: az egsz mondatra rtve

33. They're coming to dinner tomorrow,

which is a problem. 34. But she had cold
eyes, which reminded me of my father. 35.
He failed his exam again, which naturally
disappointed h im. 36. He drank beer, which
made him fat.

33. Jnnek holnap vacsorra, ami problma. 34. De tekintete hideg volt, s ez
az apmra emlkeztetett. 35. Megint megbukott a vizsgjn, ami termszetesen elkesertette. 36. Srt ivott, amitl meghzott.

amikor, ahol

when, where
37. At 1 O, when you walk past his booth,
he'll be writing his report. 38. Ealing is a
pleasant residential suburb, where nothing
exciting happens. 39. Why don't you sit
down here near the radiator, where it's
warm? 40. They carne from Nairobi, where
Mark once spent a holiday.

37. Tzkor, amikor elmsz a flkje mellett,

ppen a jelentst fogja rni. 38. Ealing egy
kellemes klvrosi laknegyed, ahol semmi izgalmas nem trtnik. 39. Mirt nem
l ide, a raditor mell, ahol j meleg van?
40. Nairobibl jttek, ahol Mark nyaralt

They say l am stupid, which is not true. NOT: They ~a y l am ~tup id, vv hat i~ not true.
OR: They ~ay l am ~tupid vvhich i~ not true.





41. The girl who lives upstairs is Spanish.

42. The man who is eating spaghetti is my
brother. 43. Women often say that they are
looking for a man who is gentie and loving. 44. The man who did most for race
relations in the United States was Martin
Luther King. 45. The man who telephoned
left a message. 46. James Watt was an engineer who invented a steam engine. 47. The
shop assistant who spoke to me was very
helpful. 48. Max is the man who came between me and my best friend, Jenny. 49.
The man who can puli the sword out of the
stone will be king. 50 ..N\y father was interested in any woman who wasn't my
mother. 51. l am one of those people who
can't say no. 52. There are a lot of people
who aren't stupid. 53. There are 450,000
youngsters between 20 and 25 in this country who are jobless.

41. Az odafent lak lny spanyol. 42. Az a

frfi, akispagettit eszik, a btym. 43. A nk
gyakran mondjk, hogy gyengd s szeret
frfira vgynak. 44. Martin Luther King volt
az a frfi, aki az Egyeslt llamokban a legtbbet tette a klnbz brszn emberek
kztti kapcsolatok javtsrt. 45. A frfi,
aki telefonlt, hagyott zenetet 46. James
Watt egy mrnk volt, aki feltallta a gz
gpet. 47. Az elad, aki hozzm beszlt,
nagyon segtksz volt. 48. Max az, aki a
legjobb bartom, Jenny s n kzm llt.
49. A frfi, aki a sziklbl kihzza a kardot,
kirly lesz. 50. Apmat minden n rdekelte, aki nem az anym volt. 51. Azok kz az emberek kz tartozom, akik nem tudnak nemet mq,ndani. 52. Sok olyan ember
van, aki nem buta. 53. Ebben az orszgban
450 OOO 20-25 v kztti munkanlkli fiatal van.

amely, amelyik, ami

54. What can you do about the ones which
can be changed? 55. l agree entirely that
Ecstasy is a drug which can kill. 56. Finance is usually the first issue which needs
consideration. 57. Cars which ca u se pollution should be banned. 58. There are two
rivers which run through the town. 59.
Money which is spent now on education
and health is an investment for our future.
60. Ali living things are made up of units
which are called cell s. 61. We saw the
room which he was born in. OR: We saw
the room in which he was horn. 62. That is one

54. Mit tud tenn i azokkal, amelyeken lehet

vltoztatni? 55. Teljes mrtkben egyetrtek azzal, hogy az Ecstasy olyan szer, ami
lni tud. 56. A finanszrozs ltalban az
els olyan krds, amelyet meg kell fontolni. 57. A lgszennyezst okoz autkat be
kellene tiltani. 58. Kt foly szeli t a vrost. 59. Az a pnz, amit most az oktatsra
s az egszsggyre kltnk, befektets a
jvnk rdekben. 60. Minden ll ny sejteknek nevezett egysgekbl p l fel. 61.
Megnztk a szobt, amelyben sz letett.
62. A demokrcinak ez az egyik o lyan
problmja, amelyre mg ksbb visszatrnk.

of the problems of democracy to which we shall

have to return.

akinek a ... , amelynek a ...

63. The man whose address you' ve asked for
has left the firm. 64. Children whose parents
get divorced suffer a lot. 65. Picasso was a
pa inter whose importance to modern art cannot be overestimated. 66. Croatia is another
country whose history has been turbulent.

63. A frfi, akinek a cmt krted, elment a

cgtL 64. Az elvltszlk gyermekei sokat szenvednek. 65. Picasso olyan fest volt,
aki nekamodern mvszetre gyakorolt hatst nem lehet tlbecslni. 66. Horvtorszg egy msik, viharos trtne lm orszg.




67. Do you remember the evening when/

that it rained so hard? 68. Pay when it's
convenient. 69. l don't understand you
when you speak so fast.

67. Emlkszel arra az estre, amikor olyan

nagyon esett? 68. Akkor fizessen, amikor
knyelmes nnek. 69. Nem rtelek, amikor olyan gyorsan beszlsz.



70. Just stay where you are! 71. You' ll start . 70. Maradj ott, ahol vagy. 71. Ott fogod kezwhere l started. 72. lt's not only a place
deni, ahol n. 72. Ez nem pusztn egy hely,
where people come to drink. 73. Last year
ahova inni jrnak az emberek. 73. A mlt
the radio station where l work gave me my
vben a rdillomsnl, ahol dolgozom,
own programme. 74. This is a situation
megkaptam a sajt msoromat. 74. Ez egy
where you have to listen to both parties
olyan helyzet, amikor az embernek mindbefore you say anything. 75. l cannot rekt felet meg kell hallgatnia, mieltt brmit
member a weekend where l laughed as
mondana. 75. Nem emlkszem mg egy
much or felt happier.
htvgre, amikor ilyen sokat nevettem volna, vagy boldogabb lettem volna.


aki, amely, ami, amelyik: that

76. You' re the one that's frigid. 77. ls there

a cha ir that isn't broken? 78. Can't you th ink
of anything that isn't a quotation? 79. The
people that owned the place were having a
cup of tea. 80. Why is it always me that
does the washing up? 81. I'm locking for a
pen that will write on glass. 82. Soon her
eye fell on a littie glass box that was lying
under the table. 83. People can accomplish
things together that they cannot do on their
own. 84. What is it about traveliing that
makes you want to keep doing it?

76. Te vagy a frigid. 77. Van egy szk, amelyik nincs eltrve? 78. Nem tudsz semmi
olyanra gondolni, ami nem idzet? 79. A
helyisg tulajdonosai ppen teztak. 80. Mirt mindig n vagyok az, aki mosogat? 81.
Egy olyan tollat keresek, ami fog az vegen. 82. Tekintete hamarosan egy, az asztal alatt fekv vegdobezra esett. 83. Az emberek egytt megvalsthatnak dolgokat,
amelyeket egyedl nem tudnak. 84. Mi az
utazsban az, ami arra sztkl, hogy ne
hagyd abba?

ls there a chair which/that is not broken? NOT:


there a ehair what


not broke1,?

a that elhagysa

that can be left out

85. Susan, this is my friend (that) l told you
about. 86. This is the room you'll be sleeping in. 87. Mary didn't li ke the fiat she was
living in. 88. The old man you saw today
in the studio is Baron Hausberg. 89. The
lndian mea l you cooked wasa disaster. 90.
And what was it you heard? 91. l don't
believe a word you say. 92. l can't forget
the things he said. 93. The figures you gave
me are four years out of date. 94. This is
the place l was tellingyou about. 95. Have
you got a razor blade l can borrow? 96. l

85. Susan, ez az a bartom, akirl mesltem. 86. Ebben a szabban fog aludni. 87.
Mary nem szerette a lakst, amelyben lakott.
88. Az regember, akit ma a stdiban lttl, Baron Hausberg. 89. Az indiai tel, amit
fztl, tragikus volt. 90. s mi volt az, amit
hallottl? 91. Egy szt sem hiszek abbl, amit
mondasz. 92. Nem tudom elfelejteni, amiket mondott. 93. Az adatok, amiket adtl,
ngy ve elavultak. 94. Ez az a hely, amirl
beszltem. 95. Van egy pengd, amit klcsnkrhetnk? 96. Ugyanabbl krek, ami-


w ant some of the stuff l bought l ast week.

97. Do you remember the first time we
met? 98. It was an opportunity l felt l
couldn't miss. 99. l want that phone book
you' re sitting on. 100. We broke up because he found anather woman he said he
loved more. 1 01. l often tell a story abo ut
the firsttime l ga ve a speech. 102. But thi nk
of ali the time we' d save. 103. Here it is.
lt's been in this cupboard ali the time we' ve
been laoking for it. 104. l remember the
Sunday war was declared. 105. That wasn't
the kind of life he'd been laoking forward
to. 106. l li ke the material your dress is
made of.

bl a' mlt hten vettem. 97. Emlkszel arra,

amikor elszr tallkoztunk? 98. gy reztem, ez egy olyan lehetsg, amit nem szalaszthatok el. 99. Szksgem van a telefonknyvre, amin lsz. 100. Azrt szaktottunk,
mert tallt magnak egy msik nt, akirl azt
mondta, jobban szereti nlam. 101. Gyakran elmeslek egy trtnetet arrl az alkalmrl, amikor elszr tartottam beszdet.
102. De gondolj csak arra a rengeteg idre,
amit megsprol nnk! 103. Itt van! Ebben a
szekrnyben volt vgig, am g kerestk. 104.
Emlkszem arra a vasrnapra, amikor kitrt
a hbor. 105. Nem ilyen letre vgyott. 106.
Tetszik ez az anyag, amibl a ruhd van.



107. The problem may be something that

you can sort out easily. 108. Anything she
said now could only make the situation
worse. 109. Nothing l have heard about h im
changes my opinion of h im. 11 O. That's the
only thing l can imagine. 111. That's the
only th ing l can't stand. 112. You' re the only
visitor l' ve had ali day. 113. Comfort is the
onlythingourcivilization can give us. 114.
lt's not only the cost that is the problem- l
just haven't got time. 115. She's beautiful,
but it's not only beauty that counts. 116.
lt's the best job you could possibly have
got. 117. Failing that examination was the
best th ing that could have happened to her.

107. Lehet, hogycsak valami olyan gond van,

amit knnyen meg tudsz oldani. 108. Brmivel, amit ezutn mondott, mr csak ronthatott a helyzeten. 109. Semmi, amit hallottam,
nem vltoztatja meg a rla kialakult vlemnyemet. 11 O. Csak ezt tudom elkpzelni. 111.
Ez az egyetlen dolog, amit ki nem llhatok.
112. Te voltl az egyetlen ltogatmegsz nap.
113. A knyelem az egyetlen, amit ez a civilizci adni tud. 114. Nemcsak az ra a gond,
egyszeren nincs idm . 115. Nagyon szp n,
de nemcsakaszpsg szmt. 116. Valsznleg ez a legjobb lls, amit kaphattL 117. Az,
hogy megbukott ezen a vizsgn, a lehet legjobb dolog volt, ami vele trtnhetett.

minden, ami; csak

118. One red rose is ali l want. 119. l thi nk
l have ali that l need. 120. And that was
ali that happened. 121. That's ali that can
be said about it. 122. Mrs Moor was delighted with ali that she saw. 123. l
thought l loved hm but l realize ali l felt
was pity.

118. n csak egy piros rzst szeretnk. 119.

Azt hiszem, megvan mindenem, amire
szksgem van. 120. s ez minden, am i trtnt. 121. Ez minden, amit mondani lehet
errl. 122. Mrs Moor el volt ragadtatva
mindattl, amit ltott. 123. Azt hittem, szeretem, de mr tudom, hogy valjban csak
sznalmat reztem irnta.

That's ali (that) l know. NOT: That'~ ali oohatfvvhieh l knovv.


124. Do what you thi nk is best. 125. l don't
understand what you' re saying. 126. Oh,

124. Tedd azt, amit a leghelyesebbnek gondolsz. 125. Nem rtem, amit mondasz. 126.


please mind what you<re doing! 127. See

what l've brought for you? 128. Let's summarize whatwehave achieved so far. 129.
They just don't sei l what l want. 130. This
is just what l need. 131. That's not what l
mean. 132. That's what you said last time.
133. And that is exactly what he did. 134.
That's what he told me. 135. Why don't
you say what you want? 136. l don't like
what happened to Jamie. 137. Look, we're
ri ch- we can do what we li ke. 138. l can't
express what l feel. 139. l know what the
others will say. 140. Apparently l am what
is called a disturbed sleeper. 141. His
memories of that time were not what you
would expect. 142. We decided to turn
down what we ali thought was an unfair
offer. 143. He w as reali y very sorry for what
he had done.

, krlek, vigyzz, mit csinlsz! 127. Ltod,

mit hoztam neked? 128. Foglaljuk ssze, mit
rtnk el eddig. 129. Egyszeren nem kaphat itt, ami nekem kell. 130. Pont erre van
szksgem. 131. Nem gy rtem. 132. A
mltkor ezt mondtad. 133. s pontosan azt
is csinlta. 134. ezt mondta nekem. 135.
Mirt nem mondod, hogy mit akarsz? 136.
. Nem tetszik, ami Jamie-vel trtnt. 137. Figyelj, gazdagok vagyunk- azt csinljuk, amihez kedvnk van . 138. Nem tudom kifejezni, amitrzek. 139. Tudom, mit fognak mondani a tbbiek. 140. Ktsgtelenl azok kz tartozom, akiket rossz alvnak neveznek.
141. Nem olyan emlkei voltak abbl az id
bl, amilyenekre szmtannk. 142. Eldntttk, hogy visszautastjuk a mindannyiunk
ltal nagyon tisztessgtelennek tartott ajnlatot. 143. Tnyleg nagyon sajnlta, amit tett.

l don't understand what you're saying. NOT: l el6n't unelerst!!nel th8t ooh8t f6U're !!!fing.

's genitive, of-genitive



birtokos szerkezetek

possessve adjectves and possessve pronouns


1. Do excuse me, but are you Mr Follie's
secretary? 2. What is your wife's name? 3.
We talked to the boys' parents for some
time. 4. She marred Mary's brother. 5. You
remind me of my uncle's brother. 6. You' d
better share Frances's room. 7. Don't you
knock before entering a woman's bedroom?
8. Smoke is coming out of my neighbour's
kitchen window. 9. It wasn't just her parents' divorce that con fu sed her. 1O. Bess's
eyes met Nancy's in the rear-view mirror.
11. The wind was stronger than ever, and
blew Donna's hat off. 12. From what you
say, that was Norm's fault not yours. 13. ln
recent years both critics and general public
have recogn ised this composer's uniq~:~e
abilities. 14. And what he says about this
government's behaviour is true. 15. The
government is pl anning to close three ofthe
country's seven military hospitals. 16. But

1. Bocssson meg, n Mr Follie titkra? 2.

Hogy hvjk a felesgt? 3. A fik szleivel
beszlgettnk egy darabig. 4. Mary btyjhoz ment hozz. 5. A nagybtym btyjra
emlkeztet. 6. Jobb lenne, ha egytt aludntok Frances szobjban. 7. Nem szakott kopogni, mieltt belp egy n hlszobjba?
8. Fst jon a szomsidom konyhaablakbL
9. Nemcsak a szleinek a vlsa zavarta
meg. 1O. Bess tekintete tallkozott Nancyvel
a visszapillant tkrben. 11. A szl ersebb
volt, mint valaha, s lefjta Donna kalapjt.
12. Az alapjn, amit mond, nem az n hibja volt, hanem Norm. 13. Az elmlt vek
sorn mind a kritikusok, mind a kzvlemny
elismerte a zeneszerz kivteles tehetsgt.
14. Amit pedig ennek a kormnynak a viselkedsrl mond, az igaz. 15. A kormny az
orszg ht katonai krhzbl hrmat bezrni kszl. 16. De mirt nem kaptuk meg


why didn't we get the vicar's letter? 17. My

uncle's murder wasa great shock to us ali.
18. Don't lose it, it's my mother's. 19. If it is
Mike's I' m not taking it. 20. Actually, the
van is my parents'. 21. It was a beautifui
caramel-brown animal with a head like a

a plbnos levelt?' 17. Nagybtym meggyilkolsa valamennyink szmra nagy

megrzkdtatst jelentett. 18. Ne vesztsd el,
az anym. 19. Na Mike-, nem veszem el.
20. A kisbusz tulajdonkppen a szleim.
21. Gynyr karamellszn llat volt, a feje mint egy agr.

's: other structures

's: egyb szerkezetek

22. He needed at least four hours' sleep. 23.

But it's more than ten minutes' walk from
here! 24. There must have been a full week's
washing up in the sink again. 25. They are
given two weeks' or a month's military training at the most. 26. They certainly haven't
given six months' notice:.. 27. Brian \YaS found
guilty and sentenced to three years' imprisonment. 28. She's so disappointed l couldn't
get tickets for tonight's show. 29. He was
wearing last night's clothes. 30. You haven't
paid for yesterday's breakfast yet. 31. Have
you seen today's paper? 32. We could only
buy a pound's worth of petrol. 33. Mulligan's
is just a few miles' walk down this road. 34.
We walked along to the hairdresser's together. 35. We usually buy our milk and everything at the grocer's in Pond street. 36.
Goacross to Smith's and buy two pou n ds of
theirsmoked bacon. 37. The children's ward
ismore often elosed th an open. 38. Last time
l saw h im he was walking towards the men's
lavatory. 39. Come on, it's child's play as
compared to the test we had last time.

22. Legkevesebb ngy ra alvsra volt szksge. 23. De az ide gyalog tbb mint tz
perc! 24. A mosogatban mr megint legalbb egy egsz heti mosogatnival volt. 25.
Kthetes vagy maximum egyhnapos katonai kikpzst kapnak. 26. Az biztos, hogy
nem kldtek hat hnappal elbb rtestst.
27. Briant bnsnek talltk s hrom v
brtnre tltk. 28. Olyan csaldott, amirt nem sikerlt jegyet szereznem a mai el
adsra. 29. Az elz esti ruhja volt rajta.
30. Mg nem fizette ki a tegnapi reggelijt
31. Lttad mr a mai jsgot? 32. Csak egy
fontnyi benzint tudtunk venni. 33. A Mulligan csak nhny mrfld gyalog, ezen az
ton. 34. Egytt elmentnk a fodrsz ig. 35.
Rendszerint tejet meg minden egyebet a
Pond utcai fszeresnl vesznk. 36. Menj
t a Smith boltba s vegyl kt fontot a fstlt szalonnjukbl. 37. A gyerekosztly
tbbnyire inkbb zrva van. 38. Amikor
utoljra lttam, ppen a frfivc fel ment.
39. Ne hlyskedj, ez gyerekjtk a mltkori teszthez kpest.

l needed for hours' sleep. NOT: l needed fuur nours sleep.



40. Has the owner of the car turned up? 41. As

an ordinary citizen of Marshport l would never
have any chance ofwinning. 42. Do you want
the name and the number of the motel? 43.
She lost the top of her bikini yesterday afternoon. 44. Can you see the windows of their
house from there? 45. ls that the end of the
story? 46. The left side of her nose was particularly pink. 47. There were hundreds of
people before the entrance of the theatre. 48.
They say it sank to the bottom of the bay years

40. Elkerlt mr a kocsi tulajdonosa? 41.

Mint egyszer marshporti polgrnak soha
nem lenne eslyem a gyzelemre. 42. Kred amotel nevt s telefonszmt? 43. Tegnap elvesztette a bikinifelsjt 44. Ltja
innen a hzuk ablakait? 45. Ez a trtnet
vge? 46. Orrnak bal oldala klnsen rzsaszn volt. 47. Emberek szzai lltak a
sznhz bejratnl. 48. Azt mondjk, vekkel ezeltt az bl fenekre sllyedt. 49.
thajtottunk a vroskzponton. 50. A har-


ago. 49. We drove through the centre of the

town. 50. On the maming of the third day the
sea calmed. 51. Did they ali think l was the
author of the book? 52. He was a member of
the peace group but his attendance was erratic. 53. Salvatore Riina appeared in court
aceused of being the boss of bosses of the Sici li an Mafia. 54. Thechancesof failure grew.
55. The thought of moving house is appalling.
56. The feeling of pride produces amazing resui ts. 57. Personality factors are an important
part of creativity. 58. The elimate in the north
of Europe is really dreadful. 59. Larkin is a
characteristic figure of his time. 60. We knew
the company's fate was to be the fate of ali of
us. 61. My stepfather died of cancer of the
stomach when l was twenty. 62. At my 70th
birthday party, everyone was greatly amused,
if not surprised, by my dancin g of the tango!
63. We neverknew he wasa special friend of
yours. 64. That was a favourite question of
his. 65. Are you a friend of lke's?

madik nap reggeln a tenger megnyugodott.

51. Mi nd azt hittk, hogy n vagyok a knyv
szerzje? 52. Tagja volt a bkecsoportnak,
de nem jrt el rendszeresen. 53. A brsg
eltt megjelent Salvatore Riint azzal vdoltk, hogy a legfbb fnke a szicliai
maffinak. 54. Nttek a kudarc eslyei. 55.
A kltzkdsnek mg a gondolata is visszataszt. 56. A bszkesg rzse meglep
eredmnyeket produkl. 57. A szemlyisgjegyek a kreativits fontos tnyezi. 58. Eurpa szaki rsznek ghajlata valban borzaszt. 59. Larkina korszak egyik jellegzetes alakja. 60. Tudtuk, hogy a cg sorsa valamennyink sorsa lesz. 61. Mostohaapm
gyomorrkban halt meg, amikor n hszves voltam. 62. Hetvenves szletsnapomon mindenki igen szrakoztatnak, st,
meglepnek tallta, hogy tangztam. 63.
Sose tudtuk, hogy klnlegesen j bartod.
64. Ez egy kedvenc krdse volt. 65. n
lke egyik bartja?

They opened the windows of their house. NOT: Tney pened tneir

nu~e'~ windoos.

of: egyb szerkezetek

of: other structures

66. ln one of the cupboards we found hundreds oftins of fish. 67.1 need a piece of string.
68. You must drink five litres of water a day.
69. Offer h im ten percent of the profits. 70.
There are one hundred and ninety-three living species of monkeys and apes. 71. After
20 years of faithfui service my vacuum cleaner
gave out. 72. c;= an you gi ve me a list of what's
missing? 73. The water was heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. 74. Every one of us
here today has good reason to be proud. 75.
Some of you, l know, will disagree. 76. Ten of
you can come but the others must wait here
a little. 77. Three of his teeth have just been
taken out. 78. Would those of you at the back
mind moving forward to the front rows? 79.
I'm one of the lucky ones. 80. He was one of
those men who give a belch before coming
up to you. 81. Oh, Chuck, that's really nice
of you. 82. He's Iess of an extravert than his

66. Az egyik szekrnyben tbb szz halkonzervet talltunk. 67. Egy darab zsinegre
van szksgem. 68. Te legalbb napi t liter vizet iszol. 69. Ajnlja fel neki a profit
t szzalkt. 70. Szzkilencvenhrom emberszabs s egyb majomfajta l. 71.
Hsz vi hsges szolglat utn a porszvm kilehelte a lelkt. 72. Tudsz adni egy
listt arrl, hogy mi hinyzik? 73. A vizet
80 fokra melegtettk. 7 4. Ma itt mindegyiknknekoka van a 'bszkesgre. 75. Tudom,
hogy nhnyan nem fognak egyetrteni. 76.
Tzen jhetnek, de a tbbieknek itt kell vrni
egy kicsit. 77. ppen most hztk ki hrom
fogt. 78. nk ott htul, megtennk, hogy
elrejnnek az els sarokba? 79. A szerencssek kz tartozom. 80. Az a fajta volt,
aki bfg egyet, mieltt odajn hozzd. 81.
, Chuck, ez tnyleg kedves tled. 82. Kevsb extrovertlt tpus, mint a btyja.

We ate two tins of fish. NOT: Vt/e l!tte t'Yv fi~n ti n~.





ugyanaz, ugyangy stb.

30: comparisan



1. "1'11 have a pint of bitter." - "1'11 have the

same." 2. Give me the same agai n, please. 3.
The same has happened to the British
economy. 4. lt's not the sa me th ing. 5. No two
are the same. 6. So things can never be quite
the sa me, can they? 7. l never do the sa me
th ing twice in the week. 8. More th an 100 other
schoolchildren do the same thing every day.
9. Caroline seemed to feel the same. 10. She
settied herself in the same chair Howard had
occupied. 11. That's the sa me lorry that passed
us ten minutes ago. 12. H arranged to bethere
at the same time. 13. It would not be a good
thing if everyone thought the same way: 14.
Why not rent the same room they had? 15. l
can't bear working in the same room as that
woman.16. Twootherchildrenwereknocked
down at the same place. 17.1 have been in the
same offlee for ten years. 18. It seems to me
we have much the same problem here. 19.
Two years later, incredibly, the very same th ing
happened, at the very sa me spot.

1. "n egy kors srt krek."- "n ugyanazt."

2. Mg egyszer ugyanezt krem. 3. Ugyanez
trtnt a brit gazdasgban. 4. Ez nem ugyanaz a dolog. 5. Nincs kt egyforma. 6. Szval,
semmi sem maradhat ugyanaz, nem igaz? 7.
Soha nem csinlom ugyanazt a dolgot ktszer egy hten. 8. Tbb mint szz iskols csinlja ugyanezt mindennap. 9. gy tnt,
Caroline ugyanezt rzi. 1O. Lelt ugyanarra a
szkre, amelyikre Howard. 11. Ez ugyanaz a
teheraut, amelyik tz perce elment mellettnk. 12. gy intzte, hogy ugyanakkor legyen ott. 13. Nem lenne j, ha mindenki
ugyangy gondolkodna. 14. Mirt ne vegyk
ki ugyanazt a szobt, amelyik az vk volt?
15. Nem brok ugyanabban a szobban dolgozni, mint az a n. 16. Kt msik gyereket
ugyanott tttek el. 17. Tz ve ugyanabban
az irodban dolgozom. 18. Nekem gy tnik,
ez majdnem ugyanaz a problma. 19. Hihetetlen, de kt wel ksbb pontosan ugyanezen a helyen pontosan ugyanez trtnt.

Jolly doesn't mean the same as happy. NOT: Joli} doe~n't n es n tn e ~sn,e li ke nsppy.
20. Will l be treated thesameas last time?
21. We feel the same as you about it. 22.
Ali ruins look the same. 23. They were ali
dressed the same.

20. Ugyangy bnnak majd velem, mint

legutbb? 21. Ugyangy rznk, mint n.
22. Minden rom ugyangy nz ki. 23. Mind
egyformn voltak ltzve.

24. He's exactly the sa me as he was yesterda y. 25. They're both the same length. 26.
He was the same height as lke but looked a
lot th inner tha n l remembered. 27. The nose
was thesameas lke's, too. 28. He's the same
age as me. 29. His hair is thesameco lou r as
mine. 30. The drinks costabout thesameas
the food.

24. Pontosan ugyanolyan, mint tegnap. 25.

Mindkett egyforma hossz. 26. Olyan magas volt, mint lke, de sokkal sovnyabb, mint
amire emlkeztem. 27. Az orra is ugyanolyan
vo!t, mint lke-. 28. Ugyanannyi ids, mint
n. 29. Ugyanolyan szn a haja, mint az
enym. 30. Az ital krlbell annyiba kerl,
mint az tel.

1 want the sam e kind of shirt. NOT: l wsnt s ~sn e ~n irt.




be said to etc.~ 59: indirect speech


mondja vagy mondja?

so: substitulion

~1 07:

speak, ta lk

1. He said he was tired. NOT: l le told he 'Vo as tired. 2. He said he didn't like me.
OR: He told me he didn't like me. NOT: Ile said me he didn't li ke n 1e.


1. They say nobody ever visited her. 2. l

wan t to hear what he has to say. 3. You must
be carefui what you say. 4. l didn't want to
go but l couldn't say no. 5. l can't say it
was a glamorous task. 6. You haven't said
much, Millie. 7. You always say something
to make me remember I'm not one of you .
8. l can't hear a word you' re saying. 9. l
knew what he was going to say before he
said it. 10. He said he didn't believe me.
11. She said she'd phone, didn't she? 12. l
swear that's what she said to me. 13. They
met Sally an hour ago, or so they say. 14.
But she said nothing more to me about
where she'd be staying. 15. l'd like to say
goodbye to everybody. 16. He didn't even
say hello to us. 17. ''1'11 tell you later," she
said, but never did. 18. "l really must be
going now," he said, rising to his feet. 19.
"l love you," said Phil.

1. Azt mondjk, soha senki nem ltogatta

meg. 2. Hallani akarom, mi a mondanivalja. 3. vatosnak kell lenned, hogy mit mondasz. 4. Nem akartam elmenni, de nem tudtam nemet mondani. 5. Nem mondhatom,
hogy ragyog feladat volt. 6. Nem sokat szltl, Millie. 7. Mindig mondasz valamit, hogy
emlkeztessl, nem kzletek val vagyok.
8. Egy szt sem hallok abbl, amit mondasz.
9. Tudtam, mit fog mondani, mg mieltt kimondta volna. 10. Azt mondta, nem hisz nekem. 11. Azt mondta, fel hv, nem? 12. Eskszm, ezt mondta nekem. 13. Egy rja tallkoztak Sallyvel, legalbbis azt mondjk.
14. De semmi tbbet nem mondott nekem
arrl, hogy hol fog lakni. 15. Szeretnk elbcszni mindenkitl. 16. Mg csak azt sem
mondta, sziasztok. 17. Ksbb megmondom
- mondta, de ebbl nem lett semmi. 18. Most
mr tnyleg mennem kell- mondta, s felllt. 19. Szeretlek- mondta Phil.


20. Tell us about your honeymoon. 21.
Tell that to you r lawyer. 22. Who told you
about N igei? 23. He told me the most extraordinary story. 24. This book telis the
story of Eric Redwood who erossed the
Atlantic Ocean alone in a small wooden
boat. 25. Something telis me we're going
to have sausages for lunch. 26. If he
phones, don't tell him that I'm here. 27.
Weil, let me tell you what happened to
me in Birmingham. 28. Tell me what
you' ve done. 29. l can't tell you how sorry
l am. 30. Can you tell me where to look
for it? 31. l told her politely that l didn't
know. 32. l told her that you would be
late. 33. l told my friends to wait in the

20. Mesljetek neknk a nszutatokrL 21.

Ezt mondja az gyvdjnek. 22. Ki meslt
neked Nigelrl? 23. Eladta a legklnsebb
trtnetet. 24. Ez a'Knyv Eric Redwood trtnett mesli el, aki egy kis facsnakban
egyedl kelt t az Atlanti-cenon . 25. Valami azt sgj a nekem, kolbszt kapunk ebdre. 26. Ha telefonl, ne mondja meg neki,
hogy itt vagyok. 27. Szval, hadd mondjam
el, mi trtnt velem Birminghamben. 28.
Mondd el, mit csinltl. 29. El sem tudom
mondani, mennyire sajnlom. 30. Meg tudja mondani, hol keressem? 31. Udvariasan
kzltem vele, hogy nem tudom. 32. Megmondtam neki, hogy ksni fogsz. 33. Szltam a bartaimnak, hogy vrjanak a kocsi-


car and rushed into the store. 34. Tell h im
not to be late. 35. Tell Mum not to worry.
36. I'm told he's thinking of getting married again.

ban,s berohantamaz ru hzba. 34. Mondd

meg neki, hogy ne kssen el. 35. Mondd meg
Anynak, hogy ne aggdjon. 36. gy hallottam, megint a hzassgon tri a fejt.

Q127: verbs 1: reported requests





1. We appear to haveaslight problem . 2.

There appears to be no alternative. 3. Toby
appears to have been a real prodigy. 4. Can
you explain how you carne tohavethose
letters? 5. Now that l cme to thirik of it, he
had a foreign accent. 6. They finally carne
to accept me as a friend. 7. He never fails
to ask my advice before an important decision. 8. They failed to make contact with
the pilot before the crash. 9. When they
failed to arrve the coastguards mounted a
search. 10. People who failed to get their
seatbel ts fastened were swept out of the hol e
left when the ta i l b ro ke off. 11. If l get to
see him 1'11 give him your message. 12.
You'll soon get to like it here, I' m sure. 13.
But everything became a littie brighter when
l got to know Randolph Scott. 14. When
you get to know him, you'll like him. 15. l
happen to be going there myself, so l can
go with you. 16. My door happened to be
ajar, and l heard her talking to someone in
the passage. 17. Do you happen to know
where she is working now? 18. Do you
happen to know where l might find Dr
Wick? 19. If you happen to see Dick, can
you ask h im to giveme a ring? 20. l happen
to have seen them put it in a drawer. 21.
He seems to want to interferein everything.
22. The child seemed to have thallium poisoning. 23. The only weekend we seem to
have free is October tenth. 24. He seems to
be following us. 25. Something seems tb
be wrong with the lock. 26. Everything
seemed to be going so weil. 27. Nobody
seems to like her. 28. They don't seem to
realize those days are over. 29. He didn't

1. gy tnik, van egy kis problma. 2. gy

tnik, nincs ms vlaszts. 3. gy tnik, Toby
igazi csodagyerek volt. 4. Meg tudja magyarzni, hogyan jutott hozz azokhoz a levelekhez? 5. Most, hogy belegondol ok, idegenszer kiejtse volt. 6. Vgl elfogadtak bartjuknak. 7. Sosem mulasztja el, hogy tancsot krjen tlem egy-egy fontos dnts eltt. 8. Nem
sikerlt kapcsolatot teremtenik a piltval a
szerencstlensg eltt. 9. Miutn nem rkeztek meg, a parti rsg megszervezte a keresst. 10. Akik a gp bal oldaln ltek s elmulasztottk bekapcsolni a biztonsgi vet, azok
kisodrdtak a szrny letrse nyomn keletkezett nylson. 11. Ha gy alakul, hogy tallkozem vele, tadom az zenetedet 12. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy hamarosan megszereted itt. 13. De minden vidmabb lett egy kicsit, amikor megismertem Randolph Scottot.
14. Ha jobban megismered, kedvelni fogod.
15. Trtnetesen n is oda megyek, gyhogy
elksrhetem. 16. Az ajtm vletlenl flig nyitva volt, s hallottam, amint beszlget valakivel a folyosn. 17. Nem tudja vletlenl, hol
dolgozik most? 18. Nem tudja esetleg, hol tallhatnm meg Dr Wicket? 19. Ha ltnd
Dicket, megkrnd, hogy hvjon fel? 20. Trtnetesen lttam, hogy egy fikba teszik. 21.
Lthatlag mindenbe bele akar avatkozni. 22.
gy tnt, hogy a gyermeknek talliummrgezse van. 23. Az egyetlen htvgnk, ami szabadnak tnik, az oktber 1O-i. 24. gy tnik,
kvet bennnket. 25. gy tnik, valami baj
van a zrral. 26. gy tnt, minden olyan jl
megy. 27. gy tnik, senki nem kedveli. 28.
gy ltszik, nem fogjk fel, hogy azoknak az
idknek vge. 29. Ugy tnt, nem vesz szre.


seem to notice me. 30. l can't seem to find

any girlfriends. 31 . It seems to have upset
her a bit. 32. It seems to have stopped raining, doesn't it? 33. It seems that we have no
alternative. 34. l tend to have a very quiet
time really. 35. Ali you get is a bed, but they
tend to be very cheap. 36. Don't be surprised
if he turns out to be a cop. 37. The documents turned out to be forgeries.

30. gy ltszik, kptelen vagyok bartnkre

szert tenni. 31. gy ltszik, egy kicsit felzaklatta. 32. gy tnik, elllt az es, nem? 33.
gy tnik, nincs ms vlasztsunk. 34. ltalban elg nyugodtan telik az idm. 35. Csak
gyat adnak, de ltalban elg olcsk. 36. Ne
lepdj meg, ha kiderl rla, hogy zsaru. 37.
Kiderlt, hogy a dokumentumok hamistv. nyok.

be structures
38. He is apt to promise more than he can
perform. 39. He's bound to turn up. 40.
You're bound to enjoy it. 41. Aceording to
the contract we are bound to supply ali the
fittings. 42. You are certain to have problems with making h im understand it. 43. My
insurance policy is due to expire this day
next year. 44. We're liable to be overheard.
45. Se rio us shorrages a re liable to res ul t. 46. He' S
sure to ask for a replacement.
~ 18:

be about to~ 20: be to

~48/64- 7 0:

"sha/11... ?", "sha/1 we... ?"

38. Hajlamos tbbet grni, mint amit teljesteni tud. 39. Meg kell rkeznie. 40. Biztosan
lvezni fogod. 41. A szerzds szerint az
sszes szerelvnyt neknk kell szlltanunk.
42. Biztosan lesznek problmid azzal, hogy
megrtesd vele. 43. A biztostsi ktvnyern
mhoz egy vre jr le. 44. Knnyen megtrtnhet, hogy valaki meghallja, amit beszlnk.
45. Komoly hinyok jelentkezhetnek. 46. Biztosan csert fog krni.

focus and emphasis: subject ra ising

~68 : like/y


~ 50/86-116:

be going to



Will you open the window, please? NOT: ShaU rou open the vvindo'9v, plea~e?



1. Shalll accept the job? 2. Shalll wrap it up

for you? 3. Shalll tell you his theory? 4. DarI ing, shall l get your slippers? 5. Shalll give
you a hand? 6. Shall l pay now or later? 7.
Shalll go and investigate? 8. Shalll change?
9. Shall we sit down? 10. Shall we walk
home? 11. Shall we turn back? 12. Shall we
try this restaurant? 13. Shall we go fishing
this evening? 14. "Shalll try and clean it up?"
-"Yes, l th ink you should." 15. Shall we go
to your place or to mine? 16. Shall we say
Monday morning, then? 17. What shall we
do about it? 18. What timeshall we meet,
then? 19. Which film shall we see? 20.
Where shall l put it, Sir?

1. Elfogadjam az llst? 2. Becsomagoljam

nnek? 3. Elmondjam neked az elmlett?
4. Kedvesem, idehozzam a papucsodat? 5.
Segtsek? 6. Most fizessek, vagy ksbb? 7.
Elmenjek kiderteni? 8. tltzzek? 9. Lelnk? 1 O. Hazamegynk gyalog? 11.
Visszaforduljunk? 12. Kiprbljuk ezt az ttermet? 13. Elmenjnk ma este horgszni?
14. " Megprbljam feltakartani?" - "Azt hiszem, igen." 15. Hozzd menjnk, vagy
hozzm? 16. Akkor, mondjuk, legyen htf
dleltt? 17. Mit tegynk? 18. Akkor hnykor tallkozzunk? 19. Melyik filmet nzzk
meg? 20. Hova tegyem, uram?


short answer
~ 17:


rvid vlasz

auxiliaries wi th out a main verb ~36: either, neither/nor do l, so do l

Yes, l am/he is/we are. NOT: 'fe~,




1. "Are you tired, dear?"- "Yes, l am." 2.

"ls she free tonight?" - "No, she isn't." 3.
"ls this realleather?"- "Yes, it is." 4. "There's
nothing repulsive about me, is there?"- "Of
course there isn't." 5. 'Were you happy wi th
Jennifer?" - "Oh, yes, l was." 6. "Do you
like staying with an English family, Antonio?"- "Yes, l do." 7.-"Do you think he's
missing me?" - "No, l don't." 8. "Does he
like living in New York?"- "Yes, he does."
9. "Have you got a computer?" - "No, l
haven't." 1 O. "Did they meet last night?""No, they didn't." 11. "ls he doing yoga?""Yes, he is." 12. "Was she hanging from a
window ledge?" - "Yes, l think she was."
13. "Have you been interviewed yet?" "Yes, l have." 14. "Has he met my sister
before?"- "No, he hasn't." 15. "Will you
be able to meet him tomorrow?"- "Yes, l
will." 16. "Can you hold on for a moment?"
- "Yes, l can." 17. "Must l cut down on
smoking?"- "Yes, you must." 18. "Shouldn't
we invite them as weil?" -"Yes, l th ink we
should." 19. "Would you like to work with
me?" -"You know l would, Theresa."

1. "Fradt vagy, drgm?" - " Igen az

vagyok." 2. "Szabad ma este?" - "Nem."
. bor.?" - " l gen, az. 4 . " N mcs
3 . " Ez 1gaz1
bennem semmi visszataszt, nem igaz?''
-"Ht persze, hogy nincs." 5. "Boldog voltl Jenniferrel?" -" igen, az voltam." 6.
"Szeretsz angol csaldnllakn i, Antonio?"
-"Igen." 7. "Gondolod, hogy hinyzam
neki?" - "Nem hiszem." 8. "Szeret New
Yorkban lni?"- "Igen, szeret." 9. "Van sz' d?"
ll 1o. " T.a l'
. - " Nem, n mcs.
akoztak tegnap este?"- "Nem tallkoztak."
11. "Jgzik?"- "Igen." 12. "Az egyik ablak prknyrl lgott?" - ,,Azt hiszem,
igen." 13. "Mr megvolt az interjd?" "Megvolt." 14. "Tallkozott mr a nv
remmel?" - "Mg nem." 15. "Tudsz vele
tallkozni holnap?" - "Igen, tudok." 16.
"Tudja tartani egy pillanatig?"- "Igen, tudom." 17. "Muszj kevesebbet dohnyoznom?"- )gen." 18. "Nem kellene ket is
meghvnunk?" - "Azt hiszem, igen." 19.
"Szeretnl velem dolgozni?" - "Tudod,
hogy igen, Theresa."


de igen, dehogy
20. "We aren't on the right bus." - "Yes,
we are." 21. "l was rude!" - "No, you
weren't." 22. "l don't believe in God." "Yes, you do." 23. "You didn't get there
on time." - "Yes, l did." 24. "We've seen
her before." - "No, we haven't." 25.
"Naomi can't stay here."- "Yes, she can."
26. "They won't let you join."- "Yes, they
will." 27. "You Wouldn't care if l died.""Yes l would." 28. "You would have won
even if Pete hadn't helped you ."- "No, l


20. "Nem a j buszra szlltunk." - "De

igen." 21. "Goromba voltam!"- "Nem, dehogy." 22. "Nem hiszek Istenben."- "Dehogynem hiszel." 23. "Nem rtl oda id
ben." - "De odartem." 24. "Lttuk mr
valahol." - "Dehogy." 25. " Naomi nem
maradhat itt."- "De igen." 26. "Nem fogjk engedni, hogy belpj." - "Dehogynem." 27. "Magt nem rdekel n, ha meghalnk." - "Dehogynem." 28. "Akkor is
nyertl volna, ha Pete nem segt." - "Akkor nem."

egyb rvid vlaszos reakcik

29. "Who is coming tonight?" - "Fred and
Annie are." 30. "Perhaps l was a bit rude."
-"Yes, you were." 31. " l don't eat meat." "l do." 32. "l don't believe in ghosts." "Don't you? l do." 33. "You know what l
mean." - "Do l?" 34. "Are you sure you
can afford this?" - " I'm sure l can't." 35.
"They say he earns a fortune."- "He must
(do)." 36. "You must've dropped it."- " No,
l didn't." 37. "Who can come on Monday
instead of Tuesday?" - "We ali can." 38.
"You must be ti red after you r long wa lk." "Yes, l am."

should, ought to
~31 : conditional ~

29. "Kik jnnek ma este?"- "Fred s Annie."

30. "Kicsit taln faragatlan voltam." - " Az
volt." 31. "Nem eszem hst." -"n igen."
32. "Nem hiszek a szellemekben." - "Te
nem? n igen." 33. "Tudod, hogy rtem." " Igen?" 34. "Biztos vagy benne, hogy megengedheted magadnak?"- " Biztos vagyok
benne, hogy nem." 35. "Azt mondjk, egy
vagyont keres."- " Biztosan." 36. " Bizonyra leejtette." - "Nem ejtettem le." 37. " Ki
tud kedd helyett htfn jnni?" - "Mindannyian ." 38. " Biztosan fradt vagy a
hossz gyalogls utn." - "Igen, az vagyok."


kellene, nem szabadna

7 4: must, have to, have got to~ 75: need~ 104: so that, so as


1. "Shall l try and get you another one?" "Yes, l thi nk you should." 2. You should feel
proud. 3. Everyone should have the right to
vote at the age of 16. 4. l th ink you should
go to a specialist 5. Do you th ink we should
phone the police? 6. Then l began to consider what l should do. 7. We told him he
should be more careful. 8. How hard you
should exercise depends on yo\.lr age and
you r fitness. 9. There should bemore hooks
fitted on the si des. 1 O. You should have you r
hair cut. 11. It should be a required text!
12. Passports should be abolished. 13.
Should l call the police? 14. What do you
think, Mike? Should we agree to that? 15.
Shouldn't you give me a number where l
can reach you? 16. Shouldn't we at least
give it a try? 17. Should guns be banned?
18. What should the categories be? 19.
What should we be thinking about? 20.
Where else should l be? 21. Then why
should we listen to you? 22. How should l
know? 23. How often should l feed my cat?
24. l should have been at the office ten
minutes ago. 25. l should have telephoned
first. 26. You should have gone to the
dentist's. 27. You should have woken me

1. "Prbljak szerezni neked egy msikat?"

-"Igen, azt hiszem, j lenne." 2. Bszknek
kellene lenned. 3. Mindenkinek 16 ves kortl szavazati joga kellene, hogy legyen. 4.
Szerintem szakemberhez kellene fordulnod.
5. Gondolja, hogy hvnunk kellene a rendrsget? 6. Aztn gondolkodni kezdtem,
hogy mittegyek. 7. Megmondtuk neki, hogy
legyen vatosabb. 8. A korodtl s a fizikai
llapotodtl fgg, hogy mennyit tornzzl.
9. Ktoldalt tbb fogast kellene tenni r. 1O.
Le kne vgatnod a hajadat. 11. Ktelez
olvasmny kellene, hogy legyen! 12. El kellene trlni az tlevelet. 13. Felhvjam a
rendrsget? 14. Mike, te mit gondolsz? Beleegyezznk? 15. Nem kellene egy telefonszmot adnia, ahol elrhetem? 16. Nem kellene legalbb megprblnunk? 17. Bekne
tiltani a fegyvereket? 18. Milyen kategrik
legyenek? 19. Mirl gondolkozzunk? 20. Hol
mshol kellene lennem? 21. De akkor mirt
hallgassuk meg nt? 22. Honnan tudjam? 23.
Milyen gyakran etessem a macskmat? 24.
Mr tz perce oda kellett volna rjek az irodba. 25. Elbb telefonlnom kellett volna.
26. El kellett volnamenned a fogorvoshoz.
27. Fel kellett volna bresztened. 28. Az


up. 28. The affair should have ended there

and then. 29. "What should l have done?"
- "Phoned the police." 30. Why should l
have come, if l hadn't wanted to?

gyet akkor s ott le kellett volna zrni. 29.

"Mit kellett volna tennem?" - "Felhvni a
rendrsget." 30. Mirt kellett volna eljnnm, ha nem akartam volna?



31. You ought to be asleep. 32. We ought

to give an answer. 33. But you really ought
to hurry up now. 34. You ought to see your
face. 35 . You ought to visit your grandmother more often. 36. l th ink you ought to
go and see him. 37. There ought to be a
relief valve in the gas mains. 38. There's
something you ought to know. 39. You
ought to be ashamed of yourself. 40. And
now l think we really ll ought to have a
cup of tea. 41. l think you ought to tell me
who you are, first. 42. l wonder if l ought to
take my mackintosh with me. 43. You do
not think l ought to go to the police? 44.
Do you th ink l ought tosell it? 45. l had no
idea what l ought to do. 46. He ought to be
loeked up. 47. Ali drugs ought to be ban ned.
48. Ought l to go? 49. Ought l to confess
about Theo? 50. Oughtn't we to call the
pol ice? 51. l ought to have sent her a Christmas card. 52. Really, Dinah ought to have
taught you better manners. 53. There ought
to have been a stop valve where the pipe
was blocked.

31. Mr aludnod kne. 32. Vlaszt kellene

adnunk. 33. Most mr tnyleg sietned kellene. 34. Ltnod kellene az arcodat. 35. Gyakrabban kellene megltogatnia a nagyanyjt.
36. Szerintem el kellenemenned hozz megltogatni. 37. Kellene lennie egy biztonsgi
szelepnek a gzfnyomcsben. 38. Van
valami, amit tudnod kellene. 39. Szgyellned kellene magad. 40. s most, gy gondolom, valamennyien ihatnnk egy cssze tet. 41. Azt hiszem, elbb meg kellene mondania, hogy kicsoda. 42. Nem tudom, vigyem-e az eskabtomat 43. gy gondolja, nem kellene elmennem a rendrsgre?
44. Gondolja, hogy el kellene adnom? 45.
Sejtelmem sem volt, mit kellene tennem. 46.
Be kellene zrni. 47. Minden kbtszert be
kellene tiltani. 48. El kellene mennem? 49.
Be kellene vallanom Thet? 50. Nem kellene hvnunk a rendrsget? 51. Kellett volna
karcsonyi lapot kldenem neki . 52. De
tnyleg, Dinah jobban megtanthatott volna
viselkedni. 53. Ahol a cs eldugult, kellett
volna lennie egy zrcsapnak.




54. You shouldn't call me at the office. 55.
Men shouldn't cry. 56. We shouldn't let h im
in. 57. Why on earth shouldn't women work
if they wish? 58. They shouldn't have interfered. 59. I'm sorry, l shouldn't have said
that. 60. You shouldn't have trusted them.
61. He shou ld never have tri ed to steal those
books. 62. You shouldn't have brought me
here. 63. Perhaps l shouldn't have had that
sa Imon. 64. You ought never to have started
it in the first place. 65. Ladies ought not to
be kept waiting. 66. l told her she ought
not to have said that. 67. l oughtn't to have
provoked him.

54. Nem szabadna a hivatalban hvnod. 55.

Egy frfi ne srjon. 56. Nem kne beengednnk. 57. Mr mirt ne dolgozzanak a nk,
ha akarnak? 58. Nem lett volna szabad beavatkozni uk. 59. Bocs, nem kellett volna
ezt mondanom. 60. Nem lett volna szabad
bznod bennk. 61. Sose lett volna szabad
megprblnia ellopni azokat a knyveket.
62. Nem kellett volna idehozni a. 63. Taln
nem kellett volna megenni azt a lazacot.
64. Eleve nem lett volna szabad elkezdened. 65. Egy hlgyet nem szabadna megvrakoztatni. 66. Mondtam neki, hogy nem
lett volna szabad ezt mondani. 67. Nem lett
volna szabad provoklnom.




68. They should be home by ninish. 69.
We should be taking off any time now. 70.
You shouldn't need your boots. 71. Why
shouldn't they be happytogether? 72. You
should've heard by now that I'm now Director of Studies. 73. If we start now, we
should be able to finishit by October. 74. It
ought to be expensive. 75. They ought to
be impressed. 76. There ought to beanother
path right behind the tank here.

68. Kilenc fel haza kell rjenek. 69. Most

mr brmelyik pillanatban fel kell szlljunk.
70. Nem valszn, hogy szksg lesz a csizmdra. 71. Mirt ne lennnek boldogok
egytt? 72. Mr biztosan hallotta, hogy most
oktatsi igazgat vagyok. 73. Hamost elkezdjk, be kell tudjuk fejezni oktberre. 74. Biz. tosan drga. 75. Biztosan nagy hatssal volt
rjuk. 76. Kelllegyen egy msik svny kzvetlenl itt a tartly mgtt.

can, may, must: probability, deduction

should instead of would


should a would helyett

77. I should li ke to live on an is land. 78. Excuse

me, I should like you to let me in. 79. Then, with
your permission, I should like to come and see Mrs
Thorne myself. 80. I should be surprised if they
came to apologize. 81. I should be happy to accept
the position. 82. I shouldn't be too sure that you
a re indispensable, Karl! 83. If you could send one
soon, I should be glad. 84. I should get her regis
tered as soon as possible if I were you.

77. Egy szigeten szeretnk lni. 78. Elnzst, szeretnm, ha beengedne. 79. Ez esetben, engedelmvel, szeretnm magam felkeresni Mrs Thorne-et. 80. Meglepdnk,
ha eljnnnek bocsnatot krni. 81. Szves
rmest elfogadnm az llst. 82. n nem
lennk olyan biztos benne, hogy nlklzhetetlen vagy, Karl. 83. Nagyon rlnk, ha
hamarosan tudna kldeni egyet. 84. n az
n helyben, amint lehet regisztrltatnm.

should in the ifdause

'ha netn'

85. If anything should happen, I will rentrn imme

diately. 86. And if I should wish to tha nk you, what
name shall I ask for? 87. Should it ever become
necessary to use it, half intlate your jacket before
leaving the aircraft.
~62/59 :

85. Ha brmi trtnne, azonnal visszajvk.

86. s ha netn szeretnm megksznni, milyen nevet mondjak? 87. Ha valaha szksg
lenne arra, hogy hasznljk a mellnyt, a replgp elhagysa eltt flig fjjk fel.

inversion in conditional sentences



88. They demanded that Telford Ltd. should
be informed immediately. 89. You were very
anxious that Ingrid should star in it. 90. l
am concerned that they shou ld have ali the
help that they can get. 91. It is essential that
it should be proof read by at leastone other
person. 92. It is important that the negotiations should be successful. 93. Ali the same,
l insisted that we should pay our share of
the electricity, heating, et cetera, and made

88. Kveteltk, hogy azonnal rtestsk a

Telford Ltd.-et. 89. Nagyon is azon voltl,
hogy Ingrid szerepeljen benne. 90. Aggdva figyelem, hogy minden lehetsges segtsget megkapjanak 91. Alapvet fontossg, hogy legalbb mg valaki alaposan tolvassa. 92. Fontos, hogy a trgyalsok sikeresek legyenek. 93. Akrhogy is ragaszkodtam
hozz, hogy fizessk a villany-, gz- s egyb
szmlk rnk es rszt, s rvettem, hogy


her agree to that. 94. But is it necessary that
he should fantasize about that beforehand?
95. Cadbury recommended that compani es
should include balance sheet information.
96. japanese investment in this country has
been enormously valuable to us and it is
vital that it should continue.

ebbe beleegyezzen. 94. De szksges, hogy

mr elre fantziljon rla? 95. Cadbury azt
javasolta, hogy a cgek a mrlegkkel kapcsolatos informcikat is kzljk. 96. A japn befektetsek felbecslhetetlenl rtkesek az orszg szmra, s letbevgan fontos, hogy ne lljanak le velk.

Q59/127-160: reporting verbs Q 109: subjunctive after adjectives


olyan, szval, gyhogy:

a so hasznlata

Q30/1-30: comparison:

as... as Q 36:


neither/nordo l, so do l Q54: "how nice!", "what a mani"

Q81/34-44: so: substitution Q110: such



1. Ssssh! Not so loud. 2. l am so sleepy. 3.

My husband is so jealous. 4. I'm so glad
you could come. 5. Life has got so much to
give you. 6. Try not to talk so much. 7. l
wish l hadn't drunk quite so much. 8. l was
so tired and discouraged. 9. People are so
annoying. 1O. Bert Baxter is not so bad
when you gettoknow hm. 11. The boy is
so thirsty, and the mother so sad. 12. I'm so
sorry, I'm afraid we'll be away that weekend. 13. What's so terrible about that? 14.
You' re so easily offended. 15. l've never
heard anything so ridiculous in my life. 16.
Have you ever seen anything so extraordinary? 17. l don't know why everybody wen t
so mad. 18. He ate so much that he fell ill.
19. l was so lonely that l bought myself a
puppy. 20. The radio was on so loud that
he didn't hear me come in behind h im. 21.
He spoke Russian so weil that everyone
thought he was Russian. 22. She was so
much surprised, that for the moment she
qui te forgot how to speak good English. 23.
It was so warm a day that they had to withdraw
the cave again.


1. Pszt! Ne olyan hangosan! 2. Olyan lmos

vagyok. 3. A frjem annyira fltkeny. 4.
Annyira boldog vagyok, hogy el tudtak jnni. 5. Olyan sokat adhat az let! 6. Prbljon
meg nem beszlni olyan sokat. 7. Brcsak ne
ittam volna olyan sokat. 8. Olyan fradt voltam, s annyira elkedvetlenedtem. 9. Az emberek olyan idegestk. 1 O. Bert Baxter nem
annyira rossz, ha jobban megismeri az ember. 11. A fi olyan szomjas, s az anya oly
szomor. 12. Annyira sajnlom, de attl tartok, nem lesznk itthon a htvgn. 13. Mi
olyan borzaszt ebben? 14. Olyan knnyen
megsrtdsz. 15. Mg letemben nem hallottam ilyen nevetsges dolgot. 16. Lttl mr
valaha ilyen klnlegeset? 17. Nem tudom,
mirt lett mindenki annyira dhs. 18. Annyit
evett, hogy belebetegedett 19. Olyan magnyos voltam, hogy vettem magamnak egy kiskutyt. 20. Olyan hangosan szlt a rdi, hogy
nem hallotta meg, hogy belptem mgtte.
21. Olyan jl beszlt oroszul, hogy mindenki
azt hitte, orosz. 22. Annyira meglepdtt, hogy
egy pillanatra a helyes angol beszdrl is megfeledkezett. 23. Olyan meleg nap volt, hogy
ismt vissza kellett hzdniuk a barlangba.

