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Page 35 - 43

Legend: "->" means "resulted to"

"^" means "info on a term in the above sentence

*Saleeby was the first scholar who studied and first published the relatively most authotitaive tarsilas.
Limitation of Sleeby's work:
A. Saleeby's failure to view Islam's advent in the Philippines as a function of the the general expansion of
Islam in Malaysia
B. Although by birth Arab, Saleeby did not appear quite knowledgeable about Islamic Institutions,
*Saleeby's heavy reliance on tarsilas is his strength
*The phrase "coming of Islam" could mean:
A. The coming of Muslim traders
B. Arrival of Muslim Missionaries
C. The advent of Muslim Chiefs or adventurers with intention of founding a principality
*The phrase "Expansion of Islam" could mean:
A. Conversion of the native rulers
B. Overt practice of all part of the well known Pillars of Islam among the population
*Islamization mean "the expansion of Islam as well as it's manner of intoduction"
*During the arrival of Legazpi, ther were no evidences of pratical purposes of Islam, it was unheard of.
(Legazoi arrived in 1565)
*The introduction and expansion of Islam in Malaysia was a complex phenomenon involving iterralated political,
economic, cultural, psychological and othere social factors.

Islam comes to Malaysia

*First contacts of Malaysians with Islam came over the trade routes
*Arab lands became commercial centers, became the intermediaries between European nad Asian traders
*During the T'ang Dynasty(618-907), Arab trade with China fell off.
*During the Stung Dynasty(960-1279), foreign tradrs were ecnouraged to return
*In 878 C.E. Huang Ch'ao sacked Khanfu and masscred thousands of foreign merchants
-> Merchants left China and flocked to Kalah in the Malay Peninsula
*Muslim settlements at Kalah resulted in more settlements in nearby areas
-> Local trade in Bornero came to be known to Muslim Traders
*Arab traders of Canton belongs the credit of opening relations between China and Borneo
*In 982 a ship with valuable merhandise from Ma-i(Mo-yi) arrived in Canton
^Ma-i was an Arab ship
^Ma-i was agreed to be known as "Mindoro"
*The letter of Pu-ni to the Chinese emperor suggets that there were 2 routes for trade from Borneo and Phil to
South China:
A. Malacca strait to China passing along the coast of Indonesia
B. The 2nd route that doesn't pass along the coast of Champa, Indonesia
*After 878 defined settlements began to appear in:
A. West coast of Sumatra
B. Champa
C. Leran (Eastern Java)
D. Trengganu
*This settlements provided closer contact with the native population
*2nd half of the 13th century, Islam began to gain political power in the sense that rulers of Malaysian
were of Islam, or were converted to it.


*The first municiplaity of Islam was Samudra Pasai, it's ruler was Malik as-Salih who married a princess

of nearby

^Malik as-Salih was either Persian or Bengali

*1400, Malacca was formed. The founder was Parameswara who married a Madjhapit princess.
^Parameswara embraced Islam and adopted the name "Sultan Indaskar Shah"
-> Islam spread to Java
*Love and Labour of the Nine Saints (aulia) - hirstorical personalities, and were Sufis with missionary directions
^The first two were:
A. Maulana Malik Ibrahim - died in Gresik (1419)
B. Raden Rahmat - died in 1470
*The growth of islam in Java was slow because Java was the center of the Hindu empire of Madjapahit
*The Brunei Selesilab states that the first Muslim ruler received symbols of royalty from Malacca
*One starting point of Islam was the northern part of Sumatra called today as "the gate of the Holy


*Trengganu stonde was dated 1303 C.E. stated that the ruler of the principality of Trenggaru was not yet Muslim, it
has at least a Muslim settlement or trading colony
*2 stones were found in Pan Rang:
A. 1039 C.E.
B. 1025 - 1035 C.E.
^The stone stetify to the existence of the Muslim settlements where social/religious life was organized
*Phan Rang, Patane, trenggaru lay in the trade route from South China to South Malaya
*During the Sung Dynasty the chief port became Chuan-chou, traders engaged in trade with Southeast Asia
*1511, Malacca fell to the Portugese:
A. Captured Muslim stronghold in Asia
B. Defeat Muslim fleet at Dui (1509)
C. Destroyed trade primacy from Red Sea to China Sea

