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The Petroleum Institute

30-hr Lab Safety Training

HSE/LS-14: Radiation Safety

Upon completion of this module, the

attendee will be able to:
Describe the regulatory approach toward controlling ionizing
radiation in the UAE, and how it impacts the work at PI
Identify the sources of ionizing radiation on the PI campus
Explain the significance of the phrase, time, distance and shielding
Explain the types of controls that are used for sealed radioactive
Explain the protective features incorporated into the design of X-ray
diffraction equipment
Explain the procedural controls that are used to minimize and
monitor ionizing radiation exposure on the PI campus
Describe the emergency procedures to be used in the event of a
radiological event on campus

Why is this important to me, here at

The Petroleum Institute?
There are radioactive sources here on the campus.
There is also ionizing radiation-producing equipment
here on the campus.
While the sources or machines may not be present in
your lab, you may visit another lab where they are
used, or the nature of the work in your lab may
change in the future.


Registration with UAE Authorities

20th May 2009 - PI is registered with Radiation Protection and Control Department (RPCD), Ministry of Water
and Environment.
(Stalled previously and is now finally completed after 3 years!!)
24th Aug 2009 - PI received its first license from RPCD to import Am-241 for Dr.
Ians Research work.
7th March 2010 - PI received its license from RPCD to import Fe-55 for Dr.
Radus Research work.
29th June 2010 - PI began the process of registering its activities with newly formed government agency called
Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) which controls the licensing activities from now on.
2011 - ADNOC SPC (Supreme Petroleum Council), HSE Division advised us to go through them for any FANR
related work.

Policies and procedures

1. PI Policy on Procurement, Usage and Disposal of RAM & RPE
2. Radiation Safety Program

Procedure for Importing Radioactive Materials or RadiationProducing Equipment

Proposal submitted to PI-HAZMAT
Radiation Safety Program

PI Hazardous Material

PI-HSE Department
Submit forms with documents required

Application to FANR (Federal Authority for

Nuclear Regulation) Obtain License
HSE will coordinate with ADNOC team

Dr. Paul Rostron (Chair)

Dr. Clarence Rodrigues
Dr. Sandra Vega,
Mimoune Kissami,
Rehana Rostron

Import from supplier

Respective department will coordinate with supplier

Clearance form EAD (Environmental

Agency Abu Dhabi)
HSE will take care for clearance

Transport to PI (Clearance from Civil

Defense , AD)
HSE will take care of the transport

Ionizing Radiation
1. Recognition
Ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to cause ionization (i.e.
the creation of ion pairs) upon interacting with matter. Examples
of ionizing radiation include:
- alpha and beta particles
- gamma rays
- x-rays and neutrons
Non-ionizing radiation does not have sufficient energy to cause
ionization upon interacting with matter. Non-ionizing radiation
examples include:
- visible light, infrared, ultraviolet
- microwave and
- radio frequency radiation
This module will focus on ionizing radiation


Ionizing Radiation
1. Recognition
Wave Form Radiation
X-rays are generated outside the nucleus of an atom.
They are very penetrating and present health hazards when outside
the body
Classified as external radiation hazards
Gamma rays:
Gamma rays are generated inside the nucleus of a radioactive
Indistinguishable from x-rays, energy-wise
Very penetrating and present health hazards when outside the body
Classified as external radiation hazards

Ionizing Radiation
1. Recognition
Particle-Form Ionizing Radiation
Alpha particles:
Alpha particles are heavy, large and slow-moving
Do not penetrate the dead layer of the skin
Only travel short distances in air
Present hazards when inside the body (inhaled, ingested, )
Beta particles:
Beta particles are small, highly energetic electron-size particles
They can penetrate the dead layer of the skin can cause skin burns
Present hazards when in the body (inhaled, ingested, )

Ionizing Radiation
1. Recognition
Generally, health hazards can be classified as somatic or "genetic
Somatic hazards are those that adversely affect the body of the
employee exposed (e.g. skin burns, gastro intestinal damage, cancer)
Genetic effects are those that appear in the progeny (i.e. future
generations) of the employees who are exposed to the ionizing radiation


Ionizing Radiation
2. Evaluation
Units of Measurement
The roentgen is the unit of measurement used to describe the amount
of radiation absorbed in air from a radioactive source. It has been used
to measure x-ray and gamma radiation.
The rad is also known as the radiation absorbed dose (rad). It is equal
to the absorbed dose of radiation in any medium. Exposure rate is
typically expressed in millirads per hour.

