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Business Architect Essentials

Exercise Guide
PRPC v.7.1

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Table of Contents
Course Introduction....................................................................................

Completing the Exercises...................................................................................................

Pega Overview..............................................................................................

Application Planning...................................................................................

Create the Time Off Case Type..........................................................................................

Create a Set of Requirements............................................................................................

Generate the Application Profile Document....................................................................


Document an Application...................................................................................................


03 Application Planning..............................................................................

Case Design..................................................................................................


Identify Stages within a Case Type....................................................................................


Process Design.............................................................................................


Update the Case Design.....................................................................................................


Define Specifications for Case Steps................................................................................


Update the Case Design and Specifications....................................................................


Configure Single Step Assignments..................................................................................


Modeling a Process with a Flow Rule................................................................................


Create and Apply a New Work Status...............................................................................


Add Optional Actions and Processes................................................................................


Data Modeling..............................................................................................


Defining Single-Value Data Elements...............................................................................


Defining Pages and Page Lists...........................................................................................


Calculate a Property Value.................................................................................................


Add Integration Instructions to a Specification...............................................................


UI Modeling...................................................................................................


Designing an Intent-Driven UI Starting with Specifications...........................................


Modify a Draft UI.................................................................................................................


Validate End User Data.......................................................................................................


Automating Business Policies....................................................................


Add Conditions to Case Steps............................................................................................


Create a Decision Table......................................................................................................


Create a Decision Tree........................................................................................................


Challenge Exercise Use a When Rule to Process UI Events..........................................


Configure a Service Level...................................................................................................


Route Assignments.............................................................................................................


Send an Automated Email to a Work Party......................................................................


Send a Notification from an Assignment.........................................................................


Delegate a Decision Rule....................................................................................................




Create and Populate a Report Category..........................................................................


Module 01: Course Introduction

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Course Overview (no exercise)

Downloading the Exercise System (no exercise)

Completing the Exercises

2014 Pegasystems Inc.

Completing the Exercises

To learn software, we must use the software. Most lessons include a hands-on exercise that allows
us to practice what we just learned. By completing the guided exercises in this course we create an
application in PRPC.
The lessons include an exercise that provides a scenario which describes the business problem that
needs to be solved. To help you complete the exercises, three varying degrees of additional support
is provided beyond the business scenario and are listed below.

Scenario - describes the business problem we need to solve

Approach- specifies the high level steps you need to perform to solve the business problem

Hints - additional information as needed to assist with completing the exercise

Solution/Procedure - shows the series of steps or instructions that are designed to help you
understand how to complete the exercise

It is our goal that you can complete the exercises using the scenario and approach and relying on
the hints as needed. Use the procedure to check your work or as a last resort to complete the
While individual exercises are included for each lesson, you may find it useful to download and print
out the complete System Architect Essentials I Exercise Guide. This is available in the related content
pane on the right side of this lesson
Note: Screen images in the exercises were captured using a Chrome browser. Depending on the
browser you use, your experience may differ. For example, when finding and uploading files,
Chrome uses the prompt Choose File, where MS Internet Explorer uses the single word Browse.

User ID and Password

To complete the exercises for this course you will play the role of a Business Architect. Login with
the User ID and password below.

User ID


Business Architect BAEArchitect


Manager / User


2014 Pegasystems Inc.

Module 02: Pega Overview

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Introduction to BPM and Case Management (no exercise)

Accessing a Pega Application (no exercise)

Tour of the Designer Studio

The Role of the Business Architect (no exercise)

Frameworks and Implementations (no exercise)

2014 Pegasystems Inc.

Module 03: Application Planning

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Direct Capture of Objectives (no exercise)

Defining an Application and Case Types

Writing Requirements and Specifications

Documenting Application Progress

Describing a Security Model (no exercise)

2014 Pegasystems Inc.

Exercise: Create the Time Off Case Type

During our initial meeting with the HR department, the VP of HR mentioned that they have already
implemented a Pega application to manage some of their HR business processes. Rather than create
a new application using Application Express, our Lead System Architect (LSA) has decided to extend
the existing application manually, and created a new application version and ruleset for us. Before
we can begin to model the existing time-off case, we need to create the case type and document the
objectives provided us by the VP of HR.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a Time Off case type to manage requests for vacation/holiday leave, paid time off (PTO),
family/medical leave, sabbaticals, and bereavement leave.
Add the following business objectives to the HR Services application version 02-02-01.

Reduce time needed for time-off approvals from three weeks to one

Eliminate processing delays due to incorrect routing of requests

Enforce company policies regarding allowed time off

1. To create a case type, open the Manage case types menu in the Case Explorer and select
Add a new case.
2. To add a business objective to a case, open the Application Overview from the Application

Follow the steps below:
1. Log in to the HR Services application, if necessary, using the user account and password
information provided in the scenario.
2. Click the Cases explorer to view existing case types.
3. Open the Manage case types menu by clicking on the
icon and from the list of options
select Add a case type. The Case Explorer: Add dialog appears.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.

4. In the Name field, enter Time Off. Leave the Parent field blank. In the Description field,
enter the following text.
The case type for time-off requests supports vacation/holiday leave, paid time off (PTO),
family/medical leave, sabbaticals, and bereavement leave.

5. Click OK.
6. Open the Application Overview by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the application name
HRServices. If the Time Off case appears in the Case Explorer as a top-level case, your
application is configured correctly.

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7. Scroll down to the Business Objectives section, and click Edit to add the business objectives
provided. When you finish, click Save.

8. Close the Application Overview by clicking the landing page tab.

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Exercise: Create a Set of Requirements

From our interviews with members of the HR department and other key stakeholders, we have
identified a set of thirteen requirements that describe how the time-off request management
application should behave. Before we begin to design the case type, we should add these
requirements to our application.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a business rule requirement named Supported Leave Types that states, The application
must support all of the following types of leave requests: vacation/PTO, family/medical leave,
sabbatical, and bereavement. Assign the requirement to the Business Rule category, with an
importance of 1 Critical and an external ID of HRS-TO-0001.
Create the remaining application requirements by importing the Excel workbook
HRServices_Requirements.xlsx, provided in the Lab Files folder on your desktop.

1. To open the Application Profile landing page, open the DseginerStudio menu and select
Application > Profile > Requirements.
2. To import an Excel workbook that contains requirements, click Actions and select Import
from Excel from the drop-down menu.

Follow the steps below:
1. Select Designer Studio > Application > Profile > Requirements to open the Application
Profile landing page.
2. Click Create Requirement to open the Add/Edit Requirement dialog.
3. In the Requirement Name field, enter Supported Leave Types. Accept the default values
for ruleset and ruleset version. Note, fields marked with asterisks are required.
4. From the Category drop-down list, select Business Rule.
5. From the Importance drop-down list, select 1 Critical.
6. In the External Req. ID field, enter HRS-TO-0001.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.

7. In the Short Description field, enter Supported Leave Types, then use the rich-text editor
to enter the following description of the requirement:
The application must support the following types of leave requests: vacation/PTO,
family/medical leave, sabbatical, and bereavement. as shown in the image below:

8. Click OK. The dialog disappears, and the requirement you created appears on the
Application Profile landing page.

9. Click Actions. From the drop-down menu, select Import from Excel.
10. Using the dialog provided by your browser, locate and select the file named
HRServices_Requirements_xlsx. Click Next (or OK), and Import. Instructor-led course
students will find the file in the Lab Files folder on the desktop. Students using Pega
Academy self-study online will find the file in the same zip file which contained this PDF.

Note: Screen images in this exercise guide were captured using a Chrome browser. Your

2014 Pegasystems Inc.

experience may differ depending upon the browser you are using. For example: Where
Chrome uses Choose File, MS Internet Explorer uses the term Browse to find files for
11. Review the summary of the contents to be imported (12 requirements), and then click
Import. Once the import completes, click Close to return to the Application Profile landing
page. Verify that the Application Profile landing page now displays 13 requirements.
Note: You may need to click the Refresh button to view your changes.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Generate the Application Profile Document

Now that we have defined our case and collected our requirements, we are ready to develop our
application. Before we begin development, however, the VP of HR has requested a formal proposal
to review and either approve or reject.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Search for, make a copy of, and edit the Application Profile document template, using the file
SAE_Logo.png provided for you.

Standard Word Template rule record: pyApplicationProfile

The SAE_logo.png file is either in the zip file (self-study students) or in the Lab Files folder on the
desktop (instructor-led students).
Note: Internet Explorer is currently required to access the Word Template rule form to customize
the Application Profile document template.
Generate an application profile for the Time Off case, using your customized template.
Note: If you are using the PVS (Personal Virtual Server) on your own computer/laptop to access this
course, the first time you generate documentation with the Application Document wizard, you will
be prompted to install PRPC preferences for Microsoft Silverlight. The Application Document wizard
requires these prerequisites to generate documentation. Before you begin this exercise, run the
wizard and attempt to generate a document to install these prerequisites. Once installation finishes,
close all instances of your browser, re-open your browser, and attempt this exercise.
Note: When generating documentation, Microsoft Word may prompt you with a Convert File dialog.
If this happens, Open the File menu in Word, and select Options. In the Word Options dialog, click
Advanced, scroll down to the General Options section, and deselect Confirm file format conversion
on open.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


1. Word templates are stored in PRPC as Word Template rules. Add a copy of the
pyApplicationProfile Word Template rule to the HRServices:02-02-01 ruleset.
2. To start the Document wizard, open Designer Studio and click Application > Tools >

3. De-select the Candidate, Onboarding, and Benefit Enrollment case types.

Follow the steps below:
1. Search for pyApplicationProfile and identify it as a WordTemplate. Open the template by
clicking on the rules name in the search results.

2. Open the template by clicking the rules name in the search results.

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Note: The context selected is the app layer, HR Services 2.0.

3. Click Create and Open to open the form and to edit the word template:

4. Click Edit Word Template (there is no need to click Download File and download the file
first). The template opens as a word document named pyApplicationProfile.doc:

5. Select Insert then choose Header | Edit Header. Replace the existing header image with
the SAE_Logo.png file.

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6. Close the Header and Footer tools and save your changes. Close the
pyApplicationProfile.doc to return to the Edit Word Template window. Remember to click the
Save button.