Q62: inversion Q121 :


this, that


24. Oh, so you' re from Canada. 25. So you
are taking up politics seriously? 26. So l
was right. 27. So l wasn't dreaming, after
ali. 28. So she stood where she was, and
waited. 29. So you are not guilty. 30. So
now l know where Pandora lives. 31. So
what do you think? 32. So what do you
say? 33. So why should we care about it at
ali? 34. So be careful. 35. So you'd better
continue. 36. "The sun's setting already."
-"So it is."

24. , szval maga kanadai. 25. Teht komolyan fog foglalkozni politikval? 26. Szval igazam volt. 27. Szval vgl is mgsem
lmodtam. 28. gyhogy megllt ott, ahol
~olt, s vrt. 29. Teht nem vagy bns. 30.
Ugyhogy most mr tudom, hol lakik
Pandora. 31. Szval, mjt gondolsz? 32. Ak. kor mit mondasz? 33. Szval mirt kellene,
hogy egyltaln rdekeljen bennnket? 34.
gyhogy lgy vatos. 35. gyhogy j lenne, ha folytatn. 36. "Mr megy le a nap.""j, tnyleg."

37. Alan is crazy about dancing, so wehave
to go to the discoevery night. 38. He didn't
arrive so l left. 39. He hasn't given me his
answer, so l can't give you mine. 40. l
couldn't think of anything to say so l kept
quiet. 41. l could hear people moving
about, and voices, so l tapped on the glass

so that, so as to,
in order to

37. Alan meg van rlve a tncrt, gyhogy

minden este diszkba kell mennnk. 38.
Nem rkezett meg, gyhogy elmentem. 39.
Nem kaptam meg a vlaszt, gyhogy n
sem kaphatja meg az enymet. 40. Nem
jutott eszembe, mint mondhatnk, gyhogy
hallgattam. 41. Lpteket hallottam, meg beszdet, gyhogy kopogtatni kezdtem az


azrt, hogy

<::>60/1-20: infinitive of purpose


1. She joined a d rama group so that she could
meet people. 2. He had setthe bottie in front
of me so that l could read the label. 3. l swallowed hard and wished the floor would open
so that l could disappear from sight. 4. l
turned away so that she shouldn't see l was
crying. 5. I'm goingtobring him for dinner
next weekend, so (that) you can ta lk to him.
6. Could you let me know when you' re arriving, so that l can meet you? 7. You should
lock the car so that no one steals it. 8. Let's
take ou r shoes off so that we don't wa ke her
up. 9. I'm going to bed early so that l' ll be fit
enough to work in the morning.

1. Beiratkozott egy sznjtsz csoportba,

hogy ernperekkel t~llkozzon. 2. Elm lltotta az veget, hogy el tudjam olvasni,
mi van a cmkre rva. 3. Nagyot nyeltem,
s azt kvntam, brcsak megnylna alattam a fld, hogy eltnhessek. 4. Elfordultam, hogy ne lssa, hogy srok. 5. jv htvgn elhozom vacsorra, hogy beszlhessl vele. 6. Tudatn velem, mikor rkezik,
hogy kirnehessek n el? 7. Be kellene zrnod a kocsit, hogy ne lopjk el. 8. Vegyk
le a cipnket, nehogy felbresszk. 9. Korn fekszem le, hogy reggel munkakpes


1O. l got up early so as to have a wa lk a long
the beach before it got crowded. 11. She
had to work hard so as to make up for lost
time. 12. That man murdered his unde so
as to get the old gentleman's money. 13. l
decided to go on the Pill so as to be able to
have sex with him. 14. Let's spread ourselves out so as to search everywhere. 15. l
had to hurry so as not to miss my connection. 16. l swerved so as notto hit his wheelbarrow.

10. Korn felkeltem, hogy stljak egyet a

parton, mieltt el lepi a tmeg. 11. Kemnyen
kellett dolgoznia, hogy beptolja az elvesztett idt. 12. Az a frfi meglte a nagybtyjt, hogy megszerezze az regr pnzt. 13.
Elhatroztam, hogy tablettt szedek, hogy
.szeretkezhessek vele. 14. Szrdjunk szt,
hogy minden helyet tkutathassunk. 15. Sietnem kellett, nehogy lekssem a csatlakozsomat 16. El rntottam a kormnyt, nehogy
nekimenjek a talicskjnak.

17. She stayed in Aldeburgh for some weeks
in order to work with Ben and Ferguson
whenever they had time. 18. Finally, special attention was paid to staff training in
order to keep staff up to date, maintain interest and motivation. 19. The 1991 budget provides for cuts in defence spending
in order to fund social and environmental

some, any, no, none

~ 106: some,

17. Nhny htig Aldeburghban maradt,

hogy Bennel s Fergusonnal dolgozhasson
valahnyszor csak volt r idejk. 18. s vgl, nagy figyelmet fordtottunk alkalmazottaink kpzsre, annak rdekben, hogy tudsuk korszer, rdekldsk s motivcijuk pedig tretlen maradjon. 19. Az 1991es kltsgvetsben cskkentjk a hadi kiadsokat, azzal a cllal, hogy finanszrozzuk a
szocilis s krnyezetvd programokat.


a few, a couple, a littie ~47:

a some, az any, a no
s a none hasznlata

few~ littie ~78: no ~ not ~8: anybody, anything etc.

~4: ali, every, each


1. Some idiot parked his car outside my
garage. 2. I'm looking for some string. 3.
I'm afraid there must be some mistake. 4.
There must be some misunderstanding. 5.
They stopped at some traffic lights to swap
cars. 6. For some reason everybody was
whispering. 7. l've read it in some book,
but l don't remember where. 8. He says he
can't come, he's having some friend or other
over from Putney. 9. There must be some
perfectly reasonabi e explanation. 1 O. Can l
call on you some time next week? 11. Lots
of people share these fears in some degree.

1. Valami idita odallt az autjval a garzsajtm el. 2. Valami madzagot keresek. 3. Attl tartok, hogy itt valami hibnak kell lennie.
4. Valami flrerts kell legyen. 5. Meglltak
egy kzlekedsi lmpnl, hogy kocsit cserljenek. 6. Valamilyen oknl fogva mindenki suttogott 7. Egy knyvben olvastam, de nem emlkszem, hol. 8. Azt mondja, nem tud jnni,
mert valami bartja van nla Putneybl. 9. Kell
legyen valami teljesen sszer magyarzat. 1O.
Megltogathatlak valami kor a jv hten? 11.
Nagyon sok ember osztozik bizonyos fokig
ezekben a flelmekben.


12. Some 40 or 50 people turned up to see
him arrive. 13. Now have some 800 members. 14. They were found in a ditch some
forty kilometres west of Awani .

12. Krlbell 40-50 ember jelent meg, hogy

lssa, amint megrkezik. 13. Most krlbell
800 tagunk van. 14. Egy rokban talltak rjuk,
gy negyven kilomterre Awanitl nyugatra.


15. Edgar, put some more woodon the fire.
16. 1'11 get you some cheese and crackers.
17. She meant to buy some fruit and tea.
18. 1'11 lend you some money if you ever
need it. 19. Would you like some sugar?
20. Would you li ke some more biscuits? 21.
Shall webring some wine? 22. l got up to
peel some potatoes for the next day. 23.
T here were some footpri nts i n the snow. 24.
Can you show me some cameras, please?
25.1'm expecting some visitors this evening.

15. Edgar, tegyen ft a tzre! 16. Elbb hozok neked sajtot meg ss sti t. 17. gy tervezte, hogy vesz gymlcst s tet. 18. Ha
brmikor szksged van r, adok klcsn
pnzt. 19. Krsz cukrot? 20. Kr mg (egy
kis) kekszet? 21. Vigynk bort? 22. Felkeltem, hogy hmozzak krumplit msnapra.
23. Lbnyomok voltak a hban. 24. Mutatna nekem fnykpezgpeket, krem? 25.
Estre vendgeket vrok.



(tagadsban: semmilyen)

26. Any information could prove useful.

27. We can stay at any cheap hotel. 28.
Let me know if you need any help. 29. As
a small boy l could always make friends at
once with any animai. 30. They may come
for us any day. 31. You can come any day
you like. 32. Come and see us any time.
33. We'll help in any way we can. 34. Can
yougiveme any advice? 35. Do you th ink
l had any choice? 36. Do you have any
idea when those meetings took place? 37.
Did you spot any movement as you carne
down? 38. I'm not going to any din ner. 39.
l can't afford any scandaL 40. l know l am
short-sighted, but l real ly can't see any d ifference. 41. l can't think of any other solution.

26. Brmilyen informci hasznosnak bizonyulhat. 27. Brmilyen olcs hotelban megszllhatunk 28. Szlj, ha brmi segtsgre van
szksged! 29. Kisfi koromban mindig rgtn meg tudtam bartkozni brmilyen llattal. 30. Brmelyik nap rtnk jhetnek. 31.
Brmelyik nap jhetsz, amikor csak akarsz.
32. Ltogass meg minket brmikor! 33. Segtnk, ahogy csak tudunk. 34. Tudsz nekem
brmilyen tancsot adni? 35. Gondolod, hogy
volt brmilyen vlasztsi lehetsgem? 36.
Van brmi elkpzelse arrl, hogy mikorvoltak azok a megbeszlsek? 37. Eszlelt brmilyen mozgst, ahogy jtt lefel? 38. Semmifle vacsorra nem megyek. 39. Nem engedhetek meg magamnak semmilyen botrnyt.
40. Tudom, hogy rvidlt vagyok, de n tnyleg nem ltok semmi klnbsget. 41. Nem
tudok semmilyen ms megoldst kitallni.


42. Have you played in any bridge tournaments? 43. Do you have any qualifications?

42. Jtszottatok mr bridzsversenyen? 43.

Van kpestse? 44. Vannak oroszlnok


44. Are th ere anylionsor tigers in that zoo?

45. ls there any news? 46. l don't need any
pilis. 47. l cannot see any stars tonight. 48.
He doesn't have any daughters, you see,
just three boys. 49. l don't need any bodyguards. SO. My father hasn't got any close
friends. 51. l told you not to take any risks.
52. l didn't feel any pain. 53. There isn't
any food in the house. 54. l didn't know he
had spent any time in Africa. SS. They
couldn't find any intelligent life on the
planet. 56. l've got hardly any money.

vagytigrisek abban az llatkertben? 45. Van

valami jsg? 46. Nincs szksgem tablettkra. 47. Ma jszaka nem ltok egy csillagot se. 48. Tudod, .lnya nincs, csak hrom
fia. 49. Semmi szksgem testrre. SO. Az
apmnak egyetlen igazi bartja sincs. 51.
Mondtam neked, hogy ne vllalj semmi
kockzatot. 52. Nem reztem fjdalmat. 53.
Nincs semmi ennival a hzban. 54. Nem
tudtam, hogy volt Afrikban . SS. rtelmes
letnek semmi jeit nem talltk a bolygn.
56. Alig van pnzem.



57. Are you feeling any better? 58. I'm sorry

l can't stay any longer. 59. Weil,-it doesn't
look any different to me... 60. It isn't any
different. 61. We' llleave him here. He can't
come any further. 62. If you come any
nearer, l will slap your face. 63. If l were
any younger, l'd ask you to dinner. 64. l
don't want to give you any more Val ium.

57. jobban rzed magad? 58. Sajnlom,

hogy nem maradhatok tovbb. 59. Nos, n
semmi klnbsget nem fedezek fel. .. 60.
Egyltaln nem ms. 61. Itt fogjuk hagyni.
Nem tud tovbb jnni. 62. Ha csak egy kicsit is kzelebb jssz, pofon vglak. 63. Ha
egy kicsit fiatalabb lennk, meghvnm vacsorzni. 64. Nem szeretnk tbb Valiumot
adni nnek.

(tagadsban: semennyi)

65. She wasa foot taller than any of us. 66.
You can use this keyboard with any of our
computers. 67. Did you recognize any of
the other people there? 68. ls/Are any of
you superstitious? 69. l don't trust any of
them. 70. l doubt whether anyone else in
the country has any of it at the moment.
any other solution. 71 . Are there any questions? 72. She didn't wear any jewellery.

65. Egy lbbal magasabb volt, mint brmelyiknk. 66. Ez a klaviatra brmelyik gpnkkel hasznlhat. 67. Felismert brki
mst az ott lvk kzl? 68. Babons k- .
zletek valaki? 69. Semelyikkben sem bzom meg. 70. Ktlem, hogy jelen pillanatban brkinek az orszgban lenne mg belle. 71. Van egyltaln krds? 72. Egyltaln nem viselt kszert.

l have got some money/a littie money. NOT: l ha oe got any n ror re y-.


73. He didn't ask for money but l gave h im

some. 74. Don't forget about the eggs! You'll
find some in the fridge. 75. Some still believe she is innocent 76. He carne again
and asked for money but l didn't give him
any. 77. Check if there's any in that bottle.

73. Nem krt pnzt, de adtam neki valamennyit. 74. Ne feledkezz meg a tojsrl!
Tallsz a frizsiderben. 75. Van, aki mg mindig rtatlannak tartja. 76. Megint jtt pnzt
krni, de nem adtam neki. 77. Nzd meg,
hogy van-e mg abban az vegben.




78. There's no bridge across the river. 79.

There were no parachutes. 80. l had no
choice. 81 . l have no secrets from you. 82.
He has got no sense of humour. 83. There's
no time to lose. 84. He has no experience
in this kind of work. 85. But l have no time
to read any more. 86. No birds sang. 87.
No sacrifice was too great. 88. No living
creature in this world runs as the giraffe
does. 89. No ball games on the promenade.

78. Nincs hd a foly fltt. 79. Nem voltak

ejternyk. 80. Nem volt ms vlasztsom.
81. Nincsenek titkaim eltted . 82. Nincs humorrzke. 83. Nincs vesztegetni val id.
84. Nincs tapasztalata az effle munkban.
85. De mr nincs idm olvasni. 86. Egyetlen
madr sem nekelt. 87. Semmi nem szmtott tl nagy ldozatnak. 88. Az lvilg semmilyen ms llata nem tud gy futni, ahogy a
zsirf. 89. A stnyon labdzni tilos.

90. "Have you got any money on you?" " No, none at ali." 91. l don't think we can
have tea, there's none left. 92. None thought
he could survive. 93. Professor Jones has three
sons, but none has any academic ability. 94.
None of them were su re. 95. None of them
were married. 96. None of my friends were
in the country at the time. 97. None of us
knewwhat'd happened. 98. Noneofthewindows opened. 99. None of the telephones
are werking in our neighbourhood. 100. No ne
of the subcontracto rs h as signed the contract.

some, a few, a couple,

90. " Van nlad pnz?" - " Egy fillr sincs." 91.
Attl tartok, nem tudunk tezni, ugyanis nem
maradt tea. 92. Senki nem gondolta, hogy tllheti. 93. Jones professzornak hrom fia van,
de egyiknek sincs semmi tehetsge a tudom:.
nyokhoz. 94. Egyikk sem volt biztos benne.
95. Egyikk sem volt hzas. 96. A bartaim
kzl egy sem tartzkodott az orszgban ppen akkor. 97. Egyiknk sem tudta, hogy mi
trtnt. 98. Egyik ablak sem nylt. 99. Egy telefon sem mkdik a krnyknkn. 100. Az
alvllalkozk egyike sem rta al a szerzdst.

nhny, pr, valamennyi


a littie

q47: few~ littie



1 l have some excellent books on the subject of sailing. 2. l know some good marriages but not many. 3. Ali l saw were a
few cows, some sheep and two tractors.
4. We need some people to help us. 5. But
some people are not so easily dealt with.
6. Some of you know the answer. 7. Some
of them went home. 8. l hope that some of
you will find this quite enjoyable. 9. l used .
to spend some of my time writing letters.
1O. Some die young.
q 1OS:

1. Van nhny kitn knyvem a vitorlzsrl. 2. Ismerek nhny j hzassgot, de nem

sokat. 3. Csak nhny tehenet s birkt, valamint kt traktort lttam. 4. Szksgnk van
nhny ember segtsgre. 5. De van nhny
ember, akivel nem knny bnni. 6. Egypran tudjtok a vlaszt. 7. Nhnyan hazamentek. 8. Remlem nk kzl nhnyan
kifejezetten lvezetesnek talljk majd. 9.
Akkoriban az idm egy rszt levlrssal tltttem. 1O. Van, aki fiatalon hal meg.

some, any, no, none





11. Here are a few examples. 12. Excuse

me, could l ask you a few questions? 13.
Weil, there will be a few problems, certainly, but I'm sure we can manage it. 14.
l've got a few things to discuss with you.
15. l'd better go home and collect a few
things. 16. So there will be quite a few
people around. 17. Only a few women
seemed to understand hm. 18. l know a
few good restaurants here. 19. Only a few
colaurs go with green. 20. She was back in
a few minutes. 21. Hecame just a few seconds later. 22. A few days ago l happened
to see my old boss again. 23. Then the sky
cleared and the temperature dropped 13
degrees in a few hours. 24. l tried to call
her a few more timesbut eventually l gave
up. 25. A few of them began to cheer as the
president arrived. 26. Ali that followed in
the next few hours was inevitable. 27. Do
you feel a worse woman for having spent
these few minutes with me?

11. me nhny plda. 12. Ne haragudjon,

feltehetek nhny krdst? 13. Nos, termszetesen lesznek problmk, de biztos vagyok benne, hogy megoldjuk ket. 14. Van
egy-kt dolog, amit meg kell beszlnem veled. 15. Jobb lesz, ha hazamegyek, s elhozok magamnak egypr ho lm it. 16. Szval j pran lesznek ott. 17. gy tnt, csak
nhny asszony rti meg t. 18. Tudok itt
nhny j ttermet. 19. A zldhz csak egykt szn megy. 230. Pr perc mlva visszajtt. 21. Csak nhny msodperccel jtt ksbb. 22. Vletlenl pr napja megint lttam a rgi fnkmet 23. Aztn kitisztult
az g, a hmrsklet pedig nhny ra alatt
13 fokkal cskkent. 24. Mg nhnyszor
prbltam hvni, de vgl feladtam . 25.
Amint az elnk megrkezett, nhnyan ljenezni kezdtek. 26. Mindaz, ami a kvetkez pr rban trtnt, elkerlhetetlen
volt. 27. Rosszabb n nek rzed magad, amirt velem tlttted ezt a n h~ny percet?

Here are a few examples. NOT: llere are fevv example!!.


28. l've just had a couple of drinks. 29.
"Could you bring a couple of glasses with
you?" - "How many is a couple?" - "Oh,
say, six." 30. ln a couple of weeks, it'll be
forgotten. 31. Bring me a couple of sandwiches. 32. That's a trophy l won a couple
of years ago. 33. Hoover was born in 1895,
a couple of miles from the White House. 34.
They had a couple more whiskies.

28. Most hajtottam fel pr pohrral. 29.

" Hoznl magaddal pr poharat? " " Mennyi az a pr?" - " Ht, mondjuk, hat."
30. Egy-kt hten bell elfe lejtdik a dolog. 31. Hozzl nekem nhny szendvicset. 32. Azt a djat pr vvel ezeltt nyertem. 33. Hoover 1895-ben szletett, pr
mrfldnyire a Fehr Hzt l. 34. Ittak mg
egy pr whiskyt.


35. We drank a littie coffee. 36. How about
a littie wine to warm you up? 37. l think a
little aleohol is ali right. 38. It' ll taste better
if we add a littie salt. 39. Give me a littie
time. 40. Ali l want is a littie peace. 41.
Maybe you just need a littie encouragement.
42. He put a l ittle of the powder on a p ieee
of p late. 43. l have a littie to spare. 44. Let
me give you a littie more of this soup.

35. Ittunk egy kis kvt. 36. M it szlna egy

kis borhoz, hogyfelmelegedjen? 37. Szerintem egy kis szesz nem rthat. 38. Jobb ze lesz,
ha tesznk bele egy kis st. 39. Adj egy kis
idt. 40. Csak egy kis nyugalmat szeretnk.
41. Taln csak egy kis btortsra van szksged. 42. A porbl egy keveset egy lemezkre
szrt. 43. Van egy kevs felesleges. 44. Hadd
adjak mg egy kicsit ebbl a levesbL

G ive me a littie time, please. NOT: G ive n 1e l ittle ti n 1e, plea!!e.


44. You may rest a l itt le now. 46. l am a

littie sorry to hear you say that. 47. l wender if she's been drinking a littie bit too
much. 48. You look a littie shy. 49. l think
l' d like something a littie quieter. 50. Why
didn't you walk a littie further? 51. She
knew Joe found her earnestness a littie
com ic. 52. Be careful, those apples look a
littie bruised.

speak, talk

egy kicsit
45. Most egy kicsit megpihenhet. 46. Kicsit
szomor vagyok, hogy ezt hallom ntl. 47.
Nem tudom, nem viszi-e kicsit tlzsba az
ivst. 48. Kicsit flnknek ltszol. 49. Azt hiszem, valami olyat szeretnk, ami egy kicsit
nyugisabb. 50. Mirt nem mentl kicsit tovbb? 51. Tudta, hogy komolysgt Joe egy
. kicsit mulatsgosnak tartja. 52. Vigyzz, azok
az almk kicsit tdttnek ltszanak.

beszl vagy beszl?

Q 35:

each other, one anather Q98:




1. He speaks fluent Hindi. 2. How weil you
speak English. 3. She was speaking to the
milkman when l saw her a minute ago. 4.
Can l speak to the manager, please? 5. Will
you be speaking to Bill tonight? 6. My wife
hasn't spoken to me for fi ve years. 7. What
will happen if John speaks to the girl? 8.
She spoke about her plans for reducing
costs. 9. l have to speak to that child. I'm
not going to let him spoil my holidays.

1. Folykonyan beszli a hindit 2. Milyen

jl beszlsz angolul. 3. Amikor egy perce
lttam, a tejessel beszlt. 4. Beszlhetek
az zletvezetvel , krem? 5. Beszlsz ma
este Bi lle!? 6. A felesgem t ve nem beszl velem. 7. Mi lesz, ha John beszl a
lnnyal? 8. Beszlt a kltsgcskkentsi terveirl. 9. Beszlnem kell ezzel a gyerekkel. Nem fogom hagyni, hogy elrontsa a

l speak English. NOT: l ~pel!k in Engli~~1. OR: l ~pel!k Engli~n ll!ngua:ge.


1O. He was talking before he was two. 11.
Weil, she can talk, can't she? 12. l can't
ta lk now, someone's just come in. 13. Don't
talk so loud! 14. Don't talk like that. 15.
Can l talk to you? 16. l thought you were
talking to me. 17. He thinks it may help
him to talk to you. 18. Don't talk to your
mother like that. 19. She talked to him
chiefly about God. 20. We talked for hours
about politics. 21. lt's impossible to talk to
you about your father. 22. We'll talk about
it later. 23. My husband used to talk about
h im a great deal. 24. l just don't know what
you' re talking about. 25. I' m talking on the
phone, please turn down the radio.

1O. Mr ktves kora e ltt beszlt. 11. De

ht tud beszlni, vagy nem? 12. Most nem
beszlhetek, valaki. ppen bejtt. 13. Ne
beszlj olyan hangosan! 14. Ne beszlj
gy! 15. Beszlhetek magval? 16. Azt hittem, hozzm beszlsz. 17. gy gondolja,
segtene neki, ha beszlne nne!. 18. Ne
beszlj gy az anyddal! 19. Fkppen Istenrl beszlt neki. 20. rkig beszlgettnk politikrl. 21. Lehetetlen veled az
apdrl beszlni. 22. Ksbb megbeszljk. 23. A frjem sokat beszlt rla annak
idejn. 24. Egyszeren nem tudom, mirl
beszlsz. 25. Telefonlok, lgyszves halktsd le a rdit!




mg mindig

1. Even a child can do it. NOT: Still a eni ld ca1 t do it.

2. They haven't arrived yet. NOT: Tne; naven't arrived ~tili.



1. She is still asleep. 2. They were still

very young. 3. Are they still in Berlin? 4.
He's still living at home. 5. Our dog is
still missing. 6. ls it still raining? 7. ls the
TV still on? 8. Do you know I' m twentyseven years old and still a virgin? 9. l still
find German difficult. 1 O. Eleanor still said
nothing. 11.1 still doQ.'t like the .idea. 12.
ln a few weeks 1'11 be eighty-five, but l
can still ride my bicycle. 13. ls he still
going out with Martina? 14. I' m still not
sure what you want. 15. Suppose you are
st i ll p hon i n g w h en l get th ere? 16. l w as
convinced that my best years st i ll la y
ahead me. 17. Are you on page onesti ll?
18. When l l ast heard of them they were
quarrelling still. 19. Do you long to go
back to Moscow still? 20. It was late afternoon and still very hot. 21. l havestill
to hear the truth . 22. It seems that the British system of justice still has a lot to learn
from the Americans.

subjunctive after adjectives

1. Mg mindig alszik. 2. Nagyon fiatalok voltak mg. 3. Mg mindig Berlinben vannak? 4.

Mg mindig aszleivel l. 5. M g mindig nincs
meg a kutynk. 6. Esik mg? 7. Megy mg a
tv? 8. Tudod, hogy huszonht ves vagyok,
s mg szz? 9. Mg mindig nehznek tallom a nmetet. 10. Eleanor mg mindig nem
szlalt meg. 11. Tovbbra sem tetszik az tlet.
12. Nhny ht mlva 85 leszek, de mg mindig fellk a biciklimre. 13. Mg mindig Martinval jr? 14. Mg mindig nem vagyok biztos
benne, hogy mit akarsz. 15. Mi van, ha mg
akkor is telefon lsz, amikor odarek? 16. Meg
voltam gyzdve arrl, hogy a legjobb veim
mg elttem llnak. 17. Mg mindig az els
oldalon tartasz? 18. Amikor utoljra hallottam
fellk, mg mindig veszekedtek. 19. Mg mindig visszavgysz Moszkvba?20. Mr ks dlutnra jrt, de mg mindig nagyon meleg volt.
21. Mg mindig nem hallottam az igazat. 22.
gy tnik, a brit igazsgszolgltatsnak van
mg mit tanulnia az amerika itl.



mellknevek utn

Q48: focus and emphasis QS9/126-160: reporting verbs Q 63: it as subject/object Q l 02/88-96: should
with subjunctive Q 127: verbs 1: reported requests



("SZKSGES, HOGY ... ")

1. It is impo rtant that every appiicant transfer the

sum of fSO to the co mmittee befo re 15 March. OR:
It is important that every appiicant should
transfer... 2. lt' s very impo rtant that you get his
support. 3. But it' s essential that he accep t o ur re a
so ns. 4. H e is anxio us that the truth be known. 5.
It is vital that you win the support of the public as
soon as possible. 6. It is d esirable that they can
speak not o nly English, but also Freneh and Ger

1. Fontos, hogy mrcius 15-ig minden jelentkez tutaljon a bizottsgnak 50 fontot.

2. Nagyon fontos, hogy megszerezzk a tmogatst. 3. De rendkvl fontos, hogy elfogadja az rveinket 4. Nagyon szeretn,
hogy kiderljn az igazsg. 5. letbevg,
hogy minl elbb megnyerjk maguknak a
kzvlemny tmogatst. 6. Kvnatos,
hogy ne csak angolul, hanem franciul s


ma n. 7. Is it absolutely necessary that he be presen t?

8. It is advisable that you send you r draft by reru m
post. 9. W e find it intolerable that she accept a fee
fo r such services.

nmetl is tudjanak. 7. Mindenkppen szksges, hogy jelen legyen? 8. Tancsos postafordultval megkldenik a tervezetet 9.
Trhetetlennek tartjuk, hogy ilyen jelleg
szalglatokrt djazst fogadjon el.

11 o

q 54:

olyan, ilyen

"ho w nice!", "what a ma n!" q l 03: so q 121: this, that

1. It was such fun. NOT: It vva~ ~ucn a fun. 2. He is such a nice man.
NOT: Ile i~ ~ucn niee n"Jan.

1. He's such an interesting man! 2. Hush,
don't make such a noise! 3. Don't go sailing
in such a storm. 4. Oh, l've had such a curious dream.'s awful to be alone in such a
place. 6. You're such a hypocrite. 7. Don't
be such a fool. 8. It was such a bad film that
we left half way through. 9. He was such a
good swimmer that he won several prizes.
1O. l've never in my life met such a monster
as you. OR: l've never in my life met a monster such as you are. 11. There was such a
lot to learn. 12. There were such a lot of
people! 13. They are such nice people. 14.
Memory plays such curious tricks. 15.1t was
such fun! 16. You insult me by talking such
nonsense! 17. Such happiness was difficult
to imagin e. 18. It was such ni ce weather that
l got quite brown. 19. No such person lives
here. 20. You won 't meet him in such a place as a
disco. 21. We never see such fi lms. 22. Money, as
such, may not be enough for happiness.

tag questions

1. Olyan rdekes frfi! 2. Csitt, ne csapj akkora zajt! 3. Nemenjetek vitorizni ilyen viharban. 4. , olyan furcsa lmom volt. 5.
Borzaszt egyedl lenni egy ilyen helyen.
6. Olyan lszent vagy. 7. Ne lgy ilyen bolond. 8. Olyan rossz film volt, hogy a felnl eljttnk. 9. Olyan j sz volt, hogy
tbb djat is nyert. 1O. Soha letemben nem
tallkoztam mg egy ilyen szrnyeteggel,
mint te vagy. 11. Olyan sok tanulnival volt.
12. Olyan sokan voltak! 13. Annyi ra kedves
emberek! 14. Milyen furcsa jtkokat z velnk az emlkezet. 15. Olyan j szrakozs
volt! 16. Megsrt azzal, hogy ilyen kptelensgeket mond. 17. Nehz volt ekkora boldogsgat elkpzelni. 18. Olyan szp id volt,
hogy teljesen lebarnultam. 19.1tt nem l ilyen
ember. 20. Mg vletlenl sem tallkoznl vele olyan helyen, mint a diszk. 21. Sosem nznk ilyen filmeket. ~2. A pnz nmagban
nem biztos, hogy elg a boldogsghoz.


q l 7: auxiliaries without a main verb



1. But l am you r best friend, aren't l, Debbie?

2.1'm not veryhardon them, am l? 3. You' re
worried about Jim, aren't you? 4. They are

1. De ht n vagyok a legjobb bartod,

nem, Debbie? 2. Ugye nem vagyok velk
nagyon szigor? 3. Ugye aggdik Jim mi-


Terry's classmates, aren't they? 5. You aren't

nervous, are you? 6. l suppose you are not
serious, are you? 7. We're not late, are we?

8. You a re the mother of the accused, M rs

Dallio n,
are you not? 9. He is English, isn't he? 1 O. She

isn't ill, is she? 11. This is the right answer,

isn't it? 12. Oh, that's quite simple, isn't it?
13. It isn't a safe place to live, is it? 14. That's
not what Archie said, is it? 15. There's something you'd like to tell me, isn't there? 16. l
was super, wasn't l? 17. l wasn't too pushy,
was l? 18. You were with him, weren't you?
19. You weren't worried when l stayed out
late, were you? 20. That was Strauss, wasn't
it? 21. And this wasn't in May, was it? 22.
You live next door,~ don't you? 23. But you
think I'm a complete zero, don't you? 24.
You know nothing about Soweto, do you?
25. He scarcely seems to care, does he? 26.
He really believes us, doesn't he? 27. She
has lunch at home, doesn't she? 28. l have
to write up another list, don't l? 29. But l
don't have to accept everything they say, do
l? 30. She doesn't have sugar in her coffee,
does she? 31. That explains everything at last,
doesn't it? 32. And of course it doesn't cost
anything, does it? 33. So Bill's got to come
down, has he? 34. Surely, they' ve got something to offer in exchange for our deckchair,
haven't they? 35. So they haven't got anything to declare, have they? 36. She is having a meeting, isn't she? 37. I'm not disturbing you, am l? 38. They're not taking away
the furniture, are they? 39. You had to ask
them to let you in, didn't you? 40. You didn't
have to wait long, did you? 41. She wanted
you to pay in advance, didn't she? 42. You
two used to be good friends, didn't you? 43.
She didn't use to compia in about everything,
did she? 44. Don't tell me. They weren't
kissing, were they? 45. We've met before,
haven't we? 46. You haven't failed you r driving test again, have you? 47. lt's been there
for months now, hasn't it? 48. He hasn't been
here, has he? 49. But you had been to Switzerland before, hadn't you? 50. He hasn't
been told, has he? 51. But we' ll forgive h im,
won't we, dearest? 52. But that will be terrible, won't it? 53. You won't send me back,
will you? 54. 1'11 reply to these complaints,

att? 4. k ugye Terry osztlytrsai ? 5. em

vagy ideges, igaz? 6. Felttelezem, nem
gondolja komolyan, ugye? 7. Ugye nem
kstnk el? 8. n, Mrs Dallion, a vdlott
desanyja, nemde br? 9. Angol, nem ? 1 O.
Ugye nem beteg? 11. Ugye ez a helyes vlasz? 12. , ez nagyon egyszer, nem? 13.
Nem biztonsgos itt lni, ugye? 14. Archie
nem ezt mondta, igaz? 15. Van valam i,
amit szeretnl elmondani nekem, nem ? 16.
Szuper voltam, mi? 17. Ugye nem voltam
tl rmens? 18. Vel e voltl, nem ? 19.
Ugye nem aggdtl, amikor ksn jttem
haza? 20. Ez Strauss volt, igaz? 21. Es ugye
ez nem mjusban volt? 22. Ugye maga a
szomszdban lakik? 23. Persze te azt hiszed, hogy n egy nagy null a vagyok, mi?
24. Ugye nem tud semmit Sowetrl? 25.
Nem nagyon ltszik, hogy rdekel n, nem
igaz? 26. Ugye tnyleg hisz neknk? 27.
Ugye otthon szokott ebdeln i? 28. Kel l rnom egy msik listt, ugye? 29. D e azrt
nem kell mindent elfogadnom, amit mondanak, igaz? 30. Ugye nem szokott cukrot tenni a kvjba? 31. Ez vgre mindent
megmagyarz, nem igaz? 32. s persze
semmibe sem kerl, ugye? 33 . Sz al
Bi llnek le kell jnnie, ugye? 34. De azrt
biztosan fel tudnak valamit aj n lan i cserbe a nyuggyunkrt, nem? 35. Sz al
nincs semmi elvmolnivalju k, igaz? 36.
Megbeszlsen van, ugye? 37. Ugye nem
zavarom? 38. Ugye nem viszik el a btorakat? 39. Meg kellett krned ket, hog\
engedjenek be, igaz? 40. Ugye nem kellett sokig vrnod? 41. Azt akarta, hogv
elre fizess, ugye? 42. Ugye ti ketten va lamikor j bartok voltatok? 43. Rgebben
nem panaszkodott mindenrt, ugye? 44.
Ne mondd! Csak nem cskolztak? 45.
Ugye mr tallkoztunk? 46. U gye ne
buktl meg mr megint az autvezetin?
47. Hnapok ta ott van, igaz? 48. MQ
nem volt itt, ugye? 49. De n volt mr
Svjcban azeltt is, ugye? 50. Ugye m2
nem mondtk meg neki? 51. De ug e mi
megbocstunk neki, szvem? 52. De hisze
az borzaszt lesz, nem? 53. Ugye nem kldenek vissza? 54. Megvlaszol om ezeke
a panaszleveleket, j? 55. Ugye nem lesz


shall l? 55. There won't be any problems,

will there? 56. You' re going to be back soon,
aren't you? 57. He is not going to get away
with that, is he? 58. But l can say what l've
seen, can't l? 59. But they can't speak Spanish, can they? 60. I may call you Jim, mayn't l,
Doctor? 61. W e needn't pay for that, need we?
62. l know. l must go and see a doctorabout
it, mustn't l? 63. l really should pay h im back,
shouldn't l? 64. We shouldn't let them fly
away, should we? 65. l ought to call him
back, oughtn't l? 66. You'd like to hear him
say that, wouldn't you? 67. She wouldn't tell
us about it anyway, would she? 68. l don't
suppose they' d w ant me to start ti ll January,
would they? 69. You would rather throw it
away than letthem have it, wouldn't you?
70. l'd better turn it off for you, hadn't l?

semmi problma? 56. Ugye hamarosan

visszajssz? ~7. Ezt nem ssza meg, mi?
58. De ugye elmondhatom, mit lttam? 59.
De nem beszlnek spanyolul, ugye? 60.
Ugye hvhatom Jimnek, doktor r? 61.
Ugye ezrt nem kell fizetnnk? 62. Tudom.
Ezzel el kell mennem orvoshoz, igaz? 63.
Tnyleg vissza kellene fizetnem neki,
ugye? 64. Ugye nem szabadna hagynunk
el replni ket? 65. Vissza kellene hvnom,
igaz? 66. Szeretn hallani, hogy ezt mondja, mi? 67. gysem beszlne errl neknk,
nem igaz? 68. Nem hiszem, hogy azt akarnk, hogy janur eltt kezdjek, ugye? 69.
Inkbb eldobnd, mint hogy az vk legyen, igaz? 70. jobb, ha kikapcsalom neked, nem?

1. You don't like cheese, do you? NOT: Vou dor,'t lik:e cneese, lik:e you? OR: Do you
lik:e cneese, don't you? 2. They a re ti red, aren't they? NOT: Tney are ti red, i~n't it?
3. That's simple, isn't it? NOT: That's simple, isn't that?
tag questions after nobody, somebody,
never etc.

"ugye senki/valaki/soha.. .?"

71. Anybody can do it, can't they? 72. Everybody recognized you, did they? 73. If
we did that, everybody would benefit,
wouldn't they? 74. Nobody was listening,
were they? 75. Nobody will believe me, will
they? 76. Nothing can happen, can it? 77.
There's nothing we can do, is there? 78. No
one was killed, were they? 79. Somebody
has left it there, haven't they? 80. Each was
given a chance, weren't they? 81. Every
person is special, aren't they? 82. One simp ly can't do that sort of th ing, can one? 83.
She just neve r c ares, does she? 84. Jim never
forgets your birthday, does he?

71. Brki meg tudja csinlni, nem? 72.

Ugye mindenki fel ismert? 73. Ha ezt tennnk, mindenki jl jrna, nem igaz? 74.
Senki nem figyelt, ugye? 75. Ugye senki
nem fog hinni nekem? 76. Nem trtnhet
semmi, ugye? 77. Nem tehetnk semmit,
igaz? 78. Ugye senki nem halt meg? 79.
Valaki otthagyta, ugye? 80. Mindenki kapott lehetsget, ugye? 81. Minden ember
klnleges, nem igaz? 82. Az ember egyszeren nem tehet ilyesmit, igaz? 83. Egyszeren soha sem rdekli, igaz? 84. Jim soha nem feledkezik meg a szletsnapodrl, mi?

Nobody asked you, did they? NOT:



asked you, didt ne?


85. Sit down, won't you? 86. Hurry up, can' t

you?! 87. Post this letter for me, will you?
88. Do as you're told, will you? 89. Don't
be long, will you? 90. Just let megetinside
with my shopping, will you? 91. Let's look

85. Lelne? 86. Nem tudsz igyekezni? 87.

Ugye fel adod nekem ezt a levelet? 88.
Tedd, amit mondanak, j? 89. Ugye nem
maradsz el sokig? 90. Na, engedj csak beljebb a szatyrommal, j? 91. Nzznk k-


around, shall we? 92. You couldn't lend me
your carnera for a week, could you? 93. l
don't suppose you could look after my dog
for a week, could you? 94. You haven't got
a light, have you? 95. "It wasa lovely concert."- "Yes, wasn't it? l did enjoy it." 96.
"He didn't say he was angry." - "He didn't,
did he?" 97. "They looked quite happy to
have us back." - "Yes, they were, weren't
they?" 98. "l saw him put it back."- "Oh,
you did, didn't you?" 99. "You shouldn't
behave li ke that."- "Oh, l shouldn't, should
l?" 100. So you' re getting married, are you?
101. You th ink you can get ri d of me, do

rl, j? 92. Nem tudnd klcsnadni a

fnykpezgpedet egy htre? 93. Nem
tudnnak esetleg egy htig vigyzni a kutymra? 94. Nem tudna vletlenl tzet
adni? 95. "Gynyr koncert volt ." "Ugye? Nagyon lveztem." 96. " Nem
mondta, hogy haragszik." - " Ugye, hogy
nem?" 97. "Nagyon boldognak ltszottak,
hogy visszajttnk."- )gen, tnyleg, ugye?"
98. "Lttam, hogy visszateszi." - "Na ne
mondd, tnyleg?" 99. "Nem szabadna gy
viselkedned." - "Szval nem szabadna!"
100. Ezek szerint sszehzasodnak, igaz?
1 01. Azt h iszed, megszabadu l hatsz tlem,

q2S :_can, could: requests and offers

take time etc.



stb. ignyel



1. How long does it take (you) to get to
school by bus? 2. It didn't take long, four
or five minutes at most. 3. l took Iess than
a minute to throw everything back in my
sack. 4. She asked the conductor how long
it took to get there. 5. lt'd take about an
hour to get back here. 6. l had no idea it
would take so long. 7. But it doesn't take
two hours to wash your hair, does it! 8. It
must have taken months to get ali you
needed. 9. It takes us about 45 minutes to
wa ke up and get ready. 1O. How long did
it take you to paint it over? 11. It took me
a while to grasp what she was getting at.
12. lt's taken you a long while to ask the
obvious questions. 13. It' ll take you a while
tosell this house. 14. A quick game won't
take us long. 15. How long do you take to
catch things? 16. ln 1967 the ship took
eight months to sai l from Japan to America.
1 7. It took me a moment befo re l recegnized her. 18. It takes just a qui ck look into
the country's history. 19. It takes about one
tonn e of rose petals to make one ki lo of

1. Mennyi id alatt rsz be az iskolba

busszal? 2. Nem tartott sokig, legfeljebb
ngy-t percig. 3. Egy percbe sem telt, hogy
mindent visszadobljak a zskomba. 4. Megkrdezte a kalauzt, mennyi id alatt rnek
oda. 5. Krlbell egy rba telne, hogy ide
visszarj nk. 6. Sejtelmem se volt, hogy ilyen
sokig fog tartani. 7. De ugye nem kell kt
ra ahhoz, hogy megmosd a hajad?! 8. Hnapokba telhetett mindent megszerezni, amire szksged volt. 9. Krlbell 45 perc kell
ahhoz, hogy felbredjnk s elkszljnk. 1O.
Mennyi id alatt tudtad tfesteni? 11. Eltartott
egy ideig, mire fel fogtam, mire cloz. 12. Sokig tartott, mire feltetted a logikusan add
krdseket. 13. Eltart majd egy darabig, amg
eladod ezt a hzat. 14. Egy gyors jtkkal hamar vgznk. 15. Milyen gyors a felfogsod?
16. 1967-ben a hajnak nyolc hnapra volt
szksge ahhoz, hogy tvitodzzon Japnbl
Amerikba. 17. Beletelt egy kis idbe, mire
fel ismertem. 18. Csak egy pillantst kell vetni
az orszg trtnelmre. 19. Krlbell egy
tonna rzsasziromra van szksg egy kil


essence. 20. It took four men to puli it out.

21. Ali this took a lot of preparation each
evening. 22. Making the decision to resign
took great courage. 23. It will probably
take h im several attempts to learn to fit it
into the slot. 24. It took the slaying of a promis
ing and youthful president, the gunning down of
the nation's most enlightened black leader to make
them protest.

tense 1: present simple

srtmny ellltshoz. 20. Ngy ember kel-

lett hozz, hogy kihzzk. 21. Ez minden este sok kszldst ignyelt. 22. A dntshez,
hogy visszavonuljon, nagy btorsg kellett.
23. Valsznleg tbb prblkozsra is szksg lesz, mire megtanulja, hogyan illessze a
nylsba. 24. Egy fiatal, gretes elnk lemszrlsa, s a nemzet legfelvilgosultabb fe.kete vezetjnek legyi lkolsa kellett ahhoz,
hogy tiltakozni kezdjenek.



Q 59: indirect speech Q 87: passive sentences Q 111: tag questions Q 142:




won't, wouldn't: refusal,




1. We stand, sit, walk, lie down. We live in
space and time. 2. l like ice-cream. 3. He
speaks and writes English. 4. We live near
the cathedral . 5. l think you understand. 6.
We do three things really. 7. Alternatives
exist. 8. l almost always wear jeans 9. My
mother gets up at six every morning. 1O.
You know, she has a good memory. 11. We
only live once. 12. It happens every day.
13. She goes out dancing almost every
night. 14. We write to each other every
month. 15. l have a cold every winter. 16.
The orangutang has thick hair that is redbrown in colour. 17. l spend about two
hours a day in the bathroom. 18. l go there
on Mondays. 19. They always take a short
holiday in spring. 20. l always panic when
l lose something. 21. l usually wear makeup. 22. He plays golf occasionally. 23. She
is seidom late. 24. Officers seidom actually
kill. 25. lan goes swimming now and agai n,
and he likes bike riding. 26. l hardly ever
see him. 27. My children never do what l
say. 28. l never eat porridge. 29. We never
get parcels. 30. Light travels at 180,000
miles per second. 31. The hall goes back to
the thirteenth century. 32. The ferry sails
between Dover and Ostende twice a day.
33. Toothpaste and peanut butter remave
black marks. 34. l agree. 35. l don't like

1. llunk, lnk, jrunk, lefeksznk. Trben s idben lnk. 2. Szeretem a jgkrmet. 3. Beszl s r angolul. 4. Kzel lakunk a katedrlishoz. 5. Azt hiszem, rted.
6. Valjban hrom dolgot csinlunk. 7. Lteznek vlasztsi lehetsgek. 8. Majdnem
mindig farmert hordok 9. Az anym -minden reggel hatkor kel. 1 O. Tudod, j memrija van. 11. Csak egyszer lnk. 12.
Naponta trtnik ilyesmi. 13. Majdnem
minden este elmegy tncolni. 14. Minden
hnapban runk egymsnak. 15. Minden tlen megfzom. 16. Az orngutnnak sr,
vrsesbarna bundja van. 17. Naponta krlbell kt rttltk a frdszobban. 18.
Htfnknt jrok oda. 19. Tavasszal mindig rvid szabadsgra mennek. 20. Mindig
pnikba esem, ha -el vesztek valamit. 21.
Tbbnyire van rajtam smink. 22. Alkalomadtn golfozni szokott. 23. Ritkn ksik
el. 24. A tisztekkel ritkn fordul el, hogy
tnylegesen lnnek. 25. lan olykorelmegy
szni, s szeret biciklizni. 26. Alig-alig ltom. 27. A gyermekeim soha nem csinljk, amit mondok nekik. 28. Soha nem
eszem zabkst. 29. Soha nem kapunk csomagot. 30. A fny msodpercenknt 300
ezer kilomteres sebessggel terjed. 31. A
csarnok a tizenharmadik szzadbl szrmazik. 32. A komp Dover s Ostende kztt


plastic plates. 36. The express doesn't call

at Herve. 37. No thanks, l don't have milk
in my tea. 38. l don't usually get up tili ten
on Sundays. 39. We don't always get on
with our parents. 40. They don't need any
documents. 41.1 don't th ink Ilike boys. 42.
l don't care where we go. 43. Do l need a
visa? 44. Do you know your neighbours?
45. Do you live with your parents? 46. Do
they worry about your health? 47. Do you
ever wake up during the night? 48. Does
Sam know l saw him? 49. Does this bus go
to Linton Manor? 50. Do you work through
an agent, Jim? 51. Do you like reading in
bed? 52. Do you li ke having animals in the
house? 53. Do you have any friends among
them? 54. Do you promise? 55. Don't you
ever take an umbrella with you? 56. Don't
you understand, that doesn't solve anything?
57. But doesn't she realize l was trying to
protect her? 58. Does Jonatha n not understand?
59. Who cuts your grass during the summer? 60. Who directs the programmes? 61.
What sort of people live about here? 62.
Which bus goes to Oxford Circus? 63. What
do you do for a living? 64. What do astronomers do, then? 65. What does Donald do
ali day? 66. What does this sign mean? 67.
What do you th ink of that face? 68. Where
do l get a newspaper? 69. Why do people
go to a hypnotist? 70. Why don't you buy a
dog? 71. How often do you go to church?
72. How often do you pick up goods and
then leave without paying, Mr Craft? 73.
How much mortey do you earn? 7 4. How
much does amodel get for sitting? 75. How
much TV do you watch?

naponta ktszer kzlekedik. 33. A fogkrm

s a mogyorvaj eltvoltjk a stt foltokat. 34. Egyetrtek. 35. Nem szeretem a m
anyag tnyrt. 36. Az expressz nem ll meg
Hervnl. 37. Ksznm, nem teszek tejet
a temba. 38. Vasrnap ltalban nem kelek fel tzig. 39. Nem mindig jvnk ki jl a
szleinkkel. 40. Nincs szksgk dokumentumokra. 41. Azt hiszem, nem kedvelem a
fikat 42. Nem rdekel, hova megynk. 43.
Szksgem van vzumra? 44. Ismered a
szomszdaidat? 45. A szleiddel lsz? 46.
Aggdnak az egszsgedrt? 47. Elfordul ,
hogy jszaka fe lbredsz? 48. Tudja Sam,
hogy lttam? 49. Ez a busz Linton Manorba
megy? 50. gynkkel dolgozol, Jim? 51. Szeretsz gyban olvasni? 52. Szereted, ha vannak a hzban llatok? 53. Vannak kztk bartaid? 54. Meggred? 55. Soha nem viszel
magaddal esernyt? 56. Nem rted, hogy ez
semmit nem old meg? 57. De ht nem tudja
felfogni, hogy csak prbltam megvdeni?
58. Jonathan nem rti? 59. Nyron ki nyrja
a fvet a kertetekben? 60. Ki rendezi a m
sorokat? 61. Mifle emberek laknak erre? 62.
Melyik busz megy az Oxford Circusre? 63.
Mi a foglalkozsod? 64. Akkor mit csinlnak a csillagszok? 65. Mit csinl Donald
egsz nap? 66. Mit jelent ez a jel? 67. Mit
gondol errl az arcrl? 68. Hol kapok jsgat? 69. Mirt mennek az emberek hipnotizrhz? 70. Mirt nem veszel egy kutyt?
71. Milyen gyakran jrsz templomba? 72. Milyen gyakran emel el ezt-azt, s tvozik fizets nlkl, Mr Craft? 73. Mennyi pnzt keresel? 74. Mennyit kap egy modell egy alkalommal? 75. Milyen sokat nzel tvt?

1. l (usually) get up early because l start work at 6. NOT: l u~ed to get up early
becau~e l ~tart vvork at 6. 2. Can you play chess? NOT: Do you can play ene~~?
be: without an auxiliary

be: segdige nlkl

76. l know l am lucky. 77. You are among

friends, Leonard. 78. She is a wonderful
person. 79. I' m not in love with h im, we' re
just friends. 80. ls it 1O o' clock yet? 81. Are
you happy in your job? 82. Matt, am l
drunk? 83. Who is the President of Finland?
84. Why are you so upset?

76. Tudom, hogy szereness vagyok. 77. Bartok kztt van, Leonard. 78. Csodlatos
ember. 79. Nem vagyok szerelmes bel,
csak bartok vagyunk. 80. Mr tz ra van?
81. Elgedett vagy az llsoddal? 82. Matt,
rszeg vagyok? 83. Ki Finnorszg elnke?
84. Mirt vagy ilyen ideges?


do emphasis

85. She does like you! 86. Oh, that does

sound exciting. 87. l do want to meet
Alistair. 88. l dohope you'll forgve me. 89.
She never does write to me. 90. We'll find
something you really do like.

nyomatkosts: do

85. 6 tnyleg szeret tged. 86. , ez igazn

izgalmasan hangzik! 87. Nagyon szeretnk
Al istairrel tallkozni. 88. szintn remlem,
hogy megbocstasz. 89. Soha nem r nekem.
90. Tallunk majd valamit, ami igazn tetszik.

stories and commentaries

trtnetmesls, kzvetts, kommentr

91. James and John wake up. They look

out of the window and see a lion. 92. Several racehorses are i n a stable. One of t hem
starts boasting. 93. First l melt the butter
or margarine. 94. Next l cook peas and
beans. 95. The magician presents two
decks of cards - one red, one blue. 96.
Maradona passes to Kempes. 97. l enclose
my check for f1 00. 98. Here comes your

91 . James s John felkelnek. Kinznek az

ablakon s megltnak egy oroszlnt. 92. Nhny versenyl beszlget az istllban. Az
egyik elkezd dicsekedni. 93 . Elszr megolvasztom a vajat vagy a margarint. 94.
Majd fzk borst s babot. 95. A bvsz
elvesz kt pakli krtyt - egy pirosat s
egy kket. 96. Maradon passzol Kempesnek. 97. Itt jn a btyd. 98. Mellkelek
egy 100 fontrl szl esekket

Q62/51-55: inversion

future meaning

jv idej

99. The filmstarts at 8.15. 100. The 9.30 to

Brighton leaves from platform four. 101. Her
pia ne leaves at eleven. 102. W e meet h im
next Tuesday. 103. And what do we ga in?
104. When exactly does yourflight go? 105.
l've filled in ali the forms, right? So, when
do l get my money?


99. 8.15-kor kezddik a film. 100. A 9.30as brightoni vonat a ngyes vgnyrl indul.
101. Tizenegykor indul a gpe. 102. Jv
kedden tallkozunk vele. 103. s mit nyernk ezzel? 104. Pontosan mikor indul a gped? 105. Kitltttem minden nyomtatvnyt,
igaz? Akkor mikor kapom meg a pnzem?

Where are you going tonight? NOT: 'Nhere do you go tonight?

tense ll: present continuous

(be+ ing)


igeidk ll:

folyamatos jelen

t::> 59: !ndirect speech Q87: passive sentences Q l 28: verbs ll: stative verb uses


1. Myfinger's bleeding. 2. Weareflying above
the clouds. 3. Thank God the snow is melting! 4. l am growing a beard. 5. The spot on
my ch in is getting bigger. 6. You are wasting
yourtime. 7.1 see you' redriving a Volvo these
days. 8. I'm old enough to know what I'm
doing. 9. l am laughing because l am happy.
1O. You' re making the mistake of you r life.

1. Vrzik az ujjam. 2. A felhk felett replnk. 3. Hl'istennek olvad a h. 4. Szak lit nvesztek. 5. Egyre nagyobb a pattans az llamon. 6. Az iddet pazarolod.
7. Ltom, mostanban Vo Ivval jrsz. 8.
Elg ids vagyok, hogy tudjam, mit csinlok. 9. Nevetek, mert boldog vagyok. 1 O.
Most kveted el leted legnagyobb hib-


11. I'm laoking for a job. 12. Do you think

she is still warking for City Trust? 13. People
are queueing to get into the swimming pool.
14. I'm thinking of going home tomorrow. 15.
liz, tell me what's traubiing you. 16. l'd better ring off now, this is costing me a fortune.
17. The situation in this country is going from
bad to worse. 18. The universe is expanding.
19. The price of oil is going up. 20. A lot of
people are wearing white jeans this year. 21.
Everybody is talking about biotechnology 22.
Nobody is watching us. 23. You' re not reading my letter, are you? 24. l hope she's not
sitting in his lap right now. 25. I'm not asking
you, I'm telling you. 26. She is not accusing
you of anything. 27. And what do you do
when you are not worki!)g? 28. Am_l disturbing you? 29. Are you going steady? 30. ls she
warking on her dissertation now? 31. Are you
calling me a liar? 32. Are they quarrelling
again? 33. Who are you telephoning? 34.
Whose jacket are you wearing this time? 35.
What's going on? 36. What's Mum's medicine doing here? 37. What are those children
doing? 38. What am l signing? 39. What are
you smiling at? 40. Why is he weeping? 41.
How are you getting on?

jt. . llst keresek. 12. Gondolod, hogy

mg mindig a City Trustnl dolgozik? 13.
Az emberek sorban llnak azrt, hogy bejussanak az uszodba. 14. Azon gondolkodom, hogy holnap hazamegyek. 15. Liz,
mondd meg, mi bnt! 16. jobb lesz, ha leteszem most mr, ez egy vagyonba kerl
nekem. 17. Az orszgban a helyzet egyre
rosszabb. 18. A vilgegyetem tgu l. 19. Az
olaj ra emelkedik. 20. Idn sokan hordanak fehr farmert. 21. Mindenki a biotechnolgirl beszl. 22. Senki se figyel minket. 23. Ugye nem a levelemet olvasod?
24. Remlem, nem ppen az lben l.
25. Nem krdezem tled, hanem mondom.
26. Nem vdol semmivel. 27. s mit csinlsz, amikor nem dolgozol? 28. Zavarlak?
29. Egytt jrtok? 30. Most a disszertcijn dolgozik? 31. Hazugnak nevezel? 32.
Mr megint veszekednek? 33. Kinek telefonlsz? 34. Ezttal kinek a dzsekije va n
rajtad? 35. Mi folyik itt? 36. Mit keres itt
anya gygyszere? 37. Mit csinlnak azok
a gyerekek? 38. Mit rok ppen al? 39.
Min mosolyogsz? 40. Mirt zokog? 41. Hogyan haladtok?


be+ being

42. Mirt vagy ilyen kedves hozzm? 43.

Tnyleg komolyan gondolom. 44. Egyszeren csak hlyn viselkedik. 45. Makacskodik. 46. Most szellemes vagy? 47. Azt gondolod, agresszvan vislkedem? 48. Nancy,
nagyon csendben vagy. Mi a vlemnyed?

