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February 1991

Dear Friends and Co-workers,

Sheila and I send you greetings this new year in the name of our
wonderful Lord Jesus.

We do continue to pray that all is well in

your service to Him. We thank the Lord for you and your part in
the ministry as the Lord uses us for His Glory to reach the un

We are also praying with you for the leaders of this

country during this time of war. It is a contineuous reminder of

how soon the end is comming. We pray for all the people involved.
May the Lords will be done. Let us see the urgency that is before
us and work hard to fulfill Gods purpose of pleasing Him.

We want you

to be aware of a ^haT^

ing agent. We have really appreciated my grandmother, Frances 0

Hamilton for doing our forwarding work for so long. We feel that
she needs




Pat and Kathv Topping in Manistee

Michigan have volunteered to do our forwarding work for us.

are really neat and we thank them for doing this for us.



Manistee Church of Christ has said that we could have people send

money to us through them if they need a tax deduction.

Just make

the check out to Manistee Church of Christ for Jonathan Hamilton,

if you need a tax right-off. We have set up our mission account

there so you can begin to send the checks to our box number in
Filer City right away.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Here is the address to send the money to;
f,n. pnv S7 FTTiFR, CTTY9


Pat and Kathy's phone number is,


We had a great time in December with the family.
Pete and Fran
came up and of course Karen was here too for a change. We did't
do any traveling in December except to Manistee where we spoke two
Sundays. We have been working with the refugee center here in town
helping get an Ethiopian family get settled as well as two Romanians
We are helping dad, mom, and Karen take them to church each week.
We delivered Christmas gifts to several refugee families for the
refugee center.

Its been fun while we are in town.

We had a great recruit meeting in Indianapolis on the 5th of Jan

uary. We had 10 recruits who are planning on going overseas with
in the year. A couple guys plan to go to Albania, one girl to
Russia, one to Ghana with a team from Johnson Bible College, one is
in Uganda right now, and a couple for Japan. We are excited about
each area and want a team in each country.

Please pray for these

recruits and for more in the future.

Sheila and I just arrived from a long trip to Wyoming. We spoke at
Lusk and Wheatland and in Casper while in the State. We were able to
spend about two and a half weeks with Sheila's family.
It was a
nice visit.
Yes, Sheila still has her job.
She was able to get- the -time off.
On our way back from Wyoming, we spent two days with
Rick and Vicky Bronson. They set us up to have a radio show with
Boyce Mouten at Ozark Christian College. We also spoke at the campus
fellowship at the Arkansas State University and at the University at
Pittsburg Kansas.
We had a great time and we pray that we were an
encouragement toward mission work. We appreciate everyone that we
saw and feel that it was a profitable trip.
It is good to be home

X^he teams in Hungary and in China are doing just great. People are ^

comming to the Lord.

Pray for a team in both places for next year^^

Continue to pray that Sheila and I will have the support needed to'
recruit fulltime.
Please pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out

into the harvest.


Matthew 9:37-38


BOA \r,05y

Servants ,

:'C..- - -

Jonathan and ShPila




April 1991

Dear Friends and Co-workers,

Hello again from Michigan.

past month or so.

The Lord has been good to us the

We pray that you are doing well in the Lord.

The Lord is always good and we have really enjoyed Raster. We

spent Easter Sunday at Manistee and were involved in the pro
gram there.

It was a lot of tun and great to celebrate Resur-

ection day.

Sheila and I have been traveling up to Manistee Church ot Christ

every Sunday tor the past month and a halt. We have really
enjoyed the people there and the opportunity to preach and help
in any way we can.

Dad is still preaching at Manistee when he

can. It keeps us busy while we are in town.

Speaking of busy, we have been working more and more with the
refugees here in town. I am going to have a refugee to tutor

in English starting next week. Dad, mom, and I took a night

class to learn to teach people to read and also teach English

as a second language. We have enjoyed the refugees and are

seeing results. Karen and Mom have been taking them to church
and they love It.

Praise the Lord.

We have been doing our best to fill up the summer with appoint
ments tor camps, VBS's, and preaching engagements.

both June and July filled right now.

We have

We are looking for more.

