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Dates for your Diary


Methodist Church, Nuneaton. Wednesday January 7th 9.30-12noon
(Opposite the big Coop car park) please come and support this fund
raising activity.
The Mulled Wine Morning on December 7th at school raised 1294.
Thank you to all those who came and supported the charity and the
helpers who once again gave their time. We are very grateful for your
continued support.

Christmas Raffle - the Raffle raised almost 900. There are still a couple
of prizes remaining to be claimed. Thank you for supporting this fundraiser
- for buying/selling tickets and for donating prizes.
This is my last weekend at St Benedict's for a few weeks as I go into
hospital on Tuesday and have surgery on Wednesday. Thanks for your
prayers. I'll try to keep in touch through the newsletter. Mgr. Paul.

The Epiphany
It seems clear that Mary and Joseph and their newborn child remained in
Bethlehem, and perhaps even lodging in the stable for some time. They
visited the Temple in Jerusalem where, in accordance with the Jewish Law,
they offered their firstborn child to God, and redeemed him by offering in
his place two pigeons or turtedoves. Bethlehem is very close to Jerusalem,
but we are not told that the Holy Family lodged anywhere else but the
stable. It was during this stay that the three wise men or 'Magi' from the
East (Persia) visited them.
The intriguing question is why they turned up at all. It is one thing to be told
that they were guided by the star but when you think about it, how could a
star possibly have led them to a distinct spot. And why would the Magi be
looking for a king just because they saw a star? The answer is in Scripture!

We extend a warm welcome to everyone worshipping here this

weekend, refreshments are served in the Church Hall after 9.30am
Mass, please come and join us, ALL ARE WELCOME.


Tel: 01827 713177,
Parish Priest: Mgr. Paul Watson

Finance Secretary: Jo Howe 01827 750214

Newsletter: Jenni Taylor 01827 718213
Items for inclusion in the Newsletter by Thursday Noon

Solemnity of the Epiphany (B) 2015

Sat 3rd Jan


For the Parishioners

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Sun 4th Jan


Jane Power (N & T M)

Solemnity of the Epiphany


Private Intention.


Ian Moore Funeral Service


Terry Furlong

Mon 5th Jan

Tue 6th Jan
Wed 7th Jan

No Mass

Thurs 8th Jan

No Mass

Fri 9th Jan


Holy Communion

Sat 10th Jan


Sun 11th Jan


Feast of the Baptism

Una Bolger (T P)

of the Lord

The Liturgy & the Care of the Church

Readers this week:
M Bourne
D. Dickens
Readers Next week:
S. Hall
Offertory Procession this week:
J. Howe & Co
Eucharistic Ministers
M. Heath
T. Wright
Church Cleaning - J Wood, M. Simpson, C. Butler, G. Ales
Altar Society ""

The Sick and their Carers

Please pray for Father Andrew, Pat & Maureen Burke, Noel OBrien,
Bridie Symmons, Ada Russell, Winifred Jones, Charlotte Smith, Kath
Ford, Christina Chetwynd, and Fr Paul. Please remember our
housebound parishioners in your prayers:
Mary Thacker, Marion
Burrows and Marie Aherne .

We pray for all our deceased relatives and friends, for Terry Furlong
and Ian Moore, and also the members of this Parish whose
anniversaries occur about this time John Chapman, Tim Chiverton,
Aidan McInerney, Jim Killian and Win Holmes. May they rest in peace.

Money Matters
Last week 1st Collection - 198.78 2nd Collection - 117.80
Thank you!
Many thanks again for your Christmas Offerings to Mgr Paul.
2nd collection next week is for the Society for the Protection of Unborn
Tote: Winning numbers - 10/17 36.36 - no winners, (Rollover)
Snowball 6

RIP - Our continued prayers and sympathies go to Des, Teresa and
Michael as they await the opportunity to hold the funeral rites for their
father, Walter Terry Furlong. Details of the funeral are not yet known,
but it is not likely to be before next week. Hopefully details will be
announced next weekend. May he rest in peace.

"That in all things God may be glorified St. Benedict

News (Continued)
Crib Offerings - Fr Hudson's Society have asked if we would have a
Crib Offering to help to bring peace and comfort to some of the most
vulnerable and marginalised people within the Diocese. Their
collaborative Community Projects and their School Based Family
Support Project help some of the poorest, isolated and deprived
families within the Diocese. As we gaze in wonder at the generosity of
God in sending His Son to enter our world - at first as a vulnerable
child in a stable, let's, in our turn, remember the poor and vulnerable
Music Looking to the New Year, is there anyone who has keyboard
(piano/organ) skills would be interested in helping with music in the
liturgy especially on Sundays? Perhaps also we could think about
establishing a choir so that we could begin singing other parts of the
Mass, such as the Responsorial Psalm, Gloria, and plan some extra
music for Holy Week.
Volunteers wanted - During the period of Mgr Paul's absence from
the parish, we shall be welcoming a number of supply priests at the
weekends. Principally, two priests from Nigeria will be coming to
celebrate Masses on Saturdays and Sundays. Currently, they are
residing at St Osburg's in Coventry while they are studying for
doctorates at University. As they have no transport, would anyone be
willing to bring one of the priests from Coventry on Saturday afternoon
and return them to Coventry on Sunday. If there were a number of
people willing to make at least one journey, then this would spread the
load. Please contact Mike Heath on (01827) 880033 so that a rota can
be organised. Thank you in anticipation for your generous help.
Altar Servers - During Mass on Sunday morning, two of our servers,
Lily and Benedict, will be receiving their medals and enrolment in the
Guild of St Stephen. They have both been serving for two years.
It is good moment also to take the opportunity to thank all of our altar
servers who carry out an important role in contributing to the beauty
and dignity of the Liturgy and help to make our Masses moments of
touching the presence of God. One reason why the Altar Servers
Guild is under the patronage of St Stephen is that St Stephen was the
first martyr. The word 'martyr' also means 'witness'. Altar servers are a
real witness to the importance of serving and worshipping God. At
times too, they can experience a bit of persecution when they give up
their time to God. Thank you for your faithfulness! A big thank you to
John Prowse for all the years he has trained and guided the servers.

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