42. Why are you being so nice to me? 43.

I'm being serious. 44. She's just being stupid. 45. She's being stubborn. 46. Are you
being fu n ny? 47. You th ink I'm being offensive? 48. Nancy, you're being very quiet.
What do you think?

"folyton panaszkodik"

"he's always complaining"

49. He's always losing his keys. 50. He's
always picking his nose. 51. She's always
grinding his teeth . 52. lt's always raining
here. 53. You're always making this mistake. 54. You' re always answering back. 55.
I'm always forgetting to lock it. 56. She's
always faliing offhis bicycle. 57. Oh, l know
how you can recognize her - she's always
smiling! 58. People are always blaming their
circumstances for what they are. 59. Why
is he always complaining about something?

49. Folyton elhagyja a kulcst. 50. Mindig

piszk lja az orrt. 51. Mindig csikorgatja a
fogt. 52. Itt mindig esik. 53. llandan elkveted ezt a hibt. 54. Folyton feleselsz.
55. Mindig elfelejtem bezrni . 56. Mindig
leesik a biciklij rL 57. Hopp, tudom, mirl fogod megismerni - mindig mosolyog.
58. Az emberek folyton a krlmnyeiket
okoljk azrt, ami lett be l lk. 59. Mirt
kell neki folyton panaszkod nia valami miatt?


future meaning

jv idej

60. Amy's leaving on Monday. 61. The

doctor's leaving next week. 62. My best
friend's coming down for the weekend. 63.
He is having his tonsils out tomorrow. 64.
They're coming tonight, aren't they? 65.
We're not going anywhere on Saturday night.
66. They say the train's going to leave at
three, then they tell you it's not leaving tili
half past. 67. Are you doing anything this
evening? 68. Oh, are we having spaghetti,
Mom? 69. Are you going to the conference
this afternoon? 70. ls John having a party on
Saturday? 71. ls lke going back to the office
after lunch? 72. Who else is com ing? 73. What
are you doing next? 74. Why are we leaving
so early? 75. When are you coming back?

ten se lll: present perfect

(have+ 3)


60. Amy htfn megy el. 61. A doktor r a

jv hten indul. 62. A legjobb bartom
nlam tlti a htvgt. 63. Holnap veszi-k
ki a manduljt. 64. Jnnek ma este, ugye?
65. Nem megynk sehova szombat este. 66.
Azt mondjk, hromkor megy a vonat, aztn meg kzlik, hogy fl ngyig nem indul.
67. Csinltok ma este valamit? 68. , mami, spagettit esznk? 69. Msz ma dlutn
a konferencira? 70. Lesz Johnnl buli
szombaton? 71. lke visszamegy az irodba
ebd utn? 72. Ki jn mg? 73. Mit csinlsz
ezutn? 74. Mirt megynk el ilyen korn?
75. Mikor fogsz visszajnni?



lll: befejezett jelen

Q 59: indirect speech Q87: passive sentences



1. This has been a good year. 2. l've been

there several times. 3. You've been at this
campany from the beginning. 4. l think it's
been even hotter today than yesterday. 5. A
fishlike face has always been hereditary in
the Wooster family. 6. l've been through a
great deal. 7. Flight Kl 173 has just arrived.
8. Lord, l've almost forgotten it. 9. We've made
mistakes. 1O. You' ve begun wrong. 11. l've
eaten them ali. 12. My canary's escaped. 13.
My spots have completely gone. 14. l've just
noticed my passport's out of date. 15.
Someone's taken his ball. 16. l've seen it before. 17. She's warked as an interpreter, a
travel guide and as a translatorand she's now
running a boutique in Szentendre. 18. l've
always wanted to go there. 19. You've never
done it before, have you? 20. l've never heard
you talking li ke this about h im. 21.1've never
been happier than l am now. 22. She's taken
up playing tennis recently. 23. This is the first
time l have seen the sea. 24. Am l the first

1. Ez egy j v volt. 2. Mr tbbszr jrtam ott. 3. A kezdetek ta itt vagy ennl a

cgnl. 4. Azt hiszem, ma mg melegebb
volt, mint tegnap. 5. A halforma arc mindig is rkletes volt a Wooster csaldban.
6. Sok mindenen mentem keresztl. 7. A
KL-173-as jrat pp most rkezett meg.
8. risten, majdnem elfelejtettem! 9. Kvettnk el hibkat. 1 O. Rosszul kezdted.
11. Mirid megette-m. 12. Megszktt a kanrim. 13. Teljesen elmltak a pattansaim . 14. Most vettem szre, hogy lejrt az
tlevelem. 15. Valaki elvette a labdjt.
16. Mr lttam valahol. 17. Volt mr tolmcs, idegenvezet, fordt, s most ppen egy butikja van Szentendrn. 18. Min.dig is el akartam menni oda. 19. Mg soha nem csinltad, ugye? 20. Mg sose hallottalak gy beszlni rla. 21. Mg sose
voltam ilyen boldog. 22. Nemrgen elkezdett teniszezni. 23. Most ltom elszr a
tengert. 24. n vagyok az els, akit meg-


person you've asked? 25. lt's not something

l've had much experience in. 26. What is the
smallestthing you have ever seen? 27. What
is the best thing that has ever happened to
you? 28. She's come to say goodbye. 29. l've
come to ask your advice. 30. l wander how
many miles l've fallen. 31. This is the largest
present l have ever given anyone. 32. It won't
be the first time l've gone without lunch. 33.
Everyone has heard of someone who was
mugged or had their passport and necklace
stolen. 34.1 haven't done anything today. 35.
l have not been out ali day. 36. l haven't had
a wink of sleep these three weeks. 37. We
haven't seen our neighbours lately. 38. You
haven't told h im yet, have you? 39. Wehave
not got anywhere so far. ;:JO. We h~ven't
reallyfinished this conversation, havewe? 41.
l haven't spe nt very much on it, and so- what
shalll ask for? 42. You have not said anything
yet. 43. The dog hasn't come back yet. 44.
The maii has not arrved yet. 45. She hasn't
iraned my school uniform yet. 46. l haven't
opened my birthday presents yet. 47. Of
course I'm sorry things haven't warked out
so weil, but l can't see what else l could have
done. 48. Excuse me, haven't we met sornewhere before? 49. Haven't we always been
happy tagether the way we are? 50. Have you
ever been to a casi no? 51. Have you ever been
in trouble wi th the pol ice? 52. Have l offend ed
you? 53. Have you reserved a table? 54. Have
you dropped anything, sir? 55. Have you had
ali you r vaccinations? 56. Have you touched
anything, Mr Tamlock? 57. Has anyone told
you about Dr Jones? 58. Have l seen that mirror before? 59. Have you finished yet? 60.
Has he answered your letter? 61. Has she
done the puzzle yet? 62. Have you had lunch
yet? 63. Have you ever kept a diary? 64. Have
you ever had a homosexual affair? 65. Has
he come to work here? 66. Have you rece ived
an answer to you r letter? 67. Are you now, or
have you at any time been, a member of the
Communi st Party? 68. Hasn't Eric got fat? 69.
Whatever has gone wrong? 70. The race is
over, but who has won? 71. Who has ta~en
my towe!? 72. What's happened to you? 73.
Where have you put it? 74. What have you
inherited from you r parents? 75. Why has the

krdezel? 25. Ebben nincs valami nagy tapasztalatom. 26. Mi a legkisebb dolog,
amit valaha is lttl? 27. Mi a legjobb dolog, ami valaha trtnt veled? 28. Azrt
jtt, hogy elbcszzon. 29. A tancsodat
krn i jttem. 30. Vajon hny mrfldet zuhantam? 31. Ez a legnagyobb ajndk,
amit brkinek is valaha adtam. 32. Nem ez lesz az els eset, hogy nem ebdelek.
33. Mindenki hallott mr olyanrl, hogy
valakit megtmadtak az utcn, vagy elvettk a nyaklnct meg az tlevelt. 34.
Ma nem csinltam semmit. 35. Egsz nap
nem voltam kinn. 36. Egy szemet sem
aludtam ebben a hrom htben. 37. Nem
ltjuk mostanban a szomszdainkat. 38.
Mg nem mondtad el neki, ugye? 39. Egyelre nem jutottunk sehova. 40. Mg nem
teljesen fejeztk be ezt a beszlgetst,
ugye? 41. Nem kltttem r t l sokat gyhogy most mennyit krjek rte? 42.
Mg nem mondtl semmit. 43. Mg nem
jtt vissza a kutya. 44. Mg nem rkezett
meg a posta. 45. Mg nem vasalta ki az
iskolai egyenruhmat 46. Mg nem bontottam ki a szletsnapi ajndkaimat. 47.
Termszetesen sajnlom, hogy nem alakultak tl jl a dolgok, de nem rtem, mi
mst tehettem volna. 48. Elnzst, nem
tallkoztunk mi mr valahol? 49. Nem
voltunk mindig boldogok gy, ahogy vagyunk? 50. Voltl mr kaszinban? 51.
Gylt mr meg a bajod a rendrsggel?
52. Megsrtettelek? 53. Foglaltattl asztalt? 54. Leejtett valamit, uram? 55. Megkapttok az sszes oltst? 56. Hozznylt
valamihez, Mr Tamlock? 57. Beszlt mr
nnek valaki Dr Jonesrl? 58. Lttam n
mr ezt a tkrt? 59. Befejezted mr? 60.
Megvlaszolta a leveledet? 61. Megfejtette mr a rejtvnyt? 62. Ebdeltl mr? 63.
Vezettl valaha naplt? 64. Volt valaha
homoszexulis kapcsolatod? 65. Idejtt
dolgozni? 66. Kaptl vlaszt a leveledre?
67. Tagja-e, vagy tagja volt-e brmikor a
kommunista prtnak? 68. Nem hzott meg
Erik? 69. Vajon mi romlott el? 70. A versenynek vge, de ki gyztt? 71. Ki vette
el a trlkzmet? 72. Mi trtnt veled?
73. Hova tetted? 74. Mit rkltl a sz-


bus stopped? 76. Why haven't l had a postcard yet? 77. How have l deserved this? 78.
How have you got here? 79. How many times
has she been to Paris? 80. How long has he
been dead?

2. l

!eidtl? 75. Mirt llt meg a busz? 76. Mirt nem kaptam mg kpeslapot? 77. Mivel rdemeltem ezt ki? 78. Hogyan jutottl ide? 79. Hnyszor volt Prizsban? 80.
Mita halott?

1. l got married in 1982. NOT: l have got n 1arried in 1982.

have already been to London: l went there two years ago. NOT: l ha'Ve already
been to London_ ho o rears ago.

valamennyi ideje

81. We've been married for 15 years. 82.
He has been with the firm for twelve years
now. 83. l've studied English for two years.
84. They've known that for years. 85.
They' ve waited here for two hours and now
they say they have to leave. 86. l haven't
seen you for ages. 87. My husband is a diplomat, we're posted in lran, l haven't been
to London for over three years. 88. Why
haven't l seen you for such a long time?
~ 116/19-21:

81. Tizent ve vagyunk hzasok. 82. Mr

tizenkt ve van a cgnL 83. Kt vig tanultam angolul. v.: Kt ve tanulok angolul. 84. vek ta tudjk. 85. Kt rt vrtak
itt, s most azt mondjk, el kell mennik.
86. Ezer ve nem lttalak. 87. A frjem diplomata, Irnban llomsozik, tbb mint hrom ve nem voltam Londonban. 88. Mirt
nem lttalak olyan rgta?

ten se IV: past simple

valami ta

89. She has been a member of the l ibrary since
she was seven. 90. lt's beenni ne years since
that affair. 91. l've lived heresince 1960. 92.
l've known h im since he wasa baby. 93. l' ve
cared for you ever since l met you. 94. My
parents have hardly spoken to me since Friday night. 95. l haven't set foot in a church
since we buried my Mum. 96. Ever since l
wasa small boy l have dreamed of this moment. 97. Since when has this been yourtree?

89. Htves kora ta tagja a knyvtrnak.

90. Kilenc v telt el az gy ta. 91. 1960
ta lakunk itt. 92. Kisbabakora ta ismerem. 93. Azta szeretlek, hogy tallkoztunk.
94. Pntek jjel ta alig beszlnek hozzm
a szleim. 95. Azta nem tettem be templomba a lbamat, hogy eltemettk anyt.
96. Kisfi korom ta erre a pillanatra vgytam. 97. Mita a te fd ez?

haven't met her since we left school. NOT: l haven't met her since ooe have left: scnool.
~116/35, 36: tense IV: past simple



(have + 3 + be + ing)
98. l've been colleeting stamps ali my life. 99.
The bloody neighbours have been persecuting me ali morning. 100. We've been trying to
get in touch with you ali week. 101.1've been
getting about f40 a week, plus my meals and
my accommodation. 102. Re latives have been
traveliing to Cumbria this morning to identify
those who were ki lied. 103. l've been looking

98. Egsz letemben blyeget gyjtttem.

99. Egsz dleltt knoztak a nyavalys
szomszdaim. 100. Egsz hten prbl juk felvenni nnel a kapcsolatot. 101. Krlbell negyven fontot kapok hetente,
plusz szllst s elltst. 102. Ma d l eltt
folyamatosan rkeznek a rokonok
Cumbriba, hogy azonostsk az ldoza-


for a job li ke yours for the last two years. 104.

She's only been working here for 2 months.
105. You've been avoiding me ever since we
got here. 106. My daughter and son-in-law
have been looking for a decent cottage for l
don't know how long. 107. l've been calling
since eight this morning. 108. l believethat
animals have been talking to human beings
ever since we were ali made and put into this
world. 109. My bowels haven't been working
properly for several days. 110. Recently, he
hasn't been eating properly. 111. Dropped it?
Oh, that's alright, don't worry, it hasn't been
worki ng properly for ages. 112. Have you been
watching the house? ls that how you found
me? 113. Has she beeneating properly? 114.
How long have they bee!J kissing? 115. What
have you been doing here? 116. How long
have l been sleeping?
q 128:

tense IV: past simple

tokat: 103. Kt ve szeretnk olyan llst

tallni, mint az n. 104. Mg csak kt
hnapja dolgozik itt. 105. Amita csak
idert nk, kerlsz engem. 106. A lnyom
s a vm mr nem is tudom, mita keresnek maguknak egy szp kis hzat. 107.
Reggel nyolc ta hvlak. 108. gy gondolom, az llatok azta beszlnek az emberekhez, amita csak erre a fldre teremtettek bennnket. 109. A blmkdsem
mr napok ta nem kielgt. 11 O. Mcstanban nem eszik rendesen. 111. Leejtette? , semmi baj, mr ezer ve nem
mkdik rendesen . 112. Figyelted a hzat? gy talltl rm? 113. Eszik rendesen?
114. Mita cskolznak? 115. Mit csinlsz itt? 116. Mita alszom?

verbs ll: stative verb uses


igeidk IV: egyszer


q49: from ... to, tili/until q 59: indirect speech q87: passive sentences q125: used to, would



1. Virginia blushed. 2. He sneezed again. 3.
We drank beer after beer. 4. l saw a round
thing on the road. 5. She turned and came
back agai n. 6. The Queen smiled and passed
on. 7. The men from the IMF arrived two
days later. 8. l can't forget the things you did.
9. The tension in the office broke. 10. He
had an old Mini at the time. 11. Her glance
shifted slowly to the face of Jean Reynard.
12. He wrote a long letter about it to the
local newspaper. 13. He elosed the door and
walked into his living room. 14. Her hands
shook and she gasped for breath. 15. The
old captain shrugged his shoulders. 16. l
turned the alarm clock off and went back to
sleep again. 17. She looked up, but it was
ali darkoverhead. 18.1 failed mydrivingtest
twice. 19. We stayed there for about ten
minutes. 20. For two weeks the plant flourished. 21. She stayed in Africa- Zaire, the

1. Virginia elpirult. 2. Megint tsszentett. 3.

Egyik srtittuk a msik utn. 4. Lttam valami kerek trgyat az ton. 5. Megfordult s
megint visszajtt. 6. A kirlyn mosolygott
s tovbbment. 7. Kt nappal ksbb rkeztek az IMF emberei. 8. Nem tudom elfelejteni, amiket tettl. 9. Az irodban felolddott a feszltsg. 1O. Egy reg Minije volt
akkoriban. 11. Tekintete Jean Reynard arcra vndorolt. 12. rt rla egy hossz levelet a
helyi jsgnak. 13. Becsukta az ajtt s bement a nappaliba. 14. Remegett a keze s
levegrt kapkodott. 15. Az reg kapitny
vllat vont. 16. Lenyomtam az bresztrt
s visszaaludtam. 17. Felnzett, de mindentt stt volt. 18. Ktszer buktam meg az
autvezetin. 19. Krlbell tz percig maradtunk. 20. A nvny kt htig szpen fejldtt. 21. Huszonhat vig lt Afrikban Zairben, Kongban s Ugandban. 22. A


Congo and Uganda - for twenty-six years.

22. The question is, what did the archbishop
find? 23. He carne to work today instead of
Friday. 24. l woke up at six o'clock. 25. She
lived in Seatland from 1972 to 1975. 26.
And yesterday thingswenton just as usual.
27. They gat married the day before yesterday. 28. Peter carne last. 29. Last Sunday l
gat up earlier than usual. 30. Becky hinted
this and that l ast time she carne. 31. The last
time l saw Rogers was more than ten years
aga. 32. He laoked more annoyed when he
saw me. 33. Tom Newsome first met
Maureen jackson when she carne to inter. view h im for her newspaper. 34. It was long
after midnight when he arrved home. 35.
lt's ages sincel saw you l ast. 36. I'm only an
ex-astronomer, it's years since l did any real
research. 37. When l knew hm he wore
shabby clothes, was very thi n and l ved in a
small fiat. 38. Twenty minutes ago l spoke
with his wife. 39. He committed suicide
about an hour aga. 40. l started having sex 6
months ago. 41. The most embarrassing experience l've ever had happened two years
aga. 42. They were watching TV when the
police rang the door bell. 43. l loeked the
door and was walking to my car, when somebody hit me on the head. 44. He was dancing when the l ights went out. 45. The worst
th inglever did was not to know what l was
doing. 46. It wasn't a heart attack-just indigestion, that's ali. 47. People didn't appreciate her. 48. The phone didn't ring. 49. He
just didn't answer. 50. Kim didn't like psychologists at ali. 51. l did not hide my feelings from her. 52. He didn't arrve before
midnight. 53. He didn't start life on the day
he met you. 54. l hailed a taxi but it didn't
stop. 55. l didn't get any further than the front
door. 56. l didn't have a dog when l wasa
child. 57. l didn't say she was innocent 58.
Did he really write such nonsense? 59. Did
you love your parents when you were a
child? 60. Did you see a man with a big su itcase? 61. Did you ever fail an exam when
you were a student? 62. Did you get something to eat on the train? 63. Did she have
the right to be happy when Brian clearly
wasn't? 64. And didn't you live there for a

krds az, hogy mit tallt az rsek? 23. Ma

jtt dolgozni pntek helyett. 24. Hat rakor
bredtem fel. .25. 1972-tl 1975-ig Skciban lt. 26. s tegnap a dolgok pont gy mentek, mint brmikor. 27. Tegnapeltt hzasodtak ssze. 28. Peter jtt utoljra. 29. Mlt
vasrnap a szoksosnl korbban keltem fel.
30. Becky emltett ezt-azt, mikor legutbb
itt volt. 31. Tbb mint tz vvel ezeltt lttam Ragerst utoljra. 32. Amikor megltott,
mg bosszsabb lett. 33. Tom Newsome akkor tallkozott elszr Maureen Jacksonnal,
amikor a lny interjt jtt kszteni vele az
jsgja szmra. 34. Jval elmlt mr jfl,
amikor hazarkezett. 35. Ezer ve, hogy utoljra lttalak. 36. Csak egy excsillagsz vagyok, vek ta nem vgeztem semmilyen valdi kutatmunkt. 37. Amikor ismertem, kopott ruhkban jrt, nagyon sovny volt, s
egy kis laksban lakott. 38. Hsz perccel ezeltt beszltem a felesgvel. 39. Krlbell egy rval ezeltt ngyilkossgot kvetett el. 40. Hat hnappal ezeltt kezdtem nemi letet lni. 41. A legknosabb eset, amit
valaha is tltem, kt ve trtnt. 42. ppen tvt nztek, amikor csengetett a rendrsg . 43. Bezrtam az ajtt, s mentem a
kacsrn fel, amikor valaki fejbe vgott. 44.
ppen tncolt, amikor kialudtak a villanyok.
45. A legnagyobb rossz, amit el kvettem, az
volt, hogy nem tudtam, mit csinlok. 46.
Nem szvroham volt- mindssze egy gyomorronts. 47. Az emberek nem rtkeltk
t elgg. 48. Nem csrgtt a telefon. 49.
Egyszeren nem vlaszolt. 50. Kim egyltaln nem kedvelte a pszicholgusokat 51.
Nem titkoltam elle az rzseimet. 52. Nem
rkezett meg Jfl eltt. 53. Nem azon a napon kezddtt az lete, amikor veled tallkozott. 54. Intettem egy taxi nak, de az nem
llt meg. 55. Nem jutottam tovbb a bejrati ajtnl. 56. Gyerekkoromban nem volt kutym. 57. Nemmondtam, hogy rtatlan. 58.
Tnyleg ilyen kptelensgeket rt? 59. Szeretted a szleidet, amikor gyerek voltl? 60.
Ltott egy frfit nagy brnddel? 61. Buktl
meg valaha vizsgn dikkorodban? 62. Tudtl enni valamit a vonaton? 63. Volt-e joga
boldognak lenni, ha egyszer B~ian olyan nyilvnvalan nem volt az? 64. Es nem ltl te


time in your third year? 65. Who stole the

tarts? 66. Who washed up yesterday? 67.
What did you do next? 68. What did they
quarrel about? 69. What on earth did she do
here? 70. Where exactly did you put it? 71.
When did you first use a computer? 72.
When did you last go to the dentist? 73.
When did you last laugh? 74. Why did you
send him there? 75. Why did Tom quithis
job? 76. How did they react to that? 77. How
did you know it was one of my favourites?
78. How long ago did you last meet him?

ott egy ideig harmadves korodban? 65. Ki

lopta el a tortkat? 66. Ki mosogatott el tegnap? 67. s azutn mit csinltl? 68. Min veszekedtek? 69. Mi az rdgt csinlt itt? 70.
Pontosan hova tetted? 71. Mikor hasznltl
elszr szmtgpet? 72. Mikor voltl utoljra fogorvosnl? 73. Mikor nevettl utoljra? 74. Mirt kldted oda? 75. Mirt hagyta
ott Tom az llst? 76. Hogyan reagltak erre? 77. Honnan tudtad, hogy az egyik kedvencem? 78. Mennyi ideje, hogy utoljra tallkoztl vele?

1. Did he go home? NOT: Did he vvent hon e?

2. l got married in 1982. NOT: l have got married in 1982.
be: without an auxiliary _

be: segdige nlkl

79. Alice was silent. 80. He was the last to

come. 81. You were my last chance. 82.
When l was here last, she was just a baby.
83. But it was a hint, wasn't it? 84. Was
your wife with you? 85. Weren't you afra id
of sharks? 86. Were they happy together?
87. Who was the previous owner? 88.
When was the last time you kept someone
waiting? 89. Why were the dots there? 90.
How old were you r parents when you were
born? 91. How long ago were you in
Prague? 92. How long were you in Rome?

79. Alice nem szlalt meg. 80. jtt utoljra. 81. Te voltl az utols remnyem. 82.
Amikor utoljra itt voltam, mg kisbaba volt.
83. De ez valami clzs volt, nem? 84. nnel volt a felesge? 85. Nem fltl a cpktl? 86. Boldogok voltak egytt? 87. Ki volt
az elz tulajdonos? 88. Mikor fordult el
utoljra, hogy megvrakoztattl valakit? 89.
Mirt voltak ott a pontok? 90. Mennyi id
sek voltak a szleid, amikor megszlettl?
91. Mi lyen rgen jrtl Prgban? 92.
Mennyi ideig voltl Rmban?

do emphasis

nyomatkosts: do

93. l did shoot someone about ten years

ago. 94. We did object but they took no
notice. 95. He owns, or he did own, a Rolls
Royce. 96. So you did go to meet hm last

tense V: past continuous

(be+ ing)

93. Valban lelttem valakit gy tz ve.

94. Tiltakoztunk bizony, de nem trdtek
vele. 95. Van, vagy legalbbis volt neki egy
Rolls Royce-a. 96. Szval vgl is elmentl, hogy tallkozzl vele tegnap este.



V: folyamatos mlt

q 59: indirect speech q87: passive sentences q128: verbs ll: stative verb uses


1. Her hand was shaking. 2. l wasstanding
between two trees. 3. They were beginning

1. Remegett a keze. 2. Kt fa kztt lltam.

3. Kezdtek nyugtalann vlni. 4. Ht, csak


to get anxious. 4. Weil, l was only guessing.

5. Three young women ali about my age
were sitting there. 6. She was th inking of the
pudding. 7. Someone in town was laoking
for you. 8. Smoke was pouring out of one of
the engines. 9. She was wearing a dark green
dress, and held a thermometer in her hand.
1 O. And there he w as waiting at the end of
platform ni ne. 11. l was talking to her while
you were with Bill in the studio. 12. They
were sitting at a table having coffee with a
woman. 13. Do you think she was actually
eavesdropping? 14. He was paddling on his
surfboard when the shark attacked hm. 15.
l was eating muesli when she came into the
kitchen carrying a shotgun . 16. They were
laughing, but when l went in, they stopped.
17. Geoffrey was not having his New Year's
party in his own fiat. 18. And how do l know
he wasn't lyi n g? 19. l noticed that she wasn't
paying attention. 20. Weil, she wasn't sleeping when l put it back on her d ressing tabi e.
21. I'm sorry. Was l snoring? 22. Was she
still watching TV when you arrived? 23. Who
w as drivi ng when you h it that lorry? 24. What
was l saying? 25. What were you doing there?
26. What were you doing at the time of the
murder? 27. What were james and Ursula
doing when you saw them? 28. Why wasn't
the answering machine working? 29. l was
being stupid. 30. Ted was always drapping
ash on the carpet

114/42-48: tense ll: be + being

tense VI: past perfect

(had+ 3)

tallgattam. 5. Hrom, krlbell velem

egykor, fiatal n lt ott. 6. A pudingra
gondolt. 7. Valaki keresett a vrosbl. 8.
Az egyik motorbl mltt a fst. 9. Sttzld ruha volt rajta, s egy hmrt tartott a kezben . 1 O. s ott vrt , a ki lences vgny vgben. 11. Beszlgettem vele, mikzben a stdiban voltl Billel. 12.
Ott ltek az egyik asztalnl, s egy nvel
kvztak. 13. Gondolod, hogy kifejezetten hallgatzott? 14. ppen fekdt a szrfjn s tempzott, amikor a cpa megtmadta. 15. ppen mzlit ettem, amikor
kezben egy vadszpuskval belpett a
konyhba. 16. Nevetgltek, de amikor belptem, abbahagytk. 17. Geoffrey nem
a sajt laksban tartotta a szilveszteri buli jt. 18. s honnan tudjam, nem hazudott-e ppen? 19. szrevettem, hogy nem
figyel. 20. Ht, amikor visszatettem az ltzasztalra, akkor nem aludt. 21. Elnzst. Horkoltam? 22. Amikor megrkeztetek, mg mindig tvt nzett? 23. Ki vezetett, amikor nekimentek a teherautnak?
24. Mit is mondtam ppen? 25. Mit csinltl ott? 26. n mit csinlt a gyilkossg
idpontjban? 27. Mit csinlt James s
Ursula, amikor szrevetted ket? 28. Mirt nem mkdtt az zenetrgzt? 29.
Hlyn viselkedtem. 30. Ted mindig lehamuzott a sznyegre.

114/49-59: ten se ll: "he is always complaining"



VI: befejezett mlt

Q 59: indirect speech Q62: inversion Q87: passive sentences


1. After l had finished l left. 2. l felt better.
The pains had gone. 3. And Rock knew he
had won. 4. She left as rapidly as she had

1. Miutn vgeztem, elmentem. 2. Jobban reztem magam. Elmltak a fjdalmaim. 3. s Rock tudta, hogy gyztt. 4.


entered. 5. One morning my alarm clock

didn't ring ... l had forgotten to wind it up.
6. Murray was the ch ief reporter, because
he had been th ere longest 7. l had on ly
just repaired the car when it broke down
again. 8. He continued warking after everybody else had left the office. 9. After
two weeks she had improved remarkably.
1 O. By April 1970 Mrs Miriam Hargrave
had failed her driving test thirty-ni ne times.
11. liater discovered that they had videoed
the whole meeting. 12. Brian had known
for more than four months he was going
to be charged with fraud. 13. Where the
bed had been was a large, irregular, dark
brown stain. 14. His teeth weren't feeling
too good either, and he' d broken his ankle
for New Year's Eve. 1S. l had never been
interested in horses unti! my friend began
to take me to horse races. 16. She hadn't
slept for two days and was beginning to
get hungry. 17. Why did they come here?
She hadn't invited them. 18. The clock
wasn't on the mantelpiece. But who had
taken it? 19. Why had they warned her? she wondered.

Ahogy bejtt, ugyanolyan gyorsan tvozott is. 5. Egyik reggel nem csrgtt az
bresztrm ... Elfelejtettem felhzni. 6.
Murray volt a vezet riporter, mert volt
ott legrgebben. 7. pp hogy megjavtottam a kocsit, mire megint lerobbant. 8.
Miutn mr mindenki elment, mg tovbb
dolgozott az irodban. 9. Kt ht utn szreveheten jobb volt. 1 O. 1970 p ri l i sra
Mrs Miriam Hargrave harminckilencedjre is megbukott az autvezeti vizsgn.
11. Ksbb megtudtam, hogy az egsz
megbeszlst videra vettk. 12. Brian
tbb mint ngy hnapja tudta, hogy csalssal fogjk vdolni. 13. Az gy helyn
egy nagy, szablytalan alak, sttbarna
folt ltszott. 14. A fogaival sem volt minden rendben, szilveszterre pedig eltrte
a bokjt. 15. Soha nem rdekeltek a lovak, mg a bartom el nem vitt egyprszor lversenyre. 16. Kt napja nem aludt,
s kezdett meghezni. 17. Mirt jttek
ide? Nem hvta meg ket. 18. Az ra nem
volt a kandallprknyon. De ki vitte el?
19. Vajon mirt figyelmeztettk?- tprengett.

1. l got up, then l had breakfast, then 1... NOT: l had got up, the1 1 l had breakfu~t, then 1. ..
2. It ha ppened many years ago. NOT: It had happe1 1ed many ye ar~ ago.


(had+ 3 + be + ing)
20. Police Constable Robert Cranley had
been patrolling nea r the bank when the alarm
was given. 21. This was what Mary Ann had
been waiting for. 22. We had been waiting
for two hours when they arrived. 23. They
knew l had been follawing them ali the time.
24. l'd been going for 15 minutes when l
realized l was !ost. 25. The air was damp
and stuffy, as though several people had been
sleeping inthere with the windows closed.
26. They questioned me about where l had
been. 27. It hadn't been going on for long
when sudden ly the wind changed. 28. How
long had you been driving when you saw
that... thing? 29. Where had he been hiding
before he was discovered?

20. Robert Cranley kzrendr a bank kzelben jrrztt, amikor megszlalt a riaszt. 21. Erre vrt Mary Ann. 22. Mr kt
rja vrtunk rjuk, amikor megrkeztek.
23. Tudtk, hogy egsz id alatt kvettem
ket. 24. Mr tizent perce mentem, amikor rjttem, hogy eltvedtem. 25. A leveg dohos s porodott volt, mintha csak csukott ablaknl aludtak volna tbben is a szobban. 26. Kikrdeztek, hogy hol voltam.
27. Nem rgta tartott, amikor hirtelen megvltozott a szlirny. 28. Mita vezetett,
amikor megltta azt a ... valamit? 29. Hol
rejtzkdtt, mieltt felfedeztk?

q 128: verbs ll : statve verb uses


there + be, there + verb


62: inversion


there +be,
there + ige szerkezet

76: no good, no point etc. Q 1OS: some, an)'t no, none

1. Thereis a dog in the house. NOT: A dog i5 in the hou5e. 2. Thereis/wasa chair and
two sofas in the room. NOT: There ~uefvvere a ehair and tvvo 5ofa5 in the room.
3. There is/was nothing there. NOT: There isfov85 noth ing.


jelen id ("van msik")


1. Thereis a new girl in ou r class. 2. There's a
fly in your soup. 3. There's an envelope on
the floor. 4. There's a phone booth on the next
corner, isn't there? 5. ln my room, there's only
a bed and two benches along the wall. 6.
There is a message for you at reception. 7.
There's a telephone call for you, Mr Gannath.
8. There's a shorterwaythere across the cemetery. 9. There is such a nice littie dog near
our house l'd like to show you! 10. There's
an average of five emergency ca lis a day. 11.
There's someone at the door. 12. There is i ce
on the lake. 13. There is certainly too much
pepper in this soup. 14. There is only one
true religion. 15. If there's a problem, we'll
solve it together. 16. l am glad there is someone in the world who is quite happy. 17. There
is only one man in my life who has ever made
me happy. 18. There's somethi ng else neither
of you know about. 19. There are twelve English songs on this tape. 20. There are one hundred pence in a pound. 21. Th ere are 424
calori es in 1OOg of cheese. 22. There are some
old newspapers here. 23. Th ere are on ly three
possible alternatives. 24. There are six of us
in a cell. 25. There are some people l wish he
would send to Siberia. 26. There really are
things you have to grow out of. 27. l don't
th ink there's an alternative. 28. There's nothing wrong with me, is there? 29. There is no
need for alarm, sir. 30. There's no reason to
be angry. 31. Thereis no red rose in my garden. 32. There's nothing in the attic. 33.
There's nothing you can do about it. 34. Mst
peoplewill saythere's nothing in horoscopes.
35. There's nothing interesting on at the
Odeon. 36. l hope there isn't a hole in my

1. Van egy j lny az osztlyunkban. 2.

Lgy van a levesedben. 3. Egy bortk van
a padln. 4. Ugye van egy telefonflke a
kvetkez sarkon? 5. A szobmban csak
egy gy van s kt pad a fal mellett. 6. Van
egy zenet nnek a recepcin. 7. Telefonja van, Mr Grannath. 8. Van ott egy rvidebb t a temetn keresztl. 9. Lakik egy
gynyr kiskutya a kzel nkben, akit szeretnk megmutatni neked. 1 O. Naponta tlag t seglykr hvsunk van. 11. Jtt valaki. 12. Jg bortja a tavat. 13. Tl sok borsot tettek ebbe a levesbe. 14. Csak egy igaz
valls van. 15. Ha problma van, megoldjuk egytt. 16. rlk, hogy van valaki a
vilgon, aki tkletesen boldog. 17. Csak
egy ember van az letemben, aki valaha
is boldogg tett. 18. Van mg valami, amirl egyiktk sem tud. 19. Tizenkt angol
dal van ezen a szalagon. 20. Egy font szz
penny. 21. 100 gramm sajtban 424 kalri a van. 22. Van itt nhny rgi jsg. 23.
Csak hrom vlasztsi lehetsg van. 24.
Hatan vagyunk egy cellban . 25. Van nhny ember, akiket szeretnm, ha Sz i briba kldene. 26. Komolyan, vannak dolgok, amikbl ki kell nnd. 27. Azt hiszem,
nincs msik lehetsg. 28. Ugye nincs
semmi baj velem? 29. Nincs ok riadalomra, uram. 30. Nincs mirt haragudni. 31.
Nincs piros rzsa a kertemben. 32. Semmi nincs a padlson. 33. Ezzel nem tudsz
mit csinlni. 34. A legtbb ember azt mondan, hogy a horoszkpoknak nincs semmi jelentsge. 35. Semmi rdekes nem
megy az Odeonban. 36. Remlem, nem
lyukas a harisnym. 37. Legalbb hsz per-


tights. 37. There isn't another tra in for at least

twenty minutes. 38. l don't go to the cinema
a lot, there just isn't time. 39. There isn't any
food in the house. 40. There are no guards at
the gate at night. 41. There are no alligators
in New York sewers. 42. Th ere aren't any
holidays in February, are there? 43. There
aren't even any traffic lights there. 44. ls there
a lift? 45. ls there at least one person in the
world who real ly loves you? 46. ls there anything interesting in the post, Sue? 47. ls there
anything the matter? 48. ls there anything you
would like to say to me beforel begin reading the newspaper? 49. lsn't there anyone we
could telephone? 50. Are there any l ions or
tigers in the Safari Park? 51. Are there any
other people in Jhe garden_ besides me? 52.
There's a train coming now. 53. There is a
taxi waiting just round the corner. 54. ls there
someone waiting for you back home? 55. ls
th ere anybody watc h ing us? 56. W e h aven' t been
informed about there being a demonstration, sir. 57.
There's so much to learn! 58. There's nothing
in the house to steal. 59. There's not much to
do in a cell, you know. 60. l don't want to go
back, but what else is the re to do? 61. He knows
everything there is to know about the Far East.
62. What else is there to know? 63. There's
some more work to be done. 64. We want
there to be a showroom on the ground floor.

cig nincs msik vonat. 38. Nem jrok sokat moziba, egyszeren nincs r i d. 39.
Nincs itthon semmi ennival. 40. jjel nincsenek rk a kapunl. 41. A New York-i
csatornahlzatban nincsenek ali igtorok.
42. Februrban nincs semmilyen nnep,
ugye? 43. Mg kztekedsi lmpa sincs ott
44. Van lift? 45. Van legalbb egyvalaki a
vilgon, aki tnyleg szeret tged? 46. Sue,
van valami rdekes a postban? 47. Van
valami baj? 48. Akarsz mg valam it mondani, mieltt elkezdek jsgot olvasn i? 49.
Nincs senki, akit felhvhatnnk? 50. Vannak oroszlnok, vagy tigrisek a Sa fari Parkban? 51. Vannak mg msok a kertben raj tam kvl? 52. Most jn egy vonat. 53. Egy
taxi vr a sarkon. 54. Vr rd valaki otthon? 55. Figyel bennnket valaki ? 56. em
tjkoztattak bennnket arrl, hogy tntets zajlik, uram. 57. Olyan sok tanu lnival van! 58. Nincs semmi a hzban, am it el
lehetne lopni . 59. Tudja, nem sokm indent
lehet csinlni egy cellban. 60. Nem akarok visszamenni, de mi mst lehet cs inlni? 61. Mindent tud, amit tudni lehet a Tvol-Keletrl. 62. Mit kell mg tud ni? 63.
Van mg egy kis munka, amit meg kell csinlni. 64. Azt akarjuk, hogy legyen egy bemutatterem a fldszinten.


simple tenses: past

65. There was a soft tapping on the window. 66. There was an empty bottie and
two boxes of cigars on the shelf. 67. There
was a complete traffic jam. 68. There wasa
strange stillness. 69. There was a sense of
relief in his eyes. 70. There wasa time when
we might have married. 71. There was slow
progressat first. 72. The two men's eyes met,
and for a moment there was silence. 73.
There were too many possible explanations.
74. There were doors ali round the hall, but
they w ere ali locked. 75. There were several nuns there, weren't there? 76~ There
w ere more than 30 of them in that cave.
77. l didn't feel there was an alternative.
78. l really didn't think there was anyone
there. 79. There w as no one behind him.



(11 olt nrici"'..-1

65. Val aki halkan bezrgetett az abla

66. Egy res veg s kt doboz sz i a o lt
a polcon. 67. Teljesen bedugul a forgalom. 68. Furcsa csend volt. 69. Te in"-e ben megknnyebbl s t krz dtt. 70.
Volt id, amikor majdnem ssze zasodtunk. 71. Elszr lassan haladtunk. 72. A
kt frfi tekintete tal lkozott, s egy pillanatig csend volt. 73. Tl so lehetsges
magyarzat volt. 74. Krben a teremben
mindenhol ajtk vol tak, de mindegyik zrva volt. 75. Tbb apca is olt ott, ugye?
76. Tbb mint harmincan voltak abban
a barlangban. 77 . gy rezte m, hogy
nincs ms l ehetsg . 78. Tny leg nem
gondoltam, hogy van ott va laki. 79. Senki nem volt mgtte. 80. Nem tudott mst

80. There was nothing else he could do,

was there? 81. There was really no reason
at ali why she should not go there. 82. There
wasn't a cloud in the sky. 83. There wasn' t
a soul on the beach. 84. He was furious
but he knew there wasn't anything he could
do. 85. It was only about nine thirty, but
th ere were no people in the street. 86. There
weren't any questions after his lecture. 87.
Was there an interpreter to help you out?
88. Was there blood on his shirt? 89. Was
there any water in the receptacle? 90. Was
there anything else we had to discuss? 91.
Were there any books on shipmaking? 92.
There was always something happening.
93. There was a dog running across the
street. 94. Th ere was nowhere to sit. 95.
There was a problem to be solved.

tenni, nem igaz? 81. Egyltaln semmi ok

nem volt arra, hogy ne menjen oda. 82.
Egyetlen felh sem volt az gen. 83. Egy
llek sem volt a strandon. 84. Rettenetesen dhs volt, de tudta, hogy semmit
sem tehet. 85. Mg csak fl tzre jrt az
id, de nem voltak emberek az utcn. 86.
Nem voltak krdsek az eladsa utn.
87. Volt tolmcs, aki kisegtsen? 88. V. res volt az inge? 89. Volt vz a tartlyban?
90. Volt mg valami, amit meg kellett beszlnnk? 91. Voltak hajptsrl szl
knyvek? 92. Valami mindig trtnt. 93.
Egykutya futott t az ton. 94. Nem volt
hova lelni. 95. Volt egy megoldsra vr




96. There have been two accidents here this

week. 97. I'm sorry, but there have been
unforeseen problems. 98. There has been a
new programme on sincelast week, hasn't
there? 99. There have been more convictions
for robbery th an murder and tax evasion together. 100. There haven't been any reactions to my comments, have there? 1 01.
There have been several reporters waiting
for you ou~side, so what should l say, then?
102. But there have only been a few to protest. 103. l knew there had been several compiaints the week before, but l just didn't care.

96. Ezen a hten kt baleset trtnt itt. 97.

Sajnlom, de elre nem lthat problmk
addtak. 98. Ugye a mlt ht ta j program megy? 99. Rablsi gyekben tbb tlet szletett, mint gyilkossgi s adcsalsi
gyekben egyttvve. 100. Ugye senki nem
reaglt a megjegyzseimre? 101 . Tbb riporter is vrakozik odakint, gyhogy mit
mondjak? 102. De ht, eddig csak egypran tiltakoztak. 103. Tudtam, hogy az elz hten tbb panasz rkezett, de egyszeren nem rdekelt.



104. Th ere wi ll be a boat ra ce tomorrow.
105. There will be prizes for everyone,
won't there? 106. There wi ll be fog tomorrow. 107. There will be no extra charges.
108. Th ere' ll be no more tri ps. 109. There
won't be any major mistakes. 11 O. Wi ll
the re be any snow left by Saturday? 11 i.
There're going to be some problems before
soon. 112. There was going to be a banquet but they decided to put that off, too.

104. Holnap evezsverseny lesz. 105.

Ugye mindenki kap valami djat? 106. Holnap kd lesz. 107. Nem lesznek plusz kiadsok. 1 08. Nem lesz tbb utazs. 109.
Nem lesz semmi komolyabb hiba. 110.
Marad h szombatra? 111. Nemsokra
problmk lesznek. 112. gy volt, hogy
lesz egy bankett, de gy dntttek, hogy
azt is elhalasztjk.





113. There can't be much doubt about

who's his favourite. 114. There may be another one in my pocket. 115. There might
be some perfectly innocent explanation.
116. What kind of life might be there on
Mars? 117. There must be at least six different answers. 118. There must be a peephole sornewhere in the walls. 119. ln forty
years there must have been women in his
life. 120. There should be a 50 km speed
limit on ali roads. 121. There wouldn't be
more lay-offs if you accepted my proposal,
would there? 122. l would be surprised if
there weren't any mistakes in it. 123. There
used to be only one cinema in this town.

113. Nem lehet nagyon ktsges, ki a kedvence. 114. Lehet, hogy van mg egy a zsebemben. 115. Lehet r valami tkletesen
rtalmatlan magyarzat. 116. Mifle let lehet a Marson? 117. Legalbb hat klnbz vlasz kell hogy legyen. 118. Kell hogy
legyen egy kmlelnyls valamelyik falban.
119. Negyven v alatt kellett, hogy legyenek nk az letben. 120. Az utakon mindenhol 50 km-es sebessgkorltozst kellene bevezetni. 121. Akkor sem lenne tbb
elbocsts, ha elfogadnk a javaslatomat,
nem igaz? 122. Meg lennk lepve, ha nem
lennnek benne hibk. 123. Rgen csak egy
mozi volt ebben a vrosban.



124. Th ere w as a banquet hel d to ce lebrate
the company's 50th anniversary. 125. There
were no footsteps to be seen. 126. There
was not a moment to be lost. 127. Single
items have disappeared before, but now,
there has been a bag stolen from under the
manager's nose.

124. Bankettet tartottak a cg fennllsnak tvenves vforduljnak tiszteletre.

125. Nem ltszottak lbnyomok. 126. Egy
perc vesztenival id sem volt. 127. Egyegy ttel eltnt mr korbban is, de most
egy egsz zskot loptak el az z letvezet
orra ell.


128. ln Eastern Europe there exist several
species of animals which West Europeans
have never seen in the wild. 129. There
seems to be no chance of him getting another job. 130. There seemed no time to
lose. 131 . Weil, there doesn't seem to be
any hot water in my room. 132. There
seem to have been several chances we
missed there. 133. Unfortunately, because
the Carnival procession went in the wrong
direction, there appears to have been traffic chaos in the city centre this evening.
134. And there followed a big Hollywoodstyle show, starring the l ikes of Bob Dylan,
Kenny Rogers, Aretha Franklin and many
others. 135. There remains nothing more
to be done. 136. There once lived a king
and a queen.

128. Kelet-Eurpban tbb olyan llatfajta

l, amelyet a nyugat-eurpai emberek sosem lttak mg termszetes krnyezetkben. 129. gy tnik, nincs esly arra, hogy
msik llst talljon. 130. gy tnt, nincs
vesztenival id. 131. Szval, gy tnik,
egyltaln nincs meleg vz a szobmban.
132. gy tnik, itt tbb alkalmat is elszalasztottunk. 133. Mivel a karnevli menet
rossz irnyt vlasztott, sajnos gy tnik, ma
este kaotikuss vlt a belvros kzlekedse. 134. Aztn egy nagy, hollywoodi stlus show kvetkezett, olyan sztrokkal, mint
Bob Dylan, Kenny Rogers, Aretha Franklin
s mg sokan msok. 135. Mr nincs mit
tenni. 136. lt egyszer egy kirly s egy kirlyn.

q99: semi-auxiliaries


think so, think not


gy gondolom,
nem gondolom

substitution: so



1. "Weil, doctor, do you think it is food 1. "Nos, doktor r, gondolja, hogy telmr, 7" - "A tto'l tarto k , .1gen.
. " 2 . " B'1ztos
poisoning?"- "Yes, I'm afraid so." 2. "Are gezes.
you sure that's what they' re doing?"- "I'm vagy benne, hogy ezt csinljk?" - "Attl
afra id so." 3. "Would this afternoon be con- tartok." 3. "A ma dlutn megfelelne?" venient?" - "No, I'm afraid not." 4. "Can "Sajnos, nem." 4. "Elmondhatod nekem?"
you tell me?" - "I'm afraid not."
-"Sajnos azt hiszem, nem."

5. "ls that true?" - "l believe so." 6. "Will

that solve the problem?" - "l don't believe

so, but it may help a little." 7. "Have they
returned, do you think?"- "I believe not. But,
then, they may be delayed by the storm."

5 . " Ez 1gaz.

- "A z t h'1szem, .1gen." 6 . "Ez

megoldja a problmt?" - "Nem hiszem,
de segthet valamennyit." 7. Mit gondol,
visszartek mr?"- "Ugy vlem, nem. Persze lehet, hogy a vihar miatt ksnek."

8. "Weil, have you enjoyed your day?" "Oh, l expect so." 9. "Have you got any
strawberries?" - "l expect so." 1O. "You'll

8. "No, lvezted a mai napot?" -", azt

" 9 . "V an epre.7" - "Az t h'l.
meg h1szem.
szem." 1O. )dn leteszed a Cambridge

be taking the Cambridge Certificate this

year, won't you?"- "No, l don't expect so."
11. "You believe we can dispatch the invitations today?" - "r expect not."

Certificate vizsgt, nem?"- "Nem, nem hiszem." 11. "Gondolja, hogy ma ki tudjuk
kldeni a meghvkat?"- "Ugy gondolom,

12. "Can you send it today?"- "l hope so."
13. "Can they come tomorrow?" - "l hope
so." 14. The colonel said he hoped so. 15.

"Will the game be postponed?" -"l hope

not." 16. "Are the tickets going to be expensive?"- "l hope not."

12. "Ma el tudod kldeni?" - "Remlem,

" 13. " El tu d nak JOnnl
. .. . ho lnap.7" -" Re1gen.
mlem." 14. Az ezredes azt mondta, hogy
remli. 15. "Eihalasztjk a mrkzst?" 11 Remlem, nem." 16. "Drgk lesznek a je-

gyek?" - "Remlem, nem."

17. "It seems as though she's taken some of
my books away."- "Yes, it seems so." 18.

17. "gy tnik, mintha elvitte volna nhny

knyvemet."- )gen, gy nz ki." 18. "Azt

"l thi nk they're beginning to move out.""So it seems." 19. "It seems we can't win
them over."- "It seems not."

hiszem, elkezdtek kikltzni." -"Tnyleg

gy tnik." 19. "gy nz ki, nem tudjuk
megnyerni ket."- )gen, gy tnik."


20. "Couldn't you ask her to let you come?"
- "l suppose so. But l don't real ly want to."
21 . "We could get a radio telephone." - " l
suppose so, but it might be the beginning
of the end." 22. "Will wehave a chance to
look at any paintings?" - " l don't suppose
so." 23. "But we can't really save on electricity, can we?" - "No, l suppose not."

20. "Nem tudnd megkrni, hogy engedjen

el?" - " De azt hiszem, igen. Csak nem igazn
akarom." 21. " Szerezhetnnk egy rditelefont." - " Azt hiszem, igen, de taln az lenne
szmunkra a vg kezdete." 22. " Lesz alkalmunk megnzni nhny festmnyt?"-" Nem
hiszem." 23. " De az ramon nem nagyon tudunk sprol ni, igaz?" - "Nem, nem hiszem."

24. I'm sorry you th ink so. 25. Do you th ink
so too? 26. "ls everything ali right?" - "Yes,
l th ink so." 27. "Were you happy w ith that
Mike of yours?" "l always thought so." 28.
"So you th ink he'll be ready to help me?" " Oh, l should think so, yes." 29. "Will it
take long?"- " No, l don't th ink so." 30. " ls
it anything serious, doctor?"- " No, l don't
think so." 31. "What about a drum set?" "l don't th ink so." 32. "Will we get there on
time?" - "I think nor.:

24. Sajnlom, hogy gy gondolod. 25. Te is

gy gondolod? 26. " Minden rendben?" - "Azt
hiszem, igen." 27. " Boldog voltl azzal a te
M ike-oddal?" - "Mindig gy gondoltam, hogy
igen." 28. " Szval gondolod, hogy szvesen
segt majd nekem?" - " Igen, azt hiszem, per. &1og tartani. .," - " Nem, nem
sze. " 29 " So k'a1g
hiszem." 30. "Valami komoly, doktor r?" " Nem, nem hiszem." 31. "Mit szlnl egy
dobfelszerelshez?" - " Nem, nem hiszem."
32. "0darnk idben?" -"Azt hiszem, nem."

l think you are right. NOT: l th ink ~o (thet) you' re right.

this, that


ez, az, ilyen, olyan, gy

c:::> 30: comparison c:::>48: focus and emphasis c:::>63: it as subject/object c:::>64: kind o~ sort o~ type of
c:::> 67: li ke c:::>88/14-19, 52-56: it c:::>91/57-74: no prepositi on c:::> l 03 : so c:::> ll O: such c> 137: way


1. This is my wife Martina and his brother
Cl i ve Barrel l. 2. "This is the l ast one," l said.
3. "What's this for?" - " lt's for cooking vegetables." 4. Ah, does this happen to you often,
young man? 5. What day is this? 6. Was
this before or after? 7. Do try some of this
delicious cheese. 8. Look at this map. 9. If
this exercise hurts your back do not do it.
10. This state of affairs puts the company in
a dangerous position. 11. ln recent years
both critics and general public have
recognised this composer's unique abil ities.
12. Becky hinted this and that l ast time she
came. 13. Are these his? 14. Are these you r
coat and hat? 15. l am to translate these

1. 6 a felesgem, Martina s a btyja, Clive

Barrel l. 2. Ez az utols- mondtam. 3. "Mire
val ez?" - "Zldsget lehet benne fzni. "
4. s gyakran trtnik meg ez magval, fiatalember? 5. Milyen nap van ma? 6. Ez eltte vagy utna trtnt? 7. Kstold meg ezt a
pomps sajtot! 8. Nzd ezt a trkpet! 9. Ha
ettl a gyakorlattl fj a hta, ne csinlja.
10. A helyzet ilyetn llsa veszlyes helyzetbe hozza vllalatun kat. 11. Az elmlt vek
sorn mind a kritikusok, mind a kzvlemny
elismerte a zeneszerz kivteles tehetsgt.
12. Becky emltett ezt-azt, mikor legutbb
itt volt. 13. Ezek az vi? 14. Ez az n kabtja s kalapja? 15. Le kell fordtanom ezt az


tven oldalt htfre. 16. Mennyibe kerlnek

ezek a szendvicsek? 17. Ngyrnknt kellene bevenni ezeket a tablettkat. 18. Az a
feladatunk, hogy rtsk ezeket a dolgokat.
19. Manapsg tolernsabbak az emberek.

fifty pages by Monday. 16. How much are

these sandwiches? 17. You should take
these pilis every four hours. 18. lt's our job
to understand these things. 19. People are
more tolerant these days.



20. Who's that? 21. Now, that's my wi fe there

in the front row you see. 22. This is higher
than that. 23. That's the judge. 24. That car
isn't worth f3,000! 25. Ask that policeman
over th ere the way. 26. They spent the who le
of that year in the mountains. 27. Check if
there's any in that bottle. 28. Excuse me, is
that your dog? 29. That's a good question.
30. But that did not real ly surprise me much.
31. l was thinking you might help me with
that. 32. What does that su ggest to you? 33.
You don't really believe that, do you? 34.
That's a strange thing to say. 35. That is so.
36. Are you sure about that? 37. l dohope
you can answer that question. 38. l want
those as weil. 39. There's nothing in those
drawers. 40. ln those days l was used to getting up early. 41. Molly was one of those
girls who only seem to attract married men.

