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DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS THEORY, HARDWARE, SOFTWARE SECOND EDITION Constantine H, Houpis, Ph.D. Gary B. Lamont, Ph.D. Professors of Electrical Engineering School of Engineering Air Force Institute of Technology Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio McGraw-Hill, Inc. New York St.Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogoté Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico Milan Montreal New Delhi Paris San Juan Singapore Sydney Tokyo Toronto DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEMS Theory, Hardware, Software INTERNATIONAL EDITION 1992 Exclusive rights by McGraw-Hill Book Co. - Singapore for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-exported from the counuy to which it is consigned by McGraw Hill. 34567890 CMOFC95432 Copyright © 1992, 1985 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. This bookwasset in Times Roman by Electronic Technical Publishing Services. The editors were Roger L. Howell, Anne T. Brown, and Eleanor Castellano; the production supervisor was Louise Karam. The cover was designed by Keithley and Assoc. for Joseph A. Piliero. New drawings were done by J&R Services, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging in-Publication Data Houpis, Constantine H. Digital control systems: theory, hardware, software / Constantine H. Houpis, Gary B. Lamont —2nd ed. p. cm —(McGraw-Hill series in electrical engineering. Control theory) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-07-030500-5 1. Digital control systems. 1. Lamont, Gary B. IL. Tile. IIL. Series. 223. M53H68 1992 629.8°95de20 91-22736 When ordering this title use ISBN 0-07-112637-8 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Constantine H. Houpis is a professor of electrical engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology, where he has taught since 1952. He also supervises the doctoral program in electrical engineering at the Institute and is a consultant to the Air Force Flight Control Directorate at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. Previously, he had taught at Wayne State University. Professor Houpis received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering at the University of Wyoming. Dr. Houpis is the author of numerous control theory technical articles and textbooks and is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Xi, and ASEE, and is a Fellow of IEEE. Gary B. Lamont is a professor of electrical and computer engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology. In addition to teaching graduate courses in digital control theory, computer engineering, and computer science, he does consulting in these areas. Prior to joining the faculty of the Institute in 1970, he was a systems analyst and engineer at the Aerospace Division of Honeywell. Professor Lamont recieved his Bachelor of Physics, MSEE, and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Lamont has authored numerous papers on automatic control (conventional, modern, and digital), expert systems, parallel processing algorithms, computer-aided design, and educational techniques. He is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, ASEE, ACM, and a member of IEEE. CONTENTS Preface Introduction Introduction Digital Control-System Modeling 1.2.1 Sampling Process 1.2.2. System Terminology 1.2.3 General Sampled-Data System Variables 1.2.4 Systems Modeling Why Use Digital Control? Control-System Analysis and Synthesis The Interdisciplinary Field of Digital Control Digital Control Development Nature of the Engineering Control Problem Text Outline Summary Continuous-Time Control-System Response Characteristics Introduction Background Simple Second-Order System Tracking-Response Characteristics Higher-Order System Tracking-Response Characteristics 2.4.1 Time-Response Characteristics of a Third-Order All-Pole Plant 2.4.2 Time-Response Characteristics of a Third-Order, One-Zero Plant 2.4.3 Time-Response Characteristics of a Sixth-Order Plant 2.4.4 Correlation between Frequency and Time Domains xix xii CONTENTS 25 2.6 27 2.9 44 4.5 46 48 49 2.4.5 Correlation of the Control Ratio with Frequency and Time Responses Nichol’s Chart (NC) Analysis Cascade-Compensator Design Procedures Synthesizing a Desired Tracking Control Ratio with a Unit-Step Input Feedback Compensation Disturbance Rejection 2.9.1 Second-order Disturbance-Rejection Model 2.9.2 Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) Design Principles for Disturbance Rejection 2.9.3 Examples Summary Linear Systems and the Sampling Process Introduction Linear Time-Invariant (LTT) System Solution of Linear Difference Equations Sampling Process (Frequency Domain Analysis) Ideal Sampler Shannon's Sampling Theorem Sampling-Time Selection 3.7.1 Single-Rate Sampling 3.7.2. Multirate Sampling Weighting Sequence Data Conversion Introduction 3.9.1 Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) Summary Discrete Systems Modeling Introduction Definition and Determination of the z-Plane Transform Z Mapping between s and z Domains 4.3.1 Mapping of the Primary Strip 4.3.2. Mapping of the Constant Frequency Loci 4.3.3 Mapping of the Constant Damping-Coefficient Loci 4.3.4 Mapping of the Constant Damping-Ratio Loci Z-Transform Theorems The Inverse Z-Transform, Z~! 4.5.1 Partial-Fraction Method 4.5.2 Power-Series Method (Direct Division Method) Limitations Z Transform of System Equations 4.7.1 Open-Loop Hybrid Sampled-Data Control] System 4.7.2. Open-Loop Discrete-Input-Data Control! System 4.7.3 Closed-Loop Sampled-Data Control System 4.7.4 Signal Flow Graphs for Hybrid Systems (HSFG) Digital-Computer Transfer Function Summary 99 99 M1 112 14 114 WS 118 123 124 128 130 131 131 136 137 140 145 149 SL 5.3 5.4 5.5 6.5 6.6 6.7 CONTENTS Discrete Control Analysis Introduction System Stability 5.2.1 z-Plane Stability 5.2.2 z-Domain Nyquist Stability 5.2.3 Polar Plot Analysis 5.2.4 Extended z-Domain Stability Analysis: Jury's Stability Test Steady-State Error Analysis for Stable Systems 5.3.1 Steady-State Error-Coefficient Formulation 5.3.2 Evaluation of Steady-State Error Coefficients 5.3.3 Use of Steady-State Error Coefficients Root-Locus Analysis 5.4.1. Procedure Outline 5.4.2 Root-Locus Construction Rules for Negative Feedback 5.4.3 Examples Bilinear Transformations 5.5.1 s-Plane and w-Plane Relationship 5.5.2 Routh Stability Criterion in w-Plane Time-Response Correlation between Planes (s, 2, and w) Frequency Response Summary Discrete Transform Analysis (Approximations) Introduction Folding or Aliasing Transformation Methods between Planes (s, z, and w) Mapping Approximations of 2-Transform (Or Numerical Solution of Differential Equations) 6.4.1 First-Backward Difference 6.4.2 Tustin Transformation Pseudo-Continuous-Time (PCT) Control System Analysis of a Basic (Uncompensated) System 6.6.1 PCT Control System Model 6.6.2 Sampled-Data Control System Summary Principles of Signal Conversion and Measurement Introduction Timing Considerations Binary Coding of Information Conversion Systems Digital-to-Analog (D/A) Conversion Structures General Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Conversion Structures Specific Analog to Digital Conversion Systems Measures of Converter Performance Sample-and-Hold Operation Multiplexing Integrated A/D and D/A Interfaces 151 151 152 153 155, 156 157 162 163 166 167 168 170 176 177 180 183 188 194, 198 198 201 206 206 213 215 215 216 219 220 220 220 222 224 225 229 234 243 245 248 xiv CONTENTS TAQ 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 9.6 Measurement in Digital Control Systems 7.12.1 Temperature Measurements 7.12.2 Pressure and Related Measurements 7.12.3. Motion Measurement 7.12.4 Position Measurement 7.12.5 Transducer Signal Conditioning 7.12.6 Saturation Analysis Programming Input and Output (I/O) 7.13.1 I/O Hardware Structure 7.13.2 Programmed I/O Mode 7.13.3 Interrupt 1/O Devices Summary Digital-Control-System Implementation Introduction Control Logic Computer Architecture for Control Software for Control 8.4.1 Algorithms 8.4.2 Language Hierarchy Software Engineering in Digital Control Systems Requirements—Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) Real-Time Design for Digital Control Software Design in Control Systems Direct Design Method Structured Programming and Implementation Software Testing Real-Time Scheduling Real-Time Operating Systems for Digital Control 8.13.1 Real-Time Operating Systems Requirements 8.13.2 Simple Real-Time Operating System Watchdog Timers Sampling-Time Selection 8.15.1 Single-Rate Sampling 8.15.2 Multirate Sampling User Interfaces to Real-Time Operating Systems Summary Random Processes in Digital Control Systems Introduction Digital Control of Random Inputs Random Processes (Stochastic Processes) Random Process Time Averages Linear System Response to Random Signals 9.5.1 Convolution Model 9.5.2 Difference Equation Model 9.5.3. Spectral Density of Linear Discrete Systems Vector-Matrix Representation of Random Processes 250 253 256 258 260 260 260 261 261 263 265 267 267 311 311 312 313 317 319 319 322 324 326 9.7 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 11 11 11.2 11.3 11.4 115 11.6 1L7 11.8 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.11 Summary Finite Word Length and Compensator Structure Introduction Quantization Errors Compensator Structure and Arithmetic Errors Compensator Coefficient Representation Sensitivity of Coefficients Scaling Limit-Cycle Phenomenon Due to Quantization Simulation and Tuning Detailed Design/Implementation Process Summary Cascade Compensation—Digitization (DIG) Technique Introduction. Digitization (DIG) Design Technique Guillemin-Truxal (GT) Compensation Method Lead Cascade Compensation 11.4.1 s-Plane DIG Design 11.4.2. w-Plane DIG Design 11.4.3 s-Plane to w-Plane Correlation Lag Compensation Lag-Lead Compensation Extensive Cascade DIG Example 11.7.1 Analysis of the Basic System 11.7.2 Guillemin-Truxal Approach 11.7.3. Pseudo-Continuous Time (PCT) Approach 11.7.4 w-Domain DIG Design Summary Cascade Compensation—Direct (DIR) Technique Introduction Direct (DIR) Design Technique Lead Compensation (DIR) Lag Compensation (DIR) Lag-Lead Compensation—DIR Frequency-Response Characteristics Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Controller Set-Point PID Controllers Extensive Cascade Example (DIR) 12.9.1 Lead Compensation 12.9.2 Lag Compensation 12.9.3 Controller Implementation Deadbeat Response Summary CONTENTS xv 370 370 372 374 379 379 381 384 385 385 387 387 388 389 391 392 394 410 411 412 xvi ‘CONTENTS 13 Feedback Compensation 13.1 Introduction 13.2 General Analysis 13.3 DIR Technique for Feedback Control 13.3.1 Guillemin—Truxal Approach 13.3.2 Root-Locus Approach 13.4 DIG Technique for Feedback Control 13.5 Controlling Unwanted Disturbances 13.5.1 DIG Technique 13.5.2. DIR Technique 13.6 Extensive Digital Feedback Compensator Example 13.6.1 DIG Example 13.6.2. DIR Example 13.7 Software for Digital Controllers 13.8 Summary 14 Discrete State-Variable Model 14,1 Introduction 14.2 State-Variable Representation 14.3 Time-Domain State and Output Equations for Sampled-Data Control Systems 14.4 State-Variable Representation of a Discrete-Time SISO System 14.4.1 Phase-Variable Method 14.4.2 Canonical-Variable Method 14.4.3 Physical-Variable Method 14.4.4 State Transition Equation 14.4.5 State-Variable Representation Summary 14.5 State-Variable Representation in the z Domain 14.6 System Stability 14.7 Time Response between Sampling Instants 14.8 Summary 15 State-Space Design Methods 15.1 Introduction 15.2 State-Feedback Pole Placement 15.3 State-Variable Feedback: Parameter Insensitivity 15.4 State Feedback Using Digitization 15.5 State-Feedback H-Equivalent Digital Control System 15.6 Design Procedure 15.7 Frequency-Domain Compensation Design Using Mean-Square Error Minimization 15.8 Digital Filters 15.9 Direct s-Plane to w-Plane Transformation 15.9.1 Scalar Case Relationship 15.9.2 Vector-Matrix Formulation 15.9.3 Accuracy Considerations of the w Transformation 15.9.4 Model Relationship as T —+ Zero 15.9.5 Normal Form 15.10 Summary 413 413 414 4l7 417 420 421 424 428 428 429 430 431 435 436 436 437 486 490 493 499 502 503 505 506 16 Discrete Quantitative Feedback Technique 508 16.1 Introduction 508 16.2 Continuous MISO and MIMO QFT Approach 509 16.3. Non-Minimum-Phase Analog Plant 513 16.3.1 Analog QFT Design Procedure for an nmp Plant 514 16.4 Discrete MISO Model with Plant Uncertainty S17 16.5 QFT w-Domain DIG Design 518 16.5.1 Closed-Loop System Specifications 520 16.5.2 Plant Templates 523 16.5.3 Bounds B(jv) on Lo(jv) 524 16.5.4 Nonminimum-Phase Lo(w) 524 16.5.5 Synthesizing Lyo(w) 527 16.5.6 ws = 120 Is Too Small 528 16.5.7 Error in the Design 532 16.5.8 Design of the Prefilter F(w) 535 16.6 Simulation 535 16.7 Basic Design Procedure for a MISO Sampled-Data Control System 538 16.8 Applicability of Design Techniques to Other Plants 542 16.8.1 MIMO Plants 542 16.8.2 Nonlinear Plants 543 16.9 QFT Technique Applied to the PCT System 543 16.10 Summary 543 16.10.1 Minimum-Phase, Nonminimum Phase and Unstable P(s) 543 16.10.2 Disturbance Attenuation 544 16.10.3 Conclusions 544 17 Modern Discrete Control Theory 546 17.1 Introduction 546 17.2 Basic System Structure 547 17.3 Discrete Controllability 548 17.4 State-Space Pole Placement 552 17.5 Discrete Observability 553 17.6 State Observers 557 17.6.1 Full-State Observers SST 17.6.2 Reduced-Order and Current Observers 561 17.7 State-Space Stability 563 178 Summary 563 18 Discrete Optimal Control 565 18.1 Introduction 565 18.2 Optimal Control Concepts 566 18.3. Maximum Principle 567 18.4 Discrete Linear Regulator 568 18.4.1 General Second-Order System Optimal Controllers 574 18.4.2 Discrete Riccati Equation Solution 575 18.5 Optimal Control Variations 580 18.6 Sampling Time 581 18.7 Summary 582 *% s. 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 Aun DOAnmMHIADyS CONTENTS Discrete Estimation and Stochastic Control Introduction Parameter Identification Discrete Optimal Estimation 19.3.1 Additive Noise Model 19.3.2 Estimation Problem Formulation 19.3.3 Discrete Optimal Estimation 19.3.4 Solution to Optimal Filter Equations Discrete Stochastic Control 19.4.1 Combined Model 19.4.2 Optimal Performance H,, Robust Optimal Control Discrete Adaptive Control Summary Bibliography Problems Appendixes Fourier Transform Convolution Padé Approximation Power Series Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) Programs for Control Matrix Manipulations Signal Flow Graphs w-Transformation Characteristics Number Representations Theory of Probability Discrete QFT Design Process Answers to Selected Problems Index 613 661 667 669 672 674 678 689 695 696 701 714 739 PREFACE . There is a need for a fundamental textbook on sampled-data control theory and applications that emphasizes the use of the small digital computer as a controller. The implementation of a digital controller allows design flexibility and system extendability in an efficient and effective manner as compared to analog components. The real- time adaptability of mode changes due to plant parameter variations, environmental changes, and requirements modifications usually require a digital computer. This text accomplishes the objective of providing sampled-data control system topics mainly for upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate students. It effec- tively merges and interrelates the two general areas which are vital to a practicing digital control engineer: discrete and sampled-data control theory and computer en- gineering. This textbook provides a clear, understandable, logical development and motivated account that spans sampled-data control theory with computer engineering as an integrated entity. The minimum background required for this book is a fundamental course in continuous-time control systems. Some higher-order language programming expe- rience would be useful but not necessary in appreciating the software engineering sections. The textbook has been developed to achieve a minimal satisfactory under- standing of discrete-data and sampled-data systems. This development is based on the reader having a mathematical background in differential equations, integral calculus, and Laplace transforms. The authors have tried to exert meticuluous care with explanations, diagrams, calculations, tables, and symbols. The text provides a strong, comprehensive, and illuminating account of those elements of conventional control theory which have relevance in the design and analysis of sampled-data control systems. The variety of different design techniques presented contributes to the development of the student’s working understanding of what A. T. Fuller has called “the enigmatic control system.” To provide a coherent development of the subject, formal proofs and lemmas have KX PREFACE been eschewed with an organization that draws the perceptive student steadily and surely into the demanding theory of multirate, multivariable control systems. The text, which is summarized in the following paragraphs, introduces the con- cepts of sampled-data theory, relates it to continuous analysis methods as appropriate, integrates computer engineering concepts with digital control implementation, and presents both scalar and modern control design and synthesis techniques. Chapter 1 introduces the sampling process model while the development of ideal impulse sampling is detailed in Chapter 3. The use of linear difference equations to model the performance of sampled-data control systems is also presented in Chapter 3. Many of the analysis and design techniques of sampled-data control systems emphasized are extensions of continuous control-theory methods that are reviewed in Chapter 2, including the modeling of a desired system control ratio for tracking and disturbance rejection. Chapter 4 introduces the Z-transform (zee transform) as a method for the analysis and design of sampled-data control systems in the z-plane. The correlation between the pole-zero pattern in the s- and z-planes is presented with respect to time- response characteristics. The properties and mathematical representations of open-loop and closed-loop sampled-data control systems are developed, and their corresponding block diagram and signal-flow representations are given. Stability analysis as presented in Chapter 5 is accomplished by applying Jury’s stability test or Routh’s stability criterion in the 2- and w-domains respectively. The w’-transformation is developed as an approximation to the Laplace transform. Chapter 5 binds together the s-, 2-, and w’-domain analyses with respect to time- response characteristics by means of the root-locus and frequency-response methods. In Chapter 6 a general sampled-data control-system design technique is devel- oped. The Padé approximation, the Tustin transformation, and the pseudo-continuous- time (PCT) control system model are involved in this technique. The basic organization of analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters and I/O programming is presented in Chapter 7. The objective is to develop a detailed understanding of conversion processes in a digital control system. General control transducers are also presented, providing insight into their construction, accu- racy, and utilization in control systems. A concise but integrated presentation of the fundamentals of computer engineer- ing as related to digital control system is set forth in Chapter 8. This chapter provides an introduction to logical operations, hardware architecture, software engineering, and real-time operating systems as used in the detailed design of digital controllers and their implementations. Chapter 9 develops the foundation for the statistical analysis of finite word length discussed in Chapter 10 and for optimal estimation considered in Chapter 19, and presents the fundamentals of continuous and discrete random processes. Using this sta- tistical background, Chapter 10 focuses on modeling the effects of finite word length. Chapters 11 and 12 discuss two approaches of analyzing and designing a sampled- data, cascade-compensated control system: in the direct (DIR) techniques analysis and synthesis are done in the 2-plane and for the digitization (DIG) technique all work is PREFACE XXi accomplished in either the s- or w'-plane. The interrelations and comparison of the results obtained by using these design methods and the effect of T on these results are thoroughly discussed with the PID (proportional integral derivative) controller used * as an example. Feedback-compensated digital systems are discussed in Chapter 13. The pre- sentation deals with the tracking problem requiring that the system output follow the system input and the disturbance rejection model. Chapter 14 introduces the state-variable methods of representing a sampled- data control system and includes the analysis of system performance by state-space representation. Chapter 15 develops a design method for minimizing the effect of plant parameter variations on the system output. Chapter 16 presents for the first time in any textbook the quantitative feedback theory (QFT) design technique for sampled-data control systems. This is a power- ful technique in designing a robust control system for plants with plant parameter uncertainty and disturbances. Chapter 17 develops the concepts of controllability and observability with re- duced state controllers and observers. Chapter 18 presents the development of discrete optimal controllers along with their digital-computer implementation. Chapter 19 discusses the design of estimators for multi-inputs, multi-output systems with emphasis on identification, and also addresses the concepts of digital adaptive control and stochastic control systems. Various appendices support the understanding of various models and design techniques. The two important and major features of Digital Control Systems : Theory, Hard- ware, Software are uniqueness and flexibility of use. The unique features are integration of discrete and sampled-data control theory with computer engineering; degree of accuracy needed as T becomes smaller because of its impact on calculations and digital implementation, with emphasis on computer-aided design (CAD); discussion of text examples by integrating control theory and digital computer implementation; extensive development of system analysis and design by root-locus techniques in various domains; development of the pseudo-continuous-time (PCT) ) control system design and analysis; development of discrete optimal control and discrete optimal estimation methods; and emphasis of control law (algorithm) implementation in a digital computer. Various design approaches are Presented and compared in terms of advantages and disadvantages in order to Provide the digital control engineer with appropriate criteria for selecting an applicable method. The text is designed so that, depending on the course and the instructor, chapters and/or sections can be presented in a variety of sequences. It may be used in ad- vanced undergraduate and first-year graduate courses (two quarters or two semesters in length); for a short course (40 lecture hours); as a self-study text; and for a single Course restricted to only scalar sampled-data control theory, Chapter 1 to 6 and 11 to 13. Of course, the appropriate