*Portugese expected that with Malacca in their hands they would own a trade monopoly.
^The failed because the Arab traders patronized nearby Pasai

Pages 44 - 52
*The arrival of Portuguese, though primarily economic in purpose, was also accompanied by a religious motive which
provided a potent rationale for the looting or destruction of Muslim vessels and subjecting kingdoms in the heart of
Muslim dominions.
*The Portuguese's purpose did not materialize. Not long after, additional principalities in Malaysia became Islamized.
In less than a decade after Malacca's fall, Sukadana, Banjarmasin, Ambon, Batam, and Mataram became Islamized.
*Sultan Bab-ullah of Ternate, completed the work of his father, in destroying the labors of the Portuguese
missionaries in Moluccas.
*It was the occurrence of the these events within a century after the coming of Portuguese that led the scholar
Bertram Schrieke to conclude that the coming of Christians with a missionary zeal has a causal connection with
Islam's accelerated expansion. His view is that the proselytizing activities of western Christians provoked an intense
counter-missionary activity from Malaysian Muslims.
*Without disregarding the function of easier communication between Malaysian Muslims and indigenous nonMuslims, it might be emphasized that Islam came to be regarded not only as something less foreign but also as an
ideology with pre nationalistic overtones.
*The fact is that Muslim traders did not come to found colonies for their mother countries or as invaders with
imperialistic designs
1.) Trade Theory- Muslim traders brought Islam along with their merchandise and that, therefore, the Muslim traders
was at the same time a religious mentor.
A.)Muslim traders intermarried with the natives, persuading their partners to adopt Islam and raised
families which spread the Faith further
B.)Muslim traders married into ruling families, enabling them or their descendants to eventually have political
power which served as means to spread the Faith.
2.) Missionary Theory- Islam has spread through the work of professional teachers of the Faith, who had come
specially for the purpose.
A.) Islam was spread by the Sufis who followed the traders.
3.) Political theory- maintains that the adoption of Islam by the rulers and the court for political motives explains the
growth of Islam in Malaysia. Islam was utilized as a political instrument with Muslim traders enjoying the protection of
Muslim rulers while they, in turn, supported the rulers with their economic resources.
4.)Economic Theory - maintains that with conversion to Islam, rulers of principalities were able to participate more
extensively and profitably in the international trade. This theory assumes also that Muslim traders had it i their power
to patronized and enrich, or boycott and cause to fall , any port they desired.
5.) Islam's attractive qualities as a religion which satisfied deep spiritual longings that constituted the main factor for
its spread.
6.) Crusader theory- views the spread of Islam as a result of a conscious respond on the part of Malaysians to the
coming of the Portuguese and later on of the other Europeans. Islam served as a force counteracting the coming of
Western Imperialism and Christian colonization
Pages 51 61
Islam comes to Philippines