20. Ki az? 21. Na, az az n felesgem, ott az

els sorban, ltod? 22. Ez magasabb, mint
az. 23. Az a br. 24. Az az aut nem r 3
ezer fontot. 25. Krdezd meg ott attl a rendrtl az utat. 26. Azt az egsz vet a hegyekben tltttk. 27. Nzd meg, van-e mg abban az vegben. 28. Elnzst, n ez a kutya? 29. Ez egy j krds. 30. De ez nem
lepett meg nagyon. 31. Gondoltam, taln segthetnl ebben. 32. Mi jut neked errl az
eszedbe? 33. Ugyeezt nem hiszed komolyan?
34. Furcsa dolog ezt mondani. 35. Ez gy van.
36. Biztos vagy benne? 37. szintn remlem, meg tudod vlaszolni ezt a krdst. 38.
Azokat is akarom. 39. Nincs semmi azokban
a fikokban. 40. Akkoriban hozz voltam
szokva a korai felkelshez. 41. Molly azok
kz a lnyok kz tartozott, akikhez mintha
csak a ns frfiak vonzdnnak.


42. It wasn't this hot last week. 43. Stanley
isn't that rich. 44. l didn't expect to meet
this much opposition. 45. Contrary to popul ar belief, an MP's salary is not that wanderfui and the hours are frankly injurious
to health! 46. l make a lot of money, but
I' m not ali that happy.

42. Mlt hten nem volt ilyen meleg. 43.

Stanley nem olyan gazdag. 44. Nem szmtottam ekkora ellenllsra. 45. A kzhiedelemmel ellenttben a parlamenti kpviselk fizetse nem is olyan fantasztikusan
j, a munkaid pedig kifejezetten rtalmas
az egszsgre. 46.-Sok pnzt keresek, de
egyltaln nem vagyok olyan boldog.



47. You can't compromise with things like
this. 48. You weren't like thisaminute ago.
49. l've neversaid things like this to anyone
before. 50. One simply can't do things like
that. 51. It'd be stupid to withhold information like that. 52. Grown-ups are like that. ..
53. He's never been as late as this without
telephon ing. 54. But it isn't as simple as that.
55. l don't th ink it will cost as much as that.

47. Ilyesmivel nem lehet kibklni . 48. Egy

perce mg nem voltl ilyen. 49. Mg soha
senkinek nemmondtam ilyet. 50. Az ember
egyszeren nem tehet ilyet. 51. Butasg lenne ilyen informcit visszatartani. 52. Ilyenek a felnttek .. . 53. Mg soha nem ksett
ilyen sokat anlkl, hogy telefonlt volna.
54. De ez nem ilyen egyszer. 55. Nem hiszem, hogy olyan sokba fog kerlni.


56. It looked like this. 57. You shouldn't
have behaved like that. 58. Do it like this.
59. You can't treat me like this. 60. l don't
want to die like that.

56. gy nzett ki. 57. Nem lett volna szabad gy viselkedned. 58. gy csinld! 59.
Nem bnhatsz gy velem. 60. Nem akarok
gy meghalni.


61. If you puli it this way you won't brake
the handle. 62. l only wish you didn't see
me this way. 63. Don't you talk that way
about my daughter. 64. l can see it might
look that way. 65. Stop nagging me about
it, will you? l like it that way. 66. That is
exactly the way l wanted it.

time to go, time we went

~61 :

-ing form

61. Ha gy hzod, nem fog letrni a fogantyja. 62. Brcsak ne ltnl gy! 63. Maga
csak ne beszljen gy a lnyomrl! 64. Beltom, hogy valban ez lehet a ltszat. 65.
Ne nyaggass mr miatta, j? Nekem gy tetszik. 66. Pontosan gy akartam.


~ 126: verbless clauses ~ 131 : verbs V:

"ideje elindulni"
see sy. come/coming

1. lt's time we went home. 2. lt's high time
you saw a doctor. 3. lt's time the children
went to bed. 4. lsn't it time you were in
bed? 5. lt's time you began to take me seriously. 6. l just feel it's time l saw a littie
more of the world. 7. lt's about time you
cleaned up you r room. 8. lt's about time he
did his own work. I'm not his slave, you
know. 9. lt's time we had a talk, you and l.
1O. lt's time we had a bit of fu n around
here.11. lsn't it time you stopped fooling
around and started working?

12. It really is time to go. 13. lt's time to
light the fire. 14. lsn't it time to get tagether
and ta lk it over? 15. It was time to get ba ck
to the car. 16. That's why l th ink it may be
time to start back. 17. It was time for me
to go to the doctor. 18. We agreed it was
time for her to finda nother job, in another

1. Ideje hazamennnk. 2. Legfbb ideje,

hogy elmenj az orvoshoz. 3. Ideje, hogy a
gyerekek lefekdjenek. 4. Nem lenne ideje
lefekd ntk? 5. Ideje, hogy vgre komolyan
vegyl. 6. Csak gy rzem, ideje, hogy egy
kicsit tbbet lssak a vilgbl. 7. Taln ideje, hogy kitakartsd a szobdat. 8. Most mr
ideje, hogy elvgezze a sajt munkjt. Nem
vagyok a rabszolgja, rted. 9. Ideje, hogy
leljnk beszlgetni, te meg n. 1O. Ideje,
hogy egy kicsit jl rezzk magunkat itt. 11.
Nem gondolod, hogy ideje abbahagynod a
hlyskedst, s elkezdeni dolgozni?
12. Tnyleg ideje, hogy el induljunk. 13.1deje meggyjtani a tzet. 14. Nem gondolod,
hogy ideje sszejnn nk, hogy megbeszljk? 15. Ideje volt visszamenni a kocsi hoz.
16. Ezrt gondolom, hogy taln ideje visszaindulni. 17. Ideje volt, hogy elmenjek az
orvoshoz. 18. Egyetrtnk abban, hogy ideje, hogy msik lls utn nzzen, egymsik vrosban.




hacsak nem

31 : conditional sentences

Don't go unless they invite you. NOT: Don't go un le~~ they don't inv ite you.


1. Don't hitch-hike unless you really have

to. 2. Do not take it out unless l ask you to.
3. We can't do our job unless we get more
information. 4. You can't come with me
unless you promise to keep quiet. 5. Unless there are circumstances beyond our
control, we can guarantee despatch within
15 days. 6. Unless l wake up too late, l always read The Times in bed. 7. Most people
don't feel they're eating a proper meal unless what they are eating contains meat. 8.
Unless it rains, we'll play tennis tomorrow.
9. Unless it rains in the next few days, we' ll
have a poor harvest. 1 O. Unless we leave
soon, we'll miss the bus. 11. We won't get
home unless it stops snowing. 12. l won't
sign the contract unless they promise me
more money. 13. l expect you will find it
tedious here unless you like walking or
riding. 14. Drop me at the corner, will you?
Unless you'd like to come too? 15. l
wouldn't have reported it unless l was certain about it.

up, down, in, out

Q lS:

1. Csak akkor stoppolj, ha tnyleg muszj. 2.

Csak akkor vedd el, ha megkrlek. 3. Csak
akkortudjuk elvgezni a munknkat, ha tbb
informcihoz jutunk. 4. Csak akkor jhetsz
velem, ha meggred, hogy csndben maradsz. 5. Hacsak nem merlnek fel ltalunk
befolysolhatatlan krlmnyek, 15 napon
belli szlltst tudunk garantlni. 6. Hacsak
nem bredek tl ksn, mindig az gyban olvasom el a Timest. 7. A legtbben csak akkor
rzik, hogy rendes mennyisgetettek, ha amit
fogyasztanak, hst is tartalmaz. 8. Hacsak nem
esik, holnap teniszeznk. 9. Hacsak nem jn
es a kvetkez napokban, gyenge termsnk
lesz. 1O. Ha nem indulunk el hamarosan, le
fogjuk ksni a buszt. 11. Csak akkor jutunk
haza, ha elll a h. 12. Nem rom al a szerzdst, csak ha tbb pnzt grnek. 13. Azt
hiszem, unalmasnak fogja tallni itt, hacsak
nem szeret stlni vagy lovagolni. 14. Tegyl
ki a saroknl, j? Hacsak nem akarsz jnni te
is. 15. Nem jelentettem volna, ha nem lettem
volna biztos benne.


fel, fent, le, lent,

be, bent, ki, kint

at, in, on (place) Q91 : prepositions and adverb particles


1. Mandy looked up butwenton eating. 2.
Puli you r trousers up immediately. 3. Please
register before going up to your room. 4. He
turned up the collar of his trench coat and
began to walk slowly, reluctantly down towards St Martin's Lane. 5. l held the walking
stick up and felt for the light switch. 6. Please
could you send two vodkasup to room 303?

1. Mandy felnzett, de folytatta az evst. 2.

Azonnal hzd fel a nadrgodat! 3. Krjk,
jelentkezzen be, mieltt felmenne a szobjba. 4. Felhajtotta a kabtja gallrjt s lassan, kelletlenl elindult a St. Martin's Lane
fel. 5. Feltartottam a staplct s a villanykapcsol utn matattam. 6. Krem, kldjn
fel a 303-as szobba kt vodkt. 7. Br Jake


7. Although Jake had climbed quite high up,

he couldn't see very far. 8. We' ll have to
eli mb the stairs up to the sixth. 9. His mother
was run n ing up and down the stairs most of
the time. 1O. Pick that shirt up off the floor
and put it on the table before somebody
stands on it. 11. A powerful water-spout lifted the ship up into the air li ke a toy. 12. How
far up shall l climb? 13. Jack felt something
crawl up his arm. 14. You wa lk up the path,
if you li ke. I'm climbing.

igen magasra mszott, mgse ltott messzire. 8. Lpcsn kell felmsznunk a hatodikig.
9. Az anyja fel-le rohanglt a lpcsn az id
legnagyobb rszben. 1 O. Vedd fel azt az inget a fldrl s tedd az asztalra, m ieltt mg
valaki rlp. 11. Egy hatalmas vzoszlop,
mint egy jtkszert kapta fel a levegbe a
hajt. 12. Milyen magasra msszak? 13. Jack
rezte, hogy valami mszik fel a karjn. 14.
Stlj fel az svnyen, ha ahhoz van kedved. n felmszom.

15. He is up the tree. 16. What's he doing up
that ladder? 17. l was up on the seventh floor
the who le of the time. l8. Weil, l was up on
the roof ali day yesterday, you know. 19. We
spent ali the summer in that littie cottage up
there. 20. ls there something up there?

15. Fenn van a fn. 16. Mit csinl azon a

ltrn? 17. Egsz id alatt fenn voltam a hetedik emeleten. 18. Ht, tudod, tegnap
egsz nap fenn voltam a tetn . 19. Az egsz
nyarat odafenn tltttk, abban a kis hzikban . 20. Van fenn valami?


fenn az emeleten

21. The radio upstairs was playing a curious piece of jazz. 22. The bathroom is up-
stairs. 23. If Carla comes, tell her I'm upstairs. 24. He followed his neighbour upstairs. 25. She went upstairs cursing and

21. A rdi odafenn valami klns dzsesszszmot jtszott. 22. A frdszoba fenn van
az emeleten. 23. Ha jn Carla, mondd meg
neki, hogy odafenn vagyok. 24. Kvette a
szomszdjt az emeletre. 25. Morogva s
kromkodva felment az emeletre.


26. Try puliing the cover upward. 27. With
a helpless laugh Harold looked upwards
toward heaven. 28. Put you r handsin your
lap, one on top of the other with the palms

26. Prbld meg gy, hogy felfel hzod a

fedelet. 27. Harold tehetetlenl fel nevetett,
s az g fel fordtotta a tekintett 28. Tegyk a kezket az lkbe, egyiket a msikra, felfel fordtott tenyrrel.


29. Down with gravity! 30. Come and sit
down. 31. He sat down beside her on the
bed. 32. He looked down at his speedometer. 33. It hurts when l bend down. 34. We
couldn't go down, so we had to go up to
the roof. 35. Put it down slowly. 36. He said
he was going straight down to have breakfast. 37. You dropped down from the sky?
38. He fell down the stairs. 39. Down the
h ill rolls the ball.

29. Le a gravitcival! 30. Gyere, ljl le!

31. Lelt mell az gyra. 32. Lenzett a sebessgmrre. 33. Fj, amikor lehajolok.
34. Nem tudtunk lemenni, gyhogy fel kellett mennnk a tetre. 35. Lassan tegyed
le. 36. Azt mondta, hogy egyenesen lemegy
reggelizni. 37. Az gbl pottyantl ide? 38.
Leesett a lpcsn . 39. Gurul a labda le a
hegyrl .


40. Ali the blinds are down and nobody
answers the phone. 41. l wish you were
down here with me. 42. Can you see which
is yours from down there?

40. A rolk le vannak hzva, s senki sem

veszi fel a telefont. 41. Brcsak itt volnl
lenn velem! 42. Ltod onnan lentrl , hogy
melyik a tied?


lent a fldszinten

43. There was more smoke downstairs. 44.

He wen t downstairs to see if Dr Benti ey w as
ali right. 45. Would you bring me my mackintosh when you come downstairs? 46.
"David!" called his father from downstairs.

43. Odalenn mg nagyobb volt a fst. 44.

Lement megnzni, hogy Dr Bentley jl vane. 45. Magaddal hoznd az eskabtomat,
amikor jssz le? 46. David! - kiltotta az
apja odalentrL



47. We'd better start at the top and then

move downwards. 48. We were ali lying
face downward on the ground. 49. Sliding
back downwards she could see her companions throw a piece of rope after her.

47. Jobb, ha a tetejn kezdjk, s gy haladunk lefel. 48. Arccal a fldnek fekdtnk.
49. Ahogy csszott vissza lefel, ltta, hogy
a trsai egy ktelet dobnak utna.


50. What's in it? 51. Was there any water in
it? 52. My jacket has a secret pocket in it.
53. No, Mr Jones is not in. Can l take a message? 54. lt's too warm in here. 55. Don't
stay in here on you r own. Come and j o in us.
56. Why is it so dark in here? 57. l felt hot
though it was cold in there. 58. There must
have been 500 of us in there. 59. You' re not
going to pass out in there, are you?

50. Mi van benne? 51. Volt benne vz? 52.

A zakmnak van egy titkos zsebe. 53. Nem,
Mr Jones nincs benn. Kvn zenetet hagyni neki? 54. Tl meleg van itt benn. 55. Ne
maradj itt benn egyedl. Gyere velnk. 56.
Mirt van itt ilyen stt? 57. Melegem volt,
pedig hideg volt odabenn. 58. gy tszzan lehettnk ott bent. 59. Ugye nem fogsz
ott bent eljulni?


60. It was hot and humid inside the tent.
61. lnside the house it was always warm.
62. Just let megetinside wi th my shopping,
will you? 63. Are we allawed to go inside?

60. Bell a storban meleg s nyirkos volt

a leveg. 61. Bent a hzban mindig meleg
volt. 62. Engedj csak be a szatyrommal, j?
63. Szabad bemennnk?


64. The door opened and a tali, thin man
with large, serious eyes walked in. 65. Hurry
up! Someone may come in. 66.1 th ink we'd
better let h im in. 67. l followed her but she
had loeked herself in. 68. Do you mind very
much if l bring my dog in here? 69. I'm sorry,
sir, you can't go in there. 70. We can't just

64. Kinylt az ajt, s belpett egy nagy

szem, komoly tekintet, magas, vkony
frfi. 65. Siess! Bejhet valaki. 66. Azt hiszem, jobban tennnk, ha beengednnk.
67. Utna mentem, de magra zrta az ajtt. 68. Nagyon zavarn, ha behoznm ide
a kutymat? 69. Sajnlom, uram, oda nem


walkinthere without permission. 71. How

much milk do you want in it? 72. He walked
into the bathroom rapidly. 73. It is over
twenty-five years since man's first flight into
space. 74. Jump in, 1'11 give you a lift into
town. 75. l can't get into my old swimsuit
any more. 76. He forced himself to look
into her eyes again. 77. They pushed the
boat farther into the water. 78. Help me get
it into this bag. 79. We got undressed and
into bed.

mehet be. 70. Nem mehetnk be csak gy

engedly nlkl. 71. Mennyi tejet krsz bele? 72. Besietett a frdszobba . 73. Tbb
mint huszont v telt el az ember els r
replse ta. 74. Ugorj be, beviszlek a vrosba . 75. Mr nem frek bele a rgi frdruhmba. 76. Knyszertette magt,
hogy jbl a szembe nzzen . 77. Beljebb
lktk a csnakat a vzen. 78. Segts belerakni ebbe a tskba. 79. Levetkztnk s
gyba bjtunk.



80. Are either of the ki ds out wi th Marian ne?

81. Don't leave it out in the rain this time.
82. How do you li ke li~Ving outtherein the
woods? 83. Oh, you needn't have waited
out there. 84. l haven't been out ali day.
85. If anybody comes, tellthem I'm out.

80. Kinn van valamelyik gyerek Mariannenal? 81. Ezttal ne hagyd kinn az esben .
82. Hogy tetszik az let odakinn az erd
ben? 83. , nem kellett volna odakinn vrakoznia. 84. Egsz nap nem voltam kinn. 85.
Ha brki keres, mondd, hogy elmentem.

kinn, kvl


86. Odakinn vr az aut. 87. Ne beszljnk, amg ki nem rnk. 88. Odakinn Tom
s Sue drmbltek, hogy engedjk be
ket. 89. Valami idita idellt az autjval a garzsajtm el. 90. A babakocsikat
tessk a bolt bejratnl hagyn i. 91. A vroson kvl, egy keresztezdsnl kell,
hogy vrjanak rnk. 92. Az ajt eltt llt.
93. Eurpn kvl is sok orszgban van mr

86. The car is waiting outside. 87. Don't

let's talk until we are outside. 88. Outside
Tom and Sue were banging on the door
demanding to be let in. 89. Some idiot
parked his car outside my garage. 90. Prams
must be left outside the shop. 91. We're
supposed tobemet at a crossroads outside
town. 92. She stood outside the door. 93.
Wehave now branches in many countries
outside Europe.


94. Then ali the things must have fallen out.
95. Try and turn it inside out. 96. It took
four men to puli it out. 97. Listen, you can
throw me out if you want to. 98. Every time
l put it out to dry it rains. 99. No one is
aliowed out after elosing hours. 100. l saw
her wa lk out. 101. Each one of us had to go
out and sign it. 102. He's gon e out shopping. 103. A body fell out of the wardrobe.
104. Do not lea n out of the window. 105.
Flora stood laoking out of the window. 106.
The policeman politely asked them to get
outofthecar. 107. Wouldyoutell mewhich
road leads out of the wood? 108. When el-

94. Akkor biztos minden kipotyogott. 95.

Prbld meg kifordtani . 96. Ngy ember
tudta csak kihzni . 97. Figyelj, kidobhatsz,
ha akarsz. 98. Ahnyszor csak kiteszem szrad ni, mindig elered az es. 99. Senkit nem
engednek ki kapuzrs utn. 100. Lttam
t kimenni . 101. Mindegyiknknek ki kellett mennie s alrnia. 102. Kiment vsrolni . 103. Egy test esett ki a szekrnybL
104. Ne hajolj ki az ablakon! 105. Flora
llt, s nzett ki az ablakon. 106. A rendr
udvariasan megkrte ket, hogy szlljanak
ki az autbL 107. Megmondan nekem,
melyik t vezet ki az erdbl? 108. Amikor


ephants are out of sight of each other they

purr. 109. We saw he was deep in thought
so we tiptoed out of his cabin. 110. l was
sen t out of the room then . 111. The ma n
who can puli the sword out of the stone
wi ll be king. 112. l heard her get out of bed.
113. Smoke was pouring out of one of the
en gines.

az elefntok kikerlnek egyms ltkrbl,

akkor morg hangot adnak. 109. Lttuk,
hogy mlyen a gondolataiba merlt, gyhogy lbujjhegyen kisurrantunk a flkbl.
11 O. Akkor kikld tek a szobbl. 111. A frfi, aki a sziklbl kihzza a kardot, kirly
lesz. 112. Hallottam t felkelni az gybl.
113. Az egyik motorbl mltt a fst.


used to, would

~ 116: ten se


IV: past simple ~ Reference 6: be used to



1. You used to remember my birthday. 2.

He used to be very lazy. 3. He never used
to be lazy, did he? 4. l used to work hard.
5. Henry used to drive a Honda. 6. You used
to have fair hair, didn't you? 7. Life used to
be slow and comfortable. 8. The viliage
used to be much smaller. 9. l used to confuse left and right. 1O. l used to l i ke that
place. 11. l used to know a bootmaker in
Acton . 12. They used to call me Millie. 13.
My uncle often used to speak English to me
at home. 14. Diamond Jim Brady used to
light his cigar with a dollar bill. 15. She used
to write under the pseudonym Mary Grant.
16. He used to be afraid of the water. 17. l
used to be afraid of flying but l gotover it.
l8. l often used to think l was fearfully stupid. 19. The streets aren't as safe as they
used to be. 20. My grandmcther doesn't
move as quickly assheused to. 21. When l
was younger l used to have a party quite
often. 22. When he was in the Army he used
to send his shirts home twice a year from
India to be washed. 23. There used to be a
lot of small shops, but they' ve aligone now.
24. Th ere used to be a farm nea r the church,
but now there is a power station. 25. There
used to be only one cinema in this town.
26. My reflexes aren't what they used tq
be. 27. There isn't the same contact with
people l used to have. 28. l do remember
the bedroom l used to sleep in . 29. He
showed me where they used to l ive. 30. Has

1. Rgen nem szoktad elfelejteni a szletsnapomat. 2. Rgen nagyon lusta volt. 3.

Sosem volt lusta, igaz? 4. Akkoriban kemnyen dolgoztam. 5. Henry rgebben Hondt vezetett. 6. Magnak szke haja volt,
ugye? 7. Lass s knyelmes volt az let. 8.
Rgen a falu sokkal kisebb volt. 9. Rgen
mindig sszekevertem a balt meg a jobbot
1O. Egykorszerettem azt a helyet. 11. Valamikor ismertem egy csizmaksztt
Actonban. 12. Mindig Millie-nek szltottak. 13. A nagybtym otthon gyakran angolul beszltvelem.14. Diamondjim Brady
mindig egy egydollros bankjeggyel gyjtott szivarra. 15. Mary Grant lnven rt. 16.
Rgebben flt a vztl. 17. Rgebben fltem a replstl, de tljutottam rajta. 18.
Gyakran gy gondoltam, borzasztan hlye vagyok. 19. Manapsg nem olyan biztonsgos az utcn, _mint rgen. 20. Nagyanym mr nem mozog olyan frissen, mint
szokott volt. 21. Fiatalabb koromban gyakran volt nlam hzibuli. 22. Amikor a hadseregben szolglt, vente ktszer hazakldte
Indibl az ingeit mosatni. 23. Rgebben
volt sok kis bolt, de mostanra mind eltn
tek. 24. Valamikor egy farm volt a templom
mellett, de most egy erm ll ott. 25. Ebben a vrosban rgen csak egy mozi volt.
26. Mr nem olyanok a reflexeim, mint rgen. 27. Nincs meg ugyanaz a kapcsolatom az emberekkel, mint rgen. 28. Jl emlkszem a szobra, ahol aludni szoktam. 29.


the restaurant where we used to go been

closed? 31. He didn't use to be lazy. 32.
There didn't use to be so many factories.
33. You didn't use to like spi nach, did you?
34. Did you use to know her? 35. "Did
George real ly u se to be you r friend?" -"Yes,
he did, but he isn't any more." 36. Didn't
you use to be much thinner? 37. Where did
you use to go for your holidays? 38. People
used not to travel abroad much. 39. He usedn't to

Megmutatta, hollaktak rgen. 30. Bezrtk

az ttermet, ahovamenni szoktunk? 31. Rgebben nem volt lusta. 32. Rgebben nem
volt annyi gyr. 33. Te rgen nem szeretted
a spentot, ugye? 34. Ismerted valamikor?
35. " Rgebben tnyleg a bartod volt Gel
de mar
' nem az. " 36 . N em
orge.?" -"gen,
voltl te sokkal sovnyabb? 37. Rgen hova
jrtatok nyaralni? 38. Az emberek egykor
nem utaztak sokat klfldre. 39. Nem volt
szaksa karcsonyi lapot kldeni, gyhogy
ez most valdi meglepets. 40. Az v egy
rszt Edinburghban szaktk volt eltlteni?

send us a card at Christmas, so it really is a sur

prise. 40. Used they to stay in Edinburgh for part
of the year?

1. l used tolikethat place. NOT: l an' u~ed to li ke tn at pl ace.

2. llived in Glasgow for five years. NOT: l u~ed to li1e in Gla~govv for fi ve year~.

41. l remember we used to fish in the ca-

41. Emlkszem, hogy gyakran pecztunk a

nal, but we would never catch anything.

42. When l wasa boy my grandfatherwould
take me on his knees and tell me stories.
43. l remember walking in the corridor and
l' d say " Hi" to her and she'd say " Hi there" ...
44. Sometimes he would hint that he was
in the secret service. 45. Sometimes when
it rained they would go back to Perkins'
house and play cards. 46. Now and then
they would discuss politics. 47. He'd put
his egg on to boil, then he'd stand there
with his stop-watch. 48. H is eyes would start
to wander du ring conversation or he would
butt in betore the other person had finished
speaking. 49. Nobody else would take such
care of me w h en l w as i ll. 50. Daddy
wouldn't th ink l was doing anything wrong.

kanlisban, de soha nem fogtunk semmit. 42.

Kisfi koromban a nagypapm gyakran a trdre ltetett, s meslt nekem. 43. Emlkszem, ahogy a folyosn mentem, s mindig
azt mondtam neki, hogy "szia", mire azt
mondta, " hah" ... 44. Olykor clzst tett arra, hogy rgebben a titkosszolglatnl dolgozott. 45. Nha, amikor eleredt az es, visszamentek Perkinshez s krtyztak. 46. Hbekorba politikrl beszlgettek. 47. Mindig
odatette a tojst fni, aztn ott llt mellette a
stopperjveL 48. Nha a tekintete beszlgets kzben elkalandozott, vagy kzbevgott,
mieltt a msik befejezte volna a mondatot.
49. Senki ms nem trdtt velem annyira,
amikor beteg voltam. 50. Apm sosem felttelezte, hogy valami rosszat mvelek.

verbless clauses


igtlen tagmondatok

~85: participle structures



1. l sleep with the window open. 2. Sue

stared at him with her mouth open. 3. My
brother will talk with his mouth full. 4.
Breathless with excitement, we pulled back
the l id. 5. Although tired, the two women

1. Nyitott ablaknl szaktam aludni. 2. Sue

ttva maradt szjjal bmult r. 3. A btym
nha tele szjjal beszl. 4. lzgatottan, llegzet-visszafojtva, elhztuk a fedelet. 5. Br elfradtak, azrt a kt n vidm volt. 6. Brmi


were exhilarated. 6. Whatever his problems, Mr Major is not that stupid. 7. When
ripe, they must be picked immediately, or
fali victim to the hungry, impatient birds.
8. He stopped, unsure of himself. 9. Back
at the Ritz, Lee packed up his few belong~
ings mechanically, his thoughts far away.
1 O. Shy with most adults, he seemed to
have accepted Matt as a friend. 11. Half
an hour after arrival, haggard and pale,
Fran stood before his chief. 12. The second suspect, a juvenile, was arrested later.
13. Sands, 27, now in the 57th day of his
fast, wassaid by his family to be "extremely
weak". 14. Taller than Big Ben it has to
withstand hurricane force winds and 1O
metre waves.

verbs l: reported requests

problmi is legyenek, Mr Major nem olyan

ostoba. 7. Amikor megrnek, azonnaile kell
szretelni ket, klnben a trelmetlen, hes
madarak ldozatv vlnak. 8. Elbizonytalanodva megllt. 9. Visszatrve a Ritzbe, Lee
gpies mozdulatokkal elpakolta a kevs holmij~ mikzben gondolatai messze jrtak.
1O. Ugy tnt, hogy br a legtbb fel nttel
szemben flnk volt, Mattet mgis bartjv
fogadta. 11. rkezse utn fl rval Fran ott
llt fnke eltt, nyzottan s spadtan. 12.
A msik gyanstottat, egy fiatalkort, ksbb
tartztattk le. 13. A csald szerint, bjtjnek tvenhetedik napjn a 27 ves Sands
"rendkvl legyenglt llapotban" volt. 14.
Big Bennl nagyobb magassgval hurriknszer szeleknek s tz mter magas hullmoknak kell ellenllnia.

igk 1: "megkrt, hogy

127 maradjak" (fgg felszlts)

q 59: indirect speech

q60: infinitive with to

He asked/told etc. me to sit down. NOT: Ile a~~ed/told etc. tnat l ~it do\,.v<n.

1. What do you advise me to do? 2. But l
advise you to bethere at least fifteen minutes beforehand. 3. So you cannot advise
me what to do? 4. l would strongly advise
you to think it over most carefully, Mr
Bernstein. 5. Her parents were advised not
to mention the incident agai n. 6. We were
advised not to accept anything.

1. Mit tancsolsz, mit tegyek? 2. De azt tancso lom nnek, legyen ott tizent perccelelbb.3.Szvalnemtudsztancsotad

ni, hogy mit tegyek? 4. Hatrozottan azt tancsol nm, hogy rendkvl alaposan gondolja ezt vgig, Mr Bernstein. 5~ A szleinek azt tancsolt~, ne emltsk tbb az
esetet. 6. Azt a tancsot kaptuk, hogy ne
fogadjunk el semmit.



7. The policemen politely asked them to 7. A rendrk udvariasan megkrtk ket,

get out of the car. 8. My mother asked me hogy szlljanak ki a kocsi bl. 8. Anym arra
not to tell my father. 9. Do you realize what krt, hogy ne mondjam el apmnak. 9. Felyou're asking me to do? 10. So you're nqt fogtad, hogy mit krsz tlem? 1O. Szval nem
sorry you asked me to stay? 11. l didn't ask bntad meg, hogy megkrtl, hogy maradyou not to come. 12. Weil, nobody asked jak? 11. n nem krtelek, hogy ne gyere. 12.
you to let rooms. 13. We were asked to Ht, senki nem krte, hogy szobkat adjon
ki. 13. Megkrtek, hogy hagyjunk zenetet
leave a message.




14. l suppose you expect me to stay overnight. 15. What do you expect me to say?
16. l didn't expect you to be here already.
17. My experience with people is that they
usually do what you expect them to do. 18.
Students are expected to buy their books.

14. Gondolom azt vrja, hogy itt maradjak

jszakra. 15. Mit vrsz, mit mondjak? 16.
Nem szmtottam r, hogy mr itt leszel. 17.
gy tapasztaltam, hogy az emberek ltalban azt teszik, amit vrsz tlk. 18. A dikok meg kell vegyk a knyveiket.



19. Would you likeme to leavethe room?

20. Would youlikeme to make you some
tea? 21. l'd like you to repeat what you've
just said. 22. l' d like you to look after a
number of things while I'm away.

19. Kvnja, hogy elhagyjam a szobt? 20.

Szeretn, hogy ksztsek nnek tet? 21 .
Szeretnm, ha megismtelnd, amit az
elbb mondtl. 22. Szeretnk rd bzni nhny dolgot, amg nem leszek itt.



23. l told her to be sensible. 24. l told h im

to wait in the corridor. 25. The boy told his
dog to sit. 26. He can't tell us what to do.
27. We didn't tell her not to sign it. 28. l
told you to stay put until l come back. 29.
Tell her not to smoke in the office. 30. Tell
people who have been drinking not to drive.
31. l was told to shut up.

23. Mondtam neki, hogy gondolkodjon mr

normlisan. 24. Mondtam, hogy vrjon a folyosn. 25. A kisfi mondta a kutyjnak,
hogy ljn le. 26. Nem mondhatja meg, mit
csinljunk! 27. Nem mondtuk, hogy ne rja
al. 28. Mondtam, hogy maradj veszteg, amg
vissza nem jvk. 29. Mondjk meg neki,
hogy ne dohnyozzon az irodban. 30. Akik
ittak, azoknak mondd meg, hogy ne ljenek
kocsiba. 31. Azt mondtk, fogjam be a szm.


32. What do you wan t me to do? 33. l w ant
you to close you r eyes. 34. She wanted me
to tell her everything. 35. Why don't they
want me to go there? 36. l don't want you
to be here when I'm talking to Danny. 37.
Do you really want us to split up? 38. l
wanted someone to stroke my head. 39. If
you don't want me to go mad tell me what
ali this means. 40. We wanted your friend
Mr Morples to be the candidate. 41. Do you
want us to get arrested?

32. Mit akarsz, mit tegyek? 33. Azt akarom,

hogy csukd be a szemed. 34. Azt akarta,
hogy mindent mondjak el neki. 35. Mirt
nem akarjk, hogy odamenjek? 36. Nem
szeretnm, ha itt lennl, amikor Dannyvel
beszlek. 37. Tnyleg azt akarod, hogy szaktsunk? 38. Azt akartam, hogy valaki megsimogassa a fejemet. 39. Ha nem akarod,
hogy belehlyljek, mondd el, mit jelentsen ez az egsz. 40. Azt akarjuk, hogy a
bartja, Mr Morples legyen a jel lt. 41. Azt
akarod, hogy letartztassanak bennnket?


42. l begged him to let me try. 43. She
begged me to marry her so l did. 44. She
did not encourage them to stay. 45. If you
go round to their house at about 7 o'clock,

42. Knyrgtem neki, engedje, hogy megprbljam. 43. Knyrgtt, hogy vegyem felesgl, gyhogy megtettem. 44. Nem btortotta ket, hogy maradjanak. 45. Ha bell-


they' ll always invite you to stay for a mea l.

tasz hozzjuk ht ra krl, biztosan meg46. l never meant you to read those letters.
hvnak, hogy egyl velk. 46. Sosem akartam,
47. You' re meant to take you r hat off when
hogy elolvasd azokat a leveleket. 47. Belyou enter. 48. Anderson drew her revolver,
pskor le kell venned a kalapodat 48. Anderordered the burglar to stay where he was,
san revolvert rntott, megparancsolta a betand called the poli ce. 49. He ordered us to
rnek, hogy maradjon a helyn, s hvta a
push forward without wa iti n g for reinforcerendrsget 49. Megparancsolta, hogy ne vrments. 50. The newspaper was ordered to
junk erstsre, hanem nyomuljunk elre. 50.
pay him f250,000 for printing that story 250 ezer fontot fizettettek az jsggal, amirt
about him. 51. They persuaded me to stay
kzltk rla azt a trtnetet. 51. Rbeszlfor a few days. 52. We could easily pertek, hogy maradjak pr napig. 52. Knnyen
suade one or two of the bigger corporations
meggyzhetnnk egy-kt nagyobb vllalatot,
to puli out. 53. He requested her, very pohogy vonu ljanak ki a piacrl. 53. Nagyon udl ite ly, to open her bag. 54. She requested
variasan megkrte, hogy nyissa ki a tskjt.
me not to d rop l itter. 55. They required us to
54. Megkrt, hogy ne szemeteljek. 55. Felremove the canvas and open two boxes fo r inspec
szltottak minket, hogy tvoltsuk el a ponytio n. 56. Students are required to hand in their
vt s nyissunk fel kt ldt ellenrzs cljpa pers by the end of the semes ter. 57. Their
bl. 56. A dikoknak a szemeszter vgig kell
spokesmen urged the poli ce to take a tough
beadni a dolgozataikat 57. Aszviv srgetline with the terrorists.
te, hogy a rendrsg kemnyen lpjen fel a
terroristkkal szemben.

verbs ll: stative verb uses

~73 :


mind ~75 : need ~99 : semi-auxiliaries

igk ll: jelentsfgg

~141 :


1. l can smell gas. NOT: I'm ~melling g!~. 2. It smells funny. NOT: It i~ ~n,elling funnt.


1. I'm not sure we can believe everything
we hear. 2. l can't believe you. 3. l just
couldn't believe he was going to let me go.
4. He believes God will cure h im. 5. l don't
believe a word that girl says.

1. Nem biztos, hogy mindent el hihetnk, amit

hallunk. 2. Nem tudok hinni neked. 3. Kptelen voltam elhinni, hogy elenged. 4. Azt hiszi, hogy lsten meggygytja. 5. Egy szt sem
hiszek el abbl, amit az a lny mond.


6. l can feel the w ind on my face. Can you?
7. l could feel tears weiling up behind my
eyes, and a weakness in my legs. 8. Do
you feel a worse woman for having spent
these few minutes with me? 9. He sudden ly
fel t col der. 1O. It fel t terrible to be leaving
them ali. 11. l slowly felt my eyelids get

6. rzem a szelet az arcomon. Te is? 7. reztem, ahogy feltolulnak a knnyeim s elgyengl a lbam. 8. Rosszabb nnek rzed
magad, amirt velem tlttted ezt a nhny
percet? 9. Hirtelen jobban fzn i kezdett. 10.
Szrny rzs volt megvlni mindannyijuktl. 11. reztem, ahogy lassan einehezlnek a szempillim.




12. Can you hear me ali right? 13. l could

hear her tossing fitfull y in her bed. 14. ln
the silence l could hear the old clock ticking away in the hall. 15. l can't understand
why nobody else hears it. 16. l was lying in
bed with the lights out when l heard a noise
l didn't recognize.

12. Jl hallanak? 13. Hallottam, ahogy

nyugtalanul hnykoldik az gyban. 14.
A csendben hallottam, ahogy ketyeg az reg
ra a hallban. 15. Nem rtem, mirt nem
hallja senki ms. 16. Fekdtem a sttben
az gyamon, s egyszer csak hallottam va lami zajt, amirl nem tudtam, mi lehet.



17. I' m going to fai l, l just know it. 18. Only

Anna knows the truth . 19. l don't know what
colour they are. 20. Where he went he
hardly knew. 21. l couldn't make up my
mind because l didn't know h im very weil.
22. Have you known-Jeremy long?

17. Meg fogok bukni, tudom. 18. Csak Anna tudja az igazat. 19. N em tudom, milyen
sznek. 20. Hogy hova megy, nemigen tudta. 21. Nem tudtam dnteni, mert nem ismertem t elgg. 22. Rgta ismered



23. Sorry, l can't remember you r name. 24. l

couldn't remember where l'd put it. 25. l
remember seei ng it there. 26. l knew her very
slightly, and remember her as beautifui and
energetic. 27. Do you remember Colin?

23. Elnzst, de nem emlkszem a nevre.

24. Nem emlkeztem r, hova tettem. 25. Emlkszem r, hogy ott lttam. 26. Al ig ismertem t, de gy emlkszem r, mint egy szp
s lendletes nre. 27. Emlkszel Colinra?



28. l can see lots of people marching. 29.

Can you see their boat from there? 30. Al ll
could see were his contact lenses. 31. l
could see a nurse hurrying down the stairs
from the first floor. 32. Nancy saw Michael
glance over her shoulder. 33. l see tears in
your eyes. 34. One can see their point of
view. 35.1 real ly can't see why l should have
these awful people in the house. 36. l do
not see how that follows from what you
have just said.

28. Rengeteg embert ltok menetelni. 29.

Ltod onnan a csnakjukat? 30. Csak akontaktlencsjt lttam. 31. Lttam egy nvrt
lefel sietni a lpcsn az els emeletrL 32.
Nancy ltta, hogy Michael tpillant a vlla
fltt. 33. Knnyeket ltok a szemedben. 34.
Az ember meg tudja rteni a nzpontjukat
35. Tnyleg nem rtem, mirt kellene a hzamban vendgl ltnom ezeket a szrn y
embereket. 36. Nem rtem, hogyan kvetkezik ez abbl, amit az imnt mondott.


37. We never seem to get any further, do
we? 38. Most winners seem to go on living
their ordinary lives. 39. Nancy seemed old
and he seemed young.

37. gy tnik, soha nem jutunk e l bbre,

nem igaz? 38. gy tnik, hogy a legtbb
bajnok tovbb li normlis lett. 39. Nancy regnek tnt, fiataln ak.


40. You sound odd. 41. That almost
sounded like a gesture of friendship. 42.
How nice that sounded.

40. Furcsa a hangod. 41. Ez majdnem a bartsg jelnek hangzott. 42. Milyen szpen




43. l can/could smell smoke. 44. It smells

so good, l must take one. 45. That smells
delicious, can l taste it? 46. This fish
smells funny. 47. l began to smell of onions. 48. The hall smelled of shoes and
soup. 49. Marjorie's mackintosh smelled
of fish. 50. The van smelt of sex, garlic
and toothpaste.

43. Fstszagot rzek/reztem. 44. Olyan j

illata van,, hogy muszj vennem egyet belle. 45. lnycsikland illata van, megkstolhatom? 46. Furcsa szaga van ennek a halnak. 47. Kezdett hagymaszagarn lenni. 48.
Az elszabnak cip s leves szaga volt.
49. Marjorie eskabtjnak halszaga volt.
50. A furgonban a szex, a fokhagyma s a
fogkrm szagt lehetett rezni.



51. l th ink that's understandable. 52. l don't

think I'm ready for that yet. 53. Geoffrey
doesn't th ink it's serious. 54. Do you th ink
he' ll marry again? 55. What do you think
of the government? 56. What do you th ink
about sex education? 57. l thought he was
your best friend. 58. l thought you liked
your new school. 59. Who thought l was

51. Azt hiszem, ez rthet . 52. Nem hinnm, hogy mr kszen llok r. 53. Geoffrey
nem gondolja, hogy slyos a dolog. 54.
Gondolod, hogy mg egyszer meghzasodik? 55. Mi a vlemnyed a kormnyrl?
56. Mit gondol aszexulis felvi lgostsrl?
57. Azt hittem, 6 a legjobb bartod. 58. Azt
gondoltam, szereted az j iskoldat. 59. Ki
hitte azt, hogy meghaltam?



60. l can understand how you feel about

that. 61. l can 't understand why you' re
worried. 62. l don't understand what you' re
saying. 63. l could understand more than
enough of what she said. 64. l didn't understand how it worked.

60. Megrtem, hogyan rez ezzel kapcsolatban. 61. Kptelen vagyok megrteni, minek aggdsz. 62. Nem rtem, amit mondasz. 63. Tbbet is rtettem abbl, amit
mondott, mint amennyit kellett volna. 64.
Nem rtettem, hogyan mkd i k.



65. l need you and l wa nt you. 66. You want

to come, don't you, lsbel? 67. One day you
may want to come back. 68. You don't want
any trouble, do you? 69. Do you w ant some
more rice? 70. What do you want for dinner? 71. l knew that was what l wanted.

65. Szksgem van rd s kvnlak. 66.

Akarsz jnni, ugye, lsbel? 67. Egy napon
taln majd vissza akarsz jnni. 68. Nem szeretnd, hogy brmi baj legyen, igaz? 69.
Krsz mg egy kis rizst? 70. Mit krsz ebdre? 71. Tudtam, hogy ez az, amit akarok.


72. This ru le applies to ali members of the
club. 73. The domestic cat belongs to the
category of flesh-eati ng mammals. 74. That
car belongs to my boss. 75. Meat contains
more protein than anything else. 76. Water
consists of hydrogen and oxygen. 77. And
of course it doesn't cost anything, does it?

72. Ez a szably a klub sszes tagjra vonatkozik. 73. A hzimacska a hsev emlsk
osztlyba tartozik. 74. Az az aut a fnk
m. 75. A hs tbb proteint tartalmaz, mint
brmi ms. 76. A vz hidrognbl s oxignbl ll. 77. s persze semmibe sem kerl,
ugye? 78. Attl fgg, melyik ton msz. 79.


78. It depends on which way you go. 79. l

know l deserve to be punished. 80. Why
do you dislike h im so much? 81. l rather
doubt that. 82. Can you forgive me for being so late? 83. l hategoing to school. 84.
That yellow dress doesn't fit you at ali. 85.
My job involves a lot of traveli ing. 86. You
can guess how he felt. 87. l couldn't imagine what had happened to you. 88. l real ly
like my boss. 89. "But you know l love you,"
she whispered. 90. Only beauty matters.
91. It matters how you feel. 92. Does it
matter whether you paint the table before
or after the bookcase? 93. You mean there's
a chance 1'11 get the job? 94. l don't mind
waiting. 95. Would you mind helping me?
96. l need more stamps..: 97. How _much do
l owe you? 98. Do you prefer Mozart to
Wagner? 99. l didn't realize my ca r was
going that fast. 100. How will l recognize
you? 101. Everybody says l resemble my
mother. 102. l suppose we should leave a
note for h im. 103. l wish to have you near
me always.

verbs lll: verb + subject


q 67: like q 70:

Tudom, megrdemlem, hogy megbntessenek. 80. Mirt olyan ellenszenves neked? 81.
Ezt ersen ktlem. 82. Meg tudod bocstani
nekem, hogy ilyen nagyon elkstem? 83. Utlok iskolba jrni. 84. Ez a srga ruha egyltaln nem j rd. 85. A munkm sok utazssal jr. 86. Sejtheted, hogy rzett. 87. El nem
tudtam kpzelni, mi trtnt veled. 88. n tnyleg szeretem a fnkmet 89. De ht tudod,
hogy szeretlek- suttogta. 90. Csak a szpsg
szmt. 91. Nem mindegy, hogy rzel. 92. Szmt az, hogy valaki az asztalt, vagy a knyvszekrnyt festi-e le elbb? 93. gy rti, eslyem van r, hogy megkapom az llst? 94.
Nem baj, ha vrnom kell. 95. Lennl olyan
kedves segteni? 96. Tbb blyegre van szksgem. 97. Mennyivel tartozom? 98. Jobban
kedveled Mazartot Wagnernl? 99. Nem is
vettem szre, hogy olyan gyorsan megy az
autm. 100. Hogyan fogom nt megismerni?
101. Mindenki azt mondja, hogy az anymra hason ltok. 102. Gondolom, kellene neki
hagynunk egy zenetet 103. Azt kvnom,
mindig mellettem legyl.


igk lll: "jl hangzik"

trgyatlan igknl)

-ly: adverbs and adjectives



1. My lucky number is seven. 2. l was 52

years old, diabetic and arthritic. 3. I' m so
excited! 4. Most of us are ambivalent about
our fathers. 5. We should always be prepared for the worst. 6. This decision appears to me very strange. 7. She appeared
rather disappointed. 8. The drumming becarne louder, the night darker. 9. Since
Robin's death l have become tough and
frivolous. 1 O. You r shoelace has come un~
done. 11. The clock stopped because the
minute hand had come loose. 12. That's
my dream, and now it looks as if it may
come true. 13. As you may or may not

1. A hetes a szerencseszmom. 2. tvenkt

ves voltam, cukorbeteg s zleti gyulladsos. 3. Olyan izgatott vagyok. 4. A legtbben
ellentmondsos rzelmekkel viseltetnk az
apnk irnt. 5. Mindig fel kell kszlnnk a
legrosszabbra. 6. Ez a dnts nekem nagyon
furcsnak tnik. 7. Meglehetsen csaldottnak tnt. 8. A dobols egyre hangosabb lett,
az jszaka pedig egyre sttebb. 9. Robin halla ta kemny s lha lettem. 1O. Ki kt
dtt a cipfzd. 11. Megllt az ra, mert
meglazult a kismutat. 12. Ez az lmom, s
most gy tnik, valra is vlhat. 13. Taln tudjk, de taln nem, Miss Calder gazdagon halt


know, Miss Calder died a wealthy woman.

14. I'm sure he'll die a happy man. 15. It
was early dawn when he fell asleep. 16.
He stretched out his arms and fell dead.
17. He's fallen sick again so we' d better
find someone else for the job. 18. Let's
hope their scheme will fali fiat. 19. We
hope to finish second in the preliminary
election, w h ich wo u ld mean at least
54,000 votes. 20. l felt hot and feverish.
21. l havenever felt better in my life. 22.
So don't feel obiiged to come along. 23.
Diana said she felt guilty about going off.
24. The kitchen felt cold. 25. The poor get
poorer, the rich get richer. 26. Sue got
bored and left. 27. We'd better set out, it's
getting rather dark. 28. 1'11 get ready in two
minutes. 29. There's no need to get so upset. 30. He's only forty but he's going grey.
31. It ali went wrong when he turned up
with his girlfriend. 32. lt'll gostale if you
keep it in that bag. 33. If we don't cut back
on costs we might go bankrupt in a week.
34. He grew tired by the end of the day.
35. Her daughter's face grew thoughtful.
36. As the music grew louder, we moved
farther to the back. 37. The days were
growing longer. 38. l kept silent. 39. Just
keep calm, you' ll have ali the answers. 40.
We lay still, hand in hand, watching the
shadows pass by. 41. l w as ly i n g fl at i n the
middle of the boat, holding an iron ring.
42. Nobody was left al ive. 43. What he
saw left hm so paralysed with fright that
for long seconds he was unable to move.
44. You look a l itt le shy. 45. Besides, you
look terribly serious. 46. l am tougher tha n
l look. 47. He looked thinner than ever.
48. My father just looked sad and old. 49.
l knew my eyes looked dangerous, and my
voice sounded mad. 50. You ' re laoking
smart this morning. 51. We must have
looked weird . 52. It doesn't look secondhand, it looks brand new. 53. She didn't
look i ll, or angry. 54. Do l look very pal e?
55. The journey proved (to be) more difficult than we had expected. 56. He asked
his friends to hand back the gifts, but they
proved (to be) reluctant. 57. The vast curtains remained closed, night and day. 58.

meg. 14. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy boldog

emberknt fog meghalni. 15. Kora hajnal volt,
amikor lomba merlt. 16. Kitrta a karjt s
holtan esett ssze. 17. Megint megbetegedett,
gyhogy jobb lenne valaki mst keresni a
munkra. 18. Bzzunk benne, hogy kudarcot
vall a tervk. 19. Remljk, msodikknt vgznk az elvlasztsokon, ami legalbb 54
ezer szavazatot jelentene. 20. Melegem volt
s lzasnak reztem magam. 21. Mg soha
letemben nem reztem jobban magam. 22.
Szval ne rezd ktelessgednek, hogy
elgyere. 23. Diana azt mondta, bnsnek rzi magt, amirt elment. 24. A konyhban hideg volt. 25. A szegnyek szegnyebbek, a
gazdagok gazdagabbak lesznek. 26. Sue elunta magt s tvozott. 27. Jobb lenne elindulnunk, kezd sttedni. 28. Kt perc alatt
el kszlk. 29. Semmiszksg arra, hogy gy
felidegestsd magad. 30. Mg csak negyvenves, de mr szl. 31. Elromlott az egsz,
a_m ikor megjelent a bartnjvel. 32. Meg fog
porodni, ha abban a zskban tartod. 33. Ha
nem cskkentjk a kltsgein ket, egy ht alatt
csdbe juthatunk. 34. Elfradt a nap vgre.
35. Lnya arca gondterheltt vlt. 36. Ahogy
a zene egyre hangosabb lett, htrbb hzdtunk. 37. Egyre hosszabbak lettek a nappalak. 38. Csendben maradtam. 39. rizd csak
meg a nyugalmadat, minden krdsedre megkapod a vlaszt. 40. Mozdulatlanul, kz a kzben fekdtnk, figyeltk az eltn rnyakat.
41. Odalapultam kzpen a csnak fenekhez s egy vasgyrbe kapaszkodtam. 42.
Senkit sem hagytak letben. 43. Attl, amit
ltott, lebntotta a rmlet, s msodpercekig kptelen volt megmo,zdulni. 44. Kicsit btortarannak ltszol. 45. Es radsul szrnyen
komolynak nzel ki. 46. Szvsabb vagyok,
mint amilyennek ltszom. 47. Sovnyabbnak
tnt, mint valaha. 48. Az apm egyszeren
regnek s szomornak ltszott. 49. Tudtam,
hogy a tekintetem fenyeget, a hangom pedig mint egy rlt. 50. Csnosan nzel ki ma
reggel. 51. Nagyon furcsn nzhettnk ki. 52.
Nem nz ki hasznltnak, vadonatjnak ltszik. 53. Nem ltszott betegnek, se mrgesnek. 54. Nagyon spadt vagyok? 55. Az t a
vrtnl nehezebbnek bizonyult. 56. Megkrte a bartait, hogy adjk vissza az ajndko-


The old woman sat stiff and still on her

chair. 59. They sat still, waiting for something to happen. 60. He sat there motionless for perhaps a full moment. 61. It
seemed a waste of time. 62. His secret
seemed safe. 63. The plan seemed to him
simple but excel lent. 64. It seemed (to be)
impossible. 65. She seemed (to be) angry
about something. 66. When l explained to
him what had happened she seemed (to
be) total ly uninterested. 67. It didn't seem
(to be) necessary to stop the operation. 68.
Some of the things you see here may seem
(to be) strange to you. 69. Restaurants are
bad meeting places, much Iess safe than
they seem (to be). 70. Your clothes smell
awful. 71. It smelt good_and look~d fresh.
72. You sound sleepy. 73. You sounded ill
on the phone. 74. That sounds very cynical.
75. l assure you it wasn't as easy as it
sounds. 76. Look, it really is much easier
than it sounds. 77. Her voice sounded
funny, as if she had a cold. 78. She sounded
very near to tears. 79. That sounds just
what l want. 80. For two minutes, we
stood quite stl l, just looking at each other.
81. It will not stay dry for long. 82. I'm
sureit will not stay clean very long. 83.
How does your soup taste? 84. His cigarette tasted sour so he crushed it out. 85.
Your hair has turned grey since you
left us.86. Your hands will turn septic,

verbs IV: verb + object


kat, de kiderlt, hogy nem igazn hajlandk

r. 57. A hatalmas, nehz fggnyk jjelnappal elhzva maradtak. 58. Az regaszszony mereven s mozdulatlanul lt a szkn.
59. Mozdulatlanul ltek, vrtk, hogy trtnjen valami. 60. Taln egy teljes percig ott lt
mozdulatlanul. 61. Idpazarlsnak tnt. 62.
A titka, gy tnt, biztonsgban van. 63. gy
tnt neki, a terv egyszer, de kitn. 64. Lehetetlennek tnt. 65. Mrgesnek tnt valami
miatt. 66. Amikor elmagyarztam neki, hogy
mi trtnt, teljesen kzmbsnek tnt. 67.
gy tnt, nem szksges lelltani a hadm
veletet. 68. Pr dolog, amit itt lt, taln furcsnak tnik. 69. Az ttermek nem j tallkahelyek, sokkal kevsb biztonsgosak, mint
amilyennek ltszanak. 70. Bzlik a ruhd. 71.
J szaga volt, s frissnek ltszott. 72. lmos a
hangod. 73. Betegnek tnt a hangod a telefonban. 74. Ez igen cinikusan hangzik. 75.
Biztosthatlak, hogy nem volt olyan knny,
mint ahogy hangzik. 76. Figyelj, ez tnyleg
sokkal knnyebb, mint amilyennek hangzik.
77. Furcsa volt a hangja, mintha nths lenne. 78. Olyan volt a hangja, mint aki majdnem elsrja magt. 79. Ez pp gy hangzik,
mint amire szksgem van. 80. Kt percen t
teljesen mozdulatlanul lltunk, s csak nztk egymst. 81. Nem marad sokig szraz.
82. Biztos nem marad nagyon sokig tiszta.
83. Hogy zlik a leves? 84. Savanyks ze volt
a cigarettnak, gyhogy elnyomta. 85. Amita itthagytl bennnket, megszltL 86. El
fog fertzdni a kezed, Veronica.

it as object

~70 :

igk IV: "jnak tartom"

trgyas igknl)

-ly: adverbs and adjectives



1. The front door of the house was loeked

but a policeman broke it open. 2. We call
our dog Prince. 3. Many girls were called
simply Len ina, Sta l ina. 4. He called it a hel-


1. A bejrati ajt zrva volt, de egy rendr

feltrte. 2. Prince-nek hvjuk a kutynkat. 3.
Sok kislnyt egyszeren Leninnak,
Sztlinnak hvtak. 4. Sisaknak hvta, br sok-

met, though it certainly laoked much more

like a saucepan. 5. Then l won't do it. I'm
not going to be caught red-handed. 6. You
havetochop it up small before frying it. 7.
Sir Randolph considered Charles a person
of no significance. 8. They crowned hm
king. 9. They found nothing when they cut
the fish open. 1 O. Let me declare this conference open now. 11. He was declared persona non grata by ou r government. 12. Are
you driving me mad on purpose? 13. ln
1928 Charles King was elected President
of Liberia by a majority of 600,000. 14.
Mary feJt her previous judgement confirmed. 15. l don't find it funny. 16. Nell
found them dull. 17. He was found guilty
and was sentenced to 9 years in prison. 18.
Don't you see they are getting you involved
in a crime? 19. You got me wrong, Frank.
I'm not blaming you for anything. 20. He
could only hold it open by leaning against
it. 21. You can't hold me responsible for
things Mike did. 22. The noise from downstairs kept her awake. 23. l keep my house
spotlessly clean . 24. Why is it kept locked?
25. She stepped too close and one of the
swings knocked her unconscious. 26. Perhaps you could leave your window open.
27. Ilike my steak rare. 28. Breathing made
my lips cold. 29. If drink helped, l'd drink,
but it just makes me sleepy. 30. She pressed
the key which made her typeface ital ic. 31.
ln 1971 she was made a Dame of the British Empire. 32. What makes you so angry?
33. We named ou r first child Zoey. 34. Paint
it black. 35. Don't bother to warm it up.
Actually, l prefer it cold. 36. Just at that moment, h is dog pushed open the door and
rushed into the room. 37. He put his own
safety second, contact with the people first.
38. H er remark o n my appearance rendered me
speechless. 39. Serve it cold with a side dish of
sa lad. 40. He w as onlyset free aftereightdays.
41. They shot a security guard dead and
wounded two other employees. 42. They
claimed they had taken about 25 people hostage. 43. She was just towelling herself dry
when the telephone rang. 44. l want the minutes typed and photocopied by then. 45. Did
you wipe those piates dry, Maggie?

kal inkbb lbosnak ltszott. 5. Akkor nem

csinlom meg. Nem fognak rajtal<apni! 6.
Aprra fel kell vgni, m i eltt megpirtod. 7.
Sir Randolph Charlest jelentktelen embernek tartotta. 8. Kirlly koronztk. 9. Amikor felvgtk a halat, semmit sem talltak
benne. 1O. Engedjk meg, hogy ezennel
megnyissam a konferencit. 11. A kormny
persona non gratnak nyilvntotta. 12. Szndkosan rjtesz meg? 13. 1928-ban Charles
Kinget 600 ezer fs tbbsggel Libria elnknek vlasztottk. 14. Mary igazoltnak rezte korbbi dntst. 15. n nem tallom mulatsgosnak. 16. Nell unalmasnak tallta
ket. 17. Bnsnek talltk s 9 v brtnre
tltk. 18. Nem veszed szre, hogy belekevernek egy bntnybe? 19. Flrertettl,
Frank. Semmirt nem okol lak. 20. Csak gy
tudta nyitva tartani, hogy nekidlt 21. Nem
vonhatsz felelssgre olyasmikrt, amiket
Mike tett. 22. A lentrl hallatsz zaj nem
hagyta elaludni. 23. Makultlanul tisztn tartom a hzamat. 24. Mirt tartjk zrva? 25.
Tl kzel lpett, s az egyik hinta gy eltallta, hogy elvesztette az eszmlett. 26. Taln nyitva hagyhatnd az abl akodat 27. Vresen szeretem a bifsztekemet 28. A llegzs lehttte az ajkamat. 29. Ha az ital segtene, innk, de csak ellmost. 30. Lenyomta azt a billentyt, amitl kurzv lett a szveg. 31. 1971-ben megkapta a Dame of the
British Empire cmet. 32. Mitl vagy olyan
mrges? 33. Els gyermeknknek a Zoey nevet adtuk. 34. Fesd feketre. 35. Ne bajldjon a melegtssel. Igazbl hidegen szeretem. 36. Ebben a pillanatban a kutyja belkte az ajtt, s berohant a szobba. 37.
Szemlyes biztonsgt a msodik helyre sorolta, az emberekkel val kapcsolat mg.
38. A megjelensemre tett megjegyzse belm fojtotta a szt. 39. Hidegen tlaljuk, saltakrettel. 40. Csak nyolc nap utn engedtk szabadon. 41. Lelttek egy biztonsgi rt,
s megsebestettek kt alkalmazottat. 42. Azt
lltottk, hogy mintegy 25 embert tszul
ejtettek. 43. ppen trlkztt, amikor megcsrrent a telefon. 44. Addigra legpelve
s fnymsolva krem a jegyzknyvet.
45. Szrazra trlted azokat a tnyrokat,


verbs V: see sy.



igk V: ltja megjnni,

ltja jnni

q128: verbs ll: stative verb uses

l heard/saw etc. him come/coming. NOT: l neard/~aw etc.


nin"' to come.

