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Note: It is recommended that you save your response as you complete each question.
Question 1 (1 point)
Where does Socrates encounter Euthyphro at the beginning of the dialogue?
Question 1 options:

the Porch of the King Archon

the Lyceum
the city docks
Euthyphro's home

Question 2 (1 point)
Who is prosecuting Socrates?
Question 2 options:

the King

Question 3 (1 point)
Socrates tells Euthyphro that he has been accused of corrupting the young. What specifically is the charge
against Socrates (i.e., why does his accuser believe that he is corrupting the young)?
Question 3 options:

The accuser alleges that Socrates creates new gods and denies the
existence of the old ones
The accuser alleges that Socrates has not paid his taxes
The accuser alleges that Socrates teaches that the youth need not serve
in the military
The accuser alleges that Socrates teaches the youth to violate the moral
norms of the city

Question 4 (1 point)
Euthyphro has brought a case against whom?
Question 4 options:

The King

Socrates' father
Euthyphro's father

Question 5 (1 point)
Socrates asks Euthyphro to tell him the nature of piety and impiety. Which of the following best captures
Euthyphro's first attempt at an answer?
Question 5 options:

piety is what is dear to the gods; impiety is what is not dear to them
piety is prosecuting any wrongdoer no matter who it is; to not prosecute
them is impiety
piety is prosecuting your own father no matter what he has done
none of the above

Question 6 (1 point)
Which of the following best captures Euthyphro's second attempt at an answer?
Question 6 options:

piety is what is dear to the gods; impiety is what is not dear to them
piety is prosecuting any wrongdoer no matter who it is; to not prosecute
them is impiety
piety is prosecuting your own father no matter what he has done
none of the above

Question 7 (1 point)
What kind of differences or disagreements between people create enmity and anger, according to Socrates?
Question 7 options:

differences about number

differences about weight and magnitude
differences about the categorization
difference about the just and unjust, good and evil

Question 8 (1 point)
Socrates claims that the gods have disagreements that cause quarrels among them. Does Euthyphro agree
that this occurs?
Question 8 options:


it depends

Question 9 (1 point)
Euthyphro's final answer to the question, 'What is piety?' is that the pious is what all the gods love and that
what all the gods hate is impious. After this answer, Socrates asks a question to clarify Euthyphro's
response. What is this question?
Question 9 options:

do the gods all love the prosecution of the wrongdoer, no matter who it
is the pious beloved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious
because it is beloved of the gods?
why do the gods love the pious?
is it impious to ask questions about the source of piety?

Question 10 (1 point)
In what city does the dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro take place?
Question 10 options:


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