*On chapter 1, Abu Bakr / Sharif ul-Hashim is the one declared as the 1st sultan (802 - 823 Anno Hegira) (1405
1420 CE).
*Haji Buto is a kitab.
1 ) Tuan Masha'ika
A.) Came to Sulu (people were still not Muslims)
B.) Stayed in the area Maimbung
C.) His descendants were later on to be found near Mt. Patikul and Mt. Sinumaan in the Lati district on the other side
of the Jolo Island.
D.) Badjaos came and they scattered among the three major groups: (1) Buranuns (the mountaineers, and the oldest
group their chiefs were surnamed Siripada), (2) Tagihamas (from Basilan?, lived in the area near Buansa), (3)
Bakalayas (settled in the nearby area of Jolo town)
E.) Married a daughter of the younger Rajah Sipad(Siripada or Sripaduka)(The ruling family not
necessarily a
About him:
A.) Maumin a collective term for believers (Arabic, Mu'minin)
B.) Tuan In sulu this title has been generally associated with Muslims
C.) Masha'ika (mashayikh) plural forms of the term Shaikh a term of respect for eleder men or heads of certain
religious institutions.
D.) mashayikh (South Arabia) decendants of the local saints
E.) Was deemed a prophet not descended from Adam and born out of bamboo (he's an extraordinary
2) Karimul Makdum / Karim ul Makdum
A.) He crossed the sea in a vase or pot of iron was called Sarip.
B.) He settled at Bwansa(Buansa), the place where Tagiahama nobles lived.
C.) People flocked to him from all directions and that he built a mosque in Tubig Indangan.
(Basis that there were a few Muslims in the area)
D.) Introduced Islam for the 1st time. Consolidated or reinforced Islam, and make some conversions.
E.) He was later called Tuan Sharif Aulia (a missionary and preacher (aulia))
About him:
A.) Since he is a Makdum/ makhdum , he is well known for having magical powers.
B.) He is the one who taught others how to teach (Islam related)
Problems in the title makhdum.
*Makdum was tend to be confusing. Much more problematic is the fact that different places in Sulu claim the honor of
having his grave.
*Problems disappeared the moment it is understood that it is understood that there is more than one Makdum
*The makhdum who went to Buansa and built a mosque was called Karim.
*The makhdum who lies buried in Bud Agad in Jolo Island and whose proper name was Amin-Ullah and entitled
*Sayyid un-Nikab later denominated as Mohadum (they removed the harsh 'kh' Arabic sound.
3) Makhdum Amin-Ullah / Sayyig un-Nikab / Mohadum
A.) Probably came from the second route mentioned earlier in this chapter (idk where).
B.) left Tapul (people of Tapul island claim that they are descendants of a makhdum).
A.) Trade and missionary activities, accompanied by Muslim Chinese.
D.) Died (near his grave is that of a Chinese, called by the present caretakers as Hoy-Hoy, clearly a local version of
Hue-Hue, the Chinese term for Muslim and used to refer to Chinese Muslims)
a.) Chinese Muslims where constituted as one of the principal groups of peoples in the Celestial Empire.
b.) There are at least two major makhdumin (1) Karim who built the mosque (2) AminUllah who traded with Muslim

c.) History of Malacca and Java shows that various makhdumin and maulanas have come from above the winds
d.) The term makhdum in Arab means master(Berwin) in the sense of one who is served.
e.) In india and Malaysia makhdum means teacher or learned man.
f.) All agree that Karim preceded Amin-ullah.
Ten years after the arrival of Karim
Rajah Baguinda arrived from Menangkabaw, Sumatra, after stopping at Zamboanga and then Basilan.
(When he arrived at Sulu the chiefs of Bwansa tried to sink his boats. He therefore resisted and fought them. He
asked them why are they attacking him and said that he only wants to live among them as a Mohammedan. They
respected him and received him hospitably.)
Rajah Baguinda
a.) Arrived at Sulu. Orangkayas or men of means accompanied him.
b.) Consolidated his position in Buansa.
A.) His arrival represents the establishment of a dynasty (He married in Buansa)
B.) Significance of the battle earlier:
a.) result of a misunderstanding.
b.) an attempt to establish principality.
c.) there were Muslim party in Buansa that was in league with the Muslim Rajah.
C.) It is noted that Tagihama chiefs of Buansa on Sulu Genealogy, all had title of Shaikh(presumed muslims)
D.) Another group of chiefs, probably belonging to Patikul area, were entitled Tuan and had Muslim names. Some of
these were grandchildren of Tuan Masha'ika. (this implies that Baguinda came 50yrs
after Masha'ika's arrival.)
E.) tarsilas state that he is from Sumatra or Java.
About him:
A.) Baguinda is a Menangkabaw honorific for prince. In Sulu, it is used in the sense of the ruler.
After the Rajah consolidated his position in Buansa.
Sayid Abu Bakr came from Palembang to Bruney and from there to Sulu. On his arrival he asked people where is
their place of worship. They said Bwansa.
Sayid Abu Bakr / Sharif ul-Hashim / Zein ul-Abidin
A.) Arrived at sulu.
B.) Went to Bwansa and lived with Baguinda, the people respected him and he established a religion for
C.) They accepted the new religion and declared their faith in it.
D.) Married Paramisuli, daughter of Raja Baguinda, and he received the title of Sultan Sharif.
E.) He had introduced Islamic political intitutions because most people and cheifs has been Islamized and
accepted him as a Sultan. Therefore Abu Bakr introduced was not Islam as such but Islam as a form of state religion
with its attendant political and social institutions.
F.) Conversion of coastal people(coastal Malays). (p.57)
G.) Conversion of hill people(Buranuns) (p.58)
H.) reduced tensions between coastal and hill people due to an agreenment.
I.) Organized teaching of Qur'an and Hadith is attributed.
J.) established a school (madrasah)
A.) It is customary for most tarsilas to associate the Introduction of Islam to any famous Muslim personage regardless
of the date of his arrival. Thus the conversion of half of Sulu is sometimes attributed to an 18th century Muslim
B.) It is safe to conclude that the concrete beginnings of Islam in Sulu were first realized in Buansa area.
C.) His son Kamal ud-Din, suceeded to the Sulatanate.
D.) Then Abu Bakr gave the cakes and clothing to Moros then they came into terms after a few days (It happened
bec. The chief of Moros had a good dream about what will happen)
E.) During time of drought, the Sharif asked the people to fast and pray, and that such effort was later on followed by