7. Click Close. The Edit Word Template window closes.. Also close the first Edit Word Template
window which was opened.

8. Click Discard to confirm closing the record.

Note: This warning is for your safety. Since you have just saved the Word Template rule
record, this warning may be safely disregarded. In future situations, you may wish to
abandon your rule form, so Close followed by Discard would be appropriate. In the case you
choose to Close, and do want to keep your record but cannot remember if you saved, it is
best to click Cancel, return to your form and Save your work. If you are positive you have
saved your work, you may click Discard.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


9. From Designer Studio, select Application > Tools > Document.

10. From the Select a Template drop-down list, select Application Profile.

11. In the Project Name field, enter Time Off. In the Organization Name field, enter

12. In the Project Led By field, keep the defaults for now. You can come back and experiment
with the other options later.

13. Click Next.

14. Expand Case Types, Processes, and Specifications, and deselect the Candidate,
Onboarding, and BenefitsEnrollment case types. We only want to document Time Off.

15. Click Document Now. Wait for the document to finish loading. Once the document loads,
review the Application Profile and save a copy to your desktop for future reference.
You should see that the document includes the header and other information entered in the

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Return to the Application Document tool form. To save the current document tool settings
for future use, click Save. Name your settings App Profile HR Services, and click OK.

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Exercise: Document an Application

During the application development process, we need to document our application. This
documentation helps other individuals to understand the changes in the application since
documentation was last generated. Now that we are ready to begin development, we should
generate a baseline copy of our application documentation, which we can use to help us benchmark
application progress. As we progress through the application development cycle, we can continue to
generate documentation ultimately generating documentation for our completed application, for
use as a reference when the next development team is ready to update the application.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Run the Document wizard to generate an application document in Microsoft Word format, using the
following options:
Detail Level: Full Application Documentation

Suppress Class and RuleSet references: enabled

Include entity relationship diagrams: disabled

RuleSet Name and RuleSet Version (for screenshot data): HRServices:02-02-01

Case Type: Time Off

1. After you change the level of detail for your document, remember to refresh the contents.
2. To generate sample data for screenshots you must provide an ID number for a case, which
the wizard can use as a data source. If you dont know a valid case ID, create a new case,
note the case ID, and complete the case, then restart the Application Document wizard. (You
only need to worry about this when you have cases and case data.)

Follow the steps below:
1. Hover over Designer Studio and click Application > Tools > Document to start the
Document wizard.

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2. Confirm that the wizard will use the Application Document template.

3. Set the Detail Level to Full Application Documentation, suppress RuleSet and class
references, and refresh the table of contents. When you finish, click Next.

4. Disable the inclusion of Entity Relationship Diagrams. Click Next.

5. Click Next to skip the Capture step. Once you begin to construct the user interface for your
application, you can capture screenshots.
6. De-select the Candidate, Onboarding, and Benefits Election case types.
7. Click Document Now to generate your documentation.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Module 04: Case Design

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Principles of Case Lifecycle Management (no exercise)

Principles of Case Decomposition

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Identify Stages within a Case Type

Discussions with the Human Resources department have provided us with the following description
of the time-off request system currently in use.
An employee creates a request, providing their employee ID, the type and the start date of
their time off, and the date of the request. Depending upon the type of leave requested,
they then need to provide some specific information about their requested time off: for
vacation or PTO leave, we need the specific days taken off, and the hours missed for each
day; for an extended leave, such as a sabbatical, medical leave, or family event, we only need
the start and end dates; and for bereavement leave, we need to know the number of. We
then want the employee to review their allowed time mostly for vacation and PTO leave
and, if theyre satisfied, submit the request.
Then, the request goes to their manager for approval. For certain types of requests
sabbaticals, family or medical leave, and vacations longer than three weeks we also want
the unit VP to review and approve the request. Then, the request continues along to HR,
where we review the request to ensure that the employee is eligible for the leave, and that
the request complies with corporate policies. In some cases, the request then goes to the VP
of HR for final approval.
Once the request is approved, we wait until the start date, at which point we subtract the
time requested from the employees allowed balance, and resolve the request.
At any point until the start date of the leave, the employee can update the length of their
request, or cancel the request completely. And if the request is rejected, the employee
should be notified of the rejection and its justification.
After reading the above scenario, you can deduce the following Primary Stages; 1.
Submission; 2. Approval; 3. Pending Request Usage; and 4. Resolve Request. The Alternate
Stages could be Update Request; Withdraw Request; and Reject Request.

Role: Business Architect

User Name:

Password: password

Using the description provided, create a specification for the primary path and each alternate stage,
and qualifying conditions. Use the Case Designer to define the stages for the Time Off case type.
Well come back in a future exercise to define the steps for each stage.

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Note: Remember that case design and process design is iterative process. It generally requires
multiple attempts to arrive at acceptable solution. In the next exercise well standardize our case
design and add the steps.

1. To add a primary stage to the case type, click the Add Primary Stage to Case (plus) icon that
appears after the last primary stage.
2. To create the first alternate stage, click Actions and select Configure Alternate Stages. To
create additional alternate stages, click the Add Alternate Stage to Case (plus) icon that
appears to the right of the first alternate stage.

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Time Off case type in the Case Designer by clicking on Time Off.
2. Click the Specifications tab, and create a specification to document the primary path for the
Time Off case. The Specification information can be found in the Scenerio above. Document
all four (4) primary stages.
a. Click Create Specification. A new specification dialog box appears. Enter the details
as shown in the screen shot below.

b. Click Save to save your work. Be sure to save your work often. You will not be
reminded to save your work in future exercises.

Add the additional three specifications.

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3. Create three (3) specifications for each of the alternate stages just as you created the other
specification above. Below is an image showing how your Specifcations Tab should look once
you have completed adding all specifications.

4. Return to the Stages & Processes tab.

5. Update the default case design to include the four (4) primary stages you documented in the
primary path specification by clicking on the name Stage 1 and changing it to say Submission
Do this for the additional Stages in the primary path remembering that the + can be used to
add additional stages after Stage 3.

6. Add each of the three (3) alternate stages for which you created a specification by doing the
a. Click on the arrow beside actions and choose Configure Alternate Stages.
b. Change the name of Alternate Stage 1 by clicking into into the name Alternate Stage
1 to Update Request. Continue to add the additional alternate Stages (order does not
matter) by clicking the + icon.

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Reference Information

PDN: Design Your Application with Case Lifecycle Management (node/46551)

PDN: Configure Stages for Your Application (node/46526)

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Module 05: Process Design

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Principles of Process Design

Principles of Flow Modeling

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Update the Case Design

After a review of the initial implementation of the stages for the time-off case, the SMEs from
Human Resources have provided us with the following feedback.
The four primary stages should be labelled Submission, Approval, Pending Request Usage, and
Resolution. The three alternate stages should be labelled Update Request, Withdraw Request, and
Reject Request.
The Submission stage should consist of five (5) steps, labelled Create Request, PTO Request,
Extended Leave Request, Other Leave Request, and Verify Accrued Time. All requests begin with the
Create Request step. Requests then advance to the step that matches their request type:

Vacation and PTO requests advance to the PTO Request step

Sabbaticals and family/medical leave requests advance to the Extended Leave Request

Bereavement requests advance to the Other Leave Request step.

All requests advance to the Verify Accrued Time step, which displays the requestors
current time-off balance, accrual rate, and potential time-off balance as of the start date
of the leave. At any time during these steps, the requestor can opt to withdraw their

The Approval stage should consist of three (3) steps, labelled Manager Approval, HR Approval, and
Notify Requestor of Approval. The Manager Approval step routes the request to the requestors
manager and, if necessary, the appropriate unit VP. The HR Approval step routes the request to the
HR department for review, and if necessary to the VP of HR. The request can proceed through both
approval processes simultaneously. Once the request has been approved by both their manager
and HR, the Notify Requestor of Approval step indicates that the requestor is informed of the
approval. If any party (manager, VP, HR, HR VP) rejects the request, the request immediately
advances to the Reject Request stage. At any point during the Approval stage, the requestor can
withdraw or update their request.
The Pending Request Usage stage consists of one step, labelled Wait for Occurrence. This step
collects and holds approved requests until the start date of the requestors leave, at which point
the request automatically advances to the Resolution stage. At any time before the start date, the
requestor can withdraw or update their request. Once the request reaches the Resolution stage, the
requestors available time-off balance is reduced by the amount requested and the request is closed
with a status of Resolved-Complete.
If a requestor decides to update their request, the request advances to the Update Request stage.
This stage consists of one step, labelled Change Request, which allows the requestor to change the
start date and duration of the request. Upon completion, the request returns to the Approval stage.
Any rejected request advances to the Reject Request stage, which contains two steps labelled Notify
Requestor of Rejection and Resolve as Rejected. The Notify Requestor of Rejection step notifies the
requestor of the rejection, and the Resolve as Rejected step closes the request with a status of

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If a requestor decides to withdraw their request, the request advances to the Withdraw Request
stage. This stage consists of one step, labelled Resolve as Withdrawn, which closes the request with
a status of Resolved-Withdrawn.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Using the description provided in the scenario, update the Case Designer as necessary. When
finished, your case should match the following illustration.

Update the specifications for each step for the primary path and each alternate stage with the
information provided in the exercise scenario.
Note: Every time a step is defined, a process rule record called a flow rule is created. Well discuss
these rules more in a future lesson. As we update our case design, we may choose to rename steps
which will rename existing rules and potentially create new ones. This is intentional, to provide users
with the flexibility to redesign the case without deleting existing elements automatically. Once the
case design has been updated, a system architect can confirm any unused processes and delete
them to avoid confusion during the rest of the application development process.

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1. To start an additional step when a case enters a stage, select upon stage entry in the Step
Configuration dialog.

Follow the steps below:
1. Add steps to stages on the Stages & Processes tab as necessary using the scenario
illustration as a guide.
2. Hover over the HR Approval step and select Configure step behaviors from the drop-down
menu. In the Step Configuration dialog, select upon stage entry under Start Step. Click OK.
Click Save.

3. Hover over the Resolution stage, and using the drop down button choose Configure stage
behaviors. In the Stage Configure dialog select the Yes radio button for the question Is this
a resolution stage? Click OK. Click Save.
4. Repeat step 3 for the Withdraw Request and Reject Request alternate stages.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Define Specifications for Case Steps

Now that we have revised our case design with the feedback provided by HR, we can define the
expected behavior for each step in the case lifecycle. At this point in our development process, we
want to capture the high-level details for each step, which we can refine in further discussions with
HR and other stakeholders. These specifications can then guide us in determining whether we need
to model each step as an assignment or a process.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create an initial set of application specifications by importing the Excel workbook
HRServices_Specifications.xlsx, provided as part of this lesson.
Confirm that an appropriate specification has been associated with each step on the Stages &
Processes tab for the Time Off case. Where necessary, configure the step to reference the
appropriate specification.
Associate each specification with the appropriate requirement, using the following table.