Radiation Units
Roentgen R unit of exposure, in air for photons only. One R equals
enough energy to deposit 2.58 x 10-4 coulombs per kg in dry air.
Rad unit of absorbed dose. Equal to one hundred ergs per gram
Rem unit of dose equivalent. For x-rays, 1 rad = 1 rem
Milli 1/1000th, as in millirem or mRem
The Sievert (symbol: Sv) is the SI-derived unit of dose equivalent.
(1 Sv = 100 Rem)

X-ray Production
When high-energy electrons strike an anode in a sealed
vacuum, x-rays are generated.
Anodes are often made of copper, iron or molybdenum.
X-rays are electromagnetic radiation. They have enough
energy to cause ionization.


Typical X-ray Beam Intensities*

Primary beam

2.4 x 105 Sv/hr

Diffracted beam

0.80 Sv/hr

* For comparison, the annual whole body

occupational exposure limit is 20 mSv.

Occupational Exposure Limits

FANR Reg;24 Article 10

The Licensee shall ensure that the normal exposure

of Workers does not exceed the Dose limits
established in Articles 10(2) and 10(3) below.


The limit for the Effective Dose to a Worker who is

occupationally exposed is an average of 20
millisieverts (mSv) per year averaged over a period
of five years (100 mSv in 5 years), and 50 mSv in
any one year.

Occupational Exposure Limits

FANR Reg; 24 Article 10
The annual Equivalent Dose in the lens of the eye of
a Worker shall not exceed 150 mSv, nor shall the
annual Equivalent Dose exceed 500 mSv at any point
on the hands, feet or skin [Note: The equivalent dose limits to
the skin apply to the average dose over 1 cm2 of the most highly
irradiated area of the skin].


When a female Worker is occupationally exposed

during normal Operation and has announced her
pregnancy, the Licensee shall arrange her work so
that the Equivalent Dose to the foetus is as low as
reasonably achievable and shall not exceed 1 mSv
for the remainder of the pregnancy.


ALARA stands for as low as reasonably achievable.
Regulators recognize that it is an individual workers
responsibility to perform tasks on a daily basis keeping
best practices in mind, and striving to keep radiation
exposure as low as possible.
Workers are responsible for knowing all hazards and
safety practices that relate to the equipment in use.


Ionizing radiation can cause chemical
changes in biological tissue.
These changes can lead to cell death, cell
transformation, and damage which can
not be repaired.

Sources of Exposure from XRD

The primary beam
Leakage of primary beam through cracks in shielding
Penetration of primary beam through shutters, cameras, beam
stops, etc.
Secondary emission (fluorescence) from a sample or shielding
Diffracted rays from crystal


Biological Effects of Radiation

1 Sv= 100 Rem

Dose, Rem

Exposure time in
primary beam, seconds


500-800 (5-8 Sv)

0.075 - 0.12


350 (3.5 Sv)



1200 (12 Sv)


Acute dermatitis

3000-4000 (30-40 Sv) 0.45 - 0.60

Chronic dermatitis

Thousands of Rem in N/A

many small doses
over many years

Skin Cancer

Small doses over long N/A

period of time

Very serious injuries have
resulted from the use of
XRD equipment.
Large doses of radiation
have caused burns and
permanent injuries to

Three regions of high exposure in XRD include

the primary beam, scattered radiation, and leakage


Sealed Tube/Microfocus Systems:

What are the danger areas?

