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Ujian Personaliti : Keirsey Temperament Sorter

35 Soalan
Ujian ini diubahsuai daripada Keirsey Temperament sorter oleh June E.
Millet (310) 277-7518, seorang ahli psikologi. Skor daripada ujian ini akan
menentukan jenis personaliti anda mengikut MBTI. Ujian MBTI hanya boleh
ditadbirkan oleh ahli psikologi yang bertauliah sahaja. Walau
bagaimanapun, sudah pastinya ujian ini dapat membantu anda mengenali
anda dengan lebih mendalam lagi.
1. Dalam sesuatu majlis atau jamuan, anda biasanya bergaul
banyak orang termasuk orang yang tak dikenali
beberapa orang yang dikenali sahaja
2. Anda tertarik kepada orang yang
waras fikiran (sensible)
3. Antara yang berikut yang kurang diterima
hidup yang tak tentu arah (have your "head in the clouds'')
hidup yang rutin (be "in a rut'')
4. Semasa menilai orang lain, anda lebih kerap dipengaruhi
peraturan berbanding dengan keadaan
keadaan berbanding dengan peraturan
5. Anda lebih tertarik kepada hal-hal
menyakinkan (convincing)
mengharukan (touching)
6. Anda lebih suka majlis yang mula dengan
menepati masa (punctual)
senang-lenang (leisurely)
7. Anda biasanya membuat pilihan secara
agak inpulsif
8. Dari segi penerimaan maklumat dalam kumpulan sosial
anda, anda sering merupakan orang yang

awal terima maklumat

akhir terima maklumat
9. Fakta-fakta sepatutnya
adalah hakikat dengan sendirinya ("speak for themselves'')
hanya menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip (illustrate principles)

Pengarang-pengarang seharusnya menulis berasaskan

fakta dan kebenaran
analogi dan imaginasi


Anda lebih sesuai dianggap sebagai orang yang


Anda rasa lebih selesa membuat keputusan berkaitan
dengan soal
Peristiwa-peristiwa dalam hidup sebaik-baiknya
berlaku secara

Anda rasa anda lebih bersifat

serius dan berazam (serious and determined)
mudah bicara (easy-going)


Bila bersama-sama dengan orang lain anda biasa

memulakan perbualan
menunggu perbualan bermula


Anda lebih berkecenderungan ke arah yang



Kanak-kanak biasanya kurang usaha



Yang manakah lebih memuaskan:

berbincang sesuatu isu secara mendalam
mendapatkan persetujuan tentang sesuatu isu


Anda dianggap lebih

tegas daripada lembut (firm than gentle)
lembut daripada tegas (gentle than firm)


Anda lebih selesa dengan kerja yang

tetap (contracted)
sambilan (done on a casual basis)


Anda lebih mengutamakan hal-hal

kepastian (definite)
keterbukaan (open-ended)


Anda lebih suka

banyak kawan yang hubungannya kurang rapat dan sebentar
beberapa kawan yang hubungannya rapat dan lama


Anda lebih mempercayai

pengalaman (experiences)
prarasa (hunches)


Anda leibh berminat dalam

produksi dan agihan
rekabentuk dan penyelidikan

Orang yang lebih dipuji ialah orang yang mempunyai
mempunyai kekuatan
pemikiran jelas
perasaan tabah

Pada diri anda, sifat yang lebih yang hargai ialah

sifat tak bergetar atau teragak-agak (unwavering)
sifat taat (devoted)


Secara amanya adalah lebih eloknya

menentu dan mengatur keadaan
membiarkan keadaan berkembang sendirinya


Anda rasa lebih selesa

selepas membuat sesuatu keputusan
sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan


Bila telefon berdering, anda

cepat-cepat menjawabnya
harap orang lain menjawabnya

Dalam penulisan anda memilih perkara yang leih
literal dan harfiah
kiasan dan figuratif

Anda lebih tertarik kepada unsur-unsur

asas dan teras (fundamentals)
terbitan dan sampingan (overtones)


Manakah kekuatan yang lebih penting?

kebolehan menakul dengan jelas (clarity of reason)
kebolehan berbelas kasihan (strength of compassion)


Pada asasnya anda menganggap diri sendiri sebagai

keras kepala (hardheaded)
hati lembut (softhearted)


Anda lebih suka peristiwa yang

tak terancang


Anda merupakan orang yang lebih bersifat

biasa dan rutin
agak gangil dan tak rutin

Directions for manual scoring:

1) Add down so that the total number of "A'' answers is written in the box
at the bottom of each of the columns, labeled I through VII. Do the same
for the "B'' answers you have checked. You should put a number into each

of the 14 squares immediately below the sets of boxes numbered 1

through 35.
2) Transfer the number in boxes A and B to the squares immediately below
them, labeled E and I.
3) You will have two sets of totals in columns III, V and VII. Here's how to
create those. Follow the arrows and transfer the totals from Column II to
the lower set of boxes in Column III. Do the same by bringing the totals
from Column IV to Column V and the totals from Column VI to Column VII.
4) Now add the pairs of numbers in Columns III, V and VII and enter the
totals in the boxes immediately below them. These are labeled in order
from left to right as S, N, T, F, J and P.
5) Now you should have four pairs of numbers.
6) Circle the letter below the larger number of each pair. This allows you
to identify the four essential attributes of your personality or
temperament "type.'' These personality or temperament preferences are
Extroversion (E); Introversion (I); Sensing (S); Intuition (N); Thinking (T);
Feeling (F); judging (J); perceiving (P).
Your type should be one of the following:
Here's how each grouping can translate into a working style on the job:

responsible. Type: the quintessential manager. A no-frills, work-hard/playhard sort. Lives by the bottom line and can be very cost-conscious. Work
comes first, then family and community (describes 6% of the general
population, 30% of the U.S. military).
ISFJ: "Committed to getting the job done'': Fierce commitment,
responsibility and deep loyalty. Puts service above self and is dedicated
and dutiful in most aspects of life. Quiet, content to work quietly alone.
Becomes wrapped up in servicing others.

