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Name _______________________

Hour ___________ Due Date _____________

Geometric Avatar Checklist

Please make sure you have all the following in your Geometric Avatar. Each checklist
item is worth two (2) points each. Ten (10) points total.

You have a self portrait in layer one that fits the eight inch by ten inch canvas and
you have placed it in Illustrator.


You have created a new layer by going to the layers panel and clicking on the
new piece of paper. Layer 2 is where you will use the pen tool.


You use the pen tool to create a geometric shapes on the second layer with a white
stroke of 1. You made sure each line and point was connected as a closed shape.


Your geometric design was created to represent the face (can include neck, shirt
and hair) and you were able to group, create paths, and make the geometric design
a live paint illustration


You used the eyedropper tool on the first layer to get colors and you applied those
colors to your geometric shapes to create a final Geometric Avatar.

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