Allow requestor to update request
Supported leave types
Supported leave types
Require HR VP approval for family leave
Require HR VP approval for sabbatical
Require unit VP approval for family leave
Require unit VP approval for PTO
Require unit VP approval for sabbaticals
Notify requestor of status
Notify requestor of status
Supported leave types
Supported leave types
Notify requestor of status
Notify requestor of status
Allow requestor to withdraw request
Calculate length of leave
Allow requestor to update request
Allow requestor to withdraw request

Update the specifications for the Change Request step, using the information provided.

Change the Type to Alternate path.

Update the description to note that the status of the request should be set to Pending-Change
when the request enters the stage and to Open-Resubmitted when the request exits the stage to
be re-approved.

Note: Remember that writing specifications for a PRPC application is an iterative process. Any Pega
application, including this one, will include many more specifications than we use in this lesson. As
we proceed through this course, we will create additional specifications as needed and elaborate
existiing specifications as part of configuring our application. DCO (Direct Capture of Objectives
(specification and requirement detail) is not a single event. It continues iteratively throughout the
development process.

1. To update information about the specification such as its type, status, or related
requirements open the specification from the Specifications tab of the Case Designer.

Follow the steps below:
1. Import the file HRServices_Specifications.xlsx. (Note: If you are attending an instructor led
course, your instructor will tell you where to locate the file.)
2. Configure each step's behavior so that it references a specification that you imported. Select
the appropriate specification by clicking Specification Actions and selecting Choose another
specification from the menu, delete existing text and begin typing in the name of the
specification you want. Click to select the desired specification which will be suffixed

Note: To avoid confusion, each imported specification defined for a case step has the text
_EntireFlow appended to the name of the step. This helps to differentiate the specification
for the step from the specification for the assignment, as the assignment carries the same
name as the step by default. These differences will be explained in a future lesson.
3. On the Change Request step, append the following text to the description:
The status of the request should be set to Pending-Change when the request enters the
stage and to Open-Resubmitted when the request exits the stage to be re-approved.

4. Click OK to close the Step Configuration dialog and Save your case design.
5. Click the Specifications tab of the case designer. Click Reload.
6. Open the Change Request_EntireFlow specification. Select Alternate path from the Type
drop-down list. Click OK.

7. Expand the Advanced section, then the Requirements section, and ensure the requirement
Allow requestor to update request is linked. Use AutoComplete to find the appropriate
requirement. Click to select the desired requirement and be patient. It can take a few
seconds for the link to finalize in the training system.

8. Click OK.
9. Repeat steps 6 and 7 to ensure the remaining specifications are associated with the
appropriate requirement(s), according to the following table.

Allow requestor to update request
Supported leave types
Supported leave types
Require HR VP approval for family leave
Require HR VP approval for sabbatical
Require unit VP approval for family leave
Require unit VP approval for PTO
Require unit VP approval for sabbaticals


Notify requestor of status
Notify requestor of status
Supported leave types
Supported leave types
Notify requestor of status
Notify requestor of status
Allow requestor to withdraw request
Calculate length of leave
Allow requestor to update request
Allow requestor to withdraw request

10. Click Save to save your changes then Reload to verify that each imported specification
associated in the above table is now associated with an implementation and at least one

Exercise: Upd
date the
e Case Design
and Speccifications
After reviewing the cu
urrent busine
ess process fo
or time-off re
equests with
h HR, we have
e identified th
following process imp
The decision to
t forward a request to th
he requestorrs unit VP and the decisio
on to forward
equest to the
e VP of HR sh
hould be auto

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAE


word: passw

Update th
he Manager Approval
d HR Approva
al specificatio
ons to includ
de the following decision
ns, and add a comment th
hat the evaluation of thesse decisions ccan be autom
al leave and sabbatical
equests requ ire additiona
al approval byy the VP of H
al leave, sabb
batical reque
ests, and PTO
O requests re
equire additio
onal approva
al by
he unit VP.
Increase the
t complexity for each specification
to Medium, a
and change tthe type to E
Entire flow.

1. To
o update the
e description of a specifica
ation for a sttep, open the
e step in the Step
Configuration dialog.
o update the
e details of a specification
n, open the sp
pecification b
by selecting V
View Full De
2. To
or open the sp
pecification from
the Spe
ecifications ttab of the Case Designer..
3. Frrom this poin
nt forward, you need to be
b diligent be
ecause comm
mon navigatio
on and user
acctions such as
a Click OK and Save may
m not be exxplicitly menttioned in pro
ocedure step

Follow the steps below
the Time Off case in the Case De
esigner, if neccessary.
1. Open
2. Se
elect the HR Approval step, and open
n the Step Co
onfiguration dialog. Upda
ate the
description to
o include the following tex

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Any time-off request for family/medical leave or a sabbatical must be approved by

the VP of HR as well. All other types of requests can advance to the Notify Requestor
of Approval step without review by the VP of HR. The evaluation of this decision
should be automated.

3. Repeat step 2 for the Manager Approval step to update the description with the following
Any time-off request for family/medical leave, a sabbatical, or PTO request must be
approved by the appropriate unit VP as well. Requests that do not meet these
conditions can advance to the Notify Requestor of Approval step without review by the
unit VP. The evaluation of this decision should be automated.
4. Click the Specifications tab.
5. Open the HRApproval_EntireFlow specification. Update the complexity to Medium, and
change the type to Entire flow.

6. Repeat step 5 for the ManagerApproval_EntireFlow specification.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Con
nfigure Single
Sttep Assiignments
Now thatt our case design has been approved, we can begin
n to design tthe processess for each ste
Our first task
in designing each process is to co
onfigure the single-step a
assignments to include all of
the eleme
ents of an inttent-driven process
el: intent drivven shape na
ames, instrucctions,
ds, audit note
es, and work status chang

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAE


word: passw

e each single-step assignm
ment listed in
n the followin
ng table to in
nclude a flow
w action of the
same nam
me, an instru
uction, and an
n audit note.

Audit No


Create Reequest

Time-offf request submittted

Create thee time-off requesst

PTO request

PTO dettails added

Enter dayy or days of PTO

O leave, and hours
requestedd each day

Extended Leave Request

Leave deetails (family/meedical leave or

sabbaticcal) added

Specify thhe end date of thhe family/medicaal

leave or ssabbatical

Other Leaave Request

Number of days requestted documented

Select thee number of dayss and the type oof

ment requested

Change Request

Update the
t dates of the time off

Update thhe request

on, configure the PTO Req

quest, Extend
ded Leave Re
equest, and O
Other Leave R
In additio
ents to set the work status to Open.

1. While
you can
n add a conne
ector flow action to an asssignment fro
om the proce
ess outline, yyou
open the
e flow rule to
o add a likelih
hood and au dit note to th
he connectorr.
2. To
o see a flow shape prope
erties panel, right-click
on the shape (in this case itt will be a
onnector sha
ape), and sele
ect View Pro
operties. Ano
other option is Double-cliicking the sha

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Hover over the Submission stage, and click Configure process detail which appears below
the last step in the Stage. This opens the Process Outline where you can view all processes
within the stage in context. Stages at the top, steps for the identified stage on the left, and a
workspace frame on the right. In our Submission stage, all processes are single step
assignment processes, which is why the left frame shows only assignment shape icons. Click
on any assignment icon in the left frame and youll see the properties panel for that
assignment in the workspace.

2. In the properties panel for the Create Request assignment, enter Create Request in the
Action field.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


3. Scroll down to the Instruction field, and enter Create the time-off request. Click Save.

4. Select the PTO Request step, enter PTO Request in the Action field, and add the instruction
Enter day or days of PTO leave, and hours requested each day.
5. Click the Status tab. In the Work Status field, enter Open. Click Save.

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the Extended Leave Request and Other Leave Request steps,
using the information in the following table.


Extended Leave

Specify the end date of the

family/medical leave or sabbatical

Other Leave

Select the number of days and the

type of bereavement requested

7. Click Back to stages to return to the Case Designer.

8. From the options menu for the Create Request step select Open to open the flow rule in the
Process Modeler.
9. Select the flow action connector, then right-click the connector and select View Properties
to open its properties panel. In the Audit Note field, enter Create time-off request. Confirm
that the likelihood is 100, click OK, and Save the flow. Close the flow.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Note: The flow action name does not contain a space. PRPC automatically removes the
spaces when it creates the rule, as rule names can only contain alphanumeric characters.
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for the PTO Request, Extended Leave Request, and Other Leave
Request steps. Save the case design.
11. Configure the Change Request flow to name the flow action, add the appropriate audit note
to the connector, and add the appropriate instructions to the assignment.
12. Run the process, and note the changes to the flow.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Modeling a Process with a Flow Rule

After further discussions with HR we have decomposed the HR Approval and Manager Approval
steps with enough detail to recognize that we need to create a subprocess for each step. Each
subprocess should start with an assignment to the manager or the HR department, followed by a
decision to determine whether additional approval is needed. If so, the case proceeds to the VP for
additional approval. In each flow, if the request is approved, the flow ends, but if the request is
rejected, the case shifts to the Reject Request stage.
In addition, we have identified that the following steps should also be reconfigured:
The Resolve as Approved, Resolve as Withdrawn, and Resolve as Rejected steps do not require any
assignments. These flows are only needed to set the status of the case appropriately.
The Notify Requestor of Approval and Notify Requestor of Rejection steps do not require any end
user processing. Instead, the flows for these steps should be configured to send an email to the
requestor automatically.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Model the process flows for both HR and manager approvals, using the following diagrams.

Remove the assignments from the Resolve as Approved, Resolve as Withdrawn, and Resolve as
Rejected flow rules. Add the appropriate work status to the end shape in each flow.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Model the process flows for the Notify Requestor of Approval and Notify Requestor of Rejection to
remove the assignment and add a Send Email smart shape.
Ensure that each flow shape you add is configured with an audit note, each assignment is
configured with an instruction, and each connector is configured with the correct likelihood.

1. Audit notes can be added to any shape that calls a rule, including a connector.
1. Instructions are added to assignments only.
2. All connectors should have a likelihood assigned, even if the connector represents the only
option to advance from a flow shape. In this case, the likelihood is 100.

Follow the steps below:
1. Select the Step Configuration dialog from the drop down arrow on each step, to configure
both the HR Approval and Manager Approval steps as a Multi Step Process. A warning
message appears stating that you are changing from a Single Step to a Multi Step process by
adding an additional step. This is expected; it is not an error.

