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Department of Mechanical and Industrial
_ MEC-616
Final Examination

EXAMINER: Prof. R S. BudnY

18 April2005
SECTIONS: 001-004

TIME: 3 hours

TEST. permitted aids are TWO g.5" x 14" student preparedaid
- cLosED
calculator' and drawing instruments'
O"rn sides), electronic
(text and/or video jisnl,ay), Pa89B, and other wirelessdevicesare strictly
2. Cell-phones
left at the sidesof the test room'
hibited "oa -*l be switchedofi and

3. Leaveallcoats,bagsandbriefcasesatthesidesofthetestfoom.flsyglingbackandforth
4. Candidatesmaynotborroworlendanymaterialswhiletheexanisinprogress.

o. DoALLFIVE(5)questions.Questionsareofequalpercentvalue(20%each).
6 . Answer questionsin the space
Marks will be
n your work clearly at all times otherwise marks may not be awarded'
t . show

deducted for incorrect units'

8 . F\rllmarkswillbeawardedforcorrectanswersusingthecorrectmethod.
is a genuine error
engineering judgernent wlen ansyering questions' If you feel that there the
9. use
question then make ""-*t"*ption and draw this to the attention of
or ornisgion in any
and continue with the solution'
examiner right on ti" tot paper

Student Name

MEC-616.W05 -2of6- Final Exam

l. Water pump "A" has an impeller diameter of 0.5 m. The electric motor drivi.E the pump has a
mea.suredshaft torqueof 3.8 N.m at a speedof 3540 RPM. The pump head is 34 m when the
flowrate is 0.0033-3/s. For water rrsop: 1000kg/m3-

(a) Determine for pumP uA":

i. The brake power to drive the pump, BP (W)'
ii. The pump hydraulic efrciency, rlp,'rnpercent.
(b) A secondhomologouspump "B' is required to deliver a flowrate of 0.0072 m3/s at a head of
45 m. For this second pump determine:
i. The pump speed,N (RPM),
ii. The impeller diameter, D (m), and,
iii. The breLe power to drive the pump, BP (W). State your a.ssumptions.

[NorE: One mark is au/arded for each correGtly nnsu/ered question]'

MEC-616.\M05 -3of6- Final Exam

2. A centrifugal water (p: t000 kS/-3) pump impeller has the following dimensions:

Blade Angle R^adius Blade Width Ftactional Opening

Location p r b I
Outer Radius 25" 0.2 m 0.02m 0.955
I-nnerRadius 200 0.09m 0.03m 0.9414

The fractional opening, /, takes into account the thickness of the blades and the resultitg
: g0o) purely radial infow velocity
in flow area. The pun; operates at the design point (i.e. ar with
flow conditions
at the blade inlet. The operating speed is 1200 RPM. Assume that shod(less
exist at the inlet and outlet. Deterrnine:

(a) The radial (i.e. normal) velocity at the idet, Vrr. (*/s)'
(b) The design flowrate, Q (-3/s),
(c) The radial (i.e. normal) velocity at the outlet, V2" (m'f s\,
(d) The tangential (i.e. wf,irl) velocity at the outlet, V21(m/s), and'
(e) The theoretical hydraulic power' P (W).

One mark is awarded for each correctly o""a'sred question]'


Final Exam
one reservoir to another
by meansof a pumppipe system from L
Water (p : 1000kS/-3) is delivered : 12 m. The pipe has a dia,meter
tu" aia"r"uce in free-surfaceelenations is Az
higher reservoir. :1000 m' The minor
:0.b m, o "o*,^ot friction factor i i :0.021, and a total length of L
of D of a single p'mp are
t" it : 10. The characteristic curves
ioss coefflcientsfor the systen amount
given by -
Ho:20 - 725Q2 and ?p : 900Q 1395083
pump hydraulic
is the flowrate-in m3/s, .nd ?p is the
where Ho is the pump head itr metres, Q Determine:
t io prrmpsin paratlel are to be used'
efficiencyin percent. For this system
: Ho * KQ2 '
pipe system equation grven by Hrv,
(a) The consta,nts.EIoand K in the
pipe system' Q (*3/")'
(b) The resulting flowrate tbrough the
pump' qp' b percent'
(c) The hydraulic efrciency of each
(m)' and'
(d) The head acrosseachpunp,Ilp
(e) The total brake power required' BP'


-5of6- Final Exam

figure, the grvenby hl : KQr'83 where h/ is in

pipe losses-axe
shown in the
4. Iu the pipe network in" K 'alues Le giueo o" tn9 diagra.m.
The Ha^rdy
and is in cubic r""t p"I#ooa.
feet of water e
for "* *;;#;"t-"!i"r-"=1y' You iav sol.e.the problem 'sing table
cross method is to be 'sed
giveu below'
format but your ,"frii"" rno6ffitions
equation' show this
The Hardy cross method requiresa specialformat-for the pipe headloss
around the loop'
special format and sum the headlosses
for the loop, and,
(d) Evalgate the flow chang€, AQ,
(u) Evaluate the new flows in each PiPe'


-6of6- Final Exam


is releasedat Cp versus ReP for a SPhere

A 0.0?-m-diameterwooden sphere
rises through
the bottom of a lake' The sphere
rearcbes steady-state
the water and eventually
velocity of U- Using a suitable method'
U t-ill. Assumefor water that p 10m kg/-t Co
;j; i f * t0-6 m2/s. The sphere'svolume
givenbY \: (trl6)D3'
g to-'i

I wood
| -D=o.o7m
p = 000 kg/m3
t l


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