rain.(Prayers for rain Salat ul-Istisqa')

pp. 59-61
*Mohadum and Alawi Balpaki(younger brothers of Abu Bakr) also did missionary work.
*During rhe reign of Azim ud-Din I, (Sherif from Mecca) Sayed Berpaki suceeded on converting almost the whole
population to Islamism.
*One mound on one of the stone slopes of Bud Dato a few miles from Jolo, there stood a tombstone, it was a site
where Sulu Sultans had been crowned thus the name Bud Dato(the hill of the rulers). In times of emergency sultans
flee to this hill. (pious act: Whoever dies far away [from his home] dies a martyr.)(Shahid, arabic of martyr)
*Since there is an absence of the diacritical mark on the letter M, Maqbulu maybe Muqbalu or Miqbalu. p.59
lower part.
*Tuhan Maqbalu or Muqbulu is a Muslim who died far away from his origin(Shahid) (the shaid was put on the
tombstone as a form of respect)
* Tuhan or Sipad chief (title for the deceased) ( in Malaysia it means lord, in Sumatra it means deity)
*The Tregganu stone(contemporary with the Bud Dato Stone) was set up by a Muslim named Seri Paduka Tuhan.
(implies that Magbalu might have been the chief of sulu in that time)
*In 1924 sone Hajis got permission to clean and transfer the tombstone but a Rajah Baguinda descendant
complained about it so the stoned was cleaned and transferred back. (p.61)
*It must be assumed that Rajah Baguinda must have arrived after the death of the tuhan(idk).

Pages 62 - 69
*Tuhan Maqbalu and Tuan Mashaika - not sure if they are related
- both were foreign Muslims
* Karim ul-Makhdum - father of Maulana Ibrahim, one of the 1st missionaries successful in Java
- aka Ibrahim al-Akbar Ibn Jamal ud-Din al-Husayni

*Stages propounded regarding the early part of the Islamization of Sulu:

1. There existed during the last quarter of the thirteenth century if not earlier a Muslim settlement or community in
Sulu which brought the first elements of Islam
2. The existence of such a settlement, the memory of their leading personages, and the rise to social and political
prominence of the descendance of Tuan Mashaika, demonstate that the native population was not only not
antagonistic to Islam but receptive to it which led to conversions
3. The coming of Muslim Malays from Sumatra at the beginning of the fifteenth century with political implications.
4. The establishment of Muslim political institutions, more specifically the sultanate under the Sharif ul-Hashim by the
middle of the fifteenth century.
5. Increases contacts, both political and commercial, with other Islamized parts of Malaysia, transformed Sulu into an
integral part of an expandingdar ul-Islam in Malaysia
6. Political alliances with neighboring Muslim principalities guarantee the preservation of Islam
* Islamization in Sulu is similar to Malaysia