elements of computer engineering and transducer modeling as developed in Chapters 7 through 10 are critical for detailed design and implementation of digital controllers. Chapters 14 to 19 are included for modern digital Control and the estimation theory. XXii PREFACE Use of a CACSD (computer-aided contro] system design) package is advan- tageous in providing insight to design and analysis of digital control systems by employing the various examples and exercises in the text. Also, a physical laboratory for student implementation of various digital controller designs is of considerable educational benefit (sec the Instructor’s Manual for a series of suggested experiments and facilities and for case studies). We feel that with the mastery of the text material the student should be able to analyze and design sampled-data control systems and implement digital controllers as well as to provide the background for more extensive studies in the area. The goals of achieving an integrated sampled-data theory and computer en- gineering text have been extended to this second edition. Additional clarification of design processes is included and applied to real-world design problems. Modern digital control techniques have been added that employ quantitative feedback, optimal control, stochastic control, and adaptive control theory methods. COMPUTER-AIDED DIGITAL CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN In the understanding of digital-control system-design methods the use of computer- aided design (CAD) packages can provide a rich educational environment. The student can validate textbook examples as well as various textbook exercises. There are various commercial CAD packages (CNTLC, MATLAB, MATRIX x, SIMON) for control that could be used. JCECAP-PC (Interactive Control Engineering Computer Aided Package for the Personal Computer) has been developed at the Air Force Institute of Tech- nology and in conjunction with a number of universities to provide a public domain CACSD package. The purpose of ICECAP-PC is to provide an educational CAD program for control engineering students to analyze, design, synthesize and simulate control systems (continuous and discrete). The public domain MS-DOS ICECAP-PC executable program is available via the Instructor’s Manual. Also included is a series of macro files for various examples and problems in this text and a users manual (ASCIL file). If you are interested, an ICECAP source code can be provided for enhancements as part of a university/industry consortium. We express our thanks to the students who have used this book and to the faculty who have reviewed it for their helpful comments and corrections. Particular appreciation is expressed to Dr. J. J. D’Azzo, Head of the Electrical Engineering De- partment; Professor Emeritus R. B. Fontana, and the digital contro! students of the Air Force Institute of Technology for their inspiration. The continual encouragement and review of the text by Dr. T. J. Higgins, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, has been a very important catalyst in the completion of this second edition. Special thanks to Dr. Donald McLean, Senior Lecturer, University of Southhampton, England, formerly a visiting Professor at the Air Force Institute of Technology, who provided a detailed review of the first edition. The following reviewers also gave many valuable comments: Richard K. Blandford, Evansville University, Christos G. Cassandras, University of Massachusetts—Amherst; John F. Dorsey, Georgia Institute of Technol- ogy; Warren J. Guy, Jr., Lafayette College; Naim A. Kheir, Oakland University; and PREFACE XXili Renjeng Su, University of Colorado—Boulder. The perception and insight of all these individuals has contributed extensively to the clarity and rigor of the presentation. Our association with them has been a enlightening and refreshing experience. Finally, we thank McGraw-Hill, especially Eleanor Castellano for her help and encouragement. Constantine H. Houpis Gary B. Lamont CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The past five decades have witnessed the firm establishment of conventional and modern control theory for continuous-time control systems.!-%9 Not only has this theory revolutionized industrial and medical processes, but it has also enabled humanity to initiate the exploration of the universe. Sampled-data practical systems were initially slow due to the inherent theoretical and physical implementation problems. During this past decade many of these problems have been overcome and new sampled- data control-system design techniques have emerged. A sampled-data control system, utilizing a digital computer as a control element, can play a vital role in control-system applications such as robotics, aircraft control, automobile control, medical operations, Process control, biomedical systems, and satellite operation. Engineers and scientists attempt to design control systems to perfection so that ideal system performance is achieved. For a practical control system, physical realiz- ability of components limits the extent to which the ideal system performance can be achieved. The advent of the digital computer as a computational device permits more accurate control in general but also constrains the speed of operation. However, this accuracy has proven to be a critical element in the success of modern space explo- ration and intricate process control. The advent of the microprocessor and its use as a control element have provided the impetus, not only to enhance the theoretical anal- ysis and synthesis techniques for many systems, but also to motivate control-system designers to progress closer to their goal of “ideal system performance.” The purpose of this text is to present an extensive discussion of digital-control- system terminology, sampled-data control-system analysis and synthesis, and practical 2 Tropuction implementation techniques and considerations from a software and hardware point of view including measurement technology. Various aspects of a general digital control system are discussed in this text from various levels of observation (theory, hardware, software). The three simplest control-system configurations or architectures are shown in the block diagram of Fig. 1.1. Figure 1.1(a) is an open-loop control system representing many industrial process structures. The other three closed-loop configurations represent the most commonly used control systems where the performance specifications are more restrictive. The process block in Fig. 1.1 can represent a dc motor speed or position system (translational or rotational), a thermal system, a hydraulic system, etc. These block diagrams represent the fundamental control-system notation: The process to be controlled is called the plant, and the controller or compensator. The process may also contain sensors for measurement of plant dynamics (measured variables). Figure 1.1(d) represents a general sampled-data feedback control system with a digital controller consisting of three elements. The analog-to-digital (A/D) converter samples the analog signal and converts the sampled signal to digits for numerical processing by the digital computer. The digital-to-analog (D/A) converter transforms the resulting discrete or digital signal values to an analog control signal. Acceptable system performance requires the control system output c(t) (con- trolled variables) to track an input r(t) (manipulated variables) despite various system disturbances. If the input is zero, then the system is defined as a regulator. Satisfac- tory regulation or tracking with disturbances is associated with a disturbance rejection system. If the plant parameters vary but the system retains acceptable regulation or tracking characteristics with disturbances, then the system is defined as robust. Var- ious design approaches presented in the following chapters depend upon the desired performance using these general system definitions. 1.2 DIGITAL CONTROL-SYSTEM MODELING A digital-control-system model can be viewed from many different levels including the control law (algorithm), the computer program, conversion between analog and digital signal domains, and system performance. One of the most important aspects leading to the understanding of digital control systems is at the sampling process level, which is introduced in this section. The associated system terminology, which is critical in understanding digital control concepts, is also presented. 1.2.1 Sampling Process? In continuous control systems, all system variables are continuous signals as repre- sented by Fig. 1.2(a). That is, whether the system is linear or nonlinear, all variables are continuously present and are therefore known at all times. (This text deals only with linear or linearized systems.) Another category of control systems is one in which one signal e(t) is sampled at intervals of time T. This is depicted in Fig. 1.2(c) so that the sampled signal appears as a pulse train of varying amplitudes, as shown in Fig. 1.2(d) 1.2 DIGITAL CONTROL-SYSTEM MODELING 3 Controller (digital computer system) Input Output (a) Controller Output (b) Input Process Output + Controller © Disturbance Digital controller Disturbance Plant/actuators Digital vA Analog-to-digital Digital-to-analog Disturbance (d) FIGURE 1.1 General architecture of digital control systems: (a) Feedforward or open-loop system; (6) unity-feedback System; (c) nonunity-feedback system; (d) general digital control system. with the sampled output e5(t)=e(t)p(t). That is, the pulse train of Fig. 1.2(b) is mod- ulated with the continuous-time signal of Fig. 1.2(a) to yield the sampled function of Fig. 1.2(d). Such sampling may be an inherent characteristic of the system. For example, a radar tracking system supplies information on a vehicle’s position at dis- crete periods of time. This information is therefore available at a succession of time intervals as data levels, 4 intropuction e(t) P(t) ly t 0 3 re (a) (b) ent) Pulse train generator Pulse et) «— (analog) signal Pulse modulator (ce) (d) Continuous amplitude (analog) signal ett) = (pO, FIGURE 1.2 Continuous and discrete signals: (a) Continuous analog signal e(¢); (b) sampling pulse train p(t); (c) sampling device; (d) sampled function. 1.2.2. System Terminology It should be noted that in the control literature the terms digital systems, discrete-data systems, digital control systems, sampled-data systems, and discrete-time systems have been and are being used interchangeably. In the early development of this technology an analog system not containing a digital device in which some of the signals were sampled (pulse or amplitude modulated) was referred to as a sampled-data system. In this text the term sampled-data control system is used to describe a system that contains at least one sampled signal. With the advent of the digital computer, the term discrete-time system denoted a system in which all its signals were in a digital coded form (digitized). Most practical systems today are of a hybrid nature, i.e., contain both analog and digital components. Digital computers are available for performing the computations necessary in a complex control system. The A/D conversion device samples the device’s input signal at some sampling frequency w, or equivalently at sampling instants t = kT where T is defined as the sampling time. The process is completed with the sam- pled analog signal value being converted to a discrete digital value (digital encoding). The D/A converter performs the reverse conversion process generating an analog control signal. The details of this conversion process are discussed in later chap- ters. A system in which the digital computer is utilized as a control device is re- ferred to as a digital control system. If the digital computer interfaces directly with 1.2 DIGITAL CONTROL-SYSTEM MODELING 5 the plant (or process), the system is referred to as a direct digital control (DDC) system. In practice, the output of the pulse modulator of Fig. 1.2(c) is generally fed into a data-hold device (a device that converts a discrete signal into a continuous signal), as shown in Fig. 1.3(a). The simplified representation of the sampling and hold devices is shown in Fig. 1.3(b), where the “ideal sampler” represents the unit impulse train of Fig. 1.3(c) and the output of the sampler is the amplitude-varying impulse train e*(t) of Fig. 1.3(@). The * indicates a sampled continuous signal such as e*(t) with 6 defined as the kronecker delta function: 1 t=kT se-a={ tokT (1.1) A train of these delta functions, 6r=)7 fy 6(t — kT), multiplied times the continuous signal e(t), is a syntactical method of Tepresenting a mathematical model of the sam- pled continuous signal, e*(t) as shown in Fig. 1.3(d). The utilization of a hold device, which is shown in Fig. 1.3(e), simplifies the mathematical analysis of the sampled signal. The hold process in this case is defined as a ‘zero-order hold” since the output at time kT is held constant over the next sampling interval. Thus, the structures of Fig. 1.1, where the controller contains the sampler and the hold device of Fig. 1.3(a), are sampled-data control systems, An example of a sampled-data control system is that of a human, which can be illustrated in a setting of observing the environment while performing a function such as driving a vehicle or dialing a phone. The human eye samples the appropriate environmental signals; processes the information in the brain; and controls the hands, arms, and legs accordingly. Another example is that of an air- Port automated aircraft landing system that uses radar information, an inherent sampled process, defining aircraft lateral and vertical positions. These data are used as input to the controller (an autopilot) for aircraft pitch, yaw, and roll control. These examples Tepresent multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) control systems. Such systems can be negatively influenced by unmodeled disturbances such as noise, wind, and light. 1.2.3 General Sampled-Data System Variables The variables of a sampled-data system can be described in terms of their time and am- plitude characteristics grouped in four general categories: discrete amplitude-discrete time (D-D), discrete amplitude-continuous time (D-C), continuous amplitude-discrete time (C-D), and continuous amplitude-continuous time (C-C). The Jirst letter refers to the amplitude characteristic and the second letter refers to the time characteristic. Table 1.1 summarizes these categories. A general example of the classification of sampled-data control systems is shown in Fig. 1.4. Here the continuous (amplitude and time) input signal e(t) is impulse- sampled, generating a continuous-amplitude-discrete-time signal by definition. The hold circuit of Fig. 1.4 generates a piecewise-continuous step function (“staircase”). The Sampled data e*(t) can be any value (an infinite number of values) within some Predefined range of amplitude values. 6 intRopuCTION e(t) BW Hold mn) T a) er) Hoa mt) o_O ae ie T Ideal sampler r(1) OTT 47 6T 8T OKT FT (k+2)T (k+0T e*(1) = e(t) 6(0) z gar) &t— kT) 0 27 47 #6T 8T kT m(t) FIGURE 13 Sampling process: (a) Pulse- sampling and data-hold devices; (b) simplified representation of (a); (c) ideal sampler representation; (d) output of — pL, (© _ ideal sampler; (¢) output of hold 6T 8T kT 0 2T «447 device. Figure 1.5 presents the various signal classifications in a digital-computer control system. Here again the impulse sampler generates a continuous-amplitude-discrete- time C-D signal. The output ep(kT) of the A/D quantizes e*(t) such that it can be only one of a finite number of values within a specific value range. This phe- nomenon is due to the finite word length of the computer. The digital computer itself manipulates the quantized value (a base 2 number) into another discrete-amplitude discrete-time D-D signal f(kT). Finally, the D/A transforms f(kT) into a discrete- amplitude-continuous-time D-C signal m(t). Observe that the m(t) in this case as 1.2 DIGITAL CONTROL-SYSTEM MODELING 7 TABLE 1.1 The nature of sampled-data-system variables Time (temporal) Amplitude (spatial) Discrete, D | Continuous, C Discrete, D Continuous, C cc compared to the output of the hold device in Fig. 1.4 has a discrete-amplitude char- acteristic because of the quantization of the A/D which is not present in Fig. 1.4. The D/A, however, does include a hold device and is modeled in Fig. 1.6. The “fictitious” sampler in this D/A model is needed to represent the fact that the input value f*(t) is immediately converted (A/D) and manipulated by the digital computer, resulting in a value at the hold device input during the same sampling instant. That is, there is no computational time delay 7p in the computer. This instantaneous computation is, of course, impossible. If the computational time delay is much less than the sampling time T, then the assumption that Tp ~ 0 is appropriate, resulting in a simplified analytical model. This model is used in the theoretical development of later chapters, 1.2.4 Systems Modeling The generation of a plant model for which a controller is realized as a digital in- formation processing device is of primary importance. Generally, in an academic environment the plant model is given in the form of a linear system with constant coefficients. This type of model is usually easy to analyze with proper techniques. In e(t) ent) mt) a Se - 7 cD CC ett) ent) m(t) cc cD cc t 1 t 0 T 2T 0 T 2T 0 T 2T FIGURE 1.4 Example of analog signal classifications in a sampled-data system (see Table 1.1). 8 inrropuction a) er) epkD cD D-D (analog signal) (digital signal) ny {analog signal) jn n dod ' 1 0 T 27 0 T QT isa quantized value SUT) m(t) D-D Dc (digital signal) (analog signal) 4 1 c 2 1 FP? ge 1 i 1 ' 0 T ar 0 T 27 3TF is a quantized value ‘mis quantized FIGURE 1.5 Example of signal classifications in a digital control system. the real world most models are nonlinear in nature and are time-varying due to the physics of the system and its environment. With various assumptions (which may not be appropriate) the nonlinear system is linearized and analyzed, and a control law is generated to meet given specifications. Testing is then initiated to validate the system model within a constrained domain. Many control problems turn out to be directly related to the use of an incorrect plant model. The development of the original plant model is probably the most im- portant and probably the most difficult aspect of control engineering. The application of the various analysis and design techniques usually proceeds in a straightforward manner after the model is obtained. FIGURE 1.6 D/A converter with a hold device. 1.2 DIGITAL CONTROL-SYSTEM MODELING 9 In developing pedagogical models, one can select various examples. Physical examples include electrical motors, mechanical translation systems, mechanical rota- tional systems, thermo systems, hydraulic systems, and combinations of these models. Many of these physical systems can be Tepresented by the same type of transfer function or differential equation resulting in the same number of poles and zeros but with different values and different gains. The block diagram of Fig. 1.1(d) depicts a general control loop with plant, sensor, actuator, samplers, and compensator. In most cases the sensor and actuator dynamics are incorporated into the plant model. Although various units (English, mks) can be specified for a given physical system, they are excluded in the following linearized models for emphasis on structure. The specified references detail not only the numerical conversion between appropriate units but also the derivation of the model equation. Some common Laplace transform and differential equation models follow. FIRST-ORDER MODEL. A temperature control system input and output relationship! * Tols)__K Tis) (rs +1) where 7,(s) is the output temperature, T,(s) is the input temperature, K is an appro- priate gain constant, and 7 is an appropriate time constant. Other first-order models are evolved from various RLC electronic circuits. ! (1.2) SECOND-ORDER MODELS. The model! for a servo motor is Hs) _ Kr Ets) s(JRas+ BR, + Kr Ky) where @ is the motor shaft position output, FE is the motor (armature) voltage input, Kr is the mo.or-torque constant defined by motor-torque = K7* armature current, J is the total moment of inertia connected to the motor shaft, R, is the armature resistance, B is the total viscous friction, and Ky is the motor back-emf constant defined by motor back-emf = Ky « 06/0t. A normalized version of this model is: Es) s(s+1) which is used as a second-order model in this text, Physical examples of this sim- ple model include individual-joint robot-arm control, motor antenna control, process Servo-motor control, radar azimuth antenna control, rotating power amplifiers, engine control, etc. Associated gearing is modeled as a gain (gear ratios). Another second-order example is represented by a satellite attitude control model. The model for a single-axis satellite attitude control system is Os) _ JI _«K Ty(s) Js? 52 where @ is the relative angle (position) of the satellite, T; is the input torque, and J is the satellite’s moment of inertia about the chosen axis, (1.3) (1.4) 10 intropucTioN A further second-order example is a process control model of a mixing tank with two unpure liquids flowing in and the resulting mixture flowing out. Assuming small perturbations about a steady-state mixing condition, the dynamics are defined by the equations: fo at) = fit + Arlt) + Ie et) = er fit) + €2 falt) — cov(t) — Z = foctt) where v(t) is the volume of liquid in the tank, c(t) is the concentration in the tank, f; is the flow of liquid 1 into the tank with concentration c1, and f2 is the flow of liquid 2 into the tank with concentration cz. The steady state concentration, outflow, and volume are given by co, fo, and vo, respectively. The input flows can be considered constants resulting in a linear time-invariant system. Note, the two coupled variables constitute a second-order system. THIRD-ORDER MODELS. The third-order model for a single-axis hydraulic pump js! motor is’ mls) _ K X(s)_— s(s? + kis + ko) where ©,, is the motor angle and X is the hydraulic displacement. The gains are appropriate constant values. With certain approximations hydraulic systems can be model as second-order transfer functions. The second-order motor model becomes a third-order transfer function when the motor inductance, Lm, is not assumed zero although it is usually relatively quite small. (1.5) FOURTH-ORDER MODEL. For the fourth-order model the classical inverted pendu- lum positioning system is chosen. In this system the pendulum pivots on a carriage which can move in a horizontal direction in order to balance the pendulum. Assuming small perturbations about a norm results in the following equations using trigonometric approximations: . g 1. t)- = +> = a(t) poo Zio 0 M(t) = ult) — fe where @(t) is the perturbed angle of rotation, x(t) is the horizontal displacement, g is the gravitational acceleration, M is the mass of the carriage, u(t) is the control force on the carriage, and f is the coefficient of friction. L is defined as L= J+mMg Mg where m is the pendulum mass, c, is the pendulum center of gravity, and J is the moment of inertia with respect to the center of gravity. Because the two variables @ and x appear with second derivatives, a linear fourth-order time-invariant model results. This inverted pendulum system is usually very difficult to control due to its inherent instability! 