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The Lost World

1. abyss-a hole so deep or a space so great that it cannot be measured
2. adventure - an exciting or dangerous experience
3. American - of or relating to the U.S. or its citizens
4. Atlantic - ocean separating North America and South America from Europe and Africa
5. attacked - to try to hurt, injure, or destroy (something or someone)
6. audience - a group of people who gather together to listen to something or watch
something :
7. battle a fight between people or groups in which each side tries to win a contest or to gain
control of something
8. behavior the way a person or animal acts or behaves
9. branches a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk; something that goes outward from
a main line or source
10. canoes a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle
with one blade
11. cliff a high, steep surface of rock, earth, or ice
12. creature an animal of any type an imaginary or very strange kind of animal
13. decision a choice that you make about something after thinking about it : the result of
14. dinosaurs one of many reptiles that lived on Earth millions of years ago
15. dreadful very bad or unpleasant
16. enemies someone who hates another : someone who attacks or tries to harm another
17. enormous very great in size or amount

The Lost World

18.enough equal to what is needed
19. escape o get away from a place (such as a prison) where you are being held or kept
20.heroes people who are admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities
21. horrible causing horror : very shocking and upsetting very bad or unpleasant
22. however used when you are saying something that is different from or contrasts
with aprevious statement
23. immediately without any delay
24. institute an organization created for a particular purpose (such as research or
25. interview a meeting at which people talk to each other in order to ask questions and
get informationsuch as a : a formal meeting with someone who is being considered for a job
or other position b : a meeting between a reporter and another person in order to get
information for a news story
26. journey an act of traveling from one place to another
27. landscape an area of land that has a particular quality or appearance
28. lizard a type of reptile that has four legs and a long body and tail
29. moonlight the light of the moon
30. necklace a piece of jewelry that is worn around your neck
31. plateau a large flat area of land that is higher than other areas of land that surround it
32. platform a flat surface that is raised higher than the floor or ground and that people
stand on when performing or speaking
33. professors teachers especially of the highest rank at a college or university

The Lost World

34. scientist a person who is trained in a science and whose job involves doing scientific
research or solving scientific problems
35. spears weapons that have a long straight handle and a sharp point
36. stomach the organ in your body where food goes and begins to be digested after you
swallow it the part of your body that contains the stomach
37. traveler someone who is traveling or who travels often
38. tunnel a passage that goes under the ground, through a hill
39. whispered to speak very softly or quietly
40. wonderful extremely good

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