Please continue to pray that we will be able to travel and

help inform the churchs of the needs around the world. Colossians


We want to let you know of our financial Situation.

about $300. comming in each month.

we have been married,

We have

It has dropped a lot since

Thats not supposed to happen.


of our supporters have had a financial change in there lives

and have had to quit or reduce their support. That is fine,
we understand that and still appreciate each one for what they
have been able to do. If we are going to continue to recruit
fulltime, we need more support. The Church needs to be in

formed ot the needs overseas and the opportunities.

seen great results in recruiting this past year.

really need to continue recruiting right now.

We have

We feel we

Please pray about


The teams in China and in Hungary are getting along fine.

We are needing people to replace them for a year this fall.

Please be praying about this too.

They have seen great re

sults from their Bible studies etc.

Jacques and Bev Biackwell will be returning from Uganda for

awhile the Ibth of this month. Larry Smith and Laura will be

comming back also around the same time.

when they get back.

They will be traveling

They plan to travel from Lansing.


that they will find a good place to live while in the States.

Hello everyone: As Jonathan said, we have been keeping busy.

It seems that he is leaving just as I get home! Ot course you
all know that our job isn't over just because we got home from
work. We sure appreciate all the prayers and support that you all

have given us since we have been married. Almost a year, it's

hard to believe that this year has gone by so fast. It's been tun

to see how our Lord works I

ri iTDCA^i.
R/jD o

KG. BOX 16057

LANSING, Ml 48901

Praise Him:
We yiove you, Your Servant^,


<^nathan and Bheila Hamilton






VeaA. FAiandi,


GAee-t'Cng-i Zn the nam&-o^ Je4UA/ Tt i.h ouA pAAyzA that tht6 newJAtzttiA Ae.ache.& you att tn good he.atth and good 6ptAtt, OuA many
thanks to OUA {^At2.nd^ and tovdd one^ that &uppoAt uA.

We i.A.e

humbto-d by Hts ^u^Atc.4>ttng caAd o^ u

We havd Seen busy as usuat, Jonathan and I stttt tAavdt to

Mantstdd uihdn we aAd tn Lanstng, The ChuAch thdAd ts dotng
iS^ne. We suAd dnjoy tAa\Jdiltng thdAd, the. pdoplz make,
"Atght at home"

Recentty we /noved tnto a smatZ house, Jonathan ftnaZZy has a

Aoom aZt ^oA hts own ^oA an o^^tce, ^oA OutAeaah, Jt suAe tS
ntce to have a btt moAe Aoom,

But the best thtng we AeaZZy

Ztke ts how cZose we sttZZ aAe to Mom and Vad HamtZton!

One 0^ the {^un thtngs that has happened AecentZy, tS. that my
ststeA BaAbf and heA husband Jtm, and thetA {ouA beauttiuZ
daughteAS came to vtstt the Zast week 0)5 Mat/.

We weAe -50 Ae-'

{^Aesked by thetA vtstt and weAe gAate^uZ ^oA the pZayttme be^oAe QUA summeA ^c^ieda^e. Mt/ ZtttZe bAotheA Nathan was aZso

ab^e to ^Zy out wtth ^fiem. My netce KAtsten was peAmttted io

stay and keep heA aunt company! We suAe have enjoyed heA betng
heAe, she keeps us Zaughtng}

We.; OA/ I satd, ouA summeA tAaveZZtng scheduZe has begun.

aZAeady have been to WewbuAgfi, Indiana. jJoA a


and to NtZes,

Utchtgan ^oA a camp, .We wtZZ aZso be gotng to lUyomtng ^oA a

I/. B.S.I and a coupZe oi camps. We aZso, ioAd wtZZtng, aAe pZan-

ntng to be at the hJoAth AmeAtcan ChAtsttan Conventton, ^ We hope

to be abZe to see some o( you theAe, Oua ^tnaZ week wtZZ be

spent tn PennsyZvanta, So we wtZZ be coveAtng aZot o^ mtZes
thts summeA, PZease keep us tn pAayeA as we tAaveZ,

We want to thank-you aZZ once agatn ^oA youA conttnued pAayeAS

and suppoAt, PZease AemembeA that aZZ the suppoAt shouZd be
sent to OUA ^oAwaAdtng agents tn FtZeA Ctty, Mtchtgan, ThetA
addAess ts beZow,

Take caAe and God bZess unttZ ouA next



Jonathan S ShetZa HamxZion

OutAeach JnteAnattonaZ

c/o Pat Topptng




FtZeA ctty, MI





August 1991
Dear Friends,

Wow, what a summerl

Sheila and I just returned from a camp in
We had a great week with Dave Bock and all the new
people that we met.
It was a good week of camp.
The whole summer went well. Praise the Lord!