3. Leakage

1. Primary Beam

2. Scattered

1. Primary Beam
The critical radiation exposure problem with analytical X-ray
equipment is the primary beam.
Exposure to the primary beam can cause localized acute
Consequently, the analytical operator must never
intentionally place any part of their body in the primary
Typically, these beams are relatively soft X-rays resulting
in maximal energy deposition in epithelial tissues.
Erythema or reddening of the skin can occur when skin is
acutely exposed to 3Sv (much less than a second).
Radiation burns may occur from longer exposures.

2. Scattered Radiation
When the primary beam intersects a material such as a
sample or elements of the X-ray unit including the beam
stop some of the radiation is scattered out of the primary
While these radiation fields are considerable less intense
than the primary beam, they still represent a potential
Scattered radiation fields can be measured by the
analytical operators, using a survey meter.


3. Leakage
Some radiation may leak around the tube housing structure.
The source housing construction must be such that when all
the shutters are closed, the leakage radiation must not exceed
that of radiation limits for the general public.

Radiation Safety: Basic Controls

Time minimizing time around a radiation source will reduce
total exposure
Distance maximize distance from a radiation source to
reduce total exposure

See Inverse Square Law

Shielding material used to attenuate radiation and reduce

occupational exposure.
For x-rays, shielding is most often lead.

Inverse Square Law

Radiation exposure varies inversely
as the square of the distance from the

E 1 / d2


Monitoring Equipment is Essential

Radiation monitoring instruments

Instruments which are calibrated for radiation that
uniformly exposes the active area of the detector will give
incorrect low readings when exposed to a beam having a
smaller area.
To determine the true reading, the measured reading must
be multiplied by f, where
f = area of detector/area of beam

Radiation Monitoring
Check instrument
Have audio on
Begin on mR/hr
Sv/hr setting



Detailed instruction on the safe use of XRD must be provided by the
supervisor and/or his/her designee.
This instruction must include demonstration of all safety features of all
specific equipment to be used.
Before beginning use of any x-ray equipment, be sure you understand all
of the training.
If problems or questions arise, stop work and consult your supervisor and
the equipment owner/supervisor.

Characteristics of XRD Beams

Both primary and diffracted beams are generally
small and well collimated.
Wavelengths used in crystallography are often in the
range of 0.6 to 2.5 .
The 1.54 wavelength corresponds to Cu Ka



Safety Devices and Features

All units require a clear, visible warning light that illuminates when the
unit is producing X-rays.
Shutter status shall be indicated clearly. Shutters must not be able to
open without a collimator or coupling device in place.
Safety interlocks shall not be bypassed or defeated.
Unused ports shall be secured to prevent accidental opening.
Shielding or other devices must be used to prevent physical access to
open beam areas.
All open beam areas must be as small as feasible.

Engineering Controls
Interlocks never bypass interlocks or other
safety devices
Warning Lights know the beam status
whenever working with XRD
Secure key or computer control

Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
External Radiation Hazard Controls
Example: If an x-ray technician is limited to a whole body dose of 5 rems
per year and works 50 weeks/year (has two weeks off for vacation) at
a work station where the dose rate is 10 millirems/hour, how much
time can this technician spend at this work station and not exceed
the permissible whole body dose? (Note: 1000 mrem =1 rem.)
Whole Body Dose Limit in millirems/yr = 5 rems/yr, equivalent to
5000 mrem/yr
Hours worked/yr = 50 wks/yr x 40 hrs/wk = 2000 hrs/yr
Allowable Dose Rate per hour: (5000 mrem/yr) / 2000 hrs/yr = 2.5



Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
External Radiation Hazard Controls
As distance from the source is doubled, the dose rate is reduced by .
If the distance from the point source is tripled, the dose rate is reduced
by 1/9.

