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Help Pope John Paul II free the Church from Moscow's clutches

Dear Friend of Jesus and Mary,

The Church is in a battle. It is not a battle that has been chosen by the
Church rather it is a war that evil men have chosen to pick with the Church.
It is primarily the fight of the devil and his followers against Our Lady of
Fatima and Her followers. The Blessed Virgin Mary is to triumph over the
devil, She shall crush the serpent's head. Her final victory is assured. "In the
end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy Father will consecrate
Russia to Me, it will be converted and a period of Peace will be given to the
This fight of the Church with the forces of Communism is based on the fact
that the Church - the new Jerusalem - promotes, fosters and teaches people
to avoid; sin, the devil, his pomps and works, the desires of the flesh and
those people who have given themselves over to the pursuit of sin. Pope
John Paul II knows we are in a fight against Marxism, and Communism. He
has said so clearly in his encyclical published in 1986.
Faced with this fight against organized militant Atheism which did not start
today or yesterday but many years ago, the Church, that is the Pope, the
Bishops, priests and laity have been faced with different choices - which
essentially break down to two - either to fight or to give up the fight. There
appears to be other choices but this is only in appearance.
Let us first of all remember that the Church is faced with a powerful enemy.
That all the powers of the devil and of all the devil's followers eventually in
various ways lend their support to this enemy. The enemy has power,
influence, money, political power both nationally and internationally. It has
powerful sympathizers at all levels of society. It has military might. It has
torture and secret police to back it up.
Against the physical strength - the Church has nothing. Its financial strength
is nil compared to the billions and billions of dollars the Communist
apparatus has around the world. The Church has a moral voice that is still
highly respected but against this, the militant Atheists in North America and
around the world have control of most of the media, so that the message of
the Church and the Pope does not get out very clearly. Furthermore, subtle
attacks are made upon its moral authority so that the Church continues to
lose its ground.
The Civil authority's role is to uphold the Law of God and to protect the Godgiven rights of the Church. Since the Atheists took over in Russia the Church

is dependent on the "free" West to protect it from the military might of

Russia, but since 1917 and especially after 1945 - the Church could not
depend on the West to protect the flock behind Russia's iron curtain.
In fact, the advance of Soviet domination goes on and on. Now there is
Nicaragua, Afghanistan, etc. One billion and 500 million people are enslaved
with no free country prepared to liberate the captive nations. About half of
the world is already under Soviet domination and the rest of the world is not
safe. In fact we are in grave danger. There is evidence the Soviets are ready
to take over many more places very soon.
For example, the Nicaraguan Communist Minister Thomas Borge has stated
publicly that they intend to invade all Central American countries. And after
enslaving them all including Mexico, they intend to invade the U.S.A. with
the avowed intention of killing millions of American citizens.
Against such prospects there have been those who have deluded themselves
and their followers with the thought that we need not worry because
Communist Russia is changing, Russia is converting. Such nonsense is not
new. Even in supposedly pious Fatima circles in the 1950's there were a few
wild-eyed optimists who said Russia had dropped its goal of world-wide
enslavement of the rest of us. Yet, since 1960, very many people have been
murdered, enslaved, and tortured by Soviet Russia and its agents. Many
whole countries have been enslaved.
Recall the example of the boat people of Vietnam in the 1970's who fled out
to sea risking their lives (many thousands did die out at sea) rather than
stay in Communist Vietnam. Recall the three million Cambodians killed in 3
years from 1975 to 1978 by Communist masters who killed one half the total
population of that country. Obviously Russia and the Communists had not
changed. But such propaganda from even Catholics and people pretending to
promote Fatima shows how effective the Soviet propaganda machine was
It is still true today that Soviet Russia has not changed today nor has its
propaganda. Let us in 1987 observe the fact that there is one "Catholic"
magazine which devotes many pages of a recent issue to spreading this old
lie. Yet the war in Afghanistan rages on. The torture, the cruelty, the
murders of the poor Afghans continues unabated. The armed invasion of
Afghanistan, a sovereign country by Communist Russia has not ceased
rather, it continues. There is no apology, no pullback of Soviet troops, no
cessation of victims and refugees and Soul magazine tells us Russia is