2. Open the Approval Stage in the process outline by clicking Configure process detail.
3. In the Manager Approval process (not the Manager Approval assignment), change the
second assignment to VP Approval. Right-click the assignment shape and choose View
Properties to open the assignment properties panel and change the name in the Step Name
field. Note: Double-clicking a flow shape also opens that shapes properties panel.
4. Add the Approve flow action to the connector between the Manager Approval and VP
Approval assignments. Open the connectors properties panel (right-click or double-click to
do this). To reference an already existing flow action, place your cursor in the flow action
field and tap the down-arrow on your keyboard. This presents a list of flow actions. Doubleclick Approve to choose it from the list, then click OK.
Note: When you see a field in a rule record with a triangle in the bottom right corner this is
referred to as Smart Prompt and displays a list of choices. This helps us determine if there
is a rule of this type we may reuse, before we decide to create something new. A

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


SmartPrompt also helps us avoid typographical errors since referenced rules are case
5. Add the Reject flow action to the connector between the VP Approval assignment and the
end shape by following the same process.
6. Add a decision shape to the process by clicking on the drop down beside the + and drag the
decision shape onto the flow directly below the Manager Approval assignment shape. Name
the shape Requires VP Approval. Adjust the Approve connector so it leads from the
Manager Approval shape to the decision. The connectors are connected when you click
on the bullet at the end of the connector shape and drag that bullet into the CENTER of the
target shape. Allow the connector to choose the entry point for you. We can make esthetic
enhancements later, for now all we care about is the functionality.

7. Move the existing VP Approval assignment shape, the connector shape named reject and
the end shape, below the decision shape as illustrated in the image below. Add two
connectors to the decision shape. Name the connectors Yes and No. The HR department has
reported it expects approximately 20% of requests to require further approval, so set the
Yes connector to be 20, and the No connector to be 80, Now connect the Yes connector to
the VP Approval assignment shape, and the No connector to the End shape. Click on the dot
on the corner of the shape and drag the connector to the End shape to create the No
connector. Follow the same process for adding the Yes connector only connect it to the VP
Approval shape.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


8. Add two Change Stage smart shapes. Configure each to change the case stage to Reject
Request. Open the Change Stage properties panel and on the Utility tab, select the Select a
stage radio button. In the Stage field select Reject Request from the list of choices in the
drop-down menu.

9. Add a connector from the Manager Approval assignment to one of the Change Stage smart
shapes. Add the Reject flow action to the connector.
10. Adjust the Reject connector from the VP Approval assignment so that it connects to the
other Change Stage smart shape, rather than the end shape.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


11. Add a connector from the VP Approval assignment to the end shape. Add the Approve flow
action to the connector properties panel.

12. Add likelihoods, audit notes, and instructions to the appropriate shapes, including
Note: During our DCO session, the business subject matter expert from HR reported that
they expect 80% of requests to be approved, and 20% to be rejected.
13. Repeat steps 3 12 for the HR Approval process. The decision shape should be labelled
Requires HR VP approval and its Yes connector should point to an assignment labelled HR VP
Approval. Click Save. Click Back to Stages.
14. Open the flow rule for the Resolve as Completed step using the steps drop-down menu..
Delete the assignment, and connect the start shape to the end shape. Open the properties
panel for the end shape, and set the work status to Resolved-Completed. Remember, you
can click the down arrow on your keyboard to look up Resolved-Completed and typing a
portion of the name into the Work Status cell also helps to narrow the search results. Save
the flow.

15. Repeat step 14 to configure the Resolve as Withdrawn and Resolve as Rejected steps.
16. Open the flow rule for the Notify Requestor of Approval step. Delete the assignment and
connector. Add the Send Email smart shape to the process, with the audit note Email
requestor with news of approval. Connect the shape to the start and end shapes, and save
the flow.

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17. Repeat step 16 to configure the Notify Requestor of Rejection step.

18. Create a Time Off case, and walk through the entire process until resolution to verify your

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Create and Apply a New Work Status

As part of the review of our proposed process for time-off requests, the HR department has asked
for three additional work status values: Pending-Update, Pending-Usage, and Open-Resubmitted.
Adding these three values would provide significant visibility into the state of a time-off request at
two critical intervals: when the requestor is updating a request that has already been submitted for
approval, and when a request has been approved but the leave has yet to be taken.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create three new field values for the pyStatusWork property:



Update the flow rules for the Change Request and Wait for Occurrence steps according to the
specifications for each step, and incorporate these three new work status values.

1. The configuration of the Change Request flow does not match the specification, and must be
updated with a Change Stage smart shape.
2. Work status is set on a flow shape, such as an assignment.
3. The Wait for Occurrence flows does not match the specification. The assignment should be
replaced with a Wait shape.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Click The Case Explorer.
2. Click the Manage case types icon
Field Value.

. From the resulting menu, select Create > Data Model >

3. In the Label field, enter Open-Resubmitted. In the Field Name field, select pyStatusWork
and click Create and Open. If prompted for a class, use SAE-HRServices-Work.
Note: When using SmartPrompt , double-click More to find rules you may inherit.
4. In the To field, enter Open-Resubmitted, and then save the rule.
5. Repeat steps 1-3 to create the Pending-Update and Pending-Usage field values.
Note: This is a great time to use Save As. Just be sure to change each new rules form
value(s) appropriately.
6. Hover over the Change Request step. From the Options menu, select Open to open the
Change Request flow rule in the Process Modeler.
7. Add a Change Stage smart shape to the flow. Configure the shape to change the case to the
Approval stage and add an audit note to the shape that states Resubmitted for approval.

8. Move the Change Request connector to lead to the smart shape, rather than the end shape,
and delete the end shape.
9. Right-click the Change Request assignment and open the properties panel. Click the Status
tab, and in the Work status field, select Pending-Update. Click OK. A red flag should now
appear on the connector leading to the assignment.

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10. Right-click the Change Stage smart shape and open the properties panel. Click the Status
tab, and in the Work status field, select Open-Resubmitted. Click OK. A blue flag should
now appear on the Change Request connector.

11. Save and close the flow rule to return to the Case Designer.
12. Open the Wait for Occurrence flow in the Process Modeller, and replace the assignment with
a Wait shape which is found under the Advanced Shapes. Delete the connector leading to
the end shape and replace it with a new one. Open the properties panel for the Wait shape
and in the name field type Wait Until Employee Takes Leave. In the Wait Type options select
Case Dependency. In the Cases for type field, select SAE-HRServices-Work-TimeOff. In the To
reach status field, select Pending-Usage. Scroll down and ensure the Permit End User to
perform check box is selected. Click OK and Save. The images below may be used to confirm
your work.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


13. Create a new Time Off request and note the Case ID. Process the case to the Pending
Request Usage Stage. When the assignment arrives at the Wait for Occurrence flow Wait
shape, by default it is assigned to a workbasket named Click on the
Await Dependency to be fulfilled (Pending Request Usage) link. Click Stop waiting and
continue process to proceed to the Resolution stage.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Add Optional Actions and Processes

According to our requirements, requestors should be able to withdraw a time-off request at any
time, or update a request in the Approval or Pending Usage stages.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a process to allow the requestor to withdraw their time off request. This process should
consist of two steps: an assignment for the requestor to document the reason for the withdrawal,
and a change to the Withdraw Request alternate stage. The connector between these two shapes
should use the standard Withdraw flow action.
Add the standard pyChangeStage flow action to the Approval and Pending Usage stages.
Note: The pyChangeStage flow action provides us with the out-of-the-box capability to switch a case
to a different stage. While we may wish to customize the user interface later during the
development cycle, using the standard flow action allows us to quickly add this functionality to our
case while we create and review our process models.

1. Optional processes and flow actions are added to an entire case from the Details tab of the
Case Designer.
2. Optional processes and flow actions are added to an entire stage from the Stage
Configuration dialog. They are not typically configured as a step associated with a stage.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Create a new flow rule by clicking Actions > Create > Process > Flow as shown below.

a. Enter Withdraw Request in the Label field of the Create Dialog form. Click Create
and Open.
2. If necessary, change the assignment name to Withdraw Request. Open the assignment
properties panel and on the Local Actions tab, delete all local actions except AttachANote
and click OK. Open the properties panel for the connector located between the assignment
and the end shape and reference the standard Withdraw flow action. Add The request was
withdrawn to the audit note field. Delete the existing end shape and replace it with a
Change Stage smart shape. Configure the smart shape Utility tab to Select a stage and select
the Withdraw Request stage. Add an audit note Moved to Withdraw Request stage.

3. Return to the Case Designer, and click the Details tab. Locate the entry for case-wide
supporting processes, and click (Edit).

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4. Select the Withdraw Request flow you created in step 1, and click OK.

5. Return to the Stages & Process tab.

6. Open the Stage Configuration dialog for the Approval stage by clicking on the Stage and
choosing Configure stage behaviors. Add the standard flow action pyChangeStage as an
optional action. Do the same for the Pending Request Usage stage.

7. Save your changes to the case type design.

8. Create a Time Off case. Verify that Withdraw Request is available at all times from the
Other Actions menu, while the Change Stage action is available only during the Approval
and Pending Usage stages.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Module 06: Data Modeling

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Data Entity Design (no exercise)

Understanding a Pega Data Model

Assigning Values to Properties

Identifying Data Exchange Needs

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Defining Single-Value Data Elements

Now that we have created and reviewed our process model for the Time Off case type, we can begin
to develop our data model.
In discussions with HR and system architects, we have determined that the Time Off case type
should include a data object to represent the employee submitting the request. In addition, each
time-off case needs to include information about the type of request, the date of the request, and
the start date for the leave requested.
One of our system architects has pointed out to us that the HR Services application already provides
a data object that represents an employee, and that we can reuse and extend this data object for
time-off cases.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Use the following entity relationship diagram to create properties that model the Time Off and
Employee objects and their attributes.

Create specifications for the Create Request and Verify Accrued Time flow actions to indicate the
properties to include on each.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


1. When you choose to configure process detail for a stage, you are opening the process
outline for that stage.
2. You can create properties from the properties panel of an assignment.

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Time Off case in the Case Designer, and open the process outline for the
Submission stage.
2. Open the properties panel for the Create Request assignment, and click View Action
Specification. Enter the following description and save the specification.
The requestor provides the following information regarding their time-off request:
Type of Request: Text
Create Date/Time: DateTime
Start Date: Date
Employee ID: Text
First Name: Text
Last Name: Text
Department: Text
3. Click Add Fields. Use the Edit Fields dialog to add the three properties listed for the Time Off
case: Two will be new properties, Type of Request (Text), and Start Date (Date), and one
inherited property Create Date/Time (choose the standard property that applies to Work,
not @baseclass). Your results should be similar to the image below:

4. In the Edit Fields dialog, add a fourth line and add the existing Employee page property. This
results in multiple fields for employee data to automatically populate the Employee page.
5. Click Add field to page to add the Department field to the Employee page as a text
property. Remove the following fields, which are not needed for this case type: Date of

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Birth, Full Name, Full Time, Hire Date, Job Title, Marital Status, Salary, Taxing State. The
Edit Fields dialog should look similar to the image below.