1. Jack felt something crawl up his arm. 2.

She could feel a headache coming on. 3. l
saw him smile, or did l feel him smile? 4. l
felt myself blushing with anger, and hoped
it did not look like shame. 5. When she
walked across the room she couldn't feel
her feet touching the floor.

1. Jack rezte, hogy valami mszik fel a karjn. 2. rezte, hogy megfjdul a feje. 3. Lttam, vagy taln reztem, hogy elmosolyodik. 4. Ereztem, hogy elpirulok a haragtl,
s reml tem, hogy nem szgyenkezsnek t
nik. 5. Ahogy tstlt a szobn, gy rezte,
mintha talpval nem is rinten a padlt.



6. You can hear the neighbours coughing.

7. l could hear the waves crashing along

the shore. 8. l could hear people laughing
and talking in the background. 9. l thought
l heard h im com ing. 1 O. You must have
heard me shouting. 11. Could she have
heard Bess mentioning that l was married?
12. l heard h im sing Figaro at Covent Carden. 13. l didn't hear you knock. 14. l am a
littie sorry to hear you say that. 15. The two
men heard the front door open and shut.
16. l heard her go into the bathroom a
minute ago. 17. l didn't hear you come
down the stairs. 18. l heard her get out of
bed, open her door and wa lk alon g the corri dor. 19. He was heard to come in three
o'clock this morning.

6. thallatszik, ahogy khgnek a szomszdok. 7. Hallottam, ahogy a hullmok a parthoz csapdnak. 8. A httrben nevetg l
s beszlget embereket hallottam. 9. gy
hallottam, kzeled ik. 1O. Hallanod kellett,
hogy kiablok. 11. Hallhatta, amikor Bess
emltette, hogy frjnl vagyok? 12. Hallottam t a Figart nekelni a Covent Gardenben. 13. Nem hallottam, hogy kopogtL 14.
Kicsit sajnlom, hogy ezt hallom tled. 15.
A kt frfi hallotta, hogy nylik, majd becsukdik a bejrati ajt. 16. Egy perce hallottam bemenni a frdszobba. 17. Nem
hallottam, hogy lejttl a lpcsn. 18. Hallottam, hogy kikel az gybl, kinyitja az ajtt s vgigmegy a folyosn. 19. Hallottk
bejnni hajnali hromkor.



20. l saw the bull coming after me. 21. Last

night l saw you waiting for a bus. 22. l saw
him standing ali alone. 23. Ann loves to
see people eating. 24. At that point l saw
Al pau se. 25. No one saw her leave. 26 . .l
saw her walk out. 27. Was there anyone
else who saw you return at nine? 28. No
one could have seen me leave home. 29.
He was seen to leave his room weil before

20. Lttam, hogy jn utnam a bika. 21.

Tegnap este lttalak, ahogy a buszra vrt l.
22. Lttam t teljesen egyedl csorogni.
23. Ann imdja, ha enni ltja az embereket. 24. Ezen a ponton lttam, hogy Al megll egy picit. 25. Senki nem ltta elmenni.
26. Lttam kimenni. 27. Ltta mg valaki
visszatrni nt kilenckor? 28. Senki nem
lthatta, amikor elmentem otthonrl. 29. Lttk, hogy jval jfl eltt elhagyta a szobjt.




30. For twelve months, l watched my father dying- when l was ten years old. 31.
You don't mind if l watch you work, do you?
32. She stood at the end of the garden,
watching the sun begin to set behind the
orchard. 33. Becky doesn't need you watching her do her homework every evening.

30. Egy ven t figyeltem, ahogy apm haldoklik- tzves voltam akkor. 31. Nem zavarja, ha figyelem, ahogy dolgozik, ugye? 32.
A kert vgben llt, s nzte, ahogy a nap
lenyugodni kszl a gymlcsfk mgtt. 33.
Beckynek semmi szksge arra, hogy minden este figyeld, ahogy a leckjt csinlja.



34. l stood outside the door and listened to

her searching my pocketsfor the letter. 35.
She noticed me looking at her. 36. Did you
notice anyone pass h im anything? 37. l can
smell turkey roasting. 38. l could smell
something burning.

verbs VI: verbs with

two objects
~43 :


34. Az ajt eltt lltam, s hallgattam, ahogy

a levl utn kutat a zsebeimben. 35. szrevette, hogy nzem. 36. Ltta, hogy brki brmittadott volna neki? 37. Sl pulyka illatt reztem. 38. Valamilyen gett szagot


igk VI: "kldtt nekem

virgot" (kttrgyas igk)

passive sentences: verbs wi th two objects

1. Giveit to me. NOT: Giveme it. 2. Could you explain that to us? NOT: Could you
explain u~ that? 3. l suggested a solution to them. NOT: l :sugge~ted them a ~olution.



1. l write her a letter every day. 2. l was so

lone ly that l bought myself a puppy. 3. Can
you get me the names? 4. Family connectiens got him a job as a messenger in the
Library of Congress. 5. Can you give me
my bill, please? 6. You have not given me a
satisfactory explanation of your strange
behaviour. 7. Who gave you that marvellaus watch? 8. The last time l lent you my
car, you smashed it up. 9. Could you pass
me that ashtray, please? 1O. He wanted me
to pay him sixteen pounds fordriving me
to the station. 11. He poured hmself and
his wife another glass of Chianti. 12. She
offered me a cup of tea. 13. Who owes us
the most money? 14. You don't owe anybody anything. 15. He sent me two newspaper clippings. 16. l really can't tell you
how things have changed since you left. 17.

1. Mindennap rok neki levelet. 2. Olyan magnyos voltam, hogy vettem magamnak egy
kiskutyt. 3. Meg tudod szerezni nekem a
neveket? 4. Csaldi kapcsolatok rvn llst kapott a Kongresszusi Knyvtrban, mint
kzbest. 5. Krhetern a szmlt? 6. Mg
nem adtl kielgft magyarzatot a furcsa
viselkedsedre. 7. Kitl kaptad ezt a fantasztikus rt? 8. Amikor legutbb klcsnadtam neked az autmat, sszetrted. 9. Ideadn azt a hamutartt? 1O. Azt akarta, hogy
fizessek neki tizenhat fontot, amirt kivitt az
llomsra. 11. Mg egy Chiantit tlttt magnak s a felesgnek. 12. Egy cssze teval knlt. 13. Ki tartozik neknk a legtbb
pnzzel? 14. Nem tartozol senkinek semmivel. 15. Kt jsgkivgst kldtt nekem. 16.
Igazn nem is tudom elmondani neked, hogy
megvltoztak a dolgok, amita elmentl. 17.


l refuse to tell you anything now. 18. He

taught me ali he knew about ships. 19. John
was given a book for his birthday.

Mosf nem vagyok hajland semmit se mondani neked. 18. Mindenre megtantott, amit
tudott a hajkrL 19. John egy knyvet kapott a szletsnapjra.


20. l write a letter to herevery day. 21. l've
come to ask a favour of you. 22. lt's nothing like asking a favour of a friend. 23. l
think 1'11 buy a tie for my father and a book
for my mother. 24. Let me fetch you r glasses
for you. 25. I'm trying to find a Christmas
present for my wife. 26. 1'11 give the ticket
to your brother. 27. She gave the axe to the
man. 28. He left a note for you. 29. Don't
lendit to anyone else. 30. Would you like
me to make breakfast fr you now? 31. She
didn't want tosell the clock to h im. 32. Who
sold it to you? 33. Could you show it to
me, please? 34. So l took it home, cleaned
it, and showed it to my granddad. 35. He
threw the letter to the man at the desk. 36.
l have to tell the same story to him every
evening. 37. Will you teach that one to me?
38. This bag was given to him in mistake
for his own.

.verbs VII: to + infinitive

after verbs

20. Mindennap rok neki levelet. 21. Azrt

jttem, hogy egy szvessget krjek tled.
22. Itt egyltaln nem barti szvessgrl
van sz. 23. Azt hiszem, egy nyakkendt

veszek az apmnak, s egy knyvet az

anymnak. 24. Idehozom a szemvegedet!
25. Karcsonyi ajndkot keresek a felesgemnek. 26. Odaadom a jegyet a btydnak. 27. Odaadta a fejszt a frfinak. 28.
Hagyott neked egy zenetet 29. Ne add
klcsn senki msnak. 30. Akarod, hogy
reggelit ksztsek neked? 31. Nem akarta
eladni neki az rt. 32. Ki adta el neked? 33.
Megmutatnd nekem? 34. Szval hazavittem, letisztogattam, s megmutattam a nagyapmnak. 35. Odahajtotta a levelet az asztalnl l frfinak. 36. Minden este ugyanazt a trtnetet kell elmeslnem neki. 37.
Megtantod ezt nekem? 38. Ezt a tskt vletlenl adtk oda neki a sajtja helyett.


igk VII: to + fnvi igenv

bizonyos igk utn

Q 33: dare Q 60: infinitive wi th to Q 99: semi-auxiliaries Q 127: verbs 1: reported requests
Q135: verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after verbs QReference 1




1. She ached to say yes, but ali her instincts rebelled. 2. l can't afford to pay a
therapist 3. We agreed to leave at midnight. 4. We aim to care for the local communities in which we operate. 5. The results appear to differ among species. 6.
l arranged to have a meeting at seven,
and l cannot go. 7. I'm phoning the professor tomorrow to arrange for him to
come to our banquet. 8. If someone of-

1. gett a vgytl, hogy igent mondjon, de az

sztnei lzadoztak. 2. Nem engedhetern
meg magamnak, hogy megfizessek egy terapeutt 3. Megegyeztnk, hogy jflkor indulunk. 4. Clunk, hogy gondoskodjunk azokrl a helyi kzssgekrl, amelyekben tevkenykednk. 5. Az eredmnyek, gy tnik,
hogy eltrnek egymstl a klnbz fajok
esetben. 6. gy intztem, hogy lesz egy megbeszlsem htkor, s nem tudok elmenni. 7.


fered me my life again, l would ask to be

born aged sixteen. 9. She attempted to
explain their position in their report to
Hall. 10. Then they sometimes have to
beg to get enough food to eat. 11. l don 't
think l would care to be seen with you.
12. Would you care to see some photographs? 13. He chose to do nothing. 14.
He claims to be a student on vacation.
15. When hecame to, Bernstein claimed
to have amnesia, and no memory of anything just prior to the race. 16. They cl aim
to have located the source of the signals,
Sir. 17. The queen has graciously consented to
open her London house to the public for two
months every summer. 18. Why did he not

dare to follow her? 19. Dare to be different. 20. She decided to be aggressive. 21.
We decided to stay until midnight. 22. l
deci d ed not to app ly for the job. 23. Why
did you decide to become a doctor,
Frederick? 24. l demand to see him. 25.
The prostitute, who did not speak Eng l is h,
demanded to know what was happening.
26. The executive committee desres to make their
position clear by the following statement. 27.
They also endeavour to increase the participation
oflocal organizations in educational planning. 28.

l expect to arrive weil before they will.

29. l didn 't expect to meet Jennifer. 30. l
didn' t expect to be asked. 31. l didn 't expect you to pass it on to others, you know.
32. l expect to have finished working
here by the end of the Jennifer. 33. l expect
to have colleeted f2 ,000 by this time next
year. 34. Archibald never fails tosend me
a postcard on my birthday. 35. l fear to ac
knowledge it. 36. l was fighting to keep my
tears back. 37. She felt that she could
grow to li ke her a lot. 38. Please note that
we cannot guarantee to keep tickets beyond these deadlines. 39. l happen to like
children very much! 40. Did you happen
to notice what she was wearing? 41. Let
me hasten to explain what l mean. 42.
You can help to secure the future by joining the Society now. 43. And please dod
not hesitate to contact us if you need any
more information. 44. He didn't hesitate
to take the job. 45. l hope to see you soon.

Holnap hvom fel a professzort megbeszlni,

hogy eljn a bankettnkre. 8. Ha felajnlank, hogy jralhetem az letem, azt krnm,
hogy tizenhat ves koromban szlessek jra.
9. Hallnak rott jelentsben megksrelte elmagyarzni az llspontjukat. 10. Aztn olykor knyrgnik kell, hogy eleget kapjanak
enni. 11. Azt hiszem, nem szeretnm, hogy
veled lssanak. 12. Lenne kedved fnykpeket
nzni? 13. Azt vlasztottuk, hogy nem tesznk
semmit. 14. Azt lltja, hogy vakciz dik.
15. Amikor maghoz trt, Bernstein azt lltotta, hogy am nziban szenved, s nem emlkszik semmire, ami a versenyt megelzen
trtnt. 16. Azt lltjk, uram, hogy bemrtk
a jelforrst. 17. A kirlyn nagylelken beleegyezett abba, hogy londoni hzt minden
nyron kt hnapra megnyitja a nagykznsg eltt. 18. Mirt nem merte kvetni? 19.
Merj klnbzni! 20. gy dnttt, erszakos
lesz. 21. gy dntttnk, maradunk jflig.
22. gy dntttem, nem jelentkezem az llsra. 23. Mirt dnttt gy, hogy orvos lesz,
Frederick? 24. Kvetelem, hogy lthassam. 25.
A prostitult, aki nem tudott angolul, kvetelte hogy tjkoztassk arrl, mi trtnik. 26. A
vgrehajt bizottsg a kvetkez nyilatkozattal kvnja egyrtelmvtenni az llspontjt.
27. Erfesztseket tesznek arra is, hogy fokozzk a helyi szervezetek rszvtelt az oktatstervezsben. 28. Arra szmtok, hogy jval elbb rkezem, mint k. 29. Nem szmtottam r, hogy tallkozom Jenniferrel. 30.
Nem vrtam, hogy megkrdeznek 31. Tudod,
nem szmtottam r, hogy tovbbadod msoknak. 32. gy gondolom, hogy csak az v
vgig fogok itt dolgozni. 33. Arra szmtok,
hogy- jv ilyenkorra 2000 fontom gylik
ssze. 34. Archibald sose mulasztja el, hogy
szletsnapi kpeslapot kldjn. 35. Flek beismerni. 36. Knnyekkel kszkdtem. 37.
rezte, hogy idvel nagyon meg fogja kedvelni. 38. Felhvjuk a figyeimt arra, hogy a
hatridn tl nem ll mdunkban garantlni
a jegyeket. 39. Trtnetesen nagyon kedvelem a gyerekeket 40. szrevetted vletlenl,
hogy mi volt rajta? 41. Hadd siessek elmagyarzni, mit rtek ezen! 42. n is segthet
biztostani a jvt, hamost csatlakozik a Trsasghoz. 43. s krjk, ne habozzon felven-


46. We hope to go abroad next year. 47.

She was hoping to go to university, wasn't
she? 48. We hope to have contacted ali
the record manufacturers in Britain when
we finish the survey. 49. Newsmen from
around the world hurried to interview the
organizers of the Sex Olympics. 50. It w as
easier really to learn to fly. 51. lt's a day
she thought she'd never live to see. 52. l
remember it wasa beautifui spring and l
longed to tra vel, longed for company. 53.
l managed to stop but the van behind me
didn't. 54. A helicopter managed to land
on the roof. 55. l managed to get on a
ship. 56. l didn't manage to post those
letters for you. 57. She neglected to inform me that Robbie was-a girl. 58. l offered to make her some toast but she
wasn't hungry. 59. She offered to let me
spend the night at her house. 60. What
did you omit to tell your priest? 61. Or
they can opt to take financial risks. 62. l
am planning to open my own restaurant.
63. l only planned to stay for a week but
l got stuck for five years. 64. l pledge to
cut my car mileage by ten per cent during the next year. 65. l made Antonia put
on her hat and prepare to leave. 66. My
father pretended to be asleep. 67. l pretended notto be listen ing. 68. Don't pretend not to know what l mean. 69. l won't
pretend to understand that. 70. Wendy
could not pretend to be overwhelmed
with surprise. 71. They promised to help
us in any way they could. 72. l have promised to meet a friend in five minutes. 73.
Oh, I'm sorry. l did promise not to mention it again. 74. This strategy has proved
to be successful. 75. So how much would
Froggy reckon to make in a season? 76.
She refuses to believe it. 77. She may
refuse to tell you. 78. She refused to name
the source of the information. 79. But let's
also resolve to do something to help. 80.
Antialcohol campaigners deliberately seek to con
fuse alcohol with narcotic drugs. 81. The Ger-

man authorities do not seem to agree. 82.

Paige struggled to puli herself together.
83. He made enemies and friends, gambled,
pursued women, married, remarried, pro-

ni velnk a kapcsolatot, ha tovbbi informcira van szksge. 44. Nem habozott elfogadni az llst. 45. Remlem, ltlak hamar.
46. Azt remljk, jvre klfldre megynk.
~7. Azt remlte, egyetemre mehet, nem? 48.
Ugy remljk, hogy a felmrs vgig sikerl
az sszes brit lemezgyrtval felvenni a kapcsolatot. 49. Az jsgrk a vilg minden tjrl gyorsan odasereglettek interjt kszteni a Szex Olimpia szervezivel. 50. Valjban knnyebb volt, mint replni megtanuln i.
51. Azt gondolta, ezt a napot soha nem ri
meg. 52. Emlkszem, szp tavasz volt, s
vgytam az utazsra, a trsasgra. 53. Nekem
sikerlt megllnom, de a furgonnak mgttem nem. 54. Egy helikopternek sikerlt leszllnia a tetre. 55. Sikerlt feljutnom egy
hajra. 56. Nem tudtam feladni a leveleidet
57. Elmulasztotta kzlni velem, hogy Robbie
lny. 58. Felajnlottam, hogy csinlok neki
pirtst, de nem volt hes. 59. Felajnlotta,
hogy a htvgt a hzban tlthetem. 60. Mit
felejtettl el elmondani a papnak? 61. Vagy
dnthetnek amellett, hogy anyagi kockzatot
vllalnak. 62. Azt tervezem, hogy sajt ttermet nyitok. 63. Csak egy htig terveztem maradni, de ott ragadtam t vre. 64. Megfogadom, hogy jvre tz szzalkkal kevesebbet
autzom. 65. R vettem Anton it, hogy vegye
fel a kalapjt s indulshoz kszldjn . 66.
Apm gy tett, mintha aludna. 67. gy tettem, mint aki nem figyel. 68. Ne tgy gy,
mintha nem tudnd, mirl beszlek! 69. Nem
fogok gy tenni, mint aki rti ezt. 70. Wendy
nem tudott gy tenni, mint aki nagyon meg
van lepve. 71. Meggrtk, hogy amiben csak
tudnak, segtenek. 72. Egy bartomnak azt
grtem, hogy t perc mlva tallkozom vele. 73. , bocsnat. Tnyleg meggrtem,
hogy nem emltem tbb. 74. A stratgia sikeresnek bizonyult. 75. Szval, Froggy
mennyi jvedelmet ksz beismerni egy szezonra? 76. Nem hajland elhinni. 77. Lehet,
hogy nem lesz hajland elmondani neked.
78. Megtagadta, hogy megnevezze az informci forrst. 79. Egyttal fogadjuk meg azt
is, hogy segtnk. 80. Az alkoholellenes kampnyok szervezi szndkosan arra trekszenek, hogy az alkoholfogyasztst sszemossk
a kbtszer-lvezettel. 81. A nmet hats-


duced good films and bad, and survived

tobecomean American legend. 84. You
swear to tell no one? 85. Gainsborough
tends to be very pragmatic. 86. Now and
then, he'd threaten to kill me. 87. After
going to Sheffield University she worked
in a London store and trained to be a pilot in her spare time . 88. l have never
troubled to find out, although they tell
me that it's very nice. 89. Can't explain
now, but they may turn out to be i mportant. 90. It turned out to be a bedroom.

91. Alright, I will undertake to to come up with

something for our next meeting. 92. You might
also venture to talk to your husband, in
one of his calmer moments. 93. Would
anyone volunteer to do the washing? 94.
Another county council has voted to ban
fox hunting on publicly-owned land. 95.
Though both sides vow to fight on, they
are becoming keener to compromise. 96.
The weather is beautiful , the sky is blue
and l can 't wait to get out of town! 97. l
have been waiting to smash somethingever since l left Catherine and said
goodbye to my fiat. 98. You do not have
to say anything unless you wish to do so
but what you say may be given in evidence.

verbs VIli: -ing form after

~27 :

gok gy tnik, ezzel nem rtenek egyet. 82.

Paige mindenron prblta sszeszedni magt. 83. Ellensgeket s bartokat szerzett, szerencsejtkos volt s ncsbsz, meghzasodott, jrahzasodott, csinlt j filmeket, rossz
filmeket, s megrte, hogy amerikai legendv vljon. 84. Eskszl, hogy nem mondod
el senkinek? 85. Gainsborough hajlik arra,
hogy nagyon pragmatikus legyen. 86. Hbekorba megfenyegetett azzal, hogy megl. 87.
Miutn elvgezte a Sheffield Egyetemet, egy
londoni zletben dolgozott, s szabadidejben pi ltnak kpezte ki magt. 88. Sose vettem a fradsgot, hogy megbizonyosodjam
rla, br gy tartjk nagyon szp. 89. Most
nem tudom elmagyarzni, de kiderlhet, hogy
fontosak. 90. Kiderlt, hogy ez egy hl. 91.
Rendben, elvllalom, hogy a kvetkez gy
lsre elllok valamivel. 92. Megksrelhetsz
a frjeddel is beszlni, egy higgadtabb pillanatban. 93. Ki jelentkezik nknt mosogatni? 94. Egy msik megyeitancs is gy szavazott, hogy betiltjk a rkavadszatot a kztulajdon terleteken. 95. Brmindkt fl fogadkozik, hogy folytatja a harcot, egyre inkbb hajlanak a kompromisszumra. 96. Az
id gynyr, az g kk, s n al ig vram,
hogy kiszabadulhassak a vrosbl. 97. Mr
amita otthagytam Catherine-t s bcst
mondtam a laksomnak, vrtam hogy valamit sztverhessek. 98. Nem ktelez mondania brmit, csak ha gy akarja, de amit
mond, felhasznlhat bizonytkknt.


igk VIli: -ing-es alak

bizonyos igk utn

can't help ~28: can't stand, can't bear ~61 : -ing form ~73: mind ~135 : verbs IX: -ing form or to
+ infinitve after verbs ~146 : worth ~Reference 1



1. You had better adrnit (to) letting them

in earlier. 2. He adrnitted (to) swapping it
for a jack knife. 3. l adore being preg-

1. Jobb lenne, ha beismernd, hogy elbb

beengedted ket. 2. Beismerte, hogy elcserlte egy zsebksrt. 3. lmdok llapotos len-


nant. 4. Mrs Thatcher's team anticipated

gaining sufficient votes to win outright.
5. No one would appreciate being called
at this hour. 6. He usually avoids swearing in front of grown-ups. 7. Have you
ever avoided paying your TV licence fee?
8. Try to avoid buying your tickets from
ticket agencies- they' remore expensive.
9. The group burst out laughing. 1 O. They
were on their way to celebrate winning
the 1992 Championship. 11. Mrs Taylor
has completed training on ali of the five
modules. 12. l confess to being sceptical
about the who le enterprise. 13. l consider
painting the ceiling blue. 14. We considered buying a house in the countryside,
but we enjoy being in too much.
15. She contemplated walking out anyway, but she was loath to create a scene
in the office. 16. First he denied having
an affair with Grace. 17. Athletics Austra! i a delayed taking action because of
uncertainty over the drug's status. 18.
People describe being unemployed as being on the scrap heap. 19. l d~tested
working at night, as l had never managed
to sleep weil during the day. 20. Their gen
eral practitioner agreed to discontinue prescrib
ing Charles' barbiturates. 21 . We discuss hav-

ing fun at university. 22. It is not that

teachers in our primary schools dislike
teaching bright children . 23. You are going to have to endure being separated
from Monica every day. 24. Actually, l
rather enjoy cooking myself. 25. Do you
enjoy talking and playing with young children? 26. And do you enjoy being successful, Mr McDiarmid? 27. A family of
four has narrowly escapedbeing ki lied by
toxic fumes from a boiler. 28. We will
never excuse taking innocent hostages.
29. A North Wales council wants to 'buy
time' for families who face being made
horneless because of mortgage arrears. 30.
Do you fancy going for a wa lk? 31. l don't
fancy h im living with us for seven months.
32. It depends on what l feel like playing. 33. Have you finished cleaning your
room yet? 34. ls it too late to give up smoking? 35. But l can't help feeling that sugar

ni. 4. Mrs Thateher csapata arra szmt, hogy
elegend szavazatot szereztek a teljes gy
zelemhez. 5. Senki sem rtkeln, ha ebben
az idpontban hvnk. 6. Felnttek eltt tbbnyire kerli, hogy kromkodjon . 7. Elfordult
mr, hogy nem fizetted ki a tv-elfizetsi
djat? 8. Ha lehet, ne a jegyirodban vedd
meg.a jegyeket, mert az drgbb! 9. A csoport nevetsben trt ki. 1O. ppen az 1992-es
bajnoksg megnyerst mentek megnnepelni. 11. Mrs Taylor mind a hrom tanegysgben befejezte a kpzst. 12. Bevallom, hogy
szkeptikus vagyok a vllalkozs egszt illeten. 13. Azt fontolgatom, hogy kkre festem
a mennyezetet. 14. Gondoltunk r, hogy vesznk egy hzat vidken, de tlsgosan is szeretnk a vrosban lakni. 15. Azt fontolgatta,
hogy akrhogy is, de tvozik, csak nem sok
kedve volt jelenetet csinlni az irodban. 16.
Elszr tagadta, hogy affrja lett volna G ra ceszel. 17. Az Ausztrl Atltikai Szvetsg a szer
sttusval kapcsolatos bizonytalansg miatt
egyelre nem tesz semmilyen lpst. 18. Az
emberek gy rjk le a munkanlklisg llapott, mintha a szemtdombra dobtk volna
ket. 19. Gylltem jszaka dolgozni, mert
napkzben sosem tudtam rendesen aludni.
20. A hziorvos beleegyezett abba, hogy nem
r fel tbb altatt Charlesnak. 21. Megbeszljk, hogy hogyan lehet jl rezni magunkat
az egyetemen. 22. Nem arrl van sz, hogy
az ltalnos iskolinkban a tanrok ne szeretnktantani az igazn okos gyerekeket 23.
El kell majd viselned, hogy mindennap elvlasztanak Monictl. 24. Tulajdonkppen n
magam is nagyon szeretek fzni. 25. Szeretsz
gyerekekkel beszlgetni, jtszani? 26. s lvezi, hogy sikeres, Mr McDiarmid? 27. Egy
ngytag csald ppen csak hogy megmeneklt a bojlerbl szivrg mrgez gzok okozta halltl. 28. Soha nem bocstjuk meg rtatlan emberek tszul ejtst. 29. Az szakwalesi tancs idtszeretne nyerni azoknak a
csaldoknak, akiket az elmaradt hzrszle_tek miatt a kilakoltats veszlye fenyeget. 30.
Van kedved egy sthoz? 31. Nincs kedvemre, hogy ht hnapig velnk lakjon. 32. Az
attl fgg, mit van kedvem jtszani. 33. Befejezted mr a szobdban a takartst? 34. Ks van mr ahhoz, hogy leszokj am a dohny-


does not do their teeth any good. 36. l

cannot imagine spending a hol iday the re.
37. l can't imagine his having the right to
take on peop le for me. 38. Warking successfully involves being ab le tocope with
100 per cent of the cases which ari se. 39.
l can't see how anybody can justify spending two thousand pounds on getting a bit
of fat removed. 40. The tap keeps dripping. 41. l keep telling you, you cannot
loose. 42. She kept yelling my name. 43.
She kept laoking at her watch. 44. Keep
on trying his home until he arrives. 45.
Wi ll you lea ve off nag g i n g? 46. He
loathed her having friends. 47. She had
not mentioned being married to him, so
he didn 't mention it either. 48. l don't
mind talking about her. 49. Do you mind
me making a suggestion? OR: Do you mind
my making a suggestion? 50. l have missed
having a friend. 51. The embarrassment
made me postpone going to the elinics
for weeks. 52. The physiotherapist may
show you how to practise standing and
balancing. 53. Colour blindness does not
prevent a person (from) becarning a lorry
driver or a bus driver. 54. It is safer to put
off making decisions rather than risk
wrong ones. 55. Doctors gave him seven
months to live if he didn't quit drinking.
56. I do notrecall having ' wet-dreams'. 57. They
d o n't r ecollect ordering anything out of th e o rd i
nary. 58. l would notrecommend feeding

them too much mi lk. 59. Witnesses reported seeing a man and a woman go by
on a motorcycle. 60. Did any of them ever
resent having to do particular jobs? 61. l
co u ldn't resist buyi ng it. 62. Th ere is no
doubt that, should the peace talks fai l, the EPLF
will resume fighting. 63. You risk getting

caught if you walk out now. 64. It will

save having to reinvent the wheel each
time. 65. She spends a lot of her free time
at weekends painting and getti ng the
house ready for winter. 66. l spent the day
sunbathing at the swimming pool: 67. l
have spent a lot of time thinking . 68. You
know, she spends most of his time at
home, reading, li ste ning to the radio,
things like that. 69. l can't stand being

zsrl? 35. Nem tudok szabadulni attl az

rzstl, hogy a cukor egyltaln nem tesz
jt a foguknak. 36. Nem tudom elkpzelni,
hogy ott tltsk a szabadsgunkat. 37. Nem
tudom elkpzelni, hogy joga legyen hozzm
felvenni embereket. 38. A sikeres munka abban ll, hogy a felmerl esetek szz szzalkval meg tudunk birkzni. 39. Nem rtem,
mivel igazolhatn brki, hogy ktezer fontot
ad ki arra, hogy nmi zsrt eltvoltsan a testrl. 40. Egyre csak cspg a csap. 41. Mindig mondom neked, nem veszthetsz. 42. Egyre csak a nevemet kiablta. 43. Egyfolytban
az rjt nzte. 44. Prbld addig hvni otthon, amg haza nem r. 45. Befejeznd a
nyaggatst? 46. Gyllte, hogy a lnynak bartai vannak. 47. A n nem emltette, hogy a
felesge, gy ht sem tett emltst a dologrl. 48. Nem zavar, ha rla beszlnk. 49.
Megengedi, hogy tegyek egy javaslatot? 50.
Hinyzott, hogy legyen egy bartom. 51.
Nagy zavaromban hetekig halogattam, hogy
elmenjek a klinikra. 52. A gygytornsz megmutathatj a, hogyan gyakorold az llst s az
egyenslyozst. 53. A sznvaksg nem akadlya annak, hogy valaki teheraut-sofr vagy
buszsofr legyen. 54. Biztonsgosabb elhalasztani a dntshozs!, mint kockztatni a
rossz dntst. 55. Az orvosok ht hnapot adtak neki, ha nem hagyja abba az ivst. 56.
Nem tudom felidzni, hogy orgazmussal jr lmaim lettek volna. 57. gy emlkeznek,
hogy semmi, a szoksostl eitrt nem rendeltek. 58. Nem javaslom, hogy nagyon sok
tejjel tplljk ket. 59. Szemtank beszmoltak arrl, hogy lttak egy frfi s egy nt motorkerkpron l hajtani. 60. Elfordult, hogy
brmelyikk kifogsolt konkrt feladatokat?
61. Nem tudtam ellenllni annak, hogy megvegyem. 62. Nem ktsges, hogy ha a bketrgyalsokktba esnek, az EPLF jrakezdi a
harcot. 63. Hamost kimsz, azt kockztatod,
hogy elkapnak. 64. A segtsgvel megsprolhatjuk, hogy minden egyes alkalommal fel
kelljen tallni a kereket. 65. A htvgken szabadideje nagy rszt azzal tlti, hogy kifesti,
rendbe hozza a hzat tl ire. 66. Azzal tltttem a napot, hogy napaztarn az szmedencnL 67. Sok idt tltttem azzal, hogy gondolkodtam. 68. Tudod, ideje nagy rszt ott-


spied on. 70. Timothy could neverstand

being wrong, either! 71. l don't th ink they
really understand; so l suggest sending
them a copy of the bank statement. 72.
Apparently Harrison couldn't tolerate being with other people. 73. Why waste
time listening to any proposals?

verbs IX: -ing form or

to + infinitive after verbs

hon tlti, olvas, rdit hallgat, ilyesmi. 69. Ki

nem llhatom, ha kmkednek utnam. 70.
Timothy se brta soha, hogy ne legyen igaza.
71. Szerintem nem igazn rtik, gyhogy azt
javaslom kldjk el nekik a bankszmlakivonat egy pldnyt. 72. Szemltomst Harrison
nem viselte el msok trsasgt. 73. Mirt
v.esztegessk az idt arra, hogy javaslatokat
hallgassunk meg?


igk IX: -ing-es alak vagy

to + fnvi igenv bizonyos
igk utn

Q 5: aflow, perm it, forbid Q 75: need ~90: prefer QReference 1





1. l cannot bear to see you hurt. 2. How

can you bear to eat them? 3. l can't bear
seeing them throwing it away, that's ali.
4. She began biting her chain . 5. She began th inking very fast. 6. He began to unbutton his sleeves. 7. lnstantly a burglar
alarm began to ring. 8. Zoey began to
enjoy the game. 9. l began to feel very
embarrassed. 1 O. They were beginning to
feel hungry. 11. Some of the report's contents are beginning to leak out. 12. Don't
bother locking the door, we'll be back in
a minute. 13. l never bother to read my
horoscope in the paper. 14. He doesn't
bother to knock, he just walks in. 15. Since
the last meeting the follawing h ave ceased to be
members of this committee. 16. By December
l 7, 66 out of 70 pi ts in Silesia had ceased work
ing. 17. l carne to realise the hugeness of

the market 18.1 carne running, too, didn't

l? 19. In July 1908 the railway was ready for traf
fic and on the 19'h adaily freight train commenced
to run . 20. Eventually the two parties meet up
and commence searching inside the ancien t craft.

21. They continued shouting. 22. Jane

merely continued to shake her head violently.23. Did Bangor deserve to win? 24.

1. Gyllm ltni, ha bntanak. 2. Hogy brod megenni ket? 3. Csak annyi, hogy nem
brom nzni, ahogy kidobjk. 4. A lncot
kezdte harapdl ni. 5. Elkezdett nagyon gyorsan gondolkodni. 6. Nekillt kigombolni az
ingujjt. 7. Abban a pillanatban megszlalt a
riaszt. 8. Zoey kezdte lvezni a jtkot. 9.
Kezdtem nagyon zavarba jnni. 10. Kezdtek
meghezni. 11. A jelents tartalmnak egy rsze kezd kiszivrogni. 12. Ne fradj azzal,
hogy bezrod az ajtt, mindjrt visszajvnk.
13. Soha nem foglalkozam azzal, hogy elolvassam a horoszkpomat az jsgban. 14.
Nem trdik azzal, hogy kopogjon, egyszeren csak bestl. 15. A legutbbi gyls ta
a kvetkez szemlyek bizottsgi tagsga
sznt meg. 16. DeG:ember 17-re 70 szilziai
trnbl 66 bezrt. 17. Rbredtem, milyen
risi nagy a piac. 18. n is futva jttem, nem?
19. 1908 jliusban a vasutat tadtk a forgalomnak s 19-n beindult a naponta kzleked teherjrat 20. Vgl a kt csapat egyesl s hozzkezdenek az si haj belsejnek
tkutatshoz. 21. Folytattk a kiablst. 22.
Jane csak rzta tovbb vadul a fejt. 23. Megrdemelte Bangor a gyzelmet? 24. Mlt r,
hogy vegldikban tartsk. 25. Egyszeren


It deserves being kept in a glass case. 25.

I'm simply dreading going to the dentist.
26. l dreadto thi nk what might have happened if l' d tried to open it. 27. 1'11 never
forget waiting for bombs to fali. 28. We
won't forget having you here with us,
Mike. 29. Don't forget to feed the dog,
will you? 30. Don't forget to write, will
you? 31. ls Dad forgetting tosend money?
32. One afternoon a week, l went to do
some work at the Child Guidance Cl i nic,
and Mavis looked after Shanti on these
days. 33. Success means you can spend
more when you go shopping. 34. Lord
Taylor then went on to criticise the way
in which the media reported some cases.
35. l do want to go on helping people.
36. He hates gambling. 37. l like talking,
but l hate listening. 38. l hate losing
things. 39. l hate having secrets. 40. l just
hate sitting around a campfire singing
songs. 41.1 hate having my films eriticised
in the newspapers. 42. l hate people telephoning me early in the morning. 43. l
hated anyone having control over me. 44.
l'd hate to go there. 45. Do you know l
hate hm to wake me up when he comes
home? 46. Doesn 't everyone hate to be
abandoned? 47. l am intending to retire
next year. 48. Harry Perkins did not intend tobecomea Labour MP. 49. She intended catching the afternoon train. 50. l
likebeing independent. 51. l like dealing
with people. 52. She liked watching
people in the street. 53. Jane l ikes having
to think. 54. l don 't like living alone. 55.
You don't li ke plan n ing things weil ahead
of time, do you? 56. Do you li ke jogging?
57. Do you l i ke being a secretary? 58.
What kind of books do you like reading?
59. They don't li ke me going out with you
so often, as they say. 60. She didn't like my
bei ng so wo rried. 61. l like to sit down with
a good cigar and a book. 62. He likes to
th ink he owns me already. 63. My mother
doesn't like to bowl. 64. l don 't like ro get
my hands dirty. 65. He didn' t like to be
seen with Magnus. 66. l don't like to
bother you when you're busy, but this is
really important 67. How close to your

rettegek elmenni a fogorvoshoz. 26. Rettegek,

ha arra gondolok, mi trtnt volna, ha megprbltam volna kinyitni. 27. Soha nem felejtem el, ahogy vrtuk, hogy potyogjanak a
bombk. 28. Mike, nem fogjuk elfelejteni,
hogy itt voltl velnk. 29. Ne felejtsd el megetetnia kutyt, j? 30. Ne felejts el rni, rendben? 31. Apa elfelejti kldeni a pnzt? 32.
Hetente egy dlutn elmentem dolgozni kicsit a Gyermektancsadba, s ezeken a napokon Mavis vigyzott Shantire. 33. A siker
azt jelenti, hogy az ember tbb pnzt klthet
el, amikor bevsrolni megy. 34. Lord Taylor
a tovbbiakban kritizlta azt a mdot, ahogy
az esetek egy rszt a mdia tlalta. 35. De
n tovbbra is szeretnk segteni az embereknek. 36. Utljaa szerencsejtkot. 37. Szeretek beszlni, de utlok msokat hallgatni.
38. Utlok elveszteni valamit. 39. Utlom,
ha titkaim vannak. 40. Egyszeren gyllk
tbortz mellett csrgni s nekelni. 41.
Utlom, ha a filmemet kritizljk az jsgokban. 42. Utlom, ha korn reggel hvnak telefonon. 43. Gylltem, ha brkinek is hatalma volt flttem. 44. Utlnk odamenni. 45.
Tudod, utlom, ha felbreszt, amikor hazajn. 46. Ht nem mindenki gylli, ha elhagyjk? 47. Jvre kszlk nyugdjba vonulni.
48. Harry Perkinsnek nem llt szndkban,
hogy munksprti kpvisel legyen. 49. El
akarta rni a dlutni vonatot. 50. Szeretek
fggetlen lenni. 51. Szeretek emberekkel foglalkozni. 52. Szerette figyelni az embereket
az utcn. 53. Jane szereti, ha gondolkodnia
kell. 54. Nem szeretek egyedl lni. 55. Nem
szereted j elre eltervezni a dolgokat, ugye?
56. Szeretsz kocogni? 57. Szeretsz titkrn
lenni? 58. Mifl knyveket szeretsz olvasni?
59. Nem tetszik nekik, hogy ahogy k mondjk, olyan sokat jrok el veled. 60. Nem szerette, hogy annyira aggdom. 61. Szeretek lelni egy finom szivarral s egy knyvvel a kezemben. 62. Szereti azt hinni, hogy mr az
tulajdona vagyok. 63. Az anym nem szeret
tekzni . 64. Nem szeretem sszekoszolni a
kezemet. 65. Nem szerette, ha Magnusszal
ltjk. 66. Nemszeretem zavarni nt, amikor
elfoglalt, de ez most tnyleg fontos. 67. Milyen kzel szeret lni a partnerhez? 68. Az
anyd nem szerette, ha sszekoszolod ma-


partner do you li ke to sit? 68. You r mother

didn't like you to get dirty. 69. l like my
day to start with very cold orange juice.
70. l like the morning paper to come
through the letterbox. 71. I' m afra id l must
be very old-fashioned, but Ilike things to
have a beginning, a middle and an end.
72. You don't have to ask her, she loves
being photographed. 73. l used to love
thinking about what l was going to do
next. 74. l love people inviting me to parties. 75. l love to vist old houses. 76. It
seems they love Mary to call on them
once in a while. 77. They didn' t mean to
hu rt poor Tom, it was just a si Ily old accident 78. I' m sorry, l don't mean to intertere ... 79. You don't 01ean to ~ay you
talked to David about her? 80. l didn 't
mean to accuse you of lying. 81 . You
know it wasn't meant to hurt you . 82.
Making decisions means taking risks. 83.
What do l need to discuss with the parents when taking on a child? 84. l know
some of it needs re-writing again. 85. l
prefer to be left out of this. 86. l prefer
doing the crossword puzzle anyway. 87.
He proposed to publi s h h is Ph.D. 88. l hope
she hasn't proposed taking you on her
visits. 89. Now l regret throwing that old
umbrella away. 90. You'll regretever coming down here. 91 . She wanted to tell h im
how much she regretted calling him a liar.
92. l regret having said that. 93. l regret
to inform you that your application has
been rejected. 94. l remember seeing the
postmark on your letters. 95. l think l remember hearing about it. 96. l can't remember seeing you before. 97. l can't
remember signing this form . 98. l can 't
rememberever in my life having had any
use for the littie finger on my left hand.
99. Cyri l says he doesn't remember you
l end i n g h im any money. 1 00. Pl eas e remember to post my lette r. 101. l h ope that
Luke remembered to turnon the heating.
1 02. Did anyone remember to lock the
ba ck door? 103. l must remember to sen d
th em a Christmas card. 104. When are
they going to stop tuning up and start
playing? 105. You're too you n g to start

gad. 69. Szeretem, ha a napom jghideg narancslvel indul. 70. Szeretem, ha minden reggel ott van az jsg a postaldban. 71. Attl
tartok, biztosan nagyon rgimdi vagyok, de
szeretem, ha a dolgoknak elejk, kzepk s
vgk van . 72. Nem kell megkrdezned,
imdja ha fnykpezik. 73. Rgebben nagyon
sz~rettem azon tndni, mit fogok csinlni
legkzelebb. 74. Imdom, ha partikra hvnak.
75. Nagyon szeretek rgi hzakban jrni . 76.
gy tnik, nagyon szeretik, ha Mary idn
knt megltogatja ket. 77. Nem akartk megsrteni szegny Tomot, csak egy szerencstlen vletlen volt. 78. Elnzst, nem llt szndkomban kzbeavatkozni. 79. Csak nem azt
akarod mondani, hogy beszltl rla
Davidnek? 80. Nem llt szndkomban hazugsggal vdolni. 81. Tudod, hogy nem bntsnak volt sznva. 82. A dntshozs kockzatvllalst jelent. 83. M it kell megbeszlnem a szlkkel, amikor felveszek egy gyereket? 84. Tudom, hogy nhnyat megint jra
kell rni. 85. Jobb szeretnk ebbl kimaradni .
86. n amgy is a keresztrejvnyfejtst vlasztom. 87. Azt tervezte, hogy kiadja a doktori disszertcijt. 88. Remlem, nem kezdemnyezte, hogy magval vigyen a ltogatsokra. 89. Most mr bnom, hogy kidobtam azt az reg esernyt. 90. Meg fogod bnni, hogy egyltaln lejttl ide. 91. Meg akarta mondani neki, mennyire bnja, hogy hazugnak nevezte. 92. Sajnlom, hogy ezt
mondtam. 93. Sajnlattal kzlm nne!, hogy
jelentkezst elutastottuk. 94. Emlkszem,
hogy lttam a postablyegzt a leveleiden.
95. Mintha emlkeznk r, hogy hallottam
mr rla. 96. Nem emlkszem, hogy lttalak
volna mr. 97. Nem emlkszem arra, hogy
alrtam ezt a nyomtatvnyt. 98. Nem emlkszem, hogy valaha is hasznt vettem volna a bal kezem kisujjnak. 99. Cyril azt mondja, nem emlkszik, hogy klcsnadtl volna
neki pnzt. 100. Krlek, ne felejtsd el fel adn i
a levelemet. 101. Reml em, Lu ke nem felejtette el bekapcsolni a ftst. 102. Eszbe jutott valakinek bezrni a hts ajtt?103. Nem
szabad elfelejtenem, hogy kldjek nekik egy
karcsonyi lapot. 104. Mikor fejezik be a hangolst, s kezdenek jtszani? 105. Fiatal vagy
mg ahhoz, hogy el kezdd feladni a dolgokat.


g1vmg up. 106. l started shouting and

whistl ing but no body took any notice.
107. He started to laugh. 108. Unexpectedly, he started to cry. 109. l started to
real ize what he had done for me. 11 O. l
started to wonder if l had ever been in
love with her. 111. As it was starting to
rain, we ali had to jam into Terry's tent.
112. lt's stopped ringing. 113. Will you.
please stop arguing. 114. After about a
year Molly stopped coming. 115. We are
both happier now that we have stopped
living together. 116. l have stopped driving myself now that I'm over 70. 117. l
thi nk you' d better stop reading and go to
bed. 118. l wish she would stop singing.
119. You can't stop her going to vis it h im.
120. When l held my hands out l cou ldn't
stop my fingers shaking. 121. The man
stopped to look at the map and then
walked on. 122. Sorry, l can't stop to talk
now. 123. He stopped to jot down the
street name. 124. We were getting tired
so we stopped to have lunch. 125. He
stopped to pick up a hitch -h iker. 126. Try
ringing the bell , someone may be in. 127.
Have you tried sending her flowers? 128.
Weil, why don 't you try clean i n g the
plugs? 129. Why don 't you try advertisi n g i n a newspaper? 130. And don ' t
try threatening my frie nd again. 131. l
tried werking in a shop, but it didn't interest me. 132. We must try to forget 133.
l always try to be punctual. 134. l was
trying to cheer her up. 135. Are you del iberate ly trying to con fu se me? 136. He
lit a cigarette and tried to organize his
thoughts. 137. Try not to talk so much.
138. Don't try to impress me. 139. Bradford is the place l've been trying not to

106. Elkezdtem kiablni s ftylni, de senki

nem trdtt velem. 107. Nevetni kezdett.
108. Vratlanul srni kezdett. 109. Kezdtem
felfogni, mit tett rtem. 110. Kezdtem azon
tndni, vajon szerelmes voltam-e bel vala-

ha? 111. Mivel esni kezdett, mindannyiunknak Terry strba kellett beprseldnnk. 112.
Abbahagyta a csngst. 113. Lennl kedves
befejezni a vitatkozst? 114. Krlbell egy
v utn Molly nem jtt tbbet. 115. Mind a
ketten boldogabbak vagyunk most, hogy mr
nem lnk egytt. 116. En magam mr abbahagytam a vezetst, most, hogyelmltarn hetven. 117. Azt hiszem, jobban tennd, ha abbahagynd az olvasst s lefekd nl. 118. Brcsak abbahagyn az neklst! 119. Nem akadlyozhatod meg, hogy eljrjon megltogatni t. 120. Mikor kinyjtottam a kezem,
tehetetlenl nztem, hogy remegnek az ujjaim. 121. A frfi megllt, hogy megnzze a
trkpet, aztn tovbbment. 122. Ne haragudj, nem tudok most megllni beszlgetni.
123. Megllt, hogy lejegyezze az utca nevt.
124. Kezdtnk elfradni, gyhogy meglltunk
ebdelni. 125. Megllt, hogy felvegyen egy
stoppost 126. Prblj meg csengetni, lehet
hogy van benn valaki. 127. Prblkeztl mr
azzal, hogy virgot kldesz neki? 128. Mirt
nem prblod meg megtiszttani a gyertykat? 129. Mirt nem prblod meg gy, hogy
meghirdeted jsgban? 130. s ne prblj mg
egyszer rijeszteni a bartomra! 131. Megprbltam egy boltban dolgozni, de nem rdekelt. 132. Meg kell prblnunk felejteni.
133. Mindig megprblek pontosan rkezni.
134. Prbltam felvidtani. 135. Szndkosan prblsz ss.zezavarni? 136. Rgyjtott
egy cigarettra, s megprblta rendezni a
gondolatait. 137. Prblj meg nem beszlni
ilyen sokat. 138. Ne prblj meg nagy hatssal lenni rm! 139. Bradford az a hely, amelyet prbltam nem emlteni.

infinitive with to: and instead of to

140. Haven't you got a couple of jobs. that

w ant do i n g i n the garden, maybe? 141. l
want to ask a simple question. 142. l didn't
wan t to wake you up. 143. l wa nt to go on
working. 144. l don't want to be a soldier.

140. Nem lehet, hogy esetleg van nmi tennival a kertben? 141. Egy egyszer krdst
szeretnk feltenni. 142. Nem akartalak felbreszten i. 143. Tovbb akarok dolgozni.
144. Nem akarok katona lenni. 145. Csak


145. l only wanted to help you. 146. l don't

want to talk about the war. 147. l have to
work and l don't wa nt to be disturbed. 148.
My parents wanted me to learn Eng l is h as
soon as possible. 149. There's someone here
l wa nt you to meet. 150. They wa nt the park
to be made bigger.

very, most, very much

segteni szerettem volna nnek. 146. em

akarok a hborrl beszlni. 147. Dolgoznom kell, s nem szeretnm, ha zavarnnak.
148. A szleim azt akartk, hogy minl elbb
tanuljak meg angolul. 149. Van itt valaki, akivel szeretnm, ha tallkoznl. 150. Azt akarjk, hogy nagyobbtsk meg a parkot.



940: enough, too 944: fairi)IJ rather etc.

Ilike you very much. OR: l very much like you. NOT: l like you very.
OR: l verylike you .



1. l make very good coffee. 2. l have a

very good teacher, called Miss Atwood.
3. lt's not a very good l ibrary. 4. What a
very bad temper you have. 5. ls it very
long? 6. This is a very strong material. 7.
Are you r parents very religious? 8. Hotels
are very expensive in Brita in. 9. I' m afraid
you won't be very warm, sir. 10. They
must be very weil-off. 11. Bailey's is a very
popular drink in Europe. 12. He is very
young to be a captain. 13. Jimmy and she
are very fon d of each other. 14. Mon ica
laoked very, very angry. 15. She felt very
comfortable at home. 16. I'm sure their
offer is a very fair one. 17. My brother
and l are very different. 18. The estate
agent was very enthusiastic about selling
the house. 19. Life is very interesting
here. 20. She found him very entertaining. 21. l was very surprised at his attitude.
22. My mother-in-law was very pleased
to see me. 23. Very few people will share
your enthusiasm, l am afraid. 24. That is
a very com pl icated problem, Mrs Gerhardie. 25. It was the very first time l had
a chance to meet her in person. 26. The
whole thing was over very quickly. 27.
lsbel did not listen to Roger very attentively. 28. l don' t see her very often


1. Nagyon j kvt tudok csinlni . 2. an

egy nagyon j tanrom, Mrs Atwoodnak
hvjk. 3. Ez nem valami j knyvtr. 4.
Milyen rossz termszeted van! 5. agyon
hossz? 6. Ez nagyon ers anyag. 7. 1 agyon vallsosak a szleid? 8. Nagy-Britanniban nagyon drgk a szllodk. 9. Attl
tartok, nem lesz tl melege, uram. 1O. Biztosan nagyon jmdak. 11 . A Bai ley's nagyon npszer ital Eurpban. 12. agvo
fiatal ahhoz, hogy kapitny legyen. 13.
Jimmy s nagyon szeretik egymst. 14.
Monica nagyon-nagyon dhsnek ltszohl 5. Nagyon kellemesen rezte mag ochon. 16. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy na~ o~
tisztessges az aj n latuk. 17. A bt\ T e:;
n nagyon klnbznk. 18. Az ingagynk nagyon lelkes volt a hz elco.s2val kapcsolatban . 19. Nagyon rde -es
az let. 20. Nagyon szrakoztatn ~ :.:
ta a frfit. 21. Nagyon meglepd e 2
zllsn. 22. Az anysom nag)or
hogy lt. 23. Attl tartok, igen ke ese'"'
jk majd a lelkesedst. 24. Ez ef!\
bonyolult problma, Mrs Gerhard e_ 25.:::=.
volt a lege ls alkalom, hogy szew tser
tallkozhattam vele. 26. A2 ecsz ""' :: gyorsan vget rt. 27. lsbel nem .2 -~ gyeimesen hallgatta Rogert. 28.
ban nem sokat taltkozom ete.


29. It was most kin d of you. 30. It certainly
was a most confusing situation. 31. Most
likely it wasn't my scarf at ali. 32. l most
certainly was notborna businessman. 33.
He behaved most generously.