1.3 WHY USE DIGITAL ConTROL? I All the preceding models are approximations to the associated continuous or analog physical plant structure. The various s-domain models can also be augmented with a multiplicative time delay e~7#5, To measure and design controllers for appro-> priate system parameters, sensor and actuator equations also have to be incorporated into the system model. Examples of sensors are rate/position gyros, accelerometers, potentiometers, Wheatstone bridge circuits, Pressure transducers, switches, and signal converters. Examples of actuators are control surfaces, relays, switches, and valves. 1.3 WHY USE DIGITAL CONTROL? The choice of designing a continuous-time or a digital control system for a given application may be based upon the knowledge of the following incomplete list of advantages and disadvantages: ADVANTAGES. Many systems inherently contain a sampling process such as human vision and radar systems. Digital control permits the use of sensitive control elements with relatively low-energy signals. The advantages of using a digital transducer is the relative immunity of its digital signals to distortion by noise and nonlinearities and its high accuracy and resolution as compared to analog transducers. A digital transducer is a coupling device that transforms continuous and discrete data into a digital code/binary number. The employment of discrete or digital signals provides for the design and development of complex and sophisticated control systems. This phenomenon results from the ability to store discrete information for long time inter- vals, to process complicated algorithms, and to transmit discrete information with high accuracy, using inexpensive low-power microcomputers along with data multiplexing. For some control-system applications, improved system performance can be achieved by a sampled-data control-system design over a continuous-data control-system design because of better noise filtering. DISADVANTAGES. The mathematical analysis and design of a sampled-data control system is some times more complex and tedious as compared to continuous-data control-system development. In general, converting a given continuous-data control system into a sampled-data control system degrades the system stability margin. The Purpose of the hold device is to reconstruct the continuous signal from the discrete signal. The best reconstructed signal that can be achieved is defined as m(t), which is an approximation to e(t). Thus, a loss of signal information occurs, The complexity of the control process for a multidimensional system is embedded in the software- implemented algorithms. These algorithms may contain logical errors resulting in considerable testing in order to find the incorrect software statements. Because the A/D, D/A, and the digital computer in reality delay the control signal ouput, the Performance objectives can be more difficult to achieve since the theoretical design approaches normally do not model this small delay. 12 intropuction 1.4 CONTROL-SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS Since digital-control-system development is interdisciplinary in nature, the techniques * employed cover a wide spectrum, including the technique of classical control theory and its extensions, discrete mathematical procedures, as well as computer-related de- sign programs and simulators and computer engineering. All these techniques are used in approaching a satisfactory design. The analysis of sampled-data control systems relies heavily on the extension of the complex frequency-domain and the time-domain methods developed for continuous- data control systems.'?! The major approaches in analyzing sampled-data control systems are: 1. Complex frequency domain. s-transform method (Laplace transformation), root- locus method, frequency-response method, Z-transform method and approxima- tions, w’-transform method (bilinear transformation), and state-variable method. 2. Time domain. Linear difference equation method, impulse-response method, and state-variable method. The Z and w’ domain transformations and difference equations methods are addi- tional approaches to those employed for continuous-time control-system analysis and synthesis. By incorporating probabilistic models of noise into a digital-control-system model, a better understanding of system performance can be achieved. This area of study requires the understanding of random processes. To develop digital control systems in an efficient manner, various aids are sug- gested that perform accurate and repeatable calculations and permit relatively easy modification of system constants/parameters and software development. Examples of various general aids are economical simulators, software development systems, and computer-aided-design (CAD) tools. Hybrid simulation using an analog computer is employed to represent the continuous plant or process that is to be digitally controlled. In a digital simulation, a digital computer is used for both the process and digital controller. A software development facility permits easy, economical, and efficient generation of control programs, simulations, and associated documentation. A con- trol engineer must be proficient in the use of available computer-aided control-system design (CACSD) programs that minimize and expedite the tedious and repetitive cal- culations involved in the synthesis and analysis of a control-system design. If the analysis of the basic system reveals that the desired system performance specifications have not been achieved, then a compensator must be inserted into the system. The compensator is designed so that the system achieves the desired perfor- mance specifications. Two possible approaches for achieving cascade compensation are shown in Fig. 1.7. Figure 1.7(a) illustrates the utilization of a continuous-data compensator G,(s) in cascade with the basic plant G,(s). An alternate method of LS THE INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELD OF DIGITAL CONTROL 13, FIGURE 1.7 Cascade compensation: (a) Continuous-data compensator; (b) digital controller. compensation can be achieved by utilizing a digital controller (computer), as shown in Fig. 1.7(b). Henceforth, the classification, C-C, D-D, D-C, and C-D, of the system variables are not denoted in the figures except where needed for clarity. Note that in Fig. 1.7(6) there are two hold devices. In general, the one on the input to the digital computer is ignored in the control-system dynamic model due to its timing characteristics (a very small “relative” time constant). The timing characteristics of the hold device in the D/A unit must be taken into account in the dynamic model of the system because of its delayed analog output. 1.5 THE INTERDISCIPLINARY FIELD OF DIGITAL CONTROL As summarized earlier in this chapter, many disciplines are involved with developing a successful digital control system. These elementary disciplines include differential and difference equations, classical control theory, numerical analysis, discrete control theory, computer systems architecture (hardware/software), digital integrated circuits, signal converters, information structures, control-algorithm design, digital signal pro- cessing, software engineering, and test generation. Additional areas providing extended capabilities for analysis and synthesis are matrix algebra,”' discrete stochastic processes,>+ modern control theory,3:4:7:19;70.85 and estimation theory.>+ The intent of this text is not to focus on all elementary disciplines as sepa- rale areas but to use appropriate topics within each of them to support the overall theme, digital control systems. Thus, some fields such as numerical analysis are only 14 wwrropuction discussed in terms of discrete control algorithms or difference equation approxima- tions. The main areas of concem are discrete control theory, control-algorithm design, and control-system structure at various levels of observation (models) based upon the interdisciplinary nature of digital control systems. Digital signal-processing concepts provide insight into the processing of digital control signals within a computer. Many topics associated with digital processing are discussed here because of the large role this field plays in design and synthesis of control systems. A comparison of the design methodology used in the two disciplines shows that in the area of digital-filter design the type of specifications used to define the desired filter and the method of approximation used to model the filter reflect the primary differences. The specifications for digital control systems are usually given in terms of time constraints or frequency constraints (magnitude and phasc). For digital signal processing the constraint is usually in the form of frequency magnitude con- straints. The same considerations of word length in the difference equation coefficients and converters also exist. 16 DIGITAL CONTROL DEVELOPMENT With the decreasing cost of digital hardware, economical digital control implementa- tion is now feasible. Such applications include process control, automatic aircraft sta- bilization and control, guidance and control of aerospace vehicles, robotic control, and numeric control of manufacturing machines. An extensive example is state-feedback control systems for which the computer is used to estimate the inaccessible states and to help minimize parameter variations. The development of digital control systems can be illustrated by the following examples, which center on digital flight control systems, process control systems, and robotics. Example 1.1. Aircraft digital control development. Modern technology has brought about some numerous changes in aircraft flight control systems. A step in the evolution of flight control systems is the use of a fly-by-wire (FBW) control system. In this de- sign all pilot commands are transmitted to the control-surface actuators through electric wires. Individual component reliability was also increased by replacing the older analog circuitry with newer digital hardware. This updated system is referred to as a digital flight control system (DFCS) as shown in Fig. 1.8. The use of airborne digital proces- sors further reduced the cost, weight, and maintenance of modern aircraft and spacecraft. Other advantages associated with newer digital equipment included greater accuracy, in- creased modification flexibility through the use of software changes, improved dynamic reconfiguration techniques, and more reliable preflight and postflight maintenance testing. Example 1.2. Process control. Analog computers were initially utilized to monitor and control small dimensional processes. Specific installations may have used regulation control (set-point), supervisory control (monitor), or on-line instruction. In direct digital control (DDC) the digital computer measures directly the set-point values and current outputs in order to generate control signals (value position, vehicle turning rate, etc.) for tracking or regulation. With supervisory control, the objective is to optimize a mul- tiprocess system by measuring system parameters and generating the required controls. 6 DIGITAL CONTROL DEVELOPMENT 15 Actuation i | Actuators Ir ! TT _ 7 TOF 7 atic re | {rt Signal processing (controller) Power = a =e FIGURE 18 Fly-by-wire (FBW) and power-by-wire (PBW) control systems. (Control Systems Development Branch, Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.) Examples include high-profit manufacturing facilities, very accurate autopilots, and effi- cient chemical processes. For large systems a hierarchical supervisory structure provides for high-level scheduling, error recovery, and information management, and uses DDCs for controlling low-level individual plants. Because of the increasing dimensionality of processes along with accuracy spec- ifications, minicomputers and microcomputers are used to implement efficiently DDCs and supervisory control systems. The added flexibility and general-purpose display ca- pabilities of a digital-computer system associated with micro-miniaturization [very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) technology] have evolved contemporary process control systems with considerable distributed processing. These physically small multicomputer systems are used in modern manufacturing as integrated components of automobile pro- cesses, appliance sequencing, medical operations, and remote environmental monitoring and control systems. Example 1.3. Robotic arm. A specific example of a process control function is the use of assembly robots. Figure 1.9 depicts a general-purpose robot arm that can be employed on a production line for assembling parts, mixing combustible chemicals, or inspecting components in an austere environment. Although the various arm joints are Coupled through the structural links, an initial approach is to control each joint separately. Each arm joint can be rotated in a two-dimensional plane by a motor/gear system. Other ams may use direct drive motors. A coupled-joint robot-arm-controller design usually requires linearizing a set of nonlinear coupled equations in terms of position and velocity variables. At a supervisory level, the trajectories of the arm are defined in a software routine so that the desired movements can occur, Because of the power of large robots, the supervisory level also requires measurements of the environment so that destructive activity does not happen. Most position control systems historically have used a feedback combination of position, integral and derivative or rate signals (PID controller). 16 30.0 in INTRODUCTION Waist rotation 320° Shoulder rotation 300° Elbow rotation 270° Wrist bend 200° Flange rotation 270° Gripper mounting Wrist rotation 300° FIGURE 19 Example of robot arm (PUMA 600 Series). 1.7 NATURE OF THE ENGINEERING CONTROL PROBLEM In general, the engineering solution to a digital control problem can be decomposed. into the following steps: 1 bn Establish a set of performance specifications relating system input to output based upon given criteria (tracking response, disturbance rejection, sensitivity to plant varialions/uncertainty, energy utilization, etc.). Generate a linear model (difference or differential equations) of the plant that describes the basic (or original) physical system. The model is usually a linear approximation to the real world. This effort is critical in understanding the process model. As a result of system analysis or testing to desired performance specifications, a control problem exists and must be solved. Determine the performance of the basic system model by application of the available methods of control-theory analysis in the time domain or frequency domain. Augment the system model with appropriate sensor and actuator dynamic models that respectively measure or control the desired plant parameters. Proper selection of measurement and actuator transducers is also of primary importance. Ls revroutine 17 5. Use conventional control-theory, quantitative feedback theory (QFT), eigenstruc- lure assignment, or modern control theory design techniques to design and syn- thesize digital controllers to meet system performance specifications. 6. Simulate the overall control system, iterating the design until performance speci- fications are achieved. 7, Emulate, test, and iterate the implemented design. Technical knowledge of con- temporary digital-computer hardware and software architectures has a critical in- fluence on cost and real-time operation. Design of the system to obtain the desired performance is the control problem. The necessary basic equipment is then assembled into a system to perform the desired control function. To a varying extent, most systems are nonlinear. In many cases the nonlinearity is small enough to be neglected, or the limits of operation are small enough to allow a linear analysis to be made. In this textbook linear systems or those which can be approximated as linear systems are considered. Because of the relative simplicity and straightforwardness of this approach, the reader can obtain a thorough understanding of linear systems. After mastering the terminology, definitions, and methods of analysis for linear control systems, the engineer will find it easier to undertake a study of nonlinear systems. A basic system has the minimum amount of equipment necessary to accomplish the control function. The differential and difference equations that describe the physical system are derived and an analysis of the basic system is made. If the analysis indicates that the desired performance has not been achieved with this basic system, additional equipment must be inserted into the system or new control algorithms employed. Generally, this analysis also indicates the characteristics for the additional equipment or algorithms that are necessary to achieve the desired performance. After the system is synthesized to achieve the desired performance, based upon linear analysis, final adjustments can be made on the actual system to take into account the nonlinearities that were neglected. For digital control systems it is necessary to use good structured Programming techniques and to document on a continuing basis all aspects of the software development. 18 TEXT OUTLINE Chapter 2 serves as a review, and for those with no control-theory background it Presents the control-theory concepts necessary for them to proceed into the study of sampled-data control systems. Chapters 3 and 4 describe the linear system models for the discrete case. To represent a discrete linear difference equation in the frequency domain, a mathematical transform called the Z transform (zee transform) is developed. Many techniques used in modeling and designing continuous controllers with the Laplace transform can be reused with this new transform. Various analysis and design techniques as presented in Chaps. 5 and 6 exist for developing discrete or digital controllers. The conventional design methods presented in this text are based upon the root-locus formulation using the pole and zeros of the transfer function in the s, w, or z domain. 18 intropuction As presented in Chap. 7, the real-world implementation of a digital controller requires conversion from a continuous or analog signal to a digital signal using an A/D converter. Also, the digital “control signal” generated within the computer must be converted into a continuous signal through a D/A process. As presented in Chap. 8, another aspect of digital-controller implementation requires an appreciation of software development. A limited number of skills from software engineering are presented for proper development of control programs. The text also introduces general real-time executives for embedding control software. To study the impact of finite word length, a statistical or probabilistic approach is used. The fundamentals of random variables and random processes are developed in Chap. 9, which provides the tools for analyzing the impact of finite word length for specific difference equation implementations in Chap. 10. Chapters 11, 12, and 13 develop the design techniques associated with discrete cascade compensation and feedback compensation using the direct approach (DIR) and the digitization approach (DIG). Chapter 14 introduces the state-vector modeling approach and Chap. 15 presents some fundamental state-space design techniques for digital controllers. The robust frequency-domain quantitative feedback theory (QFT) design technique for continuous- time systems having plant parameter uncertainty is extended to include the design of sampled-data control systems in Chap. 16. Chapter 17 extends the state-space model to consider controllability, observability, and observer models. Chapter 18 discusses the development of optimal controllers which involve the solution to a Riccati equa- tion. Digital adaptive control using parameter identification techniques is presented in Chap. 19 along with combining the optimal control model with the optimal estimation model resulting in a stochastic controller. 1.9 SUMMARY This chapter has introduced the model of a sampled-data control system. Such sys- tems with at least one sampled analog signal and a hold device are used in many applications. The development of a discrete real-time digital controller requires the understanding of numerous theoretical and empirical subjects, a number of which are presented in this text. The many and varied methods described in this text result of course in different controller structures and organizations. Some may have performance characteristics very similar in nature; others may be quite different across a wide performance spec- trum, Some may have the same theoretical performance, but, as implemented in a digital controller, the associated responses can reflect sharp differences. CHAPTER . 2 CONTINUOUS- TIME CONTROL- SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 2.1 INTRODUCTION The highly developed analysis and design techniques for cascade and feedback com- pensators for continuous-data control systems form the basis for the analysis and design of sampled-data control systems. Thus, knowledge of the desired figures of merit (FOM) of the conventional control time response for a simple second-order system is required. These FOM are used in designing an nth-order system so that its time-response characteristics are essentially those of a simple second-order system. The frequency response or the root-locus technique yields a closed-loop response which is based upon some of the FOM. There are other techniques that first require the modeling of a desired control ratio which satisfies the desired FOM. The desired Control ratio is used to determine the necessary compensation. Formulating the desired Control ratio is the main objective of this chapter. Figure 2.1 represents a multiple- input-single-output (MISO) control system in which r(t) is the input, c(t) is the output which is required to track this input, d(t) is a disturbance input that must have minimal effect on the output, and F(s) is a prefilter to assist in the tracking of r(t) by c(t). 20) conTINvoUs-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS Dis) RO) Es) i) cs) FO) Gs) G6) Prefilter Compensator Basic (plant) system FIGURE 2.1 A multiple-input-single-output (MISO) control system. Thus, two types of control ratios need to be modeled: a tracking transfer function Mr(s) and a disturbance transfer function Mp(s). The control systems that are initially considered in this text represent systems for which F(s) = | and d(t) = 0; thus, they are single-input-single-output (SISO) control systems. 2.2. BACKGROUND If the analysis of the basic SISO system reveals that the desired specifications cannot be satisfied, then one of two common methods (cascade or feedback compensation) may be used to try to achieve these desired specifications. The performance of a tracking control system, based upon a step input, generally falls into one of the following four categories: 1. A given system is stable and its transient response is satisfactory, but its steady- state error is too large. Therefore, the gain must be increased to reduce the steady- state error without appreciably reducing the system stability. . A given system is stable, but its transient response is unsatisfactory. . A given system is stable, but both its transient response and its steady-state re- sponse are unsatisfactory. 