6. Click OK and save your changes.

7. Open the properties panel for the Verify Accrued Time assignment, and create a
specification for the flow action, listing the need for user interface data fields: Accrual Rate
(as a decimal value), Allowed Time Off (as a decimal value), and Available Time Off (as a
decimal value).
8. Click Add Fields for the Verify Accrued Time action and add the Employee page property. Add
the following fields to the Employee page as properties all of type Decimal: Accrual Rate,
Allowed Time Off, and Available Time Off. Delete all of the other properties listed under
the Employee page. Click OK and save your changes.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


9. Create a time-off case. Advance through all of the steps in the Submission stage to verify
that all properties were created correctly.
Note: As you run through the process for your time-off case, you may notice that some of
the properties already utilize specific UI controls such as radio buttons or calendar icons.
These controls were specified automatically by PRPC, to match the property types you
selected when creating the properties. In the exercises for the User Interface lessons, we will
configure the remaining properties to use specific controls for display.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Defining Pages and Page Lists

Now that we have created and reviewed our process model for the Time Off case type, we can begin
to develop our data model.
In discussions with HR and system architects, we have determined that the Time Off case type
should include three data objects, one for each category of time-off request. Each data object should
contain the attributes specific to the type(s) of leave request it represents.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Use the following entity relationship diagram to create properties that model the Other Leave,
Extended Leave, and PTO Leave objects and their attributes.

Create specifications for the PTO Request, Extended Leave Request, and Other Leave Request flow
actions to indicate the properties to include on each.

1. You can create properties from the properties panel of an assignment.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Time Off case in the Case Designer, and open the process outline for the
Submission stage.
2. Open the properties panel for the PTO Request assignment, and click View Action
Specification. Enter the following description and save the specification.
The requestor provides the following information regarding their PTO request:
Date: Date
Hours: Decimal
All Day?: TrueFalse
3. Click Add Fields. Use the Edit Fields dialog to create a page list named PTO Leave, and the
three properties Date, Hours, and All Day? to this page list.

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4. Click OK and save your changes.

5. Open the properties panel for the Extended Leave Request assignment, and create a
specification for the flow action, listing the fields needed from the relationship diagram. Add
the following fields; a page property named Extended Leave, and on it create a property
named End Date of type Date and a property named Extended Leave Type of type Text.
Click OK and save your changes.

6. Open the properties panel for the Other Leave Request assignment. Create a specification
for the flow action, listing the properties and property types from the relationship diagram.
Add a page property named Other Leave, and on it create a property of type Integer
named Number of Days, and a property of type Text named Type of Bereavement. Click
OK and save your changes.
7. Create a time-off case. Advance through all of the steps in the Create Request stage to
verify that all properties were created correctly.
Note: As you run through the process for your time-off case, you may notice that some of
the properties already utilize specific UI controls. These controls were specified
automatically by PRPC, to match the property types you selected when creating the
properties. In the exercises for the User Interface lessons, we will configure the remaining
properties to use specific controls for display.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Calculate a Property Value

Unlike other types of leave that employees can request, paid time off (PTO) is accrued and tracked
on a monthly basis. To ensure that employees do not use more PTO than they are allowed under
company policy, HR must verify that each PTO request does not exceed the employees allowed PTO
To reduce the chance of an incorrect approval or rejection for a time-off request, the HR department
has asked that the PTO for each request be totaled automatically, rather than manually, so that it
may be verified against the employees allowed balance.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a property named Total PTO for the PTO Dates flow action, to store decimal values.
Create a declare expressions rule named Total PTO to sum the hours of PTO entered on the PTO
Dates flow action.

1. To create a declare expressions rule, first create the target property (the property for which
you want to set the value), and then create the declare expressions rule.
2. To total a set of values in a page list, select the Sum of function.

3. When summing properties in a page list, first specify the page list, then specify the property.
4. When you iterate over the elements of a page list such as to sum properties on the page
list do not specify an index value. Instead, leave the index blank. The property reference
should be of the form .PageList().Property.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Open the PTO Request step in the process outline.
2. Click the Add field link (bottom left of dialog) to add a field named Total PTO of type Decimal
to the PTO Request flow action do not add field to page list PTO Leave.
3. Enable the Calculated option for the Total PTO property, and click Define Calculation.
Note: This method automatically creates the Declare Expression rule for the property and
the Edit Declare Expression rule dialog is now opened for editing.

4. Select Sum of in the drop-down field to the right of the text Set Total PTO =. In the field to
the right of the drop-down list, delete the text .pyLabel and select .PTOLeave().Hours.

Save and close the declare expressions rule. Return to the process outline and click OK to
dismiss the Edit Fields dialog. Save the case design.
5. Create a new PTO request. On the PTO Dates form, enter values in the Hours column,
adding rows as needed. Each time you exit the Hours field, verify that the value for Total
PTO is calculating, similar to the image below.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Add Integration Instructions to a Specification

After reviewing the proposed business process for time-off requests with HR, we have identified the
following integration needs:
The Create Request assignment should query the employee database with the employee ID
of the requestor, to return their name, department, and manager. This information can then
inform the approvals process to determine the appropriate business unit VP if the request
requires their approval.
The Verify Accrued Time step should query the employee database with the employee ID of
the requestor, to return their current PTO balance and accrual rate. This information should
be used to verify that PTO requests do not exceed the employees available PTO balance at
the time of the leave, in accordance with company policy.
In addition, IT has determined that all of the employee information being queried comes from the
same database table, and can therefore be combined into one query. One of our system architects
has suggested that the query for the requestors current PTO balance and accrual rate be combined
with the query already performed during the Create Request step.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

1. To withdraw a specification, open the specification and change the status to Withdrawn.

Update the case design to reflect the process improvements identified in the scenario:

Withdraw the Verify Accrued Time specification.

Delete the Verify Accrued Time step.

Update the specification for the Create Request assignment (not the entire flow) to include the
details of the database query: based on the employee ID provided, the query should return the
corresponding first and last name, department, manager, current PTO balance, and current PTO
accrual rate.

Note: Remember that our focus as a BA is to gather information and incorporate it into the
application design. When documenting an integration need, we want to capture the intent of that
integration, and accurately reflect that intent in our requirements and specifications. The technical
details of the integration are generally elaborated upon by system architects and IT representatives.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Time Off case in the Case Designer, if necessary, and click on the Specifications
2. Open the Verify Accrued Time specification. Change the status to Withdrawn. Click OK to
close the specification.
3. Return to the Stages & Processes tab.
4. Hover over the Verify Accrued Time step. Open the drop-down menu for the step and
select Delete this step. Save your case design.

Update the complexity of the Create Request assignment specification to Medium and
update the description to read:
Create the time-off request. The requestor should specify the starting date for their leave
request, the type of leave requested, and their employee ID. Upon entering the
employee ID, the system queries the employee database for the employees first and last
name, department, manager, current PTO balance, and current PTO accrual rate.
After completing this step, the case advances to the step that corresponds to the type of
leave selected:

Vacation/PTO: PTO Request.

Family Leave: Extended Leave Request.

Sabbatical: Extended Leave Request.

Bereavement: Other Leave Request.

5. Add the VerifyAllowedPTO requirement to the Create Request flow action specification,
and increase the complexity to Medium.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Note: Use the technique you learned in the exercise, Defining Specifications for Case Steps.

6. Save the case.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Module 07: UI Modeling

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Principles of UI Modeling

Creating and Updating UI Drafts

Ensuring Valid Application Data

Ensuring Consistent Application Branding (no exercise)

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Designing an Intent-Driven UI Starting with

When we created properties for our application, PRPC automatically created sections and flow
actions to display them. These initial UIs allowed us to review the data needs for each step and reconfirm our sequence of steps.
We have since reviewed these UIs with HR, and suggested that we incorporate various controls into
each UI to guide user input. We have also suggested that some values be determined automatically,
and that some fields be marked read-only so as to not allow end users to overwrite critical
information. HR has reviewed and accepted our suggestions, and we now need to update our UI
specifications so that business and system architects can implement these UI designs.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create specifications to document the UI for the Change Request, PTO Request, Extended Leave
Request, Other Leave Request, and Verify Accrued Time flow actions, using the following UI

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


1. Specifications that describe the UI presented to the user at an assignment should be
associated with a specific action (flow action).

Follow the steps below:
1. Update the specification for the Change Request flow action (not the entire flow) with the
following changes to reflect the use of controls to guide user input, then save the
The requestor provides the following information for their time-off request:
Type of Request: Text, drop-down list (allowed values: Vacation/PTO, Family/Medical
Leave, Sabbatical, Bereavement)
Date of Request: Date, read-only, automatically calculated
Start Date: Date, calendar
Employee ID: Text
First Name: Text, read-only
Last Name: Text, read-only
Department: Text, read-only
Accrual Rate: Decimal, read-only
Allowed Time Off: Decimal, read-only
Available Time Off: Decimal, read-only
2. Update the specification for the PTO Request flow action following changes to reflect the
use of controls to guide user input, then save the specification.
The requestor provides the following information for their PTO request:
Date: Date, calendar
Hours: Decimal, read-only and automatically calculated (8) if All Day? check box is
All Day?: TrueFalse, check box
The requestor can add as many days as needed to document their leave.
3. Update the specification for the Extended Leave Request flow action following changes to
reflect the use of controls to guide user input, then save the specification.
The requestor provides the following information for their extended leave request:
End Date: Date, calendar
Extended Leave Type: Text, drop-down list (allowed values: Family/Medical Leave,

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4. Update the specification for the Other Leave Request flow action following changes to
reflect the use of controls to guide user input, then save the specification.
The requestor provides the following information for their bereavement request:
Number of Days: Integer, radio buttons (allowed choices: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Type of Bereavement: Text, drop-down list (allowed choices: Extended Family,
Immediate Family)

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Modify a Draft UI

Now that we have created draft UIs for all of the human-performed steps in our application, we can
review these draft UIs with the HR department to receive feedback on the design and functions of
the forms used in our application.
Our DCO sessions with HR have provided us with some initial design guidance for two of our
application UIs: the Create Request flow action and the Change Request flow action.

Create Request
The fields in the Employee layout should eventually be read-only, and automatically populate once
the employee provides their ID. The information about the employee their first and last name,
department, and manager, should be laid out in two columns. The employees time-off balances
should be laid out in three columns.

