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Kajian tindakan ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk mengkaji keberkesanan kaedah carta
garis tiga (CAGATI) dalam meningkatkan kemahiran menulis huruf kecil g,j,p dan
y dengan cara yang betul semasa menulis perkataan dalam kalangan murid-murid
pendidikan khas. Kajian ini telah dilaksanakan di sebuah sekolah rendah di kawasan
Merlimau Melaka. Tinjauan awal mendapati murid-muris sering kali melakukan
kesalahan cara menulis huruf kecil dengan cara yang betul semasa menulis perkataan.
Selain itu juga, kajian dijalankan bagi menambah baik amalan kendiri dalam proses
pengajaran dan pembelajaran di dalam kelas. Peserta kajian terdiri daripada dua orang
murid lelaki dari kelas pendidikan khas. Data dikumpulkan melalui ujian pra, hasil
kerja, pemerhatian, temubual dan ujian pasca. Ujian pra dan ujian pasca dijalankan
untuk menguji dam mendapatkan maklumat tentang pencapaian murid-murid dalam
menulis huruf kecail dengan cara yang betul. Hasil analisis data selepas penggunaan
kaedah (CAGATI) selama 6 minggu pekaji mendapati terdapat peningkatan peratus
pada ujian pasca. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kaedah (CAGATI) berkesan
dalam meningkatkan kemahiran menulis huruf kecil g,j,p dan y dengan cara yang
betul ketika menulis perkataan. Bagi kajian lanjutan, pengkaji mencadangkan agar
tempoh masa bagi kajian dilanjutkan agar lebih banyak lagi huruf yang dapat


This action research was conducted to study the effectiveness of three line chart
method(CAGATI) in order to increase lowercase skills writing of g,j,p and y with
the right way when writing word among special education students. This research have
been implemented in one of primary school in Merlimau, Malacca. The survey found
that the students often make mistakes how to write small letters in the correct way when
writing the word. Furthermore, the research was carried out in order to improve the
practice of self in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom the respondents
consist of two male students from special education class. The data were collected
through pre-test, students work, observations, interviews and post-test. Pre-test and
post-test were carried out to test and obtain information about students achievement in
writing the lowercase correctly. The results of data analysis after the use of the CAGATI
method within six weeks, the researcher found that the percentage decrease in the posttest. The results showed that the CAGATI method effective in improving the lowercase
skills writing of g,j,p and y when writing a word. For further study ,the researcher
suggest to extend the time in conducting the research to give students opportunity to
practice more small letters.

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