Islam comes to Maguindanao

* panditas - learned men
- most of the Maguindanao tarsilas and traditions are handed down to them
* Sharif Muhammad Kabungsuan mainly responsible for the conversion in Maguindanao
* conversion brought by political alliances and plural marriages
* Sharif Awliya came to Maguindanao, married there, begot a daughter which was entitiled Paramisuli. Paramisula
married Sharif Maraja
* Kabungsuan came to Maguindanao on the next generation of Sharif Maraja
* omission of Muslim predecessors of Kabungsuan in other tarsilas was due to relationships with Kabungsuan was
used by datus for political moves
* Sharif Awliya who went to Maguindanao was the same Karim ul-Makhdum who went to Sulu
* Kabungsuan journeyed to Cotabato and drove out those who do not follow/believe Islam
* the who were driven out were the beginnings of Tirurais and Manobos
* men of Kabunguan built the town of Cotabato, the town of Maguindanao
* Governor General Francisco de Sande (Spanish) told Captain Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa in a letter to spread
Christianity and prevent the spread of Islam in Mindanao
* Borneo and Moluccas were important factors in Muslim political and religious activities in Mindanao and Sulu
* The Spaniards fought with the Muslims and Ternate(from Moluccas)
* alfaqui a learned man in Islamic law
Pages 70 - 78
Sulu could have inforced the Islamic consciousness of the Maguindanaos because of its longer history of Islam
* A Jesuit Prisoner tells Maguindanaos of their need to be more serious in their ritual prayers.
* Islamization in Maguindanao started much later than in Sulu.

Main Stages of the Islamization of Maguindanao:

1. The appearance of Muslim missionaries in Maguindanao
*attributed to the beginnings of a Muslim settlement in Pulangi Basin
*to this stage belongs the Sharif Awliya and Sharif Maraja
2. The immigration of Islamic peoples & arrival of the Sharif Muhammad Kabungsuwan
*ruling families of Maguindanao and Buayan are Muslim
*process of Islamization accelerated

3. Additional contacts with Islamic Sulu & the Moluccas, principally Ternate
*marriage alliances were forged
*Bornean & Ternatan preachers (as well as Arab learned men) appeared
4. The stiffening of Islamic attitudes in the face of Spanish attempts at colonialization and Christianization
*acceleration of Islamic process
*general awareness that they belong to a wider dar ul-Islam became universal

****Explanation of Francisco Gainza for Islams coming & spread in Maguindanao

****See paragraph p. 71

Muhammad Kabungsuwan worked to guarantee Islams permanence in their realm

Iranun Communities around Illana Bay first scene of Sharif Kabungsuwans missionary activities & his marriage

Another Sharif Alawis preaching spread to Lanao and Bukidnon.

*hes said to have been a younger brother to Sharif Kabungsuwan but this does not necessarily mean that they are
real brothers. Just a mythological device.
*Islam was brought to Lake Lanao. Datus of Lake Lanao were Muslims.

Peace Treaty bet. Spaniards and Sultan Qudarat

---- Iranan datus had pledged their loyalty, states that part of the Maranao area, esp the old settlements of Didagun,
Taraka & Bansayan, belonged to the Spanish sphere of influence.

Islam in Manila and Nearby Areas

* One of the earlies references to the presence of Islamic elements in Manila is found in Pigafettas account.

* The common knowledge among Spaniards is that the ruling family of Manila was not only related to the Bornean
Sultan, but of Bornean origin.
Agustin de Legazpi nephew of Lakandula
*It is against the Islamic law for Muslims to marry Christians

Brunei Sultan Bulkeiah (Nakhoda Ragam) the Rajah who conquered the kingdom of Soolook & made a
dependency of the country of Selurong, the Rajah of which was called DATOH GAMBAN according to Brunei

Selurong is said to be in the island of Luzon & the site of the present town of Manila
There is a great deal of good ground to credence to the account of Selesilah for it will be recalled captain-general.

Tondo Conspiracy, ringleaders were relatives of the Bornean Sultan

Process of Islamization had only begun with Islamic habits like circumcision, avoidance of pork, & teaching of Quran.
*Overtime, the Spaniards were able to distinguish indio from moro, because before they just called everyone moros.
*The flame of Islam began with the Muslim leadership harassing he Spaniards during the Lim Ah-hongs invasion,
wherein they killed pigs and goats out of sheer hatred for them.
*The preaching of friars led to the converts to abandon Islam.
Antonio de Morga a Spanish official who lived in the Philippines

The Christianizing sprit of the Spaniards struggle with the Arabs & Moors, and their meeting Muslims in the
Philippines after circling part of the earth, made them look at the war against the Moros as a continuation of the old
ward between Christians and Muslims.

All these contributed to a crusading spirit among the Spaniards & the Muslims reacted by developing an increased
awareness of their own Faith.

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