Change Request
The Change Request form should consist of four reused layouts: the top layout from the Create
Request step, followed by the PTO Request, Extended Leave Request, and Other Leave Request

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Using the information provided in the scenario, update the specification for the Create Request
assignment and create a specification for the Change Request assignment.
Configure the user interface for the Create Request assignment:

Move the Employee ID field to the top layout.

Move the Accrual Rate, Allowed Time Off, and Available Time Off fields to a three-column layout.

Configure the remainder of the Employee layout into two columns.

Configure the user interface for the Change Request assignment:

Reuse the top layout from the Create Request step.

Reuse the PTO Request, Extended Leave Request, and Other Leave Request sections.

Note: Once you edit a section rule directly, you can no longer use the Add fields or View/Edit fields
feature of the properties panel to add additional properties. That feature will disappear from the
panel. Instead you must add them to the section rule.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


1. Each layout can only incorporate one layout type.
2. To reuse a layout, click the Save as Section icon on the section header.

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Create Request and Change Request assignment specifications, and update the
description for each with information from the Scenario and Approach.
2. Open the Create Request section by clicking Open Section in the Edit Case Type form. Note
two layouts exist.
3. Add the Employee ID property to the top layout, and export the top layout to a new section
rule named Request Details.
a. Click App Explorer
b. Expand SAE-HRServices-Work

Expand Data Model

d. Expand Employee

Using the property icon, click and drag the property into the dynamic layout below
the Start Date field.


Confirm the .Employee page by selecting the radio button and click OK

g. To save the layout as a section, click the layout header and then click the Save as
Section icon (looks like a check within a circle)
h. Name the new section by placing RequestDetails (one word) in Purpose.

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4. Save and close the section.

5. Find and open the CreateRequest_Employee section by using Search.
6. Using the layout palette, drag a second dynamic layout to the section.

7. Drag the Accrual Rate, Allowed Time Off, and Available Time Off fields from Employee to
the new layout. Using the layouts property panel
change the layout type to Inline Grid
Triple, and change the layout type of the first layout to Inline Grid Double. Add a label to
identify each layout.

8. Save the section.

9. Create the Change Request flow action and Section from the process outline. Click on add
fields and add Employee. Remove all the fields except Full Name and Employee ID. Mark
those fields as read only. Open the Change Request section. Add a section include for each

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


of the following layouts: Request Details, PTO Request, Extended Leave Request, and
Other Leave Request. The easiest way is to drag and drop each section from the
application explorer into the Change Request section.Save the section.
10. Create a new time off case, and verify your UI changes. Check to make sure all sections are

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Validate End User Data

In order to process time-off requests more efficiently, HR needs to ensure that requests entered by
employees contain all of the necessary information to avoid errors when processing the request. HR
has provided us with a list of fields on various forms that require data validation, and we must
review the list and determine an appropriate validation approach for each one.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Configure the Create Request form with the following changes:
Mark the Type of Request, Start Date, and Employee ID fields as required.

Present the Type of Request field as a drop-down list with the following choices:
Vacation/PTO, Family/Medical Leave, Sabbatical, and Bereavement.

Configure the Other Request form with the following changes:

Present the Number of Days field as a set of radio buttons numbered 1 through 4.

Present the Type of Bereavement field as a drop-down list with two choices: Immediate
Family and Extended Family.

Add a Validate rule to limit requests to two days when the deceased is a member of the
employees extended family. Configure the condition to display the message Bereavement
leave for a member of your extended family is limited to two days.

Update the description of each specification as appropriate. In addition, update the status of the
Other Request specification to Complete afterward.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


1. To set a field as required, either open the section rule containing the field and use the
properties panel for the field to enable the Required option, or use the View/Edit Fields
dialog from the Case Designer and enable the Required option.

2. To configure a set of radio buttons, use the pxRadioButtons control on the property form, or
configure the cell in the section rule.

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Create Request specification (not the CreateRequest_EntireFlow specification),
and update the description to include the required fields.
2. Mark the Type of Request, Start Date, and Employee ID fields as required. In the Stage
Designer click Configure process detail and open section Create Request. Open the cell
properties form by clicking the view properties icon
. Check required.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


3. Open the Type of Request property form by clicking on the magnifying glass that can be
seen when you are in the Cell Properties form. Change the UI Control found by expanding
Display and Validation to pxDropdown, and select Local List from the Table Type dropdown list. Ensure that the first entry in the list is blank, and then add the four choices
requested by HR.

4. Preview the Create Request form, and verify your changes.

5. Use search to find the Number of Days (no spaces) and open the property form. Configure
the property to display as a set of radio buttons numbered 1-4.

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6. Open the Type of Bereavement property form. Configure the property to display as a dropdown list with the two choices specified by HR.

7. Open the Other Leave Request flow action. Click the Validation tab. In the Validate Rule
field, enter VerifyAllowedBereavement and create the validate rule by clicking the Open icon
(it looks like a magnifying glass).
Note: The Open icon will attempt to open the referenced rule. When it does not exist, the
architect is presented with the create rule dialog.
8. In the Property field, select .OtherLeave.NumberOfDays, and then click Add to add a
9. In the Validation Conditions dialog, select the [first String] [relation] [Second String]
function. Configure the condition to verify that the Type of Bereavement property
.OtherLeave.TypeofBereavement equals Extended Family. Be sure that Extended
Family is in double quotes as it is a literal value.
10. Create a second condition and configure the condition to test if the Number of Days
property .OtherLeave.NumberOfDays is greater than 2. Verify that the conditions are
combined with a boolean AND as illustrated in the following image:

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11. In the Message field, enter BereavementTooLong and create the message rule. In the
Message field, enter Bereavement leave for a member of your extended family is
limited to two days.

12. Save the Bereavement Too Long message rule, the Verify Allowed Bereavement validate
rule, and the Other Request flow action.
13. Create a new Time Off case, and request bereavement leave. Advance to the Other Request
form, and verify your changes.

14. Return to the Other Request specification, and update its status to Complete.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Module 08: Automating Business Policies

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Types of Business Policies (no exercise)

Automating Business Decisions

Defining Response-Time Expectations

Routing Assignments to Users

Communicating Correspondence Needs

Putting Business Policies under Business Control

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Add Conditions to Case Steps

When we discussed the Time Off case type with the HR department, we decided to model the case
with several conditional steps.

PTO Request run only when the requestor elects to use PTO or vacation time.

Extended Leave Request run only when the requestor requests family/medical leave or a

Other Leave Request run only when the requestor needs to request bereavement leave.

Notify Requestor of Approval occurs only after the request is approved by both the
manager and HR.

For the Time Off case to work properly, we must identify conditions that determine when these
steps should be incorporated into the overall case process for each request. In addition, we also
need to configure each step to evaluate the appropriate condition, and only perform each step
when appropriate.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create two single-value properties of type TrueFalse, named HR Approved and Manager Approved.
Configure the HR Approval and Manager Approval flow rules to set the appropriate property to true
when the request has been approved.
Using the following table, create each of the listed When rules using the conditions provided and
add each When rule to the corresponding case step.
When rule

PTO Request
Other Leave Request
Extended Leave Request


Notify Requestor of Approval

Type Of Request = "Vacation/PTO"
Type Of Request = "Bereavement"
Type Of Request = "Family/Medical Leave" OR
Type Of Request = Sabbatical
Manager Approved = true AND
HR Approved = true

Add the IsPTO, IsOtherLeave, and IsExtendedLeave conditions to the corresponding section includes
in the Change Request section.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


1. You can set a property to a specific value using the Set Properties tab of the properties panel
for a connector.
2. As a best practice, when string values are used in decision processing (input conditions or
output results) literal values should be placed between double quotation marks. Example:

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Step Configuration dialog for the PTO Request step. In the and when field, enter
IsPTO and click the magnifying glass icon to create the When rule.

2. In the Label field, enter Is PTO and click Create and open.
3. Double-click the text [Double click to add condition]. In the Condition dialog, select
TypeOfRequest in the left field, and enter Vacation/PTO in the right field.

4. Click OK, then save and close the When rule.

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for the Other Leave Request and Extended Leave Request steps, using
the information provided in the table located in the Approach section of this exercise.
Hint: You will need a minimum of two conditions before you will see AND click AND to
switch to OR.

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6. Open the Change Request section. Open the properties panel for each of the PTO Request,
Extended Leave Request, and Other Leave Request section includes, and add the
corresponding condition to the layout as a Visibility condition.

7. Create two properties of type TrueFalse, named Manager Approved and HR Approved.
8. Open the Manager Approval flow.
9. Open the Connector Properties dialog for the No connector on the Requires VP Approval
decision, and click the Set Properties tab.
10. In the Name field, select ManagerApproved, and in the Value field, enter true. When you
finish, click OK.

11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 to set the value of the .ManagerApproved property to true on the
Approve connector leading from the VP Approval assignment. Save and close the flow.

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12. Open the HR Approval flow and repeat steps 8-11 to set the .HRApproved property on the
Approved and No connectors, as shown in the following screenshot.

13. Open the Step Configuration dialog for the Notify Requestor of Approval step. In the and
when field, enter IsApproved, and create the When rule.
14. Configure the default condition to read .ManagerApproved = true.
15. Open the Actions menu and select Insert Condition. Create the second condition,
.HRApproved = true, and click OK. Verify that the two conditions are related with a Boolean
AND operator.

16. Return to the Case Designer, click OK to dismiss the Stage Configuration dialog, and save the

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Create a Decision Table

According to our requirements, each time-off request needs to be approved by HR. In addition
certain time-off requests require additional approval by the VP of HR: requests for sabbaticals,
family or medical leave. To expedite the approvals process, HR would like the requests that require
VP approval to automatically be assigned to the VP of HR once the requestors manager approves
the request.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a specification for the Requires HR VP Approval decision, using the information provided in
the Scenario.
Configure a decision table named Requires HR VP Approval, to return a Yes result for any of the
following types of time-off requests.


Family leave

Medical leave

1. When creating a decision rule from the properties panel of a decision shape, the type of the
rule created (decision table, decision tree, etc.) depends upon the Type selection.

2. The otherwise row should always be used to return the safest result generally, the mostconservative result. When determining whether approval by the VP of HR is required, the
more-conservative result is to require extra approval.
3. Place all literal values within double-quotes (best practice). Examples: Sabbatical and
Family/Medical Leave.

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4. The Open icon (looks like a magnifying glass) when clicked will search for the identified rule
and if not found you are presented with the option to create that rule.

