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Comprehending the Generational Folly of the Human Condition

Omar Alansari-Kreger
There is always some kind of springboard that initiates a generation into the
center stage of time. Members of a generation desire to circumvent an identity that
effectively gestures their struggles, fears, and worries. Each generation that passes
leaves behind it an epoch of time which gestures a great deal about the commonly
accepted sociology that was practiced and preached by the same generation. Time
influences the human experience just as long as the lessons derived from it prove some
kind of substantiated relevance; that is one of the reasons why what was once
commonly acceptable before suddenly becomes unacceptable in the here and now
when comparing the time differentials between two different generations.
It shouldnt be our intention to dwell entirely on any past construct of time
because that presents us with something which is inherently neutral in nature. In that
regard it must be realized there is a certain similitude when comparing one generation
to another in the sense that each one desires to fashion itself as the true arbiter of time.
Each generation tries to conceive a gesture where it is possible to become conquerors
of their own time. That is why it becomes crucial to realize that history, no matter how
miniscule any development may seem to be, is always in the making and the slightest
incident can earmark the historical identity of a generation when engaged in
retrospective reflection.
No matter who or where we are reflection will always emerge as a byproduct of
retrospection because that is an amplification of introspection which quintessentially
speaks of a generations precarious nature when looking at it in the here and now. The
deadest aspect of the past is the history that has brought us to where we are in the
present. As much as we want to revive the past we can't because the slightest alteration
of time renders its original restoration as an impossible. Mimicking the past does not
produce the best possible solution for the present. A panicked and depressed
generation looks to a lost golden age with a great sense of nostalgic awe. As admirably
envious as history may seem to us we overlook the folly of that referenced period of
time; whatever it happens to be.
Whenever we mentally assemble a nostalgic picture of the past it appears so
flawless and sublime. Yet, we continue to underestimate that all things are relative to
our own time as it happens. That simple realization has alluded numerous generations
which is one of the reasons why history repeats itself in more ways than one. The
relativity of time should inspire us to utilize the organic genius that rests within the
cerebrum of the human mind. When a generation inherits its portion of the Earth it is
bestowed with history lessons that can't be rewound. The ultimate folly of the human
condition rests with our inability to truly grasp and appreciate the relativity of time. When

we try carbon copying the exactitude of past concepts we fail to broaden its relevant
scope to the times.
No matter what we do to perfect the human condition people will always limit
themselves to the vices of their own fallible humanity; that is nothing short of
imperfection. A sophomoric generation believes that perfection is attainable with enough
austerity without actually realizing that such a vision is totally nonexistent. Imperfection
tempts and tries the arrival of inventive genius in more ways than one through that
infamous process of trail through error; the cycle of that incrementally phased
imperfection serves as a greater reflection of our generational humility in time. If we
abandon the conquistador mentality from generation-to-generation we will be able to
realize that the human condition is indeed a generational work in progress that can
either progress or retrogress from epoch to epoch.

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