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Google Classroom Set Up Task Analysis

Steps outlined in order to set up Google Classroom

1. Open Google Chrome
2. Go to and use your school email address to log in
3. Click on Google Apps Grid
a. Click on More
b. Click Google Classroom
4. Click on Plus Sign and choose Create Class
5. Name class and section and choose Create
6. Welcome screen walk through
a. Tabs at top
b. Choices down side
7. Click on Student Tab
a. Discuss importance of student tab
8. Click on About Tab
a. Discuss importance of About tab
b. Circle area for adding additional documents like syllabus
9. Click back on Stream tab
a. Circle announcements and assignments options
10. Click Student Tab
a. Click Invite button
b. Click on name of student or search for student
c. Click Invite Students button
11. Click on Stream Tab
12. Click on Announcements
a. Type a welcome message, click post
13. Click on Assignments
a. Name, description and due date of assignment with the file type
b. Click Assign
14. Click on the Assignments Title
a. View Students Area
b. Click the back arrow to get back to main page
15. Change Theme
a. Click Change Class Theme
b. Choose theme
c. Click assign theme
16. To add more classes

a. Click three lines in top left corner, choose home

b. View dashboard, see + sign to add more courses

Google Classroom Set Up Tutorial Script


Action On Screen
Desktop image

Click to open Chrome
Enter log in information
Point to Apps grid, click on grid,
click more, click Classroom

On Welcome Screen, click + to add

a course

Name Class and Section

Welcome Screen; pointing to

different areas of the window

Point to Tabs

Click on Students Tab

Welcome! This tutorial will walk you through how to set up
your Google Classroom site. Google Classroom is a great
tool to use since it keeps everything together within
Google your email, document storage with Drive, etc.
Alright, lets get started!
First, we need to open Chrome to access the internet.
When using Google products, its really important to use
Google Chrome as your web browser so everything works
the way its supposed to without hiccups.
Lets open our gmail and get logged in to our school email
account so we can access classroom.
Now that were in our email, look in the top right corner
for the 9 box grid. These are our Google Apps, and here
we will find Google Classroom. When you click on the grid,
the most common choices will appear. To see the
Classroom app, you need to first click more, and then click
on the Classroom app icon.
This is your welcome screen to Google Classroom. There is
a Google guided tour that will point out different
components, but we will skip that for the time being.
Okay, time to set up a class. In the top right corner (around
the same spot as the grid was) you should see a plus sign.
Click here and then choose Create Class
Type in the name of your course and the section the
course is so you will know which class period this
represents. Then Click Create.
Alright, this is your welcome page to your class, a home
page of sorts. Lets take a look around here to familiarize
you with where components are located.
You have three tabs at the top: Stream, Students, and
About. These are the three main areas of Classroom. The
Stream Tab is the one that is currently selected and
essentially the course feed, like Facebook or Twitter. It
outlines the What and When.
Next is the Students Tab. Here you will invite your
students to join your class and see the students who have
joined. Each class is assigned a course code for the
students to subscribe to that particular course. This code is
also visible on the homepage/stream page as well.


Click on the About Tab


Click back on Stream


Click on the Student Tab


Click on Stream Tab


Click on Assignments


Follow the script for pointing and



Circle box where assignment was



Click on assignment title


Click on back arrow

The about tab has any information related to the course

itself. Here you can view the instructors email listed, you
can put course descriptions, documents related, and even
the syllabus here as well.
So those are the three main areas to work in and a little
about what each tab does. Back on the Stream tab, there
are two options I want to draw your attention to: The
announcements and the assignments. The announcements
are like status updates, new announcements, etc. Students
can see these in their feed and have the option to
comment on them as well (questions, feedback, etc.). The
assignments portion is where you can upload course
assignments to share with the class. Assignments can be a
file youve uploaded, a YouTube video link, a file from your
Google Drive to share, or a web link to another website.
We will walk through setting up an assignment here in just
a second.
Now that youve been given a quick tour, lets get this
course set up and invite students. Click on the Students
Tab. Lets click on the invite button. Google will pull your
contacts up and allow you to select your students or
search for them. Click on who you want to invite and click
the blue Invite Students Button. The student will be sent
the course code for them to be able to subscribe to your
Now that our students have been invited, lets make a
welcome message for them. Click on the Stream Tab and
click on announcements. Type something to welcome
them to your class or whatever you want the first
message they see to say. You can also include an
attachment file, a Google Drive file, a YouTube video or
website link with your announcement. Post your
When youre ready to create your first assignment, use the
following simple steps:
Name your assignment and use the description to make
any needed instructions or descriptions. Assign a due date
for when the assignment is due. Then click Assign.
Youve created your first assignment! This box tells you
how many students have completed this assignment and
how many havent.
If you click on the assignments title, it will take you to the
assignments page where you can see who has done it,
submitted it, and who has not. You are also able to assign
a great for it here as well.
And thats it! Its that simple. A few random things to point
out before I go.


Circle and click on change theme


Circle and click on three lines in

top left corner


If you are not a fan of the giant purple globes as your

theme, you can select a different one. Click the change
theme link, scroll through the available options and click to
select which one you want, and then Select class theme.
If you need to add multiple classes to your Classroom, you
need to go back to YOUR homepage by clicking on the 3
lines in the top left corner and choosing Home. This is
where you will be able to see all of your classes youve
created and the plus sign we clicked on earlier to add more
And thats it! You can now set up your Google Classroom
and begin using it with your students. Enjoy!

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