4. A given system is unstable for all values of gain. wr Generally, all four categories require the utilization of additional system components to achieve the desired system performance. Note that the part of the control system on which control is exerted is usually called the plant or basic system. Generally, the basic system is fixed or unalterable except possibly for gain adjustment to improve the system performance. The addi- tional equipment that is inserted into the system in order to obtain the desired system. performance is referred to as the controller or compensator. Compensation of a sys- tem by the introduction of compensator poles and zeros is thus used to improve the system performance. However, each additional compensator pole increases the num- ber of roots of the closed-loop characteristic equation. If an underdamped response of the form shown in Fig. 2.2 is desired, the system gain can be adjusted so that there is only one pair of dominant complex poles. This requires that any other pole be far 22 BAcKGROUND 21. wn | | | | i \ | I 1 | | | | / | i J 4 | L — = 0 0 Ip 5 7, FIGURE 2.2 Simple second-order system tracking time response. to the left or near a zero so that the magnitude of the transient term due to that pole is small and therefore has a negligible effect on the total time response. The effect of compensator poles and zeros on the system’s FOM performance can be evaluated rapidly by use of computer-aided-design (CAD) techniques (see Appendix E).!4-!5 Three common basic types of analog compensators! that are used are shown in Fig. 2.3, They are called passive compensators since they consist of only resistors and capacitors in conjunction with an amplifier. The transfer function of the lag compensator, shown in Fig. 2.3(a), is AQ +Ts) _ A s+1/T l+aTs as+l/oT where 1 a > 0.1 (nominal for passive networks). It is referred to as a lead network since for a sinusoidal input the output phase always leads relative to the input phase. The lead network, a high-pass filter, can be used for systems whose performance falls into category 2 or 4. G(s) = (2.1) G(s) = (2.2) 22 CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS _ AU +15) GS) = Tees a>1.0 (a) Aa(l + Ts) GA = Tears a< lo (b) __AG+T I+ Ts) GeO Ts at sytl + (Ty [a)s a>1.0 (co) FIGURE 2.3 Compensators: (a) Lag network; (b) lead network; (c) lag-lead network The improvement in system performance that can be obtained by using each network separately can be achieved by a single network [see Fig. 2.3(c)], which is referred to as a lag-lead network. An improvement to system performance for a system that falls into category 3 can be achieved by using a lag-lead network whose transfer function is (1+ T\s)(1 + Ths) (1+aTjs)[1 + (Ty/a)s} (s+1/TiXs + 1/Tr) (s + 1/aT))(s + a/T>) Gels) (2.3) 2.3 SIMPLE SECOND-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 23 E,(s) FIGURE 2.4 A position, integral, and derivative (PID) controller: (a) block diagram; (b) signal flow graph (SFG). where @ > 1 and T,; > 7. The fraction (1 + T,s)/(1 + aT}s) represents the lag compensator, and the fraction (1 + T2s)/[1 + (T2/a)s] represents the lead com- pensator. A compensator that is generally used in the process control industry is the position, integral, and derivative (PID) controller of Fig. 2.4. This controller combines the characteristics of the lag and lead compensators to provide proportional, integral, and derivative control action for improving a system’s performance. Its transfer func- tion is - , Ki G(s) = Kp+ Kas + > (2.4) The analog PID controller of Fig. 2.4 is not of a practical form that can be readily implemented due to the ideal derivative operation. A practical form of this controller is to replace Kys by a lead network of the form of Eq. (2.2), which is an approximation to the ideal derivative process. Another procedure for designing the cascade compensator G(s) of Fig. 2.1 is the Guilleman-Truxel (G-T) method. This method, developed later in the book, is commonly called a pole-zero placement technique. In other words, some desired tracking control ratio Mr(s) is synthesized for an nth-order system that yields the desired values for the FOM, where d(t) = 0, F(s) = 1, and r(t) = u_,(). 2.3 SIMPLE SECOND-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS The tracking response to a unit-step-function input is usually used as a means of evaluating the response of a system. As an illustrative example, consider the simple second-order system described by the differential equation 2 + oe +c(t) = r(t) (2.5) This is defined as a simple second-order equation because there are no derivatives of 24 > cONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS r(t) on the right-hand side of the equation. The response to a unif-step input, subject to zero initial conditions, is Sunt c(t) = 1 — sinlwn V1 — @2)t +.cos~! ¢] (2.6) where 1 > ¢ > 0. For the underdamped case, the system oscillates around the final value as shown in Fig. 2.2 for ¢ = 0.2. The oscillations decrease with time, and the system response approaches its final value. The peak overshoot M, for the under- damped system is defined as the maximum value of the first overshoot. The time at which the peak overshoot occurs, tp, can be found by differentiating Eq. (2.6) with respect to time and setting this derivative equal to zero: . Cunesene “1 e(t) = = sinlWwn V1 ~ C)t+cos7' Vi = we S*"* cosl(wn Vl — @)t + cos”! CJ =0 (2.7) This derivative is zero at (wn \/1—¢*) t=0, 7, 27,.... The peak overshoot occurs at the first value after t = 0, provided there are zero initial conditions. Therefore, the peak time is given by Tw T tp = — = ———_— 2.8) Pa GT=e ee) Inserting Eq. (2.8) into Eq. (2.6) gives the peak overshoot as Cr M, = e = 1+exp 5 1+M, (2.9) vee where (2.10) is the per unit overshoot as a function of damping ratio as shown in Fig. 2.5. The settling time is defined as the time required for the oscillations to decrease to within a specified absolute value of the final value and thereafter remain less than this magnitude. For second-order systems, the value of the transient at any time is equal to or less than the exponential «~$*"*. A 2% error criterion (error = r — c) is often used to determine settling time. Based upon the envelope of the transient, the 2% criterion yields a settling time 7, which is approximately given by (2.11) Cwm The actual value of the settling time for c(t) is denoted by t, (see Fig. 2.2). The simple second-order system response characteristics to a unit-step input are summarized in Table 2.1. These characteristics (M,, tp, and T, t.) are referred 2.3 SIMPLE SECOND-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 25 06 04 02 0 0.2 0.4 06 08 10 FIGURE 2.5 $ Mp vs. ¢ for a simple second-order equation. to as the conventional control system figures of merit. The unit-step function is often used as the standard input for which a system is designed to satisfy prescribed values of the figures of merit. Based upon a simple second-order system performance, it is possible to specify any two of the three FOM: M,, tp, and T; in order to locate in the s plane the desired dominant poles of the control ratio C(s)/R(s). Thus, from any two of the three Eqs. (2.8), (2.9), and (2.11), the values of ¢ =Cp and w,, can be determined to yield the dominant poles Pid = OD + way = ~Cwn + jn (2.12) The dominant pole p;,, of Eq. (2.12) is shown in Fig. 2.6 where the shaded area represents the “undesired region” for the desired dominant pole. If any other poles and/or zeros lie in the shaded area, they may yield a larger value for one or more of the transient FOM (Mp, tp, and ts). Another important FOM is the static error coefficient, which is defined only for a stable unity-feedback system whose forward transfer function is in the following mathematical form: Kin + bis + bys? +--+ + bys”) s™(1 +418 +257 +--+ + ays") Km(1 + Tys)(1 + Ths)-++ ~ 914 Tys\(1+ Tbs) 2.13) G(s) = where n=m-+v and m=—1,0,1,2,... 26 — CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS TABLE 2.1 Conventional tracking figures of merit (FOM) Symbol Name Description Formula nr Mp Peak overshoot The amplitude of the system Mp = 1+exp response the first time it Vi-? overshoots the final value. ty Peak time The time afier ¢ + 0 when the peak overshoot is reached ts Settling time The time required for the ts of y(t) response to reach and remain 7 Ts within some specified percentage T's = —— of envelope an of the final value of c(t) (for +2% of final value) 2 N (not shown Number of The number of oscillations that N = (for in figure) oscillations up to the system output undergoes £29 of fal value) settling time between t = 0 and t = ‘I's to Duplicating time Time to first zero error eto) = r(to) — elto) = 0 When the constant term in each numerator and denominator factor of G(s) is unity, as in Eq. (2.13), the gain constant term Aj, appearing in the numerator of G(s) is called the static error coefficient. Note that when m = 0, then G(s) is re- ferred to as a Type 0 system; when m = 1 it is referred to as a Type I system; etc. Therefore, for systems which are Types 0, 1, and 2, the gain constant is referred to as the step (position), ramp (velocity), and parabolic (acceleration) error coeffi- cient, respectively. A Type ~—1 system is a velocity control system where the load FIGURE 2.6 s-plane location of the desired dominant closed-loop stable pole. 2.4 HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 277 TABLE 2.2 Definitions of steady-state error coefficients for stable unity-feedback systems Error Definition of Value of error Form of input coefficient error coefficient coefficient signal r(t) tse Step oe limsoG(s) Row_i(t) Ramp re limso sG(s) - Rytu_y(t) ess t t? Parabolic “se limo 'G6) Ey ess 2 characteristics on the motor’s shaft are described by J, B, and K (inertia, viscous damping, and elastance) as presented in Chap. 1.'?! The derivations of the error co- efficients are independent of the system type. They apply to any system type and are defined for specific forms of the input, i.e., for a step, ramp, or parabolic input. These error coefficients are useful only for stable unity-feedback systems. The results are summarized in Tables 2.2 and 2.3. The reader is urged to refer to some basic con- ventional control-theory text for a more detailed review of system types and error coefficients." 2.4 HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS The last section analyzes the time response of a simple second-order system. Its tesponse is characterized by the FOM, which are given by Eqs. (2.8) to (2.11). Since most systems are of a higher order, it is now appropriate to analyze their tracking- tesponse characteristics. Before doing so, it is necessary to stipulate that: 1. An underdamped response is desired. 2. It is desired that an nth-order system act “effectively” like a second-order system. 3. The complex-conjugate poles of C(s)/R(s) closest to the imaginary axis of the 8 plane will be defined as the dominant poles of the control ratio. TABLE 2.3 Steady-state error coefficients for stable systems a ae eee Systems — Step error Ramp error _ Parabolic error type coefficient Kp coefficient Ky coefficient Ka. eee Oe 0 Ko 0 0 20 Ki 0 2 oo oo Ky ee 28 — CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS, jw lox = Ips > lol | | 2 FIGURE 2.7 Pole location of Eq. (2.14) in the s plane. 2.4.1 Time-Response Characteristics of a Third-Order All-Pole Plant First, consider a third-order closed-loop control system whose control ratio is given by Cs) | K R(s)_ (s — pss ~ pols — Ps) where K > 0 and the poles are situated in the s plane as shown in Fig. 2.7. The poles (or roots of the system’s characteristic equation) are represented by pi.2 = 7p + jwp and p; = 03, where the roots p;.2 are the dominant roots. (These roots lie closest to the imaginary axes.) For a step input, (2.14) c(t) = Ag + Ape?” "(sin wpt +o) + Age?" (2.15) As an approximate rule, if |o73| > 6|o|, then p).7 are said to be truly dominant roots since p3 has little effect on c(t). For example, A3e7* dies out very fast as compared to Age? (sin wt + ¢). If |o3| < 6|op|, then all roots are said to be dominant. An exception to this rule occurs when a root(s), which by definition falls into the dominant category, lies very close to a zero(s) of C(s). If this situation occurs, this (these) root(s) is (are) said to be nondominant. For the case where ;,2 are truly dominant, the time response can be approximated by c(t) © Ao + Ape?” sinwpt + >) (2.16) Figure 2.8 shows the time responses for various pole configurations of C(s) for a unit-step input based upon Eq. (2.14). 2.4.2 Time-Response Characteristics of a Third-Order, One-Zero Plant The presence of a real zero in addition to the real pole further modifies the transient response. A possible pole-zero diagram for which the control ratio is Cs) K(s— 2) RG) (82 + 2Cwy,8 + a2 NS — ps) @.17) 24 HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 29 (a) (b) 7) (d) FIGURE 28 Pole diagram and corresponding time responses. is shown in Fig. 2.9. The transform of the output C(s) for a unit-step input is 1 K(s — 2) C(s) = = | es (3 — pid(s = pa)(s — ps) which by means of the partial-fraction expansion method is put into the form of A, Aa +s S—Pi S—pr 8p The inverse Laplace transform of C(s) is given by Eq. (2.15). The poles (input function and control ratio poles) of Eq. (2.18) are plotted in Fig. 2.9. Since Eq. (2.18) has all simple poles (first-order poles), then the coefficients Al,..., Ag of Eq. (2.19) can be determined from Fig. 2.9 by using the equation (2.18) C(s) = “ + (2.19) Ag x Product of directed distances from each zero of C(s) to the pole Pj (2.20) 7 product of directed distances from all other poles to the pole p; ” Thus, Eq. (2.20) shows that the closer a pole p; comes to a zero, the smaller the value of A; becomes. For the configuration shown in Fig. 2.9 the sign of A3, based upon Eq. (2.20), depends upon the relative location of the real pole and the real zero. A3 30 conTINVOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS iw s plane Input a forcing function FIGURE 2.9 Pole-zero diagram of C(s) for Eq. (2.18). is negative if the zero is to the left of p; and positive if the zero is to the right of p3. Also, the magnitude of A; is proportional to the distance from p3 to z [see Eq. (2.20)]. Therefore, if the zero is close to the pole, A; is small and the contribution of this transient term is correspondingly small. Observe that: 1. If the zero z is to the left of the real pole ps, the response is qualitatively the same as that for a system with only complex poles but the peak overshoot is smaller. 2. If the zero z is to the right of the real pole p3, the peak overshoot is greater than that for a system with only complex poles. When the real pole p3 and the real zero z are close together, the value of peak time ¢, obtained from Eq. (2.8) can be considered essentially correct. Actually, tp decreases if the zero is to the right of the real pole, and vice versa. A first-order correction to M, from Eq. (2.9) can be obtained by adding the contribution of A3e?%* at the time tp. The analysis of the effect on t, is similar to that described earlier for the case of just an additional real pole. Many control systems having an underdamped response can be approximated by one having the following characteristics: (1) two complex poles; (2) two complex poles and one real pole; and (3) two complex poles, one real pole, and one real zero. For case 1, the relations t,, M,, T,, and N developed in Sec. 2.3 give an accu- rate representation of the time response. For case 2, these approximate values are essentially correct if the real pole is far enough to the left. That is, the contribution of the additional transient term is small and the total response remains essentially the sum of a constant and an underdamped sinusoid. For case 3, the approximate values can be corrected provided the zero is near the real pole so that the ampli- tude of the additional transient term is small. More exact calculation of the FOM can be obtained by plotting the exact response as a function of time by use of a computer.5:!4 2.4 HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 31 jw s plane (a) (b) FIGURE 2.10 Pole and zero location of Eq. (2.22) and corresponding time response. 2.4.3 Time-Response Characteristics of a Sixth-Order Plant Next, consider a sixth-order closed-loop control system whose control ratio is Cs) K(s — 21) = MTA 2.21 Rs) (8 = pi)(s — p2)(8 — pa)(s — pals — ps)(8 — ps) (221) where A > 0. The transform of the output, C(s), for a unit-step input is c= K@= 2) (2.22) 5 (8 — PINS = Pas — PI — PANS — Ps — De) which by means of the partial-fraction expansion method is put into the form of c= 2+ AL, (2.23) Ss s—pPl The inverse Laplace transform of C(s) is c(t) = Ag + Aye?! +--+ Agerot (2.24) Equation (2.20) shows that the closer a pole p; approaches a zero, the smaller the value A; becomes. For the configuration shown in Fig. 2.10 where py, ps, and Po are nondominant poles, then Ay, As, and Ag are negligible, compared to A, and A. If p3 lies close enough to z; so that A3 is also negligible, then Eq. (2.24) can be rewritten as c(t) © Ap + Ape?”* sin(wat + 0) (2.25) The time response of Eq. (2.25) is shown in Fig. 2.10(6). The approximate equations (2.16) and (2.25) have the mathematical format of the output response of a simple second-order system given by Eq. (2.6). Thus, under the condition of a truly complex-conjugate dominant pair of roots an n (>3) order 32 CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS M(w) aw) {ay (6) FIGURE 2.11 Frequency response of a simple second-order system for ¢ = 0.4 system is said to act like a simple second-order system, or is said to be an effective simple second-order system. Under this condition fairly accurate values of Mp, tp, and T;, using Eqs. (2.8) to (2.11), may be obtained for the output responses of the respective systems. These values are determined by using the values of ¢ and wy obtained from op and wp. 2.4.4 Correlation between Frequency and Time Domains For a simple second-order system, the exact form of the frequency response, M(w) vs. w and a(w) vs. w, depends upon the system damping ratio in the same way that the time response does, where | C(jw) R(jw) GUjw) 1+GGu) M(jw) and a jw) = (2.26) RUjw The frequency-response curves of a typical second-order system would look like those in Fig. 2.11, which are drawn for a damping ratio of about 0.4. Note that in this case M( jw) has a peak which is greater than unity. This peak occurs at a frequency of win M( jw) always has a peak value greater than unity if the damping ratio is less than 0.707. It can be shown that! wa 1 = 22 (2.27) (2.28) Wm and 1 Mn = ———= u~J1-2 Recall that the damped natural frequency of a simple second-order system subject to a step input is given by wa =WnV1—C (2.29) 24 HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 33, Also, recall that if the steady-state response to a unit-step input is unity, the value of the peak overshoot \p of a simple second-order underdamped system is given by My, = 1 +exp (2.30) VO If Eqs. (2.29) and (2.30), which give information about the time-domain response, are compared with Eqs. (2.27) and (2.28), the following conclusions can be drawn concerning the correlation between the time and frequency responses: 1. For a given value of ¢, the higher the value of w,, is, the faster the system responds: Equation (2.27) demonstrates that a larger wm also means a faster responding system. n Both M,, and M, are functions of ¢ only, and the smaller ¢ becomes the larger M,, and M, become. There is a close correspondence between the values of My and M,, for ¢ > 0.4 (e.g., for ¢ = 0.6, Mp = 1.09, and M,, = 1.04), For ¢ < 0.4, the correspondence is qualitative only (e.g., if ¢ = 0, My = 2 but M,, = 00). The acceptable range of M,, is usually 1.0 < Mm < 1.4. 3. By examining the Nyquist plot of G( jw), one can see that the closer this plot nears the point —1+ 0, the larger My, becomes and thus the larger Mp becomes. Since having the system output follow the system input as closely as possible is usually desirable, it may seem very desirable for M(w) to equal unity at all frequencies from zero to infinity. Not only is this impossible, but it is not even desirable from a practical standpoint. In almost all cases the system input consists of extraneous disturbance inputs, as well as the reference input, which the system must follow. Moreover, disturbances may enter the system at points other than the input. Examples of such disturbances include the vibration of an electric motor or noise in electronic power supplies. Often these disturbances exist in a frequency band which is higher than the frequency range of the input signals. In such a case it makes good sense to design the system so that all frequencies above some minimum are severely attenuated. The bandwidth of a control system is defined as the frequency band between « =0 and some maximum frequency wy. It gives a precise indication of the range of frequencies to which the system responds. Of course, the system still exhibits some Tesponse to frequencies above the maximum frequency in the band. Since control sys- tems do not generally have what could be described as “sharp” cutoff characteristics, the frequency that is considered to be the upper limit of the operating band may not be the same in all texts. In most cases wy, the half-power point shown in Fig. 2.11, is often considered as the upper-frequency bandwidth because it represents a good general value where large-frequency attenuation begins. Following the previous discussion, it may seem logical to design the system So that for a given €. wm is as low as possible so that the entire range of input 34> CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS TABLE 2.4 A comparison between the tracking time-domain and the frequency-domain FOM | Time-domain Frequency-domain Mp=leecS/VIF | Mm = —L ‘Transient w~Vi-e Phase margin ~y angle corresponds to My and in tum to ¢. Wm = un T— 20 (or we) Ts =4/ Gun BW: wp Km Steady-state {| frequencies can still be accommodated. This is only partially true. While setting w,, as low as possible does result in the system rejecting the maximum amount of disturbing inputs, it also results in a lower value of undamped natural frequency w, and a slower responding system which may be undesirable. Therefore, some compromise between noise rejection and speed of response may be necessary in the selection of wn. A comparison between the tracking time-domain and frequency-domain FOM is shown in Table 2.4. These FOM are based on achieving an “effective” simple second-order-system time-response characteristics. 2.4.5 Correlation of the Control Ratio with Frequency and Time Responses Whenever the closed-loop control ratio M( jw) = C( jw)/R( jw) has the characteristic form shown in Fig. 2.11, the system may be approximated as a second-order system. This usually implies that the poles, other than the dominant complex pair, are either far to the left of the dominant complex poles or are close to zeros. When these conditions are not satisfied, the frequency response may have other shapes. This is illustrated by considering the following three control ratios: Cis) Re 7 (2.31) Cls) __0.313(8 + 0.8) Ris) (8 + 0.25)(s? +0.38 + 1) (2.32) oH. ___ 4 (2.33) Ris) (st+8+1)(s?