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Special Thanks

Special Thanks
We would like to thank all of the Kingston teachers for their invaluable assistance and
support of Kingstons very first drama production. A Kingston Christmas Carol would
not be a success without your help. We had help in the following activities and it is appreciated greatly:
Program translation and editing

Assisting backstage

Writing the opening speech

Writing and explaining the plot



Props and backdrops.

Makeup supervision

A special thank you goes to Ms. Price, Ms Ward, Ms Rebecca and Mr. Romiduk for
being the backbone of this production. It is for their hard work and commitment that
the cast of students were truly able to shine.
Thank you all

Kami ingin berterima kasih kepada semua guru Kingston atas dukungan dan bantuan tak
ternilai pada produksi drama pertama Kingston. Kingston Christmas Carol tidak akan sukses
tanpa bantuan Anda. Kami sangat berterimakasih kepada semua pihak yang telah
membantu dalam hal berikut:
Penerjemah dan editor

Pembantu dibalik layar

Penulis pidato pembukaan

Menulis dan menjelaskan plot



Properti dan layar

Pengawas makeup

Ucapan terima kasih kepada Ms Price, Ms Rebecca dan Mr Romiduk untuk menjadi tulang
punggung dari produksi ini. Ini adalah untuk kerja keras mereka dan komitmen sehingga
para siswa mampu bersinar dalam peran mereka.
Terima kasih semua.

Kingston School

Kingston School

A Christmas Carol

Band Members (Member band)


Once upon a time there was a man named Scrooge. He was an old, mean man who was
very selfish and hated Christmas. His business partner, Marley, died and Scrooge is now
responsible for their business.
One day, Marleys ghost comes to meet Scrooge and tells him about three ghosts that will
come to meet him. Over the next three nights the ghosts show up one by one. On the first
day, the ghost of Christmas past shows up and shows him the Christmas miseries of his
childhood. Next, the ghost of Christmas present arrives and shows him what his friends
think of him. Finally, the ghost of Christmas future comes and shows him what will
happen in the future if his habit never changes.














Since then, Scrooge realises his mistake and changes for good. Everyone forgives him and
his life is now a happy one.



Pada suatu kala, ada seorang pria bernama Scrooge. Dia adalah seorang pria tua, jahat
yang sangat egois dan membenci Natal. Teman bisnisnya, Marley, meninggal dan Scrooge
sekarang bertanggung jawab untuk bisnis mereka.
Suatu hari, roh Marley datang menemui Scrooge dan bercerita tentang tiga hantu yang
akan datang untuk bertemu dengannya. Tiga malam berikutnya hantu tersebut muncul
satu per satu. Pada hari pertama, hantu Natal masa lalu muncul dan menunjukkan
kesengsaraan Natal masa kecilnya. Selanjutnya, hantu hadiah Natal tiba dan
menunjukkan kepadanya apa yang teman-temannya berpikir tentang dia. Dan akhirnya,
hantu Natal masa depan muncul dan menunjukkan kepadanya apa yang akan terjadi di
masa depan jika kebiasaannya tidak pernah berubah.



Sejak itu, Scrooge menyadari kesalahannya dan berubah untuk selamanya. Semua orang
memaafkannya dan hidupnya sekarang bahagia.
- Sabrina




Musical Numbers

Cast of Characters

Musical Numbers

Cast of Characters

O Come All ye Faithfull O Holly Night

Band Fun facts

Did you know?/ Tahukah Kamu

Background help/Orang dibalik layar..................Sabrina

Narrator One/ Narrator satu.Cathy
Narrator Two/ Narrator DuaRaffelyn
Bob Crachit....Andrew

60% of our band members prefer Justin Timberlake to Justin Bieber

Scrooges Nephew/ Keponakan Scrooge ..Kenzie

60% dari anggota band kami lebih memilih Justin Timberlake dari pada
Justin Bieber

Marleys Ghost/ Roh Marley ....Arief

All of our band members combined have been playing their instruments
for a total of 107 YEARS!