Follow the steps below:
1. Create a specification named Requires HR VP Approval. Change the Type to Decision, and
set the Complexity to Low. Associate the specification with the appropriate requirement
and business objective, and enter a description based upon the scenario provided.
2. Open the HR Approval flow. And open the properties panel for the Requires HR VP
Approval decision. Select the specification you just created, and set the Type to Decision
3. Enter RequiresHRVPApproval in the Rule field. Create the Requires HR VP Approval
decision table by clicking the Open icon. Click the Conditions column header and select the
Type Of Request property (.TypeofRequest) and click Save to close. Click in the empty cell
and using the Insert Row After icon, add 3 rows for a total of 4 rows. Complete steps 4 and 5
using the image in step 6 as a guide. Be sure all entries are literal values (in double quotes).

4. Add conditions to return a Yes result for Sabbatical and Family/Medical Leave requests.
5. Add conditions to return a No result for Bereavement and Vacation/PTO requests.
6. Configure the otherwise result to return Yes. Save the decision table.

7. Save the HR Approval flow. Create a Time Off case, and select the type of the request.
Advance the case to the HR Approval step and verify that the HR VP Approval assignment
is skipped according to the decision logic.

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8. Re-open the Requires HR VP Approval specification and update its status to Completed.

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Exercise: Create a Decision Tree

According to our requirements, each time-off request needs to be approved by the requestors
manager. In addition certain time-off requests require additional approval by the VP for the
requestors business unit: requests for sabbaticals, family or medical leave, and vacations/PTO. To
expedite the approvals process, HR would like the requests that require VP approval to
automatically be assigned to the requestors VP once the requestors manager approves the request.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a specification for the Requires VP Approval decision, using the information provided in the
Configure a decision tree named Requires VP Approval, to return a Yes result for any of the following
types of time-off requests.


Family leave

Medical leave



1. When creating a decision rule from the properties panel of a decision shape, the type of the
rule created (decision table, decision tree, etc.) depends upon the Type selection.

2. The otherwise row should always be used to return the safest result generally, the mostconservative result. When determining whether approval by the requestors VP is required,
the more-conservative result is to require extra approval.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Create a specification named Requires VP Approval. Change the Type to Decision, and set
the Complexity to Low. Associate the specification with the appropriate requirement and
business objective, and enter a description based upon the scenario provided.
2. Find and Open the Manager Approval flow. Open the properties panel for the Requires VP
Approval decision. Using the Specification Actions link, locate the specification you just
created and link it. Set the Type field to Decision Tree.
3. Create the Requires VP Approval decision tree. Name the Decision Tree RequiresVPApproval
and click the Open icon to create.
4. Add conditions to return a Yes result for Sabbatical, Family/Medical Leave, and
Vacation/PTO requests. Be sure all literal entries are placed in double-quotes.
5. Add a condition to return a No result for Bereavement requests.
6. Configure the otherwise result to return Yes. Save the decision tree.

7. Save the Manager Approval flow. Create a Time Off case, and select the type of the request.
Advance the case to the Manager Approval step and verify that the VP Approval
assignment is skipped according to the decision logic.
8. Reopen the Requires VP Approval specification and update its status to Complete.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Challenge Exercise: Use a When Rule to Process UI Events

To simplify the process of requesting PTO leave, end users can elect to request an entire days worth
of leave, rather than entering 8 hours for each day. To ensure that PTO requests are created
properly, HR has requested that selecting this option automatically set the request for the
corresponding day to 8 hours. When this option is enabled, the end user should not be able to
modify the number of hours requested for the corresponding day.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a When rule named IsAllDay to test if the All Day property has been set to true.
Update the Hours field on the PTO Leave section to display as read-only when the When rule returns
a true result.
Create a data transform named AllDay to set the value of the Hours property to 8 when the When
rule returns a true result.
Create an On change event for the All Day? checkbox on the PTO Leave section. This event should
refresh the section and run the AllDay data transform.
Note: While data transforms are typically a system architect responsibility, they are a valuable tool
for reinforcing the concept of page context when referring to properties in PRPC applications. For
this exercise, you will create a simple data transform

1. To set a field to display as read-only, select the appropriate editing options on the
Presentation tab of the properties panel for the field.
2. To configure an event for a UI control, open the Actions tab of the properties panel for the

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3. To run a data transform in response to an event, select Refresh this section in the Action
drop-down, then select the Run data transform option and enter the data transform to run.

4. When creating a data transform to set a property value only when a When rule returns a
true result, first select the When action and specify the When rule to evaluate. Then, use the
child action row that appears to set the property value accordingly.

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the PTO Leave section.
2. Select the Hours field. Open the properties panel, and click the Presentation tab. From the
Edit Options drop-down list, select Read only (when rule). In the field that appears to the
right of the drop-down list, enter IsAllDay and click the magnifying glass icon to create the
when rule.

3. Enter Is All Day in the Label field and click Create and open.

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4. Double-click the text [Double click to add condition] to create the when condition. In the
first field, select the All Day? property. In the second field, enter true. Verify that the
operator used to compare the two values is the equals sign. Click OK to create the condition,
and save the rule.

5. Select the All Day? check box. Open the properties panel and click the Actions tab. From the
Event drop-down list, select On change. From the Action drop-down list that appears,
select Refresh this section. Enable the Run data transform option and enter AllDay, then
click the magnifying glass icon to create the data transform.

6. Enter All Day in the Label field and click Create and open.
7. From the Action drop-down list, select When. In the Target field to the right of the dropdown list, select the IsAllDay when rule.

8. In the child row, select the Hours property in the Target field, and enter 8 in the source field.
Save the data transform.

9. Return to the PTO Leave section. Click OK to dismiss the properties panel, and save the

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10. Create a new PTO request. On the PTO Leave form, verify that clicking the All Day? check
box for a row automatically enters an 8 into the corresponding Hours field, and displays the
field as read-only.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Con
nfigure a Service Level
One of th
he business objectives
forr the Time Offf case is to re
educe the tim
me required to approve ttimeoff reque
ests from thre
ee weeks to one.
The app
provals proce
ess consists o
of up to four manual step
and three
e automated steps. The HR
H department has issued
d guidelines for the manu
ual steps in the
approvalss process. Th
he HR department and ind
dividual man
nagers should
d approve tim
me-off reque
within on
ne business day,
with a go
oal of approv
ving requestss within four hours. VPs should approve
any reque
ests sent to them
within two
businesss days, with a goal of app
proving reque
ests within on
business day.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAE


word: passw

1. Remember that the goal and deadline intervals botth begin whe
en the assignment is read
dy for
a user to perfo
orm it.

Update th
he specificatiions for the Manager
proval and H R Approval p
processes witth the respon
time guid
delines established by HR.
e service leve
el rules for th
he Manager Approval,
R Approval, VP
P Approval, a
and HR VP
Approval assignmentss, using the information provided
in t he scenario.

Follow the steps below
the speccification for each of the following
asssignments: M
1. Open
VP Approva
al, and HR VP
P Approval. U
Update the d
description fo
or each
pecification with
w the resp
ponse time gu
uidelines esta
ablished by H
2. Open
the Man
nager Appro
oval flow, and
d open the p
properties pa
anel for the M
assignment. In the
t Service Level
field, en
nter Manage
erApproves and create the
ervice level rule.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


3. In the Goal section, enter 4 into the HH field, and select Business Days. In the Deadline
section, enter 1 into the Days field, and select Business Days.

4. Create an identical service level rule named HR Approves. Hint: Save As.
5. Create a service level rule named VP Approves, with a goal of one business day and a
deadline of two business days. Add the service level to the VP Approval assignment in the
Manager Approval flow and HR VP Approval assignment in the HR Approval flow.
6. Create a Time Off case and advance it to the Approval stage. Verify that each of the open
approval assignments now displays a deadline interval. (The screenshot below is sample.
Your results may be slightly different.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Route Assignments

Now that we have defined all of the processing steps for our Time Off case and created the user
interfaces that allow end users to create time-off requests, we can configure our processes so that
each request can be approved by the correct party. HR has provided us with a list of unit VPs and
the departments that they oversee. In addition, IT has provided us with the following configuration
information from PRPC to help us route cases appropriately.

Each end user is assigned to a workgroup, which identifies the manager for the group.

A workbasket has already been configured for the HR department.

The VP of HR is identified as the cost-center manager for HR.

HR also wants us to implement an automated router that allows the requestor to update request.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Configure the Update Request flow to automatically route the Change Request assignment back to
the requestor, using the ToCreateOperator router.
Configure the HR Approval flow to automatically route the HR Approval assignment to the HR@SAE
workbasket, using the ToWorkbasket router.
Configure the HR Approval flow to automatically route the HR VP Approval assignment to the VP of
HR, using the ToCostCenterManager router.
Configure the Manager Approval flow to automatically route the Manager Approval assignment to
the requestors manager, using the ToWorkgroupManager router.
Configure a decision table named VP Routing Table to return an operator ID for each department,
using the information in the following table. Configure the Manager Approval flow to automatically
route the VP Approval assignment to the appropriate unit VP, using the ToDecisionTable router and
the VP Routing Table decision table you create.

All other departments

2014 Pegasystems Inc.

Unit VP


Note: We are using out-of-the-box routing rules and hard coding the names which is not a best
practice. We are doing this to test routing without adding the complexity of lookups. When hard
coding the names, they must be surrounded by quotes because they are literal values.

1. To route an assignment to a workbasket, you must configure the assignment type as
2. To route an assignment using a decision table, select the ToDecisionTable router, and enter
the name of the decision table in the DecisionTable field.

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Change Request flow, and open the properties panel for the Change Request
assignment. In the Router field, select ToCreateOperator.
2. Open the HR Approval flow, and open the properties panel for the HR Approval
assignment. Select Workbasket from the Assignment type drop-down list. In the Router
field, To WorkBasket for the router and select HR@SAE for the workbasket. .
3. In the HR Approval flow, open the properties panel for the (HR) VP Approval assignment. In
the Router field, select ToCostCenterManager.
4. Open the Manager Approval flow, and open the properties panel for the Manager
Approval assignment. In the Router field, select ToWorkgroupManager.
5. In the Manager Approval flow, open the properties panel for the VP Approval assignment.
In the Router field, select ToDecisionTable. The DecisionTable field should automatically
appear below the Router field.