+0.48+4) The pole-zero diagram, the frequency response, the time response to a step input for each of these equations are shown in Fig. 2.12. From Fig. 2.12(a), which represents Eq. (2.31), the following characteristics are noted: 24 HIGHER-ORDER SYSTEM TRACKING-RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS 35) jw jw jw «plane > plane splane x - 10.866 XP 70.988 Xb 1.99 ‘ ~0.25 0.5 % [10.866 1 —o +o —~o =05 —08 —02 -0.15 x L~ 70.866 x b= 70.866 xp — 0.988 xb —j.99 cy a) () (a) (b) fe) FIGURE 2.12 Pole-zero diagram and frequency and time responses. 1. The control ratio has only two complex poles, which are dominant, and no zeros. 2. The frequency-response curve has the following characteristics: a. A single peak, My, = 1.157. b. 10) FIGURE 2.13 Frequency responses. a. A single peak, M,, = 1.27. b. M < 1.0 in the frequency range 0 < w < we. c. The peak M,, occurs at wm = 0.95 > we. 3. The time response does not have the conventional waveform. The first maximum of c(t) due to the oscillatory term is less than c(t),s. From Fig. 2.12(c), for Eq. (2.33), the following characteristics are noted: 1. The control ratio has four complex poles, all dominant, and no zeros. 2. The frequency-response curve has the following characteristics: a. There are two peaks, M,,; = 1.36 and Miz = 1.45. b. 1.0 < M < 1.45 in the frequency range of 0 < w < 2.1. 3. The time response docs not have the simple second-order waveform. The first minimum of c(t) for ¢ > tp in the oscillation is greater than c(t);s. c(£) does not oscillate about a value of c(t).s. Another example is the system represented by K (s? + 2Gwps +w2)(s ~ p3) _ K (s+ op + jup\(s + oD — jwp)(s ~ p3) M(s) = (2.34) where the real pole p3 and the real parts of the complex poles are equal [see Fig. 2.8(c)]. The frequency response is shown in Fig. 2.13(a). The magnitude at w,, is less than unity. The corresponding time response to a step input is monotonic; i.e., there is no overshoot. This may be considered as a critically damped response. Other examples are shown in Fig. 2.8. The frequency response corresponding to Fig. 2.8(c) is shown in Fig. 2.13(b). 2.5 NICHOL’S CHART (NC) ANALYSIS 37 The examples discussed in this section show that the time-response waveform is closely related to the system’s frequency response. In other words, the system's time-response waveform may be predicted from the shape of the frequency-response plot. Thus, as illustrated in this section, the frequency-response plot may be utilized as a guide in determining (or predicting) time response characteristics. 2.5 NICHOL’S CHART (NC) ANALYSIS The log magnitude—angle diagram for 2.04(1 + j2w/3) GUY) = ay Joy + 70.2w (1 + j0.2w/3) (2.35) is drawn on graph paper as the solid curve in Fig. 2.14, which has the constant M and a contours [Nichol’s chart (NC)]. (The log magnitude and phase-angle diagram can be drawn first to get the data for this curve.) It is convenient to use the same log magnitude and angle scales on both the log magnitude and phase diagram and the log magnitude-angle diagram. A pair of dividers can then be used to move the transfer-function locus to the log magnitude—angle diagram. The M = 1.12 (1-dB) curve is tangent to the curve at wy; = 1.1. These values are the maximum value of the control ratio M,, and the resonant frequency wy. It is specified that the closed-loop system be adjusted to produce an M,, = 1.26 (2 dB) by changing the gain. The dashed curve is obtained by raising the transfer- function curve until it is tangent to the Mj, = 1.26 (2-dB) curve. The resonant frequency is now equal to wm = 2.09. The curve has been raised by the amount Lm A = 4.5 dB, meaning that an additional gain of A = 1.679 must be put into the system. In practice, it is easier to make a template of the desired Mm curve. Then the template can be moved up or down until it is tangent to the transfer-function curve. The amount the template is moved represents the gain change required. Once a graphical estimate of the gain is obtained by use of the template, a digital-computer program*7:'5 (see Appendix E) can be used to refine the design. When the gain has been adjusted for the desired M,,, the closed-loop frequency response can be found either graphically or by use of the digital computer. Graph paper with the constant Mf and a curves superimposed simplifies system analysis and design. For any frequency Point on the transfer-function curve, the values of M and a can be read from the graph. For example, with M,, made equal to 1.26 in Fig. 2.14, the value of M at w = 3.4 is —0.5 dB and a is —110°. The closed-loop frequency response, both log magnitude and angle, obtained from Fig. 2.14 is plotted in Fig. 2.15 for both values of gain, K, = 2.04 and 3.43. After the gain has been adjusted for the desired M,,,, methods described in the literature can be used to obtain the approximate values of the closed-loop poles® from M( jw). The feedback system in which the gain has been adjusted may be a portion of a larger system. Analysis and design of the larger system can proceed in a similar fashion. “(S€2) “by Joy wesSerp a/8ue-opnyudew Fo] Sop ‘¢ ‘ayfue aseug oz aun ovi— - = 002 Oz _ Ob _ONZ~_ORZ-_ OE (7900) @P bZ-| (20) aP 81 -| (S70) @P 21 -| (p6"0) aP S'0— 2.6 CASCADE-COMPENSATOR DESIGN PROCEDURES 39) Angle, FIGURE 2.15 Control ratio vs. frequency obtained from the log magnitude-angle diagram of Fig. 2.14. The NC presentation plays a vital role in the application of the quantitative feedback theory (QFT)' technique of Chap. 16. This technique is applied when it is desired to achieve a robust digital control system whose plant has variable parameters; e.g., aircraft flight control systems, robotic control systems, etc, 2.6 CASCADE-COMPENSATOR DESIGN PROCEDURES This section presents concise design procedures for the three basic compensator types of Fig. 2.3 that can be used in the cascade-compensated system shown in Fig. 2.16(a) and (b). The reader is referred to a basic control-theory text! for a more detailed discussion of these procedures. LAG COMPENSATOR. The following procedure is used to design the passive lag cascade compensator. First, the pole p, = —1 /aT and the zero z, = —1/T of the com- pensator, Eq, (2.1), are placed very close together. [See Fig. 2.17(a)]. This means that Most of the original root locus remains practically unchanged. If the angle contributed by the compensator at the original closed-loop dominant root p, is less than 5°, the new locus is displaced only slightly. This 5° figure is only a guide and should not be applied arbitrarily. The new closed-loop pole p; is, therefore, essentially unchanged from the uncompensated value pj. This satisfies the restriction that the transient re- Sponse must not change appreciably. As a result, the values pi +l/oT and pj +1/T are almost equal, and the values of the static loop sensitivity before and after the compensator is inserted are approximately equal. Also, the values of the static error Coefficient! ?! K,, before and after now differ only by a factor a so that K/, © aKyn. The gain required to produce the new root p', therefore, increases approximately by 40 contINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS Compensator Basic unit Rs) Es) 3) cs) CG) Basic unit M(s) cs) RO Ets) MG) cis) CG) Compensator oy d) FIGURE 2.16 Block and signal flow graph (SFG) diagrams showing the location of compensators: (a) and (b) cascade; (©) and (d) feedback. the factor a, which is the ratio of the compensator zero and pole. To summarize, the necessary conditions on the compensator are that (1) the pole and zero must be close together and (2) the zero-pole ratio a must approximately equal the desired increase in gain. These requirements can be achieved by placing the compensator pole and zero very close to the origin. LEAD COMPENSATOR. The design concept for the lead compensator, Eq. (2.2), is based on making a sufficiently small so that its pole —1/aT is far to the left and has a small effect on the important part of the root locus. Near the compensator zero —1/T’ the net angle of the compensator is due predominantly to the zero. [See Fig. 2.17(6).] The best location of the zero must be determined by trial and error. However, it is often found that the gain of the compensated system is increased. The maximum increases in gain and in the real part (Cw,,) of the dominant root of the characteristic equation do not coincide. The compensator zero location must then be determined for the desired optimum performance. It can be shown that the loop sensitivity is proportional to the ratio of |s+1/aT| to |s+1/T|. Therefore, as a decreases, the loop sensitivity increases. The minimum value of a is limited by the size of the parameters needed in the network to obtain the minimum input impedance required. Note also from Eq. (2.2) that a small a required a large value of additional gain A from the amplifier. The following guidelines are used to apply cascade lead compensators to a Type 1 or higher system: 2.6 CASCADE-COMPENSATOR DESIGN PROCEDURES 41. jw jw splane Py splane Pp —----a | | | a (a) (b) P2 FIGURE 2.17 Pole-zero location in the s plane for (a) a lag compensator; (b) a lead compensator. 1. If the zero 2, = —1/T of the lead compensator is superimposed and cancels the largest real pole (excluding the pole at zero) of the original transfer function, a good improvement in the transient response is obtained. 2. If a larger gain is desired than that obtained by guideline 1, several trials should be made with the zero of the compensator moved to the left or right of the largest real pole of G(s). The location of the zero that results in the desired gain and roots is selected. For a Type 0 system, it is often found that a better time response and a larger gain can be obtained by placing the compensator zero so that it cancels or is close to the second largest real pole of the original transfer function. An additional method for the design of an appropriate lead compensator G, placed in cascade with a basic transfer function G,, as shown in Fig. 2.16(a), is illustrated in Fig. 2.18. This figure shows the original root locus of a control system. For a specified damping ratio ¢, the dominant root of the uncompensated system is P1. Also shown is pz, which is the desired root of the system’s characteristic equation. Selection of p as a desired root is based on the performance required for the system. The design problem is to select a lead compensator that results in p2 being a root. The first step is to find the sum of the angles at the point p2 due to the poles and zeros of the original system. This angle is 180° + 4. For P2 to be on the new root locus, it is necessary for the lead compensator to contribute an angle é, = —¢ at this point. The total angle at p2 is then 180° and is a point on the new root locus. A simple lead compensator represented by Eq. (2.2), with its zero to the right of its pole, can be used to provide the angle ¢, at the point p). Actually, there are many possible locations of the compensator pole and zero that will produce the necessary angle @, at the point pz. Cancellation of poles of the original open-loop transfer function by means of compensator zeros may simplify the Toot locus and thereby reduce the complexity of the problem. The compensator zero is simply placed over a real pole. Then the compensator pole is placed farther to the left at a location which makes py a point on the new root locus. The pole to be canceled 42 cONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS jw Horizontal line “Original locus s plane aot Pe OF FIGURE 2.18 Graphical construction for locating the pole and zero of a simple lead compensator. depends upon the system type. For a Type | system, the largest real pole (excluding the pole at zero) should be canceled. For a Type 0 system, the second largest pole should be canceled. The changes introduced by the use of the cascade compensators can be summa- rized as follows: * 1, Lag compensator: a. Results in a large increase in gain K’ (by a factor almost equal to a), which means a much smaller steady-state error. b. Decreases w,, and therefore has the disadvantage of producing an increase in the settling time. 2. Lead compensator: a. Results in a moderate increase in gain K,, thereby improving steady-state accuracy. b. Results in a large increase in w,, and therefore reduces the settling time con- siderably. c. The transfer function of the lead compensator, using the passive network of Fig. 2.3(b), contains the gain a, which is less than unity. Therefore, the addi- tional gain A, which must be added, is larger than the increase in K, for the system, Figure 2.17(a) and (6) illustrates the typical locations of the compensators’ poles and zero in the s plane with respect to the dominant closed-loop poles of the uncompen- sated system. The Guilleman-Truxal method is another approach for designing G.. It is com- monly called a pole-zero placement technique. That is, some desired control ratio is synthesized for an nth-order system that yields the desired values for the FOM. The next section is devoted to this method since many basic textbooks do not discuss it extensively. The reader is referred to the many available texts!-?! for details on other 27 SYNTHESIZING A DESIRED TRACKING CONTROL RATIO WITH A UNIT-STEP INPUT 43, cascade- and feedback-compensator methods [see Fig. 2.16(c) and Secs. 2.8, 13.5, and 13.6}. 2.7_ SYNTHESIZING A DESIRED TRACKING CONTROL RATIO WITH A UNIT-STEP INPUT! The pole-zero placement method of this section requires that a desired tracking con- trol ratio [C(s)/R(s)]r = Mry(s) be modeled in order to satisfy the desired tracking performance specifications for Mp, tp, and T; or t, for a step input (transient charac- teristic) and the gain K,, (steady-state characteristic). The model must be consistent with the degrees of the numerator and denominator, w and n, respectively, of the basic plant G(s). Case 1. The simplest model to synthesize, which yields the desired figures of merit, is one that represents an effective simple second-order control ratio, [C(s)/R(s)]r, and is independent of the numerator and denominator degrees w and n of the plant. The simple second-order closed-loop model for this case is - A _ wr Mri(s) = St+astA, 3+ 2unstur = wn Gels) = ts 2.36) (s— pis — pr) 1+ Geg(s) 238) where A; = wa ensures that, with a step input of amplitude Ro, the output tracks the input so that c(t)<. = Ro. The control ratio of Eq. (2.36) corresponds to a unity-feedback system with an equivalent forward transfer function Geq(s) = ws (2.37) Note that although there are four Possible specifications, only two adjustable parameters, ¢ and wr», are shown in Eq. (2.36). When Eqs. (2.8), (2.9), and (2.11) are analyzed for peak time tp, peak overshoot M,, and settling time T,, respectively, and the appropriate value for Km, it is evident that only two of these relationships can be used to obtain the two adjustable parameters which locate the two dominant poles p;,2 of Eq. (2.36). Therefore, it may not be Possible to satisfy all four specifications. For example, specifying the minimum value of the gain Ky (where Ky = A;/a) yields the minimum acceptable value of wn. Also, from My = 1 + exp(—n¢/1/1 C2), the required value of C is determined. Having determined wn, and ¢, one can evaluate the values of tp =m /wa and Ts = 4/Cwn. If these values of tp and T, are within the acceptable range of values, the desired model has been achieved. If nol, an alternative procedure is to determine ¢ and wn by using the desired Mp and T., or Mp and ty = t/um,/1—@, In order to satisfy the requirement that the specifications | < My < ap, tp < taps and ts < ta,, two of these values Qp, tap, and ta, are used to determine the two unknowns Cq and wp,,,. These values of Ca and wn, yield the desired dominant poles P12 shown in Fig. 2.6. Any dominant complex pole not lying in the shaded area satisfies these specifications. If an acceptable second-order Mr(s), as given by Eq. (2.36), cannot 44° coNTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS be found that satisfies the desired performance specifications, a higher-order control ratio must be used. Case 2. It may be possible to satisfy the specifications by use of the following third-order model: Ad (s+ d)(s? + 2Cwns + wr) (2.38) Mrats) = AG Mnis)= The dominant complex poles of Eq. (2.38) are determined in the same manner as for case 1; i.e., the values of C and wp, are determined by using the specifications for Mp, tp. Ts, and Km. Thus, since the model of Eq. (2.36) cannot satisfy all the specifications, the known effects of the real pole s = —d in Eq. (2.38) can be used to try to achieve these specifications. With a digital-computer-aided control-system design program (see App. E), various trial values of d are used to check whether the desired specifications can be achieved. Note that for each value of d, the corresponding value of Az must be adjusted in order to satisfy the requirement that e(t)ss = 0 for a step input. From Eq. (2.38), the required gain is Az = dw} Case 3. The third case deals with the third-order model [see Eq. (2.17)]: A(s +0) std Ax(s +0) (+ le? + 2Cuns + oh) Mrx(s) Mri(s) = Ax(s — 21) © (8 = pills = p(s ~ Ps) 239) which has one zero. The zero can be a zero of the plant or a compensator zero which is inserted into the system to be used in conjunction with the pole —d in order to satisfy the specifications. The procedure used in synthesizing Eq. (2.39) is based upon the nature of the zero; i.e., the zero (1) is not close to the origin or (2) it is close to the origin and therefore is a troublesome zero. (A stable system with a zero close to the origin may have a large transient overshoot for a step input.) Figure 2.19 represents the pole-zero diagram of C(s) of Eq. (2.39) with a step input. Consider three possible locations of the real zero: to the right of, canceling, and to the left of, the real pole p; = —d. When the zero cancels the pole ps, the value of Mp is determined only by the complex-conjugate poles p; and p2; when the zero is to the right of ps, the value of M, is larger (see Sec. 2.4.2); and when it is to the left, the value of My is smaller [see Eq. (2.20) and Sec. 2.4.2]. The amount of this increase or decrease is determined by how close the zero is to the pole ps. Thus, the optimum location of the real pole, to the right of the zero, can be determined which minimizes the effect of the troublesome zero; i.e., it reduces the peak of the transient overshoot. In order to achieve Mr, it may be necessary to insert additional equipment in cascade and/or in feedback with G(s). Also, in achieving the desired model for a plant containing a zero, the design method may use (1) the cancellation of the zero by a dominator pole, (2) the addition of a second zero, or (3) the replacement of the zero with one at a new location. In synthesizing the desired control ratio, a system designer has a choice of one of the following approaches: 2.7 SYNTHESIZING A DESIRED TRACKING CONTROL RATIO WITH A UNIT-STEP INPUT 45, jw 4 aw S plane FIGURE 2.19 Pole-zero location of C(s) for Eq. (2.39) with a step input. Method 1. Cancel some or all of the zeros of the control ratio by poles of the control ratio. The number of zeros a to be canceled must be equal to or less than the excess of the number of poles n minus the number of desired dominant poles 3. If necessary, cascade compensators of the form G.(s) = 1/(s — P;) can be inserted into the open-loop system in order to increase the number of poles of C(s)/FR(s) so that cancellation of zeros can be accomplished. The number of compensator poles ~y required must increase the order of the system sufficiently to ensure that a < n+7— J. Theoretically, it is possible to insert a compensator of this form just preceding the block that contains the unwanted zero to be canceled by the pole of this compensator. However, in many systems it is not physically possible to locate the compensator in this manner. Also, setting P; equal to the value of the unwanted zero z, of the plant results in an unobservable state. All the states must be controllable and observable in order to achieve an optimal response! (see Chap. 17). Thus, to achieve an optimal response and to minimize the effect of the unwanted zero, choose P; such that P: + zn. It is possible to achieve the desired C(s)/R(s) by using a cascade compensator with P; = zp, but an optimal response is not achieved, Method 2. Relocate some or all of the zeros by using cascade compensators of the form G(s) = (8 — 2:)/(s — P;). The number 7 of these compensators to be inserted equals the number of zeros a to be relocated, The values of 2 represent the desired zeros. The values of P, are selected to meet the condition that a poles of the control ratio are used to cancel the @ unwanted zeros. Method 3. A combination of the Preceding two approaches can be used, i.e., canceling Some zeros by closed-loop poles and replacing some of them by the zeros of the cascade compensators G.(s). The modeling technique discussed in this section requires that the poles and zeros of C(s)/R(s) be located in a pattern which achieves the desired time response. ‘This is called the pole-zero placement technique. The number of poles minus zeros of (C/R)r must equal or exceed the number of poles minus zeros of the plant transfer function. For a plant having w zeros, w of the closed-loop poles are either located “very close” to these zeros or suitably placed for the desired time response to be obtained. If there are 3 dominant poles, the remaining n — 3 ~ w poles are located in the nondominant Tegion of the s plane. 