29. Rendkvl kedves volt tled. 30. Termszetesen rendkvl zavarba ejt helyzet
volt. 31. Az a legvalsznbb, hogy nem is
az n slam volt. 32. Teljesen nyilvnval,
hogy nem szlettem zletembernek. 33.
Rendkvl nagylelken viselkedett.

~ 30/127-187: compari san:

-est, most. ..



34. l like your brother very much. 35. Yes,

indeed, l enjoyed it very much, thank you.
36. Though l was very tired l very much
enjoyed listening to them chatting. 37. l
know she wants to come very much. 38. l
hope you won't blame me too much. 39.
We support very much what Sir Roger is
doing. 40. Did it rain very much while you
were there? 41. Your letter made me laugh
so much. 42. l must tell you that l don't
much like the idea of letting them use our
database. 43. They' restill very much awake,
Freddie and Dan. 44. Our draft was much
criticized, but eventually accepted as the
second best.
~71 :


34. Nagyon kedvelem a btydat. 35. Igen,

tnyleg nagyon jl reztem magam, ksznm sz pen. 36. Br nagyon fradt voltam,
nagyon lveztem hallgatni, ahogy csevegnek. 37. Tudom, hogy nagyon szeretne jnni. 38. Remlem, nem fogsz nagyon hibztatni. 39. Hatrozottan tmogatjuk, amit Sir
Roger tesz. 40. Nagyon sokat esett, amg
ott voltl? 41. Nagyon sokat nevettem a leveleden. 42. Meg kell hogy mondjam, nem
nagyon tetszik az tlet, hogy hasznlhassk az adatbzisunkat 43. Freddie s Dan
mg mindig nagyon bren vannak. 44. Br
a tervezetnket sokat kritizltk, vgl mgis a msodik legjobbnak rtkeltk.

many, much etc.


gy, ugy

l must find a way of fuifilling my dreams. OR: l must find a way to fuifil my dreams.
NOT: l must finda vvay offulfiln1en_t of



1. 1'11 help you any way l can. 2. You can
do it any way you like. 3. Since there's no
other way, we must do as they say. 4. We
tried to make it accessible in several different ways, but with no success. 5. ln many
ways man is not superior to animals. 6. We
feel the same way about everything. 7. Then
l started once more and put it tagether (in)
the wrong way agai n. 8. He looked back at
me in an encouraging way. 9. If you puli it
this way you won't brake the handle. 10.

1. Segteni fogok, ahogy csak tudok. 2. gy

csinlod, ahogy akarod. 3. Mivel nincs ms
megolds, azt kell tennnk, amit mondanak.
4. Tbbflekppen prbltuk hozzfrhetv tenni, de sikertelenl. 5. Sok szempontbl
az ember nem magasabb rend az llatoknl. 6. Egyformn rznk mindenben. 7. Aztn jrakezdtem, s megint fordtva raktam
ssze. 8. Btortan nzett vissza rm. 9. Ha
gy hzod, nem fog letrni a foganty ja. 1O.
Nem prblnd meg az n szemszgembl


Can't you try to see things my way? 11. lt's

nzni a dolgokat? 11. Olyan igazsgtalan,
so unfair, the way you blame me. 12. You
ahogy vdolsz. 12. Nem kellene gy btorshouldn't enecurage him the way you do.
tanod, ahogy szoktad. 13. Engem nem tudsz
13. You can't deceive me the way you do
gy becsapni, ahogy mindenki mst. 14. s
everyone else. 14. And has karate changed
mint n msmilyennek rzi magt azta, hogy
the way you feel as a woman? 15. l only karatzik? 15. Brcsak nekem is lenne valawish l had someone l could hate the way
kim, akit gy gyl lhetnk, ahogy te gyllsz
you hate me, but l haven't. 16. l read The
engem, de sajnos nincs. 16. Azrt olvasom a
Guardian because Ilike the way (that) they
Guardiant, mert nagyon szimpatikus, ahogyan
handie social issues. 17. Giraffes commuaszocilis krdseket kezelik. 17. A zsirfok
nicate with each other by the way they hold
a testtartsukkal kommuniklnak egymssal,
their necks, the position of their bodies, and
valamint azzal, ahogy a nyakukat s a farkuthe posture o ft he ta i l. 18. That's the way to
kat mozgatjk. 18. gy kell elbnni a mlttal!
deal with the past! 19. That's a funny way
19. Furcsa megolds gy nyilvntani vleto express an op in ion on an important top ic.
mnyt egy fontos krdsrl. 20. Nem tudom
20. l can't th ink of a way to make h im come
kitallni, hogyan lehetne elcsalogatni. 21.
out. 21. She knew only one way to stop
Csak egy mdszert tudott arra, hogy meglthem. 22. That's a good way to break a leg.
ltsa ket. 22. gy tudod knnyeneltrni a l23. Weil, everyone knows the right way to
bad. 23. Nos, azt mindenki tudja, hogyan kell
behave, don't they? 24. There's no way to
helyesen viselkedni, nem igaz? 24. Nincs md
guarantee safety against a desperate gunarra, hogy egy orvgyilkossgra kszl elsznt
man bent on assassination. 25. That's no
fegyveres banditval szemben brkinek a bizway to talk about him. After ali, he's your
tonsgt garantljuk. 25. Nem szabad gy befather. 26. There are a number of ways of
szlned rla, vgl is az apd! 26. Ez a probsolving thisproblem. 27. There are plenty
lma sokflekppen megoldhat. 27. Sokfof waysof being rude in Eng l is h. 28. lt's the
lekppen lehet durvnak lenni angolul. 28.
surest way to success. 29. There must be
Ez a legbiztosabb t a sikerhez. 29. Kell hogy
otherwaysof working this th ing out. 30. ls
legyen ms mdja is annak, hogy megoldjuk
there any way of avoiding breaking it? 31.
a dolgot. 30. Nem lehetne valahogy elkerlWhat is the cheapest way of touring the
ni, hogy eltrjk? 31. Mi a legolcsbb mdja
States? 32. l just can't see why you find his
annak, hogy beutazzuk az Egyeslt llamoway of th inking more appealing. 33. They' re
kat? 32. Nem rtem, mirt tallod vonzbbjust selling you the American way of life,
nak az gondolkodsmdjt. 33. Egyszer
that's ali.
en eladjk neked az amerikai letstlust, ez

whatever, whoever etc.


brki, brmi stb.


1. Whatever you do, do it with ali your
heart. 2. 1' 11 eat what(ever) I'm given. 3. l
will see him, whatever you say. 4. You just
believe what(ever) makes you feel comfortable. 5. Cheer up! lt's not the end of the
world, whatever l said last night. 6. l open
my cupboard and whatever hits the ground

1. Brmit csinlsz, szvvel-llekkel csinld!

2. Megeszek brmit, amit kapok. 3. Tallkozni fogok vele, akrmit is mondasz. 4. Egyszeren mindig azt hiszed el, amitl kellemesebben rezheted magad. 5. Fel a fejjel!
Azrt ez mg nem a vilg vge, akrmit is
mondtam mlt jszaka. 6. Ki nyitom a szek-


first, that's what l put on. 7. Whatever the

difficulties, we must try. 8. Whatever is that
no ise?

rnyemet, s ami elszr kiesik belle, azt

veszem fel. 7. Minden nehzsg ellenre is
meg kell prblnunk. 8. Mi a csuda ez a zaj?



9. Whoever comes, l am not at home. 1O.

Whoever this person was, l would like to
say "tha nk you" for su ch honesty. 11 .. Whoever comes with us, they will have to be at
the meeting point on time. 12. We' ll giveit
to whoever comes first. 13. Whoever are
you? 14. Whoever would've thought it?

9. Brki keres, nem vagyok itthon. 1O. Brki is volt ez az ember, szeretnk ksznetet
mondani neki a becsletessgrt 11. Brki is jn velnk, pontosan ott kell lennie a
tallkozhelyen. 12. Annak adjuk oda, aki
elszr rkezik. 13. Ki a csuda maga? 14.
Ki az rdg gondolta volna?



15. Come and see us whenever you stay in

Brighton. 16. Now he comes over for the
weekend whenever he can. 17. Whenever l
ask you that question, you get embarrassed.
18. Whenever l see him, he's driving a different car. 19. Whenever he stays in town
overnight, he stays with her. 20. Whenever l
hearthat song, l can't help thinking of him.

15. Ltogasson meg minket, ha brmikor

Brightonban jr. 16. Most meg tjn hozznk
a htvgn, amikor csak tud. 17. Ahnyszor
csak felteszem ezt a krdst, mindig zavarba
jssz. 18. Ahnyszor ltom, mindig ms autt vezet. 19. Amikor csak a vrosban marad
jszakra, mindig nla alszik. 20. Valahnyszor ezt a dalt hallom, muszj r gondol nom.


21. Go wherever you like. 22. Wherever
you go, you' ll finda friend to help you out.
23. Wherever l hid it, she was sure to find
it. 24. Wherever we scraped the paint off,
there was some rusty metal under it. 25.
Wherever has he gone?

21. Menj, ahova akarsz. 22. Brhova is megy

az ember, mindenhol tall egy bartot, aki kisegtse a bajbl. 23. Akrhova is dugtam, biztos volt, hogy megtallja. 24. Akrhol kapartuk le a festket, valamilyen rozsds fmet talltunk alatta. 25. Hova a csudba ment?


26. Use whichever word you think should
go in there. 27. Go ahead, you can taste
whichever one you li ke. 28. l' ll take whichever saw you're not using. 29. Whichever
colour they tried, they couldn't match the
brightness of the original. 30. You can take
whichever seat you want, no one else is
com ing.

. 26. Haszold brmelyik szt, amelyikrl

gy gondolod, hogy odaillik. 27. Rajta, kstold meg brmelyiket, amelyik szimpatikus.
28. Brmelyik fejsze j nekem, amelyiket
nem hasznlod. 29. Akrmelyik sznt prbltk is, egyikkel sem tudtk ellltani az
eredeti fnyessgt. 30. Akrmelyik helyet
elfoglalhatja, nem jn mr ms.


31. Howeveryou travel, it should take about
an hour to get to Canterbury. 32. Just eat
however much you want, don't care about

31. Akrhogy utazz is, krlbell egy ra

alatt rsz Canterburybe. 32. Egyl, amennyi
jlesik, ne trdj vele, mit mondanak. 33.


what they say. 33. However fast we're going, they've been catching up with us. 34.
However did you get through to that fen ce?

Akrmilyen gyorsan megynk, csak-csak

utolrnek bennnket. 34. Hogy a csudba
jutottl t a kertsen?



35. No matter how gifted (he is), he still needs

to practise. 36. No matter how littie money

35. Akrmilyen tehetsges is, gyakorolnia

kell . 36. Akrmilyen kevs pnze is legyen

you have, you should try and deposit some

regulady in the bank. 37. No matter where
you hide, they'll find you in the end. 38. No
matter what your senses first tell you, give
them a chance. 39. l am staying no matter
what you decide. 40. No matter what the
cost, l will buy it. 41. No matter who we
choose, he must be given ali the facts on
what we're planning. 42. We'll always love
you, no matter what.

ai embernek, meg kell prblnia rendsze-

when, while etc.

~61 :

-ing fo rm

resen betenni valamennyit a bankba. 37.

Mindegy hov bjsz, a vgn gyis megtallnak. 38. Brhogy is rezz elsre, add meg
nekik a lehetsget. 39. Itt maradok, akrhogy is dntsetek. 40. Nem szmt az r,
megveszem. 41. Akrkit is v lasszunk, meg
kell kapn iaminden informcit a tervei nkrl. 42. Brmi trtnjen, m i mindig szeretni fogunk.

~ 126:

amikor, mikzben

verbless clauses q 131: verbs V: see sy. come/coming


1. A policeman looked curiously at hm as
he passed. 2. As she walked away, l thought
she looked bored. 3. His hands were shaking as he pulled on his trousers. 4. Just as l
opened my eyes l saw something l hadn't
noticed before. 5. She looked up, frowning, as Sarah entered. 6. The cook threw a
frying-pan after her as she went, but it just
missed her. 7. As l was walking quietly along
l saw a large jet-black animal come out of
the forest about twenty yards before me. 8.
She smiled as she was bending down to help
him to his feet. 9. l had to support hm as
he walked. 10. l watched as he dived into
the waves. 11. The sun wasshining as he
arrved at the top of the hill. 12. "Would
you like a drink?" she asked as she passed
h im.

1. Furcsn nzett r egy rendr, ahogy elhaladt mellette. 2. Ahogy tovbbstlt, gy

lttam, unja magt. 3. Remegett a keze,
ahogy felhzta a nadrgjt. 4. Ahogy kinyitottam a szemem, meglttam valamit, amit
addig nem vettem szre. 5. Szemldkt
rncolva felnzett, amikor Sarah belpett.
6. A szakcs egy serpenyt hajtott utna,
ahogy elment mellette, de pont nem ta llta
el. 7. Ahogy szp csendben tovbbmentem,
meglttam egy hatalmas, koromfekete llatot eljn ni az erdb l , gy hsz mterrel
elttem . 8. Mosolygott, ahogy lehajolt, hogy
felsegtse. 9. Tmogatnom kellett t jrs
kzben. 1 O. Figyeltem, ahogy fejest ugrott
a hullmokba. 11 . Ragyogott a nap, amikor
felrt a hegy tetej re. 12. Krsz egy italt? krdezte, ahogy elment mellette.


13. It hurts when l bend down. 14. l can't
eat when I' m laughing. 15. l hate anyone
listening when I' m telephoning. 16. When

13. Fj, am ikor lehajo lok. 14. Nem tudok

enn i, ha nevetek. 15. Utlom, ha brki
hallgatja, am ikor telefonlok. 16. szs


swimming, keep near the shore. 17. Don't

make any noise when you leavel 18. l have
to be home when Becky gets back from
school. 19. When l was six l got an encyclopedia for my birthday. 20. That was the
night when the roof fell in. 21. That was
when he was still a student. 22. He was
one of the witnesses when we were married. 23. When he died he left his property
to his brother. 24. Did you feel excited when
you flew for the first time? 25. Didn't you
know ali this when you married him? 26. It
was after nine o'clock when l woke again.
27. john was reading when l saw him. 28.
My mother started crying w hen she saw me.
29. l was dictating some letters to my secretary when the fire-bell rang. 30. When
she opened her eyes, Felix was looking at
her. 31. Margaret had given up her job with
Goodrich when she got married. 32. We
only called the police when we had tried
everything else. 33. What's going to happen to him when I'm gone?

kzben maradjon a part kzelben! 17. Ne

csapj zajt, amikor elmsz. 18. Otthon kell
lennem, amikor Becky hazar az iskolbl. 19. Hatves koromban egy enciklopdit kaptam a szletsnapomra. 20.
Azon az jszakn szakadt be a tet. 21. Ez
mg dikkorban trtnt. 22. volt az
egyik tan az eskvnkn . 23. Amikor
meghalt, vagyont a testvrre hagyta. 24.
Izgatott volt, amikor elszr replt? 25.
Nem tudtad mindezt akkor is, amikor hozzmentl? 26. Amikor megint felbredtem,
mr kilenc ra elmlt. 27. Amikor lttam,
John ppen olvasott. 28. Az anym elkezdett srni, am ikor megltott. 29. ppen leveleket diktltam a titkrnmnek, amikor
megszlalt a tzjelz. 30. Amikor kinyitotta a szemt, Felix t nzte. 31. Margaret otthagyta az llst a Goodrichnl, amikor frjhez ment. 32. Csak akkor hvtuk ki
a rendrsget, amikor mr minden mst
megprbltunk. 33. Mi lesz vele, ha n mr
nem leszek?

When l was waiting for the bus, l read her letter. OR: While waiting for the bus, l
read her letter. NOT: 'o\ll1en vvaiti11g for the bu~, l read her letter.


34. Neve r d ri nk water while you're running.

34. Soha ne igyunk vizet futs kzben. 35.
35. While we're waiting, can l offer you a
Megknlhatarn egy itallal, amg vrako-.
zunk? 36. Hozhatok neked valamit, amg
drink? 36. Can l get you anything while
vrunk? 37. Mi trtnt, amg aludtam? 38.
we're waiting? 37. What happened while l
Mikzben beszlgettem vele, megszlalt a
was sleeping? 38. While l was talking to
telefon. 39. Mikzben beszlgettnk, alaher the telephone rang. 39. While we were
posan krlnztem a szobban. 40. Ettem
tal king, llooked carefully around the room.
egy falatot a Railway Hotel ben, s elolvas40. l had a bite to eat at the Railway Hotel
tam az jsgot, amg-vrakoztam. 41. Miaand readapaper while l was waiting. 41. l
latt john a konyht festette, n a kertben
was digging the garden while john was
painting the kitchen. 42. While warders stam. 42. A belga rendrsg tegnapi jelentseszerint a brtnrk sztrjkja alatt harwere on strike, thirty-seven prisoners esmincht rab szktt meg egy brsszeli brcaped from a Brussels jail, Belgian police
43. Figyelj ide, Mike, hadd javasolsaid yesterday. 43. Look Mike, may l sugjam, hogy tnj el, amg mg lehet. 44. Amg
gest that you leave while you still have the
a taxira vrt, Hannah felhvta Markot. 45.
chance. 44. Hannah rang Mark while waitElttte egy teheraut, amikor ment t az
ing for the taxi . 45. While crossing the road,
she was run down by a lorry. 46. Poodles ton. 46. Az uszkrok figyelmesen vgighallgatjk, amg az ember leszidja ket, s
always l isten attentively w h i le being
kzben rtatlan tekintetkbl dbbenet s
scolded, looking innocent, bewildered, and
flrertettsg rad.




47. We met him during the holidays. 48.

During the day Thompson saw littie of Hal e.
49. We didn't know she had died during
the night. 50. During the week, Ted was
usually home near six. 51. Julie trained for
the school athletics team during the follawing year. 52. Opening time is 11 .00 and
du ring the week tradestarts slowly. 53. They
have a darts team that plays friendly
matches during the winter months. 54. I' m
afraid 1'11 do something foolish during the
interview. 55. Du ring the war we never had
any butter. 56. Hoover rose to national fame
during the mid-thirties. 57. It was during
the trade negotiations that Perkins first met
Molly Spencer.

47. A nyarals alatt tallkoztunk vele. 48.

Napkzben Thompson keveset ltta Hale-t
49. Nem tudtuk, hogy az jszaka folyamn
meghalt. 50. A hten Ted tbbnyire hat
krl otthon volt. 51. A kvetkez vben
Julie az iskolai atltikai csapatban edzett.
52. 11-kor van nyits, s ht kzben lassan
iridul be az zlet. 53. Van egy dartcsapatuk,
amelyik a tli hnapokban bartsgos mrkzseket j tsz ik. 54. Attl flek, majd valami butasgot csinlok az interj alatt. 55.
A hbor alatt soha nem volt vajunk. 56.
Hoover a harmincas vek kzepe tjn tett
szert orszgos hrnvre: 57. A kereskedelmi trgyalsok alatt tallkozott Perkins el
szr Molly Spencerrel .

They didn't sleep during the time you were away. OR: They didn't sleep while you
were away. NOT: Tney didn't ~leep duri,,g you 9\lere avva r

"will you... ?"


"megtesz1,. hogy ....?"

qS0/48-60: futu re continuous: future simple meaning q 111: tag questions


1. Will you come away with me? 2. Oh,
Caroline, will you marry me? 3. Will you
have a littie more pudding? 4. Will you bring
them into my office, please? 5. Will you call
the airport for me, please? 6. Will you answerthe phone, Bruce, please? 7. Will you
giveme your brother's address? 8. Will you
spel l that word, please? 9. Wi ll you check
the ty res, please? 1O. Wi ll you correct me if
l make mistakes? 11. Will you speak slowly,
please? 12. Will you meet him for me
please? 13. Look, l' ve only got a moment
so will you give Kim a message for me
please? 14. Will you ask them to stop chasing the puppies, please? 15. Won't you sit
down? 16. Won't you take your coat off?
17. Won't you let me know just a littie more
about what she actually did to you? 18. Will
you not stay wi th me one night longer?


1. Eljssz velem? 2. , Caroline, hozzm

jssz felesgl? 3. Kr mg egy kis pudingot? 4. Legyen szves hozza be az irodba,
krem. 5. Lenne kedves felhvni nekem a
repteret? 6. Bruce, lgy szves vedd fel a
telefont! 7. Megadn a btyja cmt? 8. Betzze ezt a szt, legyen szves! 9. Legyen
szves ellenrizze a gumi nyomst! 1 O. Kijavtanl, ha hibzom? 11. Lenne kedves
lassan beszlni? 12. Megteszed, hogy tallkozol vele helyettem? 13. Figyelj, csak nhny pillanatom van, tadnl egy zenetet
Kimnek? 14. Megkrn ket, hogy ne kergessk tbb a kiskutykat? 15. Nem lsz
le? 16. Nem veszed le a kabtod? 17. Nem
tudhatnk meg egy kicsit tbbet arrl, mit
is tett veled valjban? 18. Nem akarna velem maradni mg egy jszakra?


~55: if~

, . vagyokl"

" k,1vancs1
, vaJon

whether ~59: indirect speech



1. That's OK, l just wondered. 2. l wonder

what's in it? 3.1 wonderwhatthey'll do next.
4. l wonder what other secrets my mother
has got? 5. Weil l wonder what the year
201 O will bring us? 6. l wonder how many
miles l've fallen? 7. l used to wonder how
televisiens worked. 8. l wonder which version is the right one. 9. l wonder why they
said that to you? 1 O. l've pften wondered
why she didn't marry him. 11. l've always
wondered who ali those messages were sent
to? 12. l wondered where l had seen him
before. 13. Where can l have dropped them,
l wonder? 14. l wondered who to ask. 15. l
wondered where to leave my message so
that they would notiee it. 16. l wonder if
you aren't a l ittle worried about you r
speeeh. 17. l wonder if my father was tali
or short? 18. l wonder if Tim has heard of
it? 19. l wonder if he' ll agree to that? 20. l
wonder whether they' ll ask us in advance.
21. Sometimes l wonder if they would li ke
us to pay more. 22. l wonder if l ought to
take my maekintosh with me. 23. When l
moved here ten years ago, l wondered if l
had made a mistake. 24. The things he said
made me wonder about his real intentions.
25. l often wonder about how l could have
helped her. 26. l don't wonder he didn't
remark on that. He knew you' d be hu rt. 27.
l w as wendering what you r reaction shouldbe?

1. Ok, csak kvnesi voltam. 2. Vajon mi

van benne? 3. Kvnesi vagyok, mit csinlnak legkzelebb. 4. Vajon milyentitkai vannak mg anymnak? 5. Vajon mit hoz neknk a 201 O-es v? 6. Nem tudom, hny
mrfldet zuhan hattam. 7. Gyakran gondolkodtam azon, hogyan mkdhet a televzi.
8. Nem tudom, melyik vltozat helyes. 9.
Kvnesi vagyok, mirt mondtk ezt neked.
1 O. Gyakran gondolkodtam mr azon, vajon mirt nem ment hozz felesgl. 11. Mindig szerettem volna tudni, kinek kldtk azt
a sok zenetet 12. Azon gondolkoztam, hol
lttam mr t. 13. Vajon hol ejthettem le
ket? 14. Gondolkodtam, hogy kitl krdezzem meg. 15. Azon gondolkoztam, hol hagyjam az zenetemet, hogy szrevegyk. 16.
Nem tudom, nem izgulsz-e kicsit a beszded miatt. 17. Vajon az apm magas volt
vagy alacsony? 18. Nem tudom, Tim hallotte mr errl . 19. Vajon beleegyezik-e? 20. Kvncsi vagyok, megkrdeznek-e bennnket
elre. 21. Nha nem tudom, nem akarjk-e,
hogy tbbet fizessnk. 22. Nem tudom, nem
kellene-e elvinnern az eskabtomat 23.
Amikor tz ve idekltztem, nem tudtam,
nem kvettem-e el hibt ezzel. 24. Szavai
elgondolkodtattak valdi szndkai fell. 25.
Gyakran gondolok arra, hogyan tudtam volna segteni neki. 26. Nem csodlom, hogy
erre nem tett megjegyzst. Tudta, hogy megsrtdnL 27. Azon gondolkodtam, vajon
mit szlsz ehhez.

1. l wonder if he knows that. NOT: l vv(mder that (i fl he k1 ovvs tnat.

2. l wonder if they will get married. NOT: l vvonder if they get married.
reporting questions


28. Bart wondered if he had time for another beer. 29. He wondered how long it
would take to get there. 30. Why had they
warned her? - she wondered.

28. Bart megkrdezte, vajon van-e ideje

mg egy srre. 29. Tudni akarta, hogy
mennyi id alatt r oda. 30. Mirt figyelmeztettk? - krdezte.


wonder: req\lests
31. l wo~der if you could meet hm fqr
me. 3~. l wander if you' d mind starting
next month? 33. l wander if you' d bekind
enough to get me a size 18. 34. l wander
if you could possibly let us see the menu?
lS. l w as wandering if you could help me.
36. l was wandering if you' d like to join
us for a drink. 37. l was wandering if you
might like to come out with me one

won't, wouldn't: refusal,


31. Arra gondoltam, nem tudnl-e tallkozni vele helyettem. 32. Nem lenne ellenre,
ha jv6 hnapban kezdene? 33. lenne olyan
kedves hozni nekem egy tizennyolcas mrett? 34. Ne haragudjon, nem tudna hozni
neknk egy tlapot, krem? 35. Nem tudnl
neke.m segteni vletlenl? 36. Nem lenne
kedve esetleg elfogyasztani velnk egy italt?
37. Arra gondoltam, htha szvesen eljnne
velem valahova egyik este.

'nem hajland'


31 : conditional sentences

50: future sentences



1. He just won't sit stl l. 2. She won't open

the door. 3. It just won't fit in, will it? 4.
Sam adores garlic- he won't eat any meat
without it. 5. He just won't take any notice of anything l say. 6. He talks to his
mother but he won't talk to me, so he
probably trusts his mother more than he
trusts me. 7. l won't let it happen again.
8. lt's you who won't l isten. 9. If you won't
dance then 1'11 find someone who will.
1 O. Shut up! l won't have you serearning
in the hotel. 11. Won't you stay the night?
12. Why won't she come to the cinema
with me?

1. Egyszeren nem haj land nyugodtan lni. 2. Nem nyitja ki az ajtt. 3. Csak nem
passzol a helyre, ugye? 4. Sam imdja a
fokhagymt, meg nem enn a hst nlkle.
5. Egyltaln nem hajland odafigyelni arra, amit mondok. 6. Az anyjval beszl, de
velem nem, meglehet benne jobban bzik,
mint bennem. 7. Nem hagyom, hogy ez mg
egyszer megtrtnjen. 8. Te vagy az, aki nem
hajland figyelni. 9. Ha te nem jssz velem
tncolni, majd keresek valakit, aki eljn. 1O.
Hallgass! Nem fogsz nekem itt kiablni a
szllodban! 11. Nem marad itt jszakra?
12. Mirt nem jn el velem soha moziba?

Q85/63-65: participle structures: other structures with have

13. l told them but they wouldn't l isten. 14.
"Who was it?"- "l don't know. She wouldn't
say." 15. We went to the police, too, but
they wouldn't answer ou r questions. 16. My
car wouldn't start so l had to hitchhike. 17.
l wanted to come but father wouldn't let
me. 18. Their parents wouldn't believe us
when we told them about Stan's behaviour
at school.

13. Megmondtam nekik, de csak nem hallgattak rm. 14. " Ki volt az?" - "Nem tudom. Nem akarta megmondani." 15. Elmentnk a rend6rsgre is, de nem voltak
hajlandk vlaszolni a krdseinkre. 16. Az
autm nem akart beindulni, gyhogy stoppolnom kellett. 17. El akartam jnni, de az
apm nem engedett. 18. Aszleinem akartak hinni neknk, amikor elmondtuk, hogy
viselkedik Stan az iskolban.


word order 1: affirmative



szrend 1: llt mondatok

Q 36: either, neither/nor do l, so do l Q 54: "how nice!n, "what a man!" Q62: inversion Q103: so
Q 11 O: sueh Q 119: there + be, there + verb



1. Nimrod is a Hebrew name. 2. Cats are

intelligent. 3. My writing is unreadable. 4.
Everything is ready. 5. lt's almost full. 6.
Edinburgh is in Scotland. 7. London is jn
the south-east of England. 8. Ghosts are
unhappy. 9. Thereis aholein the wall. 10.
"What do you do?" - "l dance." 11. You've
got nice legs. 12. Your ankle is bleeding.
13. And he nodded. 14. He waited alone.
15. March 31 was a cold foggy day. 16. The
first week was the worst. 17. That was early
afternoon. 18. This has been a good year.
19. You always look nice. 20. The house is
for sal e now. 21. My husband and l are very
fond of backgammon. 22. She was freezing, wet, muddy and crying. 23. The grass
under the poplars was golden with daffodils. 24. How much the companies will
benefit is not yet clear. 25. The best thing
in the show was the scenery. 26. Anyone
who believes that is a fool. 27. We met here
by accident. 28. A car appeared from the
opposite direction. 29. Adam loves trees.
30. l l ike you r new clogs. 31. That young
man needs a wife. 32. Anyone can drive a
car. 33. We played Monopoly. 34. Emmy
sang a Schubert song. 35. Jenny lit the
candle. 36. Oh, dari ing, l am so sorry. llost
the goddamn key. 37. Bob tried tobend it
several times. 18. Kim was studying the
Yellow Pages. 39. Lee liked her betterthan
anybody in the world. 40. That's the woman
whose husband ki lied ou r agent on the ship.
41. That's the woman whose husband our
agent killed on the ship. 42. l picked it up
and put it in my pocket. 43. l put an advert
in the paper. 44. Melinda put his hand on
Trevor's arm. 45. He drew his chair nearer
the fire. 46. l bought this from Selfridges.
47. There's a park about ten minutes from

1. A Nimrd hber nv. 2. A macskk intelligensek. 3. Olvashatatlan a kzrsom. 4.

Minden ksz. 5. Majdnem tele van. 6. Edinburgh Skciban van. 7. London Anglia dlkeleti rszn van. 8. A szellemek boldogtalanok. 9. Van egy lyuk a falban. 1O. "Mivel
foglalkozol?"- "Tncolok." 11. Szp lbad
van. 12. Vrzik a bokd. 13. s blintott.
14. Egyedl vrt. 15. Mrcius 31. hideg, kds nap volt. 16. Az els ht volt a legrosszabb. 17. Ez kora dlutn trtnt. 18.
Ez egy j v volt. 19. Mindig szp vagy. 20.
Elad most a hz. 21. A frjem s n nagyon szeretnk ostblzni. 22. Didergett,
t volt zva, sros volt, s srt. 23. A nyrfk alatt a f aranyszn volt a nrciszoktl. 24. Hogy mennyi hasznot hznak ebbl a cgek, az mg nem vilgos. 25. A dszlet rt a legtbbet az eladsbL 26. Aki
ezt elhiszi, az bolond. 27. Vletlenl futottunk itt ssze. 28. Feltnt egy aut a msik
irnybL 29. Adam imdja a fkat. 30. Tetszik nekem az j klumpd. 31. Ennek a fiatalembernek felesgre van szksge. 32. Autt vezetni akrki tud. 33. Monopoliztunk.
34. Emmy eln~kelt egy Schubert-dalt 35.
Jenny meggyjtotta a gyertyt. 36. Drgm,
annyira-sajnlom, elvesztettem azt a rohadt
kulcsot. 37. Bob tbbszr is megprblta
meghajltani. 38. Kim a Yellow Pagest tanulmnyozta. 39. Lee jobban szerette t
brki msnl a vilgon. 40. Ennek a nnek
a frje lte meg az gynknket a hajn.
41. Ennek a nnek a frjt lte meg az gynknk a hajn. 42. Felkaptam s a zsebembe tettem. 43. Betettem egy hirdetst
az jsgba. 44. Melinda Trevor karjra tette a kezt. 45. Kzelebb hzta a szkt a
tzhz. 46. A Selfridgesben vettem. 47. Van
egy park innen gy tz percre. 48. Azt hi-


here. 48.1 think l will take your advice. 49.

1'11 show you how strong l am. 50. l wonder whose it is. 51. If you are arrested the
police must tell you what you are charged
with. 52. l thought you were in Brighton.

word order ll:

interrogative sentences

szem: megfogadom a tancsodat 49. Megmutatom, milyen ers vagyok. 50. Jlenne
tudni, ki. 51. Ha letartztatnak, a rendrk
meg kell hogy mondjk, mivel vdolnak.
52. Azt hittem, Brightonban vagy.


szrend ll: krd


Q 39: embedded question QS9: indirect speech Q92: question words Q100: "sha/1 /... ?", "sha/1 we... ?"
Q111: tag questions Q119: there +be, there + verb Ql40: "will you ... ?"



1. Matt, am l drunk? 2. Am l too young to

1. Matt, rszeg vagyok? 2. Tl fiatal vagyok

wear black? 3. Aren't l in enough trouble?

4. Are you Jehovah's Witnesses? 5. ls she
interested in politics? 6. ls your name P. G.
Northover? 7. Please, Madam, is this New
Zealand? 8. ls this real leather? 9. lsn't this
scenery great? 1O. Are we mad, or are you?
11. Are you an architect or a comedian?
12. Are they coming or not? 13. Alfred, is it
the fifth or the sixth? 14. ls it a fact or is it a
bel ief? 15. ls that a marten or a weasel? 16.
ls Cambridge north of London? 17. ls it
snowing or has it stopped? 18. ls Marble
Arch near here? 19. ls the story about me?
20. Are those you r cases over there? 21. ls
the re a post office nea r here? 22. Were they
happy together? 23. Does he believe in
God? 24. Have you got another suit? 25.
Do l have to speak English? 26. Don't you
want to hear the news? 27. Did you miss
you r mother? 28. Did you not hear someone go
up a minute ago? 29. Have you ever fainted?
30. Has he called yet? 31. Jim, can you open
this bottie for me? 32. Can l take a message? 33. Can Jane cook a souffl? 34. Will
you need one bed or two? 35. Would you
agree with that suggestion? 36. Who did
they give the job to? 37. Whose car was it?
38. And what is this on my head? 39. What
are you doing in my house? 40. What's he
doing up that ladder? 41. What do you
know about this list? 42. What do people
th ink about the government? 43. What party

ahhoz, hogy fekett hordjak? 3. Nem vagyok elg nagy bajban? 4. Maguk Jehova
Tani? 5. rdekli t a politika? 6. nt P. G .
Northovernek hvjk? 7. Krem, asszonyom,
ez j-Zland? 8. Ez valdi br? 9. Nem gynyr ez a ltvny? 1 O. Mi vagyunk rl
tek, vagy maga? 11. Maga ptsz, vagy komikus? 12. Jnnek, vagy nem? 13. Alfred,
ez az tdik, vagy a hatodik? v.: Alfred, ma
tdike van, vagy hatodika? 14. Ez tny,
vagy hiedelem? 15. Ez nyest vagy menyt?
16. Cambridge Londontl szakra van? 17.
Esik a h, vagy elllt mr? 18. Kzel van
ide a Marble Arch? 19. Rlam szl a trtnet? 20. Azok ott az n brndjei? 21. Van
itt a kzelben egy postahivatal? 22. Boldogok voltak egytt? 23. Hisz Istenben? 24.
Van egy msik ltnyd? 25. Angolul kell
beszlnem? 26. Nem akarod hallani, hogy
mi jsg? 27. Hinyzott az desanyd? 28.
Nem hallott valakit felmenni egy perccel
ezeltt? 29. jultl mr el? 30. Hvott mr?
31. Jim, ki tudod nyitni nekem ezt az veget? 32. tvehetek zenetet? 33. Tud jane
szuflt kszteni? 34. Egy, vagy kt gyra lesz
szksgk? 35. n egyetrtene ezzel a javaslattal? 36. Kinek adtk az llst? 37. Kinek az autja volt? 38. s m i ez itt a fejemen? 39. Mit csinl maga a hzamban? 40.
Mit csinl ott fenn a ltrn? 41. Mit tudsz
errl a listrl? 42. Mit gondolnak az emberek a kormnyrl? 43. Melyik prtra sza-


did you vote for at the last general elecvazott a legutbbi vlasztsokon? 44. Mit
tion? 44. What do you mean early? 45.
rtesz az alatt, hogy korn? 45. Melyik tetWhich do you like better, swans or peliszik jobban, a hatty vagy a pelikn? 46.
cans? 46. When does your train leave? 47.
Mikor indl a vonata? 47. Hol a frfivc?
Where's the Gents? 48. Why haven't you
48. Mirt nem csinltad meg a hzi feladadone your homework? 49. If smoking is so
todat? 49. Ha a dohnyzs olyan veszlyes,
dangerous, why do so many adults do it?
mirt dohnyzik olyan sok feln6tt? SO.
SO. How intelligent are sharks? 51. Who Mennyire intelligensek a cpk? 51. Mit
do you think we're waiting for? 52. How
gondolsz, kire vrunk? 52. Mit hogy csinldid l do what? 53. Where have we left what? . tam? 53. Mit hagytunk hol? 54. Hogy hol
54. Have l ever been where?
voltam-e mr?

questions: affinnative word order

egyenes szrend

SS. Oh, you're heading for Bristol? 56. Everyone is paying attention? 57. So you th ink
I'm the right person? 58. You' ve got the explosives? 59. You letthem smoke in your
house? 60. So you don't love me? 61. You
mean, perhaps 1'11 get the job? 62. Gus won't
be there, l suppose? 63. And that made you
suspicious? 64. You r sister says what?

55. , Bristolba megy?! 56. Mindenki figyel?!

57. Szval, gy gondolja, n vagyok a megfelel6 ember. 58. Nlad van a robbananyag?
59. Megengeded, hogy dohnyozzanak a hzadban? 60. Szval nem szeretsz? 61. gy
rted, taln megkapom az llst?! 62. Gondolom, Gus nem lesz ott? 63. s ett61 gyanakodni kezdtl? 64. Hogy mit mond a n6vred?

who/what/which as subject

alanyra krdezs

65. Who is her father? 66. What's the code

for Dayton? 67. What is your present job?
68. Which is yours? 69. What makes a successful businesswomyn? 70. How many of
you agree? 71. Who is hiding there? 72.
Who was that guy? 73. Who told you that?
74. Who made the speech? 75. Who left
this message for me? 76. Who forgot to wi pe
their shoes? 77. What happened between
you and Martello? 78. Who's been to Africa? 79. Who can see an elephant in the
picture? 80. Who could blame them? 81.
Who would like to sweep the room? 82.
Who would have thought of that?

65. Ki az apja? 66. Mi Dayton krzetszma? 67. Mi a jelenlegi munkd? 68. Melyik
a tied? 69. Hogyan lesz valakib61 sikeres
zletasszony? 70. Hnyan rtenek egyet ezzel kzletek? 71. Ki bjkl ott? 72. Ki volt
az a src? 73. Kimondta ezt neked? 74. Ki
mondott beszdet? 75. Ki hagyta nekem ezt
az zenetet? 76. Ki felejtette el letrlni a
cip6jt? 77. Mi trtnt kzted s Martello
kztt? 78. Ki volt mr Afrikban? 79. Ki
lt elefntot a kpen? 80. Ki okolhatn 6ket?
81. Ki szeretn felsprni a szobt? 82. Ki
gondolt volna erre?


word order lll:

negative sentences

62: inversion


szrend lll:
tagad mondatok

78: no ~ not Q 119: there + be, there + verb



1. l am not a social ist. 2. He is not alone. 3.

You aren't on the right bus. 4. This isn't quite
the moment for it. 5. Those aren't English
pennies. 6. There isn't any tea left. 7. She
isn't laoking at you. 8. l don't like cauliflower. 9. l don't blame h im. 1O. But parachutes don't always open. 11. She doesn't
need any encouragement from me. 12. His
wife doesn't share his optim ism. -13. 79 A
doesn't stop here but up the road. 14. She
doesn't see it li ke that. 15. My brakes don't
work. 16. She did not have very much time.
17. l didn't find it at ali interesting. 18. Mr
Brown hasn't got wings. 19. You can't stay
here. 20. J just can't resist the temptation.
21. They could not eat it, and it could not
eat them; therefore it was not important 22.
She needn't be so rude about us. 23. She
must not think of Essington. 24. Wilson
won't like me. 25. I'm not going to giveit
to you. 26. He couldn't say no. 27. l suspect you don't li ke me. 28. You don't know
what art is. 29. l don't know what l was
th inking of. 30. Don't th ink I'm not grateful
to you. 31. He didn't say he was angry. 32.
Father will know it wasn't me. 33. l haven'
seen you for ages.

1. Nem vagyok szocialista. 2. Nincs egyedl.

3. Nem a j buszra szllt. 4. Ez nem ppen
az alkalmas pillanat. 5. Azok nem angol
pennyk. 6. Nincs mrtea. 7. Nem tged nz.
8. Nem szeretem a karfiolt. 9. Nem okolom
t. 1O. De az ejternyk nem mindig nylnak
ki. 11. Egyltaln nincs szksge arra, hogy
n btortsam. 12. A felesge nem osztja az
optimizmust. 13. A 79A nem itt ll meg, hanem feljebb. 14. nem gy ltja. 15. Nem
mkdik a fkem. 16. Nem volttl sok ideje.
17. Egyltaln nem talltam rdekesnek. 18.
Mr Brownnak nincs szrnya. 19. Nem maradhatsz itt. 20. Egyszeren nem brok ellenllni a ksrtsnek. 21. Nem tudtk megenni,
s az sem tudta megenni ket; gy aztn nem
volt jelentsge. 22. Felesleges olyan csnyn
beszlnie rlunk. 23. Nem szabad Essingtonra
gondolnia. 24. Wilsonnak nem fogok tetszeni. 25. Nem fogom neked adni. 26. Nem tudott nemet mondani. 27. Gyantom, hogy maga nem kedvel engem. 28. Te nem tudod, mi
a mvszet. 29. Nem tudom, mire gondoltam. 30. Ne gondolja, hogy nem vagyok hls nnek. 31. Nem mondta, hogy haragszik.
32. Apa tudni fogja, hogy nem n voltam.
33. Ezer ve nem lttalak.

transferred negation

"azt hiszem, mg nem tallkoztunk"

34.1 don't th ink we've met before. 35.1 don't

th ink you havemet my son. 36.1 don'tthink
he recognized me. 37. l don't th ink we'll go
anywhere today. 38. l don't th ink we should
let h im in. 39. l don't believe she is at home.
40. Muslims do not believethat a maderate
consumption of akohol is acceptable. 41. l
don't suppose it matters. 42. l don't suppose
either of you has ever been to bed with anyone else. 43. You don't sound as if you li ke
h im at ali. 44.1 didn'tfeel therewas an alternative.

34. Azt hiszem, mg nem tallkoztunk. 35.

Azt hiszem, mg nem ismeri a fiamat. 36.
Azt hiszem, nem ismert meg. 37. Azt hiszem,
ma nem megynk sehova. 38. Szerintem
nem kne beengednnk 39. Azt hiszem,
nincs otthon. 40. A muszlimok a mrskelt
alkoholfogyasztst sem tartjk megengedhetnek. 41. gy vlem, nem szmt. 42. Gondolom, mg egyiktkkel sem fordult el,
hogy brki mssallefekdt volna. 43. A han-
godbl tlve nem nagyon kedveled t. 44.
gy reztem, nincs mas vlaszts.




r valamennyit, rdemes

76: no good, no point etc.

This book is worth reading. NOT: Tn i:! book i:! 'qyortn reading it.


1. What's your bike worth? 2. That car isn't

worth f3,000! 3. l live in a home that's
worth $200,000. 4. The estate was worth
forty thousand dollars. 5. This watch,
though very old, isn't worth much. 6. l
bought it for fl 99 and it's worth six times
as much now. 7. She was worth more than
ali of you put together.

1. Mennyit r a b ici kl id? 2. Az az aut nem

r 3000 fontot. 3. Egy 200 ezer dollrt r
hzban lakunk. 4. Negyvenezer dollr volt
az ingatlan rtke. 5. Ez az ra, br igen
rgi, nem soka~ r. 6. 199 fontrt vettem, s
most hatszor annyit r. 7. Tbbet rt, mint
ti egytt valamennyien.

8. lt's worth it. 9. Was it worth it, Jim? 10. l
suppose it's worth a try. 11. l think that's
worth celebrating. 12. Some things aren't
even worth thinking about. 13. ls it worth
worrying about? 14. ls the job worth doing? 15. lt's worth picking up a littie Turkish while you're there. 16. l don't suppose
it was worth bringing my .cassette player.
17. This is not worth complaining about.
. 18. l've got so much weight to lose that it
hardly seems worth starting.

wt?_ulil rather

31 : conditional sentences

8. Megri. 9. Megrte, jim? 10. Szerintem

megr egy ksrletet. 11. Azt hiszem, ezt
rdemes megnnepel ni. 12. Vannak dolgok,
amikrl gondolkodni sem rdemes. 13. rdemes aggdni emiatt? 14. rdemes elvgezni a munkt? 15. rdemes pr szt megtanulni trkl, mg ott vagytok. 16. Azt hiszem, nem volt rdemes elhozn i a magnmat. 17. Ezrt nem rdemes panaszkodni.
18. Olyan sokat kellene fogynom, hogy taln elkezdenem sem rdemes.


"inkbb aludnk"

51 : had better q9Q: prefer ~93 : rather than

1. l would rather stay. NOT: l VtotJid ratner to :!tay. OR: l wotJid better :!tay.


1. l would rather go alone, 2. l' drather sit

at the bf!ack
of the plane. 3. l'drather have
a pizza a.9 hamburger: 4.1 would rather
have a c eap copy of a masterpiece than
an original of something that's mediocre.
5. He'd much rather e having a quiet
beer, an
. 6. Are you sure you
wouldn't rather stay with Stephen? 7. ilYou

1. Inkbb egyedl mennk. 2. Inkbb a gp

htuljba lnk. 3. Inkbb pizzt ennk,
mint hamburgert. 4. Inkbb vlasztanm
egy mesterm olcsbb vltozatt, mint valami kzpszernek az eredetijt. 5. sokikal inkbb egy nyugodt srzsre vgyik,
s n is. 6. Biztos vagy benne, hogy nem
maradnl inkbb Stephennel~ 7. "Ott lepar-


can park over there.'' - "l'd rather not,

actually. 1'11 drive on to the car park." 8.
would rather not a~s
r that, if you don't
mind. 9. l'd rathe not go o the football
match. 10. l think l'
er not make up
my mind just yet. 11. He would rather die
than ask me for help. 12. Would you rather
take a taxi or walk? 13. Would you rather
see a comedy than a documentary on TV?
14. Weil, l don't know much about British
industry, so l'd rather not say anything
about it. 15. l don't know if you would
rather come with us or stay here. 16. My
father would rather we didn't see each
other any more. 17. l would rather you
stayed at home tonight. 18. "Wo uld you.
mind if l took off my shoes?"- "Weil, l' d
rather you didn't." 19. l' d rather you c ame
with me. 20. l would rather he were coming too. 21. l'd rather you hadn't bought
that. 22. l'd rather you didn't smoke, if you
don't mind.

kolhatsz."- "Inkbb nem, azt hiszem. Tovbb megyek a parkolba." 8. Erre inkbb
nem vlaszolnk, ha nem haragszik. 9. Inkbb nem me nnk el a futballmeccsre. 1 O.
Azt hiszem, egyelre inkbb nem dntenm
el. 11. Inkbb meghalna, mint hogy tlem
krjen segtsget. 12. Taxival mennl inkbb
vagy stlnl? 13. Inkbb egy vgjtkot
nznl meg a televziban, mint egy dokumentumfilmet? 14. Ht, nem sokat tudok a
brit iparrl, gyhogy inkbb nem mondank rla semmit. 15. Nem tudom, hogy velnk jnnl-e inkbb, vagy itt maradnl. 16.
Apm jobb szeretn, ha nem tallkoznnk
tbb. 17. Szerintem inkbb maradj otthon
ma este. 18. "Nem zavarn, ha levennm a
cipmet?" - "Ht, azt hiszem, inkbb ne
tegye." 19. Jobb szeretnm, ha velem jnnl. 20. Jobban rlnk, ha is eljnne.
21. Szerintem inkbb ne vetted volna meg.
22. Ha nem zavarja, jobban rlnk, ha inkbb nem dohnyozna.



-ing-form and/or to + infinitive

-ing-es alak s/vagy to + f6nvi igenv

ige + to + fnvi igenv

ache, (can/can't) afford, agree, aim, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, care, choose, claim,
consent, dare, decide, demand, desire, endeavour, expect, fail, fear, fight, grow, guarantee,
happen, hasten, help, hesitate, hope, hurry, learn, live, long, manage, neglect, offer, omit,
opt, pay, plan, pledge, prepare, pretend, promise, prove, reckon, refuse, resolve, seek, seem,
struggle, survive, swear, tend, threaten, train, trouble, turn out, undertake, venture, volunteer,
vote, vow, wait, wish
ige + -ing-es alak
admit, adore, antici pate, appreciate, avoi d, burst out, celebrate, complete, confess, consider,
contemplate, delay, deny, describe, detest, discontinue, discuss, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, fancy, feel like, finish, give up, (can't) help, imagine, involve, justify,
keep, keep on, leave off, loathe, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, put off,
quit, recall, recollect, recommend, report, resent, resist, resume, risk, save, spend, (can't)
stand, suggest, tolerate, waste
ige+ -ing-es alak vagy to+ fnvi igenv
(can't) bear, begin, bother, cease, come, commence, continue, deserve, dread, forget, go, go
on, hate, intend, like, love, mean, need, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, stop, try,
w ant


A list of irregular plurals

calf- calves
dwarf- dwarves/dwarfs
elf- elves
half- halves
hoof- hooves/hoofs
knife- knives
leaf - leaves
loaf - loaves
scarf- scarves/scarfs
self- seives
shelf- shelves
thief- thieves
wife- wives
wolf- wolves
child- children
foot- feet
goose - geese
louse -Iice
man- men
mouse- mice
ox- oxen
penny- pence (sszeg)/pennies (rme)
tooth - teeth
woman - women
aircraft- aircraft (ugyangy hovercraft,
barracks - barracks
bass- bass
Chinese- Chinese
cod- cod
crossroads - crossroads
data- data
deer- deer
dice- d ice
fish- fish
gallows- gallows
goldfish - goldfish
grapefruit - grapefruit
grouse - grouse
headquarters - headquarters
means - means
moose - moose
quid- quid

Rendhagy tbbes szmok

salmon- salmon
series - series
sheep - sheep
species - species
Swiss - Swiss
trout - trout
(steel) works - (steel) works
addendum - addenda
analysis - analyses
appendix - appendices/appendixes
axis- axes
bacterium - bacteria
basis - bases
eaetus - cacti/cactuses
codex - codices
crisis - crises
criterion - criteria/criterions
curriculum- curricula/curriculums
diagnosis- diagnoses
ellipsis- ellipses
erratum - errata
focus - foci/focuses
fungus - fungi/funguses
genus - genera
hypothesis - hypotheses
index- indices/indexes (index mint trgymutat szablyos tbbes szm)
kibbutz - kibbutzim/kibbutzes
larva- larvae
matrix - matrices/matrixes
medium - media/mediums
memorandum - memoranda/memorandums
neurosi"s- neuros~s
oasis- oases
parenthesis - parentheses
phenomenon - phenomena
referendum - referenda/referendums
stimulus - stimuli
stratum - strata
syllabus- syllabi/syllabuses
synopsis - synopses
thesis - theses


lrregular verb forms

ari se
awa ke
b id
b ind
c ast
cos t
c ut
dre am
d ri nk
e at
fi nd

awoke, awaked
bet, betted
bade, bid
b led
blessed, blest
bro ke
burned, burnt
c ast
c hose
ca me
c ut
de alt
dived, (AmE) dave
dreamed, dreamt
dra nk
d ro ve
dwelt, dwelled
fel t


Rendhagy igealakok

bee n
barn e
beaten, beat
beco me
bet, betted
bidden, bid
b led
blessed, blest
b ro ken
burned, burnt
c ast
c ut
dived, (AmE) dove
dreamed, dreamt
d runk
dwelt, dwelled
fel t

fl ee
fl ing
fl y
forg i ve
fo rsa ke
gro w
h urt
lea p
li e

fl ed
fl ung
forbade, forbad
hung, hanged
heaved, hove
hel d
h urt
ke p t
knelt, (AmE) kneeled
kn itted, knit
l aid
leant, (AmE) leaned
leapt, (AmE) leaped
learnt, (AmE) learned
lit, lighted
l ost
me t
m islaid
misspelt, mfsspelled
mi sunderstood


fl ed
fl ung
forbidden, forbid
forg iven
fo rsaken
got (also gotten AmE)
g iven
gon e
hung, hanged
heaved, hove
hewed, hewn
hidden, hid
hel d
ke pt
knelt, (AmE) kneeled
knitted, knit
l aid
leant, (AmE) leaned
leapt, AmE) leaped
learnt, (AmE) learned
l ain
lit, lighted
l ost
mean t
misspelt, misspelled
mown, mowed

o vereast
rebu il d
re pay
ri se
se ll
sli de

pa id
relaid rem ade
ren t
rid, ridded
sol d
sen t
shone, shined
shrank, shrunk
sank, sunk
sli d

overtake n
pa id
proved (also proven Ame)
ren t
rid, ridded
run g
ri sen
sawn, sawed
sol d
sen t
sewn, sewed
shone, shined
shown, showed
su nk
sli d

si ing
sli nk
spel l
spe nd
spi n
spi t
sp lit
spo il
st ick
st ing
tea r
th ink
th rust
t read
u nb ind

smelt, smelled
sneaked (also snuck AmE)
spo ke
sped, spe~ded
spelt, spelled
spe nt
spilt, spilied
spun, span
spat (also spit AmE)
sp lit
spoiled, spoilt
sp read
sprang (also sprung AmE)
stank, stunk
strove, strived
thrived, throve
th rust
un bent
undi d


smelt, smelled
sneaked (also snuck AmE)
sown, sowed
sped, speeded
spelt, spelled
spi It, spi lied
spat (a Iso spit AmE)
sp lit
spoiled, spoilt
sp read
strewn, strewed
striven, strived
swollen, swelled
take n
th rived
throw n
th rust
trodden, trod
un bent

wa ke
wee p

woke, waked
wedded, wed
wetted, wet
wo n

up set
woken, waked
wedded, wed
wetted, wet
wo n

Kis segtsg a gyakoribb rendhagy alakok megtanulshoz

A legkedvesebbek: mind a hrom alak megegyezik

c ut
sp lit

c ut
sp lit

c ut
sp lit

A harmadik alak visszavlt az elsre

beco me



A msodik kt alak megegyezik/megegyezhet

a bring- brought- brought tpus

a bend - bent - bent tpus
ben d



sen d
spe nd
a b feed- b/ed- b/ed tpus
de al

a la y- /aid- /aid tpus
la y
a b ind - bound- bound tpus
b ind
fi nd
a se/l - so/d- so/d tpus
sei l
a stand - stood- stood tpus
a dig- dug- dug tpus
a /ose - /ost- /ost tpus
Tanuljuk meg kln

sen t
spe nt

sen t
spe nt

b led
fel t

b led



ke pt
mean t


pa id

pa id



sol d

sol d






lost _

he ard
hel d

hel d

Mindhrom alak klnbzik

a begin - began - begun tpus
dra nk

d runk


a break - broke - broken tpus
ri se
wa ke
a blow- blew- blown tpus
fl y
ro w
tea r

sa nk

run g
sun g
su nk

b ro ke
d ro ve
c hose
rod e
sa w
spo ke
wo ke
w rote

d ri ven
ri sen
wo ken

fl ew

flow n
~ro w n
now n

re w
bo re
w ore

a bite - bit- bitten tpus

a forgve-forgave- forgven tpus
forg ive
g i ve
to ok

forg i ven
g i ven
take n

Tanuljuk meg kln

li e

bee n
gon e
l ain

wen t
la y




tszmnevek (cardinal numbers)