We enjoyed the time

we spent out in Wyoming with family and friends.

We had four
weeks out west.
The first week we spent at the V.B.S. at
Paradise Valley Christian Church.
The week was a lot of fun as
the kids "visited" a different country each day.
The mission
emphasis was great!

We had the opportunity to be the missionaries at a junior camp

week in Lander, Wyoming as well as a High School week.
weeks were neat.
Several people came to know Jesus those weeks.
We have about three people from that area that are interested in
doing mission work in a year or so.
Praise God!
Blackwell was at the High School week of camp as well.
It was a
blast to be there with him and several of our good friends from
Paradise Valley and all over Wyoming.-

We were able to go to the North American Christian Convention in












different speakers.
We were able to stay with Larry Berlin at
his Mom's place which was a great financial help to us, making it
possible for us to attend the convention. Even though we didn't
get a booth space as planned, we were still able to talk with a
lot of people.

The week was a good one.

The week of V.B.S. at Newburgh, Indiana and the camp at Niles,

Michigan went well also.
Including those two weeks, we had been
gone for eight weeks in a row.
It has been busy, but profitable.
We are excited about the possibilities for making a








survey trip



about making the two month trip within a years time.

Dad is
still planning on the trip with Lia Pao to Laos and he hopes to
stop over in Vietnam as well. They are planning the trip for the
first part of the year.

Jacques and Bev Blackwell are still planning to go back to Uganda

in January.
Brad Cocco and another person or two plan on going
back to Hungary in September.
Jane Naber is returning to
Beijing, China in September also.
We just praise the Lord for
all that He is doing in these areas and all over the world.
Continue to pray with us that the love of Jesus will be preached




Please continue to pray that the Lord will lead us to those who
need to go overseas so we can help them in that direction.
Several people maade their interest in missions known.
We thank
God and pray that His will is done in their lives.
We also ask
your prayers for our needs to be met while we are recruiting. We
could use more monthly support.
We also feel that a survey trip
to Namibia is needed.
Pray with us about these things.
If you
would like for us to come and visit you and share with you some
of these opportunities please let us know.

We thank you for all your prayers and support. Remember, "Do not
work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal



Forwarding address:

PO Box 57, Filer City, MI 49634




love you

Jonathan and


Jonathan and Shc,iZa Hamttton
P.O. Box 16057

Landing, Michigan 4S901


Wouembe/L 1991


Pojr Ica^ ^

and Co-woAkzA^,

Hq.IZo again! It ha^ been a long timz -6-tnce you havo. h^aKd liom ShziZa and
me. We KdaiZy meant to mitz to you ^oonzK. We aontinuz to p^ay {,0^ you
and thank thz Lo^id ^o^ you a-4 you zxpand Hi-6 Kingdom. We pA.ay that thi-ii
Zzttzfi iindi, you in good hzaZth. We mnt you to be am^z o{, ^omz o^ thz
things that wz havz been doing thz pa-it coupZz o^ montb-6.
Son/a, Ka^zn and I M;ent up to TA.avzA.-6Z City Uizhigan ^OA aZmo-it a uozzk ioA
a youth AatZy. It ivznt vZKy wzZZ. Dad wa-6 thz -ipzakzA ^oA thz wzzk. We
we^e abZz to gzt to knou) thz youth bzttzA. Sonja taZkzd to a coupZz ivith
two young kid-6 about going ovZA to HungaAy ioA a yzaA with thz tzam. Thzy
aAZ now pZanning on Zzaving aAound a yzaA (Aom now. PAai-iZ thz LoAd and
GZoAy Tool!

I wa-6 abZz to go to hJoAth HighZand-6 ChuAch o^ ChAi-6t in Ft. Waynz Indiana

ioA thziA Faith PAom-i&z. I taZkzd to thz High SchooZ pzopZz that Sunday
night. It wa-6 a good AaZZy and I wa-6 aZ-60 abZz to givz an updatz on thz
woAk on FAiday zvzning.