In Nicaragua, Moscow through its puppet regime of the Sandinistas still

fights the Church. By means of military power, financial support, state
television and the press, the Sandinista puppet regime attacks the Church
by "creating" a new popular church. By this strategy, the Communists seek
to destroy the Catholic Church by replacing it with a puppet church, a tool of
the Communists. There the Sandinistas attack the Bishops to intimidate
As of March 1987, the Sandinistas have not allowed Bishop Vega, a native
Nicaraguan, who is the President of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of
Nicaragua, to return there after forcibly exiling him in July 1986. If the
alleged conversion of Russia were genuine then Bishop Vega would be
allowed to return and the "popular" Sandinista church disbanded. Then the
Catholic priests of Lithuania and other places now in Soviet prisons would be
released. They have not been. They are still unjustly sentenced and harshly
In the Ukraine, the Eastern Rite Catholics there are all treated badly as a
matter of public policy by the Soviets. By imposing the phoney Synod of Lviv
of 1946 and officially recognized by the KGB stooge Russian Orthodox
Church, the Russian Communists have outlawed the Eastern Rite Catholics
from practicing their faith and remaining faithful to Rome.
They have defined by this false Synod that if you are Eastern Rite in the
Ukraine, then you must go to the scheismatic Russian Orthodox church. Yet
the Russians claim the Ukrainians are free topractice their religion. This still
goes on to this day. The Pope knows this and has denounced this false
Synod imposed by the Russian Communists.
The Pope knows he should obey Our Lady of Fatima, in order to stop all this
persecution, but he feels he needs more help. He needs your prayers and
your moral support. But because of the power of the Communists over the
large territories where the Church is, the Pope cannot speak out very loudly
and clearly and repeatedly to let you know how badly he needs your help.
He is still (until he feels enough support from the whole church - especially
in that part living in what is called "the free world") constrained to negotiate
with the Communists because he is trying to help those behind the iron
curtain. One of the terms of negotiation with Moscow is that the Pope and
the Bishops do not denounce the errors of Communism. This silence keeps
the rest of the people living in false security because the watchmen (the
Pope and the Bishops) have been forced to keep silence. Thus, over time the
Communists hope to enslave us all because most of our leaders have been
silenced and over time the flock, taking the silence to be an indication that

all is well, will go on not realizing the danger they are in until it is too late.
Meanwhile, Soviet propaganda is not silent, so-called "Catholic" papers and
magazines subtly introduce Communist ideas into the minds of the
unsuspecting faithful. The Soviets hope to win the propaganda war whereby the faithful will one day wake up and welcome Communism
because they have been led to believe it is compatible with Christianity.
Such a lie which has been repeated often enough, while not opposed by the
Bishops has already misled millions of people and will mislead millions more
if it continues.
That is what is happening even in the United States and Canada. Even
bishops are found to be promoting Marxism as if it were good. Others do not
say this but promote it in fact by lending the Church's prestige and money to
the Communist cause. This is done through various groups appearing to be
in the Church (See Hamish Fraser's article on this in Issue #19, page 7 of
The Fatima Crusader).
Over time, in fact very soon, unless the Pope and the Bishops do obey Jesus'
command to consecrate Russia then we shall all be enslaved. Then the
Catholic bishops will be imprisoned and executed as Jesus indicated in that
frightful prophecy in 1931 to Sister Lucia given in Rianjo, Spain.
Briefly, then the Church can fight, keep silent about Communism, or give up
the fight and embrace Communism. If it gives up, we shall all be Communist
and cease being Catholic.
This would be the obvious result of the Church embracing Communism. To
this obvious conclusion, there are those who imply we need not be
concerned about the Church falling under the domination of Communist
Russia because the Church, Jesus told us, will remain to the end of time. To
this we must point out that Jesus also told us there would be a great falling
away from the faith before He returned.
Scripture tells us that there would be a great Apostasy (1 Th. 2: 11). So
while a few will remain faithful and therefore demonstrate on Judgment Day
the truth that the Church did in fact remain to the end of time, for a great
number of people under world-wide Soviet oppression, they will apostatize
and thereby lose their souls.
If the Church chooses to keep silent we shall in time all become Communists
as explained above. If the Church fights Communism it is not enough to
simply oppose Communism with the Church's meager natural means, it must
use the weapons of God. It must obey this plan of God.