21: twenty-one; 100: a/one hundred; 101: a/one hundred and one; 121: a/one h undred and
twenty-one; 221: two hundred and twenty-two; 1 OOO: a/one thousand; 1021: a/one thousand
and twenty-one; 1100: one thousand one hundred (eleven hundred); 1221: one thousand
two hundred and twenty-one
sorszmnevek (ordinal numbers)
1st: first; 2nd: second; 3rd: third; 41h: fourth; sh: fifth; 91h: ninth; 121h: twelfth; 2Q1h: twentieth; 21 51:
twenty-first; 1 ooh: hundredth; 12P': one hundred and twenty-first; 1oooh: thousandth
Henry VIli: Henry the Eighth
World War ll: the Second World War
trtek (fractions)
1/6: a/one sixth; 4/9: four ninths; 2 3/4: two and three fourths
tizedesek (decimal)
0.5: nought point five (point five); 2.173: two point one seven three
sszeads (addition)
5 + 6= ?: what's 5 and 6?; 5 + 6= 11 : 5 and 6 is/are eleven; 112 +300= 412: 112 plus 300
is/equals 412
kivons (subtraction)
8- 3= 5: 3 from 8 isileaves 5 (8 take away 3 isileaves 5); 300- 99= 201: 300 minus 99 is/
equals 201
szorzs (multiplication)
4 x 7= 28: 4 sevens are 28; 13 x 14 = 182: 13 times 14 is/makes 182; 321 x 142
321 multiplied by 142 equals 45582
oszts (division)
6: 2= 3: 2 into 6 goes 3 times (6 divided by 2 equals 3)
dtum (dates)
21 51 july 1953; 21 July 1953; July 21 st, 1953; July 21, 1953;
the twenty-first of July, nineteen fifty-three
terlet (areas)
1O' x 1O': ten feet by ten feet (ten feet square, 100 square feet)
an area of 5 square metres
pnz (money)
1p: one penny; Sp: five pen ce; f2.25: two pounds twenty-five
a cent, two cents; $5: five dollars
telefonszmok (telephone numbers)
204-5531 : two o tour- double five three one
Grasshoppers 2, Liverpool nil


= 45582:

A list of partitives
an amount of money
an artide of clothing
a bag of ri ce
a ball of woo l
a bar of chocolate, soap
a basket of fruit
a bit of information, luck, news, paper etc.
a blade of grass
a blob of paint
a bottie of wi ne
a box of chocolates, matches
a bowl of soup
a bucket of water
a bunch of flowers, grapes, keys etc.
a ca ke of soap
a can of petrol
a carton of milk
a cup of coffee, tea etc.
a dribble of paint
a d rop of water, ink, oil
a flock of birds, sheep etc.
a glass of beer, wi ne etc.
a grain of sand, rice
a group of bushes, experts etc.
a herd of cattle, giraffes etc
a heap of washing
an item of furniture, information, news etc.
a jar of honey, jam
a jet of blood
a jug of coffee
a loaf of bread
a lump of sugar, coal
a pack of butter
a packet of cigarettes, sugar
a pa ir of sunglasses, jeans, skis etc.
a part of your life
a pane of glass
a patch of light

a piece of advice, baggage, bread, cheese,
chocolate, equipment, furniture, homework,
information, paper, rubbish, thread etc.
a pi le of leaves
a pnch of pepper
a plate of ham
a portion of potatoes
a pot of jam
a sack of onions, flour
a sheet of paper
a slice of cake, bread, meat
a stack of eassettes
a stick of chalk
a team of specialists
a thread of light
a tin of liver, pears
a touch of milk
a tube of toothpaste
a kilo of flour
a pound of butter
a pint of beer
20 litres of petrol
15 ounces of cheese
3 metres of curtain material
800 square metres of land
5 yards of silk
a bagfui of rice (2 bagfuls/bagsful of rice)
a bucketfui of cold water (2 bucketfuls/
bucketsful of cold water)
a handfui of bread (2 handfuls/handsful of
a jugful of cocoa (2 jugfuls/jugsful of cocoa)
a spoonful of sugar (2 spoonfuls/spoonsful of
a tankfui of petrol (2 tankfuls/tanksful of


A list of prepositions after adjedives

Mellknvi vonzatok

A felsorols termszetesen vlogats, amelynek alapja a Cambridge English Lexicon (CEL, Cambridge University Press, 1989) gyakorisgi listja. Csak azok amelleknevek s vonzataik szerepelneK itt, amelyek a CEL szerint az tezres szkincsbe tartoznak.
Sok mellknv vonzatos szerkezet helyett folytathat that mellkmondattal vagy to + fnvi
igenvvel is, ezt a jelensget itt s most nem trgyalj uk. (Lsd HCB 60/ 21-42 : infinitive with to; 32/
38-51: conjunctions)

be_absent from work: hinyzik a munkahelyrl

be accustomed to a life style: hozzszokik egy letstlushoz
be afraid of spiders: fl a pkoktl
be allergic to cow's milk: allergis a tehntejre
be amazed at/by sy's calmness: megdbbenti vkinek a higgadtsga
be angry about the noisy party: haragszik a hangos bul i miatt
be angry at an insult/having been made a fool: feldhdik egy srelem miatt/azrt, mert bolondot csinltak belle
be angry at/with Max for forgetting sg: haragszik Maxre, amirt elfelejtett vmit
be annoyed about things: idegestik dolgok
be annoyed at not being believed: bosszantja, hogy nem hisznek neki
be annoyed with a colleague/what's on television: dhs, ideges egy kollgjra/arra, amit a
tvben lt
be anxious about the state of affairs: aggasztja a kialakult helyzet
be anxious for news: izgatottan vr hrt
be ashamed of oneself/of one's feeling: szgyelli magt/az rzseit
be astonished at/by the changes: meglepdik a vltozsokon
be available to a wider market szlesebb piac szmra elrhet
be available for hire: klcsnzhet
be aware of the problem: tisztban van a problmval
be bad at maths: rossz matekbl
be bad for the heart: rt a szvnek
be bored with paperwork: unja a paprmunkt
be brilliant at one's job: remek l vgzi a munkjt
be busy at/with one's work: el van foglalva a munkjval
be capable of taking care of oneself: l<pes vigyzni magra
be carefui about details: gondosan gyel a rszletekre
be carefui with dynamite: vatosan bnik a dinamittal
be careless about/with money: gondatlanul bnik a pnzzel
becertain of sy's support: biztos vkinek a tmogatsban
be characteristic of German culture: jellemz a nmet ku!trra
be elever at tal king: gyesen beszl
be elever with one's hands: gyeskez
be elose to perfection: kzel ll a tkletessghez
be compatible with existing systems: kompatibilis a meglv rendszerekkel
be concerned about/for sy's safety: aggdik vkinek a biztonsgamiatt
be concerned for/with sy's happiness: szvn viseli vkinek a boldogsgt
be concerned with the nature of matter: az anyag termszetvel foglalkozik
be confident of victory: biztos a gyzelemben
be connected to a manometer: egy manomterhez kapcsoldik
be connected with the group: kapcsolatban ~ll a csoporttal
be conscious of danger: tudatban van a veszlynek
be content with life: elgedett az lettel
be convinced about/of the possibility of life on other worlds: meggyzdse, hogy ms vilgokon is lehet let


be crazy about ships: majd megrl a hajkrt

be crowded with tourists: elznlttk a turistk
be curious about sy's past: kvnesi vkinek a mltjra
be delighted at/by/with the result: rl az eredmnynek
be dependent on/upon the organisational structures: a szervezeti struktrktl fgg
be depressed about/at/by one's future: elkedvetlenti a jvje
be descended from the Vikings: a vikingektl szrmazik
be devoted to one's job: a munkjnak szenteli magt
be different from/to each other/other Japanese manufacturers: klnbznek egymstl/klnbzik
ms japn gyrtktl

be disappointed about/at one's failure/what happened: csaldott a kudarc miatt/amiatt, ami trtnt
be disappointed in love/ one's lover: csaldik a szerelemben/a szerelmben
be disappointed with the service: elgedetlen a kiszolglssal
be disgusted at/by the sight of sg: undorodik a vminek a ltvnytl
be disgusted by/with oneself: undorodik magtl
be dissatistied with an explanation: elgedetlen egy magyarzattal
be disturbed about/at/by a trend: nyugtalantja egy trend
be doubtfui about/of sy's ability: bizonytalan vkinek a kpessgben
be dressed in black: feketbe ltzik
be due to one's illness: btegsgnek kvetkeztben
be due for publication/approval: kiadsra/jvhagysra vr
beeager for news: alig vrja, hogy hrt kapjon
be emoarrassed about/at not knowing sg: zavarban van attl, hogy nem tud vmit
be enthusiastic about/at/over a plan: lelkesedik egy tervrt
be envious of sy's happiness: irigykedik vkinek a boldogsgra
be excited about/at the new project: izgatott az j projekt miatt
be familiar with the details: ismeri a rszleteket
be farnous for its wi ne: hres a borrl
be fascinated at/by/with the spectacle: lenygzi a ltvny
be fed up with sy's complaints: elege van vkinek a panaszaibl
be filled with happiness: boldogsggal van teli
be fit for the purpose of sg: alkalmas valamilyen clra
be fond of children: imdJa a gyerekeket
be frightened at the sight of sg: megrml vminek a ltvnytl
be frightened of the dark: fl a stttl
be fuH of information: tele van informcival
be glad about sy's success: rl valaki sikernek
be glad of some help: hls a segtsgrt
be good at everything: mindenben j
be good for cooking/business/both sides: fzshez val/hasznl az zletnek/mindkt flnek j
be good of Max: szp dolog Maxtl
be grateful to Max for his nelp: hls Maxnek a segtsgrt
be guilty of murder: gyilkossg bnben vtkes
be happy about the result: rl az eredmnynek
be harmful to the environment: krostja a krnyezetet
behesitant about signing a contract: hezitl, hogy alrjon-e egy szerzdst
be hopeful about the future: bizalommal tekint a jvbe
be hopeless at chess: remnytelenl rossz sakkoz
be hun~ry for news: minden vgya, hogy hrt kapjon
be ill w1th a tropical disease: trpusi bete~sge van
be rnpatient at the delay: trelmetlenkedik a kss miatt
be rnpatient with the children: trelmetlen a gyerekekkel
be impressed by/with the performance: lenygzi az elads
be independent of Britain: Nagy-Britannitl fggetlen
be interested in politics: rdekli a politika
be involved in the affair: rinti az gy


be jealous of one's wife: fltkeny a felesgre

be keen on horses: odavan a lovakrt
be kind of Max: kedves Maxtl
be kind to everybody: kedves mindenkihez
be late for school: elksik az iskolbl
be near to the station: kzel van az llomshoz
be nervous of one's own shadow: a sajt rnyktl is fl
be nice to one's children: rendes a gyerekeihez
be nice of Max: rendes Maxtl
be opposed to the plan: ellenzi a tervet
be optimistic about the future: optimista a jvt. illeten
be parallel to/with the wall: a fallal prhuzamos
be patient with children: trelmes a gyerekekkel
be pessimistic about one's chances: pesszimista az eslyeit illeten
be pleased about/at the election result: elgedett a vlasztsi eredmnnyel
be pleased with oneself: elgedett magval
be polite to everyone: mindenkihez uavarias
be popular with teenagers: npszer a tindzserek krben
be prepared for the a challenge: fel van kszlve a kihvsra
be presentat the meeting: jelen van a tallkazn
be prou d of the fact that. .. : bszke arra a tnyre, hogy .. .
be quick at learning: gyorsan tanul
be ready for change/the meeting: megrett a vltozsra/kszen ll a tallkozra
be representative of a general trend: jl jellemez egy ltalnos trendet
beresigned to one's fate: belenyugszik a sorsba
be resistant to change: ellenll a vltozsnak
be responsible for external affairs: klgyekrt felels
be responsible to Parliament: az Orszggylsnek felels
be sad about/at leaving: szomor a tvozs miatt
be safe for children: gyerekek szmra biztonsgos
be safe from attack: biztonsgban van a tmadstl
be satisfied with the explanation: elgedett a magyarzattal
be scared of punishment: fl a bntetstl
be shocked at/by sy's death: sokkolja vkinek a halla
be serious about learning: komolyan veszi a tanulst
be sick of listenins to Max: beteg attl, hogy Maxet hallgatja
be similar to prev1ous studies: hasonlatos a korbbi tanulmnyokhoz
be slow at/in reacting: lassak a reakcii
be sorry about being late: sajnlja, hogy elksett
be sorry for oneself: sajnlja magt
be successful in farming: sikeresen gazdlkodik
be suitable for the job: alkalmas az llsra
be suitable to a position: egy posztnak megfelel
be sure of one thing: egy dologban biztos
be sure about the importance of sg: meg van gyzdve vminek a fontossgrl
be surprised at/by what Max said: megfepdik azon, amit Max mondott
be suspicious of psychiatry: gyanakvssal tekint a pszichitrira
be tired of wal king: elfrad a gyaloglsban
be typical of artists: jellemz a mvszekre
be upset about/at/over the expenses: ideges a kltsgek miatt
be used to power/working hard: hozz van szokva a hatalomhoz/ahhoz, hogy kemnyen dolgozik
be worried about two things: kt dolog aggasztja
be wrong about everything: mindenben tved
be wrong in th inking that ... : tved abban, hogy azt gondolja, hogy ...
be wrong with sg: baj van vmivel (What's wrong with the car?: Mi baj az autval?)


A list of prepositions after nouns



A felsorols termszetesen vlogats, amelynek alapja a Cambridge English Lexicon (CEL Camb~idge University Press, 1989) gyakoris~i listja. Csak azok a fnevek s vonzataik szer~pelnek
1tt, amelyek a CEL szerint az tezres szokincsbe tartoznak.
Sok fnv vonzatos szerkezet helyett folytathat to + fnvi igenvvel is, ezt a jelensget itt s
most nem trgyal juk. (Lsd HCB 60/43-80 : infinitve wi th to)
access to the internet: hozzfrs a v ilghlhoz
addiction to drugs: kbtszerfggs
admiration for sy's courage: csodlat vkinek a btorsga irnt
advantage over the others: elny a tbbiekkel szemben
agreement about definitions: megegyezs a defincikban
agreement on general co-operation: megllapods az ltalnos egyttmkdsrl
anergy to dust: porallergia
alternative to Capital ism: a kapitalizmus alternatvja
answer to the question: vlasz a krdsre
apology for being late: bocsnatkrs a kss miatt
application for aamission to university: egyetemi felvteli krelem
approach to the problem: a problma megkzeltse
argument against/for the proposal: rv a javaslat ellenimellett
attachment to one's family: ktds a csaldunkhoz
attack of asthma: asztmaroham
attack on drug dealers: lecsaps a drogkereskedkre
attitude to/towards life: hozzlls az lethez
ban on ivory trading: tilalom az elefntcsont-kereskedsre
belief in reincarnation: hit a reinkarnciban
bid for building the bridge: plyzati ajnlat a hdptsre
cause of the accident: a baleset oka
chance of quick profit: a gyors profit eslye
comment about/on a report: megjegyzs a jelentshez
compiaint about the service: panasz a szolgltatsra
congratulations on sy's success: gratulci a sikerhez
connection between the two phenomena: kapcsolat a kt jelensg kztt
connection with the case: kapcsolat az ggyel
contrast between the ideal and the actuaf: kontraszt az idelis s a vals kztt
contrast to/with previous surveys: ellentmonds a korbbi felmrsekhez kpest
contribulion to air poliution/the development of sg: hozzjruls a lgszennyezshez/valaminek a fejldshez
control of/over a newspaper: irnyts egy jsg felett
cure for cancer: a rk gygymdja
damage to the car: krosoi:ls az autn
decrease in size: mretcskkens
decrease of ni ne percent: kilenc szzalkos cskkens
delay in payment: ksedelem a fizetssel
dependence on/upon outside help: kls segtsgtl val fggs
desire for sex: vgy a szexre
ditference between the two phrases: klnbsg a kt kifejezs kztt
ditference in age: korklnbsg
difficulty in breathing: lgzsi nehzsg

difficulty with one's mother-in-law: gond az anyssal

discussion about politics: beszlgets a politikrl
discussion of a point: egy krds megbeszlse
dislike for/of the microwave oven: utlat a mikrohullm st irnt


dissatisfaction at/with warking conditions: elgedetlensg a munkakrlmnyekkel

effect on/upon people's behaviour: hats az emberek viselkedsre
embargo on arms sales: fegyverkereskedelmi embarg
encounter with the living God: tallkozs az l lstennel
entry into the room: belps a szobba
escape from prison: szks a brtnbl
example of medieval architecture: a kzpkori ptszet egy pldja
example to children: plda gyerekeknek
exception to the ru le: kivtel a szably all
excuse for being late: mentsg a kssre
experience in legal matters: tapasztalat jogi gyekben
experience of the paranorma l: a paranormlis megtapasztalsa
expert at/in/on teaching adults: a felnttoktats szakrtje
explanation of how the system works: magyarzat arrl, hogyan mkdik a rendszer
explanation for such outrageous behaviour: a felhbort viselkeds magyarzata
fondness for nature: rajongs a termszetrt
freedom from state control: szabadsg az llami irnytstl
hope of recovery: a gygyuls remnye
hunger for knowledge: tudsszomj
hunt for the killer: vadszat agyilkosra
idea of using two microphones: az tlet, hogy kt mikrofont hasznljunk
increase lsd decrease
influence on/upon public attitudes: befolys a kzssgi attitdre
influence over a territory: hatalmi befolys egy terlet felett
influence with the president: befolys az einkre
insurance against fire: biztosts tz ellen
insurance on sy's house/life: biztosts a hzra/letbiztosts
interest in politics: rdeklds a politika irnt
interview with the president about the military action: interj az elnkkel a katonai akcirl
introduction to a book: bevezets egy knyvhz
involvement in the theft: rszvtel a rablsban
involvement with deaf people: foglalkozs siketekkel
key to the exercises: kulcs gyakorlatokhoz
knowledge of English: angoltuds
lack of self-confidence: az nbizalom hinya
link between smoking and lung cancer: sszefggs a dohnyzs s a tdrk kztt
link to/with the underworld: kapcsolat az alvilggal
look at the room: pillants a szabra
love for/of one's country: hazaszeretet
marriage to a prince: hzassg egy herceggel
method of contraception: fogamzsgtJsi mdszer
need for/of violence: szksg az erszakra
objection against/to the idea: ellenvets az elkpzelssel kapcsoltban
opinion about/of the candidates/fi lm: vlemny a jelltekrl/filmrl
o~portunity for/of quick profit: lehetsg a gyors nyeresgre
p1ty for the victims: sa/nlat az ldozatoK irnt
pleasure in cooking: vezet a fzsben
possibility of an agreement: lehetsg a megegyezsre
pride in one's work: bszkesg a munknkra
proof of sy's loyalty: hsgnek bizonytka
protection from the weatner: vdelem az idjrs ellen
protest against meat imports: tiltakozs a hsimport ellen
readion against collectivism: a kollektiviz-mus elleni reakci
readion to provocation: reakci a provokdra
reason for visiting the city: a vros megltogatsnak oka
recipe for success: a siker receptje


reduction lsd decrease

reference to general principles: hivatkozs ltalnos elvekre
relationship 6etween the doctor and the patient: kapcsolat orvos s beteg kztt
relationship with one's mother: kapcsolat az anynkkal
remedy for ali ills: gygyr minden bajra
report of the accident: hrads a balesetrl
report on the international pasta market: jelents a nemzetkzi tsztapiacrl
request for more money: igny tbb pnzre
research in social studies: trsadalomtudomnyi kutats
research into/on particular aspects of the economy/human sexual functioning: a gazdasg egyes
aspektusainak/az ember szexulis mkdsnek kutatsa

resistance to a disease: ellenlls a betegsgnek

respect for the law: tisztelet a trvny irnt
responsibility for others/one's actions: felelssg msokrt/a sajt cselekedeteinkrt
return from a trip: visszatrs egy utazsbl
return to power: visszatrs a hatalomba
rise lsd decrease
room for the piano: hel~ a zongor~nak
search for truth: az igazsg keresse
skill at handling people: gyessg az emberekkel val bnsmdban
solution to a problem: megolds a problmra
student of law: jogszhallgat
success at games: siker a jtkban
success in the election: siker a vlasztson
success with the opposite sex: siker a msik nemnl
sympathy for/with/to the victims' family: egyttrzs az ldozat csaldjval
sympathy for/with the rebels: szimptia lzadk irnt
synonym for 'double': a "dupla" szinonimja
taste for music: zenei hajlam
tax on tobacco: dohnyad
thought of revenge: a bossz gondolata
threat to society: fenyegets a trsadalomra nzve
time for dinner: vacsoraid
trouble with the computer: gond a szmtgppel
way of living: letmd
wish for peace: bkevgy
witness of the accident: a baleset tanja
witness to the will: tan a vgrendelethez


A list of prepositions after verbs

Igei vonzatok

A felsorols termszetesen vlogats, amelynek alapja a Cambridge Engfish Lexicon (CEL, Cambridge University Press, 1989) gyakorisgi listja. Csak azok az igk s vonzataik szerepeinek itt,
amelyek a CEL szerint az tezres szkincsbe tartoznak.
Sok ige vonzatos szerkezet helyett folytathat that mellkmondattal, to + fnvi igenvvel s ing-es alakkal is, ezt a jelensget itt s most nem trgyal juk. (Lsd HCB 32/ 38-51: conjunctions; 5 9 :
inairect speech; 134: verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs; 135: verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs;
136: verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs; Reference 1)
accuse Max of murder: gyilkossggal vdolja Maxet
add a name to the list/one to nine: hozzad egy nevet a listhoz/egyet kilenchez
admire Max for his talent: csodlja Maxet a tehetsgrt
adrnit Max to hospital: felveszi Maxet a krhzba
adrnit to the crime/fact: beismeri bnssgt/a tnyt
agree about most things: a legtbb dologoan egyetrt
agree on a date: megegyezik egy idpontban
agree to a suggestion: belegyezik egy javasiatha
agree with Max/sy's decision: egyetrt Maxszel/vkinek a dntsvel
agree with previous findings: sszhangban van a korbbi megllaptsokkal
a1m at the first two vessels: az els kt hajra cloz
aim at integration: az integrcit tzi ki clul
aim for sy's weak point: vkinek a gyenge pontjt veszi clba
aim for realistic targets: relis clokat tz ki
amount to blackmaii/a lot of money: fe lr egy zsarolssal/nagy sszegre rg
apologise to Max for being late: bocsnatot kr Maxtl a kss miatt
appeal against a decision: fellebbez egy dnts ellen
appeal for help: segtsgrt folyamodik
appeal to common sense: a jzan szre apelll
apply for a job: jelentkezik egy llsra
approve of laziness: helyesli a lustas~ot
argue against/for the amendment: a k1egszts ellenimellett rvel
argue about/over money: vitatkozik a pnzen
argue with Max: vitatkozik Maxszel
arrest Max for being in possession of a stolen car: letartztatja Maxet, amirt lopott aut van a
arrve at Heathrow: megrkezik a Heathrowra
arrve in France: megrKezik Franciaorszgba
ask Max about the children: a gyerekeirl krdezi Maxet
ask for money: pnzt kr
attend to a customer: kiszolgl egy vevt
base conclusions on/upon historical data: trtnelmi adatokra alapozza a kvetkeztetseket
beg for forgiveness: bocsnatrt esedezik
behave to/towards one's students: viselkedik a dikjaival
believe in God: hisz lstenben
belong in the other room/belong on the top shelf: a msik szobban a helye/a fels polcon a
belon~ to the President: az elnk tulajdona
beneflt from tax changes: hasznot hz az adzs vltozsaibl
bet on a horse: fogad egy lra

blame the other for starting the fight: a msikat okolja a veszekeds kezdemnyezsrt
borrow ten pounds from a friend: klcsnkr tz fontot egy bartjtl
buy a tie for Max: vesz egy nyakkendt Maxnek
buy a tie for f 6: hat fontrt vesz egy nyakkendt


call at the baker's: beugrik a pkhez

call on Mrs Robinson: megltogatja Mrs Robinsant
care about money: trdi!< a pnzzel
care for sweets: kedveli az dessget
care for the sick: gondoskodik a betegekrl
change from red to yellow: pirosbl srgv vltozik
change a shirt for one in a smaller size: kisebb mretre cserl egy inget
change into sg more comfortable: tltzik valami knyelmesebBe
change money lsd exchange

charge Max with robbery: rablssal vdo~a Maxet

check a letter for spelling mistakes: ellenorzi a helyesrst a levlben
choose between half board and self-catering/capital ism and Marxism: vlaszt a flpanzi s az
nellts/a kapitalizmus s a marxizmus kztt

choose from three hotels/the applicants: vlaszt hrom hotel/a jelentkezk kzl
compare sg to/with the original: sszehasonlt vmit az eredetivel
complain about the noise to the manager: panaszkodik a zaj miatt a vezetnek
concentrate on one's work: a munkjra sszpontost
condemn Max to death: hallra tli Maxet
confess to a horribi e and lng-forgotten crime: beismeri bnssgt egy szrny, rgen elfelejtett

congratulate Max on/for passing a test: gratull Maxnek egy sikeres vizsghoz
consist of 30 counties: harminc megybl ll
contribute to charity: jtkony cl alaphoz hozzjrul
cope with the difficulties: megoldja a nehzsgeket
correspond with one's needs: megfelel a szksgleteinek
count on sy's discretion: szmt vl<inek a diszkrcijra
count to ten: tzig szmol
crash into a wall: nekimegy egy falnak
criticise local authoriti es for doing noth ing: krit!zljJ a hely! hatsgokat, amirt nem csinlnak

cry for help: segtsgrt kilt

cry for/over Max: Maxrt sr
cry over sy's death: sr vkinek a halla miatt
cure Max of his laziness: kigygytja Maxet a lustasgbl
deal with a situation: megbirkzik egy helyzettel
deal in commercial properties: kereskedelmi cikkekkel zletel
decide about the future: dnt a jvrl
decide on a new computer: egy j szmtgp mellett dnt
depend on/upon the weather: az idjrstl fgg
die from one's injuries: belehal a srlseibe
die of cancer: meghal rkban
divide one's time between London and a cottage in Milford: megosztja az idejt London s a
milfordi hzik kztt

divide six by three: hatot hrommal eloszt ,

divide Europe from Asia: elvlasztja Eurpt Azsitl
divide sg into three groups: hrom csoportra oszt
do sg about a problem: tesz vmit a problmval
drearn about/of flying: a replsrl lmodik
drearn of being ri ch: a gazdagsgrl lmodozik
drop from/out of one's hands: kiesik vkinek.a kezbl
end in a consonant: mssalhangzra vgzdik
end with a dessert: desszerttel fejezi be
exchange pounds for do ll ars: fontot dollrra vlt
excuse Max for interrupting: megbocst Maxnek i.l kzbeszlsrt
explain a problem to everybody: mindenkinek elmagyarzza a problmt
feed on insects: rovarokkal tpllkozik


fight about who has the most crayons: azon veszekszik, kinek van tbb zsrkrtja
fight against terrorism: kzd a terrorizmus ellen
fight for a good cause: harcol egy j gyrt
fine Max for speeding: megbrsgolja Maxet gyorshajtsrt
forgve Max for being late: megbocst Maxnek a kssrt
get a hat for Xmas: kap egy ka lapot karcsonyra
get in(to)/out (of) a car, taxi, boat: beszll/kiszll autba/bl, taxiba/bl, csnakba/bl
get on(to)/off a tra in, plane, bus, ship, bike, horse: felszll/leszll vonatra/rl, rep lre/rl, buszral
rl, hajra/rl, motorra/rl, lra/rl

get married to Max: sszehzasodik Maxszel

get to the airport: kir a reptrre
glance at the photo: rpillant a kpre
go by car: autval megy
go to school: iskolba megy/jr
graduate from college: elvgzi a fiskolt
happen to Max: trtnik Maxszel
hear about sy's divorce: hall vkinek a vlsrl
hear from/of Max: hall Max fell
help Max with a crossword: segt Maxnek a keresztrejtvnyfejtsben
hint at a coalition between the two parties: cloz a kt prt kztti koalcira
hope for an improvement: remnykedik a javulsban
hunt for big game: nagyvadra vadszik
identify a man as Max Gordon: Max Gordonknt azonost egy frfit
identify herself as a lesbian: leszbikusknt hatrozza meg nmagt
identify with a group: azonosul egy csoporttal
inform Max about/of the proposed changes: tjkoztatja Maxet a javasolt vltozsokrl
insist on one's innocence: kitart amellett, hogy rtatlan
insure one's luggage against theft: biztostja a csomagjt lops ellen
interiere between husband and wife: beavatkozik frj-felesg dolgba
interiere in sy's affairs: beleavatkozik vki ms dolgba
interiere in/with sy's sex life: zavarlag hat a nemi letre
introduce Max to a nice young man: bemutatja Maxet egy kedves fiatalembernek
invest money in new industries: j ipargakba fektet pnzt
invite Max to the wedding: meghvja Maxet az eskvre
join one pipe to the other: csatfakoztatja egyik csvetamsikhoz
keep a book for Max: megriz egy knyvet Maxnek
knock at/in a door: kopog az ajtn
laugh at the clown: nevet a bohcon
laugh about the incident: nevet az eseten
lead to Rome: Rmba vezet
learn about the birds: a madarakrl tanul
learn about/of sy's death: rtesl vkinek a hallrl
learn a song from Max: tanul egy dalt Maxtl
learn sg by/from experience: tapasztalatbl tanul meg vmit
leave for York: elindul Yorkba
lend some money to Max: klcsnad nmi pnzt Maxnek
listen to the weather forecast: hallgatja az idjrsjelentst
live by fishing: halszatbl l

live on HUF 5000 a week: heti 5000 Ft-bl l

long for a coffee: vgyik egy kvra
look at the view: nzi a ltvnyt
look after the dog: vigyz a kutyra
look for a job: l r st !<eres
make butter from cream: vajat kszt tejsznbl
make a tabi e of wood: asztalt kszt fbl
make a skirt out of a material: szoknyt kszt egy anyagbl


mistake witches for fairies: tndreknek nzi a boszorknyokat
object to the interference: tiltakozik a javaslat ellen
operate on a patient for appendicitis: vakbllel operl egy beteget
operate on a bread and breakfast basis: "bread and breakfast" alapon mkdik
owe nothing to anybody: semmivel sem tartozik senkinek
owe the garage f 60 for the repairs: 60 fonttal tartozik a szerviznek a javtsokrt
pay for everyone's meal: fizeti mindenkinek az telt
play for/agamst England: az angol csapatban/az angol csapat ellen jtszik
play for Max on the piano: zongorzik Maxnek .
play with matches: gyufval jtszik
point at/to a sign: egy jelremutat
point the gun at the policeman: a rendrre fogja a fegyvert
practise as a lawyer: az gyvdi hivatst gyakorolja
praise Max for his bravery: megdicsri Maxet a btorsgrt
pray for the nationsof the worrd: imdkozik a vilg nemzeteirt
pray to God: imdkozik lstenhez
prefer fish to meat: jobb szereti a halat a hsnl
prepare for an exam: vizsgra kszl
present Max with a tie: megajndkozza Maxet egy nyakkendvel
present a tie to Max: nyakkendt ajndkoz Maxnek
prevent a disease from spreading: megakadlyozza a betegsg terjedst
profit by a mistake: profitl ahiobl
profit from advertising: nY.eresgre tesz szert a reklmbl
provide the committee w1th information: informcivalltja el a biZottsgat
provide meal for the visitors: telt ad a ltogatknak
punish Max for being naughty: megbnteti Maxet a rosszasgrt
qualify as a teacher: tanri kpestst szerez
qualify Max for the position: Maxet alkalmass teszi a posztra
quarrel about/over payment: veszekedik a fizets miatt
quarrel with one's wife: veszekszik a felesgvel
refer to a dictionary: asztrhoz fordul (informcirt)
refer to an earlier case: utal egy korbbi esetre
regard Max as a friend: bartjnak tekinti Maxet
rery on/upon sy's support: vkinek a tmogatsra tmaszkodik
remember about that morning: emlkszi!< arra a reggelre
remember Maxi as a nice young girl : szp, fiatal lnyknt emlkszik Maxira
remember Max to sy: tadja Max dvzlett vkinek
remind Max about the meeting: emlkezteti Maxet a tallkozra
remind sy of Max: Maxre emlkeztet vkit
repiace the old system with/by a new one: a rgi rendszert lecserli egy jra
research in Irish history: az r trtnelmet kutatja
research on/into the effects of sg: vminek a hatstkutatja
result from poor management: a rossz vezetsbl kvetkezik
return to England from Poland: visszatr Lengyelorszgbl Angliba
ride on a camel: tevehton lovagol
ring for the nurse: csenget a nvrrt
rob the club of HUF 50,000: 50 OOO Ft-ot rabol a klubtl
say nothing to Max: nem mond semmit Maxnek
say nothing about Max: nem mond semmit Maxrl
save Bluejoy Co. from bankruptcy: megmenti a Bluejoy cget a csdtl
search through one's pocket: tkutatja a zsebeit
search for drugs: drog utn kutat
sell a computer to Max for f 50: 50 fontrt elad egy szmtgpet Maxnek
sell Max on an idea: megeteti az tletet Maxszel
send a Xmas card to Max: karcsonyi lapot kld Maxnek
send to Japan for the spare parts: Japnbl hozat alkatrszt


share a bedroom with Max: megosztja Maxszel a hlszobt

shout at Max: kiabl Maxszel
shout to a friend across the street: tkiabl a bartjnak a tloldalra
show one's etchings to Maxi: megmutatja Maxinak a blyeggyjtemnyt
smell of cheese: sajt szaga van
smile at a child: rmosolyog egy gyerekre
speak about/of prspects for tne industry: az iparg kiltsairl beszl
speak to/with the boss: beszl a fnkkel
spend some money on advertising: pnzt klt reklmra
spy on sy's husband: kmkedik vl<inek a frjre
start with a quote: egy idzettel indt
stay at a hotel: egy hotelben szll meg
stay with one's friends: a bartainl szll meg
steal chacolates from a shop: csokit lop a boltbl
stick to one's hand: a kezhez ragad
stop Max from seeing his girlfriend: megakadlyozza, hogy Max tallkozzon a bartnjvel
struggle against oppression: kzd az elnyoms ellen
struggle for economic and political control: kzd a gazdasgi s politikai irnytsrt
struggle with one's conscience: kzd a lelkiismeretvel
subtract 1O from 20: 20-bl kivon 10-et
succeed in business: sikert r el az zletben
suffer from back-ache: htfjstl szenved
supply the police with names: nevekkel ltja el a rendrsget
supply electricity to companies: ramot szalgltat a cgek szmra
suspect Max of participation in the robbery: a rablsban val rszvtellel gyanstja Maxet
swap one's bitycle for a hi-fi : elcserli a biciklijt egy hi-fi toronyra
sympathise with sy's political opinions: szimpatizl vkinek a politikai nzeteivel
talk about sex: a szexrl beszl
talk to/with a neighbour: egy szomszdjval beszlget
teach English to Max: angolt tant Maxnek
tell about the incident: mesl az esetrl
tell Max of an adventure: mesl Maxnek egy kalandrl
tell a story to the kids: elmond egy trtnetet a klykknek
thank Max for the lift: megkszni Maxnek a fuvart
think about/of a problem: gondolkozik egy problmn
thi nk of the dan ger: gondor a veszlyre
throw a stone at Max: kvet vg Maxhez
throw the ball to Max: odadobja a labdt Maxnek
translate an artide into English: lefordt angoira egy cikket
trip over the cushion: megbotlik a prnban
try Max for war cricnes: hbors bnkrt brsg el lltja Maxet
trust in God: bzik lstenben

turn an old cinema into a night club: egy rgi mozit jszakai mulatv alakt t
vote for the Liberal Party: a Liberlis Prtra szavaz
wait for the results: vrja az eredmnyeket
warn Max about/of the difficulties: figyelmezteti Maxet a nehzsgekre
warn Max against takin9 drugs: figyermezteti Maxet, hogy ne fogyasszon kbtszert
wish for more: tbbet k1vn
work as a bus driver: buszsofrknt dolgozik
work at/for a local firm: egy helyi cgnl dolgozik
work on a topic/an album: egy tmn/albumon dolgozik
write about a problem: r e9y problmrl
write to the Queen: r a kiralynnek


I{R(N8[ _ __
!8l: 1106 Budapest, Nagyicce u. 36.

tr: 06-20-324-6912

Q :

Intenzv angol nyelvtanfolyam
s kszsgfejleszt trning
Tanfolyamunkat azoknak ajnljuk, akik
)o> munkjuk, csaldjuk mellett nem tudnak tbb hnapon t tart s rendszeres, heti tbbszri
elfoglaltsggal jr nyelvtanfolyamokat vgezni s nem akarnak, vagy nem tudnak msflkt vet sznni arra, hogy a kzpfok nyelvtudsig eljussanak;
)o> inkbb azt vlasztjk, hogy egy klnleges clkitzsekre megtervezett specilis tanfolyamon, csak a feladatra koncentrlva, teljesen tadjk magukat az intenzv tanulsnak s kszsgfej lesztsnek;
)o> kpesnek rzik magukat arra s vllaljk, hogy egy vlogatott csapatban dolgozva, profi segtsggel hrom hten t mindent megtegyenek a kiemelked eredmnyrt
A 20 nap alatt a rsztvevk kzs foglalkozsokon kvl eltlttt idejt is maximlisan kihasznljuk-szervezzk a kzs cl rdekben. "Vrt, vertket s knnyeket" grnk, de cserbe kivteles
lmnyt s a kivtelesen gyors s hatkony elrelps lehetsgt kinljuk.
Nyelvi szint: jrakezd ("lkezd")
A jelentkezk rtsenek s- nem felttlenl hibtlanul - beszdben is tudjanak olyan mondatokat hasznlni, mint pl. Do you like cooking? He always forgets my birthday. Tim s girlfriend doesn t eat
meat. I don t want to hurt her. Are you )oking? Can you swim? They didn t drink anything. Ours was
the best. Were there any questions? Szkincs: kb. 100 gyakori ig~i olyan gyakori egyb szavak, mint
pl. dog, soup. shirt, red, parent, country.job, sun, friend, train. Osszesen kb. 300 sz.
Cl: a kzpfok nyelvtuds megkzeltse (a nyelvknyvekben ltalban a 3. ktet szintje), bizonyos feladatoknl az llami kzpfok nyelvvizsga szintje, az egyni nyelvtanuli mdszerekeszkzk s az idegen nyelvi kommunikcis kszsgek fejlesztse.
Nyelvi program: teljes nyelvtani rendszerezs a kzpfok szintig. Fordts, fordtstechnika, a nyelvtan gyakorlsa rsban s szban; kzs s egyni tesztmegolds; pldamondatsor sszelltsa s
gyakorlsa; trsalgsi s kiejtsi gyakorlatok, szitucis gyakorlatok, prbeszdek. A kzs feladatokon kvl egyni konzultcik, szemlyre szabott feladatok.
Kszsgfejleszts: egyni nyelvtanulsi problmk kezelse, az egyni tanulsi szoksok fejlesztse,
felkszts a hatkony nll tanulsra. Az idegen nyelven trtn "gtlstalan kommunikcira"
val felkszts. Hasznos technikk trningje: hogyan hasznljuk minden helyzetben optimlisan
a nyelvtudsunkat, vizsgatechnikai alapok. A csoportrnunkban vgzett feladatoknl az angol
munkanyelvknt val hasznlata, problmamegolds, vitatkozs, meggyzs.
Tananyag: sajt tematika. A rsztvevk a teljes tananyagat s a tanfolyamon hasznlt hanganyagat
kazettn megkapjk; a helysznen kziknyvtr: sztrak, httranyagok, olvasnival, hanganyagok, video; az egyni gyakorlshoz magnkat biztostunk.
Tanfolyamvezet: Salamon Gbor (a Words On Your Own, ktnyelv idzetes knyvek, a Huron s
Wordy Dictionary, a Huron sCheckbook, a Huron s Wordplus, a Huron sCrossQuotes s a Huron s
Easy Communication trsszerzje).

rdekldhet s jelentkezhet e-mailben ill. telefonon - ha e-mail ben jelentkezik, krjk, pr szban
rja meg, hogy mikor/mita, hol, milyen raszmban, milyen tananyagbl tanul(t) angolul.
Felvteli beszlgets s rvid rsbeli szintfelmrs egynileg egyeztetett idpontban .




a 9. articles
a couple 1 O~. some, a few, a couple, a littie
a da y etc. 9. artici es
a few 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
a littie 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
a long way 45. far~ a long way
a lot 71. many, much etc.
a, az 9. articles
a/the ki/o etc. 9. articies
abbahagy 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after
ability 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability
actua/ly 2. adverbs: position 34. discourse markers
ad 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
adag 86. partitives
adat 79/85-86: nouns: numberaddig amg 49. from ... to, tiff/until
addigra 14. at, on, in, by(time) 50/61-71 future
adjectives 1. adjectives: order 30. comparisan 60/2142: to+ infinitve after adjectives 63. it as subject/
object 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives Reference 6:
Prepositions after adjectives
adrnit 134. verbs VIli: -ing forrn after verbs
adverb particles 91. prepositions and adverb particles
adverbs 2. adverbs: position 30. comparisan 70. -ly:
adverbs and adjectives 92. prepositions and adverb
advice 79/31: nouns: number 86. partitives
advisab/e 109. subjunctive after adjectives
advise 59. indirect speech 127. verbs 1: reported requests
affirmative sentences 62. inversion 143. affirmative
afford 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
afraid so/not 120. think so, think not
after al/ 16. at fast etc. 34. discourse markers
ago 116. tense IV: past simple
agree 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
ahnyszor csak 138. whatever, whoever etc.
ahogy, amint 139. when, white etc.
ahogyan 137. way
ahol, ahova 95. relative clause
aircraft 79/81-82: nouns: number
ajnl 59. indirect speech
ajnlkozs 25/19-28: can, could: requests and offers 66/
30-38: let 100. "sha/1 1... ?", "sha/1 we... ?"
akr 31. conditional sentences
akr igen, akr nem 55. if ~ whether
akar, akarja 127. verbs 1: reported requests 128. verbs ll:
statve verb uses 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+
infinitve after verbs
akrcsak 67/49-53: like
akrhogy, akrmilyen 138. whatever, whoever etc.
akrhol, akrhova 8. anybody, anything etc. 138.
whatever, whoever etc.
akrmi 8. anybody, anything etc. 138. whatever,
aki lsd ami

akkor 32. conjunctions 103. so

akkora 11 O. such
akkoriban 116. tense IV: past simple 125. used to, would
alany 60. infinitve with to 61.- ingform 63. it as
subject/object 144. interrogative sentences
lanyemels 48. focus and emphasis
alanyra krdezs 144. interrogative sentences
alapfok (olyan ... , annyira .. . mint) 30. comparisan
alatt 112. take time etc. 139. when, white etc.
alatt, bell 14. at, on, in, by (time)
alig 2. adverbs: position 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
al ighogy 62. inversion
alkalomadtn 113. tense 1: present simple
al/ 3. al/~ who/e 4. al/, every, each 48. focus and
emphasis 95. relative clause
al/ the same 34. discourse markers
ll vmibl 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
lltmnykiegszts 129. verbs lll: verb +subject
camplement 130. verbs IV: verb + object
llt mondatok 62. inversion 143. affirmative sentences
lltlag 19. be said to etc.
al/ow 5. allow, permit, forbid 80. obl igatory elements
after the verb
already 115. tense lll: present perfect
a/so 6. a/so, as wel/ (as), too
ltalban 2. adverbs: position 99. semi-auxiliaries 113.
tense 1: present simple
ltalnos alany 19. be said to etc. 82. one, you, they:
indefinite personal pronouns
although 7. although, though
always 2. adverbs: position 113. tense 1: present simple
114. tense ll: present continuous
amely, amelyik, amelynek 95. relative clause
ami 48. focus and emphasis 60/47, 72: infinitve with to
85/1-17: participle structures 95. relative clause
ami azt illeti 34. discourse markers
amiatt 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
amg 49. from ... to, tiff/until 139. when, white etc .
amikor 31. conditional sentences 95. relative clause
117. tense V: past continuous 139. when, while etc.
amikor csak 138. whatever, whoever etc.
amint 1 O. as 31. conditional sentences
an 9. articles
and 21. both, either, neither 32. conjunctions 60.
infinitve with to
angolok, az 9. articles
annak ellenre 7. although, though
anather 83. other ~ anather
anxious 109. subjunctive after adjectives
any 105. some, any, no, none
anybody 8. anybody, anything etc.
anyhow 34. discourse marke rs
annyira 103. so 121. this, that
annyi. .. amennyi 30/1-21: comparisan
anything 8. anybody, anything etc.
anyway 34. discourse markers
anywhere 8. anybody, anything etc.
appear 129. verbs lll: verb +subject camplement


appear to 99. serni-auxiliaries

apply 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
aprop 34. discourse rnarkers
are lsd be
arra az esetre 58. in case
arra bredtern, hogy 60. infinitve with to
arra gondoltarn 141. wander
arrange 133. verbs VII: to+ infiniti ve after verbs

brki, brmi 8. anybody, anything etc. 138. whatever,

whoever etc.
brmelyik 1 05. some, any, no, none 138. whatever,

brmennyi, brmennyire 105. some, any, no, none
brmennyire is 138. whatever, whoeveretc.
brmikor 105. some, any, no, none 138. whatever,
whoever etc.
brmilyen 105. some, any, no, none 138. whatever,

artide 9. articles
ru 79/65: nouns: number
as 1 O. as 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
121. this, that 139. when, while etc.
as a malter of fact 34. discourse rnarkers

baromfi 79/61: nouns: number
btort 127. verbs 1: reported requests
-bb 30. comparisan
be (ltige) 31. conditional sentences 57. imperatves 99.
serni-auxiliaries 101. short answer 111/1-21: tag
questions 113. tense 1: present simple 114. tense ll:
presen t continuous 116. ten se IV: past simple 117.
tense V: past continuous 119. there + be, there +
verb 129. verbs lll: verb +subject camplement
be (segdige) 50. future sentences 87. passive sentences
101. short answer 111. tag questions 114. tense ll:
present continuous 115. tense lll: present perfect
117. tense V: past continuous 118. tense VI: past
be ab/e to 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability

as if 12. as i~ as though
as soon as 31. conditional sentences
as tlwugh 12. as if, as though
as wel/ (as) 6. a/so, as wel/ (as), too
-s, -s 61. -ing form
as ... as 30. comparisen
ask, ask for 13. ask 59. indirect speech 80. obligatory
elernents after the verb 127. verbs 1: reported
requests 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
at 14. at, on, in, by (time) 15. at, in, on (pl ace)
at al/ 2. adverbs: position
at fast 16. at /ast etc.
ttagads 145. word order lll: negative sentences
attl tartok 34. discourse rnarkers 120. t/1ink so, think
audience 79/94-95: nouns: number
auxiliary lsd segdigk
avoid 134. verbs VIli: -ing forrn after verbs
az 9. articles 48. focus and ernphasis 81. one, that of,
so: substitution 95. relative clause 121. this, that
az ami/aki 48. focus and emphasis
az ember 82. one, you, they: indefinite personal
azrt jttem, hogy ... 60. infinitve wi th to
azrt, hogy 1 04. so that, so as to, in order to
azon a hten 91/57-74: prepositions and adverb
azonban 34. discourse rnarkers
azonnal 2. adverbs: position
azt lltjk 19. be said to etc.
azt hiszem, mg nern tallkoztunk 145. negative sentences
azt rnondta/hitte/gondolta 59. indirect speech
aztn 32. conjunctions
azzal, hogy 22. by~ with

backshift 59. indirect speech
bad/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
-ban, -ben 2. adverbs: positi on 14. at, on, in, by (time)
15. at, in, on (place)
bn, megbn 73. mind 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+
infinitve after verbs
br 7. although, though
bar of 86. partitives
bartsgos 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
brcsak 56. if only, "/ wish"
bare/y 2. adverbs: position
brhogyan 138. whatever, whaever etc.
brhol, brhova 8. anybody, anything etc. 138.
whatever, whoever etc.

be about to 18. be about to

be apt to 99. semi-auxiliaries
be bound to 99. serni-auxiliaries
becertain to 99. semi-auxiliaries
be due to 99. semi-auxiliaries
be going to 50. future sentences
be liab/e to 99. semi-auxiliaries
be said to 19. be said to etc.
be sure to 99. semi-auxiliaries
be to 20. be to
be unab/e to 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability
be, bent 124. up, down, in, out
begyazott krds 39. embedded question
because (of) 11. as, because etc.: reason and

became 129. verbs lll: verb + subject complement

befejez 134. verbs VIli: -ing forrn after verbs 135. verbs
IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs
befejezettsg 17. au xi l iaries without a main verb 19. be
said to etc. 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
deduction 50. future sentences 60. infinitve with to
61. -ing forrn 62. inversion 85. participle structures
87. passive sentences 101. short answer 115. tense
lll: present perfect 118. tense VI: past perfect 119.
there + be, there + verb
heg 127. verbs 1: reported requests
begin 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after
ver bs

being 85. participle structures 87. passive sentences

114. tense ll: present continuous tense 117. V: past
beismer 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
believe 19. be said to etc. 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses

believe so/not 120. think so, think not

belong 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
bent 124. up, down, in, out
beszl, beszlget 107. speak, ta lk
beszlik, azt 82. one, you, they: indefinite personal


betegsgek 9. articles
better, best 30. comparisen
bi/liards 79/51: nouns: number
br 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability
birka 79/78-79: nouns: number
birtokls 53. have, have got
birtokos nvmsok 89. possessive adjectives and
possessive pronouns
birtokviszony jelzse 96. 's genitive, of-genitive 81 . one,
that of, so: substitulion
bit of 86. partitives
bizonyra, biztosan 2. adverbs: position 26. can, may,
must, will: probability, deduction 74. must, have to,
have got to 87. passive sentences 99. semiauxiliaries 102/68-71: should, ought to
bizonytk 79/34: nouns: number
bizonyul vmilyennek 129. verbs lll: verb + subject
both 21. both, either, neither
bother 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after
bottie of 86. partitives
bven 71. many, much etc.
bread 79/32: nouns: number
bucket of 86. partitives
bunch of 86. partitives
hurst out 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
busszal 22. by~ with
but 32. conjunctions 42. except, except for, but
btor 79/37: nouns: number 86. partitives
buy 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
by 14. at, on, in, by (time) 22. by ~ with 87. passive
by bus etc. 22. by ~ with
by the way 34. discourse markers

C, Cs
cake 86. partitives
call 130. verbs IV: verb + object complement
can, can't, could 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 23.
can, could, be ab/e to: ability 24. can, may:
permission 25. can, could: requests and offers 26.
can, may, must, will: probability, deduction 31 .
conditional sentences 36. either, neither/nor do /, so
do l 87. passive sentences 101. short answer 111.
tag questions 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses

can't bear, can't stand 28. can't stand, can't bear

can't help 27. can't help
cattle 79/61: nouns: number
causalive sentences 29. causalive sentences
cause 29. causative sentences
clhatrozi szerkezet 60. infinitive with to
certainly 2. adverbs: position
cheap/cheaply 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
chocolate 86. partitives
cip 79/71: nouns: number 86. partitives
e/aim 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs
cleft sentences 48. focus and emphasis
clothes 79/62-63: nouns: number 86. partitives
coffee 79/6: nouns: number 86. partitives
colleelive nouns 79. nouns: number
come 60. infinitive with to 61 . -ing form 129. verbs lll:
verb + subject complement 135. verbs IX: -ing form
or to+ infinitive after verbs

come to 99. semi-auxiliaries

comparison 30. compari son
conditional 31. conditional sentences 62. inversion
102. should, ought to
conjunctions 32. conjunctions
consider 19. be said to etc. 63. it as subject/object 130.
verbs IV: verb + object complement 134. verbs VIli:
-ingform after verbs
consist 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
contain 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses
continue 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after
could lsd can
countable nouns 79. nouns: number
couple 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
crew 79/98: nouns: number
crossroads 79/83-84: nouns: number
csak 2. adverbs: position 42. except, except for, but 48.
focus and emphasis 95. relative clause
csak akkor, ha 123. unless
csak amennyit muszj 27. can't help
csak amikor, csak azutn 62. inversion
csakgy, mint 67. like
csald 79/99-1 00: nouns: number
csapat 79/106-107: nouns: number 86. partitives
csepp 86. partitives
cssze 86. partitives
csokor 86. partitives
csomag 79/41: nouns: number
csoportok 79. nouns: number 86. partitives lsd mg
cukor 79/49: nouns: number 86. partitives
cup of 86. partitives

da ily, week/y etc. 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives

damage 79/33: nouns: number
darab 86. partitives 96. 's geniti ve, of-genitive
dare 33. dare
data 79/85-86: nouns: number
de 32. conjunctions
de azrt 7. although, though
de ht 34. discourse markers
de igen 101. short answer
decide 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs
dec/are 130. verbs IV: verb + object complement
deduction 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
deduction 7 4. must, have to, have got to 102.

should, ought to
deepideep/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
72. measurements
defining relative clause 95. relative clause
definite artide 9. articles
dehogy, dehogynem 101. short answer
demand 59/130-133: indirect speech
deny 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
depend 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses
deserve 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses
desirab/e 1 09. subjunctive after adjectives

didlsd do
discourse markers 34. discourse markers
dislike 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
do (fi ge) 61. -ing form


do (segdige) 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 36.

either, neither/nor do l, so do l 111. tag questions
113. tense 1: present simple 116. tense IV: past
do emphasis 57. imperatves 113. tense 1: present simple
116. tense IV: past simple
"do you mind" 73. mind
doboz 86. partitives
doubt 80. obligatory elements after the verb 128. verbs
ll: statve verb uses
down, downstairs, downward(s) 91. prepositions and
adverb particles 124. up, down, in, out
dozen 79/121-122: nouns: number
dnt 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
dread 135. verbs IX: -ing forrn or to+ infinitve after verbs
drink (fn.) 79/9-1 O: nouns: number
drop of 86. partitives
du ring 139. when, while etc.

