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Dana M. Cosby, Western Kentucky University
Over the past few years, in the midst of the economic downturn, companies struggled for
survival, making many difficult decisions concerning how to leverage financial, physical, and
human capital for competitive advantage. One of the interesting trends is the business-driven
advancement of sustainable development activities within organizations. Sustainable development
is defined as, development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs (Brundtland Commission, 1987).
While regulatory efforts to dictate business practices largely fell flat with the denial of
passage of the Copenhagen measures and Cap and Trade policies, the amount of business activity
and the number of innovative business programs in the area of sustainability development at the
organization level is promising. From SAP to Coca Cola, organizations are designing new systems
and processes to harness new green technologies. According to Peter Graf, Chief Sustainability
Development Officer for SAP, Sustainability is alive and kicking. It is not because of climate
change. There is money to be made and money to be saved. The economic value of sustainable
development is supported by a survey that shows companies with sustainability-focused
companies outperformed peers across industrial sectors (A.T. Kearney, 2008).
While a positive financial implication drives interest in sustainability, there are other social
and environmental reasons for inquiry in the topic.
From human resource development
perspective this topic is important as scholarship calls for a greater focus on social responsibility
and ecological sustainability (Bierma & DAbundo, 2004). Critical human resources development
is promoting research in this area, challenging an increased focus and attention on power relations,
equity, social justice, and reflexivity in HRD (Corley & Eades, 2006; Elliott & Turnball, 2005;
Fenwick, 2005; Valentin, 2006). Further, Sambrook (2003) offers the idea that as the critical
stream of HRD matures, the role of HRD will increase in the promotion of corporate social
responsibility in transforming workplaces into democratic workplaces for employees.
The 2007 Green Workplace Survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource
Management reported that 50% of respondents reported either a formal (written) or informal
environmental policy in place within their organizations. Further, the study revealed several
perceive positive outcomes of those instituted programs, including improved employee morale, a
stronger public image, and increased consumer confidence (SHRM, 2007).
Researchers and practitioners are in the beginning stages of defining the roles that human
resource development will play in fostering sustainability within organizations. One of the key are
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roles was noted by Hitchcock and Willard when they point out, Sustainability is at its core an
issue requiring organizational change cultural change (2006). Certainly human resource
development professionals are positioned to support this activity, although little direction in the
literature exists to strongly connect this relationship.
I propose that the development of a sustainability leadership competency model for human
resource managers would contribute to both the knowledge base of human resource development
scholars and professionals for this topic. Constructing a model of the desired competencies sets
the stage for further analysis of the learning needs of employees, a good initial step for many
organizations in the move toward becoming a sustainability-focused enterprise.
The competency model is two-tiered. First, using support from the literature I will broadly
describe competencies needed at the employee level. Second, I will synthesize the competencies
into an overall model that can be used for further inquiry and development.
This article adds to the literature stream by focusing on two primary research questions:
(1) What are the sustainability leadership competencies required of employees to prepare
them for leadership roles in organizations with sustainable development as a business
(2) What are emerging roles and challenges for human resource development professionals
in leading the people-side of sustainable development efforts within organizations with
sustainable development as a business strategy?
This paper examines the theoretic literature relating to human resource development,
sustainability, and competency development. I conducted literature searches using the terms
human resources development and sustainability, and competency development best practices; via
the database EBSCO host, including Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, Green
File, Master File Premier, and the Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection databases from
2000 to 2013 to determine current research in these areas. In addition to the database searches, I
also searched manually using Internet search engines such as Google Scholar, Good Advanced,
and Bing.
I summarized relevant articles, including suggested linkage of findings to desired state of
sustainability-related human resources practices. From this data, I constructed a Sustainability
Leadership Competency model for human resource professionals.
To develop the Sustainability Leadership Competency Model, we engaged in a multi-step
model as recommended in the literature (Campion, Fink, Ruggerberg, Carr, Phillips, & Odman,
2011; Marelli, Tondora, & Hoge, 2005; McClelland, 1973). First, I defined the objectives for the
