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World History


What was the Neolithic Revolution and why was it so important to the evolution of
Using P.I.R.A.T.E.S. compare and contrast the civilizations of Egypt and Sumer
Why was the code of Hammurabi considered an advancement in the evolution of
What are the Phoenicians known for?
What is significant of the Hebrews during this time period?
Who is Siddhartha Gautama? What did he develop?
What are the tenets of Buddhism?
What is the difference between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana?
What do you know about the Indian subcontinent? Who invaded? What did they
set up, etc.?
What are the classical dynasties of China? What is the mandate of Heaven?
Who instituted this concept?
What was the Silk Road?
Know about the city-states of classical Greece. Athens, Sparta, polis, agora,
acropolis, wars with Persia, Peloponnesian War, etc.
Compare and contrast classical Greece and classical Rome. What form of
government did each have? What about their early development?
Who were the Romans influence during their early development?
Who did the Roman emperors keep the population under control?
Who was the first Christian emperor?
Know about the origins of Islam. Who founded it, what are the basic tenets of it?
What is Shari'ah?
What is the difference between Sunnis and Shia's?
Why did the Umayyad caliphate decline?
Why aren't Muslims allowed to draw living things?
Why was the Abbasid caliphate considered the "Golden Age" of Islam?
Where is Axum? How did they acquire their money? Why did they decline?
What were the Bantu migrations? Where were they from? Where did they go?
Who regained power within the government during the Tang and Song dynasty?
What was the main philosophy in China from the Tang dynasty until the republic?
What is the basis of feudalism? What event begins feudalism?
What is manorialism? Who had control on the manor?
Why was the printing press really the turning point for dumb Europeans
What is vernacular?
What were the Crusades? Who won? Know general information regarding the first
and fourth Crusades.
What impact did the Crusades have on the Muslims?
Which was the mother of Mesoamerican civilizations?
How was the Maya civilization set up politically?


What were the most significant cultural characteristics of the Aztecs? What was
their capital? Why did they like killing everyone?
37. Where are the Inca from? Why is Machu Picchu so cool? What are quipu/khipu?
38. What led to both the Aztecs and the Inca's collapse?
39. Major political characteristics of Islamic states from 1400-1450.
40. What were the causes of the fall of the Abbasids?
41. Characteristics of Islamic culture from 1000-1300?
42. What was the basic unit of the Mongol society?
43. What kinds of activities were Mongols very skilled at? Reasons for the success of
the Mongol military conquests?
44. What areas did the Mongols conquer?
45. Scientific and technological innovations of the Song Dynasty? Also artistic
46. What were the political and economic successes of Kubilai Khan and the Yuan
47. What was the impact of the rise of the samurai on the government and the
Japanese peasantry?
48. How did the shogunates impact government in Japan?
49. Major reason for the rise of the West African empires?
50. Social characteristics of the East Coast African city-states?
51. How was slavery viewed in the Muslim society?
52. In what ways was the Roman Catholic Church so important during the Medieval
Period in Europe?
53. Generally, what rights did European women have in Medieval Europe?
54. Causes and results of the Hundred Years War.
55. Reasons why Europe emerged as the leaders of global trade in the 1400s.
56. Characteristics of the Italian Renaissance?
57. Know the existing trade routes and characteristics of each (location and products)
a. Silk Road
b. Mediterranean Sea
c. Trans-Saharan
d. Indian Ocean basin
58. What was the first major European exploring nation?
59. What factors and events encouraged Europeans to explore a wider world?
60. Why did so many Amerindians die as a result of European colonization? What
percentage perished?
61. What were the causes of the Protestant Reformation?
62. Why did Europeans become Protestants?
63. What were the major religious ideas promoted by Luther?
64. What were characteristics of absolutism?
65. What were the characteristics of the Columbian Exchange? What items were most
important and where did they come from and where did they go?
66. What was the main basis for the social structure in the New World after the
Europeans arrived?
67. Which nation sent the most settlers to the New World?
68. What commodities were the French most interested in?
69. State the reasons for the great demand for African slaves.
70. Where did most of the African slave go?

71. What part of Africa was mostly affected by the slave trade?
72. How do mercantilism and capitalism differ?
73. What were the major consequences of the plantation culture on the Americas?
74. In terms of slavery, how were the British colonies of North America different form
Latin American colonies?
75. In general how did the Ottoman sultans rule?
76. What areas did the Ottomans conquer?
77. What was the method of Ottoman succession?
78. What were the major characteristics and reforms of the rule of Akbar the Great?
Compare with his grandsons rule, Aurangzeb.
79. What was the most important product of the Mughal Empire?
80. How did the Mughal Empire finally come to an end?

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