each 4. al/, every, each

each other 35. each other, one anather
early 2. adverbs: position 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
dessg 79/26: nouns: number
egsz, egszben 3. al/ ~ who/e
egszen, teljesen 3. a // ~ who/e 44/39-48: fair/y, rather
egy 9. artici es 81 . one, that of, so: substitulion
egy bizonyos Mr Smith 9. articles
egy keveset 106. some, a few, a coup/e, a littie
egy kis 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
egy msik 83. other~ anather
egyltal n 2. adverbs: position 34. discourse markers
105. some, any, no, none
egyed l 2. adverbs: position 48. focus and emphasis
84. own 94. reflexve pronouns
egyenes szrend krdsben 144. word order ll:
interrogative sentences
egyes szm vagy tbbes szm 79. nouns: number
egyetrt 133. verbs VII : to+ infinitve after verbs
egyetlen, az 95. relative clause
egyeztets (alany+ lltmny) 79. nouns: number 88.
personal pronouns 111. tag questions
egyeztets (idegyeztets) 59. indirect speech
egyforma 97. same
egyformn 137. way
egyik sem 21. both, either, neither
egykor 125. used to, would
egymst, egymssal 35. each other, one anather
egypr 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
egyre 30. comparisan
egyre csak 134. verbs VIli: -ingform after verbs
egyrszt 34. discourse markers
egyszer 2. adverbs: position
egyszer igeidk 50. future sentences 113. tense 1:
present simple 116. tense IV: past simple
egyszeren nem 142. won't, wouldn't: refusal,
either 21. both, either, neit/1er 36. either, neither/nor do
l, so do l 37. either... or, neither... nor
elect 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
elg(g) 44. fair/y, ra ther etc.
e lg, e lgg, e leget 40. enough, too
e lf rad 129. verbs lll: verb +subject camplement

elfelejt 135. verbs IX: -ing forrn or to+ infinitve after verbs
e lhisz 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
elkpzel 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 134. verbs VIli:
-ing form after verbs
elkpze lh et, hogy 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
elkezd 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after
e lmond 98. say~ tell
e lmulaszt 99. semi-auxiliaries 133. verbs VII: to+
infinitve after verbs
elljrk 14. at, on, in, by (time) 15. at, in, on (pl ace)
61 . -ing form 62/44-50: inversion 91. prepositions
and adverb particles 124. up, down, in, out
el nyben rszest 90. prefer
elszr is 34. discourse markers
else 38. else
lt egyszer egy 119. there +be, there + verb
eltekintve 42. except, except for, but
elvr(ja) 127. verbs 1: reported requests 133. verbs VII: to
+ infin itve after verbs
lvez 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
lvezet 79/35-36: nouns: number
embedded question 39. embedded question
emberek 79/66-69: nouns: number
emeleten 124. up, down, in, out
emlkszik 80. obligatory e lements after the verb 128.
verbs ll: statve verb uses 135. verbs IX: -ingform or
to+ infinitve after verbs
emphasis 48. focus and emphasis lsd mg do-emphasis
n/te/ 88. personal pronouns
n/te/ hzam/hzad/hza, az 89. possessve adjectives
and possessve pronouns
encourage 127. verbs 1: reported requests
enged 5. al/ow, permit, forbid 66. /et
engedly 79/46: nouns: number
engedlykrs/ads 24. can, may: pennission
engem, tged, t stb. 88. personal pronou ns
ennek el lenre 34. discourse markers 41. even
enough 40. enough, too
enym, tied, v stb. 89. possessve adjectives and
possessve pronouns 84. own
ennyire 121. this, that
pp hogy 62. inversion 118. tense VI: past perfect
pp most 115. tense lll: present perfect
ppen 18. be about to 48. focus and emphasis
ppen amikqr 1 O. as 116.... ten se IV: past simple 117.
tense V: past continuous 139. when, while etc.
pl 87. passive sentences
-er and -er 30. comparisan
r, megr valamennyit 146. worth
-er/more 30. comparisen
rdemes 76. no good, no point etc. 146. worth
rez, rzi 46. feel 63. it as subject/object 128. verbs ll:
statve verb uses 129. verbs lll: verb + subject
camplement 131 . verbs V: see sy. come/coming
errl jut eszembe 34. discourse markers
rt, me grt 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
s 32. conjunctions 60/130-139: infinitve with to
esetleg 31. conditional sentences 58. in case 99. semiauxiliaries
esik az es 63. it as subject/object
essential 109. subjunctive after adjectives
-est/most 30. comparisan


eszkz 79/87-88: nouns: number

szrevesz 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 131. verbs V:
see sy. come/coming
tkezsek 9. articles
ve 116. tense IV: past simple
even 41.even
even if 31. conditional sentences 41 . even
even so/then 41. even
even though 7. although, though
eventua/ly 16. at /ast etc.
ever 2. adverbs: position 50. future sentences 113. tense
1: present simple 115. tense lll: present perfect 116.
tense IV: past simple
every 4. al/, every, each
everybody etc. 8. anybody, anything etc.
ves 79/127-130: nouns: number
evidence 79/34: nouns: number
exactly 2. adverbs: position
except (for) 42. except, except for, but
exclamations 54. " how nice!", "what a man!" 62.
expect 127. verbs 1: reported requests 133. verbs VII: to
+ infinitve after verbs
expect so/not 120. think so, think not
explain 43. explain
ez 48. focus and emphasis 81. one, that of, so:
substitulion 95. relative clause 121. this, that
ezeltt 116. tense IV: past simple
ezen a hten 91/57-74: prepositions and adverb particles
ezrt 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
ezzel szemben 34. discourse markers

fai l to 99. semi-auxiliaries 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve
after verbs
fairiy 44. fair/y, ra ther etc.
fajta 64. kind of, sort of, type of
falat 86. partitives
family 79/99-100: nouns: number
fancy 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
far 45. far~ a long way
fast 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
feel 46. feel 67. like 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
129. verbs lll: verb + subject camplement 130. verbs
IV: verb + object camplement 131 . verbs V: see sy.
feellike 46. feel
fejbe, fejen stb. 9. articles 15. at, in, on (place)
fel 124. up, down, in, out
fl, flig, flbe 52. ha/f
felajnl 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
fle 64. kind of, sort of, type of
feleannyi 52. half
felesleges 76. no good, no point etc.
flsegdigk 99. semi-auxiliaries
felsfok, leg-.. . -bb 30. comparisan
felszlts 40. "will you ... ?" 57. imperatves 66. let
felszlrt md (nem felszlftsban) 59. indirect speech
109. subjunctive after adjectives 102. should, ought
to 127. verbs 1: reported requests
feltteles md 31. conditional sentences 59. indirect
speech 62. inversion 102. should, ought to
felttelezs 26. can, may, must, will: probability,

feltve, ha 31. conditional sentences

fent 124. up, down, in, out
fest 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
few 47. few~ littie 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
figyel 131. verbs V: see sy. come/coming
final/y 16. at fast etc.
find 63. it as subject/object 130. verbs IV: verb + object
camplement 132. verbs VI: verbs with two
finish 129. verbs IV: verb + object camplement 134.
verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
first of al/ 34. discourse markers
fish 79/76-77: nouns: number
fit 128. verbs ll: stati ve verb uses
fizet 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
focus 48. focus and emphasis
fog lsd lesz
fokozs 30. comparisan
folyamn 139. when, whileetc.
folyamatossg 50. future sentences 87. passive
sentences 114. tense ll: present continuous 115.
ten se l ll: presen t perfect 117. ten se V: past
conti nuous 118. tense VI: past perfect 128. verbs ll:
statve verb uses
folyton panaszkodik 114. tense ll: present continuous
115. tense lll: past continuous
foot/feet 72. measurements 79/125, 129: nouns: number
for 11. as, becauseetc.: reason and consequence 91.
prepositions and adverb particles 115. tense lll:
present perfect 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
for a long time 69. long ~ for a long time
for one th ing 34. discourse markers
forbid 5. al/ow, permit, forbid
force 29. causative sentences
forget 80. obi igatory elements after the verb 135. verbs
IX: - ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs
forgve 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
fldrajzi nevek 9. articles
fnv 79. nouns: number 60/43-80: infinitve with to
Reference 2: lrregular plurals Reference 5: Partitives
Reference 7: Prepositions after nouns
fnvi igenv 60. infinitve with to 61. -ing form 133.
verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs 135. verbs
IX: ingform or to+ infinitve after verbs Reference 1:
-ing-form and/or to+ infinitve
free/free/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
friend of yours 96. 's geniti ve, of-gen itive
friendly 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
from .. . to 49. from ... to, tili/until
fun 79/35-36: nouns: number
furniture 79/37: nouns: number 86. partitives
future structures 18. be about to 20. be to 50. future
sentences 87. passive sentences
fgg valamitl 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
fgg beszd 55. if~ whether 59. indirect speech 141.
fgg felszlts 127. verbs 1: reported requests
fszeres 96. 's genitive, of-genitive

gazdagok, a 9. articles
genitive 96. 's genitive, of-genitive
geographica! names 9. articles
get 29. causative sentences 129. verbs lll: verb +subject


complement 130. verbs IV: verb + object

complement 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
get to 99. semi-auxiliaries
give 87. passive sentences 132. verbs VI: verbs with two
g/ass of 86. partitives
glasses 79/64: nouns: number
go 61 . -ingfonn 129. verbs lll: verb +subject
complement 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve
after verbs
gondol 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 120. think so,
think not
gondolkodik 92/39: question words 114/14: tense ll:
presen t co ntinuous 117/6: ten se V: past continuous
141. wander
goods 79/65: nouns: number
government 79/101-102: nouns: number
grow 129. verbs lll: verb + subject compl ement
gu ess 128. verbs ll: stati ve verb uses
gyakorlatilag 2. adverbs: position
gyakran 2. adverbs: position 113. tense 1: present simple
125. used to, would
gyere szni 61. -ing fo rm
gyernk 66. let
gyorsan 2. adverbs: position 70. -ly: adverbs and
gy l l 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs

ha 31. conditiona l sentences 60. infin itve with to
ha igen, ha ne m 81. one, that of, so: substitulion
ha megengedi, ha szabad 73. mind
ha netn 1 02. should, ought to
habr 7. although, though
hacsak nem 123. unless
had lsd have
had better 51. had better
hadd, hagy 66. let
hajlamos valamire 99. semi-au xiliaries
hajlandsg 142. won't, wouldn 't: re fusal , unwillingness
hal 79/76-77: nouns: number
half 52. half
hall 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses 131. verbs V: see sy.
ha llatszi k 131. verbs V: see sy. come/coming
hallgat 131. ve rbs V: see sy. come/coming
hamar 2. adverbs: position
hane m 32. conjunctions 145. word order lll: negative
hangosan 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
hangslyozs 48. focus and e mphasis
ha ngszerek 9. articles
hangz ik 128. verbs ll: stative ve rb uses 129. verbs lll:
verb + subject complement
h ny? 71. man y, much e tc. 92. question words
hnykor 92. question words
hnyszor 92. question words
happen to 99. semi-auxi liaries
hard/hardly 70. -ly: adve rbs and adjectives
hardly 62. inversion
hasonlt 128. verbs ll: stative ve rb uses
ht 34. discourse markers
ht ne m ... ! 62. inversion

-hat, -het 5. allow, permit, forbid 24. can, may:

pennission 25. can, coLi/d: requests and offers 26.
can, may, must, will: probabi lity, deduction 73. mind
74. must, have to, have got to
hatrozatlan nvel 9. articles
hatroz, hatrozsz 2. adverbs: position 30.
comparisan 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives 91 .
prepositions and adverb particles
hatrozi igenv 85. participle structures 126. verbless
hatrozott nvel 9. articles
ha te 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs
htha 58. in case
-hatna, -hetne 31 . conditiona l sentences
htuljr e lljr 91. prepositions and adverb particles
have (segdige) 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 19.
be said to etc. 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
deduction 29. causative sentences 31. conditional
sentences 50. future sentences 85. participle
structures 87. passive sentences 101 . short answer
115. te nse lll: present perfect 118. tense VI: past
perfect 119. there + be, there + verb
have (got) to 74. must, have to, have got to
have, have got 53. have, ha ve got
haza 91/73: prepositio ns and adverb particles
hzi fe ladat 79/38: nouns: number
hear 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses 131. verbs V: see sy.
helyedben 31. conditional sentences
he lyettests 81 . one, that of, so: substitulion 105. some,
any, no, none
he lyhatrozs at, in, on elljrszval 15. at, in, on (place)
here 2. adverbs: position 62. inversion
hesitate 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
hi ba 76. no good, no point etc.
high 72. measure ments
high/high/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
himse/f, herself 94. reflexive pronouns
hr 79/56-59: nouns: number
hirtelen 2. adverbs: position
hisz 19. be said to etc. 59. indirect speech 120. th ink
so, th ink not 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
hiszen 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
hv, nevez 130. verbs IV: verb + object compleme nt
hogy 32. conjunctions 55. if~ whether 60. infinitve
with to 63. it as subject/object 85. participle
structures 104. so that; so as to, in order to
hogy gy mondjam 34. d iscourse markers
hogy, hogyan 92. question words, 137. way
ho l 15. at, in, on (place) 92. question words
ho ld 130. verbs IV: ve rb + object camplement
ho lmi 79/62-63: nouns: numbe r
home 91/73: prepositions and adverb particles
homework 79/38: nouns: numbe r
ho nna n 92. question words
l10pe 133. verbs VII: to + infinitve afte r verbs
hope so/not 120. think so, think not
hossz 72. measurements
how (how far, how often etc.) 92. questio n words
ho w many 71. many, much etc. 92. question words
ho w much 71. many, much etc. 92. question words
how nice 54. "how nice!", "what a man!"
however 34. discourse markers 138. whatever, whoeveretc.



in 2. adverbs: positi on 14. at, on, in, by (time) 15. at, in,
on (place) 91. prepositions and adverb particles
124. up, down, in, out
in case 58. in case
in the end 16. at /ast etc.
in time 14. at, on, in, by(time)
indefiniteartide 9. articles
indefinite personal pronouns 82. one, you, they:
indefinite personal pronouns
iridirect speech 59. indirect speech
infinitve of purpose 60. infinitve wi th to
infinitve with to 60. infinitve with to
informci 79/39-40: nouns: number
-ing form 61. - ingform 85. partici pl e structures 134.
verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs 135. verbs IX: -ing
form or to+ infinitve after verbs
inkbb 90. prefer 147. woufd rather
inkbb, mint 93. rather than
in order to 104. so that, so as to, in order to
insde 124. up, down, in, out
insist on 59. indirect speech
institutions 9. articles
instructions 57. imperatves
intend 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs
interragalive sentences 144. interragalive sentences
intzmnynevek 9. articles
into 91. prepositions and adverb particles 124. up,
down, in, out
inversion 62. inversion
involve 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
r 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
is &. afso, asweff (as), too 21. both, either, neither 36.
either, neither/ nor do l, so do l 41 . even
is lsd be
iskola, krhz stb. 9. articles
it 48. focus and emphasis 63. it as subject/object 76. no
good, no point etc. 80. obligatory elements after the
verb 88. personal pronouns 109. subjunctive after
adjectives 122. time to go, time we went 146. worth
ital 79/9-1 O: nouns: number
its 89. possessve adjectives and possessve pronouns
itself 94. reflexve pronouns
ze van, zlik 129. verbs lll: verb +subject camplement

-i kpz 96. 's genitive, of-genitive

l mean 34. discourse markers
l wish 56. if only, "/ wish"
l Ilyou/he 88. personal pronouns
/'d fike to 31. conditional sentences 127. verbs 1:
reported requests
I'm afraid 34. discourse markers
I'm afraid so/not 120. think so, think not
ideje 122. time to go, time we went
idzs 62. inversion 98. say ~ tell
id, idjrs 63. it as subject/object
idbe stb. telik 112. take time etc.
idben 14. at, on, n, by(time)
idegyeztets 59. indirect speech
idhatrozs at, on, n, byelljrszval 14. at, on, n,
idtartam 96/22-27: 's genitive, of-genitive
if 31. conditional sentences 55. if~ whether
if l were you 31 . conditional sentences
if it wasn't for 31. conditional sernences
if only 56. if only, "l wsh"
if so, if not 81. one, that of, so: substitulion
if you wiff/woufd 31. conditional sentences
-ig 49. from ... to, tiff/until
igaz? 111 . tag questions
igazn, tnyleg 2. adverbs: position 113/85-91: ten se 1:
present simple 116/93-96: tense IV: past simple
ige 126. verbless clauses 127. verbs 1: reported requests
128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 129. verbs lll: verb +
subject camplement 130. verbs IV: verb + object
camplement 131. verbs V: see sy. come/coming
132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects 133. verbs VII:
to+ infinitve after verbs 134. verbs VIli: -ing form
after verbs 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve
after verbs Reference 1: -ing-form and/or to+
infinitve Reference 3: lrregular verb forms
Reference 8: Prepositions after verbs
igeidk 50. future sentences 59. i ndirect speech 113.
tense 1: present simple 114. tense ll: present
continuous 115. tense lll: present perfect 116. tense
IV: past simple 117. ten se V: past conti nuous 118.
tense VI: past perfect 125. used to, woufd
igekts szerkezetek 91. prepositions and adverb
particles 124. up, down, in, out
igen 1 01. short answer
igen, azt hiszem 120. thnk so, thi nk not
igeneves szerkezetek 85. participle structures 126.
verbless clauses
ignyel 112. take time etc.
gr 80. obligatory elements after the verb 133. verbs
VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
igtlen tagmondat 126. verbless clauses
gy 121. this, that
ilyen/olyan 64. kin d of, sort of, type of 103. so 11 O.
such 121. this, that
ilyesmi 64. kind of, sort of, type of 67. like
imd 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs
imagine 128. verbs ll: stati ve verb uses 134. verbs VIli:
-ing form after verbs
immediate/y 2. adverbs: position
imperatves 57. imperatves 66. let

-jak?, -jek? 20/17-19: be to 100. "sha/1 1... ?", "shaff we... ?"
jr valamivel 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
javasol 59. indirectspeech 134. verbs VIli : -ing form
after verbs
jelen idej szerkezetek 50/72-77: future sentences 113.
tense 1: present simple 114. tense ll: present
continuous 115. tense lll: present perfeci
jelleg 64. kind of, sort of, type of
jelzk sorrendje 1. adjectives: order
jobb 30. comparisan
jobban szerel 90. prefer
jobban tenn, ha 51. had better
jllehet 7. afthough, though
jv hten stb. 91. prepositions and adverb particles
jv idej szerkezetek 18. be about to 20. be to 50.
future sentences 113. tense 1: present simple 114.
tense ll: present continuous


-junk! -jnk! 66. let

-junk?, -jnk? 100. "shall /... ?", "shall we ... ?"

just like 67. like

kanl(nyi) 86. partitives
kap 87. passive sentences 132. verbs V I: verbs with two
kr 79/33: nouns: number
kr is 76. no good, no point etc.
kedve van valamihez 46. fee/
kedvel 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 135. verbs IX: -ing
forrn or to+ infinitve afte r verbs
keep 129. verbs lll: verb +subject cornplernent 130.
verbs IV: verb + object cornplernent 134. verbs VIli:
-ing forrn after verbs
kell 20. be to 74. must, have to, have gat to 75. need
87. passive sentences 99/41: serni-auxiliaries 102.

should, ought to
kell, hogy 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
dedu ction 74. must, have to, have gat to 87. passive
sentences 99/39, 40, 42, 46: serni-auxiliaries 102.

should, ought to
kellene 87. passive sentences 102. should, ought to
kemnyen/ nagyon 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
-knt 1 O. as
kenyr 79/32: nouns: number
knyszert 29. causati ve sentences
kpes, kptelen 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability
kr, krdez 13. ask 59. indirect speech 127. verbs 1:
reported requests 141 . wander
krd rnondatok 39. ernbedded question 55. if ~
whether 59. indirect speech 100. "shall /... ?", "shall
we ... ?" 111 . tag questions 144. word order ll:
interrogative sentences 140. "will you ... ?" 141.

krdszava k

60/81-95: infinitve with to 92. question

kinz valahogy, valarnilyennek 67./ike 129. verbs lll :

verb + subject cornplernent
kint 124. up, down, in, out
kvn 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses 56. if only, "l wish"
kvnatos 109. subjunctive after adjectives
kvnesi vagyok 141 . wander
kvnja hogy . .. ? 127. verbs 1: reported requests
kivve 42. except, except for, but
know 19/15: be said to etc. 59. indirect speech 80.
obligatory elernents after the verb 128. verbs ll:
stative verb uses
kockztat 134. verbs VIli: -ing forrn after verbs
-kor 14. at, on, in, by (time)
korn/korai 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
kormny 79/101-102: nouns: number
klcsnad 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
knyrg 127. verbs 1: reported requests
krlbell 105. some, any, no, none
ktelez elemek 80. obligatory elernents after the verb
ktmd rnellknevek utn 109. subjunctive after
ktszavak 32. conjunctions
kvetel 59. indirect speech 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve
after verbs
kvetkezmny 11 . as, because etc. : reason and
kvetkez (hten stb.) 91/57-74: prepositions and adverb
kvetkeztels 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
deduction 74. must, have to, have got to 87. passive
sentences 102. should, ought to 72. rneasurernents
kzben 139. when, while etc.
kzpfok, -bb 30. cornparison
kznsg 79/94-95: nouns: number
kzl 96. 's genitive, of-genitive
kld 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
klnben 38. else

keresztezds 79/83: nouns: number
kerl valamibe 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
kerl valamit 134. verbs V Ili: -ing form after verbs
ksn 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
ksztet 29. causalive sentences
kszl 20. be to 50. future sentences 133. verbs VII: to
+ infinitve after verbs
ktlern 80. obi igatory elernents after the verb 128. verbs
ll: stative verb uses
kttrgyas igk 87. passive sentences 132. verbs VI :
verbs with two objects
kevs, keveset, kevesen 47. few~ littie
kezd 135. verbs IX: - ing form or to + infinitve after verbs
ki nem llhatja 28. can't stand, can't bear
ki van tve valarninek 99. serni-auxiliaries
ki, kint 124. up, down, in, out
ki?, kit? stb. 92. question words
ki/rni a csuda 138. whatever, whoeveretc.
kicsit 105. some, an y, no, none 106. some, a few, a

couple, a litt/e
kiderl 99. semi-auxiliaries
kiemels 48. focus and ernphasis
kil, rnter stb. 72. rneasurernents
kilja, kilra stb. 9. articles

kind of 64. kind of, sort of, type of

L, Ly
lb 72. rneasurernents 79/125, 129: nouns: number
lassan 2. adverbs: positi on 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
/ast 2. adverbs: position 91/57-74: prepositions and
adverb particles 116/80-82, 88: tense IV: past simple
last/y 34. discourse rnarkers
lt 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses 131. verbs V: see sy.

late/late/y 7'0. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
ltszik 12. as if, as though 67. like 129. verbs lll: verb +
subject cornplernent
le, lent 124. up, down, in, out
least 30. compari son
leave 129. verbs lll: verb + subj ect cornplernent 130.
verbs IV: verb + object camplement 132. verbs VI:
verbs w ith two objects

le ft 65. be left, have sg. left

leg-... -bb 30. comparison
lgyszves 25. can, could: requests and offers 57.
imperatves 73/38-47: mind 140. "will you ... ?"
legyl, lgy 57. imperatves
legyen 66. let
legynk 66. let
lehet; lehet, hogy 2. adverbs: position 26. can, may,
must, will: probability, deduction 87. passive
sentences 119. there + be, there + verb


lehetetlen, hogy 26. can, ma y, must, will: probability,

deduction 87. passive sentences
/end 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
length 72. measurements
lenne 31. conditional sentences 51. had better
lenne 25. can, could: requests and offers 31.
cond1t1onal sentences 73. mind 140. "will you ... ?"
141. wander
lenni 60. infinitve wi th to 61. -ing form lsd mg van
lent 124. up, down, in, out
Iess 30. comparisan
lesz 18. be about to 20. be to 50. future sentences 59.
indirect speech 87. passive sentences 119. there +
be, there + verb
let 66. let
let me see/think 34. discourse markers
ltezik 119. there +be, there + verb
like ('szeret') 80. obligatory elements after the verb 127.
verbs 1: reported requests 128. ve rbs ll: statve vcrb
uses 130. verbs IV: verb + object complement 135.
verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve after verbs
like ('olyan mint') 67. like 121. this, that
like/y 68. like/y
l~sten 131. verbs
see sy. come/coming
lm/e 47. few~ Itttie 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
Jaathe 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
long 69. long~ for a long time 72. measurements
look 129. verbs lll: verb + subject cornplement
look like 67. like
lot, /ots 71. many, much etc.
loud/loudly 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
love 80. obligatory elements after the verb 135. verbs IX:
-ing forrn or to+ infinitve after verbs
love/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
h1ggage 79/41 : nouns: number
-ly 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives


magam, magad, maga 94. reflexve pronouns
magas 72. measurements
magasan 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
magyarz 43. explain
majd 50. future sentences
make 29. causative sentences 63. it as subject/object
130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
manage 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
many 71. many, much etc.
mr 115. tense lll: present perfeci 118. tense VI: past
mr nem 77. no longer, not any longer, not any more
marad valamilyen 129. verbs lll: verb +subject
maradt 65. left: be left, have sg. left
marha 79/61: nouns: number
ms, msik, msok 38. else 83. other~ anather
msfl 52. half
msrszt 34. discourse rnarke rs
matematika 79/55: nouns: number
matter 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 138. whatever,
may 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 24. can, may:
pennission 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
deduction 31. conditional sentences 59. indirect
speech 87. passive sentences 101. short answer
111 . tag questions

may!might as wel/ 31. conditional sentences

me/you/hm/her etc. 88. personal pronouns
meals 9. articles
mean 127. verbs 1: reported requests 128. verbs ll:
statve verb uses 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve after
ver bs
means 79/87-88; nouns: number
measies 9. articles 79/54: nouns: number
measurements 9. articles 72. rneasurernents 79/117130: nouns: number
1i1eddig? 69. long~ for a long time 92. question words
media 79/89-90: nouns: number
mg 31/148-155: conditional sentences 38. else 41.
even 10B.still
mg nem 115. tense lll: present perfect
megakadlyoz 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
megll 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infin itve after
megcsinltat 29. causative se ntences
megengedheti magnak 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitve
after verbs
megr valarnennyit 146. worth
megrdemel 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
megrt 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
meghv 127. verbs 1: reported requests
meggr 80. obi igatory e lements after the verb 133.
verbs VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
megismer 99. semi-auxiliaries 128. verbs ll: statve verb
us es
megjavttat 29. causalive sentences
megjegyzem . .. 34. discourse markers
megkr, megkri 13. ask BO. obl igatory e lements after
the verb 127. verbs 1: reported requests
meglehetsen 44. fair/y, ra ther etc.
megmagyarz 43. explain
megmaradt, meghagytk 65. left: be left, have sg. left
megmond 59. indirect speech 98. say~ tell 127. ve rbs
1: reported requests
megparancsol 127. verbs 1: reported requests
mgsem 41/35-38: e ven
rnegszmllhat/rnegszmllhatatlan fnevek 79. nouns:
megszeret 99. semi -auxiliaries
megszerez 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
megszort rtelm mellkmondat 95. relative clause
megtesz i, hogy .. . ? 25. can, could: requests and offers
31. conditional sentences 73. mind 140. "will
you ...?" 141 . wander
megvlasztjk 87. passive sentences 130. verbs IV: verb
+ object cornplernent
rnellknv 1. adjectives: order 30. comparisan 70. -ly:
adverbs and adjectives Reference 6: Prepositions
after adjectives
rnellknvi igenevek 85. participle structures
mly 72. measurements
mlyen 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
melyik? 92. question words
rnenjnk 66. let
mennyi? mennyire? 71. many, much etc. 92. question
mennyire ... ! 54. "ho w nice!", "what a ma n!" 103. so
11 O. such
mer, merszel 33. dare


mretek 9. artici es 72. measurements 79/117-130:

nouns: number
mert 11 . as, because etc.: reason and consequence
mesl 59. indirect speech 98. say~ tell
messze 45. far~ a long way
mi van, ha/mi lenne, ha 31. conditional sentences 92.
question words
mi?, mit? stb. 92. question words
mi? (ugye-krds) 111. tag questions
mialatt 139. when, white etc.
miatt 11 . as, because etc.: reason and consequence
micsoda .. . ! 54. "how nice!", "what a man!"
mirt? 92. question words
mifle? 64. kind of, sort of, type of
might lsd may
mihelyt 31 . conditional sentences
mikppen? 92. question words 137. way
mikor? 14. at, on, in, by (time) 92. question words 116.
tense IV: past simple
mikzben 139. when, white etc.
milfion 79/123-124: nouns: number
milyen? 64. kind of, sort of, type of 67. like
milyen? (milyen gyakran?, milyen messze? etc.) 92.
question words
milyen ... ! 54. "/ww nice!", "what a ma n!"

mind 73. mind

mind you 34. discourse markers
mindegy 34. discourse markers 138. whatever, whoever
mindegyik 4. af/, every, each
minden 3. a//~ who/e 4. al/, every, each 48. focus and
emphasis 95. relative clause
minden egyes 4. al/, every, each
minden(fle) 64. kind of, sort of, type o f
mindenesetre 34. discou rse markers
mindenhol 8. anybody, anything etc
mindenki 8. anybody, anything etc.
mindig 2. adverbs: position 113. tense 1: present simple
114. tense ll: present continuous 125. used to,


21. both, either, neither

mindssze 48. focus and emphasis 95. relative clause

minek? 92. question words
minl. .. annl 30. comparisan
mint 10. as 30. comparisan 90. prefer 93. rather than
mint, mint pldul, mint ahogy 67. like
mi ntha 12. as if, as though
mi nthogy 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
minute 79/127-129: nouns: number
mita? 69. long ~ for a long time 115. tense lll: present
perfect 118. tense VI: past perfect
mit gondolsz 39. embedded question
mit szlnl ahhoz ... 92/24, 25: question words
mit, amit: a what hasznlata 95. relative clause
miutn 11 . as, because etc.: reason and consequence
85. participle structures 118. tense VI: past perfect
mivel 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence 85.
participle structures
md, mdszer 137. way
mond 19. be said to etc. 59. indirect speech 98. say
~ tel l 127. verbs l: re ported requests 132. verbs VI:
verbs with two objects
mondjuk ... 34. discourse markers

money 79/43-45: nouns: number

more 30. comparisan
more and more 30. comparisan
most 30. comparisan 136. very, most, very much
mostanban 2. adverbs: position 70. -ly: adverbs and
adjectives 115. tense lll: present perfect
much 71. many, much etc. 136. very, most, very much
mlt (hten stb.) 91/57-74: prepositions and adverb
mlt idej szerkezetek 115. tense lll: present perfect
116. tense IV: past simple 117. tense V: past
continuous 118. tense VI: past perfect 125. used to,

mlva 14. at, on, in, by(time)
munka 79/50: nouns: number 91/74: prepositions and
adverb particles
must 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 26. can, may,
must, will: probability, deduction 36. either, neither/
nor do l, so do l 59. indirect speech 74. must, have
to, have got to 87. passive sentences 101 . short
answer 111 . tag questions
muszj 27. can't help 74. must, have to, have got to
mutat 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
mveltets 29. causative sentences
myself 94. reflexve pronouns

-na, -n, -ne, -n 31. conditional sentences 140. "will
you... ?"
nadrg 79/75: nouns: number
nagy (pl. rdeklds) 71. many, much etc.
nagyon 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives 71. many, much
etc. 136. very, most, very much
-nak, -nek 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
-nl, -nl 15. at, in, on (place)
name 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
napi, naponta 4/42-46: al/, every, each 70. -ly: adverbs
and adjectives
ne! 57/51-62: imperatves
ne, nem 78. no ~ not
necessarr 109. subjunctive after adjectives
need 59. indirect speech 75. need 135. verbs IX: -ing
form or to+ infinitve after verbs
negative sentences 145. negative sentences
nha 2. adverbs: position 113. tense 1: present simple
nhny, nhnyan, nhnyszor 106. some, a few, a
couple, a littie

neither 21. both, eitheT; neither 37. either... or, neither...

neither do l 36. either, neither/nor do l, so do l
nem 78. no ~ not 101. short answer 145. word order
lll: negative sentences
nem baj/gond, ha ... ? 73. mind
nem brja elviselni 28. can't stand, can't bear
nem brja megllni 27. can't help
nem rdemes 76. no good, no point etc. 146. worth
nem hagyom, nem trm 85/63-65: participle structures
nem hajland 142. won't, woufdn't: refusal,
unwi l li ngness
nem hiszem 120. think so, think not
nem igaz? 111. tag questions
nem kell 74. must, have to, have got to 75. need
nem kellene, nem szabadna 102. s.hould, ought to


nem lehet, hogy 26. can, may, must, will: probability,

nem sikerl 99. semi-auxiliaries 133. verbs VII: to+
infinitve after verbs
nem szabad 20/21-24: be to 74. must, have to, have got

nem szabadna 102. shou/d, ought to
nem szmt 138. whatever, whoever etc.
nem tehet rla 27. can't help
nem tud 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability
nem? 111. tag questions
nemcsak 62. inversion
nemde? 111 . tag questions
nvel 9. artici es 105. some, any, no, none
never 2. adverbs: position 62. inversion 115. tense lll:
present perfect
nev 85. participle structures
news 79/56-59: nouns: number
next 91/57-74: prepositions and adverb particles
nz 131. verbs V: see sy. come/coming
nzd ... 34. discourse markers
-ni 60. infinitve with to 61. -if18 form
nincs 53. have, have got 78. no ~ not 105. some, any,
no, none 119. there + be, there + verb
nincs rtelme 76. no good, no point etc.
nincs kedve 46. feel

obvious/y 2. adverbs: position 34. discourse markers

of 86. partitives 96. 's genitive, of-genitive 132/21-22:
verbs VI: verbs with two objects

offer 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects 133. verbs
VII: to+ infinitve after verbs
offers 25. can, could: requests and offers 66. let
100. "sha/1 /... ?", "sha/1 we... ?"
often 2. adverbs: position 113. tense 1: present simple
ok 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
okoz 29. causative sentences
olcsn 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
oll 79/70: nouns: number
olyan 103. so 11 O. such 121. this, that
olyan, mint(ha) 12. as if, as though 67. like
olyan ... mint 30. comparisan
olykor 113. tense 1: present simple
on 15. at, in, on (place)
on no account 62. inversion
on the head 9. articles
on the one/other hand 34. discourse markers
on time 14. at, on, in, by (time)
-on, -en, -n 14. at, on, in, by (time) 15. at, in, on (pl ace)
once 2. adverbs: position
one 81 . one, that of, so: substitution 82. one, you, they:
indefinite personal pronouns

one anather 35. each other, one anather

one of 96. 's geniti ve, of-genitive
oneself 82. one, you, they: indefinite personal pronouns
94. reflexve pronouns
only 2. adverbs: position 62. inversion
or 32. conjunctions 37. either. .. or, neit11er... nor
55. if~ whether
order 59. indirect speech 127. verbs 1: reported requests
ta 115/81-97: tense lll: present perfect
other 83. other ~ anather
ottfelejtett to 80. obligatory elements after the verb
otthon 91/5: prepositions and adverb particles
ought to 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 102.
should, ought to 111. tag questions
ourselves 94. reflexve pronouns
out (of), outside 91. prepositions and adverb particles
124. up, down, in, out
owe 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 132. verbs VI: verbs

no 78. no~ not 105. some, any, no, none

no good/point/sense/use 76. no good, no point etc.
no Ionger 77. no longer, not any longer, not any more
no marter 138. whatever, whoever etc.
no saoner 62. inversion
no, not 78. no ~ not 145. negative sentences
nobody etc. 8. anybody, anything etc.
noha 7. although, though
non-defining relative clause 95. relati ve clause
none 105. some, any, no, none
nor 37. either... or, neither... nor 62. inversion
n or do l 36. either, neither/nor do /, so do l
nos 34. discourse markers
not 78. no~ not 145. negative sentences
not any Ionger 77. no /onger, not any longer, not any
not any more 77. no /onger, not any longer, not any
not only 62. inversion
notice 131. verbs V: see sy. come/coming
noun 79. nouns: number 60/43-80: infinitve w ith to
nyilvn 2. adverbs: position 26. can, may, must, will:
probability, deduction 74. must, have to, have got to
99. semi-auxiliaries 102/68-76: should, ought to
nyilvnt 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
nyilvnvalan 2. adverbs: position 34. discourse

with two objects

own 84. own

az, aki 48. focu s and ernphasis
sszehasonlts 30. comparisan
sszes 3. a//~ who/e 4. al/, every, each

nyomatkosts 57. imperatves 94. reflexve pronouns
113. tense 1: present simple 116. tense IV: past simple

object 80. obligatory elements after the verb 87. passive
sentences 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
object camplement 130. verbs IV: verb + object
object raising 48. focus and emphasis
obligatory elements after the verb 80. obligatory
elements after the verb

packet of 86. partitives

paint 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
pa ir of 86. partitives
pr 86. partitives
pr, pran 106. some, a few, a couple, a litt/e
parancsok 57. imperatves
parancsol 59. indirect speech 127. verbs 1: reported
participle 85. participle structures
particle + preposition 91. prepositions and adverb
partitives 86. partitives


pass 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects

passive infinitive 87. passive sentences
passive structures 87. passive sentences
past tenses 116. tense IV: past simple 117. tense V: past
continuous 118. ten se VI: past perfeci 125. used to,

quotations 62. inversion 98. say ~

-ra, -re 14. at, on, in, by (time) 15. at, in, on (pl ace)
rfr .75. need
ragaszkodik hozz 59. indirect speech
rare/y 62. inversion
rather 44. fair/y, rather etc. 147. would rather

pay 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
pedig 7. although, though 12. as if, as though 32.
conjunctions 93. rather than
pnz 79/42-45: nouns: number
people 79/66-69: nouns: number
perces 79/127-130: nouns: number
perhaps 2. adverbs: position
permission 24. can, may: permission 66.
nouns: number

rather than 93. rather than

let 79/46:

permit 5. a/law, permit, forbid

personal pronouns 88. personal pronouns

persuade 127. verbs 1: reported requests

piece of 86. partitives
plan 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs
plenty 71. many, much etc.
pohr 86. partitives
police 79/73-74: nouns: number
politika 79/60: nouns: number
pontosan 2. adverbs: pasilion 14/21-22: at, on, in,
portion of 86. partitives
possessive 89. possessive adjectives and possessive
possib/y 2. adverbs: position
pound of 72. measurements
practical/y 2. adverbs: position



prefer 90. prefer

at, on, in, by (time) 15. at, in, on (place)
61 . -ingform 62/44-50: inversion 91. prepositions
and adverb particles 124. up, down, in, out
present tenses 50/72-77: future sentences 113. tense 1:
present simple 114. tense ll: present continuous
115. tense lll: present perfeci
prerend 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs
pretty 44. fair/y, ra ther etc.
preven t 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
price 72. measurements
probability 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
deduction 74. must, have to, have got to 87. passive
sentences 102. should, ought to
probab/y 2. adverbs: position
prbl 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after
prepositions 14.


promise 80. obligatory elemenis after the verb 133. to+

infinitive after the verb

propose 59. indirect speech

prove 129. verbs lll: verb +subject camplement
provided/providing 31. conditional sentences
public 79/103-105: nouns: number
question words 60. infinitive with to 92. question words
questions 39. embedded question 55. if~ wilether 59.
indirectspeech 100. "sha/11...?", "shal/we... ?" 111 .
tagquestions 140. "wi//you... ?"141. wander 144.
interragalive sentences
quick/quick/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
quite 44. fair/y, ra ther etc.

rvesz 29. causalive sentences

realize 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses
real/y 2. adverbs: position
reason 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
recognize 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses
recommend 59. indirect speech 134. verbs VIli: -ing
form after verbs
reflexive pronouns 94. reflexive pronouns
refusal 142. won't, wouldn't: refusal, unwillingness
refuse 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs
rgen, rgebben 125. used to, wou/d
rgmlt 59. indirect speech 118. tense VI: past perfect
rgta, rgen 69. long ~ for a long time
regrel 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after
relative clause 95. relative clause
remain 129. verbs lll: verb + subject camplement
reml 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitive after verbs
remlem igen/remlem nem 120. think so, think not
remember 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses 135. verbs IX:
-ing form or to+ infinitive after verbs
rendkvl 136. very, most, very much
rendrsg 79/73-74: nouns: number
report 19. be said to etc.
reported requests 127. verbs l: reported requests
reported speech 59. indirect speech 141. wander
reporting verbs 59. indirect speech
replgp 79/81-82: nouns: number
requests 25. can, could: requests and offers 31.
conditional sentences 73. mind 127. verbs 1:
reported requests 140. "will you ... ?" 141. wonder
require 127. verbs 1: reported requests
resernb/e 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
rszelk 86. partitives Reference 5: Partitives
retteg 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after
risk 134. verbs VIli. -ing form after verbs
ritkn 2. adverbs: position 62. inversion 113. tense 1:
present simple
rosszabb 30. comparisan
rosszul 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
rvid vlasz 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 36.
either, neither/nor do l, so do l 101. short answer
ruhaflk 79/62-63: nouns: number

sajt 84. own
sajt maga 94. reflexive pronouns
sajnos 2. adverbs: pasilion 120. think so,
's genilive 96. 's genitive, of-genitive

think not

same 97. same

say 19. be said to etc. 59. indirect speech 62. inversion
98. say ~ tell
scarcely 62. inversion
school, at/to etc. 9. artici es


scissors 79/70: nouns: number

see 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses 131 . verbs V: see sy.
seem 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses 129. verbs lll: verb
+ subject camplement

seem so/not 120. think so, think not

seem to 99. semi-auxiliaries 119/129-132: there +be,
there + verb
segdige 17. auxi liaries without a main verb 23. can,
could, be ab/e to: ability 24. can, may: permission
25. can, could: requests and offers 26. can, may, must,
will: probabi l i ty, deduction 31. conditional sentences
33. dare 50. future sentences 51. had better 53. have,
have got 59. indirect speech 66. let 74. must, have
to, have got to 75. need 87/108-135: passive sentences
99. semi-auxi liaries 100. "shall 1... ?", "sha/1 we... ?"
101. short answer 102. should, ought to 111. tag
questions 113. tense 1: present simple 114. tense ll:
present continuous 115. tense lll: present perfect 116.
tense IV: past simple 117. tense V: past continuous
118. tense VI: past perfect 1_19/113-123: .there + be,
there+ verb 125. used to, would 140. "will you ... ?"
142. won't, wouldn't: refusal, unwillingness 147.

would rather
segtesz? 25. can, could: requests and offers
segthetek? 25. ca n, could: requests and offers
segtsek? segtsnk? 100. "sha/1 1... ?", "sha/1 we.. . ?"
sehol 8. anybody, anything etc.
sejt 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
seidom 62. inversion 113/23, 24: tense l. present simple
self 132. verbs V I: verbs with two objects
sem 36. either, neither/nor do l, so do l 41 . even 78. no

sem .. . sem 37. either. .. or, neither. .. nor

semelyik 21. both, either, neither 105. some, any, no,

semennyi 105. some, any, no, none
semi-auxiliaries 99. semi-auxiliaries
semmi rtelme 76. no good, no point etc.
semmi sincs 65. left: be left, have sg. left 119. there +
be, there + verb
semmi, senki stb. 8. anybody, anything etc.
semmifle, semmilyen 64. kin d of, sort of, type of 105.

sincs 37. either... or, neither... nor 78. no ~ not

singular nouns 79. nouns: number
size 72. measurements
slice of 86. partitives
s/ow, siow/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
sme/1 67. like 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses 129. verbs
lll: verb + subject camplement 131 . verbs V: see sy.

so 103. so 81 . substitulion
so as 104. so that, so as to, in order to
so do l 36. ei ther, neither/ nor do l, so do l
so that 104. so that, so as to, in order to
so ... as 30. comparisan
soha 2. adverbs: positi on 113. tense 1: present simple
115. tense lll: present perfect
sok, sokan, sokunk, sokat 71. many, much etc.
sokig 69. long~ for a long time
sokat 136. very, most, very much
sokflekppen 137. way
sokminden 71 . many, much etc.
some 105. some, any, no, no ne 106. some, a few, a
couple, a littie
some day 91/72: prepositions and adverb particles
somebod yetc 8. anybody, anythingetc
something like 67. like
some time 105. some, any, no, none
sometimes 2. adverbs: position
soon 2. adverbs: position 31. conditional sentences
saoner than 93. rather than
sor, sorozat 79/91 -93: nouns: number
sort of 34. discourse markers 64. kind of, sort of, type o f
sound 34. discourse markers 128. verbs ll : stalive verb
uses 129. verbs lll: verb + subject camplement
speak 107. speak, ta lk
spend 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
split infinitive 60. infinitive with to
sport s jtk 9. articles

start 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to + infinitive after verbs

still 1 08. still
stop 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after verbs
subject 60. infinitive with to 61 . -ing form 144.
interrogative sentences
subject camplement 129. verbs lll: verb +subject
subject raising 48. focus and emphasis
subjunctive after adjectives 1 09. subjunctive after
substitulion 81 . substituli on 105. some, any, no, none

some, any, no, none

send 132. verbs VI: verbs w ith two objects
series 79/91-93: nouns: number
sha/1 50. future sentences 111. tag questions
"sha/1 1.. .?", "sha/1 we ... ?" 100. "sha/11... ?", "shall
we ... ?"
shan't 50. future sentences
sheep 79/78-79: nouns: number
shoes 79/71: nouns: number 86. partitives
short answer 101 . short answer
should 17. auxiliaries w ithout a main verb 31.
conditional sentences 36. either, neither/nor do l, so
do l 58. in case 59. indirect speech 102. should,
ought to 109. subjunctive after adjectives 111 . tag

su ch 11 O. su ch
sudden/y 2. adverbs: position
sugar 79/49: nouns: number 86. partiti ves
suggest 59. indirect speech 134. verbs VIli:- ingform
after verbs
-suk, -sk 66. let

show 132. verbs V I: verbs with two objects

sikerl 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability 133. verbs V II:
to+ infiniti ve after verbs

suppose 19. be said to etc. 128. verbs ll: stalive verb uses
suppose so/not 120. think so, think not
suppose/supposing 31. conditiona l sentences
sure/y 2. adverbs: position
surprisingly 2. adverbs: position
s rget 127. verbs 1: reported requests
szabad 5. a/law, permit, forbid 24. can, may:

sima igeidk, simple tenses lsd egyszer igeidk

since 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence 115.
tense lll: present perfect 116. tense IV: past simple

szaga van 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses 129. verbs lll:
verb + subject camplement



szagot rez 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses

szmt valamire 127. verbs 1: reported requests 128.
verbs ll: statve verb uses 133. verbs VII : to+
infinitve after verbs
szmnevek Reference 4: Numbers
szndkban ll 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitve
after verbs
szles 72. measurements
szelet 86. partitives
szemlyes nvmsok 88. personal pronouns
szemveg 79/64: nouns: number
szenved szerkezet 87. passive sentences
-szer (annyi/akkora) 30. comparisan 72. measurements
Reference 4: Numbers
szeret 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 130. verbs IV: verb
+ object camplement 135. verbs IX: -ing form or to
+ infinitve after verbs
szeretne 31/51,62, 106: conditional sentences
127/19-22, 32-41: verbs 1: reported requests
szintn 6. a/so, as wel/ (as), too
szvesebben 90. prefer 147. would rather
szvessget kr 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
szakott 113. tense 1: present simple 125. used to, would
szl 59. indirect speech 81. one, that of, so: substitulion
98. say~ tell 127. verbs 1: reported requests
szrend 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 36. either,
neither/ nor do l, so do l 48. focus and emphasis
55. if~ whether 59. indirect speech 62. inversion
111. tag questions 141. wonder 143. word
order 1: affirmative sentences 144. word order ll:
interrogative sentences 145. word order lll: negative
szval 34. discourse markers 103. so
szksges 75. need
szksges, hogy 109. subjunctive after adjectives
tag questions 111. tag questions
tagad 134. verbs VIli : -ing form after verbs
tagad mondatok 62. inversion 78. no~ not 119. there
+be, there + verb 145. word order lll: negative
take time etc. 112. take time etc.
tlal 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
tall valamilyennek 130. verbs IV: verb + object
taln 2. adverbs: position 26. can, may, must, will:
probability, deduction
ta lk 107. speak, ta lk
talt 72. measurements
tancs 79/31: nouns: number
tancsol 59. indirect speech 127. verbs 1: reported
tancsos 109. subjunctive after adjectives
tant 132. verbs VI : verbs with two objects
trgy 80. obligatory elements after the verb 87. passive
sentences 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
132. verbs VI : verbs with two objects
trgyemels 48. focus and emphasis
tart (vkit vmilyennek) 130. verbs IV: verb + object
tart valameddig 112. take time etc.
tartalmaz 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses
tartozik valahova 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses

tartozik valamivel 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 132.

verbs VI: verbs wi th two objects
taste 67. like 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 129. verbs
lll: verb +subject camplement
-tat, -tet 29. causative sentences
tvol 45. far~ a long way
tea 86. partitives
teach 132. verbs VI: verbs wth two objects
team 79/106-1 07: nouns: number 86. partitves
teend 87/160-176: passive sentences
tegyk fel 31/137-147: conditional sentences
teht 103. so
telik (idbe stb.) 112. take time etc.
teljesen 3. alt ~ who/e 44. fair/y, rather etc
tell 59. indirect speech 98. say~ tell 127. verbs 1:
reported requests 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
tend to 99. sem-auxiliaries
tense lsd igeidk
tnyleg 2. adverbs: positon 113/85-90: tense 1: present
simple 116/93-96: tense IV: past simple
terv szerint 20. be to
testvrek 79/113-114: nouns: number
tetszik 80. obligatory elements after the verb 128. verbs
ll: statve verb uses 130. verbs IV: verb + object
than 30. comparisan 93. rather than 147. would rather
that 32. conjunctions 48. focus and emphasis 59.
ndirect speech 95. relative clause 104. so that, so
as to, in order to 121. this, that
that is why 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
that of 81. substitulion
the 9. articles
the ... -er the .. . -er 30. comparisan
the Engfish 9. articles
the/a ki fo etc. 9. artcles
the more... the more.. . 30. comparisan
the only 95. relative clause
the rich 9. artcles
thernselves 94. reflexve pronouns
then 32. conjunctions 116. tense IV: past simple
there 62. inversion
the re + be, the re + verb 119. there + be, there + verb
they 82. one, you, they: ndefinite personal pronouns
88. personal pronouns
thick 72. measurements
th ink 19. be said to etc. 39. embedded question 59.
indire.ct speech 63.: it as subject/object 128. verbs ll:
statve verb uses
think so 120. think so, think not
this 48. focus and emphasis 91. prepositions and adverb
particles 121. this, that
this is why 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence
though 7. although, though 12. as if, as though
tili/until 49. from ... to, tilt/until
tilos 5. allow, permit, forhid 20/24: be to 74. must, have
to, have got to 78. no ~ not
tilt 5. allow, permit, forhid
time 112. take time etc.
time to go, time we went 122. time to go, time we went
tin of 86. partitives
tpus 64. kind of, sort of, type of
to 18. be about to 20. be to 29. causative sentences 49.
from ... to, tilt/until 60. infinitve with to 80. obligatory
elements after the verb 87/143-145: passive sentences


91. prepositions and adverb particles 132. verbs VI:

verbs with two objects 133. verbs VII: to+ infinitive
after verbs 135. verbs IX: -ingform or to+ infinitve
after verbs
tl, -tl 49. from ... to, tili/until
too 6. a/so, as wel/ (as), too 40. enough, too
tovbb 77. no longer, not any /onger, not any more 135.
verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after verbs
tbb 30. comparisan
tbb nem 50. future sentences 77. no /onger, not any
longer, not any more
tbbes szm els szem. felszlts 66. let
tbbes szm vagy egyes szm 79. nouns: number
tbbflekppen 137. way
tbbi, a tbbiek 83. other~ anather
tbbnyire 113. tense 1: present simple
tlt (idt) 134. verbs VIli: -ing form after verbs
trtnetesen 99. semi-auxiliaries 133. verbs VII: to +
infinitve after verbs
trtnt 119. there + be, there + verb
transferred negation 145. negative sentences
trausers 79/75: nouns: number

try 135. verbs IX:- ingform or to+ infinitve after verbs

tucat 79/121-122: nouns: number
tud 23. can, could, be ab/e to: ability 25. can, could:
requests and offers 31. conditional sentences
tud, tudja 59. indirect speech 66. let 80. obligatory
elements after the verb 128. verbs ll: statve verb
tudat (valakivel vmit) 66. let
tudod ... 34. discourse markers
tl(sgosan) 40. enough, too
tulajdonkppe n 2. adverbs: position 34. discourse
tum 129. verbs lll: verb +subject camplement
tum out to 99. semi-auxiliaries
tunik 64. kind of, sort of, type of 99. semi-auxiliaries
119. there + be, there + verb 128. verbs ll: statve
verb uses 129. verbs lll: verb +subject camplement

u, ,
udvarias krs 25. can, could: requests and offers 31 .
conditional sentences 73. mind 140. "will you .. .?"
141. wonder
gy rtem 34. discourse markers
gy gondolom 120. think so, think not
gy nz ki, gy tunik 12. as if, as though 99. semiauxiliaries 119/129-133: there + be, there + verb
120. think so, think not
gy ... ahogy 137. way
ugyan 7. although, though
ugyanakkor 34. discourse markers
ugyanaz, ugyangy, ugyanolyan 97. same
ugye? 111. tag questions
understand 80. obi igatory el emen ts after the verb 128.
verbs ll: statve verb uses
unless 123. unless
unlikely 68. like/y
unti/ 49. from ... to, tili/until
unwillingness 142. won't, wouldn't: refusal, unwillingness
up, upstairs, upward(s) 91 . prepositions and adverb
particles 124. up, down, in, out
urge 127. verbs 1: reported requests

used to 125. used to, wou/d

usually 2. adverbs: position 113. tense 1: present simple
utl 128. verbs ll: statve verb uses 135. verbs IX: -ing
form or to+ infinitve after verbs
utastsok 57. imperatves
utkrds: ugye? j? nem? 111. tag questions
utoljra 2. adverbs: position 91/57-74: prepositions and
adverb particles 116/80, 82, 88: tense IV: past
.ton-mdon 137. way
veg 86. partitives

-va, -ve 85. participle structures 87. passive sentences

126. verbless clauses
vagy 32. conjunctions 38. else 144. word order ll:
interrogative sentences
vagy nem 55. if~ whether
vagy ... vagy 37. either. .. or, neither... nor
vajon 55. if~ whether 141 . wonder
-val, -vel 22. by ~ with
valaha is 2. adverbs: position 50. future sentences 113.
tense 1: present simple 115. tense lll: present perfect
116. tense IV: past simple
valahnyszor 138. whatever, whoever etc.
valaki, valahol stb. 8. anybody, anything etc.
valameddig 45. far~ a long way 49. from ... to,
valamennyi 106. some, a few, a couple, a littie
valamennyi ideje 115. tense lll: present perfect
valami ta 115. tense lll: present perfect
valamifle 64. kind of, sort of, type of
valamikor 125. used to, would
valamikortl 49. from ... to, tili/until 115. tense lll:
present perfect
valamilyen 105. some, any, no, none
valaminek, valamiknt 10. as
valamivel, valami ltal 22. by~ with 87/177-206:
passive sentences
vlik, lesz valamilyenn 129. verbs lll: verb + subject
valban 2. adverbs: position 113/85-90: tense 1: present
simple 116/93-96: tense IV: past simple
valjban 34. di scourse markers
valsznleg 2. adverbs: position 26. can, may, must,
will: probability, deduction 68. like /y
valsznsg 26. can, may, must, will: probability,
deduction 74. must, have to, have got to 87. passive
sentences 102. should, ought to
van 63. it as subject/object 113. tense 1: present simple
114. ten se ll: presen t conti nuous 116. ten se IV: past
simple 117. tense V: past continuous 119. there +
be, there + verb 129. verbs lll: verb +subject
van kedve 46. fee/
van valamije 53. have, have got
van, aki 106/13: some, a few, a couple, a littie
vannak va lahnyan 119/24, 76, 102: there + be, the re+
vr valamit 127. verbs 1: reported requests
vgre 16. at fast etc.
vgl (is) 16. at fast etc. 34. discourse markers
vletlenl 99/15-20: semi-auxiliaries
verb lsd ige
verbless clauses 126. verbless clauses


very, very much 136. very, most, very much

very same 97. same
vesz 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects
viszont 7. although, thougll
visszahat nvmsok 94. reflexive pronouns
volna 31. conditional sentences 51. had better

who/e 3. al/ ~ who/e

whom 92. question words 95. relative clause
whose 39. embedded question 92. question words 95.
relative clause

volt lsd van

volt mr 115. tense lll: present perfect
vonatkozik 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
vonatkoz mellkmondatok 95. relative clause
vonzatok 91. prepositions and adverb particles
Reference 6: Prepositions after adjectives Reference
7: Prepositions after nouns Reference 8: Prepositions
after verbs
vdr vz 86. partitives

want 80. obligatory elements after the verb
127. verbs 1: reported requests 128. verbs ll: stative
verb uses 130. verbs IV: verb + object camplement
135. verbs IX: -ing form or to+ infinitive after
ver bs

was, were lsd be

waste 134. verbs VIli:- ingform after verbs
watch 131. verbs V: see sy. come/coming
water 86. partitives
way 45. far~ a long way 121 . this, that 137. way
weigh, weight 72. measurements
wel/. .. 34. discourse markers
what 39. embedded question 48. focus and emphasis
92. question words 95. relative clause 144.
interrogative sentences

what (a) ... ! 54. "how nice!", "what a man!"

what if 31. conditional sentences
what is it like 67. like
whatever 138. whatever, whoeveretc.
wllen 39. embedded question 48. focus and emphasis
92. question words 95. relative clause 139. when,
whenever 138. wllatever, wlloever etc.
where 39. embedded question 48. focus and emphasis
92. question words 95. relative clause
wilerever 138. whatever, whoeveretc.
whether 55. if~ whether 141. wonder
which 39. embedded question 92. relative clause 95.
question words 144. interrogative sentences
whichever 138. wllatever, whoeveretc.
white 139. when, whileetc.
who 39. embedded question 48. focus and emphasis
92. question words 95. relative clause 144.
interrogative sentences

whoever 138. whatever, whoeveretc.

why 11. as, because etc.: reason and consequence 39.

embedded question 92. question words
wide 72. measurements
wide, wide/y 70. -ly: adverbs and adjectives
will 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 26/78-86: can,
may, must: probability, deduction 31. conditional
sentences 50. future sentences 87. passive
sentences 140. "will you... ?"
wish 56. if only, "l wish" 128. verbs ll: stative verb uses
with 22. by~ with 85. participle structures 126.
verbless clauses

won't 50. future sentences 140. "will you... ?" 142.

won't, wouldn't: refusal, unwillingness
wonder 55. if~ whether 141. wonder
word order 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 36.
either, neither/nor do l, so do l 48. focus' and
emphasis 55. if~ whether 62. inversion 111. tag
questions 141. wonder 143. affirmative sentences
144. interrogative sentences 145. negative

work 79/50: nouns: number 91/74: prepositions and

adverb particles

worse, worst 30. comparisan

worth 146. worth
would 17. auxiliaries without a main verb 31.
conditional sentences 36. either, neither/nor do l, so
do l 59. indirect speech 73. mind 87. passive
sentences 111 . tag questions 125. used to, wou/d
127. verbs 1: reported requests 142. won't, wouldn't:
refusal, unwillingness 147. would rather
would like 31. conditional sentences 59. indirect speech
127. verbs 1: reported requests
would rather 147. would rather
would you mind 73. mind
wouldn't 142. won't, wouldn't: refusal, unwillingness
lsd mg would
write 132. verbs VI: verbs with two objects

year 79/127-130: nouns: number
yet 115. tense lll: present perfect
you 82. one, you, they: indefinite personal pronouns
you know 34. disq(lUrse markers
you see 34. discourse markers
yourself, yourselves 94. reflexive pronouns

zavarja? 73. mind


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