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1. Stress fracture is best imaged by

a) X-ray
b) CT

c) Bone scan

d) MRI

2. The best dressing is

a) Swab

c) Aerosol spray

d) Skin

3. Jaundice during parenteral nutrition is due to

a) Haemolysis
b) Cholestasis

c) Hepatitis

d) CBD stones

4. What happens to superficial venous pressure on exercise

a) Rises
b) Falls

c) Unchanged

d) Rises and then falls

5. Small bowel fistula causes

a) Metabolic alkalosis
d) Respiratory alkalosis

b) Calcium alginate

b) Metabolic acidosis

c) Respiratory acidosis

6. Diarrhoea may be a symptom in

a) Medullary thyroid Ca
b) Papillary Ca

c) Follicular Ca

d) Anaplastic Ca

7. Chvosteks sign is a characteristic of

a) Hyperparathyroidism
b) Hypoparathyroidism

c) Hyperaldosteronism

d) Hypothyroidism

b) Cerebellum

d) Thalamus

c) Third week

d) Fourth week


Negri bodies are most numerous in

a) Hippocampus
b) Medulla

9. Blood cultures in typhoid fever are positive most often in

a) First week
b) Second week

10. Alimentary glycosuria is due to

a) Latent diabetes
b) Rapid glucose absorption c) Diabetes insipidus

d) High glucose intake

11. Digoxin increases contractility of cardiac muscles by

a) Inhibiting sodium potassium ATPase
c) Inhibiting vagal activity

b) Direct stimulation of myocardium

d) All of the above

12. The active form of vitamin D is

a) 7 Ergosterol
c) 24-25 di hydroxy cholecalciferol

b) 1-25 di hydroxyl cholecalciferol

d) 1-24 di hydroxyl cholecalciferol

13. Aldosterone increases

a) Reabsorption of K+

c) Excretion of Na+

b) Reabsorption of Na+

d) Excretion of water



14. Earliest manifestation of spinal TB is

a) Cold abscess formation
b) Paraplegia

c) Gibbus

d) Muscle spasm

15. Housemaids knee is inflammation ofbursa

a) Subpatellar
b) Suprapatellar

c) Infrapatellar

d) Prepatellar

16. Treatment of clubfoot should begin

a) as soon as possible after birth
c) 1 year after birth

b) 1 month after birth

d) none of the above

17. Who is acclaimed world wide for total joint replacement ?

a) Paul Brand
b) John Charlney

c) Paul Harrington

18. Detection of CSF in nasal secretions is by

a) Glucose estimation
c) Estimation of 2 transferrin

b) Halo sign of handkerchief

d) All of the above

19. Tear drop sign is a radiological sign of

a) Le Fort fracture
b) Orbital blow-out fracture c) Nasal bone fracture

d) Huckstep

d) Tripod fracture

20. Onodi cell lies

a) Anterior to the Posterior Ethmoid cells
c) Superior to the Bulla Ethmoidalis

b) Anterior to the Frontal Recess

d) Postero-Superior to the anterior wall of the
Sphemoid Sinus
21. Which of the following lesions predispose to retinal detachment
a) Retinal haemorrhage
b) Retinal exudates
c) Lattice degeneration
d) None of the above
22. The most common presenting feature of retinoblastoma is
a) Glaicoma
b) Strabismus

c) Leucokoria

d) Proptosis

23. The predominant amino acid in mature collagen is

a) Proline
b) Glutamine

c) Histidine

d) Alanine

24. HbF disappears at

a) Birth

c) Second year

d) Adult

c) Rotors syndrome

d) Hemolytic anaemia

b) First year

25. Increase in the conjugated bilirubin in serum is seen in

a) Gilberts syndrome
b) Crigler Najjar syndrome

MJAFI, Vol. 61, No. 3, 2005

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