I aZ.60 -6pokz one Sunday at StuAgi-6 Michigan. We had a good day. I taZkzd
to jAacy and ShaAyZ HoZ-6tz {oA awhiZz a^tzA Zunch. Thzy aAZ a young coupZz
intZAZ-6tzd in going ovZA-6za-6 ioA mi-6-6ion woAk. Thzy aAZ not -6uAZ whzAZ OA
whzn zxactZy a-6 thzy havz a coupZz oi thing-6 to woAk out. PZza-iz pAay {^OA

Some 0^ thz pzopZz {^Aom NiZz-6 Michigan aAza invitzd me to come to a youth
AaZZy that thzy wzaz having at thz camp. We had a good timz and wz bzZizvz
that thz High SchooZ kid-6 wzaz motivatzd to be {,aithiuZ and do moAZ {^oa thz
Kingdom oj^ God. It waa-6 a pAo^^itabZz wzzkznd.
We ju-6t AZtuAnzd iAom attznding thz National Mi^-dionoAy Convention in
SpAing^izZd, IZZinoi-i. We had two booth -ipacz-i Azntzd and had ouA di-6pZay
up ^OA Uganda, South A^.^tca, China and HungaAy. We wzaz abZz to talk to a

Zot oi intZAZ-itzd pzopZz.

{iAiznd-6 a-6 wzZZ.

We had a good IzZZow-ihip timz with iamiZy and

ShziZa wa-6 abZz to gzt o^^i woAk to go with me.


{iOA that!

Not onZy did thzy havz -60mz gAzat -6pzakZA-6, but wz wzaz aZ-60 abZz to be
invoZvzd in one Oj$ thz cZa-6-6 -6Z-6-6ion-6 that Za-6tzd aZZ wzzkznd. Thz PzcAuit
TAack-6 that wz wzaz abZz to be a paAt of, wzaz diAZctzd towaAd-6 pzopZz
intzAZ-6tzd in a paAticuZaA countAy who couZd {,ind out inioAmation on that
countAy and pZan a tzam and -6tAatzgy ioA going to that countAy winthin a

yzaA. OutAZach IntZAnationaZ wa-i invitzd to AZpAZ-6znt Uganda, HungaAy and

We had -6ZvzAaZ pzopZz intZAZ^tzd in South A^Aica.
South A^Aica.
pZA-6on i-6 dz{^inatzZy pZanning to go to S.A. ^OA thz 6ummZA and maybz ZongZA
and woAk with Pztz and FAan. We havz a izw othzA-6 intZAZ-6tzd ^Aom thz HIS
H0U-6Z campu-6 mini.6tAy aZ-60. PZza-6Z be pAaying that thzAZ wiZZ be a good
tzam ioA thz -6ummzA to hzZp in thz woAk in South A^Aica.

We aAZ -6tiZZ invoZvzd with thz Az{ugzz-6 hzAZ in Lan-6ing whzn wz aAZ in

I -6tiZZ tutoA EngZi-6h to a viztnamzz-6z pzA-6on twicz a wzzk.

We at'60

p^eacfe at Uani-6tzz Michigan whzn wz can to hzZp thz chuAch thzAZ. PZza-6Z
pAay {,0A thz AZCAuit-6 wz now havz and that thz LoAd wiZZ Zzad u-6 to many
PAay that ouA financial -6ituation wiZZ impAovz.
We thank thz
RivzAton ChAi-6tian ChuAch ^oA picking u-6 up on thziA mi.6-6ion budgzt. That
i-6 a big hzZp. Wz aAz up to about $400 a month 6uppoAt now. We PAai-6Z thz
LoAd (,oA aZZ 0^ you and wz aZ-60 thank thz LoAd that wz havz been cho-6Zn to

be Hi-6 -6on-6 thAough ChAi-6t in accoAdancz with Hi-& pZza-6uAZ and Hi-6 wiZZ.
Ephz-6ian-6 1:4-5. We Zovz you aZZ!
7OUA szAvant-6,

Jonathan and ShziZa

FoAwaAding agznt-6 addAZ-66:

Pat Topping
P.O. Box 57

FiZzA City, MI 49634-0057

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