ISTP: "Just do it'': Often misunderstood and underestimated. A "Lone

Ranger'' type. Would rather be doing than planning. Produces results
without getting bogged down in bureaucratic red tape. Would rather put
out fires than design fire drills.
ISFP: "Action speaks louder than words'': Manager who will pass up a
promotion to stay where the action is. Live and let live is the motto, and
service is the cornerstone of motivation. Supports and helps all colleagues
on the job.
ESTP: "Making the most of the moment'': A risk-taking,
entrepreneurial, give-it-a-go person. A type with a real flair for most
things. Doers with a basic built-in restlessness who like to keep their
hands in a variety of pots, cheering to keep everyone on their toes and to
keep life exciting. Downside: restless/hyperactive.
ESFP: "Let's make work fun'': Free-spirited, nervy and nonconforming.
If the work is not fun, tends to avoid or drop the issue and move on to
something different. Very sociable type who enjoys high energy and jovial
interaction. Can keep many projects moving at once. Strength is allowing
others to be different and work at an individual pace. Good in big,
bureaucratic organizations. Can work the system for the good of all
ESTJ: "Life's natural administrators'': Proverbial jack of all trades.
Accountable, responsible, productive, results-oriented. Found in leadership
positions in a cross section of professions, from law and medicine to
education and engineering. When a job is to be done, a regulation
established, a system implemented or an ongoing program evaluated, call
on an ESTJ to manage it.
ESFJ: "Everyone's trusted friend'': Graciousness describes the general
lifestyle of this type and sums up the management style. Can encourage
and motivate workers to accomplish goals. The work setting is very formal
but pleasant. Tends to display parental judgment, even impatience. This is
called a Santa Claus management style, since the ESFJ keeps lists, even
mental ones, and checks them twice. Distributes rewards and critical
glances/guilt trips.
INFJ: "An inspiring leader and follower'': Scholarly, dependable in the
workplace. A popular human services-oriented type who directs energies
toward bettering the human condition. A gentle person who cares for and
has genuine concern for others. Likes neatness and order at work and a
setting of quiet congeniality. Intellectual and idealistic.
INTJ: "Life's independent thinkers'': Very few INTJs exist in the U.S.
but they have a vast influence on corporate and academic life (think Ted
Turner and Steve Jobs). They have the vision and will see it through to
completion. Leadership skills enable this type to play a dramatic role in

shaping U.S. corporate culture. Independence is the force that motivates.

The perfect think tank specialist.
INFP: "Making life kinder and gentler'': Whether leading or following,
this type is most productive when working for some idea or service.
Cannot tolerate routine. Needs to serve personal values. If INFPs can
translate their work into a type of human service, it might make
something they do not want to do somewhat worthwhile. They make
decisions subjectively based upon personal values and do not want to
control others. Are comfortable with a live-and-let-live credo. Not typically
found in an executive position in a corporate setting. Good at executive
behaviors in a movement or an institution centered around social causes.
INTP: "Life's conceptualizers'': Free-spirited idea mills and/or absentminded professors. Love the abstract and need time to be alone and to
think and rethink. They do their "homework'' on any issue presented to
them. (Males have an easier time being cool and aloof than females.)
Might have a lack of social awareness. They provide a source of ideas and
inspiration, but making deadline is not a top priority. Great clarity of
thought and vision for an undertaking.
ENFP: "People are the product'': Do well in executive roles even
though their characteristics of effervescence, enthusiasm and spontaneity
are not typical of top corporate managers. They can be very skilled at
flying by the seat of their pants. Can do many things at the same time but
might neglect to plan and be prepared. More females fit this type than
males, but males tend to be promoted. Have great ability to empower
others. Inspiration rather than control is key to their management style.
ENTP: "Progress is the product'': When an ENTP is on the job, you
never know what to expect next. Every moment is up for grabs when they
are around. Characteristics: energetic, dynamic, creative, resilient,
argumentative. They are punsters who would rather engage in intellectual
banter than complete some meaningless task or be quiet by themselves.
The public world is exciting to them; they tend not to be committed to a
schedule or project if a more exciting challenge comes along.
ENFJ: "Smooth-talking persuaders'': They are life's salespeople,
natural convincers. Prefer to live their daily lives in a structured,
scheduled and orderly fashion. Aware of interpersonal dynamics in every
situation, but have a strong need to lead. Females fit in well at work and
have a high need to please others. Those males with these characteristics
sometimes have the problem of being seen as wimpy and seek out jobs in
psychology, theology and other people-oriented careers.
ENTJ: "Life's natural leaders'': Have right mixture of basic leadership
qualities: enthusiasm, vision, objectivity and accountability. Most often
these characteristics are attributed to males. Women need to balance
their natural femininity with their natural leadership skills. All ENTJs are

robust, direct and hearty strategists who can see possibilities in almost
everything and can act upon these possibilities instantly.

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