6. In the DecisionTable field, enter VPRoutingTable and create the decision table.

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7. Create a new time off request, and verify that the request is routed to the correct parties,
using the following table as a guide.
Manager Approval
VP Approval
HR Approval
HR VP Approval
Change Request

Manager@SAE (operator)
Determined from the table in the approach
HR@SAE (workbasket)

Important Note: Do not forget to enter a value for the department field when testing. This field is
case sensitive, so if you are typing it in make sure the case is correct.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Sen
nd an Au
ed Email to a Work Partty
To ensure
e that requesstors are nottified of the status
of thei r time-off req
quests, HR has requested
d that
we config
gure our case
e to send an email to the requestor w
when their req
quest has been approved
d or

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAE


word: passw

Create a corresponde
ence rule nam
med RequestApproved, w
which contain
ns the following text.
Your request <<py
yID>> for <<T
est>> has be en approved
ence rule nam
med RequestDenied.
Create a corresponde
Your request <<py
yID>> for <<T
est>> has be en rejected.
e the Notify Requestor
off Approval sm
mart shape to
o send the Re
correspondence rule to the Owner party. Create a specifica
ation for thiss shape to de
escribe the
e the Notify Requestor
off Rejection sm
mart shape to
o send the Re
correspondence rule to the Owner party. Create a specifica
ation for thiss shape to de
escribe the
Note: The
e Correspondence rule fo
orm is suppo
orted by Interrnet Explorerr only.

1. The Owner wo
ork party corrresponds to the user wh o created the
e case.
e is set when creating a co
nce rule.
2. The Correspondence Type

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


3. Click the Add Property toolbar button to add a reference to a PRPC property.

4. Once you implement the correspondence rule, verify that all relevant information has been
added to the specification, then mark the specification as completed.
5. Reminder: Correspondence templates must be configured using Internet Explorer.

Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Notify Requestor of Approval flow rule.
2. Open the properties panel for the Notify Requestor of Approval smart shape. Enter a
description of the email to send and relate this to the appropriate specification.

3. Select Party, then select the Owner party and enter a subject for the email.

4. Select Correspondence. In the Correspondence template field, enter RequestApproved

and create the correspondence rule.

5. In the Label field, enter Request Approved. In the Correspondence Type field, select
Email. Click Create and open.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


6. Click the Corr tab. In the rich-text editor, enter the text Your request pyID for
TypeOfRequest has been approved. Select the text pyID and click the Add Property button
on the toolbar to add a reference to the .pyID property, which stores the ID number for
a case. Repeat this process to add a reference to the .TypeOfRequest property. Add spaces
to the message as needed.

7. Save and close the rule form. Return to the flow, click OK to dismiss the properties panel,
and save the flow.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 to add a message to the Notify Requestor of Rejection flow.
9. Create a new Time Off request and run through the process to verify that emails are sent
when a request is either approved or rejected.
10. Open the Notify Requestor of Approval specification. Change the Type to
Correspondence and set the Complexity to Low. Make sure the business objective Reduce
time needed for time-off approvals from three weeks to one and the requirement
Notify Requestor of Status are there. Change the Status to Complete, then click OK.

11. Repeat step 10 for the Notify Requestor of Rejection specification.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Sen
nd a Nottification
n from a
an Assig
To ensure
e that time-o
off requests are
a processed
d as quickly a
as possible, H
HR has reque
ested that ou
on automaticcally notify managers
d other appro
overs when a request awa
aits their revview.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAE


word: passw

Create a corresponde
ence rule nam
med AwaitsRe
eview, which
h contains the
e following te
Time Off request <<pyID>> has been assigned to you fo
or review.
e the Manage
er Approval, HR Approvall, VP Approva
al, and HR VP
P Approval asssignments to
send the AwaitsReview
w correspondence rule to
o the assigne
ed party. Upd
date the speccifications for
these asssignments to describe the
e notification that should be sent.
Note: The
e Correspondence rule fo
orm is suppo
orted by Interrnet Explorerr only.

1. The NotifyAssignee correspondence acctivity autom
matically send
ds an assignm
ment notificattion
o the user to whom the assignment has been routted.
2. The Correspondence Type
e is set when creating a co
nce rule.

olbar button to
t add a refe
erence to a PRPC propertyy.
3. Click the Add Property too
nfigured usin
ng Internet Ex
4. Reminder: Correspondencce templates must be con

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Manager Approval flow rule.
2. Open the properties panel for the Manager Approval assignment. Update the specification
for the assignment with a description of the email to send, then click the Notification tab.
3. In the Notify field, select the NotifyAssignee notification activity.
4. In the Subject field, enter A time-off request awaits your review. In the CorrName field,
enter AwaitsReview, and create the correspondence rule.

5. Use the rich-text editor to enter the notification text Time Off request <<pyID>> has been
assigned to you for review. Use the Add Property button on the toolbar to add the
reference to the .pyID property.

6. Save and close the correspondence rule. Return to the Manager Approval flow, and click OK
to dismiss the properties panel.
7. Open the properties panel for the VP Approval assignment. Update the specification for the
assignment, and configure the assignment to send the AwaitsReview notification to the
assigned user. Save the flow.
8. Open the HR Approval flow, and use the properties panel for the HR Approval and HR VP
Approval assignments to configure each to send the AwaitsReview notification to the
assigned user. Save the flow.
9. Create a new Time Off request and run through the process to verify that emails are sent
when a request is either approved or rejected.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Dellegate a Decisio

on Rule
y, certain time
e-off requestts must be ap
pproved not only by the rrequestors m
manager, butt also
by their business
unitt VP. When we
w began our project, the position of vvice-presiden
nt for marketing
was unfilled, and resp
ponsibility forr approving requests
m this departtment tempo
orarily fell to the
VP of HR, George Mich
Now thatt the position
n has been filled, authority
y for time-offf requests frrom employe
ees in the
marketing departmen
nt should be re-assigned to
t the new V
VP of Marketing, Tina Turn
ner. In additio
HR also wants
to ensu
ure that it can
n update the
ese unit VPs i n the event o
of departures and
reorganizzation, without needing to
o re-release the
t entire ap
To addresss these two issues, the VP
V of HR has requested th
hat at least o
one member of the HR
ent be grante
ed authorizattion to updatte these policcies after the
e application goes live.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAE


word: passw

Delegate the VP Routiing Table deccision table to
o Hilary Redm
mond (Hilaryy.Redmond@
Log in as Hilary Redmond and upd
date the VP Routing
e to add the M
Marketing de
epartment, w
the appro
oval authority
y assigned to
Note: Forr this exercise, the ruleset Delegation:02-02-01 ha s been set up for the DelegationArchitect
operator.. The VP Routting Table de
ecision table should be co
opied to this production rruleset, and tthen
Note: Remember, the
e proper implementation of a delegat ion strategy requires the assistance o
of a
system ad
dministrator and system architect to create
the ne
ecessary rule
esets and acccess control
mechanissms. You wou
uld generally
y be documenting the info
ormation so the delegatio
on can be bu

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


1. The appropriate delegation strategy must be configured in the system by a senior system
architect or an administrator prior to delegation of rules.
2. Copy the VPRoutingTable decision table to the Delegation:02-02-01 ruleset. To do so, select
the Production Rulesets app layer when creating the new decision table.

3. Be sure to delegate the decision rule in the Delegation:02-02-01 ruleset.

4. To add a favorite for a specific user, select Other User Personal in the Add To drop-down list,
then select the desired user.

5. To create a favorite for a rule, use the Actions menu on the rule form.
6. To access a favorite as a user, select My Rules from the Operator menu.
7. To ensure that the results of the decision table are read correctly, enclose each one in

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Before you begin this exercise, the system must be set up to use the ruleset that will contain the
delegated rule. Again, this is something that is usually done by a Senior System Architect (SSA) or an
administrator. For this exercise, edit the Time-Off class definition, by following the steps below:
1. Using the App Explorer, right-click Time Off and choose Definition. The Edit Class: Time Off
definition appears.
2. Click on the Advanced tab of the class form, scroll down and add Delegation to the RULESET
list. Be sure to Save. We can now add copies of this rule to the Delegation RuleSet

Now follow the steps below:

1. Confirm that the VP Approval Assignment in the ManagerApproval flow was appropriately
configured earlier when you did the Route Assignments Exercise.

2. Copy the VPRoutingTable decision table to the Delegation:02-02-01 ruleset by finding the
rule and clicking Save As. In the CONTEXT area be sure to select the radio button for
Production Rulesets.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


3. Open the new version of VPRoutingTable. Confirm you have the correct instance from the
Delegation ruleset using the image below:

5. From the Actions menu, select Add to favorites.

6. From the Add to drop-down list, select Other User Personal. In the User Identifier field,
select Click OK.

7. Log out, and log in as, with the password rules.

8. From the Operator menu, select My Rules. Expand the My Business Rules category, and then
click the link for the VP Routing Table decision table.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


9. Add a row to the table for the Marketing department, and assign responsibility for time-off
approvals to


2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Module 09: Reporting

This lesson group includes the following lessons:

Reporting Overview

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Exercise: Create and Populate a Report Category

Now that our application can create, process, and resolve time-off cases, HR wants to be able to
ensure that our application satisfies its business objectives, which are:

Reduce time needed for time-off approvals from three weeks to one

Eliminate processing delays due to incorrect routing of requests

Enforce company policies regarding allowed time off

They have asked us to identify or create any reports to verify that our objectives are satisfied, and
add them to a dedicated report category.

Role: Business Architect

User Name: BAEArchitect

Password: password

Create a new public report category called HR Reports.
Customize the Timeliness of Resolved Items By Operator report so that the report does not filter on
a specific workgroup, and save the modified report to the HR Reports category.

1. The Timeliness of Resolved Items By Operator is found in the Monitor Assignments category.
2. To edit a filter condition, click on the filter in the Report Viewer.
3. To avoid filtering on a specific workgroup, set the filter to Is Not Null.

4. To save an edited report to a new category, click Save As in the report header and specify
the category to which you want to save the report.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


Follow the steps below:
1. Open the Report Browser from Designer Studio by clicking Reporting > Access > Report
2. Create a new public report category called HR Reports. To do so, click on Create Category in
the upper right hand corner of the Report Browser. Use the name HR Reports and ensure
the Category Type selected is Public.
Note: After typing HR Reports into the category name field, HRReports will automatically be
concatenated when you tab out of the field. This is expected as rule names must be oneword names.
3. Open the Monitor Assignments category by clicking on Monitor Assignments, and click on
Timeliness of Resolved Items By Operator to open the report.
4. Open the Monitor Assignments category by clicking on Monitor Assignments in the
PUBLIC CATEGORIES section, and click on Timeliness of Resolved Items By Operator to
open the report.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


5. Click the Workgroup filter condition (the current condition is set to default@SAE). From the
drop-down list, select Is Not Null. Click Apply Changes.

6. Click the Save As link in the Report Viewer header to save the Report.

2014 Pegasystems Inc.


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