model which are (1) create a common vocabulary among human resource development
practitioners about sustainability and requisite knowledge and skills, (2) provide a structure for
competency development, and (3) inform organizational leaders about emerging professional
practice issues.
Next, using existing competencies gleaned from the literature, I defined four critical areas
of focus areas create the Sustainability Leadership Competency Model (see Chart 1). These critical
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areas of focus including (a) sustainable culture strategic visioning, (b) systems alignment, (c)
measurement and metrics, and (d) employee engagement. Several distinct, but related
competencies comprise each major focus area. Guidelines suggest that manageable competency
models consist of twenty or less competencies (Campion, 2011). For the Sustainability
Leadership Competency model, I included twelve competencies.
Ulrich (1997) suggested that human resource development performs four roles within an
organization. These roles are (a) strategic partner, (b) administrative expert, (c) change agent, and
(d) employee champion. My research indicates that these roles should be altered slightly with a
directed purpose for sustainability program leadership. In this section I propose four critical roles
comprised of competencies identified from the literature.
As sustainability moves to the forefront of organizational initiatives, organizational leaders
must understand the stakeholder expectations for the efforts. Garavan and McGuire (2010) argue
that human resource development must focus on the triple bottom line of the organization that
includes economic, social, and environmental outcomes. There are new pressures on the
organization to move beyond economic results to focus on social and environmental outcomes.
Major stakeholder groups influencing the adoption of sustainability programs include investors,
the environment, employees (both current and future), customers, suppliers, communities, and
governments (Institute for Responsible Investment, 2010). The unique issues and requirements of
these stakeholders is key to program design, implementation, and maintenance. Competencies
needed for accomplishing this first major factor of Sustainability Strategic Vision include
ecological competence, business acumen, strategic planning, and change management.
Ecological competence is the basic knowledge about the key issues in sustainability and
includes an understanding of meanings and terms. Despite a now common usage of the term
sustainability, differences in the definition and purpose of programming exist (Fenwick &
Bierema, 2008). A broad base of knowledge about the economic, environmental, and social threats
to society can help the sustainability program leader inform the organization in practical program
integration and application (Pless, Maak, & Stahl, 2012). Business acumen competence refers to
the awareness of business necessities in the environment, in particular the stakeholder
requirements regarding sustainability (Ulrich & Brockbank, 2005). The business environment
implications, and in particular, understanding of stakeholder interest are key for advocating and
promoting sustainability throughout the systems of the organization. Strategic planning
competence involves collaboration with others to create ideas for the direction and activities of a
new business (Garavan, 2007; MacKay & McKieran, 2004); Pepper & Wildy, 2008). A clear
understanding of the mission of the organization, as well as the objectives of the sustainability
initiatives must drive culture change. Change management competence refers to the ability to
shepherd initiatives to take people and organizations from a current state to a desired state (Lee,
2008; Ulrich & Beatty, 2001).
The second major critical factor is Systems Alignment and includes innovation, justice,
advocacy, and needs analysis competencies. Innovation competence refers to enacting new ways
of doing things to support the culture change practices (Cramer & Karabell, 2010; Steger, 2000).
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The changes required by the introduction of the new programs requires creativity and out of the
box thinking. Advocacy competence involves communicating and advocating with senior
management the link between employee development and sustainability efforts (Fenwick &
Beirna, 2008). Needs analysis competence is utilizing appropriate methods to break down process
or jobs to support design efforts for sustainability efforts (Jackson & Seo, 2010).
Employee Engagement is the third major critical factor and consists of supportive
communication, credible activism, human resource-line partnering and emerging communication
technology competencies. Supportive communication competence is the willingness to listen to
audiences with varied opinions and motivations (Cramer & Karabell, 2010). Credible activism
competence is the ability to persuade employees and upper management regarding the importance
of sustainability (Ulrich, Brockbank, Johnson, Sandholz & Younger, 2008). Human ResourcesLine Partnering Competence supports the managers with daily and consistent communication and
support to reinforce culture change (Ramus & Steger, 2000; Colbert & Kuruez, 2007; Dubois,
Dubois & Astakhova, 2011). Emerging communication technologies competence is using new
computer technologies such as applications and social networking to communicate information
regarding sustainability to the employee level (SHRM, 2011).
Chart 1. Sustainability Leadership Competency Model