D1R12 = D2R22
D1 =
D2 =
R1 =
R2 =

Dose Rate at distance R1 from the source

Dose Rate at distance R2 from the source
Original distance from the source
New distance from the source

Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
External Radiation Hazard Controls
Radiation sources can be enclosed - barriers can be erected
which can effectively block the radiation and effectively reduce
worker exposure
Hospitals use x-ray rooms to protect the technicians who take
the x-rays. Usually the walls of the room are lined with lead
sheeting and the technician is instructed to move behind one of
these barriers before taking the x-ray.
Many times, shielding is also provided to the patient in a dental
office before bite-wing and other dental x-rays are taken. The
patient is usually provided with an lead-lined apron to protect the
upper chest and reproductive organs from exposure.

Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
External Radiation Hazard Controls
Shielding materials must be selected with care and are dependent upon the
type of ionizing radiation present.

For example, beta particles should be shielded with light-weight materials

like Plexiglas or aluminum. This is because, if lead shielding is used,
secondary radiation in the form of an x-ray may be released as the beta
particle is stopped or slowed by the lead shield. This phenomenon is known
as Bremsstrahlung radiation.



Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
Internal Radiation Hazard Controls

Internal radiation hazards are presented by any

radioactive element that gains access into the body.

To control employee exposures, measures must be taken

to control situations where these materials may gain
access into the body through inhalation, ingestion, or
skin absorption.

Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
Internal Radiation Hazard Controls
Engineering Controls
Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) can be used to control
exposure to airborne radioactive particulate very
Glove Boxes ( VS Print 35- 20, p.10-46 of the ACGIH
Industrial Ventilation- A Manual of Recommended
Practice) provides one example of a hood arrangement
and LEV design criteria that have been effective in
controlling employee exposures.

Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
Internal Radiation Hazard Controls
Engineering Controls - General ventilation
For example, some home basements in the USA contain high levels
of radon gas. Note: this is not an issue in the UAE, due to geological
structure and characteristics.
Inhalation of radon gas results in exposure to ionizing radiation
when radioactive substances in the gas begin to disintegrate in their
quest to reach a more stable state.
Opening windows in the basement year round, allows fresh air to
enter the basement and contaminated air to be removed. Additional
ventilation (mechanical) may be necessary if natural ventilation is not



Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
Internal Radiation Hazard Controls
Administrative Controls
Internal radiation hazards can also be controlled through the
use of effective administrative controls. Employee exposure
times can be reduced using the same approaches as for
controlling noise. However, a more effective and long term
approach would be to implement a radiation protection

Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
Internal Radiation Hazard Controls
Administrative Controls
The Radiation Protection Program should address:

Plant or corporate policies on: smoking, eating, drinking and applying

cosmetics in areas where radioactive substances are used.
Education/training programs for employees and supervisors.
Housekeeping issues to minimize fugitive accumulations and releases of
airborne radioactive substances that have settled out in a room only to be
re-introduced into the work room air because of machine or building
Monitoring and medical surveillance programs that help evaluate and
control worker exposures.

Ionizing Radiation
3. Control
Internal Radiation Hazard Controls
Administrative Controls
Personal Protective Equipment: Gloves, aprons, safety
glasses, respirators and full protective clothing can be used
as an interim control, a supplement to engineering and
administrative controls and during non-routine, clean-up or
emergency situations to reduce employee exposures.



Examples of warning lights and labels

A label which has the following or similar words
must be in place on the x-ray source housing:
Caution High Intensity X-ray Beam

Warning Labels, continued

A label which has the following or similar words
must be on the control panel of each XRD unit
near the switch used to energize the unit:
Caution Radiation
This unit produces radiation when energized

Warning Lights
Each port must have a readily discernible
indication of shutter status (opened or
There must be a warning light that is
illuminated when the x-ray tube is energized.
The light must be near the x-ray tube housing
or port and be in the operators field of view.



XRD units should not be open, nor allow

inadvertent radiation exposure
Current standards require
interlocked Plexiglas
enclosures to prevent access
to the primary beam when
the unit is in operation.
Enclosures can also protect
persons from leakage and
scatter radiation.

Administrative Controls
Detailed training by Supervisor or
his/her designee
Detailed SOPs policies and
Close supervision by knowledgeable
Authorized users only unit security
Constant vigilance and alertness to
the dangers.

Who May Use XRD?