It was not enough for Moses to be chosen leader of the people of God in the
Old Testament. He had to believe and obey God before he and the people
escaped the military might of the Egyptian army. He had to make a simple
act of faith and obedience required of him. He had to extend his hand over
the Red Sea. The Pope and the Bishops must obey the command of Jesus
given through the Message of Fatima and as expressed by Our Lady.
But we must do our part. The Pope at present, wants to do what Our Lady
asks, at the same time he feels he cannot do it yet. In the meantime he
feels he must negotiate with the Communists and thus he cannot speak out
as repeatedly as necessary.
Thus, we see his policy eventually leads to surrender in the long run, but he
hopes against hope for a way out. It would seem there is a plan in Divine
Providence for a way out. Divine Providence has raised up The Fatima
Crusader. This is not to praise this magazine but in fact as far as we know
there is no other Fatima paper or any other Catholic paper devoted to this
cause which God tells us is the only way out.
Against tremendous odds God through Our Lady of Fatima has miraculously
preserved this tiny voice (The Fatima Crusader) to keep speaking out. In 10
years we have gone from circulating 20,000 copies per issue in 1978 to
500,000 copies circulated in 1987.
We have by Our Lady's intercession been able this year to be on the radio
for 5 days a week in over 30 radio stations and 1 day a week in about 20
more radio stations reaching all 48 states in continental U.S.A. and reaching
all 10 provinces in Canada with a potential audience of over 200 million
But this is only possible with your continued support. Such support has been
forthcoming from the little people with their $10.00, $100.00, and $1000.00.
We have no one person or group underwriting this campaign for world peace
and international security and freedom except you and people like you. It is
a proof that there are many good people out there who want to help Our
Lady - and who have done so.
But more is needed because those who spread lies regarding the conversion
of Soviet Russia have not ceased nor have those who distort the Fatima
Message ceased from distorting it. So we must proclaim ever wider ("from
the rooftops") and louder and clearer the Fatima Message. Our expenses for
the radio program are about $15,000 each week. Each issue of the Fatima
Crusader costs us about $200,000. There is no other daily Fatima radio

program in North America. Nor is there any other regular weekly program
speaking explicitly about Fatima.
Yet all sorts of false religions and false religious information has millions of
dollars to spend on radio and TV. Billions of dollars are spent on defense,
and yet the only real defense program is the full implementation of the
Fatima Message. We have launched out in trust in Our Lady of Fatima, that
She will inspire you to support this initiative.
We are sure that you will not refuse Our Lady's invitation to you to show in a
practical way your love for Her. You will be richly rewarded by Her for doing
so because it is to Her words at Fatima that God has entrusted the Peace of
the World and the salvation of many souls. Let us not claim to be devoted to
Our Lady in words and then do nothing to promote Her Fatima Message. Let
us do all we can for our loving Mother.
There is still more to do. We must get on TV with the Fatima Message. We
are presently about to launch into this very powerful way of reaching
millions of homes. Our Lady's full message to the world is very close to
finally reaching millions and millions on TV.
We shall keep you informed on this. Please continue with your prayerful
support. Please help us by your contributions. There is no other large
circulation magazine in North America and in the English-speaking world
giving you the full message of Fatima. Others choose to not tell you the
truth about Russia.
The Pope needs the moral support and the prayerful support of the faithful
followers of Our Lady of Fatima. There is no other wide circulation paper
dedicated to promoting fully Our Lady of Fatima's cause and entire message
but The Fatima Crusader. So in effect, it seems the one way you have of
supporting the Pope in his efforts to obey Our Lady of Fatima as he hopes
against hope in the circumstances he finds the Universal Church in, is to
support The Fatima Crusader.
Continue to help us explain the issues, the factors, the hidden plots and
schemes that are in the Pope's way, preventing him from obeying Our Lady
of Fatima. As long as the conspirators against Our Lady of Fatima are
unopposed they will continue to stop this one and only peace plan and
defense program. Help us to set the moral climate whereby it will be easy
for the Pope and the Bishops to obey Our Lady of Fatima.
Help us to circulate the petitions and the requests for prayers so that the
Pope and the Bishops will soon obey. Help us help you avoid enslavement