Strategic Visioning

Measurement and

Systems Alignment


The fourth major critical factor area is Measurement and Metrics. This area focuses on
deploying knowledge management, needs analysis, and reporting processes to create needed
information for formal communication to stakeholders., a repository for
corporate and social responsibility reports, of which sustainability is a subset, reported an increase
from 26 reports in 1992 to over 3,000 in 2008. Apotheker (2010) reported that 80% of Fortune 250
companies formally report sustainability performance. Included in the factor are reporting,
knowledge management, and needs analysis competencies. Reporting competence prepares reports
to stakeholder groups that describe organizational efforts in a systematic, databased format
(Institute for Responsible Development, 2010). Knowledge management competence is the ability
to gather and deploy information in meaningful ways to support change efforts (Nahapier
&Ghoshal, 1998). Needs analysis competence is the ability to use appropriate methods to break

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down processes or work to support design initiatives for sustainability efforts (Jackson & Seo,
Table 1. Sustainability Leadership Competencies for Human Resources Development in the Literature
Business Acumen

Credible Activism
Strategic Planning
Needs Analysis
Taking Initiative

Aware of business necessities in the environment; Understand
external stakeholder requirements regarding CSR and
Ability to persuade employees and upper management regarding
importance of sustainability
Supports line managers with daily and consistent communication
and support to reinforce critical culture change
Utilizes new computer technologies such as social networking to
communicate information regarding CSR and sustainability at the
employee level
Willing to listen to diverse audiences with varied opinions and
Collaborates with others to create ideas for the direction and
activities of a business
Is able to shepherd initiatives to take people and organizations
from a current state to a desired state
Basic knowledge about the key issues in CSR and Sustainability
Advocate linkage between employee development, organizational
development and CSR/Sustainability efforts
Supports culture for change practices
pPepares reports to stakeholder groups that describe
organizational efforts in a systematic, data-based format
Ability to gather and deploy information in meaningful ways to
support change efforts
Can utilize appropriate methods to break down process or jobs to
support design process for sustainability efforts
Acts in a proactive manner to solve problems or recommend
improvements without prompts

Literature Support
Ulrich & Brockbank (2005)

Ulrich, Brockbank, Johnson, Sandholz

& Younger (2008)
Ramus & Steger (2000); Colbert &
Kuruez (2007); Dubois, Dubois &
Astakhova (2011).
SHRM (2011)

Cramer & Karabell (2010)

Pepper & Wildy (2008); MacKay &
McKieran (2004); Garavan (2007)
Lee (2008), Ulrich & Beatty (2001),
Fenwick & Bierna (2008)
Fenwick & Bierna (2008)
Cramer & Karabell (2010); Steger
(2000); Cook & Saine (2010)
Institute for Responsible Reporting
Nahapiet & Ghoshal (1998)
Jackson & Seo (2010)
Wiek,, (2011); Sipos, et. al (2008);
Rowe (2007); Ones & Dilchert (2010)


There are three main contributions this study makes to the human resources development
literature. First, the issue of sustainability has been identified as a megatrend (Lubin & Esty, 2010)
and will continue to gain prominence in business, organizational behavior, and education study.
This offers challenging and exciting possibilities for the intersection of adult learning and
corporate responsibility issues. This is an area that is emerging as an issue in the literature and
more inquiry is needed to develop needed depth and breadth.
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The literature reveals that human resources has largely taken a supportive role, if any role
at all, in sustainability and corporate and social responsibility initiatives in most organizations. The
skills that are needed to prepare employees, and indeed the organization, for sustainability and
corporate and social responsibility initiatives are aligned with many of the typical functions
associated with strategic human resource management. The impetus is on the human resources
function to gain the knowledge, skills and abilities needed for enhanced roles in this sense. Rather
than lagging behind the effort, the human resources function can play a strategic role in program
design and development.
Second, the article extends the literature by suggesting that in addition to the typical
strategic skills roles involved in cultural change activities, human resources professionals often
serve in key roles as reporters of the information. To fully engage in those activities, new skills
are needed about how to properly report the information. Further, as these reports tend to be dataintensive, human resources development professionals must align systems in ways that allow for
the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data. They must understand what the goals of
the various stakeholders are with regard to sustainability and be able to present information that
can be benchmarked on an on-going basis. To do this, human resources professionals must possess
a deeper understanding of the sustainability reporting requirements, directing development to meet
the needs of the stakeholders. Further inquiry is needed in the literature to identify best practices.
Finally, as organizations build programs for the future, human resources development
practitioners are positioned to play significant roles in these efforts through training and
organizational development efforts. For example, employees at all levels will need specific
training to support the culture change, beginning with program leaders. Human Resources
processes such as recruitment, selection, performance management, rewards, and recognition must
also integrate the new competencies into the cultural tapestry. The Sustainability Leadership
Competency Model can be used as the foundation these items and is a good starting point for
organizational conversations on the topic.
Overall, it seems clear that human resources role in sustainability is gaining interest in the
literature and practice moving away from low participation and toward strategic leadership. As
this happens, more information on how to organize and structure sustainability initiatives will be
needed. The Sustainability Leadership Model provides useful information in this endeavor to help
human resource development professionals advance the efforts of sustainability within
contemporary organizations.
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Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, Volume 18, Number 2, 2014

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