Ghost of Christmas Present/ Hantu Hadiah Natal.....Wira

Semua anggota band gabungan kami telah bermain instrumen mereka

untuk total 107 TAHUN!

Woman/ Wanita .......Tiffany

When hunger strikes and they are in need of a snack they are evenly split!
Half of our band members prefer Salty snacks and the other half sweet.

Mrs. Crachit/ Nyonya Crachit ...Jessyria

Ketika lapar membutuhkan cemilan, mereka terpisah! Setengah dari

anggota band kami lebih memilih snack asin dan setengah lainnya snack

Man 1/ Pria 1..........Stanley

Ghost of Christmas Past/ Hantu Natal Masa lalu Louise

Ghost of Christmas Future/ Hantu Natal Masa depan.Mikhael
Nephew's Wife/ Istri Keponakan ..Ellen
Man/ Tuan.....Frans
Man 2/ Pria 2..........Louise
Guest/ Tamu..........Mikhael

Only four of our band members dont listen to One Direction

Hanya empat dari anggota band kami yang tidak mendengar One Direction

Girl 2/ Nona 2.............Michelle

54% prefer iPhones, 46% like Samsung

Girl 3/ Nona 3............Marcia

54% lebih memilih iPhone, 46% memilih Samsung

Little Children/ Anak kecil. .............Eugenia

50% of the band members use a Mac and 50% use Windows.

Young Scrooge............Glayton

50% dari anggota band menggunakan Mac dan 50% menggunakan


Tiny Tim..........Nicolas

Girl 1/ Nona 1.............Jeslyn

Kenzie Tionardy

This is my first time performing on stage. I enjoy playing the part of Scrooges

My role is the poor man Bob. I like drama because we learn in other ways
then just from textbooks. I enjoy Ms. Prices classes because she is fun and interesting.


I play as Marley, I like drama but I prefer math more than drama.


Because of band, I do not play a character. However I wrote the summary

and assisted with the costumes. When I finish school, I want to get either a
degree in cinematography or music composition.

I play the narrator. My favorite subjects are math and

drama. I also enjoy art and would like to continue making

art after school.


I like to sleep and hangout with my friends. I love art but when there is
no art class, I love P.E. and drama. Im really excited to act as the ghost
of Christmas past.


Something I have enjoyed about this Drama experience is

becoming my character.



My favourite colour is black. Im acting as the nephews wife. I like drama

because we get to act instead of memorizing facts or doing exercises like
other subjects.

After I have finished school and college I want to work as a footballer or

singer. I enjoy playing football and also cooking. I cook food for myself and
also help my Mum when she is cooking.

I play as the ghost of Christmas present. I really like the play because it is
simple. After Ive finished school, Id like to be a chef, cooking and tasting
my own recipes.

I am 12 years old and I play Scrooge. My favourite subject is history. I like to

watch movies, play sports, and break stuff. I enjoy saying the line Bah



Grumpy is one of my characteristics. Geography and sport are the best

subjects for me. I hate black and so does my mum, but I love sport the

I am in primary 4. I like IPC and Drama. I like pink and purple. I love
playing the piano. My favorite foods are fried chicken, noodles and ice

I enjoy reading. I like to read novels the most, my favourite being comedy.
Currently I am reading Oblivion.

I play Mrs. Cratchit. I love drama because it is so much

fun. I also enjoy P.E. When I finish school I would like to be a chef, so of
course, I love food!


I enjoy listening to music, especially KPop. When I finish school I hope to go

to college and study business.



We like to play games and study, but our favorite game is

Clash of Clans.


My favourite subjects are IPC and ICT. My favourite thing

to do is to go shopping. It makes me very happy. Many times I have no
money in my pocket but I can still try clothes on and look at things to buy.

My favourite subject s are IPC and Drama. I like playing

on my ipad and iphone. My favorite color is purple. I like
drama, dancing and singing. I like drama because it
teaches us how to act.


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