Only trained, authorized persons may use,
install, maintain, or repair x-ray diffraction
equipment [XRD] at PI.
All such persons should attend the PI-HSE
Radiation Safety Training, and should receive
radiation dosimetry devices.



General Precautions
Only Trained personnel shall be permitted to operate an
analytical unit.
Be familiar with the procedure to be carried out.
Never expose any part of your body to the primary beam.
Turn the X-ray beam OFF before attempting to make any
changes to the experimental set-up (except for beam

General Precautions, contd

While the beam is on, DO NOT attempt to handle,
manipulate or adjust any object (sample, sample holder,
collimator, etc.) which is in the direct beam path (except
for beam alignment procedures).
Examine the system carefully for any system
modifications or irregularities.
Follow the operating procedures carefully. DO NOT take
short cuts!
Never leave the energized system unattended in an area
where access in not controlled.

General Precautions, contd

Survey the area frequently to evaluate scatter
and leakage radiation fields.
Never remove auxiliary shielding without
authorization from the owner of the analytical
equipment or HSE.
Never bypass safety circuits, such as interlocks.
Report all unusual occurrences to the owner of
the analytical unit for possible corrective



Special Tasks
Only trained, authorized
experts are allowed to repair,
maintain or reconfigure XRD

Unauthorized repair or modification

Do not remove shielding, or tube housing.
Do not modify shutters, collimators or
beam stops.
Individuals may not operate an XRD unit
in a manner inconsistent with SOPs and
safe operating standards.

Problems with equipment

If there are any questions or concerns about
the functioning of an XRD unit, it must be
taken out of service immediately and
reported to the unit supervisor.
Be aware that shutter mechanisms can fail.
Be aware that warning lights can fail.



Emergencies and Accidents

Get medical treatment immediately for all injuries
and exposures - at PI Medical Clinic
PI Clinic Contact no: 22022
ASAP notify your supervisor and HSE Dept,
Take XRD unit out of service to prevent injuries to
Provide information during the incident

Fe55 Source
Our Lab engineers have not opened the container to use it
only the company technicians open it when they visit for
servicing the equipment
The following four photos show
the Fe55 sample and how to
handle it.

Max Activity: 3.7 MBq

100 Ci
Fig. 1:
a) protection dome
b) Fe55 sample holder
c) radioactive material
d) transport capsule
e) bag with sample data (Fig. 3)
f) position of radioactive

Fe55 Source
Here's the decay scheme:
Fe-55 Mn-55* +
Half-life is 2.7 yrs

Fig. 2.



At PI, we may have ionization
type smoke detectors in hostel
Uses Am241 source, which is an

Radiation Monitoring Badges

Anyone at PI who uses x-ray diffraction
equipment and most other types of xray equipment should wear radiation
monitoring badges. Contact HSE at
75937 or to make
arrangements to obtain monitoring
We have provided six (6) Instadose badges to the
professors and Lab Engineers who are involved
with the sealed source and XRD equipment.
Monthly readings are conduced and a report will
be send to each user. Also, a copy is retained at
HSE office.
So far, only one such reading has been completed
(new program).

Sample individual reports




Important Notes About Dosimetry

Due to the small cross sectional area of the
primary x-ray beam, badges may not
accurately record the maximum dose received
by the XRD user.
Wear only your own badge

Transfers, relocations, and donations of

XRD equipment
ALL XRD must be registered with the HSE Dept.
and UAE authority, FANR prior to its arrival/use at
Contact HSE Dept. PRIOR to any transfer,
relocation, donation or disposal of XRD units so
that the UAE registration can be handled.
Donations of used XRD equipment will require a
signed waiver from the recipient.



Additional Information or Assistance

Contact the HSE Department at 75932 during
normal business hours.
For emergencies (24/7), call 75473 (PIHSE/
Security) or 999.

Special thanks to PANalytical and

Global Dosimetry Solutions for
allowing use of photos, images
and/or other information from their
respective websites.

Presentation by:
Team HSE
The Petroleum Institute


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