46 conTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS A good approach toward understanding the concepts involved in synthesizing the desired control ratio Mf7(s), for any given plant G,(s), is by means of two examples. The first example illustrates the technique of trying to achieve the desired specifications with only the basic system, i.e., of trying to achieve the desired values of the FOM without using additional hardware. The second example uses the Guilleman-Truxal (G-T) method of trying to achieve the desired performance specifications when they cannot be achieved by the basic system only. Both examples involve the pole-zero placement technique. Example 2.1. Consider a unity-feedback system where ——As __ s(s? + 4.28 + 14.4) Kz * s(8+ 2.1 + j3.1607)(8 + 2.1 — 73.1607) Gils) = (2.40) and K, = K.,/14.4, For this system, it is specified that the following FOM be satisfied: 1< Mp, $1123 ts<35 elt)ss tpt5s! There are two basic approaches in attempting to achieve these FOM. One approach is to use the transient FOM of Table 2.4 to determine p).2,, and then to adjust the gain in hopes of achieving these dominant poles. The other approach is to use the steady- state FOM of Table 2.4 to determine the required value of gain to achieve the minimum. desired value of 1.5 for Kin. Utilizing the first approach, Eqs. (2.8) to (2.11) determine Pi2p for the effective second-order system model. These equations yield the following: ed My = 1.123 = 1 +exp — Cp = 0.555 — we = 1.9635 which yield wn = 2.36, op = —1.31, and T; = 4/!op| = 3.05. The desired control ratio C(s)/R(s) is obtained from this data information; i.e., the dominant complex-conjugate poles are pi,2, = —1.31 + 71.9635. To determine whether these poles are achievable for this system, one needs to obtain a root-locus plot. From G(s) = —1, the root-locus plot of Fig. 2.20 is obtained. An analysis of this plot reveals that (1) the maximum damping ratio achievable is 0.5534, which is less than the desired value of 0.555, and (2) for low values of Az, the real root is more dominant than the complex roots. As a consequence of this analysis, the only possibility of achieving the desired specifications is to utilize the second approach, ie., adjust the gain to obtain the pole pattern of Fig. 2.9(a) and to satisfy the value of K; > 1.5. This allows a damping ratio ¢ < Cp, which is offset by the effect of the real root in minimizing the overshoot. Hence, a value of K, = 22 produces complex poles with ¢ = 0.3162 and yields the closed-loop transfer function Gs) 2 Ris) (s+1+j3e+1 — j3ys+2.2) (2.41) 27 SYNTHESIZING A DESIRED TRACKING CONTROL RATIO WITH A UNIT-STEP INPUT 47 and K) = 1.528. The plot of IC( jw)/R(jw)| vs. w very closely approximates the wave- shape of the frequency response for a simple second-order underdamped system as shown in Fig. 2.11(a). A unit-step input results in the following values: Mp ® 1.123 tp 151s ts 2.95 5 Therefore, for this value of Kz, the desired specifications have been achieved. Note that the effect of the dominant real root results in an effective ¢ essentially equal t0 Cp. Also, note that the larger the value of K 1 can be and yet satisfy the transient FOM results in a smaller value of e(t),5 for a ramp forcing function r(t), Example 2.2, For the unity-feedback control system whose forward transfer fraction is given by Eq. (2.40), the following performance specifications must be satisfied: 125s7! An analysis of Fig. 2.20 reveals that these specifications cannot be achieved by the basic system G(s). An additional unit, a compensator G(s), is inserted in cascade with G(s) to effect a satisfactory response as shown in Fig. 2.21. The Guilleman-Truxal method’ for determining the required G.(s) that yields the desired specifications first requires the synthesis of a desired control ratio [C(s)/R(s)]r. Jo 6 = 0.3162 s plane model pole FIGURE 2.20 Root locus for Eq. (2.40). 48 cONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS FIGURE 2.21 A unity-feedback-compensated control system. Inserting the desired values of Mf, and t, into Eqs. (2.8) to (2.11) yields M,= 115=1+exp 32 Gp = 0.5168 4 t,=2%T.=— lon| = lool = Gown =2 lanl CD wa = wnv/l — C= 3.312 3.869 Thus, based upon |op| = 2 and wy * 3.87, the complex-conjugate poles for an “effec- tive” simple second-order response are p),2 = —2 + j3.3. Since the basic system is not able to satisfy the desired specifications, it is necessary for G(s) to be of the form s’+e,-1s"! + C18 +Co st + ay—18¥— us + U0 G(s) = Ke K. >0 (2.42) where u > v and u > 1, in order to be able to achieve the desired response. Assume G(s) increases the order of the system by 1 over the uncompensated system; thus, n = 4. Further, assume that [C(s)/R(s)Ir is to have no zeros. Based upon the specifications and the assumptions, the desired control ratio must be of the form Cs) K [rol © (424533 3)(s — pad(s — Da) C4) One approach for ensuring an effective simple second-order response is to make the poles ps and ps nondominant. Thus, the initial values of —p; and —ps = —100 are selected. With these values, Eq. (2.43) becomes [2 _ 148,900 _Nr (2.44) R(s)) ps4 + 20483 + 10,8155? + 42,9785 + 148,900 Dr . where c(t)ea = lim, C(s) = Ro yields K = 148,900. From Fig. 2.16(a), the actual control ratio is [2] = Gels)Ge(s) (2.45) R(s)] 4° 1+Ge(s)Gel(s) ° ‘The next step of this method requires that Eq. (2.44) be set equal to Eq. (2.45) and then solved for G(s). Thus, Nr C= De NAG) eas) Substituting from Eq. (2.40) and inserting the polynomials Nr and Drr into Eq. (2.46) yields Guts) = 148,900 +4284 144 NSIS Ke 53 + 204s? + 10,8158 + 42,978 148,900 s+42s+ 144 = Kz (8 +4.318)(s + 95.91)(s + 103.77) (2.47 2.8 FEEDBACK COMPENSATION 49) jw splane fp = 0.5168 —r o FIGURE 2.22 Root locus of Eq. (2.48) (not to scale). The forward transfer function of the compensated system is 148,900 et 3(8 + 4.318)(s + 95.91)(s + 103.77) where Ki = 3.46. Note that the compensator effectively cancels the poles of G(s) and replaces them by two real poles. It also inserts the necessary one real pole. The root locus of the compensated system is shown in Fig. 2.22, A unit-step input applied to the compensated system results in the following values: MpX 1148 tp 095s ty ~ 2.05 G(s) = Ge(s)Gz(s) = (2.48) Therefore, the compensator yields values for the FOM that satisfy the desired system Specifications, 2.8 FEEDBACK COMPENSATION! Feedback compensation for Position control, as exemplified by Fig. 2.16(c), can em- Ploy one of the following basic feedback compensators: Tachometer: HAs) = Kis (2.49) 1 Tachometer plus lag: = —_— . lometer plus lag (8s) = Kis Teal (2.50) Tachometer plus lead: Hels) = Kys [ea] (2.51) Ts+1 When the controlled variable is velocity, then the tachometer transfer-function K) 1S of Eq. (2.49) through (2.51) becomes K;, where Ky = K{K., K, is a feedback 50 conTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS amplifier gain, and K{ is the tachometer sensitivity. This form of compensation is used when the dominant roots of the control ratio for the basic unity-feedback system lie on the dominant branches emanating from a pair of open-loop transfer-function complex-conjugate poles. The standard cascade compensators of Fig. 2.3 yield very little improvement in system performance for basic systems that fall into this situation. Feedback compensation is also used for disturbance rejection, as shown in the next section, and used where a faster responding system is desirable over that obtainable by cascade compensation for a given basic system. The control ratio for the control system of Fig. 2.16(c) is C(s) _ AGz(s) RG) 1+Gz(s)Ull-(s)+ Al (2.52) whose characteristic equation is 1+ G,(s)[He(s) + A] =0 (2.53) By defining G,(s) = N;(s)/Dz(s) and He(s) = Ne(s)/De(s), whose numerators and denominators are in factored form, one can write Eq. (2.53) as Dz(8)De(s) + Nz(s)[Ne(s) + ADe(s)] = 0 (2.54) For root-locus analysis, this equation is rearranged to Nz(S)LNe(s) + ADE) _ Dz(8)DAs) a 259) Based upon the FOM, the desired dominant complex pair of poles of Eq. (2.12) are determined. A particular design procedure is first to assume either the location of the pole of Eq. (2.55), represented by D,(s), or the zero(s), represented by N.(s)+AD-(s). The next step is to apply the angle condition at pi in order to determine the amount of the required angular contribution of the unknown zero(s) or pole. The location of the unknown zero(s) or the unknown pole of Ey. (2.55) can then be determined to yield this required angular contribution. Once these locations have been determined, the unknown gains can be found by applying the magnitude condition at p;,,. In order to determine the unknown gains, for a unit-step forcing function [R(s) = 1/s] and zero steady-state error, one may find it necessary to utilize the following additional equation: : od AG, (8) oan = FegsCOond = fs [saminoral i For a more detailed explanation of this and other design procedures, the reader may refer to a continuous-time control-theory text.!7! Examples of feedback compensation for sampled-data systems are presented in Chap. 13 and are based upon the knowledge of these design procedures. (2.56) 2.9 DISTURBANCE REJECTION 5 Plant FIGURE 2.23 Controller A simple disturbance-rejection control system. 2.9 DISTURBANCE REJECTION2! The previous sections of this chapter have dealt with designing a control system whose output follows (tracks) the (desired) input signal. The design approach for the disturbance-rejection problem is in direct contrast to the preceding approach. It is based upon the performance specification that the output of the control system of Fig. 2.23 should not be affected by a system disturbance input d(t). In other words, the steady-state output c(t)., = 0 for r(t) = 0 and d(t) #0. Consider the control ratio Cls) _ Ks ey ysl 4 “1418 +09) Ds) 8" Fan y5"= 14 2.57, “+ais+a9 ‘ ) Assuming a stable system and a Step disturbance D(s) = Do/s, the output is given by Cs) = K(s™ + ey_1s¥7! +- “+018 +c) 2.58 $8" + n-18"-1 + + Gs + qo) 258) which results in the following steady-state value . Ko, Di C(t)ss = lim sC(s) = + jim s p(s) = Poco (2.59) 30 a9 50 ag Therefore, for c(t)ss = 0, then co = 0 where K, Do, and ag are finite nonzero values. This requires that the numerator of C(s)/D(s) have at least One zero at the origin. For this type of a control problem, not only is it desired that the disturbance have no steady-state effect on the output, but its Tesulting transient effect must die out Constraint may require the system’s characteristic equation to have a pair of dominant complex-conjugate roots in order to try to achieve the smallest t, possible. 2.9.1 Second-Order Disturbance-Rejection lodel A second-order simple continuous-time disturbance-rejection-model transfer function for the system of Fig. 2.23 is Cw) Ge Ks Kys Mp(s)= {EO} 2 Ge =— Kes , pis) [Be] bp I+GH SeaPtR PEI eae — 2-60) 52 ONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS: on [TT TT ro { | 08 —T c=0.1 | C=05 06 +—+t + t $= 0.25 +—+ | = 0.707 04 + + 02 T [ eg! om { -0.2 a 0.4 ++ | + + 4 -06 4 | — + i 08 — 2 4 6 8 10 12 FIGURE 2.24 Time response with Ky, = 0}, of Ky Os) = s?+2Cwns+ Ky where K, > 0. For a unit-step disturbance, Eq. (2.60) yields K, K, = £7! | ——2— | = er si 61 e(t)=L lace b¢ sin bt (2.61) where a2 +b? = w2, b = wa and a = |o| = Cw, Two approaches that may be used to determine appropriate model values for ¢ and w,, where K,, is assumed fixed, are via the time- or frequency-domain analysis approach. TIME DOMAIN. The time response of Eq. (2.61) is plotted vs. wnt in Fig. 2.24 for several values of ¢ < 1. The time-varying portion of Eq. (2.61); i.e., ~% sin bt vs. t is shown in Fig. 2.25(a). By setting the derivative of c(t) with respect to time equal to zero, one can show that the maximum overshoot occurs at the time 2.9 DISTURBANCE REJECTION $3 cos7!¢ b= (2.62) wn and the maximum value of c(t) is Ky Coos! ¢ Clty) = > exp — Fe 2.63 p) wn OP a (2.63) Letting K, = vw, (v > 0), Eq. (2.63) is rearranged to the form -1 Cty) = vexp— cos! ¢ 2.68) Wn /i-@ A plot of Eq. (2.64) vs. ¢ is shown in Fig. 2.25(b). Equations (2.62) and (2.63) may be used in the following manner: Step 1. Select a value of w,, based upon bandwidth considerations. Step 2. For various values of ¢ determine tp from Eq. (2.62) and e(tp) from Eq. (2.63). An alternate approach is the utilization of Fig. 2.24.! This figure may be % On ott, Veo, (ec) FIGURE 2.25 @ Time-response characteristics of Bq, (2.61; (6) maximum overshoot (Eq (2.64); (c) Bode-plot characteristics of Eq. (2.64). 54° cONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS used to determine ¢ for either of the following two cases: Ky = w;, or Kr # w?. For the former case c(tp)/wn, and for the latter case wWnC(tp)/K, must be specified. If there is a value of ¢ that satisfies the c(tp), tp, and t, specifications for the value of w, chosen, then the simple model of Eq. (2.62) is determined. If the specifications are not met for this first choice of wn, a new value of w, is chosen and the process is repeated until the specifications are achieved. An alternate procedure is to use the specified values of tp and c(tp) in Eqs. (2.62) and (2.63), and hence by trial and error, in conjunction with Fig. 2.25(b) compatible values of ¢ and w, are found. FREQUENCY DOMAIN. The frequency transient function of Eq. (2.60) is C(jw) _ (Kz /wa ju) _ Ke Dijw) 1 —W/unPl+i2Gw/un) wh A straight-line approximation of the Bode plot of Lm Mp(jw) vs. w is shown in Fig. 2.25(c) for a selected value of wy. This plot reveals the following: Mp(jw) = ipl jw) (2.65) 1. The closed-loop transfer function Mp( jw) must attenuate all frequencies present in the disturbance input D( jw). The plot of Lm M/p( jw) vs. w is raised or lowered by an amount equal to Lm (K/w%). The value of Kz /w?, therefore, determines the maximum value M,, shown in Fig. 2.25(c). 2. As wy increases, the peak value moves to the right to a higher frequency. 3. If Kz is fixed by the plant, then w, is made larger and the lower becomes the plot of Lm M( jw) vs. w. This effect is countered by the fact that the breakpoint occurs farther out, which means that the plot of Lm M( jw) vs. w has a larger peak value. Selection of the desired disturbance model of Eq. (2.60) is based upon both the time-response and the frequency-response characteristics. For example, selection of w, determines the bandwidth, as shown in Fig. 2.25(c). Also, the maximum value of the permitted peak overshoot, as shown in Figs. 2.24 and 2.25(b), is determined by the value of ¢. In addition, the peak time t, and the settling time 1, = 4/Cw, of the transient may be used to determine the parameters in the model of Eq. (2.60). Some trial and error may be necessary to ensure that all specifications for the disturbance model are satisfied. Two other possible disturbance models are Mp(s) = sa, and = Mo(s)= Kz For the former, a and 6 are real positive values for an overdamped response, and for the latter, the value of K,, determines the maximum peak magnitude of the disturbance response. If the steady-state value c(t)ss does not have to be zero, then the zero at the origin in the disturbance model Mp(s) may be climinated. If the disturbances are statistical in nature, optimal estimates can be used in conjunction with an optimal controller. For a sampled-data system model, this concept is developed in Chap. 19. 29 DISTURBANCE REJECTION 55 2.9.2 Single-Input-Single-Output (SISO) Design Principles for Disturbance Rejection The desired disturbance model Mp(s) of a system must be based upon the specified time-domain and frequency-domain characteristics as described in the introduction to Sec. 2.9 and in Sec. 2.9.1. The next step is to design the required feedback controller H(s) in Fig. 2.23 which will satisfy the characteristics of Mp(s). A first trial may be H(s) = Ki1/s. If this choice of H(s) does not produce the desired characteristics, then a higher-order feedback transfer function must be used. The order of the transfer functions in the system may also require a disturbance model of higher than second order. In using the frequency-domain approach for designing H.(s), it is first necessary to present a design technique that utilizes the straight-line Bode plot approximations. For the system’s control ratio, . CC jw) G.( jw) Mp (jw) = a = "ee 2.66 p(w) D(jw) 1+ Gz(jw)H(jw) 2-66) where H( jw) = Hz ( jw)H¢( jw) (see Fig. 2.26). This control ratio can be approximated by Gx( jw) for |Gz( jw)H(jw)| «1 (2.67) Mo(ja) = ! G2 ( jw)H( 5 1 2.68 Hay for |Gz( jw)H( jw)| > (2.68) Still undefined is the condition when |G,( jw)H(jw)| ~ 1, in which case neither of these conditions is applicable. In the approximate procedure the straight-line Bode plots are used and this condition is neglected. Therefore, Eqs. (2.67) and (2.68) are used when |G,.( jw)H(jw)| < 1 and IG2( jw)H(jw)| > 1, respectively. This approx- imation, along with a root-locus sketch of G,(s)H(s) = —1, allows investigation of the qualitative results to be obtained. After these results are found to be satisfactory, the refinements for an exact solution are introduced. The design procedure using the approximations of Egs. (2.67) and (2.68) is as follows: Step 1. Using the straight-line approximations, plot Lm G,( jw) vs. w. Step 2, Assume an H,(s) that may, when placed in cascade with H,(s), yield the desired system performance. For this H( jw) = Hz ( jw)H( jw), using the straight-line approximations, plot Lm 1/H(jw) vs. w. Note: 1. The condition Lm G,( jw)H(jw) = 0 dB may also be expressed as 1 Lm G,( jw) = —Lm H( jw) = Lm —— 2.69 (Jw) (jw) Go (2.69) This condition is satisfied at the intersection of the plots of G,( jw) and 1 /H( jw). The frequency at the intersections Tepresents the boundary between the two regions 56 — CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS Dis EW) cor Ke) FIGURE 2.26 AAs) A control system with a disturbance input. given by Eqs. (2.67) and (2.68). There must be at least one intersection between the plots in order for both approximations to be valid. Disturbance rejection over the frequency band of 0 < w < wy, the condition of Eq. (2.67), results in only one intersection. 2. For disturbance rejection, it is desired to have Lm C( jw)/DCiw) < Lm Mp. Also, Eq. (2.68) must hold for 0 < w < w» in order to yield the desired frequency- domain specifications. To satisfy these objectives, it is usually necessary for the gain constant of H(s) to be very high. Step 3. Plot Lm G,( jw)H( jw) vs. w by using the straight-line approximation and determining the slope of the plot at the 0-dB crossover point. Achieving a sta- ble system requires! that this slope be greater than —40 dB/decade if the adjacent corner frequencies are not close. Also, the loop transmission frequency w¢ (the 0-dB crossover or phase-margin frequency) of Lm G,(jw)H( jw) must be within the al- lowable specified value in order to attenuate high-frequency loop noise. Placing zeros of H,(s) “too close” to the imaginary axis may increase the value of we. It may be necessary at this stage of the design procedure to modify H-(s) in order to satisfy the stability requirement and frequency-domain specifications. Step 4. Once a trial H(s) is found that satisfies frequency-domain specifications, sketch the root locus [G,(s)H(s) = —1] to ascertain that (1) at least a condition- ally stable system exists and (2) it is possible to satisfy time-domain specifications. [Section 2.9.2 discusses the desired locations of the poles of C(s) which achieve the desired specifications (see also Probs. 2.1 and 2.2).} If the sketch “seems” reasonable (1) obtain the exact root-locus plots from which a value of the static loop sensitivity K = KeK,K, is chosen and (2) for this value of K, obtain a plot of y(t) vs. ¢ from which the FOM are obtained. Step 5. If the results of step 4 do not yield satisfactory results, then use these results to select a new H,(s) and repeat steps 2 through 4. 2.9.3 Examples Example 2.3. Consider the nonunity-feedback system of Fig. 2.26 where _ Ke __1 Gel8) = Seely seFD (2.70) Kz 200 and Hz(s) = 34200 = 55200 (2.71) 2.9 DISTURBANCE REJECTION 57 Since a disturbance input is present, it is necessary to design the feedback compen- sator H.(s) = K-Hi(s) such that the control system of Fig. 2.26 satisfies the following specifications for a unit-step disturbance input d(t): |c(tp)| < 0.002, c(t)ss = 0, and t, < 0.2 s. Using the empirical estimate that M, = |e(tp)/d(t)| © Mm. gives the speci- fication Lm M,, < Lm 0.002 = —54 dB. It is also estimated that the bandwidth of the disturbance transfer-function model C( jw)/D( jw) is 0 < w < 10 rad/s. Solution Step 1. The plot of Lm G,( jw) vs. w is shown in Fig. 2.27. Step 2. Since G(s) does not have a zero at the origin and C(s)/D(s) does require one for disturbance rejection, then H(s) must have a pole at the origin. Thus, the feedback transfer function must have the form Ku(st+ai)--+ H(s) = Hz(s)H-(s) = 5+ 200(8 +b) (2.72) where the degree of the denominator is equal to or greater than the degree of the numer- ator. As a first trial, let Ke H.(s)= a (2.73) Then Ky = K,zK_ = 200K¢. To determine the value of K. required to satisfy Lm C(jw)/D( jw) < 54 dB for 0 < w < 10 rad/s, initially plot the curve for [Lm 1/He( jw)]x,-1- The value of K is then selected so that the plot of Lm 1/H.( jw) is Arf ~(¢ inf] Kt (Sl. 10 FIGURE 2.27 Log magnitude plots of Example 2.1. 58 CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS jw FIGURE 2.28 A root-locus sketch for Eq. (2.76). located such that it is on or below the —54 dB line for the frequency range w < w, = 10. Since the corner frequency of H( jw) at w = 200 lies outside the desired bandwidth, Lm 1/H<( jw) = Lm 1/H( jw) is the controlling factor in the frequency range w < 10. Next, lower this plot, as shown in the figure, until the plot of Lm 1/H(jw) yields the desired value of ~54 dB at we = 10 rad/s. Equation (2.68), for this case, satis- fies the requirement |M( jw)| < Mm over the desired bandwidth and is below —54 dB. Lm 200K. = 74 dB is required to lower the plot of Lm 1/H( jw) to the required location. With this value of K<, the resulting first-trial feedback transfer function is 5000 HS) = 5200) (2.74) Step 3. An analysis of Ke Gx( jw)H( jw) = —————__ (Gur + jo) (14555) (2.75) reveals that the plot of Lm[Gz( jw)H( jw)] vs. w crosses the 0-dB axis with a minimum slope of —40 dB/decade regardless of the value of K’.. This crossover characteristic is indicative of an unstable system. Step 4. The root-locus sketch for Ku s(s+1)(s+200) is shown in Fig. 2.28, which reveals a completely unstable system for the H(s) of Eq. (2.74). Gz(s)H(s) = (2.76) The next trial requires that at least one zero be added to Eq. (2.74) in order to make the system at least conditionally stable while maintaining the desired bandwidth. A final acceptable design of H,(s) that results in meeting the system specifications requires a trial-and-error procedure. A solution to this design problem is given in Example 2.5. Example 2.4. Consider the nonunity-feedback system of Fig. 2.26 where 2 G(s) = ya and H(s) = Hels)Hes) = Au 2.9 DISTURBANCE REJECTION 59 Determine the response c(t) for a step disturbance input d(t) = u_,(t) as the gain Ky is increased, The system output is 2 2 CO) = S5%e03KRa = Ga pepo Al Aa = —— 2.77 G-p) *G-p em) Thus, c(t) = Aye?! + Ape? (2.78) where 0.1 =-ltjv2Ky-1 for Ky >0.5 A, = ————— Ar. =—A, Pi2 j iH t Ky 1 jie ai 2 1 The coefficients of the output transient, as Ky — co, are lim Ai= lim A,=0 Ky-00 Ky Therefore, for this example, as Ky is made larger, the coefficients A, and A> in Eq. (2.78) become smaller. Thus, «im, a) =0 which is the desired result for disturbance rejection. The output for a step disturbance in- put has two desired properties. First, the steady-state output is zero because the feedback contains an integrator. Second, the magnitude of the transient becomes smaller as the feedback gain Ky increases. (Note that the value of K. # is limited by practical consid- erations.) A similar analysis can be made for a more complicated system (see Probs. 2.9 and 2.10). In Example 2.3 the feedback compensator H.(s) = K./s results in an unstable system. An analysis of the root locus in Fig. 2.28 indicates that H..(s) must contain at least one zero near the origin in order to pull the root-locus branches into the left-half s plane. In order to minimize the effect of an unwanted disturbance on c(t), it is necessary to minimize the magnitude of all the coefficients of C(t) = Aye?! +... + AnePnt (2.79) Problem 2.2 shows that this requires the poles of C(s)/D(s) to be located as far as possible to the left in the s plane. Figure 2.29 graphically describes the result of the analysis made in Probs. 2.1, 2.2, and 2.13 for the desired placement of the control- ratio poles. The root-locus branch which first crosses the imaginary axis determines the maximum value of gain for a stable system. The root selected on this branch should have 0.5 < ¢ < 0.7, which has been determined empirically. When there is a choice of roots for a given ¢, the root selected should have the largest value of wp, and gain. These properties are indicated in Fig. 2.29. 60 CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS Decreasing §; increases c(t,) 1? b plane Increasing ,,. for a specified $;, decreases e(t,) Increasing real |p,l decreases c(1,)