and death under Soviet domination. Help us save the many souls that would
otherwise be lost because they deny the faith under Soviet persecution here
in the United States and Canada.
Remember help us now or it may be too late for all of us. When the day
falls, there may be no place to run to. Unlike the boat people who could
come to the U.S.A. and Canada - there would be no free place left to run to.
Your money will then be worthless, so you are better off investing part of it
now in this only insurance policy (The Full Fatima Message) that will
guarantee you freedom from Communist Soviet domination. Sister Lucia said
Our Lady will protect all Her dear ones. Remember that was demonstrated in
Hiroshima when, through Our Lady's intercession, eight men lived through
the Atomic blast. Let us prove our love for Her by obeying Her with our
prayers and sacrifices. Let us prove our love for Her by doing all we possibly
can to promote knowledge of and obedience to Our Lady of Fatima's full
Remember what Sister Lucia said, "We should not wait for an appeal to the
world to come from Rome on the part of the Holy Father, to do penance. Nor
should we wait for the call to penance to come from our bishops in our
dioceses nor from the religious congregations."
I have already explained why the Pope and the Bishops cannot and will not
do this. Sister Lucia explains the spiritual reason, "Our Lord has already very
often used these means and the world has not paid attention. That is why
now, it is necessary for each one of us to begin to reform himself spiritually.
Each person must not only save his own soul but also all the souls that God
has placed on our path."
I have spent 10 years of my life, as a priest working fulltime, sometimes as
much as 18 hours in one day, because I am convinced that you will respond
to Our Lady's full message if only you knew it. I appeal to you now to give
generously or else I shall be forced to be silent like most other clergy are
now forced to be.
I and my helpers pray for you every day and I remember you at my daily
mass. Father Michael Jarecki and Father Victor Soroka join me in sending
you our priestly blessing.
Please pray for me and my dedicated staff (some of whom also work 10 to
15 hours almost every day) of volunteers and employees who together with
you make all this work on behalf of Our Lady of Fatima possible. God bless
you and Our Lady of Fatima draw you ever closer to Her Divine Son Jesus.

Yours sincerely in Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Father Nicholas Gruner, S.T.L., S.T.D. (Cand.)
P.S. Please send $25, $50 or $100 or what ever you can afford. Your
contribution is indeed greatly needed and very much appreciated. Our Lady
and our Lord will richly bless you for giving to this most important work of
theirs. I cannot, without your help, continue to cry out Our Lady of Fatima's
full message. I desperately need your support now. My current expenses are
well over $200,000 to pay for this issue of The Fatima Crusader. I must also
pay over $15,000 per week for the radio broadcasts.
P.P.S. I do not have this money but I have been led by Jesus and Mary to
trust you and Her other faithful followers to pay the printers, the radio
stations and the various tradesmen who are needed to produce The Fatima
Crusader and "Heaven's Peace Plan" radio program. I am confident you will
not only help us pay for these current bills but allow us to very soon put the
Fatima Message on TV all over the U.S.A. and Canada. Please be as
generous as you can.

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