= 200 are selected. The plot of Lm 1/H:(jw)He( jw) $ —54 dB, where |C(jw)/D( jw)| ~ |1/He( jw)He(jw)| over the range 0 < w < we = 10 rad/s, is shown in Fig. 2.30. This requires that 200K. > 50 x 10’. The open-loop transfer function of Fig. 2.26 is now 200K -(s + 4)(s + 8) s*(s + 1)(s + 200)* (Ke /1250)(0.25s + 1)(0.125s + 1) * 35 + 10.0055 + 1) 281) G2(s)H2(s)He(s) " The poles and zeros of Eq. (2.81) are plotted in Fig. 2.31. The value of static-loop sensitivity 200K. = 5 x 10° yields the set of roots pi = —3.8469 pz = —10.079 p34 = —23.219 + j66.914 ps6 = —270.32 + j95.873 and are shown in Fig. 2.31. This choice of gain results in a satisfactory design; ie., Mp = 0.001076 < 0.002 (—54 dB), tp = 0.155 s (<0.2 8), c(t)ss =0,and0 Sw Supe 10 rad/s. Note that the gain can be reduced until either M, = 0.002 with tp < 0.2 s or tp = 0.2 s with Mp < 0.002 is achieved. Although it is not specified in this problem, the phase-margin frequency we = 56.2 rad/s must also be taken into account in the design of a practical system. 2.9 DISTURBANCE REJECTION 6] Ss a ae & a Lm(i/H,H,] 40 20 ok 20k 49h —60}— —so —100 dB 1000 0.1 () Bode plot for Example 2.5: (a) Straight-line approximations; (b) exact plots. FIGURE 2.30 62. CONTINUOUS-TIME CONTROL-SYSTEM RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS Lt ! a ! -300 -280 -260 -240 -220 ~200], -180 -160-100 -80 -60 40 FIGURE 2.31 Sketch of root locus for Eq. (2.81) (not to scale). 2.10 SUMMARY This chapter has presented the standard FOM based upon a simple second-order continuous-system model. The qualitative correlation among the frequency response, the root locus, and the time domain for second- and higher-order systems is presented as an aid in achieving the desired system performance characteristics. That is, the FOM in conjunction with this correlation are used as a guidepost for evaluating a system’s performance. A method for adjusting the forward loop gain of a basic unity- feedback control system to achieve a desired value of Mj, by use of Nichol’s chart is developed. When the desired FOM cannot be achieved by the basic system—by mere gain adjustment—then one of the compensation design procedures, discussed in this chapter, may be employed to try to achieve these FOM. A discussion of synthesizing desired tracking- and disturbance-control ratio models is also included. These models are utilized in many compensation design techniques as an aid to achieving the de- sired FOM. In the following chapters the controller design approaches presented in this chapter are applied to sampled-data systems. CHAPTER. 3 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS 3.1. INTRODUCTION The mathematical techniques used in this text are based upon the model of linear time- invariant (LTI) systems. Therefore, unless stated otherwise, from here on only LTI systems are considered. Section 1.2 introduces the concept of the sampling process, as illustrated in Figs. 1.2 and 1.3. As presented, a sampled continuous signal yields a signal in the form of discrete values. This chapter develops the sampling process in more detail and introduces the reality of sampling-time selection. Also, it presents time- and frequency-domain representations of sampled-data systems in terms of linear equations, as well as techniques for continuous-signal reconstruction from a sampled signal by means of a data-hold device. In sampled-data control systems, as shown in Fig. 1.7, where at least one component operates in continuous time, it is necessary to include a data-hold device to maintain control over the system between sampling instants. 3.2, LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT (LTI) SYSTEM A system is said to be linear if and only if the superposition theorem can be satisfied. This theorem states that “the output response of an LTI system to a number of si- multaneously applied inputs is equal to the summation of the system responses when 64 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS ra cy (kT) (kT) |) BtkT) FIGURE 3.1 Single-input-single-output_ (SISO) system: (a) Continuous time; (6) discrete time. (a) ) each input is applied individually.” For example, consider a single-input-single-output (SISO) system, as shown in Fig. 3.1(a), whose output is c(t) = ¢;(t) due to an input r(t) = r)(t). This system is said to be linear if for the input r(t) = a)ri(t) + a2r2(t) the output is given by e(t) = aycy(t) + a2c2(t) 3.1) When a; and a2 are constant real numbers, and c; is the respective output due to ri, in terms of function notation, the composite output may be expressed as = flrl= flan + aorel = ai fLfil + af fra] (3.2) The notation f represents the manner in which the system function g operates on the input signal or transforms the input signal to yield an output signal. For the system whose input and output quantitics represent discrete or sampled quantities, then Eq. (3.2), using the superposition theorem, can be expressed as (kT) = flarri (kT) + aara(kT)] = a1 flrs(kT)] + anf fr2kT)] 3.3) The results for a SISO system may be extended to a multiple-input-multiple- output (MIMO) system having m inputs and p outputs. The m x 1 input column vector r and the p x 1 output column vector ¢ are expressed, respectively, as TM C1 T2 C2 r=|. c= Tm Cp where r; and cj are the elements of the respective vectors. Therefore, for either a continuous- or a discrete-time system to be linear, the relationship = flair) + a2r2) = ai f(t) + offre] (3.4) where a; and a2 are constant real numbers and r; and r2 are any two input vectors, must be satisfied. If this relationship is not satisfied, the system is said to be nonlinear. Example 3.1. The following first-order differential equation describes a system having the input r(¢): c(t) = r(t) +a (3.5) To determine if the system is linear, proceed as follows: Solution. Consider r(t) = airi(t) + a2r2(t). 32 LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT (LTH SYSTEM 65 Step 1. For ri(t). canta (3.6) Step 2. For ro(t), , aQ=nta (3.7) Step 3. For r = air) +a2r2, c=artar2+a (3.8) Step 4. Substituting Eqs. (3.6) and (3.7) into Eq. (3.1) yields c= air) +azrr + (ai taza (3.9) Step 5. As Eqs. (3.8) and (3.9) are not identical, assuming a + a2 4 1, Eq. (3.5) is not linear. The system is nonlinear since Eq. (3.4) is not satisfied. Example 3.2. An approximation for numerical differentiation [see Eq. (3.33)] of c(t) = F(t) is given by the discrete-time equation (first-order backward difference) 1 (kT) = = {r(kT) — rk — T}} (3.10) where T is the constant sampling time of r(t) and k = 0, 1, 2,.... Is Eq. (3.10) a linear equation representing a linear system? Solution Step 1. For ri(kT), c(kT) = FlMAT) ~ rik ~ DT} (3.11) Step 2. For r2(kT), ek) = Ff (rx(K) ~ lth ~ DT) G.12) Step 3. For r(kT) = ayr\(kT) + a2r2(kT), c(kT) = Firer) = rik - DTV} + Finan) ~rf(k — TY} (3.13) Step 4. Substituting Eqs. (3.11) and (3.12) into the discrete version of Eq. (3.1) yields (KT) = ayer(kT) + azc2(kT) FlrAKD) ~ rk = WTI} + Blk) — ral NT G4) Step 5. As Eqs. (3.13) and (3.14) are identical, Eq. (3.10) is linear. Example 3.3. To determine if (kT) = r°(kT) is a linear equation proceed as follows. 66 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS Path | System ra) e() = f[r)] t ey(f- t) un T*] L POHS ER] delay PTT ete - 97] { System ! t [rt — = et - 7) Le. —E — | delay ik PFT FP gute — pT = elk - PT] Path 2 FIGURE 3.2 Time-invariance concept. Solution Step 1. For ri(kT), e(kT) = ri(kT) (3.15) Step 2. For r2(kT), ex(kT) = ri(kT) (3.16) Step 3. For r(kT’) = airi(kT) + a2r2(kT), e(kT) = abr}(kT) + 2ayayri(kT)r2(kT) + 0373(KT) @.17) Step 4. Using the discrete version of Eq. (3.1) and substituting Eqs. (3.15) and (3.16) into it yields (KT) = ayer(kT) + anex(kT) = ari (KT) + a2r3(kT) (3.18) Step 5. As Eqs. (3.17) and (3.18) are not identical, the given equation (kT) = r*(kT) is not linear. A system is said to be time-invariant when the coefficients of the differential or difference equation relating the system’s output to its input do not depend upon time. In general, if a specified input is applied to a given system at any time ¢; or t;, and if the output responses to each application of this input are the same, the system is said to be time-invariant. The concept of time invariance can be illustrated by using the notation of a function with a time delay of r seconds and a block diagram as shown in Fig. 3.2. The delay in path 1 acts on both the implicit and explicit time variables in the equation for c(-). The delay in path 2 acts only on the implicit variable in the equation for c(-). Thus, if the output quantities of path 1 are equal to the corresponding outputs of path 2, the system is said to be time-invariant; i.e., et — 7) = fir -7)] for a continuous-time system (3.19) e{(k — p)T] = f{rl(k - p)T]} for a discrete-time system (3.20) where rT = pT and p=1, 2, 3,.... 3.2 LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT (LT) SYSTEM 67. Example 3.4. To determine if the system described by (t) + c(t) = tr(t) (3.21) ; is time-invariant, proceed as follows. Solution Path 1. a(t) + er) = tr(t) > a(t — 7) Felt — 7) = (t- Tr(t—7) = tr(t—7r)-—7r(t—7) (3.22) Path 2. x(t —7)+e(t—7) = trit—7) = ir(t—1)—7r(t- 7) +7r(t—7) (3.23) As Eqs. (3.22) and (3.23) are not identical, c(t — r) c(t — 7). Therefore, the system is not time-invariant. Example 3.5. The solution for determining if the discrete-time system described by c(kT) = kT r(kT) is time-invariant is as follows. Solution Path 1. ex(kT) = kT (kT) > ei[(k — p)T] = ((k — p)T rk — p)T) (3.24) Path 2. ca[(k — p)T] = kT r{(k — pT} = [(k — p)TWr[(k — pT) + pT rik — p)T) (3.25) As Eqs. (3.24) and (3.25) are not identical, elk — p)T] ¥ eal(k — p)T] Therefore, the system is not time-invariant. Example 3.6. Repeat Example 3.5 for the system described by c[(k + IT] — c(kT) = (kT). As both paths 1 and 2 result in of(k + 1 — p)T] - ef(k - pT] = r{(k — pT) the system is said to be time-invariant. From these examples it can be stated that a continuous (discrete) system is time- invariant if the variable t(kT) does not explicitly appear in the system’s differential (difference) equation, i.e., as a coefficient. All system models in this text are assumed LTI owing to the general techniques used in control-system analysis and synthesis. Also, most systems can be approximated over some range of operation as LTI. 68 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS Sampled-data control systems discrete variables can be modeled by linear difference equations. In order to simulate or model the continuous-time variables on a digital computer, it is necessary to develop the methods of discretizing continuous variables, This section focuses on the use of a difference operator as an approximation to a differential or integral operator. Given the set of discrete values c(NT), c[(N — 1)T],...,c(0), where N = 1, 2, , one defines the first-backward difference V as Ve(NT) = (NT) — c{(N — )T] (3.26) where c(NT) represents the present value and c[(N — 1)] represents the value one period behind c(NT) or “backward.” The second-backward difference V* is defined as WANT) VIVe(NT)] = Ve(NT) — Ve[(N — IT] e(NT) — ef(N — NT] — {el(N — 1)T)] - e{(N - 2)T]} (NT) = 2cl(N = 1)T] + cf(N - 2)T] 3.27) and the rth-backward difference V" is defined as V'ANT) = V9O1e(NT) — VON — 1)T] (3.28) where r = 1, 2, 3,.... The representation of a sampled-data control system by difference equations permits its solution on a digital computer. Example 3.7. Evaluate t a= [ er) dr (3.29) 0 by means of a numerical integration technique.! The integral of Eq. (3.29) is approxi- mated (see Fig. 3.3) by NT N-1 N-1 (NT) = [ e(r) dr) e(kT) At = So Teter) (3.30) ° k= k=O where k = 0, 1, 2,...,At =, and N is a constant integer greater than zero. e(kT) represents a constant function for the time interval kT Tek) 3.31) ° k=O and subtracting it from Eq. (3.30) to obtain the first-backward difference equation e(NT) — c[(N — 1)T] = Te[(N — 1)T] = Ve(NT) (3.32) Use of this recursive equation to evaluate the present value of c(NT) requires the retention of only the immediate past sampled value e[(N — 1)T'] and the immediate past value of the integral, c[((N — 1)T]. To illustrate the savings of the storage space requirement, first note from Eq. (3.29) that o c(0) = | e(T) dr =0 0 Next, evaluate c(N'T) from Eq. (3.32) as follows: k=0 e(T) = Te(0) + c(0) = Te(0) k=1 e(2T) = Te(T) + (T) = T[e(T) + e(O)] k=2 c(3T) = Te2T) + c(2T) = T[e(2T) + e(T) + €(0)] k=N=1 ANT)=Tel(N DT) +c — TI = T Ng! kT) 70 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS Analyzing this iteration reveals that the present value of c(NT) is readily obtained by adding its immediate previous value c{(N — 1)T’)] to the immediate preceding value e{(N — 1)T] multiplied by T. The first-backward difference Vc(kT) may also be obtained by applying the same procedure to c(kT) = Ser e(r) dr to obtain (kT) — ef(k — IT] = Te[(k — 1)T] = Ve(kT) (3.33) Other integral approximations to c(kT) are: First-Forward Difference (Euler's Technique): cl(k + IT] — (kT) = Te(kT) Trapezoidal: T cl(k + DT) — (kT) = —— + a) = | Another approximation to the continuous derivative c(t) = r(t) uses the first- forward difference or Euler’s technique: = Mk + NE) - rT) (kT) = T Using this numerical analysis approach to approximate the derivative results in an anticipatory solution requiring future inputs to be known in order to generate the current solution (noncausal situation). This future knowledge is usually difficult to generate in a real-time control system. These numerical analysis concepts are very important in realizing a digital control law or equation which will prove to be a linear difference equation. The specific form implemented can have advantages in terms of memory space and speed of execution. This is discussed in more detail in later chapters. Example 3.8, Obtain the backward-difference discretization of the differentiation pro- cess. Differentiation is defined as ict) é(t) = Det) = ral KT) ~ of(k— DT) rr G4) where c(t) has the appropriate continuity characteristics and D is the derivative operator. Equation (3.34) may be approximated by the first-backward difference _, de(t) AKT) = (k= T) _ 1 De(kT) = dt leer TO pvr) (3.35) Also, the second derivative of a function is defined as 2 D- Delt) = D*e(t) = ro = lim (3.36) De(kT) — De{(k — 1)T) it? To T 3.3 SOLUTION OF LINEAR DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 71. which may be approximated by 2, T) — - Dc(kT) = ae & Pak) — Delth— VT] (3.37)* tekT The term De{kT) in Eq. (3.37) is given by Eq. (3.35). The term De{(k—1)T] is expressed in the format of Eq. (3.35) by replacing k by k — 1 to yield 1 — Ak = DT) = clk -— 2)7) pV — YT] = (3.38) Substituting Eqs. (3.35) and (3.38) into Eq. (3.37) yields the second-backward difference DiAkT) Be {VolRT) — Vell — DTD x Fleer) ~2ef(k—~ YT] +clk- DTI} = AVRT) — 3.39) for the second derivative. The rth derivative is approximated by the following rth- backward equation: D'ckT) = FV ter) ~V"'cl(k — DTT} = FV KD) (3.40) where r= 1, 2, 3,... and k =0, 1, 2,.... Fora given value of r, Eq. (3.40) can be expanded in a similar manner as is done for the second derivative to obtain the expanded representation of D’ c(kT’). Example 3.9, The transfer function of a second-order LTI continuous system is G(s) = CO = 10+2) ___ 108 +2) ~ EG)” t4+s41 84054 50.866 (3.41) (a) It is desired to determine the time response c(t) at discrete points (t = kT) for a given input e(t) by the use of difference equations. First, rearrange Eq. (3.41) and then take the inverse Laplace transformation as follows: (8? +8+1)C(s) = 10(s + 2)E(s) (D? + D+ lelt) = 10(D + 2)e(t) (3.42) Using Eqs. (3.35) and (3.39), Eq. (3.42) is approximated by the following equation: 1 1 qa lokT) — 2cl(k — 1)T] + ef(k — 2)T]}} + T {c(kT) —el(k ~ 1)T]} + (kT) = fee) ~ el(k — 1)T}} + 20e(kT) This equation can be rearranged as follows to solve for (kT): +T+1 = 1 tay + ak — yr + Bak - 27) = 207 +10 Kr) - Were -DT] 72. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS Allowable tolerance 0 tp FIGURE 3.4 Typical underdamped response to a unit-step function. (From Ref. 1.) Letting A = T? +T +1 and solving for (kT) yields (kT) = Ft@or* +10 )e(kT) — (LOT )e[(k — HT] + (T+ 2)e[(k — IT] — el(k — 27 I} This last equation is of the (recursive) form (kT) = qoe(kT) + qel(k — IT) — dicl(k — YT] — dac[(k-2)T] 3.43) where 2 20T* +10T -10T w= j— =~ ett) = O fort <0 T+2 1 a ae Equation (3.43) represents the approximate solution of Eq. (3.42). Also, Eq. (3.43) is a linear second-order difference equation that permits the evaluation at discrete points of the system’s time response c(t) to a general input e(¢). Equation (3.43) may be programmed to yield values of c(t) at the computation times kT. An accurate evaluation of c(t) requires that the sampling time T satisfy the previously discussed constraints. The maximum permissible value of T is determined by the system dynamics as illustrated in part b. Given that e(t) = w-1(t), fort > 0," it is desired to determine the appropriate value of T for accurately evaluating values of c(t) at t = kT. For this forcing function, c(t) = 0 for t < 0; ie. c(kT) = 0 for k < 0. The dominant poles of Eq. (3.41) are pi = o+jwa = —0.5+j0.866, which results in an underdamped stable response as shown in Fig. 3.4. From the values of tp = 7/wa * 3.63 s and T; = 4/|o| = 8 s, it can be concluded that T’ < tp = /wa. In general, for accurate values of c(kT), T < ty. (b) For this example, using the value of T = 0.1 s results in the values shown in Table 3.1 obtained by using Eq. (3.43). The values obtained by directly solving c(t) = L~"[C(s)]r-xr are also given in this table for comparison purposes. *See the definition of a unit-step forcing function. 34 SAMPLING PROCESS (FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ANALYSIS) 73 TABLE 3.1 Values of c(kT): Example 3.9 k Eq. (3.43) eft) = L“"C(s)} 0 0 1.081081 1.046709 2.225469 2.174026 3.41658 3.36356 4.63906 4.59808 5.87888 5.86157 7.12288 7.13926 AuRunio Note that owing to a digital computer's finite word length, decreasing T’ in- creases the computation time required and increases the roundoff and truncation errors by use of Eq. (3.43). Thus, the final selection of T is based upon a trade-off when all factors are considered. If it is not small enough, aliasing or frequency-folding problems (see Sec. 6.2) will exist. The general linear difference equation of an LTI nth-order SISO system is (KT) = qoe(kT) + qel(k — 1)T] +--+ + quel(k — wT] — diel(k ~ 1)T] —dyc[(k — 2)T]—---—dacl(k-—n)T] (3.44) where w < n. This inequality is required to avoid an anticipatory model which gener- ally cannot be solved in real time. Equation (3.44) may be derived in the same manner as that employed in Example 3.9. This equation can characterize the approximation of a continuous system or may exactly characterize a discrete system. Equation (3.44) can also be solved on a digital computer. The output c(kT’) is generated at discrete instants of time kT as a linear function of the past values of the output c[(k — 1)T], c[(k —2)T], ... and the input e(t). However, in a digital-computer simulation of Eq. (3.44) consideration must be given to the accuracy requirements involved with the indicated multiplications, additions, and subtractions due to finite word lengths (Chaps. 8 and 10). 3.4 SAMPLING PROCESS (FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ANALYSIS) As stated in Chap. 1, the sampling process can be considered as a modulation process in which the particular pulse train p(t) of Fig. 3.5(a) is multiplied by a continuous function e(t), as shown in Fig. 3.5(b), to produce the sampled function en = ptett) (3.45) as shown in Fig. 3.5(c), where T is the sampling period. It may be noted in Fig. 3.5(a) that as -y approaches zero, the process approaches impulse sampling; i.e., p(t) ap- proaches an impulse train, each impulse being of unit strength. Also, e(kT) = e(kT + y), as shown in Fig. 3.5(c). 74 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS Pw) =H Ly eck ele) modulator —rT 0 T 2 kTX (kt+0T (mnultiptier) kT+y (a) (by (c) AkT)u-\(0— kT) AKT) om eT 0 0 KT kT+y¥ AKT) @ an WET = #7 7) (e) FIGURE 3.5 Sampling process (0 < y < T): (a) Pulse train; (b) sampling device; (c) pulse signal e,(¢); (d) a pulse of height A(KT) and strength e(kT) of e5(2); (¢) mathematical equivalency of h(kT). To reconstruct e(t) effectively from e5(t), the frequency content of the pulse signal must contain all the frequency information initially in e(t). One way to deter- mine functionally this frequency characteristic is to perform a Fourier series analysis! of p(t). The physical phenomenon of pulse sampling produces an output signal e5(t), which contains periodic components. To determine these components, it is first neces- sary that p(t) be represented by the following Fourier transform pairs (Appendix A):°? 1 pte pt) = x / PC jue? dw (3.46a) P( jw) / pltye 3" dt (3.46b) 00 3.4 SAMPLING PROCESS (FREQUENCY-DOMAIN ANALYSIS) 75 Since p(t) is a periodic signal, it can be represented as a Fourier series: +00 4 PO) = S> PGmu,s)eimrt (3.46c) m=—o0 where P(jrw,) are defined as the Fourier coefficients. Consider the sampling fre- quency w, = 27/T and 7 L forkT PCjmug)eHroe—“)t gp O° m=—o00 $0 +00 = > Pom) [ eI mustw)t gy m=—00 72 a = YS PUmw,)6w — mw) (3.48) where 6(w — mw.) denotes an impulse of unit Strength occurring at w = mw} i.e., 1 for w = mw, stem = {4 frog} Hence, in the frequency domain P( jw) is a train of impulses, the members being of strength P(jmws,) and occurring at w = mw,, m = 0,+1,+2,.... Thus, substituting from Eq. (3.47) into Eq. (3.48) yields the Fourier transform sy = S Sinrs9/2)_Gmusy/D pr 3.49 PIM= 7 OY wal? * 6(w — murs) (3.49) To obtain E5( jw) for e5(t) = p(t)e(t) to determine the periodic frequency com- Ponents of e; (t) requires the application of the frequency-domain convolution theorem. Note that this is the counterpart of the time-domain convolution to the multiplication 76 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS: of two functions in the frequency domain (see Appendix B). Thus, applying the frequency-domain convolution theorem to Eq. (3.45) yields E}( jw) = | PC jw" )ELjw — w")) dio! T muwsy/2 m=—2¢ [mss ia + 3 sin(mis9/2) —Gmaer/D6Qu)" — mes} Elj(w — w')idw" ae too =i sinGri7s/2) -— gravy /2) | i(e! — mur Elio — w)] de! , mwgy/2 oo (3.50) The integral portion only has a nonzero value when w! = Mus; ie. oo [be = mo tate — 0 da! = Bs — m0) 00 Thus, ae 1 SS [sin(mwsy/2)] _—Gmwe/Dpys EW) = pay [ mus]? | € ELj(w — mws)] 3.51) A plot of |E(jw)| vs. w and of |P(jw)| vs. w are shown in Fig. 3.6(a) and (b), respectively. Note that the bracketed term in Eq. (3.51) as y — T has the value sin(may/T) _ sinmn at may/T mn =0 form #0 and all the folded components of E( jw) vanish. Only the fundamental component of EZ(jw) remains since [| sin mm|/m7] 20 = 1. In this case, the modulator of Fig. 3.5 is a continuous multiplier of 1/T for all time; the sampler, besides providing the sampling action, provides this gain of 1/T. Assuming that the amplitude spectrum of e(t) is band-limited and of maximum value A, as shown in Fig. 3.6(a), then the plot of \EZ( jw)| vs. w is shown in Fig. 3.6(c), where w, is selected to equal 2we. It is seen that the sampling process produces periodic components. The fundamental spectrum, —w, < w < we, is similar in shape to that of the continuous function. It also produces a succession of complementary or folded spectra (sidebands) which are shifted periodically by a frequency separation muw,(m = +1, +£2,...). If the sampling frequency w. is sufficiently high, there is essentially no overlap between the fundamental and complementary spectra as shown in Fig. 3.6(c). If we is relatively low, overlap or frequency folding occurs. This aspect is discussed more fully in the next section. 35 IDEAL SAMPLER 77 IE(o)| a, 0 & (a) [PCi@)| 1 [sin(mes/2)] 1 si T [mari |. TF et wy, 0 Ws (b) IES jo) see] FIGURE 3.6 Frequency spectra for finite-pulse-width-sampling frequency spectrum for ws = 2we: (a) Band-limited frequency spectrum of a continuous function e(t); (b) frequency spectrum for the pulse train p(t); (c) frequency spectrum for a pulse-sampled function ¢%(t). 3.5 IDEAL SAMPLER To simplify the mathematical analysis of sampled-data control systems, it is necessary to develop the concept of an ideal sampler (impulse sampling). If the duration -y of the sampling pulse is much less than the sampling time T and much smaller than the smallest time constant of e(t), the output of the pulse modulator, as shown in Fig. 3.5(c), can be approximated as an ideal impulse train. Assuming the sampling 78 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS duration is very small, i.e., y < T, so that the height of e5(t) is essentially constant, then each pulse of Fig. 3.5(c) may be represented as the difference between two unit- step functions [see Fig. 3.5(d) and (e)]. Assuming a finite-pulse-width sampler, then the pulse signal of Fig. 3.5(d) may be mathematically represented as cS ext) © > So eT )fu-a(t — KT) — uy-i( — AT — 9) (3.52) k=0 where. e(kT) 5o-{ <7 forAT e(kT) ae #8 (3.53) k=0 1s or by the Fourier transform approach, which is done later. Assuming the sampling duration is very small results in the following approximation: 2 3 (ys? _ (ys) “| ~48 tae at = [1s 3 + where s is the Laplace transform operator and + is appropriately small. Utilizing this approximation in Eq. (3.53) yields « Ex(s) © So e(kT)e“*?* (3.54) k=0 Taking the inverse of the Laplace transform of Eq. (3.54) yields eS(t) ©) e(kT A(t — kT) = et)Sr(t) (3.55) k=O where co b(t) = ae —kT) (3.56) k=0 is defined as a unit impulse train as shown in Fig. 3.7(a) and 5(t — kT) represents an impulse of unit area occurring at time t = kT, and e(t) = 0 for t < 0. Therefore, from Eq. (3.55), the following can be written: eX(t) © e(t)ir(t) = e*(t) = J- e(kT)6(E — kT) (3.57) k=O 35 IDEAL SAMPLER 79 670) ett) or e*(t) —_—— T (a) (6) FIGURE 3.7 Ideal sampler: (a) Unit impulse train 6(t); (b) symbolic diagram of impulse modulator. where e*(t) represents an impulse train. Thus, Eq. (3.57) reveals that the pulse modu- lator of the sampling device of Fig. 3.5(b) can be modeled by an impulse modulator, which is represented by the symbolic diagram of Fig. 3.7(b). The one-sided Laplace transform of the output of the ideal sampler, Eq. (3.57), is oo E*(s) = Lle*()] = So e(hT)e7#™* (3.58) k=0 This equation represents the transform in the s domain of any impulse-train sampled signal. Another approach to determining E*(s) is to utilize the convolution integral (see Appendix B): oo E*(s) = Be) rs) | E(s — s')Ar(s’) ds’ (3.59) -00 Since e*(t) = «(t)67(T), where Sr (t) = lim p(t) (3.60) substituting Eq. (3.46c), where P(jmws) is given by Eq. (3.47), into Eq. (3.60) yields coy = > mig ér(t) = re (3.61) m=—00 Taking the Laplace transform of Eq. (3.61) and using the complex translation theorem! result in oo Ar(s) = [ elmust est ge vs) = f LF m=—00 TLS cen jmusrt = 1 . > rf € at= >> Fils —jmws) (3.62) m=—00 m=—00 80 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS But from Eq. (3.59), Ew= | E(s-s') > Tole! — jas) ds’ 3.63) m=—30 Since the convolution of a function, f(-), with a unit impulse function, 6(-), yields the function f(-) itself; i.e., 2 | E(s — 8')6(s! — jmw.) ds! = E(s — 8')\s'=jmw, =00 Then Eq. (3.63) yields oo. 1 ty _: E*(s)= > pb ls — jure) (3.64) This expression for E*(s) permits an analysis of the frequency spectrum of the ideal sampler output. The relationship between the pulse and impulse functions may be illustrated as follows. For an impulse function, the Fourier series representation is ©) = lim, e5(6) = lim{ptt)e(O) = im, [eo SE PGmw,)e™ot m=—00 Thus, substituting Eq. (3.47) into this equation and applying L’Hépital’s theorem to this equation yields ett) e*(t) = tim ¢5 = a aot OSt<% (3.65) where m is an index variable relating the multiples of frequency w,. Next, note that for the sampling process model of Eq. (3.57), k is an index variable relating to multiples of time 7’. Assuming e(t) = 1 and the period 0 < t < T (k =0), then the output of the impulse sampler during this period must be an impulse; thus, from Eq. (3.65), +00 em= m=—00 eimust O 5w — ws) 3.70) m=—00 Using Eq. (3.69), the frequency spectra of the continuous and impulse-sampled functions are obtained as shown in the examples of Fig. 3.8. It is seen from Eq. (3.69) that the sampling process produces a fundamental Spectrum similar in shape to that of the continuous function, with an amplitude 1/T of the continuous function. This sampling effect of e(t) is represented by Fig. 3.9 where the analog cquivalent to the ideal sampler in Fig. 3.9(a) is Fig. 3.9(b). This sampling action also produces a succession of complementary or folded spectra which are shifted periodically by a frequency separation mw,(m = tl, +2,...) and have the same amplitude as the fundamental spectrum if the sampling frequency w, is sufficiently high; ice., if we > 2we, where w is the highest frequency component of E( Jw), then there is essentially no overlap between the fundamental (primary) and complementary frequency spectra as shown in Fig. 3.8(b). If the sampling frequency 1/T is too low, i.e., we > ws/2, then the fundamental and complementary frequency spectra overlap one another, as shown in Fig. 3.8(c), and aliasing’ occurs (see Sec. 6.2). Note that 1 f=p He (3.71) and Ws = Inf, rad/s (3.72) ‘The sampling process is unable to distinguish between two sinusoids whose respective radian fre- quencies have a sum or difference of an integral multiple of 2/T. Effectively, all radian frequencies are folded (or aliased) into the interval 0 < w < ws/2, 82 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS \ECjo)) (a) ~w 0 | 5 > 2u, | | . —w | 1 tw, =, 1 (6) + ab; | | Complementary Primary Complementary ‘components oo components" components ~~ \ \ [E*(ja)| = [EL + man)V/TI | | N, SC @, < 2w, “NS os ‘. © = ae} 4 ~ wo ~e \ 0 | o, | | 1 \ ~w,/2 ,|2 FIGURE 3.8 Frequency spectra of (a) a continuous function e(¢); (b) an impulse-sampled function e*(t), where ws > 2wes (c) an impulse-sampled function e*(t), where ws < 2we. For the situation represented by Fig, 3.8(6), an ideal low-pass filter, having the magni- tude and phase characteristics shown in Fig. 3.10, can essentially extract the spectrum of the continuous input signal e(t) by attenuating the spurious higher-frequency spec- tra. Of course, a band-limited signal is assumed here. Note that a filtering scheme does not exist that can recover e(t) from the spectrum of Fig. 3.8. This analysis has shown that the sampling process is linear but time-variant, and thus creates new frequencies. This aliasing or frequency-folding of signal information into the interior (—w,/2, ws/'s) can cause a system to attempt to control the folded frequency which in reality does not exist. Such a phenomenon occurs for example with high-frequency body- bending modes in aircraft, motor nonlinearities, and environmental noise. By use E(jw) > E* (jw) E(jw) E(jw) Tr [| Tr FIGURE 3.9 (a) Ideal sampler, (b) analog @ (6) equivalent for the ideal sampler. 3.6 SHANNON'S SAMPLING THEOREM 83 1G(ja)| 0 Wy « (a) G jw) v o FIGURE 3.10 Ideal low-pass-filter frequency transfer function: (a) Magnitude (b) characteristic; (b) phase characteristic. of an analog or a high-speed digital Prefilter, undesired high-frequency signals can be attenuated minimizing aliasing phenomena. Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel, and elliptical filters can be efficiently designed as antialiasing prefilters with increasingly linear phase (low-signal distortion). The forward-frequency transfer ‘function G( jw) of a control system generally has a low-pass characteristic, so the system responds with a greater degree of accuracy to a continuous signal. In other words, the low-pass characteristics of the system attenuates the complementary components. Obviously, in the situation of Fig. 3.8(c) it is difficult to reconstruct e(¢) from e*(t) because it is difficult to perform the necessary low-pass filtering. Thus, this situation must be avoided; i.e., w, must be sufficiently high to minimize overlapping of the primary and the complementary components of the input signal. The analysis of Fig. 3.8 is formalized in the next section, 3.6 SHANNON’S SAMPLING THEOREM!2 Shannon’s sampling theorem states that “a function of time e(t) which contains no frequency components greater than We rad/s (band-limited) can be reconstructed by the values of e(t) at any set of sampling points that are spaced apart by T< = s We The continuous-time frequency band-limited signal e(¢) can then be reconstructed from the sampled signal by using the following equation: +00 e@)= >> ekr) ke~o0 sinu(t, kT) u(t, kT) 84. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS where v(t, kT) = (ws —wskT)/2. This relationship can be derived using Eqs. (3.46a) and (3.57). A nonacceptable delay is introduced by (sin v), /v in this reconstruction if a real-time control-system application is being considered. For off-line or backward computations such as those found in digital-signal processing applications, the delay may be acceptable. Also, note that the interpolation equation is noncausal. Thus, reconstruction approximation methods are employed such as a zero-order hold for real- time control-system implementation. The reconstruction theorem gives the maximum value of T permissible in order to be able to reconstruct the original sampled signal and to avoid the overlapping as illustrated in Fig. 3.8(b). In other words, there exists an upper bound specifying that a sufficient number of impulse samples be taken. These sampled values completely characterize e(t). Therefore, the following sampling- frequency criterion is used: Ws > 2we (3.73) where the value w = w,/2 is called the Nyquist frequency. Below the Nyquist sampling frequency, signal frequency information is lost. At the Nyquist sampling frequency, amplitude data are lost. 3.7. SAMPLING-TIME SELECTION The selection of a sampling rate must also consider noise, data quantization, system resonant frequencies, and the control-system design technique to be utilized. These effects usually dictate a nominal value of sampling frequency at least 8 to 10 times greater than w. (bandwidth) or 4 to 5 times the Nyquist frequency. Alternatively, a sampling time of 1/2 to 1/3 times the rise-time can be chosen. Relatively low-sampling rates are usually obtainable since most sampled-data control systems are of a low-pass character. In real applications the selection of the sampling time T (sampling frequency w,) value to be used for a sampled-data control system is based upon the following tealistic factors: 1. Control application—model bandwidth, noise, environment 2. Control design technique employed—accuracy 3. State-of-the-art computer hardware capabilities—speed, word length In a radar tracking control system application, the radar pulse rate dictates the value of T. Some design approaches require the use of the smallest practical value of T. Making the value as small as possible enhances the correlation of the time-domain FOM between various design techniques. Through analysis and simulation as part of the design process an acceptable error (accuracy) can be achieved. State-of-the- art computer hardware dictates how small a value of T is practical to achieve. All these three factors must be considered when selecting the system sampling time. In particular, the design technique used assumes infinite accuracy of the associated numerical values. Yet the implementation rounds or truncates these values based upon the computer’s word length. Because of its importance, sampling-time selection is discussed several times in this text. 3.7 SAMPLING-TIME SELECTION 85. ee) DY ett) | «| mo) | @ | ow) T [| L «| (a) et) r ent) «| mi(t) { «| myo) ai {| a) T, T ®) FIGURE 3.11 ‘An open-loop system with (a) one sampler; (b) two samplers. Figure 3.11 illustrates open-loop systems having one or more samplers. The impulse-sampling schedule for each of the samplers may be one of the following: Uniform-rate sampling Variable sampling Multirate sampling Random sampling Skip sampling Figure 3.12 illustrates these types of sampling rates. This text generally deals only with uniform-rate sampling since most control systems only require this sampling schedule. This type of scheduling assumes that the sampling switch model instantly closes and opens periodically; i.e., the switch opens and closes at discrete periodic instants t=0, T, 27, 37,...,kT, 3.7.1 Single-Rate Sampling For systems having more than one sampler, it is assumed that all samplers have the same uniform-rate sampling schedule and that they Operate synchronously. This constraint simplifies the analysis of a sampled-data control system. Thus, for the system of Fig. 3.11(6) (1) = Tj), ce co eO= YletkT) and mit) = > my(kT) k=0 k=0 3.7.2. Multirate Sampling®? In complex multiloop control systems, e.g., flight control systems, either the enhance- ment or the achievement of the system’s desired FOM can be achieved by using multirate sampling. Figure 3.13 represents a multirate sampled-data system where T, = 2T, for the multirate schedule of Fig. 3.12(b). However, the design, analysis, and synthesis of such systems are difficult. 86 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS b(t) b(t) SLE Le Ltt, 0 oT 2F 3F 4T 0 1 27 37 47 ST 6T (a) (c) nO) br) clits, Lathe 0 7 27, 3% 47, ar 37 47 ST 6T (d) 67,09 1) =2T, by) 0 T OT 3F 47 ST 6T IT 87 te) 2T, 4T, 67, (6) FIGURE 3.12 Various sampler schedules: (a) Uniform rate; (b) multirate; (c) skip; (4) variable; (e) random. FIGURE 3.13 A multirate sampled-data contro! system. 3.8 WEIGHTING SEQUENCE The purpose of this section is to extend the concept of system weighting or transfer function for a continuous system! to a discrete system and to present another method of modeling a continuous-time system. Referring to Fig. 3.14(a), if e(t) = 6(t), a unit impulse at t = 0, then the impulse response is c(t) = g(t), where g(t) = LG(s)] 3.8 WEIGHTING SEQUENCE 87 E(s) Cs) sa] O) as (a) ew) O20, ow a” T FIGURE 3.14 >. . , A linear system with: (a) all conti elt) (1) ) ot) © system with: (a) all continuous T signals; (b) sampled input; (c) sampled r input and output. is the system weighting function. Thus, for an input e(t) = 0 for t < 0, the output response is given by the convolution integral t t c(t) = [ e(t — r)g(r) dr = [ e(r)g(t — 7) dr (3.74) 0 fi) This integral may be evaluated by approximating g(t) by a piecewise-constant (PC) function. Consider the impulse response g(t) shown in Fig. 3.15. Also shown is its approximation by a PC function. The values of q are chosen so that the area under the g(t) and the PC curves, for kT < t < (k+1)T, are essentially equal. Each PC portion represents a pulse function of height g, and of width T s, as shown in Fig. 3.16(a). This pulse function can be mathematically decomposed into two step functions, one delayed from the other by T's, as shown in Fig. 3.16(b). Thus, the PC curve of Fig. 3.15 can be mathematically expressed as M-1 Ht) © 7 gulu-a(t — kT) — wat AT -T)| (3.75) k=O (M-)T FIGURE 3.18 ‘An impulse response g(t) of a system and its piecewise-sampled approximation. 88 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS g(t — kT) pa aR (K+ DT ~1 0 —t AT(K+1)T AT -g}—------—- aye kT = 7) (b) FIGURE 3.16 (a) Pulse function; (b) mathematical equivalency of pulse function. where t, is the value of time for which the value of c(t) is to be determined: M = 21,2,3,.. T gt)~0 fort > MT afi fora >0 =4_ wiey={f for a <0 where a = t — kT Equation (3.75) is called a pulse weighting sequence. Using Eq. (3.74), the value c(t) at t = t; = MT is approximately given by inserting Eq. (3.75) into this equation. Thus, MT M-1 (MT) © | e(MT = 7) SD gulu-a(r ~ KT) ~ wir — KT —T)) dr ° k=0 which may be expressed as Ma! AT+T MT) ® SO 9K | e(MT — r)dr (3.76) kao OAT A change of variable is made to obtain a simpler form. Let 6 = MT —r. Then d@ = —dr, and the upper limit becomes 7=MT -B=kT+T > G=MT-kT-T=(M—-k-DT The lower limit is t= MT —B8=kT — 8=MT—kT=(M—-hk)T The integral portion of Eq. (3.76) becomes MT-kT-T - | (8) a3 M MT -kT. 3.8 WEIGHTING SEQUENCE 89 ett) e*(O | Zera-order-hold [") ey FIGURE 3.17 device as) An open-loop sampled-data system. Thus, Eq. (3.76) becomes M-1 MT-kT AMT) = S~ gi / e(3) a] (3.77) k=O s {T-kT-T For T small, the bracketed term Tepresents the area under the curve of e(;3) vs. B for MT — kT —T < 8 < MT ~kT, and this area is approximated by rectangular integration, yielding Te[(M — k)T} (3.78) Substituting from Eq. (3.78) into Eq. (3.77) yields M-1 c(MT) = > geel(M — kT] (3.79) k=O which is another method of approximating a continuous-time system by a difference equation. If the word length is assumed to be infinite, then choosing a smaller value of “sampling time,” T > 0, results in a more accurate approximation. Equation (3.79) can be considered as yielding the value of c(t)|:-a¢7 of Fig. 3.17. In this figure the zero-order-hold device holds the sampled value of e(kT) for one period; ice. m(t) = e(kT) for kT I e(MT —r)g(r) dr (3.81) 0 gay YAT Based upon Eq. (3.80), Eq. (3.81) can be rewritten as M-1 (k+1)T (MT) = S* e(MT ~ kT) [ g(r) dr (3.82) k=O ‘TD Next by use of rectangular integration; i.e., (KET. [ G(T) dr = Tg(kT) kT Eq. (3.82) becomes M-1 (MT) =T S~ g(kT)e[(M — k)T] (3.83) k=O 90 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS TABLE 3.2 Values of gx for Example 3.10 kok kook 0 0.95242 | 3 0.70557 1 0.86178 | 4 0.63843 2 0.77978 which is identical to Eq. (3.79) where gx = g(kT). Thus, the open-loop sampled-data system, utilizing a zero-order-hold device as shown in Fig. 3.17, is an equivalent discrete simulation of the continuous-time open-loop system of Fig. 3.12(a). Example 3.10. Given G(s) = 1/(s + 1), E(s) = 1/s, t € and C(t)|t<0,5 = 0.39347 elt) = L7'{G(s)E(s)] = Use Eq. (3.79) to obtain the value of c(t) at t = 0.5. For this overdamped system, then select T < Ts = 4/Jo| = 4. For a unit-step input, e[(M — k)T] = 1 for M—k > 0. Since g(t) = L~'[G(s)] = et, then g(kT) = €~*", The value of 0.1 is chosen to satisfy T Y_20, r Fictitious sampler FIGURE 3.19 Sampled output response. 92. LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS o (= gum TY FIGURE 3.20 poi 1 An impulse response of a system 0 T OF oY due to the unit impulse &(¢ — T). x x e°(t) = e(t) 9 H(t = KT) = So e(kT)&E ~ kT) (3.86) k=0 k=O where e(t) = 0 for t < 0. The Laplace transform of e*(t) is E*(s) =Lle*(t)] = So (kT) *T* 3.87) k=0 Using the superposition theorem and the system’s impulse weighting sequence, the output c(t) due to any arbitrary input ¢*(t) may be expressed for any time period 0 (of all impulse responses) = SY ekT g(t - kT) (3.88) k=0 where k = 0, 1, 2,.....M. Applying this equation to the example illustrated in Fig. 3.21 and having the inputs e(0), e(T), and e(2T) yields the continuous output c(t) = e(O)g(t) + eT) g(t — T) + e(2T)g(t — 2T) +--- (3.89) The sampled output ¢*(t) at t = 2T (M = 2) is obtained by substituting ¢ = 2T into Eq. (3.89). Thus, c(2T) = e(0)g(2T) + e(T)g(T) + e(2T)g(0) (3.90) Therefore, the value of c(MT) is given by (MT) = ys (of the sampled values of all the impulse responses) or (MT) = e(0)g(MT) + e(T)gl(M — 1)T] +--+ e(MT)g(0) M = Doetk1 gM — NTI G91) k=0 3.8 WEIGHTING SEQUENCE 93 e(t) (a) etn) Oo 7T2r 4r oT sr i0r (b) Note: Brepresents value of c*(1), e( Tg = T) e(0)g(1) e(2T)g(t — 2T) ' 0 To 2r 3r 4r FIGURE 3.21 Signal representations of a system ray represented by Fig. 3.14(c). ' 94 LINEAR SYSTEMS AND THE SAMPLING PROCESS. ' The similarity between this equation and the convolution integral of Eq. (3.74) for | continuous-data systems is evident. Therefore, Eq. (3.91) is called the convolution summation. Equations (3.79) and (3.91) are equivalent as the pulse approaches an impulse. 3.9 DATA CONVERSION INTRODUCTION The sampled signal e*(t), as shown in Fig. 3.8, not only contains the frequency components of the continuous signal e(t) but also contains high-frequency comple- mentary (or folded) components resulting from the sampling process. The low-pass filtering characteristics of system components to which e*(t) is applied are, in gen- eral, not sufficient to minimize completely the effects of high-frequency components. In most sampled-data control systems these high-frequency components must be re- moved (or filtered out of the system) in order to be able to reconstruct accurately a continuous control signal from the sampled data. This must be accomplished be- cause these complementary components may adversely affect the system compo- nent characteristics (model). The effectual minimization of these undesirable com- plementary components can be accomplished by using a “smoothing” or “holding” device, ie., a filter, as shown in Fig. 3.22(a). This device converts the impulse- input signal e*(t) (C-D), by either means of extrapolation or interpolation of the input impulses, into a continuous signal m(t) (C-C), whose form approximates the form of the input signal e(t) (C-C). Thus, in Fig. 3.22(a) the hold device essen- tially reconstructs the continuous-time signal e(t) utilizing the C-D signal e*(¢); ie., e(t) & m(Z). In Fig. 3.22(b) the hold device constructs the continuous-time (C-C) signal m(t) utilizing the discrete-data (D-D) values f*(¢), where, in general, e(t) # mt). 3.9.1 Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) The most widely used holding device is the zero-order hold (ZOH) as discussed. in Sec. 7.9. A simple ZOH device is shown in Fig. 3.23(a) along with a sampling circuit. To model the ZOH device, it is assumed that the capacitor is instantly charged to the impulse voltage e(kT) at the sampling instant t = kT. Applying the single unit impulse input e(0) = 6(t) of Fig. 3.23(b) to the ZOH device yields the output shown in Fig. 3.23(c). That is, during the sampling interval T in which the sampling switch is open, the capacitor holds the charge until the next sampling instant. Therefore, the ZOH seems to convert an input impulse into an approximate rectangular wave. By proper design of the ZOH unit and selection of the sampling time, the approximation of e(t) can be made very good. The response of the ZOH device to the unit impulse input, as shown in Fig. 3.23(c), is equivalent to the difference of two unit-step functions (see Fig. 3.16) as expressed by Geo(t) = u-1(t) — uit ~ T) (3.92) This equation defines the weighting function g-o(t) of the ZOH unit.

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